 * AMD Alchemy DB1x00 Reference Boards
 * Copyright 2001 MontaVista Software Inc.
 * Author: MontaVista Software, Inc.
 *         	ppopov@mvista.com or source@mvista.com
 * Copyright (C) 2005 Ralf Baechle (ralf@linux-mips.org)
 * ########################################################################
 *  This program is free software; you can distribute it and/or modify it
 *  under the terms of the GNU General Public License (Version 2) as
 *  published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *  This program is distributed in the hope it will be useful, but WITHOUT
 *  ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
 *  FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License
 *  for more details.
 *  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 *  with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 *  59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston MA 02111-1307, USA.
 * ########################################################################
#ifndef __ASM_DB1X00_H
#define __ASM_DB1X00_H

#include <linux/config.h>

#ifdef CONFIG_MIPS_DB1550
#define BCSR_KSEG1_ADDR 0xAF000000
#define NAND_PHYS_ADDR  0x20000000
#define BCSR_KSEG1_ADDR 0xAE000000

 * Overlay data structure of the Db1x00 board registers.
 * Registers located at physical 0E0000xx, KSEG1 0xAE0000xx
typedef volatile struct
	/*00*/	unsigned short whoami;
	unsigned short reserved0;
	/*04*/	unsigned short status;
	unsigned short reserved1;
	/*08*/	unsigned short switches;
	unsigned short reserved2;
	/*0C*/	unsigned short resets;
	unsigned short reserved3;
	/*10*/	unsigned short pcmcia;
	unsigned short reserved4;
	/*14*/	unsigned short specific;
	unsigned short reserved5;
	/*18*/	unsigned short leds;
	unsigned short reserved6;
	/*1C*/	unsigned short swreset;
	unsigned short reserved7;


 * Register/mask bit definitions for the BCSRs
#define BCSR_WHOAMI_DCID		0x000F
#define BCSR_WHOAMI_CPLD		0x00F0
#define BCSR_WHOAMI_BOARD		0x0F00

#define BCSR_STATUS_PC0VS		0x0003
#define BCSR_STATUS_PC1VS		0x000C
#define BCSR_STATUS_PC0FI		0x0010
#define BCSR_STATUS_PC1FI		0x0020
#define BCSR_STATUS_ROMBUSY		0x0400
#define BCSR_STATUS_SWAPBOOT		0x2000

#define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP_1		0x0080
#define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP_2		0x0040
#define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP_3		0x0020
#define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP_4		0x0010
#define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP_5		0x0008
#define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP_6		0x0004
#define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP_7		0x0002
#define BCSR_SWITCHES_DIP_8		0x0001

#define BCSR_RESETS_PHY0		0x0001
#define BCSR_RESETS_PHY1		0x0002
#define BCSR_RESETS_DC			0x0004
#define BCSR_RESETS_FIR_SEL		0x2000
#define BCSR_RESETS_IRDA_MODE_2_3	0x8000
#define BCSR_RESETS_IRDA_MODE_1_3	0xC000

#define BCSR_PCMCIA_PC0VPP		0x0003
#define BCSR_PCMCIA_PC0VCC		0x000C
#define BCSR_PCMCIA_PC0DRVEN		0x0010
#define BCSR_PCMCIA_PC0RST		0x0080
#define BCSR_PCMCIA_PC1VPP		0x0300
#define BCSR_PCMCIA_PC1VCC		0x0C00
#define BCSR_PCMCIA_PC1DRVEN		0x1000
#define BCSR_PCMCIA_PC1RST		0x8000

#define BCSR_BOARD_PCIM66EN		0x0001
#define BCSR_BOARD_SD0_PWR		0x0040
#define BCSR_BOARD_SD1_PWR		0x0080
#define BCSR_BOARD_PCIM33		0x0100
#define BCSR_BOARD_GPIO200RST		0x0400
#define BCSR_BOARD_PCICFG		0x1000
#define BCSR_BOARD_SD0_WP		0x4000
#define BCSR_BOARD_SD1_WP		0x8000

#define BCSR_LEDS_DECIMALS		0x0003
#define BCSR_LEDS_LED0			0x0100
#define BCSR_LEDS_LED1			0x0200
#define BCSR_LEDS_LED2			0x0400
#define BCSR_LEDS_LED3			0x0800

#define BCSR_SWRESET_RESET		0x0080

/* PCMCIA Db1x00 specific defines */

/* VPP/VCC */
	((((VCC)<<2) | ((VPP)<<0)) << ((SLOT)*8))

/* SD controller macros */
 * Detect card.
#define mmc_card_inserted(_n_, _res_) \
	do { \
		BCSR * const bcsr = (BCSR *)0xAE000000; \
		unsigned long mmc_wp, board_specific; \
		if ((_n_)) { \
			mmc_wp = BCSR_BOARD_SD1_WP; \
		} else { \
			mmc_wp = BCSR_BOARD_SD0_WP; \
		} \
		board_specific = au_readl((unsigned long)(&bcsr->specific)); \
		if (!(board_specific & mmc_wp)) {/* low means card present */ \
			*(int *)(_res_) = 1; \
		} else { \
			*(int *)(_res_) = 0; \
		} \
	} while (0)

 * Apply power to card slot(s).
#define mmc_power_on(_n_) \
	do { \
		BCSR * const bcsr = (BCSR *)0xAE000000; \
		unsigned long mmc_pwr, mmc_wp, board_specific; \
		if ((_n_)) { \
			mmc_pwr = BCSR_BOARD_SD1_PWR; \
			mmc_wp = BCSR_BOARD_SD1_WP; \
		} else { \
			mmc_pwr = BCSR_BOARD_SD0_PWR; \
			mmc_wp = BCSR_BOARD_SD0_WP; \
		} \
		board_specific = au_readl((unsigned long)(&bcsr->specific)); \
		if (!(board_specific & mmc_wp)) {/* low means card present */ \
			board_specific |= mmc_pwr; \
			au_writel(board_specific, (int)(&bcsr->specific)); \
			au_sync(); \
		} \
	} while (0)

/* NAND defines */
/* Timing values as described in databook, * ns value stripped of
 * lower 2 bits.
 * These defines are here rather than an SOC1550 generic file because
 * the parts chosen on another board may be different and may require
 * different timings.
#define NAND_T_H			(18 >> 2)
#define NAND_T_PUL			(30 >> 2)
#define NAND_T_SU			(30 >> 2)
#define NAND_T_WH			(30 >> 2)

/* Bitfield shift amounts */
#define NAND_T_H_SHIFT		0
#define NAND_T_PUL_SHIFT	4
#define NAND_T_SU_SHIFT		8
#define NAND_T_WH_SHIFT		12

#define NAND_TIMING	((NAND_T_H   & 0xF)	<< NAND_T_H_SHIFT)   | \
			((NAND_T_PUL & 0xF)	<< NAND_T_PUL_SHIFT) | \
			((NAND_T_SU  & 0xF)	<< NAND_T_SU_SHIFT)  | \
			((NAND_T_WH  & 0xF)	<< NAND_T_WH_SHIFT)
#define NAND_CS 1

/* should be done by yamon */
#define NAND_STCFG  0x00400005 /* 8-bit NAND */
#define NAND_STTIME 0x00007774 /* valid for 396MHz SD=2 only */
#define NAND_STADDR 0x12000FFF /* physical address 0x20000000 */

#endif /* __ASM_DB1X00_H */