diff options
-rwxr-xr-xboot/ocamlcbin1531110 -> 1535399 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xboot/ocamldepbin420724 -> 421280 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xboot/ocamllexbin184001 -> 184001 bytes
7 files changed, 121 insertions, 82 deletions
diff --git a/boot/ocamlc b/boot/ocamlc
index 50be2e2fe..c3936a291 100755
--- a/boot/ocamlc
+++ b/boot/ocamlc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/boot/ocamldep b/boot/ocamldep
index 7e86f54f3..037bec05c 100755
--- a/boot/ocamldep
+++ b/boot/ocamldep
Binary files differ
diff --git a/boot/ocamllex b/boot/ocamllex
index 4e497b7ec..41526528c 100755
--- a/boot/ocamllex
+++ b/boot/ocamllex
Binary files differ
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
index 503a11e5e..a0f6072d8 100644
--- a/toplevel/
+++ b/toplevel/
@@ -169,50 +169,14 @@ let load_lambda ppf lam =
(* Print the outcome of an evaluation *)
-let rec pr_item env items =
- Printtyp.hide_rec_items items;
- match items with
- | Sig_value(id, decl) :: rem ->
- let tree = Printtyp.tree_of_value_description id decl in
- let valopt =
- match decl.val_kind with
- | Val_prim _ -> None
- | _ ->
- let v =
- outval_of_value env (getvalue (Translmod.toplevel_name id))
- decl.val_type
- in
- Some v
- in
- Some (tree, valopt, rem)
- | Sig_type(id, _, _) :: rem when Btype.is_row_name ( id) ->
- pr_item env rem
- | Sig_type(id, decl, rs) :: rem ->
- let tree = Printtyp.tree_of_type_declaration id decl rs in
- Some (tree, None, rem)
- | Sig_exception(id, decl) :: rem ->
- let tree = Printtyp.tree_of_exception_declaration id decl in
- Some (tree, None, rem)
- | Sig_module(id, md, rs) :: rem ->
- let tree = Printtyp.tree_of_module id md.md_type rs in
- Some (tree, None, rem)
- | Sig_modtype(id, decl) :: rem ->
- let tree = Printtyp.tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl in
- Some (tree, None, rem)
- | Sig_class(id, decl, rs) :: cltydecl :: tydecl1 :: tydecl2 :: rem ->
- let tree = Printtyp.tree_of_class_declaration id decl rs in
- Some (tree, None, rem)
- | Sig_class_type(id, decl, rs) :: tydecl1 :: tydecl2 :: rem ->
- let tree = Printtyp.tree_of_cltype_declaration id decl rs in
- Some (tree, None, rem)
- | _ -> None
-let rec item_list env = function
- | [] -> []
- | items ->
- match pr_item env items with
- | None -> []
- | Some (tree, valopt, items) -> (tree, valopt) :: item_list env items
+let pr_item =
+ Printtyp.print_items
+ (fun env -> function
+ | Sig_value(id, {val_kind = Val_reg; val_type}) ->
+ Some (outval_of_value env (getvalue (Translmod.toplevel_name id))
+ val_type)
+ | _ -> None
+ )
(* The current typing environment for the toplevel *)
@@ -261,7 +225,7 @@ let execute_phrase print_outcome ppf phr =
let ty = Printtyp.tree_of_type_scheme exp.exp_type in
Ophr_eval (outv, ty)
| [] -> Ophr_signature []
- | _ -> Ophr_signature (item_list newenv sg'))
+ | _ -> Ophr_signature (pr_item newenv sg'))
else Ophr_signature []
| Exception exn ->
toplevel_env := oldenv;
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 47a0c04a5..8084dff06 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -223,7 +223,8 @@ and print_simple_out_type ppf =
print_out_type ppf ty;
pp_print_char ppf ')';
pp_close_box ppf ()
- | Otyp_abstract | Otyp_sum _ | Otyp_record _ | Otyp_manifest (_, _) -> ()
+ | Otyp_abstract | Otyp_sum _ | Otyp_manifest (_, _) -> ()
+ | Otyp_record lbls -> print_record_decl ppf lbls
| Otyp_module (p, n, tyl) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<1>(module %s" p;
let first = ref true in
@@ -234,6 +235,9 @@ and print_simple_out_type ppf =
n tyl;
fprintf ppf ")@]"
+and print_record_decl ppf lbls =
+ fprintf ppf "{%a@;<1 -2>}"
+ (print_list_init print_out_label (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ ")) lbls
and print_fields rest ppf =
[] ->
@@ -278,6 +282,9 @@ and print_typargs ppf =
pp_print_char ppf ')';
pp_close_box ppf ();
pp_print_space ppf ()
+and print_out_label ppf (name, mut, arg) =
+ fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%s :@ %a@];" (if mut then "mutable " else "") name
+ print_out_type arg
let out_type = ref print_out_type
@@ -441,9 +448,9 @@ and print_out_type_decl kwd ppf (name, args, ty, priv, constraints) =
let print_out_tkind ppf = function
| Otyp_abstract -> ()
| Otyp_record lbls ->
- fprintf ppf " =%a {%a@;<1 -2>}"
+ fprintf ppf " =%a %a"
print_private priv
- (print_list_init print_out_label (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ ")) lbls
+ print_record_decl lbls
| Otyp_sum constrs ->
fprintf ppf " =%a@;<1 2>%a"
print_private priv
@@ -477,11 +484,6 @@ and print_out_constr ppf (name, tyl,ret_type_opt) =
tyl print_simple_out_type ret_type
-and print_out_label ppf (name, mut, arg) =
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%s :@ %a@];" (if mut then "mutable " else "") name
- !out_type arg
let _ = out_module_type := print_out_module_type
let _ = out_signature := print_out_signature
let _ = out_sig_item := print_out_sig_item
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index cd3a631b8..2e4dd5a33 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -739,6 +739,33 @@ let string_of_mutable = function
| Immutable -> ""
| Mutable -> "mutable "
+let inlined_records = ref []
+ (* We don't reset this reference too often, as a hack to make
+ the error message produced by:
+ module X : sig type 'a t = A of int end
+ = struct type 'a t = A of {x:int} end
+ work as expected (the type declaration is printed after
+ the signature, and so the definition of the inlined record is
+ available *)
+let get_inlined_record cd =
+ let id, args =
+ match cd.cd_args with
+ | [ {desc = Tconstr(Path.Pident id, args, _)} ] -> id, args
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ try
+ let lbls, params = List.assoc id !inlined_records in
+ lbls, params, args
+ with Not_found -> [], [], []
+ (* This can happen in an error message, where the
+ variant type declaration is displayed on its own *)
let rec tree_of_type_decl id decl =
@@ -781,9 +808,14 @@ let rec tree_of_type_decl id decl =
| Type_abstract -> ()
| Type_variant cstrs ->
- (fun c ->
- List.iter mark_loops c.cd_args;
- may mark_loops c.cd_res)
+ (fun cd ->
+ if cd.cd_inlined then
+ let lbls, params, args = get_inlined_record cd in
+ List.iter2 link_type params args;
+ List.iter (fun l -> mark_loops l.ld_type) lbls
+ else
+ List.iter mark_loops cd.cd_args;
+ may mark_loops cd.cd_res)
| Type_record(l, rep) ->
List.iter (fun l -> mark_loops l.ld_type) l
@@ -842,13 +874,20 @@ let rec tree_of_type_decl id decl =
and tree_of_constructor cd =
let name = cd.cd_id in
+ let arg () =
+ if cd.cd_inlined then
+ let lbls, _, _ = get_inlined_record cd in
+ [ Otyp_record ( tree_of_label lbls) ]
+ else
+ tree_of_typlist false cd.cd_args
+ in
match cd.cd_res with
- | None -> (name, tree_of_typlist false cd.cd_args, None)
+ | None -> (name, arg (), None)
| Some res ->
let nm = !names in
names := [];
let ret = tree_of_typexp false res in
- let args = tree_of_typlist false cd.cd_args in
+ let args = arg () in
names := nm;
(name, args, Some ret)
@@ -1079,6 +1118,23 @@ let filter_rem_sig item rem =
([ctydecl; tydecl1; tydecl2], rem)
| Sig_class_type _, tydecl1 :: tydecl2 :: rem ->
([tydecl1; tydecl2], rem)
+ | Sig_type _, rem ->
+ let rec loop sg = function
+ | (Sig_type (id,
+ ({type_kind = Type_record (lbls, Record_inlined _)} as td),
+ Trec_next)) as it :: rem ->
+ let td = Ctype.instance_declaration td in
+ let lbls =
+ match td.type_kind with
+ | Type_record(lbls, _) -> lbls
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ inlined_records := (id, (lbls, td.type_params)) :: !inlined_records;
+ loop (it :: sg) rem
+ | rem ->
+ List.rev sg, rem
+ in
+ loop [] rem
| _ ->
([], rem)
@@ -1124,36 +1180,35 @@ and tree_of_signature sg =
and tree_of_signature_rec env' = function
[] -> []
- | item :: rem ->
+ | item :: rem as items ->
begin match item with
Sig_type (_, _, rs) when rs <> Trec_next -> ()
| _ -> set_printing_env env'
let (sg, rem) = filter_rem_sig item rem in
- let trees =
- match item with
- | Sig_value(id, decl) ->
- [tree_of_value_description id decl]
- | Sig_type(id, _, _) when is_row_name ( id) ->
- []
- | Sig_type(id, decl, rs) ->
- hide_rec_items (item :: rem);
- [Osig_type(tree_of_type_decl id decl, tree_of_rec rs)]
- | Sig_exception(id, decl) ->
- [tree_of_exception_declaration id decl]
- | Sig_module(id, md, rs) ->
- [Osig_module ( id, tree_of_modtype md.md_type,
- tree_of_rec rs)]
- | Sig_modtype(id, decl) ->
- [tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl]
- | Sig_class(id, decl, rs) ->
- [tree_of_class_declaration id decl rs]
- | Sig_class_type(id, decl, rs) ->
- [tree_of_cltype_declaration id decl rs]
- in
+ hide_rec_items items;
+ let trees = trees_of_sigitem item in
let env' = Env.add_signature (item :: sg) env' in
trees @ tree_of_signature_rec env' rem
+and trees_of_sigitem = function
+ | Sig_value(id, decl) ->
+ [tree_of_value_description id decl]
+ | Sig_type(id, _, _) when is_row_name ( id) ->
+ []
+ | Sig_type(id, decl, rs) ->
+ [tree_of_type_declaration id decl rs]
+ | Sig_exception(id, decl) ->
+ [tree_of_exception_declaration id decl]
+ | Sig_module(id, md, rs) ->
+ [tree_of_module id md.md_type rs]
+ | Sig_modtype(id, decl) ->
+ [tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl]
+ | Sig_class(id, decl, rs) ->
+ [tree_of_class_declaration id decl rs]
+ | Sig_class_type(id, decl, rs) ->
+ [tree_of_cltype_declaration id decl rs]
and tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl =
let mty =
match decl.mtd_type with
@@ -1162,13 +1217,28 @@ and tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl =
Osig_modtype ( id, mty)
-let tree_of_module id mty rs =
+and tree_of_module id mty rs =
Osig_module ( id, tree_of_modtype mty, tree_of_rec rs)
let modtype ppf mty = !Oprint.out_module_type ppf (tree_of_modtype mty)
let modtype_declaration id ppf decl =
!Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_modtype_declaration id decl)
+(* For the toplevel: merge with tree_of_signature? *)
+let rec print_items showval env = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | item :: rem as items ->
+ let (sg, rem) = filter_rem_sig item rem in
+ hide_rec_items items;
+ let trees = trees_of_sigitem item in
+ (fun d -> (d, showval env item)) trees @
+ print_items showval env rem
+let print_items showval env l =
+ let r = print_items showval env l in
+ inlined_records := [];
+ r
(* Print a signature body (used by -i when compiling a .ml) *)
let print_signature ppf tree =
diff --git a/typing/printtyp.mli b/typing/printtyp.mli
index 7fa00ff44..82b8608e5 100644
--- a/typing/printtyp.mli
+++ b/typing/printtyp.mli
@@ -42,8 +42,10 @@ val type_scheme_max: ?b_reset_names: bool ->
(* Fin Maxence *)
val tree_of_value_description: Ident.t -> value_description -> out_sig_item
val value_description: Ident.t -> formatter -> value_description -> unit
val tree_of_type_declaration:
Ident.t -> type_declaration -> rec_status -> out_sig_item
val type_declaration: Ident.t -> formatter -> type_declaration -> unit
val tree_of_exception_declaration:
Ident.t -> exception_declaration -> out_sig_item
@@ -80,4 +82,5 @@ val report_ambiguous_type_error:
(formatter -> unit) -> (formatter -> unit) -> (formatter -> unit) -> unit
(* for toploop *)
-val hide_rec_items: signature_item list -> unit
+val print_items: (Env.t -> signature_item -> 'a option) ->
+ Env.t -> signature_item list -> (out_sig_item * 'a option) list