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3 files changed, 19 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 3e0d99166..9374cb6c6 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -76,26 +76,28 @@ module State = struct
let rec intaux s n =
let r = bits s in
- if r >= n then intaux s n else r
+ let v = r mod n in
+ if r - v > 0x3FFFFFFF - n + 1 then intaux s n else v
let int s bound =
if bound > 0x3FFFFFFF || bound <= 0
then invalid_arg ""
- else (intaux s (0x3FFFFFFF / bound * bound)) mod bound
+ else intaux s bound
let rec int32aux s n =
let b1 = Int32.of_int (bits s) in
let b2 = Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int (bits s land 1)) 30 in
let r = Int32.logor b1 b2 in
- if r >= n then int32aux s n else r
+ let v = Int32.rem r n in
+ if Int32.sub r v > Int32.add (Int32.sub Int32.max_int n) 1l
+ then int32aux s n
+ else v
let int32 s bound =
- if bound <= 0l then
- invalid_arg "Random.int32"
- else
- let rb = Int32.mul bound (Int32.div Int32.max_int bound) in
- Int32.rem (int32aux s rb) bound
+ if bound <= 0l
+ then invalid_arg "Random.int32"
+ else int32aux s bound
let rec int64aux s n =
@@ -103,14 +105,15 @@ module State = struct
let b2 = Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int (bits s)) 30 in
let b3 = Int64.shift_left (Int64.of_int (bits s land 7)) 60 in
let r = Int64.logor b1 (Int64.logor b2 b3) in
- if r >= n then int64aux s n else r
+ let v = Int64.rem r n in
+ if Int64.sub r v > Int64.add (Int64.sub Int64.max_int n) 1L
+ then int64aux s n
+ else v
let int64 s bound =
- if bound <= 0L then
- invalid_arg "Random.int64"
- else
- let rb = Int64.mul bound (Int64.div Int64.max_int bound) in
- Int64.rem (int64aux s rb) bound
+ if bound <= 0L
+ then invalid_arg "Random.int64"
+ else int64aux s bound
let nativeint =
diff --git a/stdlib/random.mli b/stdlib/random.mli
index a68eaf550..44d3b15c0 100644
--- a/stdlib/random.mli
+++ b/stdlib/random.mli
@@ -63,8 +63,7 @@ val bool : unit -> bool
(** These function manipulate the current state explicitely.
This allows you to use one or several deterministic PRNGs,
even in a multi-threaded program, without interference from
- other parts of the program (for example, the Filename module
- and some object-oriented primitives use the default PRNG).
+ other parts of the program.
module State : sig
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 2f1cda152..e7db9763a 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -78,4 +78,4 @@ let catch_break on =
(* OCaml version string, must be in the format described in sys.mli. *)
-let ocaml_version = "3.06+35 (2003-06-16)";;
+let ocaml_version = "3.06+36 (2003-06-19)";;