diff options
-rw-r--r--ocamlbuild/testsuite/ (renamed from ocamlbuild/testsuite/
37 files changed, 825 insertions, 260 deletions
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index e949b9cd3..6551b9e12 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -341,7 +341,7 @@ Bug fixes:
- PR#5973: Format module incorrectly parses format string
(Pierre Weis, report by Frédéric Bour)
- PR#5974: better documentation for Str.regexp
- (Damien Doligez, report by user 'william')
+ (Damien Doligez, report by william)
- PR#5976: crash after recovering from two stack overflows (ocamlopt on MacOS X)
(Xavier Leroy, report by Pierre Boutillier)
- PR#5977: Build failure on raspberry pi: "input_value: integer too large"
@@ -406,6 +406,8 @@ Bug fixes:
(Jacques Garrigue, report by Jeremy Yallop)
- PR#6163: Assert_failure using polymorphic variants in GADTs
(Jacques Garrigue, report by Leo P. White)
+- PR#6164: segmentation fault on Num.power_num of 0/1
+ (Fabrice Le Fessant, report by Johannes Kanig)
Feature wishes:
- PR#5181: Merge common floating point constants in ocamlopt
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 8a85062fd..a09472ac0 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -745,11 +745,11 @@ otherlibrariesopt:
for i in $(OTHERLIBRARIES); do \
- (cd otherlibs/$$i; $(MAKE) partialclean); \
+ (cd otherlibs/$$i && $(MAKE) partialclean); \
- for i in $(OTHERLIBRARIES); do (cd otherlibs/$$i; $(MAKE) clean); done
+ for i in $(OTHERLIBRARIES); do (cd otherlibs/$$i && $(MAKE) clean); done
for i in $(OTHERLIBRARIES); do (cd otherlibs/$$i; $(MAKE) depend); done
diff --git a/VERSION b/VERSION
index 7e8eb04fa..903644899 100644
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# The version string is the first line of this file.
# It must be in the format described in stdlib/sys.mli
diff --git a/_tags b/_tags
index 8df975045..3e611cf7e 100644
--- a/_tags
+++ b/_tags
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ true: -traverse
# Traverse only these directories
<{bytecomp,driver,stdlib,tools,asmcomp,camlp4,ocamlbuild,toplevel,ocamldoc,typing,otherlibs,utils,debugger,lex,parsing,byterun,asmrun}/**>: traverse
+"ocamlbuild/test" or "ocamlbuild/testsuite": -traverse
"boot" or "byterun" or "asmrun" or "compilerlibs": not_hygienic
# These should not be required but it fails on *BSD and Windows...
@@ -86,6 +88,5 @@ true: use_stdlib
<otherlibs/threads/**>: otherlibs_threads
"otherlibs/threads/unix.cma": -otherlibs_threads
<otherlibs/systhreads/**>: otherlibs_systhreads
-<otherlibs/dbm/**>: otherlibs_dbm
<otherlibs/graph/**>: otherlibs_graph
<otherlibs/win32graph/**>: otherlibs_win32graph
diff --git a/build/ b/build/
index 059df99c3..0f1b82e62 100755
--- a/build/
+++ b/build/
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ rm -f _build/myocamlbuild
boot/ocamlrun boot/myocamlbuild.boot \
-just-plugin -install-lib-dir _build/ocamlbuild -byte-plugin \
- -no-ocamlfind
+ -no-ocamlfind || exit 1
cp _build/myocamlbuild boot/myocamlbuild
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
index 8dab7d8d6..a5f292fb5 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
@@ -694,10 +694,10 @@ value varify_constructors var_names =
| ExAcc loc _ _ | <:expr@loc< $id:<:ident< $_$ . $_$ >>$ >> as e ->
let (e, l) =
match sep_expr_acc [] e with
- [ [(loc, ml, <:expr@sloc< $uid:s$ >>) :: l] ->
- (mkexp loc (Pexp_construct (mkli sloc (conv_con s) ml) None), l)
- | [(loc, ml, <:expr@sloc< $lid:s$ >>) :: l] ->
- (mkexp loc (Pexp_ident (mkli sloc s ml)), l)
+ [ [(loc, ml, <:expr< $uid:s$ >>) :: l] ->
+ (mkexp loc (Pexp_construct (mkli loc (conv_con s) ml) None), l)
+ | [(loc, ml, <:expr< $lid:s$ >>) :: l] ->
+ (mkexp loc (Pexp_ident (mkli loc s ml)), l)
| [(_, [], e) :: l] -> (expr e, l)
| _ -> error loc "bad ast in expression" ]
diff --git a/ b/
index bd6eb17d1..da5625c05 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ open Format
module C = Myocamlbuild_config
+let () = mark_tag_used "windows";;
let windows = Sys.os_type = "Win32";;
if windows then tag_any ["windows"];;
let ccomptype = C.ccomptype
@@ -399,6 +400,15 @@ rule "C files"
mkobj (env ("%"-.-C.o)) (env "%.c") N
+let () =
+ (* define flags otherlibs_unix, otherlibs_bigarray... *)
+ let otherlibs = "otherlibs" in
+ let open Pathname in
+ Array.iter (fun file ->
+ if is_directory (concat "otherlibs" file) then
+ mark_tag_used ("otherlibs_" ^ file)
+ ) (readdir otherlibs);;
(* ../ is because .h files are not dependencies so they are not imported in build dir *)
flag ["c"; "compile"; "otherlibs_bigarray"] (S[A"-I"; P"../otherlibs/bigarray"]);;
flag [(* "ocaml" or "c"; *) "ocamlmklib"; "otherlibs_graph"] (S[Sh C.x11_link]);;
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index c77cca926..551acae6d 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -19,9 +19,8 @@ open Lexers
type t = Lexers.conf
let acknowledge_config config =
- List.iter
- (fun (_, config) -> List.iter Param_tags.acknowledge config.plus_tags)
- config
+ let ack (tag, loc) = Param_tags.acknowledge (Some loc) tag in
+ List.iter (fun (_, config) -> List.iter ack config.plus_tags) config
let cache = Hashtbl.create 107
let (configs, add_config) =
@@ -33,23 +32,27 @@ let (configs, add_config) =
Hashtbl.clear cache)
let parse_lexbuf ?dir source lexbuf =
- lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <- { lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p with Lexing.pos_fname = source };
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p <-
+ { lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_p with Lexing.pos_fname = source };
let conf = Lexers.conf_lines dir lexbuf in
add_config conf
-let parse_string s = parse_lexbuf (Printf.sprintf "String %S" s) (Lexing.from_string s)
+let parse_string s =
+ parse_lexbuf (Printf.sprintf "STRING(%s)" s) (Lexing.from_string s)
let parse_file ?dir file =
with_input_file file begin fun ic ->
- parse_lexbuf ?dir (Printf.sprintf "File %S" file) (Lexing.from_channel ic)
+ parse_lexbuf ?dir file (Lexing.from_channel ic)
let key_match = Glob.eval
let apply_config s (config : t) init =
+ let add (tag, _loc) = Tags.add tag in
+ let remove (tag, _loc) = Tags.remove tag in
List.fold_left begin fun tags (key, v) ->
if key_match key s then
- List.fold_right Tags.add v.plus_tags (List.fold_right Tags.remove v.minus_tags tags)
+ List.fold_right add v.plus_tags (List.fold_right remove v.minus_tags tags)
else tags
end init config
@@ -70,3 +73,18 @@ let tag_file file tags =
let tag_any tags =
if tags <> [] then parse_string (Printf.sprintf "true: %s" (String.concat ", " tags));;
+let check_tags_usage useful_tags =
+ let check_tag (tag, loc) =
+ if not (Tags.mem tag useful_tags) then
+ Log.eprintf "%aWarning: the tag %S is not used in any flag declaration, \
+ so it will have no effect; it may be a typo. Otherwise use \
+ `mark_tag_used` in your to disable \
+ this warning."
+ Loc.print_loc loc tag
+ in
+ let check_conf (_, values) =
+ List.iter check_tag values.plus_tags;
+ List.iter check_tag values.minus_tags;
+ in
+ List.iter (List.iter check_conf) (configs ())
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/configuration.mli b/ocamlbuild/configuration.mli
index 37ee64eb7..1f8856aac 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/configuration.mli
+++ b/ocamlbuild/configuration.mli
@@ -37,3 +37,8 @@ val tag_any : Tags.elt list -> unit
(** the tags that apply to any file *)
val global_tags : unit -> Tags.t
+(** Given the list of all tags that are really used by an existing
+ flagset, traverse existing configuration files and warns on tags
+ that will never get used. *)
+val check_tags_usage : Tags.t -> unit
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index 9999f835c..c776953ba 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -15,24 +15,35 @@
open Command
open Bool (* FIXME remove me *)
open Tags.Operators
-let all_flags = ref []
-let of_tags tags =
+type decl = {
+ tags: Tags.t;
+ flags: Command.spec;
+ deprecated: bool;
+let flags_of_decl { flags; _ } = flags
+let tags_of_decl { tags; _ } = tags
+let all_decls = ref []
+let of_tags matched_tags =
S begin
- List.fold_left begin fun acc (xtags, xflags) ->
- if Tags.does_match tags xtags then xflags :: acc
+ List.fold_left begin fun acc { tags; flags; _ } ->
+ if Tags.does_match matched_tags tags then flags :: acc
else acc
- end [] !all_flags
+ end [] !all_decls
let () = Command.tag_handler := of_tags
let of_tag_list x = of_tags (Tags.of_list x)
-let set_flags tags flags =
- all_flags := (tags, flags) :: !all_flags
+let add_decl decl =
+ all_decls := decl :: !all_decls
-let flag tags flags = set_flags (Tags.of_list tags) flags
+let flag ?(deprecated=false) tags flags =
+ let tags = Tags.of_list tags in
+ add_decl { tags; flags; deprecated }
let pflag tags ptag flags =
Param_tags.declare ptag
@@ -41,4 +52,27 @@ let pflag tags ptag flags =
let add x xs = x :: xs
let remove me = List.filter (fun x -> me <> x)
-let get_flags () = !all_flags
+let pretty_print { tags; flags; deprecated } =
+ let sflag = Command.string_of_command_spec flags in
+ let header = if deprecated then "deprecated flag" else "flag" in
+ let pp fmt = Log.raw_dprintf (-1) fmt in
+ pp "@[<2>%s@ {. %a .}@ %S@]@\n@\n" header Tags.print tags sflag
+let show_documentation () =
+ List.iter
+ (fun decl -> if not decl.deprecated then pretty_print decl)
+ !all_decls;
+ List.iter
+ (fun decl -> if decl.deprecated then pretty_print decl)
+ !all_decls;
+ let pp fmt = Log.raw_dprintf (-1) fmt in
+ pp "@."
+let used_tags = ref Tags.empty
+let mark_tag_used tag =
+ used_tags := Tags.add tag !used_tags
+let get_used_tags () =
+ List.fold_left (fun acc decl -> Tags.union acc decl.tags)
+ !used_tags !all_decls
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/flags.mli b/ocamlbuild/flags.mli
index 13c5436a7..b32de2bc8 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/flags.mli
+++ b/ocamlbuild/flags.mli
@@ -14,11 +14,27 @@
(* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *)
val of_tags : Tags.t -> Command.spec
val of_tag_list : Tags.elt list -> Command.spec
-val flag : Tags.elt list -> Command.spec -> unit
+(* The ?deprecated parameter marks the flag declaration as deprecated,
+ because it is superseded by a different, better way to express the
+ same thing (eg. a parametrized tag). So far, it is only used when
+ showing documentation.
+ This flag is not exported in OCamlbuild_plugin interface for now. It
+ would make sense to let plugin authors deprecate their own flags,
+ but it has to be balanced again the simplicity of the plugin
+ interface exposed. If you're reading this as a plugin author that
+ has a real need for deprecation, drop us a note on the bugtracker. *)
+val flag : ?deprecated:bool -> Tags.elt list -> Command.spec -> unit
val pflag : Tags.elt list -> string -> (string -> Command.spec) -> unit
val add : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
val remove : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list
-(** For system use only *)
+val show_documentation : unit -> unit
+(** "useful" tags: they are used by a tag declaration, or have been
+ explicitly added with [mark_as_used] *)
+val get_used_tags : unit -> Tags.t
-val get_flags : unit -> (Tags.t * Command.spec) list
+val mark_tag_used : Tags.elt -> unit
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/lexers.mli b/ocamlbuild/lexers.mli
index ae4939aa4..a59d7589b 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/lexers.mli
+++ b/ocamlbuild/lexers.mli
@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@
(* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *)
-exception Error of (string * Lexing.position)
+exception Error of (string * Loc.location)
type conf_values =
- { plus_tags : string list;
- minus_tags : string list }
+ { plus_tags : (string * Loc.location) list;
+ minus_tags : (string * Loc.location) list }
type conf = (Glob.globber * conf_values) list
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/lexers.mll b/ocamlbuild/lexers.mll
index 12099febd..797337d85 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/lexers.mll
+++ b/ocamlbuild/lexers.mll
@@ -13,19 +13,23 @@
(* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *)
-exception Error of (string * Lexing.position)
+exception Error of (string * Loc.location)
-let error lexbuf fmt = Printf.ksprintf (fun s -> raise (Error (s,Lexing.lexeme_start_p lexbuf))) fmt
+let error lexbuf fmt =
+ Printf.ksprintf (fun s -> raise (Error (s, Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf))) fmt
open Glob_ast
type conf_values =
- { plus_tags : string list;
- minus_tags : string list }
+ { plus_tags : (string * Loc.location) list;
+ minus_tags : (string * Loc.location) list }
type conf = (Glob.globber * conf_values) list
let empty = { plus_tags = []; minus_tags = [] }
+let locate lexbuf txt =
+ (txt, Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf)
let newline = ('\n' | '\r' | "\r\n")
@@ -122,8 +126,8 @@ and conf_lines dir = parse
| _ { error lexbuf "Invalid line syntax" }
and conf_value x = parse
- | '-' (tag as tag) { { (x) with minus_tags = tag :: x.minus_tags } }
- | '+'? (tag as tag) { { (x) with plus_tags = tag :: x.plus_tags } }
+ | '-' (tag as tag) { { (x) with minus_tags = locate lexbuf tag :: x.minus_tags } }
+ | '+'? (tag as tag) { { (x) with plus_tags = locate lexbuf tag :: x.plus_tags } }
| (_ | eof) { error lexbuf "Invalid tag modifier only '+ or '-' are allowed as prefix for tag" }
and conf_values x = parse
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2bf3900e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+(* it's not worth adding a dependency on parsing/ or
+ compilerlibs just to support location printing, so we re-implement
+ that here *)
+open Lexing
+type location = position * position
+let file loc = loc.pos_fname
+let line loc = loc.pos_lnum
+let char loc = loc.pos_cnum - loc.pos_bol
+let print_loc ppf (start, end_) =
+ let open Format in
+ let print one_or_two ppf (start_num, end_num) =
+ if one_or_two then fprintf ppf " %d" start_num
+ else fprintf ppf "s %d-%d" start_num end_num in
+ fprintf ppf "File %S, line%a, character%a:@."
+ (file start)
+ (print (line start = line end_))
+ (line start, line end_)
+ (print (line start = line end_ && char start = char end_))
+ (char start, char end_)
+let of_lexbuf lexbuf =
+ (lexbuf.lex_start_p, lexbuf.lex_curr_p)
+let print_loc_option ppf = function
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some loc -> print_loc ppf loc
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/loc.mli b/ocamlbuild/loc.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9ed842ef2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/loc.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+type location = Lexing.position * Lexing.position
+val print_loc : Format.formatter -> location -> unit
+val print_loc_option : Format.formatter -> location option -> unit
+val of_lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf -> location
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index ecf4b5794..5f86f7932 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -48,17 +48,17 @@ let show_tags () =
let show_documentation () =
- let rules = Rule.get_rules () in
- let flags = Flags.get_flags () in
- let pp fmt = Log.raw_dprintf (-1) fmt in
- List.iter begin fun rule ->
- pp "%a@\n@\n" (Rule.pretty_print Resource.print_pattern) rule
- end rules;
- List.iter begin fun (tags, flag) ->
- let sflag = Command.string_of_command_spec flag in
- pp "@[<2>flag@ {. %a .}@ %S@]@\n@\n" Tags.print tags sflag
- end flags;
- pp "@."
+ Rule.show_documentation ();
+ Flags.show_documentation ();
+(* these tags are used in an ad-hoc way by the ocamlbuild implementation;
+ this means that even if they were not part of any flag declaration,
+ they should be marked as useful, to avoid the "unused tag" warning. *)
+let builtin_useful_tags =
+ Tags.of_list
+ ["include"; "traverse"; "not_hygienic";
+ "pack"; "ocamlmklib"; "native"; "thread"; "nopervasives"]
let proceed () =
@@ -182,6 +182,10 @@ let proceed () =
show_documentation ();
raise Exit_silently
+ let all_tags = Tags.union builtin_useful_tags (Flags.get_used_tags ()) in
+ Configuration.check_tags_usage all_tags;
Digest_cache.init ();
Sys.catch_break true;
@@ -297,9 +301,8 @@ let main () =
| Ocaml_utils.Ocamldep_error msg ->
Log.eprintf "Ocamldep error: %s" msg;
exit rc_ocamldep_error
- | Lexers.Error (msg,pos) ->
- let module L = Lexing in
- Log.eprintf "%s, line %d, column %d: Lexing error: %s." pos.L.pos_fname pos.L.pos_lnum (pos.L.pos_cnum - pos.L.pos_bol) msg;
+ | Lexers.Error (msg,loc) ->
+ Log.eprintf "%aLexing error: %s." Loc.print_loc loc msg;
exit rc_lexing_error
| Arg.Bad msg ->
Log.eprintf "%s" msg;
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index bab898325..cd852f626 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -66,6 +66,9 @@ let x_native_o = "%.native"-.-ext_obj;;
rule "target files"
+ ~doc:"If foo.itarget contains a list of ocamlbuild targets, \
+ asking ocamlbuild to produce foo.otarget will \
+ build each of those targets in turn."
begin fun env build ->
let itarget = env "%.itarget" in
let dir = Pathname.dirname itarget in
@@ -92,6 +95,21 @@ rule "ocaml: mlpack & d.cmo* -> d.cmo & cmi"
rule "ocaml: mlpack & cmo* & cmi -> cmo"
~deps:["%.mli"; "%.cmi"; "%.mlpack"]
+ ~doc:"If foo.mlpack contains a list of capitalized module names, \
+ the target foo.cmo will produce a packed module containing \
+ those modules as submodules. You can also have a foo.mli file \
+ to restrict the interface of the resulting module.
+ Warning: to produce a native foo.cmx out of a foo.mlpack, you must \
+ manually tag the included compilation units with for-pack(foo). \
+ See the documentation of the corresponding rules for more details.
+ The modules named in the .mlpack \
+ will be dynamic dependencies of the compilation action. \
+ You cannot give the .mlpack the same name as one of the module \
+ it contains, as this would create a circular dependency."
(Ocaml_compiler.byte_pack_mlpack "%.mlpack" "%.cmo");;
rule "ocaml: mlpack & cmo* -> cmo & cmi"
@@ -103,6 +121,13 @@ rule "ocaml: ml & cmi -> d.cmo"
~deps:["%.mli"(* This one is inserted to force this rule to be skiped when
a .ml is provided without a .mli *); ""; ""; "%.cmi"]
+ ~doc:"The foo.d.cmo target compiles with the 'debug' tag enabled (-g).\
+ See also foo.d.byte.
+ For technical reason, .d.cmx and .d.native are not yet supported, \
+ so you should explicitly add the 'debug' tag \
+ to native targets (both compilation and linking)."
(Ocaml_compiler.byte_compile_ocaml_implem ~tag:"debug" "" "%.d.cmo");;
rule "ocaml: ml & cmi -> cmo"
@@ -112,18 +137,39 @@ rule "ocaml: ml & cmi -> cmo"
(Ocaml_compiler.byte_compile_ocaml_implem "" "%.cmo");;
rule "ocaml: mlpack & cmi & p.cmx* & p.o* -> p.cmx & p.o"
- ~prods:["%.p.cmx"; x_p_o(* no cmi here you must make the byte version to have it *)]
+ ~prods:["%.p.cmx"; x_p_o
+ (* no cmi here you must make the byte version to have it *)]
~deps:["%.mlpack"; "%.cmi"]
(Ocaml_compiler.native_profile_pack_mlpack "%.mlpack" "%.p.cmx");;
rule "ocaml: mlpack & cmi & cmx* & o* -> cmx & o"
- ~prods:["%.cmx"; x_o(* no cmi here you must make the byte version to have it *)]
+ ~prods:["%.cmx"; x_o
+ (* no cmi here you must make the byte version to have it *)]
~deps:["%.mlpack"; "%.cmi"]
+ ~doc:"If foo.mlpack contains a list of capitalized module names, \
+ the target foo.cmx will produce a packed module containing \
+ those modules as submodules.
+ Warning: The .cmx files that will be included must be manually tagged \
+ with the tag \"for-pack(foo)\". This means that you cannot include \
+ the same bar.cmx in several .mlpack files, and that you should not \
+ use an included .cmx as a separate module on its own.
+ This requirement comes from a technical limitation of \
+ native module packing: ocamlopt needs the -for-pack argument to be passed \
+ ahead of time, when compiling each included submodule, \
+ because there is no reliable, portable way to rewrite \
+ native object files afterwards."
(Ocaml_compiler.native_pack_mlpack "%.mlpack" "%.cmx");;
rule "ocaml: ml & cmi -> p.cmx & p.o"
~prods:["%.p.cmx"; x_p_o]
~deps:[""; ""; "%.cmi"]
+ ~doc:"The foo.p.cmx target compiles with the 'profile' \
+ tag enabled (-p). Note that ocamlbuild provides no support \
+ for the bytecode profiler, which works completely differently."
(Ocaml_compiler.native_compile_ocaml_implem ~tag:"profile" ~cmx_ext:"p.cmx" "");;
rule "ocaml: ml & cmi -> cmx & o"
@@ -139,11 +185,22 @@ rule "ocaml: ml -> d.cmo & cmi"
rule "ocaml: ml -> cmo & cmi"
~prods:["%.cmo"; "%.cmi"]
~deps:[""; ""]
+ ~doc:"This rule allows to produce a .cmi from a .ml file \
+ when the corresponding .mli is missing.
+ Note: you are strongly encourage to have a .mli file \
+ for each of your .ml module, as it is a good development \
+ practice which also simplifies the way build systems work, \
+ as it avoids producing .cmi files as a silent side-effect of \
+ another compilation action."
(Ocaml_compiler.byte_compile_ocaml_implem "" "%.cmo");;
rule "ocaml: d.cmo* -> d.byte"
+ ~doc:"The target foo.d.byte will build a bytecode executable \
+ with debug information enabled."
(Ocaml_compiler.byte_debug_link "%.d.cmo" "%.d.byte");;
rule "ocaml: cmo* -> byte"
@@ -154,6 +211,9 @@ rule "ocaml: cmo* -> byte"
rule "ocaml: cmo* -> byte.(o|obj)"
+ ~doc:"The foo.byte.o target, or foo.byte.obj under Windows, \
+ will produce an object file by passing the -output-obj option \
+ to the OCaml compiler. See also foo.byte.c, and foo.native.{o,obj}."
(Ocaml_compiler.byte_output_obj "%.cmo" x_byte_o);;
rule "ocaml: cmo* -> byte.c"
@@ -164,11 +224,14 @@ rule "ocaml: cmo* -> byte.c"
rule "ocaml: p.cmx* & p.o* -> p.native"
~deps:["%.p.cmx"; x_p_o]
+ ~doc:"The foo.p.native target builds the native executable \
+ with the 'profile' tag (-p) enabled throughout compilation and linking."
(Ocaml_compiler.native_profile_link "%.p.cmx" "%.p.native");;
rule "ocaml: cmx* & o* -> native"
~deps:["%.cmx"; x_o]
+ ~doc:"Builds a native executable"
(Ocaml_compiler.native_link "%.cmx" "%.native");;
rule "ocaml: cmx* & o* -> native.(o|obj)"
@@ -184,6 +247,10 @@ rule "ocaml: mllib & d.cmo* -> d.cma"
rule "ocaml: mllib & cmo* -> cma"
+ ~doc:"Build a .cma archive file (bytecode library) containing \
+ the list of modules given in the .mllib file of the same name. \
+ Note that the .cma archive will contain exactly the modules listed, \
+ so it may not be self-contained if some dependencies are missing."
(Ocaml_compiler.byte_library_link_mllib "%.mllib" "%.cma");;
rule "ocaml: d.cmo* -> d.cma"
@@ -194,6 +261,10 @@ rule "ocaml: d.cmo* -> d.cma"
rule "ocaml: cmo* -> cma"
+ ~doc:"The preferred way to build a .cma archive is to create a .mllib file \
+ with a list of modules to include. It is however possible to build one \
+ from a .cmo of the same name; the archive will include this module and \
+ the local modules it depends upon, transitively."
(Ocaml_compiler.byte_library_link "%.cmo" "%.cma");;
rule "ocaml C stubs: clib & (o|obj)* -> (a|lib) & (so|dll)"
@@ -203,6 +274,7 @@ rule "ocaml C stubs: clib & (o|obj)* -> (a|lib) & (so|dll)"
+ ?doc:None (* TODO document *)
(C_tools.link_C_library "%(path)lib%(libname).clib" ("%(path)lib%(libname)"-.-ext_lib) "%(path)%(libname)");;
rule "ocaml: mllib & p.cmx* & p.o* -> p.cmxa & p.a"
@@ -213,6 +285,11 @@ rule "ocaml: mllib & p.cmx* & p.o* -> p.cmxa & p.a"
rule "ocaml: mllib & cmx* & o* -> cmxa & a"
~prods:["%.cmxa"; x_a]
+ ~doc:"Creates a native archive file .cmxa, using the .mllib file \
+ as the .cma rule above. Note that whereas bytecode .cma can \
+ be used both for static and dynamic linking, .cmxa only support \
+ static linking. For an archive usable with Dynlink, \
+ see the rule producing a .cmxs from a .mldylib."
(Ocaml_compiler.native_library_link_mllib "%.mllib" "%.cmxa");;
rule "ocaml: p.cmx & p.o -> p.cmxa & p.a"
@@ -223,6 +300,10 @@ rule "ocaml: p.cmx & p.o -> p.cmxa & p.a"
rule "ocaml: cmx & o -> cmxa & a"
~prods:["%.cmxa"; x_a]
~deps:["%.cmx"; x_o]
+ ~doc:"Just as you can build a .cma from a .cmo in absence of .mllib file, \
+ you can build a .cmxa (native archive file for static linking only) \
+ from a .cmx, which will include the local modules it depends upon, \
+ transitivitely."
(Ocaml_compiler.native_library_link "%.cmx" "%.cmxa");;
rule "ocaml: mldylib & p.cmx* & p.o* -> p.cmxs &"
@@ -233,6 +314,8 @@ rule "ocaml: mldylib & p.cmx* & p.o* -> p.cmxs &"
rule "ocaml: mldylib & cmx* & o* -> cmxs & so"
~prods:["%.cmxs"; x_dll]
+ ~doc:"Builds a .cmxs (native archive for dynamic linking) containing exactly \
+ the modules listed in the corresponding .mldylib file."
(Ocaml_compiler.native_shared_library_link_mldylib "%.mldylib" "%.cmxs");;
rule "ocaml: p.cmx & p.o -> p.cmxs &"
@@ -248,6 +331,16 @@ rule "ocaml: p.cmxa & p.a -> p.cmxs &"
rule "ocaml: cmx & o -> cmxs"
~deps:["%.cmx"; x_o]
+ ~doc:"If you have not created a foo.mldylib file for a compilation unit \
+ foo.cmx, the target foo.cmxs will produce a .cmxs file containing \
+ exactly the .cmx.
+ Note: this differs from the behavior of .cmxa targets \
+ with no .mllib, as the dependencies of the modules will not be \
+ included: generally, the modules compiled as dynamic plugins depend \
+ on library modules that will be already linked in the executable, \
+ and that the .cmxs should therefore not duplicate."
(Ocaml_compiler.native_shared_library_link "%.cmx" "%.cmxs");;
rule "ocaml: cmx & o -> cmxs & so"
@@ -258,11 +351,24 @@ rule "ocaml: cmx & o -> cmxs & so"
rule "ocaml: cmxa & a -> cmxs & so"
~prods:["%.cmxs"; x_dll]
~deps:["%.cmxa"; x_a]
+ ~doc:"This rule allows to build a .cmxs from a .cmxa, to avoid having \
+ to duplicate a .mllib file into a .mldylib."
(Ocaml_compiler.native_shared_library_link ~tags:["linkall"] "%.cmxa" "%.cmxs");;
rule "ocaml dependencies ml"
+ ~doc:"OCamlbuild will use ocamldep to approximate dependencies \
+ of a source file. The ocamldep tool being purely syntactic, \
+ it only computes an over-approximation of the dependencies.
+ If you manipulate a module Foo that is in fact a submodule Bar.Foo \
+ (after 'open Bar'), ocamldep may believe that your module depends \
+ on -- when such a file also exists in your project. This can \
+ lead to spurious circular dependencies. In that case, you can use \
+ OCamlbuild_plugin.non_dependency in your \
+ to manually remove the spurious dependency. See the plugins API."
(Ocaml_tools.ocamldep_command "" "");;
rule "ocaml dependencies mli"
@@ -278,6 +384,8 @@ rule "ocamllex"
rule "ocaml: mli -> odoc"
~deps:["%.mli"; "%.mli.depends"]
+ ~doc:".odoc are intermediate files storing the result of ocamldoc processing \
+ on a source file. See the various .docdir/... targets for ocamldoc."
(Ocaml_tools.document_ocaml_interf "%.mli" "%.odoc");;
rule "ocaml: ml -> odoc"
@@ -287,21 +395,27 @@ rule "ocaml: ml -> odoc"
rule "ocamldoc: document ocaml project odocl & *odoc -> docdir (html)"
- ~stamp:"%.docdir/html.stamp" (* Depend on this file if you want to depends on all files of %.docdir *)
+ ~stamp:"%.docdir/html.stamp"
+ ~doc:"If you put a list of capitalized module names in a foo.odocl file, \
+ the target foo.docdir/index.html will call ocamldoc to produce \
+ the html documentation for these modules. \
+ See also the max|latex|doc target below."
~ocamldoc:Ocaml_tools.ocamldoc_l_dir "%.odocl" "%.docdir/index.html" "%.docdir");;
rule "ocamldoc: document ocaml project odocl & *odoc -> docdir (man)"
- ~stamp:"%.docdir/man.stamp" (* Depend on this file if you want to depends on all files of %.docdir/man *)
+ ~stamp:"%.docdir/man.stamp"
+ ?doc:None (* TODO document *)
~ocamldoc:Ocaml_tools.ocamldoc_l_dir "%.odocl" "%.docdir/man" "%.docdir");;
rule "ocamldoc: document ocaml project odocl & *odoc -> man|latex|dot..."
+ ?doc:None (* TODO document *)
~ocamldoc:Ocaml_tools.ocamldoc_l_file "%(dir).odocl" "%(dir).docdir/%(file)" "%(dir).docdir");;
@@ -313,6 +427,12 @@ if !Options.use_menhir || Configuration.has_tag "use_menhir" then begin
rule "ocaml: modular menhir (mlypack)"
~prods:["%.mli" ; ""]
+ ~doc:"Menhir supports building a parser by composing several .mly files \
+ together, containing different parts of the grammar description. \
+ To use that feature with ocamlbuild, you should create a .mlypack \
+ file with the same syntax as .mllib or .mlpack files: \
+ a whitespace-separated list of the capitalized module names \
+ of the .mly files you want to combine together."
(Ocaml_tools.menhir_modular "%" "%.mlypack" "%.mlypack.depends");
rule "ocaml: menhir modular dependencies"
@@ -323,6 +443,9 @@ if !Options.use_menhir || Configuration.has_tag "use_menhir" then begin
rule "ocaml: menhir"
~prods:[""; "%.mli"]
~deps:["%.mly"; "%.mly.depends"]
+ ~doc:"Invokes menhir to build the .ml and .mli files derived from a .mly \
+ grammar. If you want to use ocamlyacc instead, you must disable the \
+ -use-menhir option that was passed to ocamlbuild."
(Ocaml_tools.menhir "%.mly");
rule "ocaml: menhir dependencies"
@@ -334,11 +457,17 @@ end else
rule "ocamlyacc"
~prods:[""; "%.mli"]
+ ~doc:"By default, ocamlbuild will use ocamlyacc to produce a .ml and .mly \
+ from a .mly file of the same name. You can also enable the \
+ -use-menhir option to use menhir instead. Menhir is a recommended \
+ replacement for ocamlyacc, that supports more feature, lets you \
+ write more readable grammars, and helps you understand conflicts."
(Ocaml_tools.ocamlyacc "%.mly");;
rule "ocaml C stubs: c -> o"
+ ?doc:None (* TODO document *)
begin fun env _build ->
let c = env "%.c" in
let o = env x_o in
@@ -351,16 +480,28 @@ rule "ocaml C stubs: c -> o"
rule "ocaml: ml & ml.depends & *cmi -> .inferred.mli"
~deps:[""; ""]
+ ~doc:"The target foo.inferred.mli will produce a .mli that exposes all the \
+ declarations in, as obtained by direct invocation of `ocamlc -i`."
(Ocaml_tools.infer_interface "" "%.inferred.mli");;
rule "ocaml: mltop -> top"
+ ?doc:None (* TODO document *)
(Ocaml_compiler.byte_toplevel_link_mltop "%.mltop" "");;
rule "preprocess: ml ->"
+ ~doc:"The target should generate a source file equivalent \
+ to after syntactic preprocessors (camlp4, etc.) have been \
+ applied.
+ Warning: This option is currently known to malfunction \
+ when used together with -use-ocamlfind (for syntax extensions \
+ coming from ocamlfind packages). Direct compilation of the \
+ corresponding file to produce a .cmx or .cmo will still work well."
(Ocaml_tools.camlp4 "" "" "");;
flag ["ocaml"; "pp"] begin
@@ -464,7 +605,10 @@ let () =
pflag ["ocaml"; "infer_interface"] "pp"
(fun param -> S [A "-pp"; A param]);
pflag ["ocaml";"compile";] "warn"
- (fun param -> S [A "-w"; A param])
+ (fun param -> S [A "-w"; A param]);
+ pflag ["ocaml";"compile";] "warn_error"
+ (fun param -> S [A "-warn-error"; A param]);
+ ()
let camlp4_flags camlp4s =
List.iter begin fun camlp4 ->
@@ -551,18 +695,23 @@ flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "nolabels"] (A"-nolabels");;
flag ["ocaml"; "ocamllex"; "quiet"] (A"-q");;
let ocaml_warn_flag c =
- flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; sprintf "warn_%c" (Char.uppercase c)]
- (S[A"-w"; A (sprintf "%c" (Char.uppercase c))]);
- flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; sprintf "warn_error_%c" (Char.uppercase c)]
- (S[A"-warn-error"; A (sprintf "%c" (Char.uppercase c))]);
- flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; sprintf "warn_%c" (Char.lowercase c)]
- (S[A"-w"; A (sprintf "%c" (Char.lowercase c))]);
- flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; sprintf "warn_error_%c" (Char.lowercase c)]
- (S[A"-warn-error"; A (sprintf "%c" (Char.lowercase c))]);;
+ flag ~deprecated:true
+ ["ocaml"; "compile"; sprintf "warn_%c" (Char.uppercase c)]
+ (S[A"-w"; A (sprintf "%c" (Char.uppercase c))]);
+ flag ~deprecated:true
+ ["ocaml"; "compile"; sprintf "warn_error_%c" (Char.uppercase c)]
+ (S[A"-warn-error"; A (sprintf "%c" (Char.uppercase c))]);
+ flag ~deprecated:true
+ ["ocaml"; "compile"; sprintf "warn_%c" (Char.lowercase c)]
+ (S[A"-w"; A (sprintf "%c" (Char.lowercase c))]);
+ flag ~deprecated:true
+ ["ocaml"; "compile"; sprintf "warn_error_%c" (Char.lowercase c)]
+ (S[A"-warn-error"; A (sprintf "%c" (Char.lowercase c))]);;
List.iter ocaml_warn_flag ['A'; 'C'; 'D'; 'E'; 'F'; 'K'; 'L'; 'M'; 'P'; 'R'; 'S'; 'U'; 'V'; 'X'; 'Y'; 'Z'];;
-flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "strict-sequence"] (A "-strict-sequence");;
+flag ~deprecated:true
+ ["ocaml"; "compile"; "strict-sequence"] (A "-strict-sequence");;
flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "strict_sequence"] (A "-strict-sequence");;
flag ["ocaml"; "doc"; "docdir"; "extension:html"] (A"-html");;
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index b35ad679e..592769637 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -118,6 +118,10 @@ let ocaml_lib ?(extern=false) ?(byte=true) ?(native=true) ?dir ?tag_name libpath
if not extern then dep tags [lib] (* cannot happen? *)
Hashtbl.replace info_libraries tag_name (libpath, extern);
+ (* adding [tag_name] to [info_libraries] will make this tag
+ affect include-dir lookups, so it is used even if not
+ mentioned explicitly in any rule. *)
+ Flags.mark_tag_used tag_name;
if extern then begin
if byte then
flag_and_dep ["ocaml"; tag_name; "link"; "byte"] (libpath^".cma");
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ocamlbuild_pack.mlpack b/ocamlbuild/ocamlbuild_pack.mlpack
index 09dc4e026..83f1065f4 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/ocamlbuild_pack.mlpack
+++ b/ocamlbuild/ocamlbuild_pack.mlpack
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index 9f0de1be8..33c9c9df1 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ let dep = Command.dep
let pdep = Command.pdep
let copy_rule = Rule.copy_rule
let ocaml_lib = Ocamlbuild_pack.Ocaml_utils.ocaml_lib
-let flag = Ocamlbuild_pack.Flags.flag
+let flag = Ocamlbuild_pack.Flags.flag ?deprecated:None
let pflag = Ocamlbuild_pack.Flags.pflag
+let mark_tag_used = Ocamlbuild_pack.Flags.mark_tag_used
let flag_and_dep = Ocamlbuild_pack.Ocaml_utils.flag_and_dep
let pflag_and_dep = Ocamlbuild_pack.Ocaml_utils.pflag_and_dep
let non_dependency = Ocamlbuild_pack.Ocaml_utils.non_dependency
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index 2d4f4ae6c..1ccccc604 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -34,23 +34,25 @@ let declare name action =
let parse tag = Lexers.tag_gen (Lexing.from_string tag)
-let acknowledge tag =
- acknowledged_tags := parse tag :: !acknowledged_tags
+let acknowledge maybe_loc tag =
+ acknowledged_tags := (parse tag, maybe_loc) :: !acknowledged_tags
-let really_acknowledge ?(quiet=false) (name, param) =
+let really_acknowledge ?(quiet=false) ((name, param), maybe_loc) =
match param with
| None ->
if Hashtbl.mem declared_tags name && not quiet then
- Log.eprintf "Warning: tag %S expects a parameter" name
+ Log.eprintf "%aWarning: tag %S expects a parameter"
+ Loc.print_loc_option maybe_loc name
| Some param ->
let actions = List.rev (Hashtbl.find_all declared_tags name) in
if actions = [] && not quiet then
- Log.eprintf "Warning: tag %S does not expect a parameter, \
- but is used with parameter %S" name param;
+ Log.eprintf "%aWarning: tag %S does not expect a parameter, \
+ but is used with parameter %S"
+ Loc.print_loc_option maybe_loc name param;
List.iter (fun f -> f param) actions
let partial_init ?quiet tags =
- Tags.iter (fun tag -> really_acknowledge ?quiet (parse tag)) tags
+ Tags.iter (fun tag -> really_acknowledge ?quiet (parse tag, None)) tags
let init () =
List.iter really_acknowledge (My_std.List.ordered_unique !acknowledged_tags)
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/param_tags.mli b/ocamlbuild/param_tags.mli
index 3b978fa79..22c081256 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/param_tags.mli
+++ b/ocamlbuild/param_tags.mli
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ if a tag of the form [name(param)] is [acknowledge]d.
A given tag may be declared several times with different actions. All actions
will be executed, in the order they were declared. *)
-val acknowledge: string -> unit
+val acknowledge: Loc.location option -> string -> unit
(** Acknowledge a tag.
If the tag is of the form [X(Y)], and have been declared using [declare],
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index a77015e91..d91360cc8 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ type 'a gen_rule =
deps : Pathname.t list; (* These pathnames must be normalized *)
prods : 'a list; (* Note that prods also contains stamp *)
stamp : 'a option;
+ doc : string option;
code : env -> builder -> digest_command }
type rule = Pathname.t gen_rule
@@ -41,6 +42,7 @@ let name_of_rule r =
let deps_of_rule r = r.deps
let prods_of_rule r = r.prods
let stamp_of_rule r = r.stamp
+let doc_of_rule r = r.doc
type 'a rule_printer = (Format.formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> Format.formatter -> 'a gen_rule -> unit
@@ -51,12 +53,21 @@ let print_rule_name f r = pp_print_string f
let print_resource_list = List.print Resource.print
let print_rule_contents ppelt f r =
- fprintf f "@[<v2>{@ @[<2>name =@ %S@];@ @[<2>deps =@ %a@];@ @[<2>prods = %a@];@ @[<2>code = <fun>@]@]@ }"
- print_resource_list r.deps (List.print ppelt) r.prods
+ fprintf f "@[<v2>{@ @[<2>name =@ %S@];@ @[<2>deps =@ %a@];@ @[<2>prods = %a@];@ @[<2>code = <fun>@];@ @[<hov 2> doc = %s@]@]@ }"
+ print_resource_list r.deps (List.print ppelt)
+ r.prods
+ (match r.doc with
+ | None -> "None"
+ | Some doc -> sprintf "Some %S" doc)
let pretty_print ppelt f r =
- fprintf f "@[<hv2>rule@ %S@ ~deps:%a@ ~prods:%a@ <fun>@]"
- print_resource_list r.deps (List.print ppelt) r.prods
+ fprintf f "@[<hv2>rule %S@ ~deps:%a@ ~prods:%a@ "
+ print_resource_list r.deps (List.print ppelt) r.prods;
+ begin match r.doc with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some doc -> fprintf f "~doc:\"@[<hov>%a@]\"@ " pp_print_text doc
+ end;
+ fprintf f "<fun>@]"
let print = print_rule_name
@@ -72,6 +83,7 @@ let subst env rule =
(* The substition should preserve normalization of pathnames *)
subst_resources rule.deps;
stamp = stamp;
+ doc = rule.doc;
code = (fun env -> rule.code (finder env)) }
exception Can_produce of rule
@@ -251,7 +263,7 @@ let (get_rules, add_rule, clear_rules) =
(fun () -> rules := [])
-let rule name ?tags ?(prods=[]) ?(deps=[]) ?prod ?dep ?stamp ?(insert = `bottom) code =
+let rule name ?tags ?(prods=[]) ?(deps=[]) ?prod ?dep ?stamp ?(insert = `bottom) ?doc code =
let () =
match tags with
| None -> ()
@@ -290,6 +302,7 @@ let rule name ?tags ?(prods=[]) ?(deps=[]) ?prod ?dep ?stamp ?(insert = `bottom)
{ name = name;
deps = res_add Resource.import (* should normalize *) deps dep;
stamp = stamp;
+ doc = doc;
prods = prods;
code = code }
@@ -313,3 +326,13 @@ let copy_rule name ?insert src dest =
Shell.mkdir_p (Pathname.dirname dest);
cp_p src dest
+let show_documentation () =
+ let pp fmt = Log.raw_dprintf (-1) fmt in
+ let rules = get_rules () in
+ List.iter
+ (fun rule -> pp "%a@\n@\n" (pretty_print Resource.print_pattern) rule)
+ rules;
+ pp "@."
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/rule.mli b/ocamlbuild/rule.mli
index 0acb125c9..70a735695 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/rule.mli
+++ b/ocamlbuild/rule.mli
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ exception Failed
val name_of_rule : 'a gen_rule -> string
val deps_of_rule : 'a gen_rule -> Pathname.t list
val prods_of_rule : 'a gen_rule -> 'a list
+val doc_of_rule : 'a gen_rule -> string option
val rule : string ->
?tags:string list ->
@@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ val rule : string ->
?dep:string ->
?stamp:string ->
?insert:[`top | `before of string | `after of string | `bottom] ->
+ ?doc:string ->
action -> unit
(** [copy_rule name ?insert source destination] *)
@@ -79,3 +81,5 @@ val clear_rules : unit -> unit
val call : builder -> rule -> unit
val build_deps_of_tags : builder -> Tags.t -> Pathname.t list
+val show_documentation : unit -> unit
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/signatures.mli b/ocamlbuild/signatures.mli
index bc2177891..0c323e202 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/signatures.mli
+++ b/ocamlbuild/signatures.mli
@@ -594,14 +594,22 @@ module type PLUGIN = sig
Use ~dep for one file, ~deps for list of files.
- It finally takes the action to perform in order to produce the
productions files using the dependencies (see [action]).
- There is also two more options:
+ There are some more optional parameters:
- The ~insert argument allow to insert the rules precisely between other
- The ~stamp argument specify the name of a file that will be
automatically produced by ocamlbuild. This file can serve as a virtual
target (or phony target), since it will be filled up by a digest of
it dependencies.
- - The ~tags argument in deprecated, don't use it. *)
+ - The ~tags argument in deprecated, don't use it.
+ Finally, the optional ~doc argument allows to give an informal
+ explanation of the rule purpose and behavior, that will be
+ displayed by [ocamlbuild -documentation]. For example, it is
+ a good place to specify the commands that will be called, any
+ new tags introduced by the rule, and dynamic dependencies.
+ *)
val rule : string ->
?tags:string list ->
?prods:string list ->
@@ -610,6 +618,7 @@ module type PLUGIN = sig
?dep:string ->
?stamp:string ->
?insert:[`top | `before of string | `after of string | `bottom] ->
+ ?doc:string ->
action -> unit
(** [copy_rule name ?insert source destination] *)
@@ -641,13 +650,13 @@ module type PLUGIN = sig
_build/_log after trying to compile your code. *)
val flag : Tags.elt list -> Command.spec -> unit
- (** Allows to use [flag] with a parameterized tag (as [pdep] for [dep]).
+ (** Allows to use [flag] with a parametrized tag (as [pdep] for [dep]).
[pflag ["ocaml"; "compile"] "inline"
(fun count -> S [A "-inline"; A count])]
says that command line option ["-inline 42"] should be added
- when compiling files tagged with tag ["inline(42)"]. *)
+ when compiling OCaml modules tagged with ["inline(42)"]. *)
val pflag : Tags.elt list -> Tags.elt -> (string -> Command.spec) -> unit
(** [flag_and_dep tags command_spec]
@@ -663,6 +672,19 @@ module type PLUGIN = sig
val pflag_and_dep : Tags.elt list -> Tags.elt ->
(string -> Command.spec) -> unit
+ (** manually mark the tag as "useful" to silence the warning about
+ tags that are not part of any flag declaration.
+ This is useful,
+ for example, if the tag is used in a flag declaration that is
+ only perfored in a conditional branch:
+ [if we_are_on_Windows then flag ["libfoo"] (A "bar");]
+ When [we_are_on_Windows] is not true, you could get a warning about
+ "libfoo" not used in any flag declaration.
+ *)
+ val mark_tag_used : Tags.elt -> unit
(** [non_dependency module_path module_name]
[non_dependency "foo/bar/baz" "Goo"]
@@ -758,7 +780,7 @@ module type PLUGIN = sig
val run_and_read : string -> string
(** Here is the list of hooks that the dispatch function have to handle.
- Generally one respond to one or two hooks (like After_rules) and do
+ Generally one responds to one or two hooks (like After_rules) and do
nothing in the default case. *)
type hook =
| Before_hygiene
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/testsuite/README b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..08e68d908
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/README
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+The organization of tests is the following:
+- contains the tests that should be runnable from a bare
+ OCaml installation -- always passing the -no-ocamlfind option.
+- contains the tests that should be runnable from a bare
+ OCaml installation, with only ocamlfind/findlib on top. The only
+ ocamlfind packages it relies over are those of the OCaml
+ distribution.
+- contains the tests that rely on other findlib packages
+ or external tools to run. Each test will only run if the findlib
+ package it depends on is present. \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/testsuite/ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce8dc9e7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+#use "";;
+#use "";;
+#use "";;
+let () = test "SubtoolOptions"
+ ~description:"Options that come from tags that needs to be spliced \
+ to the subtool invocation (PR#5763)"
+ (* testing for the 'menhir' executable directly
+ is too hard to do in a portable way; test the ocamlfind package instead *)
+ ~requirements:(package_exists "menhirLib")
+ ~options:[`use_ocamlfind; `use_menhir; `tags["package\\(camlp4.fulllib\\)"]]
+ ~tree:[T.f "parser.mly"
+ ~content:"%{ %}
+ %token DUMMY
+ %start<Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.expr option> test
+ %%
+ test: {None}"]
+ ~matching:[M.f "parser.native"; M.f "parser.byte"]
+ ~targets:("parser.native",["parser.byte"])
+ ();;
+run ~root:"_test_external";;
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/testsuite/ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b890e35e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+(* Fullfilled and Missing are defined in
+ Findlib was loaded in *)
+let package_exists package =
+ let open Findlib in
+ try ignore (package_directory package); Fullfilled
+ with No_such_package _ ->
+ Missing (Printf.sprintf "the ocamlfind package %s" package)
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/testsuite/ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aea0168e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+#use "";;
+#use "";;
+let () = test "camlp4.opt"
+ ~description:"Fixes PR#5652"
+ ~options:[`package "camlp4.macro";`tags ["camlp4o.opt"; "syntax\\(camp4o\\)"];
+ `ppflag "camlp4o.opt"; `ppflag "-parser"; `ppflag "macro";
+ `ppflag "-DTEST"]
+ ~tree:[T.f ""
+ ~content:"IFDEF TEST THEN\nprint_endline \"Hello\";;\nENDIF;;"]
+ ~matching:[M.x "dummy.native" ~output:"Hello"]
+ ~targets:("dummy.native",[]) ();;
+let () = test "ThreadAndArchive"
+ ~description:"Fixes PR#6058"
+ ~options:[`use_ocamlfind; `package "threads"; `tag "thread"]
+ ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:""]
+ ~matching:[M.f "_build/t.cma"]
+ ~targets:("t.cma",[]) ();;
+let () = test "SyntaxFlag"
+ ~options:[`use_ocamlfind; `package "camlp4.macro"; `syntax "camlp4o"]
+ ~description:"-syntax for ocamlbuild"
+ ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"IFDEF TEST THEN\nprint_endline \"Hello\";;\nENDIF;;"]
+ ~matching:[M.f "dummy.native"]
+ ~targets:("dummy.native",[]) ();;
+run ~root:"_test_findlibonly";;
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/testsuite/ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5b147820a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+match Sys.command "ocamlfind ocamlc" with
+ | 0 -> ()
+ | _ ->
+ prerr_endline "Having ocamlfind installed is a prerequisite \
+ for running these tests. Aborting.";
+ exit 1;
+#use "topfind";;
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/testsuite/ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
index 74f136153..b25594f88 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
@@ -1,21 +1,12 @@
-#load "unix.cma";;
+#use "";;
-let ocamlbuild = try Sys.getenv "OCAMLBUILD" with Not_found -> "ocamlbuild";;
-#use "";;
-module M = Match;;
-module T = Tree;;
-let _build = M.d "_build";;
-test "BasicNativeTree"
+let () = test "BasicNativeTree"
~description:"Output tree for native compilation"
~tree:[T.f ""]
- (_build
- (M.lf
+ (_build
+ (M.lf
@@ -27,13 +18,13 @@ test "BasicNativeTree"
~targets:("dummy.native",[]) ();;
-test "BasicByteTree"
+let () = test "BasicByteTree"
~description:"Output tree for byte compilation"
~tree:[T.f ""]
- (_build
- (M.lf
+ (_build
+ (M.lf
@@ -43,7 +34,7 @@ test "BasicByteTree"
~targets:("dummy.byte",[]) ();;
-test "SeveralTargets"
+let () = test "SeveralTargets"
~description:"Several targets"
~tree:[T.f ""]
@@ -52,57 +43,40 @@ test "SeveralTargets"
let alt_build_dir = "BuIlD2";;
-test "BuildDir"
+let () = test "BuildDir"
~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `build_dir alt_build_dir]
~description:"Different build directory"
~tree:[T.f ""]
~matching:[M.d alt_build_dir (M.lf ["dummy.byte"])]
~targets:("dummy.byte",[]) ();;
-test "camlp4.opt"
- ~description:"Fixes PR#5652"
- ~options:[`package "camlp4.macro";`tags ["camlp4o.opt"; "syntax\\(camp4o\\)"];
- `ppflag "camlp4o.opt"; `ppflag "-parser"; `ppflag "macro"; `ppflag "-DTEST"]
- ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"IFDEF TEST THEN\nprint_endline \"Hello\";;\nENDIF;;"]
- ~matching:[M.x "dummy.native" ~output:"Hello"]
- ~targets:("dummy.native",[]) ();;
+let tag_pat_msgs =
+ ["*:a", "File \"_tags\", line 1, characters 0-2:\n\
+ Lexing error: Invalid globbing pattern \"*\".";
-test "ThreadAndArchive"
- ~description:"Fixes PR#6058"
- ~options:[`package "threads"; `tag "thread"]
- ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:""]
- ~matching:[M.f "_build/t.cma"]
- ~targets:("t.cma",[]) ();;
+ "\n<*{>:a", "File \"_tags\", line 2, characters 0-5:\n\
+ Lexing error: Invalid globbing pattern \"<*{>\".";
-let tag_pat_msgs =
- ["*:a", "File \"_tags\", line 1, column 0: Lexing error: Invalid globbing pattern \"*\".";
- "\n<*{>:a", "File \"_tags\", line 2, column 0: Lexing error: Invalid globbing pattern \"<*{>\".";
- "<*>: ~@a,# ~a", "File \"_tags\", line 1, column 10: Lexing error: Only ',' separated tags are alllowed."];;
+ "<*>: ~@a,# ~a", "File \"_tags\", line 1, characters 10-11:\n\
+ Lexing error: Only ',' separated tags are alllowed."];;
List.iteri (fun i (content,failing_msg) ->
- test (Printf.sprintf "TagsErrorMessage_%d" (i+1))
+ let () = test (Printf.sprintf "TagsErrorMessage_%d" (i+1))
~description:"Confirm relevance of an error message due to erronous _tags"
~tree:[T.f "_tags" ~content; T.f ""]
- ~targets:("dummy.native",[]) ()) tag_pat_msgs;;
-test "SubtoolOptions"
- ~description:"Options that come from tags that needs to be spliced to the subtool invocation (PR#5763)"
- ~options:[`use_menhir; `tags["package\\(camlp4.fulllib\\)"]]
- ~tree:[T.f "parser.mly" ~content:"%{\n%}\n%token DUMMY\n%start<Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Ast.expr option> test%%test: {None}\n\n"]
- ~matching:[M.f "parser.native"; M.f "parser.byte"]
- ~targets:("parser.native",["parser.byte"])
- ();;
+ ~targets:("dummy.native",[]) ()
+ in ()) tag_pat_msgs;;
-test "Itarget"
+let () = test "Itarget"
~description:".itarget building with dependencies between the modules (PR#5686)"
~tree:[T.f "foo.itarget" ~content:"a.cma\nb.byte\n"; T.f ""; T.f "" ~content:"open A\n"]
~matching:[M.f "a.cma"; M.f "b.byte"]
~targets:("foo.otarget",[]) ();;
-test "PackAcross"
+let () = test "PackAcross"
~description:"Pack using a module from the other tree (PR#4592)"
~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let _ = Pack.Packed.g ()\n";
@@ -115,7 +89,7 @@ test "PackAcross"
~targets:("main.byte", ["main.native"])
-test "PackAcross2"
+let () = test "PackAcross2"
~description:"Pack using a module from the other tree (PR#4592)"
~tree:[T.f "a2.mli" ~content:"val f : unit -> unit";
@@ -127,7 +101,7 @@ test "PackAcross2"
~matching:[M.f "prog.byte"]
~targets:("prog.byte",[]) ();;
-test "PackAcross3"
+let () = test "PackAcross3"
~description:"Pack using a module from the other tree (PR#4592)"
~tree:[T.d "foo" [ T.f "" ~content:"let baz = Quux.xyzzy"];
@@ -139,22 +113,16 @@ test "PackAcross3"
~matching:[M.f "main.byte"]
~targets:("main.byte",[]) ();;
-test "SyntaxFlag"
- ~options:[`package "camlp4.macro"; `syntax "camlp4o"]
- ~description:"-syntax for ocamlbuild"
- ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"IFDEF TEST THEN\nprint_endline \"Hello\";;\nENDIF;;"]
- ~matching:[M.f "dummy.native"]
- ~targets:("dummy.native",[]) ();;
-test "NativeMliCmi"
- ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `ocamlc "toto";(*using ocamlc would fail*) `tags["native"]]
- ~description:"check that ocamlopt is used for .mli->.cmi when tag 'native' is set \
- (part of PR#4613)"
+let () = test "NativeMliCmi"
+ ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `ocamlc "toto" (*using ocamlc would fail*);
+ `tags["native"]]
+ ~description:"check that ocamlopt is used for .mli->.cmi \
+ when tag 'native' is set (part of PR#4613)"
~tree:[T.f "foo.mli" ~content:"val bar : int"]
~matching:[_build [M.f "foo.cmi"]]
~targets:("foo.cmi",[]) ();;
-test "NoIncludeNoHygiene1"
+let () = test "NoIncludeNoHygiene1"
~description:"check that hygiene checks are only done in traversed directories\
@@ -165,7 +133,7 @@ test "NoIncludeNoHygiene1"
(* will make hygiene fail if must_ignore/ is checked *)
~targets:("hello.byte",[]) ();;
-test "NoIncludeNoHygiene2"
+let () = test "NoIncludeNoHygiene2"
~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `build_dir "must_ignore"]
~description:"check that hygiene checks are not done on the -build-dir \
@@ -176,7 +144,7 @@ test "NoIncludeNoHygiene2"
(* will make hygiene fail if must_ignore/ is checked *)
~targets:("hello.byte",[]) ();;
-test "NoIncludeNoHygiene3"
+let () = test "NoIncludeNoHygiene3"
~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `X "must_ignore"]
~description:"check that hygiene checks are not done on excluded dirs (PR#4502)"
~tree:[T.d "must_ignore" [ T.f "dirty.mli" ~content:"val bug : int"];
@@ -186,13 +154,13 @@ test "NoIncludeNoHygiene3"
(* will make hygiene fail if must_ignore/ is checked *)
~targets:("hello.byte",[]) ();;
-test "OutputObj"
+let () = test "OutputObj"
~description:"output_obj targets for native and bytecode (PR #6049)"
~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"print_endline \"Hello, World!\""]
~targets:("hello.byte.o",["hello.byte.c";"hello.native.o"]) ();;
-test "StrictSequenceFlag"
+let () = test "StrictSequenceFlag"
~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `quiet]
~description:"-strict_sequence tag"
~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let () = 1; ()";
@@ -202,25 +170,27 @@ Error: This expression has type int but an expression was expected of type
unit\nCommand exited with code 2."
~targets:("hello.byte",[]) ();;
-test "PrincipalFlag"
+let () = test "PrincipalFlag"
~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `quiet]
~description:"-principal tag"
- ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"type s={foo:int;bar:unit} type t={foo:int} let f x =;";
+ ~tree:[T.f ""
+ ~content:"type s={foo:int;bar:unit} type t={foo:int}
+ let f x = (;";
T.f "_tags" ~content:"true: principal\n"]
- ~failing_msg:"File \"\", line 1, characters 61-64:
+ ~failing_msg:"File \"\", line 2, characters 42-45:
Warning 18: this type-based field disambiguation is not principal."
~targets:("hello.byte",[]) ();;
-test "ModularPlugin1"
- ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `quiet; `plugin_tag "use_str"]
+let () = test "ModularPlugin1"
~description:"test a plugin with dependency on external libraries"
+ ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `quiet; `plugin_tag "use_str"]
~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let x = 1";
T.f "" ~content:"ignore (Str.quote \"\");;"]
~matching:[M.f "main.byte"]
~targets:("main.byte",[]) ();;
-test "ModularPlugin2"
- ~description:"check that parametrized tags defined by the plugin
+let () = test "ModularPlugin2"
+ ~description:"check that parametrized tags defined by the plugin \
do not warn at plugin-compilation time"
~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `quiet]
~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let x = 1";
@@ -232,8 +202,8 @@ test "ModularPlugin2"
~matching:[M.f "main.byte"]
~targets:("main.byte",[]) ();;
-test "ModularPlugin3"
- ~description:"check that unknown parametrized tags encountered
+let () = test "ModularPlugin3"
+ ~description:"check that unknown parametrized tags encountered \
during plugin compilation still warn"
~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `quiet; `plugin_tag "'toto(-g)'"]
~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let x = 1";
@@ -245,4 +215,30 @@ test "ModularPlugin3"
~matching:[M.f "main.byte"]
~targets:("main.byte",[]) ();;
-run ~root:"_test";;
+let () = test "PluginCompilation1"
+ ~description:"check that the plugin is not compiled when -no-plugin is passed"
+ ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `no_plugin]
+ ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let x = 1";
+ T.f "" ~content:"prerr_endline \"foo\";;"]
+ ~matching:[_build [M.Not (M.f "myocamlbuild")]]
+ ~targets:("main.byte",[]) ();;
+let () = test "PluginCompilation2"
+ ~description:"check that the plugin is compiled when -just-plugin is passed"
+ ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `just_plugin]
+ ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let x = 1";
+ T.f "" ~content:"print_endline \"foo\";;"]
+ ~matching:[_build [M.f "myocamlbuild"]]
+ ~targets:("", []) ();;
+let () = test "PluginCompilation3"
+ ~description:"check that the plugin is not executed \
+ when -just-plugin is passed"
+ ~options:[`no_ocamlfind; `quiet; `just_plugin]
+ ~tree:[T.f "" ~content:"let x = 1";
+ T.f "" ~content:"print_endline \"foo\";;"]
+ (* if the plugin were executed we'd get "foo" in failing_msg *)
+ ~failing_msg:""
+ ~targets:("main,byte", []) ();;
+run ~root:"_test_internal";;
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/testsuite/ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da78c7261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#load "unix.cma";;
+let ocamlbuild = try Sys.getenv "OCAMLBUILD" with Not_found -> "ocamlbuild";;
+#use "";;
+module M = Match;;
+module T = Tree;;
+let _build = M.d "_build";;
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/testsuite/ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
index 4dc674565..e3f44c55c 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/testsuite/
@@ -19,8 +19,11 @@ let print_list ~sep f ppf = function
| x :: [] -> f ppf x
| x :: xs -> f ppf x; List.iter (fun x -> sep ppf (); f ppf x) xs
-let print_list_com f = print_list ~sep:(fun ppf () -> pp_print_string ppf ",") f
-let print_list_blank f = print_list ~sep:(fun ppf () -> pp_print_string ppf " ") f
+let print_list_com f =
+ print_list ~sep:(fun ppf () -> pp_print_string ppf ",") f
+let print_list_blank f =
+ print_list ~sep:(fun ppf () -> pp_print_string ppf " ") f
let print_string_list = print_list_com pp_print_string
let print_string_list_com = print_list_com pp_print_string
let print_string_list_blank = print_list_blank pp_print_string
@@ -58,24 +61,25 @@ module Match = struct
| D of file * t list
(* Like file, but will be executed, and the result will compared *)
| X of file * result
- (* Symlink *)
- | L of file * file
+ (* Symlink; currently not supported *)
+ (* | L of file * file *)
(* We request that everything below should match exactly *)
| Exact of t
(* Here we want just the tree contained entities but we allow some
other stuff to be there too *)
| Contains of t
- (* Any means that we match anything *)
- | Any
- (* Empty a tree leaf that don't match at all *)
+ (* matching on Empty always fail *)
| Empty
+ (* matches the negation of its argument: fails when it succeeds
+ and vice versa; Any can be expressed as (Not Empty) *)
+ | Not of t
(* Type of error, we either expect something or something is un-expected *)
type error =
Expected of string
| Unexpected of string
| Structure of string * string list
- | Output of string * string
+ | Output of string * string * string
(* This will print the tree *)
let print ppf tree =
@@ -83,13 +87,14 @@ module Match = struct
List.iter (fun line -> pp_print_space ppf (); item ppf line) lst
and item ppf = function
| F (_, name) -> fprintf ppf "@[<h>%s@]" name
- | D ((_, name), children) -> fprintf ppf "@[<v 1>@[<h>%s/@]%a@]" name lines children
+ | D ((_, name), children) ->
+ fprintf ppf "@[<v 1>@[<h>%s/@]%a@]" name lines children
| X ((_,name), _) -> fprintf ppf "@[<h>%s@]" name
- | L ((_,src), (_,dst)) -> fprintf ppf "@[<h>%s->%s@]@" src dst
+ (* | L ((_,src), (_,dst)) -> fprintf ppf "@[<h>%s->%s@]@" src dst *)
| Exact content -> fprintf ppf "{%a}" item content
| Contains content -> fprintf ppf "<%a>" item content
- | Any -> pp_print_char ppf '*'
| Empty -> pp_print_char ppf '#'
+ | Not t -> fprintf ppf "not(@[%a@])" item t
pp_open_vbox ppf 0;
item ppf tree;
@@ -101,57 +106,60 @@ module Match = struct
let x ?(atts=()) name ~output = X ((atts,name), (0,output))
let match_with_fs ~root m =
- let errors = ref [] in
- let rec visit ~exact path m =
- let file name =
- "./" ^ (List.rev (name :: path) |> String.concat "/")
+ let rec visit ~exact ~successes ~errors path m =
+ let string_of_path path = "./" ^ String.concat "/" (List.rev path) in
+ let file name = string_of_path (name :: path) in
+ let push li x = li := x :: !li in
+ let exists_assert filename =
+ push (if exists filename then successes else errors) (Expected filename)
- let exists_assert filename =
- if not (exists (file filename)) then
- errors := Expected filename :: !errors;
- in
- let take_name = function
- | F (_, name)
- | D ((_, name),_) -> [name]
- | _ -> []
- in
- match m with
- | F ((),name) ->
- exists_assert name
- | D (((),name), sub) ->
- exists_assert name;
- let lst = List.flatten ( take_name sub) in
- let lst' = Sys.readdir name |> Array.to_list in
- let lst' = List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x lst)) lst' in
- (if exact && lst' <> [] then
- errors := Structure ((file name), lst') :: !errors);
- List.iter (visit ~exact (name :: path)) sub
- | X (((), name), (retcode, output)) ->
- let _,output' = execute (file name) in
- let output' = String.concat "\n" output' in
- if output <> output' then
- errors := Output (output, output') :: !errors
- | Exact sub -> visit ~exact:true path sub
- | Contains sub -> visit ~exact:false path sub
- | _ -> assert false
+ let rec take_name = function
+ | F (_, name)
+ | D ((_, name), _)
+ | X ((_, name), _) -> [name]
+ | Exact sub
+ | Contains sub
+ | Not sub -> take_name sub
+ | Empty -> []
+ in
+ match m with
+ | F ((),name) ->
+ exists_assert (file name)
+ | D (((),name), sub) ->
+ exists_assert (file name);
+ let lst = List.flatten ( take_name sub) in
+ let lst' = Sys.readdir name |> Array.to_list in
+ let lst' = List.filter (fun x -> not (List.mem x lst)) lst' in
+ (if exact && lst' <> [] then
+ errors := Structure ((file name), lst') :: !errors);
+ List.iter (visit ~exact ~successes ~errors (name :: path)) sub
+ | X (((), name), (retcode, output)) ->
+ let _,output' = execute (file name) in
+ let output' = String.concat "\n" output' in
+ push (if output <> output' then errors else successes)
+ (Output (file name, output, output'));
+ | Exact sub -> visit ~exact:true ~successes ~errors path sub
+ | Contains sub -> visit ~exact:false ~successes ~errors path sub
+ | Empty -> push errors (Unexpected (string_of_path path))
+ | Not sub -> visit ~exact ~errors:successes ~successes:errors path sub
let dir = Sys.getcwd () in
Unix.chdir root;
- visit ~exact:false [] m;
+ let successes = ref [] in
+ let errors = ref [] in
+ visit ~exact:false ~successes ~errors [] m;
Unix.chdir dir;
List.rev !errors
let string_of_error = function
| Expected s -> Printf.sprintf "expected '%s' on a file system" s
| Unexpected s -> Printf.sprintf "un-expected '%s' on a file system" s
- | Structure (s,l) -> Printf.sprintf "directory structure '%s' has un-expected files %s" s (String.concat ", " l)
- | Output (e, p) -> Printf.sprintf "not matching output '%s' expected but got %s" e p
+ | Structure (s,l) ->
+ Printf.sprintf "directory structure '%s' has un-expected files %s"
+ s (String.concat ", " l)
+ | Output (s, e, p) ->
+ Printf.sprintf "executable %s expected output %S but got %S"
+ s e p
module Option = struct
@@ -301,7 +309,7 @@ module Option = struct
| `no_skip -> fprintf ppf "no-skip"
| `no_hygiene -> fprintf ppf "no-hygiene"
| `no_ocamlfind -> fprintf ppf "no-ocamlfind"
- | `no_plugin -> fprintf ppf "no-pluging"
+ | `no_plugin -> fprintf ppf "no-plugin"
| `no_stdlib -> fprintf ppf "no-stdlib"
| `dont_catch_errors -> fprintf ppf "dont"
| `just_plugin -> fprintf ppf "just-plugin"
@@ -375,8 +383,11 @@ type content = string
type filename = string
type run = filename * content
+type requirements = Fullfilled | Missing of string
type test = { name : string
; description : string
+ ; requirements : requirements option
; tree : Tree.t list
; matching : Match.t list
; options : Option.t list
@@ -389,12 +400,38 @@ let tests = ref []
let test name
+ ?requirements
?(options=[]) ?(run=[]) ?pre_cmd ?failing_msg
~targets ()
- tests := !tests @ [{ name; description; tree; matching; options; targets; pre_cmd; failing_msg; run }]
+ tests := !tests @ [{
+ name;
+ description;
+ requirements;
+ tree;
+ matching;
+ options;
+ targets;
+ pre_cmd;
+ failing_msg;
+ run;
+ }]
+let print_colored header_color header name body_color body =
+ let color_code = function
+ | `Red -> "31"
+ | `Green -> "32"
+ | `Yellow -> "33"
+ | `Blue -> "34"
+ | `Magenta -> "35"
+ | `Cyan -> "36"
+ in
+ Printf.printf "\x1b[0;%sm\x1b[1m[%s]\x1b[0m \
+ \x1b[1m%-20s\x1b[0;%sm%s.\n\x1b[m%!"
+ (color_code header_color) header name
+ (color_code body_color) body
let run ~root =
let dir = Sys.getcwd () in
@@ -413,6 +450,7 @@ let run ~root =
let one_test
{ name
; description
+ ; requirements
; tree
; matching
; options
@@ -427,47 +465,72 @@ let run ~root =
List.iter (Tree.create_on_fs ~root:full_name) tree;
Unix.chdir full_name;
- (match pre_cmd with
- | None -> ()
- | Some str -> ignore(Sys.command str));
- let log_name = full_name ^ ".log" in
- let cmd = command options (fst targets :: snd targets) in
- let allow_failure = failing_msg <> None in
- Unix.(match execute cmd with
- | WEXITED n,lines
- | WSIGNALED n,lines
- | WSTOPPED n,lines when allow_failure || n <> 0 ->
- begin match failing_msg with
- | None ->
- let ch = open_out log_name in
- List.iter (fun l -> output_string ch l; output_string ch "\n") lines;
- close_out ch;
- Printf.printf "\x1b[0;31m\x1b[1m[FAILED]\x1b[0m \x1b[1m%-20s\x1b[0;33m%s.\n\x1b[m%!" name
- (Printf.sprintf "Command '%s' with error code %n output written to %s" cmd n log_name);
- | Some failing_msg ->
- let starts_with_plus s = String.length s > 0 && s.[0] = '+' in
- let lines = List.filter (fun s -> not (starts_with_plus s)) lines in
- let msg = String.concat "\n" lines in
- if failing_msg = msg then
- Printf.printf "\x1b[0;32m\x1b[1m[PASSED]\x1b[0m \x1b[1m%-20s\x1b[0;36m%s.\n\x1b[m%!" name description
- else
- Printf.printf "\x1b[0;31m\x1b[1m[FAILED]\x1b[0m \x1b[1m%-20s\x1b[0;33m%s.\n\x1b[m%!" name ((Printf.sprintf "Failure with not matching message:\n%s\n!=\n%s\n") msg failing_msg)
- end;
- | _ ->
- let errors = List.concat ( (Match.match_with_fs ~root:full_name) matching) in
- begin if errors == [] then
- Printf.printf "\x1b[0;32m\x1b[1m[PASSED]\x1b[0m \x1b[1m%-20s\x1b[0;36m%s.\n\x1b[m%!" name description
- else begin
- let ch = open_out log_name in
- output_string ch ("Run '" ^ cmd ^ "'\n");
- List.iter (fun e -> output_string ch (Match.string_of_error e); output_string ch ".\n") errors;
- close_out ch;
- Printf.printf "\x1b[0;31m\x1b[1m[FAILED]\x1b[0m \x1b[1m%-20s\x1b[0;33m%s.\n\x1b[m%!" name
- (Printf.sprintf "Some system checks failed, output written to %s" log_name)
- end
- end)
+ match requirements with
+ | Some (Missing req) ->
+ print_colored `Yellow "SKIPPED" name `Yellow
+ (Printf.sprintf "%s is required and missing" req)
+ | Some Fullfilled | None -> begin
+ (match pre_cmd with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some str -> ignore(Sys.command str));
+ let log_name = full_name ^ ".log" in
+ let cmd = command options (fst targets :: snd targets) in
+ let allow_failure = failing_msg <> None in
+ let open Unix in
+ match execute cmd with
+ | WEXITED n,lines
+ | WSIGNALED n,lines
+ | WSTOPPED n,lines when allow_failure || n <> 0 ->
+ begin match failing_msg with
+ | None ->
+ let ch = open_out log_name in
+ List.iter
+ (fun l -> output_string ch l; output_string ch "\n")
+ lines;
+ close_out ch;
+ print_colored `Red "FAILED" name `Yellow
+ (Printf.sprintf "Command '%s' with error code %n \
+ output written to %s" cmd n log_name);
+ | Some failing_msg ->
+ let starts_with_plus s = String.length s > 0 && s.[0] = '+' in
+ let lines =
+ (* filter out -classic-display output *)
+ List.filter (fun s -> not (starts_with_plus s)) lines in
+ let msg = String.concat "\n" lines in
+ if failing_msg = msg then
+ print_colored `Green "PASSED" name `Cyan description
+ else
+ print_colored `Red "FAILED" name `Yellow
+ ((Printf.sprintf "Failure with not matching message:\n\
+ %s\n!=\n%s\n") msg failing_msg)
+ end;
+ | _ ->
+ let errors =
+ List.concat
+ ( (Match.match_with_fs ~root:full_name) matching) in
+ begin if errors == [] then
+ print_colored `Green "PASSED" name `Cyan description
+ else begin
+ let ch = open_out log_name in
+ output_string ch ("Run '" ^ cmd ^ "'\n");
+ List.iter
+ (fun e ->
+ output_string ch (Match.string_of_error e);
+ output_string ch ".\n")
+ errors;
+ close_out ch;
+ print_colored `Red "FAILED" name `Yellow
+ (Printf.sprintf "Some system checks failed, \
+ output written to %s"
+ log_name)
+ end
+ end
+ end
in List.iter one_test !tests
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index fc2df5128..02222932e 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -747,6 +747,41 @@ let pp_set_tab state () =
enqueue_advance state elem
+(* Convenience functions *)
+(* To format a list *)
+let rec pp_print_list ?(pp_sep = pp_print_cut) pp_v ppf = function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [v] -> pp_v ppf v
+ | v :: vs ->
+ pp_v ppf v;
+ pp_sep ppf ();
+ pp_print_list ~pp_sep pp_v ppf vs
+(* To format free-flowing text *)
+let pp_print_text ppf s =
+ let len = String.length s in
+ let left = ref 0 in
+ let right = ref 0 in
+ let flush () =
+ pp_print_string ppf (String.sub s !left (!right - !left));
+ incr right; left := !right;
+ in
+ while (!right <> len) do
+ match s.[!right] with
+ | '\n' ->
+ flush ();
+ pp_force_newline ppf ()
+ | ' ' ->
+ flush (); pp_print_space ppf ()
+ (* there is no specific support for '\t'
+ as it is unclear what a right semantics would be *)
+ | _ -> incr right
+ done;
+ if !left <> len then flush ()
Procedures to control the pretty-printers
diff --git a/stdlib/format.mli b/stdlib/format.mli
index 2df4779c2..1d8662bc6 100644
--- a/stdlib/format.mli
+++ b/stdlib/format.mli
@@ -564,6 +564,27 @@ val pp_get_formatter_out_functions :
evaluation of these primitives. For instance,
[print_string] is equal to [pp_print_string std_formatter]. *)
+(** {6 Convenience formatting functions.} *)
+val pp_print_list:
+ ?pp_sep:(formatter -> unit -> unit) ->
+ (formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> (formatter -> 'a list -> unit)
+(** [pp_print_list ?pp_sep pp_v ppf l] prints the list [l]. [pp_v] is
+ used on the elements of [l] and each element is separated by
+ a call to [pp_sep] (defaults to {!pp_print_cut}). Does nothing on
+ empty lists.
+ @since 4.02
+val pp_print_text : formatter -> string -> unit
+(** [pp_print_text ppf s] prints [s] with spaces and newlines
+ respectively printed with {!pp_print_space} and
+ {!pp_force_newline}.
+ @since 4.02
(** {6 [printf] like functions for pretty-printing.} *)
val fprintf : formatter -> ('a, formatter, unit) format -> 'a;;
diff --git a/testsuite/external/.ignore b/testsuite/external/.ignore
index 61f158306..a65ca6ca8 100644
--- a/testsuite/external/.ignore
+++ b/testsuite/external/.ignore
@@ -119,6 +119,8 @@ react
diff --git a/testsuite/external/Makefile b/testsuite/external/Makefile
index d84e806fb..5fcd005ba 100644
--- a/testsuite/external/Makefile
+++ b/testsuite/external/Makefile
@@ -95,8 +95,9 @@ lablgtk: ${LABLGTK}.tar.gz findlib # TODO: add lablgl
${MAKE} world && \
ocamlfind remove lablgtk2 && \
${MAKE} install && \
- ln -h -f -s ${PREFIX}/lib/ocaml/site-lib/lablgtk2 \
- ${PREFIX}/lib/ocaml/lablgtk2 )
+ rm -f ${PREFIX}/lib/ocaml/lablgtk2 && \
+ ln -f -s ${PREFIX}/lib/ocaml/site-lib/lablgtk2 \
+ ${PREFIX}/lib/ocaml/lablgtk2 )
echo ${VERSION} >$@
rm -rf ${LABLGTK} lablgtk
@@ -840,6 +841,7 @@ xmllight: ${XMLLIGHT}.zip
( cd ${XMLLIGHT} && \
export PATH=${PREFIX}/bin:$$PATH && \
+ ${MAKE} && \
${MAKE} all opt && \
${MAKE} install )
echo ${VERSION} >$@
@@ -876,7 +878,7 @@ all: configfile
-xmlm: ${XMLM}.tbz
+xmlm: ${XMLM}.tbz findlib
printf "%s " "$@" >/dev/tty
test -d ${PREFIX}
rm -rf ${XMLM}
@@ -884,7 +886,7 @@ xmlm: ${XMLM}.tbz
./ ${XMLM} oasis-common.patch
( cd ${XMLM} && \
export PATH=${PREFIX}/bin:$$PATH && \
- ocaml -configure && \
+ ocaml -configure --prefix ${PREFIX} && \
ocaml -build && \
ocamlfind remove xmlm && \
ocaml -install )
@@ -1110,6 +1112,28 @@ distclean::
rm -f ${OCAMLNET}.tar.gz
all: ocamlnet
+ ${WGET}$@
+rss: ${RSS}.tar.gz xmlm ocamlnet
+ printf "%s " "$@" >/dev/tty
+ test -d ${PREFIX}
+ rm -rf ${RSS}
+ tar zxf ${RSS}.tar.gz
+ ./ ${RSS}
+ ( cd ${RSS} && \
+ export PATH=${PREFIX}/bin:$$PATH && \
+ ${MAKE} all && \
+ ocamlfind remove ocaml-rss && \
+ ${MAKE} install )
+ echo ${VERSION} >$@
+ rm -rf ${RSS} rss
+ rm -f ${RSS}.tar.gz
+all: rss