/* * linux/arch/arm/mach-exynos4/mach-nuri.c * * Copyright (c) 2011 Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as * published by the Free Software Foundation. */ #include <linux/platform_device.h> #include <linux/serial_core.h> #include <linux/input.h> #include <linux/i2c.h> #include <linux/i2c/atmel_mxt_ts.h> #include <linux/i2c-gpio.h> #include <linux/gpio_keys.h> #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <linux/power/max8903_charger.h> #include <linux/power/max17042_battery.h> #include <linux/regulator/machine.h> #include <linux/regulator/fixed.h> #include <linux/mfd/max8997.h> #include <linux/mfd/max8997-private.h> #include <linux/mmc/host.h> #include <linux/fb.h> #include <linux/pwm_backlight.h> #include <video/platform_lcd.h> #include <media/m5mols.h> #include <media/s5p_fimc.h> #include <media/v4l2-mediabus.h> #include <asm/mach/arch.h> #include <asm/mach-types.h> #include <plat/adc.h> #include <plat/regs-fb-v4.h> #include <plat/regs-serial.h> #include <plat/exynos4.h> #include <plat/cpu.h> #include <plat/devs.h> #include <plat/fb.h> #include <plat/sdhci.h> #include <plat/ehci.h> #include <plat/clock.h> #include <plat/gpio-cfg.h> #include <plat/iic.h> #include <plat/mfc.h> #include <plat/pd.h> #include <plat/fimc-core.h> #include <plat/camport.h> #include <plat/mipi_csis.h> #include <mach/map.h> /* Following are default values for UCON, ULCON and UFCON UART registers */ #define NURI_UCON_DEFAULT (S3C2410_UCON_TXILEVEL | \ S3C2410_UCON_RXILEVEL | \ S3C2410_UCON_TXIRQMODE | \ S3C2410_UCON_RXIRQMODE | \ S3C2410_UCON_RXFIFO_TOI | \ S3C2443_UCON_RXERR_IRQEN) #define NURI_ULCON_DEFAULT S3C2410_LCON_CS8 #define NURI_UFCON_DEFAULT (S3C2410_UFCON_FIFOMODE | \ S5PV210_UFCON_TXTRIG256 | \ S5PV210_UFCON_RXTRIG256) enum fixed_regulator_id { FIXED_REG_ID_MMC = 0, FIXED_REG_ID_MAX8903, FIXED_REG_ID_CAM_A28V, FIXED_REG_ID_CAM_12V, }; static struct s3c2410_uartcfg nuri_uartcfgs[] __initdata = { { .hwport = 0, .ucon = NURI_UCON_DEFAULT, .ulcon = NURI_ULCON_DEFAULT, .ufcon = NURI_UFCON_DEFAULT, }, { .hwport = 1, .ucon = NURI_UCON_DEFAULT, .ulcon = NURI_ULCON_DEFAULT, .ufcon = NURI_UFCON_DEFAULT, }, { .hwport = 2, .ucon = NURI_UCON_DEFAULT, .ulcon = NURI_ULCON_DEFAULT, .ufcon = NURI_UFCON_DEFAULT, }, { .hwport = 3, .ucon = NURI_UCON_DEFAULT, .ulcon = NURI_ULCON_DEFAULT, .ufcon = NURI_UFCON_DEFAULT, }, }; /* eMMC */ static struct s3c_sdhci_platdata nuri_hsmmc0_data __initdata = { .max_width = 8, .host_caps = (MMC_CAP_8_BIT_DATA | MMC_CAP_4_BIT_DATA | MMC_CAP_MMC_HIGHSPEED | MMC_CAP_SD_HIGHSPEED | MMC_CAP_DISABLE | MMC_CAP_ERASE), .cd_type = S3C_SDHCI_CD_PERMANENT, .clk_type = S3C_SDHCI_CLK_DIV_EXTERNAL, }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply emmc_supplies[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vmmc", "s3c-sdhci.0"), REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vmmc", "dw_mmc"), }; static struct regulator_init_data emmc_fixed_voltage_init_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VMEM_VDD_2.8V", .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(emmc_supplies), .consumer_supplies = emmc_supplies, }; static struct fixed_voltage_config emmc_fixed_voltage_config = { .supply_name = "MASSMEMORY_EN (inverted)", .microvolts = 2800000, .gpio = EXYNOS4_GPL1(1), .enable_high = false, .init_data = &emmc_fixed_voltage_init_data, }; static struct platform_device emmc_fixed_voltage = { .name = "reg-fixed-voltage", .id = FIXED_REG_ID_MMC, .dev = { .platform_data = &emmc_fixed_voltage_config, }, }; /* SD */ static struct s3c_sdhci_platdata nuri_hsmmc2_data __initdata = { .max_width = 4, .host_caps = MMC_CAP_4_BIT_DATA | MMC_CAP_MMC_HIGHSPEED | MMC_CAP_SD_HIGHSPEED | MMC_CAP_DISABLE, .ext_cd_gpio = EXYNOS4_GPX3(3), /* XEINT_27 */ .ext_cd_gpio_invert = 1, .cd_type = S3C_SDHCI_CD_GPIO, .clk_type = S3C_SDHCI_CLK_DIV_EXTERNAL, }; /* WLAN */ static struct s3c_sdhci_platdata nuri_hsmmc3_data __initdata = { .max_width = 4, .host_caps = MMC_CAP_4_BIT_DATA | MMC_CAP_MMC_HIGHSPEED | MMC_CAP_SD_HIGHSPEED, .cd_type = S3C_SDHCI_CD_EXTERNAL, .clk_type = S3C_SDHCI_CLK_DIV_EXTERNAL, }; static void __init nuri_sdhci_init(void) { s3c_sdhci0_set_platdata(&nuri_hsmmc0_data); s3c_sdhci2_set_platdata(&nuri_hsmmc2_data); s3c_sdhci3_set_platdata(&nuri_hsmmc3_data); } /* GPIO KEYS */ static struct gpio_keys_button nuri_gpio_keys_tables[] = { { .code = KEY_VOLUMEUP, .gpio = EXYNOS4_GPX2(0), /* XEINT16 */ .desc = "gpio-keys: KEY_VOLUMEUP", .type = EV_KEY, .active_low = 1, .debounce_interval = 1, }, { .code = KEY_VOLUMEDOWN, .gpio = EXYNOS4_GPX2(1), /* XEINT17 */ .desc = "gpio-keys: KEY_VOLUMEDOWN", .type = EV_KEY, .active_low = 1, .debounce_interval = 1, }, { .code = KEY_POWER, .gpio = EXYNOS4_GPX2(7), /* XEINT23 */ .desc = "gpio-keys: KEY_POWER", .type = EV_KEY, .active_low = 1, .wakeup = 1, .debounce_interval = 1, }, }; static struct gpio_keys_platform_data nuri_gpio_keys_data = { .buttons = nuri_gpio_keys_tables, .nbuttons = ARRAY_SIZE(nuri_gpio_keys_tables), }; static struct platform_device nuri_gpio_keys = { .name = "gpio-keys", .dev = { .platform_data = &nuri_gpio_keys_data, }, }; /* Frame Buffer */ static struct s3c_fb_pd_win nuri_fb_win0 = { .win_mode = { .left_margin = 64, .right_margin = 16, .upper_margin = 64, .lower_margin = 1, .hsync_len = 48, .vsync_len = 3, .xres = 1280, .yres = 800, .refresh = 60, }, .max_bpp = 24, .default_bpp = 16, .virtual_x = 1280, .virtual_y = 800, }; static struct s3c_fb_platdata nuri_fb_pdata __initdata = { .win[0] = &nuri_fb_win0, .vidcon0 = VIDCON0_VIDOUT_RGB | VIDCON0_PNRMODE_RGB | VIDCON0_CLKSEL_LCD, .vidcon1 = VIDCON1_INV_HSYNC | VIDCON1_INV_VSYNC, .setup_gpio = exynos4_fimd0_gpio_setup_24bpp, }; static void nuri_lcd_power_on(struct plat_lcd_data *pd, unsigned int power) { int gpio = EXYNOS4_GPE1(5); gpio_request(gpio, "LVDS_nSHDN"); gpio_direction_output(gpio, power); gpio_free(gpio); } static int nuri_bl_init(struct device *dev) { int ret, gpio = EXYNOS4_GPE2(3); ret = gpio_request(gpio, "LCD_LDO_EN"); if (!ret) gpio_direction_output(gpio, 0); return ret; } static int nuri_bl_notify(struct device *dev, int brightness) { if (brightness < 1) brightness = 0; gpio_set_value(EXYNOS4_GPE2(3), 1); return brightness; } static void nuri_bl_exit(struct device *dev) { gpio_free(EXYNOS4_GPE2(3)); } /* nuri pwm backlight */ static struct platform_pwm_backlight_data nuri_backlight_data = { .pwm_id = 0, .pwm_period_ns = 30000, .max_brightness = 100, .dft_brightness = 50, .init = nuri_bl_init, .notify = nuri_bl_notify, .exit = nuri_bl_exit, }; static struct platform_device nuri_backlight_device = { .name = "pwm-backlight", .id = -1, .dev = { .parent = &s3c_device_timer[0].dev, .platform_data = &nuri_backlight_data, }, }; static struct plat_lcd_data nuri_lcd_platform_data = { .set_power = nuri_lcd_power_on, }; static struct platform_device nuri_lcd_device = { .name = "platform-lcd", .id = -1, .dev = { .platform_data = &nuri_lcd_platform_data, }, }; /* I2C1 */ static struct i2c_board_info i2c1_devs[] __initdata = { /* Gyro, To be updated */ }; /* TSP */ static u8 mxt_init_vals[] = { /* MXT_GEN_COMMAND(6) */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* MXT_GEN_POWER(7) */ 0x20, 0xff, 0x32, /* MXT_GEN_ACQUIRE(8) */ 0x0a, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x09, 0x23, /* MXT_TOUCH_MULTI(9) */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x13, 0x0b, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x0e, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x0a, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* MXT_TOUCH_KEYARRAY(15) */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, /* MXT_SPT_GPIOPWM(19) */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* MXT_PROCI_GRIPFACE(20) */ 0x07, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x50, 0x28, 0x04, 0x0f, 0x0a, /* MXT_PROCG_NOISE(22) */ 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x03, 0x23, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x0f, 0x19, 0x23, 0x2d, 0x03, /* MXT_TOUCH_PROXIMITY(23) */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* MXT_PROCI_ONETOUCH(24) */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* MXT_SPT_SELFTEST(25) */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* MXT_PROCI_TWOTOUCH(27) */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, /* MXT_SPT_CTECONFIG(28) */ 0x00, 0x00, 0x02, 0x08, 0x10, 0x00, }; static struct mxt_platform_data mxt_platform_data = { .config = mxt_init_vals, .config_length = ARRAY_SIZE(mxt_init_vals), .x_line = 18, .y_line = 11, .x_size = 1024, .y_size = 600, .blen = 0x1, .threshold = 0x28, .voltage = 2800000, /* 2.8V */ .orient = MXT_DIAGONAL_COUNTER, .irqflags = IRQF_TRIGGER_FALLING, }; static struct s3c2410_platform_i2c i2c3_data __initdata = { .flags = 0, .bus_num = 3, .slave_addr = 0x10, .frequency = 400 * 1000, .sda_delay = 100, }; static struct i2c_board_info i2c3_devs[] __initdata = { { I2C_BOARD_INFO("atmel_mxt_ts", 0x4a), .platform_data = &mxt_platform_data, .irq = IRQ_EINT(4), }, }; static void __init nuri_tsp_init(void) { int gpio; /* TOUCH_INT: XEINT_4 */ gpio = EXYNOS4_GPX0(4); gpio_request(gpio, "TOUCH_INT"); s3c_gpio_cfgpin(gpio, S3C_GPIO_SFN(0xf)); s3c_gpio_setpull(gpio, S3C_GPIO_PULL_UP); } static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_ldo1_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vdd", "s5p-adc"), /* Used by CPU's ADC drv */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_ldo3_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vdd11", "s5p-mipi-csis.0"), /* MIPI */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_ldo4_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vdd18", "s5p-mipi-csis.0"), /* MIPI */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_ldo5_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vhsic", "modemctl"), /* MODEM */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_ldo7_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("dig_18", "0-001f"), /* HCD803 */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_ldo8_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vusb_d", NULL), /* Used by CPU */ REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vdac", NULL), /* Used by CPU */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_ldo11_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vcc", "platform-lcd"), /* U804 LVDS */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_ldo12_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vddio", "6-003c"), /* HDC802 */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_ldo13_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vmmc", "s3c-sdhci.2"), /* TFLASH */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_ldo14_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("inmotor", "max8997-haptic"), }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_ldo15_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("avdd", "3-004a"), /* Touch Screen */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_ldo16_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("d_sensor", "0-001f"), /* HDC803 */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_ldo18_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vdd", "3-004a"), /* Touch Screen */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_buck1_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vdd_arm", NULL), /* CPUFREQ */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_buck2_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vdd_int", NULL), /* CPUFREQ */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_buck3_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vdd", "mali_dev.0"), /* G3D of Exynos 4 */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_buck4_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("core", "0-001f"), /* HDC803 */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_buck6_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("dig_28", "0-001f"), /* pin "7" of HDC803 */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_esafeout1_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("usb_vbus", NULL), /* CPU's USB OTG */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_esafeout2_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("usb_vbus", "modemctl"), /* VBUS of Modem */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_charger_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vinchg1", "charger-manager.0"), }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_chg_toff_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vinchg_stop", NULL), /* for jack interrupt handlers */ }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply __initdata max8997_32khz_ap_[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("gps_clk", "bcm4751"), REGULATOR_SUPPLY("bt_clk", "bcm4330-b1"), REGULATOR_SUPPLY("wifi_clk", "bcm433-b1"), }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo1_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VADC_3.3V_C210", .min_uV = 3300000, .max_uV = 3300000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .apply_uV = 1, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_ldo1_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_ldo1_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo2_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VALIVE_1.1V_C210", .min_uV = 1100000, .max_uV = 1100000, .apply_uV = 1, .always_on = 1, .state_mem = { .enabled = 1, }, }, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo3_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VUSB_1.1V_C210", .min_uV = 1100000, .max_uV = 1100000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .apply_uV = 1, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_ldo3_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_ldo3_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo4_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VMIPI_1.8V", .min_uV = 1800000, .max_uV = 1800000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .apply_uV = 1, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_ldo4_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_ldo4_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo5_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VHSIC_1.2V_C210", .min_uV = 1200000, .max_uV = 1200000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .apply_uV = 1, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_ldo5_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_ldo5_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo6_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VCC_1.8V_PDA", .min_uV = 1800000, .max_uV = 1800000, .apply_uV = 1, .always_on = 1, .state_mem = { .enabled = 1, }, }, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo7_data = { .constraints = { .name = "CAM_ISP_1.8V", .min_uV = 1800000, .max_uV = 1800000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .apply_uV = 1, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_ldo7_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_ldo7_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo8_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VUSB/VDAC_3.3V_C210", .min_uV = 3300000, .max_uV = 3300000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .apply_uV = 1, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_ldo8_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_ldo8_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo9_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VCC_2.8V_PDA", .min_uV = 2800000, .max_uV = 2800000, .apply_uV = 1, .always_on = 1, .state_mem = { .enabled = 1, }, }, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo10_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VPLL_1.1V_C210", .min_uV = 1100000, .max_uV = 1100000, .apply_uV = 1, .always_on = 1, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo11_data = { .constraints = { .name = "LVDS_VDD3.3V", .min_uV = 3300000, .max_uV = 3300000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .apply_uV = 1, .boot_on = 1, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_ldo11_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_ldo11_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo12_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VT_CAM_1.8V", .min_uV = 1800000, .max_uV = 1800000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .apply_uV = 1, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_ldo12_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_ldo12_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo13_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VTF_2.8V", .min_uV = 2800000, .max_uV = 2800000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .apply_uV = 1, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_ldo13_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_ldo13_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo14_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VCC_3.0V_MOTOR", .min_uV = 3000000, .max_uV = 3000000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .apply_uV = 1, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_ldo14_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_ldo14_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo15_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VTOUCH_ADVV2.8V", .min_uV = 2800000, .max_uV = 2800000, .apply_uV = 1, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_ldo15_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_ldo15_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo16_data = { .constraints = { .name = "CAM_SENSOR_IO_1.8V", .min_uV = 1800000, .max_uV = 1800000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .apply_uV = 1, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_ldo16_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_ldo16_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo18_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VTOUCH_VDD2.8V", .min_uV = 2800000, .max_uV = 2800000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .apply_uV = 1, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_ldo18_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_ldo18_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_ldo21_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VDDQ_M1M2_1.2V", .min_uV = 1200000, .max_uV = 1200000, .apply_uV = 1, .always_on = 1, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_buck1_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VARM_1.2V_C210", .min_uV = 900000, .max_uV = 1350000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE, .always_on = 1, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_buck1_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_buck1_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_buck2_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VINT_1.1V_C210", .min_uV = 900000, .max_uV = 1100000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE, .always_on = 1, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_buck2_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_buck2_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_buck3_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VG3D_1.1V_C210", .min_uV = 900000, .max_uV = 1100000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_VOLTAGE | REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_buck3_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_buck3_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_buck4_data = { .constraints = { .name = "CAM_ISP_CORE_1.2V", .min_uV = 1200000, .max_uV = 1200000, .apply_uV = 1, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_buck4_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_buck4_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_buck5_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VMEM_1.2V_C210", .min_uV = 1200000, .max_uV = 1200000, .apply_uV = 1, .always_on = 1, .state_mem = { .enabled = 1, }, }, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_buck6_data = { .constraints = { .name = "CAM_AF_2.8V", .min_uV = 2800000, .max_uV = 2800000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_buck6_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_buck6_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_buck7_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VCC_SUB_2.0V", .min_uV = 2000000, .max_uV = 2000000, .apply_uV = 1, .always_on = 1, .state_mem = { .enabled = 1, }, }, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_32khz_ap_data = { .constraints = { .name = "32KHz AP", .always_on = 1, .state_mem = { .enabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_32khz_ap_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_32khz_ap_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_32khz_cp_data = { .constraints = { .name = "32KHz CP", .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_vichg_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VICHG", .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_esafeout1_data = { .constraints = { .name = "SAFEOUT1", .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_esafeout1_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_esafeout1_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_esafeout2_data = { .constraints = { .name = "SAFEOUT2", .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .state_mem = { .disabled = 1, }, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_esafeout2_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_esafeout2_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_charger_cv_data = { .constraints = { .name = "CHARGER_CV", .min_uV = 4200000, .max_uV = 4200000, .apply_uV = 1, }, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_charger_data = { .constraints = { .name = "CHARGER", .min_uA = 200000, .max_uA = 950000, .boot_on = 1, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS | REGULATOR_CHANGE_CURRENT, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_charger_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_charger_, }; static struct regulator_init_data __initdata max8997_charger_topoff_data = { .constraints = { .name = "CHARGER TOPOFF", .min_uA = 50000, .max_uA = 200000, .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_CURRENT, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(max8997_chg_toff_), .consumer_supplies = max8997_chg_toff_, }; static struct max8997_regulator_data __initdata nuri_max8997_regulators[] = { { MAX8997_LDO1, &max8997_ldo1_data }, { MAX8997_LDO2, &max8997_ldo2_data }, { MAX8997_LDO3, &max8997_ldo3_data }, { MAX8997_LDO4, &max8997_ldo4_data }, { MAX8997_LDO5, &max8997_ldo5_data }, { MAX8997_LDO6, &max8997_ldo6_data }, { MAX8997_LDO7, &max8997_ldo7_data }, { MAX8997_LDO8, &max8997_ldo8_data }, { MAX8997_LDO9, &max8997_ldo9_data }, { MAX8997_LDO10, &max8997_ldo10_data }, { MAX8997_LDO11, &max8997_ldo11_data }, { MAX8997_LDO12, &max8997_ldo12_data }, { MAX8997_LDO13, &max8997_ldo13_data }, { MAX8997_LDO14, &max8997_ldo14_data }, { MAX8997_LDO15, &max8997_ldo15_data }, { MAX8997_LDO16, &max8997_ldo16_data }, { MAX8997_LDO18, &max8997_ldo18_data }, { MAX8997_LDO21, &max8997_ldo21_data }, { MAX8997_BUCK1, &max8997_buck1_data }, { MAX8997_BUCK2, &max8997_buck2_data }, { MAX8997_BUCK3, &max8997_buck3_data }, { MAX8997_BUCK4, &max8997_buck4_data }, { MAX8997_BUCK5, &max8997_buck5_data }, { MAX8997_BUCK6, &max8997_buck6_data }, { MAX8997_BUCK7, &max8997_buck7_data }, { MAX8997_EN32KHZ_AP, &max8997_32khz_ap_data }, { MAX8997_EN32KHZ_CP, &max8997_32khz_cp_data }, { MAX8997_ENVICHG, &max8997_vichg_data }, { MAX8997_ESAFEOUT1, &max8997_esafeout1_data }, { MAX8997_ESAFEOUT2, &max8997_esafeout2_data }, { MAX8997_CHARGER_CV, &max8997_charger_cv_data }, { MAX8997_CHARGER, &max8997_charger_data }, { MAX8997_CHARGER_TOPOFF, &max8997_charger_topoff_data }, }; static struct max8997_platform_data __initdata nuri_max8997_pdata = { .wakeup = 1, .num_regulators = ARRAY_SIZE(nuri_max8997_regulators), .regulators = nuri_max8997_regulators, .buck125_gpios = { EXYNOS4_GPX0(5), EXYNOS4_GPX0(6), EXYNOS4_GPL0(0) }, .buck2_gpiodvs = true, .buck1_voltage[0] = 1350000, /* 1.35V */ .buck1_voltage[1] = 1300000, /* 1.3V */ .buck1_voltage[2] = 1250000, /* 1.25V */ .buck1_voltage[3] = 1200000, /* 1.2V */ .buck1_voltage[4] = 1150000, /* 1.15V */ .buck1_voltage[5] = 1100000, /* 1.1V */ .buck1_voltage[6] = 1000000, /* 1.0V */ .buck1_voltage[7] = 950000, /* 0.95V */ .buck2_voltage[0] = 1100000, /* 1.1V */ .buck2_voltage[1] = 1000000, /* 1.0V */ .buck2_voltage[2] = 950000, /* 0.95V */ .buck2_voltage[3] = 900000, /* 0.9V */ .buck2_voltage[4] = 1100000, /* 1.1V */ .buck2_voltage[5] = 1000000, /* 1.0V */ .buck2_voltage[6] = 950000, /* 0.95V */ .buck2_voltage[7] = 900000, /* 0.9V */ .buck5_voltage[0] = 1200000, /* 1.2V */ .buck5_voltage[1] = 1200000, /* 1.2V */ .buck5_voltage[2] = 1200000, /* 1.2V */ .buck5_voltage[3] = 1200000, /* 1.2V */ .buck5_voltage[4] = 1200000, /* 1.2V */ .buck5_voltage[5] = 1200000, /* 1.2V */ .buck5_voltage[6] = 1200000, /* 1.2V */ .buck5_voltage[7] = 1200000, /* 1.2V */ }; /* GPIO I2C 5 (PMIC) */ enum { I2C5_MAX8997 }; static struct i2c_board_info i2c5_devs[] __initdata = { [I2C5_MAX8997] = { I2C_BOARD_INFO("max8997", 0xCC >> 1), .platform_data = &nuri_max8997_pdata, }, }; static struct max17042_platform_data nuri_battery_platform_data = { }; /* GPIO I2C 9 (Fuel Gauge) */ static struct i2c_gpio_platform_data i2c9_gpio_data = { .sda_pin = EXYNOS4_GPY4(0), /* XM0ADDR_8 */ .scl_pin = EXYNOS4_GPY4(1), /* XM0ADDR_9 */ }; static struct platform_device i2c9_gpio = { .name = "i2c-gpio", .id = 9, .dev = { .platform_data = &i2c9_gpio_data, }, }; enum { I2C9_MAX17042}; static struct i2c_board_info i2c9_devs[] __initdata = { [I2C9_MAX17042] = { I2C_BOARD_INFO("max17042", 0x36), .platform_data = &nuri_battery_platform_data, }, }; /* MAX8903 Secondary Charger */ static struct regulator_consumer_supply supplies_max8903[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("vinchg2", "charger-manager.0"), }; static struct regulator_init_data max8903_charger_en_data = { .constraints = { .name = "VOUT_CHARGER", .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS, .boot_on = 1, }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(supplies_max8903), .consumer_supplies = supplies_max8903, }; static struct fixed_voltage_config max8903_charger_en = { .supply_name = "VOUT_CHARGER", .microvolts = 5000000, /* Assume 5VDC */ .gpio = EXYNOS4_GPY4(5), /* TA_EN negaged */ .enable_high = 0, /* Enable = Low */ .enabled_at_boot = 1, .init_data = &max8903_charger_en_data, }; static struct platform_device max8903_fixed_reg_dev = { .name = "reg-fixed-voltage", .id = FIXED_REG_ID_MAX8903, .dev = { .platform_data = &max8903_charger_en }, }; static struct max8903_pdata nuri_max8903 = { /* * cen: don't control with the driver, let it be * controlled by regulator above */ .dok = EXYNOS4_GPX1(4), /* TA_nCONNECTED */ /* uok, usus: not connected */ .chg = EXYNOS4_GPE2(0), /* TA_nCHG */ /* flt: vcc_1.8V_pda */ .dcm = EXYNOS4_GPL0(1), /* CURR_ADJ */ .dc_valid = true, .usb_valid = false, /* USB is not wired to MAX8903 */ }; static struct platform_device nuri_max8903_device = { .name = "max8903-charger", .dev = { .platform_data = &nuri_max8903, }, }; static void __init nuri_power_init(void) { int gpio; int irq_base = IRQ_GPIO_END + 1; int ta_en = 0; nuri_max8997_pdata.irq_base = irq_base; irq_base += MAX8997_IRQ_NR; gpio = EXYNOS4_GPX0(7); gpio_request(gpio, "AP_PMIC_IRQ"); s3c_gpio_cfgpin(gpio, S3C_GPIO_SFN(0xf)); s3c_gpio_setpull(gpio, S3C_GPIO_PULL_NONE); gpio = EXYNOS4_GPX2(3); gpio_request(gpio, "FUEL_ALERT"); s3c_gpio_cfgpin(gpio, S3C_GPIO_SFN(0xf)); s3c_gpio_setpull(gpio, S3C_GPIO_PULL_NONE); gpio = nuri_max8903.dok; gpio_request(gpio, "TA_nCONNECTED"); s3c_gpio_cfgpin(gpio, S3C_GPIO_SFN(0xf)); s3c_gpio_setpull(gpio, S3C_GPIO_PULL_NONE); ta_en = gpio_get_value(gpio) ? 0 : 1; gpio = nuri_max8903.chg; gpio_request(gpio, "TA_nCHG"); gpio_direction_input(gpio); gpio = nuri_max8903.dcm; gpio_request(gpio, "CURR_ADJ"); gpio_direction_output(gpio, ta_en); } /* USB EHCI */ static struct s5p_ehci_platdata nuri_ehci_pdata; static void __init nuri_ehci_init(void) { struct s5p_ehci_platdata *pdata = &nuri_ehci_pdata; s5p_ehci_set_platdata(pdata); } /* CAMERA */ static struct regulator_consumer_supply cam_vdda_supply[] = { REGULATOR_SUPPLY("a_sensor", "0-001f"), }; static struct regulator_init_data cam_vdda_reg_init_data = { .constraints = { .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS }, .num_consumer_supplies = ARRAY_SIZE(cam_vdda_supply), .consumer_supplies = cam_vdda_supply, }; static struct fixed_voltage_config cam_vdda_fixed_voltage_cfg = { .supply_name = "CAM_IO_EN", .microvolts = 2800000, .gpio = EXYNOS4_GPE2(1), /* CAM_IO_EN */ .enable_high = 1, .init_data = &cam_vdda_reg_init_data, }; static struct platform_device cam_vdda_fixed_rdev = { .name = "reg-fixed-voltage", .id = FIXED_REG_ID_CAM_A28V, .dev = { .platform_data = &cam_vdda_fixed_voltage_cfg }, }; static struct regulator_consumer_supply camera_8m_12v_supply = REGULATOR_SUPPLY("dig_12", "0-001f"); static struct regulator_init_data cam_8m_12v_reg_init_data = { .num_consumer_supplies = 1, .consumer_supplies = &camera_8m_12v_supply, .constraints = { .valid_ops_mask = REGULATOR_CHANGE_STATUS }, }; static struct fixed_voltage_config cam_8m_12v_fixed_voltage_cfg = { .supply_name = "8M_1.2V", .microvolts = 1200000, .gpio = EXYNOS4_GPE2(5), /* 8M_1.2V_EN */ .enable_high = 1, .init_data = &cam_8m_12v_reg_init_data, }; static struct platform_device cam_8m_12v_fixed_rdev = { .name = "reg-fixed-voltage", .id = FIXED_REG_ID_CAM_12V, .dev = { .platform_data = &cam_8m_12v_fixed_voltage_cfg }, }; static struct s5p_platform_mipi_csis mipi_csis_platdata = { .clk_rate = 166000000UL, .lanes = 2, .alignment = 32, .hs_settle = 12, .phy_enable = s5p_csis_phy_enable, }; #define GPIO_CAM_MEGA_RST EXYNOS4_GPY3(7) /* ISP_RESET */ #define GPIO_CAM_8M_ISP_INT EXYNOS4_GPL2(5) static struct m5mols_platform_data m5mols_platdata = { .gpio_reset = GPIO_CAM_MEGA_RST, }; static struct i2c_board_info m5mols_board_info = { I2C_BOARD_INFO("M5MOLS", 0x1F), .platform_data = &m5mols_platdata, }; static struct s5p_fimc_isp_info nuri_camera_sensors[] = { { .flags = V4L2_MBUS_PCLK_SAMPLE_FALLING | V4L2_MBUS_VSYNC_ACTIVE_LOW, .bus_type = FIMC_MIPI_CSI2, .board_info = &m5mols_board_info, .clk_frequency = 24000000UL, .csi_data_align = 32, }, }; static struct s5p_platform_fimc fimc_md_platdata = { .isp_info = nuri_camera_sensors, .num_clients = ARRAY_SIZE(nuri_camera_sensors), }; static struct gpio nuri_camera_gpios[] = { { GPIO_CAM_8M_ISP_INT, GPIOF_IN, "8M_ISP_INT" }, { GPIO_CAM_MEGA_RST, GPIOF_OUT_INIT_LOW, "CAM_8M_NRST" }, }; static void nuri_camera_init(void) { s3c_set_platdata(&mipi_csis_platdata, sizeof(mipi_csis_platdata), &s5p_device_mipi_csis0); s3c_set_platdata(&fimc_md_platdata, sizeof(fimc_md_platdata), &s5p_device_fimc_md); if (gpio_request_array(nuri_camera_gpios, ARRAY_SIZE(nuri_camera_gpios))) { pr_err("%s: GPIO request failed\n", __func__); return; } m5mols_board_info.irq = s5p_register_gpio_interrupt(GPIO_CAM_8M_ISP_INT); if (!IS_ERR_VALUE(m5mols_board_info.irq)) s3c_gpio_cfgpin(GPIO_CAM_8M_ISP_INT, S3C_GPIO_SFN(0xF)); else pr_err("%s: Failed to configure 8M_ISP_INT GPIO\n", __func__); /* Free GPIOs controlled directly by the sensor drivers. */ gpio_free(GPIO_CAM_MEGA_RST); if (exynos4_fimc_setup_gpio(S5P_CAMPORT_A)) { pr_err("%s: Camera port A setup failed\n", __func__); return; } /* Increase drive strength of the sensor clock output */ s5p_gpio_set_drvstr(EXYNOS4_GPJ1(3), S5P_GPIO_DRVSTR_LV4); } static struct s3c2410_platform_i2c nuri_i2c0_platdata __initdata = { .frequency = 400000U, .sda_delay = 200, }; static struct platform_device *nuri_devices[] __initdata = { /* Samsung Platform Devices */ &s3c_device_i2c5, /* PMIC should initialize first */ &s3c_device_i2c0, &emmc_fixed_voltage, &s5p_device_mipi_csis0, &s5p_device_fimc0, &s5p_device_fimc1, &s5p_device_fimc2, &s5p_device_fimc3, &s5p_device_fimd0, &s3c_device_hsmmc0, &s3c_device_hsmmc2, &s3c_device_hsmmc3, &s3c_device_wdt, &s3c_device_timer[0], &s5p_device_ehci, &s3c_device_i2c3, &i2c9_gpio, &s3c_device_adc, &s3c_device_rtc, &s5p_device_mfc, &s5p_device_mfc_l, &s5p_device_mfc_r, &exynos4_device_pd[PD_MFC], &exynos4_device_pd[PD_LCD0], &exynos4_device_pd[PD_CAM], &s5p_device_fimc_md, /* NURI Devices */ &nuri_gpio_keys, &nuri_lcd_device, &nuri_backlight_device, &max8903_fixed_reg_dev, &nuri_max8903_device, &cam_vdda_fixed_rdev, &cam_8m_12v_fixed_rdev, }; static void __init nuri_map_io(void) { s5p_init_io(NULL, 0, S5P_VA_CHIPID); s3c24xx_init_clocks(24000000); s3c24xx_init_uarts(nuri_uartcfgs, ARRAY_SIZE(nuri_uartcfgs)); } static void __init nuri_reserve(void) { s5p_mfc_reserve_mem(0x43000000, 8 << 20, 0x51000000, 8 << 20); } static void __init nuri_machine_init(void) { nuri_sdhci_init(); nuri_tsp_init(); nuri_power_init(); s3c_i2c0_set_platdata(&nuri_i2c0_platdata); i2c_register_board_info(1, i2c1_devs, ARRAY_SIZE(i2c1_devs)); s3c_i2c3_set_platdata(&i2c3_data); i2c_register_board_info(3, i2c3_devs, ARRAY_SIZE(i2c3_devs)); s3c_i2c5_set_platdata(NULL); i2c5_devs[I2C5_MAX8997].irq = gpio_to_irq(EXYNOS4_GPX0(7)); i2c_register_board_info(5, i2c5_devs, ARRAY_SIZE(i2c5_devs)); i2c9_devs[I2C9_MAX17042].irq = gpio_to_irq(EXYNOS4_GPX2(3)); i2c_register_board_info(9, i2c9_devs, ARRAY_SIZE(i2c9_devs)); s5p_fimd0_set_platdata(&nuri_fb_pdata); nuri_camera_init(); nuri_ehci_init(); clk_xusbxti.rate = 24000000; /* Last */ platform_add_devices(nuri_devices, ARRAY_SIZE(nuri_devices)); s5p_device_mfc.dev.parent = &exynos4_device_pd[PD_MFC].dev; s5p_device_fimd0.dev.parent = &exynos4_device_pd[PD_LCD0].dev; s5p_device_fimc0.dev.parent = &exynos4_device_pd[PD_CAM].dev; s5p_device_fimc1.dev.parent = &exynos4_device_pd[PD_CAM].dev; s5p_device_fimc2.dev.parent = &exynos4_device_pd[PD_CAM].dev; s5p_device_fimc3.dev.parent = &exynos4_device_pd[PD_CAM].dev; s5p_device_mipi_csis0.dev.parent = &exynos4_device_pd[PD_CAM].dev; } MACHINE_START(NURI, "NURI") /* Maintainer: Kyungmin Park <kyungmin.park@samsung.com> */ .atag_offset = 0x100, .init_irq = exynos4_init_irq, .map_io = nuri_map_io, .init_machine = nuri_machine_init, .timer = &exynos4_timer, .reserve = &nuri_reserve, MACHINE_END