/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Identity : Linux50 Debug Funcions -- -- File : arch/sh/lib64/dbg.c -- -- Copyright 2000, 2001 STMicroelectronics Limited. -- Copyright 2004 Richard Curnow (evt_debug etc) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/mm.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <asm/mmu_context.h> typedef u64 regType_t; static regType_t getConfigReg(u64 id) { register u64 reg __asm__("r2"); asm volatile ("getcfg %1, 0, %0":"=r" (reg):"r"(id)); return (reg); } /* ======================================================================= */ static char *szTab[] = { "4k", "64k", "1M", "512M" }; static char *protTab[] = { "----", "---R", "--X-", "--XR", "-W--", "-W-R", "-WX-", "-WXR", "U---", "U--R", "U-X-", "U-XR", "UW--", "UW-R", "UWX-", "UWXR" }; #define ITLB_BASE 0x00000000 #define DTLB_BASE 0x00800000 #define MAX_TLBs 64 /* PTE High */ #define GET_VALID(pte) ((pte) & 0x1) #define GET_SHARED(pte) ((pte) & 0x2) #define GET_ASID(pte) ((pte >> 2) & 0x0ff) #define GET_EPN(pte) ((pte) & 0xfffff000) /* PTE Low */ #define GET_CBEHAVIOR(pte) ((pte) & 0x3) #define GET_PAGE_SIZE(pte) szTab[((pte >> 3) & 0x3)] #define GET_PROTECTION(pte) protTab[((pte >> 6) & 0xf)] #define GET_PPN(pte) ((pte) & 0xfffff000) #define PAGE_1K_MASK 0x00000000 #define PAGE_4K_MASK 0x00000010 #define PAGE_64K_MASK 0x00000080 #define MMU_PAGESIZE_MASK (PAGE_64K_MASK | PAGE_4K_MASK) #define PAGE_1MB_MASK MMU_PAGESIZE_MASK #define PAGE_1K (1024) #define PAGE_4K (1024 * 4) #define PAGE_64K (1024 * 64) #define PAGE_1MB (1024 * 1024) #define HOW_TO_READ_TLB_CONTENT \ "[ ID] PPN EPN ASID Share CB P.Size PROT.\n" void print_single_tlb(unsigned long tlb, int single_print) { regType_t pteH; regType_t pteL; unsigned int valid, shared, asid, epn, cb, ppn; char *pSize; char *pProt; /* ** in case of single print <single_print> is true, this implies: ** 1) print the TLB in any case also if NOT VALID ** 2) print out the header */ pteH = getConfigReg(tlb); valid = GET_VALID(pteH); if (single_print) printk(HOW_TO_READ_TLB_CONTENT); else if (!valid) return; pteL = getConfigReg(tlb + 1); shared = GET_SHARED(pteH); asid = GET_ASID(pteH); epn = GET_EPN(pteH); cb = GET_CBEHAVIOR(pteL); pSize = GET_PAGE_SIZE(pteL); pProt = GET_PROTECTION(pteL); ppn = GET_PPN(pteL); printk("[%c%2ld] 0x%08x 0x%08x %03d %02x %02x %4s %s\n", ((valid) ? ' ' : 'u'), ((tlb & 0x0ffff) / TLB_STEP), ppn, epn, asid, shared, cb, pSize, pProt); } void print_dtlb(void) { int count; unsigned long tlb; printk(" ================= SH-5 D-TLBs Status ===================\n"); printk(HOW_TO_READ_TLB_CONTENT); tlb = DTLB_BASE; for (count = 0; count < MAX_TLBs; count++, tlb += TLB_STEP) print_single_tlb(tlb, 0); printk (" =============================================================\n"); } void print_itlb(void) { int count; unsigned long tlb; printk(" ================= SH-5 I-TLBs Status ===================\n"); printk(HOW_TO_READ_TLB_CONTENT); tlb = ITLB_BASE; for (count = 0; count < MAX_TLBs; count++, tlb += TLB_STEP) print_single_tlb(tlb, 0); printk (" =============================================================\n"); } /* ======================================================================= */ #ifdef CONFIG_POOR_MANS_STRACE #include "syscalltab.h" struct ring_node { int evt; int ret_addr; int event; int tra; int pid; unsigned long sp; unsigned long pc; }; static struct ring_node event_ring[16]; static int event_ptr = 0; struct stored_syscall_data { int pid; int syscall_number; }; #define N_STORED_SYSCALLS 16 static struct stored_syscall_data stored_syscalls[N_STORED_SYSCALLS]; static int syscall_next=0; static int syscall_next_print=0; void evt_debug(int evt, int ret_addr, int event, int tra, struct pt_regs *regs) { int syscallno = tra & 0xff; unsigned long sp; unsigned long stack_bottom; int pid; struct ring_node *rr; pid = current->pid; stack_bottom = (unsigned long) task_stack_page(current); asm volatile("ori r15, 0, %0" : "=r" (sp)); rr = event_ring + event_ptr; rr->evt = evt; rr->ret_addr = ret_addr; rr->event = event; rr->tra = tra; rr->pid = pid; rr->sp = sp; rr->pc = regs->pc; if (sp < stack_bottom + 3092) { printk("evt_debug : stack underflow report\n"); int i, j; for (j=0, i = event_ptr; j<16; j++) { rr = event_ring + i; printk("evt=%08x event=%08x tra=%08x pid=%5d sp=%08lx pc=%08lx\n", rr->evt, rr->event, rr->tra, rr->pid, rr->sp, rr->pc); i--; i &= 15; } panic("STACK UNDERFLOW\n"); } event_ptr = (event_ptr + 1) & 15; if ((event == 2) && (evt == 0x160)) { if (syscallno < NUM_SYSCALL_INFO_ENTRIES) { /* Store the syscall information to print later. We * can't print this now - currently we're running with * SR.BL=1, so we can't take a tlbmiss (which could occur * in the console drivers under printk). * * Just overwrite old entries on ring overflow - this * is only for last-hope debugging. */ stored_syscalls[syscall_next].pid = current->pid; stored_syscalls[syscall_next].syscall_number = syscallno; syscall_next++; syscall_next &= (N_STORED_SYSCALLS - 1); } } } static void drain_syscalls(void) { while (syscall_next_print != syscall_next) { printk("Task %d: %s()\n", stored_syscalls[syscall_next_print].pid, syscall_info_table[stored_syscalls[syscall_next_print].syscall_number].name); syscall_next_print++; syscall_next_print &= (N_STORED_SYSCALLS - 1); } } void evt_debug2(unsigned int ret) { drain_syscalls(); printk("Task %d: syscall returns %08x\n", current->pid, ret); } void evt_debug_ret_from_irq(struct pt_regs *regs) { int pid; struct ring_node *rr; pid = current->pid; rr = event_ring + event_ptr; rr->evt = 0xffff; rr->ret_addr = 0; rr->event = 0; rr->tra = 0; rr->pid = pid; rr->pc = regs->pc; event_ptr = (event_ptr + 1) & 15; } void evt_debug_ret_from_exc(struct pt_regs *regs) { int pid; struct ring_node *rr; pid = current->pid; rr = event_ring + event_ptr; rr->evt = 0xfffe; rr->ret_addr = 0; rr->event = 0; rr->tra = 0; rr->pid = pid; rr->pc = regs->pc; event_ptr = (event_ptr + 1) & 15; } #endif /* CONFIG_POOR_MANS_STRACE */ /* ======================================================================= */ void show_excp_regs(char *from, int trapnr, int signr, struct pt_regs *regs) { unsigned long long ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl; printk("\n"); printk("EXCEPTION - %s: task %d; Linux trap # %d; signal = %d\n", ((from) ? from : "???"), current->pid, trapnr, signr); asm volatile ("getcon " __EXPEVT ", %0":"=r"(ah)); asm volatile ("getcon " __EXPEVT ", %0":"=r"(al)); ah = (ah) >> 32; al = (al) & 0xffffffff; asm volatile ("getcon " __KCR1 ", %0":"=r"(bh)); asm volatile ("getcon " __KCR1 ", %0":"=r"(bl)); bh = (bh) >> 32; bl = (bl) & 0xffffffff; asm volatile ("getcon " __INTEVT ", %0":"=r"(ch)); asm volatile ("getcon " __INTEVT ", %0":"=r"(cl)); ch = (ch) >> 32; cl = (cl) & 0xffffffff; printk("EXPE: %08Lx%08Lx KCR1: %08Lx%08Lx INTE: %08Lx%08Lx\n", ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl); asm volatile ("getcon " __PEXPEVT ", %0":"=r"(ah)); asm volatile ("getcon " __PEXPEVT ", %0":"=r"(al)); ah = (ah) >> 32; al = (al) & 0xffffffff; asm volatile ("getcon " __PSPC ", %0":"=r"(bh)); asm volatile ("getcon " __PSPC ", %0":"=r"(bl)); bh = (bh) >> 32; bl = (bl) & 0xffffffff; asm volatile ("getcon " __PSSR ", %0":"=r"(ch)); asm volatile ("getcon " __PSSR ", %0":"=r"(cl)); ch = (ch) >> 32; cl = (cl) & 0xffffffff; printk("PEXP: %08Lx%08Lx PSPC: %08Lx%08Lx PSSR: %08Lx%08Lx\n", ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl); ah = (regs->pc) >> 32; al = (regs->pc) & 0xffffffff; bh = (regs->regs[18]) >> 32; bl = (regs->regs[18]) & 0xffffffff; ch = (regs->regs[15]) >> 32; cl = (regs->regs[15]) & 0xffffffff; printk("PC : %08Lx%08Lx LINK: %08Lx%08Lx SP : %08Lx%08Lx\n", ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl); ah = (regs->sr) >> 32; al = (regs->sr) & 0xffffffff; asm volatile ("getcon " __TEA ", %0":"=r"(bh)); asm volatile ("getcon " __TEA ", %0":"=r"(bl)); bh = (bh) >> 32; bl = (bl) & 0xffffffff; asm volatile ("getcon " __KCR0 ", %0":"=r"(ch)); asm volatile ("getcon " __KCR0 ", %0":"=r"(cl)); ch = (ch) >> 32; cl = (cl) & 0xffffffff; printk("SR : %08Lx%08Lx TEA : %08Lx%08Lx KCR0: %08Lx%08Lx\n", ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl); ah = (regs->regs[0]) >> 32; al = (regs->regs[0]) & 0xffffffff; bh = (regs->regs[1]) >> 32; bl = (regs->regs[1]) & 0xffffffff; ch = (regs->regs[2]) >> 32; cl = (regs->regs[2]) & 0xffffffff; printk("R0 : %08Lx%08Lx R1 : %08Lx%08Lx R2 : %08Lx%08Lx\n", ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl); ah = (regs->regs[3]) >> 32; al = (regs->regs[3]) & 0xffffffff; bh = (regs->regs[4]) >> 32; bl = (regs->regs[4]) & 0xffffffff; ch = (regs->regs[5]) >> 32; cl = (regs->regs[5]) & 0xffffffff; printk("R3 : %08Lx%08Lx R4 : %08Lx%08Lx R5 : %08Lx%08Lx\n", ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl); ah = (regs->regs[6]) >> 32; al = (regs->regs[6]) & 0xffffffff; bh = (regs->regs[7]) >> 32; bl = (regs->regs[7]) & 0xffffffff; ch = (regs->regs[8]) >> 32; cl = (regs->regs[8]) & 0xffffffff; printk("R6 : %08Lx%08Lx R7 : %08Lx%08Lx R8 : %08Lx%08Lx\n", ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl); ah = (regs->regs[9]) >> 32; al = (regs->regs[9]) & 0xffffffff; bh = (regs->regs[10]) >> 32; bl = (regs->regs[10]) & 0xffffffff; ch = (regs->regs[11]) >> 32; cl = (regs->regs[11]) & 0xffffffff; printk("R9 : %08Lx%08Lx R10 : %08Lx%08Lx R11 : %08Lx%08Lx\n", ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl); printk("....\n"); ah = (regs->tregs[0]) >> 32; al = (regs->tregs[0]) & 0xffffffff; bh = (regs->tregs[1]) >> 32; bl = (regs->tregs[1]) & 0xffffffff; ch = (regs->tregs[2]) >> 32; cl = (regs->tregs[2]) & 0xffffffff; printk("T0 : %08Lx%08Lx T1 : %08Lx%08Lx T2 : %08Lx%08Lx\n", ah, al, bh, bl, ch, cl); printk("....\n"); print_dtlb(); print_itlb(); } /* ======================================================================= */ /* ** Depending on <base> scan the MMU, Data or Instruction side ** looking for a valid mapping matching Eaddr & asid. ** Return -1 if not found or the TLB id entry otherwise. ** Note: it works only for 4k pages! */ static unsigned long lookup_mmu_side(unsigned long base, unsigned long Eaddr, unsigned long asid) { regType_t pteH; unsigned long epn; int count; epn = Eaddr & 0xfffff000; for (count = 0; count < MAX_TLBs; count++, base += TLB_STEP) { pteH = getConfigReg(base); if (GET_VALID(pteH)) if ((unsigned long) GET_EPN(pteH) == epn) if ((unsigned long) GET_ASID(pteH) == asid) break; } return ((unsigned long) ((count < MAX_TLBs) ? base : -1)); } unsigned long lookup_dtlb(unsigned long Eaddr) { unsigned long asid = get_asid(); return (lookup_mmu_side((u64) DTLB_BASE, Eaddr, asid)); } unsigned long lookup_itlb(unsigned long Eaddr) { unsigned long asid = get_asid(); return (lookup_mmu_side((u64) ITLB_BASE, Eaddr, asid)); } void print_page(struct page *page) { printk(" page[%p] -> index 0x%lx, count 0x%x, flags 0x%lx\n", page, page->index, page_count(page), page->flags); printk(" address_space = %p, pages =%ld\n", page->mapping, page->mapping->nrpages); }