diff options
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/tools/ b/tools/
index 1e8b3b860..66d113c61 100644
--- a/tools/
+++ b/tools/
@@ -20,6 +20,8 @@ open Parsetree
(* Print the dependencies *)
+type file_kind = ML | MLI;;
let load_path = ref ([] : (string * string array) list)
let ml_synonyms = ref [".ml"]
let mli_synonyms = ref [".mli"]
@@ -27,6 +29,10 @@ let native_only = ref false
let force_slash = ref false
let error_occurred = ref false
let raw_dependencies = ref false
+let sort_files = ref false
+let all_dependencies = ref false
+let one_line = ref false
+let files = ref []
(* Fix path to use '/' as directory separator instead of '\'.
Only under Windows. *)
@@ -57,6 +63,7 @@ let add_to_synonym_list synonyms suffix =
error_occurred := true
+(* Find file 'name' (capitalized) in search path *)
let find_file name =
let uname = String.uncapitalize name in
let rec find_in_array a pos =
@@ -77,24 +84,51 @@ let rec find_file_in_list = function
[] -> raise Not_found
| x :: rem -> try find_file x with Not_found -> find_file_in_list rem
-let find_dependency modname (byt_deps, opt_deps) =
+let find_dependency target_kind modname (byt_deps, opt_deps) =
let candidates = ((^) modname) !mli_synonyms in
let filename = find_file_in_list candidates in
let basename = Filename.chop_extension filename in
- let optname =
- if List.exists (fun ext -> Sys.file_exists (basename ^ ext)) !ml_synonyms
- then basename ^ ".cmx"
- else basename ^ ".cmi" in
- ((basename ^ ".cmi") :: byt_deps, optname :: opt_deps)
+ let cmi_file = basename ^ ".cmi" in
+ let ml_exists =
+ List.exists (fun ext -> Sys.file_exists (basename ^ ext)) !ml_synonyms in
+ let new_opt_dep =
+ if !all_dependencies then
+ match target_kind with
+ | MLI -> [ cmi_file ]
+ | ML ->
+ cmi_file :: (if ml_exists then [ basename ^ ".cmx"] else [])
+ else
+ (* this is a make-specific hack that makes .cmx to be a 'proxy'
+ target that would force the dependency on .cmi via transitivity *)
+ if ml_exists
+ then [ basename ^ ".cmx" ]
+ else [ cmi_file ]
+ in
+ ( cmi_file :: byt_deps, new_opt_dep @ opt_deps)
with Not_found ->
+ (* "just .ml" case *)
let candidates = ((^) modname) !ml_synonyms in
let filename = find_file_in_list candidates in
let basename = Filename.chop_extension filename in
- let bytename =
- basename ^ (if !native_only then ".cmx" else ".cmo") in
- (bytename :: byt_deps, (basename ^ ".cmx") :: opt_deps)
+ let bytenames =
+ if !all_dependencies then
+ match target_kind with
+ | MLI -> [basename ^ ".cmi"]
+ | ML -> [basename ^ ".cmi"; basename ^ ".cmo"]
+ else
+ (* again, make-specific hack *)
+ [basename ^ (if !native_only then ".cmx" else ".cmo")] in
+ let optnames =
+ if !all_dependencies
+ then match target_kind with
+ | MLI -> [basename ^ ".cmi"]
+ | ML -> [basename ^ ".cmi"; basename ^ ".cmx"]
+ else [ basename ^ ".cmx" ]
+ in
+ (bytenames @ byt_deps, optnames @ opt_deps)
with Not_found ->
(byt_deps, opt_deps)
@@ -128,22 +162,21 @@ let print_filename s =
-let print_dependencies target_file deps =
- print_filename target_file; print_string depends_on;
+let print_dependencies target_files deps =
let rec print_items pos = function
[] -> print_string "\n"
| dep :: rem ->
- if pos + 1 + String.length dep <= 77 then begin
- print_string " "; print_filename dep;
+ if !one_line || (pos + 1 + String.length dep <= 77) then begin
+ if pos <> 0 then print_string " "; print_filename dep;
print_items (pos + String.length dep + 1) rem
end else begin
print_string escaped_eol; print_filename dep;
print_items (String.length dep + 4) rem
end in
- print_items (String.length target_file + 1) deps
+ print_items 0 (target_files @ [depends_on] @ deps)
let print_raw_dependencies source_file deps =
- print_filename source_file; print_string ":";
+ print_filename source_file; print_string depends_on;
(fun dep ->
if (String.length dep > 0)
@@ -219,19 +252,30 @@ let ml_file_dependencies source_file =
let ast = parse_use_file ic in
Depend.add_use_file Depend.StringSet.empty ast;
+ if !sort_files then
+ files := (source_file, ML, !Depend.free_structure_names) :: !files
+ else
if !raw_dependencies then begin
print_raw_dependencies source_file !Depend.free_structure_names
end else begin
let basename = Filename.chop_extension source_file in
- let init_deps =
+ let byte_targets =
+ if !native_only then [] else [ basename ^ ".cmo" ] in
+ let native_targets =
+ if !all_dependencies
+ then [ basename ^ ".cmx"; basename ^ ".o" ]
+ else [ basename ^ ".cmx" ] in
+ let init_deps = if !all_dependencies then [source_file] else [] in
+ let cmi_name = basename ^ ".cmi" in
+ let init_deps, extra_targets =
if List.exists (fun ext -> Sys.file_exists (basename ^ ext)) !mli_synonyms
- then let cmi_name = basename ^ ".cmi" in ([cmi_name], [cmi_name])
- else ([], []) in
- let (byt_deps, opt_deps) =
- Depend.StringSet.fold find_dependency
+ then (cmi_name :: init_deps, cmi_name :: init_deps), []
+ else (init_deps, init_deps), ( if !all_dependencies then [cmi_name] else [] ) in
+ let (byt_deps, native_deps) =
+ Depend.StringSet.fold (find_dependency ML)
!Depend.free_structure_names init_deps in
- print_dependencies (basename ^ ".cmo") byt_deps;
- print_dependencies (basename ^ ".cmx") opt_deps
+ if not !native_only then print_dependencies (byte_targets @ extra_targets) byt_deps;
+ print_dependencies (native_targets @ extra_targets) native_deps;
close_in ic; remove_preprocessed input_file
with x ->
@@ -244,21 +288,22 @@ let mli_file_dependencies source_file =
let ast = parse_interface ic in
Depend.add_signature Depend.StringSet.empty ast;
+ if !sort_files then
+ files := (source_file, MLI, !Depend.free_structure_names) :: !files
+ else
if !raw_dependencies then begin
print_raw_dependencies source_file !Depend.free_structure_names
end else begin
let basename = Filename.chop_extension source_file in
let (byt_deps, opt_deps) =
- Depend.StringSet.fold find_dependency
+ Depend.StringSet.fold (find_dependency MLI)
!Depend.free_structure_names ([], []) in
- print_dependencies (basename ^ ".cmi") byt_deps
+ print_dependencies [basename ^ ".cmi"] byt_deps
close_in ic; remove_preprocessed input_file
with x ->
close_in ic; remove_preprocessed input_file; raise x
-type file_kind = ML | MLI;;
let file_dependencies_as kind source_file =
Location.input_name := source_file;
@@ -291,6 +336,79 @@ let file_dependencies source_file =
file_dependencies_as MLI source_file
else ()
+let sort_files_by_dependencies files =
+ let h = Hashtbl.create 31 in
+ let worklist = ref [] in
+(* Init Hashtbl with all defined modules *)
+ let files = (fun (file, file_kind, deps) ->
+ let modname = Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename file) in
+ modname.[0] <- Char.uppercase modname.[0];
+ let key = (modname, file_kind) in
+ let new_deps = ref [] in
+ Hashtbl.add h key (file, new_deps);
+ worklist := key :: !worklist;
+ (modname, file_kind, deps, new_deps)
+ ) files in
+(* Keep only dependencies to defined modules *)
+ List.iter (fun (modname, file_kind, deps, new_deps) ->
+ let add_dep modname kind =
+ new_deps := (modname, kind) :: !new_deps;
+ in
+ Depend.StringSet.iter (fun modname ->
+ match file_kind with
+ ML -> (* ML depends both on ML and MLI *)
+ if Hashtbl.mem h (modname, MLI) then add_dep modname MLI;
+ if Hashtbl.mem h (modname, ML) then add_dep modname ML
+ | MLI -> (* MLI depends on MLI if exists, or ML otherwise *)
+ if Hashtbl.mem h (modname, MLI) then add_dep modname MLI
+ else if Hashtbl.mem h (modname, ML) then add_dep modname ML
+ ) deps;
+ if file_kind = ML then (* add dep from .ml to .mli *)
+ if Hashtbl.mem h (modname, MLI) then add_dep modname MLI
+ ) files;
+(* Print and remove all files with no remaining dependency. Iterate
+ until all files have been removed (worklist is empty) or
+ no file was removed during a turn (cycle). *)
+ let printed = ref true in
+ while !printed && !worklist <> [] do
+ let files = !worklist in
+ worklist := [];
+ printed := false;
+ List.iter (fun key ->
+ let (file, deps) = Hashtbl.find h key in
+ let set = !deps in
+ deps := [];
+ List.iter (fun key ->
+ if Hashtbl.mem h key then deps := key :: !deps
+ ) set;
+ if !deps = [] then begin
+ printed := true;
+ Printf.printf "%s " file;
+ Hashtbl.remove h key;
+ end else
+ worklist := key :: !worklist
+ ) files
+ done;
+ if !worklist <> [] then begin
+ fprintf Format.err_formatter
+ "@[Warning: cycle in dependencies. End of list is not sorted.@]@.";
+ Hashtbl.iter (fun _ (file, deps) ->
+ fprintf Format.err_formatter "\t@[%s: " file;
+ List.iter (fun (modname, kind) ->
+ fprintf Format.err_formatter "%s.%s " modname
+ (if kind=ML then "ml" else "mli");
+ ) !deps;
+ fprintf Format.err_formatter "@]@.";
+ Printf.printf "%s@ " file) h;
+ end;
+ Printf.printf "\n%!";
+ ()
(* Entry point *)
let usage = "Usage: ocamldep [options] <source files>\nOptions are:"
@@ -323,10 +441,16 @@ let _ =
"<e> Consider <e> as a synonym of the .ml extension";
"-mli-synonym", Arg.String(add_to_synonym_list mli_synonyms),
"<e> Consider <e> as a synonym of the .mli extension";
+ "-sort", Arg.Set sort_files,
+ " Sort files according to their dependencies";
"-modules", Arg.Set raw_dependencies,
" Print module dependencies in raw form (not suitable for make)";
"-native", Arg.Set native_only,
" Generate dependencies for a pure native-code project (no .cmo files)";
+ "-all", Arg.Set all_dependencies,
+ " Generate dependencies on all files (not accommodating for make shortcomings)";
+ "-one-line", Arg.Set one_line,
+ " Output one line per file, regardless of the length";
"-pp", Arg.String(fun s -> preprocessor := Some s),
"<cmd> Pipe sources through preprocessor <cmd>";
"-slash", Arg.Set force_slash,
@@ -336,4 +460,5 @@ let _ =
"-vnum", Arg.Unit print_version_num,
" Print version number and exit";
] file_dependencies usage;
+ if !sort_files then sort_files_by_dependencies !files;
exit (if !error_occurred then 2 else 0)