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1 files changed, 19 insertions, 14 deletions
diff --git a/typing/ b/typing/
index bac166fc4..598d987d4 100644
--- a/typing/
+++ b/typing/
@@ -177,6 +177,11 @@ let reset_and_mark_loops_list tyl =
let print_labels = ref true
let print_label ppf l =
if !print_labels && l <> "" || is_optional l then fprintf ppf "%s:" l
+let print_label ppf l =
+ if is_optional l then fprintf ppf "%s:" l else
+ if !print_labels && l <> "" || is_optional l then fprintf ppf "`%s:" l
let rec print_list_init pr sep ppf = function
| [] -> ()
@@ -234,7 +239,7 @@ let rec typexp sch prio0 ppf ty =
let all_present = List.length present = List.length fields in
let pr_present =
print_list (fun ppf (s, _) -> fprintf ppf "`%s" s)
- (fun () -> fprintf ppf "@ |")
+ (fun () -> fprintf ppf "@;<1 -2>| ")
begin match row.row_name with
| Some(p, tyl) when namable_row row ->
@@ -253,22 +258,22 @@ let rec typexp sch prio0 ppf ty =
then non_gen_mark sch px
else "" in
let close_mark =
- if not all_present then "<" else
- if row.row_closed then "" else
- if fields = [] then "< .." else ">" in
+ if not all_present then "< " else
+ if row.row_closed then " " else
+ if fields = [] then "< .." else "> " in
let pr_ellipsis ppf =
if not (row.row_closed || all_present)
- then fprintf ppf "@ | .." in
+ then fprintf ppf "@;<1 -2>| .." in
let print_present ppf = function
| [] -> ()
| l ->
if not all_present then
- fprintf ppf "@ @[<hov>>%a@]" pr_present l in
+ fprintf ppf "@;<1 -2>> @[<hov>%a@]" pr_present l in
let print_fields =
- (* add only space on the left of the |, to preserve alignment *)
- print_list (row_field sch) (fun () -> fprintf ppf "@ |") in
+ print_list (row_field sch) (fun () -> fprintf ppf "@;<1 -2>| ")
+ in
- fprintf ppf "%s@[<hv>@[<hv>[%s%a%t@]%a]@]"
+ fprintf ppf "%s[%s@[<hv>@[<hv>%a%t@]%a]@]"
gen_mark close_mark print_fields fields pr_ellipsis
print_present present
@@ -290,12 +295,12 @@ and row_field sch ppf (l, f) =
let pr_field ppf f =
match row_field_repr f with
| Rpresent None | Reither(true, [], _) -> ()
- | Rpresent(Some ty) -> fprintf ppf "@ %a" (typexp sch 0) ty
+ | Rpresent(Some ty) -> fprintf ppf " of@ %a" (typexp sch 0) ty
| Reither(c, tyl,_) ->
- if c
- then fprintf ppf "@ &@ %a" (typlist sch 0 " &") tyl
- else fprintf ppf "@ %a" (typlist sch 0 " &") tyl
- | Rabsent -> fprintf ppf "@ []" in
+ if c (* contradiction: un constructeur constant qui a un argument *)
+ then fprintf ppf " of@ &@ %a" (typlist sch 0 " &") tyl
+ else fprintf ppf " of@ %a" (typlist sch 0 " &") tyl
+ | Rabsent -> fprintf ppf "@ []" (* une erreur, en fait *) in
fprintf ppf "@[<hv 2>`%s%a@]" l pr_field f
and typlist sch prio sep ppf = function