path: root/old/admin/lua.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'old/admin/lua.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 634 deletions
diff --git a/old/admin/lua.php b/old/admin/lua.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f42859..0000000
--- a/old/admin/lua.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,634 +0,0 @@
- /******************************
- * EQdkp
- * Copyright 2005
- * Licensed under the GNU GPL. See COPYING for full terms.
- * ------------------
- * lua.php
- * Began: Mon Sept 19 2005
- *
- * $Id: lua.php 8 2006-05-08 17:15:20Z tsigo $
- *
- ******************************/
- // EQdkp required files/vars
- define('EQDKP_INC', true);
- define('IN_ADMIN', true);
- $eqdkp_root_path = './../';
- include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'common.php');
- include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'admin/lua_config.php');
- $lua_set_OnlySimulate = false;
- $user->check_auth('u_lua_import');
- if(!function_exists("html_entity_decode")) {
- function html_entity_decode($string)
- {
- $string = preg_replace('~&#x([0-9a-f]+);~ei', 'chr(hexdec("\\1"))', $string);
- $string = preg_replace('~&#([0-9]+);~e', 'chr(\\1)', $string);
- $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
- $trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl);
- return strtr($string, $trans_tbl);
- }
- }
-class LUA_Import extends EQdkp_Admin {
- function lua_import()
- {
- global $db, $eqdkp, $user, $tpl, $pm;
- global $SID;
- parent::eqdkp_admin();
- $this->assoc_buttons(Array(
- 'parse' => Array('name' => 'parse',
- 'process' => 'process_parse',
- 'check' => 'u_lua_import'),
- 'form' => Array('name' => '',
- 'process' => 'display_form',
- 'check' => 'u_lua_import'),
- 'insert' => Array('name' => 'insertraids',
- 'process' => 'insert_log',
- 'check' => 'u_lua_import'), ));
- }
- function xml2Array($xml)
- {
- $xml = trim($xml);
- $xml = '<?
- xml version = "1 . 0" encoding = "ISO - 8859 - 1"?>
- $xp = xml_parser_create();
- xml_parser_set_option($xp, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false);
- xml_parser_set_option($xp, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, false);
- xml_parser_set_option($xp, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, "ISO-8859-1");
- xml_parse_into_struct($xp,trim($xml),$vals,$index);
- xml_parser_free($xp);
- $_data = NULL;
- $temp = $depth = array();
- $dc = array();
- foreach($vals as $value)
- {
- $p = join('::', $depth);
- $key = $value['tag'];
- switch ($value['type'])
- {
- case 'open':
- array_push($depth, $key);
- array_push($depth, (int)$dc[$p]++);
- break;
- case 'complete':
- array_pop($depth);
- array_push($depth, $key);
- $p = join('::',$depth);
- $temp[$p] = $value['value'];
- array_pop($depth);
- array_push($depth, (int)$dc[$p]);
- break;
- case 'close':
- array_pop($depth);
- array_pop($depth);
- break;
- }
- }
- foreach($temp as $key=>$value)
- {
- $levels = explode('::',$key);
- $num_levels = count($levels);
- if ($num_levels==1)
- {
- $_data[$levels[0]] = $value;
- }
- else
- {
- $pointer = &$_data;
- for ($i = 0; $i < $num_levels; $i++)
- {
- if (!isset($pointer[$levels[$i]]))
- {
- $pointer[$levels[$i]] = array();
- }
- $pointer = &$pointer[$levels[$i]];
- }
- $pointer = $value;
- }
- }
- return ($_data);
- }
-function process_parse()
- global $db, $eqdkp, $user, $tpl, $pm;
- global $SID;
- global $lua_set_MinItemQuality, $lua_set_IgnoredLooter, $lua_set_ConvertNames;
- global $lua_set_LootNoteEventTriggerCheck, $lua_set_PlayerAliases, $lua_set_AddLootDkpValuesCheckbox;
- global $lua_set_ignoritems, $lua_set_ownraids, $itemidtoname;
- $_POST['log'] = trim(str_replace("&", "and", html_entity_decode($_POST['log'])));
- if(!preg_match("/<RaidInfo><key>.*?<\/key>.*?<Join>.*?<\/Join><Leave>.*?<\/Leave><Loot>.*?<\/Loot><\/RaidInfo>/s", $_POST['log']))
- {
- message_die($user->lang['lua_step1_invalidstring_msg'], $user->lang['lua_step1_invalidstring_titel']);
- }
- $allraids = array();
- $allevents = array();
- $allraidattendees = array();
- $itemidtoname = array();
- $adata = $this->xml2array($_POST['log']);
- $globalevent = $this->GetRaidEventFromString($adata['RaidInfo']['note']);
- $globalraidnote = $this->GetRaidNoteFromString($adata['RaidInfo']['note']);
- if(!isset($lua_set_ignoritems)) { $lua_set_ignoritems = array(); }
- if($allforeachdata = @array_shift($adata['RaidInfo'][0]['Join'])) foreach($allforeachdata as $playerdata)
- {
- $playerdata['time'] = $this->ConvertTimestringToTimestamp($playerdata['time']);
- if(!empty($lua_set_PlayerAliases[$playerdata['player']]))
- {
- $playerdata['player'] = $lua_set_PlayerAliases[$playerdata['player']];
- }
- if($lua_set_ConvertNames)
- {
- $playerdata['player'] = $this->StripSpecialChars($playerdata['player']);
- }
- if(!isset($allattendees[$playerdata['player']]))
- {
- $allattendees[$playerdata['player']] = array("firstjoin" => 0, "lastjoin" => 0, "lastleave" => 0, "race" => 0, "class" => 0, "level" => 0);
- }
- if($playerdata['time'] < $allattendees[$playerdata['player']]['firstjoin'] || empty($allattendees[$playerdata['player']]['firstjoin']))
- {
- $allattendees[$playerdata['player']]['firstjoin'] = $playerdata['time'];
- }
- if($playerdata['time'] > $allattendees[$playerdata['player']]['lastjoin'] || empty($allattendees[$playerdata['player']]['lastjoin']))
- {
- $allattendees[$playerdata['player']]['lastjoin'] = $playerdata['time'];
- }
- if(!empty($playerdata['race']) && empty($allattendees[$playerdata['player']]['race']))
- {
- $allattendees[$playerdata['player']]['race'] = $this->GetRaceIdByRaceName($playerdata['race']);
- }
- if(!empty($playerdata['class']) && empty($allattendees[$playerdata['player']]['class']))
- {
- $allattendees[$playerdata['player']]['class'] = $this->GetClassIdByClassNameLevel($playerdata['class'], $playerdata['level']);
- }
- if(!empty($playerdata['level']) && $allattendees[$playerdata['player']]['level'] < $playerdata['level'])
- {
- $allattendees[$playerdata['player']]['level'] = $playerdata['level'];
- }
- }
- if($allforeachdata = @array_shift($adata['RaidInfo'][0]['Leave'])) foreach($allforeachdata as $playerdata)
- {
- $playerdata['time'] = $this->ConvertTimestringToTimestamp($playerdata['time']);
- if(!empty($lua_set_PlayerAliases[$playerdata['player']]))
- {
- $playerdata['player'] = $lua_set_PlayerAliases[$playerdata['player']];
- }
- if($lua_set_ConvertNames)
- {
- $playerdata['player'] = $this->StripSpecialChars($playerdata['player']);
- }
- if($playerdata['time'] > $allattendees[$playerdata['player']]['lastjoin'])
- {
- $allattendees[$playerdata['player']]['lastleave'] = $playerdata['time'];
- }
- }
- $i = 0;
- $allforeachdata = @array_shift($adata['RaidInfo'][0]['Loot']);
- if(!empty($allforeachdata)) foreach($allforeachdata as $lootdata)
- {
- if(!empty($lua_set_PlayerAliases[$playerdata['Player']]))
- {
- $playerdata['Player'] = $lua_set_PlayerAliases[$playerdata['Player']];
- }
- if($lua_set_ConvertNames)
- {
- $lootdata['Player'] = $this->StripSpecialChars($lootdata['Player']);
- }
- $itemid = $this->GetMainItemId($lootdata['ItemID']);
- $itemidtoname[$itemid] = str_replace("\\'", "'", $lootdata['ItemName']);
- $allloot[$i]['itemid'] = $itemid;
- $allloot[$i]['name'] = $this->GetItemName($itemid);
- $allloot[$i]['quality'] = $this->GetItemQualityByColor($lootdata['Color']);
- $allloot[$i]['looter'] = $lootdata['Player'];
- $allloot[$i]['time'] = $this->ConvertTimestringToTimestamp($lootdata['Time']);
- $lootraidnote = $this->GetRaidNoteFromString($lootdata['Note']);
- $lootraidevent = $this->GetRaidEventFromString($lootdata['Note']);
- if(!empty($lootraidnote) && $lootraidnote != "Unknown")
- {
- $alllootraidnote = $lootraidnote;
- } else {
- $alllootraidnote = $globalraidnote;
- }
- if(!empty($lootraidevent) && $lootraidevent != "Unknown Event" && $lua_set_LootNoteEventTriggerCheck)
- {
- $alllootraidevent = $lootraidevent;
- } else {
- $alllootraidevent = $globalevent;
- }
- if(!in_array($alllootraidevent, $allevents))
- {
- $allevents[] = $alllootraidevent;
- }
- if(in_array($alllootraidnote, $lua_set_ownraids))
- {
- $alllootraidnote = $alllootraidnote."-".$this->GenerateUniqId()."-";
- }
- $allloot[$i]['raidnote'] = $alllootraidnote;
- $allloot[$i]['raidevent'] = $alllootraidevent;
- if(!isset($allraids[$alllootraidnote]))
- {
- $allraids[$alllootraidnote] = array();
- }
- if(!isset($allraids[$alllootraidevent][$alllootraidnote]))
- {
- $allraids[$alllootraidevent][$alllootraidnote] = $allloot[$i]['time'];
- }
- if(!empty($lootdata['Note']))
- {
- preg_match("/([\d\.]+) DKP/", $lootdata['Note'], $dkpinfo);
- if(!empty($dkpinfo[1]))
- {
- $allloot[$i]['dkp'] = $dkpinfo[1];
- }
- }
- foreach($allattendees as $player => $times)
- {
- if($allloot[$i]['time'] > $times['firstjoin'] && ($times['lastleave'] > $allloot[$i]['time'] || empty($times['lastleave'])))
- {
- $allloot[$i]['attendees'][] = $player;
- $allraidattendees[$alllootraidevent][$alllootraidnote][] = $player;
- }
- }
- $allraidattendees[$alllootraidevent][$alllootraidnote] = array_unique($allraidattendees[$alllootraidevent][$alllootraidnote]);
- sort($allraidattendees[$alllootraidevent][$alllootraidnote]);
- $i++;
- }
- if(empty($allforeachdata))
- {
- if(!in_array($globalevent, $allevents))
- {
- $allevents[] = $globalevent;
- }
- if(!isset($allraids[$globalraidnote]))
- {
- $allraids[$globalraidnote] = array();
- }
- foreach($allattendees as $player => $times)
- {
- $allraidattendees[$globalevent][$globalraidnote][] = $player;
- }
- $allraidattendees[$globalevent][$globalraidnote] = array_unique($allraidattendees[$globalevent][$globalraidnote]);
- sort($allraidattendees[$globalevent][$globalraidnote]);
- if(!isset($allraids[$globalevent][$globalraidnote]))
- {
- $allraids[$globalevent][$globalraidnote] = $this->ConvertTimestringToTimestamp($adata['RaidInfo']['key']);
- }
- }
- #print_r($allraidattendees);
- #print_r($allattendees);
- #print_r($allevents);
- #print_r($allraids);
- #print_r($allloot);
- $tpl->assign_vars(array(
- 'S_STEP1' => false,
- 'L_FOUND_RAIDS' => $user->lang['lua_step2_foundraids'],
- 'L_RAIDS_DROPS_DETAILS' => $user->lang['lua_step2_raidsdropsdetails'],
- 'L_RAIDS_INSERT' => $user->lang['lua_step2_insertraids'],
- 'L_DKP_VALUE_TIP' => $user->lang['lua_step2_dkpvaluetip'],
- 'S_ADDLOOTDKPVALUES' => (($lua_set_AddLootDkpValuesCheckbox) ? true : false),
- )
- );
- foreach($allattendees as $playername => $playerdata)
- {
- $tpl->assign_block_vars('allplayers_row', array(
- 'ALLPLAYERNAME' => $playername,
- 'ALLPLAYERRACE' => $playerdata['race'],
- 'ALLPLAYERCLASS' => $playerdata['class'],
- 'ALLPLAYERLEVEL' => $playerdata['level'],
- ));
- }
- foreach($allevents as $hevent)
- {
- $tpl->assign_block_vars('events_row', array(
- 'HEVENT' => $hevent,
- 'STRIPPEDHEVENT' => $this->StripUniqIdFromString($hevent),
- ));
- foreach($allraids[$hevent] as $hraidnote => $hraidtime)
- {
- $eventvalue = $db->query("SELECT `event_value` FROM ".EVENTS_TABLE." WHERE event_name = '".mysql_escape_string($hevent)."' LIMIT 1");
- $eventvalue = $db->fetch_record($eventvalue);
- $eventvalue = $eventvalue['event_value'];
- if($eventvalue <= 0)
- {
- $eventvalue = "";
- }
- $STRIPPEDHRAIDNOTE = $this->StripUniqIdFromString($hraidnote);
- $tpl->assign_block_vars('events_row.raids_row', array(
- 'ROW_CLASS' => $eqdkp->switch_row_class(),
- 'HRAIDNOTE' => $hraidnote,
- 'HRAIDTIME' => $hraidtime,
- 'HRAIDTIME_MO' => date("m", $hraidtime),
- 'HRAIDTIME_D' => date("d", $hraidtime),
- 'HRAIDTIME_Y' => date("Y", $hraidtime),
- 'HRAIDTIME_H' => date("H", $hraidtime),
- 'HRAIDTIME_MI' => date("i", $hraidtime),
- 'HRAIDTIME_S' => date("s", $hraidtime),
- 'RAIDDKPVALUE' => $eventvalue,
- 'ATTENDEES' => @implode("\n", $allraidattendees[$hevent][$hraidnote]),
- 'ATTENDEESCOUNT' => @count($allraidattendees[$hevent][$hraidnote]),
- ));
- $i = 0;
- $hraidattendees = array();
- if(!isset($allloot))
- {
- $allloot = array();
- }
- foreach($allloot as $hlootid => $hlootdata)
- {
- if($hlootdata['raidnote'] == $hraidnote && $hlootdata['raidevent'] == $hevent)
- {
- if($hlootdata['quality'] >= $lua_set_MinItemQuality && !in_array($hlootdata['itemid'], $lua_set_ignoritems) && strtolower($hlootdata['looter']) != strtolower($lua_set_IgnoredLooter))
- {
- $tpl->assign_block_vars('events_row.raids_row.loot_row', array(
- 'HNR' => $i,
- 'HNAME' => $hlootdata['name'],
- 'HID' => $hlootdata['itemid'],
- 'HLOOTER' => $hlootdata['looter'],
- 'HDKP' => ((!empty($hlootdata['dkp'])) ? $hlootdata['dkp'] : $this->GetDkpValue($hlootdata['name'])),
- 'STRIPPEDHRAIDNOTE' => $this->StripUniqIdFromString($hraidnote),
- ));
- }
- }
- $i++;
- }
- }
- }
- $eqdkp->set_vars(array(
- 'page_title' => sprintf($user->lang['admin_title_prefix'], $eqdkp->config['guildtag'], $eqdkp->config['dkp_name']).': '.$user->lang['lua_step2_pagetitel'],
- 'template_file' => 'admin/lua.html',
- 'display' => true,
- )
- );
-function insert_log()
- global $db, $eqdkp, $user, $tpl, $pm;
- global $SID;
- global $lua_set_MinItemQuality, $lua_set_OnlySimulate, $lua_set_NewMemberDefaultRank, $lua_set_ignoritems, $lua_set_ownraids;
- $a = 0;
- foreach($_POST['events'] as $ievent)
- {
- $inewevent = $_POST['newevents'][$ievent];
- foreach($_POST['raids'][$ievent] as $iraid => $iraidtime)
- {
- $inewraidtime = mktime($_POST['raidtimes'][$ievent][$iraid]['h'], $_POST['raidtimes'][$ievent][$iraid]['mi'], $_POST['raidtimes'][$ievent][$iraid]['s'], $_POST['raidtimes'][$ievent][$iraid]['mo'], $_POST['raidtimes'][$ievent][$iraid]['d'], $_POST['raidtimes'][$ievent][$iraid]['y']);
- $inewraidnote = $_POST['newraidnotes'][$ievent][$iraid];
- $inewraidattendees = trim($_POST['newraidattendees'][$ievent][$iraid]);
- $iallraids[$a]['event'] = $inewevent;
- $iallraids[$a]['raidnote'] = $inewraidnote;
- $iallraids[$a]['time'] = $inewraidtime;
- $iallraids[$a]['dkp'] = 0;
- $iallraids[$a]['attendees'] = explode("\n", $inewraidattendees);
- if(empty($inewraidattendees))
- {
- $iallraids[$a]['donotadd'] = true;
- }
- else
- {
- $iallraids[$a]['donotadd'] = false;
- }
- $iallraids[$a]['loots'] = array();
- $i = 0;
- if(!isset($_POST['loots'][$ievent][$iraid])) { $_POST['loots'][$ievent][$iraid] = array(); }
- foreach($_POST['loots'][$ievent][$iraid] as $ilootdata)
- {
- if(!empty($ilootdata['dkp']) || $ilootdata['dkp'] == "0")
- {
- $iallraids[$a]['loots'][$i]['name'] = str_replace("\\'", "'", $ilootdata['name']);
- $iallraids[$a]['loots'][$i]['id'] = $ilootdata['id'];
- $iallraids[$a]['loots'][$i]['looter'] = $ilootdata['looter'];
- $iallraids[$a]['loots'][$i]['dkp'] = $ilootdata['dkp'];
- $iallraids[$a]['dkp'] += $ilootdata['dkp'];
- }
- $i++;
- }
- $iallraids[$a]['dkp'] = round($iallraids[$a]['dkp'] / count($iallraids[$a]['attendees']), 2);
- if($_POST['addlootdkpvalues'][$ievent][$iraid] == 1)
- {
- $iallraids[$a]['dkp'] += $_POST['raiddkpvalues'][$ievent][$iraid];
- }
- else
- {
- $iallraids[$a]['dkp'] = $_POST['raiddkpvalues'][$ievent][$iraid];
- }
- foreach($iallraids[$a]['attendees'] as $attendeeid => $attendeename)
- {
- $attendeename = trim($attendeename);
- if(!empty($attendeename))
- {
- $iallraids[$a]['attendees'][$attendeeid] = $attendeename;
- }
- else
- {
- unset($iallraids[$a]['attendees'][$attendeeid]);
- }
- }
- $a++;
- }
- }
- $text == "";
- foreach($iallraids as $iraid)
- {
- if(!$iraid['donotadd'])
- {
- $newraidid = $db->query("SELECT MAX(`raid_id`) as id FROM ".RAIDS_TABLE.";");
- $newraidid = $db->fetch_record($newraidid);
- $newraidid = $newraidid['id'] + 1;
- $alreadyexistscheck = $db->query("SELECT `raid_name`, `raid_date`, `raid_note`, `raid_value` FROM ".RAIDS_TABLE." WHERE raid_name = '".mysql_escape_string($iraid['event'])."' AND raid_date >= '".mysql_escape_string($iraid['time']-1800)."' AND raid_date <= '".mysql_escape_string($iraid['time']+1800)."' AND raid_note = '".mysql_escape_string($iraid['raidnote'])."' LIMIT 1");
- if($db->num_rows($alreadyexistscheck) == 1 && !$lua_set_OnlySimulate)
- {
- $text .= sprintf($user->lang['lua_step3_alreadyexist'], $iraid['raidnote'], $iraid['event'], $iraid['dkp'])."<br>\n";
- }
- elseif(!empty($iraid['event']))
- {
- if(!$lua_set_OnlySimulate) $db->query("INSERT INTO ".RAIDS_TABLE." (`raid_id`, `raid_name`, `raid_date`, `raid_note`, `raid_value`, `raid_added_by`) VALUES ('".mysql_escape_string($newraidid)."', '".mysql_escape_string($iraid['event'])."', '".mysql_escape_string($iraid['time'])."', '".mysql_escape_string($iraid['raidnote'])."', '".mysql_escape_string($iraid['dkp'])."', 'RaidTracker (by ".mysql_escape_string($user->data['username']).")');");
- $text .= sprintf($user->lang['lua_step3_raidadded'], $iraid['raidnote'], $iraid['event'], $iraid['dkp']);
- $log_action = array(
- 'header' => '{L_ACTION_RAID_ADDED}',
- 'id' => $newraidid,
- '{L_EVENT}' => $iraid['event'],
- '{L_ATTENDEES}' => trim(implode(', ', $iraid['attendees']), ', '),
- '{L_NOTE}' => $iraid['raidnote'],
- '{L_VALUE}' => $iraid['dkp'],
- '{L_ADDED_BY}' => 'RaidTracker (by '.$user->data['username'].')',
- );
- if(!$lua_set_OnlySimulate)
- {
- $this->log_insert(array('log_type' => $log_action['header'], 'log_action' => $log_action));
- }
- foreach($iraid['attendees'] as $iattendee)
- {
- $memberexistscheck = $db->query("SELECT `member_name` FROM ".MEMBERS_TABLE." WHERE member_name = '".mysql_escape_string($iattendee)."';");
- if($db->num_rows($memberexistscheck) == 0)
- {
- $iattendeerace = $this->GetRaceNameByRaceId($_POST['allplayers'][$iattendee]['race']);
- $iattendeeclass = $this->GetClassNameByClassId($_POST['allplayers'][$iattendee]['class']);
- $iattendeelevel = ((!empty($_POST['allplayers'][$iattendee]['level'])) ? $_POST['allplayers'][$iattendee]['level'] : "Unknown" ) ;
- $iattendeerank = $this->GetRankIdByRankName($lua_set_NewMemberDefaultRank) ;
- if(!$lua_set_OnlySimulate)
- {
- (`member_name`, `member_status`, `member_firstraid`, `member_level`, `member_rank_id`, `member_class_id`, `member_race_id`)
- VALUES ('".mysql_escape_string($iattendee)."', '1', '".mysql_escape_string($iraid['time'])."',
- '".mysql_escape_string($_POST['allplayers'][$iattendee]['level'])."',
- '".mysql_escape_string($iattendeerank)."', '".mysql_escape_string($_POST['allplayers'][$iattendee]['class'])."',
- '".mysql_escape_string($_POST['allplayers'][$iattendee]['race'])."');");
- }
- $text .= sprintf($user->lang['lua_step3_memberadded'], $iattendee, $iattendeerace, $iattendeeclass, $iattendeelevel, $this->GetRankNameByRankId($iattendeerank));
- $log_action = array(
- 'header' => '{L_ACTION_MEMBER_ADDED}',
- '{L_NAME}' => $iattendee,
- '{L_EARNED}' => 0,
- '{L_SPENT}' => 0,
- '{L_ADJUSTMENT}' => 0,
- '{L_LEVEL}' => $iattendeelevel,
- '{L_RACE}' => $iattendeerace,
- '{L_CLASS}' => $iattendeeclass,
- '{L_ADDED_BY}' => 'RaidTracker (by '.$user->data['username'].')',
- );
- if(!$lua_set_OnlySimulate) $this->log_insert(array('log_type' => $log_action['header'],'log_action' => $log_action));
- }
- if(!$lua_set_OnlySimulate)
- {
- $db->query("INSERT INTO ".RAID_ATTENDEES_TABLE." (`raid_id`, `member_name`)
- VALUES ('".mysql_escape_string($newraidid)."', '".mysql_escape_string($iattendee)."');");
- }
- if(!$lua_set_OnlySimulate)
- {
- $db->query("UPDATE ".MEMBERS_TABLE."
- SET member_earned = member_earned + ".mysql_escape_string($iraid['dkp']).",
- member_status = '1', member_lastraid = '".mysql_escape_string($iraid['time'])."',
- member_raidcount = member_raidcount + 1
- WHERE member_name = '".mysql_escape_string($iattendee)."';");
- }
- $text .= sprintf($user->lang['lua_step3_attendeesadded'], count($iraid['attendees']));
- foreach($iraid['loots'] as $iloot)
- {
- if(!$lua_set_OnlySimulate)
- {
- $db->query("INSERT INTO ".ITEMS_TABLE."
- (`item_name`, `item_buyer`, `raid_id`, `item_value`, `item_date`, `item_added_by`, `item_group_key`)
- VALUES ('".mysql_escape_string($iloot['name'])."', '".mysql_escape_string($iloot['looter'])."',
- '".mysql_escape_string($newraidid)."', '".mysql_escape_string($iloot['dkp'])."',
- '".mysql_escape_string($iraid['time'])."', 'RaidTracker (by ".mysql_escape_string($user->data['username']).")',
- '".mysql_escape_string($this->gen_group_key($iloot['name'], $iraid['time'], $newraidid))."');");
- }
- if(!$lua_set_OnlySimulate)
- {
- $db->query("UPDATE ".MEMBERS_TABLE."
- SET member_spent = member_spent + ".mysql_escape_string($iloot['dkp'])."
- WHERE member_name = '".mysql_escape_string($iloot['looter'])."';");
- }
- $text .= sprintf($user->lang['lua_step3_lootadded'], $iloot['name'], $iloot['dkp'], $iloot['looter']);
- $log_action = array(
- 'header' => '{L_ACTION_ITEM_ADDED}',
- '{L_NAME}' => $iloot['name'],
- '{L_BUYERS}' => $iloot['looter'],
- '{L_RAID_ID}' => $newraidid,
- '{L_VALUE}' => $iloot['dkp'],
- '{L_ADDED_BY}' => 'RaidTracker (by '.$user->data['username'].')',
- );
- if(!$lua_set_OnlySimulate) $this->log_insert(array('log_type' => $log_action['header'],'log_action' => $log_action));
- }
- $text .= "<br>\n";
- }
- }
- }
- message_die($text, $user->lang['lua_step3_titel']);
- $eqdkp->set_vars(array(
- 'page_title' => sprintf($user->lang['admin_title_prefix'], $eqdkp->config['guildtag'], $eqdkp->config['dkp_name']).': '.$user->lang['lua_step3_pagetitel'],
- 'template_file' => 'admin/lua.html',
- 'display' => true,
- )
- );
-function display_form()
- global $db, $eqdkp, $user, $tpl, $pm;
- global $SID;
- $tpl->assign_vars(array(
- 'F_PARSE_LOG' => 'index.php' . $SID,
- 'S_STEP1' => true,
- 'L_PASTE_LOG' => $user->lang['lua_step1_th'],
- 'L_PARSE_LOG' => $user->lang['lua_step1_button_parselog'],
- )
- );
- $eqdkp->set_vars(array(
- 'page_title' => sprintf($user->lang['admin_title_prefix'], $eqdkp->config['guildtag'], $eqdkp->config['dkp_name']).': '.$user->lang['lua_step1_pagetitel'],
- 'template_file' => 'admin/lua.html',
- 'display' => true,
- )
- );
-$LUA_Import = new LUA_Import;