diff options
-rwxr-xr-xboot/ocamlcbin1712043 -> 1720373 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xboot/ocamldepbin529442 -> 529177 bytes
-rwxr-xr-xboot/ocamllexbin252280 -> 252283 bytes
71 files changed, 1067 insertions, 379 deletions
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index 1f640b9bf..17dcb8220 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -641,8 +641,10 @@ let rec expr_size env = function
RHS_block (List.length args)
| Uprim(Pmakearray(Pfloatarray), args, _) ->
RHS_floatblock (List.length args)
- | Uprim (Pduprecord (Record_regular, sz), _, _) ->
+ | Uprim (Pduprecord ((Record_regular | Record_inlined _), sz), _, _) ->
RHS_block sz
+ | Uprim (Pduprecord (Record_extension, sz), _, _) ->
+ RHS_block (sz + 1)
| Uprim (Pduprecord (Record_float, sz), _, _) ->
RHS_floatblock sz
| Usequence(exp, exp') ->
diff --git a/boot/ocamlc b/boot/ocamlc
index 8282e0114..51c6883b2 100755
--- a/boot/ocamlc
+++ b/boot/ocamlc
Binary files differ
diff --git a/boot/ocamldep b/boot/ocamldep
index bb4b76145..90534fe30 100755
--- a/boot/ocamldep
+++ b/boot/ocamldep
Binary files differ
diff --git a/boot/ocamllex b/boot/ocamllex
index 01c4739de..4a839a9fc 100755
--- a/boot/ocamllex
+++ b/boot/ocamllex
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index af5f0a3fd..be884ded5 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -144,8 +144,9 @@ let rec size_of_lambda = function
| Llet (Strict, id, Lprim (Pduprecord (kind, size), _), body)
when check_recordwith_updates id body ->
begin match kind with
- | Record_regular -> RHS_block size
+ | Record_regular | Record_inlined _ -> RHS_block size
| Record_float -> RHS_floatblock size
+ | Record_extension -> RHS_block (size + 1)
| Llet(str, id, arg, body) -> size_of_lambda body
| Lletrec(bindings, body) -> size_of_lambda body
@@ -154,7 +155,10 @@ let rec size_of_lambda = function
RHS_block (List.length args)
| Lprim (Pmakearray Pfloatarray, args) -> RHS_floatblock (List.length args)
| Lprim (Pmakearray Pgenarray, args) -> assert false
- | Lprim (Pduprecord (Record_regular, size), args) -> RHS_block size
+ | Lprim (Pduprecord ((Record_regular | Record_inlined _), size), args) ->
+ RHS_block size
+ | Lprim (Pduprecord (Record_extension, size), args) ->
+ RHS_block (size + 1)
| Lprim (Pduprecord (Record_float, size), args) -> RHS_floatblock size
| Levent (lam, _) -> size_of_lambda lam
| Lsequence (lam, lam') -> size_of_lambda lam'
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 8ab6cec8b..cba32391e 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -1348,7 +1348,9 @@ let make_constr_matching p def ctx = function
| ((arg, mut) :: argl) ->
let cstr = pat_as_constr p in
let newargs =
- match cstr.cstr_tag with
+ if cstr.cstr_inlined <> None then
+ (arg, Alias) :: argl
+ else match cstr.cstr_tag with
Cstr_constant _ | Cstr_block _ ->
make_field_args Alias arg 0 (cstr.cstr_arity - 1) argl
| Cstr_extension _ ->
@@ -1628,8 +1630,10 @@ let make_record_matching all_labels def = function
let lbl = all_labels.(pos) in
let access =
match lbl.lbl_repres with
- Record_regular -> Pfield lbl.lbl_pos
- | Record_float -> Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos in
+ Record_regular | Record_inlined _ -> Pfield lbl.lbl_pos
+ | Record_float -> Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos
+ | Record_extension -> Pfield (lbl.lbl_pos + 1)
+ in
let str =
match lbl.lbl_mut with
Immutable -> Alias
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index d528a3574..1b9085edd 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -84,7 +84,9 @@ let print_bigarray name unsafe kind ppf layout =
let record_rep ppf r =
match r with
| Record_regular -> fprintf ppf "regular"
+ | Record_inlined i -> fprintf ppf "inlined(%i)" i
| Record_float -> fprintf ppf "float"
+ | Record_extension -> fprintf ppf "ext"
let string_of_loc_kind = function
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 876abaa94..14f8b0659 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -746,7 +746,10 @@ and transl_exp0 e =
| Texp_construct(_, cstr, args) ->
let ll = transl_list args in
- begin match cstr.cstr_tag with
+ if cstr.cstr_inlined <> None then begin match ll with
+ | [x] -> x
+ | _ -> assert false
+ end else begin match cstr.cstr_tag with
Cstr_constant n ->
Lconst(Const_pointer n)
| Cstr_block n ->
@@ -776,20 +779,26 @@ and transl_exp0 e =
[Lconst(Const_base(Const_int tag)); lam])
| Texp_record ((_, lbl1, _) :: _ as lbl_expr_list, opt_init_expr) ->
- transl_record lbl1.lbl_all lbl1.lbl_repres lbl_expr_list opt_init_expr
+ transl_record e.exp_env lbl1.lbl_all lbl1.lbl_repres lbl_expr_list
+ opt_init_expr
| Texp_record ([], _) ->
fatal_error "Translcore.transl_exp: bad Texp_record"
| Texp_field(arg, _, lbl) ->
let access =
match lbl.lbl_repres with
- Record_regular -> Pfield lbl.lbl_pos
- | Record_float -> Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos in
+ Record_regular | Record_inlined _ -> Pfield lbl.lbl_pos
+ | Record_float -> Pfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos
+ | Record_extension -> Pfield (lbl.lbl_pos + 1)
+ in
Lprim(access, [transl_exp arg])
| Texp_setfield(arg, _, lbl, newval) ->
let access =
match lbl.lbl_repres with
- Record_regular -> Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos, maybe_pointer newval)
- | Record_float -> Psetfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos in
+ Record_regular
+ | Record_inlined _ -> Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos, maybe_pointer newval)
+ | Record_float -> Psetfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos
+ | Record_extension -> Psetfield (lbl.lbl_pos + 1, maybe_pointer newval)
+ in
Lprim(access, [transl_exp arg; transl_exp newval])
| Texp_array expr_list ->
let kind = array_kind e in
@@ -1071,7 +1080,7 @@ and transl_setinstvar self var expr =
Lprim(Parraysetu (if maybe_pointer expr then Paddrarray else Pintarray),
[self; transl_normal_path var; transl_exp expr])
-and transl_record all_labels repres lbl_expr_list opt_init_expr =
+and transl_record env all_labels repres lbl_expr_list opt_init_expr =
let size = Array.length all_labels in
(* Determine if there are "enough" new fields *)
if 3 + 2 * List.length lbl_expr_list >= size
@@ -1086,7 +1095,8 @@ and transl_record all_labels repres lbl_expr_list opt_init_expr =
for i = 0 to Array.length all_labels - 1 do
let access =
match all_labels.(i).lbl_repres with
- Record_regular -> Pfield i
+ Record_regular | Record_inlined _ -> Pfield i
+ | Record_extension -> Pfield (i + 1)
| Record_float -> Pfloatfield i in
lv.(i) <- Lprim(access, [Lvar init_id])
@@ -1104,13 +1114,26 @@ and transl_record all_labels repres lbl_expr_list opt_init_expr =
if mut = Mutable then raise Not_constant;
let cl = extract_constant ll in
match repres with
- Record_regular -> Lconst(Const_block(0, cl))
+ | Record_regular -> Lconst(Const_block(0, cl))
+ | Record_inlined tag -> Lconst(Const_block(tag, cl))
| Record_float ->
Lconst(Const_float_array( extract_float cl))
+ | Record_extension ->
+ raise Not_constant
with Not_constant ->
match repres with
Record_regular -> Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, mut), ll)
- | Record_float -> Lprim(Pmakearray Pfloatarray, ll) in
+ | Record_inlined tag -> Lprim(Pmakeblock(tag, mut), ll)
+ | Record_float -> Lprim(Pmakearray Pfloatarray, ll)
+ | Record_extension ->
+ let path =
+ match all_labels.(0).lbl_res.desc with
+ | Tconstr(p, _, _) -> p
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let slot = transl_path env path in
+ Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, mut), slot :: ll)
+ in
begin match opt_init_expr with
None -> lam
| Some init_expr -> Llet(Strict, init_id, transl_exp init_expr, lam)
@@ -1124,8 +1147,11 @@ and transl_record all_labels repres lbl_expr_list opt_init_expr =
let update_field (_, lbl, expr) cont =
let upd =
match lbl.lbl_repres with
- Record_regular -> Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos, maybe_pointer expr)
- | Record_float -> Psetfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos in
+ Record_regular
+ | Record_inlined _ -> Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos, maybe_pointer expr)
+ | Record_float -> Psetfloatfield lbl.lbl_pos
+ | Record_extension -> Psetfield(lbl.lbl_pos + 1, maybe_pointer expr)
+ in
Lsequence(Lprim(upd, [Lvar copy_id; transl_exp expr]), cont) in
begin match opt_init_expr with
None -> assert false
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index dc7d2d7a6..1f475565f 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -805,9 +805,13 @@ let transl_toplevel_item item =
let idents = (fun ext -> ext.ext_id) tyext.tyext_constructors
+ (* we need to use unique name in case of multiple
+ definitions of the same extension constructor in the toplevel *)
+ List.iter set_toplevel_unique_name idents;
transl_type_extension item.str_env None tyext
(make_sequence toploop_setvalue_id idents)
| Tstr_exception ext ->
+ set_toplevel_unique_name ext.ext_id;
toploop_setvalue ext.ext_id
(transl_extension_constructor item.str_env None ext)
| Tstr_module {mb_id=id; mb_expr=modl} ->
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index c96e32b66..eb8c9435e 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ let maybe_pointer exp =
match Env.find_type p exp.exp_env with
| {type_kind = Type_variant []} -> true (* type exn *)
| {type_kind = Type_variant cstrs} ->
- List.exists (fun c -> c.Types.cd_args <> []) cstrs
+ List.exists (fun c -> c.Types.cd_args <> Cstr_tuple []) cstrs
| _ -> true
with Not_found -> true
(* This can happen due to e.g. missing -I options,
@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ let array_element_kind env ty =
{type_kind = Type_abstract} ->
| {type_kind = Type_variant cstrs}
- when List.for_all (fun c -> c.Types.cd_args = []) cstrs ->
+ when List.for_all (fun c -> c.Types.cd_args = Cstr_tuple [])
+ cstrs ->
| {type_kind = _} ->
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 358a71a51..ce71070ef 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -1316,10 +1316,14 @@ module Analyser =
let new_xt =
match tt_ext.ext_kind with
Text_decl(args, ret_type) ->
+ let xt_args =
+ match args with
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> Cstr_tuple ( (fun ctyp -> Odoc_env.subst_type new_env ctyp.ctyp_type) l)
+ | Cstr_record _ -> assert false
+ in
xt_name = complete_name;
- xt_args =
- (fun ctyp -> Odoc_env.subst_type new_env ctyp.ctyp_type) args;
+ xt_args;
xt_ret =
may_map (fun ctyp -> Odoc_env.subst_type new_env ctyp.ctyp_type) ret_type;
xt_type_extension = new_te;
@@ -1330,7 +1334,7 @@ module Analyser =
| Text_rebind(path, _) ->
xt_name = complete_name;
- xt_args = [];
+ xt_args = Cstr_tuple [];
xt_ret = None;
xt_type_extension = new_te;
xt_alias =
@@ -1373,13 +1377,15 @@ module Analyser =
Text_decl(tt_args, tt_ret_type) ->
let loc_start = loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let loc_end = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
+ let ex_args =
+ match tt_args with
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> Cstr_tuple ( (fun c -> Odoc_env.subst_type env c.ctyp_type) l)
+ | Cstr_record l -> assert false (* TODO *)
+ in
ex_name = complete_name ;
ex_info = comment_opt ;
- ex_args =
- (fun ctyp -> Odoc_env.subst_type new_env ctyp.ctyp_type)
- tt_args;
+ ex_args;
ex_ret =
(fun ctyp -> Odoc_env.subst_type new_env ctyp.ctyp_type)
@@ -1398,7 +1404,7 @@ module Analyser =
ex_name = complete_name ;
ex_info = comment_opt ;
- ex_args = [] ;
+ ex_args = Cstr_tuple [] ;
ex_ret = None ;
ex_alias =
Some { ea_name =
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index c2949d733..b0393fe86 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -147,41 +147,31 @@ let type_deps t =
l := s2 :: !l ;
+ let ty t =
+ let s = Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr t in
+ ignore (Str.global_substitute re f s)
+ in
(match t.T.ty_kind with
T.Type_abstract -> ()
| T.Type_variant cl ->
(fun c ->
- List.iter
- (fun e ->
- let s = Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr e in
- ignore (Str.global_substitute re f s)
- )
- c.T.vc_args
+ match c.T.vc_args with
+ | T.Cstr_tuple l -> List.iter ty l
+ | T.Cstr_record l -> List.iter (fun r -> ty r.T.rf_type) l
| T.Type_record rl ->
- List.iter
- (fun r ->
- let s = Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr r.T.rf_type in
- ignore (Str.global_substitute re f s)
- )
- rl
+ List.iter (fun r -> ty r.T.rf_type) rl
| T.Type_open -> ()
(match t.T.ty_manifest with
None -> ()
| Some (T.Object_type fields) ->
- List.iter
- (fun r ->
- let s = Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr r.T.of_type in
- ignore (Str.global_substitute re f s)
- )
- fields
+ List.iter (fun r -> ty r.T.of_type) fields
| Some (T.Other e) ->
- let s = Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr e in
- ignore (Str.global_substitute re f s)
+ ty e
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index b0e21196c..c65f384e5 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ type exception_alias = {
and t_exception = {
ex_name : Name.t ;
mutable ex_info : option ; (** optional user information *)
- ex_args : Types.type_expr list ; (** the types of the parameters *)
+ ex_args : Odoc_type.constructor_args ; (** the types of the parameters *)
ex_ret: Types.type_expr option ; (** the optional return type *)
ex_alias : exception_alias option ;
mutable ex_loc : Odoc_types.location ;
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 0a0841953..7b3da5f4b 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ type extension_alias = {
and t_extension_constructor = {
xt_name : Name.t ;
- xt_args: Types.type_expr list ; (** the types of the parameters *)
+ xt_args: Odoc_type.constructor_args;
xt_ret: Types.type_expr option ; (** the optional return type of the extension *)
xt_type_extension: t_type_extension ; (** the type extension containing this constructor *)
xt_alias: extension_alias option ;
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 9ed06c0f0..0c5293ea1 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -1218,12 +1218,18 @@ class html =
bs b "</code>"
(** Print html code to display a [Types.type_expr list]. *)
- method html_of_type_expr_list ?par b m_name sep l =
- print_DEBUG "html#html_of_type_expr_list";
- let s = Odoc_info.string_of_type_list ?par sep l in
- print_DEBUG "html#html_of_type_expr_list: 1";
+ method html_of_cstr_args ?par b m_name sep l =
+ print_DEBUG "html#html_of_cstr_args";
+ let s =
+ match l with
+ | Cstr_tuple l ->
+ Odoc_info.string_of_type_list ?par sep l
+ | Cstr_record l ->
+ Odoc_info.string_of_record l
+ in
+ print_DEBUG "html#html_of_cstr_args: 1";
let s2 = newline_to_indented_br s in
- print_DEBUG "html#html_of_type_expr_list: 2";
+ print_DEBUG "html#html_of_cstr_args: 2";
bs b "<code class=\"type\">";
bs b (self#create_fully_qualified_idents_links m_name s2);
bs b "</code>"
@@ -1478,16 +1484,16 @@ class html =
(Name.simple x.xt_name);
match x.xt_args, x.xt_ret with
- [], None -> ()
+ Cstr_tuple [], None -> ()
| l,None ->
bs b (" " ^ (self#keyword "of") ^ " ");
- self#html_of_type_expr_list ~par: false b father " * " l;
- | [],Some r ->
+ self#html_of_cstr_args ~par: false b father " * " l;
+ | Cstr_tuple [],Some r ->
bs b (" " ^ (self#keyword ":") ^ " ");
self#html_of_type_expr b father r;
| l,Some r ->
bs b (" " ^ (self#keyword ":") ^ " ");
- self#html_of_type_expr_list ~par: false b father " * " l;
+ self#html_of_cstr_args ~par: false b father " * " l;
bs b (" " ^ (self#keyword "->") ^ " ");
self#html_of_type_expr b father r;
@@ -1539,17 +1545,17 @@ class html =
bs b "</span>";
match e.ex_args, e.ex_ret with
- [], None -> ()
+ Cstr_tuple [], None -> ()
| l,None ->
bs b (" "^(self#keyword "of")^" ");
- self#html_of_type_expr_list
+ self#html_of_cstr_args
~par: false b (Name.father e.ex_name) " * " e.ex_args
- | [],Some r ->
+ | Cstr_tuple [],Some r ->
bs b (" " ^ (self#keyword ":") ^ " ");
self#html_of_type_expr b (Name.father e.ex_name) r;
| l,Some r ->
bs b (" " ^ (self#keyword ":") ^ " ");
- self#html_of_type_expr_list
+ self#html_of_cstr_args
~par: false b (Name.father e.ex_name) " * " l;
bs b (" " ^ (self#keyword "->") ^ " ");
self#html_of_type_expr b (Name.father e.ex_name) r;
@@ -1659,16 +1665,16 @@ class html =
(self#constructor constr.vc_name);
match constr.vc_args, constr.vc_ret with
- [], None -> ()
+ Cstr_tuple [], None -> ()
| l,None ->
bs b (" " ^ (self#keyword "of") ^ " ");
- self#html_of_type_expr_list ~par: false b father " * " l;
- | [],Some r ->
+ self#html_of_cstr_args ~par: false b father " * " l;
+ | Cstr_tuple [],Some r ->
bs b (" " ^ (self#keyword ":") ^ " ");
self#html_of_type_expr b father r;
| l,Some r ->
bs b (" " ^ (self#keyword ":") ^ " ");
- self#html_of_type_expr_list ~par: false b father " * " l;
+ self#html_of_cstr_args ~par: false b father " * " l;
bs b (" " ^ (self#keyword "->") ^ " ");
self#html_of_type_expr b father r;
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index c576e1000..0fadbd482 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -143,6 +143,7 @@ let string_of_text t = Odoc_misc.string_of_text t
let string_of_info i = Odoc_misc.string_of_info i
let string_of_type t = Odoc_str.string_of_type t
+let string_of_record t = Odoc_str.string_of_record t
let string_of_type_extension te = Odoc_str.string_of_type_extension te
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli
index e9a9705c7..d1b98e224 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_info.mli
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ module Extension :
and t_extension_constructor = Odoc_extension.t_extension_constructor =
xt_name : Name.t ;
- xt_args: Types.type_expr list ; (** the types of the parameters *)
+ xt_args: Odoc_type.constructor_args;
xt_ret: Types.type_expr option ; (** the optional return type of the extension *)
xt_type_extension: t_type_extension ; (** the type extension containing this constructor *)
xt_alias: extension_alias option ; (** [None] when the extension is not a rebind. *)
@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@ module Exception :
ex_name : Name.t ;
mutable ex_info : info option ; (** Information found in the optional associated comment. *)
- ex_args : Types.type_expr list ; (** The types of the parameters. *)
+ ex_args : Odoc_type.constructor_args;
ex_ret : Types.type_expr option ; (** The the optional return type of the exception. *)
ex_alias : exception_alias option ; (** [None] when the exception is not a rebind. *)
mutable ex_loc : location ;
@@ -240,15 +240,6 @@ module Type :
type private_flag = Odoc_type.private_flag =
Private | Public
- (** Description of a variant type constructor. *)
- type variant_constructor = Odoc_type.variant_constructor =
- {
- vc_name : string ; (** Name of the constructor. *)
- vc_args : Types.type_expr list ; (** Arguments of the constructor. *)
- vc_ret : Types.type_expr option ;
- mutable vc_text : info option ; (** Optional description in the associated comment. *)
- }
(** Description of a record type field. *)
type record_field = Odoc_type.record_field =
@@ -258,6 +249,19 @@ module Type :
mutable rf_text : info option ; (** Optional description in the associated comment.*)
+ (** Description of a variant type constructor. *)
+ type constructor_args = Odoc_type.constructor_args =
+ | Cstr_record of record_field list
+ | Cstr_tuple of Types.type_expr list
+ type variant_constructor = Odoc_type.variant_constructor =
+ {
+ vc_name : string ; (** Name of the constructor. *)
+ vc_args : constructor_args;
+ vc_ret : Types.type_expr option ;
+ mutable vc_text : info option ; (** Optional description in the associated comment. *)
+ }
(** The various kinds of a type. *)
type type_kind = Odoc_type.type_kind =
Type_abstract (** Type is abstract, for example [type t]. *)
@@ -721,6 +725,8 @@ val string_of_info : info -> string
(** @return a string to describe the given type. *)
val string_of_type : Type.t_type -> string
+val string_of_record : Type.record_field list -> string
(** @return a string to describe the given type extension. *)
val string_of_type_extension : Extension.t_type_extension -> string
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index d0ef4310b..b2145d1bc 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -599,16 +599,16 @@ class latex =
let s_cons =
p fmt2 "@[<h 6> | %s" constr.vc_name ;
begin match constr.vc_args, constr.vc_ret with
- | [], None -> ()
+ | Cstr_tuple [], None -> ()
| l, None ->
p fmt2 " of@ %s"
- (self#normal_type_list ~par: false mod_name " * " l)
- | [], Some r ->
+ (self#normal_cstr_args ~par: false mod_name l)
+ | Cstr_tuple [], Some r ->
p fmt2 " :@ %s"
(self#normal_type mod_name r)
| l, Some r ->
p fmt2 " :@ %s@ %s@ %s"
- (self#normal_type_list ~par: false mod_name " * " l)
+ (self#normal_cstr_args ~par: false mod_name l)
(self#normal_type mod_name r)
end ;
@@ -682,19 +682,19 @@ class latex =
p fmt2 "@[<h 6> | %s" (Name.simple x.xt_name);
match x.xt_args, x.xt_ret with
- [], None -> ()
+ Cstr_tuple [], None -> ()
| l, None ->
p fmt2 " %s@ %s"
- (self#normal_type_list ~par: false father " * " l)
- | [], Some r ->
+ (self#normal_cstr_args ~par: false father l)
+ | Cstr_tuple [], Some r ->
p fmt2 " %s@ %s"
(self#normal_type father r)
| l, Some r ->
p fmt2 " %s@ %s@ %s@ %s"
- (self#normal_type_list ~par: false father " * " l)
+ (self#normal_cstr_args ~par: false father l)
(self#normal_type father r)
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index e97db4bc5..13733ba8e 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -383,8 +383,14 @@ class man =
bs b "\n"
(** Print groff string to display a [Types.type_expr list].*)
- method man_of_type_expr_list ?par b m_name sep l =
- let s = Odoc_str.string_of_type_list ?par sep l in
+ method man_of_cstr_args ?par b m_name sep l =
+ let s =
+ match l with
+ | Cstr_tuple l ->
+ Odoc_str.string_of_type_list ?par sep l
+ | Cstr_record l ->
+ Odoc_str.string_of_record l
+ in
let s2 = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\n") "\n.B " s in
bs b "\n.B ";
bs b (self#relative_idents m_name s2);
@@ -448,16 +454,16 @@ class man =
bs b ("| "^(Name.simple x.xt_name));
match x.xt_args, x.xt_ret with
- | [], None -> bs b "\n"
+ | Cstr_tuple [], None -> bs b "\n"
| l, None ->
bs b "\n.B of ";
- self#man_of_type_expr_list ~par: false b father " * " l;
- | [], Some r ->
+ self#man_of_cstr_args ~par: false b father " * " l;
+ | Cstr_tuple [], Some r ->
bs b "\n.B : ";
self#man_of_type_expr b father r;
| l, Some r ->
bs b "\n.B : ";
- self#man_of_type_expr_list ~par: false b father " * " l;
+ self#man_of_cstr_args ~par: false b father " * " l;
bs b ".B -> ";
self#man_of_type_expr b father r;
@@ -498,18 +504,18 @@ class man =
bs b " \n";
match e.ex_args, e.ex_ret with
- | [], None -> ()
+ | Cstr_tuple [], None -> ()
| l, None ->
bs b ".B of ";
- self#man_of_type_expr_list
+ self#man_of_cstr_args
~par: false
b (Name.father e.ex_name) " * " e.ex_args
- | [], Some r ->
+ | Cstr_tuple [], Some r ->
bs b ".B : ";
self#man_of_type_expr b (Name.father e.ex_name) r
| l, Some r ->
bs b ".B : ";
- self#man_of_type_expr_list
+ self#man_of_cstr_args
~par: false
b (Name.father e.ex_name) " * " l;
bs b ".B -> ";
@@ -586,36 +592,36 @@ class man =
bs b " *)\n "
match constr.vc_args, constr.vc_text,constr.vc_ret with
- | [], None, None -> bs b "\n "
- | [], (Some t), None ->
+ | Cstr_tuple [], None, None -> bs b "\n "
+ | Cstr_tuple [], (Some t), None ->
print_text t
| l, None, None ->
bs b "\n.B of ";
- self#man_of_type_expr_list ~par: false b father " * " l;
+ self#man_of_cstr_args ~par: false b father " * " l;
bs b " "
| l, (Some t), None ->
bs b "\n.B of ";
- self#man_of_type_expr_list ~par: false b father " * " l;
+ self#man_of_cstr_args ~par: false b father " * " l;
bs b ".I \" \"\n";
print_text t
- | [], None, Some r ->
+ | Cstr_tuple [], None, Some r ->
bs b "\n.B : ";
self#man_of_type_expr b father r;
bs b " "
- | [], (Some t), Some r ->
+ | Cstr_tuple [], (Some t), Some r ->
bs b "\n.B : ";
self#man_of_type_expr b father r;
bs b ".I \" \"\n";
print_text t
| l, None, Some r ->
bs b "\n.B : ";
- self#man_of_type_expr_list ~par: false b father " * " l;
+ self#man_of_cstr_args ~par: false b father " * " l;
bs b ".B -> ";
self#man_of_type_expr b father r;
bs b " "
| l, (Some t), Some r ->
bs b "\n.B of ";
- self#man_of_type_expr_list ~par: false b father " * " l;
+ self#man_of_cstr_args ~par: false b father " * " l;
bs b ".B -> ";
self#man_of_type_expr b father r;
bs b ".I \" \"\n";
@@ -822,8 +828,8 @@ class man =
bs b ".I ";
bs b (c.vc_name^" ");
(match c.vc_args with
- [] -> ()
- | h::q ->
+ | Cstr_tuple [] -> ()
+ | Cstr_tuple (h::q) ->
bs b "of ";
self#man_of_type_expr b modname h;
@@ -831,6 +837,7 @@ class man =
bs b " * ";
self#man_of_type_expr b modname ty)
+ | Cstr_record _ -> bs b "{ ... }"
bs b "\n.sp\n";
self#man_of_info b c.vc_text;
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index e41cf2b8d..c2d365118 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@ module Analyser =
let (len, comment_opt) = My_ir.just_after_special !file_name s in
(len, acc @ [ (pcd.pcd_name.txt, comment_opt) ])
| pcd :: (pcd2 :: _ as q) ->
+ (* TODO: support annotations on fields for inline records *)
let pos_end_first = pcd.pcd_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let pos_start_second = pcd2.pcd_loc.Location.loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum in
let s = get_string_of_file pos_end_first pos_start_second in
@@ -266,20 +267,38 @@ module Analyser =
Object_type ( f @@ fst @@ Ctype.flatten_fields fields)
| _ -> Other (Odoc_env.subst_type env type_expr)
+ let get_field env name_comment_list {Types.ld_id=field_name;ld_mutable=mutable_flag;ld_type=type_expr} =
+ let field_name = field_name in
+ let comment_opt =
+ try List.assoc field_name name_comment_list
+ with Not_found -> None
+ in
+ {
+ rf_name = field_name ;
+ rf_mutable = mutable_flag = Mutable ;
+ rf_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env type_expr ;
+ rf_text = comment_opt
+ }
let get_type_kind env name_comment_list type_kind =
match type_kind with
Types.Type_abstract ->
| Types.Type_variant l ->
- let f {Types.cd_id=constructor_name;cd_args=type_expr_list;cd_res=ret_type} =
+ let f {Types.cd_id=constructor_name;cd_args;cd_res=ret_type} =
let constructor_name = constructor_name in
let comment_opt =
try List.assoc constructor_name name_comment_list
with Not_found -> None
+ let vc_args =
+ match cd_args with
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> Cstr_tuple ( (Odoc_env.subst_type env) l)
+ | Cstr_record l -> Cstr_record ( (get_field env []) l)
+ in
vc_name = constructor_name ;
- vc_args = (Odoc_env.subst_type env) type_expr_list ;
+ vc_args;
vc_ret = may_map (Odoc_env.subst_type env) ret_type;
vc_text = comment_opt
@@ -287,20 +306,7 @@ module Analyser =
Odoc_type.Type_variant ( f l)
| Types.Type_record (l, _) ->
- let f {Types.ld_id=field_name;ld_mutable=mutable_flag;ld_type=type_expr} =
- let field_name = field_name in
- let comment_opt =
- try List.assoc field_name name_comment_list
- with Not_found -> None
- in
- {
- rf_name = field_name ;
- rf_mutable = mutable_flag = Mutable ;
- rf_type = Odoc_env.subst_type env type_expr ;
- rf_text = comment_opt
- }
- in
- Odoc_type.Type_record ( f l)
+ Odoc_type.Type_record ( (get_field env name_comment_list) l)
| Types.Type_open ->
@@ -658,10 +664,15 @@ module Analyser =
[] -> (maybe_more, List.rev exts_acc)
| (name, types_ext) :: q ->
let ext_loc_end = types_ext.Types.ext_loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum in
+ let xt_args =
+ match types_ext.ext_args with
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> Cstr_tuple ( (Odoc_env.subst_type new_env) l)
+ | Cstr_record l -> Cstr_record ( (get_field new_env []) l)
+ in
let new_x =
xt_name = Name.concat current_module_name name ;
- xt_args = (Odoc_env.subst_type new_env) types_ext.ext_args ;
+ xt_args;
xt_ret = may_map (Odoc_env.subst_type new_env) types_ext.ext_ret_type ;
xt_type_extension = new_te;
xt_alias = None ;
@@ -696,11 +707,16 @@ module Analyser =
with Not_found ->
raise (Failure (Odoc_messages.exception_not_found current_module_name name.txt))
+ let ex_args =
+ match types_ext.ext_args with
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> Cstr_tuple ( (Odoc_env.subst_type env) l)
+ | Cstr_record l -> Cstr_record ( (get_field env []) l)
+ in
let e =
ex_name = Name.concat current_module_name name.txt ;
ex_info = comment_opt ;
- ex_args = (Odoc_env.subst_type env) types_ext.ext_args ;
+ ex_args;
ex_ret = may_map (Odoc_env.subst_type env) types_ext.ext_ret_type ;
ex_alias = None ;
ex_loc = { loc_impl = None ; loc_inter = Some sig_item_loc } ;
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 7d99ff107..1536640e5 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -171,13 +171,27 @@ let bool_of_private = function
| Asttypes.Private -> true
| _ -> false
+let field_doc_str = function
+ | None -> ""
+ | Some t -> Printf.sprintf "(* %s *)" (Odoc_misc.string_of_info t)
+let string_of_record l =
+ let module M = Odoc_type in
+ let module P = Printf in
+ P.sprintf "{\n%s\n}" (
+ String.concat "\n" (
+ (fun field ->
+ P.sprintf " %s%s : %s;%s"
+ (if field.M.rf_mutable then "mutable " else "") field.M.rf_name
+ (Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr field.M.rf_type)
+ (field_doc_str field.M.rf_text)
+ ) l
+ )
+ )
let string_of_type t =
let module M = Odoc_type in
let module P = Printf in
- let field_doc_str = function
- | None -> ""
- | Some t -> P.sprintf "(* %s *)" (Odoc_misc.string_of_info t)
- in
let priv = bool_of_private t.M.ty_private in
let parameters_str =
String.concat " " (
@@ -215,16 +229,19 @@ let string_of_type t =
| None -> ""
| Some t -> P.sprintf "(* %s *)" (Odoc_misc.string_of_info t)
- let string_of_parameters lst =
- String.concat " * " (
- (fun t -> "("^Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr t^")") lst
- )
+ let string_of_parameters = function
+ | M.Cstr_tuple l ->
+ String.concat " * " (
+ (fun t -> "("^Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr t^")") l
+ )
+ | M.Cstr_record l ->
+ string_of_record l
P.sprintf " | %s%s%s" cons.M.vc_name (
match cons.M.vc_args, cons.M.vc_ret with
- | [], None -> ""
+ | M.Cstr_tuple [], None -> ""
| li, None -> " of " ^ (string_of_parameters li)
- | [], Some r -> " : " ^ Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr r
+ | M.Cstr_tuple [], Some r -> " : " ^ Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr r
| li, Some r ->
P.sprintf " : %s -> %s" (string_of_parameters li)
(Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr r)
@@ -237,16 +254,8 @@ let string_of_type t =
"= .." (* FIXME MG: when introducing new constuctors next time,
thanks to setup a minimal correct output *)
| M.Type_record l ->
- P.sprintf "= %s{\n%s\n}\n" (if priv then "private " else "") (
- String.concat "\n" (
- (fun field ->
- P.sprintf " %s%s : %s;%s"
- (if field.M.rf_mutable then "mutable " else "") field.M.rf_name
- (Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr field.M.rf_type)
- (field_doc_str field.M.rf_text)
- ) l
- )
- )
+ P.sprintf "= %s{\n%s\n}\n" (if priv then "private " else "")
+ (string_of_record l)
P.sprintf "type %s %s %s%s%s" parameters_str (Name.simple t.M.ty_name)
manifest_str type_kind_str
@@ -256,6 +265,7 @@ let string_of_type t =
let string_of_type_extension te =
let module M = Odoc_extension in
+ let module T = Odoc_type in
"type "
^(String.concat ""
@@ -272,19 +282,21 @@ let string_of_type_extension te =
" | "
^(Name.simple x.M.xt_name)
^(match x.M.xt_args, x.M.xt_ret with
- | [], None -> ""
- | l, None ->
+ | T.Cstr_tuple [], None -> ""
+ | T.Cstr_tuple l, None ->
" of " ^
(String.concat " * "
(fun t -> "("^Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr t^")") l))
- | [], Some r -> " : " ^ Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr r
- | l, Some r ->
+ | T.Cstr_tuple [], Some r -> " : " ^ Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr r
+ | T.Cstr_tuple l, Some r ->
" : " ^
(String.concat " * "
(fun t -> "("^Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr t^")") l))
^ " -> " ^ Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr r
+ | T.Cstr_record _, _ ->
+ assert false
^(match x.M.xt_alias with
None -> ""
@@ -309,23 +321,26 @@ let string_of_type_extension te =
let string_of_exception e =
+ let module T = Odoc_type in
let module M = Odoc_exception in
"exception "^(Name.simple e.M.ex_name)^
(match e.M.ex_args, e.M.ex_ret with
- [], None -> ""
- | l,None ->
+ T.Cstr_tuple [], None -> ""
+ | T.Cstr_tuple l,None ->
" of "^
(String.concat " * "
( (fun t -> "("^(Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr t)^")") l))
- | [],Some r ->
+ | T.Cstr_tuple [],Some r ->
" : "^
(Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr r)
- | l,Some r ->
+ | T.Cstr_tuple l,Some r ->
" : "^
(String.concat " * "
( (fun t -> "("^(Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr t)^")") l))^
" -> "^
(Odoc_print.string_of_type_expr r)
+ | T.Cstr_record _, _ ->
+ assert false
(match e.M.ex_alias with
None -> ""
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_str.mli b/ocamldoc/odoc_str.mli
index 402a82d56..925deddad 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/odoc_str.mli
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_str.mli
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ val string_of_class_type_param_list : Types.type_expr list -> string
(** @return a string to describe the given type. *)
val string_of_type : Odoc_type.t_type -> string
+val string_of_record : Odoc_type.record_field list -> string
(** @return a string to display the parameters of the given class,
in the same form as the compiler. *)
val string_of_class_params : Odoc_class.t_class -> string
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 10d45c1c8..afa4d49f7 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -638,12 +638,16 @@ class texi =
Printf.sprintf "(%s) "
(String.concat ", " ( f l))
- method string_of_type_args (args:Types.type_expr list) (ret:Types.type_expr option) =
+ method string_of_type_args (args:constructor_args) (ret:Types.type_expr option) =
+ let f = function
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> Odoc_info.string_of_type_list " * " l
+ | Cstr_record l -> Odoc_info.string_of_record l
+ in
match args, ret with
- | [], None -> ""
- | args, None -> " of " ^ (Odoc_info.string_of_type_list " * " args)
- | [], Some r -> " : " ^ (Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr r)
- | args, Some r -> " : " ^ (Odoc_info.string_of_type_list " * " args) ^
+ | Cstr_tuple [], None -> ""
+ | args, None -> " of " ^ (f args)
+ | Cstr_tuple [], Some r -> " : " ^ (Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr r)
+ | args, Some r -> " : " ^ (f args) ^
" -> " ^ (Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr r)
(** Return Texinfo code for a type. *)
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 1c7f6ba7f..ce328b0da 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -231,6 +231,10 @@ class virtual to_text =
method normal_type_list ?par m_name sep t =
self#relative_idents m_name (Odoc_info.string_of_type_list ?par sep t)
+ method normal_cstr_args ?par m_name = function
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> self#normal_type_list ?par m_name " * " l
+ | Cstr_record _ -> "{...}" (* TODO *)
(** Get a string for a list of class or class type type parameters
where all idents are relative. *)
method normal_class_type_param_list m_name t =
@@ -339,21 +343,23 @@ class virtual to_text =
let father = Name.father e.ex_name in
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[<hov 2>exception %s" s_name ;
(match e.ex_args, e.ex_ret with
- [], None -> ()
- | l, None ->
+ Cstr_tuple [], None -> ()
+ | Cstr_tuple l, None ->
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter " %s@ %s"
(self#normal_type_list ~par: false father " * " l)
- | [], Some r ->
+ | Cstr_tuple [], Some r ->
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter " %s@ %s"
(self#normal_type father r)
- | l, Some r ->
+ | Cstr_tuple l, Some r ->
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter " %s@ %s@ %s@ %s"
(self#normal_type_list ~par: false father " * " l)
(self#normal_type father r)
+ | Cstr_record _, _ ->
+ assert false
(match e.ex_alias with
None -> ()
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index dadc6b1ba..f9bd9cda1 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -17,14 +17,6 @@ module Name = Odoc_name
type private_flag = Asttypes.private_flag =
Private | Public
-(** Description of a variant type constructor. *)
-type variant_constructor = {
- vc_name : string ;
- vc_args : Types.type_expr list ; (** arguments of the constructor *)
- vc_ret : Types.type_expr option ;
- mutable vc_text : option ; (** optional user description *)
- }
(** Description of a record type field. *)
type record_field = {
rf_name : string ;
@@ -33,6 +25,18 @@ type record_field = {
mutable rf_text : option ; (** optional user description *)
+type constructor_args =
+ | Cstr_record of record_field list
+ | Cstr_tuple of Types.type_expr list
+(** Description of a variant type constructor. *)
+type variant_constructor = {
+ vc_name : string ;
+ vc_args : constructor_args ;
+ vc_ret : Types.type_expr option ;
+ mutable vc_text : option ; (** optional user description *)
+ }
(** The various kinds of type. *)
type type_kind =
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index 47c7bd338..f53cb2928 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ module Type = struct
ptype_loc = loc;
- let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(args = []) ?res name =
+ let constructor ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
pcd_name = name;
pcd_args = args;
@@ -402,7 +402,7 @@ module Te = struct
pext_attributes = attrs;
- let decl ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(args = []) ?res name =
+ let decl ?(loc = !default_loc) ?(attrs = []) ?(args = Pcstr_tuple []) ?res name =
pext_name = name;
pext_kind = Pext_decl(args, res);
diff --git a/parsing/ast_helper.mli b/parsing/ast_helper.mli
index b9b04f822..847d428f6 100644
--- a/parsing/ast_helper.mli
+++ b/parsing/ast_helper.mli
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ module Type:
val mk: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?params:(core_type * variance) list -> ?cstrs:(core_type * core_type * loc) list -> ?kind:type_kind -> ?priv:private_flag -> ?manifest:core_type -> str -> type_declaration
- val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?args:core_type list -> ?res:core_type -> str -> constructor_declaration
+ val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str -> constructor_declaration
val field: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?mut:mutable_flag -> str -> core_type -> label_declaration
@@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ module Te:
val constructor: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> extension_constructor_kind -> extension_constructor
- val decl: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?args:core_type list -> ?res:core_type -> str -> extension_constructor
+ val decl: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> ?args:constructor_arguments -> ?res:core_type -> str -> extension_constructor
val rebind: ?loc:loc -> ?attrs:attrs -> str -> lid -> extension_constructor
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index 669d01449..aa9fdbfca 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -137,6 +137,11 @@ module T = struct
| Ptype_record l -> Ptype_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
| Ptype_open -> Ptype_open
+ let map_constructor_arguments sub = function
+ | Pcstr_tuple l -> Pcstr_tuple ( (sub.typ sub) l)
+ | Pcstr_record l ->
+ Pcstr_record ( (sub.label_declaration sub) l)
let map_type_extension sub
{ptyext_path; ptyext_params;
@@ -151,7 +156,7 @@ module T = struct
let map_extension_constructor_kind sub = function
Pext_decl(ctl, cto) ->
- Pext_decl( (sub.typ sub) ctl, map_opt (sub.typ sub) cto)
+ Pext_decl(map_constructor_arguments sub ctl, map_opt (sub.typ sub) cto)
| Pext_rebind li ->
Pext_rebind (map_loc sub li)
@@ -573,7 +578,7 @@ let default_mapper =
(fun this {pcd_name; pcd_args; pcd_res; pcd_loc; pcd_attributes} ->
(map_loc this pcd_name)
- ~args:( (this.typ this) pcd_args)
+ ~args:(T.map_constructor_arguments this pcd_args)
?res:(map_opt (this.typ this) pcd_res)
~loc:(this.location this pcd_loc)
~attrs:(this.attributes this pcd_attributes)
diff --git a/parsing/parser.mly b/parsing/parser.mly
index 4e2053be3..26bbdc1e9 100644
--- a/parsing/parser.mly
+++ b/parsing/parser.mly
@@ -1658,16 +1658,18 @@ sig_exception_declaration:
- /*empty*/ { ([],None) }
- | OF core_type_list { (List.rev $2,None) }
- | COLON core_type_list MINUSGREATER simple_core_type
- { (List.rev $2,Some $4) }
+ /*empty*/ { (Pcstr_tuple [],None) }
+ | OF constructor_arguments { ($2,None) }
+ | COLON constructor_arguments MINUSGREATER simple_core_type
+ { ($2,Some $4) }
| COLON simple_core_type
- { ([],Some $2) }
+ { (Pcstr_tuple [],Some $2) }
+ | core_type_list { Pcstr_tuple (List.rev $1) }
+ | LBRACE label_declarations RBRACE { Pcstr_record (List.rev $2) }
label_declaration { [$1] }
| label_declarations SEMI label_declaration { $3 :: $1 }
diff --git a/parsing/parsetree.mli b/parsing/parsetree.mli
index a66317f47..d287b9eee 100644
--- a/parsing/parsetree.mli
+++ b/parsing/parsetree.mli
@@ -398,15 +398,23 @@ and label_declaration =
and constructor_declaration =
pcd_name: string loc;
- pcd_args: core_type list;
+ pcd_args: constructor_arguments;
pcd_res: core_type option;
pcd_loc: Location.t;
pcd_attributes: attributes; (* C [@id1] [@id2] of ... *)
+and constructor_arguments =
+ | Pcstr_tuple of core_type list
+ | Pcstr_record of label_declaration list
- | C of T1 * ... * Tn (res = None)
- | C: T0 (args = [], res = Some T0)
- | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 (res = Some T0)
+ | C of T1 * ... * Tn (res = None, args = Pcstr_tuple [])
+ | C: T0 (res = Some T0, args = [])
+ | C: T1 * ... * Tn -> T0 (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_tuple)
+ | C of {...} (res = None, args = Pcstr_record)
+ | C: {...} -> T0 (res = Some T0, args = Pcstr_record)
+ | C of {...} as t (res = None, args = Pcstr_record)
and type_extension =
@@ -430,7 +438,7 @@ and extension_constructor =
and extension_constructor_kind =
- Pext_decl of core_type list * core_type option
+ Pext_decl of constructor_arguments * core_type option
| C of T1 * ... * Tn ([T1; ...; Tn], None)
| C: T0 ([], Some T0)
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index 327d67041..5f59dacac 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -1313,18 +1313,21 @@ class printer ()= object(self:'self)
pp f "%s%a%a" name
self#attributes attrs
(fun f -> function
- | [] -> ()
- | l ->
+ | Pcstr_tuple [] -> ()
+ | Pcstr_tuple l ->
pp f "@;of@;%a" (self#list self#core_type1 ~sep:"*@;") l
+ | Pcstr_record l -> pp f "@;of@;%a" (self#record_declaration) l
) args
| Some r ->
pp f "%s%a:@;%a" name
self#attributes attrs
(fun f -> function
- | [] -> self#core_type1 f r
- | l -> pp f "%a@;->@;%a"
+ | Pcstr_tuple [] -> self#core_type1 f r
+ | Pcstr_tuple l -> pp f "%a@;->@;%a"
(self#list self#core_type1 ~sep:"*@;") l
self#core_type1 r
+ | Pcstr_record l ->
+ pp f "%a@;->@;%a" (self#record_declaration) l self#core_type1 r
diff --git a/parsing/pprintast.mli b/parsing/pprintast.mli
index 22e21adc6..42a340915 100644
--- a/parsing/pprintast.mli
+++ b/parsing/pprintast.mli
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class printer :
Format.formatter -> Parsetree.class_type_declaration list -> unit
method constant : Format.formatter -> Asttypes.constant -> unit
method constant_string : Format.formatter -> string -> unit
- method constructor_declaration : Format.formatter -> (string * Parsetree.core_type list * Parsetree.core_type option * Parsetree.attributes) -> unit
+ method constructor_declaration : Format.formatter -> (string * Parsetree.constructor_arguments * Parsetree.core_type option * Parsetree.attributes) -> unit
method core_type : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.core_type -> unit
method core_type1 : Format.formatter -> Parsetree.core_type -> unit
method direction_flag :
diff --git a/parsing/ b/parsing/
index f0472bcdb..2bf9d8f3e 100644
--- a/parsing/
+++ b/parsing/
@@ -439,7 +439,7 @@ and extension_constructor_kind i ppf x =
match x with
Pext_decl(a, r) ->
line i ppf "Pext_decl\n";
- list (i+1) core_type ppf a;
+ constructor_arguments (i+1) ppf a;
option (i+1) core_type ppf r;
| Pext_rebind li ->
line i ppf "Pext_rebind\n";
@@ -810,9 +810,13 @@ and constructor_decl i ppf
line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_location pcd_loc;
line (i+1) ppf "%a\n" fmt_string_loc pcd_name;
attributes i ppf pcd_attributes;
- list (i+1) core_type ppf pcd_args;
+ constructor_arguments (i+1) ppf pcd_args;
option (i+1) core_type ppf pcd_res
+and constructor_arguments i ppf = function
+ | Pcstr_tuple l -> list i core_type ppf l
+ | Pcstr_record l -> list i label_decl ppf l
and label_decl i ppf {pld_name; pld_mutable; pld_type; pld_loc; pld_attributes}=
line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_location pld_loc;
attributes i ppf pld_attributes;
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
index 97ef3f168..640655eb1 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ type u = X of bool;;
module type B = A with type t = u;; (* fail *)
(* PR#5815 *)
+(* ---> duplicated exception name is now an error *)
module type S = sig exception Foo of int exception Foo of bool end;;
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
index d99e9a3cd..9646d3d0a 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
@@ -28,7 +28,11 @@ Error: Signature mismatch:
Error: This variant or record definition does not match that of type u
The types for field X are not equal.
-# module type S = sig exception Foo of bool end
+# Characters 121-124:
+ module type S = sig exception Foo of int exception Foo of bool end;;
+ ^^^
+Error: Multiple definition of the extension constructor name Foo.
+ Names must be unique in a given structure or signature.
# module F : functor (X : sig end) -> sig val x : int end
# Characters 0-3:
F.x;; (* fail *)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
index d99e9a3cd..9646d3d0a 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
@@ -28,7 +28,11 @@ Error: Signature mismatch:
Error: This variant or record definition does not match that of type u
The types for field X are not equal.
-# module type S = sig exception Foo of bool end
+# Characters 121-124:
+ module type S = sig exception Foo of int exception Foo of bool end;;
+ ^^^
+Error: Multiple definition of the extension constructor name Foo.
+ Names must be unique in a given structure or signature.
# module F : functor (X : sig end) -> sig val x : int end
# Characters 0-3:
F.x;; (* fail *)
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-recordarg/Makefile b/testsuite/tests/typing-recordarg/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1834e83ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-recordarg/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+# #
+# OCaml #
+# #
+# Xavier Clerc, SED, INRIA Rocquencourt #
+# #
+# Copyright 2010 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et #
+# en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed #
+# under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. #
+# #
+include $(BASEDIR)/makefiles/Makefile.toplevel
+include $(BASEDIR)/makefiles/Makefile.common
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-recordarg/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-recordarg/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..82fad0783
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-recordarg/
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+type t = A of {x:int; mutable y:int};;
+let f (A r) = r;; (* -> escape *)
+let f (A r) = r.x;; (* ok *)
+let f x = A {x; y = x};; (* ok *)
+let f (A r) = A {r with y = r.x + 1};; (* ok *)
+let f () = A {a = 1};; (* customized error message *)
+let f () = A {x = 1; y = 3};; (* ok *)
+type _ t = A: {x : 'a; y : 'b} -> 'a t;;
+let f (A {x; y}) = A {x; y = ()};; (* ok *)
+let f (A ({x; y} as r)) = A {x = r.x; y = r.y};; (* ok *)
+module M = struct
+ type 'a t =
+ | A of {x : 'a}
+ | B: {u : 'b} -> unit t;;
+ exception Foo of {x : int};;
+module N : sig
+ type 'b t = 'b M.t =
+ | A of {x : 'b}
+ | B: {u : 'bla} -> unit t
+ exception Foo of {x : int}
+end = struct
+ type 'b t = 'b M.t =
+ | A of {x : 'b}
+ | B: {u : 'z} -> unit t
+ exception Foo = M.Foo
+module type S = sig exception A of {x:int} end;;
+module F (X : sig val x : (module S) end) = struct
+ module A = (val X.x)
+end;; (* -> this expression creates fresh types (not really!) *)
+module type S = sig
+ exception A of {x : int}
+ exception A of {x : string}
+module M = struct
+ exception A of {x : int}
+ exception A of {x : string}
+module M1 = struct
+ exception A of {x : int}
+module M = struct
+ include M1
+ include M1
+module type S1 = sig
+ exception A of {x : int}
+module type S = sig
+ include S1
+ include S1
+module M = struct
+ exception A = M1.A
+module X1 = struct
+ type t = ..
+module X2 = struct
+ type t = ..
+module Z = struct
+ type X1.t += A of {x: int}
+ type X2.t += A of {x: int}
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-recordarg/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-recordarg/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..12f609aca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-recordarg/
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+# type t = A of { x : int; mutable y : int; }
+# Characters 14-15:
+ let f (A r) = r;; (* -> escape *)
+ ^
+Error: This form is not allowed as the type of the inlined record could escape.
+# val f : t -> int = <fun>
+# val f : int -> t = <fun>
+# val f : t -> t = <fun>
+# Characters 14-15:
+ let f () = A {a = 1};; (* customized error message *)
+ ^
+Error: The field a is not part of the record argument for the t.A constructor
+# val f : unit -> t = <fun>
+# type _ t = A : { x : 'a; y : 'b; } -> 'a t
+# val f : 'a t -> 'a t = <fun>
+# val f : 'a t -> 'a t = <fun>
+# module M :
+ sig
+ type 'a t = A of { x : 'a; } | B : { u : 'b; } -> unit t
+ exception Foo of { x : int; }
+ end
+# module N :
+ sig
+ type 'b t = 'b M.t = A of { x : 'b; } | B : { u : 'bla; } -> unit t
+ exception Foo of { x : int; }
+ end
+# module type S = sig exception A of { x : int; } end
+# Characters 65-74:
+ module A = (val X.x)
+ ^^^^^^^^^
+Error: This expression creates fresh types.
+ It is not allowed inside applicative functors.
+# Characters 61-62:
+ exception A of {x : string}
+ ^
+Error: Multiple definition of the extension constructor name A.
+ Names must be unique in a given structure or signature.
+# Characters 58-59:
+ exception A of {x : string}
+ ^
+Error: Multiple definition of the extension constructor name A.
+ Names must be unique in a given structure or signature.
+# module M1 : sig exception A of { x : int; } end
+# Characters 34-44:
+ include M1
+ ^^^^^^^^^^
+Error: Multiple definition of the extension constructor name A.
+ Names must be unique in a given structure or signature.
+# module type S1 = sig exception A of { x : int; } end
+# Characters 36-46:
+ include S1
+ ^^^^^^^^^^
+Error: Multiple definition of the extension constructor name A.
+ Names must be unique in a given structure or signature.
+# module M : sig exception A of { x : int; } end
+# module X1 : sig type t = .. end
+# module X2 : sig type t = .. end
+# Characters 62-63:
+ type X2.t += A of {x: int}
+ ^
+Error: Multiple definition of the extension constructor name A.
+ Names must be unique in a given structure or signature.
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index aeb121cbc..222d08d31 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -64,8 +64,13 @@ let add_opt add_fn bv = function
None -> ()
| Some x -> add_fn bv x
+let add_constructor_arguments bv = function
+ | Pcstr_tuple l -> List.iter (add_type bv) l
+ | Pcstr_record l -> List.iter (fun l -> add_type bv l.pld_type) l
let add_constructor_decl bv pcd =
- List.iter (add_type bv) pcd.pcd_args; Misc.may (add_type bv) pcd.pcd_res
+ add_constructor_arguments bv pcd.pcd_args;
+ Misc.may (add_type bv) pcd.pcd_res
let add_type_declaration bv td =
@@ -83,9 +88,10 @@ let add_type_declaration bv td =
let add_extension_constructor bv ext =
match ext.pext_kind with
- Pext_decl(args, rty) ->
- List.iter (add_type bv) args; Misc.may (add_type bv) rty
- | Pext_rebind lid -> add bv lid
+ Pext_decl(args, rty) ->
+ add_constructor_arguments bv args;
+ Misc.may (add_type bv) rty
+ | Pext_rebind lid -> add bv lid
let add_type_extension bv te =
add bv te.ptyext_path;
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 791fb6a51..be5b85441 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -39,8 +39,12 @@ let structure_item sub x =
let value_description sub x =
sub # core_type x.val_desc
+let constructor_args sub = function
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> List.iter (sub # core_type) l
+ | Cstr_record l -> List.iter (fun ld -> sub # core_type ld.ld_type) l
let constructor_decl sub cd =
- List.iter (sub # core_type) cd.cd_args;
+ constructor_args sub cd.cd_args;
opt (sub # core_type) cd.cd_res
let label_decl sub ld =
@@ -66,7 +70,7 @@ let type_extension sub te =
let extension_constructor sub ext =
match ext.ext_kind with
Text_decl(ctl, cto) ->
- List.iter (sub # core_type) ctl;
+ constructor_args sub ctl;
opt (sub # core_type) cto
| Text_rebind _ -> ()
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 7641c91d0..58242fc23 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -134,10 +134,14 @@ and untype_type_declaration decl =
and untype_type_parameter (ct, v) = (untype_core_type ct, v)
+and untype_constructor_arguments = function
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> Pcstr_tuple ( untype_core_type l)
+ | Cstr_record l -> Pcstr_record ( untype_label_declaration l)
and untype_constructor_declaration cd =
pcd_name = cd.cd_name;
- pcd_args = untype_core_type cd.cd_args;
+ pcd_args = untype_constructor_arguments cd.cd_args;
pcd_res = option untype_core_type cd.cd_res;
pcd_loc = cd.cd_loc;
pcd_attributes = cd.cd_attributes;
@@ -167,7 +171,7 @@ and untype_extension_constructor ext =
pext_name = ext.ext_name;
pext_kind = (match ext.ext_kind with
Text_decl (args, ret) ->
- Pext_decl ( untype_core_type args,
+ Pext_decl (untype_constructor_arguments args,
option untype_core_type ret)
| Text_rebind (_p, lid) -> Pext_rebind lid
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
index 27f45a2d1..9af483ca9 100644
--- a/toplevel/
+++ b/toplevel/
@@ -290,40 +290,41 @@ module Make(O : OBJ)(EVP : EVALPATH with type valu = O.t) = struct
| _ -> assert false end
| None -> decl.type_params
- let ty_args =
- (function ty ->
- try Ctype.apply env type_params ty ty_list with
- Ctype.Cannot_apply -> abstract_type)
- cd_args in
- tree_of_constr_with_args (tree_of_constr env path)
- ( cd_id) 0 depth obj ty_args
+ begin
+ match cd_args with
+ | Cstr_tuple l ->
+ let ty_args =
+ (function ty ->
+ try Ctype.apply env type_params ty ty_list with
+ Ctype.Cannot_apply -> abstract_type)
+ l
+ in
+ tree_of_constr_with_args (tree_of_constr env path)
+ ( cd_id) false 0 depth obj
+ ty_args
+ | Cstr_record lbls ->
+ let r =
+ tree_of_record_fields depth
+ env path type_params ty_list
+ lbls 0 obj
+ in
+ Oval_constr(tree_of_constr env path
+ ( cd_id),
+ [ r ])
+ end
| {type_kind = Type_record(lbl_list, rep)} ->
begin match check_depth depth obj ty with
Some x -> x
| None ->
- let rec tree_of_fields pos = function
- | [] -> []
- | {ld_id; ld_type} :: remainder ->
- let ty_arg =
- try
- Ctype.apply env decl.type_params ld_type
- ty_list
- with
- Ctype.Cannot_apply -> abstract_type in
- let name = ld_id in
- (* PR#5722: print full module path only
- for first record field *)
- let lid =
- if pos = 0 then tree_of_label env path name
- else Oide_ident name
- and v =
- nest tree_of_val (depth - 1) (O.field obj pos)
- ty_arg
- in
- (lid, v) :: tree_of_fields (pos + 1) remainder
+ let pos =
+ match rep with
+ | Record_extension -> 1
+ | _ -> 0
- Oval_record (tree_of_fields 0 lbl_list)
+ tree_of_record_fields depth
+ env path decl.type_params ty_list
+ lbl_list pos obj
| {type_kind = Type_open} ->
tree_of_extension path depth obj
@@ -371,6 +372,31 @@ module Make(O : OBJ)(EVP : EVALPATH with type valu = O.t) = struct
Oval_stuff "<module>"
+ and tree_of_record_fields depth env path type_params ty_list
+ lbl_list pos obj =
+ let rec tree_of_fields pos = function
+ | [] -> []
+ | {ld_id; ld_type} :: remainder ->
+ let ty_arg =
+ try
+ Ctype.apply env type_params ld_type
+ ty_list
+ with
+ Ctype.Cannot_apply -> abstract_type in
+ let name = ld_id in
+ (* PR#5722: print full module path only
+ for first record field *)
+ let lid =
+ if pos = 0 then tree_of_label env path name
+ else Oide_ident name
+ and v =
+ nest tree_of_val (depth - 1) (O.field obj pos)
+ ty_arg
+ in
+ (lid, v) :: tree_of_fields (pos + 1) remainder
+ in
+ Oval_record (tree_of_fields pos lbl_list)
and tree_of_val_list start depth obj ty_list =
let rec tree_list i = function
| [] -> []
@@ -380,9 +406,16 @@ module Make(O : OBJ)(EVP : EVALPATH with type valu = O.t) = struct
tree_list start ty_list
and tree_of_constr_with_args
- tree_of_cstr cstr_name start depth obj ty_args =
+ tree_of_cstr cstr_name inlined start depth obj ty_args =
let lid = tree_of_cstr cstr_name in
- let args = tree_of_val_list start depth obj ty_args in
+ let args =
+ if inlined then
+ match ty_args with
+ | [ty] -> [ tree_of_val (depth - 1) obj ty ]
+ | _ -> assert false
+ else
+ tree_of_val_list start depth obj ty_args
+ in
Oval_constr (lid, args)
and tree_of_extension type_path depth bucket =
@@ -407,7 +440,9 @@ module Make(O : OBJ)(EVP : EVALPATH with type valu = O.t) = struct
if not (EVP.same_value slot (EVP.eval_path env path))
then raise Not_found;
- (fun x -> Oide_ident x) name 1 depth bucket cstr.cstr_args
+ (fun x -> Oide_ident x) name (cstr.cstr_inlined <> None)
+ 1 depth bucket
+ cstr.cstr_args
with Not_found | EVP.Error ->
match check_depth depth bucket ty with
Some x -> x
diff --git a/toplevel/ b/toplevel/
index 59ce633cd..1e260139e 100644
--- a/toplevel/
+++ b/toplevel/
@@ -398,7 +398,7 @@ let () =
let ext =
{ ext_type_path = Predef.path_exn;
ext_type_params = [];
- ext_args = desc.cstr_args;
+ ext_args = Cstr_tuple desc.cstr_args;
ext_ret_type = ret_type;
ext_private = Asttypes.Public;
Types.ext_loc = desc.cstr_loc;
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index ce97f654f..f23b7387b 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -253,12 +253,21 @@ type type_iterators =
it_type_expr: type_iterators -> type_expr -> unit;
it_path: Path.t -> unit; }
+let iter_type_expr_cstr_args f = function
+ | Cstr_tuple tl -> List.iter f tl
+ | Cstr_record lbls -> List.iter (fun d -> f d.ld_type) lbls
+let map_type_expr_cstr_args f = function
+ | Cstr_tuple tl -> Cstr_tuple ( f tl)
+ | Cstr_record lbls ->
+ Cstr_record ( (fun d -> {d with ld_type=f d.ld_type}) lbls)
let iter_type_expr_kind f = function
| Type_abstract -> ()
| Type_variant cstrs ->
(fun cd ->
- List.iter f cd.cd_args;
+ iter_type_expr_cstr_args f cd.cd_args;
Misc.may f cd.cd_res
@@ -288,7 +297,7 @@ let type_iterators =
and it_extension_constructor it td =
it.it_path td.ext_type_path;
List.iter (it.it_type_expr it) td.ext_type_params;
- List.iter (it.it_type_expr it) td.ext_args;
+ iter_type_expr_cstr_args (it.it_type_expr it) td.ext_args;
may (it.it_type_expr it) td.ext_ret_type
and it_module_declaration it md =
it.it_module_type it md.md_type
@@ -471,7 +480,7 @@ let unmark_type_decl decl =
let unmark_extension_constructor ext =
List.iter unmark_type ext.ext_type_params;
- List.iter unmark_type ext.ext_args;
+ iter_type_expr_cstr_args unmark_type ext.ext_args;
Misc.may unmark_type ext.ext_ret_type
let unmark_class_signature sign =
diff --git a/typing/btype.mli b/typing/btype.mli
index 59f2e77b1..ec63e9ae6 100644
--- a/typing/btype.mli
+++ b/typing/btype.mli
@@ -205,3 +205,8 @@ val log_type: type_expr -> unit
val print_raw: (Format.formatter -> type_expr -> unit) ref
val iter_type_expr_kind: (type_expr -> unit) -> (type_kind -> unit)
+val iter_type_expr_cstr_args: (type_expr -> unit) ->
+ (constructor_arguments -> unit)
+val map_type_expr_cstr_args: (type_expr -> type_expr) ->
+ (constructor_arguments -> constructor_arguments)
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index a7d31e7c8..aa6eabfae 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ let rec filter_row_fields erase = function
-exception Non_closed
+exception Non_closed0
let rec closed_schema_rec ty =
let ty = repr ty in
@@ -463,7 +463,7 @@ let rec closed_schema_rec ty =
ty.level <- pivot_level - level;
match ty.desc with
Tvar _ when level <> generic_level ->
- raise Non_closed
+ raise Non_closed0
| Tfield(_, kind, t1, t2) ->
if field_kind_repr kind = Fpresent then
closed_schema_rec t1;
@@ -482,7 +482,7 @@ let closed_schema ty =
closed_schema_rec ty;
unmark_type ty;
- with Non_closed ->
+ with Non_closed0 ->
unmark_type ty;
@@ -561,7 +561,11 @@ let closed_type_decl decl =
(fun {cd_args; cd_res; _} ->
match cd_res with
| Some _ -> ()
- | None -> List.iter closed_type cd_args)
+ | None ->
+ match cd_args with
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> List.iter closed_type l
+ | Cstr_record l -> List.iter (fun l -> closed_type l.ld_type) l
+ )
| Type_record(r, rep) ->
List.iter (fun l -> closed_type l.ld_type) r
@@ -582,7 +586,7 @@ let closed_extension_constructor ext =
List.iter mark_type ext.ext_type_params;
begin match ext.ext_ret_type with
| Some _ -> ()
- | None -> List.iter closed_type ext.ext_args
+ | None -> iter_type_expr_cstr_args closed_type ext.ext_args
unmark_extension_constructor ext;
@@ -594,7 +598,7 @@ type closed_class_failure =
CC_Method of type_expr * bool * string * type_expr
| CC_Value of type_expr * bool * string * type_expr
-exception Failure of closed_class_failure
+exception CCFailure of closed_class_failure
let closed_class params sign =
let ty = object_fields (repr sign.csig_self) in
@@ -610,13 +614,13 @@ let closed_class params sign =
(fun (lab, kind, ty) ->
if field_kind_repr kind = Fpresent then
try closed_type ty with Non_closed (ty0, real) ->
- raise (Failure (CC_Method (ty0, real, lab, ty))))
+ raise (CCFailure (CC_Method (ty0, real, lab, ty))))
mark_type_params (repr sign.csig_self);
List.iter unmark_type params;
unmark_class_signature sign;
- with Failure reason ->
+ with CCFailure reason ->
mark_type_params (repr sign.csig_self);
List.iter unmark_type params;
unmark_class_signature sign;
@@ -1193,7 +1197,7 @@ let map_kind f = function
(fun c ->
{c with
- cd_args = f c.cd_args;
+ cd_args = map_type_expr_cstr_args f c.cd_args;
cd_res = may_map f c.cd_res
@@ -2178,7 +2182,12 @@ and mcomp_variant_description type_pairs env xs ys =
match x, y with
| c1 :: xs, c2 :: ys ->
mcomp_type_option type_pairs env c1.cd_res c2.cd_res;
- mcomp_list type_pairs env c1.cd_args c2.cd_args;
+ begin match c1.cd_args, c2.cd_args with
+ | Cstr_tuple l1, Cstr_tuple l2 -> mcomp_list type_pairs env l1 l2
+ | Cstr_record l1, Cstr_record l2 ->
+ mcomp_record_description type_pairs env l1 l2
+ | _ -> raise (Unify [])
+ end;
if c1.cd_id = c2.cd_id
then iter xs ys
else raise (Unify [])
@@ -4380,7 +4389,7 @@ let nondep_extension_constructor env mid ext =
ext.ext_type_path, type_params
- let args = (nondep_type_rec env mid) ext.ext_args in
+ let args = map_type_expr_cstr_args (nondep_type_rec env mid) ext.ext_args in
let ret_type = may_map (nondep_type_rec env mid) ext.ext_ret_type in
clear_hash ();
{ ext_type_path = type_path;
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 4922cbb0d..1c121d35a 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -41,8 +41,13 @@ let free_vars ty =
let newgenconstr path tyl = newgenty (Tconstr (path, tyl, ref Mnil))
-let constructor_args cd_args cd_res =
- let arg_vars_set = free_vars (newgenty (Ttuple cd_args)) in
+let constructor_args cd_args cd_res path rep =
+ let tyl =
+ match cd_args with
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> l
+ | Cstr_record l -> (fun l -> l.ld_type) l
+ in
+ let arg_vars_set = free_vars (newgenty (Ttuple tyl)) in
let existentials =
match cd_res with
| None -> []
@@ -50,14 +55,33 @@ let constructor_args cd_args cd_res =
let res_vars = free_vars type_ret in
TypeSet.elements (TypeSet.diff arg_vars_set res_vars)
- existentials, cd_args
+ match cd_args with
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> existentials, l, None
+ | Cstr_record lbls ->
+ let type_params = TypeSet.elements arg_vars_set in
+ let tdecl =
+ {
+ type_params;
+ type_arity = List.length type_params;
+ type_kind = Type_record (lbls, rep);
+ type_private = Public;
+ type_manifest = None;
+ type_variance = (fun _ -> Variance.full) type_params;
+ type_newtype_level = None;
+ type_loc = Location.none;
+ type_attributes = [];
+ }
+ in
+ existentials,
+ [ newgenconstr path type_params ],
+ Some tdecl
let constructor_descrs ty_path decl cstrs =
let ty_res = newgenconstr ty_path decl.type_params in
let num_consts = ref 0 and num_nonconsts = ref 0 and num_normal = ref 0 in
(fun {cd_args; cd_res; _} ->
- if cd_args = [] then incr num_consts else incr num_nonconsts;
+ if cd_args = Cstr_tuple [] then incr num_consts else incr num_nonconsts;
if cd_res = None then incr num_normal)
let rec describe_constructors idx_const idx_nonconst = function
@@ -70,15 +94,19 @@ let constructor_descrs ty_path decl cstrs =
let (tag, descr_rem) =
match cd_args with
- [] -> (Cstr_constant idx_const,
+ Cstr_tuple [] -> (Cstr_constant idx_const,
describe_constructors (idx_const+1) idx_nonconst rem)
| _ -> (Cstr_block idx_nonconst,
describe_constructors idx_const (idx_nonconst+1) rem) in
- let existentials, cstr_args =
+ let cstr_name = cd_id in
+ let existentials, cstr_args, cstr_inlined =
constructor_args cd_args cd_res
+ (Path.Pdot (ty_path, cstr_name, Path.nopos))
+ (Record_inlined idx_nonconst)
let cstr =
- { cstr_name = cd_id;
+ { cstr_name;
cstr_res = ty_res;
cstr_existentials = existentials;
@@ -91,6 +119,7 @@ let constructor_descrs ty_path decl cstrs =
cstr_generalized = cd_res <> None;
cstr_loc = cd_loc;
cstr_attributes = cd_attributes;
+ cstr_inlined;
} in
(cd_id, cstr) :: descr_rem in
describe_constructors 0 0 cstrs
@@ -101,8 +130,9 @@ let extension_descr path_ext ext =
Some type_ret -> type_ret
| None -> newgenconstr ext.ext_type_path ext.ext_type_params
- let existentials, cstr_args =
+ let existentials, cstr_args, cstr_inlined =
constructor_args ext.ext_args ext.ext_ret_type
+ path_ext Record_extension
{ cstr_name = Path.last path_ext;
cstr_res = ty_res;
@@ -117,6 +147,7 @@ let extension_descr path_ext ext =
cstr_generalized = ext.ext_ret_type <> None;
cstr_loc = ext.ext_loc;
cstr_attributes = ext.ext_attributes;
+ cstr_inlined;
let none = {desc = Ttuple []; level = -1; id = -1}
@@ -155,7 +186,7 @@ exception Constr_not_found
let rec find_constr tag num_const num_nonconst = function
[] ->
raise Constr_not_found
- | {cd_args = []; _} as c :: rem ->
+ | {cd_args = Cstr_tuple []; _} as c :: rem ->
if tag = Cstr_constant num_const
then c
else find_constr tag (num_const + 1) num_nonconst rem
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 5655197a9..4e6bba0c5 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -475,6 +475,51 @@ and find_class =
and find_cltype =
find (fun env -> env.cltypes) (fun sc -> sc.comp_cltypes)
+let type_of_cstr path = function
+ | {cstr_inlined = Some d; _} ->
+ (d, ([], snd (Datarepr.labels_of_type path d)))
+ | _ ->
+ assert false
+let find_type_full path env =
+ match Path.constructor_typath path with
+ | Regular p -> find_type_full p env
+ | Cstr (ty_path, s) ->
+ let (_, (cstrs, _)) =
+ try find_type_full ty_path env
+ with Not_found -> assert false
+ in
+ let cstr =
+ try List.find (fun cstr -> cstr.cstr_name = s) cstrs
+ with Not_found -> assert false
+ in
+ type_of_cstr path cstr
+ | LocalExt id ->
+ let cstr =
+ try EnvTbl.find_same id env.constrs
+ with Not_found -> assert false
+ in
+ type_of_cstr path cstr
+ | Ext (mod_path, s) ->
+ let comps =
+ try find_module_descr mod_path env
+ with Not_found -> assert false
+ in
+ let comps =
+ match EnvLazy.force !components_of_module_maker' comps with
+ | Structure_comps c -> c
+ | Functor_comps _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let exts =
+ List.filter
+ (function ({cstr_tag=Cstr_extension _}, _) -> true | _ -> false)
+ (try Tbl.find s comps.comp_constrs
+ with Not_found -> assert false)
+ in
+ match exts with
+ | [(cstr, _)] -> type_of_cstr path cstr
+ | _ -> assert false
let find_type p env =
fst (find_type_full p env)
let find_type_descrs p env =
@@ -1086,7 +1131,9 @@ let rec prefix_idents root pos sub = function
(p::pl, final_sub)
| Sig_typext(id, ext, _) :: rem ->
let p = Pdot(root, id, pos) in
- let (pl, final_sub) = prefix_idents root (pos+1) sub rem in
+ (* we extend the substitution in case of an inlined record *)
+ let (pl, final_sub) =
+ prefix_idents root (pos+1) (Subst.add_type id p sub) rem in
(p::pl, final_sub)
| Sig_module(id, mty, _) :: rem ->
let p = Pdot(root, id, pos) in
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index ee247adad..a4da854cf 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -154,7 +154,19 @@ let report_type_mismatch first second decl ppf =
if err = Manifest then () else
Format.fprintf ppf "@ %a." (report_type_mismatch0 first second decl) err)
-let rec compare_variants env params1 params2 n cstrs1 cstrs2 =
+let rec compare_constructor_arguments env cstr params1 params2 arg1 arg2 =
+ match arg1, arg2 with
+ | Types.Cstr_tuple arg1, Types.Cstr_tuple arg2 ->
+ if List.length arg1 <> List.length arg2 then [Field_arity cstr]
+ else if Misc.for_all2
+ (fun ty1 ty2 -> Ctype.equal env true (ty1::params1) (ty2::params2))
+ (arg1) (arg2)
+ then [] else [Field_type cstr]
+ | Types.Cstr_record l1, Types.Cstr_record l2 ->
+ compare_records env params1 params2 0 l1 l2
+ | _ -> [Field_type cstr]
+and compare_variants env params1 params2 n cstrs1 cstrs2 =
match cstrs1, cstrs2 with
[], [] -> []
| [], c::_ -> [Field_missing (true, c.Types.cd_id)]
@@ -163,24 +175,21 @@ let rec compare_variants env params1 params2 n cstrs1 cstrs2 =
{Types.cd_id=cstr2; cd_args=arg2; cd_res=ret2}::rem2 ->
if cstr1 <> cstr2 then
[Field_names (n, cstr1, cstr2)]
- else if List.length arg1 <> List.length arg2 then
- [Field_arity cstr1]
else match ret1, ret2 with
| Some r1, Some r2 when not (Ctype.equal env true [r1] [r2]) ->
[Field_type cstr1]
| Some _, None | None, Some _ ->
[Field_type cstr1]
| _ ->
- if Misc.for_all2
- (fun ty1 ty2 ->
- Ctype.equal env true (ty1::params1) (ty2::params2))
- (arg1) (arg2)
- then
- compare_variants env params1 params2 (n+1) rem1 rem2
- else [Field_type cstr1]
+ let r =
+ compare_constructor_arguments env cstr1
+ params1 params2 arg1 arg2
+ in
+ if r <> [] then r
+ else compare_variants env params1 params2 (n+1) rem1 rem2
-let rec compare_records env params1 params2 n labels1 labels2 =
+and compare_records env params1 params2 n labels1 labels2 =
match labels1, labels2 with
[], [] -> []
| [], l::_ -> [Field_missing (true, l.ld_id)]
@@ -278,17 +287,13 @@ let extension_constructors env id ext1 ext2 =
(ty1 :: ext1.ext_type_params)
(ty2 :: ext2.ext_type_params)
- if List.length ext1.ext_args = List.length ext2.ext_args then
+ if compare_constructor_arguments env (Ident.create "")
+ ext1.ext_type_params ext2.ext_type_params
+ ext1.ext_args ext2.ext_args = [] then
if match ext1.ext_ret_type, ext2.ext_ret_type with
Some r1, Some r2 when not (Ctype.equal env true [r1] [r2]) -> false
| Some _, None | None, Some _ -> false
- | _ ->
- Misc.for_all2
- (fun ty1 ty2 ->
- Ctype.equal env true
- (ty1 :: ext1.ext_type_params)
- (ty2 :: ext2.ext_type_params))
- ext1.ext_args ext2.ext_args
+ | _ -> true
match ext1.ext_private, ext2.ext_private with
Private, Public -> false
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 19253a10e..3c3b4b8c7 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -263,7 +263,13 @@ and contains_type_sig env = List.iter (contains_type_item env)
and contains_type_item env = function
Sig_type (_,({type_manifest = None} |
{type_kind = Type_abstract; type_private = Private}),_)
- | Sig_modtype _ ->
+ | Sig_modtype _
+ | Sig_typext (_, {ext_args = Cstr_record _}, _) ->
+ (* We consider that extension constructors with an inlined
+ record create a type (the inlined record), even though
+ it would be technically safe to ignore that considering
+ the current constraints which guarantee that this type
+ is kept local to expressions. *)
raise Exit
| Sig_module (_, {md_type = mty}, _) ->
contains_type env mty
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 994d93275..3c2d63708 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -224,7 +224,8 @@ and print_simple_out_type ppf =
pp_print_char ppf ')';
pp_close_box ppf ()
| Otyp_abstract | Otyp_open
- | Otyp_sum _ | Otyp_record _ | Otyp_manifest (_, _) -> ()
+ | Otyp_sum _ | Otyp_manifest (_, _) -> ()
+ | Otyp_record lbls -> print_record_decl ppf lbls
| Otyp_module (p, n, tyl) ->
fprintf ppf "@[<1>(module %s" p;
let first = ref true in
@@ -235,6 +236,9 @@ and print_simple_out_type ppf =
n tyl;
fprintf ppf ")@]"
+and print_record_decl ppf lbls =
+ fprintf ppf "{%a@;<1 -2>}"
+ (print_list_init print_out_label (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ ")) lbls
and print_fields rest ppf =
[] ->
@@ -279,6 +283,9 @@ and print_typargs ppf =
pp_print_char ppf ')';
pp_close_box ppf ();
pp_print_space ppf ()
+and print_out_label ppf (name, mut, arg) =
+ fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%s :@ %a@];" (if mut then "mutable " else "") name
+ print_out_type arg
let out_type = ref print_out_type
@@ -471,9 +478,9 @@ and print_out_type_decl kwd ppf td =
let print_out_tkind ppf = function
| Otyp_abstract -> ()
| Otyp_record lbls ->
- fprintf ppf " =%a {%a@;<1 -2>}"
+ fprintf ppf " =%a %a"
print_private td.otype_private
- (print_list_init print_out_label (fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@ ")) lbls
+ print_record_decl lbls
| Otyp_sum constrs ->
fprintf ppf " =%a@;<1 2>%a"
print_private td.otype_private
@@ -510,11 +517,6 @@ and print_out_constr ppf (name, tyl,ret_type_opt) =
tyl print_simple_out_type ret_type
-and print_out_label ppf (name, mut, arg) =
- fprintf ppf "@[<2>%s%s :@ %a@];" (if mut then "mutable " else "") name
- !out_type arg
and print_out_extension_constructor ppf ext =
let print_extended_type ppf =
let print_type_parameter ppf ty =
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 260fc0731..6afa3841b 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -52,3 +52,27 @@ let rec last = function
| Pident id -> id
| Pdot(_, s, _) -> s
| Papply(_, p) -> last p
+let is_uident s =
+ assert (s <> "");
+ match s.[0] with
+ | 'A'..'Z' -> true
+ | _ -> false
+type typath =
+ | Regular of t
+ | Ext of t * string
+ | LocalExt of Ident.t
+ | Cstr of t * string
+let constructor_typath = function
+ | Pident id when is_uident ( id) -> LocalExt id
+ | Pdot(ty_path, s, _) when is_uident s ->
+ if is_uident (last ty_path) then Ext (ty_path, s)
+ else Cstr (ty_path, s)
+ | p -> Regular p
+let is_constructor_typath p =
+ match constructor_typath p with
+ | Regular _ -> false
+ | _ -> true
diff --git a/typing/path.mli b/typing/path.mli
index c3f84130d..07de1c2c5 100644
--- a/typing/path.mli
+++ b/typing/path.mli
@@ -28,3 +28,12 @@ val name: ?paren:(string -> bool) -> t -> string
val head: t -> Ident.t
val last: t -> string
+type typath =
+ | Regular of t
+ | Ext of t * string
+ | LocalExt of Ident.t
+ | Cstr of t * string
+val constructor_typath: t -> typath
+val is_constructor_typath: t -> bool
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index e9b9f7e5c..bcad58efd 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ let decl_abstr =
let cstr id args =
cd_id = id;
- cd_args = args;
+ cd_args = Cstr_tuple args;
cd_res = None;
cd_loc = Location.none;
cd_attributes = [];
@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ let common_initial_env add_type add_extension empty_env =
add_extension id
{ ext_type_path = path_exn;
ext_type_params = [];
- ext_args = l;
+ ext_args = Cstr_tuple l;
ext_ret_type = None;
ext_private = Asttypes.Public;
ext_loc = Location.none;
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index b084935da..db856958b 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -739,6 +739,11 @@ let string_of_mutable = function
| Immutable -> ""
| Mutable -> "mutable "
+let mark_loops_constructor_arguments = function
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> List.iter mark_loops l
+ | Cstr_record l -> List.iter (fun l -> mark_loops l.ld_type) l
let rec tree_of_type_decl id decl =
@@ -782,8 +787,8 @@ let rec tree_of_type_decl id decl =
| Type_variant cstrs ->
(fun c ->
- List.iter mark_loops c.cd_args;
- may mark_loops c.cd_res)
+ mark_loops_constructor_arguments c.cd_args;
+ may mark_loops c.cd_res)
| Type_record(l, rep) ->
List.iter (fun l -> mark_loops l.ld_type) l
@@ -850,15 +855,20 @@ let rec tree_of_type_decl id decl =
otype_private = priv;
otype_cstrs = constraints }
+and tree_of_constructor_arguments = function
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> tree_of_typlist false l
+ | Cstr_record l -> [ Otyp_record ( tree_of_label l) ]
and tree_of_constructor cd =
let name = cd.cd_id in
+ let arg () = tree_of_constructor_arguments cd.cd_args in
match cd.cd_res with
- | None -> (name, tree_of_typlist false cd.cd_args, None)
+ | None -> (name, arg (), None)
| Some res ->
let nm = !names in
names := [];
let ret = tree_of_typexp false res in
- let args = tree_of_typlist false cd.cd_args in
+ let args = arg () in
names := nm;
(name, args, Some ret)
@@ -871,6 +881,10 @@ let tree_of_type_declaration id decl rs =
let type_declaration id ppf decl =
!Oprint.out_sig_item ppf (tree_of_type_declaration id decl Trec_first)
+let constructor_arguments ppf a =
+ let tys = tree_of_constructor_arguments a in
+ !Oprint.out_type ppf (Otyp_tuple tys)
(* Print an extension declaration *)
let tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es =
@@ -880,7 +894,7 @@ let tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es =
List.iter add_alias ty_params;
List.iter mark_loops ty_params;
List.iter check_name_of_type ( proxy ty_params);
- List.iter mark_loops ext.ext_args;
+ mark_loops_constructor_arguments ext.ext_args;
may mark_loops ext.ext_ret_type;
let type_param =
@@ -893,12 +907,12 @@ let tree_of_extension_constructor id ext es =
let name = id in
let args, ret =
match ext.ext_ret_type with
- | None -> (tree_of_typlist false ext.ext_args, None)
+ | None -> (tree_of_constructor_arguments ext.ext_args, None)
| Some res ->
let nm = !names in
names := [];
let ret = tree_of_typexp false res in
- let args = tree_of_typlist false ext.ext_args in
+ let args = tree_of_constructor_arguments ext.ext_args in
names := nm;
(args, Some ret)
diff --git a/typing/printtyp.mli b/typing/printtyp.mli
index 3fa9bd484..14b67cd05 100644
--- a/typing/printtyp.mli
+++ b/typing/printtyp.mli
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ val mark_loops: type_expr -> unit
val reset_and_mark_loops: type_expr -> unit
val reset_and_mark_loops_list: type_expr list -> unit
val type_expr: formatter -> type_expr -> unit
+val constructor_arguments: formatter -> constructor_arguments -> unit
val tree_of_type_scheme: type_expr -> out_type
val type_sch : formatter -> type_expr -> unit
val type_scheme: formatter -> type_expr -> unit
@@ -82,4 +83,3 @@ val report_ambiguous_type_error:
(* for toploop *)
val print_items: (Env.t -> signature_item -> 'a option) ->
Env.t -> signature_item list -> (out_sig_item * 'a option) list
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 0e97e586b..5184b19e5 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ and extension_constructor_kind i ppf x =
match x with
Text_decl(a, r) ->
line i ppf "Pext_decl\n";
- list (i+1) core_type ppf a;
+ constructor_arguments (i+1) ppf a;
option (i+1) core_type ppf r;
| Text_rebind(p, _) ->
line i ppf "Pext_rebind\n";
@@ -779,9 +779,13 @@ and constructor_decl i ppf {cd_id; cd_name = _; cd_args; cd_res; cd_loc; cd_attr
line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_location cd_loc;
line (i+1) ppf "%a\n" fmt_ident cd_id;
attributes i ppf cd_attributes;
- list (i+1) core_type ppf cd_args;
+ constructor_arguments (i+1) ppf cd_args;
option (i+1) core_type ppf cd_res
+and constructor_arguments i ppf = function
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> list i core_type ppf l
+ | Cstr_record l -> list i label_decl ppf l
and label_decl i ppf {ld_id; ld_name = _; ld_mutable; ld_type; ld_loc; ld_attributes} =
line i ppf "%a\n" fmt_location ld_loc;
attributes i ppf ld_attributes;
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 5b1b0c67f..b6a0edbc5 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -76,6 +76,13 @@ let type_path s = function
| Papply(p1, p2) ->
fatal_error "Subst.type_path"
+let type_path s p =
+ match Path.constructor_typath p with
+ | Regular p -> type_path s p
+ | Cstr (ty_path, cstr) -> Pdot(type_path s ty_path, cstr, nopos)
+ | LocalExt _ -> type_path s p
+ | Ext (p, cstr) -> Pdot(module_path s p, cstr, nopos)
(* Special type ids for saved signatures *)
let new_id = ref (-1)
@@ -193,8 +200,11 @@ let label_declaration s l =
ld_attributes = attrs s l.ld_attributes;
-let constructor_arguments s args =
- (typexp s) args
+let constructor_arguments s = function
+ | Cstr_tuple l ->
+ Cstr_tuple ( (typexp s) l)
+ | Cstr_record l ->
+ Cstr_record ( (label_declaration s) l)
let constructor_declaration s c =
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 33b776bef..eb7746214 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ let dummy_method = Btype.dummy_method
Path associated to the temporary class type of a class being typed
(its constructor is not available).
-let unbound_class = Path.Pident (Ident.create "")
+let unbound_class = Path.Pident (Ident.create "*undef*")
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 16a310d60..9395b5295 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@ type error =
| Invalid_for_loop_index
| No_value_clauses
| Exception_pattern_below_toplevel
+ | Inlined_record_escape
exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
exception Error_forward of Location.error
@@ -111,6 +112,17 @@ let rp node =
+let is_recarg d =
+ match (repr d.val_type).desc with
+ | Tconstr(p, _, _) -> Path.is_constructor_typath p
+ | _ -> false
+type recarg =
+ | Allowed
+ | Required
+ | Rejected
let fst3 (x, _, _) = x
let snd3 (_,x,_) = x
@@ -592,6 +604,7 @@ module NameChoice(Name : sig
val get_descrs: Env.type_descriptions -> t list
val fold: (t -> 'a -> 'a) -> Longident.t option -> Env.t -> 'a -> 'a
val unbound_name_error: Env.t -> Longident.t loc -> 'a
+ val in_env: t -> bool
end) = struct
open Name
@@ -685,9 +698,12 @@ end) = struct
with Not_found -> try
let lbl = lookup_from_type env tpath lid in
check_lk tpath lbl;
+ if in_env lbl then
+ begin
let s = Printtyp.string_of_path tpath in
warn lid.loc
(Warnings.Name_out_of_scope (s, [Longident.last lid.txt], false));
+ end;
if not pr then warn_pr ();
with Not_found ->
@@ -704,6 +720,7 @@ end) = struct
raise (Error (lid.loc, env,
Name_type_mismatch (type_kind, lid.txt, tp, tpl)))
+ if in_env lbl then
begin match scope with
(lab1,_)::_ when lab1 == lbl -> ()
| _ ->
@@ -725,6 +742,10 @@ module Label = NameChoice (struct
let get_descrs = snd
let fold = Env.fold_labels
let unbound_name_error = Typetexp.unbound_label_error
+ let in_env lbl =
+ match lbl.lbl_repres with
+ | Record_regular | Record_float -> true
+ | Record_inlined _ | Record_extension -> false
let disambiguate_label_by_ids keep env closed ids labels =
@@ -877,6 +898,7 @@ module Constructor = NameChoice (struct
let get_descrs = fst
let fold = Env.fold_constructors
let unbound_name_error = Typetexp.unbound_constructor_error
+ let in_env _ = true
(* unification of a type with a tconstr with
@@ -1055,6 +1077,21 @@ let rec type_pat ~constrs ~labels ~no_existentials ~mode ~env sp expected_ty =
unify_pat_types_gadt loc env ty_res expected_ty
unify_pat_types loc !env ty_res expected_ty;
+ let rec check_non_escaping p =
+ match p.ppat_desc with
+ | Ppat_or (p1, p2) ->
+ check_non_escaping p1;
+ check_non_escaping p2
+ | Ppat_alias (p, _) ->
+ check_non_escaping p
+ | Ppat_constraint _ ->
+ raise (Error (p.ppat_loc, !env, Inlined_record_escape))
+ | _ ->
+ ()
+ in
+ if constr.cstr_inlined <> None then List.iter check_non_escaping sargs;
let args = List.map2 (fun p t -> type_pat p t) sargs ty_args in
rp {
pat_desc=Tpat_construct(lid, constr, args);
@@ -1716,9 +1753,9 @@ let unify_exp env exp expected_ty =
Printtyp.raw_type_expr expected_ty; *)
unify_exp_types exp.exp_loc env exp.exp_type expected_ty
-let rec type_exp env sexp =
+let rec type_exp ?recarg env sexp =
(* We now delegate everything to type_expect *)
- type_expect env sexp (newvar ())
+ type_expect ?recarg env sexp (newvar ())
(* Typing of an expression with an expected type.
This provide better error messages, and allows controlled
@@ -1726,17 +1763,17 @@ let rec type_exp env sexp =
In the principal case, [type_expected'] may be at generic_level.
-and type_expect ?in_function env sexp ty_expected =
+and type_expect ?in_function ?recarg env sexp ty_expected =
let previous_saved_types = Cmt_format.get_saved_types () in
Typetexp.warning_enter_scope ();
Typetexp.warning_attribute sexp.pexp_attributes;
- let exp = type_expect_ ?in_function env sexp ty_expected in
+ let exp = type_expect_ ?in_function ?recarg env sexp ty_expected in
Typetexp.warning_leave_scope ();
(Cmt_format.Partial_expression exp :: previous_saved_types);
-and type_expect_ ?in_function env sexp ty_expected =
+and type_expect_ ?in_function ?(recarg=Rejected) env sexp ty_expected =
let loc = sexp.pexp_loc in
(* Record the expression type before unifying it with the expected type *)
let rue exp =
@@ -1756,6 +1793,11 @@ and type_expect_ ?in_function env sexp ty_expected =
let name = ~paren:Oprint.parenthesized_ident path in
Stypes.record (Stypes.An_ident (loc, name, annot))
+ begin match is_recarg desc, recarg with
+ | _, Allowed | true, Required | false, Rejected -> ()
+ | true, Rejected | false, Required ->
+ raise (Error (loc, env, Inlined_record_escape));
+ end;
rue {
exp_desc =
begin match desc.val_kind with
@@ -2012,7 +2054,7 @@ and type_expect_ ?in_function env sexp ty_expected =
None -> None
| Some sexp ->
if !Clflags.principal then begin_def ();
- let exp = type_exp env sexp in
+ let exp = type_exp ~recarg env sexp in
if !Clflags.principal then begin
end_def ();
generalize_structure exp.exp_type
@@ -2729,7 +2771,7 @@ and type_function ?in_function loc attrs env ty_expected l caselist =
and type_label_access env loc srecord lid =
if !Clflags.principal then begin_def ();
- let record = type_exp env srecord in
+ let record = type_exp ~recarg:Allowed env srecord in
if !Clflags.principal then begin
end_def ();
generalize_structure record.exp_type
@@ -3034,7 +3076,7 @@ and type_label_exp create env loc ty_expected
(lid, label, {arg with exp_type = instance env arg.exp_type})
-and type_argument env sarg ty_expected' ty_expected =
+and type_argument ?recarg env sarg ty_expected' ty_expected =
(* ty_expected' may be generic *)
let no_labels ty =
let ls, tvar = list_labels env ty in
@@ -3119,7 +3161,7 @@ and type_argument env sarg ty_expected' ty_expected =
func let_var) }
| _ ->
- let texp = type_expect env sarg ty_expected' in
+ let texp = type_expect ?recarg env sarg ty_expected' in
unify_exp env texp ty_expected;
@@ -3361,7 +3403,21 @@ and type_construct env loc lid sarg ty_expected attrs =
let texp = {texp with exp_type = ty_res} in
if not separate then unify_exp env texp (instance env ty_expected);
- let args = List.map2 (fun e (t,t0) -> type_argument env e t t0) sargs
+ let recarg =
+ match constr.cstr_inlined with
+ | None -> Rejected
+ | Some _ ->
+ begin match sargs with
+ | [{pexp_desc =
+ Pexp_ident _ |
+ Pexp_record (_, (Some {pexp_desc = Pexp_ident _}| None))}] ->
+ Required
+ | _ ->
+ raise (Error(loc, env, Inlined_record_escape))
+ end
+ in
+ let args =
+ List.map2 (fun e (t,t0) -> type_argument ~recarg env e t t0) sargs
(List.combine ty_args ty_args0) in
if constr.cstr_private = Private then
raise(Error(loc, env, Private_type ty_res));
@@ -3826,6 +3882,12 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
fprintf ppf "The record field %a is not mutable" longident lid
| Wrong_name (eorp, ty, kind, p, lid) ->
reset_and_mark_loops ty;
+ if Path.is_constructor_typath p then begin
+ fprintf ppf "@[The field %a is not part of the record \
+ argument for the %a constructor@]"
+ longident lid
+ path p;
+ end else begin
fprintf ppf "@[@[<2>%s type@ %a@]@ "
eorp type_expr ty;
fprintf ppf "The %s %a does not belong to type %a@]"
@@ -3833,6 +3895,7 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
longident lid (*kind*) path p;
if kind = "record" then Label.spellcheck ppf env p lid
else Constructor.spellcheck ppf env p lid
+ end
| Name_type_mismatch (kind, lid, tp, tpl) ->
let name = if kind = "record" then "field" else "constructor" in
report_ambiguous_type_error ppf env tp tpl
@@ -3961,6 +4024,10 @@ let report_error env ppf = function
| Exception_pattern_below_toplevel ->
fprintf ppf
"@[Exception patterns must be at the top level of a match case.@]"
+ | Inlined_record_escape ->
+ fprintf ppf
+ "@[This form is not allowed as the type of the inlined record could \
+ escape.@]"
let report_error env ppf err =
wrap_printing_env env (fun () -> report_error env ppf err)
@@ -3978,3 +4045,8 @@ let () =
let () =
Env.add_delayed_check_forward := add_delayed_check
+(* drop ?recarg argument from the external API *)
+let type_expect ?in_function env e ty = type_expect ?in_function env e ty
+let type_exp env e = type_exp env e
+let type_argument env e t1 t2 = type_argument env e t1 t2
diff --git a/typing/typecore.mli b/typing/typecore.mli
index 4ce6b1fc3..4a450e344 100644
--- a/typing/typecore.mli
+++ b/typing/typecore.mli
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ type error =
| Invalid_for_loop_index
| No_value_clauses
| Exception_pattern_below_toplevel
+ | Inlined_record_escape
exception Error of Location.t * Env.t * error
exception Error_forward of Location.error
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 2bcb8221e..90c432bc5 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -178,16 +178,21 @@ let transl_labels loc env closed lbls =
lbls in
lbls, lbls'
-let transl_constructor_arguments env closed l =
- let l = (transl_simple_type env closed) l in
- (fun t -> t.ctyp_type) l,
- l
-let make_constructor env type_path type_params sargs sret_type =
+let transl_constructor_arguments loc env closed = function
+ | Pcstr_tuple l ->
+ let l = (transl_simple_type env closed) l in
+ Types.Cstr_tuple ( (fun t -> t.ctyp_type) l),
+ Cstr_tuple l
+ | Pcstr_record l ->
+ let lbls, lbls' = transl_labels loc env closed l in
+ Types.Cstr_record lbls',
+ Cstr_record lbls
+let make_constructor loc env type_path type_params sargs sret_type =
match sret_type with
| None ->
let args, targs =
- transl_constructor_arguments env true sargs
+ transl_constructor_arguments loc env true sargs
targs, None, args, None
| Some sret_type ->
@@ -196,7 +201,7 @@ let make_constructor env type_path type_params sargs sret_type =
let z = narrow () in
reset_type_variables ();
let args, targs =
- transl_constructor_arguments env false sargs
+ transl_constructor_arguments loc env false sargs
let tret_type = transl_simple_type env false sret_type in
let ret_type = tret_type.ctyp_type in
@@ -237,13 +242,13 @@ let transl_declaration env sdecl id =
all_constrs := StringSet.add name !all_constrs)
if List.length
- (List.filter (fun cd -> cd.pcd_args <> []) scstrs)
+ (List.filter (fun cd -> cd.pcd_args <> Pcstr_tuple []) scstrs)
> (Config.max_tag + 1) then
raise(Error(sdecl.ptype_loc, Too_many_constructors));
let make_cstr scstr =
let name = Ident.create scstr.pcd_name.txt in
let targs, tret_type, args, ret_type =
- make_constructor env (Path.Pident id) params
+ make_constructor scstr.pcd_loc env (Path.Pident id) params
scstr.pcd_args scstr.pcd_res
let tcstr =
@@ -401,10 +406,16 @@ let check_constraints env sdecl (_, decl) =
let {pcd_args; pcd_res; _} =
try SMap.find ( name) pl_index
with Not_found -> assert false in
- List.iter2
- (fun sty ty ->
- check_constraints_rec env sty.ptyp_loc visited ty)
- pcd_args cd_args;
+ begin match cd_args, pcd_args with
+ | Cstr_tuple tyl, Pcstr_tuple styl ->
+ List.iter2
+ (fun sty ty ->
+ check_constraints_rec env sty.ptyp_loc visited ty)
+ styl tyl
+ | Cstr_record tyl, Pcstr_record styl ->
+ check_constraints_labels env visited tyl styl
+ | _ -> assert false
+ end;
match pcd_res, cd_res with
| Some sr, Some r ->
check_constraints_rec env sr.ptyp_loc visited r
@@ -777,12 +788,19 @@ let constrained vars ty =
| Tvar _ -> List.exists (fun tl -> List.memq ty tl) vars
| _ -> true
+let for_constr = function
+ | Types.Cstr_tuple l -> add_false l
+ | Types.Cstr_record l ->
+ (fun {Types.ld_mutable; ld_type} -> (ld_mutable = Mutable, ld_type))
+ l
let compute_variance_gadt env check (required, loc as rloc) decl
(tl, ret_type_opt) =
match ret_type_opt with
| None ->
compute_variance_type env check rloc {decl with type_private = Private}
- (add_false tl)
+ (for_constr tl)
| Some ret_type ->
match Ctype.repr ret_type with
| {desc=Tconstr (_, tyl, _)} ->
@@ -802,7 +820,7 @@ let compute_variance_gadt env check (required, loc as rloc) decl
compute_variance_type env check rloc
{decl with type_params = tyl; type_private = Private}
- (add_false tl)
+ (for_constr tl)
| _ -> assert false
let compute_variance_extension env check decl ext rloc =
@@ -829,11 +847,11 @@ let compute_variance_decl env check decl (required, _ as rloc) =
| Type_variant tll ->
if List.for_all (fun c -> c.Types.cd_res = None) tll then
compute_variance_type env check rloc decl
- (mn @
- add_false (List.flatten ( (fun c -> c.Types.cd_args) tll)))
+ (mn @ List.flatten ( (fun c -> for_constr c.Types.cd_args)
+ tll))
else begin
let mn =
- (fun (_,ty) -> ([ty],None)) mn in
+ (fun (_,ty) -> (Types.Cstr_tuple [ty],None)) mn in
let tll =
mn @ (fun c -> c.Types.cd_args, c.Types.cd_res) tll in
match (compute_variance_gadt env check rloc decl) tll with
@@ -980,6 +998,7 @@ let transl_type_decl env sdecl_list =
@ sdecl_list
(* Create identifiers. *)
let id_list = (fun sdecl -> Ident.create sdecl.ptype_name.txt) sdecl_list
@@ -1103,7 +1122,8 @@ let transl_extension_constructor env type_path type_params
match sext.pext_kind with
Pext_decl(sargs, sret_type) ->
let targs, tret_type, args, ret_type =
- make_constructor env type_path typext_params sargs sret_type
+ make_constructor sext.pext_loc env type_path typext_params
+ sargs sret_type
args, ret_type, Text_decl(targs, tret_type)
| Pext_rebind lid ->
@@ -1173,7 +1193,27 @@ let transl_extension_constructor env type_path type_params
Cstr_extension(path, _) -> path
| _ -> assert false
- args, ret_type, Text_rebind(path, lid)
+ let args =
+ match cdescr.cstr_inlined with
+ | None ->
+ Types.Cstr_tuple args
+ | Some decl ->
+ let tl =
+ match args with
+ | [ {desc=Tconstr(_, tl, _)} ] -> tl
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ let decl = Ctype.instance_declaration decl in
+ assert (List.length decl.type_params = List.length tl);
+ List.iter2 (Ctype.unify env) decl.type_params tl;
+ let lbls =
+ match decl.type_kind with
+ | Type_record (lbls, Record_extension) -> lbls
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in
+ Types.Cstr_record lbls
+ in
+ args, ret_type, Text_rebind(path, lid)
let ext =
{ ext_type_path = type_path;
@@ -1246,7 +1286,7 @@ let transl_type_extension check_open env loc styext =
List.iter Ctype.generalize type_params;
(fun ext ->
- List.iter Ctype.generalize ext.ext_type.ext_args;
+ Btype.iter_type_expr_cstr_args Ctype.generalize ext.ext_type.ext_args;
may Ctype.generalize ext.ext_type.ext_ret_type)
(* Check that all type variable are closed *)
@@ -1289,7 +1329,7 @@ let transl_exception env sext =
(* Generalize types *)
- List.iter Ctype.generalize ext.ext_type.ext_args;
+ Btype.iter_type_expr_cstr_args Ctype.generalize ext.ext_type.ext_args;
may Ctype.generalize ext.ext_type.ext_ret_type;
(* Check that all type variable are closed *)
begin match Ctype.closed_extension_constructor ext.ext_type with
@@ -1461,17 +1501,21 @@ let check_recmod_typedecl env loc recmod_ids path decl =
open Format
-let explain_unbound ppf tv tl typ kwd lab =
+let explain_unbound_gen ppf tv tl typ kwd pr =
let ti = List.find (fun ti -> Ctype.deep_occur tv (typ ti)) tl in
let ty0 = (* Hack to force aliasing when needed *)
Btype.newgenty (Tobject(tv, ref None)) in
Printtyp.reset_and_mark_loops_list [typ ti; ty0];
fprintf ppf
- ".@.@[<hov2>In %s@ %s%a@;<1 -2>the variable %a is unbound@]"
- kwd (lab ti) Printtyp.type_expr (typ ti) Printtyp.type_expr tv
+ ".@.@[<hov2>In %s@ %a@;<1 -2>the variable %a is unbound@]"
+ kwd pr ti Printtyp.type_expr tv
with Not_found -> ()
+let explain_unbound ppf tv tl typ kwd lab =
+ explain_unbound_gen ppf tv tl typ kwd
+ (fun ppf ti -> fprintf ppf "%s%a" (lab ti) Printtyp.type_expr (typ ti))
let explain_unbound_single ppf tv ty =
let trivial ty =
explain_unbound ppf tv [ty] (fun t -> t) "type" (fun _ -> "") in
@@ -1493,6 +1537,11 @@ let explain_unbound_single ppf tv ty =
"case" (fun (lab,_) -> "`" ^ lab ^ " of ")
| _ -> trivial ty
+let tys_of_constr_args = function
+ | Types.Cstr_tuple tl -> tl
+ | Types.Cstr_record lbls -> (fun l -> l.Types.ld_type) lbls
let report_error ppf = function
| Repeated_parameter ->
fprintf ppf "A type parameter occurs several times"
@@ -1551,9 +1600,14 @@ let report_error ppf = function
let ty = Ctype.repr ty in
begin match decl.type_kind, decl.type_manifest with
| Type_variant tl, _ ->
- explain_unbound ppf ty tl (fun c ->
- Btype.newgenty (Ttuple c.Types.cd_args))
- "case" (fun c -> c.Types.cd_id ^ " of ")
+ explain_unbound_gen ppf ty tl (fun c ->
+ let tl = tys_of_constr_args c.cd_args in
+ Btype.newgenty (Ttuple tl)
+ )
+ "case" (fun ppf c ->
+ fprintf ppf
+ "%s of %a" ( c.Types.cd_id)
+ Printtyp.constructor_arguments c.cd_args)
| Type_record (tl, _), _ ->
explain_unbound ppf ty tl (fun l -> l.Types.ld_type)
"field" (fun l -> l.Types.ld_id ^ ": ")
@@ -1563,7 +1617,8 @@ let report_error ppf = function
| Unbound_type_var_ext (ty, ext) ->
fprintf ppf "A type variable is unbound in this extension constructor";
- explain_unbound ppf ty ext.ext_args (fun c -> c) "type" (fun _ -> "")
+ let args = tys_of_constr_args ext.ext_args in
+ explain_unbound ppf ty args (fun c -> c) "type" (fun _ -> "")
| Not_open_type path ->
fprintf ppf "@[%s@ %a@]"
"Cannot extend type definition"
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index ecd0f132e..52067415c 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -409,12 +409,16 @@ and constructor_declaration =
cd_id: Ident.t;
cd_name: string loc;
- cd_args: core_type list;
+ cd_args: constructor_arguments;
cd_res: core_type option;
cd_loc: Location.t;
cd_attributes: attribute list;
+and constructor_arguments =
+ | Cstr_tuple of core_type list
+ | Cstr_record of label_declaration list
and type_extension =
tyext_path: Path.t;
@@ -436,7 +440,7 @@ and extension_constructor =
and extension_constructor_kind =
- Text_decl of core_type list * core_type option
+ Text_decl of constructor_arguments * core_type option
| Text_rebind of Path.t * Longident.t loc
and class_type =
diff --git a/typing/typedtree.mli b/typing/typedtree.mli
index c4feae1d8..fa36dac8c 100644
--- a/typing/typedtree.mli
+++ b/typing/typedtree.mli
@@ -409,12 +409,16 @@ and constructor_declaration =
cd_id: Ident.t;
cd_name: string loc;
- cd_args: core_type list;
+ cd_args: constructor_arguments;
cd_res: core_type option;
cd_loc: Location.t;
cd_attributes: attributes;
+and constructor_arguments =
+ | Cstr_tuple of core_type list
+ | Cstr_record of label_declaration list
and type_extension =
tyext_path: Path.t;
@@ -436,7 +440,7 @@ and extension_constructor =
and extension_constructor_kind =
- Text_decl of core_type list * core_type option
+ Text_decl of constructor_arguments * core_type option
| Text_rebind of Path.t * Longident.t loc
and class_type =
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 3d1a19fa8..28026b598 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -160,8 +160,12 @@ module MakeIterator(Iter : IteratorArgument) : sig
iter_core_type v.val_desc;
Iter.leave_value_description v
+ and iter_constructor_arguments = function
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> List.iter iter_core_type l
+ | Cstr_record l -> List.iter (fun ld -> iter_core_type ld.ld_type) l
and iter_constructor_declaration cd =
- List.iter iter_core_type cd.cd_args;
+ iter_constructor_arguments cd.cd_args;
option iter_core_type cd.cd_res;
and iter_type_parameter (ct, v) =
@@ -192,7 +196,7 @@ module MakeIterator(Iter : IteratorArgument) : sig
Iter.enter_extension_constructor ext;
begin match ext.ext_kind with
Text_decl(args, ret) ->
- List.iter iter_core_type args;
+ iter_constructor_arguments args;
option iter_core_type ret
| Text_rebind _ -> ()
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index b5ca25b17..6b28cc850 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -190,8 +190,17 @@ module MakeMap(Map : MapArgument) = struct
and map_type_parameter (ct, v) = (map_core_type ct, v)
+ and map_constructor_arguments = function
+ | Cstr_tuple l ->
+ Cstr_tuple ( map_core_type l)
+ | Cstr_record l ->
+ Cstr_record
+ ( (fun ld -> {ld with ld_type = map_core_type ld.ld_type})
+ l)
and map_constructor_declaration cd =
- {cd with cd_args = map_core_type cd.cd_args;
+ let cd_args = map_constructor_arguments cd.cd_args in
+ {cd with cd_args;
cd_res = may_map map_core_type cd.cd_res
@@ -208,7 +217,7 @@ module MakeMap(Map : MapArgument) = struct
let ext = Map.enter_extension_constructor ext in
let ext_kind = match ext.ext_kind with
Text_decl(args, ret) ->
- let args = map_core_type args in
+ let args = map_constructor_arguments args in
let ret = may_map map_core_type ret in
Text_decl(args, ret)
| Text_rebind(p, lid) -> Text_rebind(p, lid)
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 089135472..bf3e1bfaf 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -442,6 +442,7 @@ type names =
types: StringSet.t ref;
modules: StringSet.t ref;
modtypes: StringSet.t ref;
+ typexts: StringSet.t ref;
let new_names () =
@@ -449,6 +450,7 @@ let new_names () =
types = ref StringSet.empty;
modules = ref StringSet.empty;
modtypes = ref StringSet.empty;
+ typexts = ref StringSet.empty;
@@ -456,11 +458,14 @@ let check_name check names name = check names name.loc name.txt
let check_type names loc s = check "type" loc names.types s
let check_module names loc s = check "module" loc names.modules s
let check_modtype names loc s = check "module type" loc names.modtypes s
+let check_typext names loc s = check "extension constructor" loc names.typexts s
let check_sig_item names loc = function
| Sig_type(id, _, _) -> check_type names loc ( id)
| Sig_module(id, _, _) -> check_module names loc ( id)
| Sig_modtype(id, _) -> check_modtype names loc ( id)
+ | Sig_typext(id, _, _) -> check_typext names loc ( id)
| _ -> ()
(* Simplify multiple specifications of a value or an extension in a signature.
@@ -470,29 +475,17 @@ let check_sig_item names loc = function
let simplify_signature sg =
let rec aux = function
- | [] -> [], StringSet.empty, StringSet.empty
+ | [] -> [], StringSet.empty
| (Sig_value(id, descr) as component) :: sg ->
- let (sg, val_names, ext_names) as k = aux sg in
+ let (sg, val_names) as k = aux sg in
let name = id in
if StringSet.mem name val_names then k
- else (component :: sg, StringSet.add name val_names, ext_names)
- | (Sig_typext(id, ext, es) as component) :: sg ->
- let (sg, val_names, ext_names) as k = aux sg in
- let name = id in
- if StringSet.mem name ext_names then
- (* #6510 *)
- match es, sg with
- | Text_first, Sig_typext(id2, ext2, Text_next) :: rest ->
- (Sig_typext(id2, ext2, Text_first) :: rest,
- val_names, ext_names)
- | _ -> k
- else
- (component :: sg, val_names, StringSet.add name ext_names)
+ else (component :: sg, StringSet.add name val_names)
| component :: sg ->
- let (sg, val_names, ext_names) = aux sg in
- (component :: sg, val_names, ext_names)
+ let (sg, val_names) = aux sg in
+ (component :: sg, val_names)
- let (sg, _, _) = aux sg in
+ let (sg, _) = aux sg in
(* Check and translate a module type expression *)
@@ -567,7 +560,6 @@ let rec transl_modtype env smty =
| Pmty_extension ext ->
raise (Error_forward (Typetexp.error_of_extension ext))
and transl_signature env sg =
let names = new_names () in
let rec transl_sig env sg =
@@ -595,6 +587,9 @@ and transl_signature env sg =
Sig_type(td.typ_id, td.typ_type, rs)) decls rem,
| Psig_typext styext ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun pext -> check_name check_typext names pext.pext_name)
+ styext.ptyext_constructors;
let (tyext, newenv) =
Typedecl.transl_type_extension false env item.psig_loc styext
@@ -605,6 +600,7 @@ and transl_signature env sg =
Sig_typext(ext.ext_id, ext.ext_type, es)) constructors rem,
| Psig_exception sext ->
+ check_name check_typext names sext.pext_name;
let (ext, newenv) = Typedecl.transl_exception env sext in
let (trem, rem, final_env) = transl_sig newenv srem in
mksig (Tsig_exception ext) env loc :: trem,
@@ -1220,6 +1216,9 @@ and type_structure ?(toplevel = false) funct_body anchor env sstr scope =
decls [],
enrich_type_decls anchor decls env newenv
| Pstr_typext styext ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun pext -> check_name check_typext names pext.pext_name)
+ styext.ptyext_constructors;
let (tyext, newenv) =
Typedecl.transl_type_extension true env loc styext
@@ -1229,6 +1228,7 @@ and type_structure ?(toplevel = false) funct_body anchor env sstr scope =
tyext.tyext_constructors [],
| Pstr_exception sext ->
+ check_name check_typext names sext.pext_name;
let (ext, newenv) = Typedecl.transl_exception env sext in
Tstr_exception ext,
[Sig_typext(ext.ext_id, ext.ext_type, Text_exception)],
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index f8cf46022..1aff7356f 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -156,6 +156,8 @@ and type_kind =
and record_representation =
Record_regular (* All fields are boxed / tagged *)
| Record_float (* All fields are floats *)
+ | Record_inlined of int (* Inlined record *)
+ | Record_extension (* Inlined record under extension *)
and label_declaration =
@@ -169,16 +171,20 @@ and label_declaration =
and constructor_declaration =
cd_id: Ident.t;
- cd_args: type_expr list;
+ cd_args: constructor_arguments;
cd_res: type_expr option;
cd_loc: Location.t;
cd_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+and constructor_arguments =
+ | Cstr_tuple of type_expr list
+ | Cstr_record of label_declaration list
type extension_constructor =
{ ext_type_path: Path.t;
ext_type_params: type_expr list;
- ext_args: type_expr list;
+ ext_args: constructor_arguments;
ext_ret_type: type_expr option;
ext_private: private_flag;
ext_loc: Location.t;
@@ -285,6 +291,7 @@ type constructor_description =
cstr_private: private_flag; (* Read-only constructor? *)
cstr_loc: Location.t;
cstr_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+ cstr_inlined: type_declaration option;
and constructor_tag =
diff --git a/typing/types.mli b/typing/types.mli
index acde28f99..0438f897b 100644
--- a/typing/types.mli
+++ b/typing/types.mli
@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ and type_kind =
and record_representation =
Record_regular (* All fields are boxed / tagged *)
| Record_float (* All fields are floats *)
+ | Record_inlined of int (* Inlined record *)
+ | Record_extension (* Inlined record under extension *)
and label_declaration =
@@ -157,17 +159,21 @@ and label_declaration =
and constructor_declaration =
cd_id: Ident.t;
- cd_args: type_expr list;
+ cd_args: constructor_arguments;
cd_res: type_expr option;
cd_loc: Location.t;
cd_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+and constructor_arguments =
+ | Cstr_tuple of type_expr list
+ | Cstr_record of label_declaration list
type extension_constructor =
ext_type_path: Path.t;
ext_type_params: type_expr list;
- ext_args: type_expr list;
+ ext_args: constructor_arguments;
ext_ret_type: type_expr option;
ext_private: private_flag;
ext_loc: Location.t;
@@ -275,6 +281,7 @@ type constructor_description =
cstr_private: private_flag; (* Read-only constructor? *)
cstr_loc: Location.t;
cstr_attributes: Parsetree.attributes;
+ cstr_inlined: type_declaration option;
and constructor_tag =
diff --git a/utils/config.mlp b/utils/config.mlp
index db6fd20ed..ce216cc1f 100644
--- a/utils/config.mlp
+++ b/utils/config.mlp
@@ -49,15 +49,15 @@ let mkexe = "%%MKEXE%%"
let mkmaindll = "%%MKMAINDLL%%"
let exec_magic_number = "Caml1999X011"
-and cmi_magic_number = "Caml1999I017"
+and cmi_magic_number = "Caml1999I018"
and cmo_magic_number = "Caml1999O010"
and cma_magic_number = "Caml1999A011"
and cmx_magic_number = "Caml1999Y014"
and cmxa_magic_number = "Caml1999Z013"
-and ast_impl_magic_number = "Caml1999M016"
-and ast_intf_magic_number = "Caml1999N015"
+and ast_impl_magic_number = "Caml1999M017"
+and ast_intf_magic_number = "Caml1999N016"
and cmxs_magic_number = "Caml2007D002"
-and cmt_magic_number = "Caml2012T004"
+and cmt_magic_number = "Caml2012T005"
let load_path = ref ([] : string list)