path: root/old/admin/parse_Everquest2German.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'old/admin/parse_Everquest2German.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 515 deletions
diff --git a/old/admin/parse_Everquest2German.php b/old/admin/parse_Everquest2German.php
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e6e087..0000000
--- a/old/admin/parse_Everquest2German.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,515 +0,0 @@
- * EQdkp
- * Copyright 2002-2003
- * Licensed under the GNU GPL. See COPYING for full terms.
- * ------------------
- * parse_Everquest2.php
- * Began: Tue December 24 2002
- *
- * $Id: parse_Everquest2German.php 46 2007-06-19 07:29:11Z tsigo $
- *
- ******************************/
-define('EQDKP_INC', true);
-define('IN_ADMIN', true);
-$eqdkp_root_path = './../';
-include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'common.php');
-class Parse_Log extends EQdkp_Admin
- function parse_log()
- {
- global $db, $eqdkp, $user, $tpl, $pm;
- global $SID;
- parent::eqdkp_admin();
- $this->assoc_buttons(array(
- 'parse' => array(
- 'name' => 'parse',
- 'process' => 'process_parse',
- 'check' => 'a_raid_'),
- 'form' => array(
- 'name' => '',
- 'process' => 'display_form',
- 'check' => 'a_raid_'))
- );
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- // Process Parse
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- function process_parse()
- {
- global $db, $eqdkp, $user, $tpl, $pm;
- global $SID;
- $channel_members = '';
- $line = '';
- $valid_date_found = false;
- $log_file = explode("\n", $_POST['log']);
- $log_file = str_replace('&lt;', '<', str_replace('&gt;', '>', $log_file));
- $line_count = sizeof($log_file);
- // Go through each line and
- // - Check for/get a valid member in the /who
- // - Check if there's a valid date we can use
- // - Check for/get valid members from /list <channel>
- $log_date = array();
- session_start(); // Hold our array of name => class/level/race
- for ( $i = 0; $i < $line_count; $i++ )
- {
- $line = '';
- if ( (isset($_POST['findall'])) || (strpos($log_file[$i], '<')) )
- {
- $member_name = $this->line_parse($log_file[$i]);
- // Make sure that each member's name is properly capitalized
- $mname = strtolower(preg_replace('/[[:space:]]/i', ' ', $member_name));
- $member_name = ucwords($mname);
- if ( trim($member_name) != '')
- {
- $member_names[] = $member_name;
- }
- }
- } // for ... log_file
- // If there were channel members, join the two arrays
- if ( !empty($channel_members) )
- {
- $channel_members = explode(', ', $channel_members);
- $member_names = array_merge($member_names, $channel_members);
- }
- $date['mo'] = date('M');
- $date['d'] = date('d');
- $date['y'] = date('Y');
- $date['h'] = date('h');
- $date['mi'] = date('i');
- $date['s'] = date('s');
- // Process the member_names array: replaces spaces, make it unique, sort it and reset it
- if ( (isset($member_names)) && (is_array($member_names)) )
- {
- $name_count = sizeof($member_names);
- }
- else
- {
- $name_count = 0;
- $member_names = array();
- }
- for ( $i = 0; $i < $name_count; $i++ )
- {
- $member_names[$i] = str_replace(' ', '', $member_names[$i]);
- }
- $member_names = array_unique($member_names);
- sort($member_names);
- reset($member_names);
- $tpl->assign_vars(array(
- 'S_STEP1' => false,
- 'L_FOUND_MEMBERS' => sprintf($user->lang['found_members'], $line_count, sizeof($member_names)),
- 'L_LOG_DATE_TIME' => $user->lang['log_date_time'],
- 'L_LOG_ADD_DATA' => $user->lang['log_add_data'],
- 'FOUND_MEMBERS' => implode("\n", $member_names),
- 'MO' => $this->M_to_n($date['mo']),
- 'D' => $date['d'],
- 'Y' => $date['y'],
- 'H' => $date['h'],
- 'MI' => $date['mi'],
- 'S' => $date['s'])
- );
- $eqdkp->set_vars(array(
- 'page_title' => sprintf($user->lang['title_prefix'], $eqdkp->config['guildtag'], $eqdkp->config['dkp_name']).': '.$user->lang['parselog_title'],
- 'gen_simple_header' => true,
- 'template_file' => 'admin/parse_Everquest2.html',
- 'display' => true)
- );
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- // Process helper methods
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- function line_parse($log_line)
- {
- global $db, $eqdkp, $user;
- static $member_ranks = array();
- //$log_line = stripslashes($log_line);
- // First off, we don't care about afk or lfg, so remove them
- $log_line = str_replace(' (AFK)', '', $log_line);
- $log_line = str_replace(' (LFG)', '', $log_line);
- // Build a clean array of guildtags we might be looking for
- $parsetags = explode("\n", $eqdkp->config['parsetags']);
- foreach ( $parsetags as $k => $v )
- {
- $parsetags[$k] = trim(stripslashes($v));
- }
- // Cache the member name / member rank info
- if ( @sizeof($member_ranks) == 0 )
- {
- $sql = 'SELECT r.rank_name, m.member_name
- WHERE (r.rank_id = m.member_rank_id)
- ORDER BY m.member_name';
- $result = $db->query($sql);
- while ( $row = $db->fetch_record($result) )
- {
- $member_ranks[ $row['member_name'] ] = 'r_' . str_replace(' ', '_', trim($row['rank_name']));
- }
- $db->free_result($result);
- }
- $name_check = false;
- $role_check = true;
- $rank_check = true;
-/* Sample EQ2 log file format :: the three patterns to match are:
-#1 guilded normal
-#2 non-guilded normal
-#3 role (guilded; unguilded matches like /anon)
-#4 anon (guilded or not)
- (neither anon or role shows zone FYI)
-(1121902422)[Wed Jul 20 19:33:42 2005] [43 Guardian] Goosage (Barbarian) <The Knights of Dawn Fire> Zone: The Feerrott
-(1121902422)[Wed Jul 20 19:33:42 2005] [47 Paladin] Maskie (Barbarian) Zone: The Feerrott
-(1121907805)[Wed Jul 20 21:03:25 2005] [Anonymous] Mildew (Gnome) <The Knights of Dawn Fire>
-(1121907951)[Wed Jul 20 21:05:51 2005] [Anonymous] Greywind (Human)
-German log file looks like this :
-(1122498819)[Wed Jul 27 23:13:39 2005] [50 Inquisitor] Chryorn (Dunkelelf) <Feral Fires>ZONE: Shattered Stillness: Epic
-(1122498819)[Wed Jul 27 23:13:39 2005] [50 Brigand] Xandros (Dunkelelf) <Feral Fires>ZONE: Shattered Stillness: Epic
-(1122498819)[Wed Jul 27 23:13:39 2005] [50 Wächter] Achilless (Barbar) <Feral Fires>ZONE: Shattered Stillness: Epic
- // Date
- $pattern = "/^\([0-9]{10}\)\[[a-zA-Z]{3} [a-zA-Z]{3} [0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2} [0-9]{4}\](.*)";
- $pattern1 = "/^\([0-9]{10}\)\[[a-zA-Z]{3} [a-zA-Z]{3} [0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2} [0-9]{4}\](.*)";
- $pattern2 = "/^\([0-9]{10}\)\[[a-zA-Z]{3} [a-zA-Z]{3} [0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2} [0-9]{4}\](.*)";
- $pattern3 = "/^\([0-9]{10}\)\[[a-zA-Z]{3} [a-zA-Z]{3} [0-9]{2} [0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2}\:[0-9]{2} [0-9]{4}\](.*)";
- // Level / Class
- $pattern .= "\[([0-9]{1,2}) (.+)\]";
- $pattern1 .= "\[([0-9]{1,2}) (.+)\]";
- $pattern2 .= "\[Anonymous\]";
- $pattern3 .= "\[Anonymous\]";
- // Name
- $pattern .= " ([A-Za-z]{1,})";
- $pattern1 .= " ([A-Za-z]{1,})";
- $pattern2 .= " ([A-Za-z]{1,})";
- $pattern3 .= " ([A-Za-z]{1,})";
- // Race
- $pattern .= " \((.*)\)";
- $pattern1 .= " \((.*)\)";
- $pattern2 .= " \((.*)\)";
- $pattern3 .= " \((.*)\)";
- // Guild Tag
- $pattern .= " \<(.*)\>";
- $pattern2 .= " \<(.*)\>";
- // Zone:
- $pattern .= "ZONE: (.*)";
- $pattern1 .= "ZONE: (.*)";
- // End pattern regexp
- $pattern .= '/';
- $pattern1 .= '/';
- $pattern2 .= '/';
- $pattern3 .= '/';
- // unset a line match type identifier
- unset($type_line);
- // match things the hard type of line at a time
- // crappy way to do it, but VERY easy to read and alter
- // Normal
- if ( preg_match($pattern, $log_line, $log_parsed) ) {
- $name = trim($log_parsed[4]);
- $race = trim($log_parsed[5]);
- $class = trim($log_parsed[3]);
- $level = trim($log_parsed[2]);
- $guildtag = trim($log_parsed[6]);
- $zone = trim($log_parsed[7]);
- $type_line = 1;
- }
- // Unguilded
- if ( preg_match($pattern1, $log_line, $log_parsed) ) {
- $name = trim($log_parsed[4]);
- $race = trim($log_parsed[5]);
- $class = trim($log_parsed[3]);
- $level = trim($log_parsed[2]);
- $guildtag = "";
- $zone = trim($log_parsed[6]);
- if (!isset($type_line) ){ $type_line = 2;}
- }
- // Roleplaying
- if ( preg_match($pattern2, $log_line, $log_parsed) ) {
- $name = trim($log_parsed[2]);
- $race = trim($log_parsed[3]);
- $class = "Unknown";
- $level = "50";
- $guildtag = trim($log_parsed[4]);
- $zone = "";
- if (!isset($type_line) ){ $type_line = 3;}
- }
- // Anon
- if ( preg_match($pattern3, $log_line, $log_parsed) ) {
- $name = trim($log_parsed[2]);
- $race = trim($log_parsed[3]);
- $class = "Unknown";
- $level = "50";
- $guildtag = "";
- $zone = "";
- if (!isset($type_line) ){ $type_line = 4;}
- }
- // Jeezus this is a pain in the ass, ain't it?
- /* Sample EQ2 log file format :: the three patterns to match are (one more time)
-(1121902422)[Wed Jul 20 19:33:42 2005] [43 Guardian] Goosage (Barbarian) <The Knights of Dawn Fire> Zone: The Feerrott
-(1121902422)[Wed Jul 20 19:33:42 2005] [47 Paladin] Maskie (Barbarian) Zone: The Feerrott
-(1121907805)[Wed Jul 20 21:03:25 2005] [Anonymous] Mildew (Gnome) <The Knights of Dawn Fire>
-(1121907951)[Wed Jul 20 21:05:51 2005] [Anonymous] Greywind (Human)
-After using the above 4, we now test with the same members in different states of anon/role/guilded
-(1121902422)[Wed Jul 20 19:33:42 2005] [Anonymous] Goosage (Barbarian)
-(1121902422)[Wed Jul 20 19:33:42 2005] [Anonymous] Maskie (Barbarian) <The Knights of Dawn Fire
-(1121907805)[Wed Jul 20 21:03:25 2005] [47 Cleric] Mildew (Gnome) <The Knights of Dawn Fire> Zone: The Feerrott
-(1121907951)[Wed Jul 20 21:05:51 2005] [49 Monk] Greywind (Human) Zone: The Feerrott
- */
- if ($type_line == 1) {
- print"Name: $name , Race: $race , Class: $class , Guild: $guildtag , Level: $level , Zone: $zone<br>";
- }
- if ($type_line == 2) {
- print"Name: $name , Race: $race , Class: $class , Level: $level , Zone: $zone<br>";
- }
- if ($type_line == 3) {
- print"Name: $name , Race: $race , Class_Guess: $class , Level_Guess: $level , Guild: $guildtag<br>";
- }
- if ($type_line == 4) {
- print"Name: $name , Race: $race , Class_Guess: $class , Level_Guess: $level<br>";
- }
- // Looking for roleplaying folks? Is this valid for EQ2?
- if ( !isset($_POST['findrole']) )
- {
- if ( (isset($class)) && ($class == 'Unknown') )
- {
- $role_check = false;
- }
- }
- if ( (isset($name)) && ($name != '') )
- {
- $name_check = true;
- }
- // Check if we're including this member's rank
- if ( isset($member_ranks[$name]) )
- {
- // If POST[r_<rank_name>] isn't set, we're ignoring this member
- if ( !isset($_POST[ $member_ranks[$name] ]) )
- {
- $rank_check = false;
- }
- }
- if ( ($name_check) && ($role_check) && ($rank_check) )
- {
- $_SESSION[$name] = array(
- 'tag' => $guildtag,
- 'name' => $name,
- 'level' => $level,
- 'class' => $class,
- 'race' => $race);
- return $name;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function M_to_n($m)
- {
- switch($m)
- {
- case 'Jan':
- return '01';
- break;
- case 'Feb':
- return '02';
- break;
- case 'Mar':
- return '03';
- break;
- case 'Apr':
- return '04';
- break;
- case 'May':
- return '05';
- break;
- case 'Jun':
- return '06';
- break;
- case 'Jul':
- return '07';
- break;
- case 'Aug':
- return '08';
- break;
- case 'Sep':
- return '09';
- break;
- case 'Oct':
- return '10';
- break;
- case 'Nov':
- return '11';
- break;
- case 'Dec':
- return '12';
- break;
- }
- }
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- // Display form
- // ---------------------------------------------------------
- function display_form()
- {
- global $db, $eqdkp, $user, $tpl, $pm;
- global $SID;
- $log_columns = ( preg_match("/Mozilla\/4\.[1-9]{1}.+/", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ) ? '50' : '90';
- // Options to parse
- $options = array(
- 0 => array(
- 'CBNAME' => 'findall',
- 'CBVALUE' => '1',
- 'CBCHECKED' => '',
- 'OPTION' => $user->lang['log_find_all']),
- 1 => array(
- 'CBNAME' => 'findrole',
- 'CBVALUE' => '1',
- 'CBCHECKED' => ' checked="checked"',
- 'OPTION' => 'Include Roleplay')
- );
- // Guildtags to parse
- if ( !empty($eqdkp->config['parsetags']) )
- {
- $parsetags = explode("\n", $eqdkp->config['parsetags']);
- foreach ( $parsetags as $index => $guildtag )
- {
- $tagoptions[] = array(
- 'CBNAME' => str_replace(' ', '_', trim($guildtag)),
- 'CBVALUE' => '1',
- 'CBCHECKED' => ' checked="checked"',
- 'OPTION' => '&lt;' . trim($guildtag) . '&gt;');
- }
- $options = array_merge($options, $tagoptions);
- }
- foreach ( $options as $row )
- {
- $tpl->assign_block_vars('options_row', $row);
- }
- // Member tags to parse
- // Find out how many members have each rank
- $rank_counts = array();
- $sql = 'SELECT member_rank_id, count(member_rank_id) as count
- GROUP BY member_rank_id';
- $result = $db->query($sql);
- while ( $row = $db->fetch_record($result) )
- {
- $rank_counts[ $row['member_rank_id'] ] = $row['count'];
- }
- $db->free_result($result);
- $ranks = array();
- $sql = 'SELECT rank_id, rank_name, rank_prefix, rank_suffix
- ORDER BY rank_name';
- $result = $db->query($sql);
- while ( $row = $db->fetch_record($result) )
- {
- // Make sure there's not a guildtag with the same name as the rank
- if ( !in_array($row['rank_name'], $options) )
- {
- $rank_count = ( isset($rank_counts[ $row['rank_id'] ]) ) ? $rank_counts[ $row['rank_id'] ] : 0;
- $format = ( $rank_count == 1 ) ? $user->lang['x_members_s'] : $user->lang['x_members_p'];
- $ranks[] = array(
- 'CBNAME' => 'r_' . str_replace(' ', '_', trim($row['rank_name'])),
- 'CBVALUE' => intval($row['rank_id']),
- 'CBCHECKED' => ' checked="checked"',
- 'OPTION' => $user->lang['rank'] . ': ' . (( empty($row['rank_name']) ) ? '(None)' : $row['rank_prefix'] . $row['rank_name'] . $row['rank_suffix'])
- . ' <span class="small">(' . sprintf($format, $rank_count) . ')</span>');
- }
- }
- $db->free_result($result);
- foreach ( $ranks as $row )
- {
- $tpl->assign_block_vars('ranks_row', $row);
- }
- $tpl->assign_vars(array(
- 'F_PARSE_LOG' => 'parse_Everquest2.php' . $SID,
- 'S_STEP1' => true,
- 'L_PASTE_LOG' => $user->lang['paste_log'],
- 'L_OPTIONS' => $user->lang['options'],
- 'L_PARSE_LOG' => $user->lang['parse_log'],
- 'L_CLOSE_WINDOW' => $user->lang['close_window'],
- 'LOG_COLS' => $log_columns)
- );
- $eqdkp->set_vars(array(
- 'page_title' => sprintf($user->lang['title_prefix'], $eqdkp->config['guildtag'], $eqdkp->config['dkp_name']).': '.$user->lang['parselog_title'],
- 'gen_simple_header' => true,
- 'template_file' => 'admin/parse_Everquest2.html',
- 'display' => true)
- );
- }
-$parse_log = new Parse_Log;