diff options
-rwxr-xr-xboot/ocamlcbin898626 -> 916458 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xboot/ocamllexbin139111 -> 145879 bytes
34 files changed, 592 insertions, 46 deletions
diff --git a/boot/ocamlc b/boot/ocamlc
index ce31ae955..091d4699b 100755
--- a/boot/ocamlc
+++ b/boot/ocamlc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/boot/ocamllex b/boot/ocamllex
index 3d79fab7a..4edc94b44 100755
--- a/boot/ocamllex
+++ b/boot/ocamllex
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 81e593950..e379a87af 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -322,6 +322,9 @@ let transl_class ids cl_id arity pub_meths cl =
let class_stub =
Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Mutable), [lambda_unit; lambda_unit; lambda_unit])
+let dummy_class undef_fn =
+ Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Mutable), [undef_fn; undef_fn; oo_prim "dummy_table"])
(* Error report *)
open Format
diff --git a/bytecomp/translclass.mli b/bytecomp/translclass.mli
index dd6d4ef6e..a546b8afc 100644
--- a/bytecomp/translclass.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/translclass.mli
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ open Typedtree
open Lambda
val class_stub : lambda
+val dummy_class : lambda -> lambda
val transl_class :
Ident.t list -> Ident.t -> int -> string list -> class_expr -> lambda;;
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index e49a049d1..a9407e2aa 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -20,11 +20,17 @@ open Asttypes
open Path
open Types
open Typedtree
+open Primitive
open Lambda
open Translobj
open Translcore
open Translclass
+type error =
+ Circular_dependency of Ident.t
+exception Error of Location.t * error
(* Compile a coercion *)
let rec apply_coercion restr arg =
@@ -87,6 +93,149 @@ let field_path path field =
None -> None
| Some p -> Some(Pdot(p, field, Path.nopos))
+(* Utilities for compiling "module rec" definitions *)
+let undefined_exception loc =
+ (* Confer Translcore.assert_failed *)
+ let fname = match loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_fname with
+ | "" -> !Location.input_name
+ | x -> x in
+ let pos = loc.Location.loc_start in
+ let line = pos.Lexing.pos_lnum in
+ let char = pos.Lexing.pos_cnum - pos.Lexing.pos_bol in
+ Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
+ [transl_path Predef.path_undefined_recursive_module;
+ Lconst(Const_block(0,
+ [Const_base(Const_string fname);
+ Const_base(Const_int line);
+ Const_base(Const_int char)]))])
+let undefined_function exn_id =
+ Lfunction(Curried, [Ident.create "undef"], Lprim(Praise, [Lvar exn_id]))
+let init_value modl =
+ let undef_exn_id = Ident.create "undef_exception" in
+ let undef_function_id = Ident.create "undef_function" in
+ let rec init_value_mod env mty =
+ match Mtype.scrape env mty with
+ Tmty_ident _ ->
+ raise Not_found
+ | Tmty_signature sg ->
+ Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Mutable), init_value_struct env sg)
+ | Tmty_functor(id, arg, res) ->
+ raise Not_found (* to be fixed? *)
+ and init_value_struct env sg =
+ match sg with
+ [] -> []
+ | Tsig_value(id, vdesc) :: rem ->
+ let init_v =
+ match Ctype.expand_head env vdesc.val_type with
+ {desc = Tarrow(_,_,_,_)} ->
+ Lvar undef_function_id
+ | {desc = Tconstr(p, _, _)} when Path.same p Predef.path_lazy_t ->
+ Lprim(Pmakeblock(Config.lazy_tag, Immutable),
+ [Lvar undef_function_id])
+ | _ -> raise Not_found in
+ init_v :: init_value_struct env rem
+ | Tsig_type(id, tdecl) :: rem ->
+ init_value_struct (Env.add_type id tdecl env) rem
+ | Tsig_exception(id, edecl) :: rem ->
+ Lvar undef_exn_id :: init_value_struct env rem
+ | Tsig_module(id, mty) :: rem ->
+ init_value_mod env mty ::
+ init_value_struct (Env.add_module id mty env) rem
+ | Tsig_modtype(id, minfo) :: rem ->
+ init_value_struct (Env.add_modtype id minfo env) rem
+ | Tsig_class(id, cdecl) :: rem ->
+ Translclass.dummy_class (Lvar undef_function_id) ::
+ init_value_struct env rem
+ | Tsig_cltype(id, ctyp) :: rem ->
+ init_value_struct env rem
+ in
+ try
+ Some(Llet(Alias, undef_exn_id, undefined_exception modl.mod_loc,
+ Llet(Alias, undef_function_id, undefined_function undef_exn_id,
+ init_value_mod modl.mod_env modl.mod_type)))
+ with Not_found ->
+ None
+(* Reorder bindings to honor dependencies. *)
+type binding_status = Undefined | Inprogress | Defined
+let reorder_rec_bindings bindings =
+ let id = Array.of_list ( (fun (id,_,_,_) -> id) bindings)
+ and loc = Array.of_list ( (fun (_,loc,_,_) -> loc) bindings)
+ and init = Array.of_list ( (fun (_,_,init,_) -> init) bindings)
+ and rhs = Array.of_list ( (fun (_,_,_,rhs) -> rhs) bindings) in
+ let fv = Lambda.free_variables rhs in
+ let num_bindings = Array.length id in
+ let status = Array.create num_bindings Undefined in
+ let res = ref [] in
+ let rec emit_binding i =
+ match status.(i) with
+ Defined -> ()
+ | Inprogress -> raise(Error(loc.(i), Circular_dependency id.(i)))
+ | Undefined ->
+ if init.(i) = None then begin
+ status.(i) <- Inprogress;
+ for j = 0 to num_bindings - 1 do
+ if IdentSet.mem id.(j) fv.(i) then emit_binding j
+ done
+ end;
+ res := (id.(i), init.(i), rhs.(i)) :: !res;
+ status.(i) <- Defined in
+ for i = 0 to num_bindings - 1 do
+ match status.(i) with
+ Undefined -> emit_binding i
+ | Inprogress -> assert false
+ | Defined -> ()
+ done;
+ List.rev !res
+(* Generate lambda-code for a reordered list of bindings *)
+let prim_update =
+ { prim_name = "update_dummy";
+ prim_arity = 2;
+ prim_alloc = true;
+ prim_native_name = "";
+ prim_native_float = false }
+let eval_rec_bindings bindings cont =
+ let rec bind_inits = function
+ [] ->
+ bind_strict bindings
+ | (id, None, rhs) :: rem ->
+ bind_inits rem
+ | (id, Some init, rhs) :: rem ->
+ Llet(Strict, id, init, bind_inits rem)
+ and bind_strict = function
+ [] ->
+ patch_forwards bindings
+ | (id, None, rhs) :: rem ->
+ Llet(Strict, id, rhs, bind_strict rem)
+ | (id, Some init, rhs) :: rem ->
+ bind_strict rem
+ and patch_forwards = function
+ [] ->
+ cont
+ | (id, None, rhs) :: rem ->
+ patch_forwards rem
+ | (id, Some init, rhs) :: rem ->
+ Lsequence(Lprim(Pccall prim_update, [Lvar id; rhs]), patch_forwards rem)
+ in
+ bind_inits bindings
+let compile_recmodule compile_rhs bindings cont =
+ eval_rec_bindings
+ (reorder_rec_bindings
+ (
+ (fun (id, modl) ->
+ (id, modl.mod_loc, init_value modl, compile_rhs id modl))
+ bindings))
+ cont
(* Compile a module expression *)
let rec transl_module cc rootpath mexp =
@@ -158,6 +307,12 @@ and transl_structure fields cc rootpath = function
Llet(Strict, id,
transl_module Tcoerce_none (field_path rootpath id) modl,
transl_structure (id :: fields) cc rootpath rem)
+ | Tstr_recmodule bindings :: rem ->
+ compile_recmodule
+ (fun id modl ->
+ transl_module Tcoerce_none (field_path rootpath id) modl)
+ bindings
+ (transl_structure (map_end fst bindings fields) cc rootpath rem)
| Tstr_modtype(id, decl) :: rem ->
transl_structure fields cc rootpath rem
| Tstr_open path :: rem ->
@@ -245,6 +400,16 @@ let transl_store_structure glob map prims str =
(add_ident true adds id -> Pgetglobal... to subst). *)
Llet(Strict, id, subst_lambda subst lam,
Lsequence(store_ident id, transl_store(add_ident true id subst) rem))
+ | Tstr_recmodule bindings :: rem ->
+ let ids = fst bindings in
+ compile_recmodule
+ (fun id modl ->
+ subst_lambda subst
+ (transl_module Tcoerce_none
+ (field_path (global_path glob) id) modl))
+ bindings
+ (Lsequence(store_idents ids,
+ transl_store (add_idents true ids subst) rem))
| Tstr_modtype(id, decl) :: rem ->
transl_store subst rem
| Tstr_open path :: rem ->
@@ -317,6 +482,7 @@ let rec defined_idents = function
| Tstr_exception(id, decl) :: rem -> id :: defined_idents rem
| Tstr_exn_rebind(id, path) :: rem -> id :: defined_idents rem
| Tstr_module(id, modl) :: rem -> id :: defined_idents rem
+ | Tstr_recmodule decls :: rem -> fst decls @ defined_idents rem
| Tstr_modtype(id, decl) :: rem -> defined_idents rem
| Tstr_open path :: rem -> defined_idents rem
| Tstr_class cl_list :: rem ->
@@ -423,6 +589,12 @@ let transl_toplevel_item = function
set_toplevel_unique_name id;
toploop_setvalue id
(transl_module Tcoerce_none (Some(Pident id)) modl)
+ | Tstr_recmodule bindings ->
+ let idents = fst bindings in
+ compile_recmodule
+ (fun id modl -> transl_module Tcoerce_none (Some(Pident id)) modl)
+ bindings
+ (make_sequence toploop_setvalue_id idents)
| Tstr_modtype(id, decl) ->
| Tstr_open path ->
@@ -498,3 +670,13 @@ let transl_store_package component_names target_name coercion =
apply_coercion cc (Lprim(Pgetglobal id.(src), []))]))
0 pos_cc_list)
| _ -> assert false
+(* Error report *)
+open Format
+let report_error ppf = function
+ Circular_dependency id ->
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[Cannot safely evaluate the definition@ of the recursively-defined module %a@]"
+ Printtyp.ident id
diff --git a/bytecomp/translmod.mli b/bytecomp/translmod.mli
index bd9a5dfd9..14ef3bb92 100644
--- a/bytecomp/translmod.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/translmod.mli
@@ -29,3 +29,10 @@ val transl_store_package:
val toplevel_name: Ident.t -> string
val primitive_declarations: string list ref
+type error =
+ Circular_dependency of Ident.t
+exception Error of Location.t * error
+val report_error: Format.formatter -> error -> unit
diff --git a/byterun/fail.h b/byterun/fail.h
index 75e05d25d..75edec7bf 100644
--- a/byterun/fail.h
+++ b/byterun/fail.h
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
#define STACK_OVERFLOW_EXN 8 /* "Stack_overflow" */
#define SYS_BLOCKED_IO 9 /* "Sys_blocked_io" */
#define ASSERT_FAILURE_EXN 10 /* "Assert_failure" */
+#define UNDEFINED_RECURSIVE_MODULE_EXN 11 /* "Undefined_recursive_module" */
struct longjmp_buffer {
diff --git a/driver/ b/driver/
index a58b9a938..03cd5690c 100644
--- a/driver/
+++ b/driver/
@@ -40,12 +40,18 @@ let report_error ppf exn =
Location.print ppf loc; Typetexp.report_error ppf err
| Typedecl.Error(loc, err) ->
Location.print ppf loc; Typedecl.report_error ppf err
+ | Typeclass.Error(loc, err) ->
+ Location.print ppf loc; Typeclass.report_error ppf err
| Includemod.Error err ->
Includemod.report_error ppf err
| Typemod.Error(loc, err) ->
Location.print ppf loc; Typemod.report_error ppf err
| Translcore.Error(loc, err) ->
Location.print ppf loc; Translcore.report_error ppf err
+ | Translclass.Error(loc, err) ->
+ Location.print ppf loc; Translclass.report_error ppf err
+ | Translmod.Error(loc, err) ->
+ Location.print ppf loc; Translmod.report_error ppf err
| Symtable.Error code ->
Symtable.report_error ppf code
| Bytelink.Error code ->
@@ -56,10 +62,6 @@ let report_error ppf exn =
Bytepackager.report_error ppf code
| Sys_error msg ->
fprintf ppf "I/O error: %s" msg
- | Typeclass.Error(loc, err) ->
- Location.print ppf loc; Typeclass.report_error ppf err
- | Translclass.Error(loc, err) ->
- Location.print ppf loc; Translclass.report_error ppf err
| Warnings.Errors (n) ->
fprintf ppf "@.Error: %d error-enabled warnings occurred." n
| x -> fprintf ppf "@]"; raise x in
diff --git a/driver/ b/driver/
index 8826b6719..a59e6f265 100644
--- a/driver/
+++ b/driver/
@@ -33,19 +33,25 @@ let report_error ppf exn =
Env.report_error ppf err
| Ctype.Tags(l, l') -> fprintf ppf
"In this program,@ variant constructors@ `%s and `%s@ \
- have the same hash value." l l'
+ have the same hash value.@ Change one of them." l l'
| Typecore.Error(loc, err) ->
Location.print ppf loc; Typecore.report_error ppf err
| Typetexp.Error(loc, err) ->
Location.print ppf loc; Typetexp.report_error ppf err
| Typedecl.Error(loc, err) ->
Location.print ppf loc; Typedecl.report_error ppf err
+ | Typeclass.Error(loc, err) ->
+ Location.print ppf loc; Typeclass.report_error ppf err
| Includemod.Error err ->
Includemod.report_error ppf err
| Typemod.Error(loc, err) ->
Location.print ppf loc; Typemod.report_error ppf err
| Translcore.Error(loc, err) ->
Location.print ppf loc; Translcore.report_error ppf err
+ | Translclass.Error(loc, err) ->
+ Location.print ppf loc; Translclass.report_error ppf err
+ | Translmod.Error(loc, err) ->
+ Location.print ppf loc; Translmod.report_error ppf err
| Compilenv.Error code ->
Compilenv.report_error ppf code
| Asmgen.Error code ->
@@ -58,10 +64,6 @@ let report_error ppf exn =
Asmpackager.report_error ppf code
| Sys_error msg ->
fprintf ppf "I/O error: %s" msg
- | Typeclass.Error(loc, err) ->
- Location.print ppf loc; Typeclass.report_error ppf err
- | Translclass.Error(loc, err) ->
- Location.print ppf loc; Translclass.report_error ppf err
| Warnings.Errors (n) ->
fprintf ppf "@.Error: %d error-enabled warnings occurred." n
| x -> fprintf ppf "@]"; raise x in
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 3c6fa92d2..337592c85 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ module Typedtree_search =
match tt with
| Typedtree.Tstr_module (ident, _) ->
Hashtbl.add table (M (Name.from_ident ident)) tt
+ | Typedtree.Tstr_recmodule bindings ->
+ assert false (* to be fixed *)
| Typedtree.Tstr_modtype (ident, _) ->
Hashtbl.add table (MT (Name.from_ident ident)) tt
| Typedtree.Tstr_exception (ident, _) ->
@@ -1104,6 +1106,9 @@ module Analyser =
raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.module_not_found_in_typedtree complete_name))
+ | Parsetree.Pstr_recmodule bindings ->
+ assert false (* to be fixed *)
| Parsetree.Pstr_modtype (name, modtype) ->
let complete_name = Name.concat current_module_name name in
let tt_module_type =
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index f59d9a9b0..59bdbcdad 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -707,6 +707,9 @@ module Analyser =
(maybe_more, new_env2, [ Element_module new_module ])
+ | Parsetree.Psig_recmodule decls ->
+ assert false (* to be fixed *)
| Parsetree.Psig_modtype (name, Parsetree.Pmodtype_abstract) ->
let sig_mtype =
try Signature_search.search_module_type table name
diff --git a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
index 6f2657fa1..614f62cef 100644
--- a/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
+++ b/otherlibs/labltk/browser/
@@ -207,6 +207,8 @@ let rec search_pos_signature l ~pos ~env =
add_found_sig (`Type, Lident "exn") ~env ~loc:pt.psig_loc
| Psig_module (_, t) ->
search_pos_module t ~pos ~env
+ | Psig_recmodule decls ->
+ assert false (* to be fixed *)
| Psig_modtype (_, Pmodtype_manifest t) ->
search_pos_module t ~pos ~env
| Psig_modtype _ -> ()
@@ -664,6 +666,7 @@ let rec search_pos_structure ~pos str =
| Tstr_exception _ -> ()
| Tstr_exn_rebind(_, _) -> ()
| Tstr_module (_, m) -> search_pos_module_expr m ~pos
+ | Tstr_recmodule bindings -> assert false (* to be fixed *)
| Tstr_modtype _ -> ()
| Tstr_open _ -> ()
| Tstr_class l ->
diff --git a/parsing/parser.mly b/parsing/parser.mly
index 574112f1d..6f673e9e8 100644
--- a/parsing/parser.mly
+++ b/parsing/parser.mly
@@ -326,7 +326,8 @@ The precedences must be listed from low to high.
%nonassoc IN
%nonassoc below_SEMI
%nonassoc SEMI /* below EQUAL ({lbl=...; lbl=...}) */
-%nonassoc LET /* above SEMI ( ...; let ... in ...) */
+%nonassoc LET AND /* above SEMI ( ...; let ... in ...) */
+ /* below WITH (module rec A: SIG with ... and ...) */
%nonassoc below_WITH
%nonassoc FUNCTION WITH /* below BAR (match ... with ...) */
%nonassoc THEN /* below ELSE (if ... then ...) */
@@ -455,6 +456,8 @@ structure_item:
{ mkstr(Pstr_exn_rebind($2, $4)) }
| MODULE UIDENT module_binding
{ mkstr(Pstr_module($2, $3)) }
+ | MODULE REC module_rec_bindings
+ { mkstr(Pstr_recmodule(List.rev $3)) }
| MODULE TYPE ident EQUAL module_type
{ mkstr(Pstr_modtype($3, $5)) }
| OPEN mod_longident
@@ -474,6 +477,13 @@ module_binding:
| LPAREN UIDENT COLON module_type RPAREN module_binding
{ mkmod(Pmod_functor($2, $4, $6)) }
+ module_rec_binding { [$1] }
+ | module_rec_bindings AND module_rec_binding { $3 :: $1 }
+ UIDENT COLON module_type EQUAL module_expr { ($1, $3, $5) }
/* Module types */
@@ -510,6 +520,8 @@ signature_item:
{ mksig(Psig_exception($2, $3)) }
| MODULE UIDENT module_declaration
{ mksig(Psig_module($2, $3)) }
+ | MODULE REC module_rec_declarations
+ { mksig(Psig_recmodule(List.rev $3)) }
{ mksig(Psig_modtype($3, Pmodtype_abstract)) }
| MODULE TYPE ident EQUAL module_type
@@ -530,6 +542,13 @@ module_declaration:
| LPAREN UIDENT COLON module_type RPAREN module_declaration
{ mkmty(Pmty_functor($2, $4, $6)) }
+ module_rec_declaration { [$1] }
+ | module_rec_declarations AND module_rec_declaration { $3 :: $1 }
+ UIDENT COLON module_type { ($1, $3) }
/* Class expressions */
diff --git a/parsing/parsetree.mli b/parsing/parsetree.mli
index 69763d256..10c7bcd2d 100644
--- a/parsing/parsetree.mli
+++ b/parsing/parsetree.mli
@@ -209,6 +209,7 @@ and signature_item_desc =
| Psig_type of (string * type_declaration) list
| Psig_exception of string * exception_declaration
| Psig_module of string * module_type
+ | Psig_recmodule of (string * module_type) list
| Psig_modtype of string * modtype_declaration
| Psig_open of Longident.t
| Psig_include of module_type
@@ -250,6 +251,7 @@ and structure_item_desc =
| Pstr_exception of string * exception_declaration
| Pstr_exn_rebind of string * Longident.t
| Pstr_module of string * module_expr
+ | Pstr_recmodule of (string * module_type * module_expr) list
| Pstr_modtype of string * module_type
| Pstr_open of Longident.t
| Pstr_class of class_declaration list
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index 5ea5d4e0d..9cc166d44 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -494,6 +494,9 @@ and signature_item i ppf x =
| Psig_module (s, mt) ->
line i ppf "Psig_module \"%s\"\n" s;
module_type i ppf mt;
+ | Psig_recmodule decls ->
+ line i ppf "Psig_recmodule\n";
+ list i string_x_module_type ppf decls;
| Psig_modtype (s, md) ->
line i ppf "Psig_modtype \"%s\"\n" s;
modtype_declaration i ppf md;
@@ -569,6 +572,9 @@ and structure_item i ppf x =
| Pstr_module (s, me) ->
line i ppf "Pstr_module \"%s\"\n" s;
module_expr i ppf me;
+ | Pstr_recmodule bindings ->
+ line i ppf "Pstr_type\n";
+ list i string_x_modtype_x_module ppf bindings;
| Pstr_modtype (s, mt) ->
line i ppf "Pstr_modtype \"%s\"\n" s;
module_type i ppf mt;
@@ -587,6 +593,15 @@ and string_x_type_declaration i ppf (s, td) =
string i ppf s;
type_declaration (i+1) ppf td;
+and string_x_module_type i ppf (s, mty) =
+ string i ppf s;
+ module_type (i+1) ppf mty;
+and string_x_modtype_x_module i ppf (s, mty, modl) =
+ string i ppf s;
+ module_type (i+1) ppf mty;
+ module_expr (i+1) ppf modl;
and longident_x_with_constraint i ppf (li, wc) =
line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_longident li;
with_constraint (i+1) ppf wc;
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index dcf23dd6f..8d5c3cb6a 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -257,6 +257,16 @@ type table =
mutable vars: vars;
mutable initializers: (obj -> unit) list }
+let dummy_table =
+ { buckets = [| |];
+ methods_by_name = Meths.empty;
+ methods_by_label = Labs.empty;
+ previous_states = [];
+ hidden_meths = [];
+ vars = Vars.empty;
+ initializers = [];
+ size = initial_object_size }
let table_count = ref 0
let new_table () =
diff --git a/stdlib/camlinternalOO.mli b/stdlib/camlinternalOO.mli
index 83586a7f3..5e945f931 100644
--- a/stdlib/camlinternalOO.mli
+++ b/stdlib/camlinternalOO.mli
@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ val set_method : table -> label -> meth -> unit
val narrow : table -> string list -> string list -> string list -> unit
val widen : table -> unit
val add_initializer : table -> (obj -> unit) -> unit
+val dummy_table : table
val create_table : string list -> table
val init_class : table -> unit
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 1a12fca48..2f1cda152 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -78,4 +78,4 @@ let catch_break on =
(* OCaml version string, must be in the format described in sys.mli. *)
-let ocaml_version = "3.06+34 (2003-05-21)";;
+let ocaml_version = "3.06+35 (2003-06-16)";;
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 7b343a852..96e825e50 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -186,6 +186,10 @@ and add_sig_item bv item =
List.iter (add_type bv) args; bv
| Psig_module(id, mty) ->
add_modtype bv mty; StringSet.add id bv
+ | Psig_recmodule decls ->
+ let bv' = List.fold_right StringSet.add ( fst decls) bv in
+ List.iter (fun (id, mty) -> add_modtype bv' mty) decls;
+ bv'
| Psig_modtype(id, mtyd) ->
begin match mtyd with
Pmodtype_abstract -> ()
@@ -232,6 +236,14 @@ and add_struct_item bv item =
add bv l; bv
| Pstr_module(id, modl) ->
add_module bv modl; StringSet.add id bv
+ | Pstr_recmodule bindings ->
+ let bv' =
+ List.fold_right StringSet.add
+ ( (fun (id,_,_) -> id) bindings) bv in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (id, mty, modl) -> add_modtype bv' mty; add_module bv' modl)
+ bindings;
+ bv'
| Pstr_modtype(id, mty) ->
add_modtype bv mty; bv
| Pstr_open l ->
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
index 9b760e63d..a257663ce 100644
--- a/toplevel/
+++ b/toplevel/
@@ -83,7 +83,9 @@ module Make(O : OBJ)(EVP : EVALPATH with type value = O.t) = struct
let outval_of_untyped_exception bucket =
let name = (O.obj(O.field(O.field bucket 0) 0) : string) in
let args =
- if (name = "Match_failure" || name = "Assert_failure")
+ if (name = "Match_failure"
+ || name = "Assert_failure"
+ || name = "Undefined_recursive_module")
&& O.size bucket = 2
&& O.tag(O.field bucket 1) = 0
then outval_of_untyped_exception_args (O.field bucket 1) 0
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 8237fb726..4a33d0c4d 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -1106,6 +1106,10 @@ let rec try_expand_head env ty =
let _ = try_expand_head' := try_expand_head
+(* Expand once the head of a type *)
+let expand_head_once env ty =
+ try expand_abbrev env (repr ty) with Cannot_expand -> assert false
(* Fully expand the head of a type. *)
let rec expand_head env ty =
try try_expand_head env ty with Cannot_expand -> repr ty
@@ -2888,20 +2892,20 @@ let rec arity ty =
| _ -> 0
(* Check whether an abbreviation expands to itself. *)
-let rec cyclic_abbrev env id ty =
- let ty = repr ty in
- match ty.desc with
- Tconstr (Path.Pident id', _, _) when Ident.same id id' ->
- true
- | Tconstr (p, tl, abbrev) ->
- begin try
- cyclic_abbrev env id (try_expand_head env ty)
- with Cannot_expand ->
+let cyclic_abbrev env id ty =
+ let rec check_cycle seen ty =
+ let ty = repr ty in
+ match ty.desc with
+ Tconstr (p, tl, abbrev) ->
+ if List.exists (Path.same p) seen then true else begin
+ try
+ check_cycle (p :: seen) (expand_abbrev env ty)
+ with Cannot_expand ->
+ false
+ end
+ | _ ->
- end
- | _ ->
- false
+ in check_cycle [Path.Pident id] ty
(* Normalize a type before printing, saving... *)
let rec normalize_type_rec env ty =
diff --git a/typing/ctype.mli b/typing/ctype.mli
index e0da260fc..c7c93e109 100644
--- a/typing/ctype.mli
+++ b/typing/ctype.mli
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ val apply:
the parameters [pi] and returns the corresponding instance of
[t]. Exception [Cannot_apply] is raised in case of failure. *)
+val expand_head_once: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr
val expand_head: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr
val full_expand: Env.t -> type_expr -> type_expr
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index d984a32a3..193799345 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -126,3 +126,30 @@ let nondep_supertype env mid mty =
nondep_mty Co mty
+let enrich_typedecl env p decl =
+ match decl.type_manifest with
+ Some ty -> decl
+ | None ->
+ try
+ let orig_decl = Env.find_type p env in
+ if orig_decl.type_arity <> decl.type_arity
+ then decl
+ else {decl with type_manifest =
+ Some(Btype.newgenty(Tconstr(p, decl.type_params, ref Mnil)))}
+ with Not_found ->
+ decl
+let rec enrich_modtype env p mty =
+ match mty with
+ Tmty_signature sg ->
+ Tmty_signature( (enrich_item env p) sg)
+ | _ ->
+ mty
+and enrich_item env p = function
+ Tsig_type(id, decl) ->
+ Tsig_type(id, enrich_typedecl env (Pdot(p, id, nopos)) decl)
+ | Tsig_module(id, mty) ->
+ Tsig_module(id, enrich_modtype env (Pdot(p, id, nopos)) mty)
+ | item -> item
diff --git a/typing/mtype.mli b/typing/mtype.mli
index 77d93d566..5bc63c5f5 100644
--- a/typing/mtype.mli
+++ b/typing/mtype.mli
@@ -27,3 +27,5 @@ val nondep_supertype: Env.t -> Ident.t -> module_type -> module_type
(* Return the smallest supertype of the given type
in which the given ident does not appear.
Raise [Not_found] if no such type exists. *)
+val enrich_modtype: Env.t -> Path.t -> module_type -> module_type
+val enrich_typedecl: Env.t -> Path.t -> type_declaration -> type_declaration
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 417f53dd2..0aa7945c6 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -108,22 +108,23 @@ and compats ps qs = match ps,qs with
exception Empty (* Empty pattern *)
-let get_type_descr ty tenv =
- let ty = Ctype.repr (Ctype.expand_head tenv ty) in
- match ty.desc with
- | Tconstr (path,_,_) -> Env.find_type path tenv
- | _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.get_type_descr"
let get_type_path ty tenv =
let ty = Ctype.repr (Ctype.expand_head tenv ty) in
match ty.desc with
| Tconstr (path,_,_) -> path
| _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.get_type_path"
-let get_constr tag ty tenv =
+let get_type_descr ty tenv =
+ match (Ctype.repr ty).desc with
+ | Tconstr (path,_,_) -> Env.find_type path tenv
+ | _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.get_type_descr"
+let rec get_constr tag ty tenv =
match get_type_descr ty tenv with
| {type_kind=Type_variant constr_list} ->
Datarepr.find_constr_by_tag tag constr_list
+ | {type_manifest = Some _} ->
+ get_constr tag (Ctype.expand_head_once tenv ty) tenv
| _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.get_constr"
let find_label lbl lbls =
@@ -132,9 +133,11 @@ let find_label lbl lbls =
with Failure "nth" -> "*Unkown label*"
-let get_record_labels ty tenv =
+let rec get_record_labels ty tenv =
match get_type_descr ty tenv with
| {type_kind = Type_record(lbls, rep)} -> lbls
+ | {type_manifest = Some _} ->
+ get_record_labels (Ctype.expand_head_once tenv ty) tenv
| _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.get_record_labels"
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index bd141224e..9b5b675b7 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -76,9 +76,11 @@ and ident_division_by_zero = Ident.create "Division_by_zero"
and ident_stack_overflow = Ident.create "Stack_overflow"
and ident_sys_blocked_io = Ident.create "Sys_blocked_io"
and ident_assert_failure = Ident.create "Assert_failure"
+and ident_undefined_recursive_module = Ident.create "Undefined_recursive_module"
let path_match_failure = Pident ident_match_failure
and path_assert_failure = Pident ident_assert_failure
+and path_undefined_recursive_module = Pident ident_undefined_recursive_module
let build_initial_env add_type add_exception empty_env =
let decl_abstr =
@@ -155,6 +157,8 @@ let build_initial_env add_type add_exception empty_env =
add_exception ident_division_by_zero [] (
add_exception ident_assert_failure
[newgenty (Ttuple[type_string; type_int; type_int])] (
+ add_exception ident_undefined_recursive_module
+ [newgenty (Ttuple[type_string; type_int; type_int])] (
add_type ident_int64 decl_abstr (
add_type ident_int32 decl_abstr (
add_type ident_nativeint decl_abstr (
@@ -170,7 +174,7 @@ let build_initial_env add_type add_exception empty_env =
add_type ident_string decl_abstr (
add_type ident_char decl_abstr (
add_type ident_int decl_abstr (
- empty_env))))))))))))))))))))))))))
+ empty_env)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
let builtin_values = (fun id -> Ident.make_global id; ( id, id))
@@ -178,4 +182,4 @@ let builtin_values =
ident_failure; ident_not_found; ident_sys_error; ident_end_of_file;
ident_division_by_zero; ident_sys_blocked_io;
- ident_assert_failure ]
+ ident_assert_failure; ident_undefined_recursive_module ]
diff --git a/typing/predef.mli b/typing/predef.mli
index 7e1ddf322..66b1e782b 100644
--- a/typing/predef.mli
+++ b/typing/predef.mli
@@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ val path_lazy_t: Path.t
val path_match_failure: Path.t
val path_assert_failure : Path.t
+val path_undefined_recursive_module : Path.t
(* To build the initial environment. Since there is a nasty mutual
recursion between predef and env, we break it by parameterizing
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index bf4185d23..fa6d86d8f 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
open Misc
open Parsetree
open Asttypes
+open Path
open Types
open Typedtree
open Typecore
@@ -1234,6 +1235,29 @@ let class_type_declarations env cls =
+let approx_class env sdecl =
+ let (params, _) = sdecl.pci_params in
+ Ctype.begin_def();
+ let ty_params = (fun _ -> Ctype.newvar()) params in
+ let cl_cty =
+ Tcty_signature { cty_self = Ctype.newvar();
+ cty_vars = Vars.empty;
+ cty_concr = Concr.empty } in
+ Ctype.end_def();
+ List.iter Ctype.generalize ty_params;
+ generalize_class_type cl_cty;
+ (Ident.create sdecl.pci_name,
+ { clty_params = ty_params; clty_type = cl_cty; clty_path = unbound_class },
+ Ident.create sdecl.pci_name,
+ Typedecl.abstract_type_decl (List.length params),
+ Ident.create ("#" ^ sdecl.pci_name),
+ Typedecl.abstract_type_decl (List.length params))
+let approx_class_declarations env sdecls =
+ (approx_class env) sdecls
(* Error report *)
open Format
diff --git a/typing/typeclass.mli b/typing/typeclass.mli
index c1b04545b..89a6e6b4f 100644
--- a/typing/typeclass.mli
+++ b/typing/typeclass.mli
@@ -39,6 +39,12 @@ val class_type_declarations:
Ident.t * type_declaration *
Ident.t * type_declaration) list * Env.t
+val approx_class_declarations:
+ Env.t -> Parsetree.class_description list ->
+ (Ident.t * cltype_declaration *
+ Ident.t * type_declaration *
+ Ident.t * type_declaration) list
type error =
Unconsistent_constraint of (type_expr * type_expr) list
| Method_type_mismatch of string * (type_expr * type_expr) list
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index e55ba035a..f7278ea4a 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -627,6 +627,29 @@ let transl_with_constraint env sdecl =
generalize_decl decl;
+(* Approximate a type declaration: just make all types abstract *)
+let abstract_type_decl arity =
+ let rec make_params n =
+ if n <= 0 then [] else Ctype.newvar() :: make_params (n-1) in
+ Ctype.begin_def();
+ let decl =
+ { type_params = make_params arity;
+ type_arity = arity;
+ type_kind = Type_abstract;
+ type_manifest = None;
+ type_variance = replicate_list (true, true, true) arity } in
+ Ctype.end_def();
+ generalize_decl decl;
+ decl
+let approx_type_decl env name_sdecl_list =
+ (fun (name, sdecl) ->
+ (Ident.create name,
+ abstract_type_decl (List.length sdecl.ptype_params)))
+ name_sdecl_list
(**** Error report ****)
open Format
diff --git a/typing/typedecl.mli b/typing/typedecl.mli
index 9a07ebe5e..b109c4854 100644
--- a/typing/typedecl.mli
+++ b/typing/typedecl.mli
@@ -32,6 +32,11 @@ val transl_value_decl:
val transl_with_constraint:
Env.t -> Parsetree.type_declaration -> type_declaration
+val abstract_type_decl: int -> type_declaration
+val approx_type_decl:
+ Env.t -> (string * Parsetree.type_declaration) list ->
+ (Ident.t * type_declaration) list
(* for *)
val compute_variance_decls:
Env.t ->
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 64e021dce..754fe8280 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -135,6 +135,7 @@ and structure_item =
| Tstr_exception of Ident.t * exception_declaration
| Tstr_exn_rebind of Ident.t * Path.t
| Tstr_module of Ident.t * module_expr
+ | Tstr_recmodule of (Ident.t * module_expr) list
| Tstr_modtype of Ident.t * module_type
| Tstr_open of Path.t
| Tstr_class of (Ident.t * int * string list * class_expr) list
diff --git a/typing/typedtree.mli b/typing/typedtree.mli
index 15237ab30..acf99a80d 100644
--- a/typing/typedtree.mli
+++ b/typing/typedtree.mli
@@ -136,6 +136,7 @@ and structure_item =
| Tstr_exception of Ident.t * exception_declaration
| Tstr_exn_rebind of Ident.t * Path.t
| Tstr_module of Ident.t * module_expr
+ | Tstr_recmodule of (Ident.t * module_expr) list
| Tstr_modtype of Ident.t * module_type
| Tstr_open of Path.t
| Tstr_class of (Ident.t * int * string list * class_expr) list
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index d0fc5b2e8..aac1852c3 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -92,6 +92,93 @@ let merge_constraint initial_env loc sg lid constr =
with Includemod.Error explanation ->
raise(Error(loc, With_mismatch(lid, explanation)))
+(* Auxiliary for translating recursively-defined module types.
+ Return a module type that approximates the shape of the given module
+ type AST. Retain only module, type, and module type
+ components of signatures. For types, retain only their arity,
+ making them abstract otherwise. *)
+let approx_modtype transl_mty init_env smty =
+ let rec approx_mty env smty =
+ match smty.pmty_desc with
+ Pmty_ident lid ->
+ begin try
+ let (path, info) = Env.lookup_modtype lid env in
+ Tmty_ident path
+ with Not_found ->
+ raise(Error(smty.pmty_loc, Unbound_modtype lid))
+ end
+ | Pmty_signature ssg ->
+ Tmty_signature(approx_sig env ssg)
+ | Pmty_functor(param, sarg, sres) ->
+ let arg = approx_mty env sarg in
+ let (id, newenv) = Env.enter_module param arg env in
+ let res = approx_mty newenv sres in
+ Tmty_functor(id, arg, res)
+ | Pmty_with(sbody, constraints) ->
+ approx_mty env sbody
+ and approx_sig env ssg =
+ match ssg with
+ [] -> []
+ | item :: srem ->
+ match item.psig_desc with
+ | Psig_type sdecls ->
+ let decls = Typedecl.approx_type_decl env sdecls in
+ let rem = approx_sig env srem in
+ map_end (fun (id, info) -> Tsig_type(id, info)) decls rem
+ | Psig_module(name, smty) ->
+ let mty = approx_mty env smty in
+ let (id, newenv) = Env.enter_module name mty env in
+ Tsig_module(id, mty) :: approx_sig newenv srem
+ | Psig_recmodule sdecls ->
+ let decls =
+ (fun (name, smty) ->
+ (Ident.create name, approx_mty env smty))
+ sdecls in
+ let newenv =
+ List.fold_left (fun env (id, mty) -> Env.add_module id mty env)
+ env decls in
+ map_end (fun (id, mty) -> Tsig_module(id, mty)) decls
+ (approx_sig newenv srem)
+ | Psig_modtype(name, sinfo) ->
+ let info = approx_mty_info env sinfo in
+ let (id, newenv) = Env.enter_modtype name info env in
+ Tsig_modtype(id, info) :: approx_sig newenv srem
+ | Psig_open lid ->
+ let (path, mty) = type_module_path env item.psig_loc lid in
+ let sg = extract_sig_open env item.psig_loc mty in
+ let newenv = Env.open_signature path sg env in
+ approx_sig newenv srem
+ | Psig_include smty ->
+ let mty = transl_mty init_env smty in
+ let sg = Subst.signature Subst.identity
+ (extract_sig env smty.pmty_loc mty) in
+ let newenv = Env.add_signature sg env in
+ sg @ approx_sig newenv srem
+ | Psig_class sdecls | Psig_class_type sdecls ->
+ let decls = Typeclass.approx_class_declarations env sdecls in
+ let rem = approx_sig env srem in
+ List.flatten
+ (
+ (fun (i1, d1, i2, d2, i3, d3) ->
+ [Tsig_cltype(i1, d1); Tsig_type(i2, d2); Tsig_type(i3, d3)])
+ decls)
+ @ rem
+ | _ ->
+ approx_sig env srem
+ and approx_mty_info env sinfo =
+ match sinfo with
+ Pmodtype_abstract ->
+ Tmodtype_abstract
+ | Pmodtype_manifest smty ->
+ Tmodtype_manifest(approx_mty env smty)
+ in approx_mty init_env smty
(* Auxiliaries for checking uniqueness of names in signatures and structures *)
module StringSet = Set.Make(struct type t = string let compare = compare end)
@@ -171,6 +258,15 @@ and transl_signature env sg =
let (id, newenv) = Env.enter_module name mty env in
let rem = transl_sig newenv srem in
Tsig_module(id, mty) :: rem
+ | Psig_recmodule sdecls ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun (name, smty) ->
+ check "module" item.psig_loc module_names name)
+ sdecls;
+ let (decls, newenv) =
+ transl_recmodule_modtypes item.psig_loc env sdecls in
+ let rem = transl_sig newenv srem in
+ map_end (fun (id, mty) -> Tsig_module(id, mty)) decls rem
| Psig_modtype(name, sinfo) ->
check "module type" item.psig_loc modtype_names name;
let info = transl_modtype_info env sinfo in
@@ -228,6 +324,25 @@ and transl_modtype_info env sinfo =
| Pmodtype_manifest smty ->
Tmodtype_manifest(transl_modtype env smty)
+and transl_recmodule_modtypes loc env sdecls =
+ let make_env curr =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun env (id, mty) -> Env.add_module id mty env)
+ env curr in
+ let transition env_c curr =
+ List.map2
+ (fun (_, smty) (id, mty) -> (id, transl_modtype env_c smty))
+ sdecls curr in
+ let init =
+ (fun (name, smty) ->
+ (Ident.create name, approx_modtype transl_modtype env smty))
+ sdecls in
+ let first = transition (make_env init) init in
+ let final_env = make_env first in
+ let final_decl = transition final_env init in
+ (final_decl, final_env)
(* Try to convert a module expression to a module path. *)
exception Not_a_path
@@ -280,9 +395,33 @@ let rec bound_value_identifiers = function
| Tsig_class(id, decl) :: rem -> id :: bound_value_identifiers rem
| _ :: rem -> bound_value_identifiers rem
+(* Helpers for typing recursive modules *)
+let anchor_submodule name anchor =
+ match anchor with None -> None | Some p -> Some(Pdot(p, name, nopos))
+let anchor_recmodule id anchor =
+ Some (Pident id)
+let enrich_type_decls anchor decls oldenv newenv =
+ match anchor with
+ None -> newenv
+ | Some p ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun e (id, info) ->
+ let info' =
+ Mtype.enrich_typedecl oldenv (Pdot(p, id, nopos)) info
+ in
+ Env.add_type id info' e)
+ oldenv decls
+let enrich_module_type anchor name mty env =
+ match anchor with
+ None -> mty
+ | Some p -> Mtype.enrich_modtype env (Pdot(p, name, nopos)) mty
(* Type a module value expression *)
-let rec type_module env smod =
+let rec type_module anchor env smod =
match smod.pmod_desc with
Pmod_ident lid ->
let (path, mty) = type_module_path env smod.pmod_loc lid in
@@ -291,7 +430,7 @@ let rec type_module env smod =
mod_env = env;
mod_loc = smod.pmod_loc }
| Pmod_structure sstr ->
- let (str, sg, finalenv) = type_structure env sstr in
+ let (str, sg, finalenv) = type_structure anchor env sstr in
rm { mod_desc = Tmod_structure str;
mod_type = Tmty_signature sg;
mod_env = env;
@@ -299,14 +438,14 @@ let rec type_module env smod =
| Pmod_functor(name, smty, sbody) ->
let mty = transl_modtype env smty in
let (id, newenv) = Env.enter_module name mty env in
- let body = type_module newenv sbody in
+ let body = type_module None newenv sbody in
rm { mod_desc = Tmod_functor(id, mty, body);
mod_type = Tmty_functor(id, mty, body.mod_type);
mod_env = env;
mod_loc = smod.pmod_loc }
| Pmod_apply(sfunct, sarg) ->
- let funct = type_module env sfunct in
- let arg = type_module env sarg in
+ let funct = type_module None env sfunct in
+ let arg = type_module None env sarg in
begin match Mtype.scrape env funct.mod_type with
Tmty_functor(param, mty_param, mty_res) as mty_functor ->
let coercion =
@@ -334,7 +473,7 @@ let rec type_module env smod =
raise(Error(sfunct.pmod_loc, Cannot_apply funct.mod_type))
| Pmod_constraint(sarg, smty) ->
- let arg = type_module env sarg in
+ let arg = type_module anchor env sarg in
let mty = transl_modtype env smty in
let coercion =
@@ -346,7 +485,7 @@ let rec type_module env smod =
mod_env = env;
mod_loc = smod.pmod_loc }
-and type_structure env sstr =
+and type_structure anchor env sstr =
let type_names = ref StringSet.empty
and module_names = ref StringSet.empty
and modtype_names = ref StringSet.empty in
@@ -381,7 +520,9 @@ and type_structure env sstr =
(fun (name, decl) -> check "type" loc type_names name)
let (decls, newenv) = Typedecl.transl_type_decl env sdecls in
- let (str_rem, sig_rem, final_env) = type_struct newenv srem in
+ let newenv' =
+ enrich_type_decls anchor decls env newenv in
+ let (str_rem, sig_rem, final_env) = type_struct newenv' srem in
(Tstr_type decls :: str_rem,
map_end (fun (id, info) -> Tsig_type(id, info)) decls sig_rem,
@@ -401,12 +542,42 @@ and type_structure env sstr =
| {pstr_desc = Pstr_module(name, smodl); pstr_loc = loc} :: srem ->
check "module" loc module_names name;
- let modl = type_module env smodl in
- let (id, newenv) = Env.enter_module name modl.mod_type env in
+ let modl = type_module (anchor_submodule name anchor) env smodl in
+ let mty = enrich_module_type anchor name modl.mod_type env in
+ let (id, newenv) = Env.enter_module name mty env in
let (str_rem, sig_rem, final_env) = type_struct newenv srem in
(Tstr_module(id, modl) :: str_rem,
Tsig_module(id, modl.mod_type) :: sig_rem,
+ | {pstr_desc = Pstr_recmodule sbind; pstr_loc = loc} :: srem ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun (name, _, _) -> check "module" loc module_names name)
+ sbind;
+ let (decls, newenv) =
+ transl_recmodule_modtypes loc env
+ ( (fun (name, smty, smodl) -> (name, smty)) sbind) in
+ let type_recmodule_binding (id, mty) (name, smty, smodl) =
+ let modl =
+ type_module (anchor_recmodule id anchor) newenv smodl in
+ let coercion =
+ try
+ Includemod.modtypes newenv
+ (Mtype.strengthen env modl.mod_type (Pident id))
+ mty
+ with Includemod.Error msg ->
+ raise(Error(smodl.pmod_loc, Not_included msg)) in
+ let modl' =
+ { mod_desc = Tmod_constraint(modl, mty, coercion);
+ mod_type = mty;
+ mod_env = newenv;
+ mod_loc = smodl.pmod_loc } in
+ (id, modl') in
+ let bind = List.map2 type_recmodule_binding decls sbind in
+ let (str_rem, sig_rem, final_env) = type_struct newenv srem in
+ (Tstr_recmodule bind :: str_rem,
+ map_end (fun (id, modl) -> Tsig_module(id, modl.mod_type))
+ bind sig_rem,
+ final_env)
| {pstr_desc = Pstr_modtype(name, smty); pstr_loc = loc} :: srem ->
check "module type" loc modtype_names name;
let mty = transl_modtype env smty in
@@ -462,7 +633,7 @@ and type_structure env sstr =
classes [sig_rem]),
| {pstr_desc = Pstr_include smodl; pstr_loc = loc} :: srem ->
- let modl = type_module env smodl in
+ let modl = type_module None env smodl in
(* Rename all identifiers bound by this signature to avoid clashes *)
let sg = Subst.signature Subst.identity
(extract_sig_open env smodl.pmod_loc modl.mod_type) in
@@ -475,6 +646,9 @@ and type_structure env sstr =
in type_struct env sstr
+let type_module = type_module None
+let type_structure = type_structure None
(* Fill in the forward declaration *)
let _ =
Typecore.type_module := type_module