diff options
-rwxr-xr-xboot/ocamlcbin887803 -> 894056 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xboot/ocamllexbin136756 -> 136873 bytes
28 files changed, 510 insertions, 191 deletions
diff --git a/Changes b/Changes
index 5ada8a79d..5f2f41fd3 100644
--- a/Changes
+++ b/Changes
@@ -8,6 +8,8 @@ Language features:
provided in the type definition module.
That way, the construction functions can enforce any required invariant for
the datatype.
+- Added integer literals of types int32, nativeint, int64
+ (written with an 'l', 'n' or 'L' suffix respectively).
- Allow polymorphic generalization of covariant parts of expansive expressions
diff --git a/asmcomp/alpha/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/alpha/emit.mlp
index b52c17a6b..385200a5a 100644
--- a/asmcomp/alpha/emit.mlp
+++ b/asmcomp/alpha/emit.mlp
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ let emit_instr fallthrough i =
fatal_error "Emit_alpha: Imove"
| Lop(Iconst_int n) ->
- if n = then
+ if n = 0n then
` clr {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
else if digital_asm ||
(n >= Nativeint.of_int (-0x80000000) &&
diff --git a/asmcomp/arm/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/arm/emit.mlp
index 13684b294..e911b6b76 100644
--- a/asmcomp/arm/emit.mlp
+++ b/asmcomp/arm/emit.mlp
@@ -189,11 +189,11 @@ let decompose_intconst n fn =
let i = ref n in
let shift = ref 0 in
let ninstr = ref 0 in
- while !i <> do
+ while !i <> 0n do
if Nativeint.to_int (Nativeint.shift_right !i !shift) land 3 = 0 then
shift := !shift + 2
else begin
- let mask = Nativeint.shift_left (Nativeint.of_int 0xFF) !shift in
+ let mask = Nativeint.shift_left 0xFFn !shift in
let bits = Nativeint.logand !i mask in
fn bits;
shift := !shift + 8;
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 6ab5098cb..d4ff4e223 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -110,7 +110,8 @@ let lambda_smaller lam threshold =
if !size > threshold then raise Exit;
match lam with
Uvar v -> ()
- | Uconst(Const_base(Const_int _ | Const_char _ | Const_float _) |
+ | Uconst(Const_base(Const_int _ | Const_char _ | Const_float _ |
+ Const_int32 _ | Const_int64 _ | Const_nativeint _) |
Const_pointer _) -> incr size
| Uconst _ ->
raise Exit (* avoid duplication of structured constants *)
@@ -312,7 +313,9 @@ let rec substitute sb ulam =
let is_simple_argument = function
Uvar _ -> true
- | Uconst(Const_base(Const_int _ | Const_char _ | Const_float _)) -> true
+ | Uconst(Const_base(Const_int _ | Const_char _ | Const_float _ |
+ Const_int32 _ | Const_int64 _ | Const_nativeint _)) ->
+ true
| Uconst(Const_pointer _) -> true
| _ -> false
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index a9779bdbe..d4ba9df7d 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -69,9 +69,8 @@ let min_repr_int = min_int asr 1
let int_const n =
if n <= max_repr_int && n >= min_repr_int
then Cconst_int((n lsl 1) + 1)
- else Cconst_natint(Nativeint.add
- (Nativeint.shift_left (Nativeint.of_int n) 1)
+ else Cconst_natint
+ (Nativeint.add (Nativeint.shift_left (Nativeint.of_int n) 1) 1n)
let add_const c n =
if n = 0 then c else Cop(Caddi, [c; Cconst_int n])
@@ -401,9 +400,8 @@ let transl_constant = function
| Const_pointer n ->
if n <= max_repr_int && n >= min_repr_int
then Cconst_pointer((n lsl 1) + 1)
- else Cconst_natpointer(Nativeint.add
- (Nativeint.shift_left (Nativeint.of_int n) 1)
+ else Cconst_natpointer
+ (Nativeint.add (Nativeint.shift_left (Nativeint.of_int n) 1) 1n)
| cst ->
let lbl = new_const_symbol() in
structured_constants := (lbl, cst) :: !structured_constants;
@@ -416,60 +414,61 @@ let constant_closures =
(* Boxed integers *)
-let operations_boxed_int bi =
- match bi with Pnativeint -> "nativeint_ops"
- | Pint32 -> "int32_ops"
- | Pint64 -> "int64_ops"
-let constant_boxed_ints =
- ref ([] : (string * boxed_integer * nativeint) list)
+let box_int_constant bi n =
+ match bi with
+ Pnativeint -> Const_base(Const_nativeint n)
+ | Pint32 -> Const_base(Const_int32 (Nativeint.to_int32 n))
+ | Pint64 -> Const_base(Const_int64 (Int64.of_nativeint n))
-let label_constant_boxed_int bi n =
- let s = new_const_symbol() in
- constant_boxed_ints := (s, bi, n) :: !constant_boxed_ints;
- s
+let operations_boxed_int bi =
+ match bi with
+ Pnativeint -> "nativeint_ops"
+ | Pint32 -> "int32_ops"
+ | Pint64 -> "int64_ops"
let box_int bi arg =
match arg with
Cconst_int n ->
- Cconst_symbol(label_constant_boxed_int bi (Nativeint.of_int n))
+ transl_constant (box_int_constant bi (Nativeint.of_int n))
| Cconst_natint n ->
- Cconst_symbol(label_constant_boxed_int bi n)
+ transl_constant (box_int_constant bi n)
| _ ->
- if bi = Pint32 && size_int = 8 && big_endian then
- let id = Ident.create "bint" in
- Clet(id, Cop(Calloc, [alloc_boxedint_header;
- Cconst_symbol(operations_boxed_int bi);
- Cconst_int 0]),
- Csequence(Cop(Cstore Thirtytwo_signed,
- [Cop(Cadda, [Cvar id; Cconst_int size_addr]);
- arg]),
- Cvar id))
- else
- Cop(Calloc, [alloc_boxedint_header;
- Cconst_symbol(operations_boxed_int bi);
- arg])
+ let arg' =
+ if bi = Pint32 && size_int = 8 && big_endian
+ then Cop(Clsl, [arg; Cconst_int 32])
+ else arg in
+ Cop(Calloc, [alloc_boxedint_header;
+ Cconst_symbol(operations_boxed_int bi);
+ arg])
let unbox_int bi arg =
match arg with
- Cop(Calloc, [hdr; ops; contents]) ->
- if bi = Pint32 && size_int = 8 then
- (* Force sign-extension of low-order 32 bits *)
- Cop(Casr, [Cop(Clsl, [contents; Cconst_int 32]); Cconst_int 32])
- else
- contents
+ Cop(Calloc, [hdr; ops; Cop(Clsl, [contents; Cconst_int 32])])
+ when bi = Pint32 && size_int = 8 && big_endian ->
+ (* Force sign-extension of low 32 bits *)
+ Cop(Casr, [Cop(Clsl, [contents; Cconst_int 32]); Cconst_int 32])
+ | Cop(Calloc, [hdr; ops; contents])
+ when bi = Pint32 && size_int = 8 && not big_endian ->
+ (* Force sign-extension of low 32 bits *)
+ Cop(Casr, [Cop(Clsl, [contents; Cconst_int 32]); Cconst_int 32])
+ | Cop(Calloc, [hdr; ops; contents]) ->
+ contents
| _ ->
Cop(Cload(if bi = Pint32 then Thirtytwo_signed else Word),
[Cop(Cadda, [arg; Cconst_int size_addr])])
let unbox_unsigned_int bi arg =
match arg with
- Cop(Calloc, [hdr; ops; contents]) ->
- if bi = Pint32 && size_int = 8 then
- (* Force zero-extension of low-order 32 bits *)
- Cop(Clsr, [Cop(Clsl, [contents; Cconst_int 32]); Cconst_int 32])
- else
- contents
+ Cop(Calloc, [hdr; ops; Cop(Clsl, [contents; Cconst_int 32])])
+ when bi = Pint32 && size_int = 8 && big_endian ->
+ (* Force zero-extension of low 32 bits *)
+ Cop(Clsr, [Cop(Clsl, [contents; Cconst_int 32]); Cconst_int 32])
+ | Cop(Calloc, [hdr; ops; contents])
+ when bi = Pint32 && size_int = 8 && not big_endian ->
+ (* Force zero-extension of low 32 bits *)
+ Cop(Clsr, [Cop(Clsl, [contents; Cconst_int 32]); Cconst_int 32])
+ | Cop(Calloc, [hdr; ops; contents]) ->
+ contents
| _ ->
Cop(Cload(if bi = Pint32 then Thirtytwo_unsigned else Word),
[Cop(Cadda, [arg; Cconst_int size_addr])])
@@ -1317,7 +1316,13 @@ and transl_unbox_float = function
| exp -> unbox_float(transl exp)
and transl_unbox_int bi = function
- Uprim(Pbintofint bi', [Uconst(Const_base(Const_int i))]) when bi = bi' ->
+ Uconst(Const_base(Const_int32 n)) ->
+ Cconst_natint (Nativeint.of_int32 n)
+ | Uconst(Const_base(Const_nativeint n)) ->
+ Cconst_natint n
+ | Uconst(Const_base(Const_int64 n)) ->
+ assert (size_int = 8); Cconst_natint (Int64.to_nativeint n)
+ | Uprim(Pbintofint bi', [Uconst(Const_base(Const_int i))]) when bi = bi' ->
Cconst_int i
| exp -> unbox_int bi (transl exp)
@@ -1500,6 +1505,15 @@ let rec emit_constant symb cst cont =
Cint(string_header (String.length s)) ::
Cdefine_symbol symb ::
emit_string_constant s cont
+ | Const_base(Const_int32 n) ->
+ Cint(boxedint_header) :: Cdefine_symbol symb ::
+ emit_boxed_int32_constant n cont
+ | Const_base(Const_int64 n) ->
+ Cint(boxedint_header) :: Cdefine_symbol symb ::
+ emit_boxed_int64_constant n cont
+ | Const_base(Const_nativeint n) ->
+ Cint(boxedint_header) :: Cdefine_symbol symb ::
+ emit_boxed_nativeint_constant n cont
| Const_block(tag, fields) ->
let (emit_fields, cont1) = emit_constant_fields fields cont in
Cint(block_header tag (List.length fields)) ::
@@ -1522,8 +1536,7 @@ and emit_constant_fields fields cont =
and emit_constant_field field cont =
match field with
Const_base(Const_int n) ->
- (Cint(Nativeint.add (Nativeint.shift_left (Nativeint.of_int n) 1)
+ (Cint(Nativeint.add (Nativeint.shift_left (Nativeint.of_int n) 1) 1n),
| Const_base(Const_char c) ->
(Cint(Nativeint.of_int(((Char.code c) lsl 1) + 1)), cont)
@@ -1536,9 +1549,23 @@ and emit_constant_field field cont =
(Clabel_address lbl,
Cint(string_header (String.length s)) :: Cdefine_label lbl ::
emit_string_constant s cont)
+ | Const_base(Const_int32 n) ->
+ let lbl = new_const_label() in
+ (Clabel_address lbl,
+ Cint(boxedint_header) :: Cdefine_label lbl ::
+ emit_boxed_int32_constant n cont)
+ | Const_base(Const_int64 n) ->
+ let lbl = new_const_label() in
+ (Clabel_address lbl,
+ Cint(boxedint_header) :: Cdefine_label lbl ::
+ emit_boxed_int64_constant n cont)
+ | Const_base(Const_nativeint n) ->
+ let lbl = new_const_label() in
+ (Clabel_address lbl,
+ Cint(boxedint_header) :: Cdefine_label lbl ::
+ emit_boxed_nativeint_constant n cont)
| Const_pointer n ->
- (Cint(Nativeint.add (Nativeint.shift_left (Nativeint.of_int n) 1)
+ (Cint(Nativeint.add (Nativeint.shift_left (Nativeint.of_int n) 1) 1n),
| Const_block(tag, fields) ->
let lbl = new_const_label() in
@@ -1556,15 +1583,27 @@ and emit_string_constant s cont =
let n = size_int - 1 - (String.length s) mod size_int in
Cstring s :: Cskip n :: Cint8 n :: cont
-(* Emit boxed integer constants *)
+and emit_boxed_int32_constant n cont =
+ let n = Nativeint.of_int32 n in
+ if size_int = 8 then
+ Csymbol_address("int32_ops") :: Cint32 n :: Cint32 0n :: cont
+ else
+ Csymbol_address("int32_ops") :: Cint n :: cont
+and emit_boxed_nativeint_constant n cont =
+ Csymbol_address("nativeint_ops") :: Cint n :: cont
-let emit_boxedint_constant lbl bi n =
- Cint boxedint_header ::
- Cdefine_symbol lbl ::
- Csymbol_address(operations_boxed_int bi) ::
- (if bi = Pint32 && size_int = 8
- then [Cint32 n; Cint32]
- else [Cint n])
+and emit_boxed_int64_constant n cont =
+ let lo = Int64.to_nativeint n in
+ if size_int = 8 then
+ Csymbol_address("int64_ops") :: Cint lo :: cont
+ else begin
+ let hi = Int64.to_nativeint (Int64.shift_right n 32) in
+ if big_endian then
+ Csymbol_address("int64_ops") :: Cint hi :: Cint lo :: cont
+ else
+ Csymbol_address("int64_ops") :: Cint lo :: Cint hi :: cont
+ end
(* Emit constant closures *)
@@ -1578,7 +1617,7 @@ let emit_constant_closure symb fundecls cont =
if arity = 1 then
Cint(infix_header pos) ::
Csymbol_address label ::
- Cint(Nativeint.of_int 3) ::
+ Cint 3n ::
emit_others (pos + 3) rem
Cint(infix_header pos) ::
@@ -1590,7 +1629,7 @@ let emit_constant_closure symb fundecls cont =
Cdefine_symbol symb ::
if arity = 1 then
Csymbol_address label ::
- Cint(Nativeint.of_int 3) ::
+ Cint 3n ::
emit_others 3 remainder
Csymbol_address(curry_function arity) ::
@@ -1607,11 +1646,6 @@ let emit_all_constants cont =
structured_constants := [];
- (fun (symb, bi, n) ->
- c := Cdata(emit_boxedint_constant symb bi n) :: !c)
- !constant_boxed_ints;
- constant_boxed_ints := [];
- List.iter
(fun (symb, fundecls) ->
c := Cdata(emit_constant_closure symb fundecls []) :: !c)
@@ -1770,7 +1804,7 @@ let entry_point namelist =
(* Generate the table of globals *)
-let cint_zero = Cint(
+let cint_zero = Cint 0n
let global_table namelist =
Cdata(Cglobal_symbol "caml_globals" ::
diff --git a/asmcomp/i386/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/i386/emit.mlp
index 91e360744..f718072bf 100644
--- a/asmcomp/i386/emit.mlp
+++ b/asmcomp/i386/emit.mlp
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ let emit_instr fallthrough i =
` movl {emit_reg src}, {emit_reg dst}\n`
| Lop(Iconst_int n) ->
- if n = then begin
+ if n = 0n then begin
match i.res.(0).loc with
Reg n -> ` xorl {emit_reg i.res.(0)}, {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
| _ -> ` movl $0, {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
@@ -597,10 +597,10 @@ let emit_instr fallthrough i =
stack_offset := !stack_offset - 8;
` subl $8, %esp\n`;
` fnstcw 4(%esp)\n`;
- ` movl 4(%esp), %eax\n`;
+ ` movw 4(%esp), %ax\n`;
` movb $12, %ah\n`;
- ` movl %eax, (%esp)\n`;
- ` fldcw (%esp)\n`;
+ ` movw %ax, 0(%esp)\n`;
+ ` fldcw 0(%esp)\n`;
begin match i.res.(0).loc with
Stack s ->
` fist{pop_suffix i}l {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
diff --git a/asmcomp/i386/emit_nt.mlp b/asmcomp/i386/emit_nt.mlp
index 367847e7c..21c9246e1 100644
--- a/asmcomp/i386/emit_nt.mlp
+++ b/asmcomp/i386/emit_nt.mlp
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ let emit_instr i =
` mov {emit_reg dst}, {emit_reg src}\n`
| Lop(Iconst_int n) ->
- if n = then begin
+ if n = 0n then begin
match i.res.(0).loc with
Reg n -> ` xor {emit_reg i.res.(0)}, {emit_reg i.res.(0)}\n`
| _ -> ` mov {emit_reg i.res.(0)}, 0\n`
@@ -575,9 +575,9 @@ let emit_instr i =
stack_offset := !stack_offset - 8;
` sub esp, 8\n`;
` fnstcw [esp+4]\n`;
- ` mov eax, [esp+4]\n`;
+ ` mov ax, [esp+4]\n`;
` mov ah, 12\n`;
- ` mov [esp], eax\n`;
+ ` mov [esp], ax\n`;
` fldcw [esp]\n`;
begin match i.res.(0).loc with
Stack s ->
diff --git a/asmcomp/mips/emit.mlp b/asmcomp/mips/emit.mlp
index 030ee4f67..6191096b4 100644
--- a/asmcomp/mips/emit.mlp
+++ b/asmcomp/mips/emit.mlp
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ let emit_instr i =
fatal_error "Emit_mips: Imove"
| Lop(Iconst_int n) ->
- if n = then
+ if n = 0n then
` move {emit_reg i.res.(0)}, $0\n`
` li {emit_reg i.res.(0)}, {emit_nativeint n}\n`
diff --git a/boot/ocamlc b/boot/ocamlc
index 61df2d669..ffc14dfc4 100755
--- a/boot/ocamlc
+++ b/boot/ocamlc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/boot/ocamllex b/boot/ocamllex
index 5d30fceb3..1852faf5e 100755
--- a/boot/ocamllex
+++ b/boot/ocamllex
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 4d1c1d084..bd155d4a7 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -1291,13 +1291,9 @@ let sort_lambda_list l =
(fun (x,_) (y,_) -> match x,y with
| Const_float f1, Const_float f2 -> float_compare f1 f2
- | Const_int i1, Const_int i2 -> i1 i2
- | Const_char c1, Const_char c2 -> c1 c2
- | Const_string s1, Const_string s2 -> s1 s2
- | _ -> assert false)
+ | _, _ -> x y)
let rec cut n l =
if n = 0 then [],l
else match l with
@@ -1733,8 +1729,23 @@ let combine_constant arg cst partial ctx def
(Pfloatcomp Cneq) (Pfloatcomp Clt)
- arg const_lambda_list in
- lambda1,jumps_union local_jumps total
+ arg const_lambda_list
+ | Const_int32 _ ->
+ make_test_sequence
+ fail
+ (Pbintcomp(Pint32, Cneq)) (Pbintcomp(Pint32, Clt))
+ arg const_lambda_list
+ | Const_int64 _ ->
+ make_test_sequence
+ fail
+ (Pbintcomp(Pint64, Cneq)) (Pbintcomp(Pint64, Clt))
+ arg const_lambda_list
+ | Const_nativeint _ ->
+ make_test_sequence
+ fail
+ (Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Cneq)) (Pbintcomp(Pnativeint, Clt))
+ arg const_lambda_list
+ in lambda1,jumps_union local_jumps total
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 909ee4639..b8af27831 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -21,12 +21,12 @@ open Lambda
let rec struct_const ppf = function
| Const_base(Const_int n) -> fprintf ppf "%i" n
- | Const_base(Const_char c) ->
- fprintf ppf "%C" c
- | Const_base(Const_string s) ->
- fprintf ppf "%S" s
- | Const_base(Const_float s) ->
- fprintf ppf "%s" s
+ | Const_base(Const_char c) -> fprintf ppf "%C" c
+ | Const_base(Const_string s) -> fprintf ppf "%S" s
+ | Const_base(Const_float f) -> fprintf ppf "%s" f
+ | Const_base(Const_int32 n) -> fprintf ppf "%lil" n
+ | Const_base(Const_int64 n) -> fprintf ppf "%LiL" n
+ | Const_base(Const_nativeint n) -> fprintf ppf "%nin" n
| Const_pointer n -> fprintf ppf "%ia" n
| Const_block(tag, []) ->
fprintf ppf "[%i]" tag
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 74ec833b0..9ea585954 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -201,7 +201,10 @@ let rec transl_const = function
Const_base(Const_int i) -> Obj.repr i
| Const_base(Const_char c) -> Obj.repr c
| Const_base(Const_string s) -> Obj.repr s
- | Const_base(Const_float f) -> Obj.repr(float_of_string f)
+ | Const_base(Const_float f) -> Obj.repr (float_of_string f)
+ | Const_base(Const_int32 i) -> Obj.repr i
+ | Const_base(Const_int64 i) -> Obj.repr i
+ | Const_base(Const_nativeint i) -> Obj.repr i
| Const_pointer i -> Obj.repr i
| Const_block(tag, fields) ->
let block = Obj.new_block tag (List.length fields) in
diff --git a/parsing/asttypes.mli b/parsing/asttypes.mli
index 5aa9603a2..f9824d059 100644
--- a/parsing/asttypes.mli
+++ b/parsing/asttypes.mli
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ type constant =
| Const_char of char
| Const_string of string
| Const_float of string
+ | Const_int32 of int32
+ | Const_int64 of int64
+ | Const_nativeint of nativeint
type rec_flag = Nonrecursive | Recursive | Default
diff --git a/parsing/lexer.mll b/parsing/lexer.mll
index 6eb9a209c..1ac5a5f1d 100644
--- a/parsing/lexer.mll
+++ b/parsing/lexer.mll
@@ -231,6 +231,8 @@ let oct_literal =
'0' ['o' 'O'] ['0'-'7'] ['0'-'7' '_']*
let bin_literal =
'0' ['b' 'B'] ['0'-'1'] ['0'-'1' '_']*
+let int_literal =
+ decimal_literal | hex_literal | oct_literal | bin_literal
let float_literal =
['0'-'9'] ['0'-'9' '_']*
('.' ['0'-'9' '_']* )?
@@ -268,10 +270,20 @@ rule token = parse
| uppercase identchar *
{ UIDENT(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf) } (* No capitalized keywords *)
- | decimal_literal | hex_literal | oct_literal | bin_literal
+ | int_literal
{ INT (int_of_string(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
| float_literal
- { FLOAT (remove_underscores (Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
+ { FLOAT (remove_underscores(Lexing.lexeme lexbuf)) }
+ | int_literal "l"
+ { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ INT32 (Int32.of_string(String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1))) }
+ | int_literal "L"
+ { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ INT64 (Int64.of_string(String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1))) }
+ | int_literal "n"
+ { let s = Lexing.lexeme lexbuf in
+ (Nativeint.of_string(String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1))) }
| "\""
{ reset_string_buffer();
let string_start = lexbuf.lex_start_p in
diff --git a/parsing/parser.mly b/parsing/parser.mly
index eaac02c0b..5f809a6a8 100644
--- a/parsing/parser.mly
+++ b/parsing/parser.mly
@@ -87,6 +87,12 @@ let mkuminus name arg =
match name, arg.pexp_desc with
| "-", Pexp_constant(Const_int n) ->
+ | "-", Pexp_constant(Const_int32 n) ->
+ mkexp(Pexp_constant(Const_int32(Int32.neg n)))
+ | "-", Pexp_constant(Const_int64 n) ->
+ mkexp(Pexp_constant(Const_int64(Int64.neg n)))
+ | "-", Pexp_constant(Const_nativeint n) ->
+ mkexp(Pexp_constant(Const_nativeint(Nativeint.neg n)))
| _, Pexp_constant(Const_float f) ->
mkexp(Pexp_constant(Const_float(neg_float_string f)))
| _ ->
@@ -234,6 +240,8 @@ let mktype_kind vflag kind =
%token INHERIT
%token <int> INT
+%token <int32> INT32
+%token <int64> INT64
%token <string> LABEL
%token LAZY
%token LBRACE
@@ -253,6 +261,7 @@ let mktype_kind vflag kind =
%token MODULE
%token MUTABLE
+%token <nativeint> NATIVEINT
%token NEW
%token OBJECT
%token OF
@@ -1365,11 +1374,17 @@ constant:
| CHAR { Const_char $1 }
| STRING { Const_string $1 }
| FLOAT { Const_float $1 }
+ | INT32 { Const_int32 $1 }
+ | INT64 { Const_int64 $1 }
+ | NATIVEINT { Const_nativeint $1 }
constant { $1 }
| MINUS INT { Const_int(- $2) }
- | subtractive FLOAT { Const_float("-" ^ $2) }
+ | MINUS FLOAT { Const_float("-" ^ $2) }
+ | MINUS INT32 { Const_int32(Int32.neg $2) }
+ | MINUS INT64 { Const_int64(Int64.neg $2) }
+ | MINUS NATIVEINT { Const_nativeint(Nativeint.neg $2) }
/* Identifiers and long identifiers */
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index f41193586..a44c61efe 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -46,9 +46,11 @@ let fmt_constant f x =
match x with
| Const_int (i) -> fprintf f "Const_int %d" i;
| Const_char (c) -> fprintf f "Const_char %02x" (Char.code c);
- | Const_string (s) ->
- fprintf f "Const_string %S" s;
+ | Const_string (s) -> fprintf f "Const_string %S" s;
| Const_float (s) -> fprintf f "Const_float %s" s;
+ | Const_int32 (i) -> fprintf f "Const_int32 %ld" i;
+ | Const_int64 (i) -> fprintf f "Const_int64 %Ld" i;
+ | Const_nativeint (i) -> fprintf f "Const_nativeint %nd" i;
let fmt_mutable_flag f x =
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index e21c22c56..c8a98b064 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -32,15 +32,15 @@ external to_int : int32 -> int = "%int32_to_int"
external of_float : float -> int32 = "int32_of_float"
external to_float : int32 -> float = "int32_to_float"
-let zero = of_int 0
-let one = of_int 1
-let minus_one = of_int (-1)
-let succ n = add n one
-let pred n = sub n one
-let abs n = if n >= zero then n else neg n
-let min_int = shift_left one 31
-let max_int = sub min_int one
-let lognot n = logxor n minus_one
+let zero = 0l
+let one = 1l
+let minus_one = -1l
+let succ n = add n 1l
+let pred n = sub n 1l
+let abs n = if n >= 0l then n else neg n
+let min_int = 0x80000000l
+let max_int = 0x7FFFFFFFl
+let lognot n = logxor n (-1l)
external format : string -> int32 -> string = "int32_format"
let to_string n = format "%d" n
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 6889e3478..8b634a5f2 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -36,17 +36,15 @@ external to_int32 : int64 -> int32 = "%int64_to_int32"
external of_nativeint : nativeint -> int64 = "%int64_of_nativeint"
external to_nativeint : int64 -> nativeint = "%int64_to_nativeint"
-let zero = try of_int 0 with Invalid_argument _ -> Obj.magic
-let one = try of_int 1 with Invalid_argument _ -> Obj.magic
-let minus_one = try of_int (-1) with Invalid_argument _ -> Obj.magic Int32.minus_one
-let succ n = add n one
-let pred n = sub n one
-let abs n = if n >= zero then n else neg n
-let min_int =
- try shift_left one 63 with Invalid_argument _ -> Obj.magic Int32.min_int
-let max_int =
- try sub min_int one with Invalid_argument _ -> Obj.magic Int32.max_int
-let lognot n = logxor n minus_one
+let zero = 0L
+let one = 1L
+let minus_one = -1L
+let succ n = add n 1L
+let pred n = sub n 1L
+let abs n = if n >= 0L then n else neg n
+let min_int = 0x8000000000000000L
+let max_int = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL
+let lognot n = logxor n (-1L)
external format : string -> int64 -> string = "int64_format"
let to_string n = format "%d" n
diff --git a/stdlib/ b/stdlib/
index 36c55ae66..216f2b30b 100644
--- a/stdlib/
+++ b/stdlib/
@@ -34,16 +34,16 @@ external to_float : nativeint -> float = "nativeint_to_float"
external of_int32: int32 -> nativeint = "%nativeint_of_int32"
external to_int32: nativeint -> int32 = "%nativeint_to_int32"
-let zero = of_int 0
-let one = of_int 1
-let minus_one = of_int (-1)
-let succ n = add n one
-let pred n = sub n one
-let abs n = if n >= zero then n else neg n
+let zero = 0n
+let one = 1n
+let minus_one = -1n
+let succ n = add n 1n
+let pred n = sub n 1n
+let abs n = if n >= 0n then n else neg n
let size = Sys.word_size
-let min_int = shift_left one (size - 1)
-let max_int = sub min_int one
-let lognot n = logxor n minus_one
+let min_int = shift_left 1n (size - 1)
+let max_int = sub min_int 1n
+let lognot n = logxor n (-1n)
external format : string -> nativeint -> string = "nativeint_format"
let to_string n = format "%d" n
diff --git a/test/Moretest/Makefile b/test/Moretest/Makefile
index 215ed6a3e..e2b69441b 100644
--- a/test/Moretest/Makefile
+++ b/test/Moretest/Makefile
@@ -126,6 +126,9 @@ regexp.byt: ../../otherlibs/str/str.cma
regexp.opt: ../../otherlibs/str/str.cmxa
$(CAMLOPT) -I ../../otherlibs/str -o regexp.opt str.cmxa
+ $(CAMLOPT) -unsafe -inline 100 -o md5.out
# Common rules
diff --git a/test/Moretest/ b/test/Moretest/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..46d8a10a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/Moretest/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+(* Test int32 arithmetic and optimizations using the MD5 algorithm *)
+open Printf
+type context =
+ { buf: string;
+ mutable pos: int;
+ mutable a: int32;
+ mutable b: int32;
+ mutable c: int32;
+ mutable d: int32;
+ mutable bits: int64 }
+let step1 w x y z data s =
+ let w =
+ Int32.add (Int32.add w data)
+ (Int32.logxor z (Int32.logand x (Int32.logxor y z))) in
+ Int32.add x
+ (Int32.logor (Int32.shift_left w s) (Int32.shift_right_logical w (32-s)))
+let step2 w x y z data s =
+ let w =
+ Int32.add (Int32.add w data)
+ (Int32.logxor y (Int32.logand z (Int32.logxor x y))) in
+ Int32.add x
+ (Int32.logor (Int32.shift_left w s) (Int32.shift_right_logical w (32-s)))
+let step3 w x y z data s =
+ let w =
+ Int32.add (Int32.add w data)
+ (Int32.logxor x (Int32.logxor y z)) in
+ Int32.add x
+ (Int32.logor (Int32.shift_left w s) (Int32.shift_right_logical w (32-s)))
+let step4 w x y z data s =
+ let w =
+ Int32.add (Int32.add w data)
+ (Int32.logxor y (Int32.logor x (Int32.logxor z (-1l)))) in
+ Int32.add x
+ (Int32.logor (Int32.shift_left w s) (Int32.shift_right_logical w (32-s)))
+let transform ctx data =
+ let a = ctx.a and b = ctx.b and c = ctx.c and d = ctx.d in
+ let a = step1 a b c d (Int32.add data.(0) 0xd76aa478l) 7 in
+ let d = step1 d a b c (Int32.add data.(1) 0xe8c7b756l) 12 in
+ let c = step1 c d a b (Int32.add data.(2) 0x242070dbl) 17 in
+ let b = step1 b c d a (Int32.add data.(3) 0xc1bdceeel) 22 in
+ let a = step1 a b c d (Int32.add data.(4) 0xf57c0fafl) 7 in
+ let d = step1 d a b c (Int32.add data.(5) 0x4787c62al) 12 in
+ let c = step1 c d a b (Int32.add data.(6) 0xa8304613l) 17 in
+ let b = step1 b c d a (Int32.add data.(7) 0xfd469501l) 22 in
+ let a = step1 a b c d (Int32.add data.(8) 0x698098d8l) 7 in
+ let d = step1 d a b c (Int32.add data.(9) 0x8b44f7afl) 12 in
+ let c = step1 c d a b (Int32.add data.(10) 0xffff5bb1l) 17 in
+ let b = step1 b c d a (Int32.add data.(11) 0x895cd7bel) 22 in
+ let a = step1 a b c d (Int32.add data.(12) 0x6b901122l) 7 in
+ let d = step1 d a b c (Int32.add data.(13) 0xfd987193l) 12 in
+ let c = step1 c d a b (Int32.add data.(14) 0xa679438el) 17 in
+ let b = step1 b c d a (Int32.add data.(15) 0x49b40821l) 22 in
+ let a = step2 a b c d (Int32.add data.(1) 0xf61e2562l) 5 in
+ let d = step2 d a b c (Int32.add data.(6) 0xc040b340l) 9 in
+ let c = step2 c d a b (Int32.add data.(11) 0x265e5a51l) 14 in
+ let b = step2 b c d a (Int32.add data.(0) 0xe9b6c7aal) 20 in
+ let a = step2 a b c d (Int32.add data.(5) 0xd62f105dl) 5 in
+ let d = step2 d a b c (Int32.add data.(10) 0x02441453l) 9 in
+ let c = step2 c d a b (Int32.add data.(15) 0xd8a1e681l) 14 in
+ let b = step2 b c d a (Int32.add data.(4) 0xe7d3fbc8l) 20 in
+ let a = step2 a b c d (Int32.add data.(9) 0x21e1cde6l) 5 in
+ let d = step2 d a b c (Int32.add data.(14) 0xc33707d6l) 9 in
+ let c = step2 c d a b (Int32.add data.(3) 0xf4d50d87l) 14 in
+ let b = step2 b c d a (Int32.add data.(8) 0x455a14edl) 20 in
+ let a = step2 a b c d (Int32.add data.(13) 0xa9e3e905l) 5 in
+ let d = step2 d a b c (Int32.add data.(2) 0xfcefa3f8l) 9 in
+ let c = step2 c d a b (Int32.add data.(7) 0x676f02d9l) 14 in
+ let b = step2 b c d a (Int32.add data.(12) 0x8d2a4c8al) 20 in
+ let a = step3 a b c d (Int32.add data.(5) 0xfffa3942l) 4 in
+ let d = step3 d a b c (Int32.add data.(8) 0x8771f681l) 11 in
+ let c = step3 c d a b (Int32.add data.(11) 0x6d9d6122l) 16 in
+ let b = step3 b c d a (Int32.add data.(14) 0xfde5380cl) 23 in
+ let a = step3 a b c d (Int32.add data.(1) 0xa4beea44l) 4 in
+ let d = step3 d a b c (Int32.add data.(4) 0x4bdecfa9l) 11 in
+ let c = step3 c d a b (Int32.add data.(7) 0xf6bb4b60l) 16 in
+ let b = step3 b c d a (Int32.add data.(10) 0xbebfbc70l) 23 in
+ let a = step3 a b c d (Int32.add data.(13) 0x289b7ec6l) 4 in
+ let d = step3 d a b c (Int32.add data.(0) 0xeaa127fal) 11 in
+ let c = step3 c d a b (Int32.add data.(3) 0xd4ef3085l) 16 in
+ let b = step3 b c d a (Int32.add data.(6) 0x04881d05l) 23 in
+ let a = step3 a b c d (Int32.add data.(9) 0xd9d4d039l) 4 in
+ let d = step3 d a b c (Int32.add data.(12) 0xe6db99e5l) 11 in
+ let c = step3 c d a b (Int32.add data.(15) 0x1fa27cf8l) 16 in
+ let b = step3 b c d a (Int32.add data.(2) 0xc4ac5665l) 23 in
+ let a = step4 a b c d (Int32.add data.(0) 0xf4292244l) 6 in
+ let d = step4 d a b c (Int32.add data.(7) 0x432aff97l) 10 in
+ let c = step4 c d a b (Int32.add data.(14) 0xab9423a7l) 15 in
+ let b = step4 b c d a (Int32.add data.(5) 0xfc93a039l) 21 in
+ let a = step4 a b c d (Int32.add data.(12) 0x655b59c3l) 6 in
+ let d = step4 d a b c (Int32.add data.(3) 0x8f0ccc92l) 10 in
+ let c = step4 c d a b (Int32.add data.(10) 0xffeff47dl) 15 in
+ let b = step4 b c d a (Int32.add data.(1) 0x85845dd1l) 21 in
+ let a = step4 a b c d (Int32.add data.(8) 0x6fa87e4fl) 6 in
+ let d = step4 d a b c (Int32.add data.(15) 0xfe2ce6e0l) 10 in
+ let c = step4 c d a b (Int32.add data.(6) 0xa3014314l) 15 in
+ let b = step4 b c d a (Int32.add data.(13) 0x4e0811a1l) 21 in
+ let a = step4 a b c d (Int32.add data.(4) 0xf7537e82l) 6 in
+ let d = step4 d a b c (Int32.add data.(11) 0xbd3af235l) 10 in
+ let c = step4 c d a b (Int32.add data.(2) 0x2ad7d2bbl) 15 in
+ let b = step4 b c d a (Int32.add data.(9) 0xeb86d391l) 21 in
+ ctx.a <- Int32.add ctx.a a;
+ ctx.b <- Int32.add ctx.b b;
+ ctx.c <- Int32.add ctx.c c;
+ ctx.d <- Int32.add ctx.d d
+let string_to_data s =
+ let data = Array.make 16 0l in
+ for i = 0 to 15 do
+ let j = i lsl 2 in
+ data.(i) <-
+ Int32.logor (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int (Char.code s.[j+3])) 24)
+ (Int32.logor (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int (Char.code s.[j+2])) 16)
+ (Int32.logor (Int32.shift_left (Int32.of_int (Char.code s.[j+1])) 8)
+ (Int32.of_int (Char.code s.[j]))))
+ done;
+ data
+let int32_to_string n s i =
+ s.[i+3] <- Char.chr (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right n 24) land 0xFF);
+ s.[i+2] <- Char.chr (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right n 16) land 0xFF);
+ s.[i+1] <- Char.chr (Int32.to_int (Int32.shift_right n 8) land 0xFF);
+ s.[i] <- Char.chr (Int32.to_int n land 0xFF)
+let init () =
+ { buf = String.create 64;
+ pos = 0;
+ a = 0x67452301l;
+ b = 0xefcdab89l;
+ c = 0x98badcfel;
+ d = 0x10325476l;
+ bits = 0L }
+let update ctx input ofs len =
+ let rec upd ofs len =
+ if len <= 0 then () else
+ if ctx.pos + len < 64 then begin
+ (* Just buffer the data *)
+ String.blit input ofs ctx.buf ctx.pos len;
+ ctx.pos <- ctx.pos + len
+ end else begin
+ (* Fill the buffer *)
+ let len' = 64 - ctx.pos in
+ if len' > 0 then String.blit input ofs ctx.buf ctx.pos len';
+ (* Transform 64 bytes *)
+ transform ctx (string_to_data ctx.buf);
+ ctx.pos <- 0;
+ upd (ofs + len') (len - len')
+ end in
+ upd ofs len;
+ ctx.bits <- Int64.add ctx.bits (Int64.of_int (len lsl 3))
+let finish ctx =
+ let padding = String.make 64 '\000' in
+ padding.[0] <- '\x80';
+ let numbits = ctx.bits in
+ if ctx.pos < 56 then begin
+ update ctx padding 0 (56 - ctx.pos)
+ end else begin
+ update ctx padding 0 (64 + 56 - ctx.pos)
+ end;
+ assert (ctx.pos = 56);
+ let data = string_to_data ctx.buf in
+ data.(14) <- (Int64.to_int32 numbits);
+ data.(15) <- (Int64.to_int32 (Int64.shift_right_logical numbits 32));
+ transform ctx data;
+ let res = String.create 16 in
+ int32_to_string ctx.a res 0;
+ int32_to_string ctx.b res 4;
+ int32_to_string ctx.c res 8;
+ int32_to_string ctx.d res 12;
+ res
+let test s =
+ let ctx = init() in
+ update ctx s 0 (String.length s);
+ let res = finish ctx in
+ let exp = Digest.string s in
+ let ok = (res = exp) in
+ if not ok then Printf.printf "Failure for '%s'\n" s;
+ ok
+let time msg iter fn =
+ let start = Sys.time() in
+ for i = 1 to iter do fn () done;
+ let stop = Sys.time() in
+ printf "%s: %.2f s\n" msg (stop -. start)
+let _ =
+ (* Test *)
+ if test ""
+ && test "a"
+ && test "abc"
+ && test "message digest"
+ && test "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"
+ then printf "Test vectors passed.\n";
+ flush stdout;
+ (* Benchmark *)
+ let s = String.make 50000 'a' in
+ let num_iter = 1000 in
+ time "Caml implementation" num_iter
+ (fun () ->
+ let ctx = init() in
+ update ctx s 0 (String.length s);
+ ignore (finish ctx));
+ time "C implementation" num_iter
+ (fun () -> ignore (Digest.string s))
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 7414bdeb7..5a6fa6d4e 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -80,16 +80,14 @@ let print_float f =
let rec print_struct_const = function
- Const_base(Const_int i) ->
- printf "%d" i
- | Const_base(Const_float f) ->
- print_float f
- | Const_base(Const_string s) ->
- printf "%S" s
- | Const_base(Const_char c) ->
- printf "%C" c
- | Const_pointer n ->
- printf "%da" n
+ Const_base(Const_int i) -> printf "%d" i
+ | Const_base(Const_float f) -> print_float f
+ | Const_base(Const_string s) -> printf "%S" s
+ | Const_base(Const_char c) -> printf "%C" c
+ | Const_base(Const_int32 i) -> printf "%ldl" i
+ | Const_base(Const_nativeint i) -> printf "%ndn" i
+ | Const_base(Const_int64 i) -> printf "%LdL" i
+ | Const_pointer n -> printf "%da" n
| Const_block(tag, args) ->
printf "<%d>" tag;
begin match args with
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
index c5c0d9e88..4828019f7 100644
--- a/toplevel/
+++ b/toplevel/
@@ -102,14 +102,11 @@ module Make(O : OBJ)(EVP : EVALPATH with type value = O.t) = struct
Pident(Ident.create "print_string"), Predef.type_string,
(fun x -> Oval_string (O.obj x : string));
Pident(Ident.create "print_int32"), Predef.type_int32,
- (fun x -> Oval_stuff ("<int32 " ^
- Int32.to_string (O.obj x : int32) ^ ">"));
+ (fun x -> Oval_int32 (O.obj x : int32));
Pident(Ident.create "print_nativeint"), Predef.type_nativeint,
- (fun x -> Oval_stuff ("<nativeint " ^
- Nativeint.to_string (O.obj x : nativeint) ^ ">"));
+ (fun x -> Oval_nativeint (O.obj x : nativeint));
Pident(Ident.create "print_int64"), Predef.type_int64,
- (fun x -> Oval_stuff ("<int64 " ^
- Int64.to_string (O.obj x : int64) ^ ">"))
+ (fun x -> Oval_int64 (O.obj x : int64))
] : (Path.t * type_expr * (O.t -> Outcometree.out_value)) list)
let install_printer path ty fn =
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 40490a2da..879447a76 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -40,6 +40,12 @@ let value_ident ppf name =
(* Values *)
+let parenthesize_if_neg ppf fmt v zero =
+ let neg = (v < zero) in
+ if neg then pp_print_char ppf '(';
+ fprintf ppf fmt v;
+ if neg then pp_print_char ppf ')'
let print_out_value ppf tree =
let rec print_tree_1 ppf =
@@ -52,14 +58,18 @@ let print_out_value ppf tree =
fprintf ppf "@[<2>`%s@ %a@]" name print_simple_tree param
| tree -> print_simple_tree ppf tree
and print_constr_param ppf = function
- | Oval_int i ->
- if i < 0 then fprintf ppf "(%i)" i else fprintf ppf "%i" i
- | Oval_float f ->
- if f < 0.0 then fprintf ppf "(%F)" f else fprintf ppf "%F" f
+ | Oval_int i -> parenthesize_if_neg ppf "%i" i 0
+ | Oval_int32 i -> parenthesize_if_neg ppf "%lil" i 0l
+ | Oval_int64 i -> parenthesize_if_neg ppf "%LiL" i 0L
+ | Oval_nativeint i -> parenthesize_if_neg ppf "%nin" i 0n
+ | Oval_float f -> parenthesize_if_neg ppf "%F" f 0.0
| tree -> print_simple_tree ppf tree
and print_simple_tree ppf =
Oval_int i -> fprintf ppf "%i" i
+ | Oval_int32 i -> fprintf ppf "%lil" i
+ | Oval_int64 i -> fprintf ppf "%LiL" i
+ | Oval_nativeint i -> fprintf ppf "%nin" i
| Oval_float f -> fprintf ppf "%F" f
| Oval_char c -> fprintf ppf "%C" c
| Oval_string s ->
diff --git a/typing/outcometree.mli b/typing/outcometree.mli
index 2a93cd775..a6e732027 100644
--- a/typing/outcometree.mli
+++ b/typing/outcometree.mli
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ type out_value =
| Oval_ellipsis
| Oval_float of float
| Oval_int of int
+ | Oval_int32 of int32
+ | Oval_int64 of int64
+ | Oval_nativeint of nativeint
| Oval_list of out_value list
| Oval_printer of (Format.formatter -> unit)
| Oval_record of (out_ident * out_value) list
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 8ef2a1f22..ba68fe86e 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -156,12 +156,12 @@ let rec pretty_val ppf v = match v.pat_desc with
| Tpat_any -> fprintf ppf "_"
| Tpat_var x -> Ident.print ppf x
| Tpat_constant (Const_int i) -> fprintf ppf "%d" i
- | Tpat_constant (Const_char c) ->
- fprintf ppf "%C" c
- | Tpat_constant (Const_string s) ->
- fprintf ppf "%S" s
- | Tpat_constant (Const_float s) ->
- fprintf ppf "%s" s
+ | Tpat_constant (Const_char c) -> fprintf ppf "%C" c
+ | Tpat_constant (Const_string s) -> fprintf ppf "%S" s
+ | Tpat_constant (Const_float f) -> fprintf ppf "%s" f
+ | Tpat_constant (Const_int32 i) -> fprintf ppf "%ldl" i
+ | Tpat_constant (Const_int64 i) -> fprintf ppf "%LdL" i
+ | Tpat_constant (Const_nativeint i) -> fprintf ppf "%ndn" i
| Tpat_tuple vs ->
fprintf ppf "@[(%a)@]" (pretty_vals ",") vs
| Tpat_construct ({cstr_tag=tag},[]) ->
@@ -633,6 +633,16 @@ with
| _ -> fatal_error "Parmatch.complete_constr"
+(* Auxiliary for build_other *)
+let build_other_constant proj make first next p env =
+ let all = (fun (p, _) -> proj p.pat_desc) env in
+ let rec try_const i =
+ if List.mem i all
+ then try_const (next i)
+ else make_pat (make i) p.pat_type p.pat_env
+ in try_const first
Builds a pattern that is incompatible with all patterns in
in the first column of env
@@ -709,47 +719,40 @@ let build_other env = match env with
[ 'a', 'z' ; 'A', 'Z' ; '0', '9' ;
' ', '~' ; Char.chr 0 , Char.chr 255]
| ({pat_desc=(Tpat_constant (Const_int _))} as p,_) :: _ ->
- let all_ints =
- (fun (p,_) -> match p.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_constant (Const_int i) -> i
- | _ -> assert false)
- env in
- let rec try_ints i =
- if List.mem i all_ints then try_ints (i+1)
- else
- make_pat
- (Tpat_constant (Const_int i)) p.pat_type p.pat_env in
- try_ints 0
+ build_other_constant
+ (function Tpat_constant(Const_int i) -> i | _ -> assert false)
+ (function i -> Tpat_constant(Const_int i))
+ 0 succ p env
+| ({pat_desc=(Tpat_constant (Const_int32 _))} as p,_) :: _ ->
+ build_other_constant
+ (function Tpat_constant(Const_int32 i) -> i | _ -> assert false)
+ (function i -> Tpat_constant(Const_int32 i))
+ 0l Int32.succ p env
+| ({pat_desc=(Tpat_constant (Const_int64 _))} as p,_) :: _ ->
+ build_other_constant
+ (function Tpat_constant(Const_int64 i) -> i | _ -> assert false)
+ (function i -> Tpat_constant(Const_int64 i))
+ 0L Int64.succ p env
+| ({pat_desc=(Tpat_constant (Const_nativeint _))} as p,_) :: _ ->
+ build_other_constant
+ (function Tpat_constant(Const_nativeint i) -> i | _ -> assert false)
+ (function i -> Tpat_constant(Const_nativeint i))
+ 0n Nativeint.succ p env
| ({pat_desc=(Tpat_constant (Const_string _))} as p,_) :: _ ->
- let all_lengths =
- (fun (p,_) -> match p.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_constant (Const_string s) -> String.length s
- | _ -> assert false)
- env in
- let rec try_strings i =
- if List.mem i all_lengths then try_strings (i+1)
- else
- make_pat
- (Tpat_constant (Const_string (String.make i '*')))
- p.pat_type p.pat_env in
- try_strings 0
+ build_other_constant
+ (function Tpat_constant(Const_string s) -> String.length s
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ (function i -> Tpat_constant(Const_string(String.make i '*')))
+ 0 succ p env
| ({pat_desc=(Tpat_constant (Const_float _))} as p,_) :: _ ->
- let all_floats =
- (fun (p,_) -> match p.pat_desc with
- | Tpat_constant (Const_float s) -> float_of_string s
- | _ -> assert false)
- env in
- let rec try_floats f =
- if List.mem f all_floats then try_floats (f +. 1.0)
- else
- make_pat
- (Tpat_constant (Const_float (string_of_float f)))
- p.pat_type p.pat_env in
- try_floats 0.0
+ build_other_constant
+ (function Tpat_constant(Const_float f) -> float_of_string f
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ (function f -> Tpat_constant(Const_float (string_of_float f)))
+ 0.0 (fun f -> f +. 1.0) p env
| ({pat_desc = Tpat_array args} as p,_)::_ ->
let all_lengths =
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 63e08c86b..3cc8b86a8 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -91,7 +91,10 @@ let type_constant = function
| Const_char _ -> instance Predef.type_char
| Const_string _ -> instance Predef.type_string
| Const_float _ -> instance Predef.type_float
+ | Const_int32 _ -> instance Predef.type_int32
+ | Const_int64 _ -> instance Predef.type_int64
+ | Const_nativeint _ -> instance Predef.type_nativeint
(* Specific version of type_option, using newty rather than newgenty *)
let type_option ty =