diff options
-rwxr-xr-xboot/ocamlcbin1460348 -> 1461890 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xboot/ocamldepbin411020 -> 412868 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xboot/ocamllexbin181534 -> 181377 bytes
43 files changed, 390 insertions, 270 deletions
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 40f7dafbd..34283875c 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -140,3 +140,10 @@ let report_error ppf = function
| Assembler_error file ->
fprintf ppf "Assembler error, input left in file %a"
Location.print_filename file
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
+ | _ -> None
+ )
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 140791f22..968e1de74 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -69,3 +69,10 @@ let report_error ppf = function
fprintf ppf "Cannot find file %s" name
| Archiver_error name ->
fprintf ppf "Error while creating the library %s" name
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
+ | _ -> None
+ )
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index f6a85a94c..30bb13f63 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -390,3 +390,10 @@ let report_error ppf = function
Location.print_filename filename name
Location.print_filename filename
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
+ | _ -> None
+ )
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 1a4fe9027..a8fcfe789 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -204,3 +204,10 @@ let report_error ppf = function
fprintf ppf "Error while assembling %s" file
| Linking_error ->
fprintf ppf "Error during partial linking"
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
+ | _ -> None
+ )
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 280b13127..48d6be7d4 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -245,3 +245,10 @@ let report_error ppf = function
fprintf ppf "%a@ contains the description for unit\
@ %s when %s was expected"
Location.print_filename filename name modname
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
+ | _ -> None
+ )
diff --git a/boot/ocamlc b/boot/ocamlc
index f2ed6fd49..a5355b2f5 100755
--- a/boot/ocamlc
+++ b/boot/ocamlc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/boot/ocamldep b/boot/ocamldep
index 05cd295f4..2ebbe5111 100755
--- a/boot/ocamldep
+++ b/boot/ocamldep
Binary files differ
diff --git a/boot/ocamllex b/boot/ocamllex
index bb4ebc652..ac43afab3 100755
--- a/boot/ocamllex
+++ b/boot/ocamllex
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index fdcb0d882..c63cf80ec 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -117,3 +117,10 @@ let report_error ppf = function
| Not_an_object_file name ->
fprintf ppf "The file %a is not a bytecode object file"
Location.print_filename name
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
+ | _ -> None
+ )
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index b1660e9a3..75db3533c 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -622,3 +622,10 @@ let report_error ppf = function
| Not_compatible_32 ->
fprintf ppf "Generated bytecode executable cannot be run\
\ on a 32-bit platform"
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
+ | _ -> None
+ )
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index f548c771a..8ba2f5321 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -276,3 +276,10 @@ let report_error ppf = function
Location.print_filename file name id
| File_not_found file ->
fprintf ppf "File %s not found" file
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
+ | _ -> None
+ )
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 412c1ab09..9c94c9046 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -372,3 +372,10 @@ let report_error ppf = function
fprintf ppf "Cannot find or execute the runtime system %s" s
| Uninitialized_global s ->
fprintf ppf "The value of the global `%s' is not yet computed" s
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
+ | _ -> None
+ )
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 0b3bd45ef..b22c0adaf 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -826,3 +826,12 @@ let report_error ppf = function
| Tags (lab1, lab2) ->
fprintf ppf "Method labels `%s' and `%s' are incompatible.@ %s"
lab1 lab2 "Change one of them."
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error (loc, err) ->
+ Some (Location.error_of_printer loc report_error err)
+ | _ ->
+ None
+ )
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 86f0bf4fa..092eeba25 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -1120,3 +1120,12 @@ let report_error ppf = function
"Ancestor names can only be used to select inherited methods"
| Unknown_builtin_primitive prim_name ->
fprintf ppf "Unknown builtin primitive \"%s\"" prim_name
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error (loc, err) ->
+ Some (Location.error_of_printer loc report_error err)
+ | _ ->
+ None
+ )
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 0c26ecd07..672449f1d 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -810,3 +810,12 @@ let report_error ppf = function
"@[Cannot safely evaluate the definition@ \
of the recursively-defined module %a@]"
Printtyp.ident id
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error (loc, err) ->
+ Some (Location.error_of_printer loc report_error err)
+ | _ ->
+ None
+ )
diff --git a/driver/ b/driver/
index 14a1a23cb..bda1a30ac 100644
--- a/driver/
+++ b/driver/
@@ -10,72 +10,7 @@
(* *)
-(* WARNING: if you change something in this file, you must look at
- and ocamldoc/
- to see if you need to make the same changes there.
+(* This module should be removed. We keep it for now, to avoid
+ breaking external tools depending on it. *)
-open Format
-(* Report an error *)
-let report_error ppf exn =
- let report ppf = function
- | Lexer.Error(err, loc) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc;
- Lexer.report_error ppf err
- | Syntaxerr.Error err ->
- Syntaxerr.report_error ppf err
- | Pparse.Error err ->
- Pparse.report_error ppf err
- | Env.Error err ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Env.report_error ppf err
- | Cmi_format.Error err ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Cmi_format.report_error ppf err
- | Ctype.Tags(l, l') ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- fprintf ppf
- "In this program,@ variant constructors@ `%s and `%s@ \
- have the same hash value.@ Change one of them." l l'
- | Typecore.Error(loc, env, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Typecore.report_error env ppf err
- | Typetexp.Error(loc, env, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Typetexp.report_error env ppf err
- | Typedecl.Error(loc, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Typedecl.report_error ppf err
- | Typeclass.Error(loc, env, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Typeclass.report_error env ppf err
- | Includemod.Error err ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Includemod.report_error ppf err
- | Typemod.Error(loc, env, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Typemod.report_error env ppf err
- | Translcore.Error(loc, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Translcore.report_error ppf err
- | Translclass.Error(loc, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Translclass.report_error ppf err
- | Translmod.Error(loc, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Translmod.report_error ppf err
- | Symtable.Error code ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Symtable.report_error ppf code
- | Bytelink.Error code ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Bytelink.report_error ppf code
- | Bytelibrarian.Error code ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Bytelibrarian.report_error ppf code
- | Bytepackager.Error code ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Bytepackager.report_error ppf code
- | Sys_error msg ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- fprintf ppf "I/O error: %s" msg
- | Warnings.Errors (n) ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- fprintf ppf "Some fatal warnings were triggered (%d occurrences)" n
- | x -> fprintf ppf "@]"; raise x in
- fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@." report exn
+let report_error = Location.report_exception
diff --git a/driver/ b/driver/
index 4ab251c7f..d038af75a 100644
--- a/driver/
+++ b/driver/
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ let main () =
exit 0
with x ->
- Errors.report_error ppf x;
+ Location.report_exception ppf x;
exit 2
let _ = main ()
diff --git a/driver/ b/driver/
index 56660cdb1..bda1a30ac 100644
--- a/driver/
+++ b/driver/
@@ -10,74 +10,7 @@
(* *)
-(* WARNING: if you change something in this file, you must look at
- to see if you need to make the same changes there.
+(* This module should be removed. We keep it for now, to avoid
+ breaking external tools depending on it. *)
-open Format
-(* Report an error *)
-let report_error ppf exn =
- let report ppf = function
- | Lexer.Error(err, l) ->
- Location.print_error ppf l;
- Lexer.report_error ppf err
- | Syntaxerr.Error err ->
- Syntaxerr.report_error ppf err
- | Pparse.Error err ->
- Pparse.report_error ppf err
- | Env.Error err ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Env.report_error ppf err
- | Cmi_format.Error err ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Cmi_format.report_error ppf err
- | Ctype.Tags(l, l') ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- fprintf ppf
- "In this program,@ variant constructors@ `%s and `%s@ \
- have the same hash value.@ Change one of them." l l'
- | Typecore.Error(loc, env, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Typecore.report_error env ppf err
- | Typetexp.Error(loc, env, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Typetexp.report_error env ppf err
- | Typedecl.Error(loc, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Typedecl.report_error ppf err
- | Typeclass.Error(loc, env, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Typeclass.report_error env ppf err
- | Includemod.Error err ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Includemod.report_error ppf err
- | Typemod.Error(loc, env, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Typemod.report_error env ppf err
- | Translcore.Error(loc, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Translcore.report_error ppf err
- | Translclass.Error(loc, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Translclass.report_error ppf err
- | Translmod.Error(loc, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Translmod.report_error ppf err
- | Compilenv.Error code ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Compilenv.report_error ppf code
- | Asmgen.Error code ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Asmgen.report_error ppf code
- | Asmlink.Error code ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Asmlink.report_error ppf code
- | Asmlibrarian.Error code ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Asmlibrarian.report_error ppf code
- | Asmpackager.Error code ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Asmpackager.report_error ppf code
- | Sys_error msg ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- fprintf ppf "I/O error: %s" msg
- | Warnings.Errors (n) ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- fprintf ppf "Some fatal warnings were triggered (%d occurrences)" n
- | x -> fprintf ppf "@]"; raise x in
- fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@." report exn
+let report_error = Location.report_exception
diff --git a/driver/ b/driver/
index 45bdec244..9f973f2b1 100644
--- a/driver/
+++ b/driver/
@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ let main () =
exit 0
with x ->
- Opterrors.report_error ppf x;
- exit 2
+ Location.report_exception ppf x;
+ exit 2
let _ = main ()
diff --git a/driver/ b/driver/
index 15a1bd397..7f9974da7 100644
--- a/driver/
+++ b/driver/
@@ -59,7 +59,8 @@ let apply_rewriter magic fn_in ppx =
Misc.remove_file fn_out;
raise (Error (CannotRun comm));
- if not (Sys.file_exists fn_out) then raise (Error (WrongMagic comm));
+ if not (Sys.file_exists fn_out) then
+ raise (Error (WrongMagic comm));
(* check magic before passing to the next ppx *)
let ic = open_in_bin fn_out in
let buffer =
@@ -143,6 +144,12 @@ let report_error ppf = function
fprintf ppf "External preprocessor does not produce a valid file@.\
Command line: %s@." cmd
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
+ | _ -> None
+ )
let parse_all parse_fun magic ppf sourcefile =
Location.input_name := sourcefile;
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 19621cb5e..98f73617d 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -100,60 +100,16 @@ module Ast_analyser = Odoc_ast.Analyser (Odoc_comments.Basic_info_retriever)
(** The module used to analyse the parse tree and typed tree of an interface file.*)
module Sig_analyser = Odoc_sig.Analyser (Odoc_comments.Basic_info_retriever)
-(** Handle an error. This is a partial copy of the compiler
- driver/ file. We do this because there are
- some differences between the possibly raised exceptions
- in the bytecode ( and opt ( compilers
- and we don't want to take care of this. Besises, these
- differences only concern code generation (i believe).*)
+(** Handle an error. *)
let process_error exn =
- let report ppf = function
- | Lexer.Error(err, loc) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc;
- Lexer.report_error ppf err
- | Syntaxerr.Error err ->
- Syntaxerr.report_error ppf err
- | Env.Error err ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Env.report_error ppf err
- | Cmi_format.Error err ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Cmi_format.report_error ppf err
- | Ctype.Tags(l, l') ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- fprintf ppf
- "In this program,@ variant constructors@ `%s and `%s@ \
- have the same hash value." l l'
- | Typecore.Error(loc, env, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Typecore.report_error env ppf err
- | Typetexp.Error(loc, env, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Typetexp.report_error env ppf err
- | Typedecl.Error(loc, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Typedecl.report_error ppf err
- | Includemod.Error err ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- Includemod.report_error ppf err
- | Typemod.Error(loc, env, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Typemod.report_error env ppf err
- | Translcore.Error(loc, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Translcore.report_error ppf err
- | Sys_error msg ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- fprintf ppf "I/O error: %s" msg
- | Typeclass.Error(loc, env, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Typeclass.report_error env ppf err
- | Translclass.Error(loc, err) ->
- Location.print_error ppf loc; Translclass.report_error ppf err
- | Warnings.Errors (n) ->
- Location.print_error_cur_file ppf;
- fprintf ppf "Some fatal warnings were triggered (%d occurrences)" n
- | x ->
- fprintf ppf "@]";
- fprintf ppf
- "Compilation error(%s). Use the OCaml compiler to get more details."
- (Printexc.to_string x)
- in
- Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a@]@." report exn
+ match Location.error_of_exn exn with
+ | Some err ->
+ fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a@]@." Location.report_error err
+ | None ->
+ fprintf Format.err_formatter
+ "Compilation error(%s). Use the OCaml compiler to get more details.@."
+ (Printexc.to_string exn)
(** Process the given file, according to its extension. Return the Module.t created, if any.*)
let process_file ppf sourcefile =
diff --git a/parsing/lexer.mli b/parsing/lexer.mli
index 0c98ffc34..b067b2aa3 100644
--- a/parsing/lexer.mli
+++ b/parsing/lexer.mli
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@ exception Error of error * Location.t
open Format
val report_error: formatter -> error -> unit
+ (* Deprecated. Use Location.{error_of_exn, report_error}. *)
val in_comment : unit -> bool;;
val in_string : unit -> bool;;
diff --git a/parsing/lexer.mll b/parsing/lexer.mll
index 8b34b2483..8aed03b2f 100644
--- a/parsing/lexer.mll
+++ b/parsing/lexer.mll
@@ -242,7 +242,15 @@ let report_error ppf = function
| Literal_overflow ty ->
fprintf ppf "Integer literal exceeds the range of representable \
integers of type %s" ty
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error (err, loc) ->
+ Some (Location.error_of_printer loc report_error err)
+ | _ ->
+ None
+ )
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index d3f89f440..132021f5b 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ let num_loc_lines = ref 0 (* number of lines already printed after input *)
(* Highlight the locations using standout mode. *)
-let highlight_terminfo ppf num_lines lb loc1 loc2 =
+let highlight_terminfo ppf num_lines lb locs =
Format.pp_print_flush ppf (); (* avoid mixing Format and normal output *)
(* Char 0 is at offset -lb.lex_abs_pos in lb.lex_buffer. *)
let pos0 = -lb.lex_abs_pos in
@@ -94,9 +94,9 @@ let highlight_terminfo ppf num_lines lb loc1 loc2 =
print_string "# ";
for pos = 0 to lb.lex_buffer_len - pos0 - 1 do
if !bol then (print_string " "; bol := false);
- if pos = loc1.loc_start.pos_cnum || pos = loc2.loc_start.pos_cnum then
+ if List.exists (fun loc -> pos = loc.loc_start.pos_cnum) locs then
Terminfo.standout true;
- if pos = loc1.loc_end.pos_cnum || pos = loc2.loc_end.pos_cnum then
+ if List.exists (fun loc -> pos = loc.loc_end.pos_cnum) locs then
Terminfo.standout false;
let c = lb.lex_buffer.[pos + pos0] in
print_char c;
@@ -176,10 +176,10 @@ let highlight_dumb ppf lb loc =
(* Highlight the location using one of the supported modes. *)
-let rec highlight_locations ppf loc1 loc2 =
+let rec highlight_locations ppf locs =
match !status with
Terminfo.Uninitialised ->
- status := Terminfo.setup stdout; highlight_locations ppf loc1 loc2
+ status := Terminfo.setup stdout; highlight_locations ppf locs
| Terminfo.Bad_term ->
begin match !input_lexbuf with
None -> false
@@ -187,6 +187,7 @@ let rec highlight_locations ppf loc1 loc2 =
let norepeat =
try Sys.getenv "TERM" = "norepeat" with Not_found -> false in
if norepeat then false else
+ let loc1 = List.hd locs in
try highlight_dumb ppf lb loc1; true
with Exit -> false
@@ -194,7 +195,7 @@ let rec highlight_locations ppf loc1 loc2 =
begin match !input_lexbuf with
None -> false
| Some lb ->
- try highlight_terminfo ppf num_lines lb loc1 loc2; true
+ try highlight_terminfo ppf num_lines lb locs; true
with Exit -> false
@@ -237,7 +238,7 @@ let print_loc ppf loc =
let (file, line, startchar) = get_pos_info loc.loc_start in
let endchar = loc.loc_end.pos_cnum - loc.loc_start.pos_cnum + startchar in
if file = "//toplevel//" then begin
- if highlight_locations ppf loc none then () else
+ if highlight_locations ppf [loc] then () else
fprintf ppf "Characters %i-%i"
loc.loc_start.pos_cnum loc.loc_end.pos_cnum
end else begin
@@ -249,7 +250,7 @@ let print_loc ppf loc =
let print ppf loc =
if loc.loc_start.pos_fname = "//toplevel//"
- && highlight_locations ppf loc none then ()
+ && highlight_locations ppf [loc] then ()
else fprintf ppf "%a%s@." print_loc loc msg_colon
@@ -286,3 +287,82 @@ type 'a loc = {
let mkloc txt loc = { txt ; loc }
let mknoloc txt = mkloc txt none
+type error =
+ {
+ loc: t;
+ msg: string;
+ sub: error list;
+ if_highlight: string; (* alternative message if locations are highlighted *)
+ }
+let errorf ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) ?(if_highlight = "") =
+ Printf.ksprintf (fun msg -> {loc; msg; sub; if_highlight})
+let error ?(loc = none) ?(sub = []) ?(if_highlight = "") msg =
+ {loc; msg; sub; if_highlight}
+let error_of_exn : (exn -> error option) list ref = ref []
+let register_error_of_exn f = error_of_exn := f :: !error_of_exn
+let error_of_exn exn =
+ let rec loop = function
+ | [] -> None
+ | f :: rest ->
+ match f exn with
+ | Some _ as r -> r
+ | None -> loop rest
+ in
+ loop !error_of_exn
+let rec report_error ppf ({loc; msg; sub; if_highlight} as err) =
+ let highlighted =
+ if if_highlight <> "" then
+ let rec collect_locs locs {loc; sub; if_highlight; _} =
+ List.fold_left collect_locs (loc :: locs) sub
+ in
+ let locs = collect_locs [] err in
+ highlight_locations ppf locs
+ else
+ false
+ in
+ if highlighted then
+ Format.pp_print_string ppf if_highlight
+ else begin
+ print ppf loc;
+ Format.pp_print_string ppf msg;
+ List.iter (fun err -> Format.fprintf ppf "@\n@[<2>%a@]" report_error err) sub
+ end
+let error_of_printer loc print x =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 64 in
+ let ppf = Format.formatter_of_buffer buf in
+ pp_print_string ppf "Error: ";
+ print ppf x;
+ pp_print_flush ppf ();
+ let msg = Buffer.contents buf in
+ errorf ~loc "%s" msg
+let error_of_printer_file print x =
+ error_of_printer (in_file !input_name) print x
+let () =
+ register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Sys_error msg ->
+ Some (errorf ~loc:(in_file !input_name) "Error: I/O error: %s" msg)
+ | Warnings.Errors n ->
+ Some
+ (errorf ~loc:(in_file !input_name)
+ "Error: Some fatal warnings were triggered (%d occurrences)" n)
+ | _ ->
+ None
+ )
+let report_exception ppf exn =
+ match error_of_exn exn with
+ | Some err -> fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@." report_error err
+ | None -> raise exn
diff --git a/parsing/location.mli b/parsing/location.mli
index bae909020..e6df9d1f6 100644
--- a/parsing/location.mli
+++ b/parsing/location.mli
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ val prerr_warning: t -> Warnings.t -> unit
val echo_eof: unit -> unit
val reset: unit -> unit
-val highlight_locations: formatter -> t -> t -> bool
+val highlight_locations: formatter -> t list -> bool
type 'a loc = {
txt : 'a;
@@ -75,3 +75,37 @@ val show_filename: string -> string
val absname: bool ref
+(* Support for located errors *)
+type error =
+ {
+ loc: t;
+ msg: string;
+ sub: error list;
+ if_highlight: string; (* alternative message if locations are highlighted *)
+ }
+val error: ?loc:t -> ?sub:error list -> ?if_highlight:string -> string -> error
+val errorf: ?loc:t -> ?sub:error list -> ?if_highlight:string -> ('a, unit, string, error) format4 -> 'a
+val error_of_printer: t -> (formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> error
+val error_of_printer_file: (formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> error
+val error_of_exn: exn -> error option
+val register_error_of_exn: (exn -> error option) -> unit
+ (* Each compiler module which defines a custom type of exception
+ which can surface as a user-visible error should register
+ a "printer" for this exception using [register_error_of_exn].
+ The result of the printer is an [error] value containing
+ a location, a message, and optionally sub-messages (each of them
+ being located as well). *)
+val report_error: formatter -> error -> unit
+val report_exception: formatter -> exn -> unit
+ (* Reraise the exception if it is unknown. *)
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index b19a382d4..13212eecd 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@
(* Auxiliary type for reporting syntax errors *)
-open Format
type error =
Unclosed of Location.t * string * Location.t * string
| Expecting of Location.t * string
@@ -22,44 +20,48 @@ type error =
| Variable_in_scope of Location.t * string
| Other of Location.t
exception Error of error
exception Escape_error
-let report_error ppf = function
+let prepare_error = function
| Unclosed(opening_loc, opening, closing_loc, closing) ->
- if !Location.input_name = "//toplevel//"
- && Location.highlight_locations ppf opening_loc closing_loc
- then fprintf ppf "Syntax error: '%s' expected, \
- the highlighted '%s' might be unmatched" closing opening
- else begin
- fprintf ppf "%aSyntax error: '%s' expected@."
- Location.print_error closing_loc closing;
- fprintf ppf "%aThis '%s' might be unmatched"
- Location.print_error opening_loc opening
- end
+ Location.errorf ~loc:closing_loc
+ ~sub:[
+ Location.error ~loc:opening_loc
+ (Printf.sprintf "Error: This '%s' might be unmatched" opening)
+ ]
+ ~if_highlight:
+ (Printf.sprintf "Syntax error: '%s' expected, \
+ the highlighted '%s' might be unmatched"
+ closing opening)
+ "Error: Syntax error: '%s' expected" closing
| Expecting (loc, nonterm) ->
- fprintf ppf
- "%a@[Syntax error: %s expected.@]"
- Location.print_error loc nonterm
+ Location.errorf ~loc "Error: Syntax error: %s expected." nonterm
| Not_expecting (loc, nonterm) ->
- fprintf ppf
- "%a@[Syntax error: %s not expected.@]"
- Location.print_error loc nonterm
+ Location.errorf ~loc "Error: Syntax error: %s not expected." nonterm
| Applicative_path loc ->
- fprintf ppf
- "%aSyntax error: applicative paths of the form F(X).t \
+ Location.errorf ~loc
+ "Error: Syntax error: applicative paths of the form F(X).t \
are not supported when the option -no-app-func is set."
- Location.print_error loc
| Variable_in_scope (loc, var) ->
- fprintf ppf
- "%a@[In this scoped type, variable '%s@ \
- is reserved for the local type %s.@]"
- Location.print_error loc var var
+ Location.errorf ~loc
+ "Error: In this scoped type, variable '%s@ \
+ is reserved for the local type %s."
+ var var
| Other loc ->
- fprintf ppf "%aSyntax error" Location.print_error loc
+ Location.error ~loc "Error: Syntax error"
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error err -> Some (prepare_error err)
+ | _ -> None
+ )
+let report_error ppf err =
+ Location.report_error ppf (prepare_error err)
let location_of_error = function
| Unclosed(l,_,_,_)
diff --git a/parsing/syntaxerr.mli b/parsing/syntaxerr.mli
index 0bacb0f95..1aec26ed5 100644
--- a/parsing/syntaxerr.mli
+++ b/parsing/syntaxerr.mli
@@ -26,5 +26,6 @@ exception Error of error
exception Escape_error
val report_error: formatter -> error -> unit
+ (* Deprecated. Use Location.{error_of_exn, report_error}. *)
val location_of_error: error -> Location.t
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 2b0b9513c..735a5f97b 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -208,20 +208,14 @@ let print_raw_dependencies source_file deps =
let report_err source_file exn =
error_occurred := true;
match exn with
- | Lexer.Error(err, range) ->
- Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a%a@]@."
- Location.print_error range Lexer.report_error err
- | Syntaxerr.Error err ->
- Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a@]@."
- Syntaxerr.report_error err
| Sys_error msg ->
Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[I/O error:@ %s@]@." msg
- | Pparse.Error err ->
- Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter
- "@[Preprocessing error on file %s@]@.@[%a@]@."
- source_file
- Pparse.report_error err
- | x -> raise x
+ | x ->
+ match Location.error_of_exn x with
+ | Some err ->
+ Format.fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%a@]@."
+ Location.report_error err
+ | None -> raise x
let read_parse_and_extract parse_function extract_function magic source_file =
Depend.free_structure_names := Depend.StringSet.empty;
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 77c50168a..1fde3fe49 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -499,20 +499,11 @@ let main () =
" Print version number and exit";
] process_anon_file usage;
exit 0
- with x ->
- let report_error ppf = function
- | Lexer.Error(err, range) ->
- fprintf ppf "@[%a%a@]@."
- Location.print_error range Lexer.report_error err
- | Syntaxerr.Error err ->
- fprintf ppf "@[%a@]@."
- Syntaxerr.report_error err
- | Profiler msg ->
- fprintf ppf "@[%s@]@." msg
- | Sys_error msg ->
- fprintf ppf "@[I/O error:@ %s@]@." msg
- | x -> raise x in
- report_error Format.err_formatter x;
- exit 2
+ with
+ | Profiler msg ->
+ fprintf Format.err_formatter "@[%s@]@." msg;
+ exit 2
+ | exn ->
+ Location.report_exception Format.err_formatter exn
let _ = main ()
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
index 770ce481c..5bac89781 100644
--- a/toplevel/
+++ b/toplevel/
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@ let use_file ppf name =
| Exit -> false
| Sys.Break -> fprintf ppf "Interrupted.@."; false
- | x -> Opterrors.report_error ppf x; false) in
+ | x -> Location.report_exception ppf x; false) in
if must_close then close_in ic;
with Not_found -> fprintf ppf "Cannot find file %s.@." name; false
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ let loop ppf =
| End_of_file -> exit 0
| Sys.Break -> fprintf ppf "Interrupted.@."; Btype.backtrack snap
| PPerror -> ()
- | x -> Opterrors.report_error ppf x; Btype.backtrack snap
+ | x -> Location.report_exception ppf x; Btype.backtrack snap
(* Execute a script *)
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
index 43141e8c0..3e15c1988 100644
--- a/toplevel/
+++ b/toplevel/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ let prepare ppf =
!Opttoploop.toplevel_startup_hook ();
with x ->
- try Opterrors.report_error ppf x; false
+ try Location.report_exception ppf x; false
with x ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Uncaught exception: %s\n" (Printexc.to_string x);
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
index 8b8c659bd..78c6eca32 100644
--- a/toplevel/
+++ b/toplevel/
@@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ let use_file ppf wrap_mod name =
| Exit -> false
| Sys.Break -> fprintf ppf "Interrupted.@."; false
- | x -> Errors.report_error ppf x; false) in
+ | x -> Location.report_exception ppf x; false) in
if must_close then close_in ic;
with Not_found -> fprintf ppf "Cannot find file %s.@." name; false
@@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ let loop ppf =
| End_of_file -> exit 0
| Sys.Break -> fprintf ppf "Interrupted.@."; Btype.backtrack snap
| PPerror -> ()
- | x -> Errors.report_error ppf x; Btype.backtrack snap
+ | x -> Location.report_exception ppf x; Btype.backtrack snap
(* Execute a script. If [name] is "", read the script from stdin. *)
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
index 8fbf9ddc5..3091ca0d2 100644
--- a/toplevel/
+++ b/toplevel/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ let prepare ppf =
!Toploop.toplevel_startup_hook ();
with x ->
- try Errors.report_error ppf x; false
+ try Location.report_exception ppf x; false
with x ->
Format.fprintf ppf "Uncaught exception: %s\n" (Printexc.to_string x);
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index d40b1977d..e5a8399fa 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -91,3 +91,10 @@ let report_error ppf = function
| Corrupted_interface filename ->
fprintf ppf "Corrupted compiled interface@ %a"
Location.print_filename filename
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
+ | _ -> None
+ )
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 8bd28e1c1..4d4d84432 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -84,6 +84,19 @@ exception Unify of (type_expr * type_expr) list
exception Tags of label * label
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Tags (l, l') ->
+ Some
+ Location.
+ (errorf ~loc:(in_file !input_name)
+ "In this program,@ variant constructors@ `%s and `%s@ \
+ have the same hash value.@ Change one of them." l l'
+ )
+ | _ -> None
+ )
exception Subtype of
(type_expr * type_expr) list * (type_expr * type_expr) list
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 506975f7e..8d665fad6 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@ type error =
exception Error of error
+let error err = raise (Error err)
module EnvLazy : sig
type ('a,'b) t
@@ -289,7 +291,7 @@ let check_consistency filename crcs =
(fun (name, crc) -> Consistbl.check crc_units name crc filename)
with Consistbl.Inconsistency(name, source, auth) ->
- raise(Error(Inconsistent_import(name, auth, source)))
+ error (Inconsistent_import(name, auth, source))
(* Reading persistent structures from .cmi files *)
@@ -310,12 +312,12 @@ let read_pers_struct modname filename = (
ps_filename = filename;
ps_flags = flags } in
if ps.ps_name <> modname then
- raise(Error(Illegal_renaming(modname, ps.ps_name, filename)));
+ error (Illegal_renaming(modname, ps.ps_name, filename));
check_consistency filename ps.ps_crcs;
(function Rectypes ->
if not !Clflags.recursive_types then
- raise(Error(Need_recursive_types(ps.ps_name, !current_unit))))
+ error (Need_recursive_types(ps.ps_name, !current_unit)))
Hashtbl.add persistent_structures modname (Some ps);
@@ -1603,3 +1605,11 @@ let report_error ppf = function
fprintf ppf
"@[<hov>Unit %s imports from %s, which uses recursive types.@ %s@]"
export import "The compilation flag -rectypes is required"
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
+ | _ -> None
+ )
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 086dfe4d8..f270f4b1e 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -486,3 +486,14 @@ let report_error ppf errs =
let print_errs ppf = List.iter (include_err' ppf) in
fprintf ppf "@[<v>%a%a@]" print_errs errs include_err err
+(* We could do a better job to split the individual error items
+ as sub-messages of the main interface mismatch on the whole unit. *)
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error err -> Some (Location.error_of_printer_file report_error err)
+ | _ -> None
+ )
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index c28a07131..9a0fadf32 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -1784,3 +1784,12 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
let report_error env ppf err =
Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env (fun () -> report_error env ppf err)
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error (loc, env, err) ->
+ Some (Location.error_of_printer loc (report_error env) err)
+ | _ ->
+ None
+ )
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 98c6bdf89..9b6567710 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -3778,4 +3778,13 @@ let report_error env ppf err =
wrap_printing_env env (fun () -> report_error env ppf err)
let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error (loc, env, err) ->
+ Some (Location.error_of_printer loc (report_error env) err)
+ | _ ->
+ None
+ )
+let () =
Env.add_delayed_check_forward := add_delayed_check
diff --git a/typing/typecore.mli b/typing/typecore.mli
index 71d75aa1b..edb8a53b8 100644
--- a/typing/typecore.mli
+++ b/typing/typecore.mli
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ type error =
exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
val report_error: Env.t -> formatter -> error -> unit
+ (* Deprecated. Use Location.{error_of_exn, report_error}. *)
(* Forward declaration, to be filled in by Typemod.type_module *)
val type_module: (Env.t -> Parsetree.module_expr -> Typedtree.module_expr) ref
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index d80a33d69..cee2ededf 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -1344,3 +1344,12 @@ let report_error ppf = function
"cannot be checked"
| Exception_constructor_with_result ->
fprintf ppf "Exception constructors cannot specify a result type"
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error (loc, err) ->
+ Some (Location.error_of_printer loc report_error err)
+ | _ ->
+ None
+ )
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 439872b09..ad1204be8 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -1569,3 +1569,12 @@ let report_error ppf = function
let report_error env ppf err =
Printtyp.wrap_printing_env env (fun () -> report_error ppf err)
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error (loc, env, err) ->
+ Some (Location.error_of_printer loc (report_error env) err)
+ | _ ->
+ None
+ )
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 7d6a9f864..5f1b20d4a 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -824,3 +824,13 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
fprintf ppf "Illegal recursive module reference"
| Extension s ->
fprintf ppf "Uninterpreted extension '%s'." s
+let () =
+ Location.register_error_of_exn
+ (function
+ | Error (loc, env, err) ->
+ Some (Location.error_of_printer loc (report_error env) err)
+ | _ ->
+ None
+ )