diff options
authorAdrien Nader <>2016-10-17 22:19:26 +0200
committerAdrien Nader <>2016-10-17 22:19:26 +0200
commitbeddf548d4af3bf45f90232e31d35247ac981118 (patch)
parent7f31ac1769a6d2bb49946b91b4ef047bdcf24632 (diff)
wip, rewriting GUI_Settings.adrien/wip-gui-settings
7 files changed, 295 insertions, 115 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 899f007..f560a53 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -13,3 +13,5 @@ donkey.png
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 113a681..17cfa91 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-export PATH := /home/adrien/projects/win-builds-1.6/win-builds/deps/prefix/bin/:$(PATH)
+export PATH := /home/adrien/projects/win-builds-1.6/win-builds/deps/prefix/bin/:/home/adrien/projects/win-builds-1.6/win-builds/opt/cross_toolchain_64/bin/:$(PATH)
- cd src && ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind \
+ cd src && ocamlbuild -j 2 -use-ocamlfind \
-cflags -ccopt,-Wall,-ccopt,-Wextra,-ccopt,-O2 \
$(if $(WITH_ICON),-lflags $(WITH_ICON:=.o)) \
-lflags yypkg/win.o \
diff --git a/src/_tags b/src/_tags
index 676a453..b41020c 100644
--- a/src/_tags
+++ b/src/_tags
@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ true: debug, warn_A, warn(-4-9-23-44-58)
<http_get/*>: package(libocaml_http)
-<yypkg/*>: package(fileutils.str), package(cryptokit), package(libocaml_http), thread
+<get.*>: package(libocaml_http)
+<yypkg/*>: package(fileutils.str), package(cryptokit), thread
<yypkg/yypkg.{native,byte}>: package(bigarray), package(archive), package(libocaml_http), package(, package(containers), thread
diff --git a/src/yypkg/gui/ b/src/yypkg/gui/
index 4594dbd..e424c7a 100644
--- a/src/yypkg/gui/
+++ b/src/yypkg/gui/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
module type Message = sig
val message : string
- val icon : string
+ val icon : string (* XXX: unused *)
val label : string
diff --git a/src/yypkg/gui/ b/src/yypkg/gui/
index 1ad62a3..959112d 100644
--- a/src/yypkg/gui/
+++ b/src/yypkg/gui/
@@ -367,6 +367,7 @@ let statusbar box =
let operation =
let t_last = ref (Unix.gettimeofday ()) in
let text_last = ref "" in
+ (* TODO: get rid of FakeNaviframe and use a progress bar directly *)
let progress = Elm_progressbar.addx bar_table in
Elm_progressbar.horizontal_set progress true;
Elm_progressbar.unit_format_set progress "%0.f%%";
diff --git a/src/yypkg/gui/ b/src/yypkg/gui/
index 4224ef3..2378a9f 100644
--- a/src/yypkg/gui/
+++ b/src/yypkg/gui/
@@ -7,32 +7,32 @@ let label = "Settings"
open GUI_Message
-type setting = {
- init : conf -> unit;
- check : (conf * setting list) -> unit;
-module type Setting = sig
- val t : box:Evas_object.t -> setting
+type next = (conf -> unit) option
+type check = [ `Check of conf * next ]
+type settings_ev = [ check | `Init of conf * next ]
+type checks_ev = [
+ | `Show
+ | `Hide
+ | `Push of (string * string)
type ev = [
| `Show
| `Hide
| `BeAdopted of (Evas_object.t -> unit)
| `Cancelled
- | `Check of (conf option * setting list)
+ (* TODO: delete the line below and allow each setting module to return a
+ * meaningful value that will be stored at the end and re-used right away *)
+ | `Check of (conf option * check list)
| `CheckFailed
+ | `Checks of checks_ev
+ | `Mirror of settings_ev
+ | `LocalPredicates of settings_ev
+ | `RepoPredicates of settings_ev
type event += T of ev
let send msg = send (T msg)
-type t = {
- check_failed : unit -> unit;
- box : Evas_object.t;
let entry ?text parent =
let size_hint = [ `hexpand; `hfill ] in
let e = Elm_entry.addx parent ?text ~size_hint in
@@ -41,51 +41,171 @@ let entry ?text parent =
Elm_scroller.policy_set e `off `off;
+module type Setting = sig
+ type t
+ val send : settings_ev -> unit
+ val t : box:Evas_object.t -> t
+ val state_machine : t -> settings_ev -> t
+module Checks : sig
+ type t
+ type ev = [
+ | `Show
+ | `Hide
+ | `Push of (string * string)
+ ]
+ val t : shared -> t
+ val send : ev -> unit
+ val state_machine : t -> ev -> t
+end = struct
+ type ev = [
+ | `Show
+ | `Hide
+ | `Push of (string * string)
+ ]
+ let send msg = send (`Checks msg)
+ type t = {
+ iw : Evas_object.t;
+ box : Evas_object.t;
+ labels : (string * Evas_object.t) list;
+ }
+ let t shared =
+ let iw = Elm_inwin.add shared.ui.w in
+ let box = Elm_box.addx ~inwin:iw iw in
+ let scroller = Ep.Scroller.addx ~box box in
+ Elm_scroller.content_min_limit scroller true false;
+ let hbox = Elm_box.addx ~box ~size_hint:[ `hexpand; `fill ] box in
+ Elm_box.horizontal_set hbox true;
+ ignore @@ Elm_button.addx hbox ~box:hbox ~text:"Cancel";
+ Elm_object.disabled_set (Elm_button.addx hbox ~box:hbox ~text:"Apply"
+ ~cb:[ Elm.connect Elm_sig.clicked (fun _ -> Evas_object.hide iw);
+ ]) true;
+ { iw; box = Elm_box.addx ~content_of:scroller scroller; labels = [] }
+ let push ~t ~title ~text =
+ try
+ let label = List.assoc title t.labels in
+ Elm_object.(part_text_set label ((part_text_get label ()) ^ "<br>" ^ text));
+ t
+ with Not_found ->
+ let frame = Elm_frame.addx ~text:title in
+ let label = Elm_label.addx frame ~content_of:frame ~text in
+ { t with labels = (title, label) :: t.labels }
+ let state_machine t = function
+ | `Show ->
+ t.iw; t
+ | `Hide ->
+ Evas_object.hide t.iw; t
+ | `Push (title, text) ->
+ push ~t ~title ~text
module Mirror : Setting = struct
+ type t = {
+ entry : Evas_object.t;
+ }
+ let reporter ~mirror =
+ let push_text s =
+ Checks.send (`Push ("Mirror", s))
+ in
+ Get.reporter_make ~size:0L ~report:(fun (msg : Get.ev) ->
+ push_text (match msg with
+ | `Progress (total, size, speed) ->
+ let pp_size sz = Lib.pretty_print_size ~pad:true sz in
+ Lib.sp "%s\t%s/s" (pp_size total) (pp_size speed)
+ | `Error s ->
+ Lib.sp "ERROR: %s." s
+ | `Downloaded ->
+ "Downloaded."
+ | `Success ->
+ "Success."
+ )
+ )
+ let check ~t (conf, next) =
+ let mirror = Elm_object.part_text_get t.entry () in
+ let reporter = reporter ~mirror in
+ ignore @@ Thread.create (fun () ->
+ try
+ ignore @@ Web.repository ~conf ~reporter ~source:(`OtherMirror mirror);
+ (match next with
+ | Some next -> next { conf with mirror }
+ | None -> ())
+ with _exn ->
+ send `CheckFailed
+ ) ();
+ t
+ let init ~t (conf, next) =
+ Elm_object.part_text_set t.entry
+ (if conf.mirror <> "" then conf.mirror else "http://");
+ (match next with | Some next -> next conf | None -> ());
+ t
let t ~box =
- let frame = Elm_frame.addx box ~box ~size_hint:[ `hfill; `hexpand ] ~text:"Mirror" in
+ let frame = Elm_frame.addx box ~box ~size_hint:[ `hfill; `hexpand ]
+ ~text:"Mirror" in
Elm_frame.autocollapse_set frame true;
let box = Elm_box.addx ~content_of:frame frame in
- ignore @@ Elm_label.addx box ~box ~size_hint:[ `halign 0. ] ~text:"Path to the current mirror; can be either a full windows path or a file:// or an http:// URL.";
+ ignore @@ Elm_label.addx box ~box
+ ~size_hint:[ `halign 0. ]
+ ~text:"Path to the current mirror; can be either a full windows path or a file:// or an http:// URL.";
let sep = Elm_separator.addx ~size_hint:[ `hfill; `valign 0. ] ~box box in
Elm_separator.horizontal_set sep true;
let e = entry box in
Elm_box.pack_end box e;
- let init conf =
- let mirror = conf.mirror in
- Elm_object.part_text_set e (if mirror <> "" then mirror else "http://")
- in
- let check (conf, q) =
- let mirror = Elm_object.part_text_get e () in
- if mirror <> conf.mirror then
- ignore (Thread.create (fun () ->
- try
- ignore (Web.repository ~conf ~reporter:(Web.Reporter.dummy ()) ~source:(`OtherMirror mirror));
- send (`Check (Some { conf with mirror}, q))
- with _exn ->
- send `CheckFailed
- ) ())
- else
- send (`Check (Some conf, q))
- in
- { init; check; }
+ (* TODO cancel a possibly running download check *)
+ { entry = e }
+ let state_machine t = function
+ | `Init conf -> init ~t conf
+ | `Check x -> check ~t x
+ let send msg = send (`Mirror msg)
module LocalPredicates : Setting = struct
- let t ~box =
- let frame = Elm_frame.addx box ~size_hint:[ `hfill; `hexpand ] ~box ~text:"Local predicates" in
- Elm_frame.autocollapse_set frame true;
- let box = Elm_box.addx ~content_of:frame frame in
- let help = Elm_label.addx box ~box ~size_hint:[ `halign 0.; `hfill ] ~text:"Predicates make it possible to hide packages: if a packages lists a predicate 'p' with a value 'v', it will be visible if and only if the local configuration has a that predicate 'p' with 'v' one of its possible values." in
- Elm_label.line_wrap_set help `word;
- let sep = Elm_separator.addx ~size_hint:[ `hfill; `valign 0. ] ~box box in
- Elm_separator.horizontal_set sep true;
- let table = Elm_table.addx ~box ~size_hint:[ `hexpand; `fill] box in
- Elm_table.homogeneous_set table false;
- Elm_table.pack table (Elm_label.addx ~text:"Predicate" table) 0 0 1 1;
- Elm_table.pack table (Elm_label.addx ~text:"Value" table) 1 0 1 1;
+ type t = {
+ table : Evas_object.t;
+ push_row : (string * string) -> unit
+ }
+ let check ~t (conf, next) =
+ let module PredMap =
+ Map.Make (struct type t = string let compare = compare end) in
+ let rec aux i m =
+ let get j = Elm_table.child_get t.table j i in
+ match get 0, get 1 with
+ | Some p, Some v ->
+ if not (Elm_object.disabled_get p) then
+ let p = Elm_object.part_text_get p () in
+ let v = Elm_object.part_text_get v () in
+ if p <> "" && v <> "" then
+ let lv = try PredMap.find p m with Not_found -> [] in
+ aux (i+1) (PredMap.add p (v :: lv) m)
+ else
+ aux (i+1) m
+ else
+ aux (i+1) m
+ | None, None ->
+ PredMap.bindings m
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+ in
+ (match next with
+ | Some next -> next { conf with preds = aux 1 PredMap.empty };
+ | None -> ());
+ t
+ let push_row ~table =
let i = ref 1 in
- let push_row (predicate, value) =
+ fun (predicate, value) ->
let entry_predicate = entry table ~text:predicate in
let entry_value = entry table ~text:value in
let disable_icon = Elm_icon.addx table in
@@ -105,54 +225,45 @@ module LocalPredicates : Setting = struct
Elm_table.pack table disable 2 !i 1 1;
Elm_object.focus_set entry_predicate true;
incr i
- in
- ignore @@ Elm_button.addx ~box ~size_hint:[] ~text:"New predicate" box
- ~cb:[ Elm.connect Elm_sig.clicked (fun _ -> push_row ("", "")) ];
- let init conf =
- i := 1;
- List.iter (fun (p, l) -> List.iter (fun v -> push_row (p,v)) l) conf.preds
- in
- let check (conf, q) =
- let module PredMap =
- Map.Make (struct type t = string let compare = compare end) in
- let rec aux i m =
- let get j = Elm_table.child_get table j i in
- match get 0, get 1 with
- | Some p, Some v ->
- if not (Elm_object.disabled_get p) then
- let p = Elm_object.part_text_get p () in
- let v = Elm_object.part_text_get v () in
- if p <> "" && v <> "" then
- let lv = try PredMap.find p m with Not_found -> [] in
- aux (i+1) (PredMap.add p (v :: lv) m)
- else
- aux (i+1) m
- else
- aux (i+1) m
- | None, None ->
- PredMap.bindings m
- | _ ->
- assert false
- in
- send (`Check (Some { conf with preds = aux 1 PredMap.empty }, q))
- in
- { init; check; }
-module RepoPredicates : Setting = struct
+ let init ~t (conf, next) =
+ List.iter (fun (p, l) -> List.iter (fun v -> t.push_row (p,v)) l) conf.preds;
+ (match next with | Some next -> next conf | None -> ());
+ t
let t ~box =
- let frame = Elm_frame.addx box ~box ~size_hint:[ `hfill; `hexpand ] ~text:"All repository predicates (informative)" in
+ let frame = Elm_frame.addx box ~size_hint:[ `hfill; `hexpand ] ~box ~text:"Local predicates" in
Elm_frame.autocollapse_set frame true;
let box = Elm_box.addx ~content_of:frame frame in
- let help = Elm_label.addx box ~box ~size_hint:[ `halign 0.; `hfill ] ~text:"Below is the list of all predicates seen on the current mirror along with the list of values seen for each of them. The list is read-only." in
+ let help = Elm_label.addx box ~box ~size_hint:[ `halign 0.; `hfill ]
+ ~text:"Predicates make it possible to hide packages: if a packages lists a predicate 'p' with a value 'v', it will be visible if and only if the local configuration has a that predicate 'p' with 'v' one of its possible values." in
Elm_label.line_wrap_set help `word;
let sep = Elm_separator.addx ~size_hint:[ `hfill; `valign 0. ] ~box box in
Elm_separator.horizontal_set sep true;
- let table = Elm_table.addx ~size_hint:[ `hexpand; `fill] ~box box in
+ let table = Elm_table.addx ~box ~size_hint:[ `hexpand; `fill] box in
+ Elm_table.homogeneous_set table false;
Elm_table.pack table (Elm_label.addx ~text:"Predicate" table) 0 0 1 1;
Elm_table.pack table (Elm_label.addx ~text:"Value" table) 1 0 1 1;
+ let push_row = push_row ~table in
+ ignore @@ Elm_button.addx ~box ~size_hint:[] ~text:"New predicate" box
+ ~cb:[ Elm.connect Elm_sig.clicked (fun _ -> push_row ("", "")) ];
+ { push_row; table }
+ let state_machine t = function
+ | `Init conf -> init ~t conf
+ | `Check x -> check ~t x
+ let send msg = send (`LocalPredicates msg)
+module RepoPredicates : Setting = struct
+ type t = {
+ push_row : string * string list -> unit
+ }
+ let push_row ~table =
let i = ref 1 in
- let push_row (k, vs) =
+ fun (k, vs) ->
let b = Buffer.create 40 in
let p = Format.formatter_of_buffer b in
Format.fprintf p "%a%!" Log.F.(list string) vs;
@@ -163,44 +274,102 @@ module RepoPredicates : Setting = struct
Elm_table.pack table entry_predicate 0 !i 1 1;
Elm_table.pack table entry_values 1 !i 1 1;
incr i
- in
- let init conf =
- i := 1;
- List.iter push_row (Yylib.repo_predicates (Web.repository ~conf ~reporter:(Web.Reporter.dummy ()) ~source:`Local))
- in
- let check (conf, q) = send (`Check (Some conf, q)) in
- { init; check; }
+ let init ~t (conf, next) =
+ Web.repository ~conf ~reporter:(Web.Reporter.dummy ()) ~source:`Local
+ |> Yylib.repo_predicates
+ |> List.iter t.push_row;
+ (match next with | Some next -> next conf | None -> ());
+ t
+ let check ~t (conf, next) =
+ (match next with
+ | Some next -> next conf
+ | None -> ());
+ t
+ let t ~box =
+ let frame = Elm_frame.addx box ~box ~size_hint:[ `hfill; `hexpand ]
+ ~text:"All repository predicates (informative)" in
+ Elm_frame.autocollapse_set frame true;
+ let box = Elm_box.addx ~content_of:frame frame in
+ let help = Elm_label.addx box ~box ~size_hint:[ `halign 0.; `hfill ]
+ ~text:"Below is the list of all predicates seen on the current mirror along with the list of values seen for each of them. The list is read-only." in
+ Elm_label.line_wrap_set help `word;
+ let sep = Elm_separator.addx ~size_hint:[ `hfill; `valign 0. ] ~box box in
+ Elm_separator.horizontal_set sep true;
+ let table = Elm_table.addx ~size_hint:[ `hexpand; `fill] ~box box in
+ Elm_table.pack table (Elm_label.addx ~text:"Predicate" table) 0 0 1 1;
+ Elm_table.pack table (Elm_label.addx ~text:"Value" table) 1 0 1 1;
+ { push_row = push_row ~table }
+ let state_machine t = function
+ | `Init conf -> init ~t conf
+ | `Check x -> check ~t x
+ let send msg = send (`RepoPredicates msg)
+let settings_message f =
+ let wrap next (module S : Setting) =
+ Some (fun conf -> S.send (f next conf))
+ in
+ let l = List.fold_left wrap None (List.rev [
+ (module Mirror : Setting);
+ (module LocalPredicates : Setting);
+ (module RepoPredicates : Setting);
+ ])
+ in
+ fun g ->
+ match l with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some e -> e (g ())
+type t = {
+ check_failed : unit -> unit;
+ box : Evas_object.t;
+ checks_progress : Checks.t;
+ mirror : Mirror.t;
+ local_predicates : LocalPredicates.t;
+ repo_predicates : RepoPredicates.t;
let t shared =
+ let check_button_text = "Check validity (apply afterwards)" in
let box = Elm_box.addx ~show:false in
+ let checks_progress = Checks.t shared in
let add =
let scroller = Ep.Scroller.addx ~box box in
let box = Elm_box.addx scroller in
Elm_box.horizontal_set box false;
Elm_object.content_set scroller box;
- fun f -> (f ~box)
+ ()
- let l = add [ Mirror.t; LocalPredicates.t; RepoPredicates.t ] in
+ let send_inits = settings_message (fun next conf -> `Init (conf, next)) in
+ let send_checks = settings_message (fun next conf -> `Check (conf, next)) in
let apply =
let box = Elm_box.addx ~box ~size_hint:[ `hfill; `hexpand ] box in
Elm_box.horizontal_set box true;
Elm_box.homogeneous_set box true;
- let apply = Elm_button.addx box ~box ~text:"Apply" in
+ let apply = Elm_button.addx box ~box ~text:check_button_text in
ignore (Elm_connect.Button.clicked apply (fun _o ->
Elm_object.part_text_set apply "Validating...";
Elm_object.disabled_set apply true;
- send (`Check (None, l))
+ Checks.send `Show;
+ send_checks;
Elm_object.focus_set apply true;
- List.iter (fun c -> c.init ( ())) l;
let check_failed () =
- Elm_object.part_text_set apply "Apply";
+ Elm_object.part_text_set apply check_button_text;
Elm_object.disabled_set apply false
- { check_failed; box }
+ send_inits;
+ let mirror = Mirror.t ~box in
+ let local_predicates = LocalPredicates.t ~box in
+ let repo_predicates = RepoPredicates.t ~box in
+ { check_failed; box; checks_progress; mirror; local_predicates; repo_predicates }
let state_machine settings _shared = function
| `Show ->
@@ -212,22 +381,26 @@ let state_machine settings _shared = function
| `BeAdopted adoption ->
- | `Check (Some conf, t :: q) ->
- t.check (conf, q);
- settings
- | `Check (None, t :: q) ->
- t.check ( (), q);
- settings
- | `Check (Some conf, []) ->
+ (* | `Check (Some conf, []) ->
(* XXX: this should be in-memory, not through disk *)
let current_conf = () in
(if conf <> current_conf then
ignore (Config.update (fun _ -> conf)));
- settings
- | `Check (None, []) ->
- settings
+ settings *)
| `CheckFailed ->
settings.check_failed ();
| `Cancelled ->
+ | `Checks msg ->
+ { settings with checks_progress
+ = Checks.state_machine settings.checks_progress msg }
+ | `Mirror msg ->
+ { settings with mirror
+ = Mirror.state_machine settings.mirror msg }
+ | `LocalPredicates msg ->
+ { settings with local_predicates
+ = LocalPredicates.state_machine settings.local_predicates msg }
+ | `RepoPredicates msg ->
+ { settings with repo_predicates
+ = RepoPredicates.state_machine settings.repo_predicates msg }
diff --git a/src/yypkg/ b/src/yypkg/
index 72d2021..ed6ced3 100644
--- a/src/yypkg/
+++ b/src/yypkg/
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ module Reporter = struct
let package_list () =
generic ~filename:"package_list.el.tar.gz" ~size:0L
+ (* TODO: get rid of this *)
let dummy () =
Get.reporter_make ~size:0L ~report:(fun _ -> ())
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ let ua_system conf =
let s' = String.concat "-" (List.assoc "host_system" conf.preds) in
String.lowercase_ascii (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp " ") "_" s')
with Not_found ->
- s ^ "_windows_pre_1_9"
+ s ^ "_windows_pre_1_9" (* FIXME *)
| s -> s
@@ -110,6 +111,7 @@ let repository ~conf ~reporter ~source =
match source with
+ (* TODO: add `CurrentMirrorWithLocalFallback *)
| `Local ->
repo_of_file package_list_el_gz
| `CurrentMirror ->