 * linux/drivers/video/omap2/dss/dss.h
 * Copyright (C) 2009 Nokia Corporation
 * Author: Tomi Valkeinen <tomi.valkeinen@nokia.com>
 * Some code and ideas taken from drivers/video/omap/ driver
 * by Imre Deak.
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
 * more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
 * this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#ifndef __OMAP2_DSS_H
#define __OMAP2_DSS_H

#define DEBUG

#ifdef DEBUG
extern unsigned int dss_debug;
#define DSSDBG(format, ...) \
	if (dss_debug) \
		printk(KERN_DEBUG "omapdss " DSS_SUBSYS_NAME ": " format, \
		## __VA_ARGS__)
#define DSSDBG(format, ...) \
	if (dss_debug) \
		printk(KERN_DEBUG "omapdss: " format, ## __VA_ARGS__)

#define DSSDBGF(format, ...) \
	if (dss_debug) \
		printk(KERN_DEBUG "omapdss " DSS_SUBSYS_NAME \
				": %s(" format ")\n", \
				__func__, \
				## __VA_ARGS__)
#define DSSDBGF(format, ...) \
	if (dss_debug) \
		printk(KERN_DEBUG "omapdss: " \
				": %s(" format ")\n", \
				__func__, \
				## __VA_ARGS__)

#else /* DEBUG */
#define DSSDBG(format, ...)
#define DSSDBGF(format, ...)

#define DSSERR(format, ...) \
	printk(KERN_ERR "omapdss " DSS_SUBSYS_NAME " error: " format, \
	## __VA_ARGS__)
#define DSSERR(format, ...) \
	printk(KERN_ERR "omapdss error: " format, ## __VA_ARGS__)

#define DSSINFO(format, ...) \
	printk(KERN_INFO "omapdss " DSS_SUBSYS_NAME ": " format, \
	## __VA_ARGS__)
#define DSSINFO(format, ...) \
	printk(KERN_INFO "omapdss: " format, ## __VA_ARGS__)

#define DSSWARN(format, ...) \
	printk(KERN_WARNING "omapdss " DSS_SUBSYS_NAME ": " format, \
	## __VA_ARGS__)
#define DSSWARN(format, ...) \
	printk(KERN_WARNING "omapdss: " format, ## __VA_ARGS__)

/* OMAP TRM gives bitfields as start:end, where start is the higher bit
   number. For example 7:0 */
#define FLD_MASK(start, end)	(((1 << ((start) - (end) + 1)) - 1) << (end))
#define FLD_VAL(val, start, end) (((val) << (end)) & FLD_MASK(start, end))
#define FLD_GET(val, start, end) (((val) & FLD_MASK(start, end)) >> (end))
#define FLD_MOD(orig, val, start, end) \
	(((orig) & ~FLD_MASK(start, end)) | FLD_VAL(val, start, end))

enum dss_io_pad_mode {

enum dss_hdmi_venc_clk_source_select {

enum dss_dsi_content_type {

struct dss_clock_info {
	/* rates that we get with dividers below */
	unsigned long fck;

	/* dividers */
	u16 fck_div;

struct dispc_clock_info {
	/* rates that we get with dividers below */
	unsigned long lck;
	unsigned long pck;

	/* dividers */
	u16 lck_div;
	u16 pck_div;

struct dsi_clock_info {
	/* rates that we get with dividers below */
	unsigned long fint;
	unsigned long clkin4ddr;
	unsigned long clkin;
	unsigned long dsi_pll_hsdiv_dispc_clk;	/* OMAP3: DSI1_PLL_CLK
						 * OMAP4: PLLx_CLK1 */
	unsigned long dsi_pll_hsdiv_dsi_clk;	/* OMAP3: DSI2_PLL_CLK
						 * OMAP4: PLLx_CLK2 */
	unsigned long lp_clk;

	/* dividers */
	u16 regn;
	u16 regm;
	u16 regm_dispc;	/* OMAP3: REGM3
			 * OMAP4: REGM4 */
	u16 regm_dsi;	/* OMAP3: REGM4
			 * OMAP4: REGM5 */
	u16 lp_clk_div;

	u8 highfreq;
	bool use_sys_clk;

/* HDMI PLL structure */
struct hdmi_pll_info {
	u16 regn;
	u16 regm;
	u32 regmf;
	u16 regm2;
	u16 regsd;
	u16 dcofreq;

struct seq_file;
struct platform_device;

/* core */
struct bus_type *dss_get_bus(void);
struct regulator *dss_get_vdds_dsi(void);
struct regulator *dss_get_vdds_sdi(void);

/* display */
int dss_suspend_all_devices(void);
int dss_resume_all_devices(void);
void dss_disable_all_devices(void);

void dss_init_device(struct platform_device *pdev,
		struct omap_dss_device *dssdev);
void dss_uninit_device(struct platform_device *pdev,
		struct omap_dss_device *dssdev);
bool dss_use_replication(struct omap_dss_device *dssdev,
		enum omap_color_mode mode);
void default_get_overlay_fifo_thresholds(enum omap_plane plane,
		u32 fifo_size, u32 burst_size,
		u32 *fifo_low, u32 *fifo_high);

/* manager */
int dss_init_overlay_managers(struct platform_device *pdev);
void dss_uninit_overlay_managers(struct platform_device *pdev);
int dss_mgr_wait_for_go_ovl(struct omap_overlay *ovl);
void dss_setup_partial_planes(struct omap_dss_device *dssdev,
				u16 *x, u16 *y, u16 *w, u16 *h,
				bool enlarge_update_area);
void dss_start_update(struct omap_dss_device *dssdev);

/* overlay */
void dss_init_overlays(struct platform_device *pdev);
void dss_uninit_overlays(struct platform_device *pdev);
int dss_check_overlay(struct omap_overlay *ovl, struct omap_dss_device *dssdev);
void dss_overlay_setup_dispc_manager(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr);
#ifdef L4_EXAMPLE
void dss_overlay_setup_l4_manager(struct omap_overlay_manager *mgr);
void dss_recheck_connections(struct omap_dss_device *dssdev, bool force);

/* DSS */
int dss_init_platform_driver(void);
void dss_uninit_platform_driver(void);

int dss_runtime_get(void);
void dss_runtime_put(void);

void dss_select_hdmi_venc_clk_source(enum dss_hdmi_venc_clk_source_select);
const char *dss_get_generic_clk_source_name(enum omap_dss_clk_source clk_src);
void dss_dump_clocks(struct seq_file *s);

void dss_dump_regs(struct seq_file *s);
void dss_debug_dump_clocks(struct seq_file *s);

void dss_sdi_init(u8 datapairs);
int dss_sdi_enable(void);
void dss_sdi_disable(void);

void dss_select_dispc_clk_source(enum omap_dss_clk_source clk_src);
void dss_select_dsi_clk_source(int dsi_module,
		enum omap_dss_clk_source clk_src);
void dss_select_lcd_clk_source(enum omap_channel channel,
		enum omap_dss_clk_source clk_src);
enum omap_dss_clk_source dss_get_dispc_clk_source(void);
enum omap_dss_clk_source dss_get_dsi_clk_source(int dsi_module);
enum omap_dss_clk_source dss_get_lcd_clk_source(enum omap_channel channel);

void dss_set_venc_output(enum omap_dss_venc_type type);
void dss_set_dac_pwrdn_bgz(bool enable);

unsigned long dss_get_dpll4_rate(void);
int dss_calc_clock_rates(struct dss_clock_info *cinfo);
int dss_set_clock_div(struct dss_clock_info *cinfo);
int dss_get_clock_div(struct dss_clock_info *cinfo);
int dss_calc_clock_div(bool is_tft, unsigned long req_pck,
		struct dss_clock_info *dss_cinfo,
		struct dispc_clock_info *dispc_cinfo);

/* SDI */
int sdi_init(void);
void sdi_exit(void);
int sdi_init_display(struct omap_dss_device *display);
static inline int sdi_init(void)
	return 0;
static inline void sdi_exit(void)

/* DSI */

struct dentry;
struct file_operations;

int dsi_init_platform_driver(void);
void dsi_uninit_platform_driver(void);

int dsi_runtime_get(struct platform_device *dsidev);
void dsi_runtime_put(struct platform_device *dsidev);

void dsi_dump_clocks(struct seq_file *s);
void dsi_create_debugfs_files_irq(struct dentry *debugfs_dir,
		const struct file_operations *debug_fops);
void dsi_create_debugfs_files_reg(struct dentry *debugfs_dir,
		const struct file_operations *debug_fops);

int dsi_init_display(struct omap_dss_device *display);
void dsi_irq_handler(void);
u8 dsi_get_pixel_size(enum omap_dss_dsi_pixel_format fmt);

unsigned long dsi_get_pll_hsdiv_dispc_rate(struct platform_device *dsidev);
int dsi_pll_set_clock_div(struct platform_device *dsidev,
		struct dsi_clock_info *cinfo);
int dsi_pll_calc_clock_div_pck(struct platform_device *dsidev, bool is_tft,
		unsigned long req_pck, struct dsi_clock_info *cinfo,
		struct dispc_clock_info *dispc_cinfo);
int dsi_pll_init(struct platform_device *dsidev, bool enable_hsclk,
		bool enable_hsdiv);
void dsi_pll_uninit(struct platform_device *dsidev, bool disconnect_lanes);
void dsi_get_overlay_fifo_thresholds(enum omap_plane plane,
		u32 fifo_size, u32 burst_size,
		u32 *fifo_low, u32 *fifo_high);
void dsi_wait_pll_hsdiv_dispc_active(struct platform_device *dsidev);
void dsi_wait_pll_hsdiv_dsi_active(struct platform_device *dsidev);
struct platform_device *dsi_get_dsidev_from_id(int module);
static inline int dsi_init_platform_driver(void)
	return 0;
static inline void dsi_uninit_platform_driver(void)
static inline int dsi_runtime_get(struct platform_device *dsidev)
	return 0;
static inline void dsi_runtime_put(struct platform_device *dsidev)
static inline u8 dsi_get_pixel_size(enum omap_dss_dsi_pixel_format fmt)
	WARN("%s: DSI not compiled in, returning pixel_size as 0\n", __func__);
	return 0;
static inline unsigned long dsi_get_pll_hsdiv_dispc_rate(struct platform_device *dsidev)
	WARN("%s: DSI not compiled in, returning rate as 0\n", __func__);
	return 0;
static inline int dsi_pll_set_clock_div(struct platform_device *dsidev,
		struct dsi_clock_info *cinfo)
	WARN("%s: DSI not compiled in\n", __func__);
	return -ENODEV;
static inline int dsi_pll_calc_clock_div_pck(struct platform_device *dsidev,
		bool is_tft, unsigned long req_pck,
		struct dsi_clock_info *dsi_cinfo,
		struct dispc_clock_info *dispc_cinfo)
	WARN("%s: DSI not compiled in\n", __func__);
	return -ENODEV;
static inline int dsi_pll_init(struct platform_device *dsidev,
		bool enable_hsclk, bool enable_hsdiv)
	WARN("%s: DSI not compiled in\n", __func__);
	return -ENODEV;
static inline void dsi_pll_uninit(struct platform_device *dsidev,
		bool disconnect_lanes)
static inline void dsi_wait_pll_hsdiv_dispc_active(struct platform_device *dsidev)
static inline void dsi_wait_pll_hsdiv_dsi_active(struct platform_device *dsidev)
static inline struct platform_device *dsi_get_dsidev_from_id(int module)
	WARN("%s: DSI not compiled in, returning platform device as NULL\n",
	return NULL;

/* DPI */
int dpi_init(void);
void dpi_exit(void);
int dpi_init_display(struct omap_dss_device *dssdev);
static inline int dpi_init(void)
	return 0;
static inline void dpi_exit(void)

/* DISPC */
int dispc_init_platform_driver(void);
void dispc_uninit_platform_driver(void);
void dispc_dump_clocks(struct seq_file *s);
void dispc_dump_irqs(struct seq_file *s);
void dispc_dump_regs(struct seq_file *s);
void dispc_irq_handler(void);
void dispc_fake_vsync_irq(void);

int dispc_runtime_get(void);
void dispc_runtime_put(void);

void dispc_enable_sidle(void);
void dispc_disable_sidle(void);

void dispc_lcd_enable_signal_polarity(bool act_high);
void dispc_lcd_enable_signal(bool enable);
void dispc_pck_free_enable(bool enable);
void dispc_set_digit_size(u16 width, u16 height);
void dispc_enable_fifomerge(bool enable);
void dispc_enable_gamma_table(bool enable);
void dispc_set_loadmode(enum omap_dss_load_mode mode);

bool dispc_lcd_timings_ok(struct omap_video_timings *timings);
unsigned long dispc_fclk_rate(void);
void dispc_find_clk_divs(bool is_tft, unsigned long req_pck, unsigned long fck,
		struct dispc_clock_info *cinfo);
int dispc_calc_clock_rates(unsigned long dispc_fclk_rate,
		struct dispc_clock_info *cinfo);

u32 dispc_ovl_get_fifo_size(enum omap_plane plane);
void dispc_ovl_set_fifo_threshold(enum omap_plane plane, u32 low, u32 high);
u32 dispc_ovl_get_burst_size(enum omap_plane plane);
int dispc_ovl_setup(enum omap_plane plane,
		      u32 paddr, u16 screen_width,
		      u16 pos_x, u16 pos_y,
		      u16 width, u16 height,
		      u16 out_width, u16 out_height,
		      enum omap_color_mode color_mode,
		      bool ilace,
		      enum omap_dss_rotation_type rotation_type,
		      u8 rotation, bool mirror,
		      u8 global_alpha, u8 pre_mult_alpha,
		      enum omap_channel channel,
		      u32 puv_addr);
int dispc_ovl_enable(enum omap_plane plane, bool enable);
void dispc_ovl_enable_replication(enum omap_plane plane, bool enable);

void dispc_mgr_enable_fifohandcheck(enum omap_channel channel, bool enable);
void dispc_mgr_set_lcd_size(enum omap_channel channel, u16 width, u16 height);
void dispc_mgr_enable_cpr(enum omap_channel channel, bool enable);
void dispc_mgr_set_cpr_coef(enum omap_channel channel,
		struct omap_dss_cpr_coefs *coefs);
bool dispc_mgr_go_busy(enum omap_channel channel);
void dispc_mgr_go(enum omap_channel channel);
void dispc_mgr_enable(enum omap_channel channel, bool enable);
bool dispc_mgr_is_channel_enabled(enum omap_channel channel);
void dispc_mgr_set_io_pad_mode(enum dss_io_pad_mode mode);
void dispc_mgr_enable_stallmode(enum omap_channel channel, bool enable);
void dispc_mgr_set_tft_data_lines(enum omap_channel channel, u8 data_lines);
void dispc_mgr_set_lcd_display_type(enum omap_channel channel,
		enum omap_lcd_display_type type);
void dispc_mgr_set_default_color(enum omap_channel channel, u32 color);
u32 dispc_mgr_get_default_color(enum omap_channel channel);
void dispc_mgr_set_trans_key(enum omap_channel ch,
		enum omap_dss_trans_key_type type,
		u32 trans_key);
void dispc_mgr_get_trans_key(enum omap_channel ch,
		enum omap_dss_trans_key_type *type,
		u32 *trans_key);
void dispc_mgr_enable_trans_key(enum omap_channel ch, bool enable);
void dispc_mgr_enable_alpha_blending(enum omap_channel ch, bool enable);
bool dispc_mgr_trans_key_enabled(enum omap_channel ch);
bool dispc_mgr_alpha_blending_enabled(enum omap_channel ch);
void dispc_mgr_set_lcd_timings(enum omap_channel channel,
		struct omap_video_timings *timings);
void dispc_mgr_set_pol_freq(enum omap_channel channel,
		enum omap_panel_config config, u8 acbi, u8 acb);
unsigned long dispc_mgr_lclk_rate(enum omap_channel channel);
unsigned long dispc_mgr_pclk_rate(enum omap_channel channel);
int dispc_mgr_set_clock_div(enum omap_channel channel,
		struct dispc_clock_info *cinfo);
int dispc_mgr_get_clock_div(enum omap_channel channel,
		struct dispc_clock_info *cinfo);

/* VENC */
int venc_init_platform_driver(void);
void venc_uninit_platform_driver(void);
void venc_dump_regs(struct seq_file *s);
int venc_init_display(struct omap_dss_device *display);
static inline int venc_init_platform_driver(void)
	return 0;
static inline void venc_uninit_platform_driver(void)

/* HDMI */
int hdmi_init_platform_driver(void);
void hdmi_uninit_platform_driver(void);
int hdmi_init_display(struct omap_dss_device *dssdev);
static inline int hdmi_init_display(struct omap_dss_device *dssdev)
	return 0;
static inline int hdmi_init_platform_driver(void)
	return 0;
static inline void hdmi_uninit_platform_driver(void)
int omapdss_hdmi_display_enable(struct omap_dss_device *dssdev);
void omapdss_hdmi_display_disable(struct omap_dss_device *dssdev);
void omapdss_hdmi_display_set_timing(struct omap_dss_device *dssdev);
int omapdss_hdmi_display_check_timing(struct omap_dss_device *dssdev,
					struct omap_video_timings *timings);
int hdmi_panel_init(void);
void hdmi_panel_exit(void);

/* RFBI */
int rfbi_init_platform_driver(void);
void rfbi_uninit_platform_driver(void);
void rfbi_dump_regs(struct seq_file *s);
int rfbi_init_display(struct omap_dss_device *display);
static inline int rfbi_init_platform_driver(void)
	return 0;
static inline void rfbi_uninit_platform_driver(void)

static inline void dss_collect_irq_stats(u32 irqstatus, unsigned *irq_arr)
	int b;
	for (b = 0; b < 32; ++b) {
		if (irqstatus & (1 << b))
