diff options
7 files changed, 768 insertions, 86 deletions
diff --git a/.depend b/.depend
index 783e05733..14fe95b4f 100644
--- a/.depend
+++ b/.depend
@@ -121,6 +121,8 @@ typing/printtyped.cmi : typing/typedtree.cmi
typing/stypes.cmi : typing/typedtree.cmi parsing/location.cmi \
typing/subst.cmi : typing/types.cmi typing/path.cmi typing/ident.cmi
+typing/tast_mapper.cmi : typing/typedtree.cmi typing/env.cmi \
+ parsing/asttypes.cmi
typing/typeclass.cmi : typing/types.cmi typing/typedtree.cmi \
parsing/parsetree.cmi parsing/longident.cmi parsing/location.cmi \
typing/ident.cmi typing/env.cmi typing/ctype.cmi parsing/asttypes.cmi
@@ -153,12 +155,12 @@ typing/cmi_format.cmo : typing/types.cmi parsing/location.cmi \
utils/config.cmi typing/cmi_format.cmi
typing/cmi_format.cmx : typing/types.cmx parsing/location.cmx \
utils/config.cmx typing/cmi_format.cmi
-typing/cmt_format.cmo : typing/types.cmi typing/typedtreeMap.cmi \
- typing/typedtree.cmi utils/misc.cmi parsing/location.cmi \
+typing/cmt_format.cmo : typing/types.cmi typing/typedtree.cmi \
+ typing/tast_mapper.cmi utils/misc.cmi parsing/location.cmi \
parsing/lexer.cmi typing/env.cmi utils/config.cmi typing/cmi_format.cmi \
utils/clflags.cmi typing/cmt_format.cmi
-typing/cmt_format.cmx : typing/types.cmx typing/typedtreeMap.cmx \
- typing/typedtree.cmx utils/misc.cmx parsing/location.cmx \
+typing/cmt_format.cmx : typing/types.cmx typing/typedtree.cmx \
+ typing/tast_mapper.cmx utils/misc.cmx parsing/location.cmx \
parsing/lexer.cmx typing/env.cmx utils/config.cmx typing/cmi_format.cmx \
utils/clflags.cmx typing/cmt_format.cmi
typing/ctype.cmo : typing/types.cmi typing/subst.cmi typing/path.cmi \
@@ -193,6 +195,8 @@ typing/envaux.cmo : typing/types.cmi typing/subst.cmi typing/printtyp.cmi \
typing/envaux.cmx : typing/types.cmx typing/subst.cmx typing/printtyp.cmx \
typing/path.cmx utils/misc.cmx typing/ident.cmx typing/env.cmx \
parsing/asttypes.cmi typing/envaux.cmi
+typing/foo.cmo : parsing/asttypes.cmi
+typing/foo.cmx : parsing/asttypes.cmi
typing/ident.cmo : typing/ident.cmi
typing/ident.cmx : typing/ident.cmi
typing/includeclass.cmo : typing/types.cmi typing/printtyp.cmi \
@@ -279,6 +283,10 @@ typing/subst.cmo : typing/types.cmi utils/tbl.cmi typing/path.cmi \
typing/subst.cmx : typing/types.cmx utils/tbl.cmx typing/path.cmx \
utils/misc.cmx parsing/location.cmx typing/ident.cmx utils/clflags.cmx \
typing/btype.cmx parsing/ast_mapper.cmx typing/subst.cmi
+typing/tast_mapper.cmo : typing/typedtree.cmi typing/env.cmi \
+ parsing/asttypes.cmi typing/tast_mapper.cmi
+typing/tast_mapper.cmx : typing/typedtree.cmx typing/env.cmx \
+ parsing/asttypes.cmi typing/tast_mapper.cmi
typing/typeclass.cmo : utils/warnings.cmi typing/typetexp.cmi \
typing/types.cmi typing/typedtree.cmi typing/typedecl.cmi \
typing/typecore.cmi parsing/syntaxerr.cmi typing/subst.cmi \
@@ -974,13 +982,15 @@ toplevel/expunge.cmo : bytecomp/symtable.cmi bytecomp/runtimedef.cmi \
toplevel/expunge.cmx : bytecomp/symtable.cmx bytecomp/runtimedef.cmx \
utils/misc.cmx typing/ident.cmx bytecomp/bytesections.cmx
toplevel/genprintval.cmo : typing/types.cmi typing/printtyp.cmi \
- typing/predef.cmi typing/path.cmi typing/outcometree.cmi utils/misc.cmi \
- parsing/longident.cmi typing/ident.cmi typing/env.cmi typing/datarepr.cmi \
- typing/ctype.cmi typing/btype.cmi toplevel/genprintval.cmi
+ typing/predef.cmi typing/path.cmi typing/outcometree.cmi \
+ typing/oprint.cmi utils/misc.cmi parsing/longident.cmi typing/ident.cmi \
+ typing/env.cmi typing/datarepr.cmi typing/ctype.cmi typing/btype.cmi \
+ toplevel/genprintval.cmi
toplevel/genprintval.cmx : typing/types.cmx typing/printtyp.cmx \
- typing/predef.cmx typing/path.cmx typing/outcometree.cmi utils/misc.cmx \
- parsing/longident.cmx typing/ident.cmx typing/env.cmx typing/datarepr.cmx \
- typing/ctype.cmx typing/btype.cmx toplevel/genprintval.cmi
+ typing/predef.cmx typing/path.cmx typing/outcometree.cmi \
+ typing/oprint.cmx utils/misc.cmx parsing/longident.cmx typing/ident.cmx \
+ typing/env.cmx typing/datarepr.cmx typing/ctype.cmx typing/btype.cmx \
+ toplevel/genprintval.cmi
toplevel/opttopdirs.cmo : utils/warnings.cmi typing/types.cmi \
typing/printtyp.cmi toplevel/opttoploop.cmi utils/misc.cmi \
parsing/longident.cmi typing/ident.cmi typing/env.cmi typing/ctype.cmi \
@@ -1032,7 +1042,8 @@ toplevel/topdirs.cmo : utils/warnings.cmi typing/typetexp.cmi \
bytecomp/meta.cmi parsing/longident.cmi parsing/location.cmi \
typing/ident.cmi typing/env.cmi bytecomp/dll.cmi typing/ctype.cmi \
utils/consistbl.cmi utils/config.cmi bytecomp/cmo_format.cmi \
- utils/clflags.cmi parsing/asttypes.cmi toplevel/topdirs.cmi
+ utils/clflags.cmi typing/btype.cmi parsing/asttypes.cmi \
+ toplevel/topdirs.cmi
toplevel/topdirs.cmx : utils/warnings.cmx typing/typetexp.cmx \
typing/types.cmx toplevel/trace.cmx toplevel/toploop.cmx \
bytecomp/symtable.cmx typing/printtyp.cmx typing/predef.cmx \
@@ -1040,7 +1051,8 @@ toplevel/topdirs.cmx : utils/warnings.cmx typing/typetexp.cmx \
bytecomp/meta.cmx parsing/longident.cmx parsing/location.cmx \
typing/ident.cmx typing/env.cmx bytecomp/dll.cmx typing/ctype.cmx \
utils/consistbl.cmx utils/config.cmx bytecomp/cmo_format.cmi \
- utils/clflags.cmx parsing/asttypes.cmi toplevel/topdirs.cmi
+ utils/clflags.cmx typing/btype.cmx parsing/asttypes.cmi \
+ toplevel/topdirs.cmi
toplevel/toploop.cmo : utils/warnings.cmi typing/types.cmi \
typing/typemod.cmi typing/typedtree.cmi typing/typecore.cmi \
bytecomp/translmod.cmi bytecomp/symtable.cmi bytecomp/simplif.cmi \
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index 186c9ddd2..6a76bd64f 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -57,7 +57,9 @@ TYPING=typing/ident.cmo typing/path.cmo \
typing/typedtree.cmo typing/printtyped.cmo typing/ctype.cmo \
typing/printtyp.cmo typing/includeclass.cmo \
typing/mtype.cmo typing/envaux.cmo typing/includecore.cmo \
- typing/typedtreeIter.cmo typing/typedtreeMap.cmo typing/cmt_format.cmo \
+ typing/typedtreeIter.cmo typing/typedtreeMap.cmo \
+ typing/tast_mapper.cmo \
+ typing/cmt_format.cmo \
typing/includemod.cmo typing/typetexp.cmo typing/parmatch.cmo \
typing/stypes.cmo typing/typecore.cmo \
typing/typedecl.cmo typing/typeclass.cmo \
diff --git a/Makefile.nt b/Makefile.nt
index 84dcb2d99..2e3b61df4 100644
--- a/Makefile.nt
+++ b/Makefile.nt
@@ -53,7 +53,9 @@ TYPING=typing/ident.cmo typing/path.cmo \
typing/typedtree.cmo typing/printtyped.cmo typing/ctype.cmo \
typing/printtyp.cmo typing/includeclass.cmo \
typing/mtype.cmo typing/envaux.cmo typing/includecore.cmo \
- typing/typedtreeIter.cmo typing/typedtreeMap.cmo typing/cmt_format.cmo \
+ typing/typedtreeIter.cmo typing/typedtreeMap.cmo \
+ typing/tast_mapper.cmo \
+ typing/cmt_format.cmo \
typing/includemod.cmo typing/typetexp.cmo typing/parmatch.cmo \
typing/stypes.cmo typing/typecore.cmo \
typing/typedecl.cmo typing/typeclass.cmo \
diff --git a/tools/Makefile.shared b/tools/Makefile.shared
index 251743449..826accdf2 100644
--- a/tools/Makefile.shared
+++ b/tools/Makefile.shared
@@ -225,8 +225,7 @@ READ_CMT= \
../typing/printtyp.cmo \
../typing/mtype.cmo \
../typing/envaux.cmo \
- ../typing/typedtreeMap.cmo \
- ../typing/typedtreeIter.cmo \
+ ../typing/tast_mapper.cmo \
../typing/cmt_format.cmo \
../typing/stypes.cmo \
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 47753876e..772d7e3af 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -68,89 +68,36 @@ let need_to_clear_env =
let keep_only_summary = Env.keep_only_summary
-module ClearEnv = TypedtreeMap.MakeMap (struct
- open TypedtreeMap
- include DefaultMapArgument
+open Tast_mapper
- let leave_pattern p = { p with pat_env = keep_only_summary p.pat_env }
- let leave_expression e =
- let exp_extra = (function
- (Texp_open (ovf, path, lloc, env), loc, attrs) ->
- (Texp_open (ovf, path, lloc, keep_only_summary env), loc, attrs)
- | exp_extra -> exp_extra) e.exp_extra in
- { e with
- exp_env = keep_only_summary e.exp_env;
- exp_extra = exp_extra }
- let leave_class_expr c =
- { c with cl_env = keep_only_summary c.cl_env }
- let leave_module_expr m =
- let rec module_coercion = function
- | Tcoerce_none -> Tcoerce_none
- | Tcoerce_functor (c1,c2) ->
- Tcoerce_functor (module_coercion c1, module_coercion c2)
- | Tcoerce_alias (p, c1) ->
- Tcoerce_alias (p, module_coercion c1)
- | Tcoerce_structure (l1, l2) ->
- let l1' = (fun (i,c) -> i, module_coercion c) l1 in
- let l2' = (fun (id,i,c) -> id, i, module_coercion c) l2 in
- Tcoerce_structure (l1', l2')
- | Tcoerce_primitive pc ->
- Tcoerce_primitive {pc with pc_env = keep_only_summary pc.pc_env}
- in
- let module_expr_desc = function
- Tmod_ident _ | Tmod_structure _ | Tmod_functor _ | Tmod_unpack _ as me
- -> me
- | Tmod_apply (me1,me2,mc) -> Tmod_apply (me1, me2, module_coercion mc)
- | Tmod_constraint (me, mty, mtyc, mc) ->
- Tmod_constraint (me, mty, mtyc, module_coercion mc)
- in
- { m with mod_desc = module_expr_desc m.mod_desc;
- mod_env = keep_only_summary m.mod_env }
- let leave_structure s =
- { s with str_final_env = keep_only_summary s.str_final_env }
- let leave_structure_item str =
- { str with str_env = keep_only_summary str.str_env }
- let leave_module_type m =
- { m with mty_env = keep_only_summary m.mty_env }
- let leave_signature s =
- { s with sig_final_env = keep_only_summary s.sig_final_env }
- let leave_signature_item s =
- { s with sig_env = keep_only_summary s.sig_env }
- let leave_core_type c =
- { c with ctyp_env = keep_only_summary c.ctyp_env }
- let leave_class_type c =
- { c with cltyp_env = keep_only_summary c.cltyp_env }
+let cenv =
+ {Tast_mapper.default with env = fun _sub env -> keep_only_summary env}
-let clear_part p = match p with
- | Partial_structure s -> Partial_structure (ClearEnv.map_structure s)
+let clear_part = function
+ | Partial_structure s -> Partial_structure (cenv.structure cenv s)
| Partial_structure_item s ->
- Partial_structure_item (ClearEnv.map_structure_item s)
- | Partial_expression e -> Partial_expression (ClearEnv.map_expression e)
- | Partial_pattern p -> Partial_pattern (ClearEnv.map_pattern p)
- | Partial_class_expr ce -> Partial_class_expr (ClearEnv.map_class_expr ce)
- | Partial_signature s -> Partial_signature (ClearEnv.map_signature s)
+ Partial_structure_item (cenv.structure_item cenv s)
+ | Partial_expression e -> Partial_expression (cenv.expr cenv e)
+ | Partial_pattern p -> Partial_pattern (cenv.pat cenv p)
+ | Partial_class_expr ce -> Partial_class_expr (cenv.class_expr cenv ce)
+ | Partial_signature s -> Partial_signature (cenv.signature cenv s)
| Partial_signature_item s ->
- Partial_signature_item (ClearEnv.map_signature_item s)
- | Partial_module_type s -> Partial_module_type (ClearEnv.map_module_type s)
+ Partial_signature_item (cenv.signature_item cenv s)
+ | Partial_module_type s -> Partial_module_type (cenv.module_type cenv s)
let clear_env binary_annots =
if need_to_clear_env then
match binary_annots with
- | Implementation s -> Implementation (ClearEnv.map_structure s)
- | Interface s -> Interface (ClearEnv.map_signature s)
- | Packed _ -> binary_annots
- | Partial_implementation array ->
+ | Implementation s -> Implementation (cenv.structure cenv s)
+ | Interface s -> Interface (cenv.signature cenv s)
+ | Packed _ -> binary_annots
+ | Partial_implementation array ->
Partial_implementation ( clear_part array)
- | Partial_interface array ->
+ | Partial_interface array ->
Partial_interface ( clear_part array)
else binary_annots
exception Error of error
let input_cmt ic = (input_value ic : cmt_infos)
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64a7b1e0b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/typing/
@@ -0,0 +1,658 @@
+(* *)
+(* OCaml *)
+(* *)
+(* Alain Frisch, LexiFi *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2015 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+open Asttypes
+open Typedtree
+(* TODO: add 'methods' for location, attribute, extension,
+ open_description, include_declaration, include_description *)
+type mapper =
+ {
+ case: mapper -> case -> case;
+ cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
+ class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
+ class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
+ class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
+ class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
+ class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
+ class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
+ class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
+ class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration ->
+ class_type_declaration;
+ class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
+ env: mapper -> Env.t -> Env.t;
+ expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
+ extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor ->
+ extension_constructor;
+ module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
+ module_coercion: mapper -> module_coercion -> module_coercion;
+ module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
+ module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
+ module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
+ module_type_declaration:
+ mapper -> module_type_declaration -> module_type_declaration;
+ package_type: mapper -> package_type -> package_type;
+ pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
+ row_field: mapper -> row_field -> row_field;
+ signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
+ signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
+ structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
+ structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
+ typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
+ type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
+ type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
+ type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
+ value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
+ value_bindings: mapper -> (rec_flag * value_binding list) ->
+ (rec_flag * value_binding list);
+ value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
+ with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
+ }
+let id x = x
+let tuple2 f1 f2 (x, y) = (f1 x, f2 y)
+let tuple3 f1 f2 f3 (x, y, z) = (f1 x, f2 y, f3 z)
+let opt f = function None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
+let structure sub {str_items; str_type; str_final_env} =
+ {
+ str_items = (sub.structure_item sub) str_items;
+ str_final_env = sub.env sub str_final_env;
+ str_type;
+ }
+let class_infos sub f x =
+ {x with
+ ci_params = (tuple2 (sub.typ sub) id) x.ci_params;
+ ci_expr = f x.ci_expr;
+ }
+let module_type_declaration sub x =
+ let mtd_type = opt (sub.module_type sub) x.mtd_type in
+ {x with mtd_type}
+let module_declaration sub x =
+ let md_type = sub.module_type sub x.md_type in
+ {x with md_type}
+let include_infos f x = {x with incl_mod = f x.incl_mod}
+let class_type_declaration sub x =
+ class_infos sub (sub.class_type sub) x
+let class_declaration sub x =
+ class_infos sub (sub.class_expr sub) x
+let structure_item sub {str_desc; str_loc; str_env} =
+ let str_env = sub.env sub str_env in
+ let str_desc =
+ match str_desc with
+ | Tstr_eval (exp, attrs) -> Tstr_eval (sub.expr sub exp, attrs)
+ | Tstr_value (rec_flag, list) ->
+ let (rec_flag, list) = sub.value_bindings sub (rec_flag, list) in
+ Tstr_value (rec_flag, list)
+ | Tstr_primitive v -> Tstr_primitive (sub.value_description sub v)
+ | Tstr_type list -> Tstr_type ( (sub.type_declaration sub) list)
+ | Tstr_typext te -> Tstr_typext (sub.type_extension sub te)
+ | Tstr_exception ext -> Tstr_exception (sub.extension_constructor sub ext)
+ | Tstr_module mb -> Tstr_module (sub.module_binding sub mb)
+ | Tstr_recmodule list ->
+ Tstr_recmodule ( (sub.module_binding sub) list)
+ | Tstr_modtype x -> Tstr_modtype (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
+ | Tstr_class list ->
+ Tstr_class
+ ( (tuple3 (sub.class_declaration sub) id id) list)
+ | Tstr_class_type list ->
+ Tstr_class_type
+ ( (tuple3 id id (sub.class_type_declaration sub)) list)
+ | Tstr_include incl ->
+ Tstr_include (include_infos (sub.module_expr sub) incl)
+ | Tstr_open _
+ | Tstr_attribute _ as d -> d
+ in
+ {str_desc; str_env; str_loc}
+let value_description sub x =
+ let val_desc = sub.typ sub x.val_desc in
+ {x with val_desc}
+let label_decl sub x =
+ let ld_type = sub.typ sub x.ld_type in
+ {x with ld_type}
+let constructor_args sub = function
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> Cstr_tuple ( (sub.typ sub) l)
+ | Cstr_record l -> Cstr_record ( (label_decl sub) l)
+let constructor_decl sub cd =
+ let cd_args = constructor_args sub cd.cd_args in
+ let cd_res = opt (sub.typ sub) cd.cd_res in
+ {cd with cd_args; cd_res}
+let type_kind sub = function
+ | Ttype_abstract -> Ttype_abstract
+ | Ttype_variant list -> Ttype_variant ( (constructor_decl sub) list)
+ | Ttype_record list -> Ttype_record ( (label_decl sub) list)
+ | Ttype_open -> Ttype_open
+let type_declaration sub x =
+ let typ_cstrs =
+ (tuple3 (sub.typ sub) (sub.typ sub) id)
+ x.typ_cstrs
+ in
+ let typ_kind = sub.type_kind sub x.typ_kind in
+ let typ_manifest = opt (sub.typ sub) x.typ_manifest in
+ let typ_params = (tuple2 (sub.typ sub) id) x.typ_params in
+ {x with typ_cstrs; typ_kind; typ_manifest; typ_params}
+let type_extension sub x =
+ let tyext_params = (tuple2 (sub.typ sub) id) x.tyext_params in
+ let tyext_constructors =
+ (sub.extension_constructor sub) x.tyext_constructors
+ in
+ {x with tyext_constructors; tyext_params}
+let extension_constructor sub x =
+ let ext_kind =
+ match x.ext_kind with
+ Text_decl(ctl, cto) ->
+ Text_decl(constructor_args sub ctl, opt (sub.typ sub) cto)
+ | Text_rebind _ as d -> d
+ in
+ {x with ext_kind}
+let pat sub x =
+ let extra = function
+ | Tpat_type _
+ | Tpat_unpack as d -> d
+ | Tpat_constraint ct -> Tpat_constraint (sub.typ sub ct)
+ in
+ let pat_env = sub.env sub x.pat_env in
+ let pat_extra = (tuple3 extra id id) x.pat_extra in
+ let pat_desc =
+ match x.pat_desc with
+ | Tpat_any
+ | Tpat_var _
+ | Tpat_constant _ as d -> d
+ | Tpat_tuple l -> Tpat_tuple ( (sub.pat sub) l)
+ | Tpat_construct (loc, cd, l) ->
+ Tpat_construct (loc, cd, (sub.pat sub) l)
+ | Tpat_variant (l, po, rd) -> Tpat_variant (l, opt (sub.pat sub) po, rd)
+ | Tpat_record (l, closed) ->
+ Tpat_record ( (tuple3 id id (sub.pat sub)) l, closed)
+ | Tpat_array l -> Tpat_array ( (sub.pat sub) l)
+ | Tpat_or (p1, p2, rd) ->
+ Tpat_or (sub.pat sub p1, sub.pat sub p2, rd)
+ | Tpat_alias (p, id, s) -> Tpat_alias (sub.pat sub p, id, s)
+ | Tpat_lazy p -> Tpat_lazy (sub.pat sub p)
+ in
+ {x with pat_extra; pat_desc; pat_env}
+let expr sub x =
+ let extra = function
+ | Texp_constraint cty ->
+ Texp_constraint (sub.typ sub cty)
+ | Texp_coerce (cty1, cty2) ->
+ Texp_coerce (opt (sub.typ sub) cty1, sub.typ sub cty2)
+ | Texp_open (ovf, path, loc, env) ->
+ Texp_open (ovf, path, loc, sub.env sub env)
+ | Texp_newtype _ as d -> d
+ | Texp_poly cto -> Texp_poly (opt (sub.typ sub) cto)
+ in
+ let exp_extra = (tuple3 extra id id) x.exp_extra in
+ let exp_env = sub.env sub x.exp_env in
+ let exp_desc =
+ match x.exp_desc with
+ | Texp_ident _
+ | Texp_constant _ as d -> d
+ | Texp_let (rec_flag, list, exp) ->
+ let (rec_flag, list) = sub.value_bindings sub (rec_flag, list) in
+ Texp_let (rec_flag, list, sub.expr sub exp)
+ | Texp_function (l, cases, p) ->
+ Texp_function (l, sub.cases sub cases, p)
+ | Texp_apply (exp, list) ->
+ Texp_apply (
+ sub.expr sub exp,
+ (tuple3 id (opt (sub.expr sub)) id) list
+ )
+ | Texp_match (exp, cases, exn_cases, p) ->
+ Texp_match (
+ sub.expr sub exp,
+ sub.cases sub cases,
+ sub.cases sub exn_cases,
+ p
+ )
+ | Texp_try (exp, cases) ->
+ Texp_try (
+ sub.expr sub exp,
+ sub.cases sub cases
+ )
+ | Texp_tuple list ->
+ Texp_tuple ( (sub.expr sub) list)
+ | Texp_construct (lid, cd, args) ->
+ Texp_construct (lid, cd, (sub.expr sub) args)
+ | Texp_variant (l, expo) ->
+ Texp_variant (l, opt (sub.expr sub) expo)
+ | Texp_record (list, expo) ->
+ Texp_record (
+ (tuple3 id id (sub.expr sub)) list,
+ opt (sub.expr sub) expo
+ )
+ | Texp_field (exp, lid, ld) ->
+ Texp_field (sub.expr sub exp, lid, ld)
+ | Texp_setfield (exp1, lid, ld, exp2) ->
+ Texp_setfield (
+ sub.expr sub exp1,
+ lid,
+ ld,
+ sub.expr sub exp2
+ )
+ | Texp_array list ->
+ Texp_array ( (sub.expr sub) list)
+ | Texp_ifthenelse (exp1, exp2, expo) ->
+ Texp_ifthenelse (
+ sub.expr sub exp1,
+ sub.expr sub exp2,
+ opt (sub.expr sub) expo
+ )
+ | Texp_sequence (exp1, exp2) ->
+ Texp_sequence (
+ sub.expr sub exp1,
+ sub.expr sub exp2
+ )
+ | Texp_while (exp1, exp2) ->
+ Texp_while (
+ sub.expr sub exp1,
+ sub.expr sub exp2
+ )
+ | Texp_for (id, p, exp1, exp2, dir, exp3) ->
+ Texp_for (
+ id,
+ p,
+ sub.expr sub exp1,
+ sub.expr sub exp2,
+ dir,
+ sub.expr sub exp3
+ )
+ | Texp_send (exp, meth, expo) ->
+ Texp_send
+ (
+ sub.expr sub exp,
+ meth,
+ opt (sub.expr sub) expo
+ )
+ | Texp_new _
+ | Texp_instvar _ as d -> d
+ | Texp_setinstvar (path1, path2, id, exp) ->
+ Texp_setinstvar (
+ path1,
+ path2,
+ id,
+ sub.expr sub exp
+ )
+ | Texp_override (path, list) ->
+ Texp_override (
+ path,
+ (tuple3 id id (sub.expr sub)) list
+ )
+ | Texp_letmodule (id, s, mexpr, exp) ->
+ Texp_letmodule (
+ id,
+ s,
+ sub.module_expr sub mexpr,
+ sub.expr sub exp
+ )
+ | Texp_assert exp ->
+ Texp_assert (sub.expr sub exp)
+ | Texp_lazy exp ->
+ Texp_lazy (sub.expr sub exp)
+ | Texp_object (cl, sl) ->
+ Texp_object (sub.class_structure sub cl, sl)
+ | Texp_pack mexpr ->
+ Texp_pack (sub.module_expr sub mexpr)
+ in
+ {x with exp_extra; exp_desc; exp_env}
+let package_type sub x =
+ let pack_fields = (tuple2 id (sub.typ sub)) x.pack_fields in
+ {x with pack_fields}
+let signature sub x =
+ let sig_final_env = sub.env sub x.sig_final_env in
+ let sig_items = (sub.signature_item sub) x.sig_items in
+ {x with sig_items; sig_final_env}
+let signature_item sub x =
+ let sig_env = sub.env sub x.sig_env in
+ let sig_desc =
+ match x.sig_desc with
+ | Tsig_value v ->
+ Tsig_value (sub.value_description sub v)
+ | Tsig_type list ->
+ Tsig_type ( (sub.type_declaration sub) list)
+ | Tsig_typext te ->
+ Tsig_typext (sub.type_extension sub te)
+ | Tsig_exception ext ->
+ Tsig_exception (sub.extension_constructor sub ext)
+ | Tsig_module x ->
+ Tsig_module (sub.module_declaration sub x)
+ | Tsig_recmodule list ->
+ Tsig_recmodule ( (sub.module_declaration sub) list)
+ | Tsig_modtype x ->
+ Tsig_modtype (sub.module_type_declaration sub x)
+ | Tsig_include incl ->
+ Tsig_include (include_infos (sub.module_type sub) incl)
+ | Tsig_class list ->
+ Tsig_class ( (sub.class_description sub) list)
+ | Tsig_class_type list ->
+ Tsig_class_type
+ ( (sub.class_type_declaration sub) list)
+ | Tsig_open _
+ | Tsig_attribute _ as d -> d
+ in
+ {x with sig_desc; sig_env}
+let class_description sub x =
+ class_infos sub (sub.class_type sub) x
+let module_type sub x =
+ let mty_env = sub.env sub x.mty_env in
+ let mty_desc =
+ match x.mty_desc with
+ | Tmty_ident _
+ | Tmty_alias _ as d -> d
+ | Tmty_signature sg -> Tmty_signature (sub.signature sub sg)
+ | Tmty_functor (id, s, mtype1, mtype2) ->
+ Tmty_functor (
+ id,
+ s,
+ opt (sub.module_type sub) mtype1,
+ sub.module_type sub mtype2
+ )
+ | Tmty_with (mtype, list) ->
+ Tmty_with (
+ sub.module_type sub mtype,
+ (tuple3 id id (sub.with_constraint sub)) list
+ )
+ | Tmty_typeof mexpr ->
+ Tmty_typeof (sub.module_expr sub mexpr)
+ in
+ {x with mty_desc; mty_env}
+let with_constraint sub = function
+ | Twith_type decl -> Twith_type (sub.type_declaration sub decl)
+ | Twith_typesubst decl -> Twith_typesubst (sub.type_declaration sub decl)
+ | Twith_module _
+ | Twith_modsubst _ as d -> d
+let module_coercion sub = function
+ | Tcoerce_none -> Tcoerce_none
+ | Tcoerce_functor (c1,c2) ->
+ Tcoerce_functor (sub.module_coercion sub c1, sub.module_coercion sub c2)
+ | Tcoerce_alias (p, c1) ->
+ Tcoerce_alias (p, sub.module_coercion sub c1)
+ | Tcoerce_structure (l1, l2) ->
+ let l1' = (fun (i,c) -> i, sub.module_coercion sub c) l1 in
+ let l2' = (fun (id,i,c) -> id, i, sub.module_coercion sub c) l2 in
+ Tcoerce_structure (l1', l2')
+ | Tcoerce_primitive pc ->
+ Tcoerce_primitive {pc with pc_env = sub.env sub pc.pc_env}
+let module_expr sub x =
+ let mod_env = sub.env sub x.mod_env in
+ let mod_desc =
+ match x.mod_desc with
+ | Tmod_ident _ as d -> d
+ | Tmod_structure st -> Tmod_structure (sub.structure sub st)
+ | Tmod_functor (id, s, mtype, mexpr) ->
+ Tmod_functor (
+ id,
+ s,
+ opt (sub.module_type sub) mtype,
+ sub.module_expr sub mexpr
+ )
+ | Tmod_apply (mexp1, mexp2, c) ->
+ Tmod_apply (
+ sub.module_expr sub mexp1,
+ sub.module_expr sub mexp2,
+ sub.module_coercion sub c
+ )
+ | Tmod_constraint (mexpr, mt, Tmodtype_implicit, c) ->
+ Tmod_constraint (sub.module_expr sub mexpr, mt, Tmodtype_implicit, c)
+ | Tmod_constraint (mexpr, mt, Tmodtype_explicit mtype, c) ->
+ Tmod_constraint (
+ sub.module_expr sub mexpr,
+ mt,
+ Tmodtype_explicit (sub.module_type sub mtype),
+ sub.module_coercion sub c
+ )
+ | Tmod_unpack (exp, mty) ->
+ Tmod_unpack
+ (
+ sub.expr sub exp,
+ mty
+ )
+ in
+ {x with mod_desc; mod_env}
+let module_binding sub x =
+ let mb_expr = module_expr sub x.mb_expr in
+ {x with mb_expr}
+let class_expr sub x =
+ let cl_env = sub.env sub x.cl_env in
+ let cl_desc =
+ match x.cl_desc with
+ | Tcl_constraint (cl, clty, vals, meths, concrs) ->
+ Tcl_constraint (
+ sub.class_expr sub cl,
+ opt (sub.class_type sub) clty,
+ vals,
+ meths,
+ concrs
+ )
+ | Tcl_structure clstr ->
+ Tcl_structure (sub.class_structure sub clstr)
+ | Tcl_fun (label, pat, priv, cl, partial) ->
+ Tcl_fun (
+ label,
+ sub.pat sub pat,
+ (tuple3 id id (sub.expr sub)) priv,
+ sub.class_expr sub cl,
+ partial
+ )
+ | Tcl_apply (cl, args) ->
+ Tcl_apply (
+ sub.class_expr sub cl,
+ (tuple3 id (opt (sub.expr sub)) id) args
+ )
+ | Tcl_let (rec_flag, value_bindings, ivars, cl) ->
+ let (rec_flag, value_bindings) = sub.value_bindings sub (rec_flag, value_bindings) in
+ Tcl_let (
+ rec_flag,
+ value_bindings,
+ (tuple3 id id (sub.expr sub)) ivars,
+ sub.class_expr sub cl
+ )
+ | Tcl_ident (path, lid, tyl) ->
+ Tcl_ident (path, lid, (sub.typ sub) tyl)
+ in
+ {x with cl_desc; cl_env}
+let class_type sub x =
+ let cltyp_env = sub.env sub x.cltyp_env in
+ let cltyp_desc =
+ match x.cltyp_desc with
+ | Tcty_signature csg -> Tcty_signature (sub.class_signature sub csg)
+ | Tcty_constr (path, lid, list) ->
+ Tcty_constr (
+ path,
+ lid,
+ (sub.typ sub) list
+ )
+ | Tcty_arrow (label, ct, cl) ->
+ Tcty_arrow
+ (label,
+ sub.typ sub ct,
+ sub.class_type sub cl
+ )
+ in
+ {x with cltyp_desc; cltyp_env}
+let class_signature sub x =
+ let csig_self = sub.typ sub x.csig_self in
+ let csig_fields = (sub.class_type_field sub) x.csig_fields in
+ {x with csig_self; csig_fields}
+let class_type_field sub x =
+ let ctf_desc =
+ match x.ctf_desc with
+ | Tctf_inherit ct ->
+ Tctf_inherit (sub.class_type sub ct)
+ | Tctf_val (s, mut, virt, ct) ->
+ Tctf_val (s, mut, virt, sub.typ sub ct)
+ | Tctf_method (s, priv, virt, ct) ->
+ Tctf_method (s, priv, virt, sub.typ sub ct)
+ | Tctf_constraint (ct1, ct2) ->
+ Tctf_constraint (sub.typ sub ct1, sub.typ sub ct2)
+ | Tctf_attribute _ as d -> d
+ in
+ {x with ctf_desc}
+let typ sub x =
+ let ctyp_env = sub.env sub x.ctyp_env in
+ let ctyp_desc =
+ match x.ctyp_desc with
+ | Ttyp_any
+ | Ttyp_var _ as d -> d
+ | Ttyp_arrow (label, ct1, ct2) ->
+ Ttyp_arrow (label, sub.typ sub ct1, sub.typ sub ct2)
+ | Ttyp_tuple list -> Ttyp_tuple ( (sub.typ sub) list)
+ | Ttyp_constr (path, lid, list) ->
+ Ttyp_constr (path, lid, (sub.typ sub) list)
+ | Ttyp_object (list, closed) ->
+ Ttyp_object (
+ (tuple3 id id (sub.typ sub)) list,
+ closed
+ )
+ | Ttyp_class (path, lid, list) ->
+ Ttyp_class
+ (path,
+ lid,
+ (sub.typ sub) list
+ )
+ | Ttyp_alias (ct, s) ->
+ Ttyp_alias (sub.typ sub ct, s)
+ | Ttyp_variant (list, closed, labels) ->
+ Ttyp_variant ( (sub.row_field sub) list, closed, labels)
+ | Ttyp_poly (sl, ct) ->
+ Ttyp_poly (sl, sub.typ sub ct)
+ | Ttyp_package pack ->
+ Ttyp_package (sub.package_type sub pack)
+ in
+ {x with ctyp_desc; ctyp_env}
+let class_structure sub x =
+ let cstr_self = sub.pat sub x.cstr_self in
+ let cstr_fields = (sub.class_field sub) x.cstr_fields in
+ {x with cstr_self; cstr_fields}
+let row_field sub = function
+ | Ttag (label, attrs, b, list) ->
+ Ttag (label, attrs, b, (sub.typ sub) list)
+ | Tinherit ct -> Tinherit (sub.typ sub ct)
+let class_field_kind sub = function
+ | Tcfk_virtual ct -> Tcfk_virtual (sub.typ sub ct)
+ | Tcfk_concrete (ovf, e) -> Tcfk_concrete (ovf, sub.expr sub e)
+let class_field sub x =
+ let cf_desc =
+ match x.cf_desc with
+ | Tcf_inherit (ovf, cl, super, vals, meths) ->
+ Tcf_inherit (ovf, sub.class_expr sub cl, super, vals, meths)
+ | Tcf_constraint (cty, cty') ->
+ Tcf_constraint (
+ sub.typ sub cty,
+ sub.typ sub cty'
+ )
+ | Tcf_val (s, mf, id, k, b) ->
+ Tcf_val (s, mf, id, class_field_kind sub k, b)
+ | Tcf_method (s, priv, k) ->
+ Tcf_method (s, priv, class_field_kind sub k)
+ | Tcf_initializer exp ->
+ Tcf_initializer (sub.expr sub exp)
+ | Tcf_attribute _ as d -> d
+ in
+ {x with cf_desc}
+let value_bindings sub (rec_flag, list) =
+ (rec_flag, (sub.value_binding sub) list)
+let cases sub l =
+ ( sub) l
+let case sub {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} =
+ {
+ c_lhs = sub.pat sub c_lhs;
+ c_guard = opt (sub.expr sub) c_guard;
+ c_rhs = sub.expr sub c_rhs;
+ }
+let value_binding sub x =
+ let vb_pat = sub.pat sub x.vb_pat in
+ let vb_expr = sub.expr sub x.vb_expr in
+ {x with vb_pat; vb_expr}
+let env _sub x = x
+let default =
+ {
+ case;
+ cases;
+ class_declaration;
+ class_description;
+ class_expr;
+ class_field;
+ class_signature;
+ class_structure;
+ class_type;
+ class_type_declaration;
+ class_type_field;
+ env;
+ expr;
+ extension_constructor;
+ module_binding;
+ module_coercion;
+ module_declaration;
+ module_expr;
+ module_type;
+ module_type_declaration;
+ package_type;
+ pat;
+ row_field;
+ signature;
+ signature_item;
+ structure;
+ structure_item;
+ typ;
+ type_declaration;
+ type_extension;
+ type_kind;
+ value_binding;
+ value_bindings;
+ value_description;
+ with_constraint;
+ }
diff --git a/typing/tast_mapper.mli b/typing/tast_mapper.mli
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b890e7833
--- /dev/null
+++ b/typing/tast_mapper.mli
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+(* *)
+(* OCaml *)
+(* *)
+(* Alain Frisch, LexiFi *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2015 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+open Asttypes
+open Typedtree
+(** {2 A generic Typedtree mapper} *)
+type mapper =
+ {
+ case: mapper -> case -> case;
+ cases: mapper -> case list -> case list;
+ class_declaration: mapper -> class_declaration -> class_declaration;
+ class_description: mapper -> class_description -> class_description;
+ class_expr: mapper -> class_expr -> class_expr;
+ class_field: mapper -> class_field -> class_field;
+ class_signature: mapper -> class_signature -> class_signature;
+ class_structure: mapper -> class_structure -> class_structure;
+ class_type: mapper -> class_type -> class_type;
+ class_type_declaration: mapper -> class_type_declaration ->
+ class_type_declaration;
+ class_type_field: mapper -> class_type_field -> class_type_field;
+ env: mapper -> Env.t -> Env.t;
+ expr: mapper -> expression -> expression;
+ extension_constructor: mapper -> extension_constructor ->
+ extension_constructor;
+ module_binding: mapper -> module_binding -> module_binding;
+ module_coercion: mapper -> module_coercion -> module_coercion;
+ module_declaration: mapper -> module_declaration -> module_declaration;
+ module_expr: mapper -> module_expr -> module_expr;
+ module_type: mapper -> module_type -> module_type;
+ module_type_declaration:
+ mapper -> module_type_declaration -> module_type_declaration;
+ package_type: mapper -> package_type -> package_type;
+ pat: mapper -> pattern -> pattern;
+ row_field: mapper -> row_field -> row_field;
+ signature: mapper -> signature -> signature;
+ signature_item: mapper -> signature_item -> signature_item;
+ structure: mapper -> structure -> structure;
+ structure_item: mapper -> structure_item -> structure_item;
+ typ: mapper -> core_type -> core_type;
+ type_declaration: mapper -> type_declaration -> type_declaration;
+ type_extension: mapper -> type_extension -> type_extension;
+ type_kind: mapper -> type_kind -> type_kind;
+ value_binding: mapper -> value_binding -> value_binding;
+ value_bindings: mapper -> (rec_flag * value_binding list) ->
+ (rec_flag * value_binding list);
+ value_description: mapper -> value_description -> value_description;
+ with_constraint: mapper -> with_constraint -> with_constraint;
+ }
+val default: mapper