/* * kgdb debug routines for SiByte boards. * * Copyright (C) 2001 MontaVista Software Inc. * Author: Jun Sun, jsun@mvista.com or jsun@junsun.net * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * */ /* -------------------- BEGINNING OF CONFIG --------------------- */ #include <linux/delay.h> #include <asm/io.h> #include <asm/sibyte/sb1250.h> #include <asm/sibyte/sb1250_regs.h> #include <asm/sibyte/sb1250_uart.h> #include <asm/sibyte/sb1250_int.h> #include <asm/addrspace.h> /* * We use the second serial port for kgdb traffic. * 115200, 8, N, 1. */ #define BAUD_RATE 115200 #define CLK_DIVISOR V_DUART_BAUD_RATE(BAUD_RATE) #define DATA_BITS V_DUART_BITS_PER_CHAR_8 /* or 7 */ #define PARITY V_DUART_PARITY_MODE_NONE /* or even */ #define STOP_BITS M_DUART_STOP_BIT_LEN_1 /* or 2 */ static int duart_initialized = 0; /* 0: need to be init'ed by kgdb */ /* -------------------- END OF CONFIG --------------------- */ extern int kgdb_port; #define duart_out(reg, val) csr_out32(val, IOADDR(A_DUART_CHANREG(kgdb_port,reg))) #define duart_in(reg) csr_in32(IOADDR(A_DUART_CHANREG(kgdb_port,reg))) void putDebugChar(unsigned char c); unsigned char getDebugChar(void); static void duart_init(int clk_divisor, int data, int parity, int stop) { duart_out(R_DUART_MODE_REG_1, data | parity); duart_out(R_DUART_MODE_REG_2, stop); duart_out(R_DUART_CLK_SEL, clk_divisor); duart_out(R_DUART_CMD, M_DUART_RX_EN | M_DUART_TX_EN); /* enable rx and tx */ } void putDebugChar(unsigned char c) { if (!duart_initialized) { duart_initialized = 1; duart_init(CLK_DIVISOR, DATA_BITS, PARITY, STOP_BITS); } while ((duart_in(R_DUART_STATUS) & M_DUART_TX_RDY) == 0); duart_out(R_DUART_TX_HOLD, c); } unsigned char getDebugChar(void) { if (!duart_initialized) { duart_initialized = 1; duart_init(CLK_DIVISOR, DATA_BITS, PARITY, STOP_BITS); } while ((duart_in(R_DUART_STATUS) & M_DUART_RX_RDY) == 0) ; return duart_in(R_DUART_RX_HOLD); }