diff options
14 files changed, 838 insertions, 1953 deletions
diff --git a/otherlibs/threads/ b/otherlibs/threads/
index 81e4a72ee..8c1b8e0a6 100644
--- a/otherlibs/threads/
+++ b/otherlibs/threads/
@@ -1056,33 +1056,21 @@ fun ign fmt -> match ign with
Param_format_EBB (Scan_char_set (width_opt, char_set, fmt))
-(*type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 =
- ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) CamlinternalFormatBasics.format6*)
+type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 =
+ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) CamlinternalFormatBasics.format6
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4 = ('a, 'b, 'c, 'c, 'c, 'd) format6
type ('a, 'b, 'c) format = ('a, 'b, 'c, 'c) format4
+let string_of_format (fmt, str) = str
external format_of_string :
('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ->
('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 = "%identity"
-external format_to_string :
- ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> string = "%identity"
-external string_to_format :
- string -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 = "%identity"
-let (( ^^ ) :
- ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ->
- ('f, 'b, 'c, 'e, 'g, 'h) format6 ->
- ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'g, 'h) format6) =
- fun fmt1 fmt2 ->
- string_to_format (format_to_string fmt1 ^ "%," ^ format_to_string fmt2)
-(* Have to return a copy for compatibility with unsafe-string mode *)
-(* String.copy is not available here, so use ^ to make a copy of the string *)
-let string_of_format fmt = format_to_string fmt ^ ""
+let (^^) (fmt1, str1) (fmt2, str2) =
+ (CamlinternalFormatBasics.concat_fmt fmt1 fmt2, str1 ^ str2)
(* Miscellaneous *)
diff --git a/stdlib/Compflags b/stdlib/Compflags
index 1a66d1591..7c023d98b 100755
--- a/stdlib/Compflags
+++ b/stdlib/Compflags
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ case $1 in
buffer.cmx|buffer.p.cmx) echo ' -inline 3';;
# make sure add_char is inlined (PR#5872)[io]) echo ' -w A';;
-[io]) echo ' -w a';;
-[io]|[io]|[io]) echo ' -w A';;
+[io]) echo ' -w Ae';;
+[io]|[io]|[io]) echo ' -w Ae';;
scanf.cmx|scanf.p.cmx) echo ' -inline 9';;
*[ox]|*Labels.p.cmx) echo ' -nolabels -no-alias-deps';;
*) echo ' ';;
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index c915e0329..1cdf856a2 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -976,9 +976,9 @@ fun k o acc fmt -> match fmt with
(*fun _ -> make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, string_of_fmtty fmtty)) rest*)
fun (_, str) -> make_printf k o (Acc_string (acc, str)) rest
| Format_subst (_, _, fmtty, rest) ->
- (* Call to type_format can't failed (raise Type_mismatch). *)
+ (* Call to type_format can't fail (raise Type_mismatch). *)
fun (fmt, _) -> make_printf k o acc
- CamlinternalFormatBasics.(concat_fmt (type_format fmt fmtty) rest)
+ (concat_fmt (type_format fmt fmtty) rest)
| Scan_char_set (_, _, rest) ->
let new_acc = Acc_invalid_arg (acc, "Printf: bad conversion %[") in
@@ -1215,12 +1215,11 @@ let rec strput_acc b acc = match acc with
(* Error managment *)
(* Raise a Failure with a pretty-printed error message. *)
-(* Since it uses "compiled formats", it can't be implemented in bootstrap
- mode. *)
-let failwith_message _ =
- failwith
- "CamlinternalFormat failure \
- (error messages not implemented at bootstrap time)"
+let failwith_message
+ ((fmt, _) : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) CamlinternalFormatBasics.format6) =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 256 in
+ let k () acc = strput_acc buf acc; failwith (Buffer.contents buf) in
+ make_printf k () End_of_acc fmt
(* Parsing tools *)
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 18de7e24c..12754903e 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ external int_of_size : size -> int = "%identity"
(* Tokens are one of the following : *)
+type block_type
+ = CamlinternalFormatBasics.block_type
+ = Pp_hbox | Pp_vbox | Pp_hvbox | Pp_hovbox | Pp_box | Pp_fits
type pp_token =
| Pp_text of string (* normal text *)
| Pp_break of int * int (* complete break *)
@@ -46,21 +50,7 @@ type pp_token =
and tag = string
-and block_type =
-| Pp_hbox (* Horizontal block no line breaking *)
-| Pp_vbox (* Vertical block each break leads to a new line *)
-| Pp_hvbox (* Horizontal-vertical block: same as vbox, except if this block
- is small enough to fit on a single line *)
-| Pp_hovbox (* Horizontal or Vertical block: breaks lead to new line
- only when necessary to print the content of the block *)
-| Pp_box (* Horizontal or Indent block: breaks lead to new line
- only when necessary to print the content of the block, or
- when it leads to a new indentation of the current line *)
-| Pp_fits (* Internal usage: when a block fits on a single line *)
-and tblock =
- | Pp_tbox of int list ref (* Tabulation box *)
+and tblock = Pp_tbox of int list ref (* Tabulation box *)
(* The Queue:
contains all formatting elements.
@@ -241,7 +231,8 @@ let pp_infinity = 1000000010;;
let pp_output_string state s = state.pp_out_string s 0 (String.length s)
and pp_output_newline state = state.pp_out_newline ()
and pp_output_spaces state n = state.pp_out_spaces n
+let pp_output_char state c = pp_output_string state (String.make 1 c)
(* To format a break, indenting a new line. *)
let break_new_line state offset width =
@@ -1069,309 +1060,71 @@ and set_tags =
pp_set_tags std_formatter
- Printf implementation.
- **************************************************************)
-module Sformat = Printf.CamlinternalPr.Sformat;;
-module Tformat = Printf.CamlinternalPr.Tformat;;
-(* Error messages when processing formats. *)
-(* Trailer: giving up at character number ... *)
-let giving_up mess fmt i =
- Printf.sprintf
- "Format.fprintf: %s \'%s\', giving up at character number %d%s"
- mess (Sformat.to_string fmt) i
- (if i < Sformat.length fmt
- then Printf.sprintf " (%c)." (Sformat.get fmt i)
- else Printf.sprintf "%c" '.')
-(* When an invalid format deserves a special error explanation. *)
-let format_invalid_arg mess fmt i = invalid_arg (giving_up mess fmt i);;
-(* Standard invalid format. *)
-let invalid_format fmt i = format_invalid_arg "bad format" fmt i;;
-(* Cannot find a valid integer into that format. *)
-let invalid_integer fmt i =
- invalid_arg (giving_up "bad integer specification" fmt i);;
-(* Finding an integer size out of a sub-string of the format. *)
-let format_int_of_string fmt i s =
- let sz =
- try int_of_string s with
- | Failure _ -> invalid_integer fmt i in
- size_of_int sz
-(* Getting strings out of buffers. *)
-let get_buffer_out b =
- let s = Buffer.contents b in
- Buffer.reset b;
- s
-(* [ppf] is supposed to be a pretty-printer that outputs to buffer [b]:
- to extract the contents of [ppf] as a string we flush [ppf] and get the
- string out of [b]. *)
-let string_out b ppf =
- pp_flush_queue ppf false;
- get_buffer_out b
-(* Applies [printer] to a formatter that outputs on a fresh buffer,
- then returns the resulting material. *)
-let exstring printer arg =
- let b = Buffer.create 512 in
- let ppf = formatter_of_buffer b in
- printer ppf arg;
- string_out b ppf
-(* To turn out a character accumulator into the proper string result. *)
-let implode_rev s0 = function
- | [] -> s0
- | l -> String.concat "" (List.rev (s0 :: l))
-(* [mkprintf] is the printf-like function generator: given the
- - [to_s] flag that tells if we are printing into a string,
- - the [get_out] function that has to be called to get a [ppf] function to
- output onto,
- it generates a [kprintf] function that takes as arguments a [k]
- continuation function to be called at the end of formatting,
- and a printing format string to print the rest of the arguments
- according to the format string.
- Regular [fprintf]-like functions of this module are obtained via partial
- applications of [mkprintf]. *)
-let mkprintf to_s get_out k fmt =
- (* [out] is global to this definition of [pr], and must be shared by all its
- recursive calls (if any). *)
- let out = get_out fmt in
- let print_as = ref None in
- let outc c =
- match !print_as with
- | None -> pp_print_char out c
- | Some size ->
- pp_print_as_size out size (String.make 1 c);
- print_as := None
- and outs s =
- match !print_as with
- | None -> pp_print_string out s
- | Some size ->
- pp_print_as_size out size s;
- print_as := None
- and flush out = pp_print_flush out () in
- let rec pr k n fmt v =
- let len = Sformat.length fmt in
- let rec doprn n i =
- if i >= len then Obj.magic (k out) else
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | '%' ->
- Tformat.scan_format fmt v n i cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
- | '@' ->
- let i = succ i in
- if i >= len then invalid_format fmt i else
- begin match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | '[' ->
- do_pp_open_box out n (succ i)
- | ']' ->
- pp_close_box out ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | '{' ->
- do_pp_open_tag out n (succ i)
- | '}' ->
- pp_close_tag out ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | ' ' ->
- pp_print_space out ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | ',' ->
- pp_print_cut out ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | '?' ->
- pp_print_flush out ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | '.' ->
- pp_print_newline out ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | '\n' ->
- pp_force_newline out ();
- doprn n (succ i)
- | ';' ->
- do_pp_break out n (succ i)
- | '<' ->
- let got_size size n i =
- print_as := Some size;
- doprn n (skip_gt i) in
- get_int n (succ i) got_size
- | '@' ->
- outc '@';
- doprn n (succ i)
- | _ -> invalid_format fmt i
- end
- | c -> outc c; doprn n (succ i)
- and cont_s n s i =
- outs s; doprn n i
- and cont_a n printer arg i =
- if to_s then
- outs ((Obj.magic printer : unit -> _ -> string) () arg)
- else
- printer out arg;
- doprn n i
- and cont_t n printer i =
- if to_s then
- outs ((Obj.magic printer : unit -> string) ())
- else
- printer out;
- doprn n i
- and cont_f n i =
- flush out; doprn n i
- and cont_m n xf i =
- let m =
- Sformat.add_int_index
- (Tformat.count_printing_arguments_of_format xf) n in
- pr (Obj.magic (fun _ -> doprn m i)) n xf v
- and get_int n i c =
- if i >= len then invalid_integer fmt i else
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | ' ' -> get_int n (succ i) c
- | '%' ->
- let cont_s n s i = c (format_int_of_string fmt i s) n i
- and cont_a _n _printer _arg i = invalid_integer fmt i
- and cont_t _n _printer i = invalid_integer fmt i
- and cont_f _n i = invalid_integer fmt i
- and cont_m _n _sfmt i = invalid_integer fmt i in
- Tformat.scan_format fmt v n i cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
- | _ ->
- let rec get j =
- if j >= len then invalid_integer fmt j else
- match Sformat.get fmt j with
- | '0' .. '9' | '-' -> get (succ j)
- | _ ->
- let size =
- if j = i then size_of_int 0 else
- let s = Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - i) in
- format_int_of_string fmt j s in
- c size n j in
- get i
- and skip_gt i =
- if i >= len then invalid_format fmt i else
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | ' ' -> skip_gt (succ i)
- | '>' -> succ i
- | _ -> invalid_format fmt i
- and get_box_kind i =
- if i >= len then Pp_box, i else
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | 'h' ->
- let i = succ i in
- if i >= len then Pp_hbox, i else
- begin match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | 'o' ->
- let i = succ i in
- if i >= len then format_invalid_arg "bad box format" fmt i else
- begin match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | 'v' -> Pp_hovbox, succ i
- | c ->
- format_invalid_arg
- ("bad box name ho" ^ String.make 1 c) fmt i
- end
- | 'v' -> Pp_hvbox, succ i
- | _ -> Pp_hbox, i
- end
- | 'b' -> Pp_box, succ i
- | 'v' -> Pp_vbox, succ i
- | _ -> Pp_box, i
- and get_tag_name n i c =
- let rec get accu n i j =
- if j >= len then
- c (implode_rev
- (Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - i))
- accu)
- n j else
- match Sformat.get fmt j with
- | '>' ->
- c (implode_rev
- (Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - i))
- accu)
- n j
- | '%' ->
- let s0 = Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - i) in
- let cont_s n s i = get (s :: s0 :: accu) n i i
- and cont_a n printer arg i =
- let s =
- if to_s
- then (Obj.magic printer : unit -> _ -> string) () arg
- else exstring printer arg in
- get (s :: s0 :: accu) n i i
- and cont_t n printer i =
- let s =
- if to_s
- then (Obj.magic printer : unit -> string) ()
- else exstring (fun ppf () -> printer ppf) () in
- get (s :: s0 :: accu) n i i
- and cont_f _n i =
- format_invalid_arg "bad tag name specification" fmt i
- and cont_m _n _sfmt i =
- format_invalid_arg "bad tag name specification" fmt i in
- Tformat.scan_format fmt v n j cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
- | _ -> get accu n i (succ j) in
- get [] n i i
- and do_pp_break ppf n i =
- if i >= len then begin pp_print_space ppf (); doprn n i end else
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | '<' ->
- let rec got_nspaces nspaces n i =
- get_int n i (got_offset nspaces)
- and got_offset nspaces offset n i =
- pp_print_break ppf (int_of_size nspaces) (int_of_size offset);
- doprn n (skip_gt i) in
- get_int n (succ i) got_nspaces
- | _c -> pp_print_space ppf (); doprn n i
- and do_pp_open_box ppf n i =
- if i >= len then begin pp_open_box_gen ppf 0 Pp_box; doprn n i end else
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | '<' ->
- let kind, i = get_box_kind (succ i) in
- let got_size size n i =
- pp_open_box_gen ppf (int_of_size size) kind;
- doprn n (skip_gt i) in
- get_int n i got_size
- | _c -> pp_open_box_gen ppf 0 Pp_box; doprn n i
- and do_pp_open_tag ppf n i =
- if i >= len then begin pp_open_tag ppf ""; doprn n i end else
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | '<' ->
- let got_name tag_name n i =
- pp_open_tag ppf tag_name;
- doprn n (skip_gt i) in
- get_tag_name n (succ i) got_name
- | _c -> pp_open_tag ppf ""; doprn n i in
- doprn n 0 in
- let kpr = pr k (Sformat.index_of_int 0) in
- Tformat.kapr kpr fmt
+ (**************************************************************
+ Defining continuations to be passed as arguments of
+ CamlinternalFormat.make_printf.
+ **************************************************************)
+open CamlinternalFormatBasics
+open CamlinternalFormat
+(* Interpret a formatting entity on a formatter. *)
+let output_formatting ppf fmting = match fmting with
+ | Open_box (_, bty, indent) -> pp_open_box_gen ppf indent bty
+ | Close_box -> pp_close_box ppf ()
+ | Open_tag (_, name) -> pp_open_tag ppf name
+ | Close_tag -> pp_close_tag ppf ()
+ | Break (_, width, offset) -> pp_print_break ppf width offset
+ | FFlush -> pp_print_flush ppf ()
+ | Force_newline -> pp_force_newline ppf ()
+ | Flush_newline -> pp_print_newline ppf ()
+ | Magic_size (_, _) -> ()
+ | Escaped_at -> pp_output_char ppf '@'
+ | Escaped_percent -> pp_output_char ppf '%'
+ | Scan_indic c -> pp_output_char ppf '@'; pp_output_char ppf c
+(* Recursively output an "accumulator" containing a reversed list of
+ printing entities (string, char, flus, ...) in an output_stream. *)
+(* Differ from Printf.output_acc by the interpretation of formatting. *)
+(* Used as a continuation of CamlinternalFormat.make_printf. *)
+let rec output_acc ppf acc = match acc with
+ | Acc_string (Acc_formatting (p, Magic_size (_, size)), s) ->
+ output_acc ppf p;
+ pp_print_as_size ppf (size_of_int size) s;
+ | Acc_char (Acc_formatting (p, Magic_size (_, size)), c) ->
+ output_acc ppf p;
+ pp_print_as_size ppf (size_of_int size) (String.make 1 c);
+ | Acc_formatting (p, f) -> output_acc ppf p; output_formatting ppf f;
+ | Acc_string (p, s) -> output_acc ppf p; pp_print_string ppf s;
+ | Acc_char (p, c) -> output_acc ppf p; pp_print_char ppf c;
+ | Acc_delay (p, f) -> output_acc ppf p; f ppf;
+ | Acc_flush p -> output_acc ppf p; pp_print_flush ppf ();
+ | Acc_invalid_arg (p, msg) -> output_acc ppf p; invalid_arg msg;
+ | End_of_acc -> ()
+(* Recursively output an "accumulator" containing a reversed list of
+ printing entities (string, char, flus, ...) in a buffer. *)
+(* Differ from Printf.bufput_acc by the interpretation of formatting. *)
+(* Used as a continuation of CamlinternalFormat.make_printf. *)
+let rec strput_acc ppf acc = match acc with
+ | Acc_string (Acc_formatting (p, Magic_size (_, size)), s) ->
+ strput_acc ppf p;
+ pp_print_as_size ppf (size_of_int size) s;
+ | Acc_char (Acc_formatting (p, Magic_size (_, size)), c) ->
+ strput_acc ppf p;
+ pp_print_as_size ppf (size_of_int size) (String.make 1 c);
+ | Acc_delay (Acc_formatting (p, Magic_size (_, size)), f) ->
+ strput_acc ppf p;
+ pp_print_as_size ppf (size_of_int size) (f ());
+ | Acc_formatting (p, f) -> strput_acc ppf p; output_formatting ppf f;
+ | Acc_string (p, s) -> strput_acc ppf p; pp_print_string ppf s;
+ | Acc_char (p, c) -> strput_acc ppf p; pp_print_char ppf c;
+ | Acc_delay (p, f) -> strput_acc ppf p; pp_print_string ppf (f ());
+ | Acc_flush p -> strput_acc ppf p; pp_print_flush ppf ();
+ | Acc_invalid_arg (p, msg) -> strput_acc ppf p; invalid_arg msg;
+ | End_of_acc -> ()
@@ -1379,30 +1132,37 @@ let mkprintf to_s get_out k fmt =
-let kfprintf k ppf = mkprintf false (fun _ -> ppf) k;;
-let ikfprintf k ppf = Tformat.kapr (fun _ _ -> Obj.magic (k ppf));;
-let fprintf ppf = kfprintf ignore ppf;;
-let ifprintf ppf = ikfprintf ignore ppf;;
-let printf fmt = fprintf std_formatter fmt;;
-let eprintf fmt = fprintf err_formatter fmt;;
-let ksprintf k =
+let kfprintf k o (fmt, _) =
+ make_printf (fun o acc -> output_acc o acc; k o) o End_of_acc fmt
+let ikfprintf k x (fmt, _) =
+ make_printf (fun _ _ -> k x) x End_of_acc fmt
+let fprintf ppf fmt = kfprintf ignore ppf fmt
+let ifprintf ppf fmt = ikfprintf ignore ppf fmt
+let printf fmt = fprintf std_formatter fmt
+let eprintf fmt = fprintf err_formatter fmt
+let ksprintf k (fmt, _) =
+ let k' () acc =
+ let b = Buffer.create 512 in
+ let ppf = formatter_of_buffer b in
+ strput_acc ppf acc;
+ pp_flush_queue ppf false;
+ k (Buffer.contents b) in
+ make_printf k' () End_of_acc fmt
+let sprintf fmt =
+ ksprintf (fun s -> s) fmt
+let asprintf (fmt, _) =
let b = Buffer.create 512 in
- let k ppf = k (string_out b ppf) in
- let ppf = formatter_of_buffer b in
- let get_out _ = ppf in
- mkprintf true get_out k
-let sprintf fmt = ksprintf (fun s -> s) fmt;;
-let asprintf fmt =
- let b = Buffer.create 512 in
- let k ppf = string_out b ppf in
- let ppf = formatter_of_buffer b in
- let get_out _ = ppf in
- mkprintf false get_out k fmt;;
+ let ppf = formatter_of_buffer b in
+ let k' : (formatter -> (formatter, unit) acc -> string)
+ = fun ppf acc ->
+ output_acc ppf acc;
+ pp_flush_queue ppf false;
+ Buffer.contents b in
+ make_printf k' ppf End_of_acc fmt
@@ -1410,15 +1170,10 @@ let asprintf fmt =
-let kbprintf k b =
- mkprintf false (fun _ -> formatter_of_buffer b) k
(* Deprecated error prone function bprintf. *)
-let bprintf b =
- let k ppf = pp_flush_queue ppf false in
- kbprintf k b
+let bprintf b ((fmt, _) : ('a, formatter, unit) format) =
+ let k ppf acc = output_acc ppf acc; pp_flush_queue ppf false in
+ make_printf k (formatter_of_buffer b) End_of_acc fmt
(* Deprecated alias for ksprintf. *)
let kprintf = ksprintf;;
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 6f7e27792..c629229d7 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -976,34 +976,21 @@ fun ign fmt -> match ign with
Param_format_EBB (Scan_char_set (width_opt, char_set, fmt))
-(*type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 =
- ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) CamlinternalFormatBasics.format6*)
+type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 =
+ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) CamlinternalFormatBasics.format6
-(* Aliases of format6 with restricted parameters. *)
-(* Usefull for Printf and Format functions. *)
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4 = ('a, 'b, 'c, 'c, 'c, 'd) format6
type ('a, 'b, 'c) format = ('a, 'b, 'c, 'c) format4
+let string_of_format (fmt, str) = str
external format_of_string :
('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ->
('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 = "%identity"
-external format_to_string :
- ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> string = "%identity"
-external string_to_format :
- string -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 = "%identity"
-let (( ^^ ) :
- ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ->
- ('f, 'b, 'c, 'e, 'g, 'h) format6 ->
- ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'g, 'h) format6) =
- fun fmt1 fmt2 ->
- string_to_format (format_to_string fmt1 ^ "%," ^ format_to_string fmt2)
-(* Have to return a copy for compatibility with unsafe-string mode *)
-(* String.copy is not available here, so use ^ to make a copy of the string *)
-let string_of_format fmt = format_to_string fmt ^ ""
+let (^^) (fmt1, str1) (fmt2, str2) =
+ (CamlinternalFormatBasics.concat_fmt fmt1 fmt2, str1 ^ str2)
(* Miscellaneous *)
diff --git a/stdlib/pervasives.mli b/stdlib/pervasives.mli
index 7755af816..be0e95847 100644
--- a/stdlib/pervasives.mli
+++ b/stdlib/pervasives.mli
@@ -1248,8 +1248,8 @@ end
receiver function.
-(*type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 =
- ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) CamlinternalFormatBasics.format6*)
+type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 =
+ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) CamlinternalFormatBasics.format6
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4 = ('a, 'b, 'c, 'c, 'c, 'd) format6
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 54052e820..6423e2285 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -11,728 +11,28 @@
(* *)
-external format_float: string -> float -> string
- = "caml_format_float"
-external format_int: string -> int -> string
- = "caml_format_int"
-external format_int32: string -> int32 -> string
- = "caml_int32_format"
-external format_nativeint: string -> nativeint -> string
- = "caml_nativeint_format"
-external format_int64: string -> int64 -> string
- = "caml_int64_format"
-module Sformat = struct
- type index;;
- external unsafe_index_of_int : int -> index = "%identity"
- ;;
- let index_of_int i =
- if i >= 0 then unsafe_index_of_int i
- else failwith ("Sformat.index_of_int: negative argument " ^ string_of_int i)
- ;;
- external int_of_index : index -> int = "%identity"
- ;;
- let add_int_index i idx = index_of_int (i + int_of_index idx);;
- let succ_index = add_int_index 1;;
- (* Literal position are one-based (hence pred p instead of p). *)
- let index_of_literal_position p = index_of_int (pred p);;
- external length : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int
- = "%string_length"
- ;;
- external get : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int -> char
- = "%string_safe_get"
- ;;
- external unsafe_get : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int -> char
- = "%string_unsafe_get"
- ;;
- external unsafe_to_string : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> string
- = "%identity"
- ;;
- let sub fmt idx len =
- String.sub (unsafe_to_string fmt) (int_of_index idx) len
- ;;
- let to_string fmt = sub fmt (unsafe_index_of_int 0) (length fmt)
- ;;
-let bad_conversion sfmt i c =
- invalid_arg
- ("Printf: bad conversion %" ^ String.make 1 c ^ ", at char number " ^
- string_of_int i ^ " in format string \'" ^ sfmt ^ "\'")
-let bad_conversion_format fmt i c =
- bad_conversion (Sformat.to_string fmt) i c
-let incomplete_format fmt =
- invalid_arg
- ("Printf: premature end of format string \'" ^
- Sformat.to_string fmt ^ "\'")
-(* Parses a string conversion to return the specified length and the
- padding direction. *)
-let parse_string_conversion sfmt =
- let rec parse neg i =
- if i >= String.length sfmt then (0, neg) else
- match String.unsafe_get sfmt i with
- | '1'..'9' ->
- (int_of_string
- (String.sub sfmt i (String.length sfmt - i - 1)),
- neg)
- | '-' ->
- parse true (succ i)
- | _ ->
- parse neg (succ i) in
- try parse false 1 with
- | Failure _ -> bad_conversion sfmt 0 's'
-(* Pad a (sub) string into a blank string of length [p],
- on the right if [neg] is true, on the left otherwise. *)
-let pad_string pad_char p neg s i len =
- if p = len && i = 0 then s else
- if p <= len then String.sub s i len else
- let res = Bytes.make p pad_char in
- if neg
- then String.blit s i res 0 len
- else String.blit s i res (p - len) len;
- Bytes.unsafe_to_string res
-(* Format a string given a %s format, e.g. %40s or %-20s.
- To do ?: ignore other flags (#, +, etc). *)
-let format_string sfmt s =
- let (p, neg) = parse_string_conversion sfmt in
- pad_string ' ' p neg s 0 (String.length s)
-(* Extract a format string out of [fmt] between [start] and [stop] inclusive.
- ['*'] in the format are replaced by integers taken from the [widths] list.
- [extract_format] returns a string which is the string representation of
- the resulting format string. *)
-let extract_format fmt start stop widths =
- let skip_positional_spec start =
- match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt start with
- | '0'..'9' ->
- let rec skip_int_literal i =
- match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i with
- | '0'..'9' -> skip_int_literal (succ i)
- | '$' -> succ i
- | _ -> start in
- skip_int_literal (succ start)
- | _ -> start in
- let start = skip_positional_spec (succ start) in
- let b = Buffer.create (stop - start + 10) in
- Buffer.add_char b '%';
- let rec fill_format i widths =
- if i <= stop then
- match (Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i, widths) with
- | ('*', h :: t) ->
- Buffer.add_string b (string_of_int h);
- let i = skip_positional_spec (succ i) in
- fill_format i t
- | ('*', []) ->
- assert false (* Should not happen since this is ill-typed. *)
- | (c, _) ->
- Buffer.add_char b c;
- fill_format (succ i) widths in
- fill_format start (List.rev widths);
- Buffer.contents b
-let extract_format_int conv fmt start stop widths =
- let sfmt = extract_format fmt start stop widths in
- match conv with
- | 'n' | 'N' ->
- let len = String.length sfmt in
- String.sub sfmt 0 (len - 1) ^ "u"
- | _ -> sfmt
-let extract_format_float conv fmt start stop widths =
- let sfmt = extract_format fmt start stop widths in
- match conv with
- | 'F' ->
- let len = String.length sfmt in
- String.sub sfmt 0 (len - 1) ^ "g"
- | _ -> sfmt
-(* Returns the position of the next character following the meta format
- string, starting from position [i], inside a given format [fmt].
- According to the character [conv], the meta format string is
- enclosed by the delimiters %{ and %} (when [conv = '{']) or %( and
- %) (when [conv = '(']). Hence, [sub_format] returns the index of
- the character following the [')'] or ['}'] that ends the meta format,
- according to the character [conv]. *)
-let sub_format incomplete_format bad_conversion_format conv fmt i =
- let len = Sformat.length fmt in
- let rec sub_fmt c i =
- let close = if c = '(' then ')' else (* '{' *) '}' in
- let rec sub j =
- if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
- match Sformat.get fmt j with
- | '%' -> sub_sub (succ j)
- | _ -> sub (succ j)
- and sub_sub j =
- if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
- match Sformat.get fmt j with
- | '(' | '{' as c ->
- let j = sub_fmt c (succ j) in
- sub (succ j)
- | '}' | ')' as c ->
- if c = close then succ j else bad_conversion_format fmt i c
- | _ -> sub (succ j) in
- sub i in
- sub_fmt conv i
-let sub_format_for_printf conv =
- sub_format incomplete_format bad_conversion_format conv
-let iter_on_format_args fmt add_conv add_char =
- let lim = Sformat.length fmt - 1 in
- let rec scan_flags skip i =
- if i > lim then incomplete_format fmt else
- match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i with
- | '*' -> scan_flags skip (add_conv skip i 'i')
- (* | '$' -> scan_flags skip (succ i) *** PR#4321 *)
- | '#' | '-' | ' ' | '+' -> scan_flags skip (succ i)
- | '_' -> scan_flags true (succ i)
- | '0'..'9'
- | '.' -> scan_flags skip (succ i)
- | _ -> scan_conv skip i
- and scan_conv skip i =
- if i > lim then incomplete_format fmt else
- match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i with
- | '%' | '@' | '!' | ',' -> succ i
- | 's' | 'S' | '[' -> add_conv skip i 's'
- | 'c' | 'C' -> add_conv skip i 'c'
- | 'd' | 'i' |'o' | 'u' | 'x' | 'X' | 'N' -> add_conv skip i 'i'
- | 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' | 'F' -> add_conv skip i 'f'
- | 'B' | 'b' -> add_conv skip i 'B'
- | 'a' | 'r' | 't' as conv -> add_conv skip i conv
- | 'l' | 'n' | 'L' as conv ->
- let j = succ i in
- if j > lim then add_conv skip i 'i' else begin
- match Sformat.get fmt j with
- | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' | 'x' | 'X' ->
- add_char (add_conv skip i conv) 'i'
- | _ -> add_conv skip i 'i' end
- | '{' as conv ->
- (* Just get a regular argument, skipping the specification. *)
- let i = add_conv skip i conv in
- (* To go on, find the index of the next char after the meta format. *)
- let j = sub_format_for_printf conv fmt i in
- (* Add the meta specification to the summary anyway. *)
- let rec loop i =
- if i < j - 2 then loop (add_char i (Sformat.get fmt i)) in
- loop i;
- (* Go on, starting at the closing brace to properly close the meta
- specification in the summary. *)
- scan_conv skip (j - 1)
- | '(' as conv ->
- (* Use the static format argument specification instead of
- the runtime format argument value: they must have the same type
- anyway. *)
- scan_fmt (add_conv skip i conv)
- | '}' | ')' as conv -> add_conv skip i conv
- | conv -> bad_conversion_format fmt i conv
- and scan_fmt i =
- if i < lim then
- if Sformat.get fmt i = '%'
- then scan_fmt (scan_flags false (succ i))
- else scan_fmt (succ i)
- else i in
- ignore (scan_fmt 0)
-(* Returns a string that summarizes the typing information that a given
- format string contains.
- For instance, [summarize_format_type "A number %d\n"] is "%i".
- It also checks the well-formedness of the format string. *)
-let summarize_format_type fmt =
- let len = Sformat.length fmt in
- let b = Buffer.create len in
- let add_char i c = Buffer.add_char b c; succ i in
- let add_conv skip i c =
- if skip then Buffer.add_string b "%_" else Buffer.add_char b '%';
- add_char i c in
- iter_on_format_args fmt add_conv add_char;
- Buffer.contents b
-module Ac = struct
- type ac = {
- mutable ac_rglr : int;
- mutable ac_skip : int;
- mutable ac_rdrs : int;
- }
-open Ac;;
-(* Computes the number of arguments of a format (including the flag
- arguments if any). *)
-let ac_of_format fmt =
- let ac = { ac_rglr = 0; ac_skip = 0; ac_rdrs = 0; } in
- let incr_ac skip c =
- let inc = if c = 'a' then 2 else 1 in
- if c = 'r' then ac.ac_rdrs <- ac.ac_rdrs + 1;
- if skip
- then ac.ac_skip <- ac.ac_skip + inc
- else ac.ac_rglr <- ac.ac_rglr + inc in
- let add_conv skip i c =
- (* Just finishing a meta format: no additional argument to record. *)
- if c <> ')' && c <> '}' then incr_ac skip c;
- succ i
- and add_char i _ = succ i in
- iter_on_format_args fmt add_conv add_char;
- ac
-let count_printing_arguments_of_format fmt =
- let ac = ac_of_format fmt in
- (* For printing, only the regular arguments have to be counted. *)
- ac.ac_rglr
-let list_iter_i f l =
- let rec loop i = function
- | [] -> ()
- | [x] -> f i x (* Tail calling [f] *)
- | x :: xs -> f i x; loop (succ i) xs in
- loop 0 l
-(* 'Abstracting' version of kprintf: returns a (curried) function that
- will print when totally applied.
- Note: in the following, we are careful not to be badly caught
- by the compiler optimizations for the representation of arrays. *)
-let kapr kpr fmt =
- match count_printing_arguments_of_format fmt with
- | 0 -> kpr fmt [||]
- | 1 -> Obj.magic (fun x ->
- let a = Array.make 1 (Obj.repr 0) in
- a.(0) <- x;
- kpr fmt a)
- | 2 -> Obj.magic (fun x y ->
- let a = Array.make 2 (Obj.repr 0) in
- a.(0) <- x; a.(1) <- y;
- kpr fmt a)
- | 3 -> Obj.magic (fun x y z ->
- let a = Array.make 3 (Obj.repr 0) in
- a.(0) <- x; a.(1) <- y; a.(2) <- z;
- kpr fmt a)
- | 4 -> Obj.magic (fun x y z t ->
- let a = Array.make 4 (Obj.repr 0) in
- a.(0) <- x; a.(1) <- y; a.(2) <- z;
- a.(3) <- t;
- kpr fmt a)
- | 5 -> Obj.magic (fun x y z t u ->
- let a = Array.make 5 (Obj.repr 0) in
- a.(0) <- x; a.(1) <- y; a.(2) <- z;
- a.(3) <- t; a.(4) <- u;
- kpr fmt a)
- | 6 -> Obj.magic (fun x y z t u v ->
- let a = Array.make 6 (Obj.repr 0) in
- a.(0) <- x; a.(1) <- y; a.(2) <- z;
- a.(3) <- t; a.(4) <- u; a.(5) <- v;
- kpr fmt a)
- | nargs ->
- let rec loop i args =
- if i >= nargs then
- let a = Array.make nargs (Obj.repr 0) in
- list_iter_i (fun i arg -> a.(nargs - i - 1) <- arg) args;
- kpr fmt a
- else Obj.magic (fun x -> loop (succ i) (x :: args)) in
- loop 0 []
-type positional_specification =
- | Spec_none | Spec_index of Sformat.index
-(* To scan an optional positional parameter specification,
- i.e. an integer followed by a [$].
- Calling [got_spec] with appropriate arguments, we 'return' a positional
- specification and an index to go on scanning the [fmt] format at hand.
- Note that this is optimized for the regular case, i.e. no positional
- parameter, since in this case we juste 'return' the constant
- [Spec_none]; in case we have a positional parameter, we 'return' a
- [Spec_index] [positional_specification] which is a bit more costly.
- Note also that we do not support [*$] specifications, since this would
- lead to type checking problems: a [*$] positional specification means
- 'take the next argument to [printf] (which must be an integer value)',
- name this integer value $n$; [*$] now designates parameter $n$.
- Unfortunately, the type of a parameter specified via a [*$] positional
- specification should be the type of the corresponding argument to
- [printf], hence this should be the type of the $n$-th argument to [printf]
- with $n$ being the {\em value} of the integer argument defining [*]; we
- clearly cannot statically guess the value of this parameter in the general
- case. Put it another way: this means type dependency, which is completely
- out of scope of the OCaml type algebra. *)
-let scan_positional_spec fmt got_spec i =
- match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i with
- | '0'..'9' as d ->
- let rec get_int_literal accu j =
- match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt j with
- | '0'..'9' as d ->
- get_int_literal (10 * accu + (int_of_char d - 48)) (succ j)
- | '$' ->
- if accu = 0 then
- failwith "printf: bad positional specification (0)." else
- got_spec (Spec_index (Sformat.index_of_literal_position accu)) (succ j)
- (* Not a positional specification: tell so the caller, and go back to
- scanning the format from the original [i] position we were called at
- first. *)
- | _ -> got_spec Spec_none i in
- get_int_literal (int_of_char d - 48) (succ i)
- (* No positional specification: tell so the caller, and go back to scanning
- the format from the original [i] position. *)
- | _ -> got_spec Spec_none i
-(* Get the index of the next argument to printf, according to the given
- positional specification. *)
-let next_index spec n =
- match spec with
- | Spec_none -> Sformat.succ_index n
- | Spec_index _ -> n
-(* Get the index of the actual argument to printf, according to its
- optional positional specification. *)
-let get_index spec n =
- match spec with
- | Spec_none -> n
- | Spec_index p -> p
-(* Format a float argument as a valid OCaml lexeme. *)
-let format_float_lexeme =
- (* To be revised: this procedure should be a unique loop that performs the
- validity check and the string lexeme modification at the same time.
- Otherwise, it is too difficult to handle the strange padding facilities
- given by printf. Let alone handling the correct widths indication,
- knowing that we have sometime to add a '.' at the end of the result!
- *)
- let make_valid_float_lexeme s =
- (* Check if s is already a valid lexeme:
- in this case do nothing,
- otherwise turn s into a valid OCaml lexeme. *)
- let l = String.length s in
- let rec valid_float_loop i =
- if i >= l then s ^ "." else
- match s.[i] with
- (* Sure, this is already a valid float lexeme. *)
- | '.' | 'e' | 'E' -> s
- | _ -> valid_float_loop (i + 1) in
- valid_float_loop 0 in
- (fun sfmt x ->
- match classify_float x with
- | FP_normal | FP_subnormal | FP_zero ->
- make_valid_float_lexeme (format_float sfmt x)
- | FP_infinite ->
- if x < 0.0 then "neg_infinity" else "infinity"
- | FP_nan ->
- "nan")
-(* Decode a format string and act on it.
- [fmt] is the [printf] format string, and [pos] points to a [%] character in
- the format string.
- After consuming the appropriate number of arguments and formatting
- them, one of the following five continuations described below is called:
- - [cont_s] for outputting a string
- (arguments: arg num, string, next pos)
- - [cont_a] for performing a %a action
- (arguments: arg num, fn, arg, next pos)
- - [cont_t] for performing a %t action
- (arguments: arg num, fn, next pos)
- - [cont_f] for performing a flush action
- (arguments: arg num, next pos)
- - [cont_m] for performing a %( action
- (arguments: arg num, sfmt, next pos)
- "arg num" is the index in array [args] of the next argument to [printf].
- "next pos" is the position in [fmt] of the first character following
- the %conversion specification in [fmt]. *)
-(* Note: here, rather than test explicitly against [Sformat.length fmt]
- to detect the end of the format, we use [Sformat.unsafe_get] and
- rely on the fact that we'll get a "null" character if we access
- one past the end of the string. These "null" characters are then
- caught by the [_ -> bad_conversion] clauses below.
- Don't do this at home, kids. *)
-let scan_format fmt args n pos cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m =
- let get_arg spec n =
- Obj.magic (args.(Sformat.int_of_index (get_index spec n))) in
- let rec scan_positional n widths i =
- let got_spec spec i = scan_flags spec n widths i in
- scan_positional_spec fmt got_spec i
- and scan_flags spec n widths i =
- match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i with
- | '*' ->
- let got_spec wspec i =
- let (width : int) = get_arg wspec n in
- scan_flags spec (next_index wspec n) (width :: widths) i in
- scan_positional_spec fmt got_spec (succ i)
- | '0'..'9'
- | '.' | '#' | '-' | ' ' | '+' -> scan_flags spec n widths (succ i)
- | _ -> scan_conv spec n widths i
- and scan_conv spec n widths i =
- match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i with
- | '%' | '@' as c ->
- cont_s n (String.make 1 c) (succ i)
- | '!' -> cont_f n (succ i)
- | ',' -> cont_s n "" (succ i)
- | 's' | 'S' as conv ->
- let (x : string) = get_arg spec n in
- let x = if conv = 's' then x else "\"" ^ String.escaped x ^ "\"" in
- let s =
- (* Optimize for common case %s *)
- if i = succ pos then x else
- format_string (extract_format fmt pos i widths) x in
- cont_s (next_index spec n) s (succ i)
- | '[' as conv ->
- bad_conversion_format fmt i conv
- | 'c' | 'C' as conv ->
- let (x : char) = get_arg spec n in
- let s =
- if conv = 'c' then String.make 1 x else "'" ^ Char.escaped x ^ "'" in
- cont_s (next_index spec n) s (succ i)
- | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' | 'x' | 'X' | 'N' as conv ->
- let (x : int) = get_arg spec n in
- let s =
- format_int (extract_format_int conv fmt pos i widths) x in
- cont_s (next_index spec n) s (succ i)
- | 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' ->
- let (x : float) = get_arg spec n in
- let s = format_float (extract_format fmt pos i widths) x in
- cont_s (next_index spec n) s (succ i)
- | 'F' as conv ->
- let (x : float) = get_arg spec n in
- let s =
- format_float_lexeme
- (if widths = []
- then "%.12g"
- else extract_format_float conv fmt pos i widths)
- x in
- cont_s (next_index spec n) s (succ i)
- | 'B' | 'b' ->
- let (x : bool) = get_arg spec n in
- cont_s (next_index spec n) (string_of_bool x) (succ i)
- | 'a' ->
- let printer = get_arg spec n in
- (* If the printer spec is Spec_none, go on as usual.
- If the printer spec is Spec_index p,
- printer's argument spec is Spec_index (succ_index p). *)
- let n = Sformat.succ_index (get_index spec n) in
- let arg = get_arg Spec_none n in
- cont_a (next_index spec n) printer arg (succ i)
- | 'r' as conv ->
- bad_conversion_format fmt i conv
- | 't' ->
- let printer = get_arg spec n in
- cont_t (next_index spec n) printer (succ i)
- | 'l' | 'n' | 'L' as conv ->
- begin match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt (succ i) with
- | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' | 'x' | 'X' ->
- let i = succ i in
- let s =
- match conv with
- | 'l' ->
- let (x : int32) = get_arg spec n in
- format_int32 (extract_format fmt pos i widths) x
- | 'n' ->
- let (x : nativeint) = get_arg spec n in
- format_nativeint (extract_format fmt pos i widths) x
- | _ ->
- let (x : int64) = get_arg spec n in
- format_int64 (extract_format fmt pos i widths) x in
- cont_s (next_index spec n) s (succ i)
- | _ ->
- let (x : int) = get_arg spec n in
- let s = format_int (extract_format_int 'n' fmt pos i widths) x in
- cont_s (next_index spec n) s (succ i)
- end
- | '{' | '(' as conv (* ')' '}' *) ->
- let (xf : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6) = get_arg spec n in
- let i = succ i in
- let i = sub_format_for_printf conv fmt i in
- if conv = '{' (* '}' *) then
- (* Just print the format argument as a specification. *)
- cont_s
- (next_index spec n)
- (summarize_format_type xf)
- i else
- (* Use the format argument instead of the format specification. *)
- cont_m (next_index spec n) xf i
- | (* '(' *) ')' ->
- cont_s n "" (succ i)
- | conv ->
- bad_conversion_format fmt i conv in
- scan_positional n [] (succ pos)
-let mkprintf to_s get_out outc outs flush k fmt =
- (* [out] is global to this definition of [pr], and must be shared by all its
- recursive calls (if any). *)
- let out = get_out fmt in
- let outc c = outc out c in
- let outs s = outs out s in
- let rec pr k n fmt v =
- let len = Sformat.length fmt in
- let rec doprn n i =
- if i >= len then Obj.magic (k out) else
- match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i with
- | '%' -> scan_format fmt v n i cont_s cont_a cont_t cont_f cont_m
- | c -> outc c; doprn n (succ i)
- and cont_s n s i =
- outs s; doprn n i
- and cont_a n printer arg i =
- if to_s then
- outs ((Obj.magic printer : unit -> _ -> string) () arg)
- else
- printer out arg;
- doprn n i
- and cont_t n printer i =
- if to_s then
- outs ((Obj.magic printer : unit -> string) ())
- else
- printer out;
- doprn n i
- and cont_f n i =
- flush out; doprn n i
- and cont_m n xf i =
- let m =
- Sformat.add_int_index
- (count_printing_arguments_of_format xf) n in
- pr (Obj.magic (fun _ -> doprn m i)) n xf v in
- doprn n 0 in
- let kpr = pr k (Sformat.index_of_int 0) in
- kapr kpr fmt
- Defining [fprintf] and various flavors of [fprintf].
- **************************************************************)
-let kfprintf k oc =
- mkprintf false (fun _ -> oc) output_char output_string flush k
-let ikfprintf k oc = kapr (fun _ _ -> Obj.magic (k oc));;
-let fprintf oc = kfprintf ignore oc;;
-let ifprintf oc = ikfprintf ignore oc;;
-let printf fmt = fprintf stdout fmt;;
-let eprintf fmt = fprintf stderr fmt;;
-let kbprintf k b =
- mkprintf false (fun _ -> b) Buffer.add_char Buffer.add_string ignore k
-let bprintf b = kbprintf ignore b;;
-let get_buff fmt =
- let len = 2 * Sformat.length fmt in
- Buffer.create len
-let get_contents b =
- let s = Buffer.contents b in
- Buffer.clear b;
- s
-let get_cont k b = k (get_contents b);;
-let ksprintf k =
- mkprintf true get_buff Buffer.add_char Buffer.add_string ignore (get_cont k)
-let sprintf fmt = ksprintf (fun s -> s) fmt;;
- Deprecated stuff.
- **************************************************************)
-let kprintf = ksprintf;;
-(* For OCaml system internal use only: needed to implement modules [Format]
- and [Scanf]. *)
-module CamlinternalPr = struct
- module Sformat = Sformat;;
- module Tformat = struct
- type ac =
- = {
- mutable ac_rglr : int;
- mutable ac_skip : int;
- mutable ac_rdrs : int;
- }
- ;;
- let ac_of_format = ac_of_format;;
- let count_printing_arguments_of_format =
- count_printing_arguments_of_format;;
- let sub_format = sub_format;;
- let summarize_format_type = summarize_format_type;;
- let scan_format = scan_format;;
- let kapr = kapr;;
- end
- ;;
+open CamlinternalFormat
+let kfprintf k o (fmt, _) =
+ make_printf (fun o acc -> output_acc o acc; k o) o End_of_acc fmt
+let kbprintf k b (fmt, _) =
+ make_printf (fun b acc -> bufput_acc b acc; k b) b End_of_acc fmt
+let ikfprintf k oc (fmt, _) =
+ make_printf (fun oc _ -> k oc) oc End_of_acc fmt
+let fprintf oc fmt = kfprintf ignore oc fmt
+let bprintf b fmt = kbprintf ignore b fmt
+let ifprintf oc fmt = ikfprintf ignore oc fmt
+let printf fmt = fprintf stdout fmt
+let eprintf fmt = fprintf stderr fmt
+let ksprintf k (fmt, _) =
+ let k' () acc =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 64 in
+ strput_acc buf acc;
+ k (Buffer.contents buf) in
+ make_printf k' () End_of_acc fmt
+let sprintf fmt = ksprintf (fun s -> s) fmt
+let kprintf = ksprintf
diff --git a/stdlib/printf.mli b/stdlib/printf.mli
index a75a64181..21e28159a 100644
--- a/stdlib/printf.mli
+++ b/stdlib/printf.mli
@@ -163,76 +163,5 @@ val kbprintf : (Buffer.t -> 'a) -> Buffer.t ->
(** Deprecated *)
-val kprintf : (string -> 'a) -> ('b, unit, string, 'a) format4 -> 'b;;
+val kprintf : (string -> 'a) -> ('b, unit, string, 'a) format4 -> 'b
(** A deprecated synonym for [ksprintf]. *)
-(* The following is for system use only. Do not call directly. *)
-module CamlinternalPr : sig
- module Sformat : sig
- type index;;
- val index_of_int : int -> index;;
- external int_of_index : index -> int = "%identity";;
- external unsafe_index_of_int : int -> index = "%identity";;
- val succ_index : index -> index;;
- val add_int_index : int -> index -> index;;
- val sub : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> index -> int -> string;;
- val to_string : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> string;;
- external length : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int
- = "%string_length";;
- external get : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int -> char
- = "%string_safe_get";;
- external unsafe_to_string : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> string
- = "%identity";;
- external unsafe_get : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int -> char
- = "%string_unsafe_get";;
- end;;
- module Tformat : sig
- type ac = {
- mutable ac_rglr : int;
- mutable ac_skip : int;
- mutable ac_rdrs : int;
- };;
- val ac_of_format : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> ac;;
- val count_printing_arguments_of_format :
- ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int;;
- val sub_format :
- (('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int) ->
- (('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> int -> char -> int) ->
- char ->
- ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ->
- int ->
- int
- val summarize_format_type : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> string
- val scan_format : ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ->
- 'g array ->
- Sformat.index ->
- int ->
- (Sformat.index -> string -> int -> 'h) ->
- (Sformat.index -> 'i -> 'j -> int -> 'h) ->
- (Sformat.index -> 'k -> int -> 'h) ->
- (Sformat.index -> int -> 'h) ->
- (Sformat.index -> ('l, 'm, 'n, 'o, 'p, 'q) format6 -> int -> 'h) ->
- 'h
- val kapr :
- (('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> Obj.t array -> 'g) ->
- ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ->
- 'g
- end;;
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 69837c470..f4e97a048 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -11,6 +11,19 @@
(* *)
+open CamlinternalFormatBasics
+open CamlinternalFormat
+(* alias to avoid warning for ambiguity between
+ Pervasives.format6
+ and CamlinternalFormatBasics.format6
+ (the former is in fact an alias for the latter,
+ but the ambiguity warning doesn't care)
+type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 =
+ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) Pervasives.format6
(* The run-time library for scanners. *)
(* Scanning buffers. *)
@@ -402,11 +415,6 @@ end
type ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) scanner =
('a, Scanning.in_channel, 'b, 'c, 'a -> 'd, 'd) format6 -> 'c
-external string_to_format :
- string -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 = "%identity"
(* Reporting errors. *)
exception Scan_failure of string;;
@@ -429,33 +437,6 @@ let bad_end_of_input message =
"scanning of %s failed: \
premature end of file occurred before end of token" message)
-let int_of_width_opt = function
- | None -> max_int
- | Some width -> width
-let int_of_prec_opt = function
- | None -> max_int
- | Some prec -> prec
-module Sformat = Printf.CamlinternalPr.Sformat;;
-module Tformat = Printf.CamlinternalPr.Tformat;;
-let bad_conversion fmt i c =
- invalid_arg
- (Printf.sprintf
- "scanf: bad conversion %%%C, at char number %i \
- in format string \'%s\'" c i (Sformat.to_string fmt))
-let incomplete_format fmt =
- invalid_arg
- (Printf.sprintf "scanf: premature end of format string \'%s\'"
- (Sformat.to_string fmt))
let bad_float () =
bad_input "no dot or exponent part found in float token"
@@ -467,19 +448,15 @@ let character_mismatch_err c ci =
let character_mismatch c ci =
bad_input (character_mismatch_err c ci)
-let format_mismatch_err fmt1 fmt2 =
- Printf.sprintf
- "format read \'%s\' does not match specification \'%s\'" fmt1 fmt2
-let format_mismatch fmt1 fmt2 = bad_input (format_mismatch_err fmt1 fmt2);;
-(* Checking that 2 format strings are type compatible. *)
-let compatible_format_type fmt1 fmt2 =
- Tformat.summarize_format_type (string_to_format fmt1) =
- Tformat.summarize_format_type (string_to_format fmt2);;
+let rec skip_whites ib =
+ let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in
+ if not (Scanning.eof ib) then begin
+ match c with
+ | ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' ->
+ Scanning.invalidate_current_char ib; skip_whites ib
+ | _ -> ()
+ end
(* Checking that [c] is indeed in the input, then skips it.
In this case, the character [c] has been explicitly specified in the
@@ -496,28 +473,13 @@ let compatible_format_type fmt1 fmt2 =
We are also careful to treat "\r\n" in the input as an end of line marker:
it always matches a '\n' specification in the input format string. *)
let rec check_char ib c =
- let ci = Scanning.checked_peek_char ib in
- if ci = c then Scanning.invalidate_current_char ib else begin
- match ci with
- | '\r' when c = '\n' ->
- Scanning.invalidate_current_char ib; check_char ib '\n'
- | _ -> character_mismatch c ci
- end
-(* Checks that the current char is indeed one of the stopper characters,
- then skips it.
- Be careful that if ib has no more character this procedure should
- just do nothing (since %s@c defaults to the entire rest of the
- buffer, when no character c can be found in the input). *)
-let ignore_stoppers stps ib =
- if stps <> [] && not (Scanning.eof ib) then
- let ci = Scanning.peek_char ib in
- if List.memq ci stps then Scanning.invalidate_current_char ib else
- let sr = String.concat "" ( (String.make 1) stps) in
- bad_input
- (Printf.sprintf "looking for one of range %S, found %C" sr ci)
+ if c = ' ' then skip_whites ib else
+ let ci = Scanning.checked_peek_char ib in
+ if ci = c then Scanning.invalidate_current_char ib else
+ match ci with
+ | '\r' when c = '\n' ->
+ Scanning.invalidate_current_char ib; check_char ib '\n'
+ | _ -> character_mismatch c ci
(* Extracting tokens from the output token buffer. *)
@@ -701,7 +663,7 @@ let scan_optionally_signed_int width ib =
scan_unsigned_int width ib
-let scan_int_conv conv width _prec ib =
+let scan_int_conv conv width ib =
match conv with
| 'b' -> scan_binary_int width ib
| 'd' -> scan_optionally_signed_decimal_int width ib
@@ -791,7 +753,7 @@ let scan_float width precision ib =
scan_exp_part width ib, precision
-let scan_Float width precision ib =
+let scan_caml_float width precision ib =
let width = scan_optionally_signed_decimal_int width ib in
if width = 0 then bad_float () else
let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in
@@ -805,12 +767,11 @@ let scan_Float width precision ib =
| 'e' | 'E' ->
scan_exp_part width ib
| _ -> bad_float ()
(* Scan a regular string:
stops when encountering a space, if no scanning indication has been given;
- otherwise, stops when encountering one of the characters in the scanning
- indication list [stp].
+ otherwise, stops when encountering the characters in the scanning
+ indication [stp].
It also stops at end of file or when the maximum number of characters has
been read.*)
let scan_string stp width ib =
@@ -818,12 +779,14 @@ let scan_string stp width ib =
if width = 0 then width else
let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in
if Scanning.eof ib then width else
- if stp = [] then
- match c with
- | ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' -> width
- | c -> loop (Scanning.store_char width ib c) else
- if List.memq c stp then Scanning.skip_char width ib else
- loop (Scanning.store_char width ib c) in
+ match stp with
+ | Some c' when c = c' -> Scanning.skip_char width ib
+ | Some _ -> loop (Scanning.store_char width ib c)
+ | None ->
+ match c with
+ | ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' -> width
+ | _ -> loop (Scanning.store_char width ib c)
+ in
loop width
@@ -925,7 +888,7 @@ let scan_backslash_char width ib =
(* Scan a character (an OCaml token). *)
-let scan_Char width ib =
+let scan_caml_char width ib =
let rec find_start width =
match Scanning.checked_peek_char ib with
@@ -948,7 +911,7 @@ let scan_Char width ib =
(* Scan a delimited string (an OCaml token). *)
-let scan_String width ib =
+let scan_caml_string width ib =
let rec find_start width =
match Scanning.checked_peek_char ib with
@@ -981,8 +944,7 @@ let scan_String width ib =
(* Scan a boolean (an OCaml token). *)
-let scan_bool width ib =
- if width < 4 then bad_token_length "a boolean" else
+let scan_bool ib =
let c = Scanning.checked_peek_char ib in
let m =
match c with
@@ -991,560 +953,430 @@ let scan_bool width ib =
| c ->
(Printf.sprintf "the character %C cannot start a boolean" c) in
- scan_string [] (min width m) ib
-(* Reading char sets in %[...] conversions. *)
-type char_set =
- | Pos_set of string (* Positive (regular) set. *)
- | Neg_set of string (* Negative (complementary) set. *)
-(* Char sets are read as sub-strings in the format string. *)
-let scan_range fmt j =
- let len = Sformat.length fmt in
- let buffer = Buffer.create len in
- let rec scan_closing j =
- if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
- match Sformat.get fmt j with
- | ']' -> j, Buffer.contents buffer
- | '%' ->
- let j = j + 1 in
- if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
- begin match Sformat.get fmt j with
- | '%' | '@' as c ->
- Buffer.add_char buffer c;
- scan_closing (j + 1)
- | c -> bad_conversion fmt j c
- end
- | c ->
- Buffer.add_char buffer c;
- scan_closing (j + 1) in
- let scan_first_pos j =
- if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
- match Sformat.get fmt j with
- | ']' as c ->
- Buffer.add_char buffer c;
- scan_closing (j + 1)
- | _ -> scan_closing j in
- let scan_first_neg j =
- if j >= len then incomplete_format fmt else
- match Sformat.get fmt j with
- | '^' ->
- let j = j + 1 in
- let k, char_set = scan_first_pos j in
- k, Neg_set char_set
- | _ ->
- let k, char_set = scan_first_pos j in
- k, Pos_set char_set in
- scan_first_neg j
-(* Char sets are now represented as bit vectors that are represented as
- byte strings. *)
-(* Bit manipulations into bytes. *)
-let set_bit_of_byte byte idx b =
- (b lsl idx) lor (byte land (* mask idx *) (lnot (1 lsl idx)))
-let get_bit_of_byte byte idx = (byte lsr idx) land 1;;
-(* Bit manipulations in vectors of bytes represented as strings. *)
-let set_bit_of_range r c b =
- let idx = c land 0x7 in
- let ydx = c lsr 3 in
- let byte = Bytes.get r ydx in
- Bytes.set r ydx (char_of_int (set_bit_of_byte (int_of_char byte) idx b))
-let get_bit_of_range r c =
- let idx = c land 0x7 in
- let ydx = c lsr 3 in
- let byte = Bytes.get r ydx in
- get_bit_of_byte (int_of_char byte) idx
-(* Char sets represented as bit vectors represented as fixed length byte
- strings. *)
-(* Create a full or empty set of chars. *)
-let make_range bit =
- let c = char_of_int (if bit = 0 then 0 else 0xFF) in
- Bytes.make 32 c
-(* Test if a char belongs to a set of chars. *)
-let get_char_in_range r c = get_bit_of_range r (int_of_char c);;
-let bit_not b = (lnot b) land 1;;
-(* Build the bit vector corresponding to the set of characters
- that belongs to the string argument [set].
- (In the [Scanf] module [set] is always a sub-string of the format.) *)
-let make_char_bit_vect bit set =
- let r = make_range (bit_not bit) in
- let lim = String.length set - 1 in
- let rec loop bit rp i =
- if i <= lim then
- match set.[i] with
- | '-' when rp ->
- (* if i = 0 then rp is false (since the initial call is
- loop bit false 0). Hence i >= 1 and the following is safe. *)
- let c1 = set.[i - 1] in
- let i = succ i in
- if i > lim then loop bit false (i - 1) else
- let c2 = set.[i] in
- for j = int_of_char c1 to int_of_char c2 do
- set_bit_of_range r j bit done;
- loop bit false (succ i)
- | _ ->
- set_bit_of_range r (int_of_char set.[i]) bit;
- loop bit true (succ i) in
- loop bit false 0;
- r
-(* Compute the predicate on chars corresponding to a char set. *)
-let make_predicate bit set stp =
- let r = make_char_bit_vect bit set in
- List.iter
- (fun c -> set_bit_of_range r (int_of_char c) (bit_not bit)) stp;
- (fun c -> get_char_in_range r c)
+ scan_string None m ib
-let make_setp stp char_set =
- match char_set with
- | Pos_set set ->
- begin match String.length set with
- | 0 -> (fun _ -> 0)
- | 1 ->
- let p = set.[0] in
- (fun c -> if c == p then 1 else 0)
- | 2 ->
- let p1 = set.[0] and p2 = set.[1] in
- (fun c -> if c == p1 || c == p2 then 1 else 0)
- | 3 ->
- let p1 = set.[0] and p2 = set.[1] and p3 = set.[2] in
- if p2 = '-' then make_predicate 1 set stp else
- (fun c -> if c == p1 || c == p2 || c == p3 then 1 else 0)
- | _ -> make_predicate 1 set stp
- end
- | Neg_set set ->
- begin match String.length set with
- | 0 -> (fun _ -> 1)
- | 1 ->
- let p = set.[0] in
- (fun c -> if c != p then 1 else 0)
- | 2 ->
- let p1 = set.[0] and p2 = set.[1] in
- (fun c -> if c != p1 && c != p2 then 1 else 0)
- | 3 ->
- let p1 = set.[0] and p2 = set.[1] and p3 = set.[2] in
- if p2 = '-' then make_predicate 0 set stp else
- (fun c -> if c != p1 && c != p2 && c != p3 then 1 else 0)
- | _ -> make_predicate 0 set stp
- end
-let setp_table = Hashtbl.create 7;;
-let add_setp stp char_set setp =
- let char_set_tbl =
- try Hashtbl.find setp_table char_set with
- | Not_found ->
- let char_set_tbl = Hashtbl.create 3 in
- Hashtbl.add setp_table char_set char_set_tbl;
- char_set_tbl in
- Hashtbl.add char_set_tbl stp setp
-let find_setp stp char_set =
- try Hashtbl.find (Hashtbl.find setp_table char_set) stp with
- | Not_found ->
- let setp = make_setp stp char_set in
- add_setp stp char_set setp;
- setp
-let scan_chars_in_char_set stp char_set width ib =
- let rec loop_pos1 cp1 width =
- if width = 0 then width else
- let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in
- if Scanning.eof ib then width else
- if c == cp1
- then loop_pos1 cp1 (Scanning.store_char width ib c)
- else width
- and loop_pos2 cp1 cp2 width =
- if width = 0 then width else
- let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in
- if Scanning.eof ib then width else
- if c == cp1 || c == cp2
- then loop_pos2 cp1 cp2 (Scanning.store_char width ib c)
- else width
- and loop_pos3 cp1 cp2 cp3 width =
- if width = 0 then width else
- let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in
- if Scanning.eof ib then width else
- if c == cp1 || c == cp2 || c == cp3
- then loop_pos3 cp1 cp2 cp3 (Scanning.store_char width ib c)
- else width
- and loop_neg1 cp1 width =
- if width = 0 then width else
- let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in
- if Scanning.eof ib then width else
- if c != cp1
- then loop_neg1 cp1 (Scanning.store_char width ib c)
- else width
- and loop_neg2 cp1 cp2 width =
- if width = 0 then width else
- let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in
- if Scanning.eof ib then width else
- if c != cp1 && c != cp2
- then loop_neg2 cp1 cp2 (Scanning.store_char width ib c)
- else width
- and loop_neg3 cp1 cp2 cp3 width =
- if width = 0 then width else
+(* Scan a string containing elements in char_set and terminated by scan_indic
+ if provided. *)
+let scan_chars_in_char_set char_set scan_indic width ib =
+ let rec scan_chars i stp =
let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in
- if Scanning.eof ib then width else
- if c != cp1 && c != cp2 && c != cp3
- then loop_neg3 cp1 cp2 cp3 (Scanning.store_char width ib c)
- else width
- and loop setp width =
- if width = 0 then width else
- let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in
- if Scanning.eof ib then width else
- if setp c == 1
- then loop setp (Scanning.store_char width ib c)
- else width in
- let width =
- match char_set with
- | Pos_set set ->
- begin match String.length set with
- | 0 -> loop (fun _ -> 0) width
- | 1 -> loop_pos1 set.[0] width
- | 2 -> loop_pos2 set.[0] set.[1] width
- | 3 when set.[1] != '-' -> loop_pos3 set.[0] set.[1] set.[2] width
- | _ -> loop (find_setp stp char_set) width end
- | Neg_set set ->
- begin match String.length set with
- | 0 -> loop (fun _ -> 1) width
- | 1 -> loop_neg1 set.[0] width
- | 2 -> loop_neg2 set.[0] set.[1] width
- | 3 when set.[1] != '-' -> loop_neg3 set.[0] set.[1] set.[2] width
- | _ -> loop (find_setp stp char_set) width end in
- ignore_stoppers stp ib;
- width
-let get_count t ib =
- match t with
- | 'l' -> Scanning.line_count ib
- | 'n' -> Scanning.char_count ib
- | _ -> Scanning.token_count ib
-let rec skip_whites ib =
- let c = Scanning.peek_char ib in
- if not (Scanning.eof ib) then begin
- match c with
- | ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' ->
- Scanning.invalidate_current_char ib; skip_whites ib
- | _ -> ()
- end
+ if i > 0 && not (Scanning.eof ib) && is_in_char_set char_set c &&
+ int_of_char c <> stp then
+ let _ = Scanning.store_char max_int ib c in
+ scan_chars (i - 1) stp;
+ in
+ match scan_indic with
+ | None -> scan_chars width (-1);
+ | Some c ->
+ scan_chars width (int_of_char c);
+ if not (Scanning.eof ib) then
+ let ci = Scanning.peek_char ib in
+ if c = ci then Scanning.invalidate_current_char ib
+ else character_mismatch c ci
(* The global error report function for [Scanf]. *)
let scanf_bad_input ib = function
| Scan_failure s | Failure s ->
let i = Scanning.char_count ib in
- bad_input (Printf.sprintf "scanf: bad input at char number %i: \'%s\'" i s)
+ bad_input (Printf.sprintf "scanf: bad input at char number %i: %S" i s)
| x -> raise x
-let list_iter_i f l =
- let rec loop i = function
- | [] -> ()
- | [x] -> f i x (* Tail calling [f] *)
- | x :: xs -> f i x; loop (succ i) xs in
- loop 0 l
-let ascanf sc fmt =
- let ac = Tformat.ac_of_format fmt in
- match ac.Tformat.ac_rdrs with
- | 0 ->
- Obj.magic (fun f -> sc fmt [||] f)
- | 1 ->
- Obj.magic (fun x f -> sc fmt [| Obj.repr x |] f)
- | 2 ->
- Obj.magic (fun x y f -> sc fmt [| Obj.repr x; Obj.repr y; |] f)
- | 3 ->
- Obj.magic
- (fun x y z f -> sc fmt [| Obj.repr x; Obj.repr y; Obj.repr z; |] f)
- | nargs ->
- let rec loop i args =
- if i >= nargs then
- let a = Array.make nargs (Obj.repr 0) in
- list_iter_i (fun i arg -> a.(nargs - i - 1) <- arg) args;
- Obj.magic (fun f -> sc fmt a f)
- else Obj.magic (fun x -> loop (succ i) (x :: args)) in
- loop 0 []
-(* The [scan_format] main scanning function.
- It takes as arguments:
- - an input buffer [ib] from which to read characters,
- - an error handling function [ef],
- - a format [fmt] that specifies what to read in the input,
- - a vector of user's defined readers [rv],
- - and a function [f] to pass the tokens read to.
- Then [scan_format] scans the format and the input buffer in parallel to
- find out tokens as specified by the format; when it finds one token, it
- converts it as specified, remembers the converted value as a future
- argument to the function [f], and continues scanning.
- If the entire scanning succeeds (i.e. the format string has been
- exhausted and the buffer has provided tokens according to the
- format string), [f] is applied to the tokens read.
- If the scanning or some conversion fails, the main scanning function
- aborts and applies the scanning buffer and a string that explains
- the error to the error handling function [ef] (the error continuation). *)
-let scan_format ib ef fmt rv f =
- let limr = Array.length rv - 1 in
- let return v = Obj.magic v () in
- let delay f x () = f x in
- let stack f = delay (return f) in
- let no_stack f _x = f in
- let rec scan fmt =
- let lim = Sformat.length fmt - 1 in
- let rec scan_fmt ir f i =
- if i > lim then ir, f else
- match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i with
- | '%' -> scan_skip ir f (succ i)
- | ' ' -> skip_whites ib; scan_fmt ir f (succ i)
- | c -> check_char ib c; scan_fmt ir f (succ i)
- and scan_skip ir f i =
- if i > lim then ir, f else
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | '_' -> scan_limits true ir f (succ i)
- | _ -> scan_limits false ir f i
- and scan_limits skip ir f i =
- let rec scan_width i =
- if i > lim then incomplete_format fmt else
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | '0' .. '9' as conv ->
- let width, i =
- read_int_literal (decimal_value_of_char conv) (succ i) in
- Some width, i
- | _ -> None, i
- and scan_precision i =
- begin
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | '.' ->
- let precision, i = read_int_literal 0 (succ i) in
- (Some precision, i)
- | _ -> None, i
- end
- and read_int_literal accu i =
- if i > lim then accu, i else
- match Sformat.unsafe_get fmt i with
- | '0' .. '9' as c ->
- let accu = 10 * accu + decimal_value_of_char c in
- read_int_literal accu (succ i)
- | _ -> accu, i in
- if i > lim then ir, f else
- let width_opt, i = scan_width i in
- let prec_opt, i = scan_precision i in
- scan_conversion skip width_opt prec_opt ir f i
- and scan_conversion skip width_opt prec_opt ir f i =
- let stack = if skip then no_stack else stack in
- let width = int_of_width_opt width_opt in
- let prec = int_of_prec_opt prec_opt in
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- | '%' | '@' as c ->
- check_char ib c;
- scan_fmt ir f (succ i)
- | '!' ->
- if not (Scanning.end_of_input ib)
- then bad_input "end of input not found" else
- scan_fmt ir f (succ i)
- | ',' ->
- scan_fmt ir f (succ i)
- | 's' ->
- let i, stp = scan_indication (succ i) in
- let _x = scan_string stp width ib in
- scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_string ib)) (succ i)
- | 'S' ->
- let _x = scan_String width ib in
- scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_string ib)) (succ i)
- | '[' (* ']' *) ->
- let i, char_set = scan_range fmt (succ i) in
- let i, stp = scan_indication (succ i) in
- let _x = scan_chars_in_char_set stp char_set width ib in
- scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_string ib)) (succ i)
- | ('c' | 'C') when width = 0 ->
- let c = Scanning.checked_peek_char ib in
- scan_fmt ir (stack f c) (succ i)
- | 'c' ->
- let _x = scan_char width ib in
- scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_char ib)) (succ i)
- | 'C' ->
- let _x = scan_Char width ib in
- scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_char ib)) (succ i)
- | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' | 'x' | 'X' as conv ->
- let _x = scan_int_conv conv width prec ib in
- scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_int conv ib)) (succ i)
- | 'N' as conv ->
- scan_fmt ir (stack f (get_count conv ib)) (succ i)
- | 'f' | 'e' | 'E' | 'g' | 'G' ->
- let _x = scan_float width prec ib in
- scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_float ib)) (succ i)
- | 'F' ->
- let _x = scan_Float width prec ib in
- scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_float ib)) (succ i)
-(* | 'B' | 'b' when width = Some 0 ->
- let _x = scan_bool width ib in
- scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_int ib)) (succ i) *)
- | 'B' | 'b' ->
- let _x = scan_bool width ib in
- scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_bool ib)) (succ i)
- | 'r' ->
- if ir > limr then assert false else
- let token = Obj.magic rv.(ir) ib in
- scan_fmt (succ ir) (stack f token) (succ i)
- | 'l' | 'n' | 'L' as conv0 ->
- let i = succ i in
- if i > lim then scan_fmt ir (stack f (get_count conv0 ib)) i else begin
- match Sformat.get fmt i with
- (* This is in fact an integer conversion (e.g. %ld, %ni, or %Lo). *)
- | 'd' | 'i' | 'o' | 'u' | 'x' | 'X' as conv1 ->
- let _x = scan_int_conv conv1 width prec ib in
- (* Look back to the character that triggered the integer conversion
- (this character is either 'l', 'n' or 'L') to find the
- conversion to apply to the integer token read. *)
- begin match conv0 with
- | 'l' -> scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_int32 conv1 ib)) (succ i)
- | 'n' -> scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_nativeint conv1 ib)) (succ i)
- | _ -> scan_fmt ir (stack f (token_int64 conv1 ib)) (succ i) end
- (* This is not an integer conversion, but a regular %l, %n or %L. *)
- | _ -> scan_fmt ir (stack f (get_count conv0 ib)) i end
- | '(' | '{' as conv (* ')' '}' *) ->
- let i = succ i in
- (* Find [mf], the static specification for the format to read. *)
- let j =
- Tformat.sub_format
- incomplete_format bad_conversion conv fmt i in
- let mf = Sformat.sub fmt (Sformat.index_of_int i) (j - 2 - i) in
- (* Read [rf], the specified format string in the input buffer,
- and check its correctness w.r.t. [mf]. *)
- let _x = scan_String width ib in
- let rf = token_string ib in
- if not (compatible_format_type rf mf) then format_mismatch rf mf else
- (* Proceed according to the kind of metaformat found:
- - %{ mf %} simply returns [rf] as the token read,
- - %( mf %) returns [rf] as the first token read, then
- returns a second token obtained by scanning the input with
- format string [rf].
- Behaviour for %( mf %) is mandatory for sake of format string
- typechecking specification. To get pure format string
- substitution behaviour, you should use %_( mf %) that skips the
- first (format string) token and hence properly substitutes [mf] by
- [rf] in the format string argument.
- *)
- (* For conversion %{%}, just return this format string as the token
- read and go on with the rest of the format string argument. *)
- if conv = '{' (* '}' *) then scan_fmt ir (stack f rf) j else
- (* Or else, return this format string as the first token read;
- then continue scanning using this format string to get
- the following token read;
- finally go on with the rest of the format string argument. *)
- let ir, nf = scan (string_to_format rf) ir (stack f rf) 0 in
- (* Return the format string read and the value just read,
- then go on with the rest of the format. *)
- scan_fmt ir nf j
- | c -> bad_conversion fmt i c
- and scan_indication j =
- if j > lim then j - 1, [] else
- match Sformat.get fmt j with
- | '@' ->
- let k = j + 1 in
- if k > lim then j - 1, [] else
- begin match Sformat.get fmt k with
- | '%' ->
- let k = k + 1 in
- if k > lim then j - 1, [] else
- begin match Sformat.get fmt k with
- | '%' | '@' as c -> k, [ c ]
- | _c -> j - 1, []
- end
- | c -> k, [ c ]
- end
- | _c -> j - 1, [] in
- scan_fmt in
- Scanning.reset_token ib;
- let v =
- try snd (scan fmt 0 (fun () -> f) 0) with
- | (Scan_failure _ | Failure _ | End_of_file) as exc ->
- stack (delay ef ib) exc in
- return v
-let mkscanf ib ef fmt =
- let sc = scan_format ib ef in
- ascanf sc fmt
+(* Get the content of a counter from an input buffer. *)
+let get_counter ib counter = match counter with
+ | Line_counter -> Scanning.line_count ib
+ | Char_counter -> Scanning.char_count ib
+ | Token_counter -> Scanning.token_count ib
-let kscanf ib ef fmt = mkscanf ib ef fmt;;
-let bscanf ib = kscanf ib scanf_bad_input;;
-let fscanf ic = bscanf (Scanning.from_channel ic);;
-let sscanf : string -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) scanner
- = fun s -> bscanf (Scanning.from_string s);;
-let scanf fmt = bscanf Scanning.stdib fmt;;
+(* Compute the width of a padding option (see "%42{" and "%123("). *)
+let width_of_pad_opt pad_opt = match pad_opt with
+ | None -> max_int
+ | Some width -> width
-let bscanf_format ib fmt f =
- let fmt = Sformat.unsafe_to_string fmt in
- let fmt1 =
- ignore (scan_String max_int ib);
- token_string ib in
- if not (compatible_format_type fmt1 fmt) then
- format_mismatch fmt1 fmt else
- f (string_to_format fmt1)
+let stopper_of_formatting fmting =
+ if fmting = Escaped_percent then '%', "" else
+ let str = string_of_formatting fmting in
+ let stp = str.[1] in
+ let sub_str = String.sub str 2 (String.length str - 2) in
+ stp, sub_str
+ (* Readers managment *)
+(* A call to take_format_readers on a format is evaluated into functions
+ taking readers as arguments and aggregate them into an heterogeneous list *)
+(* When all readers are taken, finally pass the list of the readers to the
+ continuation k. *)
+let rec take_format_readers : type a c d e f .
+ ((d, e) heter_list -> e) -> (a, Scanning.in_channel, c, d, e, f) fmt ->
+ d =
+fun k fmt -> match fmt with
+ | Reader fmt_rest ->
+ fun reader ->
+ let new_k readers_rest = k (Cons (reader, readers_rest)) in
+ take_format_readers new_k fmt_rest
+ | Char rest -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Caml_char rest -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | String (_, rest) -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Caml_string (_, rest) -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Int (_, _, _, rest) -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Int32 (_, _, _, rest) -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Nativeint (_, _, _, rest) -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Int64 (_, _, _, rest) -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Float (_, _, _, rest) -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Bool rest -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Alpha rest -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Theta rest -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Flush rest -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | String_literal (_, rest) -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Char_literal (_, rest) -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Scan_char_set (_, _, rest) -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Scan_get_counter (_, rest) -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Formatting (_, rest) -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Format_arg (_, _, rest) -> take_format_readers k rest
+ | Format_subst (_, _, fmtty, rest) -> take_fmtty_format_readers k fmtty rest
+ | Ignored_param (ign, rest) -> take_ignored_format_readers k ign rest
+ | End_of_format -> k Nil
+(* Take readers associated to an fmtty coming from a Format_subst "%(...%)". *)
+and take_fmtty_format_readers : type x y a c d e f .
+ ((d, e) heter_list -> e) -> (a, Scanning.in_channel, c, d, x, y) fmtty ->
+ (y, Scanning.in_channel, c, x, e, f) fmt -> d =
+fun k fmtty fmt -> match fmtty with
+ | Reader_ty fmt_rest ->
+ fun reader ->
+ let new_k readers_rest = k (Cons (reader, readers_rest)) in
+ take_fmtty_format_readers new_k fmt_rest fmt
+ | Ignored_reader_ty fmt_rest ->
+ fun reader ->
+ let new_k readers_rest = k (Cons (reader, readers_rest)) in
+ take_fmtty_format_readers new_k fmt_rest fmt
+ | Char_ty rest -> take_fmtty_format_readers k rest fmt
+ | String_ty rest -> take_fmtty_format_readers k rest fmt
+ | Int_ty rest -> take_fmtty_format_readers k rest fmt
+ | Int32_ty rest -> take_fmtty_format_readers k rest fmt
+ | Nativeint_ty rest -> take_fmtty_format_readers k rest fmt
+ | Int64_ty rest -> take_fmtty_format_readers k rest fmt
+ | Float_ty rest -> take_fmtty_format_readers k rest fmt
+ | Bool_ty rest -> take_fmtty_format_readers k rest fmt
+ | Alpha_ty rest -> take_fmtty_format_readers k rest fmt
+ | Theta_ty rest -> take_fmtty_format_readers k rest fmt
+ | Format_arg_ty (_, rest) -> take_fmtty_format_readers k rest fmt
+ | End_of_fmtty -> take_format_readers k fmt
+ | Format_subst_ty (_, ty, rest) ->
+ take_fmtty_format_readers k (concat_fmtty ty rest) fmt
+(* Take readers associated to an ignored parameter. *)
+and take_ignored_format_readers : type x y a c d e f .
+ ((d, e) heter_list -> e) -> (a, Scanning.in_channel, c, d, x, y) ignored ->
+ (y, Scanning.in_channel, c, x, e, f) fmt -> d =
+fun k ign fmt -> match ign with
+ | Ignored_reader ->
+ fun reader ->
+ let new_k readers_rest = k (Cons (reader, readers_rest)) in
+ take_format_readers new_k fmt
+ | Ignored_char -> take_format_readers k fmt
+ | Ignored_caml_char -> take_format_readers k fmt
+ | Ignored_string _ -> take_format_readers k fmt
+ | Ignored_caml_string _ -> take_format_readers k fmt
+ | Ignored_int (_, _) -> take_format_readers k fmt
+ | Ignored_int32 (_, _) -> take_format_readers k fmt
+ | Ignored_nativeint (_, _) -> take_format_readers k fmt
+ | Ignored_int64 (_, _) -> take_format_readers k fmt
+ | Ignored_float (_, _) -> take_format_readers k fmt
+ | Ignored_bool -> take_format_readers k fmt
+ | Ignored_format_arg _ -> take_format_readers k fmt
+ | Ignored_format_subst (_, fmtty) -> take_fmtty_format_readers k fmtty fmt
+ | Ignored_scan_char_set _ -> take_format_readers k fmt
+ (* Scanf "%(...%)" tools *)
+(* Type used to cross and substract reader_nb_unifer. *)
+(* Used to interface make_format_subst_rnus and convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb. *)
+type (_, _, _, _, _, _, _) format_subst_rnus = Format_subst_rnus :
+ ('d3, 'q3, 'd2, 'q2) reader_nb_unifier *
+ ('d1, 'q1, 'd3, 'q3) reader_nb_unifier *
+ ('q1, 'e1, 'q3, 'e3) reader_nb_unifier ->
+ ('d1, 'q1, 'e1, 'd2, 'q2, 'd3, 'e3) format_subst_rnus
+(* Cross and substract reader_nb_unifers. *)
+(* Used when formats contains encapsulated "%(...%)" like "%(..%(..%)..%)". *)
+(* See (convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb _ "%(...%)"). *)
+let rec make_format_subst_rnus : type d1 q1 e1 d2 q2 d3 e3 .
+ (d1, e1, d3, e3) reader_nb_unifier -> (d1, q1, d2, q2) reader_nb_unifier ->
+ (d1, q1, e1, d2, q2, d3, e3) format_subst_rnus =
+fun rnu sub_rnu -> match rnu, sub_rnu with
+ | Succ_reader rnu_rest, Succ_reader sub_rnu_rest ->
+ let Format_subst_rnus (sub_rnu', sub_fmtty_rnu, rest_rnu) =
+ make_format_subst_rnus rnu_rest sub_rnu_rest in
+ Format_subst_rnus(Succ_reader sub_rnu', Succ_reader sub_fmtty_rnu, rest_rnu)
+ | _, Zero_reader ->
+ Format_subst_rnus (Zero_reader, Zero_reader, rnu)
+ | Zero_reader, Succ_reader _ ->
+ (* Impossible! By hypothesis: rnu > sub_rnu. *)
+ assert false
+(* Use a reader_nb_unifier to transform 'd and 'e parameters of an fmtty. *)
+(* See make_scanf "%(...%)". *)
+let rec convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb : type a b c d1 d2 e1 e2 f .
+ (d1, e1, d2, e2) reader_nb_unifier -> (a, b, c, d1, e1, f) fmtty ->
+ (a, b, c, d2, e2, f) fmtty =
+fun rnu fmtty -> match rnu, fmtty with
+ | _, Char_ty rest -> Char_ty (convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb rnu rest)
+ | _, String_ty rest -> String_ty (convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb rnu rest)
+ | _, Int_ty rest -> Int_ty (convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb rnu rest)
+ | _, Int32_ty rest -> Int32_ty (convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb rnu rest)
+ | _, Nativeint_ty rest -> Nativeint_ty (convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb rnu rest)
+ | _, Int64_ty rest -> Int64_ty (convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb rnu rest)
+ | _, Float_ty rest -> Float_ty (convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb rnu rest)
+ | _, Bool_ty rest -> Bool_ty (convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb rnu rest)
+ | _, Alpha_ty rest -> Alpha_ty (convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb rnu rest)
+ | _, Theta_ty rest -> Theta_ty (convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb rnu rest)
+ | Succ_reader rnu_rest, Reader_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ Reader_ty (convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb rnu_rest fmtty_rest)
+ | Succ_reader rnu_rest, Ignored_reader_ty fmtty_rest ->
+ Ignored_reader_ty (convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb rnu_rest fmtty_rest)
+ | _, Format_arg_ty (sub_fmtty, rest) ->
+ Format_arg_ty (sub_fmtty, convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb rnu rest)
+ | _, Format_subst_ty (sub_rnu, sub_fmtty, rest) ->
+ let Format_subst_rnus (sub_rnu', sub_fmtty_rnu, rest_rnu) =
+ make_format_subst_rnus rnu sub_rnu in
+ let sub_fmtty' = convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb sub_fmtty_rnu sub_fmtty in
+ let rest' = convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb rest_rnu rest in
+ Format_subst_ty (sub_rnu', sub_fmtty', rest')
+ | Zero_reader, End_of_fmtty -> End_of_fmtty
+ | Zero_reader, Reader_ty _ ->
+ (* Impossible, by typing constraints on fmtty and rnu constructors: *)
+ (* rnu = Zero_reader => d1 == e1 *)
+ (* fmtty = Reader_ty _ => d1 <> e1 *)
+ assert false
+ | Zero_reader, Ignored_reader_ty _ ->
+ assert false (* Similar. *)
+ | Succ_reader _, End_of_fmtty ->
+ assert false (* Similar. *)
+ (* Generic scanning *)
+(* Make a generic scanning function. *)
+(* Scan a stream according to a format and readers obtained by
+ take_format_readers, and aggegate scanned values into an
+ heterogeneous list. *)
+(* Return the heterogeneous list of scanned values. *)
+let rec make_scanf : type a c d e f .
+ Scanning.in_channel -> (a, Scanning.in_channel, c, d, e, f) fmt ->
+ (d, _) heter_list -> (a, f) heter_list =
+fun ib fmt readers -> match fmt with
+ | Char rest ->
+ let _ = scan_char 0 ib in
+ let c = token_char ib in
+ Cons (c, make_scanf ib rest readers)
+ | Caml_char rest ->
+ let _ = scan_caml_char 0 ib in
+ let c = token_char ib in
+ Cons (c, make_scanf ib rest readers)
+ | String (pad, Formatting (fmting, rest)) ->
+ let stp, str = stopper_of_formatting fmting in
+ let scan width _ ib = scan_string (Some stp) width ib in
+ let str_rest = String_literal (str, rest) in
+ pad_prec_scanf ib str_rest readers pad No_precision scan token_string
+ | String (pad, rest) ->
+ let scan width _ ib = scan_string None width ib in
+ pad_prec_scanf ib rest readers pad No_precision scan token_string
+ | Caml_string (pad, rest) ->
+ let scan width _ ib = scan_caml_string width ib in
+ pad_prec_scanf ib rest readers pad No_precision scan token_string
+ | Int (iconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ let c = char_of_iconv iconv in
+ let scan width _ ib = scan_int_conv c width ib in
+ pad_prec_scanf ib rest readers pad prec scan (token_int c)
+ | Int32 (iconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ let c = char_of_iconv iconv in
+ let scan width _ ib = scan_int_conv c width ib in
+ pad_prec_scanf ib rest readers pad prec scan (token_int32 c)
+ | Nativeint (iconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ let c = char_of_iconv iconv in
+ let scan width _ ib = scan_int_conv c width ib in
+ pad_prec_scanf ib rest readers pad prec scan (token_nativeint c)
+ | Int64 (iconv, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ let c = char_of_iconv iconv in
+ let scan width _ ib = scan_int_conv c width ib in
+ pad_prec_scanf ib rest readers pad prec scan (token_int64 c)
+ | Float (Float_F, pad, prec, rest) ->
+ pad_prec_scanf ib rest readers pad prec scan_caml_float token_float
+ | Float ((Float_f | Float_pf | Float_sf | Float_e | Float_pe | Float_se
+ | Float_E | Float_pE | Float_sE | Float_g | Float_pg | Float_sg
+ | Float_G | Float_pG | Float_sG), pad, prec, rest) ->
+ pad_prec_scanf ib rest readers pad prec scan_float token_float
+ | Bool rest ->
+ let _ = scan_bool ib in
+ let b = token_bool ib in
+ Cons (b, make_scanf ib rest readers)
+ | Alpha _ ->
+ invalid_arg "scanf: bad conversion \"%a\""
+ | Theta _ ->
+ invalid_arg "scanf: bad conversion \"%t\""
+ | Reader fmt_rest ->
+ let Cons (reader, readers_rest) = readers in
+ let x = reader ib in
+ Cons (x, make_scanf ib fmt_rest readers_rest)
+ | Flush rest ->
+ if Scanning.end_of_input ib then make_scanf ib rest readers
+ else bad_input "end of input not found"
+ | String_literal (str, rest) ->
+ String.iter (check_char ib) str;
+ make_scanf ib rest readers
+ | Char_literal (chr, rest) ->
+ check_char ib chr;
+ make_scanf ib rest readers
+ | Format_arg (pad_opt, fmtty, rest) ->
+ let _ = scan_caml_string (width_of_pad_opt pad_opt) ib in
+ let s = token_string ib in
+ let fmt =
+ try format_of_string_fmtty s fmtty
+ with Failure msg -> bad_input msg
+ in
+ Cons (fmt, make_scanf ib rest readers)
+ | Format_subst (pad_opt, rnu, fmtty, rest) ->
+ let fmtty' = convert_fmtty_on_reader_nb rnu fmtty in
+ let _ = scan_caml_string (width_of_pad_opt pad_opt) ib in
+ let s = token_string ib in
+ let fmt, fmt' =
+ try
+ let Fmt_EBB fmt = fmt_ebb_of_string s in
+ type_format fmt fmtty, type_format fmt fmtty'
+ with Failure msg -> bad_input msg
+ in
+ Cons ((fmt', s), make_scanf ib (concat_fmt fmt rest) readers)
+ | Scan_char_set (width_opt, char_set, Formatting (fmting, rest)) ->
+ let stp, str = stopper_of_formatting fmting in
+ let width = width_of_pad_opt width_opt in
+ let _ = scan_chars_in_char_set char_set (Some stp) width ib in
+ let s = token_string ib in
+ let str_rest = String_literal (str, rest) in
+ Cons (s, make_scanf ib str_rest readers)
+ | Scan_char_set (width_opt, char_set, rest) ->
+ let width = width_of_pad_opt width_opt in
+ let _ = scan_chars_in_char_set char_set None width ib in
+ let s = token_string ib in
+ Cons (s, make_scanf ib rest readers)
+ | Scan_get_counter (counter, rest) ->
+ let count = get_counter ib counter in
+ Cons (count, make_scanf ib rest readers)
+ | Formatting (formatting, rest) ->
+ String.iter (check_char ib) (string_of_formatting formatting);
+ make_scanf ib rest readers
+ | Ignored_param (ign, rest) ->
+ let Param_format_EBB fmt' = param_format_of_ignored_format ign rest in
+ begin match make_scanf ib fmt' readers with
+ | Cons (_, arg_rest) -> arg_rest
+ | Nil -> assert false
+ end
-let sscanf_format s fmt = bscanf_format (Scanning.from_string s) fmt;;
+ | End_of_format ->
+ Nil
+(* Case analysis on padding and precision. *)
+(* Reject formats containing "%*" or "%.*". *)
+(* Pass padding and precision to the generic scanner `scan'. *)
+and pad_prec_scanf : type a c d e f x y z t .
+ Scanning.in_channel -> (a, Scanning.in_channel, c, d, e, f) fmt ->
+ (d, _) heter_list -> (x, y) padding -> (y, z -> a) precision ->
+ (int -> int -> Scanning.in_channel -> t) ->
+ (Scanning.in_channel -> z) ->
+ (x, f) heter_list =
+fun ib fmt readers pad prec scan token -> match pad, prec with
+ | No_padding, No_precision ->
+ let _ = scan max_int max_int ib in
+ let x = token ib in
+ Cons (x, make_scanf ib fmt readers)
+ | No_padding, Lit_precision p ->
+ let _ = scan max_int p ib in
+ let x = token ib in
+ Cons (x, make_scanf ib fmt readers)
+ | Lit_padding ((Right | Zeros), w), No_precision ->
+ let _ = scan w max_int ib in
+ let x = token ib in
+ Cons (x, make_scanf ib fmt readers)
+ | Lit_padding ((Right | Zeros), w), Lit_precision p ->
+ let _ = scan w p ib in
+ let x = token ib in
+ Cons (x, make_scanf ib fmt readers)
+ | Lit_padding (Left, _), _ ->
+ invalid_arg "scanf: bad conversion \"%-\""
+ | Lit_padding ((Right | Zeros), _), Arg_precision ->
+ invalid_arg "scanf: bad conversion \"%*\""
+ | Arg_padding _, _ ->
+ invalid_arg "scanf: bad conversion \"%*\""
+ | No_padding, Arg_precision ->
+ invalid_arg "scanf: bad conversion \"%*\""
+ (* Defining [scanf] and various flavors of [scanf] *)
+type 'a kscanf_result = Args of 'a | Exc of exn
+let kscanf ib ef (fmt, str) =
+ let rec apply : type a b . a -> (a, b) heter_list -> b =
+ fun f args -> match args with
+ | Cons (x, r) -> apply (f x) r
+ | Nil -> f
+ in
+ let k readers f =
+ Scanning.reset_token ib;
+ match try Args (make_scanf ib fmt readers) with
+ | (Scan_failure _ | Failure _ | End_of_file) as exc -> Exc exc
+ | Invalid_argument msg ->
+ invalid_arg (msg ^ " in format \"" ^ String.escaped str ^ "\"")
+ with
+ | Args args -> apply f args
+ | Exc exc -> ef ib exc
+ in
+ take_format_readers k fmt
+let kbscanf = kscanf
+let ksscanf s ef fmt = kbscanf (Scanning.from_string s) ef fmt
+let kfscanf ic ef fmt = kbscanf (Scanning.from_channel ic) ef fmt
+let bscanf ib fmt = kscanf ib scanf_bad_input fmt
+let fscanf ic fmt = kscanf (Scanning.from_channel ic) scanf_bad_input fmt
+let sscanf s fmt = kscanf (Scanning.from_string s) scanf_bad_input fmt
+let scanf fmt = kscanf Scanning.stdib scanf_bad_input fmt
+let bscanf_format : Scanning.in_channel -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ->
+ (('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> 'g) -> 'g =
+ fun ib format f ->
+ let _ = scan_caml_string max_int ib in
+ let str = token_string ib in
+ let fmt' =
+ try format_of_string_format str format
+ with Failure msg -> bad_input msg
+ in
+ f fmt'
+let sscanf_format : string -> ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 ->
+ (('a, 'b, 'c, 'd, 'e, 'f) format6 -> 'g) -> 'g =
+ fun s format f -> bscanf_format (Scanning.from_string s) format f
let string_to_String s =
let l = String.length s in
diff --git a/stdlib/scanf.mli b/stdlib/scanf.mli
index a1b3d1acb..297d6f2d5 100644
--- a/stdlib/scanf.mli
+++ b/stdlib/scanf.mli
@@ -485,6 +485,16 @@ val kscanf :
exception that aborted the scanning process as arguments.
+val ksscanf :
+ string -> (Scanning.in_channel -> exn -> 'd) ->
+ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) scanner
+(** Same as {!Scanf.kscanf} but reads from the given string. *)
+val kfscanf :
+ Pervasives.in_channel -> (Scanning.in_channel -> exn -> 'd) ->
+ ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) scanner
+(** Same as {!Scanf.kscanf}, but reads from the given regular input channel. *)
(** {6 Reading format strings from input} *)
val bscanf_format :
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/basic-more/ b/testsuite/tests/basic-more/
index 9ea9366f5..902eb976c 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/basic-more/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/basic-more/
@@ -20,7 +20,8 @@ let test0 () =
sprintf "%.0f" 1.0 = "1" &&
sprintf "%.0f." 1.7 = "2." &&
sprintf "%.1f." 1.0 = "1.0." &&
- sprintf "%0.1f." 12.0 = "12.0." &&
+ (*sprintf "%0.1f." 12.0 = "12.0." &&*)
+ (* >> '0' w/o padding *)
sprintf "%3.1f." 12.0 = "12.0." &&
sprintf "%5.1f." 12.0 = " 12.0." &&
sprintf "%10.1f." 12.0 = " 12.0." &&
@@ -33,7 +34,8 @@ let test0 () =
sprintf "%010.0f." 12.0 = "0000000012." &&
sprintf "% 10.0f." 12.0 = " 12." &&
- sprintf "%0.1f." 12.0 = "12.0." &&
+ (*sprintf "%0.1f." 12.0 = "12.0." &&*)
+ (* >> '0' w/o padding *)
sprintf "%10.1f." 1.001 = " 1.0." &&
sprintf "%05.1f." 1.001 = "001.0."
@@ -59,8 +61,10 @@ test (test2 ());;
(* Testing meta format string printing. *)
let test3 () =
-sprintf "%{toto %s titi.\n%}" "Bonjour %s." = "%s" &&
-sprintf "%{%d%s%}" "kk%dkk%s\n" = "%i%s";;
+(* >> Now works as expected. *)
+(*sprintf "%{toto %s titi.\n%}" "Bonjour %s." = "%s" &&*)
+sprintf "%{toto %s titi.\n%}" "Bonjour %s." = "Bonjour %s." &&
+sprintf "%{%d%s%}" "kk%dkk%s\n" = "kk%dkk%s\n";;
test (test3 ());;
(* Testing meta format string arguments. *)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib-printf/ b/testsuite/tests/lib-printf/
index 47313b325..e5f09d1e5 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/lib-printf/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/lib-printf/
@@ -27,10 +27,12 @@ try
test (sprintf "%04d/%05i" 42 43 = "0042/00043");
test (sprintf "%+d/%+i" 42 43 = "+42/+43");
test (sprintf "% d/% i" 42 43 = " 42/ 43");
- test (sprintf "%#d/%#i" 42 43 = "42/43");
+ (*test (sprintf "%#d/%#i" 42 43 = "42/43");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'd' *)
test (sprintf "%4d/%5i" 42 43 = " 42/ 43");
test (sprintf "%*d/%*i" 4 42 5 43 = " 42/ 43");
- test (sprintf "%-0+#4d/%-0 #5i" 42 43 = "+42 / 43 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+#4d/%-0 #5i" 42 43 = "+42 / 43 ");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'd' *)
printf "\nd/i negative\n%!";
test (sprintf "%d/%i" (-42) (-43) = "-42/-43");
@@ -38,21 +40,27 @@ try
test (sprintf "%04d/%05i" (-42) (-43) = "-042/-0043");
test (sprintf "%+d/%+i" (-42) (-43) = "-42/-43");
test (sprintf "% d/% i" (-42) (-43) = "-42/-43");
- test (sprintf "%#d/%#i" (-42) (-43) = "-42/-43");
+ (*test (sprintf "%#d/%#i" (-42) (-43) = "-42/-43");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatilbe with 'd' *)
test (sprintf "%4d/%5i" (-42) (-43) = " -42/ -43");
test (sprintf "%*d/%*i" 4 (-42) 5 (-43) = " -42/ -43");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #4d/%-0+ #5i" (-42) (-43) = "-42 /-43 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #4d/%-0+ #5i" (-42) (-43) = "-42 /-43 ");*)
+ (* >> '0' is incompatible with '-', '#' is incompatible with 'd' *)
printf "\nu positive\n%!";
test (sprintf "%u" 42 = "42");
test (sprintf "%-4u" 42 = "42 ");
test (sprintf "%04u" 42 = "0042");
- test (sprintf "%+u" 42 = "42");
- test (sprintf "% u" 42 = "42");
- test (sprintf "%#u" 42 = "42");
+ (*test (sprintf "%+u" 42 = "42");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 'u' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% u" 42 = "42");*)
+ (* >> ' ' is incompatible with 'u' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "%#u" 42 = "42");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'u' *)
test (sprintf "%4u" 42 = " 42");
test (sprintf "%*u" 4 42 = " 42");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #6d" 42 = "+42 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #6d" 42 = "+42 ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0', '#' is incompatilbe with 'd' *)
printf "\nu negative\n%!";
begin match Sys.word_size with
@@ -67,12 +75,15 @@ try
test (sprintf "%x" 42 = "2a");
test (sprintf "%-4x" 42 = "2a ");
test (sprintf "%04x" 42 = "002a");
- test (sprintf "%+x" 42 = "2a");
- test (sprintf "% x" 42 = "2a");
+ (*test (sprintf "%+x" 42 = "2a");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 'x' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% x" 42 = "2a");*)
+ (* >> ' ' is incompatible with 'x' *)
test (sprintf "%#x" 42 = "0x2a");
test (sprintf "%4x" 42 = " 2a");
test (sprintf "%*x" 5 42 = " 2a");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #*x" 5 42 = "0x2a ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #*x" 5 42 = "0x2a ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0' *)
printf "\nx negative\n%!";
begin match Sys.word_size with
@@ -87,12 +98,15 @@ try
test (sprintf "%X" 42 = "2A");
test (sprintf "%-4X" 42 = "2A ");
test (sprintf "%04X" 42 = "002A");
- test (sprintf "%+X" 42 = "2A");
- test (sprintf "% X" 42 = "2A");
+ (*test (sprintf "%+X" 42 = "2A");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 'X' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% X" 42 = "2A");*)
+ (* >> ' ' is incompatible with 'X' *)
test (sprintf "%#X" 42 = "0X2A");
test (sprintf "%4X" 42 = " 2A");
test (sprintf "%*X" 5 42 = " 2A");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #*X" 5 42 = "0X2A ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #*X" 5 42 = "0X2A ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0' *)
printf "\nx negative\n%!";
begin match Sys.word_size with
@@ -107,12 +121,15 @@ try
test (sprintf "%o" 42 = "52");
test (sprintf "%-4o" 42 = "52 ");
test (sprintf "%04o" 42 = "0052");
- test (sprintf "%+o" 42 = "52");
- test (sprintf "% o" 42 = "52");
+ (*test (sprintf "%+o" 42 = "52");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 'o' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% o" 42 = "52");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 'o' *)
test (sprintf "%#o" 42 = "052");
test (sprintf "%4o" 42 = " 52");
test (sprintf "%*o" 5 42 = " 52");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #*o" 5 42 = "052 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #*o" 5 42 = "052 ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with 'o' *)
printf "\no negative\n%!";
begin match Sys.word_size with
@@ -126,15 +143,20 @@ try
printf "\ns\n%!";
test (sprintf "%s" "foo" = "foo");
test (sprintf "%-5s" "foo" = "foo ");
- test (sprintf "%05s" "foo" = " foo");
- test (sprintf "%+s" "foo" = "foo");
- test (sprintf "% s" "foo" = "foo");
- test (sprintf "%#s" "foo" = "foo");
+ (*test (sprintf "%05s" "foo" = " foo");*)
+ (* >> '0' is incompatible with 's' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "%+s" "foo" = "foo");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 's' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% s" "foo" = "foo");*)
+ (* >> ' ' is incompatible with 's' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "%#s" "foo" = "foo");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 's' *)
test (sprintf "%5s" "foo" = " foo");
test (sprintf "%1s" "foo" = "foo");
test (sprintf "%*s" 6 "foo" = " foo");
test (sprintf "%*s" 2 "foo" = "foo");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #5s" "foo" = "foo ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #5s" "foo" = "foo ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0', '#' is incompatible with 's' *)
test (sprintf "%s@" "foo" = "foo@");
test (sprintf "" "foo" = "");
test (sprintf "%s@%s" "foo" "" = "");
@@ -143,9 +165,12 @@ try
test (sprintf "%S" "fo\"o" = "\"fo\\\"o\"");
(* test (sprintf "%-5S" "foo" = "\"foo\" "); padding not done *)
(* test (sprintf "%05S" "foo" = " \"foo\""); padding not done *)
- test (sprintf "%+S" "foo" = "\"foo\"");
- test (sprintf "% S" "foo" = "\"foo\"");
- test (sprintf "%#S" "foo" = "\"foo\"");
+ (*test (sprintf "%+S" "foo" = "\"foo\"");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'S' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% S" "foo" = "\"foo\"");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'S' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "%#S" "foo" = "\"foo\"");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'S' *)
(* test (sprintf "%5S" "foo" = " \"foo\""); padding not done *)
test (sprintf "%1S" "foo" = "\"foo\"");
(* test (sprintf "%*S" 6 "foo" = " \"foo\""); padding not done *)
@@ -159,9 +184,12 @@ try
test (sprintf "%c" 'c' = "c");
(* test (sprintf "%-4c" 'c' = "c "); padding not done *)
(* test (sprintf "%04c" 'c' = " c"); padding not done *)
- test (sprintf "%+c" 'c' = "c");
- test (sprintf "% c" 'c' = "c");
- test (sprintf "%#c" 'c' = "c");
+ (*test (sprintf "%+c" 'c' = "c");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'c' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% c" 'c' = "c");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'c' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "%#c" 'c' = "c");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'c' *)
(* test (sprintf "%4c" 'c' = " c"); padding not done *)
(* test (sprintf "%*c" 2 'c' = " c"); padding not done *)
(* test (sprintf "%-0+ #4c" 'c' = "c "); padding not done *)
@@ -171,12 +199,15 @@ try
test (sprintf "%C" '\'' = "'\\''");
(* test (sprintf "%-4C" 'c' = "c "); padding not done *)
(* test (sprintf "%04C" 'c' = " c"); padding not done *)
- test (sprintf "%+C" 'c' = "'c'");
- test (sprintf "% C" 'c' = "'c'");
- test (sprintf "%#C" 'c' = "'c'");
-(* test (sprintf "%4C" 'c' = " 'c'"); padding not done *)
-(* test (sprintf "%*C" 2 'c' = "'c'"); padding not done *)
-(* test (sprintf "%-0+ #4C" 'c' = "'c' "); padding not done *)
+ (*test (sprintf "%+C" 'c' = "'c'");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 'C' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% C" 'c' = "'c'");*)
+ (* >> ' ' is incompatible with 'C' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "%#C" 'c' = "'c'");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'C' *)
+(* test (sprintf "%4C" 'c' = " c"); padding not done *)
+(* test (sprintf "%*C" 2 'c' = " c"); padding not done *)
+(* test (sprintf "%-0+ #4C" 'c' = "c "); padding not done *)
printf "\nf\n%!";
test (sprintf "%f" (-42.42) = "-42.420000");
@@ -184,19 +215,23 @@ try
test (sprintf "%013f" (-42.42) = "-00042.420000");
test (sprintf "%+f" 42.42 = "+42.420000");
test (sprintf "% f" 42.42 = " 42.420000");
- test (sprintf "%#f" 42.42 = "42.420000");
+ (*test (sprintf "%#f" 42.42 = "42.420000");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'f' *)
test (sprintf "%13f" 42.42 = " 42.420000");
test (sprintf "%*f" 12 42.42 = " 42.420000");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #12f" 42.42 = "+42.420000 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #12f" 42.42 = "+42.420000 ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0', '#' is incompatible with 'f' *)
test (sprintf "%.3f" (-42.42) = "-42.420");
test (sprintf "%-13.3f" (-42.42) = "-42.420 ");
test (sprintf "%013.3f" (-42.42) = "-00000042.420");
test (sprintf "%+.3f" 42.42 = "+42.420");
test (sprintf "% .3f" 42.42 = " 42.420");
- test (sprintf "%#.3f" 42.42 = "42.420");
+ (*test (sprintf "%#.3f" 42.42 = "42.420");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'f' *)
test (sprintf "%13.3f" 42.42 = " 42.420");
test (sprintf "%*.*f" 12 3 42.42 = " 42.420");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #12.3f" 42.42 = "+42.420 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #12.3f" 42.42 = "+42.420 ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0', '#' is incompatible with 'f' *)
(* Under Windows (mingw and maybe also MSVC), the stdlib uses three
digits for the exponent instead of the two used by Linux and BSD.
@@ -240,19 +275,23 @@ try
test (sprintf "%015e" (-42.42) =* "-004.242000e+01");
test (sprintf "%+e" 42.42 =* "+4.242000e+01");
test (sprintf "% e" 42.42 =* " 4.242000e+01");
- test (sprintf "%#e" 42.42 =* "4.242000e+01");
+ (*test (sprintf "%#e" 42.42 =* "4.242000e+01");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'e' *)
test (sprintf "%15e" 42.42 =* " 4.242000e+01");
test (sprintf "%*e" 14 42.42 =* " 4.242000e+01");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #14e" 42.42 =* "+4.242000e+01 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #14e" 42.42 =* "+4.242000e+01 ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0', '#' is incompatible with 'e' *)
test (sprintf "%.3e" (-42.42) =* "-4.242e+01");
test (sprintf "%-15.3e" (-42.42) =* "-4.242e+01 ");
test (sprintf "%015.3e" (-42.42) =* "-000004.242e+01");
test (sprintf "%+.3e" 42.42 =* "+4.242e+01");
test (sprintf "% .3e" 42.42 =* " 4.242e+01");
- test (sprintf "%#.3e" 42.42 =* "4.242e+01");
+ (*test (sprintf "%#.3e" 42.42 =* "4.242e+01");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'e' *)
test (sprintf "%15.3e" 42.42 =* " 4.242e+01");
test (sprintf "%*.*e" 11 3 42.42 =* " 4.242e+01");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #14.3e" 42.42 =* "+4.242e+01 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #14.3e" 42.42 =* "+4.242e+01 ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0', '#' is incompatible with 'e' *)
printf "\nE\n%!";
test (sprintf "%E" (-42.42) =* "-4.242000E+01");
@@ -260,19 +299,23 @@ try
test (sprintf "%015E" (-42.42) =* "-004.242000E+01");
test (sprintf "%+E" 42.42 =* "+4.242000E+01");
test (sprintf "% E" 42.42 =* " 4.242000E+01");
- test (sprintf "%#E" 42.42 =* "4.242000E+01");
+ (*test (sprintf "%#E" 42.42 =* "4.242000E+01");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'E' *)
test (sprintf "%15E" 42.42 =* " 4.242000E+01");
test (sprintf "%*E" 14 42.42 =* " 4.242000E+01");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #14E" 42.42 =* "+4.242000E+01 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #14E" 42.42 =* "+4.242000E+01 ");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'E' *)
test (sprintf "%.3E" (-42.42) =* "-4.242E+01");
test (sprintf "%-15.3E" (-42.42) =* "-4.242E+01 ");
test (sprintf "%015.3E" (-42.42) =* "-000004.242E+01");
test (sprintf "%+.3E" 42.42 =* "+4.242E+01");
test (sprintf "% .3E" 42.42 =* " 4.242E+01");
- test (sprintf "%#.3E" 42.42 =* "4.242E+01");
+ (*test (sprintf "%#.3E" 42.42 =* "4.242E+01");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'E' *)
test (sprintf "%15.3E" 42.42 =* " 4.242E+01");
test (sprintf "%*.*E" 11 3 42.42 =* " 4.242E+01");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #14.3E" 42.42 =* "+4.242E+01 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #14.3E" 42.42 =* "+4.242E+01 ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0', '#' is incompatible with 'E' *)
(* %g gives strange results that correspond to neither %f nor %e
printf "\ng\n%!";
@@ -302,10 +345,12 @@ try
test (sprintf "%04ld/%05li" 42l 43l = "0042/00043");
test (sprintf "%+ld/%+li" 42l 43l = "+42/+43");
test (sprintf "% ld/% li" 42l 43l = " 42/ 43");
- test (sprintf "%#ld/%#li" 42l 43l = "42/43");
+ (*test (sprintf "%#ld/%#li" 42l 43l = "42/43");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'ld' *)
test (sprintf "%4ld/%5li" 42l 43l = " 42/ 43");
test (sprintf "%*ld/%*li" 4 42l 5 43l = " 42/ 43");
- test (sprintf "%-0+#4ld/%-0 #5li" 42l 43l = "+42 / 43 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+#4ld/%-0 #5li" 42l 43l = "+42 / 43 ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0', '#' is incompatible with 'ld' *)
printf "\nld/li negative\n%!";
test (sprintf "%ld/%li" (-42l) (-43l) = "-42/-43");
@@ -313,21 +358,27 @@ try
test (sprintf "%04ld/%05li" (-42l) (-43l) = "-042/-0043");
test (sprintf "%+ld/%+li" (-42l) (-43l) = "-42/-43");
test (sprintf "% ld/% li" (-42l) (-43l) = "-42/-43");
- test (sprintf "%#ld/%#li" (-42l) (-43l) = "-42/-43");
+ (*test (sprintf "%#ld/%#li" (-42l) (-43l) = "-42/-43");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'ld' *)
test (sprintf "%4ld/%5li" (-42l) (-43l) = " -42/ -43");
test (sprintf "%*ld/%*li" 4 (-42l) 5 (-43l) = " -42/ -43");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #4ld/%-0+ #5li" (-42l) (-43l) = "-42 /-43 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #4ld/%-0+ #5li" (-42l) (-43l) = "-42 /-43 ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0', '#' is incompatible with 'ld' *)
printf "\nlu positive\n%!";
test (sprintf "%lu" 42l = "42");
test (sprintf "%-4lu" 42l = "42 ");
test (sprintf "%04lu" 42l = "0042");
- test (sprintf "%+lu" 42l = "42");
- test (sprintf "% lu" 42l = "42");
- test (sprintf "%#lu" 42l = "42");
+ (*test (sprintf "%+lu" 42l = "42");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 'lu' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% lu" 42l = "42");*)
+ (* >> ' ' is incompatible with 'lu' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "%#lu" 42l = "42");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'lu' *)
test (sprintf "%4lu" 42l = " 42");
test (sprintf "%*lu" 4 42l = " 42");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #6ld" 42l = "+42 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #6ld" 42l = "+42 ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0', '#' is incompatible with 'ld' *)
printf "\nlu negative\n%!";
test (sprintf "%lu" (-1l) = "4294967295");
@@ -336,12 +387,15 @@ try
test (sprintf "%lx" 42l = "2a");
test (sprintf "%-4lx" 42l = "2a ");
test (sprintf "%04lx" 42l = "002a");
- test (sprintf "%+lx" 42l = "2a");
- test (sprintf "% lx" 42l = "2a");
+ (*test (sprintf "%+lx" 42l = "2a");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 'lx' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% lx" 42l = "2a");*)
+ (* >> ' ' is incompatible with 'lx' *)
test (sprintf "%#lx" 42l = "0x2a");
test (sprintf "%4lx" 42l = " 2a");
test (sprintf "%*lx" 5 42l = " 2a");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #*lx" 5 42l = "0x2a ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #*lx" 5 42l = "0x2a ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0' *)
printf "\nlx negative\n%!";
test (sprintf "%lx" (-42l) = "ffffffd6");
@@ -350,12 +404,15 @@ try
test (sprintf "%lX" 42l = "2A");
test (sprintf "%-4lX" 42l = "2A ");
test (sprintf "%04lX" 42l = "002A");
- test (sprintf "%+lX" 42l = "2A");
- test (sprintf "% lX" 42l = "2A");
+ (*test (sprintf "%+lX" 42l = "2A");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 'lX' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% lX" 42l = "2A");*)
+ (* >> ' ' is incompatible with 'lX' *)
test (sprintf "%#lX" 42l = "0X2A");
test (sprintf "%4lX" 42l = " 2A");
test (sprintf "%*lX" 5 42l = " 2A");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #*lX" 5 42l = "0X2A ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #*lX" 5 42l = "0X2A ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0' *)
printf "\nlx negative\n%!";
test (sprintf "%lX" (-42l) = "FFFFFFD6");
@@ -364,12 +421,15 @@ try
test (sprintf "%lo" 42l = "52");
test (sprintf "%-4lo" 42l = "52 ");
test (sprintf "%04lo" 42l = "0052");
- test (sprintf "%+lo" 42l = "52");
- test (sprintf "% lo" 42l = "52");
+ (*test (sprintf "%+lo" 42l = "52");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 'lo' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% lo" 42l = "52");*)
+ (* >> ' ' is incompatible with 'lo' *)
test (sprintf "%#lo" 42l = "052");
test (sprintf "%4lo" 42l = " 52");
test (sprintf "%*lo" 5 42l = " 52");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #*lo" 5 42l = "052 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #*lo" 5 42l = "052 ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0' *)
printf "\nlo negative\n%!";
test (sprintf "%lo" (-42l) = "37777777726");
@@ -381,34 +441,46 @@ try
test (sprintf "%Ld/%Li" 42L 43L = "42/43");
test (sprintf "%-4Ld/%-5Li" 42L 43L = "42 /43 ");
test (sprintf "%04Ld/%05Li" 42L 43L = "0042/00043");
- test (sprintf "%+Ld/%+Li" 42L 43L = "+42/+43");
- test (sprintf "% Ld/% Li" 42L 43L = " 42/ 43");
- test (sprintf "%#Ld/%#Li" 42L 43L = "42/43");
+ (*test (sprintf "%+Ld/%+Li" 42L 43L = "+42/+43");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 'Ld' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% Ld/% Li" 42L 43L = " 42/ 43");*)
+ (* >> ' ' is incompatible with 'Ld' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "%#Ld/%#Li" 42L 43L = "42/43");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'Ld' *)
test (sprintf "%4Ld/%5Li" 42L 43L = " 42/ 43");
test (sprintf "%*Ld/%*Li" 4 42L 5 43L = " 42/ 43");
- test (sprintf "%-0+#4Ld/%-0 #5Li" 42L 43L = "+42 / 43 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+#4Ld/%-0 #5Li" 42L 43L = "+42 / 43 ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0' *)
printf "\nLd/Li negative\n%!";
test (sprintf "%Ld/%Li" (-42L) (-43L) = "-42/-43");
test (sprintf "%-4Ld/%-5Li" (-42L) (-43L) = "-42 /-43 ");
test (sprintf "%04Ld/%05Li" (-42L) (-43L) = "-042/-0043");
- test (sprintf "%+Ld/%+Li" (-42L) (-43L) = "-42/-43");
- test (sprintf "% Ld/% Li" (-42L) (-43L) = "-42/-43");
- test (sprintf "%#Ld/%#Li" (-42L) (-43L) = "-42/-43");
+ (*test (sprintf "%+Ld/%+Li" (-42L) (-43L) = "-42/-43");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 'Ld' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% Ld/% Li" (-42L) (-43L) = "-42/-43");*)
+ (* >> ' ' is incompatible with 'Ld' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "%#Ld/%#Li" (-42L) (-43L) = "-42/-43");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'Ld' *)
test (sprintf "%4Ld/%5Li" (-42L) (-43L) = " -42/ -43");
test (sprintf "%*Ld/%*Li" 4 (-42L) 5 (-43L) = " -42/ -43");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #4Ld/%-0+ #5Li" (-42L) (-43L) = "-42 /-43 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #4Ld/%-0+ #5Li" (-42L) (-43L) = "-42 /-43 ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0' *)
printf "\nLu positive\n%!";
test (sprintf "%Lu" 42L = "42");
test (sprintf "%-4Lu" 42L = "42 ");
test (sprintf "%04Lu" 42L = "0042");
- test (sprintf "%+Lu" 42L = "42");
- test (sprintf "% Lu" 42L = "42");
- test (sprintf "%#Lu" 42L = "42");
+ (*test (sprintf "%+Lu" 42L = "42");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 'Lu' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% Lu" 42L = "42");*)
+ (* >> ' ' is incompatible with 'Lu' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "%#Lu" 42L = "42");*)
+ (* >> '#' is incompatible with 'Lu' *)
test (sprintf "%4Lu" 42L = " 42");
test (sprintf "%*Lu" 4 42L = " 42");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #6Ld" 42L = "+42 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #6Ld" 42L = "+42 ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0' *)
printf "\nLu negative\n%!";
test (sprintf "%Lu" (-1L) = "18446744073709551615");
@@ -417,12 +489,15 @@ try
test (sprintf "%Lx" 42L = "2a");
test (sprintf "%-4Lx" 42L = "2a ");
test (sprintf "%04Lx" 42L = "002a");
- test (sprintf "%+Lx" 42L = "2a");
- test (sprintf "% Lx" 42L = "2a");
+ (*test (sprintf "%+Lx" 42L = "2a");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 'Lx' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% Lx" 42L = "2a");*)
+ (* >> ' ' is incompatible with 'Lx' *)
test (sprintf "%#Lx" 42L = "0x2a");
test (sprintf "%4Lx" 42L = " 2a");
test (sprintf "%*Lx" 5 42L = " 2a");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #*Lx" 5 42L = "0x2a ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #*Lx" 5 42L = "0x2a ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0' *)
printf "\nLx negative\n%!";
test (sprintf "%Lx" (-42L) = "ffffffffffffffd6");
@@ -431,12 +506,15 @@ try
test (sprintf "%LX" 42L = "2A");
test (sprintf "%-4LX" 42L = "2A ");
test (sprintf "%04LX" 42L = "002A");
- test (sprintf "%+LX" 42L = "2A");
- test (sprintf "% LX" 42L = "2A");
+ (*test (sprintf "%+LX" 42L = "2A");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 'LX' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% LX" 42L = "2A");*)
+ (* >> ' ' is incompatible with 'LX' *)
test (sprintf "%#LX" 42L = "0X2A");
test (sprintf "%4LX" 42L = " 2A");
test (sprintf "%*LX" 5 42L = " 2A");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #*LX" 5 42L = "0X2A ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #*LX" 5 42L = "0X2A ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0' *)
printf "\nLx negative\n%!";
test (sprintf "%LX" (-42L) = "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFD6");
@@ -445,12 +523,15 @@ try
test (sprintf "%Lo" 42L = "52");
test (sprintf "%-4Lo" 42L = "52 ");
test (sprintf "%04Lo" 42L = "0052");
- test (sprintf "%+Lo" 42L = "52");
- test (sprintf "% Lo" 42L = "52");
+ (*test (sprintf "%+Lo" 42L = "52");*)
+ (* >> '+' is incompatible with 'Lo' *)
+ (*test (sprintf "% Lo" 42L = "52");*)
+ (* >> ' ' is incompatible with 'Lo' *)
test (sprintf "%#Lo" 42L = "052");
test (sprintf "%4Lo" 42L = " 52");
test (sprintf "%*Lo" 5 42L = " 52");
- test (sprintf "%-0+ #*Lo" 5 42L = "052 ");
+ (*test (sprintf "%-0+ #*Lo" 5 42L = "052 ");*)
+ (* >> '-' is incompatible with '0' *)
printf "\nLo negative\n%!";
test (sprintf "%Lo" (-42L) = "1777777777777777777726");
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib-printf/tprintf.reference b/testsuite/tests/lib-printf/tprintf.reference
index 387dfb853..11ee3a74f 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/lib-printf/tprintf.reference
+++ b/testsuite/tests/lib-printf/tprintf.reference
@@ -1,91 +1,91 @@
d/i positive
- 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
+ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
d/i negative
- 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
+ 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
u positive
- 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
+ 14 15 16 17 18
u negative
- 27
+ 19
x positive
- 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
+ 20 21 22 23 24 25
x negative
- 37
+ 26
X positive
- 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
+ 27 28 29 30 31 32
x negative
- 47
+ 33
o positive
- 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56
+ 34 35 36 37 38 39
o negative
- 57
+ 40
- 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71
+ 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
- 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
+ 50 51 52 53 54 55
- 81 82 83 84
+ 56
- 85 86 87 88 89
+ 57 58
- 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107
+ 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72
- 108 109 110 111
+ 73 74 75 76
- 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129
+ 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90
- 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147
+ 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104
- 148 149
+ 105 106
ld/li positive
- 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158
+ 107 108 109 110 111 112 113
ld/li negative
- 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167
+ 114 115 116 117 118 119 120
lu positive
- 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176
+ 121 122 123 124 125
lu negative
- 177
+ 126
lx positive
- 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186
+ 127 128 129 130 131 132
lx negative
- 187
+ 133
lX positive
- 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196
+ 134 135 136 137 138 139
lx negative
- 197
+ 140
lo positive
- 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206
+ 141 142 143 144 145 146
lo negative
- 207
+ 147
Ld/Li positive
- 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216
+ 148 149 150 151 152
Ld/Li negative
- 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225
+ 153 154 155 156 157
Lu positive
- 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234
+ 158 159 160 161 162
Lu negative
- 235
+ 163
Lx positive
- 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244
+ 164 165 166 167 168 169
Lx negative
- 245
+ 170
LX positive
- 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254
+ 171 172 173 174 175 176
Lx negative
- 255
+ 177
Lo positive
- 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264
+ 178 179 180 181 182 183
Lo negative
- 265
+ 184
- 266
+ 185
- 267
+ 186
- 268
+ 187
- 269
+ 188
! % @ , and constants
- 270 271 272 273 274 275 276
+ 189 190 191 192 193 194 195
end of tests
All tests succeeded.
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/lib-scanf/ b/testsuite/tests/lib-scanf/
index 53c92ffc8..c39192f0a 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/lib-scanf/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/lib-scanf/
@@ -1096,7 +1096,7 @@ let test46, test47 =
test (test46 () = "1 spells one, in english.")
-test (test47 () = "1 ,%s, in english.")
+test (test47 () = "1 ,spells one %s, in english.")
(* Testing scanning of meta formats. *)