/* * Copyright 2008 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "devices.h" /* Definitions for components on the Debug board */ /* Base address of CPLD controller on the Debug board */ #define DEBUG_BASE_ADDRESS CS5_IO_ADDRESS(MX3x_CS5_BASE_ADDR) /* LAN9217 ethernet base address */ #define LAN9217_BASE_ADDR MX3x_CS5_BASE_ADDR /* CPLD config and interrupt base address */ #define CPLD_ADDR (DEBUG_BASE_ADDRESS + 0x20000) /* status, interrupt */ #define CPLD_INT_STATUS_REG (CPLD_ADDR + 0x10) #define CPLD_INT_MASK_REG (CPLD_ADDR + 0x38) #define CPLD_INT_RESET_REG (CPLD_ADDR + 0x20) /* magic word for debug CPLD */ #define CPLD_MAGIC_NUMBER1_REG (CPLD_ADDR + 0x40) #define CPLD_MAGIC_NUMBER2_REG (CPLD_ADDR + 0x48) /* CPLD code version */ #define CPLD_CODE_VER_REG (CPLD_ADDR + 0x50) /* magic word for debug CPLD */ #define CPLD_MAGIC_NUMBER3_REG (CPLD_ADDR + 0x58) /* CPLD IRQ line for external uart, external ethernet etc */ #define EXPIO_PARENT_INT IOMUX_TO_IRQ(MX31_PIN_GPIO1_1) #define MXC_EXP_IO_BASE (MXC_BOARD_IRQ_START) #define MXC_IRQ_TO_EXPIO(irq) ((irq) - MXC_EXP_IO_BASE) #define EXPIO_INT_ENET (MXC_EXP_IO_BASE + 0) #define MXC_MAX_EXP_IO_LINES 16 /* * This file contains the board-specific initialization routines. */ static int mx31_3ds_pins[] = { /* UART1 */ MX31_PIN_CTS1__CTS1, MX31_PIN_RTS1__RTS1, MX31_PIN_TXD1__TXD1, MX31_PIN_RXD1__RXD1, IOMUX_MODE(MX31_PIN_GPIO1_1, IOMUX_CONFIG_GPIO), /* SPI 1 */ MX31_PIN_CSPI2_SCLK__SCLK, MX31_PIN_CSPI2_MOSI__MOSI, MX31_PIN_CSPI2_MISO__MISO, MX31_PIN_CSPI2_SPI_RDY__SPI_RDY, MX31_PIN_CSPI2_SS0__SS0, MX31_PIN_CSPI2_SS2__SS2, /*CS for MC13783 */ /* MC13783 IRQ */ IOMUX_MODE(MX31_PIN_GPIO1_3, IOMUX_CONFIG_GPIO), /* USB OTG reset */ IOMUX_MODE(MX31_PIN_USB_PWR, IOMUX_CONFIG_GPIO), /* USB OTG */ MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DATA0__USBOTG_DATA0, MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DATA1__USBOTG_DATA1, MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DATA2__USBOTG_DATA2, MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DATA3__USBOTG_DATA3, MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DATA4__USBOTG_DATA4, MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DATA5__USBOTG_DATA5, MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DATA6__USBOTG_DATA6, MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DATA7__USBOTG_DATA7, MX31_PIN_USBOTG_CLK__USBOTG_CLK, MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DIR__USBOTG_DIR, MX31_PIN_USBOTG_NXT__USBOTG_NXT, MX31_PIN_USBOTG_STP__USBOTG_STP, /*Keyboard*/ MX31_PIN_KEY_ROW0_KEY_ROW0, MX31_PIN_KEY_ROW1_KEY_ROW1, MX31_PIN_KEY_ROW2_KEY_ROW2, MX31_PIN_KEY_COL0_KEY_COL0, MX31_PIN_KEY_COL1_KEY_COL1, MX31_PIN_KEY_COL2_KEY_COL2, MX31_PIN_KEY_COL3_KEY_COL3, }; /* * Matrix keyboard */ static const uint32_t mx31_3ds_keymap[] = { KEY(0, 0, KEY_UP), KEY(0, 1, KEY_DOWN), KEY(1, 0, KEY_RIGHT), KEY(1, 1, KEY_LEFT), KEY(1, 2, KEY_ENTER), KEY(2, 0, KEY_F6), KEY(2, 1, KEY_F8), KEY(2, 2, KEY_F9), KEY(2, 3, KEY_F10), }; static struct matrix_keymap_data mx31_3ds_keymap_data = { .keymap = mx31_3ds_keymap, .keymap_size = ARRAY_SIZE(mx31_3ds_keymap), }; /* Regulators */ static struct regulator_init_data pwgtx_init = { .constraints = { .boot_on = 1, .always_on = 1, }, }; static struct mc13783_regulator_init_data mx31_3ds_regulators[] = { { .id = MC13783_REGU_PWGT1SPI, /* Power Gate for ARM core. */ .init_data = &pwgtx_init, }, { .id = MC13783_REGU_PWGT2SPI, /* Power Gate for L2 Cache. */ .init_data = &pwgtx_init, }, }; /* MC13783 */ static struct mc13783_platform_data mc13783_pdata __initdata = { .regulators = mx31_3ds_regulators, .num_regulators = ARRAY_SIZE(mx31_3ds_regulators), .flags = MC13783_USE_REGULATOR, }; /* SPI */ static int spi1_internal_chipselect[] = { MXC_SPI_CS(0), MXC_SPI_CS(2), }; static struct spi_imx_master spi1_pdata = { .chipselect = spi1_internal_chipselect, .num_chipselect = ARRAY_SIZE(spi1_internal_chipselect), }; static struct spi_board_info mx31_3ds_spi_devs[] __initdata = { { .modalias = "mc13783", .max_speed_hz = 1000000, .bus_num = 1, .chip_select = 1, /* SS2 */ .platform_data = &mc13783_pdata, .irq = IOMUX_TO_IRQ(MX31_PIN_GPIO1_3), .mode = SPI_CS_HIGH, }, }; /* * NAND Flash */ static struct mxc_nand_platform_data imx31_3ds_nand_flash_pdata = { .width = 1, .hw_ecc = 1, #ifdef MACH_MX31_3DS_MXC_NAND_USE_BBT .flash_bbt = 1, #endif }; /* * USB OTG */ #define USB_PAD_CFG (PAD_CTL_DRV_MAX | PAD_CTL_SRE_FAST | PAD_CTL_HYS_CMOS | \ PAD_CTL_ODE_CMOS | PAD_CTL_100K_PU) #define USBOTG_RST_B IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_USB_PWR) static void mx31_3ds_usbotg_init(void) { mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DATA0, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DATA1, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DATA2, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DATA3, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DATA4, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DATA5, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DATA6, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DATA7, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_USBOTG_CLK, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_USBOTG_DIR, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_USBOTG_NXT, USB_PAD_CFG); mxc_iomux_set_pad(MX31_PIN_USBOTG_STP, USB_PAD_CFG); gpio_request(USBOTG_RST_B, "otgusb-reset"); gpio_direction_output(USBOTG_RST_B, 0); mdelay(1); gpio_set_value(USBOTG_RST_B, 1); } static struct fsl_usb2_platform_data usbotg_pdata = { .operating_mode = FSL_USB2_DR_DEVICE, .phy_mode = FSL_USB2_PHY_ULPI, }; static struct imxuart_platform_data uart_pdata = { .flags = IMXUART_HAVE_RTSCTS, }; /* * Support for the SMSC9217 on the Debug board. */ static struct smsc911x_platform_config smsc911x_config = { .irq_polarity = SMSC911X_IRQ_POLARITY_ACTIVE_LOW, .irq_type = SMSC911X_IRQ_TYPE_PUSH_PULL, .flags = SMSC911X_USE_16BIT | SMSC911X_FORCE_INTERNAL_PHY, .phy_interface = PHY_INTERFACE_MODE_MII, }; static struct resource smsc911x_resources[] = { { .start = LAN9217_BASE_ADDR, .end = LAN9217_BASE_ADDR + 0xff, .flags = IORESOURCE_MEM, }, { .start = EXPIO_INT_ENET, .end = EXPIO_INT_ENET, .flags = IORESOURCE_IRQ, }, }; static struct platform_device smsc911x_device = { .name = "smsc911x", .id = -1, .num_resources = ARRAY_SIZE(smsc911x_resources), .resource = smsc911x_resources, .dev = { .platform_data = &smsc911x_config, }, }; /* * Routines for the CPLD on the debug board. It contains a CPLD handling * LEDs, switches, interrupts for Ethernet. */ static void mx31_3ds_expio_irq_handler(uint32_t irq, struct irq_desc *desc) { uint32_t imr_val; uint32_t int_valid; uint32_t expio_irq; imr_val = __raw_readw(CPLD_INT_MASK_REG); int_valid = __raw_readw(CPLD_INT_STATUS_REG) & ~imr_val; expio_irq = MXC_EXP_IO_BASE; for (; int_valid != 0; int_valid >>= 1, expio_irq++) { if ((int_valid & 1) == 0) continue; generic_handle_irq(expio_irq); } } /* * Disable an expio pin's interrupt by setting the bit in the imr. * @param irq an expio virtual irq number */ static void expio_mask_irq(uint32_t irq) { uint16_t reg; uint32_t expio = MXC_IRQ_TO_EXPIO(irq); /* mask the interrupt */ reg = __raw_readw(CPLD_INT_MASK_REG); reg |= 1 << expio; __raw_writew(reg, CPLD_INT_MASK_REG); } /* * Acknowledge an expanded io pin's interrupt by clearing the bit in the isr. * @param irq an expanded io virtual irq number */ static void expio_ack_irq(uint32_t irq) { uint32_t expio = MXC_IRQ_TO_EXPIO(irq); /* clear the interrupt status */ __raw_writew(1 << expio, CPLD_INT_RESET_REG); __raw_writew(0, CPLD_INT_RESET_REG); /* mask the interrupt */ expio_mask_irq(irq); } /* * Enable a expio pin's interrupt by clearing the bit in the imr. * @param irq a expio virtual irq number */ static void expio_unmask_irq(uint32_t irq) { uint16_t reg; uint32_t expio = MXC_IRQ_TO_EXPIO(irq); /* unmask the interrupt */ reg = __raw_readw(CPLD_INT_MASK_REG); reg &= ~(1 << expio); __raw_writew(reg, CPLD_INT_MASK_REG); } static struct irq_chip expio_irq_chip = { .ack = expio_ack_irq, .mask = expio_mask_irq, .unmask = expio_unmask_irq, }; static int __init mx31_3ds_init_expio(void) { int i; int ret; /* Check if there's a debug board connected */ if ((__raw_readw(CPLD_MAGIC_NUMBER1_REG) != 0xAAAA) || (__raw_readw(CPLD_MAGIC_NUMBER2_REG) != 0x5555) || (__raw_readw(CPLD_MAGIC_NUMBER3_REG) != 0xCAFE)) { /* No Debug board found */ return -ENODEV; } pr_info("i.MX31 3DS Debug board detected, rev = 0x%04X\n", __raw_readw(CPLD_CODE_VER_REG)); /* * Configure INT line as GPIO input */ ret = gpio_request(IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_GPIO1_1), "sms9217-irq"); if (ret) pr_warning("could not get LAN irq gpio\n"); else gpio_direction_input(IOMUX_TO_GPIO(MX31_PIN_GPIO1_1)); /* Disable the interrupts and clear the status */ __raw_writew(0, CPLD_INT_MASK_REG); __raw_writew(0xFFFF, CPLD_INT_RESET_REG); __raw_writew(0, CPLD_INT_RESET_REG); __raw_writew(0x1F, CPLD_INT_MASK_REG); for (i = MXC_EXP_IO_BASE; i < (MXC_EXP_IO_BASE + MXC_MAX_EXP_IO_LINES); i++) { set_irq_chip(i, &expio_irq_chip); set_irq_handler(i, handle_level_irq); set_irq_flags(i, IRQF_VALID); } set_irq_type(EXPIO_PARENT_INT, IRQ_TYPE_LEVEL_LOW); set_irq_chained_handler(EXPIO_PARENT_INT, mx31_3ds_expio_irq_handler); return 0; } /* * This structure defines the MX31 memory map. */ static struct map_desc mx31_3ds_io_desc[] __initdata = { { .virtual = MX31_CS5_BASE_ADDR_VIRT, .pfn = __phys_to_pfn(MX31_CS5_BASE_ADDR), .length = MX31_CS5_SIZE, .type = MT_DEVICE, }, }; /* * Set up static virtual mappings. */ static void __init mx31_3ds_map_io(void) { mx31_map_io(); iotable_init(mx31_3ds_io_desc, ARRAY_SIZE(mx31_3ds_io_desc)); } /*! * Board specific initialization. */ static void __init mxc_board_init(void) { mxc_iomux_setup_multiple_pins(mx31_3ds_pins, ARRAY_SIZE(mx31_3ds_pins), "mx31_3ds"); mxc_register_device(&mxc_uart_device0, &uart_pdata); mxc_register_device(&mxc_nand_device, &imx31_3ds_nand_flash_pdata); mxc_register_device(&mxc_spi_device1, &spi1_pdata); spi_register_board_info(mx31_3ds_spi_devs, ARRAY_SIZE(mx31_3ds_spi_devs)); mxc_register_device(&imx_kpp_device, &mx31_3ds_keymap_data); mx31_3ds_usbotg_init(); mxc_register_device(&mxc_otg_udc_device, &usbotg_pdata); if (!mx31_3ds_init_expio()) platform_device_register(&smsc911x_device); } static void __init mx31_3ds_timer_init(void) { mx31_clocks_init(26000000); } static struct sys_timer mx31_3ds_timer = { .init = mx31_3ds_timer_init, }; /* * The following uses standard kernel macros defined in arch.h in order to * initialize __mach_desc_MX31_3DS data structure. */ MACHINE_START(MX31_3DS, "Freescale MX31PDK (3DS)") /* Maintainer: Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. */ .phys_io = MX31_AIPS1_BASE_ADDR, .io_pg_offst = (MX31_AIPS1_BASE_ADDR_VIRT >> 18) & 0xfffc, .boot_params = MX3x_PHYS_OFFSET + 0x100, .map_io = mx31_3ds_map_io, .init_irq = mx31_init_irq, .init_machine = mxc_board_init, .timer = &mx31_3ds_timer, MACHINE_END