/* * OMAP1 Special OptimiSed Screen Interface support * * Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Nokia Corporation * Author: Juha Yrj�l� <juha.yrjola@nokia.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/mm.h> #include <linux/clk.h> #include <linux/irq.h> #include <linux/io.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <plat/dma.h> #include "omapfb.h" #include "lcdc.h" #define MODULE_NAME "omapfb-sossi" #define OMAP_SOSSI_BASE 0xfffbac00 #define SOSSI_ID_REG 0x00 #define SOSSI_INIT1_REG 0x04 #define SOSSI_INIT2_REG 0x08 #define SOSSI_INIT3_REG 0x0c #define SOSSI_FIFO_REG 0x10 #define SOSSI_REOTABLE_REG 0x14 #define SOSSI_TEARING_REG 0x18 #define SOSSI_INIT1B_REG 0x1c #define SOSSI_FIFOB_REG 0x20 #define DMA_GSCR 0xfffedc04 #define DMA_LCD_CCR 0xfffee3c2 #define DMA_LCD_CTRL 0xfffee3c4 #define DMA_LCD_LCH_CTRL 0xfffee3ea #define CONF_SOSSI_RESET_R (1 << 23) #define RD_ACCESS 0 #define WR_ACCESS 1 #define SOSSI_MAX_XMIT_BYTES (512 * 1024) static struct { void __iomem *base; struct clk *fck; unsigned long fck_hz; spinlock_t lock; int bus_pick_count; int bus_pick_width; int tearsync_mode; int tearsync_line; void (*lcdc_callback)(void *data); void *lcdc_callback_data; int vsync_dma_pending; /* timing for read and write access */ int clk_div; u8 clk_tw0[2]; u8 clk_tw1[2]; /* * if last_access is the same as current we don't have to change * the timings */ int last_access; struct omapfb_device *fbdev; } sossi; static inline u32 sossi_read_reg(int reg) { return readl(sossi.base + reg); } static inline u16 sossi_read_reg16(int reg) { return readw(sossi.base + reg); } static inline u8 sossi_read_reg8(int reg) { return readb(sossi.base + reg); } static inline void sossi_write_reg(int reg, u32 value) { writel(value, sossi.base + reg); } static inline void sossi_write_reg16(int reg, u16 value) { writew(value, sossi.base + reg); } static inline void sossi_write_reg8(int reg, u8 value) { writeb(value, sossi.base + reg); } static void sossi_set_bits(int reg, u32 bits) { sossi_write_reg(reg, sossi_read_reg(reg) | bits); } static void sossi_clear_bits(int reg, u32 bits) { sossi_write_reg(reg, sossi_read_reg(reg) & ~bits); } #define HZ_TO_PS(x) (1000000000 / (x / 1000)) static u32 ps_to_sossi_ticks(u32 ps, int div) { u32 clk_period = HZ_TO_PS(sossi.fck_hz) * div; return (clk_period + ps - 1) / clk_period; } static int calc_rd_timings(struct extif_timings *t) { u32 tw0, tw1; int reon, reoff, recyc, actim; int div = t->clk_div; /* * Make sure that after conversion it still holds that: * reoff > reon, recyc >= reoff, actim > reon */ reon = ps_to_sossi_ticks(t->re_on_time, div); /* reon will be exactly one sossi tick */ if (reon > 1) return -1; reoff = ps_to_sossi_ticks(t->re_off_time, div); if (reoff <= reon) reoff = reon + 1; tw0 = reoff - reon; if (tw0 > 0x10) return -1; recyc = ps_to_sossi_ticks(t->re_cycle_time, div); if (recyc <= reoff) recyc = reoff + 1; tw1 = recyc - tw0; /* values less then 3 result in the SOSSI block resetting itself */ if (tw1 < 3) tw1 = 3; if (tw1 > 0x40) return -1; actim = ps_to_sossi_ticks(t->access_time, div); if (actim < reoff) actim++; /* * access time (data hold time) will be exactly one sossi * tick */ if (actim - reoff > 1) return -1; t->tim[0] = tw0 - 1; t->tim[1] = tw1 - 1; return 0; } static int calc_wr_timings(struct extif_timings *t) { u32 tw0, tw1; int weon, weoff, wecyc; int div = t->clk_div; /* * Make sure that after conversion it still holds that: * weoff > weon, wecyc >= weoff */ weon = ps_to_sossi_ticks(t->we_on_time, div); /* weon will be exactly one sossi tick */ if (weon > 1) return -1; weoff = ps_to_sossi_ticks(t->we_off_time, div); if (weoff <= weon) weoff = weon + 1; tw0 = weoff - weon; if (tw0 > 0x10) return -1; wecyc = ps_to_sossi_ticks(t->we_cycle_time, div); if (wecyc <= weoff) wecyc = weoff + 1; tw1 = wecyc - tw0; /* values less then 3 result in the SOSSI block resetting itself */ if (tw1 < 3) tw1 = 3; if (tw1 > 0x40) return -1; t->tim[2] = tw0 - 1; t->tim[3] = tw1 - 1; return 0; } static void _set_timing(int div, int tw0, int tw1) { u32 l; #ifdef VERBOSE dev_dbg(sossi.fbdev->dev, "Using TW0 = %d, TW1 = %d, div = %d\n", tw0 + 1, tw1 + 1, div); #endif clk_set_rate(sossi.fck, sossi.fck_hz / div); clk_enable(sossi.fck); l = sossi_read_reg(SOSSI_INIT1_REG); l &= ~((0x0f << 20) | (0x3f << 24)); l |= (tw0 << 20) | (tw1 << 24); sossi_write_reg(SOSSI_INIT1_REG, l); clk_disable(sossi.fck); } static void _set_bits_per_cycle(int bus_pick_count, int bus_pick_width) { u32 l; l = sossi_read_reg(SOSSI_INIT3_REG); l &= ~0x3ff; l |= ((bus_pick_count - 1) << 5) | ((bus_pick_width - 1) & 0x1f); sossi_write_reg(SOSSI_INIT3_REG, l); } static void _set_tearsync_mode(int mode, unsigned line) { u32 l; l = sossi_read_reg(SOSSI_TEARING_REG); l &= ~(((1 << 11) - 1) << 15); l |= line << 15; l &= ~(0x3 << 26); l |= mode << 26; sossi_write_reg(SOSSI_TEARING_REG, l); if (mode) sossi_set_bits(SOSSI_INIT2_REG, 1 << 6); /* TE logic */ else sossi_clear_bits(SOSSI_INIT2_REG, 1 << 6); } static inline void set_timing(int access) { if (access != sossi.last_access) { sossi.last_access = access; _set_timing(sossi.clk_div, sossi.clk_tw0[access], sossi.clk_tw1[access]); } } static void sossi_start_transfer(void) { /* WE */ sossi_clear_bits(SOSSI_INIT2_REG, 1 << 4); /* CS active low */ sossi_clear_bits(SOSSI_INIT1_REG, 1 << 30); } static void sossi_stop_transfer(void) { /* WE */ sossi_set_bits(SOSSI_INIT2_REG, 1 << 4); /* CS active low */ sossi_set_bits(SOSSI_INIT1_REG, 1 << 30); } static void wait_end_of_write(void) { /* Before reading we must check if some writings are going on */ while (!(sossi_read_reg(SOSSI_INIT2_REG) & (1 << 3))); } static void send_data(const void *data, unsigned int len) { while (len >= 4) { sossi_write_reg(SOSSI_FIFO_REG, *(const u32 *) data); len -= 4; data += 4; } while (len >= 2) { sossi_write_reg16(SOSSI_FIFO_REG, *(const u16 *) data); len -= 2; data += 2; } while (len) { sossi_write_reg8(SOSSI_FIFO_REG, *(const u8 *) data); len--; data++; } } static void set_cycles(unsigned int len) { unsigned long nr_cycles = len / (sossi.bus_pick_width / 8); BUG_ON((nr_cycles - 1) & ~0x3ffff); sossi_clear_bits(SOSSI_INIT1_REG, 0x3ffff); sossi_set_bits(SOSSI_INIT1_REG, (nr_cycles - 1) & 0x3ffff); } static int sossi_convert_timings(struct extif_timings *t) { int r = 0; int div = t->clk_div; t->converted = 0; if (div <= 0 || div > 8) return -1; /* no CS on SOSSI, so ignore cson, csoff, cs_pulsewidth */ if ((r = calc_rd_timings(t)) < 0) return r; if ((r = calc_wr_timings(t)) < 0) return r; t->tim[4] = div; t->converted = 1; return 0; } static void sossi_set_timings(const struct extif_timings *t) { BUG_ON(!t->converted); sossi.clk_tw0[RD_ACCESS] = t->tim[0]; sossi.clk_tw1[RD_ACCESS] = t->tim[1]; sossi.clk_tw0[WR_ACCESS] = t->tim[2]; sossi.clk_tw1[WR_ACCESS] = t->tim[3]; sossi.clk_div = t->tim[4]; } static void sossi_get_clk_info(u32 *clk_period, u32 *max_clk_div) { *clk_period = HZ_TO_PS(sossi.fck_hz); *max_clk_div = 8; } static void sossi_set_bits_per_cycle(int bpc) { int bus_pick_count, bus_pick_width; /* * We set explicitly the the bus_pick_count as well, although * with remapping/reordering disabled it will be calculated by HW * as (32 / bus_pick_width). */ switch (bpc) { case 8: bus_pick_count = 4; bus_pick_width = 8; break; case 16: bus_pick_count = 2; bus_pick_width = 16; break; default: BUG(); return; } sossi.bus_pick_width = bus_pick_width; sossi.bus_pick_count = bus_pick_count; } static int sossi_setup_tearsync(unsigned pin_cnt, unsigned hs_pulse_time, unsigned vs_pulse_time, int hs_pol_inv, int vs_pol_inv, int div) { int hs, vs; u32 l; if (pin_cnt != 1 || div < 1 || div > 8) return -EINVAL; hs = ps_to_sossi_ticks(hs_pulse_time, div); vs = ps_to_sossi_ticks(vs_pulse_time, div); if (vs < 8 || vs <= hs || vs >= (1 << 12)) return -EDOM; vs /= 8; vs--; if (hs > 8) hs = 8; if (hs) hs--; dev_dbg(sossi.fbdev->dev, "setup_tearsync: hs %d vs %d hs_inv %d vs_inv %d\n", hs, vs, hs_pol_inv, vs_pol_inv); clk_enable(sossi.fck); l = sossi_read_reg(SOSSI_TEARING_REG); l &= ~((1 << 15) - 1); l |= vs << 3; l |= hs; if (hs_pol_inv) l |= 1 << 29; else l &= ~(1 << 29); if (vs_pol_inv) l |= 1 << 28; else l &= ~(1 << 28); sossi_write_reg(SOSSI_TEARING_REG, l); clk_disable(sossi.fck); return 0; } static int sossi_enable_tearsync(int enable, unsigned line) { int mode; dev_dbg(sossi.fbdev->dev, "tearsync %d line %d\n", enable, line); if (line >= 1 << 11) return -EINVAL; if (enable) { if (line) mode = 2; /* HS or VS */ else mode = 3; /* VS only */ } else mode = 0; sossi.tearsync_line = line; sossi.tearsync_mode = mode; return 0; } static void sossi_write_command(const void *data, unsigned int len) { clk_enable(sossi.fck); set_timing(WR_ACCESS); _set_bits_per_cycle(sossi.bus_pick_count, sossi.bus_pick_width); /* CMD#/DATA */ sossi_clear_bits(SOSSI_INIT1_REG, 1 << 18); set_cycles(len); sossi_start_transfer(); send_data(data, len); sossi_stop_transfer(); wait_end_of_write(); clk_disable(sossi.fck); } static void sossi_write_data(const void *data, unsigned int len) { clk_enable(sossi.fck); set_timing(WR_ACCESS); _set_bits_per_cycle(sossi.bus_pick_count, sossi.bus_pick_width); /* CMD#/DATA */ sossi_set_bits(SOSSI_INIT1_REG, 1 << 18); set_cycles(len); sossi_start_transfer(); send_data(data, len); sossi_stop_transfer(); wait_end_of_write(); clk_disable(sossi.fck); } static void sossi_transfer_area(int width, int height, void (callback)(void *data), void *data) { BUG_ON(callback == NULL); sossi.lcdc_callback = callback; sossi.lcdc_callback_data = data; clk_enable(sossi.fck); set_timing(WR_ACCESS); _set_bits_per_cycle(sossi.bus_pick_count, sossi.bus_pick_width); _set_tearsync_mode(sossi.tearsync_mode, sossi.tearsync_line); /* CMD#/DATA */ sossi_set_bits(SOSSI_INIT1_REG, 1 << 18); set_cycles(width * height * sossi.bus_pick_width / 8); sossi_start_transfer(); if (sossi.tearsync_mode) { /* * Wait for the sync signal and start the transfer only * then. We can't seem to be able to use HW sync DMA for * this since LCD DMA shows huge latencies, as if it * would ignore some of the DMA requests from SoSSI. */ unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&sossi.lock, flags); sossi.vsync_dma_pending++; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sossi.lock, flags); } else /* Just start the transfer right away. */ omap_enable_lcd_dma(); } static void sossi_dma_callback(void *data) { omap_stop_lcd_dma(); sossi_stop_transfer(); clk_disable(sossi.fck); sossi.lcdc_callback(sossi.lcdc_callback_data); } static void sossi_read_data(void *data, unsigned int len) { clk_enable(sossi.fck); set_timing(RD_ACCESS); _set_bits_per_cycle(sossi.bus_pick_count, sossi.bus_pick_width); /* CMD#/DATA */ sossi_set_bits(SOSSI_INIT1_REG, 1 << 18); set_cycles(len); sossi_start_transfer(); while (len >= 4) { *(u32 *) data = sossi_read_reg(SOSSI_FIFO_REG); len -= 4; data += 4; } while (len >= 2) { *(u16 *) data = sossi_read_reg16(SOSSI_FIFO_REG); len -= 2; data += 2; } while (len) { *(u8 *) data = sossi_read_reg8(SOSSI_FIFO_REG); len--; data++; } sossi_stop_transfer(); clk_disable(sossi.fck); } static irqreturn_t sossi_match_irq(int irq, void *data) { unsigned long flags; spin_lock_irqsave(&sossi.lock, flags); if (sossi.vsync_dma_pending) { sossi.vsync_dma_pending--; omap_enable_lcd_dma(); } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&sossi.lock, flags); return IRQ_HANDLED; } static int sossi_init(struct omapfb_device *fbdev) { u32 l, k; struct clk *fck; struct clk *dpll1out_ck; int r; sossi.base = ioremap(OMAP_SOSSI_BASE, SZ_1K); if (!sossi.base) { dev_err(fbdev->dev, "can't ioremap SoSSI\n"); return -ENOMEM; } sossi.fbdev = fbdev; spin_lock_init(&sossi.lock); dpll1out_ck = clk_get(fbdev->dev, "ck_dpll1out"); if (IS_ERR(dpll1out_ck)) { dev_err(fbdev->dev, "can't get DPLL1OUT clock\n"); return PTR_ERR(dpll1out_ck); } /* * We need the parent clock rate, which we might divide further * depending on the timing requirements of the controller. See * _set_timings. */ sossi.fck_hz = clk_get_rate(dpll1out_ck); clk_put(dpll1out_ck); fck = clk_get(fbdev->dev, "ck_sossi"); if (IS_ERR(fck)) { dev_err(fbdev->dev, "can't get SoSSI functional clock\n"); return PTR_ERR(fck); } sossi.fck = fck; /* Reset and enable the SoSSI module */ l = omap_readl(MOD_CONF_CTRL_1); l |= CONF_SOSSI_RESET_R; omap_writel(l, MOD_CONF_CTRL_1); l &= ~CONF_SOSSI_RESET_R; omap_writel(l, MOD_CONF_CTRL_1); clk_enable(sossi.fck); l = omap_readl(ARM_IDLECT2); l &= ~(1 << 8); /* DMACK_REQ */ omap_writel(l, ARM_IDLECT2); l = sossi_read_reg(SOSSI_INIT2_REG); /* Enable and reset the SoSSI block */ l |= (1 << 0) | (1 << 1); sossi_write_reg(SOSSI_INIT2_REG, l); /* Take SoSSI out of reset */ l &= ~(1 << 1); sossi_write_reg(SOSSI_INIT2_REG, l); sossi_write_reg(SOSSI_ID_REG, 0); l = sossi_read_reg(SOSSI_ID_REG); k = sossi_read_reg(SOSSI_ID_REG); if (l != 0x55555555 || k != 0xaaaaaaaa) { dev_err(fbdev->dev, "invalid SoSSI sync pattern: %08x, %08x\n", l, k); r = -ENODEV; goto err; } if ((r = omap_lcdc_set_dma_callback(sossi_dma_callback, NULL)) < 0) { dev_err(fbdev->dev, "can't get LCDC IRQ\n"); r = -ENODEV; goto err; } l = sossi_read_reg(SOSSI_ID_REG); /* Component code */ l = sossi_read_reg(SOSSI_ID_REG); dev_info(fbdev->dev, "SoSSI version %d.%d initialized\n", l >> 16, l & 0xffff); l = sossi_read_reg(SOSSI_INIT1_REG); l |= (1 << 19); /* DMA_MODE */ l &= ~(1 << 31); /* REORDERING */ sossi_write_reg(SOSSI_INIT1_REG, l); if ((r = request_irq(INT_1610_SoSSI_MATCH, sossi_match_irq, IRQ_TYPE_EDGE_FALLING, "sossi_match", sossi.fbdev->dev)) < 0) { dev_err(sossi.fbdev->dev, "can't get SoSSI match IRQ\n"); goto err; } clk_disable(sossi.fck); return 0; err: clk_disable(sossi.fck); clk_put(sossi.fck); return r; } static void sossi_cleanup(void) { omap_lcdc_free_dma_callback(); clk_put(sossi.fck); iounmap(sossi.base); } struct lcd_ctrl_extif omap1_ext_if = { .init = sossi_init, .cleanup = sossi_cleanup, .get_clk_info = sossi_get_clk_info, .convert_timings = sossi_convert_timings, .set_timings = sossi_set_timings, .set_bits_per_cycle = sossi_set_bits_per_cycle, .setup_tearsync = sossi_setup_tearsync, .enable_tearsync = sossi_enable_tearsync, .write_command = sossi_write_command, .read_data = sossi_read_data, .write_data = sossi_write_data, .transfer_area = sossi_transfer_area, .max_transmit_size = SOSSI_MAX_XMIT_BYTES, };