path: root/old/stats.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'old/stats.php')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 339 deletions
diff --git a/old/stats.php b/old/stats.php
deleted file mode 100644
index a559686..0000000
--- a/old/stats.php
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,339 +0,0 @@
- * EQdkp
- * Copyright 2002-2005
- * Licensed under the GNU GPL. See COPYING for full terms.
- * ------------------
- * stats.php
- * Began: Sat December 21 2002
- *
- * $Id: stats.php 46 2007-06-19 07:29:11Z tsigo $
- *
- ******************************/
-define('EQDKP_INC', true);
-$eqdkp_root_path = './';
-include_once($eqdkp_root_path . 'common.php');
-$sort_order = array(
- 0 => array('member_name', 'member_name desc'),
- 1 => array('member_firstraid', 'member_firstraid desc'),
- 2 => array('member_lastraid', 'member_lastraid desc'),
- 3 => array('member_raidcount desc', 'member_raidcount'),
- 4 => array('member_earned desc', 'member_earned'),
- 5 => array('earned_per_day desc', 'earned_per_day'),
- 6 => array('earned_per_raid desc', 'earned_per_raid'),
- 7 => array('member_spent desc', 'member_spent'),
- 8 => array('spent_per_day desc', 'spent_per_day'),
- 9 => array('spent_per_raid desc', 'spent_per_raid'),
- 10 => array('lost_to_adjustment desc', 'lost_to_adjustment'),
- 11 => array('lost_to_spent desc', 'lost_to_spent'),
- 12 => array('member_current desc', 'member_current')
-$current_order = switch_order($sort_order);
-$total_raids = $db->query_first('SELECT count(*) FROM ' . RAIDS_TABLE);
-$show_all = ( (!empty($_GET['show'])) && ($_GET['show'] == "all") ) ? true : false;
-// No idea if this massive query will work outside MySQL...if not, we'll have
-// to use a switch and get the values another way
-$sql = 'SELECT member_name, member_earned, member_spent, member_adjustment,
- (member_earned-member_spent+member_adjustment) AS member_current,
- member_firstraid, member_lastraid, member_raidcount,
- ((member_spent/member_earned)*100) AS lost_to_spent,
- ((member_adjustment-(member_adjustment*2))/member_earned)*100 AS lost_to_adjustment,
- (member_earned / ((('.time().' - member_firstraid)+86400) / 86400) ) AS earned_per_day,
- (('.time().' - member_firstraid) / 86400) AS zero_check,
- member_spent / ((('.time().' - member_firstraid)+86400) / 86400) AS spent_per_day,
- member_earned/member_raidcount AS earned_per_raid,
- member_spent/member_raidcount AS spent_per_raid,
- r.rank_prefix, r.rank_suffix
- ON (m.member_rank_id = r.rank_id)';
-if ( ($eqdkp->config['hide_inactive'] == 1) && (!$show_all) )
- $sql .= " WHERE member_status='1'";
-$sql .= ' ORDER BY '.$current_order['sql'];
-if ( !($members_result = $db->query($sql)) )
- message_die('Could not obtain member information', '', __FILE__, __LINE__, $sql);
-while ( $row = $db->fetch_record($members_result) )
- // Default the values of these in case they have no earned or spent or
- // adjustment
- $row['earned_per_day'] = ( ( (!empty($row['earned_per_day']) ) && ( $row['zero_check'] > '0.01') )) ? $row['earned_per_day'] : '0.00';
- $row['earned_per_raid'] = (!empty($row['earned_per_raid'])) ? $row['earned_per_raid'] : '0.00';
- $row['spent_per_day'] = ( ( (!empty($row['spent_per_day']) ) && ($row['zero_check'] > '0.01') )) ? $row['spent_per_day'] : '0.00';
- $row['spent_per_raid'] = (!empty($row['spent_per_raid'])) ? $row['spent_per_raid'] : '0';
- $row['lost_to_adjustment'] = (!empty($row['lost_to_adjustment'])) ? $row['lost_to_adjustment'] : '0.00';
- $row['lost_to_spent'] = (!empty($row['lost_to_spent'])) ? $row['lost_to_spent'] : '0.00';
- // Find out how many days it's been since their first raid
- $days_since_start = 0;
- $days_since_start = round((time() - $row['member_firstraid']) / 86400);
- // Find the percentage of raids they've been on
- $attended_percent = ( $total_raids > 0 ) ? round(($row['member_raidcount'] / $total_raids) * 100) : 0;
- $tpl->assign_block_vars('stats_row', array(
- 'ROW_CLASS' => $eqdkp->switch_row_class(),
- 'U_VIEW_MEMBER' => 'viewmember.php'.$SID.'&amp;' . URI_NAME . '='.$row['member_name'],
- 'NAME' => $row['rank_prefix'] . $row['member_name'] . $row['rank_suffix'],
- 'FIRST_RAID' => ( !empty($row['member_firstraid']) ) ? date($user->style['date_notime_short'], $row['member_firstraid']) : '&nbsp;',
- 'LAST_RAID' => ( !empty($row['member_lastraid']) ) ? date($user->style['date_notime_short'], $row['member_lastraid']) : '&nbsp;',
- 'ATTENDED_COUNT' => $row['member_raidcount'],
- 'C_ATTENDED_PERCENT' => color_item($attended_percent, true),
- 'ATTENDED_PERCENT' => $attended_percent,
- 'EARNED_TOTAL' => $row['member_earned'],
- 'EARNED_PER_DAY' => sprintf("%.2f", $row['earned_per_day']),
- 'EARNED_PER_RAID' => sprintf("%.2f", $row['earned_per_raid']),
- 'SPENT_TOTAL' => $row['member_spent'],
- 'SPENT_PER_DAY' => sprintf("%.2f", $row['spent_per_day']),
- 'SPENT_PER_RAID' => sprintf("%.2f", $row['spent_per_raid']),
- 'LOST_TO_ADJUSTMENT' => sprintf("%.2f", $row['lost_to_adjustment']),
- 'LOST_TO_SPENT' => sprintf("%.2f", $row['lost_to_spent']),
- 'C_CURRENT' => color_item($row['member_current']),
- 'CURRENT' => $row['member_current'])
- );
-if ( ($eqdkp->config['hide_inactive'] == 1) && (!$show_all) )
- $footcount_text = sprintf($user->lang['stats_active_footcount'], $db->num_rows($members_result),
- '<a href="stats.php'.$SID.'&amp;o='.$current_order['uri']['current'].'&amp;show=all" class="rowfoot">');
- $footcount_text = sprintf($user->lang['stats_footcount'], $db->num_rows($members_result));
-// Class Statistics
-// Class Summary
-// Classes array - if an element is false, that class has gotten no
-// loot and won't show up from the SQL query
-// Otherwise it contains an array with the SQL data
-// New for 1.3 - grab class info from database
- $eq_classes = array();
-// Find the total members existing with a class
-$sql = 'SELECT count(member_id)
-$total_members = $db->query_first($sql);
-// Find the total priced items
-$sql = 'SELECT count(item_id)
- WHERE item_value != 0.00';
-$total_drops = $db->query_first($sql);
-// Find out how many members of each class exist
-$class_counts = array();
-$sql = 'SELECT member_class_id, count(member_id) AS class_count
- GROUP BY member_class_id';
-$result = $db->query($sql);
-while ( $row = $db->fetch_record($result) )
- $class_counts[ $row['member_class_id'] ] = $row['class_count'];
-// Query finds all items purchased by each class
-// Will not find items that are unpriced
-$sql = 'SELECT c.class_name, c.class_id, count(i.item_id) AS class_drops
- FROM ' . ITEMS_TABLE . ' i, ' . CLASS_TABLE . ' c, ' . MEMBERS_TABLE . " m
- WHERE (m.member_name = i.item_buyer)
- AND (i.item_value != 0.00)
- AND (m.member_class_id = c.class_id)
- GROUP BY c.class_name";
-$result = $db->query($sql);
-while ( $row = $db->fetch_record($result) )
- $class = $row['class_name'];
- $class_id = $row['class_id'];
- $class_drops = $row['class_drops'];
- $class_drop_pct = ( $total_drops > 0 ) ? round(($class_drops / $total_drops) * 100) : 0;
- $class_members = ( isset($class_counts[$class_id]) ) ? $class_counts[$class_id] : 0;
- $class_factor = ( $class_members > 0 ) ? round(($class_drops / $class_members) * 100) : 0;
- $eq_classes[$class] = array(
- 'drops' => $class_drops,
- 'drop_pct' => $class_drop_pct,
- 'class_count' => $class_members,
- 'class_pct' => ( $total_members > 0 ) ? round(($class_members / $total_members) * 100) : 0,
- 'factor' => $class_factor);
-// Query finds all items purchased by each armor type
-// Will not find items that are unpriced
-// Check out them longass var names! :-)
-$sql = 'SELECT c.class_armor_type, count(i.item_id) AS armor_type_drops
- FROM ' . ITEMS_TABLE . ' i, ' . CLASS_TABLE . ' c, ' . MEMBERS_TABLE . " m
- WHERE (m.member_name = i.item_buyer)
- AND (i.item_value != 0.00)
- AND (m.member_class_id = c.class_id)
- GROUP BY c.class_armor_type";
-$result = $db->query($sql);
-while ( $row = $db->fetch_record($result) )
- $armor = $row['class_armor_type'];
- $number_of_armor_type_members = $db->query_first('SELECT count(*)
- WHERE c.class_armor_type = '".$armor."'
- AND m.member_class_id = c.class_id");
- $number_of_armor_type_drops = $row['armor_type_drops'];
- $pct_of_armor_type_to_all_members = ( $total_members > 0 ) ? round(($number_of_armor_type_members / $total_members) * 100) : 0;
- $type_of_armor_drop_pct = ( $total_drops > 0 ) ? round(($number_of_armor_type_drops / $total_drops) * 100) : 0;
- $pct_drops_per_armor_type = ( $number_of_armor_type_members > 0 ) ? round(($number_of_armor_type_drops / $number_of_armor_type_members) * 100) : 0;
- $row_class = $eqdkp->switch_row_class();
- $loot_factor = ( $number_of_armor_type_members > 0 ) ? round((($number_of_armor_type_members / $type_of_armor_drop_pct) - 1) * 100) : '0';
- $tpl->assign_block_vars('type_row', array(
- 'ROW_TYPE' => $row_class,
- 'LINK_TYPE' => ( $row_class == 'rowhead' ) ? 'header' : '',
- 'U_LIST_MEMBERS' => 'listmembers.php' . $SID . '&amp;filter=ARMOR_' .strtolower($armor),
- //'U_LIST_MEMBERS' => 'listmembers.php' . $SID . '&amp;filter=' . strtolower($armor),
- 'TYPE' => $armor,
- 'LOOT_COUNT' => $number_of_armor_type_drops,
- 'LOOT_PCT' => sprintf("%d%%", $type_of_armor_drop_pct),
- 'TYPE_COUNT' => $number_of_armor_type_members,
- 'TYPE_PCT' => sprintf("%d%%", $pct_of_armor_type_to_all_members),
- 'LOOT_FACTOR' => sprintf("%d%%", $loot_factor),
- 'T_LOOT_FACTOR' => color_item($loot_factor))
- );
-// We still need to find out how many of the class exist
-$sql = 'SELECT c.class_name, count(m.member_id) as class_count
- FROM ' . MEMBERS_TABLE . ' m, ' . CLASS_TABLE .' c
- WHERE m.member_class_id = c.class_id
- GROUP BY m.member_class_id';
-$result = $db->query($sql);
-while ( $row = $db->fetch_record($result) )
- $class = $row['class_name'];
- $class_count = $row['class_count'];
- if( (empty($class)) || ($class == 'NULL') )
- {
- continue;
- }
- // if this isn't an array, define blank values
- if ( !is_array($eq_classes[$class]) )
- {
- $v = array(
- 'drops' => 0,
- 'drop_pct' => 0,
- 'class_count' => $class_count,
- 'class_pct' => ( $total_members > 0 ) ? round(($class_count / $total_members) * 100) : 0,
- 'factor' => 0
- );
- }
- else
- {
- $v = $eq_classes[$class];
- }
- $row_class = ( (!empty($_GET['class'])) && ($_GET['class'] == $k) ) ? 'rowhead' : $eqdkp->switch_row_class();
- $loot_factor = ( $v['class_pct'] > 0 ) ? round((($v['drop_pct'] / $v['class_pct']) - 1) * 100) : '0';
- $tpl->assign_block_vars('class_row', array(
- 'ROW_CLASS' => $row_class,
- 'LINK_CLASS' => ( $row_class == 'rowhead' ) ? 'header' : '',
- 'U_LIST_MEMBERS' => 'listmembers.php' . $SID . '&amp;filter=' . $class,
- 'CLASS' => $class,
- 'LOOT_COUNT' => $v['drops'],
- 'LOOT_PCT' => sprintf("%d%%", $v['drop_pct']),
- 'CLASS_COUNT' => $v['class_count'],
- 'CLASS_PCT' => sprintf("%d%%", $v['class_pct']),
- 'LOOT_FACTOR' => sprintf("%d%%", $loot_factor),
- 'C_LOOT_FACTOR' => color_item($loot_factor))
- );
- 'L_NAME' => $user->lang['name'],
- 'L_RAIDS' => $user->lang['raids'],
- 'L_EARNED' => $user->lang['earned'],
- 'L_SPENT' => $user->lang['spent'],
- 'L_PCT_EARNED_LOST_TO' => $user->lang['pct_earned_lost_to'],
- 'L_CURRENT' => $user->lang['current'],
- 'L_FIRST' => $user->lang['first'],
- 'L_LAST' => $user->lang['last'],
- 'L_ATTENDED' => $user->lang['attended'],
- 'L_TOTAL' => $user->lang['total'],
- 'L_PER_DAY' => $user->lang['per_day'],
- 'L_PER_RAID' => $user->lang['per_raid'],
- 'L_ADJUSTMENT' => $user->lang['adjustment'],
- 'L_CLASS' => $user->lang['class'],
- 'L_LOOTS' => $user->lang['loots'],
- 'L_MEMBERS' => $user->lang['members'],
- 'L_LOOT_FACTOR' => $user->lang['loot_factor'],
- 'O_NAME' => $current_order['uri'][0],
- 'O_FIRSTRAID' => $current_order['uri'][1],
- 'O_LASTRAID' => $current_order['uri'][2],
- 'O_RAIDCOUNT' => $current_order['uri'][3],
- 'O_EARNED' => $current_order['uri'][4],
- 'O_EARNED_PER_DAY' => $current_order['uri'][5],
- 'O_EARNED_PER_RAID' => $current_order['uri'][6],
- 'O_SPENT' => $current_order['uri'][7],
- 'O_SPENT_PER_DAY' => $current_order['uri'][8],
- 'O_SPENT_PER_RAID' => $current_order['uri'][9],
- 'O_LOST_TO_ADJUSTMENT' => $current_order['uri'][10],
- 'O_LOST_TO_SPENT' => $current_order['uri'][11],
- 'O_CURRENT' => $current_order['uri'][12],
- 'U_STATS' => 'stats.php'.$SID.'&amp;',
- 'SHOW' => ( isset($_GET['show']) ) ? htmlspecialchars(strip_tags($_GET['show']), ENT_QUOTES) : '',
- 'STATS_FOOTCOUNT' => $footcount_text)
- 'page_title' => sprintf($user->lang['title_prefix'], $eqdkp->config['guildtag'], $eqdkp->config['dkp_name']).': '.sprintf($user->lang['stats_title'], $eqdkp->config['dkp_name']),
- 'template_file' => 'stats.html',
- 'display' => true)