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diff --git a/Documentation/networking/altera_tse.txt b/Documentation/networking/altera_tse.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3f24df8c6e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Documentation/networking/altera_tse.txt
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+ Altera Triple-Speed Ethernet MAC driver
+Copyright (C) 2008-2014 Altera Corporation
+This is the driver for the Altera Triple-Speed Ethernet (TSE) controllers
+using the SGDMA and MSGDMA soft DMA IP components. The driver uses the
+platform bus to obtain component resources. The designs used to test this
+driver were built for a Cyclone(R) V SOC FPGA board, a Cyclone(R) V FPGA board,
+and tested with ARM and NIOS processor hosts seperately. The anticipated use
+cases are simple communications between an embedded system and an external peer
+for status and simple configuration of the embedded system.
+For more information visit and Support
+forums for the driver may be found on, and a design used
+to test this driver may be found there as well. Support is also available from
+the maintainer of this driver, found in MAINTAINERS.
+The Triple-Speed Ethernet, SGDMA, and MSGDMA components are all soft IP
+components that can be assembled and built into an FPGA using the Altera
+Quartus toolchain. Quartus 13.1 and 14.0 were used to build the design that
+this driver was tested against. The sopc2dts tool is used to create the
+device tree for the driver, and may be found at
+The driver probe function examines the device tree and determines if the
+Triple-Speed Ethernet instance is using an SGDMA or MSGDMA component. The
+probe function then installs the appropriate set of DMA routines to
+initialize, setup transmits, receives, and interrupt handling primitives for
+the respective configurations.
+The SGDMA component is to be deprecated in the near future (over the next 1-2
+years as of this writing in early 2014) in favor of the MSGDMA component.
+SGDMA support is included for existing designs and reference in case a
+developer wishes to support their own soft DMA logic and driver support. Any
+new designs should not use the SGDMA.
+The SGDMA supports only a single transmit or receive operation at a time, and
+therefore will not perform as well compared to the MSGDMA soft IP. Please
+visit for known, documented SGDMA errata.
+Scatter-gather DMA is not supported by the SGDMA or MSGDMA at this time.
+Scatter-gather DMA will be added to a future maintenance update to this
+Jumbo frames are not supported at this time.
+The driver limits PHY operations to 10/100Mbps, and has not yet been fully
+tested for 1Gbps. This support will be added in a future maintenance update.
+1) Kernel Configuration
+The kernel configuration option is ALTERA_TSE:
+ Device Drivers ---> Network device support ---> Ethernet driver support --->
+ Altera Triple-Speed Ethernet MAC support (ALTERA_TSE)
+2) Driver parameters list:
+ debug: message level (0: no output, 16: all);
+ dma_rx_num: Number of descriptors in the RX list (default is 64);
+ dma_tx_num: Number of descriptors in the TX list (default is 64).
+3) Command line options
+Driver parameters can be also passed in command line by using:
+ altera_tse=dma_rx_num:128,dma_tx_num:512
+4) Driver information and notes
+4.1) Transmit process
+When the driver's transmit routine is called by the kernel, it sets up a
+transmit descriptor by calling the underlying DMA transmit routine (SGDMA or
+MSGDMA), and initites a transmit operation. Once the transmit is complete, an
+interrupt is driven by the transmit DMA logic. The driver handles the transmit
+completion in the context of the interrupt handling chain by recycling
+resource required to send and track the requested transmit operation.
+4.2) Receive process
+The driver will post receive buffers to the receive DMA logic during driver
+intialization. Receive buffers may or may not be queued depending upon the
+underlying DMA logic (MSGDMA is able queue receive buffers, SGDMA is not able
+to queue receive buffers to the SGDMA receive logic). When a packet is
+received, the DMA logic generates an interrupt. The driver handles a receive
+interrupt by obtaining the DMA receive logic status, reaping receive
+completions until no more receive completions are available.
+4.3) Interrupt Mitigation
+The driver is able to mitigate the number of its DMA interrupts
+using NAPI for receive operations. Interrupt mitigation is not yet supported
+for transmit operations, but will be added in a future maintenance release.
+4.4) Ethtool support
+Ethtool is supported. Driver statistics and internal errors can be taken using:
+ethtool -S ethX command. It is possible to dump registers etc.
+4.5) PHY Support
+The driver is compatible with PAL to work with PHY and GPHY devices.
+4.7) List of source files:
+ o Kconfig
+ o Makefile
+ o altera_tse_main.c: main network device driver
+ o altera_tse_ethtool.c: ethtool support
+ o altera_tse.h: private driver structure and common definitions
+ o altera_msgdma.h: MSGDMA implementation function definitions
+ o altera_sgdma.h: SGDMA implementation function definitions
+ o altera_msgdma.c: MSGDMA implementation
+ o altera_sgdma.c: SGDMA implementation
+ o altera_sgdmahw.h: SGDMA register and descriptor definitions
+ o altera_msgdmahw.h: MSGDMA register and descriptor definitions
+ o altera_utils.c: Driver utility functions
+ o altera_utils.h: Driver utility function definitions
+5) Debug Information
+The driver exports debug information such as internal statistics,
+debug information, MAC and DMA registers etc.
+A user may use the ethtool support to get statistics:
+e.g. using: ethtool -S ethX (that shows the statistics counters)
+or sees the MAC registers: e.g. using: ethtool -d ethX
+The developer can also use the "debug" module parameter to get
+further debug information.
+6) Statistics Support
+The controller and driver support a mix of IEEE standard defined statistics,
+RFC defined statistics, and driver or Altera defined statistics. The four
+specifications containing the standard definitions for these statistics are
+as follows:
+ o IEEE 802.3-2012 - IEEE Standard for Ethernet.
+ o RFC 2863 found at
+ o RFC 2819 found at
+ o Altera Triple Speed Ethernet User Guide, found at
+The statistics supported by the TSE and the device driver are as follows:
+"tx_packets" is equivalent to aFramesTransmittedOK defined in IEEE 802.3-2012,
+Section This statistics is the count of frames that are successfully
+"rx_packets" is equivalent to aFramesReceivedOK defined in IEEE 802.3-2012,
+Section This statistic is the count of frames that are successfully
+received. This count does not include any error packets such as CRC errors,
+length errors, or alignment errors.
+"rx_crc_errors" is equivalent to aFrameCheckSequenceErrors defined in IEEE
+802.3-2012, Section This statistic is the count of frames that are
+an integral number of bytes in length and do not pass the CRC test as the frame
+is received.
+"rx_align_errors" is equivalent to aAlignmentErrors defined in IEEE 802.3-2012,
+Section This statistic is the count of frames that are not an
+integral number of bytes in length and do not pass the CRC test as the frame is
+"tx_bytes" is equivalent to aOctetsTransmittedOK defined in IEEE 802.3-2012,
+Section This statistic is the count of data and pad bytes
+successfully transmitted from the interface.
+"rx_bytes" is equivalent to aOctetsReceivedOK defined in IEEE 802.3-2012,
+Section This statistic is the count of data and pad bytes
+successfully received by the controller.
+"tx_pause" is equivalent to aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesTransmitted defined in IEEE
+802.3-2012, Section This statistic is a count of PAUSE frames
+transmitted from the network controller.
+"rx_pause" is equivalent to aPAUSEMACCtrlFramesReceived defined in IEEE
+802.3-2012, Section This statistic is a count of PAUSE frames
+received by the network controller.
+"rx_errors" is equivalent to ifInErrors defined in RFC 2863. This statistic is
+a count of the number of packets received containing errors that prevented the
+packet from being delivered to a higher level protocol.
+"tx_errors" is equivalent to ifOutErrors defined in RFC 2863. This statistic
+is a count of the number of packets that could not be transmitted due to errors.
+"rx_unicast" is equivalent to ifInUcastPkts defined in RFC 2863. This
+statistic is a count of the number of packets received that were not addressed
+to the broadcast address or a multicast group.
+"rx_multicast" is equivalent to ifInMulticastPkts defined in RFC 2863. This
+statistic is a count of the number of packets received that were addressed to
+a multicast address group.
+"rx_broadcast" is equivalent to ifInBroadcastPkts defined in RFC 2863. This
+statistic is a count of the number of packets received that were addressed to
+the broadcast address.
+"tx_discards" is equivalent to ifOutDiscards defined in RFC 2863. This
+statistic is the number of outbound packets not transmitted even though an
+error was not detected. An example of a reason this might occur is to free up
+internal buffer space.
+"tx_unicast" is equivalent to ifOutUcastPkts defined in RFC 2863. This
+statistic counts the number of packets transmitted that were not addressed to
+a multicast group or broadcast address.
+"tx_multicast" is equivalent to ifOutMulticastPkts defined in RFC 2863. This
+statistic counts the number of packets transmitted that were addressed to a
+multicast group.
+"tx_broadcast" is equivalent to ifOutBroadcastPkts defined in RFC 2863. This
+statistic counts the number of packets transmitted that were addressed to a
+broadcast address.
+"ether_drops" is equivalent to etherStatsDropEvents defined in RFC 2819.
+This statistic counts the number of packets dropped due to lack of internal
+controller resources.
+"rx_total_bytes" is equivalent to etherStatsOctets defined in RFC 2819.
+This statistic counts the total number of bytes received by the controller,
+including error and discarded packets.
+"rx_total_packets" is equivalent to etherStatsPkts defined in RFC 2819.
+This statistic counts the total number of packets received by the controller,
+including error, discarded, unicast, multicast, and broadcast packets.
+"rx_undersize" is equivalent to etherStatsUndersizePkts defined in RFC 2819.
+This statistic counts the number of correctly formed packets received less
+than 64 bytes long.
+"rx_oversize" is equivalent to etherStatsOversizePkts defined in RFC 2819.
+This statistic counts the number of correctly formed packets greater than 1518
+bytes long.
+"rx_64_bytes" is equivalent to etherStatsPkts64Octets defined in RFC 2819.
+This statistic counts the total number of packets received that were 64 octets
+in length.
+"rx_65_127_bytes" is equivalent to etherStatsPkts65to127Octets defined in RFC
+2819. This statistic counts the total number of packets received that were
+between 65 and 127 octets in length inclusive.
+"rx_128_255_bytes" is equivalent to etherStatsPkts128to255Octets defined in
+RFC 2819. This statistic is the total number of packets received that were
+between 128 and 255 octets in length inclusive.
+"rx_256_511_bytes" is equivalent to etherStatsPkts256to511Octets defined in
+RFC 2819. This statistic is the total number of packets received that were
+between 256 and 511 octets in length inclusive.
+"rx_512_1023_bytes" is equivalent to etherStatsPkts512to1023Octets defined in
+RFC 2819. This statistic is the total number of packets received that were
+between 512 and 1023 octets in length inclusive.
+"rx_1024_1518_bytes" is equivalent to etherStatsPkts1024to1518Octets define
+in RFC 2819. This statistic is the total number of packets received that were
+between 1024 and 1518 octets in length inclusive.
+"rx_gte_1519_bytes" is a statistic defined specific to the behavior of the
+Altera TSE. This statistics counts the number of received good and errored
+frames between the length of 1519 and the maximum frame length configured
+in the frm_length register. See the Altera TSE User Guide for More details.
+"rx_jabbers" is equivalent to etherStatsJabbers defined in RFC 2819. This
+statistic is the total number of packets received that were longer than 1518
+octets, and had either a bad CRC with an integral number of octets (CRC Error)
+or a bad CRC with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error).
+"rx_runts" is equivalent to etherStatsFragments defined in RFC 2819. This
+statistic is the total number of packets received that were less than 64 octets
+in length and had either a bad CRC with an integral number of octets (CRC
+error) or a bad CRC with a non-integral number of octets (Alignment Error).
diff --git a/Documentation/networking/bonding.txt b/Documentation/networking/bonding.txt
index 5cdb22971d1..a383c00392d 100644
--- a/Documentation/networking/bonding.txt
+++ b/Documentation/networking/bonding.txt
@@ -270,16 +270,15 @@ arp_ip_target
Specifies whether or not ARP probes and replies should be
- validated in the active-backup mode. This causes the ARP
- monitor to examine the incoming ARP requests and replies, and
- only consider a slave to be up if it is receiving the
- appropriate ARP traffic.
+ validated in any mode that supports arp monitoring, or whether
+ non-ARP traffic should be filtered (disregarded) for link
+ monitoring purposes.
Possible values are:
none or 0
- No validation is performed. This is the default.
+ No validation or filtering is performed.
active or 1
@@ -293,31 +292,68 @@ arp_validate
Validation is performed for all slaves.
- For the active slave, the validation checks ARP replies to
- confirm that they were generated by an arp_ip_target. Since
- backup slaves do not typically receive these replies, the
- validation performed for backup slaves is on the ARP request
- sent out via the active slave. It is possible that some
- switch or network configurations may result in situations
- wherein the backup slaves do not receive the ARP requests; in
- such a situation, validation of backup slaves must be
- disabled.
- The validation of ARP requests on backup slaves is mainly
- helping bonding to decide which slaves are more likely to
- work in case of the active slave failure, it doesn't really
- guarantee that the backup slave will work if it's selected
- as the next active slave.
- This option is useful in network configurations in which
- multiple bonding hosts are concurrently issuing ARPs to one or
- more targets beyond a common switch. Should the link between
- the switch and target fail (but not the switch itself), the
- probe traffic generated by the multiple bonding instances will
- fool the standard ARP monitor into considering the links as
- still up. Use of the arp_validate option can resolve this, as
- the ARP monitor will only consider ARP requests and replies
- associated with its own instance of bonding.
+ filter or 4
+ Filtering is applied to all slaves. No validation is
+ performed.
+ filter_active or 5
+ Filtering is applied to all slaves, validation is performed
+ only for the active slave.
+ filter_backup or 6
+ Filtering is applied to all slaves, validation is performed
+ only for backup slaves.
+ Validation:
+ Enabling validation causes the ARP monitor to examine the incoming
+ ARP requests and replies, and only consider a slave to be up if it
+ is receiving the appropriate ARP traffic.
+ For an active slave, the validation checks ARP replies to confirm
+ that they were generated by an arp_ip_target. Since backup slaves
+ do not typically receive these replies, the validation performed
+ for backup slaves is on the broadcast ARP request sent out via the
+ active slave. It is possible that some switch or network
+ configurations may result in situations wherein the backup slaves
+ do not receive the ARP requests; in such a situation, validation
+ of backup slaves must be disabled.
+ The validation of ARP requests on backup slaves is mainly helping
+ bonding to decide which slaves are more likely to work in case of
+ the active slave failure, it doesn't really guarantee that the
+ backup slave will work if it's selected as the next active slave.
+ Validation is useful in network configurations in which multiple
+ bonding hosts are concurrently issuing ARPs to one or more targets
+ beyond a common switch. Should the link between the switch and
+ target fail (but not the switch itself), the probe traffic
+ generated by the multiple bonding instances will fool the standard
+ ARP monitor into considering the links as still up. Use of
+ validation can resolve this, as the ARP monitor will only consider
+ ARP requests and replies associated with its own instance of
+ bonding.
+ Filtering:
+ Enabling filtering causes the ARP monitor to only use incoming ARP
+ packets for link availability purposes. Arriving packets that are
+ not ARPs are delivered normally, but do not count when determining
+ if a slave is available.
+ Filtering operates by only considering the reception of ARP
+ packets (any ARP packet, regardless of source or destination) when
+ determining if a slave has received traffic for link availability
+ purposes.
+ Filtering is useful in network configurations in which significant
+ levels of third party broadcast traffic would fool the standard
+ ARP monitor into considering the links as still up. Use of
+ filtering can resolve this, as only ARP traffic is considered for
+ link availability purposes.
This option was added in bonding version 3.1.0.
diff --git a/Documentation/networking/filter.txt b/Documentation/networking/filter.txt
index a06b48d2f5c..81f940f4e88 100644
--- a/Documentation/networking/filter.txt
+++ b/Documentation/networking/filter.txt
@@ -546,6 +546,130 @@ ffffffffa0069c8f + <x>:
For BPF JIT developers, bpf_jit_disasm, bpf_asm and bpf_dbg provides a useful
toolchain for developing and testing the kernel's JIT compiler.
+BPF kernel internals
+Internally, for the kernel interpreter, a different BPF instruction set
+format with similar underlying principles from BPF described in previous
+paragraphs is being used. However, the instruction set format is modelled
+closer to the underlying architecture to mimic native instruction sets, so
+that a better performance can be achieved (more details later).
+It is designed to be JITed with one to one mapping, which can also open up
+the possibility for GCC/LLVM compilers to generate optimized BPF code through
+a BPF backend that performs almost as fast as natively compiled code.
+The new instruction set was originally designed with the possible goal in
+mind to write programs in "restricted C" and compile into BPF with a optional
+GCC/LLVM backend, so that it can just-in-time map to modern 64-bit CPUs with
+minimal performance overhead over two steps, that is, C -> BPF -> native code.
+Currently, the new format is being used for running user BPF programs, which
+includes seccomp BPF, classic socket filters, cls_bpf traffic classifier,
+team driver's classifier for its load-balancing mode, netfilter's xt_bpf
+extension, PTP dissector/classifier, and much more. They are all internally
+converted by the kernel into the new instruction set representation and run
+in the extended interpreter. For in-kernel handlers, this all works
+transparently by using sk_unattached_filter_create() for setting up the
+filter, resp. sk_unattached_filter_destroy() for destroying it. The macro
+SK_RUN_FILTER(filter, ctx) transparently invokes the right BPF function to
+run the filter. 'filter' is a pointer to struct sk_filter that we got from
+sk_unattached_filter_create(), and 'ctx' the given context (e.g. skb pointer).
+All constraints and restrictions from sk_chk_filter() apply before a
+conversion to the new layout is being done behind the scenes!
+Currently, for JITing, the user BPF format is being used and current BPF JIT
+compilers reused whenever possible. In other words, we do not (yet!) perform
+a JIT compilation in the new layout, however, future work will successively
+migrate traditional JIT compilers into the new instruction format as well, so
+that they will profit from the very same benefits. Thus, when speaking about
+JIT in the following, a JIT compiler (TBD) for the new instruction format is
+meant in this context.
+Some core changes of the new internal format:
+- Number of registers increase from 2 to 10:
+ The old format had two registers A and X, and a hidden frame pointer. The
+ new layout extends this to be 10 internal registers and a read-only frame
+ pointer. Since 64-bit CPUs are passing arguments to functions via registers
+ the number of args from BPF program to in-kernel function is restricted
+ to 5 and one register is used to accept return value from an in-kernel
+ function. Natively, x86_64 passes first 6 arguments in registers, aarch64/
+ sparcv9/mips64 have 7 - 8 registers for arguments; x86_64 has 6 callee saved
+ registers, and aarch64/sparcv9/mips64 have 11 or more callee saved registers.
+ Therefore, BPF calling convention is defined as:
+ * R0 - return value from in-kernel function
+ * R1 - R5 - arguments from BPF program to in-kernel function
+ * R6 - R9 - callee saved registers that in-kernel function will preserve
+ * R10 - read-only frame pointer to access stack
+ Thus, all BPF registers map one to one to HW registers on x86_64, aarch64,
+ etc, and BPF calling convention maps directly to ABIs used by the kernel on
+ 64-bit architectures.
+ On 32-bit architectures JIT may map programs that use only 32-bit arithmetic
+ and may let more complex programs to be interpreted.
+ R0 - R5 are scratch registers and BPF program needs spill/fill them if
+ necessary across calls. Note that there is only one BPF program (== one BPF
+ main routine) and it cannot call other BPF functions, it can only call
+ predefined in-kernel functions, though.
+- Register width increases from 32-bit to 64-bit:
+ Still, the semantics of the original 32-bit ALU operations are preserved
+ via 32-bit subregisters. All BPF registers are 64-bit with 32-bit lower
+ subregisters that zero-extend into 64-bit if they are being written to.
+ That behavior maps directly to x86_64 and arm64 subregister definition, but
+ makes other JITs more difficult.
+ 32-bit architectures run 64-bit internal BPF programs via interpreter.
+ Their JITs may convert BPF programs that only use 32-bit subregisters into
+ native instruction set and let the rest being interpreted.
+ Operation is 64-bit, because on 64-bit architectures, pointers are also
+ 64-bit wide, and we want to pass 64-bit values in/out of kernel functions,
+ so 32-bit BPF registers would otherwise require to define register-pair
+ ABI, thus, there won't be able to use a direct BPF register to HW register
+ mapping and JIT would need to do combine/split/move operations for every
+ register in and out of the function, which is complex, bug prone and slow.
+ Another reason is the use of atomic 64-bit counters.
+- Conditional jt/jf targets replaced with jt/fall-through:
+ While the original design has constructs such as "if (cond) jump_true;
+ else jump_false;", they are being replaced into alternative constructs like
+ "if (cond) jump_true; /* else fall-through */".
+- Introduces bpf_call insn and register passing convention for zero overhead
+ calls from/to other kernel functions:
+ After a kernel function call, R1 - R5 are reset to unreadable and R0 has a
+ return type of the function. Since R6 - R9 are callee saved, their state is
+ preserved across the call.
+Also in the new design, BPF is limited to 4096 insns, which means that any
+program will terminate quickly and will only call a fixed number of kernel
+functions. Original BPF and the new format are two operand instructions,
+which helps to do one-to-one mapping between BPF insn and x86 insn during JIT.
+The input context pointer for invoking the interpreter function is generic,
+its content is defined by a specific use case. For seccomp register R1 points
+to seccomp_data, for converted BPF filters R1 points to a skb.
+A program, that is translated internally consists of the following elements:
+ op:16, jt:8, jf:8, k:32 ==> op:8, a_reg:4, x_reg:4, off:16, imm:32
+Just like the original BPF, the new format runs within a controlled environment,
+is deterministic and the kernel can easily prove that. The safety of the program
+can be determined in two steps: first step does depth-first-search to disallow
+loops and other CFG validation; second step starts from the first insn and
+descends all possible paths. It simulates execution of every insn and observes
+the state change of registers and stack.
@@ -561,3 +685,4 @@ the underlying architecture.
Jay Schulist <>
Daniel Borkmann <>
+Alexei Starovoitov <>
diff --git a/Documentation/networking/gianfar.txt b/Documentation/networking/gianfar.txt
index ad474ea07d0..ba1daea7f2e 100644
--- a/Documentation/networking/gianfar.txt
+++ b/Documentation/networking/gianfar.txt
@@ -1,38 +1,8 @@
The Gianfar Ethernet Driver
-Sysfs File description
Author: Andy Fleming <>
Updated: 2005-07-28
-Several of the features of the gianfar driver are controlled
-through sysfs files. These are:
-To stash RX Buffer Descriptors in the L2, echo 'on' or '1' to
-bd_stash, echo 'off' or '0' to disable
-To stash the first n bytes of the packet in L2, echo the number
-of bytes to buf_stash_len. echo 0 to disable.
-WARNING: You could really screw these up if you set them too low or high!
-To change the number of bytes the controller needs in the
-fifo before it starts transmission, echo the number of bytes to
-fifo_thresh. Range should be 0-511.
-When the FIFO has less than this many bytes during a transmit, it
-enters starve mode, and increases the priority of TX memory
-transactions. To change, echo the number of bytes to
-fifo_starve. Range should be 0-511.
-Once in starve mode, the FIFO remains there until it has this
-many bytes. To change, echo the number of bytes to
-fifo_starve_off. Range should be 0-511.
diff --git a/Documentation/networking/igb.txt b/Documentation/networking/igb.txt
index 4ebbd659256..43d3549366a 100644
--- a/Documentation/networking/igb.txt
+++ b/Documentation/networking/igb.txt
@@ -36,54 +36,6 @@ Default Value: 0
This parameter adds support for SR-IOV. It causes the driver to spawn up to
max_vfs worth of virtual function.
-Valid Range: 0-1
-Default Value: 1 (TX and RX will be paired onto one interrupt vector)
-If set to 0, when MSI-X is enabled, the TX and RX will attempt to occupy
-separate vectors.
-This option can be overridden to 1 if there are not sufficient interrupts
-available. This can occur if any combination of RSS, VMDQ, and max_vfs
-results in more than 4 queues being used.
-Valid Range: 0-n
-Default Value: -1 (off)
- 0 - n: where n is the number of the NUMA node that should be used to
- allocate memory for this adapter port.
- -1: uses the driver default of allocating memory on whichever processor is
- running insmod/modprobe.
- The Node parameter will allow you to pick which NUMA node you want to have
- the adapter allocate memory from. All driver structures, in-memory queues,
- and receive buffers will be allocated on the node specified. This parameter
- is only useful when interrupt affinity is specified, otherwise some portion
- of the time the interrupt could run on a different core than the memory is
- allocated on, causing slower memory access and impacting throughput, CPU, or
- both.
-Valid Range: 0-1
-Default Value: 1 (enabled)
- A link between two EEE-compliant devices will result in periodic bursts of
- data followed by long periods where in the link is in an idle state. This Low
- Power Idle (LPI) state is supported in both 1Gbps and 100Mbps link speeds.
- NOTE: EEE support requires autonegotiation.
-Valid Range: 0-1
-Default Value: 1 (enabled)
- Enables or disables DMA Coalescing feature.
Additional Configurations
diff --git a/Documentation/networking/phy.txt b/Documentation/networking/phy.txt
index ebf27071940..3544c98401f 100644
--- a/Documentation/networking/phy.txt
+++ b/Documentation/networking/phy.txt
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ The MDIO bus
time, so it is safe for them to block, waiting for an interrupt to signal
the operation is complete
- 2) A reset function is necessary. This is used to return the bus to an
+ 2) A reset function is optional. This is used to return the bus to an
initialized state.
3) A probe function is needed. This function should set up anything the bus
@@ -253,16 +253,25 @@ Writing a PHY driver
Each driver consists of a number of function pointers:
+ soft_reset: perform a PHY software reset
config_init: configures PHY into a sane state after a reset.
For instance, a Davicom PHY requires descrambling disabled.
probe: Allocate phy->priv, optionally refuse to bind.
PHY may not have been reset or had fixups run yet.
suspend/resume: power management
config_aneg: Changes the speed/duplex/negotiation settings
+ aneg_done: Determines the auto-negotiation result
read_status: Reads the current speed/duplex/negotiation settings
ack_interrupt: Clear a pending interrupt
+ did_interrupt: Checks if the PHY generated an interrupt
config_intr: Enable or disable interrupts
remove: Does any driver take-down
+ ts_info: Queries about the HW timestamping status
+ hwtstamp: Set the PHY HW timestamping configuration
+ rxtstamp: Requests a receive timestamp at the PHY level for a 'skb'
+ txtsamp: Requests a transmit timestamp at the PHY level for a 'skb'
+ set_wol: Enable Wake-on-LAN at the PHY level
+ get_wol: Get the Wake-on-LAN status at the PHY level
Of these, only config_aneg and read_status are required to be
assigned by the driver code. The rest are optional. Also, it is
diff --git a/Documentation/networking/pktgen.txt b/Documentation/networking/pktgen.txt
index 5a61a240a65..0e30c7845b2 100644
--- a/Documentation/networking/pktgen.txt
+++ b/Documentation/networking/pktgen.txt
@@ -102,13 +102,18 @@ Examples:
The 'minimum' MAC is what you set with dstmac.
pgset "flag [name]" Set a flag to determine behaviour. Current flags
- are: IPSRC_RND #IP Source is random (between min/max),
+ are: IPSRC_RND # IP source is random (between min/max)
+ IPDST_RND # IP destination is random
QUEUE_MAP_RND # queue map random
QUEUE_MAP_CPU # queue map mirrors smp_processor_id()
- IPSEC # Make IPsec encapsulation for packet
+ IPSEC # IPsec encapsulation (needs CONFIG_XFRM)
+ NODE_ALLOC # node specific memory allocation
pgset spi SPI_VALUE Set specific SA used to transform packet.
@@ -233,13 +238,22 @@ udp_dst_max
+ IPV6
diff --git a/Documentation/networking/rxrpc.txt b/Documentation/networking/rxrpc.txt
index b89bc82eed4..16a924c486b 100644
--- a/Documentation/networking/rxrpc.txt
+++ b/Documentation/networking/rxrpc.txt
@@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ Contents of this document:
(*) AF_RXRPC kernel interface.
+ (*) Configurable parameters.
@@ -864,3 +866,82 @@ The kernel interface functions are as follows:
This is used to allocate a null RxRPC key that can be used to indicate
anonymous security for a particular domain.
+The RxRPC protocol driver has a number of configurable parameters that can be
+adjusted through sysctls in /proc/net/rxrpc/:
+ (*) req_ack_delay
+ The amount of time in milliseconds after receiving a packet with the
+ request-ack flag set before we honour the flag and actually send the
+ requested ack.
+ Usually the other side won't stop sending packets until the advertised
+ reception window is full (to a maximum of 255 packets), so delaying the
+ ACK permits several packets to be ACK'd in one go.
+ (*) soft_ack_delay
+ The amount of time in milliseconds after receiving a new packet before we
+ generate a soft-ACK to tell the sender that it doesn't need to resend.
+ (*) idle_ack_delay
+ The amount of time in milliseconds after all the packets currently in the
+ received queue have been consumed before we generate a hard-ACK to tell
+ the sender it can free its buffers, assuming no other reason occurs that
+ we would send an ACK.
+ (*) resend_timeout
+ The amount of time in milliseconds after transmitting a packet before we
+ transmit it again, assuming no ACK is received from the receiver telling
+ us they got it.
+ (*) max_call_lifetime
+ The maximum amount of time in seconds that a call may be in progress
+ before we preemptively kill it.
+ (*) dead_call_expiry
+ The amount of time in seconds before we remove a dead call from the call
+ list. Dead calls are kept around for a little while for the purpose of
+ repeating ACK and ABORT packets.
+ (*) connection_expiry
+ The amount of time in seconds after a connection was last used before we
+ remove it from the connection list. Whilst a connection is in existence,
+ it serves as a placeholder for negotiated security; when it is deleted,
+ the security must be renegotiated.
+ (*) transport_expiry
+ The amount of time in seconds after a transport was last used before we
+ remove it from the transport list. Whilst a transport is in existence, it
+ serves to anchor the peer data and keeps the connection ID counter.
+ (*) rxrpc_rx_window_size
+ The size of the receive window in packets. This is the maximum number of
+ unconsumed received packets we're willing to hold in memory for any
+ particular call.
+ (*) rxrpc_rx_mtu
+ The maximum packet MTU size that we're willing to receive in bytes. This
+ indicates to the peer whether we're willing to accept jumbo packets.
+ (*) rxrpc_rx_jumbo_max
+ The maximum number of packets that we're willing to accept in a jumbo
+ packet. Non-terminal packets in a jumbo packet must contain a four byte
+ header plus exactly 1412 bytes of data. The terminal packet must contain
+ a four byte header plus any amount of data. In any event, a jumbo packet
+ may not exceed rxrpc_rx_mtu in size.
diff --git a/Documentation/networking/tcp.txt b/Documentation/networking/tcp.txt
index 7d11bb5dc30..bdc4c0db51e 100644
--- a/Documentation/networking/tcp.txt
+++ b/Documentation/networking/tcp.txt
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ A congestion control mechanism can be registered through functions in
tcp_cong.c. The functions used by the congestion control mechanism are
registered via passing a tcp_congestion_ops struct to
tcp_register_congestion_control. As a minimum name, ssthresh,
-cong_avoid, min_cwnd must be valid.
+cong_avoid must be valid.
Private data for a congestion control mechanism is stored in tp->ca_priv.
tcp_ca(tp) returns a pointer to this space. This is preallocated space - it
diff --git a/Documentation/networking/timestamping.txt b/Documentation/networking/timestamping.txt
index 048c92b487f..bc355412490 100644
--- a/Documentation/networking/timestamping.txt
+++ b/Documentation/networking/timestamping.txt
@@ -202,6 +202,9 @@ Time stamps for outgoing packets are to be generated as follows:
and not free the skb. A driver not supporting hardware time stamping doesn't
do that. A driver must never touch sk_buff::tstamp! It is used to store
software generated time stamps by the network subsystem.
+- Driver should call skb_tx_timestamp() as close to passing sk_buff to hardware
+ as possible. skb_tx_timestamp() provides a software time stamp if requested
+ and hardware timestamping is not possible (SKBTX_IN_PROGRESS not set).
- As soon as the driver has sent the packet and/or obtained a
hardware time stamp for it, it passes the time stamp back by
calling skb_hwtstamp_tx() with the original skb, the raw
@@ -212,6 +215,3 @@ Time stamps for outgoing packets are to be generated as follows:
this would occur at a later time in the processing pipeline than other
software time stamping and therefore could lead to unexpected deltas
between time stamps.
-- If the driver did not set the SKBTX_IN_PROGRESS flag (see above), then
- dev_hard_start_xmit() checks whether software time stamping
- is wanted as fallback and potentially generates the time stamp.