path: root/machines/jormungand/nginx.nix
diff options
authorDominique Martinet @ jormungand <>2020-05-09 17:14:35 +0200
committerDominique Martinet @ jormungand <>2020-05-09 20:52:15 +0200
commit742a25ecd9d7a56cdf06060c2c5459db607ae58e (patch)
treef4458e0c395e92a4c4be9ac760f010d263f5ef59 /machines/jormungand/nginx.nix
parent3f84829d2585c752220df44c796117cf3ea3bcee (diff)
nginx: move from container to host +
Also from this commit on, there are no secrets left! If you read this, mpd password has been changed and was randomly generated anyway, don't bother :P
Diffstat (limited to 'machines/jormungand/nginx.nix')
1 files changed, 45 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/machines/jormungand/nginx.nix b/machines/jormungand/nginx.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1e9bd7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/machines/jormungand/nginx.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+{ config, pkgs, ... }:
+ imports = [ ../../modules/nginx.nix ];
+ services.nginx.virtualHosts = {
+ "" = {
+ forceSSL = true;
+ enableACME = true;
+ locations."/" = {
+ proxyPass = "";
+ };
+ # /var/spool/nginx/mpd.htpasswd has been populated manually
+ # until proper secrets get managed...
+ extraConfig = ''
+ auth_basic "mpd";
+ auth_basic_user_file /var/spool/nginx/mpd.htpasswd;
+ '';
+ };
+ "" = {
+ forceSSL = true;
+ enableACME = true;
+ locations."/".extraConfig = ''
+ return 404;
+ '';
+ locations."/_matrix" = {
+ proxyPass = "http://[::1]:8008";
+ };
+ };
+ "" = {
+ forceSSL = true;
+ enableACME = true;
+ root = pkgs.riot-web.override {
+ conf = {
+ default_server_config."m.homeserver" = {
+ "base_url" = "";
+ "server_name" = "";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ };