/* * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms * of the GNU General Public License, incorporated herein by reference. * */ #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <linux/delay.h> #include <linux/sched.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include "includes.h" #include "hardware.h" #include "card.h" MODULE_DESCRIPTION("ISDN4Linux: Driver for Spellcaster card"); MODULE_AUTHOR("Spellcaster Telecommunications Inc."); MODULE_LICENSE("GPL"); board *sc_adapter[MAX_CARDS]; int cinst; static char devname[] = "scX"; static const char version[] = "2.0b1"; static const char *boardname[] = { "DataCommute/BRI", "DataCommute/PRI", "TeleCommute/BRI" }; /* insmod set parameters */ static unsigned int io[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; static unsigned char irq[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; static unsigned long ram[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; static bool do_reset = 0; module_param_array(io, int, NULL, 0); module_param_array(irq, byte, NULL, 0); module_param_array(ram, long, NULL, 0); module_param(do_reset, bool, 0); static int identify_board(unsigned long, unsigned int); static int __init sc_init(void) { int b = -1; int i, j; int status = -ENODEV; unsigned long memsize = 0; unsigned long features = 0; isdn_if *interface; unsigned char channels; unsigned char pgport; unsigned long magic; int model; int last_base = IOBASE_MIN; int probe_exhasted = 0; #ifdef MODULE pr_info("SpellCaster ISA ISDN Adapter Driver rev. %s Loaded\n", version); #else pr_info("SpellCaster ISA ISDN Adapter Driver rev. %s\n", version); #endif pr_info("Copyright (C) 1996 SpellCaster Telecommunications Inc.\n"); while (b++ < MAX_CARDS - 1) { pr_debug("Probing for adapter #%d\n", b); /* * Initialize reusable variables */ model = -1; magic = 0; channels = 0; pgport = 0; /* * See if we should probe for IO base */ pr_debug("I/O Base for board %d is 0x%x, %s probe\n", b, io[b], io[b] == 0 ? "will" : "won't"); if (io[b]) { /* * No, I/O Base has been provided */ for (i = 0; i < MAX_IO_REGS - 1; i++) { if (!request_region(io[b] + i * 0x400, 1, "sc test")) { pr_debug("request_region for 0x%x failed\n", io[b] + i * 0x400); io[b] = 0; break; } else release_region(io[b] + i * 0x400, 1); } /* * Confirm the I/O Address with a test */ if (io[b] == 0) { pr_debug("I/O Address invalid.\n"); continue; } outb(0x18, io[b] + 0x400 * EXP_PAGE0); if (inb(io[b] + 0x400 * EXP_PAGE0) != 0x18) { pr_debug("I/O Base 0x%x fails test\n", io[b] + 0x400 * EXP_PAGE0); continue; } } else { /* * Yes, probe for I/O Base */ if (probe_exhasted) { pr_debug("All probe addresses exhasted, skipping\n"); continue; } pr_debug("Probing for I/O...\n"); for (i = last_base; i <= IOBASE_MAX; i += IOBASE_OFFSET) { int found_io = 1; if (i == IOBASE_MAX) { probe_exhasted = 1; /* No more addresses to probe */ pr_debug("End of Probes\n"); } last_base = i + IOBASE_OFFSET; pr_debug(" checking 0x%x...", i); for (j = 0; j < MAX_IO_REGS - 1; j++) { if (!request_region(i + j * 0x400, 1, "sc test")) { pr_debug("Failed\n"); found_io = 0; break; } else release_region(i + j * 0x400, 1); } if (found_io) { io[b] = i; outb(0x18, io[b] + 0x400 * EXP_PAGE0); if (inb(io[b] + 0x400 * EXP_PAGE0) != 0x18) { pr_debug("Failed by test\n"); continue; } pr_debug("Passed\n"); break; } } if (probe_exhasted) { continue; } } /* * See if we should probe for shared RAM */ if (do_reset) { pr_debug("Doing a SAFE probe reset\n"); outb(0xFF, io[b] + RESET_OFFSET); msleep_interruptible(10000); } pr_debug("RAM Base for board %d is 0x%lx, %s probe\n", b, ram[b], ram[b] == 0 ? "will" : "won't"); if (ram[b]) { /* * No, the RAM base has been provided * Just look for a signature and ID the * board model */ if (request_region(ram[b], SRAM_PAGESIZE, "sc test")) { pr_debug("request_region for RAM base 0x%lx succeeded\n", ram[b]); model = identify_board(ram[b], io[b]); release_region(ram[b], SRAM_PAGESIZE); } } else { /* * Yes, probe for free RAM and look for * a signature and id the board model */ for (i = SRAM_MIN; i < SRAM_MAX; i += SRAM_PAGESIZE) { pr_debug("Checking RAM address 0x%x...\n", i); if (request_region(i, SRAM_PAGESIZE, "sc test")) { pr_debug(" request_region succeeded\n"); model = identify_board(i, io[b]); release_region(i, SRAM_PAGESIZE); if (model >= 0) { pr_debug(" Identified a %s\n", boardname[model]); ram[b] = i; break; } pr_debug(" Unidentifed or inaccessible\n"); continue; } pr_debug(" request failed\n"); } } /* * See if we found free RAM and the board model */ if (!ram[b] || model < 0) { /* * Nope, there was no place in RAM for the * board, or it couldn't be identified */ pr_debug("Failed to find an adapter at 0x%lx\n", ram[b]); continue; } /* * Set the board's magic number, memory size and page register */ switch (model) { case PRI_BOARD: channels = 23; magic = 0x20000; memsize = 0x100000; features = PRI_FEATURES; break; case BRI_BOARD: case POTS_BOARD: channels = 2; magic = 0x60000; memsize = 0x10000; features = BRI_FEATURES; break; } switch (ram[b] >> 12 & 0x0F) { case 0x0: pr_debug("RAM Page register set to EXP_PAGE0\n"); pgport = EXP_PAGE0; break; case 0x4: pr_debug("RAM Page register set to EXP_PAGE1\n"); pgport = EXP_PAGE1; break; case 0x8: pr_debug("RAM Page register set to EXP_PAGE2\n"); pgport = EXP_PAGE2; break; case 0xC: pr_debug("RAM Page register set to EXP_PAGE3\n"); pgport = EXP_PAGE3; break; default: pr_debug("RAM base address doesn't fall on 16K boundary\n"); continue; } pr_debug("current IRQ: %d b: %d\n", irq[b], b); /* * Make sure we got an IRQ */ if (!irq[b]) { /* * No interrupt could be used */ pr_debug("Failed to acquire an IRQ line\n"); continue; } /* * Horray! We found a board, Make sure we can register * it with ISDN4Linux */ interface = kzalloc(sizeof(isdn_if), GFP_KERNEL); if (interface == NULL) { /* * Oops, can't malloc isdn_if */ continue; } interface->owner = THIS_MODULE; interface->hl_hdrlen = 0; interface->channels = channels; interface->maxbufsize = BUFFER_SIZE; interface->features = features; interface->writebuf_skb = sndpkt; interface->writecmd = NULL; interface->command = command; strcpy(interface->id, devname); interface->id[2] = '0' + cinst; /* * Allocate the board structure */ sc_adapter[cinst] = kzalloc(sizeof(board), GFP_KERNEL); if (sc_adapter[cinst] == NULL) { /* * Oops, can't alloc memory for the board */ kfree(interface); continue; } spin_lock_init(&sc_adapter[cinst]->lock); if (!register_isdn(interface)) { /* * Oops, couldn't register for some reason */ kfree(interface); kfree(sc_adapter[cinst]); continue; } sc_adapter[cinst]->card = interface; sc_adapter[cinst]->driverId = interface->channels; strcpy(sc_adapter[cinst]->devicename, interface->id); sc_adapter[cinst]->nChannels = channels; sc_adapter[cinst]->ramsize = memsize; sc_adapter[cinst]->shmem_magic = magic; sc_adapter[cinst]->shmem_pgport = pgport; sc_adapter[cinst]->StartOnReset = 1; /* * Allocate channels status structures */ sc_adapter[cinst]->channel = kzalloc(sizeof(bchan) * channels, GFP_KERNEL); if (sc_adapter[cinst]->channel == NULL) { /* * Oops, can't alloc memory for the channels */ indicate_status(cinst, ISDN_STAT_UNLOAD, 0, NULL); /* Fix me */ kfree(interface); kfree(sc_adapter[cinst]); continue; } /* * Lock down the hardware resources */ sc_adapter[cinst]->interrupt = irq[b]; if (request_irq(sc_adapter[cinst]->interrupt, interrupt_handler, IRQF_DISABLED, interface->id, (void *)(unsigned long) cinst)) { kfree(sc_adapter[cinst]->channel); indicate_status(cinst, ISDN_STAT_UNLOAD, 0, NULL); /* Fix me */ kfree(interface); kfree(sc_adapter[cinst]); continue; } sc_adapter[cinst]->iobase = io[b]; for (i = 0; i < MAX_IO_REGS - 1; i++) { sc_adapter[cinst]->ioport[i] = io[b] + i * 0x400; request_region(sc_adapter[cinst]->ioport[i], 1, interface->id); pr_debug("Requesting I/O Port %#x\n", sc_adapter[cinst]->ioport[i]); } sc_adapter[cinst]->ioport[IRQ_SELECT] = io[b] + 0x2; request_region(sc_adapter[cinst]->ioport[IRQ_SELECT], 1, interface->id); pr_debug("Requesting I/O Port %#x\n", sc_adapter[cinst]->ioport[IRQ_SELECT]); sc_adapter[cinst]->rambase = ram[b]; request_region(sc_adapter[cinst]->rambase, SRAM_PAGESIZE, interface->id); pr_info(" %s (%d) - %s %d channels IRQ %d, I/O Base 0x%x, RAM Base 0x%lx\n", sc_adapter[cinst]->devicename, sc_adapter[cinst]->driverId, boardname[model], channels, irq[b], io[b], ram[b]); /* * reset the adapter to put things in motion */ reset(cinst); cinst++; status = 0; } if (status) pr_info("Failed to find any adapters, driver unloaded\n"); return status; } static void __exit sc_exit(void) { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < cinst; i++) { pr_debug("Cleaning up after adapter %d\n", i); /* * kill the timers */ del_timer(&(sc_adapter[i]->reset_timer)); del_timer(&(sc_adapter[i]->stat_timer)); /* * Tell I4L we're toast */ indicate_status(i, ISDN_STAT_STOP, 0, NULL); indicate_status(i, ISDN_STAT_UNLOAD, 0, NULL); /* * Release shared RAM */ release_region(sc_adapter[i]->rambase, SRAM_PAGESIZE); /* * Release the IRQ */ free_irq(sc_adapter[i]->interrupt, NULL); /* * Reset for a clean start */ outb(0xFF, sc_adapter[i]->ioport[SFT_RESET]); /* * Release the I/O Port regions */ for (j = 0; j < MAX_IO_REGS - 1; j++) { release_region(sc_adapter[i]->ioport[j], 1); pr_debug("Releasing I/O Port %#x\n", sc_adapter[i]->ioport[j]); } release_region(sc_adapter[i]->ioport[IRQ_SELECT], 1); pr_debug("Releasing I/O Port %#x\n", sc_adapter[i]->ioport[IRQ_SELECT]); /* * Release any memory we alloced */ kfree(sc_adapter[i]->channel); kfree(sc_adapter[i]->card); kfree(sc_adapter[i]); } pr_info("SpellCaster ISA ISDN Adapter Driver Unloaded.\n"); } static int identify_board(unsigned long rambase, unsigned int iobase) { unsigned int pgport; unsigned long sig; DualPortMemory *dpm; RspMessage rcvmsg; ReqMessage sndmsg; HWConfig_pl hwci; int x; pr_debug("Attempting to identify adapter @ 0x%lx io 0x%x\n", rambase, iobase); /* * Enable the base pointer */ outb(rambase >> 12, iobase + 0x2c00); switch (rambase >> 12 & 0x0F) { case 0x0: pgport = iobase + PG0_OFFSET; pr_debug("Page Register offset is 0x%x\n", PG0_OFFSET); break; case 0x4: pgport = iobase + PG1_OFFSET; pr_debug("Page Register offset is 0x%x\n", PG1_OFFSET); break; case 0x8: pgport = iobase + PG2_OFFSET; pr_debug("Page Register offset is 0x%x\n", PG2_OFFSET); break; case 0xC: pgport = iobase + PG3_OFFSET; pr_debug("Page Register offset is 0x%x\n", PG3_OFFSET); break; default: pr_debug("Invalid rambase 0x%lx\n", rambase); return -1; } /* * Try to identify a PRI card */ outb(PRI_BASEPG_VAL, pgport); msleep_interruptible(1000); sig = readl(rambase + SIG_OFFSET); pr_debug("Looking for a signature, got 0x%lx\n", sig); if (sig == SIGNATURE) return PRI_BOARD; /* * Try to identify a PRI card */ outb(BRI_BASEPG_VAL, pgport); msleep_interruptible(1000); sig = readl(rambase + SIG_OFFSET); pr_debug("Looking for a signature, got 0x%lx\n", sig); if (sig == SIGNATURE) return BRI_BOARD; return -1; /* * Try to spot a card */ sig = readl(rambase + SIG_OFFSET); pr_debug("Looking for a signature, got 0x%lx\n", sig); if (sig != SIGNATURE) return -1; dpm = (DualPortMemory *) rambase; memset(&sndmsg, 0, MSG_LEN); sndmsg.msg_byte_cnt = 3; sndmsg.type = cmReqType1; sndmsg.class = cmReqClass0; sndmsg.code = cmReqHWConfig; memcpy_toio(&(dpm->req_queue[dpm->req_head++]), &sndmsg, MSG_LEN); outb(0, iobase + 0x400); pr_debug("Sent HWConfig message\n"); /* * Wait for the response */ x = 0; while ((inb(iobase + FIFOSTAT_OFFSET) & RF_HAS_DATA) && x < 100) { schedule_timeout_interruptible(1); x++; } if (x == 100) { pr_debug("Timeout waiting for response\n"); return -1; } memcpy_fromio(&rcvmsg, &(dpm->rsp_queue[dpm->rsp_tail]), MSG_LEN); pr_debug("Got HWConfig response, status = 0x%x\n", rcvmsg.rsp_status); memcpy(&hwci, &(rcvmsg.msg_data.HWCresponse), sizeof(HWConfig_pl)); pr_debug("Hardware Config: Interface: %s, RAM Size: %ld, Serial: %s\n" " Part: %s, Rev: %s\n", hwci.st_u_sense ? "S/T" : "U", hwci.ram_size, hwci.serial_no, hwci.part_no, hwci.rev_no); if (!strncmp(PRI_PARTNO, hwci.part_no, 6)) return PRI_BOARD; if (!strncmp(BRI_PARTNO, hwci.part_no, 6)) return BRI_BOARD; return -1; } module_init(sc_init); module_exit(sc_exit);