/************************************************************************ AudioScience HPI driver Copyright (C) 1997-2010 AudioScience Inc. <support@audioscience.com> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA Debug macro translation. ************************************************************************/ #include "hpi_internal.h" #include "hpidebug.h" /* Debug level; 0 quiet; 1 informative, 2 debug, 3 verbose debug. */ int hpi_debug_level = HPI_DEBUG_LEVEL_DEFAULT; void hpi_debug_init(void) { printk(KERN_INFO "debug start\n"); } int hpi_debug_level_set(int level) { int old_level; old_level = hpi_debug_level; hpi_debug_level = level; return old_level; } int hpi_debug_level_get(void) { return hpi_debug_level; } #ifdef HPIOS_DEBUG_PRINT /* implies OS has no printf-like function */ #include <stdarg.h> void hpi_debug_printf(char *fmt, ...) { va_list arglist; char buffer[128]; va_start(arglist, fmt); if (buffer[0]) HPIOS_DEBUG_PRINT(buffer); va_end(arglist); } #endif struct treenode { void *array; unsigned int num_elements; }; #define make_treenode_from_array(nodename, array) \ static void *tmp_strarray_##nodename[] = array; \ static struct treenode nodename = { \ &tmp_strarray_##nodename, \ ARRAY_SIZE(tmp_strarray_##nodename) \ }; #define get_treenode_elem(node_ptr, idx, type) \ (&(*((type *)(node_ptr)->array)[idx])) make_treenode_from_array(hpi_control_type_strings, HPI_CONTROL_TYPE_STRINGS) make_treenode_from_array(hpi_subsys_strings, HPI_SUBSYS_STRINGS) make_treenode_from_array(hpi_adapter_strings, HPI_ADAPTER_STRINGS) make_treenode_from_array(hpi_istream_strings, HPI_ISTREAM_STRINGS) make_treenode_from_array(hpi_ostream_strings, HPI_OSTREAM_STRINGS) make_treenode_from_array(hpi_mixer_strings, HPI_MIXER_STRINGS) make_treenode_from_array(hpi_node_strings, { "NODE is invalid object"}) make_treenode_from_array(hpi_control_strings, HPI_CONTROL_STRINGS) make_treenode_from_array(hpi_nvmemory_strings, HPI_OBJ_STRINGS) make_treenode_from_array(hpi_digitalio_strings, HPI_DIGITALIO_STRINGS) make_treenode_from_array(hpi_watchdog_strings, HPI_WATCHDOG_STRINGS) make_treenode_from_array(hpi_clock_strings, HPI_CLOCK_STRINGS) make_treenode_from_array(hpi_profile_strings, HPI_PROFILE_STRINGS) make_treenode_from_array(hpi_asyncevent_strings, HPI_ASYNCEVENT_STRINGS) #define HPI_FUNCTION_STRINGS \ { \ &hpi_subsys_strings,\ &hpi_adapter_strings,\ &hpi_ostream_strings,\ &hpi_istream_strings,\ &hpi_mixer_strings,\ &hpi_node_strings,\ &hpi_control_strings,\ &hpi_nvmemory_strings,\ &hpi_digitalio_strings,\ &hpi_watchdog_strings,\ &hpi_clock_strings,\ &hpi_profile_strings,\ &hpi_control_strings, \ &hpi_asyncevent_strings \ }; make_treenode_from_array(hpi_function_strings, HPI_FUNCTION_STRINGS) compile_time_assert(HPI_OBJ_MAXINDEX == 14, obj_list_doesnt_match); static char *hpi_function_string(unsigned int function) { unsigned int object; struct treenode *tmp; object = function / HPI_OBJ_FUNCTION_SPACING; function = function - object * HPI_OBJ_FUNCTION_SPACING; if (object == 0 || object == HPI_OBJ_NODE || object > hpi_function_strings.num_elements) return "invalid object"; tmp = get_treenode_elem(&hpi_function_strings, object - 1, struct treenode *); if (function == 0 || function > tmp->num_elements) return "invalid function"; return get_treenode_elem(tmp, function - 1, char *); } void hpi_debug_message(struct hpi_message *phm, char *sz_fileline) { if (phm) { if ((phm->object <= HPI_OBJ_MAXINDEX) && phm->object) { u16 index = 0; u16 attrib = 0; int is_control = 0; index = phm->obj_index; switch (phm->object) { case HPI_OBJ_ADAPTER: case HPI_OBJ_PROFILE: break; case HPI_OBJ_MIXER: if (phm->function == HPI_MIXER_GET_CONTROL_BY_INDEX) index = phm->u.m.control_index; break; case HPI_OBJ_OSTREAM: case HPI_OBJ_ISTREAM: break; case HPI_OBJ_CONTROLEX: case HPI_OBJ_CONTROL: if (phm->version == 1) attrib = HPI_CTL_ATTR(UNIVERSAL, 1); else attrib = phm->u.c.attribute; is_control = 1; break; default: break; } if (is_control && (attrib & 0xFF00)) { int control_type = (attrib & 0xFF00) >> 8; int attr_index = HPI_CTL_ATTR_INDEX(attrib); /* note the KERN facility level is in szFileline already */ printk("%s adapter %d %s " "ctrl_index x%04x %s %d\n", sz_fileline, phm->adapter_index, hpi_function_string(phm->function), index, get_treenode_elem (&hpi_control_type_strings, control_type, char *), attr_index); } else printk("%s adapter %d %s " "idx x%04x attr x%04x \n", sz_fileline, phm->adapter_index, hpi_function_string(phm->function), index, attrib); } else { printk("adap=%d, invalid obj=%d, func=0x%x\n", phm->adapter_index, phm->object, phm->function); } } else printk(KERN_ERR "NULL message pointer to hpi_debug_message!\n"); } void hpi_debug_data(u16 *pdata, u32 len) { u32 i; int j; int k; int lines; int cols = 8; lines = (len + cols - 1) / cols; if (lines > 8) lines = 8; for (i = 0, j = 0; j < lines; j++) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "%p:", (pdata + i)); for (k = 0; k < cols && i < len; i++, k++) printk("%s%04x", k == 0 ? "" : " ", pdata[i]); printk("\n"); } }