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3 files changed, 86 insertions, 41 deletions
diff --git a/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/ b/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
index c393cc466..c96e02a35 100644
--- a/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
+++ b/testsuite/tests/typing-modules/
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ module C'' : (module C) = C';; (* fails *)
module C'' : (module Char) = C;;
C''.chr 66;;
+module C3 = struct include Char end;;
+C3.chr 66;;
let f x = let module M = struct module L = List end in M.L.length x;;
let g x = let module L = List in L.length ( succ x);;
@@ -24,5 +27,23 @@ module M' = struct
-module M'' : sig module N' : sig val x : int end end = M';; (* must fix *)
+module M'' : sig module N' : sig val x : int end end = M';;
+module M2 = struct include M' end;;
+module M3 : sig module N' : sig val x : int end end = struct include M' end;;
+module M3' : sig module N' : sig val x : int end end = M2;;
+module M4 : sig module N' : sig val x : int end end = struct
+ module N = struct let x = 1 end
+ module N' = N
+module F(X:sig end) = struct
+ module N = struct let x = 1 end
+ module N' = N
+module G : functor(X:sig end) -> sig module N' : sig val x : int end end = F;;
+(* must fix *)
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 9932fa9f4..bb5558a62 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -157,9 +157,9 @@ let simplify_structure_coercion cc =
Return the restriction that transforms a value of the smaller type
into a value of the bigger type. *)
-let rec modtypes env cxt subst mty1 mty2 =
+let rec modtypes env cxt msubs subst mty1 mty2 =
- try_modtypes env cxt subst mty1 mty2
+ try_modtypes env cxt msubs subst mty1 mty2
Dont_match ->
raise(Error[cxt, env, Module_types(mty1, Subst.modtype subst mty2)])
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ let rec modtypes env cxt subst mty1 mty2 =
raise(Error((cxt, env, Module_types(mty1, Subst.modtype subst mty2))
:: reasons))
-and try_modtypes env cxt subst mty1 mty2 =
+and try_modtypes env cxt msubs subst mty1 mty2 =
match (mty1, mty2) with
(Mty_alias p1, Mty_alias p2) ->
let p1 = normalize_module_path env cxt p1
@@ -176,20 +176,28 @@ and try_modtypes env cxt subst mty1 mty2 =
| (Mty_alias p1, _) ->
let p1 = normalize_module_path env cxt p1 in
let mty1 = expand_module_alias env cxt p1 in
- Tcoerce_alias (Mtype.normalize_path env p1,
- modtypes env cxt subst mty1 mty2)
+ let p1' = Mtype.normalize_path env p1 in
+ let msubs, p1'' =
+ match msubs with None -> Some (p1, Subst.identity), p1'
+ | Some (_, s) -> Some (p1, s), Subst.module_path s p1' in
+ Printtyp.(Format.eprintf "%a %a %a@." path p1 path p1' path p1'');
+ Tcoerce_alias (p1'', modtypes env cxt msubs subst mty1 mty2)
| (_, Mty_ident p2) ->
- try_modtypes2 env cxt mty1 (Subst.modtype subst mty2)
+ try_modtypes2 env cxt msubs mty1 (Subst.modtype subst mty2)
| (Mty_ident p1, _) ->
- try_modtypes env cxt subst (expand_module_path env cxt p1) mty2
+ try_modtypes env cxt msubs subst (expand_module_path env cxt p1) mty2
| (Mty_signature sig1, Mty_signature sig2) ->
- signatures env cxt subst sig1 sig2
+ signatures env cxt msubs subst sig1 sig2
| (Mty_functor(param1, arg1, res1), Mty_functor(param2, arg2, res2)) ->
let arg2' = Subst.modtype subst arg2 in
- let cc_arg = modtypes env (Arg param1::cxt) Subst.identity arg2' arg1 in
+ let msubs =
+ match msubs with None -> Some (Pident param1, Subst.identity)
+ | Some (_, s) -> Some (Pident param1, Subst.identity) in
+ let cc_arg =
+ modtypes env (Arg param1::cxt) msubs Subst.identity arg2' arg1 in
let cc_res =
modtypes (Env.add_module param1 arg2' env) (Body param1::cxt)
- (Subst.add_module param2 (Pident param1) subst) res1 res2 in
+ msubs (Subst.add_module param2 (Pident param1) subst) res1 res2 in
begin match (cc_arg, cc_res) with
(Tcoerce_none, Tcoerce_none) -> Tcoerce_none
| _ -> Tcoerce_functor(cc_arg, cc_res)
@@ -197,22 +205,37 @@ and try_modtypes env cxt subst mty1 mty2 =
| (_, _) ->
raise Dont_match
-and try_modtypes2 env cxt mty1 mty2 =
+and try_modtypes2 env cxt msubs mty1 mty2 =
(* mty2 is an identifier *)
match (mty1, mty2) with
(Mty_ident p1, Mty_ident p2) when Path.same p1 p2 ->
| (_, Mty_ident p2) ->
- try_modtypes env cxt Subst.identity mty1 (expand_module_path env cxt p2)
+ try_modtypes env cxt msubs Subst.identity mty1
+ (expand_module_path env cxt p2)
| (_, _) ->
assert false
(* Inclusion between signatures *)
-and signatures env cxt subst sig1 sig2 =
+and signatures env cxt msubs subst sig1 sig2 =
(* Environment used to check inclusion of components *)
let new_env =
Env.add_signature sig1 (Env.in_signature env) in
+ (* Substitution used for module aliases *)
+ let msubs =
+ match msubs with
+ None -> msubs
+ | Some (pr, s) ->
+ let (s, pos) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (s,pos) -> function
+ Sig_module (id, _, _) ->
+ (Subst.add_module id (Pdot (pr, id, pos)) s, pos+1)
+ | item -> (s, if is_runtime_component item then pos+1 else pos))
+ (s, 0) sig1
+ in Some (pr, s)
+ in
(* Build a table of the components of sig1, along with their positions.
The table is indexed by kind and name of component *)
let rec build_component_table pos tbl = function
@@ -240,7 +263,7 @@ and signatures env cxt subst sig1 sig2 =
begin match unpaired with
[] ->
let cc =
- signature_components new_env cxt subst (List.rev paired)
+ signature_components new_env cxt msubs subst (List.rev paired)
if len1 = len2 then (* see PR#5098 *)
simplify_structure_coercion cc
@@ -286,36 +309,39 @@ and signatures env cxt subst sig1 sig2 =
(* Inclusion between signature components *)
-and signature_components env cxt subst = function
+and signature_components env cxt msubs subst = function
[] -> []
| (Sig_value(id1, valdecl1), Sig_value(id2, valdecl2), pos) :: rem ->
let cc = value_descriptions env cxt subst id1 valdecl1 valdecl2 in
begin match valdecl2.val_kind with
- Val_prim p -> signature_components env cxt subst rem
- | _ -> (pos, cc) :: signature_components env cxt subst rem
+ Val_prim p -> signature_components env cxt msubs subst rem
+ | _ -> (pos, cc) :: signature_components env cxt msubs subst rem
| (Sig_type(id1, tydecl1, _), Sig_type(id2, tydecl2, _), pos) :: rem ->
type_declarations env cxt subst id1 tydecl1 tydecl2;
- signature_components env cxt subst rem
+ signature_components env cxt msubs subst rem
| (Sig_exception(id1, excdecl1), Sig_exception(id2, excdecl2), pos)
:: rem ->
exception_declarations env cxt subst id1 excdecl1 excdecl2;
- (pos, Tcoerce_none) :: signature_components env cxt subst rem
+ (pos, Tcoerce_none) :: signature_components env cxt msubs subst rem
| (Sig_module(id1, mty1, _), Sig_module(id2, mty2, _), pos) :: rem ->
+ let msubs' =
+ match msubs with None -> Some (Pident id1, Subst.identity)
+ | Some (pr, s) -> Some (Pdot (pr, id1, pos), s) in
let cc =
- modtypes env (Module id1::cxt) subst
+ modtypes env (Module id1::cxt) msubs' subst
(Mtype.strengthen env mty1 (Pident id1)) mty2 in
- (pos, cc) :: signature_components env cxt subst rem
+ (pos, cc) :: signature_components env cxt msubs subst rem
| (Sig_modtype(id1, info1), Sig_modtype(id2, info2), pos) :: rem ->
modtype_infos env cxt subst id1 info1 info2;
- signature_components env cxt subst rem
+ signature_components env cxt msubs subst rem
| (Sig_class(id1, decl1, _), Sig_class(id2, decl2, _), pos) :: rem ->
class_declarations env cxt subst id1 decl1 decl2;
- (pos, Tcoerce_none) :: signature_components env cxt subst rem
+ (pos, Tcoerce_none) :: signature_components env cxt msubs subst rem
| (Sig_class_type(id1, info1, _),
Sig_class_type(id2, info2, _), pos) :: rem ->
class_type_declarations env cxt subst id1 info1 info2;
- signature_components env cxt subst rem
+ signature_components env cxt msubs subst rem
| _ ->
assert false
@@ -337,8 +363,8 @@ and modtype_infos env cxt subst id info1 info2 =
and check_modtype_equiv env cxt mty1 mty2 =
- (modtypes env cxt Subst.identity mty1 mty2,
- modtypes env cxt Subst.identity mty2 mty1)
+ (modtypes env cxt None Subst.identity mty1 mty2,
+ modtypes env cxt None Subst.identity mty2 mty1)
(Tcoerce_none, Tcoerce_none) -> ()
| (_, _) -> raise(Error [cxt, env, Modtype_permutation])
@@ -347,7 +373,7 @@ and check_modtype_equiv env cxt mty1 mty2 =
let check_modtype_inclusion env mty1 path1 mty2 =
- ignore(modtypes env [] Subst.identity
+ ignore(modtypes env [] None Subst.identity
(Mtype.strengthen env mty1 path1) mty2)
with Error reasons ->
raise Not_found
@@ -359,15 +385,15 @@ let _ = Env.check_modtype_inclusion := check_modtype_inclusion
let compunit impl_name impl_sig intf_name intf_sig =
- signatures Env.initial [] Subst.identity impl_sig intf_sig
+ signatures Env.initial [] None Subst.identity impl_sig intf_sig
with Error reasons ->
raise(Error(([], Env.empty,Interface_mismatch(impl_name, intf_name))
:: reasons))
(* Hide the context and substitution parameters to the outside world *)
-let modtypes env mty1 mty2 = modtypes env [] Subst.identity mty1 mty2
-let signatures env sig1 sig2 = signatures env [] Subst.identity sig1 sig2
+let modtypes env mty1 mty2 = modtypes env [] None Subst.identity mty1 mty2
+let signatures env sig1 sig2 = signatures env [] None Subst.identity sig1 sig2
let type_declarations env id decl1 decl2 =
type_declarations env [] Subst.identity id decl1 decl2
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index 5bb7831ed..67ec78de4 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -917,16 +917,13 @@ let wrap_constraint env arg mty explicit =
(* Type a module value expression *)
-let rec type_module sttn funct_body anchor env smod =
+let rec type_module ?(alias=false) sttn funct_body anchor env smod =
match smod.pmod_desc with
Pmod_ident lid ->
let (path, mty) = Typetexp.find_module env smod.pmod_loc lid.txt in
let mty =
- if sttn then
- if Env.is_functor_arg path env
- then Mtype.strengthen env mty path
- else Mty_alias path
- else mty in
+ if alias && not (Env.is_functor_arg path env) then Mty_alias path else
+ if sttn then Mtype.strengthen env mty path else mty in
rm { mod_desc = Tmod_ident (path, lid);
mod_type = mty;
mod_env = env;
@@ -984,7 +981,7 @@ let rec type_module sttn funct_body anchor env smod =
raise(Error(sfunct.pmod_loc, env, Cannot_apply funct.mod_type))
| Pmod_constraint(sarg, smty) ->
- let arg = type_module true funct_body anchor env sarg in
+ let arg = type_module ~alias true funct_body anchor env sarg in
let mty = transl_modtype env smty in
rm {(wrap_constraint env arg mty.mty_type (Tmodtype_explicit mty)) with
mod_loc = smod.pmod_loc;
@@ -1081,8 +1078,8 @@ and type_structure ?(toplevel = false) funct_body anchor env sstr scope =
| Pstr_module {pmb_name = name; pmb_expr = smodl; pmb_attributes = attrs} ->
check "module" loc module_names name.txt;
let modl =
- type_module true funct_body (anchor_submodule name.txt anchor) env
- smodl in
+ type_module ~alias:true true funct_body
+ (anchor_submodule name.txt anchor) env smodl in
let mty = enrich_module_type anchor name.txt modl.mod_type env in
let (id, newenv) = Env.enter_module name.txt mty env in
Tstr_module {mb_id=id; mb_name=name; mb_expr=modl;mb_attributes=attrs},
@@ -1218,6 +1215,7 @@ and type_structure ?(toplevel = false) funct_body anchor env sstr scope =
let type_toplevel_phrase env s =
type_structure ~toplevel:true false None env s Location.none
+let type_module_alias = type_module ~alias:true true false None
let type_module = type_module true false None
let type_structure = type_structure false None
@@ -1305,7 +1303,7 @@ let type_package env m p nl tl =
Ctype.begin_def ();
Ident.set_current_time lv;
let context = Typetexp.narrow () in
- let modl = type_module env m in
+ let modl = type_module_alias env m in
Typetexp.widen context;
let (mp, env) =