#ifndef MFD_TMIO_H
#define MFD_TMIO_H

#include <linux/fb.h>
#include <linux/io.h>
#include <linux/platform_device.h>

#define tmio_ioread8(addr) readb(addr)
#define tmio_ioread16(addr) readw(addr)
#define tmio_ioread16_rep(r, b, l) readsw(r, b, l)
#define tmio_ioread32(addr) \
	(((u32) readw((addr))) | (((u32) readw((addr) + 2)) << 16))

#define tmio_iowrite8(val, addr) writeb((val), (addr))
#define tmio_iowrite16(val, addr) writew((val), (addr))
#define tmio_iowrite16_rep(r, b, l) writesw(r, b, l)
#define tmio_iowrite32(val, addr) \
	do { \
	writew((val),       (addr)); \
	writew((val) >> 16, (addr) + 2); \
	} while (0)

#define CNF_CMD     0x04
#define CNF_CTL_BASE   0x10
#define CNF_INT_PIN  0x3d
#define CNF_STOP_CLK_CTL 0x40
#define CNF_GCLK_CTL 0x41
#define CNF_SD_CLK_MODE 0x42
#define CNF_PIN_STATUS 0x44
#define CNF_PWR_CTL_1 0x48
#define CNF_PWR_CTL_2 0x49
#define CNF_PWR_CTL_3 0x4a
#define CNF_SD_SLOT 0x50
#define CNF_EXT_GCLK_CTL_1 0xf0
#define CNF_EXT_GCLK_CTL_2 0xf1
#define CNF_EXT_GCLK_CTL_3 0xf9
#define CNF_SD_LED_EN_1 0xfa
#define CNF_SD_LED_EN_2 0xfe

#define   SDCREN 0x2   /* Enable access to MMC CTL regs. (flag in COMMAND_REG)*/

#define sd_config_write8(base, shift, reg, val) \
	tmio_iowrite8((val), (base) + ((reg) << (shift)))
#define sd_config_write16(base, shift, reg, val) \
	tmio_iowrite16((val), (base) + ((reg) << (shift)))
#define sd_config_write32(base, shift, reg, val) \
	do { \
		tmio_iowrite16((val), (base) + ((reg) << (shift)));   \
		tmio_iowrite16((val) >> 16, (base) + ((reg + 2) << (shift))); \
	} while (0)

int tmio_core_mmc_enable(void __iomem *cnf, int shift, unsigned long base);
int tmio_core_mmc_resume(void __iomem *cnf, int shift, unsigned long base);
void tmio_core_mmc_pwr(void __iomem *cnf, int shift, int state);
void tmio_core_mmc_clk_div(void __iomem *cnf, int shift, int state);

 * data for the MMC controller
struct tmio_mmc_data {
	unsigned int			hclk;
	unsigned long			capabilities;
	void (*set_pwr)(struct platform_device *host, int state);
	void (*set_clk_div)(struct platform_device *host, int state);

 * data for the NAND controller
struct tmio_nand_data {
	struct nand_bbt_descr	*badblock_pattern;
	struct mtd_partition	*partition;
	unsigned int		num_partitions;

#define FBIO_TMIO_ACC_WRITE	0x7C639300
#define FBIO_TMIO_ACC_SYNC	0x7C639301

struct tmio_fb_data {
	int			(*lcd_set_power)(struct platform_device *fb_dev,
								bool on);
	int			(*lcd_mode)(struct platform_device *fb_dev,
					const struct fb_videomode *mode);
	int			num_modes;
	struct fb_videomode	*modes;

	/* in mm: size of screen */
	int			height;
	int			width;
