/* * Compaq Hot Plug Controller Driver * * Copyright (C) 1995,2001 Compaq Computer Corporation * Copyright (C) 2001 Greg Kroah-Hartman (greg@kroah.com) * Copyright (C) 2001 IBM Corp. * * All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, GOOD TITLE or * NON INFRINGEMENT. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. * * Send feedback to <greg@kroah.com> * */ #include <linux/config.h> #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/types.h> #include <linux/proc_fs.h> #include <linux/slab.h> #include <linux/workqueue.h> #include <linux/pci.h> #include <linux/init.h> #include <asm/uaccess.h> #include "cpqphp.h" #include "cpqphp_nvram.h" #define ROM_INT15_PHY_ADDR 0x0FF859 #define READ_EV 0xD8A4 #define WRITE_EV 0xD8A5 struct register_foo { union { unsigned long lword; /* eax */ unsigned short word; /* ax */ struct { unsigned char low; /* al */ unsigned char high; /* ah */ } byte; } data; unsigned char opcode; /* see below */ unsigned long length; /* if the reg. is a pointer, how much data */ } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct all_reg { struct register_foo eax_reg; struct register_foo ebx_reg; struct register_foo ecx_reg; struct register_foo edx_reg; struct register_foo edi_reg; struct register_foo esi_reg; struct register_foo eflags_reg; } __attribute__ ((packed)); struct ev_hrt_header { u8 Version; u8 num_of_ctrl; u8 next; }; struct ev_hrt_ctrl { u8 bus; u8 device; u8 function; u8 mem_avail; u8 p_mem_avail; u8 io_avail; u8 bus_avail; u8 next; }; static u8 evbuffer_init; static u8 evbuffer_length; static u8 evbuffer[1024]; static void __iomem *compaq_int15_entry_point; static spinlock_t int15_lock; /* lock for ordering int15_bios_call() */ /* This is a series of function that deals with setting & getting the hotplug resource table in some environment variable. */ /* * We really shouldn't be doing this unless there is a _very_ good reason to!!! * greg k-h */ static u32 add_byte( u32 **p_buffer, u8 value, u32 *used, u32 *avail) { u8 **tByte; if ((*used + 1) > *avail) return(1); *((u8*)*p_buffer) = value; tByte = (u8**)p_buffer; (*tByte)++; *used+=1; return(0); } static u32 add_dword( u32 **p_buffer, u32 value, u32 *used, u32 *avail) { if ((*used + 4) > *avail) return(1); **p_buffer = value; (*p_buffer)++; *used+=4; return(0); } /* * check_for_compaq_ROM * * this routine verifies that the ROM OEM string is 'COMPAQ' * * returns 0 for non-Compaq ROM, 1 for Compaq ROM */ static int check_for_compaq_ROM (void __iomem *rom_start) { u8 temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4, temp5, temp6; int result = 0; temp1 = readb(rom_start + 0xffea + 0); temp2 = readb(rom_start + 0xffea + 1); temp3 = readb(rom_start + 0xffea + 2); temp4 = readb(rom_start + 0xffea + 3); temp5 = readb(rom_start + 0xffea + 4); temp6 = readb(rom_start + 0xffea + 5); if ((temp1 == 'C') && (temp2 == 'O') && (temp3 == 'M') && (temp4 == 'P') && (temp5 == 'A') && (temp6 == 'Q')) { result = 1; } dbg ("%s - returned %d\n", __FUNCTION__, result); return result; } static u32 access_EV (u16 operation, u8 *ev_name, u8 *buffer, u32 *buf_size) { unsigned long flags; int op = operation; int ret_val; if (!compaq_int15_entry_point) return -ENODEV; spin_lock_irqsave(&int15_lock, flags); __asm__ ( "xorl %%ebx,%%ebx\n" \ "xorl %%edx,%%edx\n" \ "pushf\n" \ "push %%cs\n" \ "cli\n" \ "call *%6\n" : "=c" (*buf_size), "=a" (ret_val) : "a" (op), "c" (*buf_size), "S" (ev_name), "D" (buffer), "m" (compaq_int15_entry_point) : "%ebx", "%edx"); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&int15_lock, flags); return((ret_val & 0xFF00) >> 8); } /* * load_HRT * * Read the hot plug Resource Table from NVRAM */ static int load_HRT (void __iomem *rom_start) { u32 available; u32 temp_dword; u8 temp_byte = 0xFF; u32 rc; if (!check_for_compaq_ROM(rom_start)) { return -ENODEV; } available = 1024; // Now load the EV temp_dword = available; rc = access_EV(READ_EV, "CQTHPS", evbuffer, &temp_dword); evbuffer_length = temp_dword; // We're maintaining the resource lists so write FF to invalidate old info temp_dword = 1; rc = access_EV(WRITE_EV, "CQTHPS", &temp_byte, &temp_dword); return rc; } /* * store_HRT * * Save the hot plug Resource Table in NVRAM */ static u32 store_HRT (void __iomem *rom_start) { u32 *buffer; u32 *pFill; u32 usedbytes; u32 available; u32 temp_dword; u32 rc; u8 loop; u8 numCtrl = 0; struct controller *ctrl; struct pci_resource *resNode; struct ev_hrt_header *p_EV_header; struct ev_hrt_ctrl *p_ev_ctrl; available = 1024; if (!check_for_compaq_ROM(rom_start)) { return(1); } buffer = (u32*) evbuffer; if (!buffer) return(1); pFill = buffer; usedbytes = 0; p_EV_header = (struct ev_hrt_header *) pFill; ctrl = cpqhp_ctrl_list; // The revision of this structure rc = add_byte( &pFill, 1 + ctrl->push_flag, &usedbytes, &available); if (rc) return(rc); // The number of controllers rc = add_byte( &pFill, 1, &usedbytes, &available); if (rc) return(rc); while (ctrl) { p_ev_ctrl = (struct ev_hrt_ctrl *) pFill; numCtrl++; // The bus number rc = add_byte( &pFill, ctrl->bus, &usedbytes, &available); if (rc) return(rc); // The device Number rc = add_byte( &pFill, PCI_SLOT(ctrl->pci_dev->devfn), &usedbytes, &available); if (rc) return(rc); // The function Number rc = add_byte( &pFill, PCI_FUNC(ctrl->pci_dev->devfn), &usedbytes, &available); if (rc) return(rc); // Skip the number of available entries rc = add_dword( &pFill, 0, &usedbytes, &available); if (rc) return(rc); // Figure out memory Available resNode = ctrl->mem_head; loop = 0; while (resNode) { loop ++; // base rc = add_dword( &pFill, resNode->base, &usedbytes, &available); if (rc) return(rc); // length rc = add_dword( &pFill, resNode->length, &usedbytes, &available); if (rc) return(rc); resNode = resNode->next; } // Fill in the number of entries p_ev_ctrl->mem_avail = loop; // Figure out prefetchable memory Available resNode = ctrl->p_mem_head; loop = 0; while (resNode) { loop ++; // base rc = add_dword( &pFill, resNode->base, &usedbytes, &available); if (rc) return(rc); // length rc = add_dword( &pFill, resNode->length, &usedbytes, &available); if (rc) return(rc); resNode = resNode->next; } // Fill in the number of entries p_ev_ctrl->p_mem_avail = loop; // Figure out IO Available resNode = ctrl->io_head; loop = 0; while (resNode) { loop ++; // base rc = add_dword( &pFill, resNode->base, &usedbytes, &available); if (rc) return(rc); // length rc = add_dword( &pFill, resNode->length, &usedbytes, &available); if (rc) return(rc); resNode = resNode->next; } // Fill in the number of entries p_ev_ctrl->io_avail = loop; // Figure out bus Available resNode = ctrl->bus_head; loop = 0; while (resNode) { loop ++; // base rc = add_dword( &pFill, resNode->base, &usedbytes, &available); if (rc) return(rc); // length rc = add_dword( &pFill, resNode->length, &usedbytes, &available); if (rc) return(rc); resNode = resNode->next; } // Fill in the number of entries p_ev_ctrl->bus_avail = loop; ctrl = ctrl->next; } p_EV_header->num_of_ctrl = numCtrl; // Now store the EV temp_dword = usedbytes; rc = access_EV(WRITE_EV, "CQTHPS", (u8*) buffer, &temp_dword); dbg("usedbytes = 0x%x, length = 0x%x\n", usedbytes, temp_dword); evbuffer_length = temp_dword; if (rc) { err(msg_unable_to_save); return(1); } return(0); } void compaq_nvram_init (void __iomem *rom_start) { if (rom_start) { compaq_int15_entry_point = (rom_start + ROM_INT15_PHY_ADDR - ROM_PHY_ADDR); } dbg("int15 entry = %p\n", compaq_int15_entry_point); /* initialize our int15 lock */ spin_lock_init(&int15_lock); } int compaq_nvram_load (void __iomem *rom_start, struct controller *ctrl) { u8 bus, device, function; u8 nummem, numpmem, numio, numbus; u32 rc; u8 *p_byte; struct pci_resource *mem_node; struct pci_resource *p_mem_node; struct pci_resource *io_node; struct pci_resource *bus_node; struct ev_hrt_ctrl *p_ev_ctrl; struct ev_hrt_header *p_EV_header; if (!evbuffer_init) { // Read the resource list information in from NVRAM if (load_HRT(rom_start)) memset (evbuffer, 0, 1024); evbuffer_init = 1; } // If we saved information in NVRAM, use it now p_EV_header = (struct ev_hrt_header *) evbuffer; // The following code is for systems where version 1.0 of this // driver has been loaded, but doesn't support the hardware. // In that case, the driver would incorrectly store something // in NVRAM. if ((p_EV_header->Version == 2) || ((p_EV_header->Version == 1) && !ctrl->push_flag)) { p_byte = &(p_EV_header->next); p_ev_ctrl = (struct ev_hrt_ctrl *) &(p_EV_header->next); p_byte += 3; if (p_byte > ((u8*)p_EV_header + evbuffer_length)) return 2; bus = p_ev_ctrl->bus; device = p_ev_ctrl->device; function = p_ev_ctrl->function; while ((bus != ctrl->bus) || (device != PCI_SLOT(ctrl->pci_dev->devfn)) || (function != PCI_FUNC(ctrl->pci_dev->devfn))) { nummem = p_ev_ctrl->mem_avail; numpmem = p_ev_ctrl->p_mem_avail; numio = p_ev_ctrl->io_avail; numbus = p_ev_ctrl->bus_avail; p_byte += 4; if (p_byte > ((u8*)p_EV_header + evbuffer_length)) return 2; // Skip forward to the next entry p_byte += (nummem + numpmem + numio + numbus) * 8; if (p_byte > ((u8*)p_EV_header + evbuffer_length)) return 2; p_ev_ctrl = (struct ev_hrt_ctrl *) p_byte; p_byte += 3; if (p_byte > ((u8*)p_EV_header + evbuffer_length)) return 2; bus = p_ev_ctrl->bus; device = p_ev_ctrl->device; function = p_ev_ctrl->function; } nummem = p_ev_ctrl->mem_avail; numpmem = p_ev_ctrl->p_mem_avail; numio = p_ev_ctrl->io_avail; numbus = p_ev_ctrl->bus_avail; p_byte += 4; if (p_byte > ((u8*)p_EV_header + evbuffer_length)) return 2; while (nummem--) { mem_node = (struct pci_resource*) kmalloc(sizeof(struct pci_resource), GFP_KERNEL); if (!mem_node) break; mem_node->base = *(u32*)p_byte; dbg("mem base = %8.8x\n",mem_node->base); p_byte += 4; if (p_byte > ((u8*)p_EV_header + evbuffer_length)) { kfree(mem_node); return 2; } mem_node->length = *(u32*)p_byte; dbg("mem length = %8.8x\n",mem_node->length); p_byte += 4; if (p_byte > ((u8*)p_EV_header + evbuffer_length)) { kfree(mem_node); return 2; } mem_node->next = ctrl->mem_head; ctrl->mem_head = mem_node; } while (numpmem--) { p_mem_node = (struct pci_resource*) kmalloc(sizeof(struct pci_resource), GFP_KERNEL); if (!p_mem_node) break; p_mem_node->base = *(u32*)p_byte; dbg("pre-mem base = %8.8x\n",p_mem_node->base); p_byte += 4; if (p_byte > ((u8*)p_EV_header + evbuffer_length)) { kfree(p_mem_node); return 2; } p_mem_node->length = *(u32*)p_byte; dbg("pre-mem length = %8.8x\n",p_mem_node->length); p_byte += 4; if (p_byte > ((u8*)p_EV_header + evbuffer_length)) { kfree(p_mem_node); return 2; } p_mem_node->next = ctrl->p_mem_head; ctrl->p_mem_head = p_mem_node; } while (numio--) { io_node = (struct pci_resource*) kmalloc(sizeof(struct pci_resource), GFP_KERNEL); if (!io_node) break; io_node->base = *(u32*)p_byte; dbg("io base = %8.8x\n",io_node->base); p_byte += 4; if (p_byte > ((u8*)p_EV_header + evbuffer_length)) { kfree(io_node); return 2; } io_node->length = *(u32*)p_byte; dbg("io length = %8.8x\n",io_node->length); p_byte += 4; if (p_byte > ((u8*)p_EV_header + evbuffer_length)) { kfree(io_node); return 2; } io_node->next = ctrl->io_head; ctrl->io_head = io_node; } while (numbus--) { bus_node = (struct pci_resource*) kmalloc(sizeof(struct pci_resource), GFP_KERNEL); if (!bus_node) break; bus_node->base = *(u32*)p_byte; p_byte += 4; if (p_byte > ((u8*)p_EV_header + evbuffer_length)) { kfree(bus_node); return 2; } bus_node->length = *(u32*)p_byte; p_byte += 4; if (p_byte > ((u8*)p_EV_header + evbuffer_length)) { kfree(bus_node); return 2; } bus_node->next = ctrl->bus_head; ctrl->bus_head = bus_node; } // If all of the following fail, we don't have any resources for // hot plug add rc = 1; rc &= cpqhp_resource_sort_and_combine(&(ctrl->mem_head)); rc &= cpqhp_resource_sort_and_combine(&(ctrl->p_mem_head)); rc &= cpqhp_resource_sort_and_combine(&(ctrl->io_head)); rc &= cpqhp_resource_sort_and_combine(&(ctrl->bus_head)); if (rc) return(rc); } else { if ((evbuffer[0] != 0) && (!ctrl->push_flag)) return 1; } return 0; } int compaq_nvram_store (void __iomem *rom_start) { int rc = 1; if (rom_start == NULL) return -ENODEV; if (evbuffer_init) { rc = store_HRT(rom_start); if (rc) { err(msg_unable_to_save); } } return rc; }