/* * Copyright (c) 2004 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004 Topspin Corporation. All rights reserved. * Copyright (c) 2004 Voltaire Corporation. All rights reserved. * * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two * licenses. You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file * COPYING the madirectory of this source tree, or the * OpenIB.org BSD license below: * * Redistribution and use source and binary forms, with or * withmodification, are permitted provided that the following * conditions are met: * * - Redistributions of source code must retathe above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer. * * - Redistributions binary form must reproduce the above * copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following * disclaimer the documentation and/or other materials * provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHWARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS * BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OF OR IN * CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS THE * SOFTWARE. */ #if !defined(CM_MSGS_H) #define CM_MSGS_H #include <rdma/ib_mad.h> #include <rdma/ib_cm.h> /* * Parameters to routines below should be in network-byte order, and values * are returned in network-byte order. */ #define IB_CM_CLASS_VERSION 2 /* IB specification 1.2 */ #define CM_REQ_ATTR_ID __constant_htons(0x0010) #define CM_MRA_ATTR_ID __constant_htons(0x0011) #define CM_REJ_ATTR_ID __constant_htons(0x0012) #define CM_REP_ATTR_ID __constant_htons(0x0013) #define CM_RTU_ATTR_ID __constant_htons(0x0014) #define CM_DREQ_ATTR_ID __constant_htons(0x0015) #define CM_DREP_ATTR_ID __constant_htons(0x0016) #define CM_SIDR_REQ_ATTR_ID __constant_htons(0x0017) #define CM_SIDR_REP_ATTR_ID __constant_htons(0x0018) #define CM_LAP_ATTR_ID __constant_htons(0x0019) #define CM_APR_ATTR_ID __constant_htons(0x001A) enum cm_msg_sequence { CM_MSG_SEQUENCE_REQ, CM_MSG_SEQUENCE_LAP, CM_MSG_SEQUENCE_DREQ, CM_MSG_SEQUENCE_SIDR }; struct cm_req_msg { struct ib_mad_hdr hdr; __be32 local_comm_id; __be32 rsvd4; __be64 service_id; __be64 local_ca_guid; __be32 rsvd24; __be32 local_qkey; /* local QPN:24, responder resources:8 */ __be32 offset32; /* local EECN:24, initiator depth:8 */ __be32 offset36; /* * remote EECN:24, remote CM response timeout:5, * transport service type:2, end-to-end flow control:1 */ __be32 offset40; /* starting PSN:24, local CM response timeout:5, retry count:3 */ __be32 offset44; __be16 pkey; /* path MTU:4, RDC exists:1, RNR retry count:3. */ u8 offset50; /* max CM Retries:4, SRQ:1, rsvd:3 */ u8 offset51; __be16 primary_local_lid; __be16 primary_remote_lid; union ib_gid primary_local_gid; union ib_gid primary_remote_gid; /* flow label:20, rsvd:6, packet rate:6 */ __be32 primary_offset88; u8 primary_traffic_class; u8 primary_hop_limit; /* SL:4, subnet local:1, rsvd:3 */ u8 primary_offset94; /* local ACK timeout:5, rsvd:3 */ u8 primary_offset95; __be16 alt_local_lid; __be16 alt_remote_lid; union ib_gid alt_local_gid; union ib_gid alt_remote_gid; /* flow label:20, rsvd:6, packet rate:6 */ __be32 alt_offset132; u8 alt_traffic_class; u8 alt_hop_limit; /* SL:4, subnet local:1, rsvd:3 */ u8 alt_offset138; /* local ACK timeout:5, rsvd:3 */ u8 alt_offset139; u8 private_data[IB_CM_REQ_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); static inline __be32 cm_req_get_local_qpn(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return cpu_to_be32(be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset32) >> 8); } static inline void cm_req_set_local_qpn(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, __be32 qpn) { req_msg->offset32 = cpu_to_be32((be32_to_cpu(qpn) << 8) | (be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset32) & 0x000000FF)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_resp_res(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return (u8) be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset32); } static inline void cm_req_set_resp_res(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 resp_res) { req_msg->offset32 = cpu_to_be32(resp_res | (be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset32) & 0xFFFFFF00)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_init_depth(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return (u8) be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset36); } static inline void cm_req_set_init_depth(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 init_depth) { req_msg->offset36 = cpu_to_be32(init_depth | (be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset36) & 0xFFFFFF00)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_remote_resp_timeout(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return (u8) ((be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset40) & 0xF8) >> 3); } static inline void cm_req_set_remote_resp_timeout(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 resp_timeout) { req_msg->offset40 = cpu_to_be32((resp_timeout << 3) | (be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset40) & 0xFFFFFF07)); } static inline enum ib_qp_type cm_req_get_qp_type(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { u8 transport_type = (u8) (be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset40) & 0x06) >> 1; switch(transport_type) { case 0: return IB_QPT_RC; case 1: return IB_QPT_UC; default: return 0; } } static inline void cm_req_set_qp_type(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, enum ib_qp_type qp_type) { switch(qp_type) { case IB_QPT_UC: req_msg->offset40 = cpu_to_be32((be32_to_cpu( req_msg->offset40) & 0xFFFFFFF9) | 0x2); break; default: req_msg->offset40 = cpu_to_be32(be32_to_cpu( req_msg->offset40) & 0xFFFFFFF9); } } static inline u8 cm_req_get_flow_ctrl(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset40) & 0x1; } static inline void cm_req_set_flow_ctrl(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 flow_ctrl) { req_msg->offset40 = cpu_to_be32((flow_ctrl & 0x1) | (be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset40) & 0xFFFFFFFE)); } static inline __be32 cm_req_get_starting_psn(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return cpu_to_be32(be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset44) >> 8); } static inline void cm_req_set_starting_psn(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, __be32 starting_psn) { req_msg->offset44 = cpu_to_be32((be32_to_cpu(starting_psn) << 8) | (be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset44) & 0x000000FF)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_local_resp_timeout(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return (u8) ((be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset44) & 0xF8) >> 3); } static inline void cm_req_set_local_resp_timeout(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 resp_timeout) { req_msg->offset44 = cpu_to_be32((resp_timeout << 3) | (be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset44) & 0xFFFFFF07)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_retry_count(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return (u8) (be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset44) & 0x7); } static inline void cm_req_set_retry_count(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 retry_count) { req_msg->offset44 = cpu_to_be32((retry_count & 0x7) | (be32_to_cpu(req_msg->offset44) & 0xFFFFFFF8)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_path_mtu(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return req_msg->offset50 >> 4; } static inline void cm_req_set_path_mtu(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 path_mtu) { req_msg->offset50 = (u8) ((req_msg->offset50 & 0xF) | (path_mtu << 4)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_rnr_retry_count(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return req_msg->offset50 & 0x7; } static inline void cm_req_set_rnr_retry_count(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 rnr_retry_count) { req_msg->offset50 = (u8) ((req_msg->offset50 & 0xF8) | (rnr_retry_count & 0x7)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_max_cm_retries(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return req_msg->offset51 >> 4; } static inline void cm_req_set_max_cm_retries(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 retries) { req_msg->offset51 = (u8) ((req_msg->offset51 & 0xF) | (retries << 4)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_srq(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return (req_msg->offset51 & 0x8) >> 3; } static inline void cm_req_set_srq(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 srq) { req_msg->offset51 = (u8) ((req_msg->offset51 & 0xF7) | ((srq & 0x1) << 3)); } static inline __be32 cm_req_get_primary_flow_label(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return cpu_to_be32(be32_to_cpu(req_msg->primary_offset88) >> 12); } static inline void cm_req_set_primary_flow_label(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, __be32 flow_label) { req_msg->primary_offset88 = cpu_to_be32( (be32_to_cpu(req_msg->primary_offset88) & 0x00000FFF) | (be32_to_cpu(flow_label) << 12)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_primary_packet_rate(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return (u8) (be32_to_cpu(req_msg->primary_offset88) & 0x3F); } static inline void cm_req_set_primary_packet_rate(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 rate) { req_msg->primary_offset88 = cpu_to_be32( (be32_to_cpu(req_msg->primary_offset88) & 0xFFFFFFC0) | (rate & 0x3F)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_primary_sl(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return (u8) (req_msg->primary_offset94 >> 4); } static inline void cm_req_set_primary_sl(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 sl) { req_msg->primary_offset94 = (u8) ((req_msg->primary_offset94 & 0x0F) | (sl << 4)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_primary_subnet_local(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return (u8) ((req_msg->primary_offset94 & 0x08) >> 3); } static inline void cm_req_set_primary_subnet_local(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 subnet_local) { req_msg->primary_offset94 = (u8) ((req_msg->primary_offset94 & 0xF7) | ((subnet_local & 0x1) << 3)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_primary_local_ack_timeout(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return (u8) (req_msg->primary_offset95 >> 3); } static inline void cm_req_set_primary_local_ack_timeout(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 local_ack_timeout) { req_msg->primary_offset95 = (u8) ((req_msg->primary_offset95 & 0x07) | (local_ack_timeout << 3)); } static inline __be32 cm_req_get_alt_flow_label(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return cpu_to_be32(be32_to_cpu(req_msg->alt_offset132) >> 12); } static inline void cm_req_set_alt_flow_label(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, __be32 flow_label) { req_msg->alt_offset132 = cpu_to_be32( (be32_to_cpu(req_msg->alt_offset132) & 0x00000FFF) | (be32_to_cpu(flow_label) << 12)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_alt_packet_rate(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return (u8) (be32_to_cpu(req_msg->alt_offset132) & 0x3F); } static inline void cm_req_set_alt_packet_rate(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 rate) { req_msg->alt_offset132 = cpu_to_be32( (be32_to_cpu(req_msg->alt_offset132) & 0xFFFFFFC0) | (rate & 0x3F)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_alt_sl(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return (u8) (req_msg->alt_offset138 >> 4); } static inline void cm_req_set_alt_sl(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 sl) { req_msg->alt_offset138 = (u8) ((req_msg->alt_offset138 & 0x0F) | (sl << 4)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_alt_subnet_local(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return (u8) ((req_msg->alt_offset138 & 0x08) >> 3); } static inline void cm_req_set_alt_subnet_local(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 subnet_local) { req_msg->alt_offset138 = (u8) ((req_msg->alt_offset138 & 0xF7) | ((subnet_local & 0x1) << 3)); } static inline u8 cm_req_get_alt_local_ack_timeout(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg) { return (u8) (req_msg->alt_offset139 >> 3); } static inline void cm_req_set_alt_local_ack_timeout(struct cm_req_msg *req_msg, u8 local_ack_timeout) { req_msg->alt_offset139 = (u8) ((req_msg->alt_offset139 & 0x07) | (local_ack_timeout << 3)); } /* Message REJected or MRAed */ enum cm_msg_response { CM_MSG_RESPONSE_REQ = 0x0, CM_MSG_RESPONSE_REP = 0x1, CM_MSG_RESPONSE_OTHER = 0x2 }; struct cm_mra_msg { struct ib_mad_hdr hdr; __be32 local_comm_id; __be32 remote_comm_id; /* message MRAed:2, rsvd:6 */ u8 offset8; /* service timeout:5, rsvd:3 */ u8 offset9; u8 private_data[IB_CM_MRA_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); static inline u8 cm_mra_get_msg_mraed(struct cm_mra_msg *mra_msg) { return (u8) (mra_msg->offset8 >> 6); } static inline void cm_mra_set_msg_mraed(struct cm_mra_msg *mra_msg, u8 msg) { mra_msg->offset8 = (u8) ((mra_msg->offset8 & 0x3F) | (msg << 6)); } static inline u8 cm_mra_get_service_timeout(struct cm_mra_msg *mra_msg) { return (u8) (mra_msg->offset9 >> 3); } static inline void cm_mra_set_service_timeout(struct cm_mra_msg *mra_msg, u8 service_timeout) { mra_msg->offset9 = (u8) ((mra_msg->offset9 & 0x07) | (service_timeout << 3)); } struct cm_rej_msg { struct ib_mad_hdr hdr; __be32 local_comm_id; __be32 remote_comm_id; /* message REJected:2, rsvd:6 */ u8 offset8; /* reject info length:7, rsvd:1. */ u8 offset9; __be16 reason; u8 ari[IB_CM_REJ_ARI_LENGTH]; u8 private_data[IB_CM_REJ_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); static inline u8 cm_rej_get_msg_rejected(struct cm_rej_msg *rej_msg) { return (u8) (rej_msg->offset8 >> 6); } static inline void cm_rej_set_msg_rejected(struct cm_rej_msg *rej_msg, u8 msg) { rej_msg->offset8 = (u8) ((rej_msg->offset8 & 0x3F) | (msg << 6)); } static inline u8 cm_rej_get_reject_info_len(struct cm_rej_msg *rej_msg) { return (u8) (rej_msg->offset9 >> 1); } static inline void cm_rej_set_reject_info_len(struct cm_rej_msg *rej_msg, u8 len) { rej_msg->offset9 = (u8) ((rej_msg->offset9 & 0x1) | (len << 1)); } struct cm_rep_msg { struct ib_mad_hdr hdr; __be32 local_comm_id; __be32 remote_comm_id; __be32 local_qkey; /* local QPN:24, rsvd:8 */ __be32 offset12; /* local EECN:24, rsvd:8 */ __be32 offset16; /* starting PSN:24 rsvd:8 */ __be32 offset20; u8 resp_resources; u8 initiator_depth; /* target ACK delay:5, failover accepted:2, end-to-end flow control:1 */ u8 offset26; /* RNR retry count:3, SRQ:1, rsvd:5 */ u8 offset27; __be64 local_ca_guid; u8 private_data[IB_CM_REP_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); static inline __be32 cm_rep_get_local_qpn(struct cm_rep_msg *rep_msg) { return cpu_to_be32(be32_to_cpu(rep_msg->offset12) >> 8); } static inline void cm_rep_set_local_qpn(struct cm_rep_msg *rep_msg, __be32 qpn) { rep_msg->offset12 = cpu_to_be32((be32_to_cpu(qpn) << 8) | (be32_to_cpu(rep_msg->offset12) & 0x000000FF)); } static inline __be32 cm_rep_get_starting_psn(struct cm_rep_msg *rep_msg) { return cpu_to_be32(be32_to_cpu(rep_msg->offset20) >> 8); } static inline void cm_rep_set_starting_psn(struct cm_rep_msg *rep_msg, __be32 starting_psn) { rep_msg->offset20 = cpu_to_be32((be32_to_cpu(starting_psn) << 8) | (be32_to_cpu(rep_msg->offset20) & 0x000000FF)); } static inline u8 cm_rep_get_target_ack_delay(struct cm_rep_msg *rep_msg) { return (u8) (rep_msg->offset26 >> 3); } static inline void cm_rep_set_target_ack_delay(struct cm_rep_msg *rep_msg, u8 target_ack_delay) { rep_msg->offset26 = (u8) ((rep_msg->offset26 & 0x07) | (target_ack_delay << 3)); } static inline u8 cm_rep_get_failover(struct cm_rep_msg *rep_msg) { return (u8) ((rep_msg->offset26 & 0x06) >> 1); } static inline void cm_rep_set_failover(struct cm_rep_msg *rep_msg, u8 failover) { rep_msg->offset26 = (u8) ((rep_msg->offset26 & 0xF9) | ((failover & 0x3) << 1)); } static inline u8 cm_rep_get_flow_ctrl(struct cm_rep_msg *rep_msg) { return (u8) (rep_msg->offset26 & 0x01); } static inline void cm_rep_set_flow_ctrl(struct cm_rep_msg *rep_msg, u8 flow_ctrl) { rep_msg->offset26 = (u8) ((rep_msg->offset26 & 0xFE) | (flow_ctrl & 0x1)); } static inline u8 cm_rep_get_rnr_retry_count(struct cm_rep_msg *rep_msg) { return (u8) (rep_msg->offset27 >> 5); } static inline void cm_rep_set_rnr_retry_count(struct cm_rep_msg *rep_msg, u8 rnr_retry_count) { rep_msg->offset27 = (u8) ((rep_msg->offset27 & 0x1F) | (rnr_retry_count << 5)); } static inline u8 cm_rep_get_srq(struct cm_rep_msg *rep_msg) { return (u8) ((rep_msg->offset27 >> 4) & 0x1); } static inline void cm_rep_set_srq(struct cm_rep_msg *rep_msg, u8 srq) { rep_msg->offset27 = (u8) ((rep_msg->offset27 & 0xEF) | ((srq & 0x1) << 4)); } struct cm_rtu_msg { struct ib_mad_hdr hdr; __be32 local_comm_id; __be32 remote_comm_id; u8 private_data[IB_CM_RTU_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct cm_dreq_msg { struct ib_mad_hdr hdr; __be32 local_comm_id; __be32 remote_comm_id; /* remote QPN/EECN:24, rsvd:8 */ __be32 offset8; u8 private_data[IB_CM_DREQ_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); static inline __be32 cm_dreq_get_remote_qpn(struct cm_dreq_msg *dreq_msg) { return cpu_to_be32(be32_to_cpu(dreq_msg->offset8) >> 8); } static inline void cm_dreq_set_remote_qpn(struct cm_dreq_msg *dreq_msg, __be32 qpn) { dreq_msg->offset8 = cpu_to_be32((be32_to_cpu(qpn) << 8) | (be32_to_cpu(dreq_msg->offset8) & 0x000000FF)); } struct cm_drep_msg { struct ib_mad_hdr hdr; __be32 local_comm_id; __be32 remote_comm_id; u8 private_data[IB_CM_DREP_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct cm_lap_msg { struct ib_mad_hdr hdr; __be32 local_comm_id; __be32 remote_comm_id; __be32 rsvd8; /* remote QPN/EECN:24, remote CM response timeout:5, rsvd:3 */ __be32 offset12; __be32 rsvd16; __be16 alt_local_lid; __be16 alt_remote_lid; union ib_gid alt_local_gid; union ib_gid alt_remote_gid; /* flow label:20, rsvd:4, traffic class:8 */ __be32 offset56; u8 alt_hop_limit; /* rsvd:2, packet rate:6 */ u8 offset61; /* SL:4, subnet local:1, rsvd:3 */ u8 offset62; /* local ACK timeout:5, rsvd:3 */ u8 offset63; u8 private_data[IB_CM_LAP_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); static inline __be32 cm_lap_get_remote_qpn(struct cm_lap_msg *lap_msg) { return cpu_to_be32(be32_to_cpu(lap_msg->offset12) >> 8); } static inline void cm_lap_set_remote_qpn(struct cm_lap_msg *lap_msg, __be32 qpn) { lap_msg->offset12 = cpu_to_be32((be32_to_cpu(qpn) << 8) | (be32_to_cpu(lap_msg->offset12) & 0x000000FF)); } static inline u8 cm_lap_get_remote_resp_timeout(struct cm_lap_msg *lap_msg) { return (u8) ((be32_to_cpu(lap_msg->offset12) & 0xF8) >> 3); } static inline void cm_lap_set_remote_resp_timeout(struct cm_lap_msg *lap_msg, u8 resp_timeout) { lap_msg->offset12 = cpu_to_be32((resp_timeout << 3) | (be32_to_cpu(lap_msg->offset12) & 0xFFFFFF07)); } static inline __be32 cm_lap_get_flow_label(struct cm_lap_msg *lap_msg) { return cpu_to_be32(be32_to_cpu(lap_msg->offset56) >> 12); } static inline void cm_lap_set_flow_label(struct cm_lap_msg *lap_msg, __be32 flow_label) { lap_msg->offset56 = cpu_to_be32( (be32_to_cpu(lap_msg->offset56) & 0x00000FFF) | (be32_to_cpu(flow_label) << 12)); } static inline u8 cm_lap_get_traffic_class(struct cm_lap_msg *lap_msg) { return (u8) be32_to_cpu(lap_msg->offset56); } static inline void cm_lap_set_traffic_class(struct cm_lap_msg *lap_msg, u8 traffic_class) { lap_msg->offset56 = cpu_to_be32(traffic_class | (be32_to_cpu(lap_msg->offset56) & 0xFFFFFF00)); } static inline u8 cm_lap_get_packet_rate(struct cm_lap_msg *lap_msg) { return lap_msg->offset61 & 0x3F; } static inline void cm_lap_set_packet_rate(struct cm_lap_msg *lap_msg, u8 packet_rate) { lap_msg->offset61 = (packet_rate & 0x3F) | (lap_msg->offset61 & 0xC0); } static inline u8 cm_lap_get_sl(struct cm_lap_msg *lap_msg) { return lap_msg->offset62 >> 4; } static inline void cm_lap_set_sl(struct cm_lap_msg *lap_msg, u8 sl) { lap_msg->offset62 = (sl << 4) | (lap_msg->offset62 & 0x0F); } static inline u8 cm_lap_get_subnet_local(struct cm_lap_msg *lap_msg) { return (lap_msg->offset62 >> 3) & 0x1; } static inline void cm_lap_set_subnet_local(struct cm_lap_msg *lap_msg, u8 subnet_local) { lap_msg->offset62 = ((subnet_local & 0x1) << 3) | (lap_msg->offset61 & 0xF7); } static inline u8 cm_lap_get_local_ack_timeout(struct cm_lap_msg *lap_msg) { return lap_msg->offset63 >> 3; } static inline void cm_lap_set_local_ack_timeout(struct cm_lap_msg *lap_msg, u8 local_ack_timeout) { lap_msg->offset63 = (local_ack_timeout << 3) | (lap_msg->offset63 & 0x07); } struct cm_apr_msg { struct ib_mad_hdr hdr; __be32 local_comm_id; __be32 remote_comm_id; u8 info_length; u8 ap_status; u8 info[IB_CM_APR_INFO_LENGTH]; u8 private_data[IB_CM_APR_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct cm_sidr_req_msg { struct ib_mad_hdr hdr; __be32 request_id; __be16 pkey; __be16 rsvd; __be64 service_id; u8 private_data[IB_CM_SIDR_REQ_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct cm_sidr_rep_msg { struct ib_mad_hdr hdr; __be32 request_id; u8 status; u8 info_length; __be16 rsvd; /* QPN:24, rsvd:8 */ __be32 offset8; __be64 service_id; __be32 qkey; u8 info[IB_CM_SIDR_REP_INFO_LENGTH]; u8 private_data[IB_CM_SIDR_REP_PRIVATE_DATA_SIZE]; } __attribute__ ((packed)); static inline __be32 cm_sidr_rep_get_qpn(struct cm_sidr_rep_msg *sidr_rep_msg) { return cpu_to_be32(be32_to_cpu(sidr_rep_msg->offset8) >> 8); } static inline void cm_sidr_rep_set_qpn(struct cm_sidr_rep_msg *sidr_rep_msg, __be32 qpn) { sidr_rep_msg->offset8 = cpu_to_be32((be32_to_cpu(qpn) << 8) | (be32_to_cpu(sidr_rep_msg->offset8) & 0x000000FF)); } #endif /* CM_MSGS_H */