/* * linux/include/asm-arm/arch-omap/dsp.h * * Header for OMAP DSP driver * * Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Nokia Corporation * * Written by Toshihiro Kobayashi <toshihiro.kobayashi@nokia.com> * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * 2005/06/01: DSP Gateway version 3.3 */ #ifndef ASM_ARCH_DSP_H #define ASM_ARCH_DSP_H /* * for /dev/dspctl/ctl */ #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_RESET 1 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_RUN 2 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_SETRSTVECT 3 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_CPU_IDLE 4 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_MPUI_WORDSWAP_ON 5 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_MPUI_WORDSWAP_OFF 6 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_MPUI_BYTESWAP_ON 7 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_MPUI_BYTESWAP_OFF 8 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_GBL_IDLE 9 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_DSPCFG 10 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_DSPUNCFG 11 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_TASKCNT 12 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_POLL 13 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_REGMEMR 40 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_REGMEMW 41 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_REGIOR 42 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_REGIOW 43 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_GETVAR 44 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_SETVAR 45 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_RUNLEVEL 50 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_SUSPEND 51 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_RESUME 52 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_FBEN 53 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_FBDIS 54 #define OMAP_DSP_IOCTL_MBSEND 99 /* * for taskdev * (ioctls below should be >= 0x10000) */ #define OMAP_DSP_TASK_IOCTL_BFLSH 0x10000 #define OMAP_DSP_TASK_IOCTL_SETBSZ 0x10001 #define OMAP_DSP_TASK_IOCTL_LOCK 0x10002 #define OMAP_DSP_TASK_IOCTL_UNLOCK 0x10003 #define OMAP_DSP_TASK_IOCTL_GETNAME 0x10004 /* * for /dev/dspctl/mem */ #define OMAP_DSP_MEM_IOCTL_EXMAP 1 #define OMAP_DSP_MEM_IOCTL_EXUNMAP 2 #define OMAP_DSP_MEM_IOCTL_EXMAP_FLUSH 3 #define OMAP_DSP_MEM_IOCTL_FBEXPORT 5 #define OMAP_DSP_MEM_IOCTL_MMUITACK 7 #define OMAP_DSP_MEM_IOCTL_MMUINIT 9 #define OMAP_DSP_MEM_IOCTL_KMEM_RESERVE 11 #define OMAP_DSP_MEM_IOCTL_KMEM_RELEASE 12 struct omap_dsp_mapinfo { unsigned long dspadr; unsigned long size; }; /* * for /dev/dspctl/twch */ #define OMAP_DSP_TWCH_IOCTL_MKDEV 1 #define OMAP_DSP_TWCH_IOCTL_RMDEV 2 #define OMAP_DSP_TWCH_IOCTL_TADD 11 #define OMAP_DSP_TWCH_IOCTL_TDEL 12 #define OMAP_DSP_TWCH_IOCTL_TKILL 13 #define OMAP_DSP_DEVSTATE_NOTASK 0x00000001 #define OMAP_DSP_DEVSTATE_ATTACHED 0x00000002 #define OMAP_DSP_DEVSTATE_GARBAGE 0x00000004 #define OMAP_DSP_DEVSTATE_INVALID 0x00000008 #define OMAP_DSP_DEVSTATE_ADDREQ 0x00000100 #define OMAP_DSP_DEVSTATE_DELREQ 0x00000200 #define OMAP_DSP_DEVSTATE_ADDFAIL 0x00001000 #define OMAP_DSP_DEVSTATE_ADDING 0x00010000 #define OMAP_DSP_DEVSTATE_DELING 0x00020000 #define OMAP_DSP_DEVSTATE_KILLING 0x00040000 #define OMAP_DSP_DEVSTATE_STATE_MASK 0x7fffffff #define OMAP_DSP_DEVSTATE_STALE 0x80000000 struct omap_dsp_taddinfo { unsigned char minor; unsigned long taskadr; }; #define OMAP_DSP_TADD_ABORTADR 0xffffffff /* * error cause definition (for error detection device) */ #define OMAP_DSP_ERRDT_WDT 0x00000001 #define OMAP_DSP_ERRDT_MMU 0x00000002 /* * mailbox protocol definitions */ struct omap_dsp_mailbox_cmd { unsigned short cmd; unsigned short data; }; struct omap_dsp_reginfo { unsigned short adr; unsigned short val; }; struct omap_dsp_varinfo { unsigned char varid; unsigned short val[0]; }; #define OMAP_DSP_MBPROT_REVISION 0x0019 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_WDSND 0x10 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_WDREQ 0x11 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_BKSND 0x20 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_BKREQ 0x21 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_BKYLD 0x23 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_BKSNDP 0x24 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_BKREQP 0x25 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_TCTL 0x30 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_TCTLDATA 0x31 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_POLL 0x32 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_WDT 0x50 /* v3.3: obsolete */ #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_RUNLEVEL 0x51 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_PM 0x52 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_SUSPEND 0x53 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_KFUNC 0x54 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_TCFG 0x60 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_TADD 0x62 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_TDEL 0x63 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_TSTOP 0x65 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_DSPCFG 0x70 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_REGRW 0x72 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_GETVAR 0x74 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_SETVAR 0x75 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_ERR 0x78 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_DBG 0x79 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_TCTL_TINIT 0x0000 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_TCTL_TEN 0x0001 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_TCTL_TDIS 0x0002 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_TCTL_TCLR 0x0003 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_TCTL_TCLR_FORCE 0x0004 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_RUNLEVEL_USER 0x01 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_RUNLEVEL_SUPER 0x0e #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_RUNLEVEL_RECOVERY 0x10 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_PM_DISABLE 0x00 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_PM_ENABLE 0x01 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_KFUNC_FBCTL 0x00 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_FBCTL_ENABLE 0x0002 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_FBCTL_DISABLE 0x0003 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_TDEL_SAFE 0x0000 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_TDEL_KILL 0x0001 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_DSPCFG_REQ 0x00 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_DSPCFG_SYSADRH 0x28 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_DSPCFG_SYSADRL 0x29 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_DSPCFG_PROTREV 0x70 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_DSPCFG_ABORT 0x78 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_DSPCFG_LAST 0x80 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_REGRW_MEMR 0x00 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_REGRW_MEMW 0x01 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_REGRW_IOR 0x02 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_REGRW_IOW 0x03 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_REGRW_DATA 0x04 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_VARID_ICRMASK 0x00 #define OMAP_DSP_MBCMD_VARID_LOADINFO 0x01 #define OMAP_DSP_TTYP_ARCV 0x0001 #define OMAP_DSP_TTYP_ASND 0x0002 #define OMAP_DSP_TTYP_BKMD 0x0004 #define OMAP_DSP_TTYP_BKDM 0x0008 #define OMAP_DSP_TTYP_PVMD 0x0010 #define OMAP_DSP_TTYP_PVDM 0x0020 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_BADTID 0x10 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_BADTCN 0x11 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_BADBID 0x20 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_BADCNT 0x21 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_NOTLOCKED 0x22 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_STVBUF 0x23 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_BADADR 0x24 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_BADTCTL 0x30 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_BADPARAM 0x50 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_FATAL 0x58 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_NOMEM 0xc0 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_NORES 0xc1 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_IPBFULL 0xc2 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_WDT 0xd0 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_TASKNOTRDY 0xe0 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_TASKBSY 0xe1 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_TASKERR 0xef #define OMAP_DSP_EID_BADCFGTYP 0xf0 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_DEBUG 0xf8 #define OMAP_DSP_EID_BADSEQ 0xfe #define OMAP_DSP_EID_BADCMD 0xff #define OMAP_DSP_TNM_LEN 16 #define OMAP_DSP_TID_FREE 0xff #define OMAP_DSP_TID_ANON 0xfe #define OMAP_DSP_BID_NULL 0xffff #define OMAP_DSP_BID_PVT 0xfffe #endif /* ASM_ARCH_DSP_H */