diff options
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.mlast (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Printers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Printers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Printers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Printers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Printers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Printers/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4Top/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Top/
-rw-r--r--camlp4/Camlp4_config.mli (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4/Config.mli)28
-rw-r--r--camlp4/boot/ (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
-rwxr-xr-xcamlp4/boot/camlp4bootbin1083963 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--camlp4/camlp4prof.mli (renamed from camlp4/Camlp4Profiler.mli)0
100 files changed, 29686 insertions, 2956 deletions
diff --git a/camlp4/.vcs b/camlp4/.vcs
index 6a37d4cc8..70f421104 100644
--- a/camlp4/.vcs
+++ b/camlp4/.vcs
@@ -1,18 +1,4 @@
- - !re \.cm.*$
- - Camlp4/Sig/
- - Camlp4/Struct/
- - Camlp4/Struct/
- - Camlp4/
- - Camlp4/
- - Camlp4/
- -
- -
- -
- - .cache-status
- -
- - yam
+ - !re boot/camlp4boot\.save\..*
- build/
- - !re \.tmp\.ml$
- - !re \.(run|opt)$
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..295d76eec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/
@@ -0,0 +1,341 @@
+ type meta_bool =
+ [ BTrue
+ | BFalse
+ | BAnt of string ];
+ type meta_option 'a =
+ [ ONone
+ | OSome of 'a
+ | OAnt of string ];
+ type ident =
+ [ IdAcc of Loc.t and ident and ident (* i . i *)
+ | IdApp of Loc.t and ident and ident (* i i *)
+ | IdLid of Loc.t and string (* foo *)
+ | IdUid of Loc.t and string (* Bar *)
+ | IdAnt of Loc.t and string (* $s$ *) ];
+ type ctyp =
+ [ TyNil of Loc.t
+ | TyAli of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp (* t as t *) (* list 'a as 'a *)
+ | TyAny of Loc.t (* _ *)
+ | TyApp of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp (* t t *) (* list 'a *)
+ | TyArr of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp (* t -> t *) (* int -> string *)
+ | TyCls of Loc.t and ident (* #i *) (* #point *)
+ | TyLab of Loc.t and string and ctyp (* ~s *)
+ | TyId of Loc.t and ident (* i *) (* Lazy.t *)
+ | TyMan of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp (* t == t *) (* type t = [ A | B ] == Foo.t *)
+ (* type t 'a 'b 'c = t constraint t = t constraint t = t *)
+ | TyDcl of Loc.t and string and list ctyp and ctyp and list (ctyp * ctyp)
+ (* < (t)? (..)? > *) (* < move : int -> 'a .. > as 'a *)
+ | TyObj of Loc.t and ctyp and meta_bool
+ | TyOlb of Loc.t and string and ctyp (* ?s *)
+ | TyPol of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp (* ! t . t *) (* ! 'a . list 'a -> 'a *)
+ | TyQuo of Loc.t and string (* 's *)
+ | TyQuP of Loc.t and string (* +'s *)
+ | TyQuM of Loc.t and string (* -'s *)
+ | TyVrn of Loc.t and string (* `s *)
+ | TyRec of Loc.t and ctyp (* { t } *) (* { foo : int ; bar : mutable string } *)
+ | TyCol of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp (* t : t *)
+ | TySem of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp (* t; t *)
+ | TyCom of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp (* t, t *)
+ | TySum of Loc.t and ctyp (* [ t ] *) (* [ A of int and string | B ] *)
+ | TyOf of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp (* t of t *) (* A of int *)
+ | TyAnd of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp (* t and t *)
+ | TyOr of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp (* t | t *)
+ | TyPrv of Loc.t and ctyp (* private t *)
+ | TyMut of Loc.t and ctyp (* mutable t *)
+ | TyTup of Loc.t and ctyp (* ( t ) *) (* (int * string) *)
+ | TySta of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp (* t * t *)
+ | TyVrnEq of Loc.t and ctyp (* [ = t ] *)
+ | TyVrnSup of Loc.t and ctyp (* [ > t ] *)
+ | TyVrnInf of Loc.t and ctyp (* [ < t ] *)
+ | TyVrnInfSup of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp (* [ < t > t ] *)
+ | TyAmp of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp (* t & t *)
+ | TyOfAmp of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp (* t of & t *)
+ | TyAnt of Loc.t and string (* $s$ *)
+ ]
+ ;
+ type patt =
+ [ PaNil of Loc.t
+ | PaId of Loc.t and ident (* i *)
+ | PaAli of Loc.t and patt and patt (* p as p *) (* (Node x y as n) *)
+ | PaAnt of Loc.t and string (* $s$ *)
+ | PaAny of Loc.t (* _ *)
+ | PaApp of Loc.t and patt and patt (* p p *) (* fun x y -> *)
+ | PaArr of Loc.t and patt (* [| p |] *)
+ | PaCom of Loc.t and patt and patt (* p, p *)
+ | PaSem of Loc.t and patt and patt (* p; p *)
+ | PaChr of Loc.t and string (* c *) (* 'x' *)
+ | PaInt of Loc.t and string
+ | PaInt32 of Loc.t and string
+ | PaInt64 of Loc.t and string
+ | PaNativeInt of Loc.t and string
+ | PaFlo of Loc.t and string
+ | PaLab of Loc.t and string and patt (* ~s or ~s:(p) *)
+ (* ?s or ?s:(p = e) or ?(p = e) *)
+ (* | PaOlb of Loc.t and string and meta_option(*FIXME*) (patt * meta_option(*FIXME*) expr) *)
+ (* ?s or ?s:(p) *)
+ | PaOlb of Loc.t and string and patt
+ (* ?s:(p = e) or ?(p = e) *)
+ | PaOlbi of Loc.t and string and patt and expr
+ | PaOrp of Loc.t and patt and patt (* p | p *)
+ | PaRng of Loc.t and patt and patt (* p .. p *)
+ | PaRec of Loc.t and patt (* { p } *)
+ | PaEq of Loc.t and patt and patt (* p = p *)
+ | PaStr of Loc.t and string (* s *)
+ | PaTup of Loc.t and patt (* ( p ) *)
+ | PaTyc of Loc.t and patt and ctyp (* (p : t) *)
+ | PaTyp of Loc.t and ident (* #i *)
+ | PaVrn of Loc.t and string (* `s *) ]
+ and expr =
+ [ ExNil of Loc.t
+ | ExId of Loc.t and ident (* i *)
+ | ExAcc of Loc.t and expr and expr (* e.e *)
+ | ExAnt of Loc.t and string (* $s$ *)
+ | ExApp of Loc.t and expr and expr (* e e *)
+ | ExAre of Loc.t and expr and expr (* e.(e) *)
+ | ExArr of Loc.t and expr (* [| e |] *)
+ | ExSem of Loc.t and expr and expr (* e; e *)
+ | ExAsf of Loc.t (* assert False *)
+ | ExAsr of Loc.t and expr (* assert e *)
+ | ExAss of Loc.t and expr and expr (* e := e *)
+ | ExChr of Loc.t and string (* 'c' *)
+ | ExCoe of Loc.t and expr and ctyp and ctyp (* (e : t) or (e : t :> t) *)
+ | ExFlo of Loc.t and string (* 3.14 *)
+ (* for s = e to/downto e do { e } *)
+ | ExFor of Loc.t and string and expr and expr and meta_bool and expr
+ | ExFun of Loc.t and match_case (* fun [ a ] *)
+ | ExIfe of Loc.t and expr and expr and expr (* if e then e else e *)
+ | ExInt of Loc.t and string (* 42 *)
+ | ExInt32 of Loc.t and string
+ | ExInt64 of Loc.t and string
+ | ExNativeInt of Loc.t and string
+ | ExLab of Loc.t and string and expr (* ~s or ~s:e *)
+ | ExLaz of Loc.t and expr (* lazy e *)
+ (* let b in e or let rec b in e *)
+ | ExLet of Loc.t and meta_bool and binding and expr
+ (* let module s = me in e *)
+ | ExLmd of Loc.t and string and module_expr and expr
+ (* match e with [ a ] *)
+ | ExMat of Loc.t and expr and match_case
+ (* new i *)
+ | ExNew of Loc.t and ident
+ (* object ((p))? (cst)? end *)
+ | ExObj of Loc.t and patt and class_str_item
+ (* ?s or ?s:e *)
+ | ExOlb of Loc.t and string and expr
+ (* {< b >} *)
+ | ExOvr of Loc.t and binding
+ (* { b } or { (e) with b } *)
+ | ExRec of Loc.t and binding and expr
+ (* do { e } *)
+ | ExSeq of Loc.t and expr
+ (* e#s *)
+ | ExSnd of Loc.t and expr and string
+ (* e.[e] *)
+ | ExSte of Loc.t and expr and expr
+ (* s *) (* "foo" *)
+ | ExStr of Loc.t and string
+ (* try e with [ a ] *)
+ | ExTry of Loc.t and expr and match_case
+ (* (e) *)
+ | ExTup of Loc.t and expr
+ (* e, e *)
+ | ExCom of Loc.t and expr and expr
+ (* (e : t) *)
+ | ExTyc of Loc.t and expr and ctyp
+ (* `s *)
+ | ExVrn of Loc.t and string
+ (* while e do { e } *)
+ | ExWhi of Loc.t and expr and expr ]
+ and module_type =
+ (* i *) (* A.B.C *)
+ [ MtId of Loc.t and ident
+ (* functor (s : mt) -> mt *)
+ | MtFun of Loc.t and string and module_type and module_type
+ (* 's *)
+ | MtQuo of Loc.t and string
+ (* sig (sg)? end *)
+ | MtSig of Loc.t and sig_item
+ (* mt with wc *)
+ | MtWit of Loc.t and module_type and with_constr
+ | MtAnt of Loc.t and string (* $s$ *) ]
+ and sig_item =
+ [ SgNil of Loc.t
+ (* class cict *)
+ | SgCls of Loc.t and class_type
+ (* class type cict *)
+ | SgClt of Loc.t and class_type
+ (* sg ; sg *)
+ | SgSem of Loc.t and sig_item and sig_item
+ (* # s or # s e *)
+ | SgDir of Loc.t and string and expr
+ (* exception t *)
+ | SgExc of Loc.t and ctyp
+ (* |+ external s : t = s ... s +|
+ | SgExt of Loc.t and string and ctyp and list string *)
+ (* external s : t = s *)
+ | SgExt of Loc.t and string and ctyp and string
+ (* include mt *)
+ | SgInc of Loc.t and module_type
+ (* module s : mt *)
+ | SgMod of Loc.t and string and module_type
+ (* module rec mb *)
+ | SgRecMod of Loc.t and module_binding
+ (* module type s = mt *)
+ | SgMty of Loc.t and string and module_type
+ (* open i *)
+ | SgOpn of Loc.t and ident
+ (* type t *)
+ | SgTyp of Loc.t and ctyp
+ (* value s : t *)
+ | SgVal of Loc.t and string and ctyp
+ | SgAnt of Loc.t and string (* $s$ *) ]
+ and with_constr =
+ [ WcNil of Loc.t
+ (* type t = t *)
+ | WcTyp of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp
+ (* module i = i *)
+ | WcMod of Loc.t and ident and ident
+ (* wc and wc *)
+ | WcAnd of Loc.t and with_constr and with_constr
+ | WcAnt of Loc.t and string (* $s$ *) ]
+ and binding =
+ [ BiNil of Loc.t
+ (* b and b *) (* let a = 42 and c = 43 *)
+ | BiAnd of Loc.t and binding and binding
+ (* b ; b *)
+ | BiSem of Loc.t and binding and binding
+ (* p = e *) (* let patt = expr *)
+ | BiEq of Loc.t and patt and expr
+ | BiAnt of Loc.t and string (* $s$ *) ]
+ and module_binding =
+ [ MbNil of Loc.t
+ (* mb and mb *) (* module rec (s : mt) = me and (s : mt) = me *)
+ | MbAnd of Loc.t and module_binding and module_binding
+ (* s : mt = me *)
+ | MbColEq of Loc.t and string and module_type and module_expr
+ (* s : mt *)
+ | MbCol of Loc.t and string and module_type
+ | MbAnt of Loc.t and string (* $s$ *) ]
+ and match_case =
+ [ McNil of Loc.t
+ (* a | a *)
+ | McOr of Loc.t and match_case and match_case
+ (* p (when e)? -> e *)
+ | McArr of Loc.t and patt and expr and expr
+ | McAnt of Loc.t and string (* $s$ *) ]
+ and module_expr =
+ (* i *)
+ [ MeId of Loc.t and ident
+ (* me me *)
+ | MeApp of Loc.t and module_expr and module_expr
+ (* functor (s : mt) -> me *)
+ | MeFun of Loc.t and string and module_type and module_expr
+ (* struct (st)? end *)
+ | MeStr of Loc.t and str_item
+ (* (me : mt) *)
+ | MeTyc of Loc.t and module_expr and module_type
+ | MeAnt of Loc.t and string (* $s$ *) ]
+ and str_item =
+ [ StNil of Loc.t
+ (* class cice *)
+ | StCls of Loc.t and class_expr
+ (* class type cict *)
+ | StClt of Loc.t and class_type
+ (* st ; st *)
+ | StSem of Loc.t and str_item and str_item
+ (* # s or # s e *)
+ | StDir of Loc.t and string and expr
+ (* exception t or exception t = i *)
+ | StExc of Loc.t and ctyp and meta_option(*FIXME*) ident
+ (* e *)
+ | StExp of Loc.t and expr
+ (* |+ external s : t = s ... s +|
+ | StExt of Loc.t and string and ctyp and list string *)
+ (* external s : t = s *)
+ | StExt of Loc.t and string and ctyp and string
+ (* include me *)
+ | StInc of Loc.t and module_expr
+ (* module s = me *)
+ | StMod of Loc.t and string and module_expr
+ (* module rec mb *)
+ | StRecMod of Loc.t and module_binding
+ (* module type s = mt *)
+ | StMty of Loc.t and string and module_type
+ (* open i *)
+ | StOpn of Loc.t and ident
+ (* type t *)
+ | StTyp of Loc.t and ctyp
+ (* value b or value rec b *)
+ | StVal of Loc.t and meta_bool and binding
+ | StAnt of Loc.t and string (* $s$ *) ]
+ and class_type =
+ [ CtNil of Loc.t
+ (* (virtual)? i ([ t ])? *)
+ | CtCon of Loc.t and meta_bool and ident and ctyp
+ (* [t] -> ct *)
+ | CtFun of Loc.t and ctyp and class_type
+ (* object ((t))? (csg)? end *)
+ | CtSig of Loc.t and ctyp and class_sig_item
+ (* ct and ct *)
+ | CtAnd of Loc.t and class_type and class_type
+ (* ct : ct *)
+ | CtCol of Loc.t and class_type and class_type
+ (* ct = ct *)
+ | CtEq of Loc.t and class_type and class_type
+ (* $s$ *)
+ | CtAnt of Loc.t and string ]
+ and class_sig_item =
+ [ CgNil of Loc.t
+ (* type t = t *)
+ | CgCtr of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp
+ (* csg ; csg *)
+ | CgSem of Loc.t and class_sig_item and class_sig_item
+ (* inherit ct *)
+ | CgInh of Loc.t and class_type
+ (* method s : t or method private s : t *)
+ | CgMth of Loc.t and string and meta_bool and ctyp
+ (* value (virtual)? (mutable)? s : t *)
+ | CgVal of Loc.t and string and meta_bool and meta_bool and ctyp
+ (* method virtual (mutable)? s : t *)
+ | CgVir of Loc.t and string and meta_bool and ctyp
+ | CgAnt of Loc.t and string (* $s$ *) ]
+ and class_expr =
+ [ CeNil of Loc.t
+ (* ce e *)
+ | CeApp of Loc.t and class_expr and expr
+ (* (virtual)? i ([ t ])? *)
+ | CeCon of Loc.t and meta_bool and ident and ctyp
+ (* fun p -> ce *)
+ | CeFun of Loc.t and patt and class_expr
+ (* let (rec)? b in ce *)
+ | CeLet of Loc.t and meta_bool and binding and class_expr
+ (* object ((p))? (cst)? end *)
+ | CeStr of Loc.t and patt and class_str_item
+ (* ce : ct *)
+ | CeTyc of Loc.t and class_expr and class_type
+ (* ce and ce *)
+ | CeAnd of Loc.t and class_expr and class_expr
+ (* ce = ce *)
+ | CeEq of Loc.t and class_expr and class_expr
+ (* $s$ *)
+ | CeAnt of Loc.t and string ]
+ and class_str_item =
+ [ CrNil of Loc.t
+ (* cst ; cst *)
+ | CrSem of Loc.t and class_str_item and class_str_item
+ (* type t = t *)
+ | CrCtr of Loc.t and ctyp and ctyp
+ (* inherit ce or inherit ce as s *)
+ | CrInh of Loc.t and class_expr and string
+ (* initializer e *)
+ | CrIni of Loc.t and expr
+ (* method (private)? s : t = e or method (private)? s = e *)
+ | CrMth of Loc.t and string and meta_bool and expr and ctyp
+ (* value (mutable)? s = e *)
+ | CrVal of Loc.t and string and meta_bool and expr
+ (* method virtual (private)? s : t *)
+ | CrVir of Loc.t and string and meta_bool and ctyp
+ (* value virtual (private)? s : t *)
+ | CrVvr of Loc.t and string and meta_bool and ctyp
+ | CrAnt of Loc.t and string (* $s$ *) ];
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/
deleted file mode 100644
index 77e71d084..000000000
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
-(* camlp4r *)
-(* *)
-(* Objective Caml *)
-(* *)
-(* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
-(* *)
-(* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
-(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
-(* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
-(* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
-(* Caml source tree. *)
-(* *)
-(* Authors:
- * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
- * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
- *)
-value standard_library_default = Camlp4_config.libdir;
-value ocaml_standard_library =
- try Sys.getenv "OCAMLLIB"
- with [ Not_found ->
- try Sys.getenv "CAMLLIB"
- with [ Not_found ->
- standard_library_default ] ];
-value camlp4_standard_library =
- try Sys.getenv "CAMLP4LIB"
- with [ Not_found ->
- Filename.concat (try Sys.getenv "OCAMLLIB"
- with [ Not_found ->
- try Sys.getenv "CAMLLIB"
- with [ Not_found ->
- standard_library_default]])
- "camlp4"];
-value version = Sys.ocaml_version;
-value program_name = ref "camlp4";
-value constructors_arity = ref True;
-value unsafe = ref False;
-value verbose = ref False;
-value quotations = ref True;
-value inter_phrases = ref None;
-value camlp4_ast_impl_magic_number = "Camlp42006M001";
-value camlp4_ast_intf_magic_number = "Camlp42006N001";
-value ocaml_ast_intf_magic_number = Camlp4_config.ast_intf_magic_number;
-value ocaml_ast_impl_magic_number = Camlp4_config.ast_impl_magic_number;
-value current_input_file = ref "";
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/
index 064f9ee18..e99ec9e19 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
(* camlp4r *)
open Format;
+module Debug = struct value mode _ = False; end;
type section = string;
value out_channel =
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/
index 12eec1127..7c68bd4fc 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ value register f =
fun ppf default_handler exn ->
try f ppf exn with exn -> current_handler ppf default_handler exn;
-module Register (Error : Sig.Error.S) = struct
+module Register (Error : Sig.Error) = struct
let current_handler = handler.val in
handler.val :=
fun ppf default_handler ->
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/ErrorHandler.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4/ErrorHandler.mli
index 7c3463be9..674811459 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/ErrorHandler.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/ErrorHandler.mli
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ value try_to_string : exn -> string;
value register : (Format.formatter -> exn -> unit) -> unit;
-module Register (Error : Sig.Error.S) : sig end;
+module Register (Error : Sig.Error) : sig end;
module ObjTools : sig
value print : Format.formatter -> Obj.t -> unit;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/
index babc4a73b..b28c40e05 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/
@@ -16,16 +16,16 @@
* - Nicolas Pouillard: initial version
-module Make (Warning : Sig.Warning.S)
- (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast.S with module Loc = Warning.Loc)
- (Gram : Sig.Grammar.Static.S with module Loc = Warning.Loc
- with type Token.t = Sig.Camlp4Token.t)
- (Quotation : Sig.Quotation.S with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4Ast.ToAst Ast)
-: Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S with module Loc = Ast.Loc
+module Make (Warning : Sig.Warning)
+ (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast with module Loc = Warning.Loc)
+ (Gram : Sig.Grammar.Static with module Loc = Warning.Loc
+ with type Token.t = Sig.camlp4_token)
+ (Quotation : Sig.Quotation with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst Ast)
+: Sig.Camlp4Syntax with module Loc = Ast.Loc
and module Ast = Ast
and module Token = Gram.Token
and module Gram = Gram
- and module AntiquotSyntax.Ast = Sig.Camlp4Ast.ToAst Ast
+ and module AntiquotSyntax.Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst Ast
and module Quotation = Quotation
= struct
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module Make (Warning : Sig.Warning.S)
module Ast = Ast;
module Gram = Gram;
module Token = Gram.Token;
- open Sig.Camlp4Token;
+ open Sig;
value a_CHAR = "a_CHAR";
value a_FLOAT = "a_FLOAT";
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ module Make (Warning : Sig.Warning.S)
module AntiquotSyntax = struct
module Loc = Ast.Loc;
- module Ast = Sig.Camlp4Ast.ToAst Ast;
+ module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst Ast;
module Gram = Gram;
value antiquot_expr = "antiquot_expr";
value antiquot_patt = "antiquot_patt";
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/
index 5e2af1a57..8c29bb1de 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Id = struct
value version = "$Id$";
-type camlp4_token = Sig.Camlp4Token.t ==
+type camlp4_token = Sig.camlp4_token ==
[ KEYWORD of string
| SYMBOL of string
| LIDENT of string
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ type camlp4_token = Sig.Camlp4Token.t ==
| STRING of string and string
| LABEL of string
| OPTLABEL of string
- | QUOTATION of Sig.Quotation.t
+ | QUOTATION of Sig.quotation
| ANTIQUOT of string and string
| COMMENT of string
| BLANKS of string
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ module Lexer = Struct.Lexer.Make Token;
module Gram = Struct.Grammar.Static.Make Lexer;
module DynLoader = Struct.DynLoader;
module Quotation = Struct.Quotation.Make Ast;
-module Syntax = OCamlInitSyntax.Make Warning Ast Gram Quotation;
+module MakeSyntax (U : sig end) = OCamlInitSyntax.Make Warning Ast Gram Quotation;
+module Syntax = MakeSyntax (struct end);
module AstFilters = Struct.AstFilters.Make Ast;
module MakeGram = Struct.Grammar.Static.Make;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/PreCast.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4/PreCast.mli
index 6da6f72e7..fd64e6d19 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/PreCast.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/PreCast.mli
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-type camlp4_token = Sig.Camlp4Token.t ==
+type camlp4_token = Sig.camlp4_token ==
[ KEYWORD of string
| SYMBOL of string
| LIDENT of string
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ type camlp4_token = Sig.Camlp4Token.t ==
| STRING of string and string
| LABEL of string
| OPTLABEL of string
- | QUOTATION of Sig.Quotation.t
+ | QUOTATION of Sig.quotation
| ANTIQUOT of string and string
| COMMENT of string
| BLANKS of string
@@ -40,23 +40,23 @@ type camlp4_token = Sig.Camlp4Token.t ==
| LINE_DIRECTIVE of int and option string
| EOI ];
-module Id : Sig.Id.S;
-module Loc : Sig.Loc.S;
-module Warning : Sig.Warning.S with module Loc = Loc;
-module Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast.S with module Loc = Loc;
-module Token : Sig.Token.S
+module Id : Sig.Id;
+module Loc : Sig.Loc;
+module Warning : Sig.Warning with module Loc = Loc;
+module Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast with module Loc = Loc;
+module Token : Sig.Token
with module Loc = Loc
and type t = camlp4_token;
-module Lexer : Sig.Lexer.S
+module Lexer : Sig.Lexer
with module Loc = Loc
and module Token = Token;
-module Gram : Sig.Grammar.Static.S
+module Gram : Sig.Grammar.Static
with module Loc = Loc
and module Token = Token;
-module Quotation : Sig.Quotation.S with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4Ast.ToAst Ast;
-module DynLoader : Sig.DynLoader.S;
-module AstFilters : Sig.AstFilters.S with module Ast = Ast;
-module Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S
+module Quotation : Sig.Quotation with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst Ast;
+module DynLoader : Sig.DynLoader;
+module AstFilters : Sig.AstFilters with module Ast = Ast;
+module Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax
with module Loc = Loc
and module Warning = Warning
and module Token = Token
@@ -65,13 +65,15 @@ module Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S
and module Quotation = Quotation;
module Printers : sig
- module OCaml : Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4Ast.ToAst Ast;
- module OCamlr : Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4Ast.ToAst Ast;
- (* module OCamlrr : Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4Ast.ToAst Ast; *)
- module DumpOCamlAst : Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4Ast.ToAst Ast;
- module DumpCamlp4Ast : Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4Ast.ToAst Ast;
- module Null : Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4Ast.ToAst Ast;
+ module OCaml : Sig.Printer with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst Ast;
+ module OCamlr : Sig.Printer with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst Ast;
+ (* module OCamlrr : Sig.Printer with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst Ast; *)
+ module DumpOCamlAst : Sig.Printer with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst Ast;
+ module DumpCamlp4Ast : Sig.Printer with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst Ast;
+ module Null : Sig.Printer with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst Ast;
-module MakeGram (Lexer : Sig.Lexer.S with module Loc = Loc)
- : Sig.Grammar.Static.S with module Loc = Loc and module Token = Lexer.Token;
+module MakeGram (Lexer : Sig.Lexer with module Loc = Loc)
+ : Sig.Grammar.Static with module Loc = Loc and module Token = Lexer.Token;
+module MakeSyntax (U : sig end) : Sig.Syntax;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/
index 7ed144f0e..40b597921 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@ module Id = struct
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Syntax.S)
-: Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Syntax.Ast
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Syntax)
+: Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syntax.Ast
= struct
include Syntax;
@@ -41,10 +41,10 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Syntax.S)
value print_interf ?input_file:(_) ?output_file ast =
with_open_out_file output_file
- (dump_ast Config.camlp4_ast_intf_magic_number ast);
+ (dump_ast Camlp4_config.camlp4_ast_intf_magic_number ast);
value print_implem ?input_file:(_) ?output_file ast =
with_open_out_file output_file
- (dump_ast Config.camlp4_ast_impl_magic_number ast);
+ (dump_ast Camlp4_config.camlp4_ast_impl_magic_number ast);
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/DumpCamlp4Ast.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/DumpCamlp4Ast.mli
index 66dd5b3f7..0af1fa1a7 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/DumpCamlp4Ast.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/DumpCamlp4Ast.mli
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* - Nicolas Pouillard: initial version
-module Id : Sig.Id.S;
+module Id : Sig.Id;
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Syntax.S) : Sig.Printer.S
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Syntax) : Sig.Printer
with module Ast = Syntax.Ast;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/
index bd808f330..ee35d5142 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-module Id : Sig.Id.S = struct
+module Id : Sig.Id = struct
value name = "Camlp4Printers.DumpOCamlAst";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S)
-: Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Syntax.Ast
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax)
+: Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syntax.Ast
= struct
include Syntax;
module Ast2pt = Struct.Camlp4Ast2OCamlAst.Make Ast;
@@ -43,10 +43,10 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S)
value print_interf ?(input_file = "-") ?output_file ast =
let pt = Ast2pt.sig_item ast in
- with_open_out_file output_file (dump_pt Config.ocaml_ast_intf_magic_number input_file pt);
+ with_open_out_file output_file (dump_pt Camlp4_config.ocaml_ast_intf_magic_number input_file pt);
value print_implem ?(input_file = "-") ?output_file ast =
let pt = Ast2pt.str_item ast in
- with_open_out_file output_file (dump_pt Config.ocaml_ast_impl_magic_number input_file pt);
+ with_open_out_file output_file (dump_pt Camlp4_config.ocaml_ast_impl_magic_number input_file pt);
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/DumpOCamlAst.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/DumpOCamlAst.mli
index e4eecbbe8..b97898b19 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/DumpOCamlAst.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/DumpOCamlAst.mli
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* - Nicolas Pouillard: initial version
-module Id : Sig.Id.S;
+module Id : Sig.Id;
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) : Sig.Printer.S
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) : Sig.Printer
with module Ast = Syntax.Ast;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/
index 7852b6ffc..ba66558e6 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ module Id = struct
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Syntax.S) = struct
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Syntax) = struct
include Syntax;
value print_interf ?input_file:(_) ?output_file:(_) _ = ();
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/Null.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/Null.mli
index a3fcbac74..562c2c02f 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/Null.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/Null.mli
@@ -17,6 +17,6 @@
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-module Id : Sig.Id.S;
+module Id : Sig.Id;
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Syntax.S) : Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Syntax.Ast;
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Syntax) : Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syntax.Ast;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/
index 81b92324d..b31c3d010 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ module Id = struct
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) = struct
include Syntax;
value pp = fprintf;
@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
module Lexer = Struct.Lexer.Make Token;
let module M = ErrorHandler.Register Lexer.Error in ();
- open Sig.Camlp4Token;
+ open Sig;
value lexer s =
- Lexer.from_string ~quotations:Config.quotations.val Loc.ghost s;
+ Lexer.from_string ~quotations:Camlp4_config.quotations.val Loc.ghost s;
value lex_string str =
try match lexer str with parser
[: `(tok, _); `(EOI, _) :] -> tok
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
do_print_comments_before loc f s
| [: :] -> () ];
- class printer ?(curry_constr = False) ?(comments = True) () =
+ class printer ?curry_constr:(init_curry_constr = False) ?(comments = True) () =
object (o)
(** pipe means we are under a match case (try, function) *)
@@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
value value_val = "val";
value value_let = "let";
value mode = if comments then `comments else `no_comments;
- value curry_constr = curry_constr;
+ value curry_constr = init_curry_constr;
value var_conversion = False;
method semisep = semisep;
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
| <:expr< if $e1$ then $e2$ else $e3$ >> ->
pp f "@[<hv0>@[<2>if@ %a@]@ @[<2>then@ %a@]@ @[<2>else@ %a@]@]"
o#expr e1 o#under_semi#expr e2 o#under_semi#expr e3
- | <:expr< lazy $e$ >> -> pp f "@[<2>lazy@ %a@]" o#expr e
+ | <:expr< lazy $e$ >> -> pp f "@[<2>lazy@ %a@]" o#simple_expr e
| <:expr< let $rec:r$ $bi$ in $e$ >> ->
match e with
[ <:expr< let $rec:_$ $_$ in $_$ >> ->
@@ -1006,8 +1006,8 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
-module MakeMore (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S)
-: Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Syntax.Ast
+module MakeMore (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax)
+: Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syntax.Ast
= struct
include Make Syntax;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.mli
index 9060e54dc..ba930cf9a 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.mli
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
* - Nicolas Pouillard: initial version
-module Id : Sig.Id.S;
+module Id : Sig.Id;
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) : sig
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) : sig
open Format;
- include Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S
+ include Sig.Camlp4Syntax
with module Loc = Syntax.Loc
and module Warning = Syntax.Warning
and module Token = Syntax.Token
@@ -164,5 +164,5 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) : sig
?input_file: string -> ?output_file: string -> Ast.str_item -> unit;
-module MakeMore (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S)
-: Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Syntax.Ast;
+module MakeMore (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax)
+: Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syntax.Ast;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/
index eaaa96c02..66a089c17 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/
@@ -23,9 +23,9 @@ module Id = struct
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) = struct
include Syntax;
- open Sig.Camlp4Token;
+ open Sig;
module PP_o = OCaml.Make Syntax;
@@ -33,16 +33,16 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
value pp = fprintf;
- class printer ?(curry_constr = True) ?(comments = True) () =
+ class printer ?curry_constr:(init_curry_constr = True) ?(comments = True) () =
object (o)
- inherit PP_o.printer ~curry_constr ~comments () as super;
+ inherit PP_o.printer ~curry_constr:init_curry_constr ~comments () as super;
value semisep = ";";
value andsep : format unit formatter unit = "@]@ @[<2>and@ ";
value value_val = "value";
value value_let = "value";
value mode = if comments then `comments else `no_comments;
- value curry_constr = curry_constr;
+ value curry_constr = init_curry_constr;
value first_match_case = True;
method under_pipe = o;
@@ -122,8 +122,16 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
method ident f i =
let () = o#node f i Ast.loc_of_ident in
match i with
- [ <:ident< $i1$ $i2$ >> -> pp f "%a@ %a" o#ident i1 o#ident i2
- | i -> super#ident f i ];
+ [ <:ident< $i1$ $i2$ >> -> pp f "%a@ %a" o#dot_ident i1 o#dot_ident i2
+ | i -> o#dot_ident f i ];
+ method private dot_ident f i =
+ let () = o#node f i Ast.loc_of_ident in
+ match i with
+ [ <:ident< $i1$.$i2$ >> -> pp f "%a.@,%a" o#dot_ident i1 o#dot_ident i2
+ | <:ident< $anti:s$ >> -> o#anti f s
+ | <:ident< $lid:s$ >> | <:ident< $uid:s$ >> -> o#var f s
+ | i -> pp f "(%a)" o#ident i ];
method patt4 f = fun
[ <:patt< [$_$ :: $_$] >> as p ->
@@ -184,6 +192,8 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
| _ -> pp f " =@ %a" o#ctyp te ];
if cl <> [] then pp f "@ %a" (list o#constrain "@ ") cl else ();
+ | <:ctyp< $t1$ : mutable $t2$ >> ->
+ pp f "@[%a :@ mutable %a@]" o#ctyp t1 o#ctyp t2
| t -> super#ctyp f t ];
method simple_ctyp f t =
@@ -235,6 +245,16 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
match ct with
[ <:class_type< [ $t$ ] -> $ct$ >> ->
pp f "@[<2>[ %a ] ->@ %a@]" o#simple_ctyp t o#class_type ct
+ | <:class_type< $id:i$ >> ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@]" o#ident i
+ | <:class_type< $id:i$ [ $t$ ] >> ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a [@,%a@]@,]" o#ident i o#class_params t
+ (* | <:class_type< virtual $id:i$ >> -> *)
+ | Ast.CtCon _ Ast.BTrue i <:ctyp<>> ->
+ pp f "@[<2>virtual@ %a@]" o#ident i
+ (* | <:class_type< virtual $id:i$ [ $t$ ] >> -> *)
+ | Ast.CtCon _ Ast.BTrue i t ->
+ pp f "@[<2>virtual@ %a@ [@,%a@]@,]" o#ident i o#class_params t
| ct -> super#class_type f ct ];
method class_expr f ce =
@@ -260,8 +280,8 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
-module MakeMore (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S)
-: Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Syntax.Ast
+module MakeMore (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax)
+: Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syntax.Ast
= struct
include Make Syntax;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCamlr.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCamlr.mli
index 5562d06be..c09bf6eb5 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCamlr.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCamlr.mli
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
* - Nicolas Pouillard: initial version
-module Id : Sig.Id.S;
+module Id : Sig.Id;
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) : sig
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) : sig
open Format;
- include Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S
+ include Sig.Camlp4Syntax
with module Loc = Syntax.Loc
and module Warning = Syntax.Warning
and module Token = Syntax.Token
@@ -51,5 +51,5 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) : sig
?input_file: string -> ?output_file: string -> Ast.str_item -> unit;
-module MakeMore (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S)
-: Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Syntax.Ast;
+module MakeMore (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax)
+: Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syntax.Ast;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/
index feff6880a..e491f4c17 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/
@@ -52,27 +52,27 @@ value register_sig_item_printer f = sig_item_printer.val := f;
value register_printer f g =
do { str_item_printer.val := f; sig_item_printer.val := g };
-module Plugin (Id : Sig.Id.S) (Maker : functor (Unit : sig end) -> sig end) = struct
+module Plugin (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : functor (Unit : sig end) -> sig end) = struct
declare_dyn_module (fun _ -> let module M = Maker (struct end) in ());
-module SyntaxExtension (Id : Sig.Id.S) (Maker : Sig.SyntaxExtension.S) = struct
+module SyntaxExtension (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : Sig.SyntaxExtension) = struct
declare_dyn_module (fun _ -> let module M = Maker Syntax in ());
module OCamlSyntaxExtension
- (Id : Sig.Id.S) (Maker : functor (Syn : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) -> Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) =
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : functor (Syn : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) -> Sig.Camlp4Syntax) =
declare_dyn_module (fun _ -> let module M = Maker Syntax in ());
-module SyntaxPlugin (Id : Sig.Id.S) (Maker : functor (Syn : Sig.Syntax.S) -> sig end) = struct
+module SyntaxPlugin (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : functor (Syn : Sig.Syntax) -> sig end) = struct
declare_dyn_module (fun _ -> let module M = Maker Syntax in ());
module Printer
- (Id : Sig.Id.S) (Maker : functor (Syn : Sig.Syntax.S)
- -> Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Syn.Ast) =
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : functor (Syn : Sig.Syntax)
+ -> Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syn.Ast) =
declare_dyn_module (fun _ ->
let module M = Maker Syntax in
@@ -80,8 +80,8 @@ struct
module OCamlPrinter
- (Id : Sig.Id.S) (Maker : functor (Syn : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S)
- -> Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Syn.Ast) =
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : functor (Syn : Sig.Camlp4Syntax)
+ -> Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syn.Ast) =
declare_dyn_module (fun _ ->
let module M = Maker Syntax in
@@ -89,15 +89,15 @@ struct
module OCamlPreCastPrinter
- (Id : Sig.Id.S) (P : Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = PreCast.Ast) =
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (P : Sig.Printer with module Ast = PreCast.Ast) =
declare_dyn_module (fun _ ->
register_printer P.print_implem P.print_interf);
module Parser
- (Id : Sig.Id.S) (Maker : functor (Ast : Sig.Ast.S)
- -> Sig.Parser.S with module Ast = Ast) =
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : functor (Ast : Sig.Ast)
+ -> Sig.Parser with module Ast = Ast) =
declare_dyn_module (fun _ ->
let module M = Maker PreCast.Ast in
@@ -105,8 +105,8 @@ struct
module OCamlParser
- (Id : Sig.Id.S) (Maker : functor (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast.S)
- -> Sig.Parser.S with module Ast = Ast) =
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : functor (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast)
+ -> Sig.Parser with module Ast = Ast) =
declare_dyn_module (fun _ ->
let module M = Maker PreCast.Ast in
@@ -114,14 +114,14 @@ struct
module OCamlPreCastParser
- (Id : Sig.Id.S) (P : Sig.Parser.S with module Ast = PreCast.Ast) =
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (P : Sig.Parser with module Ast = PreCast.Ast) =
declare_dyn_module (fun _ ->
register_parser P.parse_implem P.parse_interf);
module AstFilter
- (Id : Sig.Id.S) (Maker : functor (F : Sig.AstFilters.S) -> sig end) =
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : functor (F : Sig.AstFilters) -> sig end) =
declare_dyn_module (fun _ -> let module M = Maker AstFilters in ());
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Register.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4/Register.mli
index edba1fa72..337ca55d2 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Register.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Register.mli
@@ -18,18 +18,18 @@
module Plugin
- (Id : Sig.Id.S) (Plugin : functor (Unit : sig end) -> sig end) : sig end;
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Plugin : functor (Unit : sig end) -> sig end) : sig end;
module SyntaxPlugin
- (Id : Sig.Id.S) (SyntaxPlugin : functor (Syn : Sig.Syntax.S) -> sig end) :
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (SyntaxPlugin : functor (Syn : Sig.Syntax) -> sig end) :
sig end;
module SyntaxExtension
- (Id : Sig.Id.S) (SyntaxExtension : Sig.SyntaxExtension.S) : sig end;
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (SyntaxExtension : Sig.SyntaxExtension) : sig end;
module OCamlSyntaxExtension
- (Id : Sig.Id.S)
- (SyntaxExtension : functor (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) -> Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S)
+ (Id : Sig.Id)
+ (SyntaxExtension : functor (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) -> Sig.Camlp4Syntax)
: sig end;
(** {6 Registering Parsers} *)
@@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ value register_sig_item_parser : parser_fun PreCast.Ast.sig_item -> unit;
value register_parser : parser_fun PreCast.Ast.str_item -> parser_fun PreCast.Ast.sig_item -> unit;
module Parser
- (Id : Sig.Id.S) (Maker : functor (Ast : Sig.Ast.S) -> Sig.Parser.S with module Ast = Ast) : sig end;
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : functor (Ast : Sig.Ast) -> Sig.Parser with module Ast = Ast) : sig end;
module OCamlParser
- (Id : Sig.Id.S) (Maker : functor (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast.S) -> Sig.Parser.S with module Ast = Ast) : sig end;
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : functor (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast) -> Sig.Parser with module Ast = Ast) : sig end;
module OCamlPreCastParser
- (Id : Sig.Id.S) (Parser : Sig.Parser.S with module Ast = PreCast.Ast) : sig end;
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Parser : Sig.Parser with module Ast = PreCast.Ast) : sig end;
(** {6 Registering Printers} *)
@@ -60,29 +60,29 @@ value register_sig_item_printer : printer_fun PreCast.Ast.sig_item -> unit;
value register_printer : printer_fun PreCast.Ast.str_item -> printer_fun PreCast.Ast.sig_item -> unit;
module Printer
- (Id : Sig.Id.S)
- (Maker : functor (Syn : Sig.Syntax.S) -> Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Syn.Ast) :
+ (Id : Sig.Id)
+ (Maker : functor (Syn : Sig.Syntax) -> Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syn.Ast) :
sig end;
module OCamlPrinter
- (Id : Sig.Id.S)
- (Maker : functor (Syn : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) -> Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Syn.Ast) :
+ (Id : Sig.Id)
+ (Maker : functor (Syn : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) -> Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syn.Ast) :
sig end;
module OCamlPreCastPrinter
- (Id : Sig.Id.S) (Printer : Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = PreCast.Ast) :
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Printer : Sig.Printer with module Ast = PreCast.Ast) :
sig end;
(** {6 Registering Filters} *)
module AstFilter
- (Id : Sig.Id.S) (Maker : functor (F : Sig.AstFilters.S) -> sig end) : sig end;
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : functor (F : Sig.AstFilters) -> sig end) : sig end;
value declare_dyn_module : string -> (unit -> unit) -> unit;
value iter_and_take_callbacks : ((string * (unit -> unit)) -> unit) -> unit;
-module CurrentParser : Sig.Parser.S with module Ast = PreCast.Ast;
-module CurrentPrinter : Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = PreCast.Ast;
+module CurrentParser : Sig.Parser with module Ast = PreCast.Ast;
+module CurrentPrinter : Sig.Printer with module Ast = PreCast.Ast;
value enable_ocaml_printer : unit -> unit;
value enable_ocamlr_printer : unit -> unit;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
index f04b6c8dc..9962d8a19 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
* - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast.S)
-: Sig.AstFilters.S with module Ast = Ast
+module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast)
+: Sig.AstFilters with module Ast = Ast
= struct
module Ast = Ast;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.mlast
index 529e5ff92..95bccdb5c 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.mlast
@@ -17,13 +17,13 @@
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc.S)
-: Sig.Camlp4Ast.S with module Loc = Loc
+module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc)
+: Sig.Camlp4Ast with module Loc = Loc
= struct
module Loc = Loc;
module Ast = struct
- include Sig.Camlp4Ast.Make Loc;
+ include Sig.MakeCamlp4Ast Loc;
value safe_string_escaped s =
if String.length s > 2 && s.[0] = '\\' && s.[1] = '$' then s
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc.S)
| <:expr< $_$ >> -> error () ] in
[ <:expr< $id:i$ >> -> i
- | <:expr@_loc< $e1$ $e2$ >> -> error ()
+ | <:expr< $_$ $_$ >> -> error ()
| t -> self t ];
value ident_of_ctyp =
@@ -391,7 +391,7 @@ module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc.S)
[ <:binding< $b1$ and $b2$ >> -> pel_of_binding b1 @ pel_of_binding b2
| <:binding< $p$ = $e$ >> -> [(p, e)]
| <:binding< $b1$ ; $b2$ >> -> pel_of_binding b1 @ pel_of_binding b2
- | t -> assert False ];
+ | _ -> assert False ];
value rec list_of_binding x acc =
match x with
@@ -495,4 +495,7 @@ module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc.S)
-#use "Camlp4/Struct/";
+module Camlp4Trash = struct
+(* #use "camlp4/Camlp4/"; *)
+ INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/";
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
index a34fd04cb..02b894e79 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
(* $Id$ *)
-module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast.S) = struct
+module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast) = struct
open Format;
open Parsetree;
open Longident;
@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@ module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast.S) = struct
open Ast;
value constructors_arity () =
- debug ast2pt "constructors_arity: %b@." Config.constructors_arity.val in
- Config.constructors_arity.val;
+ debug ast2pt "constructors_arity: %b@." Camlp4_config.constructors_arity.val in
+ Camlp4_config.constructors_arity.val;
value error loc str = Loc.raise loc (Failure str);
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast.S) = struct
value array_function str name =
- ldot (lident str) (if Config.unsafe.val then "unsafe_" ^ name else name)
+ ldot (lident str) (if Camlp4_config.unsafe.val then "unsafe_" ^ name else name)
value mkrf =
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast2OCamlAst.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast2OCamlAst.mli
index c9bd4a0d7..bd3c56039 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast2OCamlAst.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast2OCamlAst.mli
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
(* $Id$ *)
-module Make (Camlp4Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast.S) : sig
+module Make (Camlp4Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast) : sig
open Camlp4Ast;
(** {6 Useful functions} *)
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
index 03c4af187..0374ae282 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
(** This module is suppose to contain nils elimination. *)
-module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast.S) = struct
+module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast) = struct
class clean_ast = object (self)
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
index e7484fba9..5867df408 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-module Make (Token : Sig.Camlp4Token.S) = struct
+module Make (Token : Sig.Camlp4Token) = struct
open Token;
type t = (Stream.t (string * Loc.t) * Queue.t (string * Loc.t));
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module Make (Token : Sig.Camlp4Token.S) = struct
value filter (_, q) =
let rec self =
- [ [: ` (Sig.Camlp4Token.COMMENT x, loc); xs :] ->
+ [ [: ` (Sig.COMMENT x, loc); xs :] ->
do { Queue.add (x, loc) q;
debug comments "add: %S at %a@\n" x Loc.dump loc in
self xs }
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/CommentFilter.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/CommentFilter.mli
index ebd3762d8..c1789c6c3 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/CommentFilter.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/CommentFilter.mli
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-module Make (Token : Sig.Camlp4Token.S) : sig
+module Make (Token : Sig.Camlp4Token) : sig
open Token;
type t = 'abstract;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
index a57f2eca9..715a0d764 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
@@ -31,8 +31,13 @@ value fold_load_path x f acc = Queue.fold (fun x y -> f y x) acc x;
value mk ?(ocaml_stdlib = True) ?(camlp4_stdlib = True) () =
let q = Queue.create () in do {
- if ocaml_stdlib then include_dir q Config.ocaml_standard_library else ();
- if camlp4_stdlib then include_dir q Config.camlp4_standard_library else ();
+ if ocaml_stdlib then include_dir q Camlp4_config.ocaml_standard_library else ();
+ if camlp4_stdlib then do {
+ include_dir q Camlp4_config.camlp4_standard_library;
+ include_dir q (Filename.concat Camlp4_config.camlp4_standard_library "Camlp4Parsers");
+ include_dir q (Filename.concat Camlp4_config.camlp4_standard_library "Camlp4Printers");
+ include_dir q (Filename.concat Camlp4_config.camlp4_standard_library "Camlp4Filters");
+ } else ();
include_dir q ".";
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/DynLoader.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/DynLoader.mli
index 578d32f2d..292b705b5 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/DynLoader.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/DynLoader.mli
@@ -17,4 +17,4 @@
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-include Sig.DynLoader.S;
+include Sig.DynLoader;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/EmptyError.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/EmptyError.mli
index 93f885638..9d216623a 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/EmptyError.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/EmptyError.mli
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@
* - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-include Sig.Error.S; \ No newline at end of file
+include Sig.Error; \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
index f69636272..2cde4dde7 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* - Nicolas Pouillard: initial version
-module Make (Ast : Sig.Ast.S) = struct
+module Make (Ast : Sig.Ast) = struct
module Ast = Ast;
value print_interf ?input_file:(_) ?output_file:(_) _ = failwith "No interface printer";
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/EmptyPrinter.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/EmptyPrinter.mli
index 17b96e1bc..186d93015 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/EmptyPrinter.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/EmptyPrinter.mli
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@
* - Nicolas Pouillard: initial version
-module Make (Ast : Sig.Ast.S) : Sig.Printer.S with module Ast = Ast;
+module Make (Ast : Sig.Ast) : Sig.Printer with module Ast = Ast;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
index efdeea2d2..ffeae02fa 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
* - Nicolas Pouillard: initial version
-module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast.S) = struct
+module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast) = struct
module S = Set.Make String;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/FreeVars.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/FreeVars.mli
index f0d921e07..aac72db05 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/FreeVars.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/FreeVars.mli
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
* - Nicolas Pouillard: initial version
-module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast.S) : sig
+module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast) : sig
module S : Set.S with type elt = string;
value fold_binding_vars : (string -> 'accu -> 'accu) -> Ast.binding -> 'accu -> 'accu;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
index 73d1a2f0c..fbd24134d 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
@@ -18,10 +18,10 @@
module type S = sig
- module Token : Sig.Token.S;
+ module Token : Sig.Token;
open Token;
type t = 'abstract;
- value mk : Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t) -> t;
+ value call_with_ctx : Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t) -> (t -> 'a) -> 'a;
value loc_bp : t -> Loc.t;
value loc_ep : t -> Loc.t;
value stream : t -> Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t);
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module type S = sig
value bp : Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t) -> Loc.t;
-module Make (Token : Sig.Token.S) : S with module Token = Token = struct
+module Make (Token : Sig.Token) : S with module Token = Token = struct
module Token = Token;
open Token;
@@ -79,4 +79,12 @@ module Make (Token : Sig.Token.S) : S with module Token = Token = struct
do { set_loc (List.assq strm streams.val); Stream.junk strm };
value bp strm = loc_bp (List.assq strm streams.val);
+ value call_with_ctx strm f =
+ let streams_v = streams.val in
+ let r =
+ try f (mk strm) with exc -> do { streams.val := streams_v; raise exc }
+ in
+ do { streams.val := streams_v; r }
+ ;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
index b4f5acf75..49a45002e 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
* - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
module Tools = Tools.Make Structure;
module Parser = Parser.Make Structure;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
index f024325b2..09b439706 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
* - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-module Make (Lexer : Sig.Lexer.S)
-: Sig.Grammar.Dynamic.S with module Loc = Lexer.Loc
+module Make (Lexer : Sig.Lexer)
+: Sig.Grammar.Dynamic with module Loc = Lexer.Loc
and module Token = Lexer.Token
= struct
module Structure = Structure.Make Lexer;
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ module Make (Lexer : Sig.Lexer.S)
gfilter = (Hashtbl.mem gkeywords);
glexer = ();
warning_verbose = ref True; (* FIXME *)
- error_verbose = Config.verbose
+ error_verbose = Camlp4_config.verbose
value get_filter g = g.gfilter;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
index 18610eb97..8402672b8 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
* - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
module Dump = Print.MakeDump Structure;
module Print = Print.Make Structure;
@@ -40,13 +41,14 @@ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
edesc = Dlevels [] };
value action_parse entry ts : Action.t =
- let c = ts in
- try entry.estart 0 c ( c) with
- [ Stream.Failure ->
- Loc.raise (Context.loc_ep c)
- (Stream.Error ("illegal begin of " ^ entry.ename))
- | Loc.Exc_located _ _ as exc -> raise exc
- | exc -> Loc.raise (Context.loc_ep c) exc ];
+ Context.call_with_ctx ts
+ (fun c ->
+ try entry.estart 0 c ( c) with
+ [ Stream.Failure ->
+ Loc.raise (Context.loc_ep c)
+ (Stream.Error ("illegal begin of " ^ entry.ename))
+ | Loc.Exc_located _ _ as exc -> raise exc
+ | exc -> Loc.raise (Context.loc_ep c) exc ]);
value lex entry loc cs = entry.egram.glexer loc cs;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
index 2fecbb514..907d3378c 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
* - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
module Tools = Tools.Make Structure;
module Search = Search.Make Structure;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
index 4d8c44c82..e59d86e3c 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
open Format;
module Parse = Parser.Make Structure;
module Fail = Failed.Make Structure;
- open Sig.Grammar.Structure;
+ open Sig.Grammar;
module Stream = struct
include Stream;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
index 4aa846be9..62d8a9727 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+(* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
(* *)
(* Objective Caml *)
@@ -16,12 +17,13 @@
* - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
+module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
module Tools = Tools.Make Structure;
module Parser = Parser.Make Structure;
open Structure;
open Format;
- open Sig.Grammar.Structure;
+ open Sig.Grammar;
value is_before s1 s2 =
match (s1, s2) with
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
index 5231610a7..1934dc69c 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
@@ -16,12 +16,13 @@
* - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
module Tools = Tools.Make Structure;
module Failed = Failed.Make Structure;
module Print = Print.Make Structure;
open Structure;
- open Sig.Grammar.Structure;
+ open Sig.Grammar;
module Stream = struct
include Stream;
@@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
value add_loc c bp parse_fun strm =
- let x = parse_fun strm in
+ let x = parse_fun c strm in
let ep = Context.loc_ep c in
let loc = Loc.merge bp ep in
(x, loc);
@@ -87,11 +88,11 @@ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
value do_recover parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn loc a s c son =
- [ [: a = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn c (top_tree entry son) :] -> a
+ [ [: a = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn (top_tree entry son) c :] -> a
| [: a = skip_if_empty c loc (parser []) :] -> a
| [: a =
continue entry loc a s c son
- (parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn c son) :] ->
+ (parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn son c) :] ->
a ]
@@ -110,17 +111,19 @@ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
do_recover parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn loc a s c son strm
- value rec parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn c =
+ value rec parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn =
- [ DeadEnd -> parser []
- | LocAct act _ -> parser [: :] -> act
+ [ DeadEnd -> fun _ -> parser []
+ | LocAct act _ -> fun _ -> parser [: :] -> act
| Node {node = Sself; son = LocAct act _; brother = DeadEnd} ->
- parser [: a = entry.estart alevn c :] -> Action.getf act a
+ fun c ->
+ parser [: a = entry.estart alevn c :] -> Action.getf act a
| Node {node = Sself; son = LocAct act _; brother = bro} ->
- let p2 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn c bro in
- parser
- [ [: a = entry.estart alevn c :] -> Action.getf act a
- | [: a = p2 :] -> a ]
+ let p2 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn bro in
+ fun c ->
+ parser
+ [ [: a = entry.estart alevn c :] -> Action.getf act a
+ | [: a = p2 c :] -> a ]
| Node {node = s; son = son; brother = DeadEnd} ->
let tokl =
match s with
@@ -129,14 +132,15 @@ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
match tokl with
[ None ->
- let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn c s in
- let p1 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn c son in
- let p1 = parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn s c son in
- parser bp [: a = ps; act = p1 bp a :] -> Action.getf act a
+ let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn s in
+ let p1 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn son in
+ let p1 = parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn s son in
+ fun c ->
+ parser bp [: a = ps c; act = p1 c bp a :] -> Action.getf act a
| Some (tokl, last_tok, son) ->
- let p1 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn c son in
- let p1 = parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn last_tok c son in
- parser_of_token_list p1 tokl c ]
+ let p1 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn son in
+ let p1 = parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn last_tok son in
+ parser_of_token_list p1 tokl ]
| Node {node = s; son = son; brother = bro} ->
let tokl =
match s with
@@ -145,146 +149,163 @@ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
match tokl with
[ None ->
- let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn c s in
- let p1 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn c son in
- let p1 = parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn s c son in
- let p2 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn c bro in
- parser bp
- [ [: a = ps; act = p1 bp a :] -> Action.getf act a
- | [: a = p2 :] -> a ]
+ let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn s in
+ let p1 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn son in
+ let p1 = parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn s son in
+ let p2 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn bro in
+ fun c ->
+ parser bp
+ [ [: a = ps c; act = p1 c bp a :] -> Action.getf act a
+ | [: a = p2 c :] -> a ]
| Some (tokl, last_tok, son) ->
- let p1 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn c son in
- let p1 = parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn last_tok c son in
- let p1 = parser_of_token_list p1 tokl c in
- let p2 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn c bro in
- parser
- [ [: a = p1 :] -> a
- | [: a = p2 :] -> a ] ] ]
- and parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn s c son loc a =
+ let p1 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn son in
+ let p1 = parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn last_tok son in
+ let p1 = parser_of_token_list p1 tokl in
+ let p2 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn bro in
+ fun c ->
+ parser
+ [ [: a = p1 c :] -> a
+ | [: a = p2 c :] -> a ] ] ]
+ and parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn s son c loc a =
- [ [: a = p1 :] -> a
+ [ [: a = p1 c :] -> a
| [: a = recover parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn loc a s c son :] -> a
| [: :] -> raise (Stream.Error (Failed.tree_failed entry a s son)) ]
- and parser_of_token_list p1 tokl c =
+ and parser_of_token_list p1 tokl =
loop 1 tokl where rec loop n =
[ [Stoken (tematch, _) :: tokl] ->
match tokl with
[ [] ->
- let ps _ =
+ let ps c _ =
match Context.peek_nth c n with
[ Some (tok, _) when tematch tok -> do { Context.njunk c n; tok }
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure ]
- in parser bp [: a = ps; act = p1 bp a :] -> Action.getf act a
+ in
+ fun c ->
+ parser bp [: a = ps c; act = p1 c bp a :] -> Action.getf act a
| _ ->
- let ps _ =
+ let ps c _ =
match Context.peek_nth c n with
[ Some (tok, _) when tematch tok -> tok
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure ]
let p1 = loop (n + 1) tokl in
- parser [: tok = ps; s :] -> let act = p1 s in Action.getf act tok ]
+ fun c ->
+ parser [: tok = ps c; s :] ->
+ let act = p1 c s in Action.getf act tok ]
| [Skeyword kwd :: tokl] ->
match tokl with
[ [] ->
- let ps _ =
+ let ps c _ =
match Context.peek_nth c n with
[ Some (tok, _) when Token.match_keyword kwd tok ->
do { Context.njunk c n; tok }
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure ]
- in parser bp [: a = ps; act = p1 bp a :] -> Action.getf act a
+ in
+ fun c ->
+ parser bp [: a = ps c; act = p1 c bp a :] -> Action.getf act a
| _ ->
- let ps _ =
+ let ps c _ =
match Context.peek_nth c n with
[ Some (tok, _) when Token.match_keyword kwd tok -> tok
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure ]
let p1 = loop (n + 1) tokl in
- parser
- [: tok = ps; s :] ->
- let act = p1 s in Action.getf act tok ]
+ fun c ->
+ parser [: tok = ps c; s :] ->
+ let act = p1 c s in Action.getf act tok ]
| _ -> invalid_arg "parser_of_token_list" ]
- and parser_of_symbol entry nlevn c =
+ and parser_of_symbol entry nlevn =
[ Smeta _ symbl act ->
let act = Obj.magic act entry symbl in
- Obj.magic
- (List.fold_left
- (fun act symb -> Obj.magic act (parser_of_symbol entry nlevn c symb))
- act symbl)
+ let pl = (parser_of_symbol entry nlevn) symbl in
+ fun c ->
+ Obj.magic (List.fold_left (fun act p -> Obj.magic act (p c)) act pl)
| Slist0 s ->
- let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn c s in
- let rec loop al =
+ let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn s in
+ let rec loop c al =
- [ [: a = ps; s :] -> loop [a :: al] s
+ [ [: a = ps c; s :] -> loop c [a :: al] s
| [: :] -> al ]
- parser [: a = loop [] :] -> (List.rev a)
+ fun c -> parser [: a = loop c [] :] -> (List.rev a)
| Slist0sep symb sep ->
- let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn c symb in
- let pt = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn c sep in
- let rec kont al =
+ let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn symb in
+ let pt = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn sep in
+ let rec kont c al =
- [ [: v = pt; a = ps ?? Failed.symb_failed entry v sep symb; s :] ->
- kont [a :: al] s
+ [ [: v = pt c; a = ps c ?? Failed.symb_failed entry v sep symb;
+ s :] ->
+ kont c [a :: al] s
| [: :] -> al ]
- parser
- [ [: a = ps; s :] -> (List.rev (kont [a] s))
- | [: :] -> [] ]
+ fun c ->
+ parser
+ [ [: a = ps c; s :] -> (List.rev (kont c [a] s))
+ | [: :] -> [] ]
| Slist1 s ->
- let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn c s in
- let rec loop al =
+ let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn s in
+ let rec loop c al =
- [ [: a = ps; s :] -> loop [a :: al] s
+ [ [: a = ps c; s :] -> loop c [a :: al] s
| [: :] -> al ]
- parser [: a = ps; s :] -> (List.rev (loop [a] s))
+ fun c ->
+ parser [: a = ps c; s :] -> (List.rev (loop c [a] s))
| Slist1sep symb sep ->
- let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn c symb in
- let pt = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn c sep in
- let rec kont al =
+ let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn symb in
+ let pt = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn sep in
+ let rec kont c al =
- [ [: v = pt;
+ [ [: v = pt c;
a =
- [ [: a = ps :] -> a
+ [ [: a = ps c :] -> a
| [: a = parse_top_symb' entry symb c :] -> a
| [: :] ->
raise (Stream.Error (Failed.symb_failed entry v sep symb)) ];
s :] ->
- kont [a :: al] s
+ kont c [a :: al] s
| [: :] -> al ]
- parser [: a = ps; s :] -> (List.rev (kont [a] s))
+ fun c ->
+ parser [: a = ps c; s :] -> (List.rev (kont c [a] s))
| Sopt s ->
- let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn c s in
- parser
- [ [: a = ps :] -> (Some a)
- | [: :] -> None ]
+ let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn s in
+ fun c ->
+ parser
+ [ [: a = ps c :] -> (Some a)
+ | [: :] -> None ]
| Stree t ->
- let pt = parser_of_tree entry 1 0 c t in
- parser bp [: (act, loc) = add_loc c bp pt :] -> Action.getf act loc
- | Snterm e -> parser [: a = e.estart 0 c :] -> a
- | Snterml e l -> parser [: a = e.estart (level_number e l) c :] -> a
- | Sself -> parser [: a = entry.estart 0 c :] -> a
- | Snext -> parser [: a = entry.estart nlevn c :] -> a
+ let pt = parser_of_tree entry 1 0 t in
+ fun c ->
+ parser bp [: (act, loc) = add_loc c bp pt :] ->
+ Action.getf act loc
+ | Snterm e -> fun c -> parser [: a = e.estart 0 c :] -> a
+ | Snterml e l ->
+ fun c -> parser [: a = e.estart (level_number e l) c :] -> a
+ | Sself -> fun c -> parser [: a = entry.estart 0 c :] -> a
+ | Snext -> fun c -> parser [: a = entry.estart nlevn c :] -> a
| Skeyword kwd ->
- parser
- [: `(tok, _) when Token.match_keyword kwd tok :] -> tok
- | Stoken (f, _) -> parser [: `(tok, _) when f tok :] -> tok ]
+ fun _ ->
+ parser
+ [: `(tok, _) when Token.match_keyword kwd tok :] -> tok
+ | Stoken (f, _) ->
+ fun _ -> parser [: `(tok, _) when f tok :] -> tok ]
and parse_top_symb' entry symb c =
- parser_of_symbol entry 0 c (top_symb entry symb)
+ parser_of_symbol entry 0 (top_symb entry symb) c
and parse_top_symb entry symb =
fun strm ->
- let c = strm
- in parse_top_symb' entry symb c ( c);
+ Context.call_with_ctx strm
+ (fun c -> parse_top_symb' entry symb c ( c));
- value rec start_parser_of_levels entry clevn c =
+ value rec start_parser_of_levels entry clevn =
- [ [] -> fun _ -> parser []
+ [ [] -> fun _ _ -> parser []
| [lev :: levs] ->
- let p1 = start_parser_of_levels entry (succ clevn) c levs in
+ let p1 = start_parser_of_levels entry (succ clevn) levs in
match lev.lprefix with
[ DeadEnd -> p1
| tree ->
@@ -293,38 +314,37 @@ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
[ LeftA | NonA -> succ clevn
| RightA -> clevn ]
- let p2 = parser_of_tree entry (succ clevn) alevn c tree in
+ let p2 = parser_of_tree entry (succ clevn) alevn tree in
match levs with
[ [] ->
- fun levn ->
+ fun levn c ->
parser bp
[: (act, loc) = add_loc c bp p2; strm :] ->
let a = Action.getf act loc in
entry.econtinue levn loc a c strm
| _ ->
- fun levn strm ->
- if levn > clevn then p1 levn strm
+ fun levn c strm ->
+ if levn > clevn then p1 levn c strm
match strm with parser bp
[ [: (act, loc) = add_loc c bp p2 :] ->
let a = Action.getf act loc in
entry.econtinue levn loc a c strm
- | [: act = p1 levn :] -> act ] ] ] ]
+ | [: act = p1 levn c :] -> act ] ] ] ]
value start_parser_of_entry entry =
debug gram "start_parser_of_entry: @[<2>%a@]@." Print.entry entry in
match entry.edesc with
[ Dlevels [] -> Tools.empty_entry entry.ename
- | Dlevels elev -> fun levn c ->
- start_parser_of_levels entry 0 c elev levn
+ | Dlevels elev -> start_parser_of_levels entry 0 elev
| Dparser p -> fun _ _ strm -> p strm ]
- value rec continue_parser_of_levels entry clevn c =
+ value rec continue_parser_of_levels entry clevn =
- [ [] -> fun _ _ _ -> parser []
+ [ [] -> fun _ _ _ _ -> parser []
| [lev :: levs] ->
- let p1 = continue_parser_of_levels entry (succ clevn) c levs in
+ let p1 = continue_parser_of_levels entry (succ clevn) levs in
match lev.lsuffix with
[ DeadEnd -> p1
| tree ->
@@ -333,12 +353,12 @@ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
[ LeftA | NonA -> succ clevn
| RightA -> clevn ]
- let p2 = parser_of_tree entry (succ clevn) alevn c tree in
- fun levn bp a strm ->
- if levn > clevn then p1 levn bp a strm
+ let p2 = parser_of_tree entry (succ clevn) alevn tree in
+ fun c levn bp a strm ->
+ if levn > clevn then p1 c levn bp a strm
match strm with parser bp
- [ [: act = p1 levn bp a :] -> act
+ [ [: act = p1 c levn bp a :] -> act
| [: (act, loc) = add_loc c bp p2 :] ->
let a = Action.getf2 act a loc in
entry.econtinue levn loc a c strm ] ] ]
@@ -348,10 +368,10 @@ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
debug gram "continue_parser_of_entry: @[<2>%a@]@." Print.entry entry in
match entry.edesc with
[ Dlevels elev ->
- let p = continue_parser_of_levels entry 0 in
+ let p = continue_parser_of_levels entry 0 elev in
fun levn bp a c ->
- [ [: a = p c elev levn bp a :] -> a
+ [ [: a = p c levn bp a :] -> a
| [: :] -> a ]
| Dparser _ -> fun _ _ _ _ -> parser [] ]
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
index c55b936bb..dadf4aed2 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
@@ -16,10 +16,11 @@
* - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
module Make (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
open Structure;
open Format;
- open Sig.Grammar.Structure;
+ open Sig.Grammar;
value rec flatten_tree =
@@ -134,7 +135,7 @@ end;
module MakeDump (Structure : Structure.S) = struct
open Structure;
open Format;
- open Sig.Grammar.Structure;
+ open Sig.Grammar;
type brothers = [ Bro of symbol and list brothers ];
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
index 60651a47c..b20eed779 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
@@ -16,8 +16,8 @@
* - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-module Make (Lexer : Sig.Lexer.S)
-: Sig.Grammar.Static.S with module Loc = Lexer.Loc
+module Make (Lexer : Sig.Lexer)
+: Sig.Grammar.Static with module Loc = Lexer.Loc
and module Token = Lexer.Token
= struct
module Structure = Structure.Make Lexer;
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module Make (Lexer : Sig.Lexer.S)
gfilter = (Hashtbl.mem gkeywords);
glexer = ();
warning_verbose = ref True; (* FIXME *)
- error_verbose = Config.verbose
+ error_verbose = Camlp4_config.verbose
module Entry = struct
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
index 278da4079..12023b7d1 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/
@@ -16,15 +16,17 @@
* - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-open Sig.Grammar.Structure;
+open Sig.Grammar;
module type S = sig
- module Loc : Sig.Loc.S;
- module Token : Sig.Token.S with module Loc = Loc;
- module Lexer : Sig.Lexer.S
+ module Loc : Sig.Loc;
+ module Token : Sig.Token with module Loc = Loc;
+ module Lexer : Sig.Lexer
with module Loc = Loc
and module Token = Token;
module Context : Context.S with module Token = Token;
- module Action : Sig.Grammar.Action.S;
+ module Action : Sig.Grammar.Action;
type gram =
{ gfilter : Token.Filter.t;
@@ -97,10 +99,10 @@ module type S = sig
value removing : gram -> string -> unit;
-module Make (Lexer : Sig.Lexer.S) = struct
+module Make (Lexer : Sig.Lexer) = struct
module Loc = Lexer.Loc;
module Token = Lexer.Token;
- module Action : Sig.Grammar.Action.S = struct
+ module Action : Sig.Grammar.Action = struct
type t = Obj.t ;
value mk = Obj.repr;
value get = Obj.obj ;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Lexer.mll b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Lexer.mll
index 3aa381a63..87cb362ae 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Lexer.mll
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Lexer.mll
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
(** A lexical analyzer. *)
-(* FIXME interface module Make (Token : Token.S) |+ Note that this Token sig is not in Sig +| *)
+(* FIXME interface module Make (Token : Token) |+ Note that this Token sig is not in Sig +| *)
(* : Sig.Lexer. S with module Loc = Token.Loc and module Token = Token; *)
(* type context =
@@ -48,14 +48,13 @@ value mk' : context -> Stream.t char -> Stream.t (Token.t * Loc.t);
module TokenEval = Token.Eval
-module Make (Token : Sig.Camlp4Token.S)
+module Make (Token : Sig.Camlp4Token)
= struct
module Loc = Token.Loc
module Token = Token
open Lexing
- open Sig.Camlp4Token
- open Sig.Quotation
+ open Sig
(* Error report *)
module Error = struct
@@ -428,6 +427,6 @@ module Make (Token : Sig.Camlp4Token.S)
from_lexbuf ?quotations lb
let mk () loc strm =
- from_stream ~quotations:!Config.quotations loc strm
+ from_stream ~quotations:!Camlp4_config.quotations loc strm
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Loc.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Loc.mli
index d1a92ce0f..e90161938 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Loc.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Loc.mli
@@ -16,4 +16,4 @@
* - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-include Sig.Loc.S;
+include Sig.Loc;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
index 2d1086ea4..b27f53c30 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
@@ -21,13 +21,13 @@
(* $Id$ *)
-module Make (Ast : Sig.Ast.S)
-: Sig.Quotation.S with module Ast = Ast
+module Make (Ast : Sig.Ast)
+: Sig.Quotation with module Ast = Ast
= struct
module Ast = Ast;
module Loc = Ast.Loc;
open Format;
- open Sig.Quotation;
+ open Sig;
type expand_fun 'a = Loc.t -> option string -> string -> 'a;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
index 0cbf78420..7037888a1 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
@@ -18,13 +18,12 @@
open Format;
-module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc.S)
-: Sig.Camlp4Token.S with module Loc = Loc
+module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc)
+: Sig.Camlp4Token with module Loc = Loc
= struct
module Loc = Loc;
- open Sig.Quotation;
- open Sig.Camlp4Token;
- type t = Sig.Camlp4Token.t;
+ open Sig;
+ type t = camlp4_token;
type token = t;
value to_string =
@@ -97,7 +96,7 @@ module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc.S)
let module M = ErrorHandler.Register Error in ();
module Filter = struct
- type token_filter = Sig.Token.stream_filter t Loc.t;
+ type token_filter = stream_filter t Loc.t;
type t =
{ is_kwd : string -> bool;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Token.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Token.mli
index 5c7c248e6..812df0e00 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Token.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Token.mli
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc.S) : Sig.Camlp4Token.S with module Loc = Loc;
+module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc) : Sig.Camlp4Token with module Loc = Loc;
module Eval : sig
value char : string -> char;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
index 369670338..dbb04008e 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
* - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc.S) : Sig.Warning.S with module Loc = Loc = struct
+module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc) : Sig.Warning with module Loc = Loc = struct
module Loc = Loc;
open Format;
type t = Loc.t -> string -> unit;
diff --git a/camlp4/ b/camlp4/
index ef555dd55..09895020b 100644
--- a/camlp4/
+++ b/camlp4/
@@ -27,17 +27,17 @@ open Format;
module CleanAst = Camlp4.Struct.CleanAst.Make Ast;
module SSet = Set.Make String;
-value pa_r = "Camlp4Parsers.OCamlr";
-(* value pa_rr = "Camlp4Parsers.OCamlrr"; *)
-value pa_o = "Camlp4Parsers.OCaml";
-value pa_rp = "Camlp4Parsers.OCamlRevisedParser";
-value pa_op = "Camlp4Parsers.OCamlParser";
-value pa_g = "Camlp4Parsers.Grammar";
-value pa_m = "Camlp4Parsers.Macro";
-value pa_qb = "Camlp4Parsers.OCamlQuotationBase";
-value pa_q = "Camlp4Parsers.OCamlQuotation";
-value pa_rq = "Camlp4Parsers.OCamlRevisedQuotation";
-value pa_oq = "Camlp4Parsers.OCamlOriginalQuotation";
+value pa_r = "Camlp4OCamlRevisedParser";
+(* value pa_rr = "Camlp4OCamlrrParser"; *)
+value pa_o = "Camlp4OCamlParser";
+value pa_rp = "Camlp4OCamlRevisedParserParser";
+value pa_op = "Camlp4OCamlParserParser";
+value pa_g = "Camlp4GrammarParser";
+value pa_m = "Camlp4MacroParser";
+value pa_qb = "Camlp4QuotationCommon";
+value pa_q = "Camlp4QuotationExpander";
+value pa_rq = "Camlp4OCamlRevisedQuotationExpander";
+value pa_oq = "Camlp4OCamlOriginalQuotationExpander";
value dyn_loader = ref (fun []);
value rcall_callback = ref (fun () -> ());
@@ -45,15 +45,6 @@ value loaded_modules = ref SSet.empty;
value add_to_loaded_modules name =
loaded_modules.val := SSet.add name loaded_modules.val;
-value file_of_module_name n =
- let s = String.copy n in
- let rec self pos =
- try do {
- let pos = String.index_from s pos '.';
- s.[pos] := '/';
- } with [ Not_found -> () ]
- in do { self 0; s ^ ".cmo" };
value rewrite_and_load n x =
let dyn_loader = dyn_loader.val () in
let find_in_path = DynLoader.find_in_path dyn_loader in
@@ -65,35 +56,43 @@ value rewrite_and_load n x =
if SSet.mem n loaded_modules.val then ()
else do {
add_to_loaded_modules n;
- DynLoader.load dyn_loader (file_of_module_name n);
+ DynLoader.load dyn_loader (n ^ ".cmo");
}) in
do {
- match (n, x) with
- [ ("Parsers"|"", "pa_r.cmo" | "r" | "OCamlr") -> load [pa_r]
+ match (n, String.lowercase x) with
+ [ ("Parsers"|"", "pa_r.cmo" | "r" | "ocamlr" | "ocamlrevised" | "camlp4ocamlrevisedparser.cmo") -> load [pa_r]
(* | ("Parsers"|"", "rr" | "OCamlrr") -> load [pa_r; pa_rr] *)
- | ("Parsers"|"", "pa_o.cmo" | "o" | "OCaml") -> load [pa_r; pa_o]
- | ("Parsers"|"", "pa_rp.cmo" | "rp" | "OCamlRevisedParser") -> load [pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp]
- | ("Parsers"|"", "pa_op.cmo" | "op" | "OCamlParser") -> load [pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op]
- | ("Parsers"|"", "pa_extend.cmo" | "pa_extend_m.cmo" | "g" | "Grammar") -> load [pa_r; pa_g]
- | ("Parsers"|"", "pa_macro.cmo" | "m" | "Macro") -> load [pa_r; pa_m]
- | ("Parsers"|"", "q" | "OCamlQuotation") -> load [pa_r; pa_qb; pa_q]
- | ("Parsers"|"", "q_MLast.cmo" | "rq" | "OCamlRevisedQuotation") -> load [pa_r; pa_qb; pa_rq]
- | ("Parsers"|"", "oq" | "OCamlOriginalQuotation") -> load [pa_r; pa_o; pa_qb; pa_oq]
+ | ("Parsers"|"", "pa_o.cmo" | "o" | "ocaml" | "camlp4ocamlparser.cmo") -> load [pa_r; pa_o]
+ | ("Parsers"|"", "pa_rp.cmo" | "rp" | "rparser" | "camlp4ocamlrevisedparserparser.cmo") -> load [pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp]
+ | ("Parsers"|"", "pa_op.cmo" | "op" | "parser" | "camlp4ocamlparserparser.cmo") -> load [pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op]
+ | ("Parsers"|"", "pa_extend.cmo" | "pa_extend_m.cmo" | "g" | "grammar" | "camlp4grammarparser.cmo") -> load [pa_r; pa_g]
+ | ("Parsers"|"", "pa_macro.cmo" | "m" | "macro" | "camlp4macroparser.cmo") -> load [pa_r; pa_m]
+ | ("Parsers"|"", "q" | "camlp4quotationexpander.cmo") -> load [pa_r; pa_qb; pa_q]
+ | ("Parsers"|"", "q_MLast.cmo" | "rq" | "camlp4ocamlrevisedquotationexpander.cmo") -> load [pa_r; pa_qb; pa_rq]
+ | ("Parsers"|"", "oq" | "camlp4ocamloriginalquotationexpander.cmo") -> load [pa_r; pa_o; pa_qb; pa_oq]
| ("Parsers"|"", "rf") -> load [pa_r; pa_rp; pa_qb; pa_q; pa_g; pa_m]
| ("Parsers"|"", "of") -> load [pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op; pa_qb; pa_rq; pa_g; pa_m]
- | ("Filters"|"", "l" | "Lift" | "lift") -> load ["Camlp4Filters.LiftCamlp4Ast"]
- | ("Printers"|"", "pr_r.cmo" | "r" | "OCamlr" | "Camlp4Printers/OCamlr.cmo") ->
+ | ("Filters"|"", "lift" | "camlp4astlifter.cmo") -> load ["Camlp4AstLifter"]
+ | ("Filters"|"", "exn" | "camlp4exceptiontracer.cmo") -> load ["Camlp4ExceptionTracer"]
+ | ("Filters"|"", "prof" | "camlp4profiler.cmo") -> load ["Camlp4Profiler"]
+ | ("Filters"|"", "map" | "camlp4mapgenerator.cmo") -> load ["Camlp4MapGenerator"]
+ | ("Filters"|"", "fold" | "camlp4foldgenerator.cmo") -> load ["Camlp4FoldGenerator"]
+ | ("Filters"|"", "meta" | "camlp4metagenerator.cmo") -> load ["Camlp4MetaGenerator"]
+ | ("Filters"|"", "trash" | "camlp4trashremover.cmo") -> load ["Camlp4TrashRemover"]
+ | ("Filters"|"", "striploc" | "camlp4locationstripper.cmo") -> load ["Camlp4LocationStripper"]
+ | ("Filters"|"", "tracer" | "camlp4tracer.cmo") -> load ["Camlp4Tracer"]
+ | ("Printers"|"", "pr_r.cmo" | "r" | "ocamlr" | "camlp4ocamlrevisedprinter.cmo") ->
Register.enable_ocamlr_printer ()
(* | ("Printers"|"", "rr" | "OCamlrr" | "Camlp4Printers/OCamlrr.cmo") -> *)
(* Register.enable_ocamlrr_printer () *)
- | ("Printers"|"", "pr_o.cmo" | "o" | "OCaml" | "Camlp4Printers/OCaml.cmo") ->
+ | ("Printers"|"", "pr_o.cmo" | "o" | "ocaml" | "camlp4ocamlprinter.cmo") ->
Register.enable_ocaml_printer ()
- | ("Printers"|"", "pr_dump.cmo" | "p" | "DumpOCamlAst" | "Camlp4Printers/DumpOCamlAst.cmo") ->
+ | ("Printers"|"", "pr_dump.cmo" | "p" | "dumpocaml" | "camlp4ocamlastdumper.cmo") ->
Register.enable_dump_ocaml_ast_printer ()
- | ("Printers"|"", "d" | "DumpCamlp4Ast" | "Camlp4Printers/DumpCamlp4Ast.cmo") ->
+ | ("Printers"|"", "d" | "dumpcamlp4" | "camlp4astdumper.cmo") ->
Register.enable_dump_camlp4_ast_printer ()
- | ("Printers"|"", "a" | "Auto" | "Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmo") ->
- load ["Camlp4Printers.Auto"]
+ | ("Printers"|"", "a" | "auto" | "camlp4autoprinter.cmo") ->
+ load ["Camlp4AutoPrinter"]
| _ ->
let y = "Camlp4"^n^"/"^x^".cmo" in
real_load (try find_in_path y with [ Not_found -> x ]) ];
@@ -157,13 +156,13 @@ value process_impl dyn_loader name =
AstFilters.fold_implem_filters gimd;
value just_print_the_version () =
- do { printf "%s@." Config.version; exit 0 };
+ do { printf "%s@." Camlp4_config.version; exit 0 };
value print_version () =
- do { eprintf "Camlp4 version %s@." Config.version; exit 0 };
+ do { eprintf "Camlp4 version %s@." Camlp4_config.version; exit 0 };
value print_stdlib () =
- do { printf "%s@." Config.camlp4_standard_library; exit 0 };
+ do { printf "%s@." Camlp4_config.camlp4_standard_library; exit 0 };
value usage ini_sl ext_sl =
do {
@@ -205,7 +204,7 @@ value print_loaded_modules = ref False;
value (task, do_task) =
let t = ref None in
let task f x =
- let () = Config.current_input_file.val := x in
+ let () = Camlp4_config.current_input_file.val := x in
t.val := Some (if t.val = None then (fun _ -> f x)
else (fun usage -> usage ())) in
let do_task usage = match t.val with [ Some f -> f usage | None -> () ] in
@@ -241,11 +240,11 @@ value initial_spec_list =
"<file> Parse <file> as an implementation, whatever its extension.");
("-str", Arg.String (fun x -> input_file (Str x)),
"<string> Parse <string> as an implementation.");
- ("-unsafe", Arg.Set Config.unsafe,
+ ("-unsafe", Arg.Set Camlp4_config.unsafe,
"Generate unsafe accesses to array and strings.");
("-noassert", Arg.Unit warn_noassert,
"Obsolete, do not use this option.");
- ("-verbose", Arg.Set Config.verbose,
+ ("-verbose", Arg.Set Camlp4_config.verbose,
"More verbose in parsing errors.");
("-loc", Arg.Set_string,
"<name> Name of the location variable (default: " ^ ^ ").");
@@ -257,7 +256,7 @@ value initial_spec_list =
"Print Camlp4 version and exit.");
("-version", Arg.Unit just_print_the_version,
"Print Camlp4 version number and exit.");
- ("-no_quot", Arg.Clear Config.quotations,
+ ("-no_quot", Arg.Clear Camlp4_config.quotations,
"Don't parse quotations, allowing to use, e.g. \"<:>\" as token.");
("-loaded-modules", Arg.Set print_loaded_modules, "Print the list of loaded modules.");
("-parser", Arg.String (rewrite_and_load "Parsers"),
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
index 6299f2ef7..335fbb0e2 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
open Camlp4;
module Id = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Filters.LiftCamlp4Ast";
+ value name = "Camlp4AstLifter";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters.S) = struct
+module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters) = struct
open AstFilters;
module MetaLoc = struct
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
index 21c930162..96fe8c924 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
open Camlp4;
module Id = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Filters.ExceptionTracer";
+ value name = "Camlp4ExceptionTracer";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters.S) = struct
+module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters) = struct
open AstFilters;
open Ast;
@@ -49,14 +49,19 @@ module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters.S) = struct
<:match_case< $map_match_case m1$ | $map_match_case m2$ >>
| <:match_case@_loc< $p$ when $w$ -> $e$ >> ->
<:match_case@_loc< $p$ when $w$ -> $add_debug_expr e$ >>
- | m -> m ]
+ | m -> m ];
- and map_expr =
- fun
+ value filter = object
+ inherit as super;
+ method expr = fun
[ <:expr@_loc< fun [ $m$ ] >> -> <:expr< fun [ $map_match_case m$ ] >>
- | x -> x ];
+ | x -> super#expr x ];
+ method str_item = fun
+ [ <:str_item< module Debug = $_$ >> as st -> st
+ | st -> super#str_item st ];
+ end;
- register_str_item_filter (new Ast.c_expr map_expr)#str_item;
+ register_str_item_filter filter#str_item;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
index 377eeb11a..ad6ed45af 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
open Camlp4;
module Id = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Filters.GenerateFold";
+ value name = "Camlp4FoldGenerator";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters.S) = struct
+module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters) = struct
open AstFilters;
module StringMap = Map.Make String;
open Ast;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
index fc5f0195d..c57e68673 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
open Camlp4;
module Id = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Filters.StripLocations";
+ value name = "Camlp4LocationStripper";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters.S) = struct
+module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters) = struct
open AstFilters;
open Ast;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
index 09dc0159f..2270f52b5 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
open Camlp4;
module Id = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Filters.GenerateMap";
+ value name = "Camlp4MapGenerator";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters.S) = struct
+module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters) = struct
open AstFilters;
module StringMap = Map.Make String;
open Ast;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
index ebc14fc80..a62cc8c99 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-open Camlp4.PreCast;
+open Camlp4;
+open PreCast;
module MapTy = Map.Make String;
type t =
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
index 6ddb4628a..17e7a4c12 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
@@ -20,11 +20,11 @@
open Camlp4;
module Id = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Filters.Profiler";
+ value name = "Camlp4Profiler";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters.S) = struct
+module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters) = struct
open AstFilters;
open Ast;
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters.S) = struct
let _loc = Ast.loc_of_expr e in
let () = Format.bprintf buf "%s @@ %a@?" id Loc.dump _loc in
let s = Buffer.contents buf in
- <:expr< let () = Camlp4Profiler.count $`str:s$ in $e$ >>;
+ <:expr< let () = Camlp4prof.count $`str:s$ in $e$ >>;
value rec decorate_fun id =
let decorate = decorate decorate_fun in
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
index a34461a90..a7cf5ca53 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
@@ -21,11 +21,11 @@
open Camlp4;
module Id = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Filters.Tracer";
+ value name = "Camlp4Tracer";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters.S) = struct
+module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters) = struct
open AstFilters;
open Ast;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
index dfc33132f..b5b1a8622 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
@@ -21,18 +21,18 @@
open Camlp4;
module Id = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Filters.RemoveTrashModule";
+ value name = "Camlp4TrashRemover";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters.S) = struct
+module Make (AstFilters : Camlp4.Sig.AstFilters) = struct
open AstFilters;
open Ast;
(new Ast.c_str_item
- [ <:str_item@_loc< module Camlp4FiltersTrash = $_$ >> ->
+ [ <:str_item@_loc< module Camlp4Trash = $_$ >> ->
| st -> st ]))#str_item;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
index 0672ecb20..2e6d36fde 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
@@ -19,11 +19,11 @@
open Camlp4; (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
module Id = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Parsers.LoadCamlp4Ast";
+ value name = "Camlp4AstLoader";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (Ast : Camlp4.Sig.Ast.S) = struct
+module Make (Ast : Camlp4.Sig.Ast) = struct
module Ast = Ast;
value parse ast_magic ?directive_handler:(_) _loc strm =
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ module Make (Ast : Camlp4.Sig.Ast.S) = struct
open Camlp4.PreCast;
- value parse_implem = parse Config.camlp4_ast_impl_magic_number;
- value parse_interf = parse Config.camlp4_ast_intf_magic_number;
+ value parse_implem = parse Camlp4_config.camlp4_ast_impl_magic_number;
+ value parse_interf = parse Camlp4_config.camlp4_ast_intf_magic_number;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
index 2e8533c75..25a0880be 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ open Camlp4; (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
module Id = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Parsers.Debug";
+ value name = "Camlp4DebugParser";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
- open Sig.Camlp4Token;
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) = struct
+ open Sig;
include Syntax;
module StringSet = Set.Make String;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
index f523eaf2d..8bae3c382 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ open Camlp4; (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
module Id = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Parsers.Grammar";
+ value name = "Camlp4GrammarParser";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
- open Sig.Camlp4Token;
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) = struct
+ open Sig;
include Syntax;
module MetaLoc = Ast.Meta.MetaGhostLoc;
@@ -689,11 +689,11 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
{name = n; pos = pos; levels = ll} ] ]
- [ [ UIDENT "FIRST" -> <:expr< Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Structure.First >>
- | UIDENT "LAST" -> <:expr< Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Structure.Last >>
- | UIDENT "BEFORE"; n = string -> <:expr< Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Structure.Before $n$ >>
- | UIDENT "AFTER"; n = string -> <:expr< Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Structure.After $n$ >>
- | UIDENT "LEVEL"; n = string -> <:expr< Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Structure.Level $n$ >> ] ]
+ [ [ UIDENT "FIRST" -> <:expr< Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.First >>
+ | UIDENT "LAST" -> <:expr< Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Last >>
+ | UIDENT "BEFORE"; n = string -> <:expr< Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Before $n$ >>
+ | UIDENT "AFTER"; n = string -> <:expr< Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.After $n$ >>
+ | UIDENT "LEVEL"; n = string -> <:expr< Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Level $n$ >> ] ]
[ [ "["; ll = LIST0 level SEP "|"; "]" -> ll ] ]
@@ -703,9 +703,9 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
{label = lab; assoc = ass; rules = rules} ] ]
- [ [ UIDENT "LEFTA" -> <:expr< Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Structure.LeftA >>
- | UIDENT "RIGHTA" -> <:expr< Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Structure.RightA >>
- | UIDENT "NONA" -> <:expr< Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Structure.NonA >> ] ]
+ [ [ UIDENT "LEFTA" -> <:expr< Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA >>
+ | UIDENT "RIGHTA" -> <:expr< Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.RightA >>
+ | UIDENT "NONA" -> <:expr< Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.NonA >> ] ]
[ [ "["; "]" -> []
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
index d94b83e14..3015da99c 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ open Camlp4; (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
module Id = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Parsers.Macro";
+ value name = "Camlp4MacroParser";
value version = "$Id$";
@@ -63,10 +63,9 @@ Added statements:
The toplevel statement INCLUDE <string> can be used to include a
- file containing macro definitions; note that files included in such
- a way can not have any non-macro toplevel items. The included files
- are looked up in directories passed in via the -I option, falling
- back to the current directory.
+ file containing macro definitions and also any other toplevel items.
+ The included files are looked up in directories passed in via the -I
+ option, falling back to the current directory.
The expression __FILE__ returns the current compiled file name.
The expression __LOCATION__ returns the current location of itself.
@@ -75,15 +74,15 @@ Added statements:
open Camlp4;
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
- open Sig.Camlp4Token;
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) = struct
+ open Sig;
include Syntax;
type item_or_def 'a =
[ SdStr of 'a
| SdDef of string and option (list string * Ast.expr)
| SdUnd of string
- | SdITE of string and list (item_or_def 'a) and list (item_or_def 'a)
+ | SdITE of string and 'a and 'a
| SdInc of string ];
value rec list_remove x =
@@ -224,9 +223,7 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
in include_dirs.val := include_dirs.val @ [str]
else ();
- value smlist = "smlist";
- value parse_include_file =
+ value parse_include_file rule =
let dir_ok file dir = Sys.file_exists (dir ^ file) in
fun file ->
let file =
@@ -235,61 +232,34 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
let ch = open_in file in
let st = Stream.of_channel ch in
- Gram.parse smlist ( file) st;
- value rec execute_macro = fun
- [ SdStr i -> [i]
- | SdDef x eo -> do { define eo x; [] }
- | SdUnd x -> do { undef x; [] }
- | SdITE i l1 l2 ->
- execute_macro_list (if is_defined i then l1 else l2)
- | SdInc f -> execute_macro_list (parse_include_file f) ]
- and execute_macro_list = fun
- [ [] -> []
- | [hd::tl] -> (* The evaluation order is important here *)
- let il1 = execute_macro hd in
- let il2 = execute_macro_list tl in
- il1 @ il2 ];
+ Gram.parse rule ( file) st;
- GLOBAL: expr patt str_item sig_item smlist;
+ GLOBAL: expr patt str_item sig_item;
str_item: FIRST
- [ [ x = macro_def ->
- match execute_macro x with
- [ [] -> <:str_item<>>
- | [st] -> st
- | [st::stl] ->
- List.fold_right
- (fun st acc -> <:str_item< $st$; $acc$ >>) stl st ]
- ] ]
- ;
- macro_def:
- [ [ "DEFINE"; i = uident; def = opt_macro_value -> SdDef i def
- | "UNDEF"; i = uident -> SdUnd i
- | "IFDEF"; i = uident; "THEN"; dl = smlist; _ = endif ->
- SdITE i dl []
- | "IFDEF"; i = uident; "THEN"; dl1 = smlist; "ELSE";
- dl2 = smlist; _ = endif ->
- SdITE i dl1 dl2
- | "IFNDEF"; i = uident; "THEN"; dl = smlist; _ = endif ->
- SdITE i [] dl
- | "IFNDEF"; i = uident; "THEN"; dl1 = smlist; "ELSE";
- dl2 = smlist; _ = endif ->
- SdITE i dl2 dl1
- | "INCLUDE"; fname = STRING -> SdInc fname ] ]
+ [ [ "DEFINE"; i = uident; def = opt_macro_value ->
+ do { define def i; <:str_item<>> }
+ | "UNDEF"; i = uident ->
+ do { undef i; <:str_item<>> }
+ | "IFDEF"; i = uident; "THEN"; st = str_items; _ = endif ->
+ if is_defined i then st else <:str_item<>>
+ | "IFDEF"; i = uident; "THEN"; st1 = str_items; "ELSE"; st2 = str_items; _ = endif ->
+ if is_defined i then st1 else st2
+ | "IFNDEF"; i = uident; "THEN"; st = str_items; _ = endif ->
+ if is_defined i then <:str_item<>> else st
+ | "IFNDEF"; i = uident; "THEN"; st1 = str_items; "ELSE"; st2 = str_items; _ = endif ->
+ if is_defined i then st2 else st1
+ | "INCLUDE"; fname = STRING ->
+ parse_include_file str_items fname ] ]
- smlist:
- [ [ sml = LIST1 str_item_or_macro -> sml ] ]
+ sig_item: FIRST
+ [ [ "INCLUDE"; fname = STRING ->
+ parse_include_file sig_items fname ] ]
[ [ "END" -> ()
| "ENDIF" -> () ] ]
- str_item_or_macro:
- [ [ d = macro_def -> d
- | si = str_item -> SdStr si ] ]
- ;
[ [ "("; pl = LIST1 [ x = LIDENT -> x ] SEP ","; ")"; "="; e = expr -> Some (pl, e)
| "="; e = expr -> Some ([], e)
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
index 954ed3ecb..b5b120ba0 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
@@ -20,6 +20,6 @@ open Camlp4; (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
open PreCast;
let module Gram = MakeGram Lexer in
let module M1 = OCamlInitSyntax.Make Warning Ast Gram Quotation in
-let module M2 = OCamlr.Make M1 in
-let module M3 = OCaml.Make M2 in
-let module M3 = OCamlQuotationBase.Make M3 Syntax.AntiquotSyntax in ();
+let module M2 = Camlp4OCamlRevisedParser.Make M1 in
+let module M3 = Camlp4OCamlParser.Make M2 in
+let module M3 = Camlp4QuotationCommon.Make M3 Syntax.AntiquotSyntax in ();
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
index d6a9e4164..dcff09d3e 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ open Camlp4; (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
-module Id : Sig.Id.S = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Parsers.OCaml";
+module Id : Sig.Id = struct
+ value name = "Camlp4OCamlParser";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
- open Sig.Camlp4Token;
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) = struct
+ open Sig;
include Syntax;
- Config.constructors_arity.val := False;
+ Camlp4_config.constructors_arity.val := False;
(*FIXME remove this and use OCaml ones *)
value bigarray_get _loc arr arg =
@@ -261,9 +261,9 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
Gram.Entry.of_parser "test_label_eq"
(test 1 where rec test lev strm =
match stream_peek_nth lev strm with
- [ Some (ANTIQUOT ("id"|"uid"|"lid"|"exp"|"") _ | UIDENT _ | LIDENT _ | KEYWORD ".") ->
+ [ Some (UIDENT _ | LIDENT _ | KEYWORD ".") ->
test (lev + 1) strm
- | Some (ANTIQUOT "binding" _ | KEYWORD ("="|"}")) -> ()
+ | Some (KEYWORD "=") -> ()
| _ -> raise Stream.Failure ])
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
| <:expr< $_$.$e$ >> -> is_expr_constr_call e
| <:expr@_loc< $e$ $_$ >> ->
let res = is_expr_constr_call e in
- if (not Config.constructors_arity.val) && res then
+ if (not Camlp4_config.constructors_arity.val) && res then
Loc.raise _loc (Stream.Error "currified constructor")
else res
| _ -> False ];
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
index 96c31b98b..db96dc33f 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@
open Camlp4;
-module Id : Sig.Id.S = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Parsers.OCamlParser";
+module Id : Sig.Id = struct
+ value name = "Camlp4OCamlParserParser";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
- open Sig.Camlp4Token;
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) = struct
+ open Sig;
include Syntax;
- module M = OCamlRevisedParser.Make Syntax;
+ module M = Camlp4OCamlRevisedParserParser.Make Syntax;
open M;
Gram.Entry.clear stream_expr;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
index 1306865d7..efdcb5b80 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
@@ -19,16 +19,16 @@ open Camlp4; (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
module Id = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Parsers.OCamlr";
+ value name = "Camlp4RevisedParserParser";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
- open Sig.Camlp4Token;
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) = struct
+ open Sig;
include Syntax;
- (* Config.constructors_arity.val := True; *)
- Config.constructors_arity.val := False;
+ (* Camlp4_config.constructors_arity.val := True; *)
+ Camlp4_config.constructors_arity.val := False;
value help_sequences () =
do {
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
index 6730b8336..069ee52c0 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
@@ -19,13 +19,13 @@ open Camlp4; (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
-module Id : Sig.Id.S = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Parsers.OCamlRevisedParser";
+module Id : Sig.Id = struct
+ value name = "Camlp4OCamlRevisedParserParser";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S) = struct
- open Sig.Camlp4Token;
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) = struct
+ open Sig;
include Syntax;
type spat_comp =
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
index af69b1227..b013be256 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
@@ -20,5 +20,5 @@ open Camlp4; (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
open PreCast;
let module Gram = MakeGram Lexer in
let module M1 = OCamlInitSyntax.Make Warning Ast Gram Quotation in
-let module M2 = OCamlr.Make M1 in
-let module M3 = OCamlQuotationBase.Make M2 Syntax.AntiquotSyntax in ();
+let module M2 = Camlp4OCamlRevisedParser.Make M1 in
+let module M3 = Camlp4QuotationCommon.Make M2 Syntax.AntiquotSyntax in ();
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
index 8e4fe8f00..efac02f79 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
@@ -18,15 +18,15 @@ open Camlp4; (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
module Id = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Parsers.OCamlQuotationBase";
+ value name = "Camlp4QuotationCommon";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S)
- (TheAntiquotSyntax : Sig.AntiquotSyntax.S
- with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4Ast.ToAst Syntax.Ast)
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax)
+ (TheAntiquotSyntax : Sig.AntiquotSyntax
+ with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst Syntax.Ast)
= struct
- open Sig.Camlp4Token;
+ open Sig;
include Syntax; (* Be careful an AntiquotSyntax module appears here *)
module MetaLocHere = Ast.Meta.MetaLoc;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
index ba20ca103..b70e49b89 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/
@@ -20,13 +20,13 @@ open Camlp4; (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
module Id = struct
- value name = "Camlp4Parsers.OCamlQuotation";
+ value name = "Camlp4QuotationExpander";
value version = "$Id$";
-module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax.S)
+module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax)
= struct
- module M = OCamlQuotationBase.Make Syntax Syntax.AntiquotSyntax;
+ module M = Camlp4QuotationCommon.Make Syntax Syntax.AntiquotSyntax;
include M;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
index f89fed40f..f89fed40f 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
index eb6b9a24d..eb6b9a24d 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
index 0e02b66df..0e02b66df 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
index 174e5ad13..174e5ad13 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
index 487b8627b..487b8627b 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
index bd5af1f50..bd5af1f50 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Printers/
diff --git a/camlp4/ b/camlp4/
deleted file mode 100644
index 227b09a91..000000000
--- a/camlp4/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-(* camlp4r *)
-value count =
- let h = Hashtbl.create 1007 in
- let () = at_exit (fun () ->
- let assoc = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v a -> [ (k, v.val) :: a ]) h [] in
- let out = open_out "camlp4_profiler.out" in
- let () = Marshal.to_channel out assoc [] in
- close_out out) in
- fun s ->
- try incr (Hashtbl.find h s)
- with [ Not_found -> Hashtbl.add h s (ref 1) ];
-value load = Marshal.from_channel;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Top/ b/camlp4/Camlp4Top/
index 817227138..9a5141362 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Top/
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4Top/
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ open Lexing;
open Camlp4;
open PreCast;
open Syntax;
-open Camlp4.Sig.Camlp4Token;
+open Camlp4.Sig;
module Ast2pt = Camlp4.Struct.Camlp4Ast2OCamlAst.Make Ast;
module Lexer = Camlp4.Struct.Lexer.Make Token;
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ value wrap parse_fun =
match token_stream_ref.val with
[ None ->
let () = if Sys.interactive.val then
- Format.printf "\tCamlp4 Parsing version %s\n@." Config.version
+ Format.printf "\tCamlp4 Parsing version %s\n@." Camlp4_config.version
else () in
let not_filtered_token_stream = Lexer.from_lexbuf lb in
let token_stream = Gram.filter (not_filtered not_filtered_token_stream) in
diff --git a/camlp4/ b/camlp4/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..362848493
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camlp4/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+(* camlp4r *)
+(* *)
+(* Objective Caml *)
+(* *)
+(* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+(* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+(* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+(* Caml source tree. *)
+(* *)
+(* Authors:
+ * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
+ *)
+let ocaml_standard_library = Config.standard_library;;
+let camlp4_standard_library =
+ try Sys.getenv "CAMLP4LIB"
+ with Not_found ->
+ Filename.concat ocaml_standard_library "camlp4";;
+let version = Sys.ocaml_version;;
+let program_name = ref "camlp4";;
+let constructors_arity = ref true;;
+let unsafe = ref false;;
+let verbose = ref false;;
+let quotations = ref true;;
+let inter_phrases = ref None;;
+let camlp4_ast_impl_magic_number = "Camlp42006M001";;
+let camlp4_ast_intf_magic_number = "Camlp42006N001";;
+let ocaml_ast_intf_magic_number = Config.ast_intf_magic_number;;
+let ocaml_ast_impl_magic_number = Config.ast_impl_magic_number;;
+let current_input_file = ref "";;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Config.mli b/camlp4/Camlp4_config.mli
index eb18d6e84..c2647b890 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Config.mli
+++ b/camlp4/Camlp4_config.mli
@@ -17,17 +17,17 @@
* - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
-value version : string;
-value ocaml_standard_library : string;
-value camlp4_standard_library : string;
-value ocaml_ast_impl_magic_number : string;
-value ocaml_ast_intf_magic_number : string;
-value camlp4_ast_impl_magic_number : string;
-value camlp4_ast_intf_magic_number : string;
-value program_name : ref string;
-value unsafe : ref bool;
-value verbose : ref bool;
-value quotations : ref bool;
-value constructors_arity : ref bool;
-value inter_phrases : ref (option string);
-value current_input_file : ref string;
+val version : string;;
+val ocaml_standard_library : string;;
+val camlp4_standard_library : string;;
+val ocaml_ast_impl_magic_number : string;;
+val ocaml_ast_intf_magic_number : string;;
+val camlp4_ast_impl_magic_number : string;;
+val camlp4_ast_intf_magic_number : string;;
+val program_name : string ref;;
+val unsafe : bool ref;;
+val verbose : bool ref;;
+val quotations : bool ref;;
+val constructors_arity : bool ref;;
+val inter_phrases : (string option) ref;;
+val current_input_file : string ref;;
diff --git a/camlp4/Makefile.clean b/camlp4/Makefile.clean
deleted file mode 100644
index f59f01650..000000000
--- a/camlp4/Makefile.clean
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1054 +0,0 @@
- \
- Camlp4Top.o \
- Camlp4Top.cmo \
- Camlp4Top.cmi \
- Camlp4Top.cmx \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.o \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.annot \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmo \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmi \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmx \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.o \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.annot \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.cmo \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.cmi \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.cmx \
- \
- Camlp4Filters.o \
- Camlp4Filters.cmo \
- Camlp4Filters.cmi \
- Camlp4Filters.cmx \
- Camlp4Filters/Profiler.o \
- Camlp4Filters/Profiler.annot \
- Camlp4Filters/Profiler.cmo \
- Camlp4Filters/Profiler.cmi \
- Camlp4Filters/Profiler.cmx \
- Camlp4Filters/RemoveTrashModule.o \
- Camlp4Filters/RemoveTrashModule.annot \
- Camlp4Filters/RemoveTrashModule.cmo \
- Camlp4Filters/RemoveTrashModule.cmi \
- Camlp4Filters/RemoveTrashModule.cmx \
- Camlp4Filters/MetaGenerator.o \
- Camlp4Filters/MetaGenerator.annot \
- Camlp4Filters/MetaGenerator.cmo \
- Camlp4Filters/MetaGenerator.cmi \
- Camlp4Filters/MetaGenerator.cmx \
- Camlp4Filters/GenerateFold.o \
- Camlp4Filters/GenerateFold.annot \
- Camlp4Filters/GenerateFold.cmo \
- Camlp4Filters/GenerateFold.cmi \
- Camlp4Filters/GenerateFold.cmx \
- Camlp4Filters/GenerateMap.o \
- Camlp4Filters/GenerateMap.annot \
- Camlp4Filters/GenerateMap.cmo \
- Camlp4Filters/GenerateMap.cmi \
- Camlp4Filters/GenerateMap.cmx \
- Camlp4Filters/LiftCamlp4Ast.o \
- Camlp4Filters/LiftCamlp4Ast.annot \
- Camlp4Filters/LiftCamlp4Ast.cmo \
- Camlp4Filters/LiftCamlp4Ast.cmi \
- Camlp4Filters/LiftCamlp4Ast.cmx \
- Camlp4Filters/StripLocations.o \
- Camlp4Filters/StripLocations.annot \
- Camlp4Filters/StripLocations.cmo \
- Camlp4Filters/StripLocations.cmi \
- Camlp4Filters/StripLocations.cmx \
- Camlp4Filters/Tracer.o \
- Camlp4Filters/Tracer.annot \
- Camlp4Filters/Tracer.cmo \
- Camlp4Filters/Tracer.cmi \
- Camlp4Filters/Tracer.cmx \
- Camlp4Filters/ExceptionTracer.o \
- Camlp4Filters/ExceptionTracer.annot \
- Camlp4Filters/ExceptionTracer.cmo \
- Camlp4Filters/ExceptionTracer.cmi \
- Camlp4Filters/ExceptionTracer.cmx \
- \
- Camlp4Printers.o \
- Camlp4Printers.cmo \
- Camlp4Printers.cmi \
- Camlp4Printers.cmx \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.o \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.annot \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmo \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmi \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmx \
- Camlp4Printers/Null.o \
- Camlp4Printers/Null.annot \
- Camlp4Printers/Null.cmo \
- Camlp4Printers/Null.cmi \
- Camlp4Printers/Null.cmx \
- Camlp4Printers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4Printers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4Printers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4Printers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4Printers/OCamlr.cmx \
- Camlp4Printers/OCaml.o \
- Camlp4Printers/OCaml.annot \
- Camlp4Printers/OCaml.cmo \
- Camlp4Printers/OCaml.cmi \
- Camlp4Printers/OCaml.cmx \
- Camlp4Printers/DumpCamlp4Ast.o \
- Camlp4Printers/DumpCamlp4Ast.annot \
- Camlp4Printers/DumpCamlp4Ast.cmo \
- Camlp4Printers/DumpCamlp4Ast.cmi \
- Camlp4Printers/DumpCamlp4Ast.cmx \
- Camlp4Printers/DumpOCamlAst.o \
- Camlp4Printers/DumpOCamlAst.annot \
- Camlp4Printers/DumpOCamlAst.cmo \
- Camlp4Printers/DumpOCamlAst.cmi \
- Camlp4Printers/DumpOCamlAst.cmx \
- \
- Camlp4Parsers.o \
- Camlp4Parsers.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/LoadCamlp4Ast.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/LoadCamlp4Ast.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/LoadCamlp4Ast.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/LoadCamlp4Ast.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/LoadCamlp4Ast.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Debug.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Debug.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Debug.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Debug.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Debug.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlOriginalQuotation.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlOriginalQuotation.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlOriginalQuotation.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlOriginalQuotation.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlOriginalQuotation.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedQuotation.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedQuotation.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedQuotation.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedQuotation.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedQuotation.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmx \
- \
- camlp4prof.opt \
- camlp4prof.o \
- camlp4prof.annot \
- camlp4prof.cmo \
- camlp4prof.cmi \
- camlp4prof.cmx \
- Camlp4Profiler.o \
- Camlp4Profiler.annot \
- Camlp4Profiler.cmo \
- Camlp4Profiler.cmi \
- Camlp4Profiler.cmx \
- \
- mkcamlp4.opt \
- mkcamlp4.o \
- mkcamlp4.annot \
- mkcamlp4.cmo \
- mkcamlp4.cmi \
- mkcamlp4.cmx \
- camlp4orf.a \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.o \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.annot \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmo \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmi \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedQuotation.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedQuotation.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedQuotation.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedQuotation.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedQuotation.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmx \
- \
- camlp4orf.opt \
- Camlp4Bin.o \
- Camlp4Bin.annot \
- Camlp4Bin.cmo \
- Camlp4Bin.cmi \
- Camlp4Bin.cmx \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.o \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.annot \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmo \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmi \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedQuotation.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedQuotation.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedQuotation.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedQuotation.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedQuotation.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmx \
- camlp4oof.a \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.o \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.annot \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmo \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmi \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlOriginalQuotation.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlOriginalQuotation.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlOriginalQuotation.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlOriginalQuotation.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlOriginalQuotation.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmx \
- \
- camlp4oof.opt \
- Camlp4Bin.o \
- Camlp4Bin.annot \
- Camlp4Bin.cmo \
- Camlp4Bin.cmi \
- Camlp4Bin.cmx \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.o \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.annot \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmo \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmi \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlOriginalQuotation.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlOriginalQuotation.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlOriginalQuotation.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlOriginalQuotation.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlOriginalQuotation.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmx \
- camlp4of.a \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.o \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.annot \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmo \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmi \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmx \
- \
- camlp4of.opt \
- Camlp4Bin.o \
- Camlp4Bin.annot \
- Camlp4Bin.cmo \
- Camlp4Bin.cmi \
- Camlp4Bin.cmx \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.o \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.annot \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmo \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmi \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmx \
- camlp4o.a \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.o \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.annot \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmo \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmi \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmx \
- \
- camlp4o.opt \
- Camlp4Bin.o \
- Camlp4Bin.annot \
- Camlp4Bin.cmo \
- Camlp4Bin.cmi \
- Camlp4Bin.cmx \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.o \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.annot \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmo \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmi \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCaml.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmx \
- camlp4rf.a \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.o \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.annot \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmo \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmi \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmx \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.o \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.annot \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.cmo \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.cmi \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmx \
- \
- camlp4rf.opt \
- Camlp4Bin.o \
- Camlp4Bin.annot \
- Camlp4Bin.cmo \
- Camlp4Bin.cmi \
- Camlp4Bin.cmx \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.o \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.annot \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmo \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmi \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmx \
- camlp4r.a \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.o \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.annot \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmo \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmi \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmx \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.o \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.annot \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.cmo \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.cmi \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmx \
- \
- camlp4r.opt \
- Camlp4Bin.o \
- Camlp4Bin.annot \
- Camlp4Bin.cmo \
- Camlp4Bin.cmi \
- Camlp4Bin.cmx \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.o \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.annot \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmo \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmi \
- Camlp4Printers/Auto.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmx \
- camlp4boot.a \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.o \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.annot \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmo \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmi \
- Camlp4Top/Camlp4Top.cmx \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.o \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.annot \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.cmo \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.cmi \
- Camlp4Top/Rprint.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Debug.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Debug.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Debug.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Debug.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Debug.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmx \
- \
- camlp4boot.opt \
- Camlp4Bin.o \
- Camlp4Bin.annot \
- Camlp4Bin.cmo \
- Camlp4Bin.cmi \
- Camlp4Bin.cmx \
- Camlp4Printers/DumpOCamlAst.o \
- Camlp4Printers/DumpOCamlAst.annot \
- Camlp4Printers/DumpOCamlAst.cmo \
- Camlp4Printers/DumpOCamlAst.cmi \
- Camlp4Printers/DumpOCamlAst.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Debug.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Debug.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Debug.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Debug.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Debug.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Macro.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/Grammar.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlRevisedParser.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotation.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlQuotationBase.cmx \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4Parsers/OCamlr.cmx \
- \
- camlp4.opt \
- Camlp4Bin.o \
- Camlp4Bin.annot \
- Camlp4Bin.cmo \
- Camlp4Bin.cmi \
- Camlp4Bin.cmx \
- Camlp4.a \
- \
- Camlp4.o \
- Camlp4.cmo \
- Camlp4.cmi \
- Camlp4.cmx \
- Camlp4/Register.o \
- Camlp4/Register.annot \
- Camlp4/Register.cmo \
- Camlp4/Register.cmi \
- Camlp4/Register.cmx \
- Camlp4/PreCast.o \
- Camlp4/PreCast.annot \
- Camlp4/PreCast.cmo \
- Camlp4/PreCast.cmi \
- Camlp4/PreCast.cmx \
- Camlp4/ \
- Camlp4/Printers.o \
- Camlp4/Printers.cmo \
- Camlp4/Printers.cmi \
- Camlp4/Printers.cmx \
- Camlp4/Printers/OCamlr.o \
- Camlp4/Printers/OCamlr.annot \
- Camlp4/Printers/OCamlr.cmo \
- Camlp4/Printers/OCamlr.cmi \
- Camlp4/Printers/OCamlr.cmx \
- Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.o \
- Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.annot \
- Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.cmo \
- Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.cmi \
- Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.cmx \
- Camlp4/Printers/DumpCamlp4Ast.o \
- Camlp4/Printers/DumpCamlp4Ast.annot \
- Camlp4/Printers/DumpCamlp4Ast.cmo \
- Camlp4/Printers/DumpCamlp4Ast.cmi \
- Camlp4/Printers/DumpCamlp4Ast.cmx \
- Camlp4/Printers/DumpOCamlAst.o \
- Camlp4/Printers/DumpOCamlAst.annot \
- Camlp4/Printers/DumpOCamlAst.cmo \
- Camlp4/Printers/DumpOCamlAst.cmi \
- Camlp4/Printers/DumpOCamlAst.cmx \
- Camlp4/Printers/Null.o \
- Camlp4/Printers/Null.annot \
- Camlp4/Printers/Null.cmo \
- Camlp4/Printers/Null.cmi \
- Camlp4/Printers/Null.cmx \
- Camlp4/OCamlInitSyntax.o \
- Camlp4/OCamlInitSyntax.annot \
- Camlp4/OCamlInitSyntax.cmo \
- Camlp4/OCamlInitSyntax.cmi \
- Camlp4/OCamlInitSyntax.cmx \
- Camlp4/ \
- Camlp4/Struct.o \
- Camlp4/Struct.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/CommentFilter.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/CommentFilter.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/CommentFilter.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/CommentFilter.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/CommentFilter.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/CleanAst.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/CleanAst.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/CleanAst.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/CleanAst.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/CleanAst.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast2OCamlAst.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast2OCamlAst.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast2OCamlAst.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast2OCamlAst.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast2OCamlAst.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/AstFilters.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/AstFilters.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/AstFilters.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/AstFilters.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/AstFilters.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/FreeVars.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/FreeVars.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/FreeVars.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/FreeVars.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/FreeVars.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/DynLoader.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/DynLoader.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/DynLoader.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/DynLoader.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/DynLoader.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Quotation.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Quotation.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Quotation.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Quotation.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Quotation.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/ \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Static.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Static.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Static.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Static.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Static.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Dynamic.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Dynamic.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Dynamic.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Dynamic.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Dynamic.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Find.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Find.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Find.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Find.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Find.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Entry.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Entry.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Entry.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Entry.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Entry.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Delete.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Delete.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Delete.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Delete.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Delete.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Insert.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Insert.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Insert.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Insert.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Insert.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Fold.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Fold.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Fold.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Fold.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Fold.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Parser.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Parser.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Parser.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Parser.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Parser.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Failed.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Failed.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Failed.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Failed.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Failed.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Print.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Print.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Print.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Print.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Print.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Tools.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Tools.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Tools.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Tools.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Tools.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Search.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Search.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Search.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Search.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Search.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Structure.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Structure.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Structure.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Structure.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Structure.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Context.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Context.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Context.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Context.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Context.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/ \
- Camlp4/Struct/Lexer.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Lexer.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Lexer.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Lexer.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Lexer.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Token.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Token.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Token.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Token.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Token.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/EmptyPrinter.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/EmptyPrinter.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/EmptyPrinter.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/EmptyPrinter.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/EmptyPrinter.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/EmptyError.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/EmptyError.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/EmptyError.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/EmptyError.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/EmptyError.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Warning.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Warning.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Warning.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Warning.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Warning.cmx \
- Camlp4/Struct/Loc.o \
- Camlp4/Struct/Loc.annot \
- Camlp4/Struct/Loc.cmo \
- Camlp4/Struct/Loc.cmi \
- Camlp4/Struct/Loc.cmx \
- Camlp4/ErrorHandler.o \
- Camlp4/ErrorHandler.annot \
- Camlp4/ErrorHandler.cmo \
- Camlp4/ErrorHandler.cmi \
- Camlp4/ErrorHandler.cmx \
- Camlp4/ \
- Camlp4/Sig.o \
- Camlp4/Sig.cmo \
- Camlp4/Sig.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig.cmx \
- Camlp4/Sig/SyntaxExtension.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/SyntaxExtension.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/AstFilters.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/AstFilters.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Camlp4Syntax.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Camlp4Syntax.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Syntax.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Syntax.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Printer.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Printer.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Parser.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Parser.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/AntiquotSyntax.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/AntiquotSyntax.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/DynLoader.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/DynLoader.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Camlp4Token.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Camlp4Token.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Quotation.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Quotation.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Camlp4Ast.o \
- Camlp4/Sig/Camlp4Ast.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Camlp4Ast.cmo \
- Camlp4/Sig/Camlp4Ast.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Camlp4Ast.cmx \
- Camlp4/Sig/Ast.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Ast.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Mapper.o \
- Camlp4/Sig/Mapper.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Mapper.cmo \
- Camlp4/Sig/Mapper.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Mapper.cmx \
- Camlp4/Sig/ \
- Camlp4/Sig/Grammar.o \
- Camlp4/Sig/Grammar.cmo \
- Camlp4/Sig/Grammar.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Grammar.cmx \
- Camlp4/Sig/Grammar/Static.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Grammar/Static.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Grammar/Dynamic.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Grammar/Dynamic.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Grammar/Structure.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Grammar/Structure.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Grammar/Action.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Grammar/Action.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Lexer.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Lexer.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Token.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Token.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Type.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Type.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Warning.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Warning.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Error.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Error.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Loc.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Loc.cmi \
- Camlp4/Sig/Id.annot \
- Camlp4/Sig/Id.cmi \
- Camlp4/Options.o \
- Camlp4/Options.annot \
- Camlp4/Options.cmo \
- Camlp4/Options.cmi \
- Camlp4/Options.cmx \
- Camlp4/Debug.o \
- Camlp4/Debug.annot \
- Camlp4/Debug.cmo \
- Camlp4/Debug.cmi \
- Camlp4/Debug.cmx \
- Camlp4/Config.o \
- Camlp4/Config.annot \
- Camlp4/Config.cmo \
- Camlp4/Config.cmi \
- Camlp4/Config.cmx \
- build/camlp4_config.o \
- build/camlp4_config.annot \
- build/camlp4_config.cmo \
- build/camlp4_config.cmi \
- build/camlp4_config.cmx
diff --git a/camlp4/boot/.cvsignore b/camlp4/boot/.cvsignore
index b444f06cd..85599a4b5 100644
--- a/camlp4/boot/.cvsignore
+++ b/camlp4/boot/.cvsignore
@@ -3,4 +3,3 @@ camlp4
diff --git a/camlp4/boot/ b/camlp4/boot/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1909430e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camlp4/boot/
@@ -0,0 +1,16427 @@
+module Debug :
+ sig
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* Objective Caml *)
+ (* *)
+ (* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+ (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+ (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+ (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+ (* Caml source tree. *)
+ (* *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* Authors:
+ * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
+ *)
+ (* camlp4r *)
+ type section = string
+ val mode : section -> bool
+ val printf : section -> ('a, Format.formatter, unit) format -> 'a
+ end =
+ struct
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* Objective Caml *)
+ (* *)
+ (* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+ (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+ (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+ (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+ (* Caml source tree. *)
+ (* *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* Authors:
+ * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
+ *)
+ (* camlp4r *)
+ open Format
+ module Debug = struct let mode _ = false end
+ type section = string
+ let out_channel =
+ try
+ let f = Sys.getenv "CAMLP4_DEBUG_FILE"
+ in
+ open_out_gen [ Open_wronly; Open_creat; Open_append; Open_text ]
+ 0o666 f
+ with | Not_found -> stderr
+ module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
+ let mode =
+ try
+ let str = Sys.getenv "CAMLP4_DEBUG" in
+ let rec loop acc i =
+ try
+ let pos = String.index_from str i ':'
+ in
+ loop (StringSet.add (String.sub str i (pos - i)) acc) (pos + 1)
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ StringSet.add (String.sub str i ((String.length str) - i)) acc in
+ let sections = loop StringSet.empty 0
+ in
+ if StringSet.mem "*" sections
+ then (fun _ -> true)
+ else (fun x -> StringSet.mem x sections)
+ with | Not_found -> (fun _ -> false)
+ let formatter =
+ let header = "camlp4-debug: " in
+ let normal s =
+ let rec self from accu =
+ try
+ let i = String.index_from s from '\n'
+ in self (i + 1) ((String.sub s from ((i - from) + 1)) :: accu)
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ (String.sub s from ((String.length s) - from)) :: accu
+ in String.concat header (List.rev (self 0 [])) in
+ let after_new_line str = header ^ (normal str) in
+ let f = ref after_new_line in
+ let output str chr =
+ (output_string out_channel (!f str);
+ output_char out_channel chr;
+ f := if chr = '\n' then after_new_line else normal)
+ in
+ make_formatter
+ (fun buf pos len ->
+ let p = pred len in output (String.sub buf pos p) buf.[pos + p])
+ (fun () -> flush out_channel)
+ let printf section fmt = fprintf formatter ("%s: " ^^ fmt) section
+ end
+module Options :
+ sig
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* Objective Caml *)
+ (* *)
+ (* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+ (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+ (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+ (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+ (* Caml source tree. *)
+ (* *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* Authors:
+ * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
+ *)
+ type spec_list = (string * Arg.spec * string) list
+ val init : spec_list -> unit
+ val add : string -> Arg.spec -> string -> unit
+ (** Add an option to the command line options. *)
+ val print_usage_list : spec_list -> unit
+ val ext_spec_list : unit -> spec_list
+ val parse : (string -> unit) -> string array -> string list
+ end =
+ struct
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* Objective Caml *)
+ (* *)
+ (* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+ (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+ (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+ (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+ (* Caml source tree. *)
+ (* *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* Authors:
+ * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
+ *)
+ type spec_list = (string * Arg.spec * string) list
+ open Format
+ let rec action_arg s sl =
+ function
+ | Arg.Unit f -> if s = "" then (f (); Some sl) else None
+ | Arg.Bool f ->
+ if s = ""
+ then
+ (match sl with
+ | s :: sl ->
+ (try (f (bool_of_string s); Some sl)
+ with | Invalid_argument "bool_of_string" -> None)
+ | [] -> None)
+ else
+ (try (f (bool_of_string s); Some sl)
+ with | Invalid_argument "bool_of_string" -> None)
+ | Arg.Set r -> if s = "" then (r := true; Some sl) else None
+ | Arg.Clear r -> if s = "" then (r := false; Some sl) else None
+ | Arg.Rest f -> (List.iter f (s :: sl); Some [])
+ | Arg.String f ->
+ if s = ""
+ then (match sl with | s :: sl -> (f s; Some sl) | [] -> None)
+ else (f s; Some sl)
+ | Arg.Set_string r ->
+ if s = ""
+ then (match sl with | s :: sl -> (r := s; Some sl) | [] -> None)
+ else (r := s; Some sl)
+ | Arg.Int f ->
+ if s = ""
+ then
+ (match sl with
+ | s :: sl ->
+ (try (f (int_of_string s); Some sl)
+ with | Failure "int_of_string" -> None)
+ | [] -> None)
+ else
+ (try (f (int_of_string s); Some sl)
+ with | Failure "int_of_string" -> None)
+ | Arg.Set_int r ->
+ if s = ""
+ then
+ (match sl with
+ | s :: sl ->
+ (try (r := int_of_string s; Some sl)
+ with | Failure "int_of_string" -> None)
+ | [] -> None)
+ else
+ (try (r := int_of_string s; Some sl)
+ with | Failure "int_of_string" -> None)
+ | Arg.Float f ->
+ if s = ""
+ then
+ (match sl with
+ | s :: sl -> (f (float_of_string s); Some sl)
+ | [] -> None)
+ else (f (float_of_string s); Some sl)
+ | Arg.Set_float r ->
+ if s = ""
+ then
+ (match sl with
+ | s :: sl -> (r := float_of_string s; Some sl)
+ | [] -> None)
+ else (r := float_of_string s; Some sl)
+ | Arg.Tuple specs ->
+ let rec action_args s sl =
+ (function
+ | [] -> Some sl
+ | spec :: spec_list ->
+ (match action_arg s sl spec with
+ | None -> action_args "" [] spec_list
+ | Some (s :: sl) -> action_args s sl spec_list
+ | Some sl -> action_args "" sl spec_list))
+ in action_args s sl specs
+ | Arg.Symbol (syms, f) ->
+ (match if s = "" then sl else s :: sl with
+ | s :: sl when List.mem s syms -> (f s; Some sl)
+ | _ -> None)
+ let common_start s1 s2 =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if (i == (String.length s1)) || (i == (String.length s2))
+ then i
+ else if s1.[i] == s2.[i] then loop (i + 1) else i
+ in loop 0
+ let parse_arg fold s sl =
+ fold
+ (fun (name, action, _) acu ->
+ let i = common_start s name
+ in
+ if i == (String.length name)
+ then
+ (try
+ action_arg (String.sub s i ((String.length s) - i)) sl
+ action
+ with | Arg.Bad _ -> acu)
+ else acu)
+ None
+ let rec parse_aux fold anon_fun =
+ function
+ | [] -> []
+ | s :: sl ->
+ if ((String.length s) > 1) && (s.[0] = '-')
+ then
+ (match parse_arg fold s sl with
+ | Some sl -> parse_aux fold anon_fun sl
+ | None -> s :: (parse_aux fold anon_fun sl))
+ else ((anon_fun s : unit); parse_aux fold anon_fun sl)
+ let align_doc key s =
+ let s =
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i = (String.length s)
+ then ""
+ else
+ if s.[i] = ' '
+ then loop (i + 1)
+ else String.sub s i ((String.length s) - i)
+ in loop 0 in
+ let (p, s) =
+ if (String.length s) > 0
+ then
+ if s.[0] = '<'
+ then
+ (let rec loop i =
+ if i = (String.length s)
+ then ("", s)
+ else
+ if s.[i] <> '>'
+ then loop (i + 1)
+ else
+ (let p = String.sub s 0 (i + 1) in
+ let rec loop i =
+ if i >= (String.length s)
+ then (p, "")
+ else
+ if s.[i] = ' '
+ then loop (i + 1)
+ else (p, (String.sub s i ((String.length s) - i)))
+ in loop (i + 1))
+ in loop 0)
+ else ("", s)
+ else ("", "") in
+ let tab =
+ String.make (max 1 ((16 - (String.length key)) - (String.length p)))
+ ' '
+ in p ^ (tab ^ s)
+ let make_symlist l =
+ match l with
+ | [] -> "<none>"
+ | h :: t ->
+ (List.fold_left (fun x y -> x ^ ("|" ^ y)) ("{" ^ h) t) ^ "}"
+ let print_usage_list l =
+ List.iter
+ (fun (key, spec, doc) ->
+ match spec with
+ | Arg.Symbol (symbs, _) ->
+ let s = make_symlist symbs in
+ let synt = key ^ (" " ^ s)
+ in eprintf " %s %s\n" synt (align_doc synt doc)
+ | _ -> eprintf " %s %s\n" key (align_doc key doc))
+ l
+ let remaining_args argv =
+ let rec loop l i =
+ if i == (Array.length argv) then l else loop (argv.(i) :: l) (i + 1)
+ in List.rev (loop [] (!Arg.current + 1))
+ let init_spec_list = ref []
+ let ext_spec_list = ref []
+ let init spec_list = init_spec_list := spec_list
+ let add name spec descr =
+ ext_spec_list := (name, spec, descr) :: !ext_spec_list
+ let fold f init =
+ let spec_list = !init_spec_list @ !ext_spec_list in
+ let specs = Sort.list (fun (k1, _, _) (k2, _, _) -> k1 >= k2) spec_list
+ in List.fold_right f specs init
+ let parse anon_fun argv =
+ let remaining_args = remaining_args argv
+ in parse_aux fold anon_fun remaining_args
+ let ext_spec_list () = !ext_spec_list
+ end
+module Sig =
+ struct
+ (* camlp4r *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* Objective Caml *)
+ (* *)
+ (* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+ (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+ (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+ (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+ (* Caml source tree. *)
+ (* *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* Authors:
+ * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
+ *)
+ module type Type = sig type t end
+ (** Signature for errors modules, an Error modules can be registred with
+ the {!ErrorHandler.Register} functor in order to be well printed. *)
+ module type Error =
+ sig
+ type t
+ exception E of t
+ val to_string : t -> string
+ val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+ end
+ (** A signature for extensions identifiers. *)
+ module type Id =
+ sig
+ (** The name of the extension, typically the module name. *)
+ val name : string
+ (** The version of the extension, typically $Id: Id.mli,v 1.2 2006/07/08 17:21:31 pouillar Exp $ with a versionning system. *)
+ val version : string
+ end
+ module type Loc =
+ sig
+ type t
+ (** Return a start location for the given file name.
+ This location starts at the begining of the file. *)
+ val mk : string -> t
+ (** The [ghost] location can be used when no location
+ information is available. *)
+ val ghost : t
+ (** {6 Conversion functions} *)
+ (** Return a location where both positions are set the given position. *)
+ val of_lexing_position : Lexing.position -> t
+ (** Return an OCaml location. *)
+ val to_ocaml_location : t -> Location.t
+ (** Return a location from an OCaml location. *)
+ val of_ocaml_location : Location.t -> t
+ (** Return a location from ocamllex buffer. *)
+ val of_lexbuf : Lexing.lexbuf -> t
+ (** Return a location from [(file_name, start_line, start_bol, start_off,
+ stop_line, stop_bol, stop_off, ghost)]. *)
+ val of_tuple :
+ (string * int * int * int * int * int * int * bool) -> t
+ (** Return [(file_name, start_line, start_bol, start_off,
+ stop_line, stop_bol, stop_off, ghost)]. *)
+ val to_tuple :
+ t -> (string * int * int * int * int * int * int * bool)
+ (** [merge loc1 loc2] Return a location that starts at [loc1] and end at [loc2]. *)
+ val merge : t -> t -> t
+ (** The stop pos becomes equal to the start pos. *)
+ val join : t -> t
+ (** [move selector n loc]
+ Return the location where positions are moved.
+ Affected positions are chosen with [selector].
+ Returned positions have their character offset plus [n]. *)
+ val move : [ `start | `stop | `both ] -> int -> t -> t
+ (** [shift n loc] Return the location where the new start position is the old
+ stop position, and where the new stop position character offset is the
+ old one plus [n]. *)
+ val shift : int -> t -> t
+ (** [move_line n loc] Return the location with the old line count plus [n].
+ The "begin of line" of both positions become the current offset. *)
+ val move_line : int -> t -> t
+ (** Accessors *)
+ (** Return the file name *)
+ val file_name : t -> string
+ (** Return the line number of the begining of this location. *)
+ val start_line : t -> int
+ (** Return the line number of the ending of this location. *)
+ val stop_line : t -> int
+ (** Returns the number of characters from the begining of the file
+ to the begining of the line of location's begining. *)
+ val start_bol : t -> int
+ (** Returns the number of characters from the begining of the file
+ to the begining of the line of location's ending. *)
+ val stop_bol : t -> int
+ (** Returns the number of characters from the begining of the file
+ of the begining of this location. *)
+ val start_off : t -> int
+ (** Return the number of characters from the begining of the file
+ of the ending of this location. *)
+ val stop_off : t -> int
+ (** Return the start position as a Lexing.position. *)
+ val start_pos : t -> Lexing.position
+ (** Return the stop position as a Lexing.position. *)
+ val stop_pos : t -> Lexing.position
+ (** Generally, return true if this location does not come
+ from an input stream. *)
+ val is_ghost : t -> bool
+ (** Return the associated ghost location. *)
+ val ghostify : t -> t
+ (** Return the location with the give file name *)
+ val set_file_name : string -> t -> t
+ (** [strictly_before loc1 loc2] True if the stop position of [loc1] is
+ strictly_before the start position of [loc2]. *)
+ val strictly_before : t -> t -> bool
+ (** Return the location with an absolute file name. *)
+ val make_absolute : t -> t
+ (** Print the location into the formatter in a format suitable for error
+ reporting. *)
+ val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+ (** Print the location in a short format useful for debugging. *)
+ val dump : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+ (** Same as {!print} but return a string instead of printting it. *)
+ val to_string : t -> string
+ (** [Exc_located loc e] is an encapsulation of the exception [e] with
+ the input location [loc]. To be used in quotation expanders
+ and in grammars to specify some input location for an error.
+ Do not raise this exception directly: rather use the following
+ function [Loc.raise]. *)
+ exception Exc_located of t * exn
+ (** [raise loc e], if [e] is already an [Exc_located] exception,
+ re-raise it, else raise the exception [Exc_located loc e]. *)
+ val raise : t -> exn -> 'a
+ (** The name of the location variable used in grammars and in
+ the predefined quotations for OCaml syntax trees. Default: [_loc]. *)
+ val name : string ref
+ end
+ module type Warning =
+ sig
+ module Loc : Loc
+ type t = Loc.t -> string -> unit
+ val default : t
+ val current : t ref
+ val print : t
+ end
+ (** Base class for map traversal, it includes some builtin types. *)
+ class mapper =
+ (object method string = fun x -> (x : string)
+ method int = fun x -> (x : int)
+ method float = fun x -> (x : float)
+ method bool = fun x -> (x : bool)
+ method list : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list =
+ method option : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option =
+ fun f -> function | None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
+ method array : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b array =
+ method ref : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a ref -> 'b ref =
+ fun f { contents = x } -> { contents = f x; }
+ end :
+ object
+ method string : string -> string
+ method int : int -> int
+ method float : float -> float
+ method bool : bool -> bool
+ method list : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list
+ method option : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option
+ method array : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b array
+ method ref : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a ref -> 'b ref
+ end)
+ (** Abstract syntax tree minimal signature.
+ Types of this signature are abstract.
+ See the {!Camlp4Ast} signature for a concrete definition. *)
+ module type Ast =
+ sig
+ module Loc : Loc
+ type meta_bool
+ type 'a meta_option
+ type ctyp
+ type patt
+ type expr
+ type module_type
+ type sig_item
+ type with_constr
+ type module_expr
+ type str_item
+ type class_type
+ type class_sig_item
+ type class_expr
+ type class_str_item
+ type match_case
+ type ident
+ type binding
+ type module_binding
+ val loc_of_ctyp : ctyp -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_patt : patt -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_expr : expr -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_module_type : module_type -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_module_expr : module_expr -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_sig_item : sig_item -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_str_item : str_item -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_class_type : class_type -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_class_sig_item : class_sig_item -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_class_expr : class_expr -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_class_str_item : class_str_item -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_with_constr : with_constr -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_binding : binding -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_module_binding : module_binding -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_match_case : match_case -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_ident : ident -> Loc.t
+ (** This class is the base class for map traversal on the Ast.
+ To make a custom traversal class one just extend it like that:
+ This example swap pairs expression contents:
+ open Camlp4.PreCast;
+ [class swap = object
+ inherit as super;
+ method expr e =
+ match super#expr e with
+ \[ <:expr\@_loc< ($e1$, $e2$) >> -> <:expr< ($e2$, $e1$) >>
+ | e -> e \];
+ end;
+ value _loc = Loc.ghost;
+ value map = (new swap)#expr;
+ assert (map <:expr< fun x -> (x, 42) >> = <:expr< fun x -> (42, x) >>);]
+ *)
+ class map :
+ object
+ inherit mapper
+ method meta_bool : meta_bool -> meta_bool
+ method meta_option :
+ 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a meta_option -> 'b meta_option
+ method _Loc_t : Loc.t -> Loc.t
+ method expr : expr -> expr
+ method patt : patt -> patt
+ method ctyp : ctyp -> ctyp
+ method str_item : str_item -> str_item
+ method sig_item : sig_item -> sig_item
+ method module_expr : module_expr -> module_expr
+ method module_type : module_type -> module_type
+ method class_expr : class_expr -> class_expr
+ method class_type : class_type -> class_type
+ method class_sig_item : class_sig_item -> class_sig_item
+ method class_str_item : class_str_item -> class_str_item
+ method with_constr : with_constr -> with_constr
+ method binding : binding -> binding
+ method module_binding : module_binding -> module_binding
+ method match_case : match_case -> match_case
+ method ident : ident -> ident
+ end
+ class fold :
+ object ('self_type)
+ method string : string -> 'self_type
+ method int : int -> 'self_type
+ method float : float -> 'self_type
+ method bool : bool -> 'self_type
+ method list :
+ 'a. ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> 'a list -> 'self_type
+ method option :
+ 'a. ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> 'a option -> 'self_type
+ method array :
+ 'a. ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> 'a array -> 'self_type
+ method ref :
+ 'a. ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> 'a ref -> 'self_type
+ method meta_bool : meta_bool -> 'self_type
+ method meta_option :
+ 'a.
+ ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) ->
+ 'a meta_option -> 'self_type
+ method _Loc_t : Loc.t -> 'self_type
+ method expr : expr -> 'self_type
+ method patt : patt -> 'self_type
+ method ctyp : ctyp -> 'self_type
+ method str_item : str_item -> 'self_type
+ method sig_item : sig_item -> 'self_type
+ method module_expr : module_expr -> 'self_type
+ method module_type : module_type -> 'self_type
+ method class_expr : class_expr -> 'self_type
+ method class_type : class_type -> 'self_type
+ method class_sig_item : class_sig_item -> 'self_type
+ method class_str_item : class_str_item -> 'self_type
+ method with_constr : with_constr -> 'self_type
+ method binding : binding -> 'self_type
+ method module_binding : module_binding -> 'self_type
+ method match_case : match_case -> 'self_type
+ method ident : ident -> 'self_type
+ end
+ end
+ (** The AntiquotSyntax signature describe the minimal interface needed
+ for antiquotation handling. *)
+ module type AntiquotSyntax =
+ sig
+ module Ast : Ast
+ (** The parse function for expressions.
+ The underlying expression grammar entry is generally "expr; EOI". *)
+ val parse_expr : Ast.Loc.t -> string -> Ast.expr
+ (** The parse function for patterns.
+ The underlying pattern grammar entry is generally "patt; EOI". *)
+ val parse_patt : Ast.Loc.t -> string -> Ast.patt
+ end
+ (** Signature for OCaml syntax trees.
+ This signature is an extension of {!Ast}
+ It provides:
+ - Types for all kinds of structure.
+ - Map: A base class for map traversals.
+ - Map classes and functions for common kinds. *)
+ module type Camlp4Ast =
+ sig
+ module Loc : Loc
+ type meta_bool = | BTrue | BFalse | BAnt of string
+ type 'a meta_option = | ONone | OSome of 'a | OAnt of string
+ type ident =
+ | IdAcc of Loc.t * ident * ident | (* i . i *)
+ IdApp of Loc.t * ident * ident | (* i i *) IdLid of Loc.t * string
+ | (* foo *) IdUid of Loc.t * string | (* Bar *)
+ IdAnt of Loc.t * string
+ (* $s$ *)
+ type ctyp =
+ | TyNil of Loc.t | TyAli of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | (* t as t *)
+ (* list 'a as 'a *) TyAny of Loc.t | (* _ *)
+ TyApp of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | (* t t *) (* list 'a *)
+ TyArr of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | (* t -> t *) (* int -> string *)
+ TyCls of Loc.t * ident | (* #i *) (* #point *)
+ TyLab of Loc.t * string * ctyp | (* ~s *) TyId of Loc.t * ident
+ | (* i *) (* Lazy.t *) TyMan of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | (* t == t *)
+ (* type t = [ A | B ] == Foo.t *)
+ (* type t 'a 'b 'c = t constraint t = t constraint t = t *)
+ TyDcl of Loc.t * string * ctyp list * ctyp * (ctyp * ctyp) list
+ | (* < (t)? (..)? > *) (* < move : int -> 'a .. > as 'a *)
+ TyObj of Loc.t * ctyp * meta_bool | TyOlb of Loc.t * string * ctyp
+ | (* ?s *) TyPol of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | (* ! t . t *)
+ (* ! 'a . list 'a -> 'a *) TyQuo of Loc.t * string | (* 's *)
+ TyQuP of Loc.t * string | (* +'s *) TyQuM of Loc.t * string
+ | (* -'s *) TyVrn of Loc.t * string | (* `s *)
+ TyRec of Loc.t * ctyp | (* { t } *)
+ (* { foo : int ; bar : mutable string } *)
+ TyCol of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | (* t : t *)
+ TySem of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | (* t; t *)
+ TyCom of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | (* t, t *) TySum of Loc.t * ctyp
+ | (* [ t ] *) (* [ A of int and string | B ] *)
+ TyOf of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | (* t of t *) (* A of int *)
+ TyAnd of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | (* t and t *)
+ TyOr of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | (* t | t *) TyPrv of Loc.t * ctyp
+ | (* private t *) TyMut of Loc.t * ctyp | (* mutable t *)
+ TyTup of Loc.t * ctyp | (* ( t ) *) (* (int * string) *)
+ TySta of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | (* t * t *) TyVrnEq of Loc.t * ctyp
+ | (* [ = t ] *) TyVrnSup of Loc.t * ctyp | (* [ > t ] *)
+ TyVrnInf of Loc.t * ctyp | (* [ < t ] *)
+ TyVrnInfSup of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | (* [ < t > t ] *)
+ TyAmp of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | (* t & t *)
+ TyOfAmp of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | (* t of & t *)
+ TyAnt of Loc.t * string
+ (* $s$ *)
+ type (* i *)
+ (* p as p *)
+ (* (Node x y as n) *)
+ (* $s$ *)
+ (* _ *)
+ (* p p *)
+ (* fun x y -> *)
+ (* [| p |] *)
+ (* p, p *)
+ (* p; p *)
+ (* c *)
+ (* 'x' *)
+ (* ~s or ~s:(p) *)
+ (* ?s or ?s:(p = e) or ?(p = e) *)
+ (* | PaOlb of Loc.t and string and meta_option(*FIXME*) (patt * meta_option(*FIXME*) expr) *)
+ (* ?s or ?s:(p) *)
+ (* ?s:(p = e) or ?(p = e) *)
+ (* p | p *)
+ (* p .. p *)
+ (* { p } *)
+ (* p = p *)
+ (* s *)
+ (* ( p ) *)
+ (* (p : t) *)
+ (* #i *)
+ (* `s *)
+ (* i *)
+ (* e.e *)
+ (* $s$ *)
+ (* e e *)
+ (* e.(e) *)
+ (* [| e |] *)
+ (* e; e *)
+ (* assert False *)
+ (* assert e *)
+ (* e := e *)
+ (* 'c' *)
+ (* (e : t) or (e : t :> t) *)
+ (* 3.14 *)
+ (* for s = e to/downto e do { e } *)
+ (* fun [ a ] *)
+ (* if e then e else e *)
+ (* 42 *)
+ (* ~s or ~s:e *)
+ (* lazy e *)
+ (* let b in e or let rec b in e *)
+ (* let module s = me in e *)
+ (* match e with [ a ] *)
+ (* new i *)
+ (* object ((p))? (cst)? end *)
+ (* ?s or ?s:e *)
+ (* {< b >} *)
+ (* { b } or { (e) with b } *)
+ (* do { e } *)
+ (* e#s *)
+ (* e.[e] *)
+ (* s *)
+ (* "foo" *)
+ (* try e with [ a ] *)
+ (* (e) *)
+ (* e, e *)
+ (* (e : t) *)
+ (* `s *)
+ (* while e do { e } *)
+ (* i *)
+ (* A.B.C *)
+ (* functor (s : mt) -> mt *)
+ (* 's *)
+ (* sig (sg)? end *)
+ (* mt with wc *)
+ (* $s$ *)
+ (* class cict *)
+ (* class type cict *)
+ (* sg ; sg *)
+ (* # s or # s e *)
+ (* exception t *)
+ (* |+ external s : t = s ... s +|
+ | SgExt of Loc.t and string and ctyp and list string *)
+ (* external s : t = s *)
+ (* include mt *)
+ (* module s : mt *)
+ (* module rec mb *)
+ (* module type s = mt *)
+ (* open i *)
+ (* type t *)
+ (* value s : t *)
+ (* $s$ *)
+ (* type t = t *)
+ (* module i = i *)
+ (* wc and wc *)
+ (* $s$ *)
+ (* b and b *)
+ (* let a = 42 and c = 43 *)
+ (* b ; b *)
+ (* p = e *)
+ (* let patt = expr *)
+ (* $s$ *)
+ (* mb and mb *)
+ (* module rec (s : mt) = me and (s : mt) = me *)
+ (* s : mt = me *)
+ (* s : mt *)
+ (* $s$ *)
+ (* a | a *)
+ (* p (when e)? -> e *)
+ (* $s$ *)
+ (* i *)
+ (* me me *)
+ (* functor (s : mt) -> me *)
+ (* struct (st)? end *)
+ (* (me : mt) *)
+ (* $s$ *)
+ (* class cice *)
+ (* class type cict *)
+ (* st ; st *)
+ (* # s or # s e *)
+ (* exception t or exception t = i *)
+ (*FIXME*)
+ (* e *)
+ (* |+ external s : t = s ... s +|
+ | StExt of Loc.t and string and ctyp and list string *)
+ (* external s : t = s *)
+ (* include me *)
+ (* module s = me *)
+ (* module rec mb *)
+ (* module type s = mt *)
+ (* open i *)
+ (* type t *)
+ (* value b or value rec b *)
+ (* $s$ *)
+ (* (virtual)? i ([ t ])? *)
+ (* [t] -> ct *)
+ (* object ((t))? (csg)? end *)
+ (* ct and ct *)
+ (* ct : ct *)
+ (* ct = ct *)
+ (* $s$ *)
+ (* type t = t *)
+ (* csg ; csg *)
+ (* inherit ct *)
+ (* method s : t or method private s : t *)
+ (* value (virtual)? (mutable)? s : t *)
+ (* method virtual (mutable)? s : t *)
+ (* $s$ *)
+ (* ce e *)
+ (* (virtual)? i ([ t ])? *)
+ (* fun p -> ce *)
+ (* let (rec)? b in ce *)
+ (* object ((p))? (cst)? end *)
+ (* ce : ct *)
+ (* ce and ce *)
+ (* ce = ce *)
+ (* $s$ *)
+ patt =
+ | PaNil of Loc.t | PaId of Loc.t * ident
+ | PaAli of Loc.t * patt * patt | PaAnt of Loc.t * string
+ | PaAny of Loc.t | PaApp of Loc.t * patt * patt
+ | PaArr of Loc.t * patt | PaCom of Loc.t * patt * patt
+ | PaSem of Loc.t * patt * patt | PaChr of Loc.t * string
+ | PaInt of Loc.t * string | PaInt32 of Loc.t * string
+ | PaInt64 of Loc.t * string | PaNativeInt of Loc.t * string
+ | PaFlo of Loc.t * string | PaLab of Loc.t * string * patt
+ | PaOlb of Loc.t * string * patt
+ | PaOlbi of Loc.t * string * patt * expr
+ | PaOrp of Loc.t * patt * patt | PaRng of Loc.t * patt * patt
+ | PaRec of Loc.t * patt | PaEq of Loc.t * patt * patt
+ | PaStr of Loc.t * string | PaTup of Loc.t * patt
+ | PaTyc of Loc.t * patt * ctyp | PaTyp of Loc.t * ident
+ | PaVrn of Loc.t * string
+ and expr =
+ | ExNil of Loc.t | ExId of Loc.t * ident
+ | ExAcc of Loc.t * expr * expr | ExAnt of Loc.t * string
+ | ExApp of Loc.t * expr * expr | ExAre of Loc.t * expr * expr
+ | ExArr of Loc.t * expr | ExSem of Loc.t * expr * expr
+ | ExAsf of Loc.t | ExAsr of Loc.t * expr
+ | ExAss of Loc.t * expr * expr | ExChr of Loc.t * string
+ | ExCoe of Loc.t * expr * ctyp * ctyp | ExFlo of Loc.t * string
+ | ExFor of Loc.t * string * expr * expr * meta_bool * expr
+ | ExFun of Loc.t * match_case | ExIfe of Loc.t * expr * expr * expr
+ | ExInt of Loc.t * string | ExInt32 of Loc.t * string
+ | ExInt64 of Loc.t * string | ExNativeInt of Loc.t * string
+ | ExLab of Loc.t * string * expr | ExLaz of Loc.t * expr
+ | ExLet of Loc.t * meta_bool * binding * expr
+ | ExLmd of Loc.t * string * module_expr * expr
+ | ExMat of Loc.t * expr * match_case | ExNew of Loc.t * ident
+ | ExObj of Loc.t * patt * class_str_item
+ | ExOlb of Loc.t * string * expr | ExOvr of Loc.t * binding
+ | ExRec of Loc.t * binding * expr | ExSeq of Loc.t * expr
+ | ExSnd of Loc.t * expr * string | ExSte of Loc.t * expr * expr
+ | ExStr of Loc.t * string | ExTry of Loc.t * expr * match_case
+ | ExTup of Loc.t * expr | ExCom of Loc.t * expr * expr
+ | ExTyc of Loc.t * expr * ctyp | ExVrn of Loc.t * string
+ | ExWhi of Loc.t * expr * expr
+ and module_type =
+ | MtId of Loc.t * ident
+ | MtFun of Loc.t * string * module_type * module_type
+ | MtQuo of Loc.t * string | MtSig of Loc.t * sig_item
+ | MtWit of Loc.t * module_type * with_constr
+ | MtAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and sig_item =
+ | SgNil of Loc.t | SgCls of Loc.t * class_type
+ | SgClt of Loc.t * class_type
+ | SgSem of Loc.t * sig_item * sig_item
+ | SgDir of Loc.t * string * expr | SgExc of Loc.t * ctyp
+ | SgExt of Loc.t * string * ctyp * string
+ | SgInc of Loc.t * module_type
+ | SgMod of Loc.t * string * module_type
+ | SgRecMod of Loc.t * module_binding
+ | SgMty of Loc.t * string * module_type | SgOpn of Loc.t * ident
+ | SgTyp of Loc.t * ctyp | SgVal of Loc.t * string * ctyp
+ | SgAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and with_constr =
+ | WcNil of Loc.t | WcTyp of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp
+ | WcMod of Loc.t * ident * ident
+ | WcAnd of Loc.t * with_constr * with_constr
+ | WcAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and binding =
+ | BiNil of Loc.t | BiAnd of Loc.t * binding * binding
+ | BiSem of Loc.t * binding * binding | BiEq of Loc.t * patt * expr
+ | BiAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and module_binding =
+ | MbNil of Loc.t | MbAnd of Loc.t * module_binding * module_binding
+ | MbColEq of Loc.t * string * module_type * module_expr
+ | MbCol of Loc.t * string * module_type | MbAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and match_case =
+ | McNil of Loc.t | McOr of Loc.t * match_case * match_case
+ | McArr of Loc.t * patt * expr * expr | McAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and module_expr =
+ | MeId of Loc.t * ident
+ | MeApp of Loc.t * module_expr * module_expr
+ | MeFun of Loc.t * string * module_type * module_expr
+ | MeStr of Loc.t * str_item
+ | MeTyc of Loc.t * module_expr * module_type
+ | MeAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and str_item =
+ | StNil of Loc.t | StCls of Loc.t * class_expr
+ | StClt of Loc.t * class_type
+ | StSem of Loc.t * str_item * str_item
+ | StDir of Loc.t * string * expr
+ | StExc of Loc.t * ctyp * ident meta_option | StExp of Loc.t * expr
+ | StExt of Loc.t * string * ctyp * string
+ | StInc of Loc.t * module_expr
+ | StMod of Loc.t * string * module_expr
+ | StRecMod of Loc.t * module_binding
+ | StMty of Loc.t * string * module_type | StOpn of Loc.t * ident
+ | StTyp of Loc.t * ctyp | StVal of Loc.t * meta_bool * binding
+ | StAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and class_type =
+ | CtNil of Loc.t | CtCon of Loc.t * meta_bool * ident * ctyp
+ | CtFun of Loc.t * ctyp * class_type
+ | CtSig of Loc.t * ctyp * class_sig_item
+ | CtAnd of Loc.t * class_type * class_type
+ | CtCol of Loc.t * class_type * class_type
+ | CtEq of Loc.t * class_type * class_type | CtAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and class_sig_item =
+ | CgNil of Loc.t | CgCtr of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp
+ | CgSem of Loc.t * class_sig_item * class_sig_item
+ | CgInh of Loc.t * class_type
+ | CgMth of Loc.t * string * meta_bool * ctyp
+ | CgVal of Loc.t * string * meta_bool * meta_bool * ctyp
+ | CgVir of Loc.t * string * meta_bool * ctyp
+ | CgAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and class_expr =
+ | CeNil of Loc.t | CeApp of Loc.t * class_expr * expr
+ | CeCon of Loc.t * meta_bool * ident * ctyp
+ | CeFun of Loc.t * patt * class_expr
+ | CeLet of Loc.t * meta_bool * binding * class_expr
+ | CeStr of Loc.t * patt * class_str_item
+ | CeTyc of Loc.t * class_expr * class_type
+ | CeAnd of Loc.t * class_expr * class_expr
+ | CeEq of Loc.t * class_expr * class_expr | CeAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and class_str_item =
+ | CrNil of Loc.t | (* cst ; cst *)
+ CrSem of Loc.t * class_str_item * class_str_item | (* type t = t *)
+ CrCtr of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | (* inherit ce or inherit ce as s *)
+ CrInh of Loc.t * class_expr * string | (* initializer e *)
+ CrIni of Loc.t * expr
+ | (* method (private)? s : t = e or method (private)? s = e *)
+ CrMth of Loc.t * string * meta_bool * expr * ctyp
+ | (* value (mutable)? s = e *)
+ CrVal of Loc.t * string * meta_bool * expr
+ | (* method virtual (private)? s : t *)
+ CrVir of Loc.t * string * meta_bool * ctyp
+ | (* value virtual (private)? s : t *)
+ CrVvr of Loc.t * string * meta_bool * ctyp
+ | CrAnt of Loc.t * string
+ val loc_of_ctyp : ctyp -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_patt : patt -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_expr : expr -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_module_type : module_type -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_module_expr : module_expr -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_sig_item : sig_item -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_str_item : str_item -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_class_type : class_type -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_class_sig_item : class_sig_item -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_class_expr : class_expr -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_class_str_item : class_str_item -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_with_constr : with_constr -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_binding : binding -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_module_binding : module_binding -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_match_case : match_case -> Loc.t
+ val loc_of_ident : ident -> Loc.t
+ module Meta :
+ sig
+ module type META_LOC =
+ sig
+ val meta_loc_patt : Loc.t -> Loc.t -> patt
+ val meta_loc_expr : Loc.t -> Loc.t -> expr
+ end
+ module MetaLoc :
+ sig
+ val meta_loc_patt : Loc.t -> Loc.t -> patt
+ val meta_loc_expr : Loc.t -> Loc.t -> expr
+ end
+ module MetaGhostLoc :
+ sig
+ val meta_loc_patt : Loc.t -> 'a -> patt
+ val meta_loc_expr : Loc.t -> 'a -> expr
+ end
+ module MetaLocVar :
+ sig
+ val meta_loc_patt : Loc.t -> 'a -> patt
+ val meta_loc_expr : Loc.t -> 'a -> expr
+ end
+ module Make (MetaLoc : META_LOC) :
+ sig
+ module Expr :
+ sig
+ val meta_string : Loc.t -> string -> expr
+ val meta_int : Loc.t -> string -> expr
+ val meta_float : Loc.t -> string -> expr
+ val meta_char : Loc.t -> string -> expr
+ val meta_bool : Loc.t -> bool -> expr
+ val meta_list :
+ (Loc.t -> 'a -> expr) -> Loc.t -> 'a list -> expr
+ val meta_binding : Loc.t -> binding -> expr
+ val meta_class_expr : Loc.t -> class_expr -> expr
+ val meta_class_sig_item : Loc.t -> class_sig_item -> expr
+ val meta_class_str_item : Loc.t -> class_str_item -> expr
+ val meta_class_type : Loc.t -> class_type -> expr
+ val meta_ctyp : Loc.t -> ctyp -> expr
+ val meta_expr : Loc.t -> expr -> expr
+ val meta_ident : Loc.t -> ident -> expr
+ val meta_match_case : Loc.t -> match_case -> expr
+ val meta_meta_bool : Loc.t -> meta_bool -> expr
+ val meta_meta_option :
+ (Loc.t -> ident -> expr) ->
+ Loc.t -> ident meta_option -> expr
+ val meta_module_binding : Loc.t -> module_binding -> expr
+ val meta_module_expr : Loc.t -> module_expr -> expr
+ val meta_module_type : Loc.t -> module_type -> expr
+ val meta_patt : Loc.t -> patt -> expr
+ val meta_sig_item : Loc.t -> sig_item -> expr
+ val meta_str_item : Loc.t -> str_item -> expr
+ val meta_with_constr : Loc.t -> with_constr -> expr
+ end
+ module Patt :
+ sig
+ val meta_string : Loc.t -> string -> patt
+ val meta_int : Loc.t -> string -> patt
+ val meta_float : Loc.t -> string -> patt
+ val meta_char : Loc.t -> string -> patt
+ val meta_bool : Loc.t -> bool -> patt
+ val meta_list :
+ (Loc.t -> 'a -> patt) -> Loc.t -> 'a list -> patt
+ val meta_binding : Loc.t -> binding -> patt
+ val meta_class_expr : Loc.t -> class_expr -> patt
+ val meta_class_sig_item : Loc.t -> class_sig_item -> patt
+ val meta_class_str_item : Loc.t -> class_str_item -> patt
+ val meta_class_type : Loc.t -> class_type -> patt
+ val meta_ctyp : Loc.t -> ctyp -> patt
+ val meta_expr : Loc.t -> expr -> patt
+ val meta_ident : Loc.t -> ident -> patt
+ val meta_match_case : Loc.t -> match_case -> patt
+ val meta_meta_bool : Loc.t -> meta_bool -> patt
+ val meta_meta_option :
+ (Loc.t -> ident -> patt) ->
+ Loc.t -> ident meta_option -> patt
+ val meta_module_binding : Loc.t -> module_binding -> patt
+ val meta_module_expr : Loc.t -> module_expr -> patt
+ val meta_module_type : Loc.t -> module_type -> patt
+ val meta_patt : Loc.t -> patt -> patt
+ val meta_sig_item : Loc.t -> sig_item -> patt
+ val meta_str_item : Loc.t -> str_item -> patt
+ val meta_with_constr : Loc.t -> with_constr -> patt
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class map :
+ object
+ inherit mapper
+ method meta_bool : meta_bool -> meta_bool
+ method meta_option :
+ 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a meta_option -> 'b meta_option
+ method _Loc_t : Loc.t -> Loc.t
+ method expr : expr -> expr
+ method patt : patt -> patt
+ method ctyp : ctyp -> ctyp
+ method str_item : str_item -> str_item
+ method sig_item : sig_item -> sig_item
+ method module_expr : module_expr -> module_expr
+ method module_type : module_type -> module_type
+ method class_expr : class_expr -> class_expr
+ method class_type : class_type -> class_type
+ method class_sig_item : class_sig_item -> class_sig_item
+ method class_str_item : class_str_item -> class_str_item
+ method with_constr : with_constr -> with_constr
+ method binding : binding -> binding
+ method module_binding : module_binding -> module_binding
+ method match_case : match_case -> match_case
+ method ident : ident -> ident
+ end
+ class fold :
+ object ('self_type)
+ method string : string -> 'self_type
+ method int : int -> 'self_type
+ method float : float -> 'self_type
+ method bool : bool -> 'self_type
+ method list :
+ 'a. ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> 'a list -> 'self_type
+ method option :
+ 'a. ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> 'a option -> 'self_type
+ method array :
+ 'a. ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> 'a array -> 'self_type
+ method ref :
+ 'a. ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> 'a ref -> 'self_type
+ method meta_bool : meta_bool -> 'self_type
+ method meta_option :
+ 'a.
+ ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) ->
+ 'a meta_option -> 'self_type
+ method _Loc_t : Loc.t -> 'self_type
+ method expr : expr -> 'self_type
+ method patt : patt -> 'self_type
+ method ctyp : ctyp -> 'self_type
+ method str_item : str_item -> 'self_type
+ method sig_item : sig_item -> 'self_type
+ method module_expr : module_expr -> 'self_type
+ method module_type : module_type -> 'self_type
+ method class_expr : class_expr -> 'self_type
+ method class_type : class_type -> 'self_type
+ method class_sig_item : class_sig_item -> 'self_type
+ method class_str_item : class_str_item -> 'self_type
+ method with_constr : with_constr -> 'self_type
+ method binding : binding -> 'self_type
+ method module_binding : module_binding -> 'self_type
+ method match_case : match_case -> 'self_type
+ method ident : ident -> 'self_type
+ end
+ class c_expr : (expr -> expr) -> object inherit map end
+ class c_patt : (patt -> patt) -> object inherit map end
+ class c_ctyp : (ctyp -> ctyp) -> object inherit map end
+ class c_str_item : (str_item -> str_item) -> object inherit map end
+ class c_sig_item : (sig_item -> sig_item) -> object inherit map end
+ class c_loc : (Loc.t -> Loc.t) -> object inherit map end
+ val map_expr : (expr -> expr) -> expr -> expr
+ val map_patt : (patt -> patt) -> patt -> patt
+ val map_ctyp : (ctyp -> ctyp) -> ctyp -> ctyp
+ val map_str_item : (str_item -> str_item) -> str_item -> str_item
+ val map_sig_item : (sig_item -> sig_item) -> sig_item -> sig_item
+ val map_loc : (Loc.t -> Loc.t) -> Loc.t -> Loc.t
+ val ident_of_expr : expr -> ident
+ val ident_of_ctyp : ctyp -> ident
+ val biAnd_of_list : binding list -> binding
+ val biSem_of_list : binding list -> binding
+ val paSem_of_list : patt list -> patt
+ val paCom_of_list : patt list -> patt
+ val tyOr_of_list : ctyp list -> ctyp
+ val tyAnd_of_list : ctyp list -> ctyp
+ val tySem_of_list : ctyp list -> ctyp
+ val stSem_of_list : str_item list -> str_item
+ val sgSem_of_list : sig_item list -> sig_item
+ val crSem_of_list : class_str_item list -> class_str_item
+ val cgSem_of_list : class_sig_item list -> class_sig_item
+ val ctAnd_of_list : class_type list -> class_type
+ val ceAnd_of_list : class_expr list -> class_expr
+ val wcAnd_of_list : with_constr list -> with_constr
+ val meApp_of_list : module_expr list -> module_expr
+ val mbAnd_of_list : module_binding list -> module_binding
+ val mcOr_of_list : match_case list -> match_case
+ val idAcc_of_list : ident list -> ident
+ val idApp_of_list : ident list -> ident
+ val exSem_of_list : expr list -> expr
+ val exCom_of_list : expr list -> expr
+ val list_of_ctyp : ctyp -> ctyp list -> ctyp list
+ val list_of_binding : binding -> binding list -> binding list
+ val list_of_with_constr :
+ with_constr -> with_constr list -> with_constr list
+ val list_of_patt : patt -> patt list -> patt list
+ val list_of_expr : expr -> expr list -> expr list
+ val list_of_str_item : str_item -> str_item list -> str_item list
+ val list_of_sig_item : sig_item -> sig_item list -> sig_item list
+ val list_of_class_sig_item :
+ class_sig_item -> class_sig_item list -> class_sig_item list
+ val list_of_class_str_item :
+ class_str_item -> class_str_item list -> class_str_item list
+ val list_of_class_type :
+ class_type -> class_type list -> class_type list
+ val list_of_class_expr :
+ class_expr -> class_expr list -> class_expr list
+ val list_of_module_expr :
+ module_expr -> module_expr list -> module_expr list
+ val list_of_module_binding :
+ module_binding -> module_binding list -> module_binding list
+ val list_of_match_case :
+ match_case -> match_case list -> match_case list
+ val list_of_ident : ident -> ident list -> ident list
+ val safe_string_escaped : string -> string
+ val is_irrefut_patt : patt -> bool
+ val is_constructor : ident -> bool
+ val is_patt_constructor : patt -> bool
+ val is_expr_constructor : expr -> bool
+ val ty_of_stl : (Loc.t * string * (ctyp list)) -> ctyp
+ val ty_of_sbt : (Loc.t * string * bool * ctyp) -> ctyp
+ val bi_of_pe : (patt * expr) -> binding
+ val pel_of_binding : binding -> (patt * expr) list
+ val binding_of_pel : (patt * expr) list -> binding
+ val sum_type_of_list : (Loc.t * string * (ctyp list)) list -> ctyp
+ val record_type_of_list : (Loc.t * string * bool * ctyp) list -> ctyp
+ end
+ module Camlp4AstToAst (M : Camlp4Ast) : Ast with module Loc = M.Loc
+ and type meta_bool = M.meta_bool
+ and type 'a meta_option = 'a M.meta_option and type ctyp = M.ctyp
+ and type patt = M.patt and type expr = M.expr
+ and type module_type = M.module_type and type sig_item = M.sig_item
+ and type with_constr = M.with_constr
+ and type module_expr = M.module_expr and type str_item = M.str_item
+ and type class_type = M.class_type
+ and type class_sig_item = M.class_sig_item
+ and type class_expr = M.class_expr
+ and type class_str_item = M.class_str_item and type binding = M.binding
+ and type module_binding = M.module_binding
+ and type match_case = M.match_case and type ident = M.ident = M
+ module MakeCamlp4Ast (Loc : Type) =
+ struct
+ type meta_bool = | BTrue | BFalse | BAnt of string
+ type 'a meta_option = | ONone | OSome of 'a | OAnt of string
+ type ident =
+ | IdAcc of Loc.t * ident * ident | IdApp of Loc.t * ident * ident
+ | IdLid of Loc.t * string | IdUid of Loc.t * string
+ | IdAnt of Loc.t * string
+ type ctyp =
+ | TyNil of Loc.t | TyAli of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | TyAny of Loc.t
+ | TyApp of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | TyArr of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp
+ | TyCls of Loc.t * ident | TyLab of Loc.t * string * ctyp
+ | TyId of Loc.t * ident | TyMan of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp
+ | TyDcl of Loc.t * string * ctyp list * ctyp * (ctyp * ctyp) list
+ | TyObj of Loc.t * ctyp * meta_bool
+ | TyOlb of Loc.t * string * ctyp | TyPol of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp
+ | TyQuo of Loc.t * string | TyQuP of Loc.t * string
+ | TyQuM of Loc.t * string | TyVrn of Loc.t * string
+ | TyRec of Loc.t * ctyp | TyCol of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp
+ | TySem of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | TyCom of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp
+ | TySum of Loc.t * ctyp | TyOf of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp
+ | TyAnd of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | TyOr of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp
+ | TyPrv of Loc.t * ctyp | TyMut of Loc.t * ctyp
+ | TyTup of Loc.t * ctyp | TySta of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp
+ | TyVrnEq of Loc.t * ctyp | TyVrnSup of Loc.t * ctyp
+ | TyVrnInf of Loc.t * ctyp | TyVrnInfSup of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp
+ | TyAmp of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp | TyOfAmp of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp
+ | TyAnt of Loc.t * string
+ type patt =
+ | PaNil of Loc.t | PaId of Loc.t * ident
+ | PaAli of Loc.t * patt * patt | PaAnt of Loc.t * string
+ | PaAny of Loc.t | PaApp of Loc.t * patt * patt
+ | PaArr of Loc.t * patt | PaCom of Loc.t * patt * patt
+ | PaSem of Loc.t * patt * patt | PaChr of Loc.t * string
+ | PaInt of Loc.t * string | PaInt32 of Loc.t * string
+ | PaInt64 of Loc.t * string | PaNativeInt of Loc.t * string
+ | PaFlo of Loc.t * string | PaLab of Loc.t * string * patt
+ | PaOlb of Loc.t * string * patt
+ | PaOlbi of Loc.t * string * patt * expr
+ | PaOrp of Loc.t * patt * patt | PaRng of Loc.t * patt * patt
+ | PaRec of Loc.t * patt | PaEq of Loc.t * patt * patt
+ | PaStr of Loc.t * string | PaTup of Loc.t * patt
+ | PaTyc of Loc.t * patt * ctyp | PaTyp of Loc.t * ident
+ | PaVrn of Loc.t * string
+ and expr =
+ | ExNil of Loc.t | ExId of Loc.t * ident
+ | ExAcc of Loc.t * expr * expr | ExAnt of Loc.t * string
+ | ExApp of Loc.t * expr * expr | ExAre of Loc.t * expr * expr
+ | ExArr of Loc.t * expr | ExSem of Loc.t * expr * expr
+ | ExAsf of Loc.t | ExAsr of Loc.t * expr
+ | ExAss of Loc.t * expr * expr | ExChr of Loc.t * string
+ | ExCoe of Loc.t * expr * ctyp * ctyp | ExFlo of Loc.t * string
+ | ExFor of Loc.t * string * expr * expr * meta_bool * expr
+ | ExFun of Loc.t * match_case | ExIfe of Loc.t * expr * expr * expr
+ | ExInt of Loc.t * string | ExInt32 of Loc.t * string
+ | ExInt64 of Loc.t * string | ExNativeInt of Loc.t * string
+ | ExLab of Loc.t * string * expr | ExLaz of Loc.t * expr
+ | ExLet of Loc.t * meta_bool * binding * expr
+ | ExLmd of Loc.t * string * module_expr * expr
+ | ExMat of Loc.t * expr * match_case | ExNew of Loc.t * ident
+ | ExObj of Loc.t * patt * class_str_item
+ | ExOlb of Loc.t * string * expr | ExOvr of Loc.t * binding
+ | ExRec of Loc.t * binding * expr | ExSeq of Loc.t * expr
+ | ExSnd of Loc.t * expr * string | ExSte of Loc.t * expr * expr
+ | ExStr of Loc.t * string | ExTry of Loc.t * expr * match_case
+ | ExTup of Loc.t * expr | ExCom of Loc.t * expr * expr
+ | ExTyc of Loc.t * expr * ctyp | ExVrn of Loc.t * string
+ | ExWhi of Loc.t * expr * expr
+ and module_type =
+ | MtId of Loc.t * ident
+ | MtFun of Loc.t * string * module_type * module_type
+ | MtQuo of Loc.t * string | MtSig of Loc.t * sig_item
+ | MtWit of Loc.t * module_type * with_constr
+ | MtAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and sig_item =
+ | SgNil of Loc.t | SgCls of Loc.t * class_type
+ | SgClt of Loc.t * class_type
+ | SgSem of Loc.t * sig_item * sig_item
+ | SgDir of Loc.t * string * expr | SgExc of Loc.t * ctyp
+ | SgExt of Loc.t * string * ctyp * string
+ | SgInc of Loc.t * module_type
+ | SgMod of Loc.t * string * module_type
+ | SgRecMod of Loc.t * module_binding
+ | SgMty of Loc.t * string * module_type | SgOpn of Loc.t * ident
+ | SgTyp of Loc.t * ctyp | SgVal of Loc.t * string * ctyp
+ | SgAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and with_constr =
+ | WcNil of Loc.t | WcTyp of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp
+ | WcMod of Loc.t * ident * ident
+ | WcAnd of Loc.t * with_constr * with_constr
+ | WcAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and binding =
+ | BiNil of Loc.t | BiAnd of Loc.t * binding * binding
+ | BiSem of Loc.t * binding * binding | BiEq of Loc.t * patt * expr
+ | BiAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and module_binding =
+ | MbNil of Loc.t | MbAnd of Loc.t * module_binding * module_binding
+ | MbColEq of Loc.t * string * module_type * module_expr
+ | MbCol of Loc.t * string * module_type | MbAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and match_case =
+ | McNil of Loc.t | McOr of Loc.t * match_case * match_case
+ | McArr of Loc.t * patt * expr * expr | McAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and module_expr =
+ | MeId of Loc.t * ident
+ | MeApp of Loc.t * module_expr * module_expr
+ | MeFun of Loc.t * string * module_type * module_expr
+ | MeStr of Loc.t * str_item
+ | MeTyc of Loc.t * module_expr * module_type
+ | MeAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and str_item =
+ | StNil of Loc.t | StCls of Loc.t * class_expr
+ | StClt of Loc.t * class_type
+ | StSem of Loc.t * str_item * str_item
+ | StDir of Loc.t * string * expr
+ | StExc of Loc.t * ctyp * ident meta_option | StExp of Loc.t * expr
+ | StExt of Loc.t * string * ctyp * string
+ | StInc of Loc.t * module_expr
+ | StMod of Loc.t * string * module_expr
+ | StRecMod of Loc.t * module_binding
+ | StMty of Loc.t * string * module_type | StOpn of Loc.t * ident
+ | StTyp of Loc.t * ctyp | StVal of Loc.t * meta_bool * binding
+ | StAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and class_type =
+ | CtNil of Loc.t | CtCon of Loc.t * meta_bool * ident * ctyp
+ | CtFun of Loc.t * ctyp * class_type
+ | CtSig of Loc.t * ctyp * class_sig_item
+ | CtAnd of Loc.t * class_type * class_type
+ | CtCol of Loc.t * class_type * class_type
+ | CtEq of Loc.t * class_type * class_type | CtAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and class_sig_item =
+ | CgNil of Loc.t | CgCtr of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp
+ | CgSem of Loc.t * class_sig_item * class_sig_item
+ | CgInh of Loc.t * class_type
+ | CgMth of Loc.t * string * meta_bool * ctyp
+ | CgVal of Loc.t * string * meta_bool * meta_bool * ctyp
+ | CgVir of Loc.t * string * meta_bool * ctyp
+ | CgAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and class_expr =
+ | CeNil of Loc.t | CeApp of Loc.t * class_expr * expr
+ | CeCon of Loc.t * meta_bool * ident * ctyp
+ | CeFun of Loc.t * patt * class_expr
+ | CeLet of Loc.t * meta_bool * binding * class_expr
+ | CeStr of Loc.t * patt * class_str_item
+ | CeTyc of Loc.t * class_expr * class_type
+ | CeAnd of Loc.t * class_expr * class_expr
+ | CeEq of Loc.t * class_expr * class_expr | CeAnt of Loc.t * string
+ and class_str_item =
+ | CrNil of Loc.t | CrSem of Loc.t * class_str_item * class_str_item
+ | CrCtr of Loc.t * ctyp * ctyp
+ | CrInh of Loc.t * class_expr * string | CrIni of Loc.t * expr
+ | CrMth of Loc.t * string * meta_bool * expr * ctyp
+ | CrVal of Loc.t * string * meta_bool * expr
+ | CrVir of Loc.t * string * meta_bool * ctyp
+ | CrVvr of Loc.t * string * meta_bool * ctyp
+ | CrAnt of Loc.t * string
+ end
+ module type AstFilters =
+ sig
+ module Ast : Camlp4Ast
+ type 'a filter = 'a -> 'a
+ val register_sig_item_filter : Ast.sig_item filter -> unit
+ val register_str_item_filter : Ast.str_item filter -> unit
+ val fold_interf_filters :
+ ('a -> Ast.sig_item filter -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+ val fold_implem_filters :
+ ('a -> Ast.str_item filter -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+ end
+ type quotation =
+ { q_name : string; q_loc : string; q_shift : int; q_contents : string
+ }
+ module type Quotation =
+ sig
+ module Ast : Ast
+ open Ast
+ type 'a expand_fun = Loc.t -> string option -> string -> 'a
+ type expander =
+ | ExStr of (bool -> string expand_fun)
+ | ExAst of Ast.expr expand_fun * Ast.patt expand_fun
+ val add : string -> expander -> unit
+ val find : string -> expander
+ val default : string ref
+ val translate : (string -> string) ref
+ val expand_expr :
+ (Loc.t -> string -> Ast.expr) -> Loc.t -> quotation -> Ast.expr
+ val expand_patt :
+ (Loc.t -> string -> Ast.patt) -> Loc.t -> quotation -> Ast.patt
+ val dump_file : (string option) ref
+ module Error : Error
+ end
+ type ('a, 'loc) stream_filter =
+ ('a * 'loc) Stream.t -> ('a * 'loc) Stream.t
+ module type Token =
+ sig
+ module Loc : Loc
+ type t
+ val to_string : t -> string
+ val print : Format.formatter -> t -> unit
+ val match_keyword : string -> t -> bool
+ val extract_string : t -> string
+ module Filter :
+ sig
+ type token_filter = (t, Loc.t) stream_filter
+ type t
+ val mk : (string -> bool) -> t
+ val define_filter : t -> (token_filter -> token_filter) -> unit
+ val filter : t -> token_filter
+ val keyword_added : t -> string -> bool -> unit
+ val keyword_removed : t -> string -> unit
+ end
+ module Error : Error
+ end
+ type camlp4_token =
+ | KEYWORD of string | SYMBOL of string | LIDENT of string
+ | UIDENT of string | ESCAPED_IDENT of string | INT of int * string
+ | INT32 of int32 * string | INT64 of int64 * string
+ | NATIVEINT of nativeint * string | FLOAT of float * string
+ | CHAR of char * string | STRING of string * string | LABEL of string
+ | OPTLABEL of string | QUOTATION of quotation
+ | ANTIQUOT of string * string | COMMENT of string | BLANKS of string
+ | NEWLINE | LINE_DIRECTIVE of int * string option | EOI
+ module type Camlp4Token = Token with type t = camlp4_token
+ module type DynLoader =
+ sig
+ type t
+ exception Error of string * string
+ val mk : ?ocaml_stdlib: bool -> ?camlp4_stdlib: bool -> unit -> t
+ val fold_load_path : t -> (string -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
+ val load : t -> string -> unit
+ val include_dir : t -> string -> unit
+ val find_in_path : t -> string -> string
+ end
+ module Grammar =
+ struct
+ module type Action =
+ sig
+ type t
+ val mk : 'a -> t
+ val get : t -> 'a
+ val getf : t -> 'a -> 'b
+ val getf2 : t -> 'a -> 'b -> 'c
+ end
+ type assoc = | NonA | RightA | LeftA
+ type position =
+ | First | Last | Before of string | After of string
+ | Level of string
+ module type Structure =
+ sig
+ module Loc : Loc
+ module Action : Action
+ module Token : Token with module Loc = Loc
+ type gram
+ type internal_entry
+ type tree
+ type token_pattern = ((Token.t -> bool) * string)
+ type symbol =
+ | Smeta of string * symbol list * Action.t
+ | Snterm of internal_entry | Snterml of internal_entry * string
+ | Slist0 of symbol | Slist0sep of symbol * symbol
+ | Slist1 of symbol | Slist1sep of symbol * symbol
+ | Sopt of symbol | Sself | Snext | Stoken of token_pattern
+ | Skeyword of string | Stree of tree
+ type production_rule = ((symbol list) * Action.t)
+ type single_extend_statment =
+ ((string option) * (assoc option) * (production_rule list))
+ type extend_statment =
+ ((position option) * (single_extend_statment list))
+ type delete_statment = symbol list
+ type ('a, 'b, 'c) fold =
+ internal_entry ->
+ symbol list -> ('a Stream.t -> 'b) -> 'a Stream.t -> 'c
+ type ('a, 'b, 'c) foldsep =
+ internal_entry ->
+ symbol list ->
+ ('a Stream.t -> 'b) ->
+ ('a Stream.t -> unit) -> 'a Stream.t -> 'c
+ end
+ module type Dynamic =
+ sig
+ include Structure
+ val mk : unit -> gram
+ module Entry :
+ sig
+ type 'a t
+ val mk : gram -> string -> 'a t
+ val of_parser :
+ gram ->
+ string -> ((Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> 'a) -> 'a t
+ val setup_parser :
+ 'a t -> ((Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> 'a) -> unit
+ val name : 'a t -> string
+ val print : Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
+ val dump : Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
+ val obj : 'a t -> internal_entry
+ val clear : 'a t -> unit
+ end
+ val get_filter : gram -> Token.Filter.t
+ type 'a not_filtered
+ val extend : 'a Entry.t -> extend_statment -> unit
+ val delete_rule : 'a Entry.t -> delete_statment -> unit
+ val srules :
+ 'a Entry.t -> ((symbol list) * Action.t) list -> symbol
+ val sfold0 : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> (_, 'a, 'b) fold
+ val sfold1 : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> (_, 'a, 'b) fold
+ val sfold0sep : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> (_, 'a, 'b) foldsep
+ val lex :
+ gram ->
+ Loc.t ->
+ char Stream.t -> ((Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t) not_filtered
+ val lex_string :
+ gram ->
+ Loc.t -> string -> ((Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t) not_filtered
+ val filter :
+ gram ->
+ ((Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t) not_filtered ->
+ (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t
+ val parse : 'a Entry.t -> Loc.t -> char Stream.t -> 'a
+ val parse_string : 'a Entry.t -> Loc.t -> string -> 'a
+ val parse_tokens_before_filter :
+ 'a Entry.t -> ((Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t) not_filtered -> 'a
+ val parse_tokens_after_filter :
+ 'a Entry.t -> (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> 'a
+ end
+ module type Static =
+ sig
+ include Structure
+ module Entry :
+ sig
+ type 'a t
+ val mk : string -> 'a t
+ val of_parser :
+ string -> ((Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> 'a) -> 'a t
+ val setup_parser :
+ 'a t -> ((Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> 'a) -> unit
+ val name : 'a t -> string
+ val print : Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
+ val dump : Format.formatter -> 'a t -> unit
+ val obj : 'a t -> internal_entry
+ val clear : 'a t -> unit
+ end
+ val get_filter : unit -> Token.Filter.t
+ type 'a not_filtered
+ val extend : 'a Entry.t -> extend_statment -> unit
+ val delete_rule : 'a Entry.t -> delete_statment -> unit
+ val srules :
+ 'a Entry.t -> ((symbol list) * Action.t) list -> symbol
+ val sfold0 : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> (_, 'a, 'b) fold
+ val sfold1 : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> (_, 'a, 'b) fold
+ val sfold0sep : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> (_, 'a, 'b) foldsep
+ val lex :
+ Loc.t ->
+ char Stream.t -> ((Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t) not_filtered
+ val lex_string :
+ Loc.t -> string -> ((Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t) not_filtered
+ val filter :
+ ((Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t) not_filtered ->
+ (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t
+ val parse : 'a Entry.t -> Loc.t -> char Stream.t -> 'a
+ val parse_string : 'a Entry.t -> Loc.t -> string -> 'a
+ val parse_tokens_before_filter :
+ 'a Entry.t -> ((Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t) not_filtered -> 'a
+ val parse_tokens_after_filter :
+ 'a Entry.t -> (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> 'a
+ end
+ end
+ module type Lexer =
+ sig
+ module Loc : Loc
+ module Token : Token with module Loc = Loc
+ module Error : Error
+ val mk : unit -> Loc.t -> char Stream.t -> (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t
+ end
+ module type Parser =
+ sig
+ module Ast : Ast
+ open Ast
+ val parse_implem :
+ ?directive_handler: (str_item -> str_item option) ->
+ Loc.t -> char Stream.t -> Ast.str_item
+ val parse_interf :
+ ?directive_handler: (sig_item -> sig_item option) ->
+ Loc.t -> char Stream.t -> Ast.sig_item
+ end
+ module type Printer =
+ sig
+ module Ast : Ast
+ val print_interf :
+ ?input_file: string -> ?output_file: string -> Ast.sig_item -> unit
+ val print_implem :
+ ?input_file: string -> ?output_file: string -> Ast.str_item -> unit
+ end
+ module type Syntax =
+ sig
+ module Loc : Loc
+ module Warning : Warning with module Loc = Loc
+ module Ast : Ast with module Loc = Loc
+ module Token : Token with module Loc = Loc
+ module Gram : Grammar.Static with module Loc = Loc
+ and module Token = Token
+ module AntiquotSyntax : AntiquotSyntax with module Ast = Ast
+ module Quotation : Quotation with module Ast = Ast
+ module Parser : Parser with module Ast = Ast
+ module Printer : Printer with module Ast = Ast
+ end
+ module type Camlp4Syntax =
+ sig
+ module Loc : Loc
+ module Warning : Warning with module Loc = Loc
+ module Ast : Camlp4Ast with module Loc = Loc
+ module Token : Camlp4Token with module Loc = Loc
+ module Gram : Grammar.Static with module Loc = Loc
+ and module Token = Token
+ module AntiquotSyntax :
+ AntiquotSyntax with module Ast = Camlp4AstToAst(Ast)
+ module Quotation : Quotation with module Ast = Camlp4AstToAst(Ast)
+ module Parser : Parser with module Ast = Camlp4AstToAst(Ast)
+ module Printer : Printer with module Ast = Camlp4AstToAst(Ast)
+ val interf : ((Ast.sig_item list) * (Loc.t option)) Gram.Entry.t
+ val implem : ((Ast.str_item list) * (Loc.t option)) Gram.Entry.t
+ val top_phrase : (Ast.str_item option) Gram.Entry.t
+ val use_file : ((Ast.str_item list) * (Loc.t option)) Gram.Entry.t
+ val a_CHAR : string Gram.Entry.t
+ val a_FLOAT : string Gram.Entry.t
+ val a_INT : string Gram.Entry.t
+ val a_INT32 : string Gram.Entry.t
+ val a_INT64 : string Gram.Entry.t
+ val a_LABEL : string Gram.Entry.t
+ val a_LIDENT : string Gram.Entry.t
+ val a_LIDENT_or_operator : string Gram.Entry.t
+ val a_NATIVEINT : string Gram.Entry.t
+ val a_OPTLABEL : string Gram.Entry.t
+ val a_STRING : string Gram.Entry.t
+ val a_UIDENT : string Gram.Entry.t
+ val a_ident : string Gram.Entry.t
+ val amp_ctyp : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val and_ctyp : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val match_case : Ast.match_case Gram.Entry.t
+ val match_case0 : Ast.match_case Gram.Entry.t
+ val match_case_quot : Ast.match_case Gram.Entry.t
+ val binding : Ast.binding Gram.Entry.t
+ val binding_quot : Ast.binding Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_declaration : Ast.class_expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_description : Ast.class_type Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_expr : Ast.class_expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_expr_quot : Ast.class_expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_fun_binding : Ast.class_expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_fun_def : Ast.class_expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_info_for_class_expr : Ast.class_expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_info_for_class_type : Ast.class_type Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_longident : Ast.ident Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_longident_and_param : Ast.class_expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_name_and_param : (string * Ast.ctyp) Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_sig_item : Ast.class_sig_item Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_sig_item_quot : Ast.class_sig_item Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_signature : Ast.class_sig_item Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_str_item : Ast.class_str_item Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_str_item_quot : Ast.class_str_item Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_structure : Ast.class_str_item Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_type : Ast.class_type Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_type_declaration : Ast.class_type Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_type_longident : Ast.ident Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_type_longident_and_param : Ast.class_type Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_type_plus : Ast.class_type Gram.Entry.t
+ val class_type_quot : Ast.class_type Gram.Entry.t
+ val comma_ctyp : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val comma_expr : Ast.expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val comma_ipatt : Ast.patt Gram.Entry.t
+ val comma_patt : Ast.patt Gram.Entry.t
+ val comma_type_parameter : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val constrain : (Ast.ctyp * Ast.ctyp) Gram.Entry.t
+ val constructor_arg_list : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val constructor_declaration : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val constructor_declarations : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val ctyp : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val ctyp_quot : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val cvalue_binding : Ast.expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val direction_flag : Ast.meta_bool Gram.Entry.t
+ val dummy : unit Gram.Entry.t
+ val eq_expr : (string -> Ast.patt -> Ast.patt) Gram.Entry.t
+ val expr : Ast.expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val expr_eoi : Ast.expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val expr_quot : Ast.expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val field : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val field_expr : Ast.binding Gram.Entry.t
+ val fun_binding : Ast.expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val fun_def : Ast.expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val ident : Ast.ident Gram.Entry.t
+ val ident_quot : Ast.ident Gram.Entry.t
+ val ipatt : Ast.patt Gram.Entry.t
+ val ipatt_tcon : Ast.patt Gram.Entry.t
+ val label : string Gram.Entry.t
+ val label_declaration : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val label_expr : Ast.binding Gram.Entry.t
+ val label_ipatt : Ast.patt Gram.Entry.t
+ val label_longident : Ast.ident Gram.Entry.t
+ val label_patt : Ast.patt Gram.Entry.t
+ val labeled_ipatt : Ast.patt Gram.Entry.t
+ val let_binding : Ast.binding Gram.Entry.t
+ val meth_list : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val module_binding : Ast.module_binding Gram.Entry.t
+ val module_binding0 : Ast.module_expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val module_binding_quot : Ast.module_binding Gram.Entry.t
+ val module_declaration : Ast.module_type Gram.Entry.t
+ val module_expr : Ast.module_expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val module_expr_quot : Ast.module_expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val module_longident : Ast.ident Gram.Entry.t
+ val module_longident_with_app : Ast.ident Gram.Entry.t
+ val module_rec_declaration : Ast.module_binding Gram.Entry.t
+ val module_type : Ast.module_type Gram.Entry.t
+ val module_type_quot : Ast.module_type Gram.Entry.t
+ val more_ctyp : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val name_tags : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val opt_as_lident : string Gram.Entry.t
+ val opt_class_self_patt : Ast.patt Gram.Entry.t
+ val opt_class_self_type : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val opt_comma_ctyp : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val opt_dot_dot : Ast.meta_bool Gram.Entry.t
+ val opt_eq_ctyp : (Ast.ctyp list -> Ast.ctyp) Gram.Entry.t
+ val opt_expr : Ast.expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val opt_meth_list : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val opt_mutable : Ast.meta_bool Gram.Entry.t
+ val opt_polyt : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val opt_private : Ast.meta_bool Gram.Entry.t
+ val opt_rec : Ast.meta_bool Gram.Entry.t
+ val opt_virtual : Ast.meta_bool Gram.Entry.t
+ val opt_when_expr : Ast.expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val patt : Ast.patt Gram.Entry.t
+ val patt_as_patt_opt : Ast.patt Gram.Entry.t
+ val patt_eoi : Ast.patt Gram.Entry.t
+ val patt_quot : Ast.patt Gram.Entry.t
+ val patt_tcon : Ast.patt Gram.Entry.t
+ val phrase : Ast.str_item Gram.Entry.t
+ val pipe_ctyp : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val poly_type : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val row_field : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val sem_ctyp : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val sem_expr : Ast.expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val sem_expr_for_list : (Ast.expr -> Ast.expr) Gram.Entry.t
+ val sem_patt : Ast.patt Gram.Entry.t
+ val sem_patt_for_list : (Ast.patt -> Ast.patt) Gram.Entry.t
+ val semi : unit Gram.Entry.t
+ val sequence : Ast.expr Gram.Entry.t
+ val sig_item : Ast.sig_item Gram.Entry.t
+ val sig_item_quot : Ast.sig_item Gram.Entry.t
+ val sig_items : Ast.sig_item Gram.Entry.t
+ val star_ctyp : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val str_item : Ast.str_item Gram.Entry.t
+ val str_item_quot : Ast.str_item Gram.Entry.t
+ val str_items : Ast.str_item Gram.Entry.t
+ val type_constraint : unit Gram.Entry.t
+ val type_declaration : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val type_ident_and_parameters :
+ (string * (Ast.ctyp list)) Gram.Entry.t
+ val type_kind : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val type_longident : Ast.ident Gram.Entry.t
+ val type_longident_and_parameters : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val type_parameter : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val type_parameters : (Ast.ctyp -> Ast.ctyp) Gram.Entry.t
+ val typevars : Ast.ctyp Gram.Entry.t
+ val val_longident : Ast.ident Gram.Entry.t
+ val value_let : unit Gram.Entry.t
+ val value_val : unit Gram.Entry.t
+ val with_constr : Ast.with_constr Gram.Entry.t
+ val with_constr_quot : Ast.with_constr Gram.Entry.t
+ end
+ module type SyntaxExtension =
+ functor (Syn : Syntax) -> Syntax with module Loc = Syn.Loc
+ and module Warning = Syn.Warning and module Ast = Syn.Ast
+ and module Token = Syn.Token and module Gram = Syn.Gram
+ and module AntiquotSyntax = Syn.AntiquotSyntax
+ and module Quotation = Syn.Quotation
+ end
+module ErrorHandler :
+ sig
+ val print : Format.formatter -> exn -> unit
+ val try_print : Format.formatter -> exn -> unit
+ val to_string : exn -> string
+ val try_to_string : exn -> string
+ val register : (Format.formatter -> exn -> unit) -> unit
+ module Register (Error : Sig.Error) : sig end
+ module ObjTools :
+ sig
+ val print : Format.formatter -> Obj.t -> unit
+ val print_desc : Format.formatter -> Obj.t -> unit
+ val to_string : Obj.t -> string
+ val desc : Obj.t -> string
+ end
+ end =
+ struct
+ open Format
+ module ObjTools =
+ struct
+ let desc obj =
+ if Obj.is_block obj
+ then "tag = " ^ (string_of_int (Obj.tag obj))
+ else "int_val = " ^ (string_of_int (Obj.obj obj))
+ let rec to_string r =
+ if Obj.is_int r
+ then
+ (let i : int = Obj.magic r
+ in (string_of_int i) ^ (" | CstTag" ^ (string_of_int (i + 1))))
+ else
+ (let rec get_fields acc =
+ function
+ | 0 -> acc
+ | n -> let n = n - 1 in get_fields ((Obj.field r n) :: acc) n in
+ let rec is_list r =
+ if Obj.is_int r
+ then r = (Obj.repr 0)
+ else
+ (let s = Obj.size r
+ and t = Obj.tag r
+ in (t = 0) && ((s = 2) && (is_list (Obj.field r 1)))) in
+ let rec get_list r =
+ if Obj.is_int r
+ then []
+ else
+ (let h = Obj.field r 0
+ and t = get_list (Obj.field r 1)
+ in h :: t) in
+ let opaque name = "<" ^ (name ^ ">") in
+ let s = Obj.size r
+ and t = Obj.tag r
+ in
+ match t with
+ | _ when is_list r ->
+ let fields = get_list r
+ in
+ "[" ^
+ ((String.concat "; " ( to_string fields)) ^
+ "]")
+ | 0 ->
+ let fields = get_fields [] s
+ in
+ "(" ^
+ ((String.concat ", " ( to_string fields)) ^
+ ")")
+ | x when x = Obj.lazy_tag -> opaque "lazy"
+ | x when x = Obj.closure_tag -> opaque "closure"
+ | x when x = Obj.object_tag ->
+ let fields = get_fields [] s in
+ let (_class, id, slots) =
+ (match fields with
+ | h :: h' :: t -> (h, h', t)
+ | _ -> assert false)
+ in
+ "Object #" ^
+ ((to_string id) ^
+ (" (" ^
+ ((String.concat ", " ( to_string slots))
+ ^ ")")))
+ | x when x = Obj.infix_tag -> opaque "infix"
+ | x when x = Obj.forward_tag -> opaque "forward"
+ | x when x < Obj.no_scan_tag ->
+ let fields = get_fields [] s
+ in
+ "Tag" ^
+ ((string_of_int t) ^
+ (" (" ^
+ ((String.concat ", " ( to_string fields))
+ ^ ")")))
+ | x when x = Obj.string_tag ->
+ "\"" ^ ((String.escaped (Obj.magic r : string)) ^ "\"")
+ | x when x = Obj.double_tag ->
+ string_of_float (Obj.magic r : float)
+ | x when x = Obj.abstract_tag -> opaque "abstract"
+ | x when x = Obj.custom_tag -> opaque "custom"
+ | x when x = Obj.final_tag -> opaque "final"
+ | _ ->
+ failwith
+ ("ObjTools.to_string: unknown tag (" ^
+ ((string_of_int t) ^ ")")))
+ let print ppf x = fprintf ppf "%s" (to_string x)
+ let print_desc ppf x = fprintf ppf "%s" (desc x)
+ end
+ let default_handler ppf x =
+ let x = Obj.repr x
+ in
+ (fprintf ppf "Camlp4: Uncaught exception: %s"
+ (Obj.obj (Obj.field (Obj.field x 0) 0) : string);
+ if (Obj.size x) > 1
+ then
+ (pp_print_string ppf " (";
+ for i = 1 to (Obj.size x) - 1 do
+ if i > 1 then pp_print_string ppf ", " else ();
+ ObjTools.print ppf (Obj.field x i)
+ done;
+ pp_print_char ppf ')')
+ else ();
+ fprintf ppf "@.")
+ let handler =
+ ref (fun ppf default_handler exn -> default_handler ppf exn)
+ let register f =
+ let current_handler = !handler
+ in
+ handler :=
+ fun ppf default_handler exn ->
+ try f ppf exn
+ with | exn -> current_handler ppf default_handler exn
+ module Register (Error : Sig.Error) =
+ struct
+ let _ =
+ let current_handler = !handler
+ in
+ handler :=
+ fun ppf default_handler ->
+ function
+ | Error.E x -> Error.print ppf x
+ | x -> current_handler ppf default_handler x
+ end
+ let gen_print ppf default_handler =
+ function
+ | Out_of_memory -> fprintf ppf "Out of memory"
+ | Assert_failure ((file, line, char)) ->
+ fprintf ppf "Assertion failed, file %S, line %d, char %d" file line
+ char
+ | Match_failure ((file, line, char)) ->
+ fprintf ppf "Pattern matching failed, file %S, line %d, char %d"
+ file line char
+ | Failure str -> fprintf ppf "Failure: %S" str
+ | Invalid_argument str -> fprintf ppf "Invalid argument: %S" str
+ | Sys_error str -> fprintf ppf "I/O error: %S" str
+ | Stream.Failure -> fprintf ppf "Parse failure"
+ | Stream.Error str -> fprintf ppf "Parse error: %s" str
+ | x -> !handler ppf default_handler x
+ let print ppf = gen_print ppf default_handler
+ let try_print ppf = gen_print ppf (fun _ -> raise)
+ let to_string exn =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 128 in
+ let () = bprintf buf "%a" print exn in Buffer.contents buf
+ let try_to_string exn =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 128 in
+ let () = bprintf buf "%a" try_print exn in Buffer.contents buf
+ end
+module Struct =
+ struct
+ module Loc : sig include Sig.Loc end =
+ struct
+ open Format
+ type pos = { line : int; bol : int; off : int }
+ type t =
+ { file_name : string; start : pos; stop : pos; ghost : bool
+ }
+ let dump_sel f x =
+ let s =
+ match x with
+ | `start -> "`start"
+ | `stop -> "`stop"
+ | `both -> "`both"
+ | _ -> "<not-printable>"
+ in pp_print_string f s
+ let dump_pos f x =
+ fprintf f "@[<hov 2>{ line = %d ;@ bol = %d ;@ off = %d } : pos@]"
+ x.line x.bol
+ let dump_long f x =
+ fprintf f
+ "@[<hov 2>{ file_name = %s ;@ start = %a (%d-%d);@ stop = %a (%d);@ ghost = %b@ } : Loc.t@]"
+ x.file_name dump_pos x.start ( - x.start.bol)
+ ( - x.start.bol) dump_pos x.stop
+ ( - x.stop.bol) x.ghost
+ let dump f x =
+ fprintf f "[%S: %d:%d-%d %d:%d%t]" x.file_name x.start.line
+ ( - x.start.bol) ( - x.start.bol)
+ x.stop.line ( - x.stop.bol)
+ (fun o -> if x.ghost then fprintf o " (ghost)" else ())
+ let start_pos = { line = 1; bol = 0; off = 0; }
+ let ghost =
+ {
+ file_name = "ghost-location";
+ start = start_pos;
+ stop = start_pos;
+ ghost = true;
+ }
+ let mk file_name =
+ {
+ file_name = file_name;
+ start = start_pos;
+ stop = start_pos;
+ ghost = false;
+ }
+ let of_tuple (file_name, start_line, start_bol, start_off, stop_line,
+ stop_bol, stop_off, ghost)
+ =
+ {
+ file_name = file_name;
+ start = { line = start_line; bol = start_bol; off = start_off; };
+ stop = { line = stop_line; bol = stop_bol; off = stop_off; };
+ ghost = ghost;
+ }
+ let to_tuple {
+ file_name = file_name;
+ start =
+ {
+ line = start_line;
+ bol = start_bol;
+ off = start_off
+ };
+ stop =
+ { line = stop_line; bol = stop_bol; off = stop_off };
+ ghost = ghost
+ } =
+ (file_name, start_line, start_bol, start_off, stop_line, stop_bol,
+ stop_off, ghost)
+ let pos_of_lexing_position p =
+ let pos =
+ {
+ line = p.Lexing.pos_lnum;
+ bol = p.Lexing.pos_bol;
+ off = p.Lexing.pos_cnum;
+ }
+ in pos
+ let pos_to_lexing_position p file_name =
+ {
+ Lexing.pos_fname = file_name;
+ pos_lnum = p.line;
+ pos_bol = p.bol;
+ pos_cnum =;
+ }
+ let better_file_name a b =
+ match (a, b) with
+ | ("", "") -> a
+ | ("", x) -> x
+ | (x, "") -> x
+ | ("-", x) -> x
+ | (x, "-") -> x
+ | (x, _) -> x
+ let of_lexbuf lb =
+ let start = Lexing.lexeme_start_p lb
+ and stop = Lexing.lexeme_end_p lb in
+ let loc =
+ {
+ file_name =
+ better_file_name start.Lexing.pos_fname stop.Lexing.pos_fname;
+ start = pos_of_lexing_position start;
+ stop = pos_of_lexing_position stop;
+ ghost = false;
+ }
+ in loc
+ let of_lexing_position pos =
+ let loc =
+ {
+ file_name = pos.Lexing.pos_fname;
+ start = pos_of_lexing_position pos;
+ stop = pos_of_lexing_position pos;
+ ghost = false;
+ }
+ in loc
+ let to_ocaml_location x =
+ {
+ Location.loc_start = pos_to_lexing_position x.start x.file_name;
+ loc_end = pos_to_lexing_position x.stop x.file_name;
+ loc_ghost = x.ghost;
+ }
+ let of_ocaml_location x =
+ let (a, b) = ((x.Location.loc_start), (x.Location.loc_end)) in
+ let res =
+ {
+ file_name =
+ better_file_name a.Lexing.pos_fname b.Lexing.pos_fname;
+ start = pos_of_lexing_position a;
+ stop = pos_of_lexing_position b;
+ ghost = x.Location.loc_ghost;
+ }
+ in res
+ let start_pos x = pos_to_lexing_position x.start x.file_name
+ let stop_pos x = pos_to_lexing_position x.stop x.file_name
+ let merge a b =
+ if a == b
+ then a
+ else
+ (let r =
+ match ((a.ghost), (b.ghost)) with
+ | (false, false) -> { (a) with stop = b.stop; }
+ | (true, true) -> { (a) with stop = b.stop; }
+ | (true, _) -> { (a) with stop = b.stop; }
+ | (_, true) -> { (b) with start = a.start; }
+ in r)
+ let join x = { (x) with stop = x.start; }
+ let map f start_stop_both x =
+ match start_stop_both with
+ | `start -> { (x) with start = f x.start; }
+ | `stop -> { (x) with stop = f x.stop; }
+ | `both -> { (x) with start = f x.start; stop = f x.stop; }
+ let move_pos chars x = { (x) with off = + chars; }
+ let move s chars x = map (move_pos chars) s x
+ let move_line lines x =
+ let move_line_pos x =
+ { (x) with line = x.line + lines; bol =; }
+ in map move_line_pos `both x
+ let shift width x =
+ { (x) with start = x.stop; stop = move_pos width x.stop; }
+ let file_name x = x.file_name
+ let start_line x = x.start.line
+ let stop_line x = x.stop.line
+ let start_bol x = x.start.bol
+ let stop_bol x = x.stop.bol
+ let start_off x =
+ let stop_off x =
+ let is_ghost x = x.ghost
+ let set_file_name s x = { (x) with file_name = s; }
+ let ghostify x = { (x) with ghost = true; }
+ let make_absolute x =
+ let pwd = Sys.getcwd ()
+ in
+ if Filename.is_relative x.file_name
+ then { (x) with file_name = Filename.concat pwd x.file_name; }
+ else x
+ let strictly_before x y =
+ let b = ( < && (x.file_name = y.file_name)
+ in b
+ let to_string x =
+ let (a, b) = ((x.start), (x.stop)) in
+ let res =
+ sprintf "File \"%s\", line %d, characters %d-%d" x.file_name
+ a.line ( - a.bol) ( - a.bol)
+ in
+ if x.start.line <> x.stop.line
+ then
+ sprintf "%s (end at line %d, character %d)" res x.stop.line
+ ( - b.bol)
+ else res
+ let print out x = pp_print_string out (to_string x)
+ let check x msg =
+ if
+ ((start_line x) > (stop_line x)) ||
+ (((start_bol x) > (stop_bol x)) ||
+ (((start_off x) > (stop_off x)) ||
+ (((start_line x) < 0) ||
+ (((stop_line x) < 0) ||
+ (((start_bol x) < 0) ||
+ (((stop_bol x) < 0) ||
+ (((start_off x) < 0) || ((stop_off x) < 0))))))))
+ then
+ (eprintf "*** Warning: (%s) strange positions ***\n%a@\n" msg
+ print x;
+ false)
+ else true
+ exception Exc_located of t * exn
+ let _ =
+ ErrorHandler.register
+ (fun ppf ->
+ function
+ | Exc_located (loc, exn) ->
+ fprintf ppf "%a:@\n%a" print loc ErrorHandler.print exn
+ | exn -> raise exn)
+ let name = ref "_loc"
+ let raise loc exc =
+ match exc with
+ | Exc_located (_, _) -> raise exc
+ | _ -> raise (Exc_located (loc, exc))
+ end
+ module Warning =
+ struct
+ module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc) : Sig.Warning with module Loc = Loc =
+ struct
+ module Loc = Loc
+ open Format
+ type t = Loc.t -> string -> unit
+ let default loc txt = eprintf "<W> %a: %s@." Loc.print loc txt
+ let current = ref default
+ let print loc txt = !current loc txt
+ end
+ end
+ module Token :
+ sig
+ module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc) : Sig.Camlp4Token with module Loc = Loc
+ module Eval :
+ sig
+ val char : string -> char
+ val string : ?strict: unit -> string -> string
+ end
+ end =
+ struct
+ open Format
+ module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc) : Sig.Camlp4Token with module Loc = Loc =
+ struct
+ module Loc = Loc
+ open Sig
+ type t = camlp4_token
+ type token = t
+ let to_string =
+ function
+ | KEYWORD s -> sprintf "KEYWORD %S" s
+ | SYMBOL s -> sprintf "SYMBOL %S" s
+ | LIDENT s -> sprintf "LIDENT %S" s
+ | UIDENT s -> sprintf "UIDENT %S" s
+ | INT (_, s) -> sprintf "INT %s" s
+ | INT32 (_, s) -> sprintf "INT32 %sd" s
+ | INT64 (_, s) -> sprintf "INT64 %sd" s
+ | NATIVEINT (_, s) -> sprintf "NATIVEINT %sd" s
+ | FLOAT (_, s) -> sprintf "FLOAT %s" s
+ | CHAR (_, s) -> sprintf "CHAR '%s'" s
+ | STRING (_, s) -> sprintf "STRING \"%s\"" s
+ | LABEL s -> sprintf "LABEL %S" s
+ | OPTLABEL s -> sprintf "OPTLABEL %S" s
+ | ANTIQUOT (n, s) -> sprintf "ANTIQUOT %s: %S" n s
+ | QUOTATION x ->
+ sprintf
+ "QUOTATION { q_name=%S; q_loc=%S; q_shift=%d; q_contents=%S }"
+ x.q_name x.q_loc x.q_shift x.q_contents
+ | COMMENT s -> sprintf "COMMENT %S" s
+ | BLANKS s -> sprintf "BLANKS %S" s
+ | NEWLINE -> sprintf "NEWLINE"
+ | EOI -> sprintf "EOI"
+ | ESCAPED_IDENT s -> sprintf "ESCAPED_IDENT %S" s
+ | LINE_DIRECTIVE (i, None) -> sprintf "LINE_DIRECTIVE %d" i
+ | LINE_DIRECTIVE (i, (Some s)) ->
+ sprintf "LINE_DIRECTIVE %d %S" i s
+ let print ppf x = pp_print_string ppf (to_string x)
+ let match_keyword kwd =
+ function | KEYWORD kwd' when kwd = kwd' -> true | _ -> false
+ let extract_string =
+ function
+ | KEYWORD s | SYMBOL s | LIDENT s | UIDENT s | INT (_, s) |
+ INT32 (_, s) | INT64 (_, s) | NATIVEINT (_, s) |
+ FLOAT (_, s) | CHAR (_, s) | STRING (_, s) | LABEL s |
+ | tok ->
+ invalid_arg
+ ("Cannot extract a string from a this token: " ^
+ (to_string tok))
+ module Error =
+ struct
+ type t =
+ | Illegal_token of string | Keyword_as_label of string
+ | Illegal_token_pattern of string * string
+ | Illegal_constructor of string
+ exception E of t
+ let print ppf =
+ function
+ | Illegal_token s -> fprintf ppf "Illegal token (%s)" s
+ | Keyword_as_label kwd ->
+ fprintf ppf
+ "`%s' is a keyword, it cannot be used as label name"
+ kwd
+ | Illegal_token_pattern (p_con, p_prm) ->
+ fprintf ppf "Illegal token pattern: %s %S" p_con p_prm
+ | Illegal_constructor con ->
+ fprintf ppf "Illegal constructor %S" con
+ let to_string x =
+ let b = Buffer.create 50 in
+ let () = bprintf b "%a" print x in Buffer.contents b
+ end
+ let _ = let module M = ErrorHandler.Register(Error) in ()
+ module Filter =
+ struct
+ type token_filter = (t, Loc.t) stream_filter
+ type t =
+ { is_kwd : string -> bool; mutable filter : token_filter
+ }
+ let err error loc =
+ raise (Loc.Exc_located (loc, Error.E error))
+ let keyword_conversion tok is_kwd =
+ match tok with
+ | SYMBOL s | LIDENT s | UIDENT s when is_kwd s -> KEYWORD s
+ | _ -> tok
+ let check_keyword_as_label tok loc is_kwd =
+ let s =
+ match tok with | LABEL s -> s | OPTLABEL s -> s | _ -> ""
+ in
+ if (s <> "") && (is_kwd s)
+ then err (Error.Keyword_as_label s) loc
+ else ()
+ let check_unknown_keywords tok loc =
+ match tok with
+ | SYMBOL s -> err (Error.Illegal_token s) loc
+ | _ -> ()
+ let error_no_respect_rules p_con p_prm =
+ raise
+ (Error.E (Error.Illegal_token_pattern (p_con, p_prm)))
+ let check_keyword _ = true
+ let error_on_unknown_keywords = ref false
+ let rec ignore_layout (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some
+ _))
+ -> (Stream.junk __strm; ignore_layout __strm)
+ | Some x ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ let s = __strm
+ in
+ Stream.icons x
+ (Stream.slazy (fun _ -> ignore_layout s)))
+ | _ -> Stream.sempty
+ let mk is_kwd = { is_kwd = is_kwd; filter = ignore_layout; }
+ let filter x =
+ let f tok loc =
+ let tok = keyword_conversion tok x.is_kwd
+ in
+ (check_keyword_as_label tok loc x.is_kwd;
+ if !error_on_unknown_keywords
+ then check_unknown_keywords tok loc
+ else ();
+ (tok, loc)) in
+ let rec filter (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some ((tok, loc)) ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ let s = __strm
+ in
+ Stream.lcons (fun _ -> f tok loc)
+ (Stream.slazy (fun _ -> filter s)))
+ | _ -> Stream.sempty in
+ let rec tracer (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some (((_tok, _loc) as x)) ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ let xs = __strm
+ in
+ Stream.icons x (Stream.slazy (fun _ -> tracer xs)))
+ | _ -> Stream.sempty
+ in fun strm -> tracer (x.filter (filter strm))
+ let define_filter x f = x.filter <- f x.filter
+ let keyword_added _ _ _ = ()
+ let keyword_removed _ _ = ()
+ end
+ end
+ module Eval =
+ struct
+ let valch x = (Char.code x) - (Char.code '0')
+ let valch_hex x =
+ let d = Char.code x
+ in
+ if d >= 97
+ then d - 87
+ else if d >= 65 then d - 55 else d - 48
+ let rec skip_indent (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some (' ' | '\t') -> (Stream.junk __strm; skip_indent __strm)
+ | _ -> ()
+ let skip_opt_linefeed (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some '\010' -> (Stream.junk __strm; ())
+ | _ -> ()
+ let rec backslash (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some '\010' -> (Stream.junk __strm; '\010')
+ | Some '\013' -> (Stream.junk __strm; '\013')
+ | Some 'n' -> (Stream.junk __strm; '\n')
+ | Some 'r' -> (Stream.junk __strm; '\r')
+ | Some 't' -> (Stream.junk __strm; '\t')
+ | Some 'b' -> (Stream.junk __strm; '\b')
+ | Some '\\' -> (Stream.junk __strm; '\\')
+ | Some '"' -> (Stream.junk __strm; '"')
+ | Some '\'' -> (Stream.junk __strm; '\'')
+ | Some ' ' -> (Stream.junk __strm; ' ')
+ | Some (('0' .. '9' as c1)) ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ (match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some (('0' .. '9' as c2)) ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ (match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some (('0' .. '9' as c3)) ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ Char.chr
+ (((100 * (valch c1)) + (10 * (valch c2))) +
+ (valch c3)))
+ | _ -> raise (Stream.Error "")))
+ | _ -> raise (Stream.Error "")))
+ | Some 'x' ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ (match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some (('0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' as c1)) ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ (match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some
+ (('0' .. '9' | 'a' .. 'f' | 'A' .. 'F' as c2))
+ ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ Char.chr
+ ((16 * (valch_hex c1)) + (valch_hex c2)))
+ | _ -> raise (Stream.Error "")))
+ | _ -> raise (Stream.Error "")))
+ | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
+ let rec backslash_in_string strict store (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some '\010' -> (Stream.junk __strm; skip_indent __strm)
+ | Some '\013' ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ let s = __strm in (skip_opt_linefeed s; skip_indent s))
+ | _ ->
+ (match try Some (backslash __strm)
+ with | Stream.Failure -> None
+ with
+ | Some x -> store x
+ | _ ->
+ (match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some c when not strict ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm; store '\\'; store c)
+ | _ -> failwith "invalid string token"))
+ let char s =
+ if (String.length s) = 1
+ then s.[0]
+ else
+ if (String.length s) = 0
+ then failwith "invalid char token"
+ else
+ (let (__strm : _ Stream.t) = Stream.of_string s
+ in
+ match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some '\\' ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ (try backslash __strm
+ with | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")))
+ | _ -> failwith "invalid char token")
+ let string ?strict s =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 23 in
+ let store = Buffer.add_char buf in
+ let rec parse (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some '\\' ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ let _ =
+ (try backslash_in_string (strict <> None) store __strm
+ with | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error ""))
+ in parse __strm)
+ | Some c ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ let s = __strm in (store c; parse s))
+ | _ -> Buffer.contents buf
+ in parse (Stream.of_string s)
+ end
+ end
+ module Lexer =
+ struct
+ module TokenEval = Token.Eval
+ module Make (Token : Sig.Camlp4Token) =
+ struct
+ module Loc = Token.Loc
+ module Token = Token
+ open Lexing
+ open Sig
+ module Error =
+ struct
+ type t =
+ | Illegal_character of char | Illegal_escape of string
+ | Unterminated_comment | Unterminated_string
+ | Unterminated_quotation | Unterminated_antiquot
+ | Unterminated_string_in_comment | Comment_start
+ | Comment_not_end | Literal_overflow of string
+ exception E of t
+ open Format
+ let print ppf =
+ function
+ | Illegal_character c ->
+ fprintf ppf "Illegal character (%s)" (Char.escaped c)
+ | Illegal_escape s ->
+ fprintf ppf
+ "Illegal backslash escape in string or character (%s)"
+ s
+ | Unterminated_comment ->
+ fprintf ppf "Comment not terminated"
+ | Unterminated_string ->
+ fprintf ppf "String literal not terminated"
+ | Unterminated_string_in_comment ->
+ fprintf ppf
+ "This comment contains an unterminated string literal"
+ | Unterminated_quotation ->
+ fprintf ppf "Quotation not terminated"
+ | Unterminated_antiquot ->
+ fprintf ppf "Antiquotation not terminated"
+ | Literal_overflow ty ->
+ fprintf ppf
+ "Integer literal exceeds the range of representable integers of type %s"
+ ty
+ | Comment_start ->
+ fprintf ppf "this is the start of a comment"
+ | Comment_not_end ->
+ fprintf ppf "this is not the end of a comment"
+ let to_string x =
+ let b = Buffer.create 50 in
+ let () = bprintf b "%a" print x in Buffer.contents b
+ end
+ let _ = let module M = ErrorHandler.Register(Error) in ()
+ open Error
+ type context =
+ { loc : Loc.t; in_comment : bool; quotations : bool;
+ lexbuf : lexbuf; buffer : Buffer.t
+ }
+ let default_context lb =
+ {
+ loc = Loc.ghost;
+ in_comment = false;
+ quotations = true;
+ lexbuf = lb;
+ buffer = Buffer.create 256;
+ }
+ let store c = Buffer.add_string c.buffer (Lexing.lexeme c.lexbuf)
+ let istore_char c i =
+ Buffer.add_char c.buffer (Lexing.lexeme_char c.lexbuf i)
+ let buff_contents c =
+ let contents = Buffer.contents c.buffer
+ in (Buffer.reset c.buffer; contents)
+ let loc c = Loc.merge c.loc (Loc.of_lexbuf c.lexbuf)
+ let quotations c = c.quotations
+ let is_in_comment c = c.in_comment
+ let in_comment c = { (c) with in_comment = true; }
+ let set_start_p c = c.lexbuf.lex_start_p <- Loc.start_pos c.loc
+ let move_start_p shift c =
+ let p = c.lexbuf.lex_start_p
+ in
+ c.lexbuf.lex_start_p <-
+ { (p) with pos_cnum = p.pos_cnum + shift; }
+ let with_curr_loc f c =
+ f { (c) with loc = Loc.of_lexbuf c.lexbuf; } c.lexbuf
+ let parse_nested f c =
+ (with_curr_loc f c; set_start_p c; buff_contents c)
+ let shift n c = { (c) with loc = Loc.move `both n c.loc; }
+ let store_parse f c = (store c; f c c.lexbuf)
+ let parse f c = f c c.lexbuf
+ let mk_quotation quotation c name loc shift =
+ let s = parse_nested quotation c in
+ let contents = String.sub s 0 ((String.length s) - 2)
+ in
+ {
+ q_name = name;
+ q_loc = loc;
+ q_shift = shift;
+ q_contents = contents;
+ }
+ let update_loc c file line absolute chars =
+ let lexbuf = c.lexbuf in
+ let pos = lexbuf.lex_curr_p in
+ let new_file =
+ match file with | None -> pos.pos_fname | Some s -> s
+ in
+ lexbuf.lex_curr_p <-
+ {
+ (pos)
+ with
+ pos_fname = new_file;
+ pos_lnum = if absolute then line else pos.pos_lnum + line;
+ pos_bol = pos.pos_cnum - chars;
+ }
+ let err error loc = raise (Loc.Exc_located (loc, Error.E error))
+ let warn error loc =
+ Format.eprintf "Warning: %a: %a@." Loc.print loc Error.print
+ error
+ let __ocaml_lex_tables =
+ {
+ Lexing.lex_base =
+ "\000\000\227\255\228\255\001\001\001\001\231\255\232\255\160\001\
+ \198\001\067\000\091\000\069\000\071\000\084\000\122\000\235\001\
+ \014\002\092\000\102\001\244\255\035\002\068\002\141\002\093\003\
+ \060\004\152\004\126\000\001\000\255\255\104\005\253\255\056\006\
+ \252\255\245\255\246\255\247\255\023\001\001\001\088\000\091\000\
+ \216\002\168\003\179\005\179\001\088\004\132\000\024\007\108\000\
+ \151\000\109\000\243\255\242\255\241\255\012\005\033\001\111\000\
+ \239\002\193\005\111\000\239\255\238\255\024\007\063\007\109\007\
+ \148\007\183\007\174\006\015\003\004\000\233\255\093\001\199\001\
+ \151\002\094\001\005\000\233\255\054\008\246\008\006\000\117\004\
+ \251\255\208\009\095\000\115\000\115\000\254\255\016\010\207\010\
+ \159\011\111\012\079\013\121\000\152\000\124\000\126\000\249\255\
+ \248\255\144\006\197\003\127\000\060\004\128\000\200\007\129\000\
+ \008\003\007\000\106\013\250\255\054\008\169\004\089\001\082\001\
+ \179\004\198\008\054\008\172\013\139\014\169\014\136\015\103\016\
+ \135\016\199\016\151\017\254\255\204\001\008\000\107\000\053\001\
+ \215\017\150\018\102\019\054\020\018\021\062\001\236\021\197\022\
+ \064\001\149\023\248\003\155\001\009\000\213\023\148\024\100\025\
+ \052\026";
+ Lexing.lex_backtrk =
+ "\255\255\255\255\255\255\028\000\025\000\255\255\255\255\025\000\
+ \025\000\023\000\023\000\023\000\023\000\023\000\023\000\025\000\
+ \025\000\023\000\023\000\255\255\006\000\006\000\005\000\004\000\
+ \025\000\025\000\001\000\000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\007\000\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\006\000\006\000\006\000\007\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\014\000\014\000\014\000\
+ \255\255\255\255\015\000\255\255\255\255\021\000\020\000\018\000\
+ \025\000\019\000\255\255\255\255\022\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\022\000\255\255\026\000\255\255\013\000\014\000\
+ \255\255\003\000\014\000\014\000\014\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\005\000\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\006\000\008\000\255\255\005\000\005\000\001\000\001\000\
+ \255\255\255\255\000\000\001\000\001\000\255\255\002\000\002\000\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\003\000\004\000\004\000\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\002\000\002\000\002\000\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\004\000\002\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255";
+ Lexing.lex_default =
+ "\001\000\000\000\000\000\076\000\255\255\000\000\000\000\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\047\000\000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\000\000\255\255\000\000\255\255\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\052\000\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\000\000\000\000\000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\000\000\000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\070\000\255\255\255\255\000\000\070\000\071\000\
+ \070\000\073\000\255\255\000\000\076\000\052\000\255\255\091\000\
+ \000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\000\000\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\000\000\
+ \000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \035\000\255\255\107\000\000\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\000\000\080\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\030\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\080\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255";
+ Lexing.lex_trans =
+ "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\026\000\028\000\028\000\026\000\027\000\069\000\075\000\
+ \051\000\095\000\032\000\030\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \026\000\004\000\019\000\014\000\005\000\004\000\004\000\018\000\
+ \017\000\006\000\016\000\004\000\006\000\004\000\013\000\004\000\
+ \021\000\020\000\020\000\020\000\020\000\020\000\020\000\020\000\
+ \020\000\020\000\012\000\011\000\015\000\004\000\007\000\024\000\
+ \004\000\022\000\022\000\022\000\022\000\022\000\022\000\022\000\
+ \022\000\022\000\022\000\022\000\022\000\022\000\022\000\022\000\
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+ \142\000\142\000\142\000\142\000\142\000\142\000\142\000\142\000\
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+ \143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\255\255\255\255\
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+ \143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\255\255\
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+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\
+ \143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\
+ \143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\
+ \143\000\143\000\143\000\255\255\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\
+ \143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\
+ \143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\
+ \143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\
+ \143\000\143\000\143\000\144\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\
+ \143\000\143\000\143\000\143\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\
+ \144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\255\255\255\255\
+ \144\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\144\000\144\000\144\000\
+ \144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\
+ \144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\
+ \144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\144\000\255\255\144\000\144\000\144\000\
+ \144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\
+ \144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\
+ \144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\
+ \144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\
+ \144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\
+ \144\000\144\000\144\000\255\255\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\
+ \144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\
+ \144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\
+ \144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\
+ \144\000\144\000\144\000\255\255\144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\
+ \144\000\144\000\144\000\144\000\255\255";
+ Lexing.lex_base_code =
+ "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\010\000\036\000\000\000\012\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \002\000\000\000\000\000\027\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\002\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\041\000\000\000\
+ \249\000\000\000\000\000\039\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000";
+ Lexing.lex_backtrk_code =
+ "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\012\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\027\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\039\000\039\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000";
+ Lexing.lex_default_code =
+ "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\019\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000";
+ Lexing.lex_trans_code =
+ "\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\001\000\000\000\036\000\036\000\000\000\036\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \001\000\000\000\000\000\001\000\022\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\007\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \004\000\004\000\004\000\004\000\004\000\004\000\004\000\004\000\
+ \004\000\004\000\004\000\004\000\004\000\004\000\004\000\004\000\
+ \004\000\004\000\004\000\004\000\001\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\004\000\004\000\004\000\004\000\
+ \004\000\004\000\004\000\004\000\004\000\004\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \036\000\000\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \000\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \036\000\000\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\000\
+ \000\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \000\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \000\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\036\000\
+ \036\000\000\000";
+ Lexing.lex_check_code =
+ "\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\014\000\071\000\106\000\110\000\071\000\106\000\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \014\000\255\255\071\000\000\000\072\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\066\000\067\000\255\255\255\255\
+ \014\000\014\000\014\000\014\000\014\000\014\000\014\000\014\000\
+ \014\000\014\000\066\000\066\000\066\000\066\000\066\000\066\000\
+ \066\000\066\000\066\000\066\000\067\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\
+ \067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\067\000\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\
+ \118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\
+ \118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\
+ \118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \118\000\255\255\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\
+ \118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\
+ \118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\
+ \118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\
+ \118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\
+ \118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\
+ \071\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\
+ \118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\
+ \118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\
+ \118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\
+ \120\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\118\000\
+ \118\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\
+ \120\000\120\000\120\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\
+ \120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\
+ \120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\
+ \120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \120\000\255\255\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\
+ \120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\
+ \120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\
+ \120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\255\
+ \255\255\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\
+ \120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\
+ \120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\
+ \255\255\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\
+ \120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\
+ \120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\
+ \120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\
+ \255\255\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\120\000\
+ \120\000\255\255";
+ Lexing.lex_code =
+ "\255\004\255\255\005\255\255\007\255\006\255\255\003\255\000\004\
+ \001\005\255\007\255\255\006\255\007\255\255\000\004\001\005\003\
+ \006\002\007\255\001\255\255\000\001\255";
+ }
+ let rec token c lexbuf =
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem <- Array.create 8 (-1);
+ __ocaml_lex_token_rec c lexbuf 0)
+ and __ocaml_lex_token_rec c lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
+ match Lexing.new_engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state
+ lexbuf
+ with
+ | 0 -> (update_loc c None 1 false 0; NEWLINE)
+ | 1 ->
+ let x =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos
+ in BLANKS x
+ | 2 ->
+ let x =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 1)
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + (-1))
+ in LABEL x
+ | 3 ->
+ let x =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 1)
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + (-1))
+ | 4 ->
+ let x =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos
+ in LIDENT x
+ | 5 ->
+ let x =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos
+ in UIDENT x
+ | 6 ->
+ let i =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos
+ in
+ (try INT (int_of_string i, i)
+ with
+ | Failure _ ->
+ err (Literal_overflow "int") (Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf))
+ | 7 ->
+ let f =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos
+ in
+ (try FLOAT (float_of_string f, f)
+ with
+ | Failure _ ->
+ err (Literal_overflow "float")
+ (Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf))
+ | 8 ->
+ let i =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + (-1))
+ in
+ (try INT32 (Int32.of_string i, i)
+ with
+ | Failure _ ->
+ err (Literal_overflow "int32")
+ (Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf))
+ | 9 ->
+ let i =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + (-1))
+ in
+ (try INT64 (Int64.of_string i, i)
+ with
+ | Failure _ ->
+ err (Literal_overflow "int64")
+ (Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf))
+ | 10 ->
+ let i =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + (-1))
+ in
+ (try NATIVEINT (Nativeint.of_string i, i)
+ with
+ | Failure _ ->
+ err (Literal_overflow "nativeint")
+ (Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf))
+ | 11 ->
+ (with_curr_loc string c;
+ let s = buff_contents c in STRING (TokenEval.string s, s))
+ | 12 ->
+ let x =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 1)
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + (-1))
+ in
+ (update_loc c None 1 false 1; CHAR (TokenEval.char x, x))
+ | 13 ->
+ let x =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 1)
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + (-1))
+ in CHAR (TokenEval.char x, x)
+ | 14 ->
+ let c =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme_char lexbuf
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 2)
+ in
+ err (Illegal_escape (String.make 1 c))
+ (Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf)
+ | 15 ->
+ (store c; COMMENT (parse_nested comment (in_comment c)))
+ | 16 ->
+ (warn Comment_start (Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf);
+ parse comment (in_comment c);
+ COMMENT (buff_contents c))
+ | 17 ->
+ (warn Comment_not_end (Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf);
+ move_start_p (-1) c;
+ SYMBOL "*")
+ | 18 ->
+ if quotations c
+ then mk_quotation quotation c "" "" 2
+ else parse (symbolchar_star "<<") c
+ | 19 ->
+ if quotations c
+ then
+ {
+ q_name = "";
+ q_loc = "";
+ q_shift = 2;
+ q_contents = "";
+ }
+ else parse (symbolchar_star "<<>>") c
+ | 20 ->
+ if quotations c
+ then with_curr_loc maybe_quotation_at c
+ else parse (symbolchar_star "<@") c
+ | 21 ->
+ if quotations c
+ then with_curr_loc maybe_quotation_colon c
+ else parse (symbolchar_star "<:") c
+ | 22 ->
+ let num =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.(0)
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.(1)
+ and name =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme_opt lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.(3)
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.(2) in
+ let inum = int_of_string num
+ in
+ (update_loc c name inum true 0;
+ LINE_DIRECTIVE (inum, name))
+ | 23 ->
+ let x =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos
+ in SYMBOL x
+ | 24 ->
+ if quotations c
+ then with_curr_loc dollar (shift 1 c)
+ else parse (symbolchar_star "$") c
+ | 25 ->
+ let x =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos
+ in SYMBOL x
+ | 26 ->
+ let x =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 1)
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos
+ | 27 ->
+ let pos = lexbuf.lex_curr_p
+ in
+ (lexbuf.lex_curr_p <-
+ {
+ (pos)
+ with
+ pos_bol = pos.pos_bol + 1;
+ pos_cnum = pos.pos_cnum + 1;
+ };
+ EOI)
+ | 28 ->
+ let c =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme_char lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ in err (Illegal_character c) (Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf)
+ | __ocaml_lex_state ->
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
+ __ocaml_lex_token_rec c lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state)
+ and comment c lexbuf = __ocaml_lex_comment_rec c lexbuf 77
+ and __ocaml_lex_comment_rec c lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
+ match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf
+ with
+ | 0 -> (store c; with_curr_loc comment c; parse comment c)
+ | 1 -> store c
+ | 2 ->
+ (store c;
+ if quotations c then with_curr_loc quotation c else ();
+ parse comment c)
+ | 3 -> store_parse comment c
+ | 4 ->
+ (store c;
+ (try with_curr_loc string c
+ with
+ | Loc.Exc_located (_, (Error.E Unterminated_string)) ->
+ err Unterminated_string_in_comment (loc c));
+ Buffer.add_char c.buffer '"';
+ parse comment c)
+ | 5 -> store_parse comment c
+ | 6 -> store_parse comment c
+ | 7 -> (update_loc c None 1 false 1; store_parse comment c)
+ | 8 -> store_parse comment c
+ | 9 -> store_parse comment c
+ | 10 -> store_parse comment c
+ | 11 -> store_parse comment c
+ | 12 -> err Unterminated_comment (loc c)
+ | 13 -> (update_loc c None 1 false 0; store_parse comment c)
+ | 14 -> store_parse comment c
+ | __ocaml_lex_state ->
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
+ __ocaml_lex_comment_rec c lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state)
+ and string c lexbuf =
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem <- Array.create 2 (-1);
+ __ocaml_lex_string_rec c lexbuf 104)
+ and __ocaml_lex_string_rec c lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
+ match Lexing.new_engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state
+ lexbuf
+ with
+ | 0 -> set_start_p c
+ | 1 ->
+ let space =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.(0)
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos
+ in
+ (update_loc c None 1 false (String.length space);
+ store_parse string c)
+ | 2 -> store_parse string c
+ | 3 -> store_parse string c
+ | 4 -> store_parse string c
+ | 5 ->
+ let x =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme_char lexbuf
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos + 1)
+ in
+ if is_in_comment c
+ then store_parse string c
+ else
+ (warn (Illegal_escape (String.make 1 x))
+ (Loc.of_lexbuf lexbuf);
+ store_parse string c)
+ | 6 -> (update_loc c None 1 false 0; store_parse string c)
+ | 7 -> err Unterminated_string (loc c)
+ | 8 -> store_parse string c
+ | __ocaml_lex_state ->
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
+ __ocaml_lex_string_rec c lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state)
+ and symbolchar_star beginning c lexbuf =
+ __ocaml_lex_symbolchar_star_rec beginning c lexbuf 114
+ and
+ __ocaml_lex_symbolchar_star_rec beginning c lexbuf
+ __ocaml_lex_state =
+ match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf
+ with
+ | 0 ->
+ let tok =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos
+ in
+ (move_start_p (-String.length beginning) c;
+ SYMBOL (beginning ^ tok))
+ | __ocaml_lex_state ->
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
+ __ocaml_lex_symbolchar_star_rec beginning c lexbuf
+ __ocaml_lex_state)
+ and maybe_quotation_at c lexbuf =
+ __ocaml_lex_maybe_quotation_at_rec c lexbuf 115
+ and
+ __ocaml_lex_maybe_quotation_at_rec c lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
+ match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf
+ with
+ | 0 ->
+ let loc =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + (-1))
+ in
+ mk_quotation quotation c "" loc (3 + (String.length loc))
+ | 1 ->
+ let tok =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos
+ in SYMBOL ("<@" ^ tok)
+ | __ocaml_lex_state ->
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
+ __ocaml_lex_maybe_quotation_at_rec c lexbuf
+ __ocaml_lex_state)
+ and maybe_quotation_colon c lexbuf =
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem <- Array.create 2 (-1);
+ __ocaml_lex_maybe_quotation_colon_rec c lexbuf 118)
+ and
+ __ocaml_lex_maybe_quotation_colon_rec c lexbuf
+ __ocaml_lex_state =
+ match Lexing.new_engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state
+ lexbuf
+ with
+ | 0 ->
+ let name =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + (-1))
+ in
+ mk_quotation quotation c name ""
+ (3 + (String.length name))
+ | 1 ->
+ let name =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.(0)
+ and loc =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_mem.(0) + 1)
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + (-1))
+ in
+ mk_quotation quotation c name loc
+ ((4 + (String.length loc)) + (String.length name))
+ | 2 ->
+ let tok =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos
+ in SYMBOL ("<:" ^ tok)
+ | __ocaml_lex_state ->
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
+ __ocaml_lex_maybe_quotation_colon_rec c lexbuf
+ __ocaml_lex_state)
+ and quotation c lexbuf = __ocaml_lex_quotation_rec c lexbuf 124
+ and __ocaml_lex_quotation_rec c lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
+ match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf
+ with
+ | 0 -> (store c; with_curr_loc quotation c; parse quotation c)
+ | 1 -> store c
+ | 2 -> err Unterminated_quotation (loc c)
+ | 3 -> (update_loc c None 1 false 0; store_parse quotation c)
+ | 4 -> store_parse quotation c
+ | __ocaml_lex_state ->
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
+ __ocaml_lex_quotation_rec c lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state)
+ and dollar c lexbuf = __ocaml_lex_dollar_rec c lexbuf 132
+ and __ocaml_lex_dollar_rec c lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
+ match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf
+ with
+ | 0 -> (set_start_p c; ANTIQUOT ("", ""))
+ | 1 ->
+ let name =
+ Lexing.sub_lexeme lexbuf lexbuf.Lexing.lex_start_pos
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.lex_curr_pos + (-1))
+ in
+ with_curr_loc (antiquot name)
+ (shift (1 + (String.length name)) c)
+ | 2 -> store_parse (antiquot "") c
+ | __ocaml_lex_state ->
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
+ __ocaml_lex_dollar_rec c lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state)
+ and antiquot name c lexbuf =
+ __ocaml_lex_antiquot_rec name c lexbuf 138
+ and __ocaml_lex_antiquot_rec name c lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state =
+ match Lexing.engine __ocaml_lex_tables __ocaml_lex_state lexbuf
+ with
+ | 0 -> (set_start_p c; ANTIQUOT (name, buff_contents c))
+ | 1 -> err Unterminated_antiquot (loc c)
+ | 2 ->
+ (update_loc c None 1 false 0;
+ store_parse (antiquot name) c)
+ | 3 ->
+ (store c;
+ with_curr_loc quotation c;
+ parse (antiquot name) c)
+ | 4 -> store_parse (antiquot name) c
+ | __ocaml_lex_state ->
+ (lexbuf.Lexing.refill_buff lexbuf;
+ __ocaml_lex_antiquot_rec name c lexbuf __ocaml_lex_state)
+ let lexing_store s buff max =
+ let rec self n s =
+ if n >= max
+ then n
+ else
+ (match Stream.peek s with
+ | Some x -> (Stream.junk s; buff.[n] <- x; succ n)
+ | _ -> n)
+ in self 0 s
+ let from_context c =
+ let next _ =
+ let tok = with_curr_loc token c in
+ let loc = Loc.of_lexbuf c.lexbuf in Some (tok, loc)
+ in Stream.from next
+ let from_lexbuf ?(quotations = true) lb =
+ let c =
+ {
+ (default_context lb)
+ with
+ loc = Loc.of_lexbuf lb;
+ quotations = quotations;
+ }
+ in from_context c
+ let setup_loc lb loc =
+ let start_pos = Loc.start_pos loc
+ in
+ (lb.lex_abs_pos <- start_pos.pos_cnum;
+ lb.lex_curr_p <- start_pos)
+ let from_string ?quotations loc str =
+ let lb = Lexing.from_string str
+ in (setup_loc lb loc; from_lexbuf ?quotations lb)
+ let from_stream ?quotations loc strm =
+ let lb = Lexing.from_function (lexing_store strm)
+ in (setup_loc lb loc; from_lexbuf ?quotations lb)
+ let mk () loc strm =
+ from_stream ~quotations: !Camlp4_config.quotations loc strm
+ end
+ end
+ module Camlp4Ast =
+ struct
+ module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc) : Sig.Camlp4Ast with module Loc = Loc =
+ struct
+ module Loc = Loc
+ module Ast =
+ struct
+ include Sig.MakeCamlp4Ast(Loc)
+ let safe_string_escaped s =
+ if
+ ((String.length s) > 2) &&
+ ((s.[0] = '\\') && (s.[1] = '$'))
+ then s
+ else String.escaped s
+ end
+ include Ast
+ external loc_of_ctyp : ctyp -> Loc.t = "%field0"
+ external loc_of_patt : patt -> Loc.t = "%field0"
+ external loc_of_expr : expr -> Loc.t = "%field0"
+ external loc_of_module_type : module_type -> Loc.t = "%field0"
+ external loc_of_module_expr : module_expr -> Loc.t = "%field0"
+ external loc_of_sig_item : sig_item -> Loc.t = "%field0"
+ external loc_of_str_item : str_item -> Loc.t = "%field0"
+ external loc_of_class_type : class_type -> Loc.t = "%field0"
+ external loc_of_class_sig_item : class_sig_item -> Loc.t =
+ "%field0"
+ external loc_of_class_expr : class_expr -> Loc.t = "%field0"
+ external loc_of_class_str_item : class_str_item -> Loc.t =
+ "%field0"
+ external loc_of_with_constr : with_constr -> Loc.t = "%field0"
+ external loc_of_binding : binding -> Loc.t = "%field0"
+ external loc_of_module_binding : module_binding -> Loc.t =
+ "%field0"
+ external loc_of_match_case : match_case -> Loc.t = "%field0"
+ external loc_of_ident : ident -> Loc.t = "%field0"
+ module Meta =
+ struct
+ module type META_LOC =
+ sig
+ val meta_loc_patt : Loc.t -> Loc.t -> Ast.patt
+ val meta_loc_expr : Loc.t -> Loc.t -> Ast.expr
+ end
+ module MetaLoc =
+ struct
+ let meta_loc_patt _loc location =
+ let (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) = Loc.to_tuple location
+ in
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Loc"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "of_tuple"))),
+ Ast.PaTup (_loc,
+ Ast.PaCom (_loc,
+ Ast.PaStr (_loc, Ast.safe_string_escaped a),
+ Ast.PaCom (_loc,
+ Ast.PaCom (_loc,
+ Ast.PaCom (_loc,
+ Ast.PaCom (_loc,
+ Ast.PaCom (_loc,
+ Ast.PaCom (_loc,
+ Ast.PaInt (_loc, string_of_int b),
+ Ast.PaInt (_loc, string_of_int c)),
+ Ast.PaInt (_loc, string_of_int d)),
+ Ast.PaInt (_loc, string_of_int e)),
+ Ast.PaInt (_loc, string_of_int f)),
+ Ast.PaInt (_loc, string_of_int g)),
+ if h
+ then
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "True"))
+ else
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "False"))))))
+ let meta_loc_expr _loc location =
+ let (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) = Loc.to_tuple location
+ in
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Loc"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "of_tuple"))),
+ Ast.ExTup (_loc,
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc,
+ Ast.ExStr (_loc, Ast.safe_string_escaped a),
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc,
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc,
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc,
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc,
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc,
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc,
+ Ast.ExInt (_loc, string_of_int b),
+ Ast.ExInt (_loc, string_of_int c)),
+ Ast.ExInt (_loc, string_of_int d)),
+ Ast.ExInt (_loc, string_of_int e)),
+ Ast.ExInt (_loc, string_of_int f)),
+ Ast.ExInt (_loc, string_of_int g)),
+ if h
+ then
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "True"))
+ else
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "False"))))))
+ end
+ module MetaGhostLoc =
+ struct
+ let meta_loc_patt _loc _ =
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Loc"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "ghost")))
+ let meta_loc_expr _loc _ =
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Loc"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "ghost")))
+ end
+ module MetaLocVar =
+ struct
+ let meta_loc_patt _loc _ =
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, !
+ let meta_loc_expr _loc _ =
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, !
+ end
+ module Make (MetaLoc : META_LOC) =
+ struct
+ open MetaLoc
+ let meta_acc_Loc_t = meta_loc_expr
+ module Expr =
+ struct
+ let meta_string _loc s = Ast.ExStr (_loc, s)
+ let meta_int _loc s = Ast.ExInt (_loc, s)
+ let meta_float _loc s = Ast.ExFlo (_loc, s)
+ let meta_char _loc s = Ast.ExChr (_loc, s)
+ let meta_bool _loc =
+ function
+ | false ->
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "False"))
+ | true -> Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "True"))
+ let rec meta_list mf_a _loc =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "[]"))
+ | x :: xs ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "::")),
+ mf_a _loc x),
+ meta_list mf_a _loc xs)
+ let rec meta_binding _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.BiAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.BiEq (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "BiEq"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.BiSem (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "BiSem"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_binding _loc x1),
+ meta_binding _loc x2)
+ | Ast.BiAnd (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "BiAnd"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_binding _loc x1),
+ meta_binding _loc x2)
+ | Ast.BiNil x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "BiNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_class_expr _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.CeAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.CeEq (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeEq"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CeAnd (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeAnd"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CeTyc (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeTyc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_class_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CeStr (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeStr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_class_str_item _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CeLet (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeLet"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x1),
+ meta_binding _loc x2),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.CeFun (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeFun"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CeCon (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeCon"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x1),
+ meta_ident _loc x2),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x3)
+ | Ast.CeApp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeApp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CeNil x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_class_sig_item _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.CgAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.CgVir (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CgVir"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x2),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x3)
+ | Ast.CgVal (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CgVal"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x2),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x3),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x4)
+ | Ast.CgMth (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CgMth"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x2),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x3)
+ | Ast.CgInh (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CgInh"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_type _loc x1)
+ | Ast.CgSem (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CgSem"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_sig_item _loc x1),
+ meta_class_sig_item _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CgCtr (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CgCtr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CgNil x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CgNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_class_str_item _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.CrAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.CrVvr (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrVvr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x2),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x3)
+ | Ast.CrVir (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrVir"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x2),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x3)
+ | Ast.CrVal (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrVal"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x2),
+ meta_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.CrMth (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrMth"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x2),
+ meta_expr _loc x3),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x4)
+ | Ast.CrIni (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrIni"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.CrInh (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrInh"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_string _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CrCtr (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrCtr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CrSem (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrSem"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_str_item _loc x1),
+ meta_class_str_item _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CrNil x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_class_type _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.CtAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.CtEq (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CtEq"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_type _loc x1),
+ meta_class_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CtCol (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CtCol"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_type _loc x1),
+ meta_class_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CtAnd (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CtAnd"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_type _loc x1),
+ meta_class_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CtSig (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CtSig"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_class_sig_item _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CtFun (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CtFun"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_class_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CtCon (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CtCon"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x1),
+ meta_ident _loc x2),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x3)
+ | Ast.CtNil x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CtNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_ctyp _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.TyAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.TyOfAmp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyOfAmp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyAmp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyAmp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyVrnInfSup (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyVrnInfSup"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyVrnInf (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyVrnInf"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyVrnSup (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyVrnSup"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyVrnEq (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyVrnEq"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TySta (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TySta"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyTup (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyTup"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyMut (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyMut"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyPrv (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyPrv"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyOr (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyOr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyAnd (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyAnd"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyOf (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyOf"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TySum (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TySum"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyCom (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyCom"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TySem (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TySem"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyCol (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyCol"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyRec (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyRec"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyVrn (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyVrn"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyQuM (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyQuM"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyQuP (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyQuP"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyQuo (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyQuo"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyPol (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyPol"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyOlb (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyOlb"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyObj (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyObj"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyDcl (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyDcl"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_list meta_ctyp _loc x2),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x3),
+ meta_list
+ (fun _loc (x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExTup (_loc,
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc, meta_ctyp _loc x1,
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)))
+ _loc x4)
+ | Ast.TyMan (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyMan"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyId (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyId"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyLab (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyLab"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyCls (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyCls"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyArr (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyArr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyApp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyApp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyAny x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyAny"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ | Ast.TyAli (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyAli"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyNil x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_expr _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.ExWhi (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExWhi"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExVrn (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExVrn"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExTyc (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExTyc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExCom (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExCom"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExTup (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExTup"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExTry (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExTry"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_match_case _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExStr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExStr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExSte (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExSte"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExSnd (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExSnd"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_string _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExSeq (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExSeq"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExRec (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExRec"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_binding _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExOvr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExOvr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_binding _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExOlb (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExOlb"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExObj (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExObj"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_class_str_item _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExNew (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExNew"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExMat (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExMat"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_match_case _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExLmd (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExLmd"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_expr _loc x2),
+ meta_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.ExLet (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExLet"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x1),
+ meta_binding _loc x2),
+ meta_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.ExLaz (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExLaz"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExLab (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExLab"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExNativeInt (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExNativeInt"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExInt64 (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExInt64"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExInt32 (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExInt32"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExInt (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExInt"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExIfe (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExIfe"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2),
+ meta_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.ExFun (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExFun"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_match_case _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExFor (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExFor"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2),
+ meta_expr _loc x3),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x4),
+ meta_expr _loc x5)
+ | Ast.ExFlo (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExFlo"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExCoe (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExCoe"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x3)
+ | Ast.ExChr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExChr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExAss (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExAss"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExAsr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExAsr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExAsf x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExAsf"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ | Ast.ExSem (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExSem"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExArr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExArr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExAre (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExAre"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExApp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExApp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.ExAcc (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExAcc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExId (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExId"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExNil x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_ident _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.IdAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.IdUid (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "IdUid"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.IdLid (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "IdLid"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.IdApp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "IdApp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1),
+ meta_ident _loc x2)
+ | Ast.IdAcc (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "IdAcc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1),
+ meta_ident _loc x2)
+ and meta_match_case _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.McAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.McArr (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "McArr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2),
+ meta_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.McOr (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "McOr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_match_case _loc x1),
+ meta_match_case _loc x2)
+ | Ast.McNil x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "McNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_meta_bool _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.BAnt x0 -> Ast.ExAnt (_loc, x0)
+ | Ast.BFalse ->
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "BFalse")))
+ | Ast.BTrue ->
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "BTrue")))
+ and meta_meta_option mf_a _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.OAnt x0 -> Ast.ExAnt (_loc, x0)
+ | Ast.OSome x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "OSome"))),
+ mf_a _loc x0)
+ | Ast.ONone ->
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ONone")))
+ and meta_module_binding _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.MbAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.MbCol (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MbCol"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.MbColEq (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MbColEq"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_type _loc x2),
+ meta_module_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.MbAnd (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MbAnd"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_module_binding _loc x1),
+ meta_module_binding _loc x2)
+ | Ast.MbNil x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MbNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_module_expr _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.MeAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.MeTyc (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MeTyc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_module_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_module_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.MeStr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MeStr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_str_item _loc x1)
+ | Ast.MeFun (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MeFun"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_type _loc x2),
+ meta_module_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.MeApp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MeApp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_module_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_module_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.MeId (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MeId"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ and meta_module_type _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.MtAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.MtWit (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MtWit"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_module_type _loc x1),
+ meta_with_constr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.MtSig (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MtSig"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_sig_item _loc x1)
+ | Ast.MtQuo (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MtQuo"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.MtFun (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MtFun"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_type _loc x2),
+ meta_module_type _loc x3)
+ | Ast.MtId (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MtId"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ and meta_patt _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.PaVrn (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaVrn"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaTyp (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaTyp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaTyc (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaTyc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaTup (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaTup"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaStr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaStr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaEq (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaEq"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaRec (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaRec"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaRng (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaRng"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaOrp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaOrp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaOlbi (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaOlbi"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2),
+ meta_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.PaOlb (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaOlb"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaLab (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaLab"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaFlo (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaFlo"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaNativeInt (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaNativeInt"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaInt64 (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaInt64"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaInt32 (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaInt32"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaInt (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaInt"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaChr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaChr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaSem (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaSem"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaCom (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaCom"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaArr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaArr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaApp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaApp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaAny x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaAny"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ | Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.PaAli (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaAli"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaId (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaId"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaNil x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_sig_item _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.SgAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.SgVal (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgVal"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.SgTyp (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgTyp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.SgOpn (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgOpn"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ | Ast.SgMty (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgMty"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.SgRecMod (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgRecMod"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_module_binding _loc x1)
+ | Ast.SgMod (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgMod"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.SgInc (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgInc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_module_type _loc x1)
+ | Ast.SgExt (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgExt"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2),
+ meta_string _loc x3)
+ | Ast.SgExc (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgExc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.SgDir (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgDir"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.SgSem (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgSem"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_sig_item _loc x1),
+ meta_sig_item _loc x2)
+ | Ast.SgClt (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgClt"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_type _loc x1)
+ | Ast.SgCls (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgCls"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_type _loc x1)
+ | Ast.SgNil x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_str_item _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.StAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.StVal (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StVal"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x1),
+ meta_binding _loc x2)
+ | Ast.StTyp (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StTyp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.StOpn (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StOpn"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ | Ast.StMty (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StMty"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.StRecMod (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StRecMod"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_module_binding _loc x1)
+ | Ast.StMod (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StMod"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.StInc (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StInc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_module_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.StExt (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StExt"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2),
+ meta_string _loc x3)
+ | Ast.StExp (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StExp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.StExc (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StExc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_option meta_ident _loc x2)
+ | Ast.StDir (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StDir"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.StSem (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StSem"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_str_item _loc x1),
+ meta_str_item _loc x2)
+ | Ast.StClt (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StClt"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_type _loc x1)
+ | Ast.StCls (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StCls"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.StNil x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_with_constr _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.WcAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.WcAnd (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "WcAnd"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_with_constr _loc x1),
+ meta_with_constr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.WcMod (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "WcMod"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1),
+ meta_ident _loc x2)
+ | Ast.WcTyp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "WcTyp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.WcNil x0 ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "WcNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ end
+ let meta_acc_Loc_t = meta_loc_patt
+ module Patt =
+ struct
+ let meta_string _loc s = Ast.PaStr (_loc, s)
+ let meta_int _loc s = Ast.PaInt (_loc, s)
+ let meta_float _loc s = Ast.PaFlo (_loc, s)
+ let meta_char _loc s = Ast.PaChr (_loc, s)
+ let meta_bool _loc =
+ function
+ | false ->
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "False"))
+ | true -> Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "True"))
+ let rec meta_list mf_a _loc =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "[]"))
+ | x :: xs ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "::")),
+ mf_a _loc x),
+ meta_list mf_a _loc xs)
+ let rec meta_binding _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.BiAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.BiEq (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "BiEq"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.BiSem (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "BiSem"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_binding _loc x1),
+ meta_binding _loc x2)
+ | Ast.BiAnd (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "BiAnd"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_binding _loc x1),
+ meta_binding _loc x2)
+ | Ast.BiNil x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "BiNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_class_expr _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.CeAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.CeEq (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeEq"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CeAnd (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeAnd"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CeTyc (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeTyc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_class_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CeStr (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeStr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_class_str_item _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CeLet (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeLet"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x1),
+ meta_binding _loc x2),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.CeFun (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeFun"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CeCon (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeCon"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x1),
+ meta_ident _loc x2),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x3)
+ | Ast.CeApp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeApp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CeNil x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_class_sig_item _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.CgAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.CgVir (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CgVir"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x2),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x3)
+ | Ast.CgVal (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CgVal"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x2),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x3),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x4)
+ | Ast.CgMth (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CgMth"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x2),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x3)
+ | Ast.CgInh (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CgInh"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_type _loc x1)
+ | Ast.CgSem (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CgSem"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_sig_item _loc x1),
+ meta_class_sig_item _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CgCtr (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CgCtr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CgNil x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CgNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_class_str_item _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.CrAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.CrVvr (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrVvr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x2),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x3)
+ | Ast.CrVir (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrVir"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x2),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x3)
+ | Ast.CrVal (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrVal"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x2),
+ meta_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.CrMth (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrMth"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x2),
+ meta_expr _loc x3),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x4)
+ | Ast.CrIni (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrIni"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.CrInh (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrInh"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_string _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CrCtr (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrCtr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CrSem (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrSem"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_str_item _loc x1),
+ meta_class_str_item _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CrNil x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_class_type _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.CtAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.CtEq (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CtEq"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_type _loc x1),
+ meta_class_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CtCol (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CtCol"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_type _loc x1),
+ meta_class_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CtAnd (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CtAnd"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_type _loc x1),
+ meta_class_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CtSig (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CtSig"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_class_sig_item _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CtFun (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CtFun"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_class_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.CtCon (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CtCon"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x1),
+ meta_ident _loc x2),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x3)
+ | Ast.CtNil x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CtNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_ctyp _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.TyAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.TyOfAmp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyOfAmp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyAmp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyAmp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyVrnInfSup (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyVrnInfSup"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyVrnInf (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyVrnInf"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyVrnSup (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyVrnSup"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyVrnEq (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyVrnEq"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TySta (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TySta"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyTup (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyTup"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyMut (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyMut"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyPrv (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyPrv"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyOr (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyOr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyAnd (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyAnd"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyOf (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyOf"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TySum (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TySum"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyCom (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyCom"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TySem (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TySem"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyCol (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyCol"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyRec (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyRec"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyVrn (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyVrn"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyQuM (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyQuM"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyQuP (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyQuP"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyQuo (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyQuo"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyPol (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyPol"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyOlb (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyOlb"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyObj (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyObj"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyDcl (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyDcl"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_list meta_ctyp _loc x2),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x3),
+ meta_list
+ (fun _loc (x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaTup (_loc,
+ Ast.PaCom (_loc, meta_ctyp _loc x1,
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)))
+ _loc x4)
+ | Ast.TyMan (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyMan"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyId (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyId"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyLab (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyLab"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyCls (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyCls"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ | Ast.TyArr (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyArr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyApp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyApp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyAny x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyAny"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ | Ast.TyAli (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyAli"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.TyNil x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_expr _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.ExWhi (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExWhi"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExVrn (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExVrn"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExTyc (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExTyc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExCom (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExCom"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExTup (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExTup"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExTry (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExTry"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_match_case _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExStr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExStr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExSte (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExSte"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExSnd (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExSnd"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_string _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExSeq (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExSeq"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExRec (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExRec"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_binding _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExOvr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExOvr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_binding _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExOlb (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExOlb"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExObj (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExObj"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_class_str_item _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExNew (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExNew"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExMat (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExMat"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_match_case _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExLmd (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExLmd"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_expr _loc x2),
+ meta_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.ExLet (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExLet"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x1),
+ meta_binding _loc x2),
+ meta_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.ExLaz (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExLaz"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExLab (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExLab"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExNativeInt (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExNativeInt"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExInt64 (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExInt64"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExInt32 (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExInt32"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExInt (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExInt"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExIfe (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExIfe"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2),
+ meta_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.ExFun (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExFun"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_match_case _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExFor (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExFor"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2),
+ meta_expr _loc x3),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x4),
+ meta_expr _loc x5)
+ | Ast.ExFlo (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExFlo"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExCoe (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExCoe"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x3)
+ | Ast.ExChr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExChr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExAss (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExAss"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExAsr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExAsr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExAsf x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExAsf"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ | Ast.ExSem (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExSem"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExArr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExArr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExAre (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExAre"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExApp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExApp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.ExAcc (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExAcc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.ExId (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExId"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ | Ast.ExNil x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_ident _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.IdAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.IdUid (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "IdUid"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.IdLid (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "IdLid"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.IdApp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "IdApp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1),
+ meta_ident _loc x2)
+ | Ast.IdAcc (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "IdAcc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1),
+ meta_ident _loc x2)
+ and meta_match_case _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.McAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.McArr (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "McArr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2),
+ meta_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.McOr (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "McOr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_match_case _loc x1),
+ meta_match_case _loc x2)
+ | Ast.McNil x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "McNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_meta_bool _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.BAnt x0 -> Ast.PaAnt (_loc, x0)
+ | Ast.BFalse ->
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "BFalse")))
+ | Ast.BTrue ->
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "BTrue")))
+ and meta_meta_option mf_a _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.OAnt x0 -> Ast.PaAnt (_loc, x0)
+ | Ast.OSome x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "OSome"))),
+ mf_a _loc x0)
+ | Ast.ONone ->
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ONone")))
+ and meta_module_binding _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.MbAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.MbCol (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MbCol"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.MbColEq (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MbColEq"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_type _loc x2),
+ meta_module_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.MbAnd (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MbAnd"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_module_binding _loc x1),
+ meta_module_binding _loc x2)
+ | Ast.MbNil x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MbNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_module_expr _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.MeAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.MeTyc (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MeTyc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_module_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_module_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.MeStr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MeStr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_str_item _loc x1)
+ | Ast.MeFun (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MeFun"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_type _loc x2),
+ meta_module_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.MeApp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MeApp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_module_expr _loc x1),
+ meta_module_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.MeId (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MeId"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ and meta_module_type _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.MtAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.MtWit (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MtWit"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_module_type _loc x1),
+ meta_with_constr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.MtSig (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MtSig"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_sig_item _loc x1)
+ | Ast.MtQuo (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MtQuo"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.MtFun (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MtFun"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_type _loc x2),
+ meta_module_type _loc x3)
+ | Ast.MtId (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MtId"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ and meta_patt _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.PaVrn (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaVrn"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaTyp (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaTyp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaTyc (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaTyc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaTup (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaTup"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaStr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaStr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaEq (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaEq"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaRec (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaRec"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaRng (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaRng"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaOrp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaOrp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaOlbi (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaOlbi"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2),
+ meta_expr _loc x3)
+ | Ast.PaOlb (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaOlb"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaLab (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaLab"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaFlo (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaFlo"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaNativeInt (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaNativeInt"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaInt64 (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaInt64"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaInt32 (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaInt32"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaInt (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaInt"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaChr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaChr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaSem (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaSem"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaCom (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaCom"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaArr (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaArr"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaApp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaApp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaAny x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaAny"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ | Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.PaAli (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaAli"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_patt _loc x1),
+ meta_patt _loc x2)
+ | Ast.PaId (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaId"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ | Ast.PaNil x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_sig_item _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.SgAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.SgVal (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgVal"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.SgTyp (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgTyp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.SgOpn (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgOpn"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ | Ast.SgMty (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgMty"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.SgRecMod (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgRecMod"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_module_binding _loc x1)
+ | Ast.SgMod (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgMod"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.SgInc (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgInc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_module_type _loc x1)
+ | Ast.SgExt (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgExt"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2),
+ meta_string _loc x3)
+ | Ast.SgExc (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgExc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.SgDir (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgDir"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.SgSem (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgSem"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_sig_item _loc x1),
+ meta_sig_item _loc x2)
+ | Ast.SgClt (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgClt"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_type _loc x1)
+ | Ast.SgCls (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgCls"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_type _loc x1)
+ | Ast.SgNil x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_str_item _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.StAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.StVal (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StVal"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_meta_bool _loc x1),
+ meta_binding _loc x2)
+ | Ast.StTyp (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StTyp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1)
+ | Ast.StOpn (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StOpn"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1)
+ | Ast.StMty (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StMty"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_type _loc x2)
+ | Ast.StRecMod (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StRecMod"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_module_binding _loc x1)
+ | Ast.StMod (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StMod"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_module_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.StInc (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StInc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_module_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.StExt (x0, x1, x2, x3) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StExt"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2),
+ meta_string _loc x3)
+ | Ast.StExp (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StExp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.StExc (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StExc"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_meta_option meta_ident _loc x2)
+ | Ast.StDir (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StDir"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_string _loc x1),
+ meta_expr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.StSem (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StSem"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_str_item _loc x1),
+ meta_str_item _loc x2)
+ | Ast.StClt (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StClt"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_type _loc x1)
+ | Ast.StCls (x0, x1) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StCls"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_class_expr _loc x1)
+ | Ast.StNil x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ and meta_with_constr _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.WcAnt (x0, x1) -> Ast.PaAnt (x0, x1)
+ | Ast.WcAnd (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "WcAnd"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_with_constr _loc x1),
+ meta_with_constr _loc x2)
+ | Ast.WcMod (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "WcMod"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ident _loc x1),
+ meta_ident _loc x2)
+ | Ast.WcTyp (x0, x1, x2) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "WcTyp"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x1),
+ meta_ctyp _loc x2)
+ | Ast.WcNil x0 ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "WcNil"))),
+ meta_acc_Loc_t _loc x0)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ class map =
+ object (o)
+ method string = fun x -> (x : string)
+ method int = fun x -> (x : int)
+ method float = fun x -> (x : float)
+ method bool = fun x -> (x : bool)
+ method list : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a list -> 'b list = List.
+ map
+ method option : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a option -> 'b option =
+ fun f -> function | None -> None | Some x -> Some (f x)
+ method array : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a array -> 'b array =
+ method ref : 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a ref -> 'b ref =
+ fun f { contents = x } -> { contents = f x; }
+ method _Loc_t : Loc.t -> Loc.t = fun x -> x
+ method with_constr : with_constr -> with_constr =
+ function
+ | WcNil _x0 -> WcNil (o#_Loc_t _x0)
+ | WcTyp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ WcTyp (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | WcMod (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ WcMod (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ident _x1, o#ident _x2)
+ | WcAnd (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ WcAnd (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#with_constr _x1,
+ o#with_constr _x2)
+ | WcAnt (_x0, _x1) -> WcAnt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ method str_item : str_item -> str_item =
+ function
+ | StNil _x0 -> StNil (o#_Loc_t _x0)
+ | StCls (_x0, _x1) ->
+ StCls (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#class_expr _x1)
+ | StClt (_x0, _x1) ->
+ StClt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#class_type _x1)
+ | StSem (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ StSem (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#str_item _x1, o#str_item _x2)
+ | StDir (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ StDir (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#expr _x2)
+ | StExc (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ StExc (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1,
+ o#meta_option o#ident _x2)
+ | StExp (_x0, _x1) -> StExp (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1)
+ | StExt (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ StExt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#ctyp _x2,
+ o#string _x3)
+ | StInc (_x0, _x1) ->
+ StInc (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#module_expr _x1)
+ | StMod (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ StMod (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#module_expr _x2)
+ | StRecMod (_x0, _x1) ->
+ StRecMod (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#module_binding _x1)
+ | StMty (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ StMty (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#module_type _x2)
+ | StOpn (_x0, _x1) -> StOpn (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ident _x1)
+ | StTyp (_x0, _x1) -> StTyp (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1)
+ | StVal (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ StVal (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#meta_bool _x1, o#binding _x2)
+ | StAnt (_x0, _x1) -> StAnt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ method sig_item : sig_item -> sig_item =
+ function
+ | SgNil _x0 -> SgNil (o#_Loc_t _x0)
+ | SgCls (_x0, _x1) ->
+ SgCls (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#class_type _x1)
+ | SgClt (_x0, _x1) ->
+ SgClt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#class_type _x1)
+ | SgSem (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ SgSem (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#sig_item _x1, o#sig_item _x2)
+ | SgDir (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ SgDir (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#expr _x2)
+ | SgExc (_x0, _x1) -> SgExc (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1)
+ | SgExt (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ SgExt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#ctyp _x2,
+ o#string _x3)
+ | SgInc (_x0, _x1) ->
+ SgInc (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#module_type _x1)
+ | SgMod (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ SgMod (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#module_type _x2)
+ | SgRecMod (_x0, _x1) ->
+ SgRecMod (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#module_binding _x1)
+ | SgMty (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ SgMty (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#module_type _x2)
+ | SgOpn (_x0, _x1) -> SgOpn (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ident _x1)
+ | SgTyp (_x0, _x1) -> SgTyp (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1)
+ | SgVal (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ SgVal (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | SgAnt (_x0, _x1) -> SgAnt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ method patt : patt -> patt =
+ function
+ | PaNil _x0 -> PaNil (o#_Loc_t _x0)
+ | PaId (_x0, _x1) -> PaId (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ident _x1)
+ | PaAli (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ PaAli (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#patt _x1, o#patt _x2)
+ | PaAnt (_x0, _x1) -> PaAnt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | PaAny _x0 -> PaAny (o#_Loc_t _x0)
+ | PaApp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ PaApp (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#patt _x1, o#patt _x2)
+ | PaArr (_x0, _x1) -> PaArr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#patt _x1)
+ | PaCom (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ PaCom (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#patt _x1, o#patt _x2)
+ | PaSem (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ PaSem (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#patt _x1, o#patt _x2)
+ | PaChr (_x0, _x1) -> PaChr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | PaInt (_x0, _x1) -> PaInt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | PaInt32 (_x0, _x1) ->
+ PaInt32 (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | PaInt64 (_x0, _x1) ->
+ PaInt64 (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | PaNativeInt (_x0, _x1) ->
+ PaNativeInt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | PaFlo (_x0, _x1) -> PaFlo (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | PaLab (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ PaLab (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#patt _x2)
+ | PaOlb (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ PaOlb (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#patt _x2)
+ | PaOlbi (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ PaOlbi (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#patt _x2,
+ o#expr _x3)
+ | PaOrp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ PaOrp (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#patt _x1, o#patt _x2)
+ | PaRng (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ PaRng (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#patt _x1, o#patt _x2)
+ | PaRec (_x0, _x1) -> PaRec (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#patt _x1)
+ | PaEq (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ PaEq (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#patt _x1, o#patt _x2)
+ | PaStr (_x0, _x1) -> PaStr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | PaTup (_x0, _x1) -> PaTup (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#patt _x1)
+ | PaTyc (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ PaTyc (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#patt _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | PaTyp (_x0, _x1) -> PaTyp (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ident _x1)
+ | PaVrn (_x0, _x1) -> PaVrn (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ method module_type : module_type -> module_type =
+ function
+ | MtId (_x0, _x1) -> MtId (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ident _x1)
+ | MtFun (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ MtFun (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#module_type _x2,
+ o#module_type _x3)
+ | MtQuo (_x0, _x1) -> MtQuo (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | MtSig (_x0, _x1) -> MtSig (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#sig_item _x1)
+ | MtWit (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ MtWit (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#module_type _x1,
+ o#with_constr _x2)
+ | MtAnt (_x0, _x1) -> MtAnt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ method module_expr : module_expr -> module_expr =
+ function
+ | MeId (_x0, _x1) -> MeId (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ident _x1)
+ | MeApp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ MeApp (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#module_expr _x1,
+ o#module_expr _x2)
+ | MeFun (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ MeFun (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#module_type _x2,
+ o#module_expr _x3)
+ | MeStr (_x0, _x1) -> MeStr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#str_item _x1)
+ | MeTyc (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ MeTyc (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#module_expr _x1,
+ o#module_type _x2)
+ | MeAnt (_x0, _x1) -> MeAnt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ method module_binding : module_binding -> module_binding =
+ function
+ | MbNil _x0 -> MbNil (o#_Loc_t _x0)
+ | MbAnd (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ MbAnd (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#module_binding _x1,
+ o#module_binding _x2)
+ | MbColEq (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ MbColEq (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#module_type _x2,
+ o#module_expr _x3)
+ | MbCol (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ MbCol (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#module_type _x2)
+ | MbAnt (_x0, _x1) -> MbAnt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ method meta_option :
+ 'a 'b. ('a -> 'b) -> 'a meta_option -> 'b meta_option =
+ fun _f_a ->
+ function
+ | ONone -> ONone
+ | OSome _x0 -> OSome (_f_a _x0)
+ | OAnt _x0 -> OAnt (o#string _x0)
+ method meta_bool : meta_bool -> meta_bool =
+ function
+ | BTrue -> BTrue
+ | BFalse -> BFalse
+ | BAnt _x0 -> BAnt (o#string _x0)
+ method match_case : match_case -> match_case =
+ function
+ | McNil _x0 -> McNil (o#_Loc_t _x0)
+ | McOr (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ McOr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#match_case _x1, o#match_case _x2)
+ | McArr (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ McArr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#patt _x1, o#expr _x2,
+ o#expr _x3)
+ | McAnt (_x0, _x1) -> McAnt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ method ident : ident -> ident =
+ function
+ | IdAcc (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ IdAcc (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ident _x1, o#ident _x2)
+ | IdApp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ IdApp (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ident _x1, o#ident _x2)
+ | IdLid (_x0, _x1) -> IdLid (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | IdUid (_x0, _x1) -> IdUid (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | IdAnt (_x0, _x1) -> IdAnt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ method expr : expr -> expr =
+ function
+ | ExNil _x0 -> ExNil (o#_Loc_t _x0)
+ | ExId (_x0, _x1) -> ExId (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ident _x1)
+ | ExAcc (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ExAcc (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1, o#expr _x2)
+ | ExAnt (_x0, _x1) -> ExAnt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | ExApp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ExApp (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1, o#expr _x2)
+ | ExAre (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ExAre (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1, o#expr _x2)
+ | ExArr (_x0, _x1) -> ExArr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1)
+ | ExSem (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ExSem (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1, o#expr _x2)
+ | ExAsf _x0 -> ExAsf (o#_Loc_t _x0)
+ | ExAsr (_x0, _x1) -> ExAsr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1)
+ | ExAss (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ExAss (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1, o#expr _x2)
+ | ExChr (_x0, _x1) -> ExChr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | ExCoe (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ ExCoe (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1, o#ctyp _x2,
+ o#ctyp _x3)
+ | ExFlo (_x0, _x1) -> ExFlo (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | ExFor (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3, _x4, _x5) ->
+ ExFor (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#expr _x2,
+ o#expr _x3, o#meta_bool _x4, o#expr _x5)
+ | ExFun (_x0, _x1) ->
+ ExFun (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#match_case _x1)
+ | ExIfe (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ ExIfe (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1, o#expr _x2,
+ o#expr _x3)
+ | ExInt (_x0, _x1) -> ExInt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | ExInt32 (_x0, _x1) ->
+ ExInt32 (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | ExInt64 (_x0, _x1) ->
+ ExInt64 (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | ExNativeInt (_x0, _x1) ->
+ ExNativeInt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | ExLab (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ExLab (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#expr _x2)
+ | ExLaz (_x0, _x1) -> ExLaz (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1)
+ | ExLet (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ ExLet (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#meta_bool _x1, o#binding _x2,
+ o#expr _x3)
+ | ExLmd (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ ExLmd (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#module_expr _x2,
+ o#expr _x3)
+ | ExMat (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ExMat (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1, o#match_case _x2)
+ | ExNew (_x0, _x1) -> ExNew (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ident _x1)
+ | ExObj (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ExObj (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#patt _x1, o#class_str_item _x2)
+ | ExOlb (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ExOlb (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#expr _x2)
+ | ExOvr (_x0, _x1) -> ExOvr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#binding _x1)
+ | ExRec (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ExRec (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#binding _x1, o#expr _x2)
+ | ExSeq (_x0, _x1) -> ExSeq (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1)
+ | ExSnd (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ExSnd (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1, o#string _x2)
+ | ExSte (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ExSte (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1, o#expr _x2)
+ | ExStr (_x0, _x1) -> ExStr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | ExTry (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ExTry (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1, o#match_case _x2)
+ | ExTup (_x0, _x1) -> ExTup (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1)
+ | ExCom (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ExCom (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1, o#expr _x2)
+ | ExTyc (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ExTyc (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | ExVrn (_x0, _x1) -> ExVrn (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | ExWhi (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ExWhi (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1, o#expr _x2)
+ method ctyp : ctyp -> ctyp =
+ function
+ | TyNil _x0 -> TyNil (o#_Loc_t _x0)
+ | TyAli (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TyAli (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TyAny _x0 -> TyAny (o#_Loc_t _x0)
+ | TyApp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TyApp (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TyArr (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TyArr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TyCls (_x0, _x1) -> TyCls (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ident _x1)
+ | TyLab (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TyLab (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TyId (_x0, _x1) -> TyId (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ident _x1)
+ | TyMan (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TyMan (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TyDcl (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3, _x4) ->
+ TyDcl (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#list o#ctyp _x2,
+ o#ctyp _x3,
+ o#list
+ (fun (_x0, _x1) -> ((o#ctyp _x0), (o#ctyp _x1)))
+ _x4)
+ | TyObj (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TyObj (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#meta_bool _x2)
+ | TyOlb (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TyOlb (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TyPol (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TyPol (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TyQuo (_x0, _x1) -> TyQuo (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | TyQuP (_x0, _x1) -> TyQuP (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | TyQuM (_x0, _x1) -> TyQuM (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | TyVrn (_x0, _x1) -> TyVrn (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ | TyRec (_x0, _x1) -> TyRec (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1)
+ | TyCol (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TyCol (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TySem (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TySem (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TyCom (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TyCom (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TySum (_x0, _x1) -> TySum (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1)
+ | TyOf (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TyOf (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TyAnd (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TyAnd (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TyOr (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TyOr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TyPrv (_x0, _x1) -> TyPrv (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1)
+ | TyMut (_x0, _x1) -> TyMut (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1)
+ | TyTup (_x0, _x1) -> TyTup (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1)
+ | TySta (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TySta (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TyVrnEq (_x0, _x1) -> TyVrnEq (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1)
+ | TyVrnSup (_x0, _x1) ->
+ TyVrnSup (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1)
+ | TyVrnInf (_x0, _x1) ->
+ TyVrnInf (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1)
+ | TyVrnInfSup (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TyVrnInfSup (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TyAmp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TyAmp (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TyOfAmp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ TyOfAmp (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | TyAnt (_x0, _x1) -> TyAnt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ method class_type : class_type -> class_type =
+ function
+ | CtNil _x0 -> CtNil (o#_Loc_t _x0)
+ | CtCon (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ CtCon (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#meta_bool _x1, o#ident _x2,
+ o#ctyp _x3)
+ | CtFun (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ CtFun (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#class_type _x2)
+ | CtSig (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ CtSig (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#class_sig_item _x2)
+ | CtAnd (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ CtAnd (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#class_type _x1,
+ o#class_type _x2)
+ | CtCol (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ CtCol (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#class_type _x1,
+ o#class_type _x2)
+ | CtEq (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ CtEq (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#class_type _x1, o#class_type _x2)
+ | CtAnt (_x0, _x1) -> CtAnt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ method class_str_item : class_str_item -> class_str_item =
+ function
+ | CrNil _x0 -> CrNil (o#_Loc_t _x0)
+ | CrSem (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ CrSem (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#class_str_item _x1,
+ o#class_str_item _x2)
+ | CrCtr (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ CrCtr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | CrInh (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ CrInh (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#class_expr _x1, o#string _x2)
+ | CrIni (_x0, _x1) -> CrIni (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#expr _x1)
+ | CrMth (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3, _x4) ->
+ CrMth (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#meta_bool _x2,
+ o#expr _x3, o#ctyp _x4)
+ | CrVal (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ CrVal (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#meta_bool _x2,
+ o#expr _x3)
+ | CrVir (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ CrVir (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#meta_bool _x2,
+ o#ctyp _x3)
+ | CrVvr (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ CrVvr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#meta_bool _x2,
+ o#ctyp _x3)
+ | CrAnt (_x0, _x1) -> CrAnt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ method class_sig_item : class_sig_item -> class_sig_item =
+ function
+ | CgNil _x0 -> CgNil (o#_Loc_t _x0)
+ | CgCtr (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ CgCtr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#ctyp _x1, o#ctyp _x2)
+ | CgSem (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ CgSem (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#class_sig_item _x1,
+ o#class_sig_item _x2)
+ | CgInh (_x0, _x1) ->
+ CgInh (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#class_type _x1)
+ | CgMth (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ CgMth (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#meta_bool _x2,
+ o#ctyp _x3)
+ | CgVal (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3, _x4) ->
+ CgVal (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#meta_bool _x2,
+ o#meta_bool _x3, o#ctyp _x4)
+ | CgVir (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ CgVir (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1, o#meta_bool _x2,
+ o#ctyp _x3)
+ | CgAnt (_x0, _x1) -> CgAnt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ method class_expr : class_expr -> class_expr =
+ function
+ | CeNil _x0 -> CeNil (o#_Loc_t _x0)
+ | CeApp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ CeApp (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#class_expr _x1, o#expr _x2)
+ | CeCon (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ CeCon (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#meta_bool _x1, o#ident _x2,
+ o#ctyp _x3)
+ | CeFun (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ CeFun (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#patt _x1, o#class_expr _x2)
+ | CeLet (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ CeLet (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#meta_bool _x1, o#binding _x2,
+ o#class_expr _x3)
+ | CeStr (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ CeStr (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#patt _x1, o#class_str_item _x2)
+ | CeTyc (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ CeTyc (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#class_expr _x1,
+ o#class_type _x2)
+ | CeAnd (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ CeAnd (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#class_expr _x1,
+ o#class_expr _x2)
+ | CeEq (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ CeEq (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#class_expr _x1, o#class_expr _x2)
+ | CeAnt (_x0, _x1) -> CeAnt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ method binding : binding -> binding =
+ function
+ | BiNil _x0 -> BiNil (o#_Loc_t _x0)
+ | BiAnd (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ BiAnd (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#binding _x1, o#binding _x2)
+ | BiSem (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ BiSem (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#binding _x1, o#binding _x2)
+ | BiEq (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ BiEq (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#patt _x1, o#expr _x2)
+ | BiAnt (_x0, _x1) -> BiAnt (o#_Loc_t _x0, o#string _x1)
+ end
+ class fold =
+ object ((o : 'self_type))
+ method string = fun (_ : string) -> (o : 'self_type)
+ method int = fun (_ : int) -> (o : 'self_type)
+ method float = fun (_ : float) -> (o : 'self_type)
+ method bool = fun (_ : bool) -> (o : 'self_type)
+ method list :
+ 'a.
+ ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> 'a list -> 'self_type =
+ fun f -> List.fold_left f o
+ method option :
+ 'a.
+ ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) ->
+ 'a option -> 'self_type =
+ fun f -> function | None -> o | Some x -> f o x
+ method array :
+ 'a.
+ ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) ->
+ 'a array -> 'self_type =
+ fun f -> Array.fold_left f o
+ method ref :
+ 'a.
+ ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) -> 'a ref -> 'self_type =
+ fun f { contents = x } -> f o x
+ method _Loc_t : Loc.t -> 'self_type = fun _ -> o
+ method with_constr : with_constr -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | WcNil _x0 -> o#_Loc_t _x0
+ | WcTyp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | WcMod (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ident _x1)#ident _x2
+ | WcAnd (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#with_constr _x1)#with_constr _x2
+ | WcAnt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ method str_item : str_item -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | StNil _x0 -> o#_Loc_t _x0
+ | StCls (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#class_expr _x1
+ | StClt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#class_type _x1
+ | StSem (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#str_item _x1)#str_item _x2
+ | StDir (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#expr _x2
+ | StExc (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#meta_option
+ (fun o -> o#ident) _x2
+ | StExp (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1
+ | StExt (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#ctyp _x2)#string _x3
+ | StInc (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#module_expr _x1
+ | StMod (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#module_expr _x2
+ | StRecMod (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#module_binding _x1
+ | StMty (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#module_type _x2
+ | StOpn (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ident _x1
+ | StTyp (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1
+ | StVal (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#meta_bool _x1)#binding _x2
+ | StAnt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ method sig_item : sig_item -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | SgNil _x0 -> o#_Loc_t _x0
+ | SgCls (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#class_type _x1
+ | SgClt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#class_type _x1
+ | SgSem (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#sig_item _x1)#sig_item _x2
+ | SgDir (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#expr _x2
+ | SgExc (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1
+ | SgExt (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#ctyp _x2)#string _x3
+ | SgInc (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#module_type _x1
+ | SgMod (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#module_type _x2
+ | SgRecMod (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#module_binding _x1
+ | SgMty (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#module_type _x2
+ | SgOpn (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ident _x1
+ | SgTyp (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1
+ | SgVal (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | SgAnt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ method patt : patt -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | PaNil _x0 -> o#_Loc_t _x0
+ | PaId (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ident _x1
+ | PaAli (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#patt _x1)#patt _x2
+ | PaAnt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | PaAny _x0 -> o#_Loc_t _x0
+ | PaApp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#patt _x1)#patt _x2
+ | PaArr (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#patt _x1
+ | PaCom (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#patt _x1)#patt _x2
+ | PaSem (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#patt _x1)#patt _x2
+ | PaChr (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | PaInt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | PaInt32 (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | PaInt64 (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | PaNativeInt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | PaFlo (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | PaLab (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#patt _x2
+ | PaOlb (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#patt _x2
+ | PaOlbi (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#patt _x2)#expr _x3
+ | PaOrp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#patt _x1)#patt _x2
+ | PaRng (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#patt _x1)#patt _x2
+ | PaRec (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#patt _x1
+ | PaEq (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#patt _x1)#patt _x2
+ | PaStr (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | PaTup (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#patt _x1
+ | PaTyc (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#patt _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | PaTyp (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ident _x1
+ | PaVrn (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ method module_type : module_type -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | MtId (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ident _x1
+ | MtFun (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#module_type _x2)#
+ module_type _x3
+ | MtQuo (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | MtSig (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#sig_item _x1
+ | MtWit (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#module_type _x1)#with_constr _x2
+ | MtAnt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ method module_expr : module_expr -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | MeId (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ident _x1
+ | MeApp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#module_expr _x1)#module_expr _x2
+ | MeFun (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#module_type _x2)#
+ module_expr _x3
+ | MeStr (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#str_item _x1
+ | MeTyc (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#module_expr _x1)#module_type _x2
+ | MeAnt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ method module_binding : module_binding -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | MbNil _x0 -> o#_Loc_t _x0
+ | MbAnd (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#module_binding _x1)#module_binding _x2
+ | MbColEq (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#module_type _x2)#
+ module_expr _x3
+ | MbCol (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#module_type _x2
+ | MbAnt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ method meta_option :
+ 'a.
+ ('self_type -> 'a -> 'self_type) ->
+ 'a meta_option -> 'self_type =
+ fun _f_a ->
+ function
+ | ONone -> o
+ | OSome _x0 -> _f_a o _x0
+ | OAnt _x0 -> o#string _x0
+ method meta_bool : meta_bool -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | BTrue -> o
+ | BFalse -> o
+ | BAnt _x0 -> o#string _x0
+ method match_case : match_case -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | McNil _x0 -> o#_Loc_t _x0
+ | McOr (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#match_case _x1)#match_case _x2
+ | McArr (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#patt _x1)#expr _x2)#expr _x3
+ | McAnt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ method ident : ident -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | IdAcc (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ident _x1)#ident _x2
+ | IdApp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ident _x1)#ident _x2
+ | IdLid (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | IdUid (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | IdAnt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ method expr : expr -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | ExNil _x0 -> o#_Loc_t _x0
+ | ExId (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ident _x1
+ | ExAcc (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1)#expr _x2
+ | ExAnt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | ExApp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1)#expr _x2
+ | ExAre (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1)#expr _x2
+ | ExArr (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1
+ | ExSem (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1)#expr _x2
+ | ExAsf _x0 -> o#_Loc_t _x0
+ | ExAsr (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1
+ | ExAss (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1)#expr _x2
+ | ExChr (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | ExCoe (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1)#ctyp _x2)#ctyp _x3
+ | ExFlo (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | ExFor (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3, _x4, _x5) ->
+ (((((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#expr _x2)#expr _x3)#
+ meta_bool _x4)#
+ expr _x5
+ | ExFun (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#match_case _x1
+ | ExIfe (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1)#expr _x2)#expr _x3
+ | ExInt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | ExInt32 (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | ExInt64 (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | ExNativeInt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | ExLab (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#expr _x2
+ | ExLaz (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1
+ | ExLet (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#meta_bool _x1)#binding _x2)#expr _x3
+ | ExLmd (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#module_expr _x2)#expr _x3
+ | ExMat (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1)#match_case _x2
+ | ExNew (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ident _x1
+ | ExObj (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#patt _x1)#class_str_item _x2
+ | ExOlb (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#expr _x2
+ | ExOvr (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#binding _x1
+ | ExRec (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#binding _x1)#expr _x2
+ | ExSeq (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1
+ | ExSnd (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1)#string _x2
+ | ExSte (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1)#expr _x2
+ | ExStr (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | ExTry (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1)#match_case _x2
+ | ExTup (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1
+ | ExCom (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1)#expr _x2
+ | ExTyc (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | ExVrn (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | ExWhi (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1)#expr _x2
+ method ctyp : ctyp -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | TyNil _x0 -> o#_Loc_t _x0
+ | TyAli (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TyAny _x0 -> o#_Loc_t _x0
+ | TyApp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TyArr (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TyCls (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ident _x1
+ | TyLab (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TyId (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ident _x1
+ | TyMan (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TyDcl (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3, _x4) ->
+ ((((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#list (fun o -> o#ctyp)
+ _x2)#
+ ctyp _x3)#
+ list (fun o (_x0, _x1) -> (o#ctyp _x0)#ctyp _x1) _x4
+ | TyObj (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#meta_bool _x2
+ | TyOlb (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TyPol (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TyQuo (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | TyQuP (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | TyQuM (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | TyVrn (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ | TyRec (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1
+ | TyCol (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TySem (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TyCom (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TySum (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1
+ | TyOf (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TyAnd (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TyOr (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TyPrv (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1
+ | TyMut (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1
+ | TyTup (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1
+ | TySta (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TyVrnEq (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1
+ | TyVrnSup (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1
+ | TyVrnInf (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1
+ | TyVrnInfSup (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TyAmp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TyOfAmp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | TyAnt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ method class_type : class_type -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | CtNil _x0 -> o#_Loc_t _x0
+ | CtCon (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#meta_bool _x1)#ident _x2)#ctyp _x3
+ | CtFun (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#class_type _x2
+ | CtSig (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#class_sig_item _x2
+ | CtAnd (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#class_type _x1)#class_type _x2
+ | CtCol (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#class_type _x1)#class_type _x2
+ | CtEq (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#class_type _x1)#class_type _x2
+ | CtAnt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ method class_str_item : class_str_item -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | CrNil _x0 -> o#_Loc_t _x0
+ | CrSem (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#class_str_item _x1)#class_str_item _x2
+ | CrCtr (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | CrInh (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#class_expr _x1)#string _x2
+ | CrIni (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#expr _x1
+ | CrMth (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3, _x4) ->
+ ((((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#meta_bool _x2)#expr _x3)#
+ ctyp _x4
+ | CrVal (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#meta_bool _x2)#expr _x3
+ | CrVir (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#meta_bool _x2)#ctyp _x3
+ | CrVvr (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#meta_bool _x2)#ctyp _x3
+ | CrAnt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ method class_sig_item : class_sig_item -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | CgNil _x0 -> o#_Loc_t _x0
+ | CgCtr (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#ctyp _x1)#ctyp _x2
+ | CgSem (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#class_sig_item _x1)#class_sig_item _x2
+ | CgInh (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#class_type _x1
+ | CgMth (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#meta_bool _x2)#ctyp _x3
+ | CgVal (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3, _x4) ->
+ ((((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#meta_bool _x2)#meta_bool
+ _x3)#
+ ctyp _x4
+ | CgVir (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1)#meta_bool _x2)#ctyp _x3
+ | CgAnt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ method class_expr : class_expr -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | CeNil _x0 -> o#_Loc_t _x0
+ | CeApp (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#class_expr _x1)#expr _x2
+ | CeCon (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#meta_bool _x1)#ident _x2)#ctyp _x3
+ | CeFun (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#patt _x1)#class_expr _x2
+ | CeLet (_x0, _x1, _x2, _x3) ->
+ (((o#_Loc_t _x0)#meta_bool _x1)#binding _x2)#class_expr
+ _x3
+ | CeStr (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#patt _x1)#class_str_item _x2
+ | CeTyc (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#class_expr _x1)#class_type _x2
+ | CeAnd (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#class_expr _x1)#class_expr _x2
+ | CeEq (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#class_expr _x1)#class_expr _x2
+ | CeAnt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ method binding : binding -> 'self_type =
+ function
+ | BiNil _x0 -> o#_Loc_t _x0
+ | BiAnd (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#binding _x1)#binding _x2
+ | BiSem (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#binding _x1)#binding _x2
+ | BiEq (_x0, _x1, _x2) ->
+ ((o#_Loc_t _x0)#patt _x1)#expr _x2
+ | BiAnt (_x0, _x1) -> (o#_Loc_t _x0)#string _x1
+ end
+ class c_expr f =
+ object inherit map as super
+ method expr = fun x -> f (super#expr x)
+ end
+ class c_patt f =
+ object inherit map as super
+ method patt = fun x -> f (super#patt x)
+ end
+ class c_ctyp f =
+ object inherit map as super
+ method ctyp = fun x -> f (super#ctyp x)
+ end
+ class c_str_item f =
+ object inherit map as super
+ method str_item = fun x -> f (super#str_item x)
+ end
+ class c_sig_item f =
+ object inherit map as super
+ method sig_item = fun x -> f (super#sig_item x)
+ end
+ class c_loc f =
+ object inherit map as super
+ method _Loc_t = fun x -> f (super#_Loc_t x)
+ end
+ let map_patt f ast = (new c_patt f)#patt ast
+ let map_loc f ast = (new c_loc f)#_Loc_t ast
+ let map_sig_item f ast = (new c_sig_item f)#sig_item ast
+ let map_str_item f ast = (new c_str_item f)#str_item ast
+ let map_ctyp f ast = (new c_ctyp f)#ctyp ast
+ let map_expr f ast = (new c_expr f)#expr ast
+ let ghost = Loc.ghost
+ let rec is_module_longident =
+ function
+ | Ast.IdAcc (_, _, i) -> is_module_longident i
+ | Ast.IdApp (_, i1, i2) ->
+ (is_module_longident i1) && (is_module_longident i2)
+ | Ast.IdUid (_, _) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let rec is_irrefut_patt =
+ function
+ | Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, _))) -> true
+ | Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "()"))) -> true
+ | Ast.PaAny _ -> true
+ | Ast.PaAli (_, x, y) ->
+ (is_irrefut_patt x) && (is_irrefut_patt y)
+ | Ast.PaRec (_, p) -> is_irrefut_patt p
+ | Ast.PaEq (_, (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, _)))), p) ->
+ is_irrefut_patt p
+ | Ast.PaSem (_, p1, p2) ->
+ (is_irrefut_patt p1) && (is_irrefut_patt p2)
+ | Ast.PaCom (_, p1, p2) ->
+ (is_irrefut_patt p1) && (is_irrefut_patt p2)
+ | Ast.PaTyc (_, p, _) -> is_irrefut_patt p
+ | Ast.PaTup (_, pl) -> is_irrefut_patt pl
+ | Ast.PaOlb (_, _, (Ast.PaNil _)) -> true
+ | Ast.PaOlb (_, _, p) -> is_irrefut_patt p
+ | Ast.PaOlbi (_, _, p, _) -> is_irrefut_patt p
+ | Ast.PaLab (_, _, (Ast.PaNil _)) -> true
+ | Ast.PaLab (_, _, p) -> is_irrefut_patt p
+ | _ -> false
+ let rec is_constructor =
+ function
+ | Ast.IdAcc (_, _, i) -> is_constructor i
+ | Ast.IdUid (_, _) -> true
+ | Ast.IdLid (_, _) | Ast.IdApp (_, _, _) -> false
+ | Ast.IdAnt (_, _) -> assert false
+ let is_patt_constructor =
+ function
+ | Ast.PaId (_, i) -> is_constructor i
+ | Ast.PaVrn (_, _) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let rec is_expr_constructor =
+ function
+ | Ast.ExId (_, i) -> is_constructor i
+ | Ast.ExAcc (_, e1, e2) ->
+ (is_expr_constructor e1) && (is_expr_constructor e2)
+ | Ast.ExVrn (_, _) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let ident_of_expr =
+ let error () =
+ invalid_arg
+ "ident_of_expr: this expression is not an identifier" in
+ let rec self =
+ function
+ | Ast.ExApp (_loc, e1, e2) ->
+ Ast.IdApp (_loc, self e1, self e2)
+ | Ast.ExAcc (_loc, e1, e2) ->
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, self e1, self e2)
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, _))) -> error ()
+ | Ast.ExId (_, i) ->
+ if is_module_longident i then i else error ()
+ | _ -> error ()
+ in
+ function
+ | Ast.ExId (_, i) -> i
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, _, _) -> error ()
+ | t -> self t
+ let ident_of_ctyp =
+ let error () =
+ invalid_arg "ident_of_ctyp: this type is not an identifier" in
+ let rec self =
+ function
+ | Ast.TyApp (_loc, t1, t2) ->
+ Ast.IdApp (_loc, self t1, self t2)
+ | Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, _))) -> error ()
+ | Ast.TyId (_, i) ->
+ if is_module_longident i then i else error ()
+ | _ -> error ()
+ in function | Ast.TyId (_, i) -> i | t -> self t
+ let rec tyOr_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.TyNil ghost
+ | [ t ] -> t
+ | t :: ts ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_ctyp t
+ in Ast.TyOr (_loc, t, tyOr_of_list ts)
+ let rec tyAnd_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.TyNil ghost
+ | [ t ] -> t
+ | t :: ts ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_ctyp t
+ in Ast.TyAnd (_loc, t, tyAnd_of_list ts)
+ let rec tySem_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.TyNil ghost
+ | [ t ] -> t
+ | t :: ts ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_ctyp t
+ in Ast.TySem (_loc, t, tySem_of_list ts)
+ let rec stSem_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.StNil ghost
+ | [ t ] -> t
+ | t :: ts ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_str_item t
+ in Ast.StSem (_loc, t, stSem_of_list ts)
+ let rec sgSem_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.SgNil ghost
+ | [ t ] -> t
+ | t :: ts ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_sig_item t
+ in Ast.SgSem (_loc, t, sgSem_of_list ts)
+ let rec biAnd_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.BiNil ghost
+ | [ b ] -> b
+ | b :: bs ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_binding b
+ in Ast.BiAnd (_loc, b, biAnd_of_list bs)
+ let rec wcAnd_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.WcNil ghost
+ | [ w ] -> w
+ | w :: ws ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_with_constr w
+ in Ast.WcAnd (_loc, w, wcAnd_of_list ws)
+ let rec idAcc_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | [ i ] -> i
+ | i :: is ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_ident i
+ in Ast.IdAcc (_loc, i, idAcc_of_list is)
+ let rec idApp_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | [ i ] -> i
+ | i :: is ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_ident i
+ in Ast.IdApp (_loc, i, idApp_of_list is)
+ let rec mcOr_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.McNil ghost
+ | [ x ] -> x
+ | x :: xs ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_match_case x
+ in Ast.McOr (_loc, x, mcOr_of_list xs)
+ let rec mbAnd_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.MbNil ghost
+ | [ x ] -> x
+ | x :: xs ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_module_binding x
+ in Ast.MbAnd (_loc, x, mbAnd_of_list xs)
+ let rec meApp_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | [ x ] -> x
+ | x :: xs ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_module_expr x
+ in Ast.MeApp (_loc, x, meApp_of_list xs)
+ let rec ceAnd_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.CeNil ghost
+ | [ x ] -> x
+ | x :: xs ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_class_expr x
+ in Ast.CeAnd (_loc, x, ceAnd_of_list xs)
+ let rec ctAnd_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.CtNil ghost
+ | [ x ] -> x
+ | x :: xs ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_class_type x
+ in Ast.CtAnd (_loc, x, ctAnd_of_list xs)
+ let rec cgSem_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.CgNil ghost
+ | [ x ] -> x
+ | x :: xs ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_class_sig_item x
+ in Ast.CgSem (_loc, x, cgSem_of_list xs)
+ let rec crSem_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.CrNil ghost
+ | [ x ] -> x
+ | x :: xs ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_class_str_item x
+ in Ast.CrSem (_loc, x, crSem_of_list xs)
+ let rec paSem_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.PaNil ghost
+ | [ x ] -> x
+ | x :: xs ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_patt x
+ in Ast.PaSem (_loc, x, paSem_of_list xs)
+ let rec paCom_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.PaNil ghost
+ | [ x ] -> x
+ | x :: xs ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_patt x
+ in Ast.PaCom (_loc, x, paCom_of_list xs)
+ let rec biSem_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.BiNil ghost
+ | [ x ] -> x
+ | x :: xs ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_binding x
+ in Ast.BiSem (_loc, x, biSem_of_list xs)
+ let rec exSem_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.ExNil ghost
+ | [ x ] -> x
+ | x :: xs ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_expr x
+ in Ast.ExSem (_loc, x, exSem_of_list xs)
+ let rec exCom_of_list =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.ExNil ghost
+ | [ x ] -> x
+ | x :: xs ->
+ let _loc = loc_of_expr x
+ in Ast.ExCom (_loc, x, exCom_of_list xs)
+ let ty_of_stl =
+ function
+ | (_loc, s, []) -> Ast.TyId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, s))
+ | (_loc, s, tl) ->
+ Ast.TyOf (_loc, Ast.TyId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, s)),
+ tyAnd_of_list tl)
+ let ty_of_sbt =
+ function
+ | (_loc, s, true, t) ->
+ Ast.TyCol (_loc, Ast.TyId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, s)),
+ Ast.TyMut (_loc, t))
+ | (_loc, s, false, t) ->
+ Ast.TyCol (_loc, Ast.TyId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, s)), t)
+ let bi_of_pe (p, e) =
+ let _loc = loc_of_patt p in Ast.BiEq (_loc, p, e)
+ let sum_type_of_list l = tyOr_of_list ( ty_of_stl l)
+ let record_type_of_list l = tySem_of_list ( ty_of_sbt l)
+ let binding_of_pel l = biAnd_of_list ( bi_of_pe l)
+ let rec pel_of_binding =
+ function
+ | Ast.BiAnd (_, b1, b2) ->
+ (pel_of_binding b1) @ (pel_of_binding b2)
+ | Ast.BiEq (_, p, e) -> [ (p, e) ]
+ | Ast.BiSem (_, b1, b2) ->
+ (pel_of_binding b1) @ (pel_of_binding b2)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let rec list_of_binding x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.BiAnd (_, b1, b2) | Ast.BiSem (_, b1, b2) ->
+ list_of_binding b1 (list_of_binding b2 acc)
+ | t -> t :: acc
+ let rec list_of_with_constr x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.WcAnd (_, w1, w2) ->
+ list_of_with_constr w1 (list_of_with_constr w2 acc)
+ | t -> t :: acc
+ let rec list_of_ctyp x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.TyNil _ -> acc
+ | Ast.TyAmp (_, x, y) | Ast.TyCom (_, x, y) |
+ Ast.TySta (_, x, y) | Ast.TySem (_, x, y) |
+ Ast.TyAnd (_, x, y) | Ast.TyOr (_, x, y) ->
+ list_of_ctyp x (list_of_ctyp y acc)
+ | x -> x :: acc
+ let rec list_of_patt x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.PaNil _ -> acc
+ | Ast.PaCom (_, x, y) | Ast.PaSem (_, x, y) ->
+ list_of_patt x (list_of_patt y acc)
+ | x -> x :: acc
+ let rec list_of_expr x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.ExNil _ -> acc
+ | Ast.ExCom (_, x, y) | Ast.ExSem (_, x, y) ->
+ list_of_expr x (list_of_expr y acc)
+ | x -> x :: acc
+ let rec list_of_str_item x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.StNil _ -> acc
+ | Ast.StSem (_, x, y) ->
+ list_of_str_item x (list_of_str_item y acc)
+ | x -> x :: acc
+ let rec list_of_sig_item x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.SgNil _ -> acc
+ | Ast.SgSem (_, x, y) ->
+ list_of_sig_item x (list_of_sig_item y acc)
+ | x -> x :: acc
+ let rec list_of_class_sig_item x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.CgNil _ -> acc
+ | Ast.CgSem (_, x, y) ->
+ list_of_class_sig_item x (list_of_class_sig_item y acc)
+ | x -> x :: acc
+ let rec list_of_class_str_item x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.CrNil _ -> acc
+ | Ast.CrSem (_, x, y) ->
+ list_of_class_str_item x (list_of_class_str_item y acc)
+ | x -> x :: acc
+ let rec list_of_class_type x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.CtAnd (_, x, y) ->
+ list_of_class_type x (list_of_class_type y acc)
+ | x -> x :: acc
+ let rec list_of_class_expr x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.CeAnd (_, x, y) ->
+ list_of_class_expr x (list_of_class_expr y acc)
+ | x -> x :: acc
+ let rec list_of_module_expr x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.MeApp (_, x, y) ->
+ list_of_module_expr x (list_of_module_expr y acc)
+ | x -> x :: acc
+ let rec list_of_match_case x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.McNil _ -> acc
+ | Ast.McOr (_, x, y) ->
+ list_of_match_case x (list_of_match_case y acc)
+ | x -> x :: acc
+ let rec list_of_ident x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.IdAcc (_, x, y) | Ast.IdApp (_, x, y) ->
+ list_of_ident x (list_of_ident y acc)
+ | x -> x :: acc
+ let rec list_of_module_binding x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.MbAnd (_, x, y) ->
+ list_of_module_binding x (list_of_module_binding y acc)
+ | x -> x :: acc
+ end
+ end
+ module Quotation =
+ struct
+ module Make (Ast : Sig.Ast) : Sig.Quotation with module Ast = Ast =
+ struct
+ module Ast = Ast
+ module Loc = Ast.Loc
+ open Format
+ open Sig
+ type 'a expand_fun = Loc.t -> string option -> string -> 'a
+ type expander =
+ | ExStr of (bool -> string expand_fun)
+ | ExAst of Ast.expr expand_fun * Ast.patt expand_fun
+ let expanders_table = ref []
+ let default = ref ""
+ let translate = ref (fun x -> x)
+ let expander_name name =
+ match !translate name with | "" -> !default | name -> name
+ let find name = List.assoc (expander_name name) !expanders_table
+ let add name f = expanders_table := (name, f) :: !expanders_table
+ let dump_file = ref None
+ module Error =
+ struct
+ type error =
+ | Finding | Expanding | ParsingResult of Loc.t * string
+ | Locating
+ type t = (string * error * exn)
+ exception E of t
+ let print ppf (name, ctx, exn) =
+ let name = if name = "" then !default else name in
+ let pp x = fprintf ppf "@?@[<2>While %s %S:" x name in
+ let () =
+ match ctx with
+ | Finding ->
+ (pp "finding quotation";
+ fprintf ppf " available quotations are:\n@[<2>";
+ List.iter (fun (s, _) -> fprintf ppf "%s@ " s)
+ !expanders_table;
+ fprintf ppf "@]")
+ | Expanding -> pp "expanding quotation"
+ | Locating -> pp "parsing"
+ | ParsingResult (loc, str) ->
+ let () = pp "parsing result of quotation"
+ in
+ (match !dump_file with
+ | Some dump_file ->
+ let () = fprintf ppf " dumping result...\n"
+ in
+ (try
+ let oc = open_out_bin dump_file
+ in
+ (output_string oc str;
+ output_string oc "\n";
+ flush oc;
+ close_out oc;
+ fprintf ppf "%a:" Loc.print
+ (Loc.set_file_name dump_file loc))
+ with
+ | _ ->
+ fprintf ppf
+ "Error while dumping result in file %S; dump aborted"
+ dump_file)
+ | None ->
+ fprintf ppf
+ "\n(consider setting variable Quotation.dump_file, or using the -QD option)")
+ in fprintf ppf "@\n%a@]@." ErrorHandler.print exn
+ let to_string x =
+ let b = Buffer.create 50 in
+ let () = bprintf b "%a" print x in Buffer.contents b
+ end
+ let _ = let module M = ErrorHandler.Register(Error) in ()
+ open Error
+ let expand_quotation loc expander quot =
+ let loc_name_opt =
+ if quot.q_loc = "" then None else Some quot.q_loc
+ in
+ try expander loc loc_name_opt quot.q_contents
+ with | (Loc.Exc_located (_, (Error.E _)) as exc) -> raise exc
+ | Loc.Exc_located (iloc, exc) ->
+ let exc1 = Error.E (((quot.q_name), Expanding, exc))
+ in raise (Loc.Exc_located (iloc, exc1))
+ | exc ->
+ let exc1 = Error.E (((quot.q_name), Expanding, exc))
+ in raise (Loc.Exc_located (loc, exc1))
+ let parse_quotation_result parse loc quot str =
+ try parse loc str
+ with
+ | Loc.Exc_located (iloc, (Error.E ((n, Expanding, exc)))) ->
+ let ctx = ParsingResult (iloc, quot.q_contents) in
+ let exc1 = Error.E ((n, ctx, exc))
+ in raise (Loc.Exc_located (iloc, exc1))
+ | Loc.Exc_located (iloc, ((Error.E _ as exc))) ->
+ raise (Loc.Exc_located (iloc, exc))
+ | Loc.Exc_located (iloc, exc) ->
+ let ctx = ParsingResult (iloc, quot.q_contents) in
+ let exc1 = Error.E (((quot.q_name), ctx, exc))
+ in raise (Loc.Exc_located (iloc, exc1))
+ let handle_quotation loc proj in_expr parse quotation =
+ let name = quotation.q_name in
+ let expander =
+ try find name
+ with | (Loc.Exc_located (_, (Error.E _)) as exc) -> raise exc
+ | Loc.Exc_located (qloc, exc) ->
+ raise
+ (Loc.Exc_located (qloc, Error.E ((name, Finding, exc))))
+ | exc ->
+ raise
+ (Loc.Exc_located (loc, Error.E ((name, Finding, exc)))) in
+ let loc = Loc.join (Loc.move `start quotation.q_shift loc)
+ in
+ match expander with
+ | ExStr f ->
+ let new_str = expand_quotation loc (f in_expr) quotation
+ in parse_quotation_result parse loc quotation new_str
+ | ExAst (fe, fp) ->
+ expand_quotation loc (proj (fe, fp)) quotation
+ let expand_expr parse loc x =
+ handle_quotation loc fst true parse x
+ let expand_patt parse loc x =
+ handle_quotation loc snd false parse x
+ end
+ end
+ module AstFilters =
+ struct
+ module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast) :
+ Sig.AstFilters with module Ast = Ast =
+ struct
+ module Ast = Ast
+ type 'a filter = 'a -> 'a
+ let interf_filters = Queue.create ()
+ let fold_interf_filters f i = Queue.fold f i interf_filters
+ let implem_filters = Queue.create ()
+ let fold_implem_filters f i = Queue.fold f i implem_filters
+ let register_sig_item_filter f = Queue.add f interf_filters
+ let register_str_item_filter f = Queue.add f implem_filters
+ end
+ end
+ module Camlp4Ast2OCamlAst :
+ sig
+ module Make (Camlp4Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast) :
+ sig
+ open Camlp4Ast
+ val sig_item : sig_item -> Parsetree.signature
+ val str_item : str_item -> Parsetree.structure
+ val phrase : str_item -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase
+ end
+ end =
+ struct
+ module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast) =
+ struct
+ open Format
+ open Parsetree
+ open Longident
+ open Asttypes
+ open Ast
+ let constructors_arity () = !Camlp4_config.constructors_arity
+ let error loc str = Loc.raise loc (Failure str)
+ let char_of_char_token loc s =
+ try Token.Eval.char s
+ with | (Failure _ as exn) -> Loc.raise loc exn
+ let string_of_string_token loc s =
+ try Token.Eval.string s
+ with | (Failure _ as exn) -> Loc.raise loc exn
+ let mkloc = Loc.to_ocaml_location
+ let mkghloc loc = Loc.to_ocaml_location (Loc.ghostify loc)
+ let mktyp loc d = { ptyp_desc = d; ptyp_loc = mkloc loc; }
+ let mkpat loc d = { ppat_desc = d; ppat_loc = mkloc loc; }
+ let mkghpat loc d = { ppat_desc = d; ppat_loc = mkghloc loc; }
+ let mkexp loc d = { pexp_desc = d; pexp_loc = mkloc loc; }
+ let mkmty loc d = { pmty_desc = d; pmty_loc = mkloc loc; }
+ let mksig loc d = { psig_desc = d; psig_loc = mkloc loc; }
+ let mkmod loc d = { pmod_desc = d; pmod_loc = mkloc loc; }
+ let mkstr loc d = { pstr_desc = d; pstr_loc = mkloc loc; }
+ let mkfield loc d = { pfield_desc = d; pfield_loc = mkloc loc; }
+ let mkcty loc d = { pcty_desc = d; pcty_loc = mkloc loc; }
+ let mkpcl loc d = { pcl_desc = d; pcl_loc = mkloc loc; }
+ let mkpolytype t =
+ match t.ptyp_desc with
+ | Ptyp_poly (_, _) -> t
+ | _ -> { (t) with ptyp_desc = Ptyp_poly ([], t); }
+ let mb2b =
+ function
+ | Ast.BTrue -> true
+ | Ast.BFalse -> false
+ | Ast.BAnt _ -> assert false
+ let mkvirtual m = if mb2b m then Virtual else Concrete
+ let lident s = Lident s
+ let ldot l s = Ldot (l, s)
+ let lapply l s = Lapply (l, s)
+ let conv_con =
+ let t = Hashtbl.create 73
+ in
+ (List.iter (fun (s, s') -> Hashtbl.add t s s')
+ [ ("True", "true"); ("False", "false"); (" True", "True");
+ (" False", "False") ];
+ fun s -> try Hashtbl.find t s with | Not_found -> s)
+ let conv_lab =
+ let t = Hashtbl.create 73
+ in
+ (List.iter (fun (s, s') -> Hashtbl.add t s s')
+ [ ("val", "contents") ];
+ fun s -> try Hashtbl.find t s with | Not_found -> s)
+ let array_function str name =
+ ldot (lident str)
+ (if !Camlp4_config.unsafe then "unsafe_" ^ name else name)
+ let mkrf =
+ function
+ | Ast.BTrue -> Recursive
+ | Ast.BFalse -> Nonrecursive
+ | Ast.BAnt _ -> assert false
+ let mkli s =
+ let rec loop f =
+ function
+ | i :: il -> loop (fun s -> ldot (f i) s) il
+ | [] -> f s
+ in loop (fun s -> lident s)
+ let rec ctyp_fa al =
+ function
+ | TyApp (_, f, a) -> ctyp_fa (a :: al) f
+ | f -> (f, al)
+ let ident_tag ?(conv_lid = fun x -> x) i =
+ let rec self i acc =
+ match i with
+ | Ast.IdAcc (_, i1, i2) -> self i2 (Some (self i1 acc))
+ | Ast.IdApp (_, i1, i2) ->
+ let i' =
+ Lapply (fst (self i1 None), fst (self i2 None)) in
+ let x =
+ (match acc with
+ | None -> i'
+ | _ ->
+ error (loc_of_ident i) "invalid long identifier")
+ in (x, `app)
+ | Ast.IdUid (_, s) ->
+ let x =
+ (match acc with
+ | None -> lident s
+ | Some ((acc, (`uident | `app))) -> ldot acc s
+ | _ ->
+ error (loc_of_ident i) "invalid long identifier")
+ in (x, `uident)
+ | Ast.IdLid (_, s) ->
+ let x =
+ (match acc with
+ | None -> lident (conv_lid s)
+ | Some ((acc, (`uident | `app))) ->
+ ldot acc (conv_lid s)
+ | _ ->
+ error (loc_of_ident i) "invalid long identifier")
+ in (x, `lident)
+ | _ -> error (loc_of_ident i) "invalid long identifier"
+ in self i None
+ let ident ?conv_lid i = fst (ident_tag ?conv_lid i)
+ let long_lident msg i =
+ match ident_tag i with
+ | (i, `lident) -> i
+ | _ -> error (loc_of_ident i) msg
+ let long_type_ident = long_lident "invalid long identifier type"
+ let long_class_ident = long_lident "invalid class name"
+ let long_uident ?(conv_con = fun x -> x) i =
+ match ident_tag i with
+ | (Ldot (i, s), `uident) -> ldot i (conv_con s)
+ | (Lident s, `uident) -> lident (conv_con s)
+ | (i, `app) -> i
+ | _ -> error (loc_of_ident i) "uppercase identifier expected"
+ let rec ctyp_long_id_prefix t =
+ match t with
+ | Ast.TyId (_, i) -> ident i
+ | Ast.TyApp (_, m1, m2) ->
+ let li1 = ctyp_long_id_prefix m1 in
+ let li2 = ctyp_long_id_prefix m2 in Lapply (li1, li2)
+ | t -> error (loc_of_ctyp t) "invalid module expression"
+ let ctyp_long_id t =
+ match t with
+ | Ast.TyId (_, i) -> (false, (long_type_ident i))
+ | TyApp (loc, _, _) -> error loc "invalid type name"
+ | TyCls (_, i) -> (true, (ident i))
+ | t -> error (loc_of_ctyp t) "invalid type"
+ let rec ty_var_list_of_ctyp =
+ function
+ | Ast.TyApp (_, t1, t2) ->
+ (ty_var_list_of_ctyp t1) @ (ty_var_list_of_ctyp t2)
+ | Ast.TyQuo (_, s) -> [ s ]
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let rec ctyp =
+ function
+ | TyId (loc, i) ->
+ let li = long_type_ident i
+ in mktyp loc (Ptyp_constr (li, []))
+ | TyAli (loc, t1, t2) ->
+ let (t, i) =
+ (match (t1, t2) with
+ | (t, TyQuo (_, s)) -> (t, s)
+ | (TyQuo (_, s), t) -> (t, s)
+ | _ -> error loc "invalid alias type")
+ in mktyp loc (Ptyp_alias (ctyp t, i))
+ | TyAny loc -> mktyp loc Ptyp_any
+ | (TyApp (loc, _, _) as f) ->
+ let (f, al) = ctyp_fa [] f in
+ let (is_cls, li) = ctyp_long_id f
+ in
+ if is_cls
+ then mktyp loc (Ptyp_class (li, ctyp al, []))
+ else mktyp loc (Ptyp_constr (li, ctyp al))
+ | TyArr (loc, (TyLab (_, lab, t1)), t2) ->
+ mktyp loc (Ptyp_arrow (lab, ctyp t1, ctyp t2))
+ | TyArr (loc, (TyOlb (loc1, lab, t1)), t2) ->
+ let t1 =
+ TyApp (loc1, Ast.TyId (loc1, Ast.IdLid (loc1, "option")),
+ t1)
+ in mktyp loc (Ptyp_arrow ("?" ^ lab, ctyp t1, ctyp t2))
+ | TyArr (loc, t1, t2) ->
+ mktyp loc (Ptyp_arrow ("", ctyp t1, ctyp t2))
+ | Ast.TyObj (loc, (Ast.TyNil _), Ast.BFalse) ->
+ mktyp loc (Ptyp_object [])
+ | Ast.TyObj (loc, (Ast.TyNil _), Ast.BTrue) ->
+ mktyp loc (Ptyp_object [ mkfield loc Pfield_var ])
+ | Ast.TyObj (loc, fl, Ast.BFalse) ->
+ mktyp loc (Ptyp_object (meth_list fl []))
+ | Ast.TyObj (loc, fl, Ast.BTrue) ->
+ mktyp loc
+ (Ptyp_object (meth_list fl [ mkfield loc Pfield_var ]))
+ | TyCls (loc, id) -> mktyp loc (Ptyp_class (ident id, [], []))
+ | TyLab (loc, _, _) ->
+ error loc "labelled type not allowed here"
+ | TyMan (loc, _, _) ->
+ error loc "manifest type not allowed here"
+ | TyOlb (loc, _, _) ->
+ error loc "labelled type not allowed here"
+ | TyPol (loc, t1, t2) ->
+ mktyp loc (Ptyp_poly (ty_var_list_of_ctyp t1, ctyp t2))
+ | TyQuo (loc, s) -> mktyp loc (Ptyp_var s)
+ | TyRec (loc, _) -> error loc "record type not allowed here"
+ | TySum (loc, _) -> error loc "sum type not allowed here"
+ | TyPrv (loc, _) -> error loc "private type not allowed here"
+ | TyMut (loc, _) -> error loc "mutable type not allowed here"
+ | TyOr (loc, _, _) ->
+ error loc "type1 | type2 not allowed here"
+ | TyAnd (loc, _, _) ->
+ error loc "type1 and type2 not allowed here"
+ | TyOf (loc, _, _) ->
+ error loc "type1 of type2 not allowed here"
+ | TyCol (loc, _, _) ->
+ error loc "type1 : type2 not allowed here"
+ | TySem (loc, _, _) ->
+ error loc "type1 ; type2 not allowed here"
+ | Ast.TyTup (loc, (Ast.TySta (_, t1, t2))) ->
+ mktyp loc
+ (Ptyp_tuple
+ ( ctyp (list_of_ctyp t1 (list_of_ctyp t2 []))))
+ | Ast.TyVrnEq (loc, t) ->
+ mktyp loc (Ptyp_variant (row_field t, true, None))
+ | Ast.TyVrnSup (loc, t) ->
+ mktyp loc (Ptyp_variant (row_field t, false, None))
+ | Ast.TyVrnInf (loc, t) ->
+ mktyp loc (Ptyp_variant (row_field t, true, Some []))
+ | Ast.TyVrnInfSup (loc, t, t') ->
+ mktyp loc
+ (Ptyp_variant (row_field t, true, Some (name_tags t')))
+ | TyAnt (loc, _) -> error loc "antiquotation not allowed here"
+ | TyOfAmp (_, _, _) | TyAmp (_, _, _) | TySta (_, _, _) |
+ TyCom (_, _, _) | TyVrn (_, _) | TyQuM (_, _) |
+ TyQuP (_, _) | TyDcl (_, _, _, _, _) |
+ TyObj (_, _, (BAnt _)) | TyNil _ | TyTup (_, _) ->
+ assert false
+ and row_field =
+ function
+ | Ast.TyVrn (_, i) -> [ Rtag (i, true, []) ]
+ | Ast.TyOfAmp (_, (Ast.TyVrn (_, i)), t) ->
+ [ Rtag (i, true, ctyp (list_of_ctyp t [])) ]
+ | Ast.TyOf (_, (Ast.TyVrn (_, i)), t) ->
+ [ Rtag (i, false, ctyp (list_of_ctyp t [])) ]
+ | Ast.TyOr (_, t1, t2) -> (row_field t1) @ (row_field t2)
+ | t -> [ Rinherit (ctyp t) ]
+ and name_tags =
+ function
+ | Ast.TyApp (_, t1, t2) -> (name_tags t1) @ (name_tags t2)
+ | Ast.TyVrn (_, s) -> [ s ]
+ | _ -> assert false
+ and meth_list fl acc =
+ match fl with
+ | Ast.TySem (_, t1, t2) -> meth_list t1 (meth_list t2 acc)
+ | Ast.TyCol (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, lab)))), t) ->
+ (mkfield loc (Pfield (lab, mkpolytype (ctyp t)))) :: acc
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let mktype loc tl cl tk tm =
+ let (params, variance) = List.split tl
+ in
+ {
+ ptype_params = params;
+ ptype_cstrs = cl;
+ ptype_kind = tk;
+ ptype_manifest = tm;
+ ptype_loc = mkloc loc;
+ ptype_variance = variance;
+ }
+ let mkprivate' m = if m then Private else Public
+ let mkprivate m = mkprivate' (mb2b m)
+ let mktrecord =
+ function
+ | Ast.TyCol (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s)))),
+ (Ast.TyMut (_, t))) ->
+ (s, Mutable, (mkpolytype (ctyp t)), (mkloc loc))
+ | Ast.TyCol (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s)))), t) ->
+ (s, Immutable, (mkpolytype (ctyp t)), (mkloc loc))
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let mkvariant =
+ function
+ | Ast.TyId (loc, (Ast.IdUid (_, s))) ->
+ ((conv_con s), [], (mkloc loc))
+ | Ast.TyOf (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))), t) ->
+ ((conv_con s), ( ctyp (list_of_ctyp t [])),
+ (mkloc loc))
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let rec type_decl tl cl loc m pflag =
+ function
+ | TyMan (_, t1, t2) ->
+ type_decl tl cl loc (Some (ctyp t1)) pflag t2
+ | TyPrv (_, t) -> type_decl tl cl loc m true t
+ | TyRec (_, t) ->
+ mktype loc tl cl
+ (Ptype_record ( mktrecord (list_of_ctyp t []),
+ mkprivate' pflag))
+ m
+ | TySum (_, t) ->
+ mktype loc tl cl
+ (Ptype_variant ( mkvariant (list_of_ctyp t []),
+ mkprivate' pflag))
+ m
+ | t ->
+ if m <> None
+ then
+ error loc "only one manifest type allowed by definition"
+ else
+ (let m =
+ match t with
+ | TyQuo (_, s) ->
+ if List.mem_assoc s tl
+ then Some (ctyp t)
+ else None
+ | _ -> Some (ctyp t) in
+ let k = if pflag then Ptype_private else Ptype_abstract
+ in mktype loc tl cl k m)
+ let type_decl tl cl t =
+ type_decl tl cl (loc_of_ctyp t) None false t
+ let mkvalue_desc t p = { pval_type = ctyp t; pval_prim = p; }
+ let mkmutable m = if mb2b m then Mutable else Immutable
+ let paolab lab p =
+ match (lab, p) with
+ | ("",
+ (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, i))) |
+ Ast.PaTyc (_, (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, i)))), _)))
+ -> i
+ | ("", p) -> error (loc_of_patt p) "bad ast in label"
+ | _ -> lab
+ let opt_private_ctyp =
+ function
+ | Ast.TyPrv (_, t) -> (Ptype_private, (ctyp t))
+ | t -> (Ptype_abstract, (ctyp t))
+ let rec type_parameters t acc =
+ match t with
+ | Ast.TyApp (_, t1, t2) ->
+ type_parameters t1 (type_parameters t2 acc)
+ | Ast.TyQuP (_, s) -> (s, (true, false)) :: acc
+ | Ast.TyQuM (_, s) -> (s, (false, true)) :: acc
+ | Ast.TyQuo (_, s) -> (s, (false, false)) :: acc
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let rec class_parameters t acc =
+ match t with
+ | Ast.TyCom (_, t1, t2) ->
+ class_parameters t1 (class_parameters t2 acc)
+ | Ast.TyQuP (_, s) -> (s, (true, false)) :: acc
+ | Ast.TyQuM (_, s) -> (s, (false, true)) :: acc
+ | Ast.TyQuo (_, s) -> (s, (false, false)) :: acc
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let rec type_parameters_and_type_name t acc =
+ match t with
+ | Ast.TyApp (_, t1, t2) ->
+ type_parameters_and_type_name t1 (type_parameters t2 acc)
+ | Ast.TyId (_, i) -> ((ident i), acc)
+ | _ -> assert false
+ let rec mkwithc wc acc =
+ match wc with
+ | WcNil _ -> acc
+ | WcTyp (loc, id_tpl, ct) ->
+ let (id, tpl) = type_parameters_and_type_name id_tpl [] in
+ let (params, variance) = List.split tpl in
+ let (kind, ct) = opt_private_ctyp ct
+ in
+ (id,
+ (Pwith_type
+ {
+ ptype_params = params;
+ ptype_cstrs = [];
+ ptype_kind = kind;
+ ptype_manifest = Some ct;
+ ptype_loc = mkloc loc;
+ ptype_variance = variance;
+ })) ::
+ acc
+ | WcMod (_, i1, i2) ->
+ ((long_uident i1), (Pwith_module (long_uident i2))) :: acc
+ | Ast.WcAnd (_, wc1, wc2) -> mkwithc wc1 (mkwithc wc2 acc)
+ | Ast.WcAnt (loc, _) ->
+ error loc "bad with constraint (antiquotation)"
+ let rec patt_fa al =
+ function
+ | PaApp (_, f, a) -> patt_fa (a :: al) f
+ | f -> (f, al)
+ let rec deep_mkrangepat loc c1 c2 =
+ if c1 = c2
+ then mkghpat loc (Ppat_constant (Const_char c1))
+ else
+ mkghpat loc
+ (Ppat_or (mkghpat loc (Ppat_constant (Const_char c1)),
+ deep_mkrangepat loc (Char.chr ((Char.code c1) + 1)) c2))
+ let rec mkrangepat loc c1 c2 =
+ if c1 > c2
+ then mkrangepat loc c2 c1
+ else
+ if c1 = c2
+ then mkpat loc (Ppat_constant (Const_char c1))
+ else
+ mkpat loc
+ (Ppat_or (mkghpat loc (Ppat_constant (Const_char c1)),
+ deep_mkrangepat loc (Char.chr ((Char.code c1) + 1)) c2))
+ let rec patt =
+ function
+ | Ast.PaId (loc, (Ast.IdLid (_, s))) -> mkpat loc (Ppat_var s)
+ | Ast.PaId (loc, i) ->
+ let p =
+ Ppat_construct (long_uident ~conv_con i, None,
+ constructors_arity ())
+ in mkpat loc p
+ | PaAli (loc, p1, p2) ->
+ let (p, i) =
+ (match (p1, p2) with
+ | (p, Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s)))) -> (p, s)
+ | (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s))), p) -> (p, s)
+ | _ -> error loc "invalid alias pattern")
+ in mkpat loc (Ppat_alias (patt p, i))
+ | PaAnt (loc, _) -> error loc "antiquotation not allowed here"
+ | PaAny loc -> mkpat loc Ppat_any
+ | Ast.PaApp (loc, (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))),
+ (Ast.PaTup (_, (Ast.PaAny loc_any)))) ->
+ mkpat loc
+ (Ppat_construct (lident (conv_con s),
+ Some (mkpat loc_any Ppat_any), false))
+ | (PaApp (loc, _, _) as f) ->
+ let (f, al) = patt_fa [] f in
+ let al = patt al
+ in
+ (match (patt f).ppat_desc with
+ | Ppat_construct (li, None, _) ->
+ if constructors_arity ()
+ then
+ mkpat loc
+ (Ppat_construct (li,
+ Some (mkpat loc (Ppat_tuple al)), true))
+ else
+ (let a =
+ match al with
+ | [ a ] -> a
+ | _ -> mkpat loc (Ppat_tuple al)
+ in mkpat loc (Ppat_construct (li, Some a, false)))
+ | Ppat_variant (s, None) ->
+ let a =
+ if constructors_arity ()
+ then mkpat loc (Ppat_tuple al)
+ else
+ (match al with
+ | [ a ] -> a
+ | _ -> mkpat loc (Ppat_tuple al))
+ in mkpat loc (Ppat_variant (s, Some a))
+ | _ ->
+ error (loc_of_patt f)
+ "this is not a constructor, it cannot be applied in a pattern")
+ | PaArr (loc, p) ->
+ mkpat loc (Ppat_array ( patt (list_of_patt p [])))
+ | PaChr (loc, s) ->
+ mkpat loc
+ (Ppat_constant (Const_char (char_of_char_token loc s)))
+ | PaInt (loc, s) ->
+ let i =
+ (try int_of_string s
+ with
+ | Failure _ ->
+ error loc
+ "Integer literal exceeds the range of representable integers of type int")
+ in mkpat loc (Ppat_constant (Const_int i))
+ | PaInt32 (loc, s) ->
+ let i32 =
+ (try Int32.of_string s
+ with
+ | Failure _ ->
+ error loc
+ "Integer literal exceeds the range of representable integers of type int32")
+ in mkpat loc (Ppat_constant (Const_int32 i32))
+ | PaInt64 (loc, s) ->
+ let i64 =
+ (try Int64.of_string s
+ with
+ | Failure _ ->
+ error loc
+ "Integer literal exceeds the range of representable integers of type int64")
+ in mkpat loc (Ppat_constant (Const_int64 i64))
+ | PaNativeInt (loc, s) ->
+ let nati =
+ (try Nativeint.of_string s
+ with
+ | Failure _ ->
+ error loc
+ "Integer literal exceeds the range of representable integers of type nativeint")
+ in mkpat loc (Ppat_constant (Const_nativeint nati))
+ | PaFlo (loc, s) -> mkpat loc (Ppat_constant (Const_float s))
+ | PaLab (loc, _, _) ->
+ error loc "labeled pattern not allowed here"
+ | PaOlb (loc, _, _) | PaOlbi (loc, _, _, _) ->
+ error loc "labeled pattern not allowed here"
+ | PaOrp (loc, p1, p2) -> mkpat loc (Ppat_or (patt p1, patt p2))
+ | PaRng (loc, p1, p2) ->
+ (match (p1, p2) with
+ | (PaChr (loc1, c1), PaChr (loc2, c2)) ->
+ let c1 = char_of_char_token loc1 c1 in
+ let c2 = char_of_char_token loc2 c2
+ in mkrangepat loc c1 c2
+ | _ ->
+ error loc "range pattern allowed only for characters")
+ | PaRec (loc, p) ->
+ mkpat loc
+ (Ppat_record ( mklabpat (list_of_patt p [])))
+ | PaStr (loc, s) ->
+ mkpat loc
+ (Ppat_constant
+ (Const_string (string_of_string_token loc s)))
+ | Ast.PaTup (loc, (Ast.PaCom (_, p1, p2))) ->
+ mkpat loc
+ (Ppat_tuple
+ ( patt (list_of_patt p1 (list_of_patt p2 []))))
+ | Ast.PaTup (loc, _) -> error loc "singleton tuple pattern"
+ | PaTyc (loc, p, t) ->
+ mkpat loc (Ppat_constraint (patt p, ctyp t))
+ | PaTyp (loc, i) -> mkpat loc (Ppat_type (long_type_ident i))
+ | PaVrn (loc, s) -> mkpat loc (Ppat_variant (s, None))
+ | (PaEq (_, _, _) | PaSem (_, _, _) | PaCom (_, _, _) | PaNil _
+ as p) -> error (loc_of_patt p) "invalid pattern"
+ and mklabpat =
+ function
+ | Ast.PaEq (_, (Ast.PaId (_, i)), p) ->
+ ((ident ~conv_lid: conv_lab i), (patt p))
+ | p -> error (loc_of_patt p) "invalid pattern"
+ let rec expr_fa al =
+ function
+ | ExApp (_, f, a) -> expr_fa (a :: al) f
+ | f -> (f, al)
+ let rec class_expr_fa al =
+ function
+ | CeApp (_, ce, a) -> class_expr_fa (a :: al) ce
+ | ce -> (ce, al)
+ let rec sep_expr_acc l =
+ function
+ | ExAcc (_, e1, e2) -> sep_expr_acc (sep_expr_acc l e2) e1
+ | (Ast.ExId (loc, (Ast.IdUid (_, s))) as e) ->
+ (match l with
+ | [] -> [ (loc, [], e) ]
+ | (loc', sl, e) :: l ->
+ ((Loc.merge loc loc'), (s :: sl), e) :: l)
+ | Ast.ExId (_, ((Ast.IdAcc (_, _, _) as i))) ->
+ let rec normalize_acc =
+ (function
+ | Ast.IdAcc (_loc, i1, i2) ->
+ Ast.ExAcc (_loc, normalize_acc i1, normalize_acc i2)
+ | Ast.IdApp (_loc, i1, i2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, normalize_acc i1, normalize_acc i2)
+ | (Ast.IdAnt (_loc, _) | Ast.IdUid (_loc, _) |
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, _)
+ as i) -> Ast.ExId (_loc, i))
+ in sep_expr_acc l (normalize_acc i)
+ | e -> ((loc_of_expr e), [], e) :: l
+ let list_of_opt_ctyp ot acc =
+ match ot with | Ast.TyNil _ -> acc | t -> list_of_ctyp t acc
+ let rec expr =
+ function
+ | Ast.ExAcc (loc, x, (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, "val"))))) ->
+ mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_apply (mkexp loc (Pexp_ident (Lident "!")),
+ [ ("", (expr x)) ]))
+ | (ExAcc (loc, _, _) | Ast.ExId (loc, (Ast.IdAcc (_, _, _))) as
+ e) ->
+ let (e, l) =
+ (match sep_expr_acc [] e with
+ | (loc, ml, Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))) :: l ->
+ let ca = constructors_arity ()
+ in
+ ((mkexp loc (Pexp_construct (mkli s ml, None, ca))),
+ l)
+ | (loc, ml, Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s)))) :: l ->
+ ((mkexp loc (Pexp_ident (mkli s ml))), l)
+ | (_, [], e) :: l -> ((expr e), l)
+ | _ -> error loc "bad ast in expression") in
+ let (_, e) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (loc_bp, e1) (loc_ep, ml, e2) ->
+ match e2 with
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s))) ->
+ let loc = Loc.merge loc_bp loc_ep
+ in
+ (loc,
+ (mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_field (e1, mkli (conv_lab s) ml))))
+ | _ ->
+ error (loc_of_expr e2)
+ "lowercase identifier expected")
+ (loc, e) l
+ in e
+ | ExAnt (loc, _) -> error loc "antiquotation not allowed here"
+ | (ExApp (loc, _, _) as f) ->
+ let (f, al) = expr_fa [] f in
+ let al = label_expr al
+ in
+ (match (expr f).pexp_desc with
+ | Pexp_construct (li, None, _) ->
+ let al = snd al
+ in
+ if constructors_arity ()
+ then
+ mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_construct (li,
+ Some (mkexp loc (Pexp_tuple al)), true))
+ else
+ (let a =
+ match al with
+ | [ a ] -> a
+ | _ -> mkexp loc (Pexp_tuple al)
+ in
+ mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_construct (li, Some a, false)))
+ | Pexp_variant (s, None) ->
+ let al = snd al in
+ let a =
+ if constructors_arity ()
+ then mkexp loc (Pexp_tuple al)
+ else
+ (match al with
+ | [ a ] -> a
+ | _ -> mkexp loc (Pexp_tuple al))
+ in mkexp loc (Pexp_variant (s, Some a))
+ | _ -> mkexp loc (Pexp_apply (expr f, al)))
+ | ExAre (loc, e1, e2) ->
+ mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_apply
+ (mkexp loc (Pexp_ident (array_function "Array" "get")),
+ [ ("", (expr e1)); ("", (expr e2)) ]))
+ | ExArr (loc, e) ->
+ mkexp loc (Pexp_array ( expr (list_of_expr e [])))
+ | ExAsf loc -> mkexp loc Pexp_assertfalse
+ | ExAss (loc, e, v) ->
+ let e =
+ (match e with
+ | Ast.ExAcc (loc, x,
+ (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, "val"))))) ->
+ Pexp_apply (mkexp loc (Pexp_ident (Lident ":=")),
+ [ ("", (expr x)); ("", (expr v)) ])
+ | ExAcc (loc, _, _) ->
+ (match (expr e).pexp_desc with
+ | Pexp_field (e, lab) ->
+ Pexp_setfield (e, lab, expr v)
+ | _ -> error loc "bad record access")
+ | ExAre (_, e1, e2) ->
+ Pexp_apply
+ (mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_ident (array_function "Array" "set")),
+ [ ("", (expr e1)); ("", (expr e2)); ("", (expr v)) ])
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, lab))) ->
+ Pexp_setinstvar (lab, expr v)
+ | ExSte (_, e1, e2) ->
+ Pexp_apply
+ (mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_ident (array_function "String" "set")),
+ [ ("", (expr e1)); ("", (expr e2)); ("", (expr v)) ])
+ | _ -> error loc "bad left part of assignment")
+ in mkexp loc e
+ | ExAsr (loc, e) -> mkexp loc (Pexp_assert (expr e))
+ | ExChr (loc, s) ->
+ mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_constant (Const_char (char_of_char_token loc s)))
+ | ExCoe (loc, e, t1, t2) ->
+ let t1 =
+ (match t1 with | Ast.TyNil _ -> None | t -> Some (ctyp t))
+ in mkexp loc (Pexp_constraint (expr e, t1, Some (ctyp t2)))
+ | ExFlo (loc, s) -> mkexp loc (Pexp_constant (Const_float s))
+ | ExFor (loc, i, e1, e2, df, el) ->
+ let e3 = ExSeq (loc, el) in
+ let df = if mb2b df then Upto else Downto
+ in mkexp loc (Pexp_for (i, expr e1, expr e2, df, expr e3))
+ | Ast.ExFun (loc, (Ast.McArr (_, (PaLab (_, lab, po)), w, e)))
+ ->
+ mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_function (lab, None,
+ [ ((patt_of_lab loc lab po), (when_expr e w)) ]))
+ | Ast.ExFun (loc,
+ (Ast.McArr (_, (PaOlbi (_, lab, p, e1)), w, e2))) ->
+ let lab = paolab lab p
+ in
+ mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_function ("?" ^ lab, Some (expr e1),
+ [ ((patt p), (when_expr e2 w)) ]))
+ | Ast.ExFun (loc, (Ast.McArr (_, (PaOlb (_, lab, p)), w, e)))
+ ->
+ let lab = paolab lab p
+ in
+ mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_function ("?" ^ lab, None,
+ [ ((patt_of_lab loc lab p), (when_expr e w)) ]))
+ | ExFun (loc, a) ->
+ mkexp loc (Pexp_function ("", None, match_case a []))
+ | ExIfe (loc, e1, e2, e3) ->
+ mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_ifthenelse (expr e1, expr e2, Some (expr e3)))
+ | ExInt (loc, s) ->
+ let i =
+ (try int_of_string s
+ with
+ | Failure _ ->
+ error loc
+ "Integer literal exceeds the range of representable integers of type int")
+ in mkexp loc (Pexp_constant (Const_int i))
+ | ExInt32 (loc, s) ->
+ let i32 =
+ (try Int32.of_string s
+ with
+ | Failure _ ->
+ error loc
+ "Integer literal exceeds the range of representable integers of type int32")
+ in mkexp loc (Pexp_constant (Const_int32 i32))
+ | ExInt64 (loc, s) ->
+ let i64 =
+ (try Int64.of_string s
+ with
+ | Failure _ ->
+ error loc
+ "Integer literal exceeds the range of representable integers of type int64")
+ in mkexp loc (Pexp_constant (Const_int64 i64))
+ | ExNativeInt (loc, s) ->
+ let nati =
+ (try Nativeint.of_string s
+ with
+ | Failure _ ->
+ error loc
+ "Integer literal exceeds the range of representable integers of type nativeint")
+ in mkexp loc (Pexp_constant (Const_nativeint nati))
+ | ExLab (loc, _, _) ->
+ error loc "labeled expression not allowed here"
+ | ExLaz (loc, e) -> mkexp loc (Pexp_lazy (expr e))
+ | ExLet (loc, rf, bi, e) ->
+ mkexp loc (Pexp_let (mkrf rf, binding bi [], expr e))
+ | ExLmd (loc, i, me, e) ->
+ mkexp loc (Pexp_letmodule (i, module_expr me, expr e))
+ | ExMat (loc, e, a) ->
+ mkexp loc (Pexp_match (expr e, match_case a []))
+ | ExNew (loc, id) -> mkexp loc (Pexp_new (long_type_ident id))
+ | ExObj (loc, po, cfl) ->
+ let p =
+ (match po with | Ast.PaNil _ -> Ast.PaAny loc | p -> p) in
+ let cil = class_str_item cfl []
+ in mkexp loc (Pexp_object (((patt p), cil)))
+ | ExOlb (loc, _, _) ->
+ error loc "labeled expression not allowed here"
+ | ExOvr (loc, iel) ->
+ mkexp loc (Pexp_override (mkideexp iel []))
+ | ExRec (loc, lel, eo) ->
+ (match lel with
+ | Ast.BiNil _ -> error loc "empty record"
+ | _ ->
+ let eo =
+ (match eo with
+ | Ast.ExNil _ -> None
+ | e -> Some (expr e))
+ in mkexp loc (Pexp_record (mklabexp lel [], eo)))
+ | ExSeq (_loc, e) ->
+ let rec loop =
+ (function
+ | [] -> expr (Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "()")))
+ | [ e ] -> expr e
+ | e :: el ->
+ let _loc = Loc.merge (loc_of_expr e) _loc
+ in mkexp _loc (Pexp_sequence (expr e, loop el)))
+ in loop (list_of_expr e [])
+ | ExSnd (loc, e, s) -> mkexp loc (Pexp_send (expr e, s))
+ | ExSte (loc, e1, e2) ->
+ mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_apply
+ (mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_ident (array_function "String" "get")),
+ [ ("", (expr e1)); ("", (expr e2)) ]))
+ | ExStr (loc, s) ->
+ mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_constant
+ (Const_string (string_of_string_token loc s)))
+ | ExTry (loc, e, a) ->
+ mkexp loc (Pexp_try (expr e, match_case a []))
+ | Ast.ExTup (loc, (Ast.ExCom (_, e1, e2))) ->
+ mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_tuple
+ ( expr (list_of_expr e1 (list_of_expr e2 []))))
+ | Ast.ExTup (loc, _) -> error loc "singleton tuple"
+ | ExTyc (loc, e, t) ->
+ mkexp loc (Pexp_constraint (expr e, Some (ctyp t), None))
+ | Ast.ExId (loc, (Ast.IdUid (_, "()"))) ->
+ mkexp loc (Pexp_construct (lident "()", None, true))
+ | Ast.ExId (loc, (Ast.IdLid (_, s))) ->
+ mkexp loc (Pexp_ident (lident s))
+ | Ast.ExId (loc, (Ast.IdUid (_, s))) ->
+ mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_construct (lident (conv_con s), None, true))
+ | ExVrn (loc, s) -> mkexp loc (Pexp_variant (s, None))
+ | ExWhi (loc, e1, el) ->
+ let e2 = ExSeq (loc, el)
+ in mkexp loc (Pexp_while (expr e1, expr e2))
+ | Ast.ExCom (loc, _, _) ->
+ error loc "expr, expr: not allowed here"
+ | Ast.ExSem (loc, _, _) ->
+ error loc
+ "expr; expr: not allowed here, use do {...} or [|...|] to surround them"
+ | (ExId (_, _) | ExNil _ as e) ->
+ error (loc_of_expr e) "invalid expr"
+ and patt_of_lab _loc lab =
+ function
+ | Ast.PaNil _ -> patt (Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, lab)))
+ | p -> patt p
+ and expr_of_lab _loc lab =
+ function
+ | Ast.ExNil _ -> expr (Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, lab)))
+ | e -> expr e
+ and label_expr =
+ function
+ | ExLab (loc, lab, eo) -> (lab, (expr_of_lab loc lab eo))
+ | ExOlb (loc, lab, eo) ->
+ (("?" ^ lab), (expr_of_lab loc lab eo))
+ | e -> ("", (expr e))
+ and binding x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.BiAnd (_, x, y) | Ast.BiSem (_, x, y) ->
+ binding x (binding y acc)
+ | Ast.BiEq (_, p, e) -> ((patt p), (expr e)) :: acc
+ | Ast.BiNil _ -> acc
+ | _ -> assert false
+ and match_case x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.McOr (_, x, y) -> match_case x (match_case y acc)
+ | Ast.McArr (_, p, w, e) -> ((patt p), (when_expr e w)) :: acc
+ | Ast.McNil _ -> acc
+ | _ -> assert false
+ and when_expr e w =
+ match w with
+ | Ast.ExNil _ -> expr e
+ | w -> mkexp (loc_of_expr w) (Pexp_when (expr w, expr e))
+ and mklabexp x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.BiAnd (_, x, y) | Ast.BiSem (_, x, y) ->
+ mklabexp x (mklabexp y acc)
+ | Ast.BiEq (_, (Ast.PaId (_, i)), e) ->
+ ((ident ~conv_lid: conv_lab i), (expr e)) :: acc
+ | _ -> assert false
+ and mkideexp x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.BiAnd (_, x, y) | Ast.BiSem (_, x, y) ->
+ mkideexp x (mkideexp y acc)
+ | Ast.BiEq (_, (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s)))), e) ->
+ (s, (expr e)) :: acc
+ | _ -> assert false
+ and mktype_decl x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.TyAnd (_, x, y) -> mktype_decl x (mktype_decl y acc)
+ | Ast.TyDcl (_, c, tl, td, cl) ->
+ let cl =
+ (fun (t1, t2) ->
+ let loc =
+ Loc.merge (loc_of_ctyp t1) (loc_of_ctyp t2)
+ in ((ctyp t1), (ctyp t2), (mkloc loc)))
+ cl
+ in
+ (c,
+ (type_decl (List.fold_right type_parameters tl []) cl td)) ::
+ acc
+ | _ -> assert false
+ and module_type =
+ function
+ | MtId (loc, i) -> mkmty loc (Pmty_ident (long_uident i))
+ | MtFun (loc, n, nt, mt) ->
+ mkmty loc
+ (Pmty_functor (n, module_type nt, module_type mt))
+ | MtQuo (loc, _) ->
+ error loc "abstract module type not allowed here"
+ | MtSig (loc, sl) ->
+ mkmty loc (Pmty_signature (sig_item sl []))
+ | MtWit (loc, mt, wc) ->
+ mkmty loc (Pmty_with (module_type mt, mkwithc wc []))
+ | Ast.MtAnt (_, _) -> assert false
+ and sig_item s l =
+ match s with
+ | Ast.SgNil _ -> l
+ | SgCls (loc, cd) ->
+ (mksig loc
+ (Psig_class
+ ( class_info_class_type
+ (list_of_class_type cd [])))) ::
+ l
+ | SgClt (loc, ctd) ->
+ (mksig loc
+ (Psig_class_type
+ ( class_info_class_type
+ (list_of_class_type ctd [])))) ::
+ l
+ | Ast.SgSem (_, sg1, sg2) -> sig_item sg1 (sig_item sg2 l)
+ | SgDir (_, _, _) -> l
+ | Ast.SgExc (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s))))) ->
+ (mksig loc (Psig_exception (conv_con s, []))) :: l
+ | Ast.SgExc (loc,
+ (Ast.TyOf (_, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))), t))) ->
+ (mksig loc
+ (Psig_exception (conv_con s,
+ ctyp (list_of_ctyp t [])))) ::
+ l
+ | SgExc (_, _) -> assert false
+ | SgExt (loc, n, t, p) ->
+ (mksig loc (Psig_value (n, mkvalue_desc t [ p ]))) :: l
+ | SgInc (loc, mt) ->
+ (mksig loc (Psig_include (module_type mt))) :: l
+ | SgMod (loc, n, mt) ->
+ (mksig loc (Psig_module (n, module_type mt))) :: l
+ | SgRecMod (loc, mb) ->
+ (mksig loc (Psig_recmodule (module_sig_binding mb []))) ::
+ l
+ | SgMty (loc, n, mt) ->
+ let si =
+ (match mt with
+ | MtQuo (_, _) -> Pmodtype_abstract
+ | _ -> Pmodtype_manifest (module_type mt))
+ in (mksig loc (Psig_modtype (n, si))) :: l
+ | SgOpn (loc, id) ->
+ (mksig loc (Psig_open (long_uident id))) :: l
+ | SgTyp (loc, tdl) ->
+ (mksig loc (Psig_type (mktype_decl tdl []))) :: l
+ | SgVal (loc, n, t) ->
+ (mksig loc (Psig_value (n, mkvalue_desc t []))) :: l
+ | Ast.SgAnt (loc, _) -> error loc "antiquotation in sig_item"
+ and module_sig_binding x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.MbAnd (_, x, y) ->
+ module_sig_binding x (module_sig_binding y acc)
+ | Ast.MbCol (_, s, mt) -> (s, (module_type mt)) :: acc
+ | _ -> assert false
+ and module_str_binding x acc =
+ match x with
+ | Ast.MbAnd (_, x, y) ->
+ module_str_binding x (module_str_binding y acc)
+ | Ast.MbColEq (_, s, mt, me) ->
+ (s, (module_type mt), (module_expr me)) :: acc
+ | _ -> assert false
+ and module_expr =
+ function
+ | MeId (loc, i) -> mkmod loc (Pmod_ident (long_uident i))
+ | MeApp (loc, me1, me2) ->
+ mkmod loc (Pmod_apply (module_expr me1, module_expr me2))
+ | MeFun (loc, n, mt, me) ->
+ mkmod loc
+ (Pmod_functor (n, module_type mt, module_expr me))
+ | MeStr (loc, sl) ->
+ mkmod loc (Pmod_structure (str_item sl []))
+ | MeTyc (loc, me, mt) ->
+ mkmod loc
+ (Pmod_constraint (module_expr me, module_type mt))
+ | Ast.MeAnt (loc, _) ->
+ error loc "antiquotation in module_expr"
+ and str_item s l =
+ match s with
+ | Ast.StNil _ -> l
+ | StCls (loc, cd) ->
+ (mkstr loc
+ (Pstr_class
+ ( class_info_class_expr
+ (list_of_class_expr cd [])))) ::
+ l
+ | StClt (loc, ctd) ->
+ (mkstr loc
+ (Pstr_class_type
+ ( class_info_class_type
+ (list_of_class_type ctd [])))) ::
+ l
+ | Ast.StSem (_, st1, st2) -> str_item st1 (str_item st2 l)
+ | StDir (_, _, _) -> l
+ | Ast.StExc (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))), Ast.
+ ONone) ->
+ (mkstr loc (Pstr_exception (conv_con s, []))) :: l
+ | Ast.StExc (loc,
+ (Ast.TyOf (_, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))), t)), Ast.
+ ONone) ->
+ (mkstr loc
+ (Pstr_exception (conv_con s,
+ ctyp (list_of_ctyp t [])))) ::
+ l
+ | Ast.StExc (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))),
+ (Ast.OSome i)) ->
+ (mkstr loc (Pstr_exn_rebind (conv_con s, ident i))) :: l
+ | StExc (_, _, _) -> assert false
+ | StExp (loc, e) -> (mkstr loc (Pstr_eval (expr e))) :: l
+ | StExt (loc, n, t, p) ->
+ (mkstr loc (Pstr_primitive (n, mkvalue_desc t [ p ]))) :: l
+ | StInc (loc, me) ->
+ (mkstr loc (Pstr_include (module_expr me))) :: l
+ | StMod (loc, n, me) ->
+ (mkstr loc (Pstr_module (n, module_expr me))) :: l
+ | StRecMod (loc, mb) ->
+ (mkstr loc (Pstr_recmodule (module_str_binding mb []))) ::
+ l
+ | StMty (loc, n, mt) ->
+ (mkstr loc (Pstr_modtype (n, module_type mt))) :: l
+ | StOpn (loc, id) ->
+ (mkstr loc (Pstr_open (long_uident id))) :: l
+ | StTyp (loc, tdl) ->
+ (mkstr loc (Pstr_type (mktype_decl tdl []))) :: l
+ | StVal (loc, rf, bi) ->
+ (mkstr loc (Pstr_value (mkrf rf, binding bi []))) :: l
+ | Ast.StAnt (loc, _) -> error loc "antiquotation in str_item"
+ and class_type =
+ function
+ | CtCon (loc, Ast.BFalse, id, tl) ->
+ mkcty loc
+ (Pcty_constr (long_class_ident id,
+ ctyp (list_of_opt_ctyp tl [])))
+ | CtFun (loc, (TyLab (_, lab, t)), ct) ->
+ mkcty loc (Pcty_fun (lab, ctyp t, class_type ct))
+ | CtFun (loc, (TyOlb (loc1, lab, t)), ct) ->
+ let t =
+ TyApp (loc1, Ast.TyId (loc1, Ast.IdLid (loc1, "option")),
+ t)
+ in mkcty loc (Pcty_fun ("?" ^ lab, ctyp t, class_type ct))
+ | CtFun (loc, t, ct) ->
+ mkcty loc (Pcty_fun ("", ctyp t, class_type ct))
+ | CtSig (loc, t_o, ctfl) ->
+ let t =
+ (match t_o with | Ast.TyNil _ -> Ast.TyAny loc | t -> t) in
+ let cil = class_sig_item ctfl []
+ in mkcty loc (Pcty_signature (((ctyp t), cil)))
+ | CtCon (loc, _, _, _) ->
+ error loc "invalid virtual class inside a class type"
+ | CtAnt (_, _) | CtEq (_, _, _) | CtCol (_, _, _) |
+ CtAnd (_, _, _) | CtNil _ -> assert false
+ and class_info_class_expr ci =
+ match ci with
+ | CeEq (_, (CeCon (loc, vir, (IdLid (_, name)), params)), ce)
+ ->
+ let (loc_params, (params, variance)) =
+ (match params with
+ | Ast.TyNil _ -> (loc, ([], []))
+ | t ->
+ ((loc_of_ctyp t),
+ (List.split (class_parameters t []))))
+ in
+ {
+ pci_virt = if mb2b vir then Virtual else Concrete;
+ pci_params = (params, (mkloc loc_params));
+ pci_name = name;
+ pci_expr = class_expr ce;
+ pci_loc = mkloc loc;
+ pci_variance = variance;
+ }
+ | ce -> error (loc_of_class_expr ce) "bad class definition"
+ and class_info_class_type ci =
+ match ci with
+ | CtEq (_, (CtCon (loc, vir, (IdLid (_, name)), params)), ct) |
+ CtCol (_, (CtCon (loc, vir, (IdLid (_, name)), params)),
+ ct)
+ ->
+ let (loc_params, (params, variance)) =
+ (match params with
+ | Ast.TyNil _ -> (loc, ([], []))
+ | t ->
+ ((loc_of_ctyp t),
+ (List.split (class_parameters t []))))
+ in
+ {
+ pci_virt = if mb2b vir then Virtual else Concrete;
+ pci_params = (params, (mkloc loc_params));
+ pci_name = name;
+ pci_expr = class_type ct;
+ pci_loc = mkloc loc;
+ pci_variance = variance;
+ }
+ | ct ->
+ error (loc_of_class_type ct)
+ "bad class/class type declaration/definition"
+ and class_sig_item c l =
+ match c with
+ | Ast.CgNil _ -> l
+ | CgCtr (loc, t1, t2) ->
+ (Pctf_cstr (((ctyp t1), (ctyp t2), (mkloc loc)))) :: l
+ | Ast.CgSem (_, csg1, csg2) ->
+ class_sig_item csg1 (class_sig_item csg2 l)
+ | CgInh (_, ct) -> (Pctf_inher (class_type ct)) :: l
+ | CgMth (loc, s, pf, t) ->
+ (Pctf_meth
+ ((s, (mkprivate pf), (mkpolytype (ctyp t)), (mkloc loc)))) ::
+ l
+ | CgVal (loc, s, b, v, t) ->
+ (Pctf_val
+ ((s, (mkmutable b), (mkvirtual v), (ctyp t),
+ (mkloc loc)))) ::
+ l
+ | CgVir (loc, s, b, t) ->
+ (Pctf_virt
+ ((s, (mkprivate b), (mkpolytype (ctyp t)), (mkloc loc)))) ::
+ l
+ | CgAnt (_, _) -> assert false
+ and class_expr =
+ function
+ | (CeApp (loc, _, _) as c) ->
+ let (ce, el) = class_expr_fa [] c in
+ let el = label_expr el
+ in mkpcl loc (Pcl_apply (class_expr ce, el))
+ | CeCon (loc, Ast.BFalse, id, tl) ->
+ mkpcl loc
+ (Pcl_constr (long_class_ident id,
+ ctyp (list_of_opt_ctyp tl [])))
+ | CeFun (loc, (PaLab (_, lab, po)), ce) ->
+ mkpcl loc
+ (Pcl_fun (lab, None, patt_of_lab loc lab po,
+ class_expr ce))
+ | CeFun (loc, (PaOlbi (_, lab, p, e)), ce) ->
+ let lab = paolab lab p
+ in
+ mkpcl loc
+ (Pcl_fun ("?" ^ lab, Some (expr e), patt p,
+ class_expr ce))
+ | CeFun (loc, (PaOlb (_, lab, p)), ce) ->
+ let lab = paolab lab p
+ in
+ mkpcl loc
+ (Pcl_fun ("?" ^ lab, None, patt_of_lab loc lab p,
+ class_expr ce))
+ | CeFun (loc, p, ce) ->
+ mkpcl loc (Pcl_fun ("", None, patt p, class_expr ce))
+ | CeLet (loc, rf, bi, ce) ->
+ mkpcl loc (Pcl_let (mkrf rf, binding bi [], class_expr ce))
+ | CeStr (loc, po, cfl) ->
+ let p =
+ (match po with | Ast.PaNil _ -> Ast.PaAny loc | p -> p) in
+ let cil = class_str_item cfl []
+ in mkpcl loc (Pcl_structure (((patt p), cil)))
+ | CeTyc (loc, ce, ct) ->
+ mkpcl loc (Pcl_constraint (class_expr ce, class_type ct))
+ | CeCon (loc, _, _, _) ->
+ error loc "invalid virtual class inside a class expression"
+ | CeAnt (_, _) | CeEq (_, _, _) | CeAnd (_, _, _) | CeNil _ ->
+ assert false
+ and class_str_item c l =
+ match c with
+ | CrNil _ -> l
+ | CrCtr (loc, t1, t2) ->
+ (Pcf_cstr (((ctyp t1), (ctyp t2), (mkloc loc)))) :: l
+ | Ast.CrSem (_, cst1, cst2) ->
+ class_str_item cst1 (class_str_item cst2 l)
+ | CrInh (_, ce, "") -> (Pcf_inher (class_expr ce, None)) :: l
+ | CrInh (_, ce, pb) ->
+ (Pcf_inher (class_expr ce, Some pb)) :: l
+ | CrIni (_, e) -> (Pcf_init (expr e)) :: l
+ | CrMth (loc, s, b, e, t) ->
+ let t =
+ (match t with
+ | Ast.TyNil _ -> None
+ | t -> Some (mkpolytype (ctyp t))) in
+ let e = mkexp loc (Pexp_poly (expr e, t))
+ in (Pcf_meth ((s, (mkprivate b), e, (mkloc loc)))) :: l
+ | CrVal (loc, s, b, e) ->
+ (Pcf_val ((s, (mkmutable b), (expr e), (mkloc loc)))) :: l
+ | CrVir (loc, s, b, t) ->
+ (Pcf_virt
+ ((s, (mkprivate b), (mkpolytype (ctyp t)), (mkloc loc)))) ::
+ l
+ | CrVvr (loc, s, b, t) ->
+ (Pcf_valvirt ((s, (mkmutable b), (ctyp t), (mkloc loc)))) ::
+ l
+ | CrAnt (_, _) -> assert false
+ let sig_item ast = sig_item ast []
+ let str_item ast = str_item ast []
+ let directive =
+ function
+ | Ast.ExNil _ -> Pdir_none
+ | ExStr (_, s) -> Pdir_string s
+ | ExInt (_, i) -> Pdir_int (int_of_string i)
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "True"))) -> Pdir_bool true
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "False"))) -> Pdir_bool false
+ | e -> Pdir_ident (ident (ident_of_expr e))
+ let phrase =
+ function
+ | StDir (_, d, dp) -> Ptop_dir (d, directive dp)
+ | si -> Ptop_def (str_item si)
+ end
+ end
+ module CleanAst =
+ struct
+ module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast) =
+ struct
+ class clean_ast =
+ object (self)
+ inherit as super
+ method with_constr =
+ function
+ | Ast.WcAnd (_, (Ast.WcNil _), wc) |
+ Ast.WcAnd (_, wc, (Ast.WcNil _)) -> self#with_constr wc
+ | wc -> super#with_constr wc
+ method expr =
+ function
+ | Ast.ExLet (_, _, (Ast.BiNil _), e) |
+ Ast.ExRec (_, (Ast.BiNil _), e) |
+ Ast.ExCom (_, (Ast.ExNil _), e) |
+ Ast.ExCom (_, e, (Ast.ExNil _)) |
+ Ast.ExSem (_, (Ast.ExNil _), e) |
+ Ast.ExSem (_, e, (Ast.ExNil _)) -> self#expr e
+ | e -> super#expr e
+ method patt =
+ function
+ | Ast.PaAli (_, p, (Ast.PaNil _)) |
+ Ast.PaOrp (_, (Ast.PaNil _), p) |
+ Ast.PaOrp (_, p, (Ast.PaNil _)) |
+ Ast.PaCom (_, (Ast.PaNil _), p) |
+ Ast.PaCom (_, p, (Ast.PaNil _)) |
+ Ast.PaSem (_, (Ast.PaNil _), p) |
+ Ast.PaSem (_, p, (Ast.PaNil _)) -> self#patt p
+ | p -> super#patt p
+ method match_case =
+ function
+ | Ast.McOr (_, (Ast.McNil _), mc) |
+ Ast.McOr (_, mc, (Ast.McNil _)) -> self#match_case mc
+ | mc -> super#match_case mc
+ method binding =
+ function
+ | Ast.BiAnd (_, (Ast.BiNil _), bi) |
+ Ast.BiAnd (_, bi, (Ast.BiNil _)) |
+ Ast.BiSem (_, (Ast.BiNil _), bi) |
+ Ast.BiSem (_, bi, (Ast.BiNil _)) -> self#binding bi
+ | bi -> super#binding bi
+ method module_binding =
+ function
+ | Ast.MbAnd (_, (Ast.MbNil _), mb) |
+ Ast.MbAnd (_, mb, (Ast.MbNil _)) ->
+ self#module_binding mb
+ | mb -> super#module_binding mb
+ method ctyp =
+ function
+ | Ast.TyPol (_, (Ast.TyNil _), t) |
+ Ast.TyAli (_, (Ast.TyNil _), t) |
+ Ast.TyAli (_, t, (Ast.TyNil _)) |
+ Ast.TyArr (_, t, (Ast.TyNil _)) |
+ Ast.TyArr (_, (Ast.TyNil _), t) |
+ Ast.TyOr (_, (Ast.TyNil _), t) |
+ Ast.TyOr (_, t, (Ast.TyNil _)) |
+ Ast.TyOf (_, t, (Ast.TyNil _)) |
+ Ast.TyAnd (_, (Ast.TyNil _), t) |
+ Ast.TyAnd (_, t, (Ast.TyNil _)) |
+ Ast.TySem (_, t, (Ast.TyNil _)) |
+ Ast.TySem (_, (Ast.TyNil _), t) |
+ Ast.TyCom (_, (Ast.TyNil _), t) |
+ Ast.TyCom (_, t, (Ast.TyNil _)) |
+ Ast.TyAmp (_, t, (Ast.TyNil _)) |
+ Ast.TyAmp (_, (Ast.TyNil _), t) |
+ Ast.TySta (_, (Ast.TyNil _), t) |
+ Ast.TySta (_, t, (Ast.TyNil _)) -> self#ctyp t
+ | t -> super#ctyp t
+ method sig_item =
+ function
+ | Ast.SgSem (_, (Ast.SgNil _), sg) |
+ Ast.SgSem (_, sg, (Ast.SgNil _)) -> self#sig_item sg
+ | sg -> super#sig_item sg
+ method str_item =
+ function
+ | Ast.StSem (_, (Ast.StNil _), st) |
+ Ast.StSem (_, st, (Ast.StNil _)) -> self#str_item st
+ | st -> super#str_item st
+ method module_type =
+ function
+ | Ast.MtWit (_, mt, (Ast.WcNil _)) -> self#module_type mt
+ | mt -> super#module_type mt
+ method class_expr =
+ function
+ | Ast.CeAnd (_, (Ast.CeNil _), ce) |
+ Ast.CeAnd (_, ce, (Ast.CeNil _)) -> self#class_expr ce
+ | ce -> super#class_expr ce
+ method class_type =
+ function
+ | Ast.CtAnd (_, (Ast.CtNil _), ct) |
+ Ast.CtAnd (_, ct, (Ast.CtNil _)) -> self#class_type ct
+ | ct -> super#class_type ct
+ method class_sig_item =
+ function
+ | Ast.CgSem (_, (Ast.CgNil _), csg) |
+ Ast.CgSem (_, csg, (Ast.CgNil _)) ->
+ self#class_sig_item csg
+ | csg -> super#class_sig_item csg
+ method class_str_item =
+ function
+ | Ast.CrSem (_, (Ast.CrNil _), cst) |
+ Ast.CrSem (_, cst, (Ast.CrNil _)) ->
+ self#class_str_item cst
+ | cst -> super#class_str_item cst
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ module CommentFilter :
+ sig
+ module Make (Token : Sig.Camlp4Token) :
+ sig
+ open Token
+ type t
+ val mk : unit -> t
+ val define : Token.Filter.t -> t -> unit
+ val filter :
+ t -> (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t
+ val take_list : t -> (string * Loc.t) list
+ val take_stream : t -> (string * Loc.t) Stream.t
+ end
+ end =
+ struct
+ module Make (Token : Sig.Camlp4Token) =
+ struct
+ open Token
+ type t =
+ (((string * Loc.t) Stream.t) * ((string * Loc.t) Queue.t))
+ let mk () =
+ let q = Queue.create () in
+ let f _ = try Some (Queue.take q) with | Queue.Empty -> None
+ in ((Stream.from f), q)
+ let filter (_, q) =
+ let rec self (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some ((Sig.COMMENT x, loc)) ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ let xs = __strm in (Queue.add (x, loc) q; self xs))
+ | Some x ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ let xs = __strm
+ in Stream.icons x (Stream.slazy (fun _ -> self xs)))
+ | _ -> Stream.sempty
+ in self
+ let take_list (_, q) =
+ let rec self accu =
+ if Queue.is_empty q
+ then accu
+ else self ((Queue.take q) :: accu)
+ in self []
+ let take_stream = fst
+ let define token_fiter comments_strm =
+ Token.Filter.define_filter token_fiter
+ (fun previous strm -> previous (filter comments_strm strm))
+ end
+ end
+ module DynLoader : sig include Sig.DynLoader end =
+ struct
+ type t = string Queue.t
+ exception Error of string * string
+ let include_dir x y = Queue.add y x
+ let fold_load_path x f acc = Queue.fold (fun x y -> f y x) acc x
+ let mk ?(ocaml_stdlib = true) ?(camlp4_stdlib = true) () =
+ let q = Queue.create ()
+ in
+ (if ocaml_stdlib
+ then include_dir q Camlp4_config.ocaml_standard_library
+ else ();
+ if camlp4_stdlib
+ then
+ (include_dir q Camlp4_config.camlp4_standard_library;
+ include_dir q
+ (Filename.concat Camlp4_config.camlp4_standard_library
+ "Camlp4Parsers");
+ include_dir q
+ (Filename.concat Camlp4_config.camlp4_standard_library
+ "Camlp4Printers");
+ include_dir q
+ (Filename.concat Camlp4_config.camlp4_standard_library
+ "Camlp4Filters"))
+ else ();
+ include_dir q ".";
+ q)
+ let find_in_path x name =
+ if not (Filename.is_implicit name)
+ then if Sys.file_exists name then name else raise Not_found
+ else
+ (let res =
+ fold_load_path x
+ (fun dir ->
+ function
+ | None ->
+ let fullname = Filename.concat dir name
+ in
+ if Sys.file_exists fullname
+ then Some fullname
+ else None
+ | x -> x)
+ None
+ in match res with | None -> raise Not_found | Some x -> x)
+ let load =
+ let _initialized = ref false
+ in
+ fun _path file ->
+ raise
+ (Error (file, "native-code program cannot do a dynamic load"))
+ end
+ module EmptyError : sig include Sig.Error end =
+ struct
+ type t = unit
+ exception E of t
+ let print _ = assert false
+ let to_string _ = assert false
+ end
+ module EmptyPrinter :
+ sig module Make (Ast : Sig.Ast) : Sig.Printer with module Ast = Ast end =
+ struct
+ module Make (Ast : Sig.Ast) =
+ struct
+ module Ast = Ast
+ let print_interf ?input_file:(_) ?output_file:(_) _ =
+ failwith "No interface printer"
+ let print_implem ?input_file:(_) ?output_file:(_) _ =
+ failwith "No implementation printer"
+ end
+ end
+ module FreeVars :
+ sig
+ module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast) :
+ sig
+ module S : Set.S with type elt = string
+ val fold_binding_vars :
+ (string -> 'accu -> 'accu) -> Ast.binding -> 'accu -> 'accu
+ class ['accu] c_fold_pattern_vars :
+ (string -> 'accu -> 'accu) ->
+ 'accu ->
+ object inherit Ast.fold val acc : 'accu method acc : 'accu
+ end
+ val fold_pattern_vars :
+ (string -> 'accu -> 'accu) -> Ast.patt -> 'accu -> 'accu
+ class ['accu] fold_free_vars :
+ (string -> 'accu -> 'accu) ->
+ ?env_init: S.t ->
+ 'accu ->
+ object ('self_type)
+ inherit Ast.fold
+ val free : 'accu
+ val env : S.t
+ method free : 'accu
+ method set_env : S.t -> 'self_type
+ method add_atom : string -> 'self_type
+ method add_patt : Ast.patt -> 'self_type
+ method add_binding : Ast.binding -> 'self_type
+ end
+ val free_vars : S.t -> Ast.expr -> S.t
+ end
+ end =
+ struct
+ module Make (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast) =
+ struct
+ module S = Set.Make(String)
+ let rec fold_binding_vars f bi acc =
+ match bi with
+ | Ast.BiAnd (_, bi1, bi2) | Ast.BiSem (_, bi1, bi2) ->
+ fold_binding_vars f bi1 (fold_binding_vars f bi2 acc)
+ | Ast.BiEq (_, (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, i)))), _) ->
+ f i acc
+ | _ -> assert false
+ class ['accu] c_fold_pattern_vars f init =
+ object (o)
+ inherit Ast.fold as super
+ val acc = init
+ method acc : 'accu = acc
+ method patt =
+ function
+ | Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s))) |
+ Ast.PaLab (_, s, (Ast.PaNil _)) |
+ Ast.PaOlb (_, s, (Ast.PaNil _)) ->
+ {< acc = f s acc; >}
+ | Ast.PaEq (_, (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, _)))), p) ->
+ o#patt p
+ | p -> super#patt p
+ end
+ let fold_pattern_vars f p init =
+ ((new c_fold_pattern_vars f init)#patt p)#acc
+ class ['accu] fold_free_vars (f : string -> 'accu -> 'accu)
+ ?(env_init = S.empty) free_init =
+ object (o)
+ inherit Ast.fold as super
+ val free = (free_init : 'accu)
+ val env = (env_init : S.t)
+ method free = free
+ method set_env = fun env -> {< env = env; >}
+ method add_atom = fun s -> {< env = S.add s env; >}
+ method add_patt =
+ fun p -> {< env = fold_pattern_vars S.add p env; >}
+ method add_binding =
+ fun bi -> {< env = fold_binding_vars S.add bi env; >}
+ method expr =
+ function
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s))) |
+ Ast.ExLab (_, s, (Ast.ExNil _)) |
+ Ast.ExOlb (_, s, (Ast.ExNil _)) ->
+ if S.mem s env then o else {< free = f s free; >}
+ | Ast.ExLet (_, Ast.BFalse, bi, e) ->
+ (((o#add_binding bi)#expr e)#set_env env)#binding bi
+ | Ast.ExLet (_, Ast.BTrue, bi, e) ->
+ (((o#add_binding bi)#expr e)#binding bi)#set_env env
+ | Ast.ExFor (_, s, e1, e2, _, e3) ->
+ ((((o#expr e1)#expr e2)#add_atom s)#expr e3)#set_env
+ env
+ | Ast.ExId (_, _) | Ast.ExNew (_, _) -> o
+ | Ast.ExObj (_, p, cst) ->
+ ((o#add_patt p)#class_str_item cst)#set_env env
+ | e -> super#expr e
+ method match_case =
+ function
+ | Ast.McArr (_, p, e1, e2) ->
+ (((o#add_patt p)#expr e1)#expr e2)#set_env env
+ | m -> super#match_case m
+ method str_item =
+ function
+ | Ast.StExt (_, s, t, _) -> (o#ctyp t)#add_atom s
+ | Ast.StVal (_, Ast.BFalse, bi) ->
+ (o#binding bi)#add_binding bi
+ | Ast.StVal (_, Ast.BTrue, bi) ->
+ (o#add_binding bi)#binding bi
+ | st -> super#str_item st
+ method class_expr =
+ function
+ | Ast.CeFun (_, p, ce) ->
+ ((o#add_patt p)#class_expr ce)#set_env env
+ | Ast.CeLet (_, Ast.BFalse, bi, ce) ->
+ (((o#binding bi)#add_binding bi)#class_expr ce)#set_env
+ env
+ | Ast.CeLet (_, Ast.BTrue, bi, ce) ->
+ (((o#add_binding bi)#binding bi)#class_expr ce)#set_env
+ env
+ | Ast.CeStr (_, p, cst) ->
+ ((o#add_patt p)#class_str_item cst)#set_env env
+ | ce -> super#class_expr ce
+ method class_str_item =
+ function
+ | (Ast.CrInh (_, _, "") as cst) -> super#class_str_item cst
+ | Ast.CrInh (_, ce, s) -> (o#class_expr ce)#add_atom s
+ | Ast.CrVal (_, s, _, e) -> (o#expr e)#add_atom s
+ | Ast.CrVvr (_, s, _, t) -> (o#ctyp t)#add_atom s
+ | cst -> super#class_str_item cst
+ method module_expr =
+ function
+ | Ast.MeStr (_, st) -> (o#str_item st)#set_env env
+ | me -> super#module_expr me
+ end
+ let free_vars env_init e =
+ let fold = new fold_free_vars S.add ~env_init S.empty
+ in (fold#expr e)#free
+ end
+ end
+ module Grammar =
+ struct
+ module Context =
+ struct
+ module type S =
+ sig
+ module Token : Sig.Token
+ open Token
+ type t
+ val call_with_ctx :
+ (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> (t -> 'a) -> 'a
+ val loc_bp : t -> Loc.t
+ val loc_ep : t -> Loc.t
+ val stream : t -> (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t
+ val peek_nth : t -> int -> (Token.t * Loc.t) option
+ val njunk : t -> int -> unit
+ val junk : (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> unit
+ val bp : (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> Loc.t
+ end
+ module Make (Token : Sig.Token) : S with module Token = Token =
+ struct
+ module Token = Token
+ open Token
+ type t =
+ { mutable strm : (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t;
+ mutable loc : Loc.t
+ }
+ let loc_bp c =
+ match Stream.peek c.strm with
+ | None -> Loc.ghost
+ | Some ((_, loc)) -> loc
+ let loc_ep c = c.loc
+ let set_loc c =
+ match Stream.peek c.strm with
+ | Some ((_, loc)) -> c.loc <- loc
+ | None -> ()
+ let mk strm =
+ match Stream.peek strm with
+ | Some ((_, loc)) -> { strm = strm; loc = loc; }
+ | None -> { strm = strm; loc = Loc.ghost; }
+ let stream c = c.strm
+ let peek_nth c n =
+ let list = Stream.npeek n c.strm in
+ let rec loop list n =
+ match (list, n) with
+ | ((((_, loc) as x)) :: _, 1) -> (c.loc <- loc; Some x)
+ | (_ :: l, n) -> loop l (n - 1)
+ | ([], _) -> None
+ in loop list n
+ let njunk c n =
+ (for i = 1 to n do Stream.junk c.strm done; set_loc c)
+ let streams = ref []
+ let mk strm =
+ let c = mk strm in
+ let () = streams := (strm, c) :: !streams in c
+ let junk strm =
+ (set_loc (List.assq strm !streams); Stream.junk strm)
+ let bp strm = loc_bp (List.assq strm !streams)
+ let call_with_ctx strm f =
+ let streams_v = !streams in
+ let r =
+ try f (mk strm)
+ with | exc -> (streams := streams_v; raise exc)
+ in (streams := streams_v; r)
+ end
+ end
+ module Structure =
+ struct
+ open Sig.Grammar
+ module type S =
+ sig
+ module Loc : Sig.Loc
+ module Token : Sig.Token with module Loc = Loc
+ module Lexer : Sig.Lexer with module Loc = Loc
+ and module Token = Token
+ module Context : Context.S with module Token = Token
+ module Action : Sig.Grammar.Action
+ type gram =
+ { gfilter : Token.Filter.t;
+ gkeywords : (string, int ref) Hashtbl.t;
+ glexer :
+ Loc.t -> char Stream.t -> (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t;
+ warning_verbose : bool ref; error_verbose : bool ref
+ }
+ type efun =
+ Context.t -> (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> Action.t
+ type token_pattern = ((Token.t -> bool) * string)
+ type internal_entry =
+ { egram : gram; ename : string;
+ mutable estart : int -> efun;
+ mutable econtinue : int -> Loc.t -> Action.t -> efun;
+ mutable edesc : desc
+ }
+ and desc =
+ | Dlevels of level list
+ | Dparser of ((Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> Action.t)
+ and level =
+ { assoc : assoc; lname : string option; lsuffix : tree;
+ lprefix : tree
+ }
+ and symbol =
+ | Smeta of string * symbol list * Action.t
+ | Snterm of internal_entry
+ | Snterml of internal_entry * string | Slist0 of symbol
+ | Slist0sep of symbol * symbol | Slist1 of symbol
+ | Slist1sep of symbol * symbol | Sopt of symbol | Sself
+ | Snext | Stoken of token_pattern | Skeyword of string
+ | Stree of tree
+ and tree =
+ | Node of node | LocAct of Action.t * Action.t list
+ | DeadEnd
+ and node =
+ { node : symbol; son : tree; brother : tree
+ }
+ type production_rule = ((symbol list) * Action.t)
+ type single_extend_statment =
+ ((string option) * (assoc option) * (production_rule list))
+ type extend_statment =
+ ((position option) * (single_extend_statment list))
+ type delete_statment = symbol list
+ type ('a, 'b, 'c) fold =
+ internal_entry ->
+ symbol list -> ('a Stream.t -> 'b) -> 'a Stream.t -> 'c
+ type ('a, 'b, 'c) foldsep =
+ internal_entry ->
+ symbol list ->
+ ('a Stream.t -> 'b) ->
+ ('a Stream.t -> unit) -> 'a Stream.t -> 'c
+ val get_filter : gram -> Token.Filter.t
+ val using : gram -> string -> unit
+ val removing : gram -> string -> unit
+ end
+ module Make (Lexer : Sig.Lexer) =
+ struct
+ module Loc = Lexer.Loc
+ module Token = Lexer.Token
+ module Action : Sig.Grammar.Action =
+ struct
+ type t = Obj.t
+ let mk = Obj.repr
+ let get = Obj.obj
+ let getf = Obj.obj
+ let getf2 = Obj.obj
+ end
+ module Lexer = Lexer
+ type gram =
+ { gfilter : Token.Filter.t;
+ gkeywords : (string, int ref) Hashtbl.t;
+ glexer :
+ Loc.t -> char Stream.t -> (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t;
+ warning_verbose : bool ref; error_verbose : bool ref
+ }
+ module Context = Context.Make(Token)
+ type efun =
+ Context.t -> (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> Action.t
+ type token_pattern = ((Token.t -> bool) * string)
+ type internal_entry =
+ { egram : gram; ename : string;
+ mutable estart : int -> efun;
+ mutable econtinue : int -> Loc.t -> Action.t -> efun;
+ mutable edesc : desc
+ }
+ and desc =
+ | Dlevels of level list
+ | Dparser of ((Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> Action.t)
+ and level =
+ { assoc : assoc; lname : string option; lsuffix : tree;
+ lprefix : tree
+ }
+ and symbol =
+ | Smeta of string * symbol list * Action.t
+ | Snterm of internal_entry
+ | Snterml of internal_entry * string | Slist0 of symbol
+ | Slist0sep of symbol * symbol | Slist1 of symbol
+ | Slist1sep of symbol * symbol | Sopt of symbol | Sself
+ | Snext | Stoken of token_pattern | Skeyword of string
+ | Stree of tree
+ and tree =
+ | Node of node | LocAct of Action.t * Action.t list
+ | DeadEnd
+ and node =
+ { node : symbol; son : tree; brother : tree
+ }
+ type production_rule = ((symbol list) * Action.t)
+ type single_extend_statment =
+ ((string option) * (assoc option) * (production_rule list))
+ type extend_statment =
+ ((position option) * (single_extend_statment list))
+ type delete_statment = symbol list
+ type ('a, 'b, 'c) fold =
+ internal_entry ->
+ symbol list -> ('a Stream.t -> 'b) -> 'a Stream.t -> 'c
+ type ('a, 'b, 'c) foldsep =
+ internal_entry ->
+ symbol list ->
+ ('a Stream.t -> 'b) ->
+ ('a Stream.t -> unit) -> 'a Stream.t -> 'c
+ let get_filter g = g.gfilter
+ type 'a not_filtered = 'a
+ let using { gkeywords = table; gfilter = filter } kwd =
+ let r =
+ try Hashtbl.find table kwd
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ let r = ref 0 in (Hashtbl.add table kwd r; r)
+ in (Token.Filter.keyword_added filter kwd (!r = 0); incr r)
+ let removing { gkeywords = table; gfilter = filter } kwd =
+ let r = Hashtbl.find table kwd in
+ let () = decr r
+ in
+ if !r = 0
+ then
+ (Token.Filter.keyword_removed filter kwd;
+ Hashtbl.remove table kwd)
+ else ()
+ end
+ end
+ module Search =
+ struct
+ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) =
+ struct
+ open Structure
+ let tree_in_entry prev_symb tree =
+ function
+ | Dlevels levels ->
+ let rec search_levels =
+ (function
+ | [] -> tree
+ | level :: levels ->
+ (match search_level level with
+ | Some tree -> tree
+ | None -> search_levels levels))
+ and search_level level =
+ (match search_tree level.lsuffix with
+ | Some t ->
+ Some
+ (Node
+ {
+ node = Sself;
+ son = t;
+ brother = DeadEnd;
+ })
+ | None -> search_tree level.lprefix)
+ and search_tree t =
+ if (tree <> DeadEnd) && (t == tree)
+ then Some t
+ else
+ (match t with
+ | Node n ->
+ (match search_symbol n.node with
+ | Some symb ->
+ Some
+ (Node
+ {
+ node = symb;
+ son = n.son;
+ brother = DeadEnd;
+ })
+ | None ->
+ (match search_tree n.son with
+ | Some t ->
+ Some
+ (Node
+ {
+ node = n.node;
+ son = t;
+ brother = DeadEnd;
+ })
+ | None -> search_tree
+ | LocAct (_, _) | DeadEnd -> None)
+ and search_symbol symb =
+ (match symb with
+ | Snterm _ | Snterml (_, _) | Slist0 _ |
+ Slist0sep (_, _) | Slist1 _ | Slist1sep (_, _) |
+ Sopt _ | Stoken _ | Stree _ | Skeyword _ when
+ symb == prev_symb -> Some symb
+ | Slist0 symb ->
+ (match search_symbol symb with
+ | Some symb -> Some (Slist0 symb)
+ | None -> None)
+ | Slist0sep (symb, sep) ->
+ (match search_symbol symb with
+ | Some symb -> Some (Slist0sep (symb, sep))
+ | None ->
+ (match search_symbol sep with
+ | Some sep -> Some (Slist0sep (symb, sep))
+ | None -> None))
+ | Slist1 symb ->
+ (match search_symbol symb with
+ | Some symb -> Some (Slist1 symb)
+ | None -> None)
+ | Slist1sep (symb, sep) ->
+ (match search_symbol symb with
+ | Some symb -> Some (Slist1sep (symb, sep))
+ | None ->
+ (match search_symbol sep with
+ | Some sep -> Some (Slist1sep (symb, sep))
+ | None -> None))
+ | Sopt symb ->
+ (match search_symbol symb with
+ | Some symb -> Some (Sopt symb)
+ | None -> None)
+ | Stree t ->
+ (match search_tree t with
+ | Some t -> Some (Stree t)
+ | None -> None)
+ | _ -> None)
+ in search_levels levels
+ | Dparser _ -> tree
+ end
+ end
+ module Tools =
+ struct
+ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) =
+ struct
+ open Structure
+ let empty_entry ename _ _ _ =
+ raise (Stream.Error ("entry [" ^ (ename ^ "] is empty")))
+ let is_level_labelled n lev =
+ match lev.lname with | Some n1 -> n = n1 | None -> false
+ let warning_verbose = ref true
+ let rec get_token_list entry tokl last_tok tree =
+ match tree with
+ | Node
+ {
+ node = (Stoken _ | Skeyword _ as tok);
+ son = son;
+ brother = DeadEnd
+ } -> get_token_list entry (last_tok :: tokl) tok son
+ | _ ->
+ if tokl = []
+ then None
+ else
+ Some
+ (((List.rev (last_tok :: tokl)), last_tok, tree))
+ let is_antiquot s =
+ let len = String.length s in (len > 1) && (s.[0] = '$')
+ let eq_Stoken_ids s1 s2 =
+ (not (is_antiquot s1)) &&
+ ((not (is_antiquot s2)) && (s1 = s2))
+ let logically_eq_symbols entry =
+ let rec eq_symbols s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ | (Snterm e1, Snterm e2) -> e1.ename = e2.ename
+ | (Snterm e1, Sself) -> e1.ename = entry.ename
+ | (Sself, Snterm e2) -> entry.ename = e2.ename
+ | (Snterml (e1, l1), Snterml (e2, l2)) ->
+ (e1.ename = e2.ename) && (l1 = l2)
+ | (Slist0 s1, Slist0 s2) -> eq_symbols s1 s2
+ | (Slist0sep (s1, sep1), Slist0sep (s2, sep2)) ->
+ (eq_symbols s1 s2) && (eq_symbols sep1 sep2)
+ | (Slist1 s1, Slist1 s2) -> eq_symbols s1 s2
+ | (Slist1sep (s1, sep1), Slist1sep (s2, sep2)) ->
+ (eq_symbols s1 s2) && (eq_symbols sep1 sep2)
+ | (Sopt s1, Sopt s2) -> eq_symbols s1 s2
+ | (Stree t1, Stree t2) -> eq_trees t1 t2
+ | (Stoken ((_, s1)), Stoken ((_, s2))) ->
+ eq_Stoken_ids s1 s2
+ | _ -> s1 = s2
+ and eq_trees t1 t2 =
+ match (t1, t2) with
+ | (Node n1, Node n2) ->
+ (eq_symbols n1.node n2.node) &&
+ ((eq_trees n1.son n2.son) &&
+ (eq_trees
+ | ((LocAct (_, _) | DeadEnd), (LocAct (_, _) | DeadEnd))
+ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ in eq_symbols
+ let rec eq_symbol s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ | (Snterm e1, Snterm e2) -> e1 == e2
+ | (Snterml (e1, l1), Snterml (e2, l2)) ->
+ (e1 == e2) && (l1 = l2)
+ | (Slist0 s1, Slist0 s2) -> eq_symbol s1 s2
+ | (Slist0sep (s1, sep1), Slist0sep (s2, sep2)) ->
+ (eq_symbol s1 s2) && (eq_symbol sep1 sep2)
+ | (Slist1 s1, Slist1 s2) -> eq_symbol s1 s2
+ | (Slist1sep (s1, sep1), Slist1sep (s2, sep2)) ->
+ (eq_symbol s1 s2) && (eq_symbol sep1 sep2)
+ | (Sopt s1, Sopt s2) -> eq_symbol s1 s2
+ | (Stree _, Stree _) -> false
+ | (Stoken ((_, s1)), Stoken ((_, s2))) ->
+ eq_Stoken_ids s1 s2
+ | _ -> s1 = s2
+ end
+ end
+ module Print :
+ sig
+ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) :
+ sig
+ val flatten_tree :
+ Structure.tree -> (Structure.symbol list) list
+ val print_symbol :
+ Format.formatter -> Structure.symbol -> unit
+ val print_meta :
+ Format.formatter -> string -> Structure.symbol list -> unit
+ val print_symbol1 :
+ Format.formatter -> Structure.symbol -> unit
+ val print_rule :
+ Format.formatter -> Structure.symbol list -> unit
+ val print_level :
+ Format.formatter ->
+ (Format.formatter -> unit -> unit) ->
+ (Structure.symbol list) list -> unit
+ val levels : Format.formatter -> Structure.level list -> unit
+ val entry :
+ Format.formatter -> Structure.internal_entry -> unit
+ end
+ module MakeDump (Structure : Structure.S) :
+ sig
+ val print_symbol :
+ Format.formatter -> Structure.symbol -> unit
+ val print_meta :
+ Format.formatter -> string -> Structure.symbol list -> unit
+ val print_symbol1 :
+ Format.formatter -> Structure.symbol -> unit
+ val print_rule :
+ Format.formatter -> Structure.symbol list -> unit
+ val print_level :
+ Format.formatter ->
+ (Format.formatter -> unit -> unit) ->
+ (Structure.symbol list) list -> unit
+ val levels : Format.formatter -> Structure.level list -> unit
+ val entry :
+ Format.formatter -> Structure.internal_entry -> unit
+ end
+ end =
+ struct
+ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) =
+ struct
+ open Structure
+ open Format
+ open Sig.Grammar
+ let rec flatten_tree =
+ function
+ | DeadEnd -> []
+ | LocAct (_, _) -> [ [] ]
+ | Node { node = n; brother = b; son = s } ->
+ ( (fun l -> n :: l) (flatten_tree s)) @
+ (flatten_tree b)
+ let rec print_symbol ppf =
+ function
+ | Smeta (n, sl, _) -> print_meta ppf n sl
+ | Slist0 s -> fprintf ppf "LIST0 %a" print_symbol1 s
+ | Slist0sep (s, t) ->
+ fprintf ppf "LIST0 %a SEP %a" print_symbol1 s
+ print_symbol1 t
+ | Slist1 s -> fprintf ppf "LIST1 %a" print_symbol1 s
+ | Slist1sep (s, t) ->
+ fprintf ppf "LIST1 %a SEP %a" print_symbol1 s
+ print_symbol1 t
+ | Sopt s -> fprintf ppf "OPT %a" print_symbol1 s
+ | Snterml (e, l) -> fprintf ppf "%s@ LEVEL@ %S" e.ename l
+ | (Snterm _ | Snext | Sself | Stree _ | Stoken _ |
+ Skeyword _
+ as s) -> print_symbol1 ppf s
+ and print_meta ppf n sl =
+ let rec loop i =
+ function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | s :: sl ->
+ let j =
+ (try String.index_from n i ' '
+ with | Not_found -> String.length n)
+ in
+ (fprintf ppf "%s %a" (String.sub n i (j - i))
+ print_symbol1 s;
+ if sl = []
+ then ()
+ else
+ (fprintf ppf " ";
+ loop (min (j + 1) (String.length n)) sl))
+ in loop 0 sl
+ and print_symbol1 ppf =
+ function
+ | Snterm e -> pp_print_string ppf e.ename
+ | Sself -> pp_print_string ppf "SELF"
+ | Snext -> pp_print_string ppf "NEXT"
+ | Stoken ((_, descr)) -> pp_print_string ppf descr
+ | Skeyword s -> fprintf ppf "%S" s
+ | Stree t ->
+ print_level ppf pp_print_space (flatten_tree t)
+ | (Smeta (_, _, _) | Snterml (_, _) | Slist0 _ |
+ Slist0sep (_, _) | Slist1 _ | Slist1sep (_, _) |
+ Sopt _
+ as s) -> fprintf ppf "(%a)" print_symbol s
+ and print_rule ppf symbols =
+ (fprintf ppf "@[<hov 0>";
+ let _ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun sep symbol ->
+ (fprintf ppf "%t%a" sep print_symbol symbol;
+ fun ppf -> fprintf ppf ";@ "))
+ (fun _ -> ()) symbols
+ in fprintf ppf "@]")
+ and print_level ppf pp_print_space rules =
+ (fprintf ppf "@[<hov 0>[ ";
+ let _ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun sep rule ->
+ (fprintf ppf "%t%a" sep print_rule rule;
+ fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "%a| " pp_print_space ()))
+ (fun _ -> ()) rules
+ in fprintf ppf " ]@]")
+ let levels ppf elev =
+ let _ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun sep lev ->
+ let rules =
+ ( (fun t -> Sself :: t)
+ (flatten_tree lev.lsuffix))
+ @ (flatten_tree lev.lprefix)
+ in
+ (fprintf ppf "%t@[<hov 2>" sep;
+ (match lev.lname with
+ | Some n -> fprintf ppf "%S@;<1 2>" n
+ | None -> ());
+ (match lev.assoc with
+ | LeftA -> fprintf ppf "LEFTA"
+ | RightA -> fprintf ppf "RIGHTA"
+ | NonA -> fprintf ppf "NONA");
+ fprintf ppf "@]@;<1 2>";
+ print_level ppf pp_force_newline rules;
+ fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@,| "))
+ (fun _ -> ()) elev
+ in ()
+ let entry ppf e =
+ (fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>%s: [ " e.ename;
+ (match e.edesc with
+ | Dlevels elev -> levels ppf elev
+ | Dparser _ -> fprintf ppf "<parser>");
+ fprintf ppf " ]@]")
+ end
+ module MakeDump (Structure : Structure.S) =
+ struct
+ open Structure
+ open Format
+ open Sig.Grammar
+ type brothers = | Bro of symbol * brothers list
+ let rec print_tree ppf tree =
+ let rec get_brothers acc =
+ function
+ | DeadEnd -> List.rev acc
+ | LocAct (_, _) -> List.rev acc
+ | Node { node = n; brother = b; son = s } ->
+ get_brothers ((Bro (n, get_brothers [] s)) :: acc) b
+ and print_brothers ppf brothers =
+ if brothers = []
+ then fprintf ppf "@ []"
+ else
+ List.iter
+ (function
+ | Bro (n, xs) ->
+ (fprintf ppf "@ @[<hv2>- %a" print_symbol n;
+ (match xs with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [ _ ] ->
+ (try
+ print_children ppf (get_children [] xs)
+ with
+ | Exit ->
+ fprintf ppf ":%a" print_brothers xs)
+ | _ -> fprintf ppf ":%a" print_brothers xs);
+ fprintf ppf "@]"))
+ brothers
+ and print_children ppf =
+ List.iter (fprintf ppf ";@ %a" print_symbol)
+ and get_children acc =
+ function
+ | [] -> List.rev acc
+ | [ Bro (n, x) ] -> get_children (n :: acc) x
+ | _ -> raise Exit
+ in print_brothers ppf (get_brothers [] tree)
+ and print_symbol ppf =
+ function
+ | Smeta (n, sl, _) -> print_meta ppf n sl
+ | Slist0 s -> fprintf ppf "LIST0 %a" print_symbol1 s
+ | Slist0sep (s, t) ->
+ fprintf ppf "LIST0 %a SEP %a" print_symbol1 s
+ print_symbol1 t
+ | Slist1 s -> fprintf ppf "LIST1 %a" print_symbol1 s
+ | Slist1sep (s, t) ->
+ fprintf ppf "LIST1 %a SEP %a" print_symbol1 s
+ print_symbol1 t
+ | Sopt s -> fprintf ppf "OPT %a" print_symbol1 s
+ | Snterml (e, l) -> fprintf ppf "%s@ LEVEL@ %S" e.ename l
+ | (Snterm _ | Snext | Sself | Stree _ | Stoken _ |
+ Skeyword _
+ as s) -> print_symbol1 ppf s
+ and print_meta ppf n sl =
+ let rec loop i =
+ function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | s :: sl ->
+ let j =
+ (try String.index_from n i ' '
+ with | Not_found -> String.length n)
+ in
+ (fprintf ppf "%s %a" (String.sub n i (j - i))
+ print_symbol1 s;
+ if sl = []
+ then ()
+ else
+ (fprintf ppf " ";
+ loop (min (j + 1) (String.length n)) sl))
+ in loop 0 sl
+ and print_symbol1 ppf =
+ function
+ | Snterm e -> pp_print_string ppf e.ename
+ | Sself -> pp_print_string ppf "SELF"
+ | Snext -> pp_print_string ppf "NEXT"
+ | Stoken ((_, descr)) -> pp_print_string ppf descr
+ | Skeyword s -> fprintf ppf "%S" s
+ | Stree t -> print_tree ppf t
+ | (Smeta (_, _, _) | Snterml (_, _) | Slist0 _ |
+ Slist0sep (_, _) | Slist1 _ | Slist1sep (_, _) |
+ Sopt _
+ as s) -> fprintf ppf "(%a)" print_symbol s
+ and print_rule ppf symbols =
+ (fprintf ppf "@[<hov 0>";
+ let _ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun sep symbol ->
+ (fprintf ppf "%t%a" sep print_symbol symbol;
+ fun ppf -> fprintf ppf ";@ "))
+ (fun _ -> ()) symbols
+ in fprintf ppf "@]")
+ and print_level ppf pp_print_space rules =
+ (fprintf ppf "@[<hov 0>[ ";
+ let _ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun sep rule ->
+ (fprintf ppf "%t%a" sep print_rule rule;
+ fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "%a| " pp_print_space ()))
+ (fun _ -> ()) rules
+ in fprintf ppf " ]@]")
+ let levels ppf elev =
+ let _ =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun sep lev ->
+ (fprintf ppf "%t@[<v2>" sep;
+ (match lev.lname with
+ | Some n -> fprintf ppf "%S@;<1 2>" n
+ | None -> ());
+ (match lev.assoc with
+ | LeftA -> fprintf ppf "LEFTA"
+ | RightA -> fprintf ppf "RIGHTA"
+ | NonA -> fprintf ppf "NONA");
+ fprintf ppf "@]@;<1 2>";
+ fprintf ppf "@[<v2>suffix:@ ";
+ print_tree ppf lev.lsuffix;
+ fprintf ppf "@]@ @[<v2>prefix:@ ";
+ print_tree ppf lev.lprefix;
+ fprintf ppf "@]";
+ fun ppf -> fprintf ppf "@,| "))
+ (fun _ -> ()) elev
+ in ()
+ let entry ppf e =
+ (fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>%s: [ " e.ename;
+ (match e.edesc with
+ | Dlevels elev -> levels ppf elev
+ | Dparser _ -> fprintf ppf "<parser>");
+ fprintf ppf " ]@]")
+ end
+ end
+ module Failed =
+ struct
+ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) =
+ struct
+ module Tools = Tools.Make(Structure)
+ module Search = Search.Make(Structure)
+ module Print = Print.Make(Structure)
+ open Structure
+ open Format
+ let rec name_of_symbol entry =
+ function
+ | Snterm e -> "[" ^ (e.ename ^ "]")
+ | Snterml (e, l) ->
+ "[" ^ (e.ename ^ (" level " ^ (l ^ "]")))
+ | Sself | Snext -> "[" ^ (entry.ename ^ "]")
+ | Stoken ((_, descr)) -> descr
+ | Skeyword kwd -> "\"" ^ (kwd ^ "\"")
+ | _ -> "???"
+ let rec name_of_symbol_failed entry =
+ function
+ | Slist0 s -> name_of_symbol_failed entry s
+ | Slist0sep (s, _) -> name_of_symbol_failed entry s
+ | Slist1 s -> name_of_symbol_failed entry s
+ | Slist1sep (s, _) -> name_of_symbol_failed entry s
+ | Sopt s -> name_of_symbol_failed entry s
+ | Stree t -> name_of_tree_failed entry t
+ | s -> name_of_symbol entry s
+ and name_of_tree_failed entry =
+ function
+ | Node { node = s; brother = bro; son = son } ->
+ let tokl =
+ (match s with
+ | Stoken _ | Skeyword _ ->
+ Tools.get_token_list entry [] s son
+ | _ -> None)
+ in
+ (match tokl with
+ | None ->
+ let txt = name_of_symbol_failed entry s in
+ let txt =
+ (match (s, son) with
+ | (Sopt _, Node _) ->
+ txt ^
+ (" or " ^
+ (name_of_tree_failed entry son))
+ | _ -> txt) in
+ let txt =
+ (match bro with
+ | DeadEnd | LocAct (_, _) -> txt
+ | Node _ ->
+ txt ^
+ (" or " ^
+ (name_of_tree_failed entry bro)))
+ in txt
+ | Some ((tokl, _, _)) ->
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun s tok ->
+ (if s = "" then "" else s ^ " then ") ^
+ (match tok with
+ | Stoken ((_, descr)) -> descr
+ | Skeyword kwd -> kwd
+ | _ -> assert false))
+ "" tokl)
+ | DeadEnd | LocAct (_, _) -> "???"
+ let magic _s x = Obj.magic x
+ let tree_failed entry prev_symb_result prev_symb tree =
+ let txt = name_of_tree_failed entry tree in
+ let txt =
+ match prev_symb with
+ | Slist0 s ->
+ let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry s
+ in txt1 ^ (" or " ^ (txt ^ " expected"))
+ | Slist1 s ->
+ let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry s
+ in txt1 ^ (" or " ^ (txt ^ " expected"))
+ | Slist0sep (s, sep) ->
+ (match magic "tree_failed: 'a -> list 'b"
+ prev_symb_result
+ with
+ | [] ->
+ let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry s
+ in txt1 ^ (" or " ^ (txt ^ " expected"))
+ | _ ->
+ let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry sep
+ in txt1 ^ (" or " ^ (txt ^ " expected")))
+ | Slist1sep (s, sep) ->
+ (match magic "tree_failed: 'a -> list 'b"
+ prev_symb_result
+ with
+ | [] ->
+ let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry s
+ in txt1 ^ (" or " ^ (txt ^ " expected"))
+ | _ ->
+ let txt1 = name_of_symbol_failed entry sep
+ in txt1 ^ (" or " ^ (txt ^ " expected")))
+ | Sopt _ | Stree _ -> txt ^ " expected"
+ | _ ->
+ txt ^
+ (" expected after " ^
+ (name_of_symbol entry prev_symb))
+ in
+ (if !(entry.egram.error_verbose)
+ then
+ (let tree =
+ Search.tree_in_entry prev_symb tree entry.edesc in
+ let ppf = err_formatter
+ in
+ (fprintf ppf "@[<v 0>@,";
+ fprintf ppf "----------------------------------@,";
+ fprintf ppf
+ "Parse error in entry [%s], rule:@;<0 2>"
+ entry.ename;
+ fprintf ppf "@[";
+ Print.print_level ppf pp_force_newline
+ (Print.flatten_tree tree);
+ fprintf ppf "@]@,";
+ fprintf ppf "----------------------------------@,";
+ fprintf ppf "@]@."))
+ else ();
+ txt ^ (" (in [" ^ (entry.ename ^ "])")))
+ let symb_failed entry prev_symb_result prev_symb symb =
+ let tree =
+ Node { node = symb; brother = DeadEnd; son = DeadEnd; }
+ in tree_failed entry prev_symb_result prev_symb tree
+ let symb_failed_txt e s1 s2 = symb_failed e 0 s1 s2
+ end
+ end
+ module Parser =
+ struct
+ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) =
+ struct
+ module Tools = Tools.Make(Structure)
+ module Failed = Failed.Make(Structure)
+ module Print = Print.Make(Structure)
+ open Structure
+ open Sig.Grammar
+ module Stream =
+ struct
+ include Stream
+ let junk strm = Context.junk strm
+ let count strm = Context.bp strm
+ end
+ let add_loc c bp parse_fun strm =
+ let x = parse_fun c strm in
+ let ep = Context.loc_ep c in
+ let loc = Loc.merge bp ep in (x, loc)
+ let level_number entry lab =
+ let rec lookup levn =
+ function
+ | [] -> failwith ("unknown level " ^ lab)
+ | lev :: levs ->
+ if Tools.is_level_labelled lab lev
+ then levn
+ else lookup (succ levn) levs
+ in
+ match entry.edesc with
+ | Dlevels elev -> lookup 0 elev
+ | Dparser _ -> raise Not_found
+ let strict_parsing = ref false
+ let strict_parsing_warning = ref false
+ let rec top_symb entry =
+ function
+ | Sself | Snext -> Snterm entry
+ | Snterml (e, _) -> Snterm e
+ | Slist1sep (s, sep) -> Slist1sep (top_symb entry s, sep)
+ | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
+ let top_tree entry =
+ function
+ | Node { node = s; brother = bro; son = son } ->
+ Node
+ { node = top_symb entry s; brother = bro; son = son;
+ }
+ | LocAct (_, _) | DeadEnd -> raise Stream.Failure
+ let entry_of_symb entry =
+ function
+ | Sself | Snext -> entry
+ | Snterm e -> e
+ | Snterml (e, _) -> e
+ | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
+ let continue entry loc a s c son p1 (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ let a =
+ (entry_of_symb entry s).econtinue 0 loc a c __strm in
+ let act =
+ try p1 __strm
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ raise
+ (Stream.Error (Failed.tree_failed entry a s son))
+ in (fun _ -> Action.getf act a)
+ let skip_if_empty c bp p strm =
+ if (Context.loc_ep c) == bp
+ then (fun _ -> p strm)
+ else raise Stream.Failure
+ let do_recover parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn loc a s c son
+ (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ try
+ parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn (top_tree entry son) c
+ __strm
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ (try
+ skip_if_empty c loc
+ (fun (__strm : _ Stream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure)
+ __strm
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ continue entry loc a s c son
+ (parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn son c) __strm)
+ let recover parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn loc a s c son
+ strm =
+ if !strict_parsing
+ then
+ raise (Stream.Error (Failed.tree_failed entry a s son))
+ else
+ (let _ =
+ if !strict_parsing_warning
+ then
+ (let msg = Failed.tree_failed entry a s son
+ in
+ (Format.eprintf
+ "Warning: trying to recover from syntax error";
+ if entry.ename <> ""
+ then Format.eprintf " in [%s]" entry.ename
+ else ();
+ Format.eprintf "\n%s%a@." msg Loc.print loc))
+ else ()
+ in
+ do_recover parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn loc a s c
+ son strm)
+ let rec parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn =
+ function
+ | DeadEnd ->
+ (fun _ (__strm : _ Stream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure)
+ | LocAct (act, _) -> (fun _ (__strm : _ Stream.t) -> act)
+ | Node
+ {
+ node = Sself;
+ son = LocAct (act, _);
+ brother = DeadEnd
+ } ->
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ let a = entry.estart alevn c __strm
+ in Action.getf act a)
+ | Node { node = Sself; son = LocAct (act, _); brother = bro
+ } ->
+ let p2 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn bro
+ in
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ match try Some (entry.estart alevn c __strm)
+ with | Stream.Failure -> None
+ with
+ | Some a -> Action.getf act a
+ | _ -> p2 c __strm)
+ | Node { node = s; son = son; brother = DeadEnd } ->
+ let tokl =
+ (match s with
+ | Stoken _ | Skeyword _ ->
+ Tools.get_token_list entry [] s son
+ | _ -> None)
+ in
+ (match tokl with
+ | None ->
+ let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn s in
+ let p1 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn son in
+ let p1 = parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn s son
+ in
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ let bp = Stream.count __strm in
+ let a = ps c __strm in
+ let act =
+ try p1 c bp a __strm
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ raise (Stream.Error "")
+ in Action.getf act a)
+ | Some ((tokl, last_tok, son)) ->
+ let p1 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn son in
+ let p1 =
+ parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn last_tok son
+ in parser_of_token_list p1 tokl)
+ | Node { node = s; son = son; brother = bro } ->
+ let tokl =
+ (match s with
+ | Stoken _ | Skeyword _ ->
+ Tools.get_token_list entry [] s son
+ | _ -> None)
+ in
+ (match tokl with
+ | None ->
+ let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn s in
+ let p1 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn son in
+ let p1 =
+ parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn s son in
+ let p2 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn bro
+ in
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ let bp = Stream.count __strm
+ in
+ match try Some (ps c __strm)
+ with | Stream.Failure -> None
+ with
+ | Some a ->
+ let act =
+ (try p1 c bp a __strm
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ raise (Stream.Error ""))
+ in Action.getf act a
+ | _ -> p2 c __strm)
+ | Some ((tokl, last_tok, son)) ->
+ let p1 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn son in
+ let p1 =
+ parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn last_tok son in
+ let p1 = parser_of_token_list p1 tokl in
+ let p2 = parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn bro
+ in
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ try p1 c __strm
+ with | Stream.Failure -> p2 c __strm))
+ and
+ parser_cont p1 entry nlevn alevn s son c loc a
+ (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ try p1 c __strm
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ (try
+ recover parser_of_tree entry nlevn alevn loc a s c
+ son __strm
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ raise
+ (Stream.Error (Failed.tree_failed entry a s son)))
+ and parser_of_token_list p1 tokl =
+ let rec loop n =
+ function
+ | Stoken ((tematch, _)) :: tokl ->
+ (match tokl with
+ | [] ->
+ let ps c _ =
+ (match Context.peek_nth c n with
+ | Some ((tok, _)) when tematch tok ->
+ (Context.njunk c n; tok)
+ | _ -> raise Stream.Failure)
+ in
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ let bp = Stream.count __strm in
+ let a = ps c __strm in
+ let act =
+ try p1 c bp a __strm
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ raise (Stream.Error "")
+ in Action.getf act a)
+ | _ ->
+ let ps c _ =
+ (match Context.peek_nth c n with
+ | Some ((tok, _)) when tematch tok -> tok
+ | _ -> raise Stream.Failure) in
+ let p1 = loop (n + 1) tokl
+ in
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ let tok = ps c __strm in
+ let s = __strm in
+ let act = p1 c s in Action.getf act tok))
+ | Skeyword kwd :: tokl ->
+ (match tokl with
+ | [] ->
+ let ps c _ =
+ (match Context.peek_nth c n with
+ | Some ((tok, _)) when
+ Token.match_keyword kwd tok ->
+ (Context.njunk c n; tok)
+ | _ -> raise Stream.Failure)
+ in
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ let bp = Stream.count __strm in
+ let a = ps c __strm in
+ let act =
+ try p1 c bp a __strm
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ raise (Stream.Error "")
+ in Action.getf act a)
+ | _ ->
+ let ps c _ =
+ (match Context.peek_nth c n with
+ | Some ((tok, _)) when
+ Token.match_keyword kwd tok -> tok
+ | _ -> raise Stream.Failure) in
+ let p1 = loop (n + 1) tokl
+ in
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ let tok = ps c __strm in
+ let s = __strm in
+ let act = p1 c s in Action.getf act tok))
+ | _ -> invalid_arg "parser_of_token_list"
+ in loop 1 tokl
+ and parser_of_symbol entry nlevn =
+ function
+ | Smeta (_, symbl, act) ->
+ let act = Obj.magic act entry symbl in
+ let pl = (parser_of_symbol entry nlevn) symbl
+ in
+ (fun c ->
+ Obj.magic
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun act p -> Obj.magic act (p c)) act pl))
+ | Slist0 s ->
+ let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn s in
+ let rec loop c al (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ (match try Some (ps c __strm)
+ with | Stream.Failure -> None
+ with
+ | Some a -> loop c (a :: al) __strm
+ | _ -> al)
+ in
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ let a = loop c [] __strm in (List.rev a))
+ | Slist0sep (symb, sep) ->
+ let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn symb in
+ let pt = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn sep in
+ let rec kont c al (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ (match try Some (pt c __strm)
+ with | Stream.Failure -> None
+ with
+ | Some v ->
+ let a =
+ (try ps c __strm
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ raise
+ (Stream.Error
+ (Failed.symb_failed entry v sep symb)))
+ in kont c (a :: al) __strm
+ | _ -> al)
+ in
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ match try Some (ps c __strm)
+ with | Stream.Failure -> None
+ with
+ | Some a ->
+ let s = __strm
+ in (List.rev (kont c [ a ] s))
+ | _ -> [])
+ | Slist1 s ->
+ let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn s in
+ let rec loop c al (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ (match try Some (ps c __strm)
+ with | Stream.Failure -> None
+ with
+ | Some a -> loop c (a :: al) __strm
+ | _ -> al)
+ in
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ let a = ps c __strm in
+ let s = __strm
+ in (List.rev (loop c [ a ] s)))
+ | Slist1sep (symb, sep) ->
+ let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn symb in
+ let pt = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn sep in
+ let rec kont c al (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ (match try Some (pt c __strm)
+ with | Stream.Failure -> None
+ with
+ | Some v ->
+ let a =
+ (try ps c __strm
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ (try parse_top_symb' entry symb c __strm
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ raise
+ (Stream.Error
+ (Failed.symb_failed entry v sep
+ symb))))
+ in kont c (a :: al) __strm
+ | _ -> al)
+ in
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ let a = ps c __strm in
+ let s = __strm
+ in (List.rev (kont c [ a ] s)))
+ | Sopt s ->
+ let ps = parser_of_symbol entry nlevn s
+ in
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ match try Some (ps c __strm)
+ with | Stream.Failure -> None
+ with
+ | Some a -> (Some a)
+ | _ -> None)
+ | Stree t ->
+ let pt = parser_of_tree entry 1 0 t
+ in
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ let bp = Stream.count __strm in
+ let (act, loc) = add_loc c bp pt __strm
+ in Action.getf act loc)
+ | Snterm e ->
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) -> e.estart 0 c __strm)
+ | Snterml (e, l) ->
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ e.estart (level_number e l) c __strm)
+ | Sself ->
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) -> entry.estart 0 c __strm)
+ | Snext ->
+ (fun c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ entry.estart nlevn c __strm)
+ | Skeyword kwd ->
+ (fun _ (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some ((tok, _)) when Token.match_keyword kwd tok
+ -> (Stream.junk __strm; tok)
+ | _ -> raise Stream.Failure)
+ | Stoken ((f, _)) ->
+ (fun _ (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some ((tok, _)) when f tok ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm; tok)
+ | _ -> raise Stream.Failure)
+ and parse_top_symb' entry symb c =
+ parser_of_symbol entry 0 (top_symb entry symb) c
+ and parse_top_symb entry symb strm =
+ Context.call_with_ctx strm
+ (fun c -> parse_top_symb' entry symb c ( c))
+ let rec start_parser_of_levels entry clevn =
+ function
+ | [] ->
+ (fun _ _ (__strm : _ Stream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure)
+ | lev :: levs ->
+ let p1 = start_parser_of_levels entry (succ clevn) levs
+ in
+ (match lev.lprefix with
+ | DeadEnd -> p1
+ | tree ->
+ let alevn =
+ (match lev.assoc with
+ | LeftA | NonA -> succ clevn
+ | RightA -> clevn) in
+ let p2 =
+ parser_of_tree entry (succ clevn) alevn tree
+ in
+ (match levs with
+ | [] ->
+ (fun levn c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ let bp = Stream.count __strm in
+ let (act, loc) =
+ add_loc c bp p2 __strm in
+ let strm = __strm in
+ let a = Action.getf act loc
+ in entry.econtinue levn loc a c strm)
+ | _ ->
+ (fun levn c strm ->
+ if levn > clevn
+ then p1 levn c strm
+ else
+ (let (__strm : _ Stream.t) = strm in
+ let bp = Stream.count __strm
+ in
+ match try
+ Some
+ (add_loc c bp p2 __strm)
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure -> None
+ with
+ | Some ((act, loc)) ->
+ let a = Action.getf act loc
+ in
+ entry.econtinue levn loc a
+ c strm
+ | _ -> p1 levn c __strm))))
+ let start_parser_of_entry entry =
+ match entry.edesc with
+ | Dlevels [] -> Tools.empty_entry entry.ename
+ | Dlevels elev -> start_parser_of_levels entry 0 elev
+ | Dparser p -> (fun _ _ strm -> p strm)
+ let rec continue_parser_of_levels entry clevn =
+ function
+ | [] ->
+ (fun _ _ _ _ (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ raise Stream.Failure)
+ | lev :: levs ->
+ let p1 =
+ continue_parser_of_levels entry (succ clevn) levs
+ in
+ (match lev.lsuffix with
+ | DeadEnd -> p1
+ | tree ->
+ let alevn =
+ (match lev.assoc with
+ | LeftA | NonA -> succ clevn
+ | RightA -> clevn) in
+ let p2 =
+ parser_of_tree entry (succ clevn) alevn tree
+ in
+ (fun c levn bp a strm ->
+ if levn > clevn
+ then p1 c levn bp a strm
+ else
+ (let (__strm : _ Stream.t) = strm in
+ let bp = Stream.count __strm
+ in
+ try p1 c levn bp a __strm
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ let (act, loc) =
+ add_loc c bp p2 __strm in
+ let a = Action.getf2 act a loc
+ in
+ entry.econtinue levn loc a c
+ strm)))
+ let continue_parser_of_entry entry =
+ match entry.edesc with
+ | Dlevels elev ->
+ let p = continue_parser_of_levels entry 0 elev
+ in
+ (fun levn bp a c (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ try p c levn bp a __strm
+ with | Stream.Failure -> a)
+ | Dparser _ ->
+ (fun _ _ _ _ (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ raise Stream.Failure)
+ end
+ end
+ module Insert =
+ struct
+ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) =
+ struct
+ module Tools = Tools.Make(Structure)
+ module Parser = Parser.Make(Structure)
+ open Structure
+ open Format
+ open Sig.Grammar
+ let is_before s1 s2 =
+ match (s1, s2) with
+ | ((Skeyword _ | Stoken _), (Skeyword _ | Stoken _)) ->
+ false
+ | ((Skeyword _ | Stoken _), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let rec derive_eps =
+ function
+ | Slist0 _ -> true
+ | Slist0sep (_, _) -> true
+ | Sopt _ -> true
+ | Stree t -> tree_derive_eps t
+ | Smeta (_, _, _) | Slist1 _ | Slist1sep (_, _) | Snterm _
+ | Snterml (_, _) | Snext | Sself | Stoken _ |
+ Skeyword _ -> false
+ and tree_derive_eps =
+ function
+ | LocAct (_, _) -> true
+ | Node { node = s; brother = bro; son = son } ->
+ ((derive_eps s) && (tree_derive_eps son)) ||
+ (tree_derive_eps bro)
+ | DeadEnd -> false
+ let empty_lev lname assoc =
+ let assoc = match assoc with | Some a -> a | None -> LeftA
+ in
+ {
+ assoc = assoc;
+ lname = lname;
+ lsuffix = DeadEnd;
+ lprefix = DeadEnd;
+ }
+ let change_lev entry lev n lname assoc =
+ let a =
+ match assoc with
+ | None -> lev.assoc
+ | Some a ->
+ (if
+ (a <> lev.assoc) && !(entry.egram.warning_verbose)
+ then
+ (eprintf
+ "<W> Changing associativity of level \"%s\"\n"
+ n;
+ flush stderr)
+ else ();
+ a)
+ in
+ ((match lname with
+ | Some n ->
+ if
+ (lname <> lev.lname) &&
+ !(entry.egram.warning_verbose)
+ then
+ (eprintf "<W> Level label \"%s\" ignored\n" n;
+ flush stderr)
+ else ()
+ | None -> ());
+ {
+ assoc = a;
+ lname = lev.lname;
+ lsuffix = lev.lsuffix;
+ lprefix = lev.lprefix;
+ })
+ let change_to_self entry =
+ function | Snterm e when e == entry -> Sself | x -> x
+ let get_level entry position levs =
+ match position with
+ | Some First -> ([], empty_lev, levs)
+ | Some Last -> (levs, empty_lev, [])
+ | Some (Level n) ->
+ let rec get =
+ (function
+ | [] ->
+ (eprintf
+ "No level labelled \"%s\" in entry \"%s\"\n"
+ n entry.ename;
+ flush stderr;
+ failwith "Grammar.extend")
+ | lev :: levs ->
+ if Tools.is_level_labelled n lev
+ then ([], (change_lev entry lev n), levs)
+ else
+ (let (levs1, rlev, levs2) = get levs
+ in ((lev :: levs1), rlev, levs2)))
+ in get levs
+ | Some (Before n) ->
+ let rec get =
+ (function
+ | [] ->
+ (eprintf
+ "No level labelled \"%s\" in entry \"%s\"\n"
+ n entry.ename;
+ flush stderr;
+ failwith "Grammar.extend")
+ | lev :: levs ->
+ if Tools.is_level_labelled n lev
+ then ([], empty_lev, (lev :: levs))
+ else
+ (let (levs1, rlev, levs2) = get levs
+ in ((lev :: levs1), rlev, levs2)))
+ in get levs
+ | Some (After n) ->
+ let rec get =
+ (function
+ | [] ->
+ (eprintf
+ "No level labelled \"%s\" in entry \"%s\"\n"
+ n entry.ename;
+ flush stderr;
+ failwith "Grammar.extend")
+ | lev :: levs ->
+ if Tools.is_level_labelled n lev
+ then ([ lev ], empty_lev, levs)
+ else
+ (let (levs1, rlev, levs2) = get levs
+ in ((lev :: levs1), rlev, levs2)))
+ in get levs
+ | None ->
+ (match levs with
+ | lev :: levs ->
+ ([], (change_lev entry lev "<top>"), levs)
+ | [] -> ([], empty_lev, []))
+ let rec check_gram entry =
+ function
+ | Snterm e ->
+ if e.egram != entry.egram
+ then
+ (eprintf
+ "\
+ Error: entries \"%s\" and \"%s\" do not belong to the same grammar.\n"
+ entry.ename e.ename;
+ flush stderr;
+ failwith "Grammar.extend error")
+ else ()
+ | Snterml (e, _) ->
+ if e.egram != entry.egram
+ then
+ (eprintf
+ "\
+ Error: entries \"%s\" and \"%s\" do not belong to the same grammar.\n"
+ entry.ename e.ename;
+ flush stderr;
+ failwith "Grammar.extend error")
+ else ()
+ | Smeta (_, sl, _) -> List.iter (check_gram entry) sl
+ | Slist0sep (s, t) ->
+ (check_gram entry t; check_gram entry s)
+ | Slist1sep (s, t) ->
+ (check_gram entry t; check_gram entry s)
+ | Slist0 s -> check_gram entry s
+ | Slist1 s -> check_gram entry s
+ | Sopt s -> check_gram entry s
+ | Stree t -> tree_check_gram entry t
+ | Snext | Sself | Stoken _ | Skeyword _ -> ()
+ and tree_check_gram entry =
+ function
+ | Node { node = n; brother = bro; son = son } ->
+ (check_gram entry n;
+ tree_check_gram entry bro;
+ tree_check_gram entry son)
+ | LocAct (_, _) | DeadEnd -> ()
+ let get_initial =
+ function
+ | Sself :: symbols -> (true, symbols)
+ | symbols -> (false, symbols)
+ let insert_tokens gram symbols =
+ let rec insert =
+ function
+ | Smeta (_, sl, _) -> List.iter insert sl
+ | Slist0 s -> insert s
+ | Slist1 s -> insert s
+ | Slist0sep (s, t) -> (insert s; insert t)
+ | Slist1sep (s, t) -> (insert s; insert t)
+ | Sopt s -> insert s
+ | Stree t -> tinsert t
+ | Skeyword kwd -> using gram kwd
+ | Snterm _ | Snterml (_, _) | Snext | Sself | Stoken _ ->
+ ()
+ and tinsert =
+ function
+ | Node { node = s; brother = bro; son = son } ->
+ (insert s; tinsert bro; tinsert son)
+ | LocAct (_, _) | DeadEnd -> ()
+ in List.iter insert symbols
+ let insert_tree entry gsymbols action tree =
+ let rec insert symbols tree =
+ match symbols with
+ | s :: sl -> insert_in_tree s sl tree
+ | [] ->
+ (match tree with
+ | Node { node = s; son = son; brother = bro } ->
+ Node
+ {
+ node = s;
+ son = son;
+ brother = insert [] bro;
+ }
+ | LocAct (old_action, action_list) ->
+ let () =
+ if !(entry.egram.warning_verbose)
+ then
+ eprintf
+ "<W> Grammar extension: in [%s] some rule has been masked@."
+ entry.ename
+ else ()
+ in LocAct (action, old_action :: action_list)
+ | DeadEnd -> LocAct (action, []))
+ and insert_in_tree s sl tree =
+ match try_insert s sl tree with
+ | Some t -> t
+ | None ->
+ Node
+ {
+ node = s;
+ son = insert sl DeadEnd;
+ brother = tree;
+ }
+ and try_insert s sl tree =
+ match tree with
+ | Node { node = s1; son = son; brother = bro } ->
+ if Tools.eq_symbol s s1
+ then
+ (let t =
+ Node
+ {
+ node = s1;
+ son = insert sl son;
+ brother = bro;
+ }
+ in Some t)
+ else
+ if
+ (is_before s1 s) ||
+ ((derive_eps s) && (not (derive_eps s1)))
+ then
+ (let bro =
+ match try_insert s sl bro with
+ | Some bro -> bro
+ | None ->
+ Node
+ {
+ node = s;
+ son = insert sl DeadEnd;
+ brother = bro;
+ } in
+ let t =
+ Node { node = s1; son = son; brother = bro; }
+ in Some t)
+ else
+ (match try_insert s sl bro with
+ | Some bro ->
+ let t =
+ Node
+ { node = s1; son = son; brother = bro;
+ }
+ in Some t
+ | None -> None)
+ | LocAct (_, _) | DeadEnd -> None
+ and insert_new =
+ function
+ | s :: sl ->
+ Node
+ {
+ node = s;
+ son = insert_new sl;
+ brother = DeadEnd;
+ }
+ | [] -> LocAct (action, [])
+ in insert gsymbols tree
+ let insert_level entry e1 symbols action slev =
+ match e1 with
+ | true ->
+ {
+ assoc = slev.assoc;
+ lname = slev.lname;
+ lsuffix =
+ insert_tree entry symbols action slev.lsuffix;
+ lprefix = slev.lprefix;
+ }
+ | false ->
+ {
+ assoc = slev.assoc;
+ lname = slev.lname;
+ lsuffix = slev.lsuffix;
+ lprefix =
+ insert_tree entry symbols action slev.lprefix;
+ }
+ let levels_of_rules entry position rules =
+ let elev =
+ match entry.edesc with
+ | Dlevels elev -> elev
+ | Dparser _ ->
+ (eprintf "Error: entry not extensible: \"%s\"\n"
+ entry.ename;
+ flush stderr;
+ failwith "Grammar.extend")
+ in
+ if rules = []
+ then elev
+ else
+ (let (levs1, make_lev, levs2) =
+ get_level entry position elev in
+ let (levs, _) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (levs, make_lev) (lname, assoc, level) ->
+ let lev = make_lev lname assoc in
+ let lev =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun lev (symbols, action) ->
+ let symbols =
+ (change_to_self entry)
+ symbols
+ in
+ (List.iter (check_gram entry) symbols;
+ let (e1, symbols) =
+ get_initial symbols
+ in
+ (insert_tokens entry.egram symbols;
+ insert_level entry e1 symbols
+ action lev)))
+ lev level
+ in ((lev :: levs), empty_lev))
+ ([], make_lev) rules
+ in levs1 @ ((List.rev levs) @ levs2))
+ let extend entry (position, rules) =
+ let elev = levels_of_rules entry position rules
+ in
+ (entry.edesc <- Dlevels elev;
+ entry.estart <-
+ (fun lev c strm ->
+ let f = Parser.start_parser_of_entry entry
+ in (entry.estart <- f; f lev c strm));
+ entry.econtinue <-
+ fun lev bp a c strm ->
+ let f = Parser.continue_parser_of_entry entry
+ in (entry.econtinue <- f; f lev bp a c strm))
+ end
+ end
+ module Delete =
+ struct
+ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) =
+ struct
+ module Tools = Tools.Make(Structure)
+ module Parser = Parser.Make(Structure)
+ open Structure
+ let delete_rule_in_tree entry =
+ let rec delete_in_tree symbols tree =
+ match (symbols, tree) with
+ | (s :: sl, Node n) ->
+ if Tools.logically_eq_symbols entry s n.node
+ then delete_son sl n
+ else
+ (match delete_in_tree symbols with
+ | Some ((dsl, t)) ->
+ Some
+ ((dsl,
+ (Node
+ {
+ node = n.node;
+ son = n.son;
+ brother = t;
+ })))
+ | None -> None)
+ | (_ :: _, _) -> None
+ | ([], Node n) ->
+ (match delete_in_tree [] with
+ | Some ((dsl, t)) ->
+ Some
+ ((dsl,
+ (Node
+ {
+ node = n.node;
+ son = n.son;
+ brother = t;
+ })))
+ | None -> None)
+ | ([], DeadEnd) -> None
+ | ([], LocAct (_, [])) -> Some (((Some []), DeadEnd))
+ | ([], LocAct (_, (action :: list))) ->
+ Some ((None, (LocAct (action, list))))
+ and delete_son sl n =
+ match delete_in_tree sl n.son with
+ | Some ((Some dsl, DeadEnd)) ->
+ Some (((Some (n.node :: dsl)), (
+ | Some ((Some dsl, t)) ->
+ let t =
+ Node
+ { node = n.node; son = t; brother =; }
+ in Some (((Some (n.node :: dsl)), t))
+ | Some ((None, t)) ->
+ let t =
+ Node
+ { node = n.node; son = t; brother =; }
+ in Some ((None, t))
+ | None -> None
+ in delete_in_tree
+ let rec decr_keyw_use gram =
+ function
+ | Skeyword kwd -> removing gram kwd
+ | Smeta (_, sl, _) -> List.iter (decr_keyw_use gram) sl
+ | Slist0 s -> decr_keyw_use gram s
+ | Slist1 s -> decr_keyw_use gram s
+ | Slist0sep (s1, s2) ->
+ (decr_keyw_use gram s1; decr_keyw_use gram s2)
+ | Slist1sep (s1, s2) ->
+ (decr_keyw_use gram s1; decr_keyw_use gram s2)
+ | Sopt s -> decr_keyw_use gram s
+ | Stree t -> decr_keyw_use_in_tree gram t
+ | Sself | Snext | Snterm _ | Snterml (_, _) | Stoken _ ->
+ ()
+ and decr_keyw_use_in_tree gram =
+ function
+ | DeadEnd | LocAct (_, _) -> ()
+ | Node n ->
+ (decr_keyw_use gram n.node;
+ decr_keyw_use_in_tree gram n.son;
+ decr_keyw_use_in_tree gram
+ let rec delete_rule_in_suffix entry symbols =
+ function
+ | lev :: levs ->
+ (match delete_rule_in_tree entry symbols lev.lsuffix
+ with
+ | Some ((dsl, t)) ->
+ ((match dsl with
+ | Some dsl ->
+ List.iter (decr_keyw_use entry.egram) dsl
+ | None -> ());
+ (match t with
+ | DeadEnd when lev.lprefix == DeadEnd -> levs
+ | _ ->
+ let lev =
+ {
+ assoc = lev.assoc;
+ lname = lev.lname;
+ lsuffix = t;
+ lprefix = lev.lprefix;
+ }
+ in lev :: levs))
+ | None ->
+ let levs =
+ delete_rule_in_suffix entry symbols levs
+ in lev :: levs)
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ let rec delete_rule_in_prefix entry symbols =
+ function
+ | lev :: levs ->
+ (match delete_rule_in_tree entry symbols lev.lprefix
+ with
+ | Some ((dsl, t)) ->
+ ((match dsl with
+ | Some dsl ->
+ List.iter (decr_keyw_use entry.egram) dsl
+ | None -> ());
+ (match t with
+ | DeadEnd when lev.lsuffix == DeadEnd -> levs
+ | _ ->
+ let lev =
+ {
+ assoc = lev.assoc;
+ lname = lev.lname;
+ lsuffix = lev.lsuffix;
+ lprefix = t;
+ }
+ in lev :: levs))
+ | None ->
+ let levs =
+ delete_rule_in_prefix entry symbols levs
+ in lev :: levs)
+ | [] -> raise Not_found
+ let rec delete_rule_in_level_list entry symbols levs =
+ match symbols with
+ | Sself :: symbols ->
+ delete_rule_in_suffix entry symbols levs
+ | Snterm e :: symbols when e == entry ->
+ delete_rule_in_suffix entry symbols levs
+ | _ -> delete_rule_in_prefix entry symbols levs
+ let delete_rule entry sl =
+ match entry.edesc with
+ | Dlevels levs ->
+ let levs = delete_rule_in_level_list entry sl levs
+ in
+ (entry.edesc <- Dlevels levs;
+ entry.estart <-
+ (fun lev c strm ->
+ let f = Parser.start_parser_of_entry entry
+ in (entry.estart <- f; f lev c strm));
+ entry.econtinue <-
+ (fun lev bp a c strm ->
+ let f = Parser.continue_parser_of_entry entry
+ in (entry.econtinue <- f; f lev bp a c strm)))
+ | Dparser _ -> ()
+ end
+ end
+ module Fold :
+ sig
+ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) :
+ sig
+ open Structure
+ val sfold0 : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> (_, 'a, 'b) fold
+ val sfold1 : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> (_, 'a, 'b) fold
+ val sfold0sep : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'b -> (_, 'a, 'b) foldsep
+ end
+ end =
+ struct
+ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) =
+ struct
+ open Structure
+ open Format
+ module Parse = Parser.Make(Structure)
+ module Fail = Failed.Make(Structure)
+ open Sig.Grammar
+ module Stream =
+ struct
+ include Stream
+ let junk strm = Context.junk strm
+ let count strm = Context.bp strm
+ end
+ let sfold0 f e _entry _symbl psymb =
+ let rec fold accu (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ match try Some (psymb __strm)
+ with | Stream.Failure -> None
+ with
+ | Some a -> fold (f a accu) __strm
+ | _ -> accu
+ in fun (__strm : _ Stream.t) -> fold e __strm
+ let sfold1 f e _entry _symbl psymb =
+ let rec fold accu (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ match try Some (psymb __strm)
+ with | Stream.Failure -> None
+ with
+ | Some a -> fold (f a accu) __strm
+ | _ -> accu
+ in
+ fun (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ let a = psymb __strm
+ in
+ try fold (f a e) __strm
+ with | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")
+ let sfold0sep f e entry symbl psymb psep =
+ let failed =
+ function
+ | [ symb; sep ] -> Fail.symb_failed_txt entry sep symb
+ | _ -> "failed" in
+ let rec kont accu (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ match try Some (psep __strm)
+ with | Stream.Failure -> None
+ with
+ | Some () ->
+ let a =
+ (try psymb __strm
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ raise (Stream.Error (failed symbl)))
+ in kont (f a accu) __strm
+ | _ -> accu
+ in
+ fun (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ match try Some (psymb __strm)
+ with | Stream.Failure -> None
+ with
+ | Some a -> kont (f a e) __strm
+ | _ -> e
+ let sfold1sep f e entry symbl psymb psep =
+ let failed =
+ function
+ | [ symb; sep ] -> Fail.symb_failed_txt entry sep symb
+ | _ -> "failed" in
+ let parse_top =
+ function
+ | [ symb; _ ] -> Parse.parse_top_symb entry symb
+ | _ -> raise Stream.Failure in
+ let rec kont accu (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ match try Some (psep __strm)
+ with | Stream.Failure -> None
+ with
+ | Some () ->
+ let a =
+ (try
+ try psymb __strm
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ let a =
+ (try parse_top symbl __strm
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ raise (Stream.Error (failed symbl)))
+ in Obj.magic a
+ with | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error ""))
+ in kont (f a accu) __strm
+ | _ -> accu
+ in
+ fun (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ let a = psymb __strm in kont (f a e) __strm
+ end
+ end
+ module Entry =
+ struct
+ module Make (Structure : Structure.S) =
+ struct
+ module Dump = Print.MakeDump(Structure)
+ module Print = Print.Make(Structure)
+ module Tools = Tools.Make(Structure)
+ open Format
+ open Structure
+ type 'a t = internal_entry
+ let name e = e.ename
+ let print ppf e = fprintf ppf "%a@\n" Print.entry e
+ let dump ppf e = fprintf ppf "%a@\n" Dump.entry e
+ let mk g n =
+ {
+ egram = g;
+ ename = n;
+ estart = Tools.empty_entry n;
+ econtinue =
+ (fun _ _ _ _ (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ raise Stream.Failure);
+ edesc = Dlevels [];
+ }
+ let action_parse entry ts : Action.t =
+ Context.call_with_ctx ts
+ (fun c ->
+ try entry.estart 0 c ( c)
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ Loc.raise (Context.loc_ep c)
+ (Stream.Error
+ ("illegal begin of " ^ entry.ename))
+ | (Loc.Exc_located (_, _) as exc) -> raise exc
+ | exc -> Loc.raise (Context.loc_ep c) exc)
+ let lex entry loc cs = entry.egram.glexer loc cs
+ let lex_string entry loc str =
+ lex entry loc (Stream.of_string str)
+ let filter entry ts =
+ Token.Filter.filter (get_filter entry.egram) ts
+ let parse_tokens_after_filter entry ts =
+ Action.get (action_parse entry ts)
+ let parse_tokens_before_filter entry ts =
+ parse_tokens_after_filter entry (filter entry ts)
+ let parse entry loc cs =
+ parse_tokens_before_filter entry (lex entry loc cs)
+ let parse_string entry loc str =
+ parse_tokens_before_filter entry (lex_string entry loc str)
+ let of_parser g n (p : (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> 'a) :
+ 'a t =
+ {
+ egram = g;
+ ename = n;
+ estart = (fun _ _ ts -> (p ts));
+ econtinue =
+ (fun _ _ _ _ (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ raise Stream.Failure);
+ edesc = Dparser (fun ts -> (p ts));
+ }
+ let setup_parser e (p : (Token.t * Loc.t) Stream.t -> 'a) =
+ let f ts = (p ts)
+ in
+ (e.estart <- (fun _ _ -> f);
+ e.econtinue <-
+ (fun _ _ _ _ (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ raise Stream.Failure);
+ e.edesc <- Dparser f)
+ let clear e =
+ (e.estart <-
+ (fun _ _ (__strm : _ Stream.t) -> raise Stream.Failure);
+ e.econtinue <-
+ (fun _ _ _ _ (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ raise Stream.Failure);
+ e.edesc <- Dlevels [])
+ let obj x = x
+ end
+ end
+ module Static =
+ struct
+ module Make (Lexer : Sig.Lexer) :
+ Sig.Grammar.Static with module Loc = Lexer.Loc
+ and module Token = Lexer.Token =
+ struct
+ module Structure = Structure.Make(Lexer)
+ module Delete = Delete.Make(Structure)
+ module Insert = Insert.Make(Structure)
+ module Fold = Fold.Make(Structure)
+ include Structure
+ let gram =
+ let gkeywords = Hashtbl.create 301
+ in
+ {
+ gkeywords = gkeywords;
+ gfilter = (Hashtbl.mem gkeywords);
+ glexer = ();
+ warning_verbose = ref true;
+ error_verbose = Camlp4_config.verbose;
+ }
+ module Entry =
+ struct
+ module E = Entry.Make(Structure)
+ type 'a t = 'a E.t
+ let mk = gram
+ let of_parser name strm = E.of_parser gram name strm
+ let setup_parser = E.setup_parser
+ let name =
+ let print = E.print
+ let clear = E.clear
+ let dump = E.dump
+ let obj x = x
+ end
+ let get_filter () = gram.gfilter
+ let lex loc cs = gram.glexer loc cs
+ let lex_string loc str = lex loc (Stream.of_string str)
+ let filter ts = Token.Filter.filter gram.gfilter ts
+ let parse_tokens_after_filter entry ts =
+ Entry.E.parse_tokens_after_filter entry ts
+ let parse_tokens_before_filter entry ts =
+ parse_tokens_after_filter entry (filter ts)
+ let parse entry loc cs =
+ parse_tokens_before_filter entry (lex loc cs)
+ let parse_string entry loc str =
+ parse_tokens_before_filter entry (lex_string loc str)
+ let delete_rule = Delete.delete_rule
+ let srules e rl =
+ let t =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun tree (symbols, action) ->
+ Insert.insert_tree e symbols action tree)
+ DeadEnd rl
+ in Stree t
+ let sfold0 = Fold.sfold0
+ let sfold1 = Fold.sfold1
+ let sfold0sep = Fold.sfold0sep
+ let extend = Insert.extend
+ end
+ end
+ module Dynamic =
+ struct
+ module Make (Lexer : Sig.Lexer) :
+ Sig.Grammar.Dynamic with module Loc = Lexer.Loc
+ and module Token = Lexer.Token =
+ struct
+ module Structure = Structure.Make(Lexer)
+ module Delete = Delete.Make(Structure)
+ module Insert = Insert.Make(Structure)
+ module Entry = Entry.Make(Structure)
+ module Fold = Fold.Make(Structure)
+ include Structure
+ let mk () =
+ let gkeywords = Hashtbl.create 301
+ in
+ {
+ gkeywords = gkeywords;
+ gfilter = (Hashtbl.mem gkeywords);
+ glexer = ();
+ warning_verbose = ref true;
+ error_verbose = Camlp4_config.verbose;
+ }
+ let get_filter g = g.gfilter
+ let lex g loc cs = g.glexer loc cs
+ let lex_string g loc str = lex g loc (Stream.of_string str)
+ let filter g ts = Token.Filter.filter g.gfilter ts
+ let parse_tokens_after_filter entry ts =
+ Entry.parse_tokens_after_filter entry ts
+ let parse_tokens_before_filter entry ts =
+ parse_tokens_after_filter entry (filter entry.egram ts)
+ let parse entry loc cs =
+ parse_tokens_before_filter entry (lex entry.egram loc cs)
+ let parse_string entry loc str =
+ parse_tokens_before_filter entry
+ (lex_string entry.egram loc str)
+ let delete_rule = Delete.delete_rule
+ let srules e rl =
+ let t =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun tree (symbols, action) ->
+ Insert.insert_tree e symbols action tree)
+ DeadEnd rl
+ in Stree t
+ let sfold0 = Fold.sfold0
+ let sfold1 = Fold.sfold1
+ let sfold0sep = Fold.sfold0sep
+ let extend = Insert.extend
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+module Printers =
+ struct
+ module DumpCamlp4Ast :
+ sig
+ module Id : Sig.Id
+ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Syntax) :
+ Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syntax.Ast
+ end =
+ struct
+ module Id =
+ struct
+ let name = "Camlp4Printers.DumpCamlp4Ast"
+ let version =
+ "$Id:,v 1.4 2006/10/03 08:54:08 ertai Exp $"
+ end
+ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Syntax) :
+ Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syntax.Ast =
+ struct
+ include Syntax
+ let with_open_out_file x f =
+ match x with
+ | Some file ->
+ let oc = open_out_bin file
+ in (f oc; flush oc; close_out oc)
+ | None ->
+ (set_binary_mode_out stdout true; f stdout; flush stdout)
+ let dump_ast magic ast oc =
+ (output_string oc magic; output_value oc ast)
+ let print_interf ?input_file:(_) ?output_file ast =
+ with_open_out_file output_file
+ (dump_ast Camlp4_config.camlp4_ast_intf_magic_number ast)
+ let print_implem ?input_file:(_) ?output_file ast =
+ with_open_out_file output_file
+ (dump_ast Camlp4_config.camlp4_ast_impl_magic_number ast)
+ end
+ end
+ module DumpOCamlAst :
+ sig
+ module Id : Sig.Id
+ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) :
+ Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syntax.Ast
+ end =
+ struct
+ module Id : Sig.Id =
+ struct
+ let name = "Camlp4Printers.DumpOCamlAst"
+ let version =
+ "$Id:,v 1.4 2006/10/03 08:54:08 ertai Exp $"
+ end
+ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) :
+ Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syntax.Ast =
+ struct
+ include Syntax
+ module Ast2pt = Struct.Camlp4Ast2OCamlAst.Make(Ast)
+ let with_open_out_file x f =
+ match x with
+ | Some file ->
+ let oc = open_out_bin file
+ in (f oc; flush oc; close_out oc)
+ | None ->
+ (set_binary_mode_out stdout true; f stdout; flush stdout)
+ let dump_pt magic fname pt oc =
+ (output_string oc magic;
+ output_value oc (if fname = "-" then "" else fname);
+ output_value oc pt)
+ let print_interf ?(input_file = "-") ?output_file ast =
+ let pt = Ast2pt.sig_item ast
+ in
+ with_open_out_file output_file
+ (dump_pt Camlp4_config.ocaml_ast_intf_magic_number
+ input_file pt)
+ let print_implem ?(input_file = "-") ?output_file ast =
+ let pt = Ast2pt.str_item ast
+ in
+ with_open_out_file output_file
+ (dump_pt Camlp4_config.ocaml_ast_impl_magic_number
+ input_file pt)
+ end
+ end
+ module Null :
+ sig
+ module Id : Sig.Id
+ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Syntax) :
+ Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syntax.Ast
+ end =
+ struct
+ module Id =
+ struct
+ let name = "Camlp4.Printers.Null"
+ let version =
+ "$Id:,v 1.1 2006/10/03 08:54:08 ertai Exp $"
+ end
+ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Syntax) =
+ struct
+ include Syntax
+ let print_interf ?input_file:(_) ?output_file:(_) _ = ()
+ let print_implem ?input_file:(_) ?output_file:(_) _ = ()
+ end
+ end
+ module OCaml :
+ sig
+ module Id : Sig.Id
+ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) :
+ sig
+ open Format
+ include Sig.Camlp4Syntax with module Loc = Syntax.Loc
+ and module Warning = Syntax.Warning
+ and module Token = Syntax.Token and module Ast = Syntax.Ast
+ and module Gram = Syntax.Gram
+ val list' :
+ (formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
+ ('b, formatter, unit) format ->
+ (unit, formatter, unit) format ->
+ formatter -> 'a list -> unit
+ val list :
+ (formatter -> 'a -> unit) ->
+ ('b, formatter, unit) format -> formatter -> 'a list -> unit
+ val lex_string : string -> Token.t
+ val is_infix : string -> bool
+ val is_keyword : string -> bool
+ val ocaml_char : string -> string
+ val get_expr_args :
+ Ast.expr -> Ast.expr list -> (Ast.expr * (Ast.expr list))
+ val get_patt_args :
+ Ast.patt -> Ast.patt list -> (Ast.patt * (Ast.patt list))
+ val get_ctyp_args :
+ Ast.ctyp -> Ast.ctyp list -> (Ast.ctyp * (Ast.ctyp list))
+ val expr_fun_args : Ast.expr -> ((Ast.patt list) * Ast.expr)
+ class printer :
+ ?curry_constr: bool ->
+ ?comments: bool ->
+ unit ->
+ object ('a)
+ method interf : formatter -> Ast.sig_item -> unit
+ method implem : formatter -> Ast.str_item -> unit
+ method sig_item : formatter -> Ast.sig_item -> unit
+ method str_item : formatter -> Ast.str_item -> unit
+ val pipe : bool
+ val semi : bool
+ val semisep : string
+ val value_val : string
+ val value_let : string
+ method anti : formatter -> string -> unit
+ method class_declaration :
+ formatter -> Ast.class_expr -> unit
+ method class_expr : formatter -> Ast.class_expr -> unit
+ method class_sig_item :
+ formatter -> Ast.class_sig_item -> unit
+ method class_str_item :
+ formatter -> Ast.class_str_item -> unit
+ method class_type : formatter -> Ast.class_type -> unit
+ method constrain :
+ formatter -> (Ast.ctyp * Ast.ctyp) -> unit
+ method ctyp : formatter -> Ast.ctyp -> unit
+ method ctyp1 : formatter -> Ast.ctyp -> unit
+ method constructor_type : formatter -> Ast.ctyp -> unit
+ method dot_expr : formatter -> Ast.expr -> unit
+ method expr : formatter -> Ast.expr -> unit
+ method expr_list : formatter -> Ast.expr list -> unit
+ method expr_list_cons :
+ bool -> formatter -> Ast.expr -> unit
+ method functor_arg :
+ formatter -> (string * Ast.module_type) -> unit
+ method functor_args :
+ formatter -> (string * Ast.module_type) list -> unit
+ method ident : formatter -> Ast.ident -> unit
+ method intlike : formatter -> string -> unit
+ method binding : formatter -> Ast.binding -> unit
+ method record_binding :
+ formatter -> Ast.binding -> unit
+ method match_case : formatter -> Ast.match_case -> unit
+ method match_case_aux :
+ formatter -> Ast.match_case -> unit
+ method mk_expr_list :
+ Ast.expr -> ((Ast.expr list) * (Ast.expr option))
+ method mk_patt_list :
+ Ast.patt -> ((Ast.patt list) * (Ast.patt option))
+ method module_expr :
+ formatter -> Ast.module_expr -> unit
+ method module_expr_get_functor_args :
+ (string * Ast.module_type) list ->
+ Ast.module_expr ->
+ (((string * Ast.module_type) list) * Ast.
+ module_expr * (Ast.module_type option))
+ method module_rec_binding :
+ formatter -> Ast.module_binding -> unit
+ method module_type :
+ formatter -> Ast.module_type -> unit
+ method mutable_flag :
+ formatter -> Ast.meta_bool -> unit
+ method direction_flag :
+ formatter -> Ast.meta_bool -> unit
+ method rec_flag : formatter -> Ast.meta_bool -> unit
+ method flag :
+ formatter -> Ast.meta_bool -> string -> unit
+ method node : formatter -> 'b -> ('b -> Loc.t) -> unit
+ method object_dup :
+ formatter -> (string * Ast.expr) list -> unit
+ method patt : formatter -> Ast.patt -> unit
+ method patt1 : formatter -> Ast.patt -> unit
+ method patt2 : formatter -> Ast.patt -> unit
+ method patt3 : formatter -> Ast.patt -> unit
+ method patt4 : formatter -> Ast.patt -> unit
+ method patt5 : formatter -> Ast.patt -> unit
+ method patt_expr_fun_args :
+ formatter -> (Ast.patt * Ast.expr) -> unit
+ method patt_class_expr_fun_args :
+ formatter -> (Ast.patt * Ast.class_expr) -> unit
+ method print_comments_before :
+ Loc.t -> formatter -> unit
+ method private_flag :
+ formatter -> Ast.meta_bool -> unit
+ method virtual_flag :
+ formatter -> Ast.meta_bool -> unit
+ method quoted_string : formatter -> string -> unit
+ method raise_match_failure : formatter -> Loc.t -> unit
+ method reset : 'a
+ method reset_semi : 'a
+ method semisep : string
+ method set_comments : bool -> 'a
+ method set_curry_constr : bool -> 'a
+ method set_loc_and_comments : 'a
+ method set_semisep : string -> 'a
+ method simple_ctyp : formatter -> Ast.ctyp -> unit
+ method simple_expr : formatter -> Ast.expr -> unit
+ method simple_patt : formatter -> Ast.patt -> unit
+ method seq : formatter -> Ast.expr -> unit
+ method string : formatter -> string -> unit
+ method sum_type : formatter -> Ast.ctyp -> unit
+ method type_params : formatter -> Ast.ctyp list -> unit
+ method class_params : formatter -> Ast.ctyp -> unit
+ method under_pipe : 'a
+ method under_semi : 'a
+ method var : formatter -> string -> unit
+ method with_constraint :
+ formatter -> Ast.with_constr -> unit
+ end
+ val with_outfile :
+ string option -> (formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
+ val print :
+ string option ->
+ (printer -> formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
+ val print_interf :
+ ?input_file: string ->
+ ?output_file: string -> Ast.sig_item -> unit
+ val print_implem :
+ ?input_file: string ->
+ ?output_file: string -> Ast.str_item -> unit
+ end
+ module MakeMore (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) :
+ Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syntax.Ast
+ end =
+ struct
+ open Format
+ module Id =
+ struct
+ let name = "Camlp4.Printers.OCaml"
+ let version =
+ "$Id:,v 1.19 2006/10/10 22:32:43 ertai Exp $"
+ end
+ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) =
+ struct
+ include Syntax
+ let pp = fprintf
+ let cut f = fprintf f "@ "
+ let list' elt sep sep' f =
+ let rec loop =
+ function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | x :: xs -> (pp f sep; elt f x; pp f sep'; loop xs)
+ in
+ function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [ x ] -> (elt f x; pp f sep')
+ | x :: xs -> (elt f x; pp f sep'; loop xs)
+ let list elt sep f =
+ let rec loop =
+ function | [] -> () | x :: xs -> (pp f sep; elt f x; loop xs)
+ in
+ function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [ x ] -> elt f x
+ | x :: xs -> (elt f x; loop xs)
+ module CommentFilter = Struct.CommentFilter.Make(Token)
+ let comment_filter = ()
+ let _ = CommentFilter.define (Gram.get_filter ()) comment_filter
+ module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
+ let is_infix =
+ let infixes =
+ List.fold_right StringSet.add
+ [ "=="; "!="; "+"; "-"; "+."; "-."; "*"; "*."; "/"; "/.";
+ "**"; "="; "<>"; "<"; ">"; "<="; ">="; "^"; "^^"; "@";
+ "&&"; "||"; "asr"; "land"; "lor"; "lsl"; "lsr"; "lxor";
+ "mod"; "or" ]
+ StringSet.empty
+ in fun s -> StringSet.mem s infixes
+ let is_keyword =
+ let keywords =
+ List.fold_right StringSet.add
+ [ "and"; "as"; "assert"; "asr"; "begin"; "class";
+ "constraint"; "do"; "done"; "downto"; "else"; "end";
+ "exception"; "external"; "false"; "for"; "fun";
+ "function"; "functor"; "if"; "in"; "include"; "inherit";
+ "initializer"; "land"; "lazy"; "let"; "lor"; "lsl";
+ "lsr"; "lxor"; "match"; "method"; "mod"; "module";
+ "mutable"; "new"; "object"; "of"; "open"; "or"; "parser";
+ "private"; "rec"; "sig"; "struct"; "then"; "to"; "true";
+ "try"; "type"; "val"; "virtual"; "when"; "while"; "with" ]
+ StringSet.empty
+ in fun s -> StringSet.mem s keywords
+ module Lexer = Struct.Lexer.Make(Token)
+ let _ = let module M = ErrorHandler.Register(Lexer.Error) in ()
+ open Sig
+ let lexer s =
+ Lexer.from_string ~quotations: !Camlp4_config.quotations Loc.
+ ghost s
+ let lex_string str =
+ try
+ let (__strm : _ Stream.t) = lexer str
+ in
+ match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some ((tok, _)) ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ (match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some ((EOI, _)) -> (Stream.junk __strm; tok)
+ | _ -> raise (Stream.Error "")))
+ | _ -> raise Stream.Failure
+ with
+ | Stream.Failure ->
+ failwith
+ (sprintf
+ "Cannot print %S this string contains more than one token"
+ str)
+ | Lexer.Error.E exn ->
+ failwith
+ (sprintf
+ "Cannot print %S this identifier does not respect OCaml lexing rules (%s)"
+ str (Lexer.Error.to_string exn))
+ let ocaml_char = function | "'" -> "\\'" | c -> c
+ let rec get_expr_args a al =
+ match a with
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, a1, a2) -> get_expr_args a1 (a2 :: al)
+ | _ -> (a, al)
+ let rec get_patt_args a al =
+ match a with
+ | Ast.PaApp (_, a1, a2) -> get_patt_args a1 (a2 :: al)
+ | _ -> (a, al)
+ let rec get_ctyp_args a al =
+ match a with
+ | Ast.TyApp (_, a1, a2) -> get_ctyp_args a1 (a2 :: al)
+ | _ -> (a, al)
+ let is_irrefut_patt = Ast.is_irrefut_patt
+ let rec expr_fun_args =
+ function
+ | (Ast.ExFun (_, (Ast.McArr (_, p, (Ast.ExNil _), e))) as ge)
+ ->
+ if is_irrefut_patt p
+ then (let (pl, e) = expr_fun_args e in ((p :: pl), e))
+ else ([], ge)
+ | ge -> ([], ge)
+ let rec class_expr_fun_args =
+ function
+ | (Ast.CeFun (_, p, ce) as ge) ->
+ if is_irrefut_patt p
+ then
+ (let (pl, ce) = class_expr_fun_args ce in ((p :: pl), ce))
+ else ([], ge)
+ | ge -> ([], ge)
+ let rec do_print_comments_before loc f (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some ((comm, comm_loc)) when Loc.strictly_before comm_loc loc
+ ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ let s = __strm in
+ let () = f comm comm_loc
+ in do_print_comments_before loc f s)
+ | _ -> ()
+ class printer ?curry_constr:(init_curry_constr = false)
+ ?(comments = true) () =
+ object (o)
+ val pipe = false
+ val semi = false
+ method under_pipe = {< pipe = true; >}
+ method under_semi = {< semi = true; >}
+ method reset_semi = {< semi = false; >}
+ method reset = {< pipe = false; semi = false; >}
+ val semisep = ";;"
+ val andsep =
+ ("@]@ @[<2>and@ " : (unit, formatter, unit) format)
+ val value_val = "val"
+ val value_let = "let"
+ val mode = if comments then `comments else `no_comments
+ val curry_constr = init_curry_constr
+ val var_conversion = false
+ method semisep = semisep
+ method set_semisep = fun s -> {< semisep = s; >}
+ method set_comments =
+ fun b ->
+ {< mode = if b then `comments else `no_comments; >}
+ method set_loc_and_comments =
+ {< mode = `loc_and_comments; >}
+ method set_curry_constr = fun b -> {< curry_constr = b; >}
+ method print_comments_before =
+ fun loc f ->
+ match mode with
+ | `comments ->
+ do_print_comments_before loc
+ (fun c _ -> pp f "%s@ " c)
+ (CommentFilter.take_stream comment_filter)
+ | `loc_and_comments ->
+ let () = pp f "(*loc: %a*)@ " Loc.dump loc
+ in
+ do_print_comments_before loc
+ (fun s -> pp f "%s(*comm_loc: %a*)@ " s Loc.dump)
+ (CommentFilter.take_stream comment_filter)
+ | _ -> ()
+ method var =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | "" -> pp f "$lid:\"\"$"
+ | "[]" -> pp f "[]"
+ | "()" -> pp f "()"
+ | " True" -> pp f "True"
+ | " False" -> pp f "False"
+ | v ->
+ (match (var_conversion, v) with
+ | (true, "val") -> pp f "contents"
+ | (true, "True") -> pp f "true"
+ | (true, "False") -> pp f "false"
+ | _ ->
+ (match lex_string v with
+ is_keyword s -> pp f "%s__" s
+ | SYMBOL s -> pp f "( %s )" s
+ pp_print_string f s
+ | tok ->
+ failwith
+ (sprintf
+ "Bad token used as an identifier: %s"
+ (Token.to_string tok))))
+ method type_params =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [ x ] -> pp f "%a@ " o#ctyp x
+ | l -> pp f "@[<1>(%a)@]@ " (list o#ctyp ",@ ") l
+ method class_params =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | Ast.TyCom (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "@[<1>%a,@ %a@]" o#class_params t1
+ o#class_params t2
+ | x -> o#ctyp f x
+ method mutable_flag = fun f b -> o#flag f b "mutable"
+ method rec_flag = fun f b -> o#flag f b "rec"
+ method virtual_flag = fun f b -> o#flag f b "virtual"
+ method private_flag = fun f b -> o#flag f b "private"
+ method flag =
+ fun f b n ->
+ match b with
+ | Ast.BTrue -> (pp_print_string f n; pp f "@ ")
+ | Ast.BFalse -> ()
+ | Ast.BAnt s -> o#anti f s
+ method anti = fun f s -> pp f "$%s$" s
+ method seq =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | Ast.ExSem (_, e1, e2) ->
+ pp f "%a;@ %a" o#under_semi#seq e1 o#seq e2
+ | Ast.ExSeq (_, e) -> o#seq f e
+ | e -> o#expr f e
+ method match_case =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | Ast.McNil _loc ->
+ pp f "@[<2>_@ ->@ %a@]" o#raise_match_failure _loc
+ | a -> o#match_case_aux f a
+ method match_case_aux =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | Ast.McNil _ -> ()
+ | Ast.McAnt (_, s) -> o#anti f s
+ | Ast.McOr (_, a1, a2) ->
+ pp f "%a%a" o#match_case_aux a1 o#match_case_aux a2
+ | Ast.McArr (_, p, (Ast.ExNil _), e) ->
+ pp f "@ | @[<2>%a@ ->@ %a@]" o#patt p
+ o#under_pipe#expr e
+ | Ast.McArr (_, p, w, e) ->
+ pp f "@ | @[<2>%a@ when@ %a@ ->@ %a@]" o#patt p
+ o#under_pipe#expr w o#under_pipe#expr e
+ method binding =
+ fun f bi ->
+ let () = o#node f bi Ast.loc_of_binding
+ in
+ match bi with
+ | Ast.BiNil _ -> ()
+ | Ast.BiAnd (_, b1, b2) ->
+ (o#binding f b1; pp f andsep; o#binding f b2)
+ | Ast.BiEq (_, p, e) ->
+ let (pl, e) =
+ (match p with
+ | Ast.PaTyc (_, _, _) -> ([], e)
+ | _ -> expr_fun_args e)
+ in
+ (match (p, e) with
+ | (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, _))),
+ Ast.ExTyc (_, e, t)) ->
+ pp f "%a :@ %a =@ %a"
+ (list o#simple_patt "@ ") (p :: pl)
+ o#ctyp t o#expr e
+ | _ ->
+ pp f "%a @[<0>%a=@]@ %a" o#simple_patt p
+ (list' o#simple_patt "" "@ ") pl o#expr e)
+ | Ast.BiSem (_, _, _) -> assert false
+ | Ast.BiAnt (_, s) -> o#anti f s
+ method record_binding =
+ fun f bi ->
+ let () = o#node f bi Ast.loc_of_binding
+ in
+ match bi with
+ | Ast.BiNil _ -> ()
+ | Ast.BiEq (_, p, e) ->
+ pp f "@ @[<2>%a =@ %a@];" o#simple_patt p o#expr e
+ | Ast.BiSem (_, b1, b2) ->
+ (o#under_semi#record_binding f b1;
+ o#under_semi#record_binding f b2)
+ | Ast.BiAnd (_, _, _) -> assert false
+ | Ast.BiAnt (_, s) -> o#anti f s
+ method object_dup =
+ fun f ->
+ list
+ (fun f (s, e) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a =@ %a@]" o#var s o#expr e)
+ ";@ " f
+ method mk_patt_list =
+ function
+ | Ast.PaApp (_,
+ (Ast.PaApp (_, (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "::")))),
+ p1)),
+ p2) ->
+ let (pl, c) = o#mk_patt_list p2 in ((p1 :: pl), c)
+ | Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "[]"))) -> ([], None)
+ | p -> ([], (Some p))
+ method mk_expr_list =
+ function
+ | Ast.ExApp (_,
+ (Ast.ExApp (_, (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "::")))),
+ e1)),
+ e2) ->
+ let (el, c) = o#mk_expr_list e2 in ((e1 :: el), c)
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "[]"))) -> ([], None)
+ | e -> ([], (Some e))
+ method expr_list =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | [] -> pp f "[]"
+ | [ e ] -> pp f "[ %a ]" o#expr e
+ | el -> pp f "@[<2>[ %a@] ]" (list o#expr ";@ ") el
+ method expr_list_cons =
+ fun simple f e ->
+ let (el, c) = o#mk_expr_list e
+ in
+ match c with
+ | None -> o#expr_list f el
+ | Some x ->
+ (if simple
+ then pp f "@[<2>(%a)@]"
+ else pp f "@[<2>%a@]") (list o#dot_expr " ::@ ")
+ (el @ [ x ])
+ method patt_expr_fun_args =
+ fun f (p, e) ->
+ let (pl, e) = expr_fun_args e
+ in
+ pp f "%a@ ->@ %a" (list o#patt "@ ") (p :: pl) o#expr e
+ method patt_class_expr_fun_args =
+ fun f (p, ce) ->
+ let (pl, ce) = class_expr_fun_args ce
+ in
+ pp f "%a =@]@ %a" (list o#patt "@ ") (p :: pl)
+ o#class_expr ce
+ method constrain =
+ fun f (t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>constraint@ %a =@ %a@]" o#ctyp t1 o#ctyp t2
+ method sum_type =
+ fun f t -> (pp_print_string f "| "; o#ctyp f t)
+ method string = fun f -> pp f "%s"
+ method quoted_string = fun f -> pp f "%S"
+ method intlike =
+ fun f s ->
+ if s.[0] = '-' then pp f "(%s)" s else pp f "%s" s
+ method module_expr_get_functor_args =
+ fun accu ->
+ function
+ | Ast.MeFun (_, s, mt, me) ->
+ o#module_expr_get_functor_args ((s, mt) :: accu) me
+ | Ast.MeTyc (_, me, mt) ->
+ ((List.rev accu), me, (Some mt))
+ | me -> ((List.rev accu), me, None)
+ method functor_args = fun f -> list o#functor_arg "@ " f
+ method functor_arg =
+ fun f (s, mt) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>(%a :@ %a)@]" o#var s o#module_type mt
+ method module_rec_binding =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | Ast.MbNil _ -> ()
+ | Ast.MbColEq (_, s, mt, me) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a :@ %a =@ %a@]" o#var s o#module_type mt
+ o#module_expr me
+ | Ast.MbCol (_, s, mt) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a :@ %a@]" o#var s o#module_type mt
+ | Ast.MbAnd (_, mb1, mb2) ->
+ (o#module_rec_binding f mb1;
+ pp f andsep;
+ o#module_rec_binding f mb2)
+ | Ast.MbAnt (_, s) -> o#anti f s
+ method class_declaration =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | Ast.CeTyc (_, ce, ct) ->
+ pp f "%a :@ %a" o#class_expr ce o#class_type ct
+ | ce -> o#class_expr f ce
+ method raise_match_failure =
+ fun f _loc ->
+ let n = Loc.file_name _loc in
+ let l = Loc.start_line _loc in
+ let c = (Loc.start_off _loc) - (Loc.start_bol _loc)
+ in
+ o#expr f
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "raise")),
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Match_failure")),
+ Ast.ExStr (_loc, Ast.safe_string_escaped n)),
+ Ast.ExInt (_loc, string_of_int l)),
+ Ast.ExInt (_loc, string_of_int c))))
+ method node : 'a. formatter -> 'a -> ('a -> Loc.t) -> unit =
+ fun f node loc_of_node ->
+ o#print_comments_before (loc_of_node node) f
+ method ident =
+ fun f i ->
+ let () = o#node f i Ast.loc_of_ident
+ in
+ match i with
+ | Ast.IdAcc (_, i1, i2) ->
+ pp f "%a.@,%a" o#ident i1 o#ident i2
+ | Ast.IdApp (_, i1, i2) ->
+ pp f "%a@,(%a)" o#ident i1 o#ident i2
+ | Ast.IdAnt (_, s) -> o#anti f s
+ | Ast.IdLid (_, s) | Ast.IdUid (_, s) -> o#var f s
+ method private var_ident =
+ {< var_conversion = true; >}#ident
+ method expr =
+ fun f e ->
+ let () = o#node f e Ast.loc_of_expr
+ in
+ match e with
+ | (Ast.ExLet (_, _, _, _) | Ast.ExLmd (_, _, _, _) as
+ e) when semi -> pp f "(%a)" o#reset#expr e
+ | (Ast.ExMat (_, _, _) | Ast.ExTry (_, _, _) |
+ Ast.ExFun (_, _)
+ as e) when pipe || semi ->
+ pp f "(%a)" o#reset#expr e
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, "~-")))),
+ x) -> pp f "@[<2>-@,%a@]" o#expr x
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, "~-.")))),
+ x) -> pp f "@[<2>-.@,%a@]" o#expr x
+ | Ast.ExApp (_,
+ (Ast.ExApp (_,
+ (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "::")))), _)),
+ _) -> o#expr_list_cons false f e
+ | Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ (Ast.ExApp (_, (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, n)))),
+ x)),
+ y) when is_infix n ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ %s@ %a@]" o#dot_expr x n o#dot_expr
+ y
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, x, y) ->
+ let (a, al) = get_expr_args x [ y ]
+ in
+ if
+ (not curry_constr) &&
+ (Ast.is_expr_constructor a)
+ then
+ (match al with
+ | [ Ast.ExTup (_, _) ] ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ (%a)@]" o#dot_expr x
+ o#expr y
+ | [ _ ] ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ %a@]" o#dot_expr x
+ o#dot_expr y
+ | al ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ (%a)@]" o#dot_expr a
+ (list o#under_pipe#expr ",@ ") al)
+ else
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@]" (list o#dot_expr "@ ")
+ (a :: al)
+ | Ast.ExAss (_,
+ (Ast.ExAcc (_, e1,
+ (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, "val")))))),
+ e2) -> pp f "@[<2>%a :=@ %a@]" o#expr e1 o#expr e2
+ | Ast.ExAss (_, e1, e2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ <-@ %a@]" o#expr e1 o#expr e2
+ | Ast.ExFun (loc, (Ast.McNil _)) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>fun@ _@ ->@ %a@]" o#raise_match_failure
+ loc
+ | Ast.ExFun (_, (Ast.McArr (_, p, (Ast.ExNil _), e)))
+ when is_irrefut_patt p ->
+ pp f "@[<2>fun@ %a@]" o#patt_expr_fun_args (p, e)
+ | Ast.ExFun (_, a) ->
+ pp f "@[<hv0>function%a@]" o#match_case a
+ | Ast.ExIfe (_, e1, e2, e3) ->
+ pp f
+ "@[<hv0>@[<2>if@ %a@]@ @[<2>then@ %a@]@ @[<2>else@ %a@]@]"
+ o#expr e1 o#under_semi#expr e2 o#under_semi#expr
+ e3
+ | Ast.ExLaz (_, e) -> pp f "@[<2>lazy@ %a@]" o#expr e
+ | Ast.ExLet (_, r, bi, e) ->
+ (match e with
+ | Ast.ExLet (_, _, _, _) ->
+ pp f "@[<0>@[<2>let %a%a in@]@ %a@]"
+ o#rec_flag r o#binding bi o#reset_semi#expr
+ e
+ | _ ->
+ pp f
+ "@[<hv0>@[<2>let %a%a@]@ @[<hv2>in@ %a@]@]"
+ o#rec_flag r o#binding bi o#reset_semi#expr
+ e)
+ | Ast.ExMat (_, e, a) ->
+ pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv0>@[<2>match %a@]@ with@]%a@]"
+ o#expr e o#match_case a
+ | Ast.ExTry (_, e, a) ->
+ pp f "@[<0>@[<hv2>try@ %a@]@ @[<0>with%a@]@]"
+ o#expr e o#match_case a
+ | Ast.ExAsf _ -> pp f "@[<2>assert@ false@]"
+ | Ast.ExAsr (_, e) -> pp f "@[<2>assert@ %a@]" o#expr e
+ | Ast.ExLmd (_, s, me, e) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>let module %a =@ %a@]@ @[<2>in@ %a@]"
+ o#var s o#module_expr me o#expr e
+ | e -> o#dot_expr f e
+ method dot_expr =
+ fun f e ->
+ let () = o#node f e Ast.loc_of_expr
+ in
+ match e with
+ | Ast.ExAcc (_, e,
+ (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, "val"))))) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>!@,%a@]" o#simple_expr e
+ | Ast.ExAcc (_, e1, e2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a.@,%a@]" o#dot_expr e1 o#dot_expr e2
+ | Ast.ExAre (_, e1, e2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a.@,(%a)@]" o#dot_expr e1 o#expr e2
+ | Ast.ExSte (_, e1, e2) ->
+ pp f "%a.@[<1>[@,%a@]@,]" o#dot_expr e1 o#expr e2
+ | Ast.ExSnd (_, e, s) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a#@,%s@]" o#dot_expr e s
+ | e -> o#simple_expr f e
+ method simple_expr =
+ fun f e ->
+ let () = o#node f e Ast.loc_of_expr
+ in
+ match e with
+ | Ast.ExNil _ -> ()
+ | Ast.ExSeq (_, e) -> pp f "@[<hv1>(%a)@]" o#seq e
+ | Ast.ExApp (_,
+ (Ast.ExApp (_,
+ (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "::")))), _)),
+ _) -> o#expr_list_cons true f e
+ | Ast.ExTup (_, e) -> pp f "@[<1>(%a)@]" o#expr e
+ | Ast.ExArr (_, e) ->
+ pp f "@[<0>@[<2>[|@ %a@]@ |]@]" o#under_semi#expr e
+ | Ast.ExCoe (_, e, (Ast.TyNil _), t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>(%a :>@ %a)@]" o#expr e o#ctyp t
+ | Ast.ExCoe (_, e, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>(%a :@ %a :>@ %a)@]" o#expr e o#ctyp t1
+ o#ctyp t2
+ | Ast.ExTyc (_, e, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>(%a :@ %a)@]" o#expr e o#ctyp t
+ | Ast.ExAnt (_, s) -> o#anti f s
+ | Ast.ExFor (_, s, e1, e2, df, e3) ->
+ pp f
+ "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>@[<2>for %a =@ %a@ %a@ %a@ do@]@ %a@]@ done@]"
+ o#var s o#expr e1 o#direction_flag df o#expr e2
+ o#seq e3
+ | Ast.ExInt (_, s) -> pp f "%a" o#intlike s
+ | Ast.ExNativeInt (_, s) -> pp f "%an" o#intlike s
+ | Ast.ExInt64 (_, s) -> pp f "%aL" o#intlike s
+ | Ast.ExInt32 (_, s) -> pp f "%al" o#intlike s
+ | Ast.ExFlo (_, s) -> pp f "%s" s
+ | Ast.ExChr (_, s) -> pp f "'%s'" (ocaml_char s)
+ | Ast.ExId (_, i) -> o#var_ident f i
+ | Ast.ExRec (_, b, (Ast.ExNil _)) ->
+ pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>{@ %a@]@ }@]" o#record_binding
+ b
+ | Ast.ExRec (_, b, e) ->
+ pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>{@ (%a)@ with@ %a@]@ }@]"
+ o#expr e o#record_binding b
+ | Ast.ExStr (_, s) -> pp f "\"%s\"" s
+ | Ast.ExWhi (_, e1, e2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>while@ %a@ do@ %a@ done@]" o#expr e1
+ o#seq e2
+ | Ast.ExLab (_, s, (Ast.ExNil _)) -> pp f "~%s" s
+ | Ast.ExLab (_, s, e) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>~%s:@ %a@]" s o#dot_expr e
+ | Ast.ExOlb (_, s, (Ast.ExNil _)) -> pp f "?%s" s
+ | Ast.ExOlb (_, s, e) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>?%s:@ %a@]" s o#dot_expr e
+ | Ast.ExVrn (_, s) -> pp f "`%a" o#var s
+ | Ast.ExOvr (_, b) ->
+ pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>{<@ %a@]@ >}@]"
+ o#record_binding b
+ | Ast.ExObj (_, (Ast.PaNil _), cst) ->
+ pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>object@ %a@]@ end@]"
+ o#class_str_item cst
+ | Ast.ExObj (_, (Ast.PaTyc (_, p, t)), cst) ->
+ pp f
+ "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>object @[<1>(%a :@ %a)@]@ %a@]@ end@]"
+ o#patt p o#ctyp t o#class_str_item cst
+ | Ast.ExObj (_, p, cst) ->
+ pp f
+ "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>object @[<2>(%a)@]@ %a@]@ end@]"
+ o#patt p o#class_str_item cst
+ | Ast.ExNew (_, i) -> pp f "@[<2>new@ %a@]" o#ident i
+ | Ast.ExCom (_, e1, e2) ->
+ pp f "%a,@ %a" o#simple_expr e1 o#simple_expr e2
+ | Ast.ExSem (_, e1, e2) ->
+ pp f "%a;@ %a" o#under_semi#expr e1 o#expr e2
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, _, _) | Ast.ExAcc (_, _, _) |
+ Ast.ExAre (_, _, _) | Ast.ExSte (_, _, _) |
+ Ast.ExAss (_, _, _) | Ast.ExSnd (_, _, _) |
+ Ast.ExFun (_, _) | Ast.ExMat (_, _, _) |
+ Ast.ExTry (_, _, _) | Ast.ExIfe (_, _, _, _) |
+ Ast.ExLet (_, _, _, _) | Ast.ExLmd (_, _, _, _) |
+ Ast.ExAsr (_, _) | Ast.ExAsf _ | Ast.ExLaz (_, _)
+ -> pp f "(%a)" o#reset#expr e
+ method direction_flag =
+ fun f b ->
+ match b with
+ | Ast.BTrue -> pp_print_string f "to"
+ | Ast.BFalse -> pp_print_string f "downto"
+ | Ast.BAnt s -> o#anti f s
+ method patt =
+ fun f p ->
+ let () = o#node f p Ast.loc_of_patt
+ in
+ match p with
+ | Ast.PaAli (_, p1, p2) ->
+ pp f "@[<1>(%a@ as@ %a)@]" o#patt p1 o#patt p2
+ | Ast.PaEq (_, p1, p2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a =@ %a@]" o#patt p1 o#patt p2
+ | Ast.PaSem (_, p1, p2) ->
+ pp f "%a;@ %a" o#patt p1 o#patt p2
+ | p -> o#patt1 f p
+ method patt1 =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | Ast.PaOrp (_, p1, p2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ |@ %a@]" o#patt1 p1 o#patt2 p2
+ | p -> o#patt2 f p
+ method patt2 = fun f p -> o#patt3 f p
+ method patt3 =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | Ast.PaRng (_, p1, p2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ ..@ %a@]" o#patt3 p1 o#patt4 p2
+ | Ast.PaCom (_, p1, p2) ->
+ pp f "%a,@ %a" o#patt3 p1 o#patt3 p2
+ | p -> o#patt4 f p
+ method patt4 =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | (Ast.PaApp (_,
+ (Ast.PaApp (_,
+ (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "::")))), _)),
+ _)
+ as p) ->
+ let (pl, c) = o#mk_patt_list p
+ in
+ (match c with
+ | None ->
+ pp f "@[<2>[@ %a@]@ ]" (list o#patt ";@ ") pl
+ | Some x ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@]" (list o#patt5 " ::@ ")
+ (pl @ [ x ]))
+ | p -> o#patt5 f p
+ method patt5 =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | (Ast.PaApp (_,
+ (Ast.PaApp (_,
+ (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "::")))), _)),
+ _)
+ as p) -> o#simple_patt f p
+ | Ast.PaApp (_, x, y) ->
+ let (a, al) = get_patt_args x [ y ]
+ in
+ if
+ (not curry_constr) && (Ast.is_patt_constructor a)
+ then
+ (match al with
+ | [ Ast.PaTup (_, _) ] ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ (%a)@]" o#simple_patt x
+ o#patt y
+ | [ _ ] ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ %a@]" o#patt5 x o#simple_patt
+ y
+ | al ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ (%a)@]" o#patt5 a
+ (list o#simple_patt ",@ ") al)
+ else
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@]" (list o#simple_patt "@ ")
+ (a :: al)
+ | p -> o#simple_patt f p
+ method simple_patt =
+ fun f p ->
+ let () = o#node f p Ast.loc_of_patt
+ in
+ match p with
+ | Ast.PaNil _ -> ()
+ | Ast.PaId (_, i) -> o#var_ident f i
+ | Ast.PaAnt (_, s) -> o#anti f s
+ | Ast.PaAny _ -> pp f "_"
+ | Ast.PaTup (_, p) -> pp f "@[<1>(%a)@]" o#patt3 p
+ | Ast.PaRec (_, p) -> pp f "@[<hv2>{@ %a@]@ }" o#patt p
+ | Ast.PaStr (_, s) -> pp f "\"%s\"" s
+ | Ast.PaTyc (_, p, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<1>(%a :@ %a)@]" o#patt p o#ctyp t
+ | Ast.PaNativeInt (_, s) -> pp f "%an" o#intlike s
+ | Ast.PaInt64 (_, s) -> pp f "%aL" o#intlike s
+ | Ast.PaInt32 (_, s) -> pp f "%al" o#intlike s
+ | Ast.PaInt (_, s) -> pp f "%a" o#intlike s
+ | Ast.PaFlo (_, s) -> pp f "%s" s
+ | Ast.PaChr (_, s) -> pp f "'%s'" (ocaml_char s)
+ | Ast.PaLab (_, s, (Ast.PaNil _)) -> pp f "~%s" s
+ | Ast.PaVrn (_, s) -> pp f "`%a" o#var s
+ | Ast.PaTyp (_, i) -> pp f "@[<2>#%a@]" o#ident i
+ | Ast.PaArr (_, p) -> pp f "@[<2>[|@ %a@]@ |]" o#patt p
+ | Ast.PaLab (_, s, p) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>~%s:@ (%a)@]" s o#patt p
+ | Ast.PaOlb (_, s, (Ast.PaNil _)) -> pp f "?%s" s
+ | Ast.PaOlb (_, "", p) -> pp f "@[<2>?(%a)@]" o#patt p
+ | Ast.PaOlb (_, s, p) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>?%s:@,@[<1>(%a)@]@]" s o#patt p
+ | Ast.PaOlbi (_, "", p, e) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>?(%a =@ %a)@]" o#patt p o#expr e
+ | Ast.PaOlbi (_, s, p, e) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>?%s:@,@[<1>(%a =@ %a)@]@]" s o#patt p
+ o#expr e
+ | (Ast.PaApp (_, _, _) | Ast.PaAli (_, _, _) |
+ Ast.PaOrp (_, _, _) | Ast.PaRng (_, _, _) |
+ Ast.PaCom (_, _, _) | Ast.PaSem (_, _, _) |
+ Ast.PaEq (_, _, _)
+ as p) -> pp f "@[<1>(%a)@]" o#patt p
+ method simple_ctyp =
+ fun f t ->
+ let () = o#node f t Ast.loc_of_ctyp
+ in
+ match t with
+ | Ast.TyId (_, i) -> o#ident f i
+ | Ast.TyAnt (_, s) -> o#anti f s
+ | Ast.TyAny _ -> pp f "_"
+ | Ast.TyLab (_, s, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%s:@ %a@]" s o#simple_ctyp t
+ | Ast.TyOlb (_, s, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>?%s:@ %a@]" s o#simple_ctyp t
+ | Ast.TyObj (_, (Ast.TyNil _), Ast.BFalse) ->
+ pp f "< >"
+ | Ast.TyObj (_, (Ast.TyNil _), Ast.BTrue) ->
+ pp f "< .. >"
+ | Ast.TyObj (_, t, Ast.BTrue) ->
+ pp f "@[<0>@[<2><@ %a@ ..@]@ >@]" o#ctyp t
+ | Ast.TyObj (_, t, Ast.BFalse) ->
+ pp f "@[<0>@[<2><@ %a@]@ >@]" o#ctyp t
+ | Ast.TyQuo (_, s) -> pp f "'%a" o#var s
+ | Ast.TyRec (_, t) -> pp f "@[<2>{@ %a@]@ }" o#ctyp t
+ | Ast.TySum (_, t) -> pp f "@[<0>%a@]" o#sum_type t
+ | Ast.TyTup (_, t) -> pp f "@[<1>(%a)@]" o#ctyp t
+ | Ast.TyVrnEq (_, t) -> pp f "@[<2>[@ %a@]@ ]" o#ctyp t
+ | Ast.TyVrnInf (_, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>[<@ %a@]@,]" o#ctyp t
+ | Ast.TyVrnInfSup (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>[<@ %a@ >@ %a@]@ ]" o#ctyp t1 o#ctyp t2
+ | Ast.TyVrnSup (_, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>[>@ %a@]@,]" o#ctyp t
+ | Ast.TyCls (_, i) -> pp f "@[<2>#%a@]" o#ident i
+ | Ast.TyMan (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a =@ %a@]" o#simple_ctyp t1
+ o#simple_ctyp t2
+ | Ast.TyVrn (_, s) -> pp f "`%a" o#var s
+ | Ast.TySta (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "%a *@ %a" o#simple_ctyp t1 o#simple_ctyp t2
+ | t -> pp f "@[<1>(%a)@]" o#ctyp t
+ method ctyp =
+ fun f t ->
+ let () = o#node f t Ast.loc_of_ctyp
+ in
+ match t with
+ | Ast.TyAli (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ as@ %a@]" o#simple_ctyp t1
+ o#simple_ctyp t2
+ | Ast.TyArr (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ ->@ %a@]" o#ctyp1 t1 o#ctyp t2
+ | Ast.TyQuP (_, s) -> pp f "+'%a" o#var s
+ | Ast.TyQuM (_, s) -> pp f "-'%a" o#var s
+ | Ast.TyOr (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "%a@ | %a" o#ctyp t1 o#ctyp t2
+ | Ast.TyCol (_, t1, (Ast.TyMut (_, t2))) ->
+ pp f "@[mutable@ %a :@ %a@]" o#ctyp t1 o#ctyp t2
+ | Ast.TyCol (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a :@ %a@]" o#ctyp t1 o#ctyp t2
+ | Ast.TySem (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "%a;@ %a" o#ctyp t1 o#ctyp t2
+ | Ast.TyOf (_, t, (Ast.TyNil _)) -> o#ctyp f t
+ | Ast.TyOf (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "@[<h>%a@ @[<3>of@ %a@]@]" o#ctyp t1
+ o#constructor_type t2
+ | Ast.TyOfAmp (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "@[<h>%a@ @[<3>of &@ %a@]@]" o#ctyp t1
+ o#constructor_type t2
+ | Ast.TyAnd (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "%a@ and %a" o#ctyp t1 o#ctyp t2
+ | Ast.TyMut (_, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>mutable@ %a@]" o#ctyp t
+ | Ast.TyAmp (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "%a@ &@ %a" o#ctyp t1 o#ctyp t2
+ | Ast.TyDcl (_, tn, tp, te, cl) ->
+ (pp f "@[<2>%a%a@]" o#type_params tp o#var tn;
+ (match te with
+ | Ast.TyQuo (_, s) when
+ not
+ (List.exists
+ (function
+ | Ast.TyQuo (_, s') -> s = s'
+ | _ -> false)
+ tp)
+ -> ()
+ | _ -> pp f " =@ %a" o#ctyp te);
+ if cl <> []
+ then pp f "@ %a" (list o#constrain "@ ") cl
+ else ())
+ | t -> o#ctyp1 f t
+ method ctyp1 =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | Ast.TyApp (_, t1, t2) ->
+ (match get_ctyp_args t1 [ t2 ] with
+ | (_, [ _ ]) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ %a@]" o#simple_ctyp t2
+ o#simple_ctyp t1
+ | (a, al) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>(%a)@ %a@]" (list o#ctyp ",@ ") al
+ o#simple_ctyp a)
+ | Ast.TyPol (_, t1, t2) ->
+ let (a, al) = get_ctyp_args t1 []
+ in
+ pp f "@[<2>%a.@ %a@]" (list o#ctyp "@ ") (a :: al)
+ o#ctyp t2
+ | Ast.TyPrv (_, t) ->
+ pp f "@[private@ %a@]" o#simple_ctyp t
+ | t -> o#simple_ctyp f t
+ method constructor_type =
+ fun f t ->
+ match t with
+ | Ast.TyAnd (loc, t1, t2) ->
+ let () = o#node f t (fun _ -> loc)
+ in
+ pp f "%a@ * %a" o#constructor_type t1
+ o#constructor_type t2
+ | Ast.TyArr (_, _, _) -> pp f "(%a)" o#ctyp t
+ | t -> o#ctyp f t
+ method sig_item =
+ fun f sg ->
+ let () = o#node f sg Ast.loc_of_sig_item
+ in
+ match sg with
+ | Ast.SgNil _ -> ()
+ | Ast.SgSem (_, sg, (Ast.SgNil _)) |
+ Ast.SgSem (_, (Ast.SgNil _), sg) -> o#sig_item f sg
+ | Ast.SgSem (_, sg1, sg2) ->
+ (o#sig_item f sg1; cut f; o#sig_item f sg2)
+ | Ast.SgExc (_, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>exception@ %a%s@]" o#ctyp t semisep
+ | Ast.SgExt (_, s1, t, s2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>external@ %a :@ %a =@ %a%s@]" o#var s1
+ o#ctyp t o#quoted_string s2 semisep
+ | Ast.SgMod (_, s1, (Ast.MtFun (_, s2, mt1, mt2))) ->
+ let rec loop accu =
+ (function
+ | Ast.MtFun (_, s, mt1, mt2) ->
+ loop ((s, mt1) :: accu) mt2
+ | mt -> ((List.rev accu), mt)) in
+ let (al, mt) = loop [ (s2, mt1) ] mt2
+ in
+ pp f "@[<2>module %a@ @[<0>%a@] :@ %a%s@]"
+ o#var s1 o#functor_args al o#module_type mt
+ semisep
+ | Ast.SgMod (_, s, mt) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>module %a :@ %a%s@]" o#var s
+ o#module_type mt semisep
+ | Ast.SgMty (_, s, mt) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>module type %a =@ %a%s@]" o#var s
+ o#module_type mt semisep
+ | Ast.SgOpn (_, sl) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>open@ %a%s@]" o#ident sl semisep
+ | Ast.SgTyp (_, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>type %a@]%s@]" o#ctyp t semisep
+ | Ast.SgVal (_, s, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%s %a :@ %a%s@]" value_val o#var s
+ o#ctyp t semisep
+ | Ast.SgInc (_, mt) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>include@ %a%s@]" o#module_type mt
+ semisep
+ | Ast.SgClt (_, ct) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>class type %a%s@]" o#class_type ct
+ semisep
+ | Ast.SgCls (_, ce) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>class %a%s@]" o#class_type ce semisep
+ | Ast.SgRecMod (_, mb) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>module rec %a%s@]" o#module_rec_binding
+ mb semisep
+ | Ast.SgDir (_, _, _) -> ()
+ | Ast.SgAnt (_, s) -> pp f "%a%s" o#anti s semisep
+ method str_item =
+ fun f st ->
+ let () = o#node f st Ast.loc_of_str_item
+ in
+ match st with
+ | Ast.StNil _ -> ()
+ | Ast.StSem (_, st, (Ast.StNil _)) |
+ Ast.StSem (_, (Ast.StNil _), st) -> o#str_item f st
+ | Ast.StSem (_, st1, st2) ->
+ (o#str_item f st1; cut f; o#str_item f st2)
+ | Ast.StExc (_, t, Ast.ONone) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>exception@ %a%s@]" o#ctyp t semisep
+ | Ast.StExc (_, t, (Ast.OSome sl)) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>exception@ %a =@ %a%s@]" o#ctyp t
+ o#ident sl semisep
+ | Ast.StExt (_, s1, t, s2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>external@ %a :@ %a =@ %a%s@]" o#var s1
+ o#ctyp t o#quoted_string s2 semisep
+ | Ast.StMod (_, s1, (Ast.MeFun (_, s2, mt1, me))) ->
+ (match o#module_expr_get_functor_args [ (s2, mt1) ]
+ me
+ with
+ | (al, me, Some mt2) ->
+ pp f
+ "@[<2>module %a@ @[<0>%a@] :@ %a =@ %a%s@]"
+ o#var s1 o#functor_args al o#module_type mt2
+ o#module_expr me semisep
+ | (al, me, _) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>module %a@ @[<0>%a@] =@ %a%s@]"
+ o#var s1 o#functor_args al o#module_expr me
+ semisep)
+ | Ast.StMod (_, s, (Ast.MeTyc (_, me, mt))) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>module %a :@ %a =@ %a%s@]" o#var s
+ o#module_type mt o#module_expr me semisep
+ | Ast.StMod (_, s, me) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>module %a =@ %a%s@]" o#var s
+ o#module_expr me semisep
+ | Ast.StMty (_, s, mt) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>module type %a =@ %a%s@]" o#var s
+ o#module_type mt semisep
+ | Ast.StOpn (_, sl) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>open@ %a%s@]" o#ident sl semisep
+ | Ast.StTyp (_, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>type %a@]%s@]" o#ctyp t semisep
+ | Ast.StVal (_, r, bi) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%s %a%a%s@]" value_let o#rec_flag r
+ o#binding bi semisep
+ | Ast.StExp (_, e) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>let _ =@ %a%s@]" o#expr e semisep
+ | Ast.StInc (_, me) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>include@ %a%s@]" o#module_expr me
+ semisep
+ | Ast.StClt (_, ct) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>class type %a%s@]" o#class_type ct
+ semisep
+ | Ast.StCls (_, ce) ->
+ pp f "@[<hv2>class %a%s@]" o#class_declaration ce
+ semisep
+ | Ast.StRecMod (_, mb) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>module rec %a%s@]" o#module_rec_binding
+ mb semisep
+ | Ast.StDir (_, _, _) -> ()
+ | Ast.StAnt (_, s) -> pp f "%a%s" o#anti s semisep
+ | Ast.StExc (_, _, (Ast.OAnt _)) -> assert false
+ method module_type =
+ fun f mt ->
+ let () = o#node f mt Ast.loc_of_module_type
+ in
+ match mt with
+ | Ast.MtId (_, i) -> o#ident f i
+ | Ast.MtAnt (_, s) -> o#anti f s
+ | Ast.MtFun (_, s, mt1, mt2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>functor@ @[<1>(%a :@ %a)@]@ ->@ %a@]"
+ o#var s o#module_type mt1 o#module_type mt2
+ | Ast.MtQuo (_, s) -> pp f "'%a" o#var s
+ | Ast.MtSig (_, sg) ->
+ pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>sig@ %a@]@ end@]" o#sig_item sg
+ | Ast.MtWit (_, mt, wc) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ with@ %a@]" o#module_type mt
+ o#with_constraint wc
+ method with_constraint =
+ fun f wc ->
+ let () = o#node f wc Ast.loc_of_with_constr
+ in
+ match wc with
+ | Ast.WcNil _ -> ()
+ | Ast.WcTyp (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>type@ %a =@ %a@]" o#ctyp t1 o#ctyp t2
+ | Ast.WcMod (_, i1, i2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>module@ %a =@ %a@]" o#ident i1 o#ident
+ i2
+ | Ast.WcAnd (_, wc1, wc2) ->
+ (o#with_constraint f wc1;
+ pp f andsep;
+ o#with_constraint f wc2)
+ | Ast.WcAnt (_, s) -> o#anti f s
+ method module_expr =
+ fun f me ->
+ let () = o#node f me Ast.loc_of_module_expr
+ in
+ match me with
+ | Ast.MeId (_, i) -> o#ident f i
+ | Ast.MeAnt (_, s) -> o#anti f s
+ | Ast.MeApp (_, me1, me2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@,(%a)@]" o#module_expr me1
+ o#module_expr me2
+ | Ast.MeFun (_, s, mt, me) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>functor@ @[<1>(%a :@ %a)@]@ ->@ %a@]"
+ o#var s o#module_type mt o#module_expr me
+ | Ast.MeStr (_, st) ->
+ pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>struct@ %a@]@ end@]" o#str_item
+ st
+ | Ast.MeTyc (_, (Ast.MeStr (_, st)),
+ (Ast.MtSig (_, sg))) ->
+ pp f
+ "@[<2>@[<hv2>struct@ %a@]@ end :@ @[<hv2>sig@ %a@]@ end@]"
+ o#str_item st o#sig_item sg
+ | Ast.MeTyc (_, me, mt) ->
+ pp f "@[<1>(%a :@ %a)@]" o#module_expr me
+ o#module_type mt
+ method class_expr =
+ fun f ce ->
+ let () = o#node f ce Ast.loc_of_class_expr
+ in
+ match ce with
+ | Ast.CeApp (_, ce, e) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ %a@]" o#class_expr ce o#expr e
+ | Ast.CeCon (_, Ast.BFalse, i, (Ast.TyNil _)) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@]" o#ident i
+ | Ast.CeCon (_, Ast.BFalse, i, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>@[<1>[%a]@]@ %a@]" o#class_params t
+ o#ident i
+ | Ast.CeCon (_, Ast.BTrue, i, (Ast.TyNil _)) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>virtual@ %a@]" o#ident i
+ | Ast.CeCon (_, Ast.BTrue, i, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>virtual@ @[<1>[%a]@]@ %a@]"
+ o#class_params t o#ident i
+ | Ast.CeFun (_, p, ce) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>fun@ %a@ ->@ %a@]" o#patt p o#class_expr
+ ce
+ | Ast.CeLet (_, r, bi, ce) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>let %a%a@]@ @[<2>in@ %a@]" o#rec_flag r
+ o#binding bi o#class_expr ce
+ | Ast.CeStr (_, (Ast.PaNil _), cst) ->
+ pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>object %a@]@ end@]"
+ o#class_str_item cst
+ | Ast.CeStr (_, p, cst) ->
+ pp f
+ "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>object @[<1>(%a)@]@ %a@]@ end@]"
+ o#patt p o#class_str_item cst
+ | Ast.CeTyc (_, ce, ct) ->
+ pp f "@[<1>(%a :@ %a)@]" o#class_expr ce
+ o#class_type ct
+ | Ast.CeAnt (_, s) -> o#anti f s
+ | Ast.CeAnd (_, ce1, ce2) ->
+ (o#class_expr f ce1;
+ pp f andsep;
+ o#class_expr f ce2)
+ | Ast.CeEq (_, ce1, (Ast.CeFun (_, p, ce2))) when
+ is_irrefut_patt p ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ %a" o#class_expr ce1
+ o#patt_class_expr_fun_args (p, ce2)
+ | Ast.CeEq (_, ce1, ce2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a =@]@ %a" o#class_expr ce1
+ o#class_expr ce2
+ | _ -> assert false
+ method class_type =
+ fun f ct ->
+ let () = o#node f ct Ast.loc_of_class_type
+ in
+ match ct with
+ | Ast.CtCon (_, Ast.BFalse, i, (Ast.TyNil _)) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@]" o#ident i
+ | Ast.CtCon (_, Ast.BFalse, i, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>[@,%a@]@,]@ %a" o#class_params t
+ o#ident i
+ | Ast.CtCon (_, Ast.BTrue, i, (Ast.TyNil _)) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>virtual@ %a@]" o#ident i
+ | Ast.CtCon (_, Ast.BTrue, i, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>virtual@ [@,%a@]@,]@ %a" o#class_params
+ t o#ident i
+ | Ast.CtFun (_, t, ct) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ ->@ %a@]" o#simple_ctyp t
+ o#class_type ct
+ | Ast.CtSig (_, (Ast.TyNil _), csg) ->
+ pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>object@ %a@]@ end@]"
+ o#class_sig_item csg
+ | Ast.CtSig (_, t, csg) ->
+ pp f
+ "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>object @[<1>(%a)@]@ %a@]@ end@]"
+ o#ctyp t o#class_sig_item csg
+ | Ast.CtAnt (_, s) -> o#anti f s
+ | Ast.CtAnd (_, ct1, ct2) ->
+ (o#class_type f ct1;
+ pp f andsep;
+ o#class_type f ct2)
+ | Ast.CtCol (_, ct1, ct2) ->
+ pp f "%a :@ %a" o#class_type ct1 o#class_type ct2
+ | Ast.CtEq (_, ct1, ct2) ->
+ pp f "%a =@ %a" o#class_type ct1 o#class_type ct2
+ | _ -> assert false
+ method class_sig_item =
+ fun f csg ->
+ let () = o#node f csg Ast.loc_of_class_sig_item
+ in
+ match csg with
+ | Ast.CgNil _ -> ()
+ | Ast.CgSem (_, csg, (Ast.CgNil _)) |
+ Ast.CgSem (_, (Ast.CgNil _), csg) ->
+ o#class_sig_item f csg
+ | Ast.CgSem (_, csg1, csg2) ->
+ (o#class_sig_item f csg1;
+ cut f;
+ o#class_sig_item f csg2)
+ | Ast.CgCtr (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>type@ %a =@ %a%s@]" o#ctyp t1 o#ctyp t2
+ semisep
+ | Ast.CgInh (_, ct) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>inherit@ %a%s@]" o#class_type ct semisep
+ | Ast.CgMth (_, s, pr, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>method %a%a :@ %a%s@]" o#private_flag pr
+ o#var s o#ctyp t semisep
+ | Ast.CgVir (_, s, pr, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>method virtual %a%a :@ %a%s@]"
+ o#private_flag pr o#var s o#ctyp t semisep
+ | Ast.CgVal (_, s, mu, vi, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%s %a%a%a :@ %a%s@]" value_val
+ o#mutable_flag mu o#virtual_flag vi o#var s
+ o#ctyp t semisep
+ | Ast.CgAnt (_, s) -> pp f "%a%s" o#anti s semisep
+ method class_str_item =
+ fun f cst ->
+ let () = o#node f cst Ast.loc_of_class_str_item
+ in
+ match cst with
+ | Ast.CrNil _ -> ()
+ | Ast.CrSem (_, cst, (Ast.CrNil _)) |
+ Ast.CrSem (_, (Ast.CrNil _), cst) ->
+ o#class_str_item f cst
+ | Ast.CrSem (_, cst1, cst2) ->
+ (o#class_str_item f cst1;
+ cut f;
+ o#class_str_item f cst2)
+ | Ast.CrCtr (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>type %a =@ %a%s@]" o#ctyp t1 o#ctyp t2
+ semisep
+ | Ast.CrInh (_, ce, "") ->
+ pp f "@[<2>inherit@ %a%s@]" o#class_expr ce semisep
+ | Ast.CrInh (_, ce, s) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>inherit@ %a as@ %a%s@]" o#class_expr ce
+ o#var s semisep
+ | Ast.CrIni (_, e) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>initializer@ %a%s@]" o#expr e semisep
+ | Ast.CrMth (_, s, pr, e, (Ast.TyNil _)) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>method %a%a =@ %a%s@]" o#private_flag pr
+ o#var s o#expr e semisep
+ | Ast.CrMth (_, s, pr, e, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>method %a%a :@ %a =@ %a%s@]"
+ o#private_flag pr o#var s o#ctyp t o#expr e
+ semisep
+ | Ast.CrVir (_, s, pr, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>method virtual@ %a%a :@ %a%s@]"
+ o#private_flag pr o#var s o#ctyp t semisep
+ | Ast.CrVvr (_, s, mu, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%s virtual %a%a :@ %a%s@]" value_val
+ o#mutable_flag mu o#var s o#ctyp t semisep
+ | Ast.CrVal (_, s, mu, e) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%s %a%a =@ %a%s@]" value_val
+ o#mutable_flag mu o#var s o#expr e semisep
+ | Ast.CrAnt (_, s) -> pp f "%a%s" o#anti s semisep
+ method implem =
+ fun f st ->
+ match st with
+ | Ast.StExp (_, e) ->
+ pp f "@[<0>%a%s@]@." o#expr e semisep
+ | st -> pp f "@[<v0>%a@]@." o#str_item st
+ method interf = fun f sg -> pp f "@[<v0>%a@]@." o#sig_item sg
+ end
+ let with_outfile output_file fct arg =
+ let call close f =
+ ((try fct f arg with | exn -> (close (); raise exn));
+ close ())
+ in
+ match output_file with
+ | None -> call (fun () -> ()) std_formatter
+ | Some s ->
+ let oc = open_out s in
+ let f = formatter_of_out_channel oc
+ in call (fun () -> close_out oc) f
+ let print output_file fct =
+ let o = new printer () in with_outfile output_file (fct o)
+ let print_interf ?input_file:(_) ?output_file sg =
+ print output_file (fun o -> o#interf) sg
+ let print_implem ?input_file:(_) ?output_file st =
+ print output_file (fun o -> o#implem) st
+ end
+ module MakeMore (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) :
+ Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syntax.Ast =
+ struct
+ include Make(Syntax)
+ let semisep = ref false
+ let margin = ref 78
+ let comments = ref true
+ let locations = ref false
+ let curry_constr = ref false
+ let print output_file fct =
+ let o =
+ new printer ~comments: !comments ~curry_constr: !curry_constr
+ () in
+ let o =
+ if !semisep then o#set_semisep ";;" else o#set_semisep "" in
+ let o = if !locations then o#set_loc_and_comments else o
+ in
+ with_outfile output_file
+ (fun f ->
+ let () = Format.pp_set_margin f !margin
+ in Format.fprintf f "@[<v0>%a@]@." (fct o))
+ let print_interf ?input_file:(_) ?output_file sg =
+ print output_file (fun o -> o#interf) sg
+ let print_implem ?input_file:(_) ?output_file st =
+ print output_file (fun o -> o#implem) st
+ let _ =
+ Options.add "-l" (Arg.Int (fun i -> margin := i))
+ "<length> line length for pretty printing."
+ let _ =
+ Options.add "-ss" (Arg.Set semisep) "Print double semicolons."
+ let _ =
+ Options.add "-curry-constr" (Arg.Set curry_constr)
+ "Use currified constructors."
+ let _ =
+ Options.add "-no_ss" (Arg.Clear semisep)
+ "Do not print double semicolons (default)."
+ let _ =
+ Options.add "-no_comments" (Arg.Clear comments)
+ "Do not add comments."
+ let _ =
+ Options.add "-add_locations" (Arg.Set locations)
+ "Add locations as comment."
+ end
+ end
+ module OCamlr :
+ sig
+ module Id : Sig.Id
+ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) :
+ sig
+ open Format
+ include Sig.Camlp4Syntax with module Loc = Syntax.Loc
+ and module Warning = Syntax.Warning
+ and module Token = Syntax.Token and module Ast = Syntax.Ast
+ and module Gram = Syntax.Gram
+ class printer :
+ ?curry_constr: bool ->
+ ?comments: bool ->
+ unit -> object ('a) inherit OCaml.Make(Syntax).printer end
+ val with_outfile :
+ string option -> (formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
+ val print :
+ string option ->
+ (printer -> formatter -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit
+ val print_interf :
+ ?input_file: string ->
+ ?output_file: string -> Ast.sig_item -> unit
+ val print_implem :
+ ?input_file: string ->
+ ?output_file: string -> Ast.str_item -> unit
+ end
+ module MakeMore (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) :
+ Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syntax.Ast
+ end =
+ struct
+ open Format
+ module Id =
+ struct
+ let name = "Camlp4.Printers.OCamlr"
+ let version =
+ "$Id:,v 1.16 2006/10/10 22:32:43 ertai Exp $"
+ end
+ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) =
+ struct
+ include Syntax
+ open Sig
+ module PP_o = OCaml.Make(Syntax)
+ open PP_o
+ let pp = fprintf
+ class printer ?curry_constr:(init_curry_constr = true)
+ ?(comments = true) () =
+ object (o)
+ inherit
+ PP_o.printer ~curry_constr: init_curry_constr ~comments () as
+ super
+ val semisep = ";"
+ val andsep =
+ ("@]@ @[<2>and@ " : (unit, formatter, unit) format)
+ val value_val = "value"
+ val value_let = "value"
+ val mode = if comments then `comments else `no_comments
+ val curry_constr = init_curry_constr
+ val first_match_case = true
+ method under_pipe = o
+ method under_semi = o
+ method reset_semi = o
+ method reset = o
+ method private unset_first_match_case =
+ {< first_match_case = false; >}
+ method private set_first_match_case =
+ {< first_match_case = true; >}
+ method seq =
+ fun f e ->
+ let rec self right f e =
+ let go_right = self right
+ and go_left = self false
+ in
+ match e with
+ | Ast.ExLet (_, r, bi, e1) ->
+ if right
+ then
+ pp f "@[<2>let %a%a@];@ %a" o#rec_flag r
+ o#binding bi go_right e1
+ else pp f "(%a)" o#expr e
+ | Ast.ExSeq (_, e) -> go_right f e
+ | Ast.ExSem (_, e1, e2) ->
+ (pp f "%a;@ " go_left e1;
+ (match (right, e2) with
+ | (true, Ast.ExLet (_, r, bi, e3)) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>let %a%a@];@ %a" o#rec_flag r
+ o#binding bi go_right e3
+ | _ -> go_right f e2))
+ | e -> o#expr f e
+ in self true f e
+ method var =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | "" -> pp f "$lid:\"\"$"
+ | "[]" -> pp f "[]"
+ | "()" -> pp f "()"
+ | " True" -> pp f "True"
+ | " False" -> pp f "False"
+ | v ->
+ (match lex_string v with
+ is_keyword s -> pp f "\\%s" s
+ | SYMBOL s -> pp f "\\%s" s
+ pp_print_string f s
+ | tok ->
+ failwith
+ (sprintf "Bad token used as an identifier: %s"
+ (Token.to_string tok)))
+ method type_params =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | [] -> ()
+ | [ x ] -> pp f "@ %a" o#ctyp x
+ | l -> pp f "@ @[<1>%a@]" (list o#ctyp "@ ") l
+ method match_case =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | Ast.McNil _ -> pp f "@ []"
+ | m ->
+ pp f "@ [ %a ]" o#set_first_match_case#match_case_aux
+ m
+ method match_case_aux =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | Ast.McNil _ -> ()
+ | Ast.McAnt (_, s) -> o#anti f s
+ | Ast.McOr (_, a1, a2) ->
+ pp f "%a%a" o#match_case_aux a1
+ o#unset_first_match_case#match_case_aux a2
+ | Ast.McArr (_, p, (Ast.ExNil _), e) ->
+ let () = if first_match_case then () else pp f "@ | "
+ in
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ ->@ %a@]" o#patt p o#under_pipe#expr
+ e
+ | Ast.McArr (_, p, w, e) ->
+ let () = if first_match_case then () else pp f "@ | "
+ in
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ when@ %a@ ->@ %a@]" o#patt p
+ o#under_pipe#expr w o#under_pipe#expr e
+ method sum_type = fun f t -> pp f "@[<hv0>[ %a ]@]" o#ctyp t
+ method ident =
+ fun f i ->
+ let () = o#node f i Ast.loc_of_ident
+ in
+ match i with
+ | Ast.IdApp (_, i1, i2) ->
+ pp f "%a@ %a" o#dot_ident i1 o#dot_ident i2
+ | i -> o#dot_ident f i
+ method private dot_ident =
+ fun f i ->
+ let () = o#node f i Ast.loc_of_ident
+ in
+ match i with
+ | Ast.IdAcc (_, i1, i2) ->
+ pp f "%a.@,%a" o#dot_ident i1 o#dot_ident i2
+ | Ast.IdAnt (_, s) -> o#anti f s
+ | Ast.IdLid (_, s) | Ast.IdUid (_, s) -> o#var f s
+ | i -> pp f "(%a)" o#ident i
+ method patt4 =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | (Ast.PaApp (_,
+ (Ast.PaApp (_,
+ (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "::")))), _)),
+ _)
+ as p) ->
+ let (pl, c) = o#mk_patt_list p
+ in
+ (match c with
+ | None ->
+ pp f "@[<2>[@ %a@]@ ]" (list o#patt ";@ ") pl
+ | Some x ->
+ pp f "@[<2>[ %a ::@ %a ]@]"
+ (list o#patt ";@ ") pl o#patt x)
+ | p -> super#patt4 f p
+ method expr_list_cons =
+ fun _ f e ->
+ let (el, c) = o#mk_expr_list e
+ in
+ match c with
+ | None -> o#expr_list f el
+ | Some x ->
+ pp f "@[<2>[ %a ::@ %a ]@]" (list o#expr ";@ ") el
+ o#expr x
+ method expr =
+ fun f e ->
+ let () = o#node f e Ast.loc_of_expr
+ in
+ match e with
+ | Ast.ExAss (_, e1, e2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ :=@ %a@]" o#expr e1 o#expr e2
+ | Ast.ExFun (_, (Ast.McArr (_, p, (Ast.ExNil _), e)))
+ when Ast.is_irrefut_patt p ->
+ pp f "@[<2>fun@ %a@]" o#patt_expr_fun_args (p, e)
+ | Ast.ExFun (_, a) ->
+ pp f "@[<hv0>fun%a@]" o#match_case a
+ | Ast.ExAsf _ -> pp f "@[<2>assert@ False@]"
+ | e -> super#expr f e
+ method dot_expr =
+ fun f e ->
+ let () = o#node f e Ast.loc_of_expr
+ in
+ match e with
+ | Ast.ExAcc (_, e,
+ (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, "val"))))) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a.@,val@]" o#simple_expr e
+ | e -> super#dot_expr f e
+ method simple_expr =
+ fun f e ->
+ let () = o#node f e Ast.loc_of_expr
+ in
+ match e with
+ | Ast.ExFor (_, s, e1, e2, Ast.BTrue, e3) ->
+ pp f
+ "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>@[<2>for %a@ =@ %a@ to@ %a@ do {@]@ %a@]@ }@]"
+ o#var s o#expr e1 o#expr e2 o#seq e3
+ | Ast.ExFor (_, s, e1, e2, Ast.BFalse, e3) ->
+ pp f
+ "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>@[<2>for %a@ =@ %a@ downto@ %a@ do {@]@ %a@]@ }@]"
+ o#var s o#expr e1 o#expr e2 o#seq e3
+ | Ast.ExWhi (_, e1, e2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>while@ %a@ do {@ %a@ }@]" o#expr e1
+ o#seq e2
+ | Ast.ExSeq (_, e) ->
+ pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>do {@ %a@]@ }@]" o#seq e
+ | e -> super#simple_expr f e
+ method ctyp =
+ fun f t ->
+ let () = o#node f t Ast.loc_of_ctyp
+ in
+ match t with
+ | Ast.TyDcl (_, tn, tp, te, cl) ->
+ (pp f "@[<2>%a%a@]" o#var tn o#type_params tp;
+ (match te with
+ | Ast.TyQuo (_, s) when
+ not
+ (List.exists
+ (function
+ | Ast.TyQuo (_, s') -> s = s'
+ | _ -> false)
+ tp)
+ -> ()
+ | _ -> pp f " =@ %a" o#ctyp te);
+ if cl <> []
+ then pp f "@ %a" (list o#constrain "@ ") cl
+ else ())
+ | Ast.TyCol (_, t1, (Ast.TyMut (_, t2))) ->
+ pp f "@[%a :@ mutable %a@]" o#ctyp t1 o#ctyp t2
+ | t -> super#ctyp f t
+ method simple_ctyp =
+ fun f t ->
+ let () = o#node f t Ast.loc_of_ctyp
+ in
+ match t with
+ | Ast.TyVrnEq (_, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>[ =@ %a@]@ ]" o#ctyp t
+ | Ast.TyVrnInf (_, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>[ <@ %a@]@,]" o#ctyp t
+ | Ast.TyVrnInfSup (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>[ <@ %a@ >@ %a@]@ ]" o#ctyp t1 o#ctyp t2
+ | Ast.TyVrnSup (_, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>[ >@ %a@]@,]" o#ctyp t
+ | Ast.TyMan (_, t1, t2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ ==@ %a@]" o#simple_ctyp t1
+ o#simple_ctyp t2
+ | Ast.TyLab (_, s, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>~%s:@ %a@]" s o#simple_ctyp t
+ | t -> super#simple_ctyp f t
+ method ctyp1 =
+ fun f ->
+ function
+ | Ast.TyApp (_, t1, t2) ->
+ (match get_ctyp_args t1 [ t2 ] with
+ | (_, [ _ ]) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ %a@]" o#simple_ctyp t1
+ o#simple_ctyp t2
+ | (a, al) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@]" (list o#simple_ctyp "@ ")
+ (a :: al))
+ | Ast.TyPol (_, t1, t2) ->
+ let (a, al) = get_ctyp_args t1 []
+ in
+ pp f "@[<2>! %a.@ %a@]" (list o#ctyp "@ ")
+ (a :: al) o#ctyp t2
+ | t -> super#ctyp1 f t
+ method constructor_type =
+ fun f t ->
+ match t with
+ | Ast.TyAnd (loc, t1, t2) ->
+ let () = o#node f t (fun _ -> loc)
+ in
+ pp f "%a@ and %a" o#constructor_type t1
+ o#constructor_type t2
+ | t -> o#ctyp f t
+ method str_item =
+ fun f st ->
+ match st with
+ | Ast.StExp (_, e) -> pp f "@[<2>%a%s@]" o#expr e semisep
+ | st -> super#str_item f st
+ method module_expr =
+ fun f me ->
+ let () = o#node f me Ast.loc_of_module_expr
+ in
+ match me with
+ | Ast.MeApp (_, me1, me2) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@,(%a)@]" o#module_expr me1
+ o#module_expr me2
+ | me -> super#module_expr f me
+ method implem = fun f st -> pp f "@[<v0>%a@]@." o#str_item st
+ method class_type =
+ fun f ct ->
+ let () = o#node f ct Ast.loc_of_class_type
+ in
+ match ct with
+ | Ast.CtFun (_, t, ct) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>[ %a ] ->@ %a@]" o#simple_ctyp t
+ o#class_type ct
+ | Ast.CtCon (_, Ast.BFalse, i, (Ast.TyNil _)) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@]" o#ident i
+ | Ast.CtCon (_, Ast.BFalse, i, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a [@,%a@]@,]" o#ident i o#class_params
+ t
+ | Ast.CtCon (_, Ast.BTrue, i, (Ast.TyNil _)) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>virtual@ %a@]" o#ident i
+ | Ast.CtCon (_, Ast.BTrue, i, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>virtual@ %a@ [@,%a@]@,]" o#ident i
+ o#class_params t
+ | ct -> super#class_type f ct
+ method class_expr =
+ fun f ce ->
+ let () = o#node f ce Ast.loc_of_class_expr
+ in
+ match ce with
+ | Ast.CeCon (_, Ast.BFalse, i, (Ast.TyNil _)) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@]" o#ident i
+ | Ast.CeCon (_, Ast.BFalse, i, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ @[<1>[%a]@]@]" o#ident i
+ o#class_params t
+ | Ast.CeCon (_, Ast.BTrue, i, (Ast.TyNil _)) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>virtual@ %a@]" o#ident i
+ | Ast.CeCon (_, Ast.BTrue, i, t) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>virtual@ %a@ @[<1>[%a]@]@]" o#ident i
+ o#ctyp t
+ | ce -> super#class_expr f ce
+ end
+ let with_outfile = with_outfile
+ let print = print
+ let print_interf = print_interf
+ let print_implem = print_implem
+ end
+ module MakeMore (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) :
+ Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syntax.Ast =
+ struct
+ include Make(Syntax)
+ let margin = ref 78
+ let comments = ref true
+ let locations = ref false
+ let curry_constr = ref true
+ let print output_file fct =
+ let o =
+ new printer ~comments: !comments ~curry_constr: !curry_constr
+ () in
+ let o = if !locations then o#set_loc_and_comments else o
+ in
+ with_outfile output_file
+ (fun f ->
+ let () = Format.pp_set_margin f !margin
+ in Format.fprintf f "@[<v0>%a@]@." (fct o))
+ let print_interf ?input_file:(_) ?output_file sg =
+ print output_file (fun o -> o#interf) sg
+ let print_implem ?input_file:(_) ?output_file st =
+ print output_file (fun o -> o#implem) st
+ let _ =
+ Options.add "-l" (Arg.Int (fun i -> margin := i))
+ "<length> line length for pretty printing."
+ let _ =
+ Options.add "-no_comments" (Arg.Clear comments)
+ "Do not add comments."
+ let _ =
+ Options.add "-add_locations" (Arg.Set locations)
+ "Add locations as comment."
+ end
+ end
+ end
+module OCamlInitSyntax =
+ struct
+ module Make
+ (Warning : Sig.Warning)
+ (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast with module Loc = Warning.Loc)
+ (Gram :
+ Sig.Grammar.Static with module Loc = Warning.Loc with
+ type Token.t = Sig.camlp4_token)
+ (Quotation : Sig.Quotation with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst(Ast)) :
+ Sig.Camlp4Syntax with module Loc = Ast.Loc and module Ast = Ast
+ and module Token = Gram.Token and module Gram = Gram
+ and module AntiquotSyntax.Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst(Ast)
+ and module Quotation = Quotation =
+ struct
+ module Warning = Warning
+ module Loc = Ast.Loc
+ module Ast = Ast
+ module Gram = Gram
+ module Token = Gram.Token
+ open Sig
+ let a_CHAR = "a_CHAR"
+ let a_FLOAT = "a_FLOAT"
+ let a_INT = "a_INT"
+ let a_INT32 = "a_INT32"
+ let a_INT64 = "a_INT64"
+ let a_LABEL = "a_LABEL"
+ let a_LIDENT = "a_LIDENT"
+ let a_LIDENT_or_operator = "a_LIDENT_or_operator"
+ let a_STRING = "a_STRING"
+ let a_UIDENT = "a_UIDENT"
+ let a_ident = "a_ident"
+ let amp_ctyp = "amp_ctyp"
+ let and_ctyp = "and_ctyp"
+ let match_case = "match_case"
+ let match_case0 = "match_case0"
+ let binding = "binding"
+ let class_declaration = "class_declaration"
+ let class_description = "class_description"
+ let class_expr = "class_expr"
+ let class_fun_binding = "class_fun_binding"
+ let class_fun_def = "class_fun_def"
+ let class_info_for_class_expr =
+ "class_info_for_class_expr"
+ let class_info_for_class_type =
+ "class_info_for_class_type"
+ let class_longident = "class_longident"
+ let class_longident_and_param =
+ "class_longident_and_param"
+ let class_name_and_param = "class_name_and_param"
+ let class_sig_item = "class_sig_item"
+ let class_signature = "class_signature"
+ let class_str_item = "class_str_item"
+ let class_structure = "class_structure"
+ let class_type = "class_type"
+ let class_type_declaration = "class_type_declaration"
+ let class_type_longident = "class_type_longident"
+ let class_type_longident_and_param =
+ "class_type_longident_and_param"
+ let class_type_plus = "class_type_plus"
+ let comma_ctyp = "comma_ctyp"
+ let comma_expr = "comma_expr"
+ let comma_ipatt = "comma_ipatt"
+ let comma_patt = "comma_patt"
+ let comma_type_parameter = "comma_type_parameter"
+ let constrain = "constrain"
+ let constructor_arg_list = "constructor_arg_list"
+ let constructor_declaration = "constructor_declaration"
+ let constructor_declarations =
+ "constructor_declarations"
+ let ctyp = "ctyp"
+ let cvalue_binding = "cvalue_binding"
+ let direction_flag = "direction_flag"
+ let dummy = "dummy"
+ let entry_eoi = "entry_eoi"
+ let eq_expr = "eq_expr"
+ let expr = "expr"
+ let expr_eoi = "expr_eoi"
+ let field = "field"
+ let field_expr = "field_expr"
+ let fun_binding = "fun_binding"
+ let fun_def = "fun_def"
+ let ident = "ident"
+ let implem = "implem"
+ let interf = "interf"
+ let ipatt = "ipatt"
+ let ipatt_tcon = "ipatt_tcon"
+ let label = "label"
+ let label_declaration = "label_declaration"
+ let label_expr = "label_expr"
+ let label_ipatt = "label_ipatt"
+ let label_longident = "label_longident"
+ let label_patt = "label_patt"
+ let labeled_ipatt = "labeled_ipatt"
+ let let_binding = "let_binding"
+ let meth_list = "meth_list"
+ let module_binding = "module_binding"
+ let module_binding0 = "module_binding0"
+ let module_declaration = "module_declaration"
+ let module_expr = "module_expr"
+ let module_longident = "module_longident"
+ let module_longident_with_app =
+ "module_longident_with_app"
+ let module_rec_declaration = "module_rec_declaration"
+ let module_type = "module_type"
+ let more_ctyp = "more_ctyp"
+ let name_tags = "name_tags"
+ let opt_as_lident = "opt_as_lident"
+ let opt_class_self_patt = "opt_class_self_patt"
+ let opt_class_self_type = "opt_class_self_type"
+ let opt_class_signature = "opt_class_signature"
+ let opt_class_structure = "opt_class_structure"
+ let opt_comma_ctyp = "opt_comma_ctyp"
+ let opt_dot_dot = "opt_dot_dot"
+ let opt_eq_ctyp = "opt_eq_ctyp"
+ let opt_expr = "opt_expr"
+ let opt_meth_list = "opt_meth_list"
+ let opt_mutable = "opt_mutable"
+ let opt_polyt = "opt_polyt"
+ let opt_private = "opt_private"
+ let opt_rec = "opt_rec"
+ let opt_sig_items = "opt_sig_items"
+ let opt_str_items = "opt_str_items"
+ let opt_virtual = "opt_virtual"
+ let opt_when_expr = "opt_when_expr"
+ let patt = "patt"
+ let patt_as_patt_opt = "patt_as_patt_opt"
+ let patt_eoi = "patt_eoi"
+ let patt_tcon = "patt_tcon"
+ let phrase = "phrase"
+ let pipe_ctyp = "pipe_ctyp"
+ let poly_type = "poly_type"
+ let row_field = "row_field"
+ let sem_ctyp = "sem_ctyp"
+ let sem_expr = "sem_expr"
+ let sem_expr_for_list = "sem_expr_for_list"
+ let sem_patt = "sem_patt"
+ let sem_patt_for_list = "sem_patt_for_list"
+ let semi = "semi"
+ let sequence = "sequence"
+ let sig_item = "sig_item"
+ let sig_items = "sig_items"
+ let star_ctyp = "star_ctyp"
+ let str_item = "str_item"
+ let str_items = "str_items"
+ let top_phrase = "top_phrase"
+ let type_constraint = "type_constraint"
+ let type_declaration = "type_declaration"
+ let type_ident_and_parameters =
+ "type_ident_and_parameters"
+ let type_kind = "type_kind"
+ let type_longident = "type_longident"
+ let type_longident_and_parameters =
+ "type_longident_and_parameters"
+ let type_parameter = "type_parameter"
+ let type_parameters = "type_parameters"
+ let typevars = "typevars"
+ let use_file = "use_file"
+ let val_longident = "val_longident"
+ let value_let = "value_let"
+ let value_val = "value_val"
+ let with_constr = "with_constr"
+ let expr_quot = "quotation of expression"
+ let patt_quot = "quotation of pattern"
+ let ctyp_quot = "quotation of type"
+ let str_item_quot = "quotation of structure item"
+ let sig_item_quot = "quotation of signature item"
+ let class_str_item_quot =
+ "quotation of class structure item"
+ let class_sig_item_quot =
+ "quotation of class signature item"
+ let module_expr_quot = "quotation of module expression"
+ let module_type_quot = "quotation of module type"
+ let class_type_quot = "quotation of class type"
+ let class_expr_quot = "quotation of class expression"
+ let with_constr_quot = "quotation of with constraint"
+ let binding_quot = "quotation of binding"
+ let match_case_quot =
+ "quotation of match_case (try/match/function case)"
+ let module_binding_quot =
+ "quotation of module rec binding"
+ let ident_quot = "quotation of identifier"
+ let _ =
+ Gram.extend (top_phrase : 'top_phrase Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | EOI -> true | _ -> false), "EOI")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | EOI -> (None : 'top_phrase)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ())
+ module AntiquotSyntax =
+ struct
+ module Loc = Ast.Loc
+ module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst(Ast)
+ module Gram = Gram
+ let antiquot_expr = "antiquot_expr"
+ let antiquot_patt = "antiquot_patt"
+ let _ =
+ (Gram.extend (antiquot_expr : 'antiquot_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | EOI -> true | _ -> false),
+ "EOI")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (x : 'expr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | EOI -> (x : 'antiquot_expr)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (antiquot_patt : 'antiquot_patt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | EOI -> true | _ -> false),
+ "EOI")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (x : 'patt)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | EOI -> (x : 'antiquot_patt)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ()))
+ let parse_expr loc str = Gram.parse_string antiquot_expr loc str
+ let parse_patt loc str = Gram.parse_string antiquot_patt loc str
+ end
+ module Quotation = Quotation
+ module Parser =
+ struct
+ module Ast = Ast
+ let wrap directive_handler pa init_loc cs =
+ let rec loop loc =
+ let (pl, stopped_at_directive) = pa loc cs
+ in
+ match stopped_at_directive with
+ | Some new_loc ->
+ let pl =
+ (match List.rev pl with
+ | [] -> assert false
+ | x :: xs ->
+ (match directive_handler x with
+ | None -> xs
+ | Some x -> x :: xs))
+ in (List.rev pl) @ (loop new_loc)
+ | None -> pl
+ in loop init_loc
+ let parse_implem ?(directive_handler = fun _ -> None) _loc cs =
+ let l = wrap directive_handler (Gram.parse implem) _loc cs
+ in Ast.stSem_of_list l
+ let parse_interf ?(directive_handler = fun _ -> None) _loc cs =
+ let l = wrap directive_handler (Gram.parse interf) _loc cs
+ in Ast.sgSem_of_list l
+ end
+ module Printer = Struct.EmptyPrinter.Make(Ast)
+ end
+ end
+module PreCast :
+ sig
+ type camlp4_token =
+ Sig.camlp4_token =
+ | KEYWORD of string | SYMBOL of string | LIDENT of string
+ | UIDENT of string | ESCAPED_IDENT of string | INT of int * string
+ | INT32 of int32 * string | INT64 of int64 * string
+ | NATIVEINT of nativeint * string | FLOAT of float * string
+ | CHAR of char * string | STRING of string * string | LABEL of string
+ | OPTLABEL of string | QUOTATION of Sig.quotation
+ | ANTIQUOT of string * string | COMMENT of string | BLANKS of string
+ | NEWLINE | LINE_DIRECTIVE of int * string option | EOI
+ module Id : Sig.Id
+ module Loc : Sig.Loc
+ module Warning : Sig.Warning with module Loc = Loc
+ module Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast with module Loc = Loc
+ module Token : Sig.Token with module Loc = Loc and type t = camlp4_token
+ module Lexer : Sig.Lexer with module Loc = Loc and module Token = Token
+ module Gram : Sig.Grammar.Static with module Loc = Loc
+ and module Token = Token
+ module Quotation :
+ Sig.Quotation with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst(Ast)
+ module DynLoader : Sig.DynLoader
+ module AstFilters : Sig.AstFilters with module Ast = Ast
+ module Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax with module Loc = Loc
+ and module Warning = Warning and module Token = Token
+ and module Ast = Ast and module Gram = Gram
+ and module Quotation = Quotation
+ module Printers :
+ sig
+ module OCaml : Sig.Printer with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst(Ast)
+ module OCamlr : Sig.Printer with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst(Ast)
+ module DumpOCamlAst :
+ Sig.Printer with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst(Ast)
+ module DumpCamlp4Ast :
+ Sig.Printer with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst(Ast)
+ module Null : Sig.Printer with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst(Ast)
+ end
+ module MakeGram (Lexer : Sig.Lexer with module Loc = Loc) :
+ Sig.Grammar.Static with module Loc = Loc and module Token = Lexer.Token
+ end =
+ struct
+ module Id =
+ struct
+ let name = "Camlp4.PreCast"
+ let version = "$Id:,v 1.3 2006/10/02 12:59:00 ertai Exp $"
+ end
+ type camlp4_token =
+ Sig.camlp4_token =
+ | KEYWORD of string | SYMBOL of string | LIDENT of string
+ | UIDENT of string | ESCAPED_IDENT of string | INT of int * string
+ | INT32 of int32 * string | INT64 of int64 * string
+ | NATIVEINT of nativeint * string | FLOAT of float * string
+ | CHAR of char * string | STRING of string * string | LABEL of string
+ | OPTLABEL of string | QUOTATION of Sig.quotation
+ | ANTIQUOT of string * string | COMMENT of string | BLANKS of string
+ | NEWLINE | LINE_DIRECTIVE of int * string option | EOI
+ module Loc = Struct.Loc
+ module Warning = Struct.Warning.Make(Loc)
+ module Ast = Struct.Camlp4Ast.Make(Loc)
+ module Token = Struct.Token.Make(Loc)
+ module Lexer = Struct.Lexer.Make(Token)
+ module Gram = Struct.Grammar.Static.Make(Lexer)
+ module DynLoader = Struct.DynLoader
+ module Quotation = Struct.Quotation.Make(Ast)
+ module Syntax = OCamlInitSyntax.Make(Warning)(Ast)(Gram)(Quotation)
+ module AstFilters = Struct.AstFilters.Make(Ast)
+ module MakeGram = Struct.Grammar.Static.Make
+ module Printers =
+ struct
+ module OCaml = Printers.OCaml.Make(Syntax)
+ module OCamlr = Printers.OCamlr.Make(Syntax)
+ module DumpOCamlAst = Printers.DumpOCamlAst.Make(Syntax)
+ module DumpCamlp4Ast = Printers.DumpCamlp4Ast.Make(Syntax)
+ module Null = Printers.Null.Make(Syntax)
+ end
+ end
+module Register :
+ sig
+ module Plugin
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Plugin : functor (Unit : sig end) -> sig end) :
+ sig end
+ module SyntaxPlugin
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (SyntaxPlugin : functor (Syn : Sig.Syntax) -> sig end) :
+ sig end
+ module SyntaxExtension
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (SyntaxExtension : Sig.SyntaxExtension) : sig end
+ module OCamlSyntaxExtension
+ (Id : Sig.Id)
+ (SyntaxExtension :
+ functor (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) -> Sig.Camlp4Syntax) :
+ sig end
+ type 'a parser_fun =
+ ?directive_handler: ('a -> 'a option) ->
+ PreCast.Loc.t -> char Stream.t -> 'a
+ val register_str_item_parser : PreCast.Ast.str_item parser_fun -> unit
+ val register_sig_item_parser : PreCast.Ast.sig_item parser_fun -> unit
+ val register_parser :
+ PreCast.Ast.str_item parser_fun ->
+ PreCast.Ast.sig_item parser_fun -> unit
+ module Parser
+ (Id : Sig.Id)
+ (Maker : functor (Ast : Sig.Ast) -> Sig.Parser with module Ast = Ast) :
+ sig end
+ module OCamlParser
+ (Id : Sig.Id)
+ (Maker :
+ functor (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast) -> Sig.Parser with module Ast = Ast) :
+ sig end
+ module OCamlPreCastParser
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Parser : Sig.Parser with module Ast = PreCast.Ast) :
+ sig end
+ type 'a printer_fun =
+ ?input_file: string -> ?output_file: string -> 'a -> unit
+ val register_str_item_printer : PreCast.Ast.str_item printer_fun -> unit
+ val register_sig_item_printer : PreCast.Ast.sig_item printer_fun -> unit
+ val register_printer :
+ PreCast.Ast.str_item printer_fun ->
+ PreCast.Ast.sig_item printer_fun -> unit
+ module Printer
+ (Id : Sig.Id)
+ (Maker :
+ functor (Syn : Sig.Syntax) -> Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syn.Ast) :
+ sig end
+ module OCamlPrinter
+ (Id : Sig.Id)
+ (Maker :
+ functor (Syn : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) ->
+ Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syn.Ast) :
+ sig end
+ module OCamlPreCastPrinter
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Printer : Sig.Printer with module Ast = PreCast.Ast) :
+ sig end
+ module AstFilter
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : functor (F : Sig.AstFilters) -> sig end) :
+ sig end
+ val declare_dyn_module : string -> (unit -> unit) -> unit
+ val iter_and_take_callbacks : ((string * (unit -> unit)) -> unit) -> unit
+ module CurrentParser : Sig.Parser with module Ast = PreCast.Ast
+ module CurrentPrinter : Sig.Printer with module Ast = PreCast.Ast
+ val enable_ocaml_printer : unit -> unit
+ val enable_ocamlr_printer : unit -> unit
+ val enable_null_printer : unit -> unit
+ val enable_dump_ocaml_ast_printer : unit -> unit
+ val enable_dump_camlp4_ast_printer : unit -> unit
+ end =
+ struct
+ module PP = Printers
+ open PreCast
+ type 'a parser_fun =
+ ?directive_handler: ('a -> 'a option) ->
+ PreCast.Loc.t -> char Stream.t -> 'a
+ type 'a printer_fun =
+ ?input_file: string -> ?output_file: string -> 'a -> unit
+ let sig_item_parser =
+ ref (fun ?directive_handler:(_) _ _ -> failwith "No interface parser")
+ let str_item_parser =
+ ref
+ (fun ?directive_handler:(_) _ _ ->
+ failwith "No implementation parser")
+ let sig_item_printer =
+ ref
+ (fun ?input_file:(_) ?output_file:(_) _ ->
+ failwith "No interface printer")
+ let str_item_printer =
+ ref
+ (fun ?input_file:(_) ?output_file:(_) _ ->
+ failwith "No implementation printer")
+ let callbacks = Queue.create ()
+ let iter_and_take_callbacks f =
+ let rec loop () = loop (f (Queue.take callbacks))
+ in try loop () with | Queue.Empty -> ()
+ let declare_dyn_module m f = Queue.add (m, f) callbacks
+ let register_str_item_parser f = str_item_parser := f
+ let register_sig_item_parser f = sig_item_parser := f
+ let register_parser f g = (str_item_parser := f; sig_item_parser := g)
+ let register_str_item_printer f = str_item_printer := f
+ let register_sig_item_printer f = sig_item_printer := f
+ let register_printer f g = (str_item_printer := f; sig_item_printer := g)
+ module Plugin
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : functor (Unit : sig end) -> sig end) =
+ struct
+ let _ =
+ declare_dyn_module
+ (fun _ -> let module M = Maker(struct end) in ())
+ end
+ module SyntaxExtension (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : Sig.SyntaxExtension) =
+ struct
+ let _ =
+ declare_dyn_module
+ (fun _ -> let module M = Maker(Syntax) in ())
+ end
+ module OCamlSyntaxExtension
+ (Id : Sig.Id)
+ (Maker : functor (Syn : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) -> Sig.Camlp4Syntax) =
+ struct
+ let _ =
+ declare_dyn_module
+ (fun _ -> let module M = Maker(Syntax) in ())
+ end
+ module SyntaxPlugin
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : functor (Syn : Sig.Syntax) -> sig end) =
+ struct
+ let _ =
+ declare_dyn_module
+ (fun _ -> let module M = Maker(Syntax) in ())
+ end
+ module Printer
+ (Id : Sig.Id)
+ (Maker :
+ functor (Syn : Sig.Syntax) -> Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syn.Ast) =
+ struct
+ let _ =
+ declare_dyn_module
+ (fun _ -> let module M = Maker(Syntax)
+ in register_printer M.print_implem M.print_interf)
+ end
+ module OCamlPrinter
+ (Id : Sig.Id)
+ (Maker :
+ functor (Syn : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) ->
+ Sig.Printer with module Ast = Syn.Ast) =
+ struct
+ let _ =
+ declare_dyn_module
+ (fun _ -> let module M = Maker(Syntax)
+ in register_printer M.print_implem M.print_interf)
+ end
+ module OCamlPreCastPrinter
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (P : Sig.Printer with module Ast = PreCast.Ast) =
+ struct
+ let _ =
+ declare_dyn_module
+ (fun _ -> register_printer P.print_implem P.print_interf)
+ end
+ module Parser
+ (Id : Sig.Id)
+ (Maker : functor (Ast : Sig.Ast) -> Sig.Parser with module Ast = Ast) =
+ struct
+ let _ =
+ declare_dyn_module
+ (fun _ -> let module M = Maker(PreCast.Ast)
+ in register_parser M.parse_implem M.parse_interf)
+ end
+ module OCamlParser
+ (Id : Sig.Id)
+ (Maker :
+ functor (Ast : Sig.Camlp4Ast) -> Sig.Parser with module Ast = Ast) =
+ struct
+ let _ =
+ declare_dyn_module
+ (fun _ -> let module M = Maker(PreCast.Ast)
+ in register_parser M.parse_implem M.parse_interf)
+ end
+ module OCamlPreCastParser
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (P : Sig.Parser with module Ast = PreCast.Ast) =
+ struct
+ let _ =
+ declare_dyn_module
+ (fun _ -> register_parser P.parse_implem P.parse_interf)
+ end
+ module AstFilter
+ (Id : Sig.Id) (Maker : functor (F : Sig.AstFilters) -> sig end) =
+ struct
+ let _ =
+ declare_dyn_module
+ (fun _ -> let module M = Maker(AstFilters) in ())
+ end
+ let _ = let module M = Syntax.Parser
+ in
+ (sig_item_parser := M.parse_interf;
+ str_item_parser := M.parse_implem)
+ module CurrentParser =
+ struct
+ module Ast = Ast
+ let parse_interf ?directive_handler loc strm =
+ !sig_item_parser ?directive_handler loc strm
+ let parse_implem ?directive_handler loc strm =
+ !str_item_parser ?directive_handler loc strm
+ end
+ module CurrentPrinter =
+ struct
+ module Ast = Ast
+ let print_interf ?input_file ?output_file ast =
+ !sig_item_printer ?input_file ?output_file ast
+ let print_implem ?input_file ?output_file ast =
+ !str_item_printer ?input_file ?output_file ast
+ end
+ let enable_ocaml_printer () =
+ let module M = OCamlPrinter(PP.OCaml.Id)(PP.OCaml.MakeMore) in ()
+ let enable_ocamlr_printer () =
+ let module M = OCamlPrinter(PP.OCamlr.Id)(PP.OCamlr.MakeMore) in ()
+ let enable_dump_ocaml_ast_printer () =
+ let module M = OCamlPrinter(PP.DumpOCamlAst.Id)(PP.DumpOCamlAst.Make)
+ in ()
+ let enable_dump_camlp4_ast_printer () =
+ let module M = Printer(PP.DumpCamlp4Ast.Id)(PP.DumpCamlp4Ast.Make)
+ in ()
+ let enable_null_printer () =
+ let module M = Printer(PP.Null.Id)(PP.Null.Make) in ()
+ end
diff --git a/camlp4/boot/Camlp4.ml4 b/camlp4/boot/Camlp4.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1ebc5f70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camlp4/boot/Camlp4.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+module Debug : sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Debug.mli"; end = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/"; end;
+module Options : sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Options.mli"; end = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/"; end;
+module Sig = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/"; end;
+module ErrorHandler : sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/ErrorHandler.mli"; end = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/"; end;
+module Struct = struct
+ module Loc :
+ sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Loc.mli"; end =
+ struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/"; end;
+ module Warning = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/"; end;
+ module Token :
+ sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Token.mli"; end =
+ struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/"; end;
+ module Lexer = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/boot/"; end;
+ module Camlp4Ast = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/boot/"; end;
+ module Quotation = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/"; end;
+ module AstFilters = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/"; end;
+ module Camlp4Ast2OCamlAst :
+ sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Camlp4Ast2OCamlAst.mli"; end =
+ struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/"; end;
+ module CleanAst = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/"; end;
+ module CommentFilter :
+ sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/CommentFilter.mli"; end =
+ struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/"; end;
+ module DynLoader :
+ sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/DynLoader.mli"; end =
+ struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/"; end;
+ module EmptyError :
+ sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/EmptyError.mli"; end =
+ struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/"; end;
+ module EmptyPrinter :
+ sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/EmptyPrinter.mli"; end =
+ struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/"; end;
+ module FreeVars :
+ sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/FreeVars.mli"; end =
+ struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/"; end;
+ module Grammar = struct
+ module Context = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/"; end;
+ module Structure = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/"; end;
+ module Search = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/"; end;
+ (* module Find = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/"; end; *)
+ module Tools = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/"; end;
+ module Print :
+ sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Print.mli"; end =
+ struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/"; end;
+ module Failed = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/"; end;
+ module Parser = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/"; end;
+ module Insert = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/"; end;
+ module Delete = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/"; end;
+ module Fold :
+ sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/Fold.mli"; end =
+ struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/"; end;
+ module Entry = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/"; end;
+ module Static = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/"; end;
+ module Dynamic = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/Grammar/"; end;
+ end;
+module Printers = struct
+ module DumpCamlp4Ast :
+ sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/DumpCamlp4Ast.mli"; end =
+ struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/"; end;
+ module DumpOCamlAst :
+ sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/DumpOCamlAst.mli"; end =
+ struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/"; end;
+ module Null :
+ sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/Null.mli"; end =
+ struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/"; end;
+ module OCaml :
+ sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCaml.mli"; end =
+ struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/"; end;
+ module OCamlr :
+ sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/OCamlr.mli"; end =
+ struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Printers/"; end;
+module OCamlInitSyntax = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/"; end;
+module PreCast : sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/PreCast.mli"; end = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/"; end;
+module Register : sig INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/Register.mli"; end = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4/"; end;
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/ b/camlp4/boot/
index b98a8a5f4..51629568e 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4/Struct/
+++ b/camlp4/boot/
@@ -1,10 +1,26 @@
-(* Generated file! Do not edit by hand *)
-module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc.S) : Sig.Camlp4Ast.S with module Loc = Loc =
+(* *)
+(* Objective Caml *)
+(* *)
+(* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+(* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+(* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+(* Caml source tree. *)
+(* *)
+(* Authors:
+ * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
+ *)
+module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc) : Sig.Camlp4Ast with module Loc = Loc =
module Loc = Loc;
module Ast =
- include Sig.Camlp4Ast.Make(Loc);
+ include Sig.MakeCamlp4Ast(Loc);
value safe_string_escaped s =
if ((String.length s) > 2) && ((s.[0] = '\\') && (s.[1] = '$'))
then s
@@ -31,7 +47,13 @@ module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc.S) : Sig.Camlp4Ast.S with module Loc = Loc =
module type META_LOC =
+ (** The first location is where to put the returned pattern.
+ Generally it's _loc to match with <:patt< ... >> quotations.
+ The second location is the one to treat. *)
value meta_loc_patt : Loc.t -> Loc.t -> Ast.patt;
+ (** The first location is where to put the returned expression.
+ Generally it's _loc to match with <:expr< ... >> quotations.
+ The second location is the one to treat. *)
value meta_loc_expr : Loc.t -> Loc.t -> Ast.expr;
module MetaLoc =
@@ -4631,7 +4653,7 @@ module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc.S) : Sig.Camlp4Ast.S with module Loc = Loc =
[ Ast.ExId _ i -> i
- | Ast.ExApp _loc e1 e2 -> error ()
+ | Ast.ExApp _ _ _ -> error ()
| t -> self t ];
value ident_of_ctyp =
let error () =
@@ -4797,7 +4819,7 @@ module Make (Loc : Sig.Loc.S) : Sig.Camlp4Ast.S with module Loc = Loc =
[ Ast.BiAnd _ b1 b2 -> (pel_of_binding b1) @ (pel_of_binding b2)
| Ast.BiEq _ p e -> [ (p, e) ]
| Ast.BiSem _ b1 b2 -> (pel_of_binding b1) @ (pel_of_binding b2)
- | t -> assert False ];
+ | _ -> assert False ];
value rec list_of_binding x acc =
match x with
[ Ast.BiAnd _ b1 b2 | Ast.BiSem _ b1 b2 ->
diff --git a/camlp4/boot/camlp4boot b/camlp4/boot/camlp4boot
deleted file mode 100755
index 84bfa2909..000000000
--- a/camlp4/boot/camlp4boot
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/camlp4/boot/ b/camlp4/boot/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9bdb28fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camlp4/boot/
@@ -0,0 +1,12159 @@
+module R =
+ struct
+ open Camlp4
+ (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* Objective Caml *)
+ (* *)
+ (* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Copyright 2002-2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+ (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+ (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+ (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+ (* Caml source tree. *)
+ (* *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* Authors:
+ * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
+ *)
+ module Id =
+ struct
+ let name = "Camlp4RevisedParserParser"
+ let version =
+ "$Id:,v 1.12 2006/07/17 14:18:26 pouillar Exp $"
+ end
+ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) =
+ struct
+ open Sig
+ include Syntax
+ (* Camlp4_config.constructors_arity.val := True; *)
+ let _ = Camlp4_config.constructors_arity := false
+ let help_sequences () =
+ (Printf.eprintf
+ "\
+New syntax:
+ do {e1; e2; ... ; en}
+ while e do {e1; e2; ... ; en}
+ for v = v1 to/downto v2 do {e1; e2; ... ; en}
+Old (no more supported) syntax:
+ do e1; e2; ... ; en-1; return en
+ while e do e1; e2; ... ; en; done
+ for v = v1 to/downto v2 do e1; e2; ... ; en; done
+ ";
+ flush stderr;
+ exit 1)
+ let _ =
+ Options.add "-help_seq" (Arg.Unit help_sequences)
+ "Print explanations about new sequences and exit."
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear a_CHAR
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear a_FLOAT
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear a_INT
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear a_INT32
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear a_INT64
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear a_LABEL
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear a_LIDENT
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear a_LIDENT_or_operator
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear a_NATIVEINT
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear a_OPTLABEL
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear a_STRING
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear a_UIDENT
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear a_ident
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear amp_ctyp
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear and_ctyp
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear match_case
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear match_case0
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear match_case_quot
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear binding
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear binding_quot
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_declaration
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_description
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_expr
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_expr_quot
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_fun_binding
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_fun_def
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_info_for_class_expr
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_info_for_class_type
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_longident
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_longident_and_param
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_name_and_param
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_sig_item
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_sig_item_quot
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_signature
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_str_item
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_str_item_quot
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_structure
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_type
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_type_declaration
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_type_longident
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_type_longident_and_param
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_type_plus
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear class_type_quot
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear comma_ctyp
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear comma_expr
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear comma_ipatt
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear comma_patt
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear comma_type_parameter
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear constrain
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear constructor_arg_list
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear constructor_declaration
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear constructor_declarations
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear ctyp
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear ctyp_quot
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear cvalue_binding
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear direction_flag
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear dummy
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear eq_expr
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear expr
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear expr_eoi
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear expr_quot
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear field
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear field_expr
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear fun_binding
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear fun_def
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear ident
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear ident_quot
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear implem
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear interf
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear ipatt
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear ipatt_tcon
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear label
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear label_declaration
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear label_expr
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear label_ipatt
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear label_longident
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear label_patt
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear labeled_ipatt
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear let_binding
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear meth_list
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear module_binding
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear module_binding0
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear module_binding_quot
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear module_declaration
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear module_expr
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear module_expr_quot
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear module_longident
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear module_longident_with_app
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear module_rec_declaration
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear module_type
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear module_type_quot
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear more_ctyp
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear name_tags
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear opt_as_lident
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear opt_class_self_patt
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear opt_class_self_type
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear opt_comma_ctyp
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear opt_dot_dot
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear opt_eq_ctyp
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear opt_expr
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear opt_meth_list
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear opt_mutable
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear opt_polyt
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear opt_private
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear opt_rec
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear opt_virtual
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear opt_when_expr
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear patt
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear patt_as_patt_opt
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear patt_eoi
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear patt_quot
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear patt_tcon
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear phrase
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear pipe_ctyp
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear poly_type
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear row_field
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear sem_ctyp
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear sem_expr
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear sem_expr_for_list
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear sem_patt
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear sem_patt_for_list
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear semi
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear sequence
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear sig_item
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear sig_item_quot
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear sig_items
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear star_ctyp
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear str_item
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear str_item_quot
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear str_items
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear top_phrase
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear type_constraint
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear type_declaration
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear type_ident_and_parameters
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear type_kind
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear type_longident
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear type_longident_and_parameters
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear type_parameter
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear type_parameters
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear typevars
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear use_file
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear val_longident
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear value_let
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear value_val
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear with_constr
+ let _ = Gram.Entry.clear with_constr_quot
+ let neg_string n =
+ let len = String.length n
+ in
+ if (len > 0) && (n.[0] = '-')
+ then String.sub n 1 (len - 1)
+ else "-" ^ n
+ let mkumin _loc f arg =
+ match arg with
+ | Ast.ExInt (_, n) -> Ast.ExInt (_loc, neg_string n)
+ | Ast.ExInt32 (_, n) -> Ast.ExInt32 (_loc, neg_string n)
+ | Ast.ExInt64 (_, n) -> Ast.ExInt64 (_loc, neg_string n)
+ | Ast.ExNativeInt (_, n) -> Ast.ExNativeInt (_loc, neg_string n)
+ | Ast.ExFlo (_, n) -> Ast.ExFlo (_loc, neg_string n)
+ | _ ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "~" ^ f)),
+ arg)
+ let mklistexp _loc last =
+ let rec loop top =
+ function
+ | [] ->
+ (match last with
+ | Some e -> e
+ | None -> Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "[]")))
+ | e1 :: el ->
+ let _loc =
+ if top then _loc else Loc.merge (Ast.loc_of_expr e1) _loc
+ in
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "::")),
+ e1),
+ loop false el)
+ in loop true
+ let mkassert _loc =
+ function
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "False"))) -> Ast.ExAsf _loc
+ | (* this case take care about
+ the special assert false node *)
+ e -> Ast.ExAsr (_loc, e)
+ let append_eLem el e = el @ [ e ]
+ let mk_anti ?(c = "") n s = "\\$" ^ (n ^ (c ^ (":" ^ s)))
+ let mksequence _loc =
+ function
+ | (Ast.ExSem (_, _, _) | Ast.ExAnt (_, _) as e) ->
+ Ast.ExSeq (_loc, e)
+ | e -> e
+ let bigarray_get _loc arr arg =
+ let coords =
+ match arg with
+ | Ast.ExTup (_, (Ast.ExCom (_, e1, e2))) | Ast.ExCom (_, e1, e2)
+ -> Ast.list_of_expr e1 (Ast.list_of_expr e2 [])
+ | _ -> [ arg ]
+ in
+ match coords with
+ | [ c1 ] ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Bigarray"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Array1"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "get")))),
+ arr),
+ c1)
+ | [ c1; c2 ] ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Bigarray"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Array2"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "get")))),
+ arr),
+ c1),
+ c2)
+ | [ c1; c2; c3 ] ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Bigarray"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Array3"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "get")))),
+ arr),
+ c1),
+ c2),
+ c3)
+ | (* | coords -> <:expr< Bigarray.Genarray.get $arr$ [| $`list:coords$ |] >> ] *)
+ coords ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Bigarray"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Genarray"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "get")))),
+ arr),
+ Ast.ExArr (_loc, Ast.exSem_of_list coords))
+ let bigarray_set _loc var newval =
+ match var with
+ | Ast.ExApp (_,
+ (Ast.ExApp (_,
+ (Ast.ExId (_,
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "Bigarray")),
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "Array1")),
+ (Ast.IdLid (_, "get")))))))),
+ arr)),
+ c1) ->
+ Some
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Bigarray"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Array1"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "set")))),
+ arr),
+ c1),
+ newval))
+ | Ast.ExApp (_,
+ (Ast.ExApp (_,
+ (Ast.ExApp (_,
+ (Ast.ExId (_,
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "Bigarray")),
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "Array2")),
+ (Ast.IdLid (_, "get")))))))),
+ arr)),
+ c1)),
+ c2) ->
+ Some
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Bigarray"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Array2"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "set")))),
+ arr),
+ c1),
+ c2),
+ newval))
+ | Ast.ExApp (_,
+ (Ast.ExApp (_,
+ (Ast.ExApp (_,
+ (Ast.ExApp (_,
+ (Ast.ExId (_,
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "Bigarray")),
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "Array3")),
+ (Ast.IdLid (_, "get")))))))),
+ arr)),
+ c1)),
+ c2)),
+ c3) ->
+ Some
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Bigarray"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Array3"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "set")))),
+ arr),
+ c1),
+ c2),
+ c3),
+ newval))
+ | Ast.ExApp (_,
+ (Ast.ExApp (_,
+ (Ast.ExId (_,
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "Bigarray")),
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "Genarray")),
+ (Ast.IdLid (_, "get")))))))),
+ arr)),
+ (Ast.ExArr (_, coords))) ->
+ Some
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Bigarray"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Genarray"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "set")))),
+ arr),
+ Ast.ExArr (_loc, coords)),
+ newval))
+ | _ -> None
+ let choose_tvar tpl =
+ let abs = "abstract" in
+ let rec find_alpha n =
+ let ns = if n = 0 then "" else string_of_int n in
+ let s' = abs ^ ns in
+ let rec mem =
+ function
+ | (Ast.TyQuo (_, s) | Ast.TyQuP (_, s) | Ast.TyQuM (_, s)) ::
+ xs -> (s = s') || (mem xs)
+ | [] -> false
+ | _ -> assert false
+ in if mem tpl then find_alpha (succ n) else s'
+ in find_alpha 0
+ let stopped_at _loc = Some (Loc.move_line 1 _loc)
+ (* FIXME be more precise *)
+ (* value list1sep symb sep one cons =
+ let rec kont al =
+ parser
+ [ [: v = sep; a = symb; s :] -> kont (cons al (one a)) s
+ | [: :] -> al ]
+ in
+ parser [: a = symb; s :] -> kont (one a) s;
+ value sem_expr =
+ list1sep expr ";" (fun x -> x) (fun e1 e2 -> <:expr< $e1$; $e2$ >>) *)
+ (* transmit the context *)
+ let _ =
+ Gram.Entry.setup_parser sem_expr
+ (let symb = Gram.parse_tokens_after_filter expr in
+ let rec kont al (__strm : _ Stream.t) =
+ match Stream.peek __strm with
+ | Some ((KEYWORD ";", _loc)) ->
+ (Stream.junk __strm;
+ let a =
+ (try symb __strm
+ with | Stream.Failure -> raise (Stream.Error "")) in
+ let s = __strm in kont (Ast.ExSem (_loc, al, a)) s)
+ | _ -> al
+ in
+ fun (__strm : _ Stream.t) ->
+ let a = symb __strm in kont a __strm)
+ (* sem_expr_for_list:
+ [ [ e = expr; ";"; el = SELF -> fun acc -> <:expr< [ $e$ :: $el acc$ ] >>
+ | e = expr -> fun acc -> <:expr< [ $e$ :: $acc$ ] >>
+ ] ]
+ ;
+ comma_expr:
+ [ [ e1 = SELF; ","; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$, $e2$ >>
+ | e = expr -> e ] ]
+ ; *)
+ let _ =
+ let _ = (a_CHAR : 'a_CHAR Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (with_constr_quot : 'with_constr_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (with_constr : 'with_constr Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (value_val : 'value_val Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (value_let : 'value_let Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (val_longident : 'val_longident Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (use_file : 'use_file Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (typevars : 'typevars Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (type_parameters : 'type_parameters Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (type_parameter : 'type_parameter Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ =
+ (type_longident_and_parameters :
+ 'type_longident_and_parameters Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (type_longident : 'type_longident Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (type_kind : 'type_kind Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ =
+ (type_ident_and_parameters :
+ 'type_ident_and_parameters Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (type_declaration : 'type_declaration Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (type_constraint : 'type_constraint Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (top_phrase : 'top_phrase Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (str_items : 'str_items Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (str_item_quot : 'str_item_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (str_item : 'str_item Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (star_ctyp : 'star_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (sig_items : 'sig_items Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (sig_item_quot : 'sig_item_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (sig_item : 'sig_item Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (sequence : 'sequence Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (sem_patt_for_list : 'sem_patt_for_list Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (sem_patt : 'sem_patt Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (sem_expr_for_list : 'sem_expr_for_list Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (sem_expr : 'sem_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (sem_ctyp : 'sem_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (row_field : 'row_field Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (poly_type : 'poly_type Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (pipe_ctyp : 'pipe_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (phrase : 'phrase Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (patt_tcon : 'patt_tcon Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (patt_quot : 'patt_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (patt_eoi : 'patt_eoi Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (patt_as_patt_opt : 'patt_as_patt_opt Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (opt_when_expr : 'opt_when_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (opt_virtual : 'opt_virtual Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (opt_rec : 'opt_rec Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (opt_private : 'opt_private Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (opt_polyt : 'opt_polyt Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (opt_mutable : 'opt_mutable Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (opt_meth_list : 'opt_meth_list Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (opt_expr : 'opt_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (opt_eq_ctyp : 'opt_eq_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (opt_dot_dot : 'opt_dot_dot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (opt_comma_ctyp : 'opt_comma_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (opt_class_self_type : 'opt_class_self_type Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (opt_class_self_patt : 'opt_class_self_patt Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (opt_as_lident : 'opt_as_lident Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (name_tags : 'name_tags Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (more_ctyp : 'more_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (module_type_quot : 'module_type_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ =
+ (module_rec_declaration : 'module_rec_declaration Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ =
+ (module_longident_with_app :
+ 'module_longident_with_app Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (module_longident : 'module_longident Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (module_expr_quot : 'module_expr_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (module_expr : 'module_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (module_declaration : 'module_declaration Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (module_binding_quot : 'module_binding_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (module_binding0 : 'module_binding0 Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (module_binding : 'module_binding Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (meth_list : 'meth_list Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (let_binding : 'let_binding Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (labeled_ipatt : 'labeled_ipatt Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (label_patt : 'label_patt Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (label_longident : 'label_longident Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (label_ipatt : 'label_ipatt Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (label_expr : 'label_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (label_declaration : 'label_declaration Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (label : 'label Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (ipatt_tcon : 'ipatt_tcon Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (ipatt : 'ipatt Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (interf : 'interf Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (implem : 'implem Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (ident_quot : 'ident_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (ident : 'ident Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (fun_def : 'fun_def Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (fun_binding : 'fun_binding Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (field_expr : 'field_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (field : 'field Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (expr_quot : 'expr_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (expr_eoi : 'expr_eoi Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (eq_expr : 'eq_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (dummy : 'dummy Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (direction_flag : 'direction_flag Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (cvalue_binding : 'cvalue_binding Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (ctyp_quot : 'ctyp_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ =
+ (constructor_declarations :
+ 'constructor_declarations Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ =
+ (constructor_declaration : 'constructor_declaration Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (constructor_arg_list : 'constructor_arg_list Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (constrain : 'constrain Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (comma_type_parameter : 'comma_type_parameter Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (comma_patt : 'comma_patt Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (comma_ipatt : 'comma_ipatt Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (comma_expr : 'comma_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (comma_ctyp : 'comma_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_type_quot : 'class_type_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_type_plus : 'class_type_plus Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ =
+ (class_type_longident_and_param :
+ 'class_type_longident_and_param Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_type_longident : 'class_type_longident Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ =
+ (class_type_declaration : 'class_type_declaration Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_type : 'class_type Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_structure : 'class_structure Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_str_item_quot : 'class_str_item_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_str_item : 'class_str_item Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_signature : 'class_signature Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_sig_item_quot : 'class_sig_item_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_sig_item : 'class_sig_item Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_name_and_param : 'class_name_and_param Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ =
+ (class_longident_and_param :
+ 'class_longident_and_param Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_longident : 'class_longident Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ =
+ (class_info_for_class_type :
+ 'class_info_for_class_type Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ =
+ (class_info_for_class_expr :
+ 'class_info_for_class_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_fun_def : 'class_fun_def Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_fun_binding : 'class_fun_binding Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_expr_quot : 'class_expr_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_expr : 'class_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_description : 'class_description Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (class_declaration : 'class_declaration Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (binding_quot : 'binding_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (binding : 'binding Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (match_case_quot : 'match_case_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (match_case0 : 'match_case0 Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (match_case : 'match_case Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (and_ctyp : 'and_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (amp_ctyp : 'amp_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (a_ident : 'a_ident Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (a_STRING : 'a_STRING Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (a_OPTLABEL : 'a_OPTLABEL Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (a_NATIVEINT : 'a_NATIVEINT Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (a_LIDENT_or_operator : 'a_LIDENT_or_operator Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (a_LABEL : 'a_LABEL Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (a_INT64 : 'a_INT64 Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (a_INT32 : 'a_INT32 Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (a_INT : 'a_INT Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (a_FLOAT : 'a_FLOAT Gram.Entry.t)
+ in
+ (Gram.extend (module_expr : 'module_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "struct";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (str_items : 'str_items Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "end" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (st : 'str_items) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MeStr (_loc, st) : 'module_expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "functor"; Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")"; Gram.Skeyword "->"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (me : 'module_expr) _ _ (t : 'module_type)
+ _ (i : 'a_UIDENT) _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MeFun (_loc, i, t, me) : 'module_expr)))) ]);
+ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (me2 : 'module_expr) (me1 : 'module_expr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MeApp (_loc, me1, me2) : 'module_expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "simple"), None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (me : 'module_expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (me : 'module_expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (mt : 'module_type) _ (me : 'module_expr)
+ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MeTyc (_loc, me, mt) : 'module_expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_longident :
+ 'module_longident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'module_longident) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MeId (_loc, i) : 'module_expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "mexp" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"mexp\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "mexp" | "anti" | "list" as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.MeAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "module_expr" n s) :
+ 'module_expr)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (str_item : 'str_item Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ ((Some "top"), None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.StExp (_loc, e) : 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "stri" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"stri\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "stri" | "anti" | "list" as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.StAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "str_item" n s) :
+ 'str_item)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "class"; Gram.Skeyword "type";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_type_declaration :
+ 'class_type_declaration Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ctd : 'class_type_declaration) _ _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.StClt (_loc, ctd) : 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "class";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_declaration :
+ 'class_declaration Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (cd : 'class_declaration) _ (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.StCls (_loc, cd) : 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (value_let : 'value_let Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_rec : 'opt_rec Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (binding : 'binding Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (bi : 'binding) (r : 'opt_rec) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.StVal (_loc, r, bi) : 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "type";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (type_declaration :
+ 'type_declaration Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (td : 'type_declaration) _ (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.StTyp (_loc, td) : 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "open";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_longident :
+ 'module_longident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'module_longident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.StOpn (_loc, i) : 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "module"; Gram.Skeyword "type";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (mt : 'module_type) _ (i : 'a_UIDENT) _ _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.StMty (_loc, i, mt) : 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "module"; Gram.Skeyword "rec";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_binding :
+ 'module_binding Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (mb : 'module_binding) _ _ (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.StRecMod (_loc, mb) : 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "module";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_binding0 :
+ 'module_binding0 Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (mb : 'module_binding0) (i : 'a_UIDENT) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.StMod (_loc, i, mb) : 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "include";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_expr : 'module_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (me : 'module_expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.StInc (_loc, me) : 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "external";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_STRING : 'a_STRING Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_STRING) _ (t : 'ctyp) _
+ (i : 'a_LIDENT) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.StExt (_loc, i, t, s) : 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "exception";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (constructor_declaration :
+ 'constructor_declaration Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (type_longident :
+ 'type_longident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'type_longident) _
+ (t : 'constructor_declaration) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.StExc (_loc, t, Ast.OSome i) :
+ 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "exception";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (constructor_declaration :
+ 'constructor_declaration Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'constructor_declaration) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.StExc (_loc, t, Ast.ONone) : 'str_item)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (module_binding0 : 'module_binding0 Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.RightA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_expr : 'module_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (me : 'module_expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (me : 'module_binding0))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_expr : 'module_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (me : 'module_expr) _ (mt : 'module_type) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MeTyc (_loc, me, mt) : 'module_binding0))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (mb : 'module_binding0) _
+ (mt : 'module_type) _ (m : 'a_UIDENT) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MeFun (_loc, m, mt, mb) :
+ 'module_binding0)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (module_binding : 'module_binding Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_expr : 'module_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (me : 'module_expr) _ (mt : 'module_type) _
+ (m : 'a_UIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MbColEq (_loc, m, mt, me) :
+ 'module_binding))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"\", _)"));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_expr : 'module_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (me : 'module_expr) _ (mt : 'module_type) _
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" as n)), m) ->
+ (Ast.MbColEq (_loc, mk_anti n m, mt, me) :
+ 'module_binding)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.MbAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "module_binding" n s) :
+ 'module_binding)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ (("module_binding" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"module_binding\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("module_binding" | "anti" | "list" as
+ n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.MbAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "module_binding" n s) :
+ 'module_binding)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "and"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (b2 : 'module_binding) _
+ (b1 : 'module_binding) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MbAnd (_loc, b1, b2) : 'module_binding)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "functor"; Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":"; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ")";
+ Gram.Skeyword "->"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (mt : 'module_type) _ _ (t : 'module_type)
+ _ (i : 'a_UIDENT) _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MtFun (_loc, i, t, mt) : 'module_type)))) ]);
+ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "with";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (with_constr : 'with_constr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (wc : 'with_constr) _ (mt : 'module_type)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MtWit (_loc, mt, wc) : 'module_type)))) ]);
+ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "sig";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sig_items : 'sig_items Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "end" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (sg : 'sig_items) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MtSig (_loc, sg) : 'module_type)))) ]);
+ ((Some "simple"), None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (mt : 'module_type) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (mt : 'module_type))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "'";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_ident : 'a_ident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_ident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MtQuo (_loc, i) : 'module_type))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_longident_with_app :
+ 'module_longident_with_app Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'module_longident_with_app)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MtId (_loc, i) : 'module_type))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "mtyp" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"mtyp\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "mtyp" | "anti" | "list" as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.MtAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "module_type" n s) :
+ 'module_type)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (sig_item : 'sig_item Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ ((Some "top"), None,
+ [ ([ (* | "external"; i = a_LIDENT; ":"; t = ctyp; "="; pd = LIST1 [ x = STRING -> x ] -> *)
+ Gram.Skeyword "class"; Gram.Skeyword "type";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_type_declaration :
+ 'class_type_declaration Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ctd : 'class_type_declaration) _ _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.SgClt (_loc, ctd) : 'sig_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "class";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_description :
+ 'class_description Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (cd : 'class_description) _ (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.SgCls (_loc, cd) : 'sig_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (value_val : 'value_val Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT_or_operator :
+ 'a_LIDENT_or_operator Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (i : 'a_LIDENT_or_operator) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.SgVal (_loc, i, t) : 'sig_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "type";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (type_declaration :
+ 'type_declaration Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'type_declaration) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.SgTyp (_loc, t) : 'sig_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "open";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_longident :
+ 'module_longident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'module_longident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.SgOpn (_loc, i) : 'sig_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "module"; Gram.Skeyword "type";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (mt : 'module_type) _ (i : 'a_UIDENT) _ _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.SgMty (_loc, i, mt) : 'sig_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "module"; Gram.Skeyword "rec";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_rec_declaration :
+ 'module_rec_declaration Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (mb : 'module_rec_declaration) _ _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.SgRecMod (_loc, mb) : 'sig_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "module";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_declaration :
+ 'module_declaration Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (mt : 'module_declaration) (i : 'a_UIDENT)
+ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.SgMod (_loc, i, mt) : 'sig_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "include";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (mt : 'module_type) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.SgInc (_loc, mt) : 'sig_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "external";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_STRING : 'a_STRING Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_STRING) _ (t : 'ctyp) _
+ (i : 'a_LIDENT) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.SgExt (_loc, i, t, s) : 'sig_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "exception";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (constructor_declaration :
+ 'constructor_declaration Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'constructor_declaration) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.SgExc (_loc, t) : 'sig_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "sigi" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"sigi\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "sigi" | "anti" | "list" as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.SgAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "sig_item" n s) :
+ 'sig_item)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (module_declaration : 'module_declaration Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.RightA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (mt : 'module_declaration) _
+ (t : 'module_type) _ (i : 'a_UIDENT) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MtFun (_loc, i, t, mt) :
+ 'module_declaration))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (mt : 'module_type) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (mt : 'module_declaration)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (module_rec_declaration :
+ 'module_rec_declaration Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (mt : 'module_type) _ (m : 'a_UIDENT)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MbCol (_loc, m, mt) :
+ 'module_rec_declaration))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ (("" | "module_binding" | "anti" |
+ "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"module_binding\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "module_binding" | "anti" |
+ "list"
+ as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.MbAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "module_binding" n s) :
+ 'module_rec_declaration)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "and"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (m2 : 'module_rec_declaration) _
+ (m1 : 'module_rec_declaration) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.MbAnd (_loc, m1, m2) :
+ 'module_rec_declaration)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (with_constr : 'with_constr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "module";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_longident :
+ 'module_longident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_longident_with_app :
+ 'module_longident_with_app Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i2 : 'module_longident_with_app) _
+ (i1 : 'module_longident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.WcMod (_loc, i1, i2) : 'with_constr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "type";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (type_longident_and_parameters :
+ 'type_longident_and_parameters Gram.Entry.
+ t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) _
+ (t1 : 'type_longident_and_parameters) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.WcTyp (_loc, t1, t2) : 'with_constr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "type";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "typ" | "anti"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"typ\" | \"anti\"), _)"));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "typ" | "anti" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.WcTyp (_loc,
+ Ast.TyAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "ctyp" n s),
+ t) :
+ 'with_constr)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ (("" | "with_constr" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"with_constr\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "with_constr" | "anti" | "list"
+ as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.WcAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "with_constr" n s) :
+ 'with_constr)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "and"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (wc2 : 'with_constr) _ (wc1 : 'with_constr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.WcAnd (_loc, wc1, wc2) : 'with_constr)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ ((Some "top"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.RightA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "object";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_class_self_patt :
+ 'opt_class_self_patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_structure :
+ 'class_structure Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "end" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (cst : 'class_structure)
+ (csp : 'opt_class_self_patt) _ (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.ExObj (_loc, csp, cst) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "while"; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Skeyword "do"; Gram.Skeyword "{";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sequence : 'sequence Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "}" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (seq : 'sequence) _ _ (e : 'expr) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExWhi (_loc, e, seq) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "for";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "="; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (direction_flag :
+ 'direction_flag Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "do";
+ Gram.Skeyword "{";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sequence : 'sequence Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "}" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (seq : 'sequence) _ _ (e2 : 'expr)
+ (df : 'direction_flag) (e1 : 'expr) _
+ (i : 'a_LIDENT) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExFor (_loc, i, e1, e2, df, seq) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "do"; Gram.Skeyword "{";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sequence : 'sequence Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "}" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (seq : 'sequence) _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (mksequence _loc seq : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "if"; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Skeyword "then"; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Skeyword "else"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e3 : 'expr) _ (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr)
+ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExIfe (_loc, e1, e2, e3) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "try"; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Skeyword "with";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "->"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (p : 'ipatt) _ (e1 : 'expr)
+ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExTry (_loc, e1,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, p, Ast.ExNil _loc, e2)) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "try"; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Skeyword "with"; Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (match_case : 'match_case Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (a : 'match_case) _ _ (e : 'expr) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExTry (_loc, e, a) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "match"; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Skeyword "with";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "->"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (p : 'ipatt) _ (e1 : 'expr)
+ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExMat (_loc, e1,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, p, Ast.ExNil _loc, e2)) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "match"; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Skeyword "with"; Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (match_case : 'match_case Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (a : 'match_case) _ _ (e : 'expr) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExMat (_loc, e, a) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "fun";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (labeled_ipatt :
+ 'labeled_ipatt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (fun_def : 'fun_def Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'fun_def) (p : 'labeled_ipatt) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExFun (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, p, Ast.ExNil _loc, e)) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "fun"; Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (match_case : 'match_case Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (a : 'match_case) _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExFun (_loc, a) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "let"; Gram.Skeyword "module";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_binding0 :
+ 'module_binding0 Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "in"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (mb : 'module_binding0)
+ (m : 'a_UIDENT) _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExLmd (_loc, m, mb, e) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "let";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_rec : 'opt_rec Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (binding : 'binding Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "in"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'expr) _ (bi : 'binding)
+ (r : 'opt_rec) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExLet (_loc, r, bi, x) : 'expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "where"), None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "where";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_rec : 'opt_rec Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (let_binding : 'let_binding Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (lb : 'let_binding) (rf : 'opt_rec) _
+ (e : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExLet (_loc, rf, lb, e) : 'expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some ":="), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.NonA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ":="; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (dummy : 'dummy Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (match bigarray_set _loc e1 e2 with
+ | Some e -> e
+ | None -> Ast.ExAss (_loc, e1, e2) : 'expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "||"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.RightA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "||"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "||")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "&&"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.RightA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "&&"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "&&")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "<"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "!="; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "!=")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "=="; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "==")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "<>"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "<>")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "="; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "=")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ">="; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, ">=")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "<="; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "<=")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ">"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, ">")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "<"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "<")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "^"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.RightA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "@"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "@")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "^^"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "^^")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "^"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "^")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "+"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "-."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "-.")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "+."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "+.")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "-"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "-")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "+"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "+")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "*"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "mod"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "mod")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "lxor"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "lxor")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "lor"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "lor")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "land"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "land")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "/."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "/.")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "*."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "*.")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "/"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "/")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "*"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "*")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "**"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.RightA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "lsr"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "lsr")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "lsl"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "lsl")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "asr"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "asr")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "**"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "**")),
+ e1),
+ e2) :
+ 'expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "unary minus"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.NonA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "-."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (mkumin _loc "-." e : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "-"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (mkumin _loc "-" e : 'expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "apply"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "lazy"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExLaz (_loc, e) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "new";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_longident :
+ 'class_longident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'class_longident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExNew (_loc, i) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "assert"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (mkassert _loc e : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc, e1, e2) : 'expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "label"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.NonA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "?";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_LIDENT) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExOlb (_loc, i, Ast.ExNil _loc) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "?";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (i : 'a_LIDENT) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExOlb (_loc, i, e) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | OPTLABEL _ -> true | _ -> false),
+ "OPTLABEL _"));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | OPTLABEL i ->
+ (Ast.ExOlb (_loc, i, e) : 'expr)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "~";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_LIDENT) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExLab (_loc, i, Ast.ExNil _loc) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | LABEL _ -> true | _ -> false),
+ "LABEL _"));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LABEL i -> (Ast.ExLab (_loc, i, e) : 'expr)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "~";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (i : 'a_LIDENT) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExLab (_loc, i, e) : 'expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "."), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "#";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (label : 'label Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (lab : 'label) _ (e : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.ExSnd (_loc, e, lab) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.ExAcc (_loc, e1, e2) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Skeyword "{";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (comma_expr : 'comma_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "}" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (e2 : 'comma_expr) _ _ (e1 : 'expr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (bigarray_get _loc e1 e2 : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (e2 : 'expr) _ _ (e1 : 'expr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExSte (_loc, e1, e2) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (e2 : 'expr) _ _ (e1 : 'expr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExAre (_loc, e1, e2) : 'expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "~-"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.NonA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "~-."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "~-.")),
+ e) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "~-"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "~-")),
+ e) :
+ 'expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "simple"), None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (e : 'expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (e : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Skeyword ":>";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (e : 'expr) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExCoe (_loc, e, Ast.TyNil _loc, t) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":>";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (e : 'expr)
+ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExCoe (_loc, e, t, t2) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ",";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (comma_expr : 'comma_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (el : 'comma_expr) _ (e : 'expr) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExTup (_loc, Ast.ExCom (_loc, e, el)) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (e : 'expr) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExTyc (_loc, e, t) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "()")) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "{<";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (field_expr : 'field_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ">}" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (fel : 'field_expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExOvr (_loc, fel) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "{<"; Gram.Skeyword ">}" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExOvr (_loc, Ast.BiNil _loc) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "{"; Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Skeyword ")"; Gram.Skeyword "with";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (label_expr : 'label_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "}" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (el : 'label_expr) _ _ (e : 'expr) _ _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExRec (_loc, el, e) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "{";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (label_expr : 'label_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "}" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (el : 'label_expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExRec (_loc, el, Ast.ExNil _loc) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[|";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sem_expr : 'sem_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "|]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (el : 'sem_expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExArr (_loc, el) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[|"; Gram.Skeyword "|]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExArr (_loc, Ast.ExNil _loc) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sem_expr_for_list :
+ 'sem_expr_for_list Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (mk_list : 'sem_expr_for_list) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (mk_list
+ (Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "[]"))) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sem_expr_for_list :
+ 'sem_expr_for_list Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "::"; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (last : 'expr) _
+ (mk_list : 'sem_expr_for_list) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (mk_list last : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "["; Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "[]")) :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "`";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_ident : 'a_ident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_ident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExVrn (_loc, s) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (val_longident :
+ 'val_longident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'val_longident) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExId (_loc, i) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (a_CHAR : 'a_CHAR Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_CHAR) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExChr (_loc, s) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_STRING : 'a_STRING Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_STRING) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExStr (_loc, s) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_FLOAT : 'a_FLOAT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_FLOAT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExFlo (_loc, s) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_NATIVEINT : 'a_NATIVEINT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_NATIVEINT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExNativeInt (_loc, s) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_INT64 : 'a_INT64 Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_INT64) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExInt64 (_loc, s) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_INT32 : 'a_INT32 Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_INT32) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExInt32 (_loc, s) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (a_INT : 'a_INT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_INT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExInt (_loc, s) : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("tup", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"tup\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("tup" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.ExTup (_loc,
+ Ast.ExAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "expr" n s)) :
+ 'expr)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("exp" | "" | "anti"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"exp\" | \"\" | \"anti\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("exp" | "" | "anti" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExAnt (_loc, mk_anti ~c: "expr" n s) :
+ 'expr)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | QUOTATION _ -> true | _ -> false),
+ "QUOTATION _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | QUOTATION x ->
+ (Quotation.expand_expr
+ (Gram.parse_string expr) _loc x :
+ 'expr)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (* sem_expr:
+ [ [ e1 = SELF; ";"; e2 = SELF -> <:expr< $e1$; $e2$ >>
+ | e = expr -> e ] ]
+ ; *)
+ (sem_expr_for_list : 'sem_expr_for_list Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (fun acc ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "::")),
+ e),
+ acc) :
+ 'sem_expr_for_list))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ";"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (el : 'sem_expr_for_list) _ (e : 'expr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (fun acc ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "::")),
+ e),
+ el acc) :
+ 'sem_expr_for_list)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (comma_expr : 'comma_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (e : 'comma_expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ","; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'comma_expr) _ (e1 : 'comma_expr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExCom (_loc, e1, e2) : 'comma_expr)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (dummy : 'dummy Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) -> (() : 'dummy)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (sequence : 'sequence Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (e : 'sequence))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ";" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (e : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (e : 'sequence))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ";"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (el : 'sequence) _ (e : 'expr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExSem (_loc, e, el) : 'sequence))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "let";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_rec : 'opt_rec Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (binding : 'binding Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.srules sequence
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword ";" ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Token.extract_string x : 'e__1))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "in" ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Token.extract_string x : 'e__1)))) ];
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (el : 'sequence) _ (bi : 'binding)
+ (rf : 'opt_rec) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExLet (_loc, rf, bi, mksequence _loc el) :
+ 'sequence)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (binding : 'binding Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (let_binding : 'let_binding Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (b : 'let_binding) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (b : 'binding))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "and"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (b2 : 'binding) _ (b1 : 'binding)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BiAnd (_loc, b1, b2) : 'binding))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "anti"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"anti\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "anti" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.BiAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "binding" n s) :
+ 'binding)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "anti"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"anti\"), _)"));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "anti" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.BiEq (_loc,
+ Ast.PaAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "patt" n s),
+ e) :
+ 'binding)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("binding" | "list"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"binding\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("binding" | "list" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.BiAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "binding" n s) :
+ 'binding)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (let_binding : 'let_binding Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (fun_binding : 'fun_binding Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'fun_binding) (p : 'ipatt)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BiEq (_loc, p, e) : 'let_binding)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (fun_binding : 'fun_binding Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.RightA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword ":>";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExCoe (_loc, e, Ast.TyNil _loc, t) :
+ 'fun_binding))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.ExTyc (_loc, e, t) : 'fun_binding))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (e : 'fun_binding))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (labeled_ipatt :
+ 'labeled_ipatt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'fun_binding) (p : 'labeled_ipatt)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExFun (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, p, Ast.ExNil _loc, e)) :
+ 'fun_binding)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (match_case : 'match_case Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Slist0sep
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (match_case0 : 'match_case0 Gram.Entry.t)),
+ Gram.Skeyword "|") ],
+ (
+ (fun (l : 'match_case0 list) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.mcOr_of_list l : 'match_case)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (match_case0 : 'match_case0 Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (patt_as_patt_opt :
+ 'patt_as_patt_opt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_when_expr :
+ 'opt_when_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "->";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (w : 'opt_when_expr)
+ (p : 'patt_as_patt_opt) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.McArr (_loc, p, w, e) : 'match_case0))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "anti"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"anti\"), _)"));
+ Gram.Skeyword "when";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "->";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (w : 'expr) _
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "anti" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.McArr (_loc,
+ Ast.PaAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "patt" n s),
+ w, e) :
+ 'match_case0)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "anti"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"anti\"), _)"));
+ Gram.Skeyword "->";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "anti" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.McArr (_loc,
+ Ast.PaAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "patt" n s),
+ Ast.ExNil _loc, e) :
+ 'match_case0)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "anti"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"anti\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "anti" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.McAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "match_case" n s) :
+ 'match_case0)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("match_case" | "list"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"match_case\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("match_case" | "list" as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.McAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "match_case" n s) :
+ 'match_case0)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (opt_when_expr : 'opt_when_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExNil _loc : 'opt_when_expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "when";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (w : 'expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (w : 'opt_when_expr)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (patt_as_patt_opt : 'patt_as_patt_opt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'patt) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (p : 'patt_as_patt_opt))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "as";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (p2 : 'patt) _ (p1 : 'patt) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.PaAli (_loc, p1, p2) :
+ 'patt_as_patt_opt)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (label_expr : 'label_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (label_longident :
+ 'label_longident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (fun_binding : 'fun_binding Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'fun_binding) (p : 'label_longident)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BiEq (_loc, Ast.PaId (_loc, p), e) :
+ 'label_expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("list", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"list\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("list" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.BiAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "binding;" n s) :
+ 'label_expr)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "binding" | "anti"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"binding\" | \"anti\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "binding" | "anti" as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.BiAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "binding" n s) :
+ 'label_expr)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ";"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (b2 : 'label_expr) _ (b1 : 'label_expr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BiSem (_loc, b1, b2) : 'label_expr)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (fun_def : 'fun_def Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.RightA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "->";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (e : 'fun_def))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (labeled_ipatt :
+ 'labeled_ipatt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'fun_def) (p : 'labeled_ipatt)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExFun (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, p, Ast.ExNil _loc, e)) :
+ 'fun_def)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "|"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (p2 : 'patt) _ (p1 : 'patt) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.PaOrp (_loc, p1, p2) : 'patt)))) ]);
+ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.NonA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ".."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (p2 : 'patt) _ (p1 : 'patt) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.PaRng (_loc, p1, p2) : 'patt)))) ]);
+ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (p2 : 'patt) (p1 : 'patt) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaApp (_loc, p1, p2) : 'patt)))) ]);
+ ((Some "simple"), None,
+ [ ([ (* | i = opt_label; "("; p = patt_tcon; ")" -> *)
+ (* <:patt< ? $i$ : ($p$) >> *) Gram.Skeyword "?";
+ Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (patt_tcon : 'patt_tcon Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (e : 'expr) _ (p : 'patt_tcon) _ _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaOlbi (_loc, "", p, e) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "?"; Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (patt_tcon : 'patt_tcon Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (p : 'patt_tcon) _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaOlb (_loc, "", p) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "?";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "lid"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"lid\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "lid" as n)), i) ->
+ (Ast.PaOlb (_loc, mk_anti n i,
+ Ast.PaNil _loc) :
+ 'patt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "?";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | LIDENT _ -> true | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LIDENT i ->
+ (Ast.PaOlb (_loc, i, Ast.PaNil _loc) :
+ 'patt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "?";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "lid"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"lid\"), _)"));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":"; Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (patt_tcon : 'patt_tcon Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (eq_expr : 'eq_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (f : 'eq_expr) (p : 'patt_tcon) _ _
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) _ (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "lid" as n)), i) ->
+ (f (mk_anti n i) p : 'patt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | OPTLABEL _ -> true | _ -> false),
+ "OPTLABEL _"));
+ Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (patt_tcon : 'patt_tcon Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (eq_expr : 'eq_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (f : 'eq_expr) (p : 'patt_tcon) _
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | OPTLABEL i -> (f i p : 'patt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "~";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | LIDENT _ -> true | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LIDENT i ->
+ (Ast.PaLab (_loc, i, Ast.PaNil _loc) :
+ 'patt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "~";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "lid"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"lid\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "lid" as n)), i) ->
+ (Ast.PaLab (_loc, mk_anti n i,
+ Ast.PaNil _loc) :
+ 'patt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "~";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "lid"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"lid\"), _)"));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'patt) _ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "lid" as n)), i) ->
+ (Ast.PaLab (_loc, mk_anti n i, p) :
+ 'patt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | LABEL _ -> true | _ -> false),
+ "LABEL _"));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'patt) (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LABEL i -> (Ast.PaLab (_loc, i, p) : 'patt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "#";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (type_longident :
+ 'type_longident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'type_longident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaTyp (_loc, i) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "`";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_ident : 'a_ident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_ident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaVrn (_loc, s) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | QUOTATION _ -> true | _ -> false),
+ "QUOTATION _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | QUOTATION x ->
+ (Quotation.expand_patt
+ (Gram.parse_string patt) _loc x :
+ 'patt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "_" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaAny _loc : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ",";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (comma_patt : 'comma_patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (pl : 'comma_patt) _ (p : 'patt) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaTup (_loc, Ast.PaCom (_loc, p, pl)) :
+ 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Skeyword "as"; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (p2 : 'patt) _ (p : 'patt) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaAli (_loc, p, p2) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (p : 'patt) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaTyc (_loc, p, t) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (p : 'patt) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (p : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "()")) :
+ 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "{";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (label_patt : 'label_patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "}" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (pl : 'label_patt) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaRec (_loc, pl) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[|";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sem_patt : 'sem_patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "|]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (pl : 'sem_patt) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaArr (_loc, pl) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[|"; Gram.Skeyword "|]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaArr (_loc, Ast.PaNil _loc) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sem_patt_for_list :
+ 'sem_patt_for_list Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (mk_list : 'sem_patt_for_list) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (mk_list
+ (Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "[]"))) :
+ 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sem_patt_for_list :
+ 'sem_patt_for_list Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "::"; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (last : 'patt) _
+ (mk_list : 'sem_patt_for_list) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (mk_list last : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "["; Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "[]")) :
+ 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "-";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_FLOAT : 'a_FLOAT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_FLOAT) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaFlo (_loc, neg_string s) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "-";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_NATIVEINT : 'a_NATIVEINT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_NATIVEINT) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaNativeInt (_loc, neg_string s) :
+ 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "-";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_INT64 : 'a_INT64 Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_INT64) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaInt64 (_loc, neg_string s) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "-";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_INT32 : 'a_INT32 Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_INT32) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaInt32 (_loc, neg_string s) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "-";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (a_INT : 'a_INT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_INT) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaInt (_loc, neg_string s) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (a_CHAR : 'a_CHAR Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_CHAR) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaChr (_loc, s) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_STRING : 'a_STRING Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_STRING) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaStr (_loc, s) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_FLOAT : 'a_FLOAT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_FLOAT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaFlo (_loc, s) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_NATIVEINT : 'a_NATIVEINT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_NATIVEINT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaNativeInt (_loc, s) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_INT64 : 'a_INT64 Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_INT64) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaInt64 (_loc, s) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_INT32 : 'a_INT32 Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_INT32) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaInt32 (_loc, s) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (a_INT : 'a_INT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_INT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaInt (_loc, s) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ident : 'ident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'ident) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaId (_loc, i) : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("tup", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"tup\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("tup" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.PaTup (_loc,
+ Ast.PaAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "patt" n s)) :
+ 'patt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "pat" | "anti"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"pat\" | \"anti\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "pat" | "anti" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.PaAnt (_loc, mk_anti ~c: "patt" n s) :
+ 'patt)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (comma_patt : 'comma_patt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'patt) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (p : 'comma_patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ","; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (p2 : 'comma_patt) _ (p1 : 'comma_patt)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaCom (_loc, p1, p2) : 'comma_patt)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (sem_patt : 'sem_patt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'patt) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (p : 'sem_patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ";"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (p2 : 'sem_patt) _ (p1 : 'sem_patt)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaSem (_loc, p1, p2) : 'sem_patt)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (sem_patt_for_list : 'sem_patt_for_list Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'patt) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (fun acc ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "::")),
+ p),
+ acc) :
+ 'sem_patt_for_list))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ";"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (pl : 'sem_patt_for_list) _ (p : 'patt)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (fun acc ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "::")),
+ p),
+ pl acc) :
+ 'sem_patt_for_list)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (label_patt : 'label_patt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (label_longident :
+ 'label_longident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'patt) _ (i : 'label_longident)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaEq (_loc, Ast.PaId (_loc, i), p) :
+ 'label_patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("list", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"list\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("list" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.PaAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "patt;" n s) :
+ 'label_patt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "pat" | "anti"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"pat\" | \"anti\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "pat" | "anti" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.PaAnt (_loc, mk_anti ~c: "patt" n s) :
+ 'label_patt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ";"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (p2 : 'label_patt) _ (p1 : 'label_patt)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaSem (_loc, p1, p2) : 'label_patt)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (ipatt : 'ipatt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "_" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaAny _loc : 'ipatt))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_LIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, s)) :
+ 'ipatt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ",";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (comma_ipatt : 'comma_ipatt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (pl : 'comma_ipatt) _ (p : 'ipatt) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaTup (_loc, Ast.PaCom (_loc, p, pl)) :
+ 'ipatt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Skeyword "as"; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (p2 : 'ipatt) _ (p : 'ipatt) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaAli (_loc, p, p2) : 'ipatt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (p : 'ipatt) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaTyc (_loc, p, t) : 'ipatt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (p : 'ipatt) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (p : 'ipatt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "()")) :
+ 'ipatt))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("tup", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"tup\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("tup" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.PaTup (_loc,
+ Ast.PaAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "patt" n s)) :
+ 'ipatt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "pat" | "anti"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"pat\" | \"anti\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "pat" | "anti" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.PaAnt (_loc, mk_anti ~c: "patt" n s) :
+ 'ipatt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "{";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (label_ipatt : 'label_ipatt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "}" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (pl : 'label_ipatt) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaRec (_loc, pl) : 'ipatt)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (labeled_ipatt : 'labeled_ipatt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'ipatt) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (p : 'labeled_ipatt)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (comma_ipatt : 'comma_ipatt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'ipatt) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (p : 'comma_ipatt))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ","; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (p2 : 'comma_ipatt) _ (p1 : 'comma_ipatt)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaCom (_loc, p1, p2) : 'comma_ipatt)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (label_ipatt : 'label_ipatt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (label_longident :
+ 'label_longident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'ipatt) _ (i : 'label_longident)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaEq (_loc, Ast.PaId (_loc, i), p) :
+ 'label_ipatt))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "pat" | "anti"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"pat\" | \"anti\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "pat" | "anti" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.PaAnt (_loc, mk_anti ~c: "patt" n s) :
+ 'label_ipatt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ";"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (p2 : 'label_ipatt) _ (p1 : 'label_ipatt)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaSem (_loc, p1, p2) : 'label_ipatt)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (type_declaration : 'type_declaration Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (type_ident_and_parameters :
+ 'type_ident_and_parameters Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_eq_ctyp : 'opt_eq_ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Slist0
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (constrain : 'constrain Gram.Entry.t))) ],
+ (
+ (fun (cl : 'constrain list) (tk : 'opt_eq_ctyp)
+ ((n, tpl) : 'type_ident_and_parameters)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyDcl (_loc, n, tpl, tk tpl, cl) :
+ 'type_declaration))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "and"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'type_declaration) _
+ (t1 : 'type_declaration) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyAnd (_loc, t1, t2) :
+ 'type_declaration))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("list", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"list\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("list" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.TyAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "ctypand" n s) :
+ 'type_declaration)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "typ" | "anti"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"typ\" | \"anti\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "typ" | "anti" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.TyAnt (_loc, mk_anti ~c: "ctyp" n s) :
+ 'type_declaration)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (constrain : 'constrain Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "constraint";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t1 : 'ctyp) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) -> ((t1, t2) : 'constrain)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (opt_eq_ctyp : 'opt_eq_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (fun tpl -> Ast.TyQuo (_loc, choose_tvar tpl) :
+ 'opt_eq_ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (type_kind : 'type_kind Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (tk : 'type_kind) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (fun _ -> tk : 'opt_eq_ctyp)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (type_kind : 'type_kind Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (t : 'type_kind)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (type_ident_and_parameters :
+ 'type_ident_and_parameters Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Slist0
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (type_parameter :
+ 'type_parameter Gram.Entry.t))) ],
+ (
+ (fun (tpl : 'type_parameter list)
+ (i : 'a_LIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ((i, tpl) : 'type_ident_and_parameters)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (type_longident_and_parameters :
+ 'type_longident_and_parameters Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (type_longident :
+ 'type_longident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (type_parameters :
+ 'type_parameters Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (tpl : 'type_parameters)
+ (i : 'type_longident) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (tpl (Ast.TyId (_loc, i)) :
+ 'type_longident_and_parameters)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (type_parameters : 'type_parameters Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (fun t -> t : 'type_parameters))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (type_parameter :
+ 'type_parameter Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'type_parameter) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (fun acc -> Ast.TyApp (_loc, acc, t) :
+ 'type_parameters))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (type_parameter :
+ 'type_parameter Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'type_parameters)
+ (t1 : 'type_parameter) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (fun acc -> t2 (Ast.TyApp (_loc, acc, t1)) :
+ 'type_parameters)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (type_parameter : 'type_parameter Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "-"; Gram.Skeyword "'";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_ident : 'a_ident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_ident) _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyQuM (_loc, i) : 'type_parameter))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "+"; Gram.Skeyword "'";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_ident : 'a_ident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_ident) _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyQuP (_loc, i) : 'type_parameter))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "'";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_ident : 'a_ident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_ident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyQuo (_loc, i) : 'type_parameter))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "typ" | "anti"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"typ\" | \"anti\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "typ" | "anti" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.TyAnt (_loc, mk_anti n s) :
+ 'type_parameter)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "=="; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t1 : 'ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.TyMan (_loc, t1, t2) : 'ctyp)))) ]);
+ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.NonA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "private";
+ Gram.Snterml
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t),
+ "alias") ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyPrv (_loc, t) : 'ctyp)))) ]);
+ ((Some "alias"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "as"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t1 : 'ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.TyAli (_loc, t1, t2) : 'ctyp)))) ]);
+ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "!";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (typevars : 'typevars Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t1 : 'typevars) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyPol (_loc, t1, t2) : 'ctyp)))) ]);
+ ((Some "arrow"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.RightA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "->"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t1 : 'ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.TyArr (_loc, t1, t2) : 'ctyp)))) ]);
+ ((Some "label"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.NonA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_OPTLABEL : 'a_OPTLABEL Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) (i : 'a_OPTLABEL)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyOlb (_loc, i, t) : 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "?";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (i : 'a_LIDENT) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyOlb (_loc, i, t) : 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LABEL : 'a_LABEL Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) (i : 'a_LABEL) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.TyLab (_loc, i, t) : 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "~";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (i : 'a_LIDENT) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyLab (_loc, i, t) : 'ctyp)))) ]);
+ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) (t1 : 'ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let t = Ast.TyApp (_loc, t1, t2)
+ in
+ try Ast.TyId (_loc, Ast.ident_of_ctyp t)
+ with | Invalid_argument _ -> t :
+ 'ctyp)))) ]);
+ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t1 : 'ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (try
+ Ast.TyId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.ident_of_ctyp t1,
+ Ast.ident_of_ctyp t2))
+ with
+ | Invalid_argument s ->
+ raise (Stream.Error s) :
+ 'ctyp)))) ]);
+ ((Some "simple"), None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "<";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_meth_list :
+ 'opt_meth_list Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_dot_dot : 'opt_dot_dot Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ">" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (v : 'opt_dot_dot) (ml : 'opt_meth_list)
+ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyObj (_loc, ml, v) : 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "#";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_longident :
+ 'class_longident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'class_longident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyCls (_loc, i) : 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "{";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (label_declaration :
+ 'label_declaration Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sopt (Gram.Skeyword ";"); Gram.Skeyword "}" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ _ (t : 'label_declaration) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyRec (_loc, t) : 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[<";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (row_field : 'row_field Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ">";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (name_tags : 'name_tags Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (ntl : 'name_tags) _ (rfl : 'row_field) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyVrnInfSup (_loc, rfl, ntl) : 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[<";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (row_field : 'row_field Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (rfl : 'row_field) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyVrnInf (_loc, rfl) : 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "["; Gram.Skeyword "<";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (row_field : 'row_field Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ">";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (name_tags : 'name_tags Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (ntl : 'name_tags) _ (rfl : 'row_field) _
+ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyVrnInfSup (_loc, rfl, ntl) : 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "["; Gram.Skeyword "<";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (row_field : 'row_field Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (rfl : 'row_field) _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyVrnInf (_loc, rfl) : 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "["; Gram.Skeyword ">";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (row_field : 'row_field Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (rfl : 'row_field) _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyVrnSup (_loc, rfl) : 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "["; Gram.Skeyword ">";
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyVrnSup (_loc, Ast.TyNil _loc) : 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "["; Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (row_field : 'row_field Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (rfl : 'row_field) _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyVrnEq (_loc, rfl) : 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (constructor_declarations :
+ 'constructor_declarations Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (t : 'constructor_declarations) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TySum (_loc, t) : 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (t : 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "*";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (star_ctyp : 'star_ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (tl : 'star_ctyp) _ (t : 'ctyp) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyTup (_loc, Ast.TySta (_loc, t, tl)) :
+ 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_UIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, i)) :
+ 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_LIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, i)) :
+ 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("id", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"id\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("id" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.TyId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "ident" n s)) :
+ 'ctyp)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("tup", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"tup\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("tup" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.TyTup (_loc,
+ Ast.TyAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "ctyp" n s)) :
+ 'ctyp)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "typ" | "anti"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"typ\" | \"anti\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "typ" | "anti" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.TyAnt (_loc, mk_anti ~c: "ctyp" n s) :
+ 'ctyp)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "_" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyAny _loc : 'ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "'";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_ident : 'a_ident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_ident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyQuo (_loc, i) : 'ctyp)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (star_ctyp : 'star_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (t : 'star_ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "*"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'star_ctyp) _ (t1 : 'star_ctyp)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TySta (_loc, t1, t2) : 'star_ctyp)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (constructor_declarations :
+ 'constructor_declarations Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Slist1sep
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (constructor_declaration :
+ 'constructor_declaration Gram.Entry.t)),
+ Gram.Skeyword "|") ],
+ (
+ (fun (l : 'constructor_declaration list)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.tyOr_of_list l :
+ 'constructor_declarations)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (constructor_declaration :
+ 'constructor_declaration Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'a_UIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, s)) :
+ 'constructor_declaration))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "of";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (constructor_arg_list :
+ 'constructor_arg_list Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'constructor_arg_list) _
+ (s : 'a_UIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyOf (_loc,
+ Ast.TyId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, s)), t) :
+ 'constructor_declaration))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "typ"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"typ\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "typ" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.TyAnt (_loc, mk_anti ~c: "ctyp" n s) :
+ 'constructor_declaration)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (constructor_arg_list : 'constructor_arg_list Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (t : 'constructor_arg_list))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "and"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'constructor_arg_list) _
+ (t1 : 'constructor_arg_list) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.TyAnd (_loc, t1, t2) :
+ 'constructor_arg_list))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("list", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"list\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("list" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.TyAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "ctypand" n s) :
+ 'constructor_arg_list)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (label_declaration : 'label_declaration Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":"; Gram.Skeyword "mutable";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (poly_type : 'poly_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'poly_type) _ _ (s : 'a_LIDENT)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyCol (_loc,
+ Ast.TyId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, s)),
+ Ast.TyMut (_loc, t)) :
+ 'label_declaration))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (poly_type : 'poly_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'poly_type) _ (s : 'a_LIDENT)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyCol (_loc,
+ Ast.TyId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, s)), t) :
+ 'label_declaration))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "typ"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"typ\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "typ" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.TyAnt (_loc, mk_anti ~c: "ctyp" n s) :
+ 'label_declaration)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ";"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'label_declaration) _
+ (t1 : 'label_declaration) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TySem (_loc, t1, t2) :
+ 'label_declaration)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (a_ident : 'a_ident Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_UIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (i : 'a_ident))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_LIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (i : 'a_ident)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (ident : 'ident Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (j : 'ident) _ (i : 'a_UIDENT)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, i), j) :
+ 'ident))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "id" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"id\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)"));
+ Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'ident) _ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "id" | "anti" | "list" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "ident" n s),
+ i) :
+ 'ident)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_LIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdLid (_loc, i) : 'ident))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_UIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdUid (_loc, i) : 'ident))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "id" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"id\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "id" | "anti" | "list" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.IdAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "ident" n s) :
+ 'ident)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (module_longident : 'module_longident Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_UIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdUid (_loc, i) : 'module_longident))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (l : 'module_longident) _ (m : 'a_UIDENT)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, m), l) :
+ 'module_longident))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "id" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"id\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "id" | "anti" | "list" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.IdAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "ident" n s) :
+ 'module_longident)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (module_longident_with_app :
+ 'module_longident_with_app Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (j : 'module_longident_with_app)
+ (i : 'module_longident_with_app)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdApp (_loc, i, j) :
+ 'module_longident_with_app)))) ]);
+ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (j : 'module_longident_with_app) _
+ (i : 'module_longident_with_app)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_loc, i, j) :
+ 'module_longident_with_app)))) ]);
+ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (i : 'module_longident_with_app) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (i : 'module_longident_with_app))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_UIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdUid (_loc, i) :
+ 'module_longident_with_app))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "id" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"id\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "id" | "anti" | "list" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.IdAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "ident" n s) :
+ 'module_longident_with_app)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (type_longident : 'type_longident Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (j : 'type_longident) (i : 'type_longident)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdApp (_loc, i, j) : 'type_longident)))) ]);
+ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (j : 'type_longident) _
+ (i : 'type_longident) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_loc, i, j) : 'type_longident)))) ]);
+ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (i : 'type_longident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (i : 'type_longident))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_UIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdUid (_loc, i) : 'type_longident))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_LIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdLid (_loc, i) : 'type_longident))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "id" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"id\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "id" | "anti" | "list" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.IdAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "ident" n s) :
+ 'type_longident)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (label_longident : 'label_longident Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_LIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdLid (_loc, i) : 'label_longident))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (l : 'label_longident) _ (m : 'a_UIDENT)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, m), l) :
+ 'label_longident))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "id" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"id\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "id" | "anti" | "list" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.IdAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "ident" n s) :
+ 'label_longident)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (class_type_longident : 'class_type_longident Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (type_longident :
+ 'type_longident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'type_longident) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'class_type_longident)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (val_longident : 'val_longident Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ident : 'ident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'ident) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'val_longident)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (class_longident : 'class_longident Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (label_longident :
+ 'label_longident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'label_longident) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'class_longident)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (class_declaration : 'class_declaration Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_info_for_class_expr :
+ 'class_info_for_class_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_fun_binding :
+ 'class_fun_binding Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ce : 'class_fun_binding)
+ (ci : 'class_info_for_class_expr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CeEq (_loc, ci, ce) :
+ 'class_declaration))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "cdcl" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"cdcl\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "cdcl" | "anti" | "list" as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.CeAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "class_expr" n s) :
+ 'class_declaration)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "and"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (c2 : 'class_declaration) _
+ (c1 : 'class_declaration) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CeAnd (_loc, c1, c2) :
+ 'class_declaration)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (class_fun_binding : 'class_fun_binding Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (labeled_ipatt :
+ 'labeled_ipatt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (cfb : 'class_fun_binding)
+ (p : 'labeled_ipatt) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CeFun (_loc, p, cfb) :
+ 'class_fun_binding))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_type_plus :
+ 'class_type_plus Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_expr : 'class_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ce : 'class_expr) _
+ (ct : 'class_type_plus) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CeTyc (_loc, ce, ct) :
+ 'class_fun_binding))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_expr : 'class_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ce : 'class_expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (ce : 'class_fun_binding)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (class_info_for_class_type :
+ 'class_info_for_class_type Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_virtual : 'opt_virtual Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_name_and_param :
+ 'class_name_and_param Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun ((i, ot) : 'class_name_and_param)
+ (mv : 'opt_virtual) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CtCon (_loc, mv, Ast.IdLid (_loc, i),
+ ot) :
+ 'class_info_for_class_type)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (* <:class_type< $virtual:mv$ $lid:i$ [ $t$ ] >> *)
+ (* | mv = opt_virtual; i = a_LIDENT -> *)
+ (* Ast.CeCon (_loc, mv, Ast.IdLid (_loc, i), Ast.ONone) *)
+ (* <:class_type< $lid:i$ >> *)
+ (* [ [ "virtual"; i = a_LIDENT; "["; t = comma_type_parameter; "]" ->
+ <:class_type< virtual $lid:i$ [ $t$ ] >>
+ | "virtual"; i = a_LIDENT ->
+ <:class_type< virtual $lid:i$ >>
+ | i = a_LIDENT; "["; t = comma_type_parameter; "]" ->
+ <:class_type< $lid:i$ [ $t$ ] >>
+ | i = a_LIDENT -> <:class_type< $lid:i$ >>
+ ] ]
+ ; *)
+ (class_info_for_class_expr :
+ 'class_info_for_class_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ (* "virtual"; i = a_LIDENT; "["; t = comma_type_parameter; "]" -> *)
+ (* <:class_expr< virtual $lid:i$ [ $t$ ] >> *)
+ (* | "virtual"; i = a_LIDENT -> *)
+ (* <:class_expr< virtual $lid:i$ >> *) (* | *)
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_virtual : 'opt_virtual Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_name_and_param :
+ 'class_name_and_param Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun ((i, ot) : 'class_name_and_param)
+ (mv : 'opt_virtual) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CeCon (_loc, mv, Ast.IdLid (_loc, i),
+ ot) :
+ 'class_info_for_class_expr)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (* <:class_expr< $virtual:mv$ $lid:i$ [ $t$ ] >> *)
+ (* <:class_expr< $lid:i$ [ $t$ ] >> *)
+ (* | mv = opt_virtual; i = a_LIDENT -> *)
+ (* Ast.CeCon (_loc, mv, Ast.IdLid (_loc, i), Ast.ONone) *)
+ (* <:class_expr< $lid:i$ >> *)
+ (class_name_and_param : 'class_name_and_param Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_LIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ((i, (Ast.TyNil _loc)) :
+ 'class_name_and_param))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (comma_type_parameter :
+ 'comma_type_parameter Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (x : 'comma_type_parameter) _
+ (i : 'a_LIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ((i, x) : 'class_name_and_param)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (comma_type_parameter : 'comma_type_parameter Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (type_parameter :
+ 'type_parameter Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'type_parameter) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (t : 'comma_type_parameter))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ","; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'comma_type_parameter) _
+ (t1 : 'comma_type_parameter) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.TyCom (_loc, t1, t2) :
+ 'comma_type_parameter)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (opt_comma_ctyp : 'opt_comma_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyNil _loc : 'opt_comma_ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (comma_ctyp : 'comma_ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (x : 'comma_ctyp) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'opt_comma_ctyp)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (comma_ctyp : 'comma_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (t : 'comma_ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ","; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'comma_ctyp) _ (t1 : 'comma_ctyp)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyCom (_loc, t1, t2) : 'comma_ctyp)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (class_fun_def : 'class_fun_def Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "->";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_expr : 'class_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ce : 'class_expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (ce : 'class_fun_def))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (labeled_ipatt :
+ 'labeled_ipatt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (ce : 'class_fun_def) (p : 'labeled_ipatt)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CeFun (_loc, p, ce) : 'class_fun_def)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (class_expr : 'class_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ ((Some "top"), None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "let";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_rec : 'opt_rec Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (binding : 'binding Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "in"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (ce : 'class_expr) _ (bi : 'binding)
+ (rf : 'opt_rec) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CeLet (_loc, rf, bi, ce) : 'class_expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "fun";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_fun_def :
+ 'class_fun_def Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ce : 'class_fun_def) (p : 'ipatt) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CeFun (_loc, p, ce) : 'class_expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "apply"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.NonA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Snterml
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t),
+ "label") ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) (ce : 'class_expr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CeApp (_loc, ce, e) : 'class_expr)))) ]);
+ ((Some "simple"), None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (ce : 'class_expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (ce : 'class_expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_type : 'class_type Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (ct : 'class_type) _ (ce : 'class_expr) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CeTyc (_loc, ce, ct) : 'class_expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "object";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_class_self_patt :
+ 'opt_class_self_patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_structure :
+ 'class_structure Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "end" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (cst : 'class_structure)
+ (csp : 'opt_class_self_patt) _ (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.CeStr (_loc, csp, cst) : 'class_expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_longident_and_param :
+ 'class_longident_and_param Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ce : 'class_longident_and_param)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (ce : 'class_expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "cexp" | "anti"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"cexp\" | \"anti\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "cexp" | "anti" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.CeAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "class_expr" n s) :
+ 'class_expr)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (class_longident_and_param :
+ 'class_longident_and_param Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_longident :
+ 'class_longident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ci : 'class_longident) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CeCon (_loc, Ast.BFalse, ci,
+ Ast.TyNil _loc) :
+ 'class_longident_and_param))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_longident :
+ 'class_longident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (comma_ctyp : 'comma_ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (t : 'comma_ctyp) _
+ (ci : 'class_longident) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CeCon (_loc, Ast.BFalse, ci, t) :
+ 'class_longident_and_param)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (class_structure : 'class_structure Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Slist0
+ (Gram.srules class_structure
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_str_item :
+ 'class_str_item Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (cst : 'class_str_item)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (cst : 'e__2)))) ]) ],
+ (
+ (fun (l : 'e__2 list) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.crSem_of_list l : 'class_structure))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "cst" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"cst\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "cst" | "anti" | "list" as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.CrAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "class_str_item" n s) :
+ 'class_structure)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (opt_class_self_patt : 'opt_class_self_patt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaNil _loc : 'opt_class_self_patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (p : 'patt) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaTyc (_loc, p, t) :
+ 'opt_class_self_patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (p : 'patt) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (p : 'opt_class_self_patt)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (class_str_item : 'class_str_item Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "initializer";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (se : 'expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CrIni (_loc, se) : 'class_str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "type";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t1 : 'ctyp) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CrCtr (_loc, t1, t2) : 'class_str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "method";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_private : 'opt_private Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (label : 'label Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_polyt : 'opt_polyt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (fun_binding : 'fun_binding Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'fun_binding) (topt : 'opt_polyt)
+ (l : 'label) (pf : 'opt_private) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CrMth (_loc, l, pf, e, topt) :
+ 'class_str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "method"; Gram.Skeyword "virtual";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_private : 'opt_private Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (label : 'label Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (poly_type : 'poly_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'poly_type) _ (l : 'label)
+ (pf : 'opt_private) _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CrVir (_loc, l, pf, t) :
+ 'class_str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (value_val : 'value_val Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "virtual";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_mutable : 'opt_mutable Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (label : 'label Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (poly_type : 'poly_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'poly_type) _ (l : 'label)
+ (mf : 'opt_mutable) _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CrVvr (_loc, l, mf, t) :
+ 'class_str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (value_val : 'value_val Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_mutable : 'opt_mutable Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (label : 'label Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (cvalue_binding :
+ 'cvalue_binding Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'cvalue_binding) (lab : 'label)
+ (mf : 'opt_mutable) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CrVal (_loc, lab, mf, e) :
+ 'class_str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "inherit";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_expr : 'class_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_as_lident :
+ 'opt_as_lident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (pb : 'opt_as_lident) (ce : 'class_expr) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CrInh (_loc, ce, pb) : 'class_str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "cst" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"cst\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "cst" | "anti" | "list" as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.CrAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "class_str_item" n s) :
+ 'class_str_item)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (opt_as_lident : 'opt_as_lident Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) -> ("" : 'opt_as_lident))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "as";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_LIDENT) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (i : 'opt_as_lident)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (opt_polyt : 'opt_polyt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyNil _loc : 'opt_polyt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (poly_type : 'poly_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'poly_type) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (t : 'opt_polyt)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (cvalue_binding : 'cvalue_binding Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword ":>";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.ExCoe (_loc, e, Ast.TyNil _loc, t) :
+ 'cvalue_binding))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":>";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t : 'ctyp) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExCoe (_loc, e, t, t2) :
+ 'cvalue_binding))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.ExTyc (_loc, e, t) : 'cvalue_binding))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (e : 'cvalue_binding)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (label : 'label Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_LIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (i : 'label)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (class_type : 'class_type Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "object";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_class_self_type :
+ 'opt_class_self_type Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_signature :
+ 'class_signature Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "end" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (csg : 'class_signature)
+ (cst : 'opt_class_self_type) _ (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.CtSig (_loc, cst, csg) : 'class_type))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_type_longident_and_param :
+ 'class_type_longident_and_param Gram.
+ Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ct : 'class_type_longident_and_param)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (ct : 'class_type))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "ctyp" | "anti"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"ctyp\" | \"anti\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "ctyp" | "anti" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.CtAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "class_type" n s) :
+ 'class_type)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (class_type_longident_and_param :
+ 'class_type_longident_and_param Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_type_longident :
+ 'class_type_longident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'class_type_longident) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.CtCon (_loc, Ast.BFalse, i,
+ Ast.TyNil _loc) :
+ 'class_type_longident_and_param))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_type_longident :
+ 'class_type_longident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (comma_ctyp : 'comma_ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (t : 'comma_ctyp) _
+ (i : 'class_type_longident) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CtCon (_loc, Ast.BFalse, i, t) :
+ 'class_type_longident_and_param)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (class_type_plus : 'class_type_plus Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_type : 'class_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ct : 'class_type) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (ct : 'class_type_plus))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "]"; Gram.Skeyword "->"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (ct : 'class_type_plus) _ _ (t : 'ctyp) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CtFun (_loc, t, ct) : 'class_type_plus)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (opt_class_self_type : 'opt_class_self_type Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyNil _loc : 'opt_class_self_type))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (t : 'ctyp) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (t : 'opt_class_self_type)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (class_signature : 'class_signature Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Slist0
+ (Gram.srules class_signature
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_sig_item :
+ 'class_sig_item Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (csg : 'class_sig_item)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (csg : 'e__3)))) ]) ],
+ (
+ (fun (l : 'e__3 list) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.cgSem_of_list l : 'class_signature))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "csg" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"csg\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "csg" | "anti" | "list" as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.CgAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "class_sig_item" n s) :
+ 'class_signature)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (class_sig_item : 'class_sig_item Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (type_constraint :
+ 'type_constraint Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'ctyp) _ (t1 : 'ctyp) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CgCtr (_loc, t1, t2) : 'class_sig_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "method";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_private : 'opt_private Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (label : 'label Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (poly_type : 'poly_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'poly_type) _ (l : 'label)
+ (pf : 'opt_private) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CgMth (_loc, l, pf, t) :
+ 'class_sig_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "method"; Gram.Skeyword "virtual";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_private : 'opt_private Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (label : 'label Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (poly_type : 'poly_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'poly_type) _ (l : 'label)
+ (pf : 'opt_private) _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CgVir (_loc, l, pf, t) :
+ 'class_sig_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (value_val : 'value_val Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_mutable : 'opt_mutable Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_virtual : 'opt_virtual Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (label : 'label Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (l : 'label)
+ (mv : 'opt_virtual) (mf : 'opt_mutable) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CgVal (_loc, l, mf, mv, t) :
+ 'class_sig_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "inherit";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_type : 'class_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (cs : 'class_type) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CgInh (_loc, cs) : 'class_sig_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "csg" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"csg\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "csg" | "anti" | "list" as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.CgAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "class_sig_item" n s) :
+ 'class_sig_item)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (type_constraint : 'type_constraint Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "type" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (() : 'type_constraint)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (class_description : 'class_description Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_info_for_class_type :
+ 'class_info_for_class_type Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_type_plus :
+ 'class_type_plus Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ct : 'class_type_plus) _
+ (ci : 'class_info_for_class_type)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CtCol (_loc, ci, ct) :
+ 'class_description))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "typ" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"typ\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "typ" | "anti" | "list" as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.CtAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "class_type" n s) :
+ 'class_description)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "and"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (cd2 : 'class_description) _
+ (cd1 : 'class_description) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CtAnd (_loc, cd1, cd2) :
+ 'class_description)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (class_type_declaration :
+ 'class_type_declaration Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_info_for_class_type :
+ 'class_info_for_class_type Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_type : 'class_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ct : 'class_type) _
+ (ci : 'class_info_for_class_type)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CtEq (_loc, ci, ct) :
+ 'class_type_declaration))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "typ" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"typ\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "typ" | "anti" | "list" as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.CtAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "class_type" n s) :
+ 'class_type_declaration)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "and"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (cd2 : 'class_type_declaration) _
+ (cd1 : 'class_type_declaration)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CtAnd (_loc, cd1, cd2) :
+ 'class_type_declaration)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (field_expr : 'field_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (label : 'label Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (l : 'label) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (Ast.BiEq (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, l)), e) :
+ 'field_expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("list", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"list\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("list" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.BiAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "binding;" n s) :
+ 'field_expr)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "bi" | "anti"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"bi\" | \"anti\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "bi" | "anti" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.BiAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "binding" n s) :
+ 'field_expr)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ";"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (b2 : 'field_expr) _ (b1 : 'field_expr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BiSem (_loc, b1, b2) : 'field_expr)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (meth_list : 'meth_list Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (field : 'field Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sopt (Gram.Skeyword ";") ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (f : 'field) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (f : 'meth_list))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (field : 'field Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ";"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (ml : 'meth_list) _ (f : 'field)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TySem (_loc, f, ml) : 'meth_list)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (opt_meth_list : 'opt_meth_list Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyNil _loc : 'opt_meth_list))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (meth_list : 'meth_list Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ml : 'meth_list) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (ml : 'opt_meth_list)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (field : 'field Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (poly_type : 'poly_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'poly_type) _ (lab : 'a_LIDENT)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyCol (_loc,
+ Ast.TyId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, lab)), t) :
+ 'field))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "typ"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"typ\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "typ" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.TyAnt (_loc, mk_anti ~c: "ctyp" n s) :
+ 'field)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (poly_type : 'poly_type Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (t : 'poly_type)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (typevars : 'typevars Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.LeftA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "'";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_ident : 'a_ident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_ident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyQuo (_loc, i) : 'typevars))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "typ"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"typ\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "typ" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.TyAnt (_loc, mk_anti ~c: "ctyp" n s) :
+ 'typevars)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'typevars) (t1 : 'typevars)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyApp (_loc, t1, t2) : 'typevars)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (row_field : 'row_field Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (t : 'row_field))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "`";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_ident : 'a_ident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "of";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (amp_ctyp : 'amp_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'amp_ctyp) _ (i : 'a_ident) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyOf (_loc, Ast.TyVrn (_loc, i), t) :
+ 'row_field))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "`";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_ident : 'a_ident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "of"; Gram.Skeyword "&";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (amp_ctyp : 'amp_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'amp_ctyp) _ _ (i : 'a_ident) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyOfAmp (_loc, Ast.TyVrn (_loc, i), t) :
+ 'row_field))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "`";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_ident : 'a_ident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_ident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyVrn (_loc, i) : 'row_field))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "|"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'row_field) _ (t1 : 'row_field)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyOr (_loc, t1, t2) : 'row_field))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "typ"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"typ\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "typ" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.TyAnt (_loc, mk_anti ~c: "ctyp" n s) :
+ 'row_field)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (sem_ctyp : 'sem_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (t : 'sem_ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ";"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'sem_ctyp) _ (t1 : 'sem_ctyp)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TySem (_loc, t1, t2) : 'sem_ctyp)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (pipe_ctyp : 'pipe_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (t : 'pipe_ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "|"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'pipe_ctyp) _ (t1 : 'pipe_ctyp)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyOr (_loc, t1, t2) : 'pipe_ctyp)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (amp_ctyp : 'amp_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (t : 'amp_ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "&"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'amp_ctyp) _ (t1 : 'amp_ctyp)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyAmp (_loc, t1, t2) : 'amp_ctyp)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (name_tags : 'name_tags Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "`";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_ident : 'a_ident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_ident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyVrn (_loc, i) : 'name_tags))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (t2 : 'name_tags) (t1 : 'name_tags)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyApp (_loc, t1, t2) : 'name_tags))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "typ"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"typ\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "typ" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.TyAnt (_loc, mk_anti ~c: "ctyp" n s) :
+ 'name_tags)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (eq_expr : 'eq_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (fun i p -> Ast.PaOlb (_loc, i, p) :
+ 'eq_expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (fun i p -> Ast.PaOlbi (_loc, i, p, e) :
+ 'eq_expr)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (patt_tcon : 'patt_tcon Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'patt) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (p : 'patt_tcon))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (p : 'patt) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaTyc (_loc, p, t) : 'patt_tcon)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (ipatt : 'ipatt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ (* | i = opt_label; "("; p = ipatt_tcon; ")" ->
+ <:patt< ? $i$ : ($p$) >>
+ | i = opt_label; "("; p = ipatt_tcon; "="; e = expr; ")" ->
+ <:patt< ? $i$ : ($p$ = $e$) >> *)
+ Gram.Skeyword "?"; Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (ipatt_tcon : 'ipatt_tcon Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (e : 'expr) _ (p : 'ipatt_tcon) _ _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaOlbi (_loc, "", p, e) : 'ipatt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "?"; Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (ipatt_tcon : 'ipatt_tcon Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (p : 'ipatt_tcon) _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaOlb (_loc, "", p) : 'ipatt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "?";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "lid"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"lid\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "lid" as n)), i) ->
+ (Ast.PaOlb (_loc, mk_anti n i,
+ Ast.PaNil _loc) :
+ 'ipatt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "?";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | LIDENT _ -> true | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LIDENT i ->
+ (Ast.PaOlb (_loc, i, Ast.PaNil _loc) :
+ 'ipatt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "?";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "lid"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"lid\"), _)"));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":"; Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (ipatt_tcon : 'ipatt_tcon Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (eq_expr : 'eq_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (f : 'eq_expr) (p : 'ipatt_tcon) _ _
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) _ (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "lid" as n)), i) ->
+ (f (mk_anti n i) p : 'ipatt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | OPTLABEL _ -> true | _ -> false),
+ "OPTLABEL _"));
+ Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (ipatt_tcon : 'ipatt_tcon Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (eq_expr : 'eq_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (f : 'eq_expr) (p : 'ipatt_tcon) _
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | OPTLABEL i -> (f i p : 'ipatt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "~";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | LIDENT _ -> true | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LIDENT i ->
+ (Ast.PaLab (_loc, i, Ast.PaNil _loc) :
+ 'ipatt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "~";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "lid"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"lid\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "lid" as n)), i) ->
+ (Ast.PaLab (_loc, mk_anti n i,
+ Ast.PaNil _loc) :
+ 'ipatt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "~";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "lid"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"lid\"), _)"));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'ipatt) _ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "lid" as n)), i) ->
+ (Ast.PaLab (_loc, mk_anti n i, p) :
+ 'ipatt)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | LABEL _ -> true | _ -> false),
+ "LABEL _"));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'ipatt) (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LABEL i ->
+ (Ast.PaLab (_loc, i, p) : 'ipatt)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (ipatt_tcon : 'ipatt_tcon Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'ipatt) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (p : 'ipatt_tcon))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ipatt : 'ipatt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'ctyp) _ (p : 'ipatt) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (Ast.PaTyc (_loc, p, t) : 'ipatt_tcon)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (direction_flag : 'direction_flag Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("to", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"to\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("to" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.BAnt (mk_anti n s) :
+ 'direction_flag)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "downto" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BFalse : 'direction_flag))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "to" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BTrue : 'direction_flag)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (opt_private : 'opt_private Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BFalse : 'opt_private))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("private", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"private\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("private" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.BAnt (mk_anti n s) : 'opt_private)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "private" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BTrue : 'opt_private)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (opt_mutable : 'opt_mutable Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BFalse : 'opt_mutable))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("mutable", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"mutable\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("mutable" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.BAnt (mk_anti n s) : 'opt_mutable)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "mutable" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BTrue : 'opt_mutable)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (opt_virtual : 'opt_virtual Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BFalse : 'opt_virtual))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("virtual", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"virtual\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("virtual" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.BAnt (mk_anti n s) : 'opt_virtual)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "virtual" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BTrue : 'opt_virtual)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (opt_dot_dot : 'opt_dot_dot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BFalse : 'opt_dot_dot))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("..", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"..\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT (((".." as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.BAnt (mk_anti n s) : 'opt_dot_dot)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword ".." ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BTrue : 'opt_dot_dot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (opt_rec : 'opt_rec Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) -> (Ast.BFalse : 'opt_rec))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("rec", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"rec\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("rec" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.BAnt (mk_anti n s) : 'opt_rec)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "rec" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (Ast.BTrue : 'opt_rec)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (opt_expr : 'opt_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExNil _loc : 'opt_expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (e : 'opt_expr)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (interf : 'interf Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | EOI -> true | _ -> false), "EOI")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | EOI -> (([], None) : 'interf)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sig_item : 'sig_item Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun ((sil, stopped) : 'interf) _
+ (si : 'sig_item) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (((si :: sil), stopped) : 'interf))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "#";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_expr : 'opt_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (dp : 'opt_expr) (n : 'a_LIDENT) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (([ Ast.SgDir (_loc, n, dp) ],
+ (stopped_at _loc)) : 'interf)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (sig_items : 'sig_items Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Slist0
+ (Gram.srules sig_items
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sig_item :
+ 'sig_item Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (sg : 'sig_item) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (sg : 'e__4)))) ]) ],
+ (
+ (fun (l : 'e__4 list) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.sgSem_of_list l : 'sig_items))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "sigi" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"sigi\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "sigi" | "anti" | "list" as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.SgAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti n ~c: "sig_item" s) :
+ 'sig_items)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (implem : 'implem Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | EOI -> true | _ -> false), "EOI")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | EOI -> (([], None) : 'implem)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (str_item : 'str_item Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun ((sil, stopped) : 'implem) _
+ (si : 'str_item) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (((si :: sil), stopped) : 'implem))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "#";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_expr : 'opt_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (dp : 'opt_expr) (n : 'a_LIDENT) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (([ Ast.StDir (_loc, n, dp) ],
+ (stopped_at _loc)) : 'implem)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (str_items : 'str_items Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Slist0
+ (Gram.srules str_items
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (str_item :
+ 'str_item Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (st : 'str_item) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (st : 'e__5)))) ]) ],
+ (
+ (fun (l : 'e__5 list) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.stSem_of_list l : 'str_items))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "stri" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"stri\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "stri" | "anti" | "list" as n)),
+ s) ->
+ (Ast.StAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti n ~c: "str_item" s) :
+ 'str_items)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (top_phrase : 'top_phrase Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | EOI -> true | _ -> false), "EOI")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | EOI -> (None : 'top_phrase)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (phrase : 'phrase Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ph : 'phrase) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Some ph : 'top_phrase)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (use_file : 'use_file Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | EOI -> true | _ -> false), "EOI")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | EOI -> (([], None) : 'use_file)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (str_item : 'str_item Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun ((sil, stopped) : 'use_file) _
+ (si : 'str_item) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (((si :: sil), stopped) : 'use_file))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "#";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_expr : 'opt_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (dp : 'opt_expr) (n : 'a_LIDENT) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (([ Ast.StDir (_loc, n, dp) ],
+ (stopped_at _loc)) : 'use_file)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (phrase : 'phrase Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (str_item : 'str_item Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (st : 'str_item) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (st : 'phrase))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "#";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_expr : 'opt_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (dp : 'opt_expr) (n : 'a_LIDENT) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.StDir (_loc, n, dp) : 'phrase)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (a_INT : 'a_INT Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | INT (_, _) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "INT (_, _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | INT (_, s) -> (s : 'a_INT)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "int" | "`int"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"int\" | \"`int\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "int" | "`int" as n)), s)
+ -> (mk_anti n s : 'a_INT)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (a_INT32 : 'a_INT32 Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | INT32 (_, _) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "INT32 (_, _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | INT32 (_, s) -> (s : 'a_INT32)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "int32" | "`int32"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"int32\" | \"`int32\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "int32" | "`int32" as n)),
+ s) -> (mk_anti n s : 'a_INT32)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (a_INT64 : 'a_INT64 Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | INT64 (_, _) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "INT64 (_, _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | INT64 (_, s) -> (s : 'a_INT64)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "int64" | "`int64"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"int64\" | \"`int64\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "int64" | "`int64" as n)),
+ s) -> (mk_anti n s : 'a_INT64)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (a_NATIVEINT : 'a_NATIVEINT Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | NATIVEINT (_, _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "NATIVEINT (_, _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | NATIVEINT (_, s) -> (s : 'a_NATIVEINT)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ (("" | "nativeint" | "`nativeint"), _)
+ -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"nativeint\" | \"`nativeint\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "nativeint" | "`nativeint" as n)),
+ s) -> (mk_anti n s : 'a_NATIVEINT)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (a_FLOAT : 'a_FLOAT Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | FLOAT (_, _) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "FLOAT (_, _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | FLOAT (_, s) -> (s : 'a_FLOAT)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "flo" | "`flo"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"flo\" | \"`flo\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "flo" | "`flo" as n)), s)
+ -> (mk_anti n s : 'a_FLOAT)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (a_CHAR : 'a_CHAR Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | CHAR (_, _) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "CHAR (_, _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | CHAR (_, s) -> (s : 'a_CHAR)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "chr" | "`chr"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"chr\" | \"`chr\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "chr" | "`chr" as n)), s)
+ -> (mk_anti n s : 'a_CHAR)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT _ -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT s -> (s : 'a_UIDENT)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "uid"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"uid\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "uid" as n)), s) ->
+ (mk_anti n s : 'a_UIDENT)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | LIDENT _ -> true | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LIDENT s -> (s : 'a_LIDENT)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "lid"), _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"lid\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "lid" as n)), s) ->
+ (mk_anti n s : 'a_LIDENT)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (a_LIDENT_or_operator : 'a_LIDENT_or_operator Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'a_LIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'a_LIDENT_or_operator)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (a_LABEL : 'a_LABEL Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | LABEL _ -> true | _ -> false),
+ "LABEL _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LABEL s -> (s : 'a_LABEL)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "~";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"\", _)"));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" as n)), s) ->
+ (mk_anti n s : 'a_LABEL)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (a_OPTLABEL : 'a_OPTLABEL Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | OPTLABEL _ -> true | _ -> false),
+ "OPTLABEL _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | OPTLABEL s -> (s : 'a_OPTLABEL)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "?";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"\", _)"));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" as n)), s) ->
+ (mk_anti n s : 'a_OPTLABEL)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (a_STRING : 'a_STRING Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | STRING (_, _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "STRING (_, _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | STRING (_, s) -> (s : 'a_STRING)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "str" | "`str"), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"str\" | \"`str\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" | "str" | "`str" as n)), s)
+ -> (mk_anti n s : 'a_STRING)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (value_let : 'value_let Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "value" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (() : 'value_let)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (value_val : 'value_val Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "value" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (() : 'value_val)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword ";" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (() : 'semi)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (expr_quot : 'expr_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExNil _loc : 'expr_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (e : 'expr_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ";";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sem_expr : 'sem_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'sem_expr) _ (e1 : 'expr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExSem (_loc, e1, e2) : 'expr_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ",";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (comma_expr : 'comma_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e2 : 'comma_expr) _ (e1 : 'expr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExCom (_loc, e1, e2) : 'expr_quot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (patt_quot : 'patt_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaNil _loc : 'patt_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'patt) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'patt_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (y : 'patt) _ (x : 'patt) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaEq (_loc, x, y) : 'patt_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ";";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sem_patt : 'sem_patt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (y : 'sem_patt) _ (x : 'patt)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaSem (_loc, x, y) : 'patt_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ",";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (comma_patt : 'comma_patt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (y : 'comma_patt) _ (x : 'patt)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaCom (_loc, x, y) : 'patt_quot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (ctyp_quot : 'ctyp_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyNil _loc : 'ctyp_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (more_ctyp : 'more_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'more_ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'ctyp_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (more_ctyp : 'more_ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "and";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (constructor_arg_list :
+ 'constructor_arg_list Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (y : 'constructor_arg_list) _
+ (x : 'more_ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyAnd (_loc, x, y) : 'ctyp_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (more_ctyp : 'more_ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "&";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (amp_ctyp : 'amp_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (y : 'amp_ctyp) _ (x : 'more_ctyp)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyAmp (_loc, x, y) : 'ctyp_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (more_ctyp : 'more_ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "*";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (star_ctyp : 'star_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (y : 'star_ctyp) _ (x : 'more_ctyp)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TySta (_loc, x, y) : 'ctyp_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (more_ctyp : 'more_ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (more_ctyp : 'more_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (y : 'more_ctyp) _ (x : 'more_ctyp)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyCol (_loc, x, y) : 'ctyp_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (more_ctyp : 'more_ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "of"; Gram.Skeyword "&";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (amp_ctyp : 'amp_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (y : 'amp_ctyp) _ _ (x : 'more_ctyp)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyOfAmp (_loc, x, y) : 'ctyp_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (more_ctyp : 'more_ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "of";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (constructor_arg_list :
+ 'constructor_arg_list Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (y : 'constructor_arg_list) _
+ (x : 'more_ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyOf (_loc, x, y) : 'ctyp_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (more_ctyp : 'more_ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "|";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (pipe_ctyp : 'pipe_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (y : 'pipe_ctyp) _ (x : 'more_ctyp)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyOr (_loc, x, y) : 'ctyp_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (more_ctyp : 'more_ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ";";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sem_ctyp : 'sem_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (y : 'sem_ctyp) _ (x : 'more_ctyp)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TySem (_loc, x, y) : 'ctyp_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (more_ctyp : 'more_ctyp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ",";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (comma_ctyp : 'comma_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (y : 'comma_ctyp) _ (x : 'more_ctyp)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyCom (_loc, x, y) : 'ctyp_quot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (more_ctyp : 'more_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (type_parameter :
+ 'type_parameter Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'type_parameter) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'more_ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ctyp : 'ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'ctyp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'more_ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "`";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'a_LIDENT) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyVrn (_loc, x) : 'more_ctyp))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "mutable"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'more_ctyp) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.TyMut (_loc, x) : 'more_ctyp)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (str_item_quot : 'str_item_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.StNil _loc : 'str_item_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (str_item : 'str_item Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (st : 'str_item) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (st : 'str_item_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (str_item : 'str_item Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (st2 : 'str_item_quot) _ (st1 : 'str_item)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.StSem (_loc, st1, st2) : 'str_item_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "#";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_expr : 'opt_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (dp : 'opt_expr) (n : 'a_LIDENT) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.StDir (_loc, n, dp) : 'str_item_quot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (sig_item_quot : 'sig_item_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.SgNil _loc : 'sig_item_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sig_item : 'sig_item Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (sg : 'sig_item) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (sg : 'sig_item_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (sig_item : 'sig_item Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (sg2 : 'sig_item_quot) _ (sg1 : 'sig_item)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.SgSem (_loc, sg1, sg2) : 'sig_item_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "#";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_expr : 'opt_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (dp : 'opt_expr) (n : 'a_LIDENT) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.SgDir (_loc, n, dp) : 'sig_item_quot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (module_type_quot : 'module_type_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'module_type) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'module_type_quot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (module_expr_quot : 'module_expr_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_expr : 'module_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'module_expr) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'module_expr_quot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (match_case_quot : 'match_case_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.McNil _loc : 'match_case_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (match_case : 'match_case Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'match_case) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'match_case_quot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (binding_quot : 'binding_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BiNil _loc : 'binding_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (label_expr : 'label_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'label_expr) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'binding_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (binding : 'binding Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'binding) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'binding_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ";"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (b2 : 'binding_quot) _ (b1 : 'binding_quot)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BiSem (_loc, b1, b2) : 'binding_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "and"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (b2 : 'binding_quot) _ (b1 : 'binding_quot)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.BiAnd (_loc, b1, b2) : 'binding_quot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (module_binding_quot : 'module_binding_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MbNil _loc : 'module_binding_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_expr : 'module_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (me : 'module_expr) _ (mt : 'module_type) _
+ (m : 'a_UIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MbColEq (_loc, m, mt, me) :
+ 'module_binding_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (mt : 'module_type) _ (m : 'a_UIDENT)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MbCol (_loc, m, mt) :
+ 'module_binding_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"\", _)"));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_expr : 'module_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (me : 'module_expr) _ (mt : 'module_type) _
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" as n)), m) ->
+ (Ast.MbColEq (_loc, mk_anti n m, mt, me) :
+ 'module_binding_quot)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"\", _)"));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (module_type : 'module_type Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (mt : 'module_type) _
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" as n)), m) ->
+ (Ast.MbCol (_loc, mk_anti n m, mt) :
+ 'module_binding_quot)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.MbAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "module_binding" n s) :
+ 'module_binding_quot)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("module_binding" | "anti"), _)
+ -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"module_binding\" | \"anti\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("module_binding" | "anti" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.MbAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "module_binding" n s) :
+ 'module_binding_quot)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "and"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (b2 : 'module_binding_quot) _
+ (b1 : 'module_binding_quot) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.MbAnd (_loc, b1, b2) :
+ 'module_binding_quot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (ident_quot : 'ident_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (j : 'ident_quot) (i : 'ident_quot)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdApp (_loc, i, j) : 'ident_quot)))) ]);
+ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (j : 'ident_quot) _ (i : 'ident_quot)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_loc, i, j) : 'ident_quot)))) ]);
+ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (i : 'ident_quot) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (i : 'ident_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "id" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"id\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)"));
+ Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'ident_quot) _
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "id" | "anti" | "list" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "ident" n s),
+ i) :
+ 'ident_quot)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_LIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdLid (_loc, i) : 'ident_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_UIDENT : 'a_UIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_UIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.IdUid (_loc, i) : 'ident_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT (("" | "id" | "anti" | "list"),
+ _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT ((\"\" | \"id\" | \"anti\" | \"list\"), _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ ((("" | "id" | "anti" | "list" as n)), s)
+ ->
+ (Ast.IdAnt (_loc,
+ mk_anti ~c: "ident" n s) :
+ 'ident_quot)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (class_expr_quot : 'class_expr_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CeNil _loc : 'class_expr_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_expr : 'class_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'class_expr) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'class_expr_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("virtual", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"virtual\", _)"));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ident : 'ident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_comma_ctyp :
+ 'opt_comma_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ot : 'opt_comma_ctyp) (i : 'ident)
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("virtual" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.CeCon (_loc,
+ Ast.BAnt
+ (mk_anti ~c: "class_expr" n s),
+ i, ot) :
+ 'class_expr_quot)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "virtual";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_name_and_param :
+ 'class_name_and_param Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun ((i, ot) : 'class_name_and_param) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CeCon (_loc, Ast.BTrue,
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, i), ot) :
+ 'class_expr_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "="; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (ce2 : 'class_expr_quot) _
+ (ce1 : 'class_expr_quot) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CeEq (_loc, ce1, ce2) :
+ 'class_expr_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "and"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (ce2 : 'class_expr_quot) _
+ (ce1 : 'class_expr_quot) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CeAnd (_loc, ce1, ce2) :
+ 'class_expr_quot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (class_type_quot : 'class_type_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CtNil _loc : 'class_type_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_type_plus :
+ 'class_type_plus Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'class_type_plus) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'class_type_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("virtual", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"virtual\", _)"));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (ident : 'ident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_comma_ctyp :
+ 'opt_comma_ctyp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ot : 'opt_comma_ctyp) (i : 'ident)
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ((("virtual" as n)), s) ->
+ (Ast.CtCon (_loc,
+ Ast.BAnt
+ (mk_anti ~c: "class_type" n s),
+ i, ot) :
+ 'class_type_quot)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "virtual";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_name_and_param :
+ 'class_name_and_param Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun ((i, ot) : 'class_name_and_param) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CtCon (_loc, Ast.BTrue,
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, i), ot) :
+ 'class_type_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ":"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (ct2 : 'class_type_quot) _
+ (ct1 : 'class_type_quot) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CtCol (_loc, ct1, ct2) :
+ 'class_type_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "="; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (ct2 : 'class_type_quot) _
+ (ct1 : 'class_type_quot) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CtEq (_loc, ct1, ct2) :
+ 'class_type_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword "and"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (ct2 : 'class_type_quot) _
+ (ct1 : 'class_type_quot) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CtAnd (_loc, ct1, ct2) :
+ 'class_type_quot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (class_str_item_quot : 'class_str_item_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CrNil _loc : 'class_str_item_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_str_item :
+ 'class_str_item Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'class_str_item) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'class_str_item_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_str_item :
+ 'class_str_item Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (x2 : 'class_str_item_quot) _
+ (x1 : 'class_str_item) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CrSem (_loc, x1, x2) :
+ 'class_str_item_quot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (class_sig_item_quot : 'class_sig_item_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CgNil _loc : 'class_sig_item_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_sig_item :
+ 'class_sig_item Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'class_sig_item) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'class_sig_item_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (class_sig_item :
+ 'class_sig_item Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (semi : 'semi Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (x2 : 'class_sig_item_quot) _
+ (x1 : 'class_sig_item) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.CgSem (_loc, x1, x2) :
+ 'class_sig_item_quot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (with_constr_quot : 'with_constr_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.WcNil _loc : 'with_constr_quot))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (with_constr : 'with_constr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'with_constr) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (x : 'with_constr_quot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (patt_eoi : 'patt_eoi Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | EOI -> true | _ -> false), "EOI")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (x : 'patt)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | EOI -> (x : 'patt_eoi)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (expr_eoi : 'expr_eoi Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | EOI -> true | _ -> false), "EOI")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (x : 'expr)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | EOI -> (x : 'expr_eoi)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ()))
+ end
+ let _ = let module M = Register.OCamlSyntaxExtension(Id)(Make) in ()
+ end
+module Camlp4QuotationCommon =
+ struct
+ open Camlp4
+ (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* Objective Caml *)
+ (* *)
+ (* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Copyright 2002-2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+ (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+ (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+ (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+ (* Caml source tree. *)
+ (* *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* Authors:
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: initial version
+ *)
+ module Id =
+ struct
+ let name = "Camlp4QuotationCommon"
+ let version =
+ "$Id:,v 1.7 2006/10/04 16:22:54 ertai Exp $"
+ end
+ module Make
+ (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax)
+ (TheAntiquotSyntax :
+ Sig.AntiquotSyntax with module Ast = Sig.Camlp4AstToAst(Syntax.Ast)) =
+ struct
+ open Sig
+ include Syntax
+ (* Be careful an AntiquotSyntax module appears here *)
+ module MetaLocHere = Ast.Meta.MetaLoc
+ module MetaLoc =
+ struct
+ module Ast = Ast
+ let loc_name = ref None
+ let meta_loc_expr _loc loc =
+ match !loc_name with
+ | None -> Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, !
+ | Some "here" -> MetaLocHere.meta_loc_expr _loc loc
+ | Some x -> Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, x))
+ let meta_loc_patt _loc _ = Ast.PaAny _loc
+ end
+ module MetaAst = Ast.Meta.Make(MetaLoc)
+ module ME = MetaAst.Expr
+ module MP = MetaAst.Patt
+ let is_antiquot s =
+ let len = String.length s
+ in (len > 2) && ((s.[0] = '\\') && (s.[1] = '$'))
+ let handle_antiquot_in_string s term parse loc decorate =
+ if is_antiquot s
+ then
+ (let pos = String.index s ':' in
+ let name = String.sub s 2 (pos - 2)
+ and code =
+ String.sub s (pos + 1) (((String.length s) - pos) - 1)
+ in decorate name (parse loc code))
+ else term
+ let antiquot_expander =
+ object
+ inherit as super
+ method patt =
+ function
+ | (Ast.PaAnt (_loc, s) | Ast.PaStr (_loc, s) as p) ->
+ let mloc _loc = MetaLoc.meta_loc_patt _loc _loc
+ in
+ handle_antiquot_in_string s p TheAntiquotSyntax.
+ parse_patt _loc
+ (fun n p ->
+ match n with
+ | "antisig_item" ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ p)
+ | "antistr_item" ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ p)
+ | "antictyp" ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ p)
+ | "antipatt" ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ p)
+ | "antiexpr" ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ p)
+ | "antimodule_type" ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MtAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ p)
+ | "antimodule_expr" ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MeAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ p)
+ | "anticlass_type" ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CtAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ p)
+ | "anticlass_expr" ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ p)
+ | "anticlass_sig_item" ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CgAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ p)
+ | "anticlass_str_item" ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ p)
+ | "antiwith_constr" ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "WcAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ p)
+ | "antibinding" ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "BiAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ p)
+ | "antimatch_case" ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "McAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ p)
+ | "antimodule_binding" ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MbAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ p)
+ | "antiident" ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "IdAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ p)
+ | _ -> p)
+ | p -> super#patt p
+ method expr =
+ function
+ | (Ast.ExAnt (_loc, s) | Ast.ExStr (_loc, s) as e) ->
+ let mloc _loc = MetaLoc.meta_loc_expr _loc _loc
+ in
+ handle_antiquot_in_string s e TheAntiquotSyntax.
+ parse_expr _loc
+ (fun n e ->
+ match n with
+ | "`int" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "string_of_int")),
+ e)
+ | "`int32" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Int32"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "to_string"))),
+ e)
+ | "`int64" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Int64"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "to_string"))),
+ e)
+ | "`nativeint" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Nativeint"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "to_string"))),
+ e)
+ | "`flo" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "string_of_float")),
+ e)
+ | "`str" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "safe_string_escaped"))),
+ e)
+ | "`chr" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Char"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "escaped"))),
+ e)
+ | "liststr_item" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "stSem_of_list"))),
+ e)
+ | "listsig_item" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "sgSem_of_list"))),
+ e)
+ | "listclass_sig_item" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "cgSem_of_list"))),
+ e)
+ | "listclass_str_item" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "crSem_of_list"))),
+ e)
+ | "listmodule_expr" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "meApp_of_list"))),
+ e)
+ | "listmodule_type" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "mtApp_of_list"))),
+ e)
+ | "listmodule_binding" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "mbAnd_of_list"))),
+ e)
+ | "listbinding" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "biAnd_of_list"))),
+ e)
+ | "listbinding;" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "biSem_of_list"))),
+ e)
+ | "listclass_type" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "ctAnd_of_list"))),
+ e)
+ | "listclass_expr" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "ceAnd_of_list"))),
+ e)
+ | "listident" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "idAcc_of_list"))),
+ e)
+ | "listctypand" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "tyAnd_of_list"))),
+ e)
+ | "listwith_constr" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "wcAnd_of_list"))),
+ e)
+ | "listmatch_case" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "mcOr_of_list"))),
+ e)
+ | "listpatt;" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "paSem_of_list"))),
+ e)
+ | "antisig_item" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "SgAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ e)
+ | "antistr_item" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "StAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ e)
+ | "antictyp" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "TyAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ e)
+ | "antipatt" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "PaAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ e)
+ | "antiexpr" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "ExAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ e)
+ | "antimodule_type" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MtAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ e)
+ | "antimodule_expr" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MeAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ e)
+ | "anticlass_type" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CtAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ e)
+ | "anticlass_expr" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CeAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ e)
+ | "anticlass_sig_item" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CgAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ e)
+ | "anticlass_str_item" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "CrAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ e)
+ | "antiwith_constr" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "WcAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ e)
+ | "antibinding" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "BiAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ e)
+ | "antimatch_case" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "McAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ e)
+ | "antimodule_binding" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "MbAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ e)
+ | "antiident" ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "IdAnt"))),
+ mloc _loc),
+ e)
+ | _ -> e)
+ | e -> super#expr e
+ end
+ let add_quotation name entry mexpr mpatt =
+ let entry_eoi = ( entry) in
+ let expand_expr loc loc_name_opt s =
+ let ast = Gram.parse_string entry_eoi loc s in
+ let () = MetaLoc.loc_name := loc_name_opt in
+ let meta_ast = mexpr loc ast in
+ let exp_ast = antiquot_expander#expr meta_ast in exp_ast in
+ let expand_patt _loc loc_name_opt s =
+ let ast = Gram.parse_string entry_eoi _loc s in
+ let meta_ast = mpatt _loc ast in
+ let exp_ast = antiquot_expander#patt meta_ast
+ in
+ match loc_name_opt with
+ | None -> exp_ast
+ | Some name ->
+ let rec subst_first_loc =
+ (function
+ | Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ (Ast.PaId (_,
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "Ast")),
+ (Ast.IdUid (_, u)))))),
+ _) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Ast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, u))),
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, name)))
+ | Ast.PaApp (_loc, a, b) ->
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc, subst_first_loc a, b)
+ | p -> p)
+ in subst_first_loc exp_ast
+ in
+ (Gram.extend (entry_eoi : 'entry_eoi Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (entry : 'entry Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | EOI -> true | _ -> false), "EOI")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (x : 'entry)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | EOI -> (x : 'entry_eoi)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Quotation.add name
+ (Quotation.ExAst ((expand_expr, expand_patt))))
+ let _ =
+ add_quotation "sig_item" sig_item_quot ME.meta_sig_item MP.
+ meta_sig_item
+ let _ =
+ add_quotation "str_item" str_item_quot ME.meta_str_item MP.
+ meta_str_item
+ let _ = add_quotation "ctyp" ctyp_quot ME.meta_ctyp MP.meta_ctyp
+ let _ = add_quotation "patt" patt_quot ME.meta_patt MP.meta_patt
+ let _ = add_quotation "expr" expr_quot ME.meta_expr MP.meta_expr
+ let _ =
+ add_quotation "module_type" module_type_quot ME.meta_module_type
+ MP.meta_module_type
+ let _ =
+ add_quotation "module_expr" module_expr_quot ME.meta_module_expr
+ MP.meta_module_expr
+ let _ =
+ add_quotation "class_type" class_type_quot ME.meta_class_type MP.
+ meta_class_type
+ let _ =
+ add_quotation "class_expr" class_expr_quot ME.meta_class_expr MP.
+ meta_class_expr
+ let _ =
+ add_quotation "class_sig_item" class_sig_item_quot ME.
+ meta_class_sig_item MP.meta_class_sig_item
+ let _ =
+ add_quotation "class_str_item" class_str_item_quot ME.
+ meta_class_str_item MP.meta_class_str_item
+ let _ =
+ add_quotation "with_constr" with_constr_quot ME.meta_with_constr
+ MP.meta_with_constr
+ let _ =
+ add_quotation "binding" binding_quot ME.meta_binding MP.
+ meta_binding
+ let _ =
+ add_quotation "match_case" match_case_quot ME.meta_match_case MP.
+ meta_match_case
+ let _ =
+ add_quotation "module_binding" module_binding_quot ME.
+ meta_module_binding MP.meta_module_binding
+ let _ = add_quotation "ident" ident_quot ME.meta_ident MP.meta_ident
+ end
+ end
+module Q =
+ struct
+ open Camlp4
+ (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* Objective Caml *)
+ (* *)
+ (* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Copyright 2002-2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+ (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+ (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+ (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+ (* Caml source tree. *)
+ (* *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* Authors:
+ * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
+ *)
+ module Id =
+ struct
+ let name = "Camlp4QuotationExpander"
+ let version =
+ "$Id:,v 1.3 2006/07/08 17:21:32 pouillar Exp $"
+ end
+ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) =
+ struct
+ module M = Camlp4QuotationCommon.Make(Syntax)(Syntax.AntiquotSyntax)
+ include M
+ end
+ let _ = let module M = Register.OCamlSyntaxExtension(Id)(Make) in ()
+ end
+module Rp =
+ struct
+ open Camlp4
+ (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* Objective Caml *)
+ (* *)
+ (* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Copyright 1998-2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+ (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+ (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+ (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+ (* Caml source tree. *)
+ (* *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* Authors:
+ * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
+ *)
+ module Id : Sig.Id =
+ struct
+ let name = "Camlp4OCamlRevisedParserParser"
+ let version =
+ "$Id:,v 1.5 2006/07/08 18:10:10 pouillar Exp $"
+ end
+ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) =
+ struct
+ open Sig
+ include Syntax
+ type spat_comp =
+ | SpTrm of Loc.t * Ast.patt * Ast.expr option
+ | SpNtr of Loc.t * Ast.patt * Ast.expr | SpStr of Loc.t * Ast.patt
+ type sexp_comp =
+ | SeTrm of Loc.t * Ast.expr | SeNtr of Loc.t * Ast.expr
+ let stream_expr = "stream_expr"
+ let stream_begin = "stream_begin"
+ let stream_end = "stream_end"
+ let stream_quot = "stream_quot"
+ let parser_case = "parser_case"
+ let parser_case_list = "parser_case_list"
+ let strm_n = "__strm"
+ let peek_fun _loc =
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "peek")))
+ let junk_fun _loc =
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "junk")))
+ (* Parsers. *)
+ (* In syntax generated, many cases are optimisations. *)
+ let rec pattern_eq_expression p e =
+ match (p, e) with
+ | (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, a))),
+ Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, b)))) -> a = b
+ | (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, a))),
+ Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, b)))) -> a = b
+ | (Ast.PaApp (_, p1, p2), Ast.ExApp (_, e1, e2)) ->
+ (pattern_eq_expression p1 e1) && (pattern_eq_expression p2 e2)
+ | _ -> false
+ let is_raise e =
+ match e with
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, "raise")))), _) ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false
+ let is_raise_failure e =
+ match e with
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, "raise")))),
+ (Ast.ExId (_,
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "Stream")),
+ (Ast.IdUid (_, "Failure")))))))
+ -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ let rec handle_failure e =
+ match e with
+ | Ast.ExTry (_, _,
+ (Ast.McArr (_,
+ (Ast.PaId (_,
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "Stream")),
+ (Ast.IdUid (_, "Failure")))))),
+ (Ast.ExNil _), e)))
+ -> handle_failure e
+ | Ast.ExMat (_, me, a) ->
+ let rec match_case_handle_failure =
+ (function
+ | Ast.McOr (_, a1, a2) ->
+ (match_case_handle_failure a1) &&
+ (match_case_handle_failure a2)
+ | Ast.McArr (_, _, (Ast.ExNil _), e) -> handle_failure e
+ | _ -> false)
+ in (handle_failure me) && (match_case_handle_failure a)
+ | Ast.ExLet (_, Ast.BFalse, bi, e) ->
+ let rec binding_handle_failure =
+ (function
+ | Ast.BiAnd (_, b1, b2) ->
+ (binding_handle_failure b1) &&
+ (binding_handle_failure b2)
+ | Ast.BiEq (_, _, e) -> handle_failure e
+ | _ -> false)
+ in (binding_handle_failure bi) && (handle_failure e)
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, _))) | Ast.ExInt (_, _) |
+ Ast.ExStr (_, _) | Ast.ExChr (_, _) | Ast.ExFun (_, _) |
+ Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, _))) -> true
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, "raise")))), e) ->
+ (match e with
+ | Ast.ExId (_,
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "Stream")),
+ (Ast.IdUid (_, "Failure")))))
+ -> false
+ | _ -> true)
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, f, x) ->
+ (is_constr_apply f) &&
+ ((handle_failure f) && (handle_failure x))
+ | _ -> false
+ and is_constr_apply =
+ function
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, _))) -> true
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, _))) -> false
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, x, _) -> is_constr_apply x
+ | _ -> false
+ let rec subst v e =
+ let _loc = Ast.loc_of_expr e
+ in
+ match e with
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, x))) ->
+ let x = if x = v then strm_n else x
+ in Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, x))
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, _))) -> e
+ | Ast.ExInt (_, _) -> e
+ | Ast.ExChr (_, _) -> e
+ | Ast.ExStr (_, _) -> e
+ | Ast.ExAcc (_, _, _) -> e
+ | Ast.ExLet (_, rf, bi, e) ->
+ Ast.ExLet (_loc, rf, subst_binding v bi, subst v e)
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, e1, e2) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, subst v e1, subst v e2)
+ | Ast.ExTup (_, e) -> Ast.ExTup (_loc, subst v e)
+ | Ast.ExCom (_, e1, e2) ->
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc, subst v e1, subst v e2)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ and subst_binding v =
+ function
+ | Ast.BiAnd (_loc, b1, b2) ->
+ Ast.BiAnd (_loc, subst_binding v b1, subst_binding v b2)
+ | Ast.BiEq (_loc, (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, v')))), e) ->
+ Ast.BiEq (_loc, Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, v')),
+ if v = v' then e else subst v e)
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ let stream_pattern_component skont ckont =
+ function
+ | SpTrm (_loc, p, None) ->
+ Ast.ExMat (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, peek_fun _loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, strm_n))),
+ Ast.McOr (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Some")), p),
+ Ast.ExNil _loc,
+ Ast.ExSeq (_loc,
+ Ast.ExSem (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, junk_fun _loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, strm_n))),
+ skont))),
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, Ast.PaAny _loc, Ast.ExNil _loc, ckont)))
+ | SpTrm (_loc, p, (Some w)) ->
+ Ast.ExMat (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, peek_fun _loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, strm_n))),
+ Ast.McOr (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Some")), p),
+ w,
+ Ast.ExSeq (_loc,
+ Ast.ExSem (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, junk_fun _loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, strm_n))),
+ skont))),
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, Ast.PaAny _loc, Ast.ExNil _loc, ckont)))
+ | SpNtr (_loc, p, e) ->
+ let e =
+ (match e with
+ | Ast.ExFun (_,
+ (Ast.McArr (_,
+ (Ast.PaTyc (_, (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, v)))),
+ (Ast.TyApp (_,
+ (Ast.TyId (_,
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "Stream")),
+ (Ast.IdLid (_, "t")))))),
+ (Ast.TyAny _))))),
+ (Ast.ExNil _), e)))
+ when v = strm_n -> e
+ | _ ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, e,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, strm_n))))
+ in
+ if pattern_eq_expression p skont
+ then
+ if is_raise_failure ckont
+ then e
+ else
+ if handle_failure e
+ then e
+ else
+ Ast.ExTry (_loc, e,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Failure"))),
+ Ast.ExNil _loc, ckont))
+ else
+ if is_raise_failure ckont
+ then
+ Ast.ExLet (_loc, Ast.BFalse, Ast.BiEq (_loc, p, e),
+ skont)
+ else
+ if
+ pattern_eq_expression
+ (Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Some")), p))
+ skont
+ then
+ Ast.ExTry (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Some")), e),
+ Ast.McArr (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Failure"))),
+ Ast.ExNil _loc, ckont))
+ else
+ if is_raise ckont
+ then
+ (let tst =
+ if handle_failure e
+ then e
+ else
+ Ast.ExTry (_loc, e,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Failure"))),
+ Ast.ExNil _loc, ckont))
+ in
+ Ast.ExLet (_loc, Ast.BFalse,
+ Ast.BiEq (_loc, p, tst), skont))
+ else
+ Ast.ExMat (_loc,
+ Ast.ExTry (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Some")), e),
+ Ast.McArr (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Failure"))),
+ Ast.ExNil _loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "None")))),
+ Ast.McOr (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Some")), p),
+ Ast.ExNil _loc, skont),
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, Ast.PaAny _loc, Ast.ExNil _loc,
+ ckont)))
+ | SpStr (_loc, p) ->
+ (try
+ match p with
+ | Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, v))) -> subst v skont
+ | _ -> raise Not_found
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ Ast.ExLet (_loc, Ast.BFalse,
+ Ast.BiEq (_loc, p,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, strm_n))),
+ skont))
+ let rec stream_pattern _loc epo e ekont =
+ function
+ | [] ->
+ (match epo with
+ | Some ep ->
+ Ast.ExLet (_loc, Ast.BFalse,
+ Ast.BiEq (_loc, ep,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "count"))),
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, strm_n)))),
+ e)
+ | _ -> e)
+ | (spc, err) :: spcl ->
+ let skont =
+ let ekont err =
+ let str =
+ (match err with
+ | Some estr -> estr
+ | _ -> Ast.ExStr (_loc, ""))
+ in
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "raise")),
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Error"))),
+ str))
+ in stream_pattern _loc epo e ekont spcl in
+ let ckont = ekont err
+ in stream_pattern_component skont ckont spc
+ let stream_patterns_term _loc ekont tspel =
+ let pel =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun (p, w, _loc, spcl, epo, e) acc ->
+ let p =
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Some")), p) in
+ let e =
+ let ekont err =
+ let str =
+ match err with
+ | Some estr -> estr
+ | _ -> Ast.ExStr (_loc, "")
+ in
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "raise")),
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Error"))),
+ str)) in
+ let skont = stream_pattern _loc epo e ekont spcl
+ in
+ Ast.ExSeq (_loc,
+ Ast.ExSem (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, junk_fun _loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, strm_n))),
+ skont))
+ in
+ match w with
+ | Some w ->
+ Ast.McOr (_loc, Ast.McArr (_loc, p, w, e), acc)
+ | None ->
+ Ast.McOr (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, p, Ast.ExNil _loc, e), acc))
+ tspel (Ast.McNil _loc)
+ in
+ Ast.ExMat (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, peek_fun _loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, strm_n))),
+ Ast.McOr (_loc, pel,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, Ast.PaAny _loc, Ast.ExNil _loc, ekont ())))
+ let rec group_terms =
+ function
+ | ((SpTrm (_loc, p, w), None) :: spcl, epo, e) :: spel ->
+ let (tspel, spel) = group_terms spel
+ in (((p, w, _loc, spcl, epo, e) :: tspel), spel)
+ | spel -> ([], spel)
+ let rec parser_cases _loc =
+ function
+ | [] ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "raise")),
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Failure"))))
+ | spel ->
+ (match group_terms spel with
+ | ([], (spcl, epo, e) :: spel) ->
+ stream_pattern _loc epo e
+ (fun _ -> parser_cases _loc spel) spcl
+ | (tspel, spel) ->
+ stream_patterns_term _loc
+ (fun _ -> parser_cases _loc spel) tspel)
+ let cparser _loc bpo pc =
+ let e = parser_cases _loc pc in
+ let e =
+ match bpo with
+ | Some bp ->
+ Ast.ExLet (_loc, Ast.BFalse,
+ Ast.BiEq (_loc, bp,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "count"))),
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, strm_n)))),
+ e)
+ | None -> e in
+ let p =
+ Ast.PaTyc (_loc, Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, strm_n)),
+ Ast.TyApp (_loc,
+ Ast.TyId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "t"))),
+ Ast.TyAny _loc))
+ in Ast.ExFun (_loc, Ast.McArr (_loc, p, Ast.ExNil _loc, e))
+ let cparser_match _loc me bpo pc =
+ let pc = parser_cases _loc pc in
+ let e =
+ match bpo with
+ | Some bp ->
+ Ast.ExLet (_loc, Ast.BFalse,
+ Ast.BiEq (_loc, bp,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "count"))),
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, strm_n)))),
+ pc)
+ | None -> pc
+ in
+ match me with
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, x))) when x = strm_n -> e
+ | _ ->
+ Ast.ExLet (_loc, Ast.BFalse,
+ Ast.BiEq (_loc,
+ Ast.PaTyc (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, strm_n)),
+ Ast.TyApp (_loc,
+ Ast.TyId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "t"))),
+ Ast.TyAny _loc)),
+ me),
+ e)
+ (* streams *)
+ let rec not_computing =
+ function
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, _))) |
+ Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, _))) | Ast.ExInt (_, _) |
+ Ast.ExFlo (_, _) | Ast.ExChr (_, _) | Ast.ExStr (_, _) -> true
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, x, y) ->
+ (is_cons_apply_not_computing x) && (not_computing y)
+ | _ -> false
+ and is_cons_apply_not_computing =
+ function
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, _))) -> true
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, _))) -> false
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, x, y) ->
+ (is_cons_apply_not_computing x) && (not_computing y)
+ | _ -> false
+ let slazy _loc e =
+ match e with
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, f, (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "()"))))) ->
+ (match f with
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, _))) -> f
+ | _ ->
+ Ast.ExFun (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, Ast.PaAny _loc, Ast.ExNil _loc, e)))
+ | _ ->
+ Ast.ExFun (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, Ast.PaAny _loc, Ast.ExNil _loc, e))
+ let rec cstream gloc =
+ function
+ | [] ->
+ let _loc = gloc
+ in
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "sempty")))
+ | [ SeTrm (_loc, e) ] ->
+ if not_computing e
+ then
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "ising"))),
+ e)
+ else
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "lsing"))),
+ slazy _loc e)
+ | SeTrm (_loc, e) :: secl ->
+ if not_computing e
+ then
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "icons"))),
+ e),
+ cstream gloc secl)
+ else
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "lcons"))),
+ slazy _loc e),
+ cstream gloc secl)
+ | [ SeNtr (_loc, e) ] ->
+ if not_computing e
+ then e
+ else
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "slazy"))),
+ slazy _loc e)
+ | SeNtr (_loc, e) :: secl ->
+ if not_computing e
+ then
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "iapp"))),
+ e),
+ cstream gloc secl)
+ else
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stream"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "lapp"))),
+ slazy _loc e),
+ cstream gloc secl)
+ (* Syntax extensions in Revised Syntax grammar *)
+ let _ =
+ let _ = (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (parser_case_list : 'parser_case_list Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (parser_case : 'parser_case Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (stream_quot : 'stream_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (stream_end : 'stream_end Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (stream_begin : 'stream_begin Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (stream_expr : 'stream_expr Gram.Entry.t) in
+ let grammar_entry_create = in
+ let stream_patt : 'stream_patt Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "stream_patt"
+ and stream_expr_comp : 'stream_expr_comp Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "stream_expr_comp"
+ and stream_expr_comp_list : 'stream_expr_comp_list Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "stream_expr_comp_list"
+ and parser_ipatt : 'parser_ipatt Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "parser_ipatt"
+ and stream_patt_comp : 'stream_patt_comp Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "stream_patt_comp"
+ and stream_patt_comp_err_list :
+ 'stream_patt_comp_err_list Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "stream_patt_comp_err_list"
+ and stream_patt_comp_err : 'stream_patt_comp_err Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "stream_patt_comp_err"
+ in
+ (Gram.extend (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ ((Some (Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Level "top")),
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "match"; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Skeyword "with"; Gram.Skeyword "parser";
+ Gram.Sopt
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (parser_ipatt :
+ 'parser_ipatt Gram.Entry.t)));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (parser_case_list :
+ 'parser_case_list Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (pcl : 'parser_case_list)
+ (po : 'parser_ipatt option) _ _ (e : 'expr) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (cparser_match _loc e po pcl : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "parser";
+ Gram.Sopt
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (parser_ipatt :
+ 'parser_ipatt Gram.Entry.t)));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (parser_case_list :
+ 'parser_case_list Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (pcl : 'parser_case_list)
+ (po : 'parser_ipatt option) _ (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (cparser _loc po pcl : 'expr)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (parser_case_list : 'parser_case_list Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (parser_case : 'parser_case Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (pc : 'parser_case) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ([ pc ] : 'parser_case_list))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Slist0sep
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (parser_case : 'parser_case Gram.Entry.t)),
+ Gram.Skeyword "|");
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (pcl : 'parser_case list) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (pcl : 'parser_case_list)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (parser_case : 'parser_case Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_begin : 'stream_begin Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_patt : 'stream_patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_end : 'stream_end Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sopt
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (parser_ipatt :
+ 'parser_ipatt Gram.Entry.t)));
+ Gram.Skeyword "->";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (po : 'parser_ipatt option) _
+ (sp : 'stream_patt) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ((sp, po, e) : 'parser_case)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (stream_begin : 'stream_begin Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[:" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (() : 'stream_begin)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (stream_end : 'stream_end Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword ":]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (() : 'stream_end)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (stream_quot : 'stream_quot Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "`" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (() : 'stream_quot)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (stream_expr : 'stream_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (e : 'stream_expr)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (stream_patt : 'stream_patt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) -> ([] : 'stream_patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_patt_comp :
+ 'stream_patt_comp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ";";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_patt_comp_err_list :
+ 'stream_patt_comp_err_list Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (sp : 'stream_patt_comp_err_list) _
+ (spc : 'stream_patt_comp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ((spc, None) :: sp : 'stream_patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_patt_comp :
+ 'stream_patt_comp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (spc : 'stream_patt_comp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ([ (spc, None) ] : 'stream_patt)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (stream_patt_comp_err : 'stream_patt_comp_err Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_patt_comp :
+ 'stream_patt_comp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sopt
+ (Gram.srules stream_patt_comp_err
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "??";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_expr :
+ 'stream_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'stream_expr) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (e : 'e__6)))) ]) ],
+ (
+ (fun (eo : 'e__6 option)
+ (spc : 'stream_patt_comp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ((spc, eo) : 'stream_patt_comp_err)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (stream_patt_comp_err_list :
+ 'stream_patt_comp_err_list Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_patt_comp_err :
+ 'stream_patt_comp_err Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ";"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (sp : 'stream_patt_comp_err_list) _
+ (spc : 'stream_patt_comp_err) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (spc :: sp : 'stream_patt_comp_err_list))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_patt_comp_err :
+ 'stream_patt_comp_err Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ";" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (spc : 'stream_patt_comp_err)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ([ spc ] : 'stream_patt_comp_err_list))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_patt_comp_err :
+ 'stream_patt_comp_err Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (spc : 'stream_patt_comp_err)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ([ spc ] : 'stream_patt_comp_err_list)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (stream_patt_comp : 'stream_patt_comp Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'patt) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (SpStr (_loc, p) : 'stream_patt_comp))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_expr : 'stream_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'stream_expr) _ (p : 'patt)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (SpNtr (_loc, p, e) : 'stream_patt_comp))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_quot : 'stream_quot Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sopt
+ (Gram.srules stream_patt_comp
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "when";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_expr :
+ 'stream_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'stream_expr) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (e : 'e__7)))) ]) ],
+ (
+ (fun (eo : 'e__7 option) (p : 'patt) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (SpTrm (_loc, p, eo) : 'stream_patt_comp)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (parser_ipatt : 'parser_ipatt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "_" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaAny _loc : 'parser_ipatt))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_LIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, i)) :
+ 'parser_ipatt)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ ((Some (Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Level "simple")),
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_begin : 'stream_begin Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_expr_comp_list :
+ 'stream_expr_comp_list Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_end : 'stream_end Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (sel : 'stream_expr_comp_list) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (cstream _loc sel : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_begin : 'stream_begin Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_end : 'stream_end Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (cstream _loc [] : 'expr)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend
+ (stream_expr_comp_list : 'stream_expr_comp_list Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_expr_comp :
+ 'stream_expr_comp Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (se : 'stream_expr_comp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ([ se ] : 'stream_expr_comp_list))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_expr_comp :
+ 'stream_expr_comp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ";" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (se : 'stream_expr_comp) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> ([ se ] : 'stream_expr_comp_list))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_expr_comp :
+ 'stream_expr_comp Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ";"; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (sel : 'stream_expr_comp_list) _
+ (se : 'stream_expr_comp) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (se :: sel : 'stream_expr_comp_list)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (stream_expr_comp : 'stream_expr_comp Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_expr : 'stream_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'stream_expr) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (SeNtr (_loc, e) : 'stream_expr_comp))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_quot : 'stream_quot Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (stream_expr : 'stream_expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'stream_expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (SeTrm (_loc, e) : 'stream_expr_comp)))) ]) ]))
+ ()))
+ end
+ (*
+ Gram.Entry.clear stream_expr;
+ Gram.Entry.clear stream_expr;
+ stream_expr:
+ [ [ e = expr LEVEL "stream_expr" -> e ] ]
+ ;
+ stream_begin:
+ [ [ "[<" -> () ] ]
+ ;
+ stream_end:
+ [ [ ">]" -> () ] ]
+ ;
+ stream_quot:
+ [ [ "'" -> () ] ]
+ ;
+ *)
+ module M = Register.OCamlSyntaxExtension(Id)(Make)
+ end
+module G =
+ struct
+ open Camlp4
+ (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* Objective Caml *)
+ (* *)
+ (* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Copyright 2002-2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+ (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+ (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+ (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+ (* Caml source tree. *)
+ (* *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* Authors:
+ * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
+ *)
+ module Id =
+ struct
+ let name = "Camlp4GrammarParser"
+ let version = "$Id:,v 1.8 2006/10/04 16:22:54 ertai Exp $"
+ end
+ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) =
+ struct
+ open Sig
+ include Syntax
+ module MetaLoc = Ast.Meta.MetaGhostLoc
+ module MetaAst = Ast.Meta.Make(MetaLoc)
+ module PP = Camlp4.Printers.OCaml.Make(Syntax)
+ let pp = new PP.printer ~comments: false ()
+ let string_of_patt patt =
+ let buf = Buffer.create 42 in
+ let () = Format.bprintf buf "%a@?" pp#patt patt in
+ let str = Buffer.contents buf
+ in if str = "" then assert false else str
+ let split_ext = ref false
+ type loc = Loc.t
+ type 'e name = { expr : 'e; tvar : string; loc : loc }
+ type styp =
+ | STlid of loc * string | STapp of loc * styp * styp
+ | STquo of loc * string | STself of loc * string | STtok of loc
+ | STstring_tok of loc | STany of loc | STtyp of Ast.ctyp
+ type (** The first is the match function expr,
+ the second is the string description.
+ The description string will be used for
+ grammar insertion and left factoring.
+ Keep this string normalized and well comparable. *)
+ ('e, 'p) text =
+ | TXmeta of loc * string * (('e, 'p) text) list * 'e * styp
+ | TXlist of loc * bool * ('e, 'p) symbol * (('e, 'p) symbol) option
+ | TXnext of loc | TXnterm of loc * 'e name * string option
+ | TXopt of loc * ('e, 'p) text
+ | TXrules of loc * (((('e, 'p) text) list) * 'e) list
+ | TXself of loc | TXkwd of loc * string
+ | TXtok of loc * 'e * string
+ and ('e, 'p) entry =
+ { name : 'e name; pos : 'e option; levels : (('e, 'p) level) list
+ }
+ and ('e, 'p) level =
+ { label : string option; assoc : 'e option;
+ rules : (('e, 'p) rule) list
+ }
+ and ('e, 'p) rule =
+ { prod : (('e, 'p) symbol) list; action : 'e option
+ }
+ and ('e, 'p) symbol =
+ { used : string list; text : ('e, 'p) text; styp : styp;
+ pattern : 'p option
+ }
+ type used = | Unused | UsedScanned | UsedNotScanned
+ let _loc = Loc.ghost
+ let gm = "Camlp4Grammar__"
+ let mark_used modif ht n =
+ try
+ let rll = Hashtbl.find_all ht n
+ in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (r, _) ->
+ if !r == Unused
+ then (r := UsedNotScanned; modif := true)
+ else ())
+ rll
+ with | Not_found -> ()
+ let rec mark_symbol modif ht symb =
+ List.iter (fun e -> mark_used modif ht e) symb.used
+ let check_use nl el =
+ let ht = Hashtbl.create 301 in
+ let modif = ref false
+ in
+ (List.iter
+ (fun e ->
+ let u =
+ match with
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, _))) -> Unused
+ | _ -> UsedNotScanned
+ in Hashtbl.add ht ((ref u), e))
+ el;
+ List.iter
+ (fun n ->
+ try
+ let rll = Hashtbl.find_all ht n.tvar
+ in List.iter (fun (r, _) -> r := UsedNotScanned) rll
+ with | _ -> ())
+ nl;
+ modif := true;
+ while !modif do modif := false;
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun _ (r, e) ->
+ if !r = UsedNotScanned
+ then
+ (r := UsedScanned;
+ List.iter
+ (fun level ->
+ let rules = level.rules
+ in
+ List.iter
+ (fun rule ->
+ List.iter
+ (fun s -> mark_symbol modif ht s)
+ rules)
+ e.levels)
+ else ())
+ ht
+ done;
+ Hashtbl.iter
+ (fun s (r, e) ->
+ if !r = Unused
+ then
+ Warning.print
+ ("Unused local entry \"" ^ (s ^ "\""))
+ else ())
+ ht)
+ let new_type_var =
+ let i = ref 0 in fun () -> (incr i; "e__" ^ (string_of_int !i))
+ let used_of_rule_list rl =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun nl r -> List.fold_left (fun nl s -> s.used @ nl) nl
+ [] rl
+ let retype_rule_list_without_patterns _loc rl =
+ try
+ (* ...; [ "foo" ]; ... ==> ...; (x = [ "foo" ] -> Token.extract_string x); ... *)
+ (* ...; [ symb ]; ... ==> ...; (x = [ symb ] -> x); ... *)
+ (* ...; ([] -> a); ... *)
+ (function
+ | {
+ prod = [ ({ pattern = None; styp = STtok _ } as s) ];
+ action = None } ->
+ {
+ prod =
+ [ {
+ (s)
+ with
+ pattern =
+ Some (Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "x")));
+ } ];
+ action =
+ Some
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Token"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "extract_string"))),
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "x"))));
+ }
+ | { prod = [ ({ pattern = None } as s) ]; action = None } ->
+ {
+ prod =
+ [ {
+ (s)
+ with
+ pattern =
+ Some (Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "x")));
+ } ];
+ action = Some (Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "x")));
+ }
+ | ({ prod = []; action = Some _ } as r) -> r
+ | _ -> raise Exit)
+ rl
+ with | Exit -> rl
+ let meta_action = ref false
+ let mklistexp _loc =
+ let rec loop top =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "[]"))
+ | e1 :: el ->
+ let _loc =
+ if top then _loc else Loc.merge (Ast.loc_of_expr e1) _loc
+ in
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "::")),
+ e1),
+ loop false el)
+ in loop true
+ let mklistpat _loc =
+ let rec loop top =
+ function
+ | [] -> Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "[]"))
+ | p1 :: pl ->
+ let _loc =
+ if top then _loc else Loc.merge (Ast.loc_of_patt p1) _loc
+ in
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc, Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "::")),
+ p1),
+ loop false pl)
+ in loop true
+ let rec expr_fa al =
+ function
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, f, a) -> expr_fa (a :: al) f
+ | f -> (f, al)
+ let rec make_ctyp styp tvar =
+ match styp with
+ | STlid (_loc, s) -> Ast.TyId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, s))
+ | STapp (_loc, t1, t2) ->
+ Ast.TyApp (_loc, make_ctyp t1 tvar, make_ctyp t2 tvar)
+ | STquo (_loc, s) -> Ast.TyQuo (_loc, s)
+ | STself (_loc, x) ->
+ if tvar = ""
+ then
+ Loc.raise _loc
+ (Stream.Error
+ ("'" ^ (x ^ "' illegal in anonymous entry level")))
+ else Ast.TyQuo (_loc, tvar)
+ | STany _loc -> Ast.TyAny _loc
+ | STtok _loc ->
+ Ast.TyId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Token")),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "t")))
+ | STstring_tok _loc -> Ast.TyId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "string"))
+ | STtyp t -> t
+ let make_ctyp_patt styp tvar patt =
+ let styp =
+ match styp with | STstring_tok _loc -> STtok _loc | t -> t
+ in
+ match make_ctyp styp tvar with
+ | Ast.TyAny _ -> patt
+ | t ->
+ let _loc = Ast.loc_of_patt patt in Ast.PaTyc (_loc, patt, t)
+ let make_ctyp_expr styp tvar expr =
+ match make_ctyp styp tvar with
+ | Ast.TyAny _ -> expr
+ | t -> let _loc = Ast.loc_of_expr expr in Ast.ExTyc (_loc, expr, t)
+ let text_of_action _loc psl rtvar act tvar =
+ let locid = Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, ! in
+ let act =
+ match act with
+ | Some act -> act
+ | None -> Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "()")) in
+ let (tok_match_pl, act, _) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun ((tok_match_pl, act, i) as accu) ->
+ function
+ | { pattern = None } -> accu
+ | { pattern = Some p } when Ast.is_irrefut_patt p -> accu
+ | {
+ pattern =
+ Some
+ (Ast.PaAli (_,
+ (Ast.PaApp (_, _, (Ast.PaTup (_, (Ast.PaAny _))))),
+ (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s))))))
+ } ->
+ (tok_match_pl,
+ (Ast.ExLet (_loc, Ast.BFalse,
+ Ast.BiEq (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, s)),
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Token"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "extract_string")))),
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, s)))),
+ act)),
+ i)
+ | { pattern = Some p; text = TXtok (_, _, _) } ->
+ let id = "__camlp4_" ^ (string_of_int i)
+ in
+ ((Some
+ (match tok_match_pl with
+ | None ->
+ ((Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, id))), p)
+ | Some ((tok_pl, match_pl)) ->
+ ((Ast.ExCom (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, id)),
+ tok_pl)),
+ (Ast.PaCom (_loc, p, match_pl))))),
+ act, (succ i))
+ | _ -> accu)
+ (None, act, 0) psl in
+ let e =
+ let e1 = Ast.ExTyc (_loc, act, Ast.TyQuo (_loc, rtvar)) in
+ let e2 =
+ match tok_match_pl with
+ | None -> e1
+ | Some ((Ast.ExCom (_, t1, t2), Ast.PaCom (_, p1, p2))) ->
+ Ast.ExMat (_loc,
+ Ast.ExTup (_loc, Ast.ExCom (_loc, t1, t2)),
+ Ast.McOr (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc,
+ Ast.PaTup (_loc, Ast.PaCom (_loc, p1, p2)),
+ Ast.ExNil _loc, e1),
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, Ast.PaAny _loc, Ast.ExNil _loc,
+ Ast.ExAsf _loc)))
+ | Some ((tok, match_)) ->
+ Ast.ExMat (_loc, tok,
+ Ast.McOr (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, match_, Ast.ExNil _loc, e1),
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, Ast.PaAny _loc, Ast.ExNil _loc,
+ Ast.ExAsf _loc)))
+ in
+ Ast.ExFun (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc,
+ Ast.PaTyc (_loc, locid,
+ Ast.TyId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Loc"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "t")))),
+ Ast.ExNil _loc, e2)) in
+ let (txt, _) =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun (txt, i) s ->
+ match s.pattern with
+ | None | Some (Ast.PaAny _) ->
+ ((Ast.ExFun (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, Ast.PaAny _loc, Ast.ExNil _loc,
+ txt))),
+ i)
+ | Some
+ (Ast.PaAli (_,
+ (Ast.PaApp (_, _, (Ast.PaTup (_, (Ast.PaAny _))))),
+ p))
+ ->
+ let p = make_ctyp_patt s.styp tvar p
+ in
+ ((Ast.ExFun (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, p, Ast.ExNil _loc, txt))),
+ i)
+ | Some p when Ast.is_irrefut_patt p ->
+ let p = make_ctyp_patt s.styp tvar p
+ in
+ ((Ast.ExFun (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, p, Ast.ExNil _loc, txt))),
+ i)
+ | Some _ ->
+ let p =
+ make_ctyp_patt s.styp tvar
+ (Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "__camlp4_" ^ (string_of_int i))))
+ in
+ ((Ast.ExFun (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, p, Ast.ExNil _loc, txt))),
+ (succ i)))
+ (e, 0) psl in
+ let txt =
+ if !meta_action
+ then
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Obj"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "magic"))),
+ MetaAst.Expr.meta_expr _loc txt)
+ else txt
+ in
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Action"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "mk")))),
+ txt)
+ let srules loc t rl tvar =
+ (fun r ->
+ let sl = (fun s -> s.text) in
+ let ac = text_of_action loc t r.action tvar in (sl, ac))
+ rl
+ let rec make_expr entry tvar =
+ function
+ | TXmeta (_loc, n, tl, e, t) ->
+ let el =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun t el ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "::")),
+ make_expr entry "" t),
+ el))
+ tl (Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "[]")))
+ in
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Smeta"))),
+ Ast.ExStr (_loc, n)),
+ el),
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Action"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "mk")))),
+ make_ctyp_expr t tvar e))
+ | TXlist (_loc, min, t, ts) ->
+ let txt = make_expr entry "" t.text
+ in
+ (match (min, ts) with
+ | (false, None) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Slist0"))),
+ txt)
+ | (true, None) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Slist1"))),
+ txt)
+ | (false, Some s) ->
+ let x = make_expr entry tvar s.text
+ in
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Slist0sep"))),
+ txt),
+ x)
+ | (true, Some s) ->
+ let x = make_expr entry tvar s.text
+ in
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Slist1sep"))),
+ txt),
+ x))
+ | TXnext _loc ->
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Snext")))
+ | TXnterm (_loc, n, lev) ->
+ (match lev with
+ | Some lab ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Snterml"))),
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Entry"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "obj")))),
+ Ast.ExTyc (_loc, n.expr,
+ Ast.TyApp (_loc,
+ Ast.TyId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Entry")),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "t"))),
+ Ast.TyQuo (_loc, n.tvar))))),
+ Ast.ExStr (_loc, lab))
+ | None ->
+ if n.tvar = tvar
+ then
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Sself")))
+ else
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Snterm"))),
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Entry"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "obj")))),
+ Ast.ExTyc (_loc, n.expr,
+ Ast.TyApp (_loc,
+ Ast.TyId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Entry")),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "t"))),
+ Ast.TyQuo (_loc, n.tvar))))))
+ | TXopt (_loc, t) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Sopt"))),
+ make_expr entry "" t)
+ | TXrules (_loc, rl) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "srules"))),
+ entry.expr),
+ make_expr_rules _loc entry rl "")
+ | TXself _loc ->
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Sself")))
+ | TXkwd (_loc, kwd) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Skeyword"))),
+ Ast.ExStr (_loc, kwd))
+ | TXtok (_loc, match_fun, descr) ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Stoken"))),
+ Ast.ExTup (_loc,
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc, match_fun,
+ Ast.ExStr (_loc, Ast.safe_string_escaped descr))))
+ and make_expr_rules _loc n rl tvar =
+ List.fold_left
+ (fun txt (sl, ac) ->
+ let sl =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun t txt ->
+ let x = make_expr n tvar t
+ in
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "::")), x),
+ txt))
+ sl (Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "[]")))
+ in
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "::")),
+ Ast.ExTup (_loc, Ast.ExCom (_loc, sl, ac))),
+ txt))
+ (Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "[]"))) rl
+ let expr_of_delete_rule _loc n sl =
+ let sl =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun s e ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "::")),
+ make_expr n "" s.text),
+ e))
+ sl (Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "[]")))
+ in ((n.expr), sl)
+ let rec tvar_of_ident =
+ function
+ | Ast.IdLid (_, x) | Ast.IdUid (_, x) -> x
+ | Ast.IdAcc (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, x)), xs) ->
+ x ^ ("__" ^ (tvar_of_ident xs))
+ | _ -> failwith "internal error in the Grammar extension"
+ let mk_name _loc i =
+ { expr = Ast.ExId (_loc, i); tvar = tvar_of_ident i; loc = _loc; }
+ let slist loc min sep symb = TXlist (loc, min, symb, sep)
+ let sstoken _loc s =
+ let n = mk_name _loc (Ast.IdLid (_loc, "a_" ^ s))
+ in TXnterm (_loc, n, None)
+ let mk_symbol p s t =
+ { used = []; text = s; styp = t; pattern = Some p; }
+ let sslist _loc min sep s =
+ let rl =
+ let r1 =
+ let prod =
+ let n = mk_name _loc (Ast.IdLid (_loc, "a_list"))
+ in
+ [ mk_symbol (Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "a")))
+ (TXnterm (_loc, n, None)) (STquo (_loc, "a_list")) ] in
+ let act = Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "a"))
+ in { prod = prod; action = Some act; } in
+ let r2 =
+ let prod =
+ [ mk_symbol (Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "a")))
+ (slist _loc min sep s)
+ (STapp (_loc, STlid (_loc, "list"), s.styp)) ] in
+ let act =
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Qast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "List"))),
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "a")))
+ in { prod = prod; action = Some act; }
+ in [ r1; r2 ] in
+ let used =
+ match sep with | Some symb -> symb.used @ s.used | None -> s.used in
+ let used = "a_list" :: used in
+ let text = TXrules (_loc, srules _loc "a_list" rl "") in
+ let styp = STquo (_loc, "a_list")
+ in { used = used; text = text; styp = styp; pattern = None; }
+ let ssopt _loc s =
+ let rl =
+ let r1 =
+ let prod =
+ let n = mk_name _loc (Ast.IdLid (_loc, "a_opt"))
+ in
+ [ mk_symbol (Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "a")))
+ (TXnterm (_loc, n, None)) (STquo (_loc, "a_opt")) ] in
+ let act = Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "a"))
+ in { prod = prod; action = Some act; } in
+ let r2 =
+ let s =
+ match s.text with
+ | TXkwd (_loc, _) | TXtok (_loc, _, _) ->
+ let rl =
+ [ {
+ prod =
+ [ {
+ (s)
+ with
+ pattern =
+ Some
+ (Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "x")));
+ } ];
+ action =
+ Some
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Qast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Str"))),
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Token"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "extract_string"))),
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "x")))));
+ } ] in
+ let t = new_type_var ()
+ in
+ {
+ used = [];
+ text = TXrules (_loc, srules _loc t rl "");
+ styp = STquo (_loc, t);
+ pattern = None;
+ }
+ | _ -> s in
+ let prod =
+ [ mk_symbol (Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "a")))
+ (TXopt (_loc, s.text))
+ (STapp (_loc, STlid (_loc, "option"), s.styp)) ] in
+ let act =
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Qast"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Option"))),
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "a")))
+ in { prod = prod; action = Some act; }
+ in [ r1; r2 ] in
+ let used = "a_opt" :: s.used in
+ let text = TXrules (_loc, srules _loc "a_opt" rl "") in
+ let styp = STquo (_loc, "a_opt")
+ in { used = used; text = text; styp = styp; pattern = None; }
+ let text_of_entry _loc e =
+ let ent =
+ let x = in
+ let _loc =
+ in
+ Ast.ExTyc (_loc, x.expr,
+ Ast.TyApp (_loc,
+ Ast.TyId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Entry")),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "t"))),
+ Ast.TyQuo (_loc, x.tvar))) in
+ let pos =
+ match e.pos with
+ | Some pos ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Some")),
+ pos)
+ | None -> Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "None")) in
+ let txt =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun level txt ->
+ let lab =
+ match level.label with
+ | Some lab ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Some")),
+ Ast.ExStr (_loc, lab))
+ | None -> Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "None")) in
+ let ass =
+ match level.assoc with
+ | Some ass ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Some")), ass)
+ | None -> Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "None")) in
+ let txt =
+ let rl =
+ srules _loc level.rules in
+ let e = make_expr_rules _loc rl
+ in
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "::")),
+ Ast.ExTup (_loc,
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc, lab, Ast.ExCom (_loc, ass, e)))),
+ txt)
+ in txt)
+ e.levels (Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "[]")))
+ in (ent, pos, txt)
+ let let_in_of_extend _loc gram gl el args =
+ match gl with
+ | None -> args
+ | Some nl ->
+ (check_use nl el;
+ let ll =
+ let same_tvar e n = = n.tvar
+ in
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun e ll ->
+ match with
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, _))) ->
+ if List.exists (same_tvar e) nl
+ then ll
+ else
+ if List.exists (same_tvar e) ll
+ then ll
+ else :: ll
+ | _ -> ll)
+ el [] in
+ let local_binding_of_name { expr = e; tvar = x; loc = _loc } =
+ let i =
+ (match e with
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, i))) -> i
+ | _ -> failwith "internal error in the Grammar extension")
+ in
+ Ast.BiEq (_loc, Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, i)),
+ Ast.ExTyc (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "grammar_entry_create")),
+ Ast.ExStr (_loc, i)),
+ Ast.TyApp (_loc,
+ Ast.TyId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Entry")),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "t"))),
+ Ast.TyQuo (_loc, x)))) in
+ let expr_of_name { expr = e; tvar = x; loc = _loc } =
+ Ast.ExTyc (_loc, e,
+ Ast.TyApp (_loc,
+ Ast.TyId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Entry")),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "t"))),
+ Ast.TyQuo (_loc, x))) in
+ let e =
+ (match ll with
+ | [] -> args
+ | x :: xs ->
+ let locals =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun name acc ->
+ Ast.BiAnd (_loc, acc,
+ local_binding_of_name name))
+ xs (local_binding_of_name x) in
+ let entry_mk =
+ (match gram with
+ | Some g ->
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Entry"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "mk")))),
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, g))
+ | None ->
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Entry"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "mk")))))
+ in
+ Ast.ExLet (_loc, Ast.BFalse,
+ Ast.BiEq (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "grammar_entry_create")),
+ entry_mk),
+ Ast.ExLet (_loc, Ast.BFalse, locals, args)))
+ in
+ (match nl with
+ | [] -> e
+ | x :: xs ->
+ let globals =
+ List.fold_right
+ (fun name acc ->
+ Ast.BiAnd (_loc, acc,
+ Ast.BiEq (_loc, Ast.PaAny _loc,
+ expr_of_name name)))
+ xs
+ (Ast.BiEq (_loc, Ast.PaAny _loc, expr_of_name x))
+ in Ast.ExLet (_loc, Ast.BFalse, globals, e)))
+ class subst gmod =
+ object inherit as super
+ method ident =
+ function
+ | Ast.IdUid (_, x) when x = gm -> gmod
+ | x -> super#ident x
+ end
+ let subst_gmod ast gmod = (new subst gmod)#expr ast
+ let text_of_functorial_extend _loc gmod gram gl el =
+ let args =
+ let el =
+ (fun e ->
+ let (ent, pos, txt) = text_of_entry e in
+ let e =
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "extend"))),
+ ent),
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExFun (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "()")),
+ Ast.ExNil _loc,
+ Ast.ExTup (_loc, Ast.ExCom (_loc, pos, txt)))),
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "()"))))
+ in
+ if !split_ext
+ then
+ Ast.ExLet (_loc, Ast.BFalse,
+ Ast.BiEq (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "aux")),
+ Ast.ExFun (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "()")),
+ Ast.ExNil _loc, e))),
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, "aux")),
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "()"))))
+ else e)
+ el
+ in
+ match el with
+ | [] -> Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "()"))
+ | [ e ] -> e
+ | e :: el ->
+ Ast.ExSeq (_loc,
+ List.fold_left (fun acc x -> Ast.ExSem (_loc, acc, x)) e
+ el)
+ in subst_gmod (let_in_of_extend _loc gram gl el args) gmod
+ let wildcarder =
+ object (self)
+ inherit as super
+ method patt =
+ function
+ | Ast.PaId (_loc, (Ast.IdLid (_, _))) -> Ast.PaAny _loc
+ | Ast.PaAli (_, p, _) -> self#patt p
+ | Ast.PaEq (_loc, p1, p2) -> Ast.PaEq (_loc, p1, self#patt p2)
+ | p -> super#patt p
+ end
+ let mk_tok _loc p t =
+ let p' = wildcarder#patt p in
+ let match_fun =
+ if Ast.is_irrefut_patt p'
+ then
+ Ast.ExFun (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, p', Ast.ExNil _loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "True"))))
+ else
+ Ast.ExFun (_loc,
+ Ast.McOr (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, p', Ast.ExNil _loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "True"))),
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, Ast.PaAny _loc, Ast.ExNil _loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "False"))))) in
+ let descr = string_of_patt p' in
+ let text = TXtok (_loc, match_fun, descr)
+ in { used = []; text = text; styp = t; pattern = Some p; }
+ let symbol = "symbol"
+ let check_not_tok s =
+ match s with
+ | { text = TXtok (_loc, _, _) } ->
+ Loc.raise _loc
+ (Stream.Error
+ ("Deprecated syntax, use a sub rule. " ^
+ "LIST0 STRING becomes LIST0 [ x = STRING -> x ]"))
+ | _ -> ()
+ let _ =
+ let _ = (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (symbol : 'symbol Gram.Entry.t) in
+ let grammar_entry_create = in
+ let extend_header : 'extend_header Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "extend_header"
+ and semi_sep : 'semi_sep Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "semi_sep"
+ and string : 'string Gram.Entry.t = grammar_entry_create "string"
+ and name : 'name Gram.Entry.t = grammar_entry_create "name"
+ and comma_patt : 'comma_patt Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "comma_patt"
+ and pattern : 'pattern Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "pattern"
+ and psymbol : 'psymbol Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "psymbol"
+ and rule : 'rule Gram.Entry.t = grammar_entry_create "rule"
+ and rule_list : 'rule_list Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "rule_list"
+ and assoc : 'assoc Gram.Entry.t = grammar_entry_create "assoc"
+ and level : 'level Gram.Entry.t = grammar_entry_create "level"
+ and level_list : 'level_list Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "level_list"
+ and position : 'position Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "position"
+ and entry : 'entry Gram.Entry.t = grammar_entry_create "entry"
+ and global : 'global Gram.Entry.t = grammar_entry_create "global"
+ and t_qualid : 't_qualid Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "t_qualid"
+ and qualid : 'qualid Gram.Entry.t = grammar_entry_create "qualid"
+ and qualuid : 'qualuid Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "qualuid"
+ and delete_rule_body : 'delete_rule_body Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "delete_rule_body"
+ and extend_body : 'extend_body Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "extend_body"
+ in
+ (Gram.extend (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ ((Some (Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.After "top")),
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "GEXTEND" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Loc.raise _loc
+ (Stream.Error
+ "Deprecated syntax, use EXTEND MyGramModule ... END instead") :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "GDELETE_RULE" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Loc.raise _loc
+ (Stream.Error
+ "Deprecated syntax, use DELETE_RULE MyGramModule ... END instead") :
+ 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "DELETE_RULE";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (delete_rule_body :
+ 'delete_rule_body Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "END" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (e : 'delete_rule_body) _ (_loc : Loc.t)
+ -> (e : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "EXTEND";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (extend_body : 'extend_body Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "END" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (e : 'extend_body) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (e : 'expr)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (extend_header : 'extend_header Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (qualuid : 'qualuid Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (g : 'qualuid) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ((None, g) : 'extend_header))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (qualid : 'qualid Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (t_qualid : 't_qualid Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (t : 't_qualid) _ (i : 'qualid) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (((Some i), t) : 'extend_header)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (extend_body : 'extend_body Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (extend_header :
+ 'extend_header Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sopt
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (global : 'global Gram.Entry.t)));
+ Gram.Slist1
+ (Gram.srules extend_body
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (entry : 'entry Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (semi_sep :
+ 'semi_sep Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (e : 'entry) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (e : 'e__8)))) ]) ],
+ (
+ (fun (el : 'e__8 list)
+ (global_list : 'global option)
+ ((gram, g) : 'extend_header) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (text_of_functorial_extend _loc g gram
+ global_list el :
+ 'extend_body)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (delete_rule_body : 'delete_rule_body Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (qualuid : 'qualuid Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (name : 'name Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Slist0sep
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (symbol : 'symbol Gram.Entry.t)),
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (semi_sep : 'semi_sep Gram.Entry.t))) ],
+ (
+ (fun (sl : 'symbol list) _ (n : 'name)
+ (g : 'qualuid) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let (e, b) = expr_of_delete_rule _loc n sl
+ in
+ subst_gmod
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "delete_rule"))),
+ e),
+ b))
+ g :
+ 'delete_rule_body)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (qualuid : 'qualuid Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.srules qualuid
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "GLOBAL" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"GLOBAL\"")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "GLOBAL" -> (() : 'e__9)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | LIDENT ((_)) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT ((_))")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LIDENT ((_)) -> (() : 'e__9)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ] ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Loc.raise _loc
+ (Stream.Error
+ "Deprecated syntax, the grammar module is expected") :
+ 'qualuid)))) ]);
+ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let i = Gram.Token.extract_string i
+ in Ast.IdUid (_loc, i) : 'qualuid))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT _"));
+ Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (xs : 'qualuid) _ (x : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let x = Gram.Token.extract_string x
+ in Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, x), xs) :
+ 'qualuid)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (qualuid : 'qualuid Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.srules qualuid
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "GLOBAL" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"GLOBAL\"")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "GLOBAL" -> (() : 'e__10)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | LIDENT ((_)) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT ((_))")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LIDENT ((_)) -> (() : 'e__10)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ] ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Loc.raise _loc
+ (Stream.Error
+ "Deprecated syntax, the grammar module is expected") :
+ 'qualuid)))) ]);
+ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let i = Gram.Token.extract_string i
+ in Ast.IdUid (_loc, i) : 'qualuid))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT _"));
+ Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (xs : 'qualuid) _ (x : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let x = Gram.Token.extract_string x
+ in Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, x), xs) :
+ 'qualuid)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (qualid : 'qualid Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | LIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let i = Gram.Token.extract_string i
+ in Ast.IdLid (_loc, i) : 'qualid))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let i = Gram.Token.extract_string i
+ in Ast.IdUid (_loc, i) : 'qualid))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT _"));
+ Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (xs : 'qualid) _ (x : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let x = Gram.Token.extract_string x
+ in Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, x), xs) :
+ 'qualid)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (t_qualid : 't_qualid Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | LIDENT _ | UIDENT _ -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT _ | UIDENT _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LIDENT _ | UIDENT _ ->
+ (Loc.raise _loc
+ (Stream.Error
+ ("Wrong EXTEND header, the grammar type must finish by 't', "
+ ^
+ "like in EXTEND (g : Gram.t) ... END")) :
+ 't_qualid)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT _"));
+ Gram.Skeyword ".";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | LIDENT "t" -> true | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT \"t\"")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) _
+ (x : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LIDENT "t" ->
+ (let x = Gram.Token.extract_string x
+ in Ast.IdUid (_loc, x) : 't_qualid)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT _"));
+ Gram.Skeyword "."; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (xs : 't_qualid) _ (x : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let x = Gram.Token.extract_string x
+ in Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, x), xs) :
+ 't_qualid)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (global : 'global Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "GLOBAL" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"GLOBAL\""));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Slist1
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (name : 'name Gram.Entry.t)));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (semi_sep : 'semi_sep Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (sl : 'name list) _
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "GLOBAL" -> (sl : 'global)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (entry : 'entry Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (name : 'name Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ":";
+ Gram.Sopt
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (position : 'position Gram.Entry.t)));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (level_list : 'level_list Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (ll : 'level_list) (pos : 'position option)
+ _ (n : 'name) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ({ name = n; pos = pos; levels = ll; } :
+ 'entry)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (position : 'position Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "LEVEL" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"LEVEL\""));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (string : 'string Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (n : 'string) (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Camlp4"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Sig"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Grammar"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Level"))))),
+ n) :
+ 'position)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "AFTER" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"AFTER\""));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (string : 'string Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (n : 'string) (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Camlp4"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Sig"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Grammar"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "After"))))),
+ n) :
+ 'position)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "BEFORE" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"BEFORE\""));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (string : 'string Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (n : 'string) (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Camlp4"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Sig"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Grammar"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Before"))))),
+ n) :
+ 'position)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "LAST" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"LAST\"")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "LAST" ->
+ (Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Camlp4"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Sig"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Grammar"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Last"))))) :
+ 'position)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "FIRST" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"FIRST\"")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ (Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Camlp4"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Sig"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Grammar"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "First"))))) :
+ 'position)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (level_list : 'level_list Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Slist0sep
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (level : 'level Gram.Entry.t)),
+ Gram.Skeyword "|");
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (ll : 'level list) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (ll : 'level_list)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (level : 'level Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Sopt
+ (Gram.srules level
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | STRING ((_)) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "STRING _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (let x =
+ Gram.Token.extract_string x
+ in x : 'e__11)))) ]);
+ Gram.Sopt
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (assoc : 'assoc Gram.Entry.t)));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (rule_list : 'rule_list Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (rules : 'rule_list) (ass : 'assoc option)
+ (lab : 'e__11 option) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ({ label = lab; assoc = ass; rules = rules;
+ } : 'level)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (assoc : 'assoc Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "NONA" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"NONA\"")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "NONA" ->
+ (Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Camlp4"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Sig"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Grammar"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "NonA"))))) :
+ 'assoc)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "RIGHTA" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"RIGHTA\"")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ (Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Camlp4"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Sig"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Grammar"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "RightA"))))) :
+ 'assoc)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "LEFTA" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"LEFTA\"")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ (Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Camlp4"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Sig"),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Grammar"),
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "LeftA"))))) :
+ 'assoc)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (rule_list : 'rule_list Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Slist1sep
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (rule : 'rule Gram.Entry.t)),
+ Gram.Skeyword "|");
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (rules : 'rule list) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (retype_rule_list_without_patterns _loc rules :
+ 'rule_list))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "["; Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ _ (_loc : Loc.t) -> ([] : 'rule_list)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (rule : 'rule Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Slist0sep
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (psymbol : 'psymbol Gram.Entry.t)),
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (semi_sep : 'semi_sep Gram.Entry.t))) ],
+ (
+ (fun (psl : 'psymbol list) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ({ prod = psl; action = None; } : 'rule))));
+ ([ Gram.Slist0sep
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (psymbol : 'psymbol Gram.Entry.t)),
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (semi_sep : 'semi_sep Gram.Entry.t)));
+ Gram.Skeyword "->";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (act : 'expr) _ (psl : 'psymbol list)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ({ prod = psl; action = Some act; } : 'rule)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (psymbol : 'psymbol Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (symbol : 'symbol Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'symbol) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (s : 'psymbol))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (pattern : 'pattern Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (symbol : 'symbol Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'symbol) _ (p : 'pattern)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (match s.pattern with
+ | Some
+ (Ast.PaApp (_,
+ (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, u)))),
+ (Ast.PaTup (_, (Ast.PaAny _)))))
+ ->
+ mk_tok _loc
+ (Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, u)),
+ p))
+ s.styp
+ | _ -> { (s) with pattern = Some p; } :
+ 'psymbol))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | LIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT _"));
+ Gram.Sopt
+ (Gram.srules psymbol
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "LEVEL" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"LEVEL\""));
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | STRING ((_)) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "STRING _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : Gram.Token.t)
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ (let s =
+ Gram.Token.extract_string s
+ in s : 'e__12)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ],
+ (
+ (fun (lev : 'e__12 option) (i : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let i = Gram.Token.extract_string i in
+ let name =
+ mk_name _loc (Ast.IdLid (_loc, i)) in
+ let text = TXnterm (_loc, name, lev) in
+ let styp = STquo (_loc, i)
+ in
+ {
+ used = [ i ];
+ text = text;
+ styp = styp;
+ pattern = None;
+ } :
+ 'psymbol))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | LIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT _"));
+ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (symbol : 'symbol Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'symbol) _ (p : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let p = Gram.Token.extract_string p
+ in
+ match s.pattern with
+ | Some
+ ((Ast.PaApp (_,
+ (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, u)))),
+ (Ast.PaTup (_, (Ast.PaAny _))))
+ as p'))
+ ->
+ let match_fun =
+ Ast.ExFun (_loc,
+ Ast.McOr (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, p',
+ Ast.ExNil _loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "True"))),
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, Ast.PaAny _loc,
+ Ast.ExNil _loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "False"))))) in
+ let p' =
+ Ast.PaAli (_loc, p',
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, p))) in
+ let descr = u ^ " _" in
+ let text =
+ TXtok (_loc, match_fun, descr)
+ in
+ {
+ (s)
+ with
+ text = text;
+ pattern = Some p';
+ }
+ | _ ->
+ {
+ (s)
+ with
+ pattern =
+ Some
+ (Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, p)));
+ } :
+ 'psymbol)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (symbol : 'symbol Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ ((Some "top"), (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.NonA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT "OPT" -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"OPT\""));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'symbol) (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "OPT" ->
+ (let () = check_not_tok s in
+ let styp =
+ STapp (_loc, STlid (_loc, "option"),
+ s.styp) in
+ let text = TXopt (_loc, s.text)
+ in
+ {
+ used = s.used;
+ text = text;
+ styp = styp;
+ pattern = None;
+ } :
+ 'symbol)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "LIST1" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"LIST1\""));
+ Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Sopt
+ (Gram.srules symbol
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "SEP" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"SEP\""));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (symbol : 'symbol Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'symbol)
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "SEP" -> (t : 'e__14)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ],
+ (
+ (fun (sep : 'e__14 option) (s : 'symbol)
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "LIST1" ->
+ (let () = check_not_tok s in
+ let used =
+ (match sep with
+ | Some symb -> symb.used @ s.used
+ | None -> s.used) in
+ let styp =
+ STapp (_loc, STlid (_loc, "list"),
+ s.styp) in
+ let text = slist _loc true sep s
+ in
+ {
+ used = used;
+ text = text;
+ styp = styp;
+ pattern = None;
+ } :
+ 'symbol)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "LIST0" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"LIST0\""));
+ Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Sopt
+ (Gram.srules symbol
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "SEP" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"SEP\""));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (symbol : 'symbol Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'symbol)
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "SEP" -> (t : 'e__13)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ],
+ (
+ (fun (sep : 'e__13 option) (s : 'symbol)
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "LIST0" ->
+ (let () = check_not_tok s in
+ let used =
+ (match sep with
+ | Some symb -> symb.used @ s.used
+ | None -> s.used) in
+ let styp =
+ STapp (_loc, STlid (_loc, "list"),
+ s.styp) in
+ let text = slist _loc false sep s
+ in
+ {
+ used = used;
+ text = text;
+ styp = styp;
+ pattern = None;
+ } :
+ 'symbol)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]);
+ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (s_t : 'symbol) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (s_t : 'symbol))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (name : 'name Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sopt
+ (Gram.srules symbol
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "LEVEL" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"LEVEL\""));
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | STRING ((_)) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "STRING _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : Gram.Token.t)
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ (let s =
+ Gram.Token.extract_string s
+ in s : 'e__16)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ],
+ (
+ (fun (lev : 'e__16 option) (n : 'name)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ({
+ used = [ n.tvar ];
+ text = TXnterm (_loc, n, lev);
+ styp = STquo (_loc, n.tvar);
+ pattern = None;
+ } : 'symbol))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT _"));
+ Gram.Skeyword ".";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (qualid : 'qualid Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sopt
+ (Gram.srules symbol
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "LEVEL" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"LEVEL\""));
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | STRING ((_)) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "STRING _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : Gram.Token.t)
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ (let s =
+ Gram.Token.extract_string s
+ in s : 'e__15)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ],
+ (
+ (fun (lev : 'e__15 option) (il : 'qualid) _
+ (i : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let i = Gram.Token.extract_string i in
+ let n =
+ mk_name _loc
+ (Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, i),
+ il))
+ in
+ {
+ used = [ n.tvar ];
+ text = TXnterm (_loc, n, lev);
+ styp = STquo (_loc, n.tvar);
+ pattern = None;
+ } :
+ 'symbol))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | STRING ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "STRING _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let s = Gram.Token.extract_string s
+ in
+ {
+ used = [];
+ text = TXkwd (_loc, s);
+ styp = STtok _loc;
+ pattern = None;
+ } :
+ 'symbol))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT _"));
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (x : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ("", s) ->
+ (let x = Gram.Token.extract_string x in
+ let e =
+ AntiquotSyntax.parse_expr _loc s in
+ let match_fun =
+ Ast.ExFun (_loc,
+ Ast.McOr (_loc,
+ Ast.McArr (_loc,
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, x)),
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "camlp4_x"))),
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "=")),
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc,
+ "camlp4_x"))),
+ e),
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "True"))),
+ Ast.McArr (_loc, Ast.PaAny _loc,
+ Ast.ExNil _loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "False"))))) in
+ let descr = "$" ^ (x ^ (" " ^ s)) in
+ let text =
+ TXtok (_loc, match_fun, descr) in
+ let p =
+ Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, x)),
+ Ast.PaTup (_loc, Ast.PaAny _loc))
+ in
+ {
+ used = [];
+ text = text;
+ styp = STtok _loc;
+ pattern = Some p;
+ } :
+ 'symbol)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT _"));
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | STRING ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "STRING _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : Gram.Token.t) (x : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let s = Gram.Token.extract_string s in
+ let x = Gram.Token.extract_string x
+ in
+ mk_tok _loc
+ (Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, x)),
+ Ast.PaStr (_loc, s)))
+ (STtok _loc) :
+ 'symbol))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let x = Gram.Token.extract_string x
+ in
+ mk_tok _loc
+ (Ast.PaApp (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, x)),
+ Ast.PaTup (_loc, Ast.PaAny _loc)))
+ (STstring_tok _loc) :
+ 'symbol))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "`";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'patt) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (mk_tok _loc p (STtok _loc) : 'symbol))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "[";
+ Gram.Slist0sep
+ (Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (rule : 'rule Gram.Entry.t)),
+ Gram.Skeyword "|");
+ Gram.Skeyword "]" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (rl : 'rule list) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let rl =
+ retype_rule_list_without_patterns _loc rl in
+ let t = new_type_var ()
+ in
+ {
+ used = used_of_rule_list rl;
+ text =
+ TXrules (_loc, srules _loc t rl "");
+ styp = STquo (_loc, t);
+ pattern = None;
+ } :
+ 'symbol))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "NEXT" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"NEXT\"")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "NEXT" ->
+ ({
+ used = [];
+ text = TXnext _loc;
+ styp = STself (_loc, "NEXT");
+ pattern = None;
+ } : 'symbol)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "SELF" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"SELF\"")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "SELF" ->
+ ({
+ used = [];
+ text = TXself _loc;
+ styp = STself (_loc, "SELF");
+ pattern = None;
+ } : 'symbol)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (pattern : 'pattern Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ",";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (comma_patt : 'comma_patt Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (p2 : 'comma_patt) _ (p1 : 'pattern) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaTup (_loc, Ast.PaCom (_loc, p1, p2)) :
+ 'pattern))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "("; Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (p : 'pattern) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (p : 'pattern))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "_" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaAny _loc : 'pattern))));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | LIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let i = Gram.Token.extract_string i
+ in Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, i)) :
+ 'pattern)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (comma_patt : 'comma_patt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (pattern : 'pattern Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (p : 'pattern) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (p : 'comma_patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Sself; Gram.Skeyword ","; Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (p2 : 'comma_patt) _ (p1 : 'comma_patt)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.PaCom (_loc, p1, p2) : 'comma_patt)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (name : 'name Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (qualid : 'qualid Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (il : 'qualid) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (mk_name _loc il : 'name)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (string : 'string Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | ANTIQUOT ("", _) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "ANTIQUOT (\"\", _)")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | ANTIQUOT ("", s) ->
+ (AntiquotSyntax.parse_expr _loc s :
+ 'string)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | STRING ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "STRING _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let s = Gram.Token.extract_string s
+ in Ast.ExStr (_loc, s) : 'string)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (semi_sep : 'semi_sep Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword ";" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (() : 'semi_sep)))) ]) ]))
+ ()))
+ let _ =
+ Gram.extend (symbol : 'symbol Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ ((Some (Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Level "top")),
+ [ (None, (Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.NonA),
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT "SOPT" -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"SOPT\""));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'symbol) (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "SOPT" -> (ssopt _loc s : 'symbol)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.srules symbol
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "SLIST1" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"SLIST1\"")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "SLIST1" -> (true : 'e__17)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "SLIST0" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"SLIST0\"")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "SLIST0" -> (false : 'e__17)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ];
+ Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Sopt
+ (Gram.srules symbol
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "SEP" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"SEP\""));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (symbol : 'symbol Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (t : 'symbol)
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "SEP" -> (t : 'e__18)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ],
+ (
+ (fun (sep : 'e__18 option) (s : 'symbol)
+ (min : 'e__17) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (sslist _loc min sep s : 'symbol)))) ]) ]))
+ ())
+ let sfold _loc n foldfun f e s =
+ let styp = STquo (_loc, new_type_var ()) in
+ let e =
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, foldfun))),
+ f),
+ e) in
+ let t =
+ STapp (_loc,
+ STapp (_loc,
+ STtyp
+ (Ast.TyApp (_loc,
+ Ast.TyId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "fold"))),
+ Ast.TyAny _loc)),
+ s.styp),
+ styp)
+ in
+ {
+ used = s.used;
+ text = TXmeta (_loc, n, [ s.text ], e, t);
+ styp = styp;
+ pattern = None;
+ }
+ let sfoldsep _loc n foldfun f e s sep =
+ let styp = STquo (_loc, new_type_var ()) in
+ let e =
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, foldfun))),
+ f),
+ e) in
+ let t =
+ STapp (_loc,
+ STapp (_loc,
+ STtyp
+ (Ast.TyApp (_loc,
+ Ast.TyId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, gm),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "foldsep"))),
+ Ast.TyAny _loc)),
+ s.styp),
+ styp)
+ in
+ {
+ used = s.used @ sep.used;
+ text = TXmeta (_loc, n, [ s.text; sep.text ], e, t);
+ styp = styp;
+ pattern = None;
+ }
+ let _ =
+ let _ = (symbol : 'symbol Gram.Entry.t) in
+ let grammar_entry_create = in
+ let simple_expr : 'simple_expr Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "simple_expr"
+ in
+ (Gram.extend (symbol : 'symbol Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ ((Some (Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Level "top")),
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "FOLD1" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"FOLD1\""));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (simple_expr : 'simple_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (simple_expr : 'simple_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT "SEP" -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"SEP\""));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (sep : 'symbol) (__camlp4_1 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (s : 'symbol) (e : 'simple_expr)
+ (f : 'simple_expr)
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match (__camlp4_1, __camlp4_0) with
+ (sfoldsep _loc "FOLD1 SEP" "sfold1sep" f
+ e s sep :
+ 'symbol)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "FOLD0" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"FOLD0\""));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (simple_expr : 'simple_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (simple_expr : 'simple_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT "SEP" -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"SEP\""));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (sep : 'symbol) (__camlp4_1 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (s : 'symbol) (e : 'simple_expr)
+ (f : 'simple_expr)
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match (__camlp4_1, __camlp4_0) with
+ (sfoldsep _loc "FOLD0 SEP" "sfold0sep" f
+ e s sep :
+ 'symbol)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "FOLD1" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"FOLD1\""));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (simple_expr : 'simple_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (simple_expr : 'simple_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'symbol) (e : 'simple_expr)
+ (f : 'simple_expr)
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "FOLD1" ->
+ (sfold _loc "FOLD1" "sfold1" f e s :
+ 'symbol)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT "FOLD0" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT \"FOLD0\""));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (simple_expr : 'simple_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (simple_expr : 'simple_expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (s : 'symbol) (e : 'simple_expr)
+ (f : 'simple_expr)
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT "FOLD0" ->
+ (sfold _loc "FOLD0" "sfold0" f e s :
+ 'symbol)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (simple_expr : 'simple_expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword ")" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (e : 'expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (e : 'simple_expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (a_LIDENT : 'a_LIDENT Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'a_LIDENT) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, i)) :
+ 'simple_expr)))) ]) ]))
+ ()))
+ let _ =
+ Options.add "-split_ext" (Arg.Set split_ext)
+ "Split EXTEND by functions to turn around a PowerPC problem."
+ let _ =
+ Options.add "-split_gext" (Arg.Set split_ext)
+ "Old name for the option -split_ext."
+ let _ =
+ Options.add "-meta_action" (Arg.Set meta_action) "Undocumented"
+ end
+ (* FIXME *)
+ module M = Register.OCamlSyntaxExtension(Id)(Make)
+ end
+module M =
+ struct
+ open Camlp4
+ (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* Objective Caml *)
+ (* *)
+ (* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+ (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+ (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+ (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+ (* Caml source tree. *)
+ (* *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* Authors:
+ * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
+ *)
+ module Id =
+ struct
+ let name = "Camlp4MacroParser"
+ let version =
+ "$Id:,v 1.2 2006/07/08 17:21:32 pouillar Exp $"
+ end
+ (*
+Added statements:
+ At toplevel (structure item):
+ DEFINE <uident>
+ DEFINE <uident> = <expression>
+ DEFINE <uident> (<parameters>) = <expression>
+ IFDEF <uident> THEN <structure_items> (END | ENDIF)
+ IFDEF <uident> THEN <structure_items> ELSE <structure_items> (END | ENDIF)
+ IFNDEF <uident> THEN <structure_items> (END | ENDIF)
+ IFNDEF <uident> THEN <structure_items> ELSE <structure_items> (END | ENDIF)
+ INCLUDE <string>
+ In expressions:
+ IFDEF <uident> THEN <expression> ELSE <expression> (END | ENDIF)
+ IFNDEF <uident> THEN <expression> ELSE <expression> (END | ENDIF)
+ __FILE__
+ In patterns:
+ IFDEF <uident> THEN <pattern> ELSE <pattern> (END | ENDIF)
+ IFNDEF <uident> THEN <pattern> ELSE <pattern> (END | ENDIF)
+ As Camlp4 options:
+ -D<uident> define <uident>
+ -U<uident> undefine it
+ -I<dir> add <dir> to the search path for INCLUDE'd files
+ After having used a DEFINE <uident> followed by "= <expression>", you
+ can use it in expressions *and* in patterns. If the expression defining
+ the macro cannot be used as a pattern, there is an error message if
+ it is used in a pattern.
+ The toplevel statement INCLUDE <string> can be used to include a
+ file containing macro definitions and also any other toplevel items.
+ The included files are looked up in directories passed in via the -I
+ option, falling back to the current directory.
+ The expression __FILE__ returns the current compiled file name.
+ The expression __LOCATION__ returns the current location of itself.
+ open Camlp4
+ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) =
+ struct
+ open Sig
+ include Syntax
+ type 'a item_or_def =
+ | SdStr of 'a | SdDef of string * ((string list) * Ast.expr) option
+ | SdUnd of string | SdITE of string * 'a * 'a | SdInc of string
+ let rec list_remove x =
+ function
+ | (y, _) :: l when y = x -> l
+ | d :: l -> d :: (list_remove x l)
+ | [] -> []
+ let defined = ref []
+ let is_defined i = List.mem_assoc i !defined
+ class reloc _loc =
+ object inherit as super method _Loc_t = fun _ -> _loc end
+ class subst _loc env =
+ object inherit reloc _loc as super
+ method expr =
+ function
+ | (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, x))) |
+ Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, x)))
+ as e) -> (try List.assoc x env with | Not_found -> e)
+ | e -> super#expr e
+ end
+ let bad_patt _loc =
+ Loc.raise _loc
+ (Failure
+ "this macro cannot be used in a pattern (see its definition)")
+ let substp _loc env =
+ let rec loop =
+ function
+ | Ast.ExApp (_, e1, e2) -> Ast.PaApp (_loc, loop e1, loop e2)
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, x))) ->
+ (try List.assoc x env
+ with | Not_found -> Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdLid (_loc, x)))
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, x))) ->
+ (try List.assoc x env
+ with | Not_found -> Ast.PaId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, x)))
+ | Ast.ExInt (_, x) -> Ast.PaInt (_loc, x)
+ | Ast.ExStr (_, s) -> Ast.PaStr (_loc, s)
+ | Ast.ExTup (_, x) -> Ast.PaTup (_loc, loop x)
+ | Ast.ExCom (_, x1, x2) -> Ast.PaCom (_loc, loop x1, loop x2)
+ | Ast.ExRec (_, bi, (Ast.ExNil _)) ->
+ let rec substbi =
+ (function
+ | Ast.BiSem (_, b1, b2) ->
+ Ast.PaSem (_loc, substbi b1, substbi b2)
+ | Ast.BiEq (_, p, e) -> Ast.PaEq (_loc, p, loop e)
+ | _ -> bad_patt _loc)
+ in Ast.PaRec (_loc, substbi bi)
+ | _ -> bad_patt _loc
+ in loop
+ let incorrect_number loc l1 l2 =
+ Loc.raise loc
+ (Failure
+ (Printf.sprintf "expected %d parameters; found %d"
+ (List.length l2) (List.length l1)))
+ let define eo x =
+ ((match eo with
+ | Some (([], e)) ->
+ (Gram.extend (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ ((Some (Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Level "simple")),
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT camlp4_x when camlp4_x = x ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "$UIDENT x")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT ((_)) ->
+ ((new reloc _loc)#expr e : 'expr)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ ((Some (Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Level "simple")),
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT camlp4_x when camlp4_x = x ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "$UIDENT x")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT ((_)) ->
+ (let p = substp _loc [] e
+ in (new reloc _loc)#patt p : 'patt)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ()))
+ | Some ((sl, e)) ->
+ (Gram.extend (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ ((Some (Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Level "apply")),
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT camlp4_x when camlp4_x = x ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "$UIDENT x"));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (param : 'expr)
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT ((_)) ->
+ (let el =
+ (match param with
+ | Ast.ExTup (_, e) ->
+ Ast.list_of_expr e []
+ | e -> [ e ])
+ in
+ if
+ (List.length el) =
+ (List.length sl)
+ then
+ (let env = List.combine sl el
+ in (new subst _loc env)#expr e)
+ else incorrect_number _loc el sl :
+ 'expr)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ ((Some (Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Level "simple")),
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT camlp4_x when camlp4_x = x ->
+ true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "$UIDENT x"));
+ Gram.Sself ],
+ (
+ (fun (param : 'patt)
+ (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t)
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | UIDENT ((_)) ->
+ (let pl =
+ (match param with
+ | Ast.PaTup (_, p) ->
+ Ast.list_of_patt p []
+ | p -> [ p ])
+ in
+ if
+ (List.length pl) =
+ (List.length sl)
+ then
+ (let env = List.combine sl pl in
+ let p = substp _loc env e
+ in (new reloc _loc)#patt p)
+ else incorrect_number _loc pl sl :
+ 'patt)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ()))
+ | None -> ());
+ defined := (x, eo) :: !defined)
+ let undef x =
+ try
+ let eo = List.assoc x !defined
+ in
+ ((match eo with
+ | Some (([], _)) ->
+ (Gram.delete_rule expr
+ [ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT camlp4_x when camlp4_x = x -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "$UIDENT x")) ];
+ Gram.delete_rule patt
+ [ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT camlp4_x when camlp4_x = x -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "$UIDENT x")) ])
+ | Some ((_, _)) ->
+ (Gram.delete_rule expr
+ [ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT camlp4_x when camlp4_x = x -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "$UIDENT x"));
+ Gram.Sself ];
+ Gram.delete_rule patt
+ [ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | UIDENT camlp4_x when camlp4_x = x -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "$UIDENT x"));
+ Gram.Sself ])
+ | None -> ());
+ defined := list_remove x !defined)
+ with | Not_found -> ()
+ (* This is a list of directories to search for INCLUDE statements. *)
+ let include_dirs = ref []
+ (* Add something to the above, make sure it ends with a slash. *)
+ let add_include_dir str =
+ if str <> ""
+ then
+ (let str =
+ if (String.get str ((String.length str) - 1)) = '/'
+ then str
+ else str ^ "/"
+ in include_dirs := !include_dirs @ [ str ])
+ else ()
+ let parse_include_file rule =
+ let dir_ok file dir = Sys.file_exists (dir ^ file)
+ in
+ fun file ->
+ let file =
+ try
+ (List.find (dir_ok file) (!include_dirs @ [ "./" ])) ^ file
+ with | Not_found -> file in
+ let ch = open_in file in
+ let st = Stream.of_channel ch
+ in Gram.parse rule ( file) st
+ let _ =
+ let _ = (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (sig_item : 'sig_item Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (str_item : 'str_item Gram.Entry.t)
+ and _ = (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t) in
+ let grammar_entry_create = in
+ let endif : 'endif Gram.Entry.t = grammar_entry_create "endif"
+ and uident : 'uident Gram.Entry.t = grammar_entry_create "uident"
+ and opt_macro_value : 'opt_macro_value Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "opt_macro_value"
+ in
+ (Gram.extend (str_item : 'str_item Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ ((Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.First),
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "INCLUDE";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | STRING ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "STRING _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (fname : Gram.Token.t) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let fname = Gram.Token.extract_string fname
+ in parse_include_file str_items fname :
+ 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "IFNDEF";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (uident : 'uident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "THEN";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (str_items : 'str_items Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "ELSE";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (str_items : 'str_items Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (endif : 'endif Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (st2 : 'str_items) _ (st1 : 'str_items) _
+ (i : 'uident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (if is_defined i then st2 else st1 :
+ 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "IFNDEF";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (uident : 'uident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "THEN";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (str_items : 'str_items Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (endif : 'endif Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (st : 'str_items) _ (i : 'uident) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (if is_defined i then Ast.StNil _loc else st :
+ 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "IFDEF";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (uident : 'uident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "THEN";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (str_items : 'str_items Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "ELSE";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (str_items : 'str_items Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (endif : 'endif Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (st2 : 'str_items) _ (st1 : 'str_items) _
+ (i : 'uident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (if is_defined i then st1 else st2 :
+ 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "IFDEF";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (uident : 'uident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "THEN";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (str_items : 'str_items Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (endif : 'endif Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (st : 'str_items) _ (i : 'uident) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (if is_defined i then st else Ast.StNil _loc :
+ 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "UNDEF";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (uident : 'uident Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : 'uident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ((undef i; Ast.StNil _loc) : 'str_item))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "DEFINE";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (uident : 'uident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (opt_macro_value :
+ 'opt_macro_value Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (def : 'opt_macro_value) (i : 'uident) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ ((define def i; Ast.StNil _loc) : 'str_item)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (sig_item : 'sig_item Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ ((Some Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.First),
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "INCLUDE";
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | STRING ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "STRING _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (fname : Gram.Token.t) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let fname = Gram.Token.extract_string fname
+ in parse_include_file sig_items fname :
+ 'sig_item)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (endif : 'endif Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "ENDIF" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (() : 'endif))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "END" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (() : 'endif)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (opt_macro_value : 'opt_macro_value Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([],
+ (
+ (fun (_loc : Loc.t) -> (None : 'opt_macro_value))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Some (([], e)) : 'opt_macro_value))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "(";
+ Gram.Slist1sep
+ (Gram.srules opt_macro_value
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | LIDENT ((_)) -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ (let x =
+ Gram.Token.extract_string x
+ in x : 'e__19)))) ],
+ Gram.Skeyword ",");
+ Gram.Skeyword ")"; Gram.Skeyword "=";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ _ (pl : 'e__19 list) _
+ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Some ((pl, e)) : 'opt_macro_value)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ ((Some (Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Level "top")),
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "IFNDEF";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (uident : 'uident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "THEN"; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Skeyword "ELSE"; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (endif : 'endif Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) _
+ (i : 'uident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (if is_defined i then e2 else e1 : 'expr))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "IFDEF";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (uident : 'uident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "THEN"; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Skeyword "ELSE"; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (endif : 'endif Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (e2 : 'expr) _ (e1 : 'expr) _
+ (i : 'uident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (if is_defined i then e1 else e2 : 'expr)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ ((Some (Camlp4.Sig.Grammar.Level "simple")),
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | LIDENT "__LOCATION__" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT \"__LOCATION__\"")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LIDENT "__LOCATION__" ->
+ (let (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) =
+ Loc.to_tuple _loc
+ in
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Loc"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "of_tuple"))),
+ Ast.ExTup (_loc,
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc,
+ Ast.ExStr (_loc,
+ Ast.safe_string_escaped a),
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc,
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc,
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc,
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc,
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc,
+ Ast.ExCom (_loc,
+ Ast.ExInt (_loc,
+ string_of_int b),
+ Ast.ExInt (_loc,
+ string_of_int c)),
+ Ast.ExInt (_loc,
+ string_of_int d)),
+ Ast.ExInt (_loc,
+ string_of_int e)),
+ Ast.ExInt (_loc,
+ string_of_int f)),
+ Ast.ExInt (_loc,
+ string_of_int g)),
+ if h
+ then
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "True"))
+ else
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "False")))))) :
+ 'expr)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | LIDENT "__FILE__" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT \"__FILE__\"")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LIDENT "__FILE__" ->
+ (Ast.ExStr (_loc,
+ Ast.safe_string_escaped
+ (Loc.file_name _loc)) :
+ 'expr)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (patt : 'patt Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "IFNDEF";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (uident : 'uident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "THEN"; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Skeyword "ELSE"; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (endif : 'endif Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (p2 : 'patt) _ (p1 : 'patt) _
+ (i : 'uident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (if is_defined i then p2 else p1 : 'patt))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "IFDEF";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (uident : 'uident Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Skeyword "THEN"; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Skeyword "ELSE"; Gram.Sself;
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (endif : 'endif Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (p2 : 'patt) _ (p1 : 'patt) _
+ (i : 'uident) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (if is_defined i then p1 else p2 : 'patt)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (uident : 'uident Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | UIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "UIDENT _")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (i : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let i = Gram.Token.extract_string i in i :
+ 'uident)))) ]) ]))
+ ()))
+ let _ =
+ Options.add "-D" (Arg.String (define None))
+ "<string> Define for IFDEF instruction."
+ let _ =
+ Options.add "-U" (Arg.String undef)
+ "<string> Undefine for IFDEF instruction."
+ let _ =
+ Options.add "-I" (Arg.String add_include_dir)
+ "<string> Add a directory to INCLUDE search path."
+ end
+ let _ = let module M = Register.OCamlSyntaxExtension(Id)(Make) in ()
+ end
+module D =
+ struct
+ open Camlp4
+ (* -*- camlp4r -*- *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* Objective Caml *)
+ (* *)
+ (* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+ (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+ (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+ (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+ (* Caml source tree. *)
+ (* *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* Authors:
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: initial version
+ *)
+ module Id =
+ struct
+ let name = "Camlp4DebugParser"
+ let version =
+ "$Id:,v 1.2 2006/07/08 17:21:32 pouillar Exp $"
+ end
+ module Make (Syntax : Sig.Camlp4Syntax) =
+ struct
+ open Sig
+ include Syntax
+ module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
+ let debug_mode =
+ try
+ let str = Sys.getenv "STATIC_CAMLP4_DEBUG" in
+ let rec loop acc i =
+ try
+ let pos = String.index_from str i ':'
+ in
+ loop (StringSet.add (String.sub str i (pos - i)) acc)
+ (pos + 1)
+ with
+ | Not_found ->
+ StringSet.add (String.sub str i ((String.length str) - i))
+ acc in
+ let sections = loop StringSet.empty 0
+ in
+ if StringSet.mem "*" sections
+ then (fun _ -> true)
+ else (fun x -> StringSet.mem x sections)
+ with | Not_found -> (fun _ -> false)
+ let rec apply accu =
+ function
+ | [] -> accu
+ | x :: xs ->
+ let _loc = Ast.loc_of_expr x
+ in apply (Ast.ExApp (_loc, accu, x)) xs
+ let mk_debug_mode _loc =
+ function
+ | None ->
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Debug"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "mode")))
+ | Some m ->
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, m),
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Debug"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "mode"))))
+ let mk_debug _loc m fmt section args =
+ let call =
+ apply
+ (Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc,
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdAcc (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "Debug"),
+ Ast.IdLid (_loc, "printf"))),
+ Ast.ExStr (_loc, section)),
+ Ast.ExStr (_loc, fmt)))
+ args
+ in
+ Ast.ExIfe (_loc,
+ Ast.ExApp (_loc, mk_debug_mode _loc m,
+ Ast.ExStr (_loc, section)),
+ call, Ast.ExId (_loc, Ast.IdUid (_loc, "()")))
+ let _ =
+ let _ = (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t) in
+ let grammar_entry_create = in
+ let end_or_in : 'end_or_in Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "end_or_in"
+ and start_debug : 'start_debug Gram.Entry.t =
+ grammar_entry_create "start_debug"
+ in
+ (Gram.extend (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (start_debug : 'start_debug Gram.Entry.t));
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | LIDENT ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT _"));
+ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function | STRING ((_)) -> true | _ -> false),
+ "STRING _"));
+ Gram.Slist0
+ (Gram.Snterml
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t),
+ "."));
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj
+ (end_or_in : 'end_or_in Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (x : 'end_or_in) (args : 'expr list)
+ (fmt : Gram.Token.t) (section : Gram.Token.t)
+ (m : 'start_debug) (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (let fmt = Gram.Token.extract_string fmt in
+ let section =
+ Gram.Token.extract_string section
+ in
+ match (x, (debug_mode section)) with
+ | (None, false) ->
+ Ast.ExId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "()"))
+ | (Some e, false) -> e
+ | (None, _) ->
+ mk_debug _loc m fmt section args
+ | (Some e, _) ->
+ Ast.ExLet (_loc, Ast.BFalse,
+ Ast.BiEq (_loc,
+ Ast.PaId (_loc,
+ Ast.IdUid (_loc, "()")),
+ mk_debug _loc m fmt section args),
+ e) :
+ 'expr)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (end_or_in : 'end_or_in Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Skeyword "in";
+ Gram.Snterm
+ (Gram.Entry.obj (expr : 'expr Gram.Entry.t)) ],
+ (
+ (fun (e : 'expr) _ (_loc : Loc.t) ->
+ (Some e : 'end_or_in))));
+ ([ Gram.Skeyword "end" ],
+ (
+ (fun _ (_loc : Loc.t) -> (None : 'end_or_in)))) ]) ]))
+ ());
+ Gram.extend (start_debug : 'start_debug Gram.Entry.t)
+ ((fun () ->
+ (None,
+ [ (None, None,
+ [ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | LIDENT "camlp4_debug" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT \"camlp4_debug\"")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LIDENT "camlp4_debug" ->
+ (Some "Camlp4" : 'start_debug)
+ | _ -> assert false)));
+ ([ Gram.Stoken
+ (((function
+ | LIDENT "debug" -> true
+ | _ -> false),
+ "LIDENT \"debug\"")) ],
+ (
+ (fun (__camlp4_0 : Gram.Token.t) (_loc : Loc.t)
+ ->
+ match __camlp4_0 with
+ | LIDENT "debug" -> (None : 'start_debug)
+ | _ -> assert false))) ]) ]))
+ ()))
+ end
+ let _ = let module M = Register.OCamlSyntaxExtension(Id)(Make) in ()
+ end
+module P =
+ struct
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* Objective Caml *)
+ (* *)
+ (* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+ (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+ (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+ (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+ (* Caml source tree. *)
+ (* *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* Authors:
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: initial version
+ *)
+ let _ = Camlp4.Register.enable_dump_ocaml_ast_printer ()
+ end
+module B =
+ struct
+ (* camlp4r *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* *)
+ (* Objective Caml *)
+ (* *)
+ (* INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+ (* *)
+ (* Copyright 2006 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+ (* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed under *)
+ (* the terms of the GNU Library General Public License, with the special *)
+ (* exception on linking described in LICENSE at the top of the Objective *)
+ (* Caml source tree. *)
+ (* *)
+ (****************************************************************************)
+ (* Authors:
+ * - Daniel de Rauglaudre: initial version
+ * - Nicolas Pouillard: refactoring
+ *)
+ (* $Id:,v 1.12 2006/10/02 12:58:59 ertai Exp $ *)
+ open Camlp4
+ open PreCast.Syntax
+ open PreCast
+ open Format
+ module CleanAst = Camlp4.Struct.CleanAst.Make(Ast)
+ module SSet = Set.Make(String)
+ let pa_r = "Camlp4OCamlRevisedParser"
+ (* value pa_rr = "Camlp4OCamlrrParser"; *)
+ let pa_o = "Camlp4OCamlParser"
+ let pa_rp = "Camlp4OCamlRevisedParserParser"
+ let pa_op = "Camlp4OCamlParserParser"
+ let pa_g = "Camlp4GrammarParser"
+ let pa_m = "Camlp4MacroParser"
+ let pa_qb = "Camlp4QuotationCommon"
+ let pa_q = "Camlp4QuotationExpander"
+ let pa_rq = "Camlp4OCamlRevisedQuotationExpander"
+ let pa_oq = "Camlp4OCamlOriginalQuotationExpander"
+ let dyn_loader =
+ ref (fun _ -> raise (Match_failure ("./camlp4/", 42, 24)))
+ let rcall_callback = ref (fun () -> ())
+ let loaded_modules = ref SSet.empty
+ let add_to_loaded_modules name =
+ loaded_modules := SSet.add name !loaded_modules
+ let rewrite_and_load n x =
+ let dyn_loader = !dyn_loader () in
+ let find_in_path = DynLoader.find_in_path dyn_loader in
+ let real_load name =
+ (add_to_loaded_modules name; DynLoader.load dyn_loader name) in
+ let load =
+ List.iter
+ (fun n ->
+ if SSet.mem n !loaded_modules
+ then ()
+ else
+ (add_to_loaded_modules n;
+ DynLoader.load dyn_loader (n ^ ".cmo")))
+ in
+ ((match (n, (String.lowercase x)) with
+ | (("Parsers" | ""),
+ ("pa_r.cmo" | "r" | "ocamlr" | "ocamlrevised" |
+ "camlp4ocamlrevisedparser.cmo"))
+ -> load [ pa_r ]
+ | (* | ("Parsers"|"", "rr" | "OCamlrr") -> load [pa_r; pa_rr] *)
+ (("Parsers" | ""),
+ ("pa_o.cmo" | "o" | "ocaml" | "camlp4ocamlparser.cmo"))
+ -> load [ pa_r; pa_o ]
+ | (("Parsers" | ""),
+ ("pa_rp.cmo" | "rp" | "rparser" |
+ "camlp4ocamlrevisedparserparser.cmo"))
+ -> load [ pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp ]
+ | (("Parsers" | ""),
+ ("pa_op.cmo" | "op" | "parser" | "camlp4ocamlparserparser.cmo"))
+ -> load [ pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op ]
+ | (("Parsers" | ""),
+ ("pa_extend.cmo" | "pa_extend_m.cmo" | "g" | "grammar" |
+ "camlp4grammarparser.cmo"))
+ -> load [ pa_r; pa_g ]
+ | (("Parsers" | ""),
+ ("pa_macro.cmo" | "m" | "macro" | "camlp4macroparser.cmo")) ->
+ load [ pa_r; pa_m ]
+ | (("Parsers" | ""), ("q" | "camlp4quotationexpander.cmo")) ->
+ load [ pa_r; pa_qb; pa_q ]
+ | (("Parsers" | ""),
+ ("q_MLast.cmo" | "rq" |
+ "camlp4ocamlrevisedquotationexpander.cmo"))
+ -> load [ pa_r; pa_qb; pa_rq ]
+ | (("Parsers" | ""),
+ ("oq" | "camlp4ocamloriginalquotationexpander.cmo")) ->
+ load [ pa_r; pa_o; pa_qb; pa_oq ]
+ | (("Parsers" | ""), "rf") ->
+ load [ pa_r; pa_rp; pa_qb; pa_q; pa_g; pa_m ]
+ | (("Parsers" | ""), "of") ->
+ load [ pa_r; pa_o; pa_rp; pa_op; pa_qb; pa_rq; pa_g; pa_m ]
+ | (("Filters" | ""), ("lift" | "camlp4astlifter.cmo")) ->
+ load [ "Camlp4AstLifter" ]
+ | (("Filters" | ""), ("exn" | "camlp4exceptiontracer.cmo")) ->
+ load [ "Camlp4ExceptionTracer" ]
+ | (("Filters" | ""), ("prof" | "camlp4profiler.cmo")) ->
+ load [ "Camlp4Profiler" ]
+ | (("Filters" | ""), ("map" | "camlp4mapgenerator.cmo")) ->
+ load [ "Camlp4MapGenerator" ]
+ | (("Filters" | ""), ("fold" | "camlp4foldgenerator.cmo")) ->
+ load [ "Camlp4FoldGenerator" ]
+ | (("Filters" | ""), ("meta" | "camlp4metagenerator.cmo")) ->
+ load [ "Camlp4MetaGenerator" ]
+ | (("Filters" | ""), ("trash" | "camlp4trashremover.cmo")) ->
+ load [ "Camlp4TrashRemover" ]
+ | (("Filters" | ""), ("striploc" | "camlp4locationstripper.cmo"))
+ -> load [ "Camlp4LocationStripper" ]
+ | (("Filters" | ""), ("tracer" | "camlp4tracer.cmo")) ->
+ load [ "Camlp4Tracer" ]
+ | (("Printers" | ""),
+ ("pr_r.cmo" | "r" | "ocamlr" | "camlp4ocamlrevisedprinter.cmo"))
+ -> Register.enable_ocamlr_printer ()
+ | (* | ("Printers"|"", "rr" | "OCamlrr" | "Camlp4Printers/OCamlrr.cmo") -> *)
+ (* Register.enable_ocamlrr_printer () *)
+ (("Printers" | ""),
+ ("pr_o.cmo" | "o" | "ocaml" | "camlp4ocamlprinter.cmo"))
+ -> Register.enable_ocaml_printer ()
+ | (("Printers" | ""),
+ ("pr_dump.cmo" | "p" | "dumpocaml" | "camlp4ocamlastdumper.cmo"))
+ -> Register.enable_dump_ocaml_ast_printer ()
+ | (("Printers" | ""), ("d" | "dumpcamlp4" | "camlp4astdumper.cmo"))
+ -> Register.enable_dump_camlp4_ast_printer ()
+ | (("Printers" | ""), ("a" | "auto" | "camlp4autoprinter.cmo")) ->
+ load [ "Camlp4AutoPrinter" ]
+ | _ ->
+ let y = "Camlp4" ^ (n ^ ("/" ^ (x ^ ".cmo")))
+ in real_load (try find_in_path y with | Not_found -> x));
+ !rcall_callback ())
+ let print_warning = eprintf "%a:\n%s@." Loc.print
+ let rec parse_file dyn_loader name pa getdir =
+ let directive_handler =
+ Some
+ (fun ast ->
+ match getdir ast with
+ | Some x ->
+ (match x with
+ | (_, "load", s) -> (rewrite_and_load "" s; None)
+ | (_, "directory", s) ->
+ (DynLoader.include_dir dyn_loader s; None)
+ | (_, "use", s) -> Some (parse_file dyn_loader s pa getdir)
+ | (_, "default_quotation", s) ->
+ (Quotation.default := s; None)
+ | (loc, _, _) ->
+ Loc.raise loc (Stream.Error "bad directive"))
+ | None -> None) in
+ let loc = name
+ in
+ (Warning.current := print_warning;
+ let ic = if name = "-" then stdin else open_in_bin name in
+ let cs = Stream.of_channel ic in
+ let clear () = if name = "-" then () else close_in ic in
+ let phr =
+ try pa ?directive_handler loc cs with | x -> (clear (); raise x)
+ in (clear (); phr))
+ let output_file = ref None
+ let process dyn_loader name pa pr clean fold_filters getdir =
+ let ast = parse_file dyn_loader name pa getdir in
+ let ast = fold_filters (fun t filter -> filter t) ast in
+ let ast = clean ast
+ in pr ?input_file: (Some name) ?output_file: !output_file ast
+ let gind =
+ function
+ | Ast.SgDir (loc, n, (Ast.ExStr (_, s))) -> Some ((loc, n, s))
+ | _ -> None
+ let gimd =
+ function
+ | Ast.StDir (loc, n, (Ast.ExStr (_, s))) -> Some ((loc, n, s))
+ | _ -> None
+ open Register
+ let process_intf dyn_loader name =
+ process dyn_loader name CurrentParser.parse_interf CurrentPrinter.
+ print_interf new CleanAst.clean_ast#sig_item AstFilters.
+ fold_interf_filters gind
+ let process_impl dyn_loader name =
+ process dyn_loader name CurrentParser.parse_implem CurrentPrinter.
+ print_implem new CleanAst.clean_ast#str_item AstFilters.
+ fold_implem_filters gimd
+ let just_print_the_version () =
+ (printf "%s@." Camlp4_config.version; exit 0)
+ let print_version () =
+ (eprintf "Camlp4 version %s@." Camlp4_config.version; exit 0)
+ let print_stdlib () =
+ (printf "%s@." Camlp4_config.camlp4_standard_library; exit 0)
+ let usage ini_sl ext_sl =
+ (eprintf
+ "\
+Usage: camlp4 [load-options] [--] [other-options]
+<file>.ml Parse this implementation file
+<file>.mli Parse this interface file
+<file>.(cmo|cma) Load this module inside the Camlp4 core@.";
+ Options.print_usage_list ini_sl;
+ (* loop (ini_sl @ ext_sl) where rec loop =
+ fun
+ [ [(y, _, _) :: _] when y = "-help" -> ()
+ | [_ :: sl] -> loop sl
+ | [] -> eprintf " -help Display this list of options.@." ]; *)
+ if ext_sl <> []
+ then
+ (eprintf "Options added by loaded object files:@.";
+ Options.print_usage_list ext_sl)
+ else ())
+ let warn_noassert () =
+ eprintf
+ "\
+camlp4 warning: option -noassert is obsolete
+You should give the -noassert option to the ocaml compiler instead.@."
+ type file_kind =
+ | Intf of string | Impl of string | Str of string
+ | ModuleImpl of string | IncludeDir of string
+ let search_stdlib = ref true
+ let print_loaded_modules = ref false
+ let (task, do_task) =
+ let t = ref None in
+ let task f x =
+ let () = Camlp4_config.current_input_file := x
+ in
+ t :=
+ Some
+ (if !t = None then (fun _ -> f x) else (fun usage -> usage ())) in
+ let do_task usage = match !t with | Some f -> f usage | None -> ()
+ in (task, do_task)
+ let input_file x =
+ let dyn_loader = !dyn_loader ()
+ in
+ (!rcall_callback ();
+ (match x with
+ | Intf file_name -> task (process_intf dyn_loader) file_name
+ | Impl file_name -> task (process_impl dyn_loader) file_name
+ | Str s ->
+ let (f, o) = Filename.open_temp_file "from_string" ".ml"
+ in
+ (output_string o s;
+ close_out o;
+ task (process_impl dyn_loader) f)
+ | ModuleImpl file_name -> rewrite_and_load "" file_name
+ | IncludeDir dir -> DynLoader.include_dir dyn_loader dir);
+ !rcall_callback ())
+ let initial_spec_list =
+ [ ("-I", (Arg.String (fun x -> input_file (IncludeDir x))),
+ "<directory> Add directory in search patch for object files.");
+ ("-where", (Arg.Unit print_stdlib),
+ "Print camlp4 library directory and exit.");
+ ("-nolib", (Arg.Clear search_stdlib),
+ "No automatic search for object files in library directory.");
+ ("-intf", (Arg.String (fun x -> input_file (Intf x))),
+ "<file> Parse <file> as an interface, whatever its extension.");
+ ("-impl", (Arg.String (fun x -> input_file (Impl x))),
+ "<file> Parse <file> as an implementation, whatever its extension.");
+ ("-str", (Arg.String (fun x -> input_file (Str x))),
+ "<string> Parse <string> as an implementation.");
+ ("-unsafe", (Arg.Set Camlp4_config.unsafe),
+ "Generate unsafe accesses to array and strings.");
+ ("-noassert", (Arg.Unit warn_noassert),
+ "Obsolete, do not use this option.");
+ ("-verbose", (Arg.Set Camlp4_config.verbose),
+ "More verbose in parsing errors.");
+ ("-loc", (Arg.Set_string,
+ ("<name> Name of the location variable (default: " ^
+ (! ^ ").")));
+ ("-QD", (Arg.String (fun x -> Quotation.dump_file := Some x)),
+ "<file> Dump quotation expander result in case of syntax error.");
+ ("-o", (Arg.String (fun x -> output_file := Some x)),
+ "<file> Output on <file> instead of standard output.");
+ ("-v", (Arg.Unit print_version), "Print Camlp4 version and exit.");
+ ("-version", (Arg.Unit just_print_the_version),
+ "Print Camlp4 version number and exit.");
+ ("-no_quot", (Arg.Clear Camlp4_config.quotations),
+ "Don't parse quotations, allowing to use, e.g. \"<:>\" as token.");
+ ("-loaded-modules", (Arg.Set print_loaded_modules),
+ "Print the list of loaded modules.");
+ ("-parser", (Arg.String (rewrite_and_load "Parsers")),
+ "<name> Load the parser Camlp4Parsers/<name>.cmo");
+ ("-printer", (Arg.String (rewrite_and_load "Printers")),
+ "<name> Load the printer Camlp4Printers/<name>.cmo");
+ ("-filter", (Arg.String (rewrite_and_load "Filters")),
+ "<name> Load the filter Camlp4Filters/<name>.cmo");
+ ("-ignore", (Arg.String ignore), "ignore the next argument");
+ ("--", (Arg.Unit ignore), "Deprecated, does nothing") ]
+ let _ = Options.init initial_spec_list
+ let anon_fun name =
+ input_file
+ (if Filename.check_suffix name ".mli"
+ then Intf name
+ else
+ if Filename.check_suffix name ".ml"
+ then Impl name
+ else
+ if Filename.check_suffix name ".cmo"
+ then ModuleImpl name
+ else
+ if Filename.check_suffix name ".cma"
+ then ModuleImpl name
+ else raise (Arg.Bad ("don't know what to do with " ^ name)))
+ let main argv =
+ let usage () =
+ (usage initial_spec_list (Options.ext_spec_list ()); exit 0)
+ in
+ try
+ let dynloader =
+ ~ocaml_stdlib: !search_stdlib
+ ~camlp4_stdlib: !search_stdlib ()
+ in
+ (dyn_loader := (fun () -> dynloader);
+ let call_callback () =
+ Register.iter_and_take_callbacks
+ (fun (name, module_callback) ->
+ let () = add_to_loaded_modules name in module_callback ())
+ in
+ (call_callback ();
+ rcall_callback := call_callback;
+ (match Options.parse anon_fun argv with
+ | [] -> ()
+ | ("-help" | "--help" | "-h" | "-?") :: _ -> usage ()
+ | s :: _ ->
+ (eprintf "%s: unknown or misused option\n" s;
+ eprintf "Use option -help for usage@.";
+ exit 2));
+ do_task usage;
+ call_callback ();
+ if !print_loaded_modules
+ then SSet.iter (eprintf "%s@.") !loaded_modules
+ else ()))
+ with
+ | Arg.Bad s ->
+ (eprintf "Error: %s\n" s;
+ eprintf "Use option -help for usage@.";
+ exit 2)
+ | Arg.Help _ -> usage ()
+ | exc -> (eprintf "@[<v0>%a@]@." ErrorHandler.print exc; exit 2)
+ let _ = main Sys.argv
+ end
diff --git a/camlp4/boot/camlp4boot.ml4 b/camlp4/boot/camlp4boot.ml4
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..582ce9c27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camlp4/boot/camlp4boot.ml4
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+module R = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/"; end;
+module Camlp4QuotationCommon = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/"; end;
+module Q = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/"; end;
+module Rp = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/"; end;
+module G = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/"; end;
+module M = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/"; end;
+module D = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4Parsers/"; end;
+module P = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/Camlp4Printers/"; end;
+module B = struct INCLUDE "camlp4/"; end;
diff --git a/camlp4/build/ b/camlp4/build/
deleted file mode 100644
index a23a29ea5..000000000
--- a/camlp4/build/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,916 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Damien Pous
- *
- * YaM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * YaM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with YaM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- *)
-open Printf
-let print_deps = ref false
-let print_cmds = ref true
-let debug_status = ref false
-let debug_deps = ref false
-let debug_build = ref false
-(* ---- Définition des unités de compilation ---- *)
-(* environnement / options *)
-type options_t = {
- ocaml: string ref;
- ocamlc: string ref;
- ocamlopt: string ref;
- ocamldep: string ref;
- ocamldoc: string ref;
- ocamlyacc: string ref;
- ocamllex: string ref;
- ocamlglade: string ref;
- ocaml_P4: string ref;
- ocaml_P4_opt: string ref;
- ocaml_Flags: string ref;
- ocaml_OptFlags: string ref;
- ocaml_ByteFlags: string ref;
- ocaml_LinkFlags: string ref;
- ocaml_ForPack: string ref;
- ocaml_Includes: string list ref;
- ocaml_ExtIncludes: string list ref;
- ocaml_ExtLibraries: string list ref;
-(* options par défaut *)
-let getenv n d = try Sys.getenv n with Not_found -> d
-let options = ref {
- ocaml = ref (getenv "OCAML" "ocaml");
- ocamlc = ref (getenv "OCAMLC" "ocamlc.opt");
- ocamlopt = ref (getenv "OCAMLOPT" "ocamlopt.opt");
- ocamldep = ref (getenv "OCAMLDEP" "ocamldep.opt");
- ocamldoc = ref (getenv "OCAMLDOC" "ocamldoc.opt");
- ocamlyacc = ref (getenv "OCAMLYACC" "ocamlyacc");
- ocamllex = ref (getenv "OCAMLLEX" "ocamllex.opt");
- ocamlglade = ref (getenv "OCAMLGLADE" "lablgladecc2 -hide-default");
- ocaml_P4 = ref "";
- ocaml_P4_opt = ref "";
- ocaml_Flags = ref "";
- ocaml_OptFlags = ref "";
- ocaml_ByteFlags = ref "";
- ocaml_LinkFlags = ref "";
- ocaml_ForPack = ref "";
- ocaml_Includes = ref [];
- ocaml_ExtIncludes = ref [];
- ocaml_ExtLibraries = ref [];
-let dir = ref ""
-(* calcul d'une valeur dans un nouvel environnement (options) *)
-let new_scope v =
- let options' = !options in
- options := {
- ocaml = ref !(options'.ocaml);
- ocamlc = ref !(options'.ocamlc);
- ocamlopt = ref !(options'.ocamlopt);
- ocamldep = ref !(options'.ocamldep);
- ocamldoc = ref !(options'.ocamldoc);
- ocamlyacc = ref !(options'.ocamlyacc);
- ocamllex = ref !(options'.ocamllex);
- ocamlglade = ref !(options'.ocamlglade);
- ocaml_P4 = ref !(options'.ocaml_P4);
- ocaml_P4_opt = ref !(options'.ocaml_P4_opt);
- ocaml_Flags = ref !(options'.ocaml_Flags);
- ocaml_OptFlags = ref !(options'.ocaml_OptFlags);
- ocaml_ByteFlags = ref !(options'.ocaml_ByteFlags);
- ocaml_LinkFlags = ref !(options'.ocaml_LinkFlags);
- ocaml_ForPack = ref !(options'.ocaml_ForPack);
- ocaml_Includes = ref !(options'.ocaml_Includes);
- ocaml_ExtIncludes = ref !(options'.ocaml_ExtIncludes);
- ocaml_ExtLibraries = ref !(options'.ocaml_ExtLibraries);
- };
- let v' = Lazy.force v in
- options := options';
- v'
-(* type (interne) des unités *)
-type unit_t = {
- name: string;
- (* ensembles de fichiers : *)
- sources: string list; (* sources *)
- targets: string list; (* générés ET ciblés *)
- pregenerated: string list; (* à créer avant de calculer des dépendances *)
- trash: string list; (* générables "à nettoyer" *)
- (* cibles automatiques (quand aucune cible n'est spécifiée) *)
- auto_targets: string list;
- (* éventuelles sous-unités *)
- sub_units: unit_t list;
- (* objet généré (à lier) *)
- objects: (string*string) option; (* natif / bytecode *)
- (* dépendances d'une cible f *)
- dependencies: native: bool -> string -> string list;
- (* fichiers dont dépendent le résultat précédent *)
- dep_files: string -> string list;
- (* commande pour la compilation d'une cible f
- * renvoie (cmd, out) où
- * - cmd est la commande à exécuter
- * - out est l'ensemble des fichiers générés par cette commande
- *)
- compile_cmd: string -> string * string list;
-(* ---- Utilitaires ---- *)
-let (^=) r s = r := if !r="" then s else !r^" "^s
-let (+=) l x = l := x :: !l
-let (@=) l x = l := !l @ x
-let (^^) s t = if t="" then s else if s="" then t else s^" "^t
-let id x = x
-let fcons f = fun x q -> f x::q
-let rec rev_map_append f l1 l2 = match l1 with
- | [] -> l2
- | x::q -> rev_map_append f q (f x::l2)
-let string_of_list f = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> acc^^(f x)) ""
-let flatten = List.fold_left (^^) ""
-let select b = if b then fst else snd
-let select_set b = if b then (fun (_,y) z -> z,y) else (fun (x,_) z -> x,z)
-let rec print_inc = function
- | [] -> ""
- | x::q -> "-I "^x^^(print_inc q)
-let print_p4 = function "" -> "" | s -> "-pp "^s
-let oget x = function Some x -> x | _ -> x
-let ofold f = List.fold_right (function Some o -> f o | _ -> id)
-let omap f l = ofold (fcons f) l []
-let otfold f = List.fold_right (function {objects=Some o} -> f o | _ -> id)
-let otmap f l = otfold (fcons f) l []
-let mtime f = (Unix.stat f).Unix.st_mtime
-let file_newer f1 f2 = not (Sys.file_exists f2) || mtime f1 > mtime f2
-let exists_file_newer f =
- let mtf = mtime f in
- List.exists (fun f' -> mtime f' > mtf)
-let silent_remove f = try Sys.remove f with Sys_error _ -> ()
-let touch_file f = if not (Sys.file_exists f) then close_out (open_out f)
-exception CmdError of string
-let makecommand =
- match Sys.os_type with
- | "Win32" -> (fun cmd -> "bash -c " ^ Filename.quote cmd)
- | _ -> (fun cmd -> cmd)
-let call cmd = Sys.command (makecommand cmd)
-let ecall cmd = if (call cmd) <> 0 then raise (CmdError cmd)
-let exitf ?(err=1) x = kprintf (fun msg -> eprintf "%s" msg; exit err) x
-let fileconcat dirname filename =
- let l = String.length dirname in
- if l = 0 || dirname.[l-1] = '/'
- then dirname ^ filename
- else dirname ^ "/" ^ filename
-let mk_ext e = (fun n -> n^e), (fun n -> Filename.check_suffix n e)
-let ml , is_ml = mk_ext ".ml"
-let mli , is_mli = mk_ext ".mli"
-let mly , is_mly = mk_ext ".mly"
-let mll , is_mll = mk_ext ".mll"
-let glade, is_glade = mk_ext ".glade"
-let cmo , is_cmo = mk_ext ".cmo"
-let cmi , is_cmi = mk_ext ".cmi"
-let cmx , is_cmx = mk_ext ".cmx"
-let cma , is_cma = mk_ext ".cma"
-let cmxa , is_cmxa = mk_ext ".cmxa"
-let oo , is_o = mk_ext ".o"
-let aa , is_a = mk_ext ".a"
-let cc , is_c = mk_ext ".c"
-let run , is_run = mk_ext ".run"
-let opt , is_opt = mk_ext ".opt"
-let annot, is_annot = mk_ext ".annot"
-let rec iter_units f = function
- | [] -> ()
- | u::q -> f u; iter_units f u.sub_units; iter_units f q
-let rec fold_units f a = function
- | [] -> a
- | u::q -> fold_units f (f u (fold_units f a u.sub_units)) q
-let get_line c =
- let rec get accu =
- let s = input_line c in
- let l = String.length s in
- if l > 0 && s.[l-1] = '\\'
- then get (String.sub s 0 (l-1) :: accu)
- else if l > 1 && s.[l-1] = '\r' && s.[l-2] = '\\'
- then get (String.sub s 0 (l-2) :: accu)
- else String.concat "" (List.rev (s :: accu))
- in get []
-let split_string pred s =
- let rec split1 i accu =
- if i >= String.length s
- then List.rev accu
- else if pred s.[i] then split1 (i+1) accu
- else split2 i (i+1) accu
- and split2 i j accu =
- if j >= String.length s
- then List.rev (String.sub s i (j-i) :: accu)
- else if pred s.[j] then split1 (j+1) (String.sub s i (j-i) :: accu)
- else split2 i (j+1) accu
- in split1 0 []
-(* ---- Outils OCaml (c,dep,opt...) ---- *)
-(* parsing de la sortie d'ocamldep *)
-let tokenize ?(skip=false) c =
- try
- if skip then ignore (get_line c);
- match split_string (function ' ' | ':' -> true | _ -> false)
- (get_line c) with
- | [] -> []
- | _ :: deps -> deps
- with End_of_file -> []
-let ocamldep ~native ~depc ~sf =
- let nat = if native then "-native " else "" in
- let cmd = depc^^"-slash"^^nat^^sf in
- if !print_deps then printf "%s\n%!" cmd
- else printf "DEPENDENCIES: %s\n%!" sf;
- let c_in = Unix.open_process_in (makecommand cmd) in
- let deps = tokenize ~skip:(native && is_ml sf) c_in in
- let deps' =
- if native then deps
- else (fun f -> if is_cmo f then cmi (Filename.chop_extension f) else f) deps
- in
- ignore (Unix.close_process_in c_in);
- sf::deps'
-let ocamldepi ~native ~depc ~f ~n =
- ocamldep ~native ~depc ~sf:(if is_cmi f then mli n else ml n)
-let ocamlobj ~bytec ~optc ~f ~n =
- (select (is_cmx f) (optc, bytec))^" -c "^(ml n), [f; cmi n]
-let ocamlobji ~bytec ~optc ~impl_flags ~f ~n =
- if is_cmi f then bytec^" -c "^(mli n), [f]
- else (select (is_cmx f) (optc, bytec))^^impl_flags^^"-c"^^(ml n), [f]
-let for_pack o = if !(o.ocaml_ForPack) = "" then ""
- else "-for-pack" ^^ !(o.ocaml_ForPack)
-let ocaml_options ?(o= !options) ?(flags="") ?(byte_flags="") ?(opt_flags="") ?pp ?(includes=[]) ?(ext_includes=[]) n =
- let flags' = (print_inc !(o.ocaml_Includes))^^(print_inc includes)^^(print_p4 (oget !(o.ocaml_P4) pp)) in
- let depc = !(o.ocamldep)^^flags' in
- let flags' = !(o.ocaml_Flags)^^flags^^(print_inc !(o.ocaml_ExtIncludes))^^(print_inc ext_includes)^^flags' in
- let bytec = !(o.ocamlc) ^^flags'^^byte_flags^^ !(o.ocaml_ByteFlags) in
- let opt_flags' = (print_inc !(o.ocaml_Includes))^^(print_inc includes)^^(print_p4 (oget !(o.ocaml_P4_opt) pp)) in
- let opt_flags' = !(o.ocaml_Flags)^^flags^^(print_inc !(o.ocaml_ExtIncludes))^^(print_inc ext_includes)^^opt_flags' in
- let optc = !(o.ocamlopt)^^(for_pack o)^^opt_flags'^^opt_flags ^^ !(o.ocaml_OptFlags) in
- (fileconcat !dir n), depc, bytec, optc
-(* fabrication générique d'unités *)
-let generic_unit
- ~name ?(sources=[]) ~targets ?(trash=targets) ?(auto_targets=[]) ?(sub_units=[]) ?(pregenerated=[])
- ?objects ~dependencies ?(dep_files=fun _->[]) ~compile_cmd ()
- =
- { name=name; sources=sources; targets=targets; objects=objects;
- trash=trash; auto_targets=auto_targets; sub_units=sub_units; pregenerated=pregenerated;
- dependencies=dependencies; compile_cmd=compile_cmd; dep_files=dep_files;
- }
-(* ----- Différents types d'unités ----- *)
-(* module ocaml, sans interface *)
-let ocaml_Module ?o ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes n =
- let n, depc, bytec, optc =
- ocaml_options ?o ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes n
- in
- let ml_n, cmo_n, cmi_n, cmx_n = ml n, cmo n, cmi n, cmx n in
- let targets = [cmo_n; cmi_n; cmx_n] in
- generic_unit
- ~name:n
- ~sources:[ml_n] ~targets ~trash:(oo n :: annot n :: targets) ~objects:(cmx_n, cmo_n)
- ~dependencies:(fun ~native f -> if is_cmi f then [select native (cmx_n, cmo_n)]
- else ocamldep ~native ~depc ~sf:(ml_n))
- ~compile_cmd: (fun f -> ocamlobj ~bytec ~optc ~f ~n)
- ~dep_files: (fun f -> if is_cmi f then [] else [ml_n])
- ()
-let generic_ocaml_Module_extension extension command =
- fun ?o ?flags ?byte_flags
- ?opt_flags ?(cmd_flags="")
- ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes ?trash n ->
- let n', depc, _, _ =
- ocaml_options ?o ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes n
- in
- let ext_n, ml_n = n'^extension, n'^".ml" in
- let cmd = command cmd_flags ext_n ml_n in
- generic_unit
- ~name:n
- ~sources:[ext_n] ~targets:[ml_n] ?trash
- ~objects:(n'^".cmx", n'^".cmo") ~pregenerated:[ml_n]
- ~sub_units:[ocaml_Module ?o ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes n]
- ~dependencies:(fun ~native f -> [ext_n])
- (* ~dependencies:(fun ~native f -> ocamldep ~native ~depc ~sf:(ext_n)) *)
- ~compile_cmd: (fun f -> cmd, [f])
- ()
-(* module ocaml, avec interface *)
-let ocaml_IModule ?o ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?(impl_flags = "") ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes n =
- let n, depc, bytec, optc =
- ocaml_options ?o ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes n
- in
- let ml_n, mli_n, cmo_n, cmi_n, cmx_n = ml n, mli n, cmo n, cmi n, cmx n in
- let targets = [cmo_n; cmi_n; cmx_n] in
- generic_unit
- ~name:n
- ~sources:[ml_n; mli_n] ~targets ~trash:(oo n :: annot n :: targets) ~objects:(cmx_n, cmo_n)
- ~dependencies:(fun ~native f -> ocamldepi ~native ~depc ~f ~n)
- ~compile_cmd: (fun f -> ocamlobji ~bytec ~impl_flags ~optc ~f ~n)
- ~dep_files: (fun f -> if is_cmi f then [mli_n] else [ml_n])
- ()
-(* Comme ocaml_IModule sauf que la commande de construction n'est pas
- * appelee et que les fichiers ne sont pas detruit par clean.
- * en gros compile_cmd ne fait rien et trash = []. *)
-let ocaml_fake_IModule ?o ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?(impl_flags = "") ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes n =
- let n, depc, bytec, optc =
- ocaml_options ?o ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes n
- in
- let ml_n, mli_n, cmo_n, cmi_n, cmx_n = ml n, mli n, cmo n, cmi n, cmx n in
- let targets = [cmo_n; cmi_n; cmx_n] in
- generic_unit
- ~name:n
- ~sources:[ml_n; mli_n] ~targets ~trash:[] ~objects:(cmx_n, cmo_n)
- ~dependencies:(fun ~native f -> ocamldepi ~native ~depc ~f ~n)
- ~compile_cmd:(fun _ -> "", [])
- ~dep_files: (fun f -> if is_cmi f then [mli_n] else [ml_n])
- ()
-(* interface ocaml pure *)
-let ocaml_Interface ?o ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes n =
- let n, depc, bytec, optc =
- ocaml_options ?o ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes n
- in
- let mli_n, cmi_n = mli n, cmi n in
- let targets = [cmi_n] in
- generic_unit
- ~name:n
- ~sources:[mli_n] ~targets ~trash:(annot n :: targets)
- ~dependencies:(fun ~native f -> ocamldep ~native ~depc ~sf:mli_n)
- ~compile_cmd: (fun f -> bytec^" -c "^(mli_n), [f])
- ~dep_files: (fun f -> [mli_n])
- ()
-(* objet C *)
-let c_Module ?(o= !options) ?(flags="") ?(source_deps=[]) n =
- let n = fileconcat !dir n in
- let sources = (fileconcat !dir) source_deps in
- let c_n, o_n = cc n, oo n in
- let cc = !(o.ocamlc)^" -c"^^flags^^c_n in
- let sources = c_n::sources in
- generic_unit
- ~name:n
- ~sources ~targets:[o_n]
- ~dependencies:(fun ~native f -> sources)
- ~objects:(o_n,o_n)
- ~compile_cmd: (fun f -> cc, [f])
- ()
-(* lexer ocaml *)
-let ocaml_Lexer ?(o= !options) ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?(lex_flags="") ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes n =
- let n' = fileconcat !dir n in
- let mll_n, ml_n = mll n', ml n' in
- let ocamllex = !(o.ocamllex)^^lex_flags^^mll_n in
- generic_unit
- ~name:n
- ~sources:[mll_n] ~targets:[ml_n]
- ~objects:(cmx n', cmo n') ~pregenerated:[ml_n]
- ~sub_units:[ocaml_Module ~o ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes n]
- ~dependencies:(fun ~native f -> [mll_n])
- ~compile_cmd: (fun f -> ocamllex, [f])
- ()
-(* parser ocaml *)
-let ocaml_Parser ?(o= !options) ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?(yacc_flags="") ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes n =
- let n' = fileconcat !dir n in
- let mly_n, ml_n, mli_n = mly n', ml n', mli n' in
- let ocamlyacc = !(o.ocamlyacc)^^yacc_flags^^mly_n in
- let gen = [ml_n; mli_n] in
- generic_unit
- ~name:n
- ~sources:[mly_n] ~targets:gen ~trash:((n'^".output") :: gen)
- ~objects:(cmx n', cmo n') ~pregenerated:gen
- ~sub_units:[ocaml_IModule ~o ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes n]
- ~dependencies:(fun ~native f -> [mly_n] )
- ~compile_cmd: (fun f -> ocamlyacc, gen)
- ()
-(* interface glade à compiler en ocaml *)
-let ocaml_Glade ?(o= !options) ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?(glade_flags="") ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes n =
- let n' = fileconcat !dir n in
- let glade_n, ml_n = glade n', ml n' in
- let ocamlglade = !(o.ocamlglade)^^glade_flags^^glade_n^" > "^ml_n in
- generic_unit
- ~name:n
- ~sources:[glade_n] ~targets:[ml_n]
- ~objects:(cmx n', cmo n') ~pregenerated:[ml_n]
- ~sub_units:[ocaml_Module ~o ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?pp ?includes ?ext_includes n]
- ~dependencies:(fun ~native f -> [glade_n])
- ~compile_cmd: (fun f -> ocamlglade, [f])
- ()
-(* paquet de modules ocaml *)
-let ocaml_Package ?(o= !options) n sub_units =
- let n = fileconcat !dir n in
- let ml_n, cmo_n, cmi_n, cmx_n, o_n = ml n, cmo n, cmi n, cmx n, oo n in
- let otmap2 f = List.fold_right
- (function { objects=None; targets=[x] }
- when is_cmi x
- && Sys.file_exists (mli (Filename.chop_extension x))
- -> (fun accu -> x :: accu)
- | { objects=Some x } -> fcons f x
- | _ -> id) sub_units [] in
- let objs, sobjs =
- let x = otmap2 fst in
- let y = otmap2 snd in
- let sx = flatten x in
- let sy = flatten y in
- (x, y), (sx, sy)
- in
- let targets = [cmo_n; cmi_n; cmx_n] in
- generic_unit
- ~name:n
- ~targets ~objects:(cmx_n, cmo_n) ~trash:(ml_n::o_n::targets) ~pregenerated:[ml_n] ~sub_units
- ~dependencies:(fun ~native f ->
- if is_cmi f then [select native (cmx_n, cmo_n)]
- else
- select native objs
- )
- ~compile_cmd: (fun f ->
- if is_cmx f then !(o.ocamlopt)^^(for_pack o)^^"-I"^^n^^"-pack -o"^^f^^(fst sobjs), [cmx_n; cmi_n]
- else !(o.ocamlc)^^"-pack -o"^^cmo_n^^(snd sobjs), [cmo_n; cmi_n])
- ()
-let add_for_pack o n =
- if !(o.ocaml_ForPack) = "" then o.ocaml_ForPack := n
- else o.ocaml_ForPack := !(o.ocaml_ForPack)^"."^n
-(* paquet de modules regroupés dans un sous répertoire *)
-let ocaml_PackageDir ?o n l =
- let n' = fileconcat !dir n in
- let dir' = !dir in
- dir := fileconcat n' "";
- let l' = new_scope (lazy (!options.ocaml_Includes += n';
- add_for_pack !options n; Lazy.force l)) in
- dir := dir';
- ocaml_Package ?o n l'
-(* librairie ocaml *)
-let ocaml_Library ?(o= !options) ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?includes ?(libraries=[]) ?(default=`Byte) n sub_units =
- let n, depc, bytec, optc =
- ocaml_options ~o ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?includes n
- in
- let objs b =
- let scma = select b (cmxa, cma) in
- (* (map scma extlib) @ (map scma libs) @ (otmap (select b) sub_units) *)
- List.rev_append
- (rev_map_append scma
- libraries
- (List.rev_map scma !(o.ocaml_ExtLibraries))
- )
- (otmap (select b) sub_units)
- in
- let objs, sobjs =
- let x, y = objs true, objs false in
- let sx = flatten x in
- let sy = flatten y in
- (x,y), (sx,sy)
- in
- let cma_n, cmxa_n, a_n = cma n, cmxa n, aa n in
- generic_unit
- ~name:n
- ~targets:[cma_n; cmxa_n] ~trash:[a_n] ~objects:(cmxa_n, cma_n) ~sub_units
- ~auto_targets:[if default=`Byte; then cma_n else cmxa_n]
- ~dependencies:(fun ~native f -> select (is_cmxa f) objs)
- ~compile_cmd: (fun f ->
- if is_cmxa f then optc ^" -a -o "^f^^(fst sobjs), [f]
- else bytec^" -a -o "^f^^(snd sobjs), [f])
- ()
-(* exécutable ocaml *)
-let ocaml_Program ?(o= !options) ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?includes ?(libraries=[]) ?(default=`Byte) n sub_units =
- let n, depc, bytec, optc =
- ocaml_options ~o ?flags ?byte_flags ?opt_flags ?includes n
- in
- let objs b =
- let scma = select b (cmxa, cma) in
- (* (map scma extlib) @ (map scma libs) @ (otmap (select b) sub_units) *)
- List.rev_append
- (rev_map_append scma
- libraries
- (List.rev_map scma !(o.ocaml_ExtLibraries))
- )
- (otmap (select b) sub_units)
- in
- let objs, sobjs =
- let x, y = objs true, objs false in
- let sx = flatten x in
- let sy = flatten y in
- (x,y), (sx,sy)
- in
- let run_n, opt_n = run n, opt n in
- generic_unit
- ~name:n
- ~targets:[run_n; opt_n] ~sub_units
- ~auto_targets:[if default=`Byte; then run_n else opt_n]
- ~dependencies:(fun ~native f -> select (is_opt f) objs)
- ~compile_cmd: (fun f ->
- if is_opt f then optc ^" -o "^f^^(fst sobjs), [f]
- else bytec^" -o "^f^^(snd sobjs), [f])
- ()
-(* cible silencieuse *)
-let phony_unit ?(depends=["@FORCE@"]) ?(command="") name =
- generic_unit ~targets:[name]
- ~name
- ~trash:[]
- ~dependencies:(fun ~native f -> depends)
- ~compile_cmd: (fun _ -> command,[])
- ()
-let fold_units_sources units f =
- let rec fold units accu =
- List.fold_left (fun accu u -> f u.sources (fold u.sub_units) accu) accu units
- in fold units
-(* (\* unité utilisateur *\) *)
-(* let user_unit ?trash ~command ~depends name = *)
-(* let targets = [fileconcat !dir name] in *)
-(* let trash = oget targets trash in *)
-(* generic_unit ~targets ~trash *)
-(* ~dependencies:(fun ~native _ -> depends) *)
-(* ~compile_cmd: command *)
-(* () *)
-(* récupération des fichiers sources OCaml *)
-let ocaml_sources =
- let rec crev_append l1 l2 = match l1 with
- | [] -> l2
- | x::q when is_ml x || is_mli x -> crev_append q (x::l2)
- | x::q -> crev_append q l2
- in
- fold_units (fun u -> crev_append u.sources) []
-(* ---- Statuts des fichiers ---- *)
-(* statut d'un fichier *)
-type status_t = {
- mutable modified: int; (* dernière fois que l'on a _réellement_ été modifié *)
- mutable updated: int; (* date de la dernière mise à jour *)
- mutable mtime: float; (* mtime lors de la dernière mise à jour *)
- mutable digest: Digest.t; (* digest lors de la dernière mise à jour *)
- mutable cmd: Digest.t; (* digest de la commande utiliséee lors de la dernière mise à jour *)
- mutable depended: int*int; (* date du dernier calcul des dépendances (mode natif et non natif) *)
- mutable deps: string list*string list; (* listes des dépendances *)
-let make_status ~t ~f =
- { modified = if Sys.file_exists f then t else 0; updated = 0;
- depended = -1,-1; mtime = 0.0; digest = Digest.string "$*%";
- deps = [],[]; cmd = Digest.string "%*$" }
-let update_status ?cmdd ~t ~f st =
- if !debug_status then printf "UPDATE (%s) : " f;
- if Sys.file_exists f then
- (if st.updated < t then (
- st.updated <- t;
- (match cmdd with Some d -> st.cmd <- d | None -> ());
- let mt = mtime f in
- if mt > st.mtime then (
- st.mtime <- mt;
- let d = Digest.file f in
- if st.digest <> d then (
- st.digest <- d;
- if !debug_status then printf "modified";
- st.modified <- t
- )
- )
- )
- ) else st.updated <- 0;
- if !debug_status then printf "\n"
-(* s1 plus récent que s2 *)
-let (>>) s1 s2 = s1.modified > s2.updated
-(* ---- Gestion des projets ---- *)
-(* type des "projets" *)
-type project_t = {
- units: unit_t list; (* liste des unités *)
- get_unit: string -> unit_t; (* obtention de l'unité correspondant à une cible *)
- date: int; (* date courante *)
- get_status: string -> status_t; (* statut d'un fichier *)
- write_cache: unit -> unit; (* sauvegarde du cache des statuts *)
-exception NoRuleFor of string
-(* un fichier donné est-il une cible *)
-let is_target p = fun f -> try ignore (p.get_unit f); true with _ -> false
-(* récupération des fichiers sources *)
-let sources_of_project p =
- let rec crev_append l1 l2 = match l1 with
- | [] -> l2
- | x::q when is_target p x -> crev_append q l2
- | x::q -> crev_append q (x::l2)
- in
- fold_units (fun u -> crev_append u.sources) [] p.units
-(* alias pour le type des expressions mises en cache *)
-type status_ct = int * (string, status_t) Hashtbl.t
-let st_cache = ".cache-status"
-(* création d'un projet *)
-let project ?(rebuild="ocaml") ?(deps=[""]) units =
- (* mise à jour éventuelle de YaM *)
- let () = if exists_file_newer Sys.executable_name deps then (
- let rebuild = ref rebuild in
- for i=1 to Array.length Sys.argv -1 do rebuild := !rebuild^" "^Filename.quote Sys.argv.(i) done;
- printf "yam is out-dated, rebuilding it (%s)\n%!" !rebuild;
- exit (call !rebuild)
- ) in
- (* construction de la table cible -> unités *)
- let get_unit =
- let table = Hashtbl.create 23 in
- iter_units (fun u ->
- List.iter
- (fun t -> Hashtbl.add table t u)
- u.targets
- ) units;
- (fun x -> try Hashtbl.find table x with Not_found -> raise (NoRuleFor x))
- in
- (* récupération des statuts *)
- let date, get_status, write_cache =
- let get_status (d,gt) =
- let t = d-1 in
- (fun f ->
- try Hashtbl.find gt f
- with Not_found ->
- let s = make_status ~t ~f in
- Hashtbl.add gt f s;
- s
- )
- in
- let write_cache v =
- (fun () ->
- let c_out = open_out_bin st_cache in
- output_value c_out (v: status_ct);
- close_out c_out
- )
- in
- let get ((d,_) as v) = d, get_status v, write_cache v in
- if Sys.file_exists st_cache then
- let c_in = open_in_bin st_cache in
- let d,gt = (input_value c_in: status_ct) in
- close_in c_in;
- get (d+1, gt)
- else
- get (1, Hashtbl.create 50)
- in
- { units=units; get_unit=get_unit; date=date;
- get_status=get_status; write_cache=write_cache }
-(* nettoyage d'un projet *)
-let clean p =
- silent_remove st_cache;
- iter_units (fun u -> List.iter silent_remove u.trash) p.units
-let genclean p out =
- let trash =
- fold_units (fun u -> List.fold_right (fun x acc -> x :: acc) u.trash)
- [] p.units in
- let out = open_out out in
- Format.fprintf (Format.formatter_of_out_channel out)
- "CLEANFILES = \\\n %s@." (String.concat " \\\n " trash);
- close_out out
-(* (\* génération de la documentation *\) *)
-(* let doc p = *)
-(* let cmd = *)
-(* let rec crev_append l1 l2 = match l1 with *)
-(* | [] -> l2 *)
-(* | x::q when is_ml x || is_mli x && not (is_target p x) -> crev_append q (l2^^x) *)
-(* | x::q -> crev_append q l2 *)
-(* in *)
-(* fold_units (fun u -> crev_append u.sources) !(!options.ocamldoc) p.units *)
-(* in *)
-(* if !print_cmds then printf "%s\n%!" cmd; *)
-(* ecall cmd *)
-(* ---- Compilation ---- *)
-(* compilation d'un projet (ou d'une de ses cibles) *)
-let build ?target p =
- let date = in
- let get_status = p.get_status in
- let get_unit = p.get_unit in
- (* FIXME unused let is_target = is_target p in *)
- (* compilation d'une cible *)
- let compile u f stf (cmd,cmdd,out) =
- if cmd <> "" then if !print_cmds then printf "%s\n%!" cmd
- else printf "COMPILE: %s\n%!" f;
- ecall cmd;
- List.iter (fun f -> update_status ~cmdd ~t:date ~f (get_status f)) out
- in
- (* calcul de la liste des dépendances de f d'unité u et de statut st *)
- let rec dependencies ~native f u st =
- let stf = get_status f in
- List.iter (fun sf ->
- try ignore(get_unit sf); build ~native [sf]
- with NoRuleFor _ -> update_status ~t:date ~f:sf (get_status sf)
- ) u.sources;
- if !debug_deps then printf "DEP: `%s' -> " f;
- let l = u.dep_files f in
- let ddate = select native stf.depended in
- let recent df = (get_status df).modified > ddate in
- if l=[] || List.exists recent l then
- let deps = u.dependencies ~native f in
- stf.deps <- select_set native stf.deps deps;
- stf.depended <- select_set native stf.depended date;
- if !debug_deps then printf "[%s]\n" (flatten deps);
- deps
- else (
- if !debug_deps then printf "cached [%s]\n" (flatten (select native stf.deps));
- select native stf.deps
- )
- (* compilation par continuations d'une pile de cibles *)
- and build ?(native=false) ?(k=fun ()->()) = function
- | [] -> k()
- | f::q ->
- let stf = get_status f in
- if stf.updated < date then (
- if !debug_build then printf "BUILD: `%s'\n" f;
- let u = get_unit f in
- let native = native || is_cmx f || is_opt f || is_cmxa f in
- let cmd, out = u.compile_cmd f in
- let deps = dependencies ~native f u stf in
- let deps' = List.filter (fun f -> try ignore(get_unit f); true with NoRuleFor _ -> false) deps in
- let cmdd = Digest.string cmd in
- let k' () =
- if stf.cmd <> cmdd ||
- List.exists (fun f' -> get_status f' >> stf) deps
- then compile u f stf (cmd,cmdd,out)
- else update_status ~cmdd ~t:date ~f stf;
- build ~native ~k q
- in
- build ~native ~k:k' deps'
- ) else
- build ~native ~k q
- in
- (* ensemble des cibles à compiler *)
- let targets = match target with
- | Some t -> [t]
- | _ -> List.fold_left (fun acc u -> List.rev_append u.auto_targets acc) [] p.units
- in
- (* pré-génération des fichiers nécessaires au calcul des dépendances *)
- iter_units (fun u -> List.iter touch_file u.pregenerated) p.units;
- (* compilation des cibles *)
- try build ~k:p.write_cache targets with
- | CmdError _ -> p.write_cache(); exit 1
- | NoRuleFor t -> eprintf "No rule to build `%s'\n" t; p.write_cache(); exit 1
-(* ---- Point d'entrée par défaut ---- *)
-let main ?rebuild ?deps l =
- let p = project ?rebuild ?deps l in
- let cwd() = Sys.chdir (Filename.dirname Sys.executable_name) in
- let targets = ref [] in
- let main = ref (fun () ->
- match !targets with
- | [] -> build p
- | l -> List.iter (fun target -> build ~target p) (List.rev l)
- )
- in
- let alone s =
- if !targets <> [] || !Arg.current <> Array.length Sys.argv - 1
- then Printf.eprintf "Warning: `%s' specified, other arguments are ignored.\n" s
- in
- let version() = alone "-version"; Printf.printf "YaM version 1.0\n"; exit 0 in
- let clean() = alone "-clean"; clean p; exit 0 in
- let genclean s = genclean p s; exit 0 in
- let verbosity s =
- match s with
- | ""|"0" -> print_cmds := false
- | _ -> print_deps := true in
- Arg.parse [
- "-version", Arg.Unit version, " \tdisplay version information";
- "-clean", Arg.Unit clean, " \tremove all generated files";
- "-genclean",Arg.String genclean, " \tgenerate a clean file list in the given file";
- "-v", Arg.Set print_deps, " \t\tbe verbose: print dependencies commands";
- "-q", Arg.Clear print_cmds, " \t\tbe quiet: do not print commands";
- "-r", Arg.String Sys.chdir, " <dir>\tset `dir' as root directory";
- "-R", Arg.Unit cwd, " \t\tset directory of YaM as root directory";
- "-verbosity", Arg.String verbosity, " \tset the verbosity level: 0, 1, 2...";
- "-db", Arg.Set debug_build, " \tdebug build";
- "-dd", Arg.Set debug_deps, " \tdebug deps";
- "-ds", Arg.Set debug_status, " \tdebug status";
- ] ((+=) targets) "usage: yam {-version, -clean, [options] [targets...]}";
- !main ()
-let rec best =
- function
- | [_, x] -> x
- | (f, x) :: xs -> if Sys.file_exists f then x else best xs
- | [] -> invalid_arg " []"
-let scall cmd =
- let cin = Unix.open_process_in (makecommand cmd) in
- let str = input_line cin in str
-let which x = scall ("which"^^x)
-let is_file_empty f =
- let i = open_in f in
- let res = in_channel_length i < 1 in
- close_in i; res
diff --git a/camlp4/build/YaM.mli b/camlp4/build/YaM.mli
deleted file mode 100644
index f24fa287e..000000000
--- a/camlp4/build/YaM.mli
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,309 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Damien Pous
- *
- * YaM is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * YaM is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * GNU General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * along with YaM; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- *)
-@author Damien Pous, (<a href=""><small></small></a>)
-@version 1.0
-(** {6 Environment / options} *)
-type options_t = {
- ocaml: string ref; (** OCaml interpreter *)
- ocamlc: string ref; (** OCaml compiler *)
- ocamlopt: string ref; (** OCaml native compiler *)
- ocamldep: string ref; (** OCaml dependencies generator *)
- ocamldoc: string ref; (** OCaml documentation generator *)
- ocamlyacc: string ref; (** OCaml parser generator *)
- ocamllex: string ref; (** OCaml lexer generator *)
- ocamlglade: string ref; (** OCaml glade compiler *)
- ocaml_P4: string ref; (** Preprocessor to use *)
- ocaml_P4_opt: string ref; (** Preprocessor to use `ocamlopt -c` *)
- ocaml_Flags: string ref; (** Flags (c, byte, native and link modes) *)
- ocaml_OptFlags: string ref; (** Flags for `ocamlopt -c' *)
- ocaml_ByteFlags: string ref; (** Flags for `ocamlc -c' *)
- ocaml_LinkFlags: string ref; (** Flags for linking *)
- ocaml_ForPack: string ref;
- ocaml_Includes: string list ref; (** Directories to include (with dependencies) *)
- ocaml_ExtIncludes: string list ref; (** External directories to include (without dependencies) *)
- ocaml_ExtLibraries: string list ref; (** External Libraries to use *)
-(** The type of environments. *)
-val options: options_t ref
-(** The current environment.
-Initial compiler names (ocamlc, ocamldep...) are taken in the environment (OCAMLC, OCAMLDEP...),
-or defaults to standard values ("ocamlc", "ocamldep"...).
-Initial flags are empty.
-val new_scope: 'a Lazy.t -> 'a
-(** Forcing of a lazy value inside a `fresh' environment. *)
-(** {6 Compilation units}
-The way to specify environment and flags is redundant:
- - the [?o] argument defaults to the current environment ([!options]).
- - the other optional arguments are merged with this value.
-type unit_t
-(** The type of compilation units. *)
-val ocaml_Module:
- ?o: options_t ->
- ?flags: string -> ?byte_flags: string -> ?opt_flags: string ->
- ?pp: string -> ?includes: string list -> ?ext_includes: string list ->
- string -> unit_t
-(** Creates a compilation unit for a single, non interfaced OCaml module. *)
-val ocaml_IModule:
- ?o: options_t ->
- ?flags: string -> ?byte_flags: string -> ?opt_flags: string ->
- ?impl_flags: string ->
- ?pp: string -> ?includes: string list -> ?ext_includes: string list ->
- string -> unit_t
-(** Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml module, with its interface. *)
-val ocaml_Interface:
- ?o: options_t ->
- ?flags: string -> ?byte_flags: string -> ?opt_flags: string ->
- ?pp: string -> ?includes: string list -> ?ext_includes: string list ->
- string -> unit_t
-(** Creates a compilation unit for a pure OCaml interface. *)
-val c_Module:
- ?o: options_t -> ?flags: string -> ?source_deps: string list ->
- string -> unit_t
-(** Creates a compilation unit for a C module.
- [source_deps] are the additional source dependencies.
-val ocaml_Lexer:
- ?o: options_t ->
- ?flags: string -> ?byte_flags: string -> ?opt_flags: string -> ?lex_flags: string ->
- ?pp: string -> ?includes: string list -> ?ext_includes: string list ->
- string -> unit_t
-(** Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml lexer. *)
-val ocaml_Parser:
- ?o: options_t ->
- ?flags: string -> ?byte_flags: string -> ?opt_flags: string -> ?yacc_flags: string ->
- ?pp: string -> ?includes: string list -> ?ext_includes: string list ->
- string -> unit_t
-(** Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml parser. *)
-val ocaml_Glade:
- ?o: options_t ->
- ?flags: string -> ?byte_flags: string -> ?opt_flags: string -> ?glade_flags: string ->
- ?pp: string -> ?includes: string list -> ?ext_includes: string list ->
- string -> unit_t
-(** Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml glade GUI. *)
-val ocaml_Package:
- ?o: options_t ->
- string -> unit_t list -> unit_t
-(** Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml `package'.
- The objects defined by the given list of units are packed together,
- using the `-pack' OCaml option.
-val ocaml_PackageDir:
- ?o: options_t ->
- string -> unit_t list Lazy.t -> unit_t
-(** Like {!YaM.ocaml_Package}, but assumes that all the files reside in a directory.
- [ocaml_PackageDir name list] will add the `-I name' flag, and prepend each filename inside
- `list' with `name/'.
-val ocaml_Library:
- ?o: options_t ->
- ?flags: string -> ?byte_flags: string -> ?opt_flags: string ->
- ?includes: string list -> ?libraries: string list ->
- ?default: [`Native | `Byte] ->
- string -> unit_t list -> unit_t
-(** Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml Library. *)
-val ocaml_Program:
- ?o: options_t ->
- ?flags: string -> ?byte_flags: string -> ?opt_flags: string ->
- ?includes: string list -> ?libraries: string list ->
- ?default: [`Native | `Byte] ->
- string -> unit_t list -> unit_t
-(** Creates a compilation unit for an OCaml Program. *)
-val generic_ocaml_Module_extension:
- string ->
- (string -> string -> string -> string) ->
- ?o: options_t ->
- ?flags: string -> ?byte_flags: string -> ?opt_flags: string ->
- ?cmd_flags: string ->
- ?pp: string -> ?includes: string list -> ?ext_includes: string list ->
- ?trash: string list ->
- string -> unit_t
-(** Creates a compilation unit for a single, non interfaced OCaml module. *)
-val ocaml_fake_IModule:
- ?o: options_t ->
- ?flags: string -> ?byte_flags: string -> ?opt_flags: string ->
- ?impl_flags: string ->
- ?pp: string -> ?includes: string list -> ?ext_includes: string list ->
- string -> unit_t
-(** Creates a fake compilation unit for an OCaml module, with its interface.
- Comme ocaml_IModule sauf que la commande de construction n'est pas
- appelee et que les fichiers ne sont pas detruit par clean.
- en gros compile_cmd ne fait rien et trash = []. *)
-val phony_unit: ?depends: string list -> ?command: string -> string -> unit_t
-(** creates a phony unit which depends on [depends], and is built with [command]. *)
-val fold_units_sources : unit_t list -> (string -> string list -> ('a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'a
-(** {6 Entry point} *)
-val main: ?rebuild: string -> ?deps: string list -> unit_t list -> unit
-(** default entry point (command line parsing).
-- [rebuild] is the command to use in order to compile YaM whenever `' changed.
-(defaults to "ocaml")
-- [deps] is the set of files YaM depends on.
-(defaults to [""])
-(** {6 Lower level functions} *)
-type project_t
-(** The abstract type of projects. *)
-val project:
- ?rebuild: string ->
- ?deps: string list ->
- unit_t list
- -> project_t
-(** Creates a project using the given list of units.
-- [rebuild] is the command to use in order to compile YaM whenever `' changed.
-(defaults to "ocaml")
-- [deps] is the set of files YaM depends on.
-(defaults to [""])
-val print_deps: bool ref
-(** Controls wether to print dependencies commands. *)
-val print_cmds: bool ref
-(** Controls wether to print commands. *)
-val build: ?target:string -> project_t -> unit
-(** Build the specified target, or the whole project if not specified. *)
-val clean: project_t -> unit
-(** Clean all targets reachable from the project. *)
-val sources_of_project: project_t -> string list
-(** Return all the source files of the project *)
-val dir: string ref
-(** The current directory. (used by ocaml_PackageDir) *)
-val generic_unit:
- name: string ->
- ?sources: string list -> targets: string list -> ?trash: string list -> ?auto_targets: string list ->
- ?sub_units: unit_t list -> ?pregenerated: string list -> ?objects: (string*string) ->
- dependencies: (native: bool -> string -> string list) ->
- ?dep_files: (string -> string list) ->
- compile_cmd: (string -> string * string list) ->
- unit -> unit_t
-(** Creates a generic unit.
- - [sources] is the set of source files
- - [targets] is the set of targets handled by the unit
- - [trash] is the set of trash files generated by the unit
- - [auto_targets] is the subset of targets whose building is done, when YaM is called without arguments
- - [sub_units] is a set of "encapsulated" units
- - [pregenerated] is a set of file to "pre-create" automatically if they don't exists (useful for generated sources files and ocamldep)
- - [objects] are the objects to link when building an OCaml package/library/program. It is a pair since linking can be done
- either in native mode or bytecode mode : [(nat_obj, byte_obj)].
- - [dependencies ~native target] must list the files [target] depends on, in mode specified by [native].
- - [dep_files target] are the files the previous call depends on (for dependencies caching).
- - [compile_cmd target] must return a couple [(cmd,out)], where [cmd] is the command to use for building [target], and [out] is
- the list of files that this command may create or modify.
-Default values are :
- - [sources = auto_targets = sub_units = pregenerated = []]
- - [trash = targets]
- - [objects = None] (no object to link)
- - [depfiles = (fun _ -> [])] (no caching)
-When using this function with inside [ocaml_PackageDir], you must set the current directory,
-using [Filename.concat !dir].
-(** {6 Simple facilities} *)
-val (^^) : string -> string -> string
-(** Concatenates two strings, inserting a space when nessesary. *)
-val (^=) : string ref -> string -> unit
-(** Adds a string to the beginning of a string ref using {!YaM.(^^)}. *)
-val (+=) : 'a list ref -> 'a -> unit
-(** Head insertion. *)
-val (@=) : 'a list ref -> 'a list -> unit
-(** Tail insertion. *)
-val string_of_list: ('a -> string) -> 'a list -> string
-(** Prints a list into a string, using {!YaM.(^^)}. *)
-val flatten: string list -> string
-(** Flatten a string list, using using {!YaM.(^^)}. *)
-val best: (string * string) list -> string
-val getenv: string -> string -> string
-val which : string -> string
-val is_file_empty : string -> bool
-val call : string -> int
diff --git a/camlp4/build/ b/camlp4/build/
deleted file mode 100644
index 408771427..000000000
--- a/camlp4/build/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-(* ------------------------------------------------- *
- to build your project, edit this settings,
- and run `ocaml'
- * ------------------------------------------------- *)
-(* Makefile to use *)
-let makefile = ""
-(* Environment options *)
-let unixlib =
- match Sys.os_type with
- | "Win32" -> "../otherlibs/win32unix"
- | _ -> "../otherlibs/unix"
-let ocamlrun =
- Filename.concat Filename.parent_dir_name (Filename.concat "boot" "ocamlrun")
- ^ " -I " ^ unixlib
-let ocamlc = ocamlrun ^ " ../ocamlc -g -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I " ^ unixlib
-let ocamlopt = ocamlrun ^ " ../ocamlopt -nostdlib -I ../stdlib -I " ^ unixlib
-let yam = ocamlrun ^ " ./yam "
-(* Compile YaM in native mode ? *)
-let opt = false
-(* Arguments to YaM *)
-let yam_args = "-verbosity " ^ (try Sys.getenv "VERBOSE" with Not_found -> "0")
-(* ------------------------------------------------- *)
-open Printf
-#load "unix.cma"
-let obj = if opt then "cmx" else "cmo"
-let abj = if opt then "cmxa" else "cma"
-let ocamlc = if opt then ocamlopt else ocamlc
-let mtime f = (Unix.stat f).Unix.st_mtime
-let newer f1 f2 = not (Sys.file_exists f2) || mtime f1 > mtime f2
-let command c =
- printf "%s\n%!" c;
- match Sys.command c with
- | 0 -> printf "[done], you can now use YaM directly !\n%!"
- | n -> printf "[error], aborting...\n"; exit n
-let ocamlc s = kprintf (fun cmd -> command (ocamlc^" "^cmd)) s
-(* nettoyage *)
-let () = if Array.length Sys.argv > 1 && Sys.argv.(1)="-cleanall" then (
- let safe_remove f = try Sys.remove f with _ -> () in
- ignore (Sys.command (yam ^ "-clean"));
- List.iter safe_remove [
- "Makefile.cmo"; "Makefile.cmx"; "Makefile.o"; "Makefile.cmi";
- "build/YaM.cmo"; "build/YaM.cmx"; "build/YaM.o"; "build/YaM.cmi"; "yam"
- ];
- exit 0
-(* mise à jour de YaM *)
-let () =
- if newer "build/YaM.mli" "build/YaM.cmi" then ocamlc "-o yam unix.%s -I build build/YaM.mli build/ build/ %s" abj makefile
- else if newer "build/" ("build/YaM."^obj) then ocamlc "-o yam unix.%s -I build build/ build/ %s" abj makefile
- else if newer makefile "yam" then ocamlc "-o yam unix.%s -I build build/YaM.%s build/ %s" abj obj makefile
-(* lancement de YaM *)
-let cmd =
- let cmd = ref (yam^yam_args) in
- for i=1 to Array.length Sys.argv -1 do cmd := !cmd^" "^Sys.argv.(i) done;
- !cmd
-let () = exit (Sys.command cmd)
diff --git a/camlp4/build/compile-state b/camlp4/build/compile-state
deleted file mode 100755
index 3582ea9bc..000000000
--- a/camlp4/build/compile-state
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require 'pathname'
-require 'fileutils'
-case ARGV[0]
-when /r(estore)?/
-'.').find do |path|
- next unless path.to_s =~ /^(.*)\.bootstrap$/
- FileUtils.cp(path, $1)
- end
-when /s(ave)?/
-'.').find do |path|
- next unless path.to_s =~ /\.(cm([oia]|x|xa|)|o|a|run|opt|cache-status)$/
- FileUtils.cp(path, path.to_s + '.bootstrap')
- end
- STDERR.puts "Usage: #$0 ( r(estore)? | s(ave)? )"
- exit 1
diff --git a/camlp4/ b/camlp4/
index 26123873a..7e9df17f7 100644
--- a/camlp4/
+++ b/camlp4/
@@ -1,9 +1,24 @@
-open Camlp4Profiler;
+module Debug = struct value mode _ = False; end;
-value profile = load stdin;
+value count =
+ let h = Hashtbl.create 1007 in
+ let () = at_exit (fun () ->
+ let assoc = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v a -> [ (k, v.val) :: a ]) h [] in
+ let out = open_out "camlp4_profiler.out" in
+ let () = Marshal.to_channel out assoc [] in
+ close_out out) in
+ fun s ->
+ try incr (Hashtbl.find h s)
+ with [ Not_found -> Hashtbl.add h s (ref 1) ];
-value profile = List.sort (fun (_, v1) (_, v2) -> compare v1 v2) profile;
+value load = Marshal.from_channel;
- (fun (k, v) -> Format.printf "%-75s: %d@." k v)
- profile;
+value main () =
+ let profile = List.sort (fun (_, v1) (_, v2) -> compare v1 v2) (load stdin) in
+ List.iter
+ (fun (k, v) -> Format.printf "%-75s: %d@." k v)
+ profile;
+if Sys.argv.(0) = "camlp4prof" then main () else ();
diff --git a/camlp4/Camlp4Profiler.mli b/camlp4/camlp4prof.mli
index 0703ac03c..0703ac03c 100644
--- a/camlp4/Camlp4Profiler.mli
+++ b/camlp4/camlp4prof.mli
diff --git a/camlp4/ b/camlp4/
index 997de4a56..ca19dd70f 100644
--- a/camlp4/
+++ b/camlp4/
@@ -19,7 +19,8 @@
(* $Id$ *)
-open Camlp4.Config;
+open Camlp4;
+open Camlp4_config;
open Filename;
open Format;
diff --git a/camlp4/test/fixtures/ b/camlp4/test/fixtures/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..555457349
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camlp4/test/fixtures/
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+DEFINE A = 42;
+DEFINE B = 51;
+ value a_should_be_present = B + 2;
+ print_int (a_should_be_present + 1);
+print_int (a_should_be_present + 2);
+ print_int (a_should_be_present + 3);
+ print_int (a_should_be_present + 4);
+ print_int (c_should_not_be_present + 1);
+ print_int (c_should_not_be_present + 2);
+ print_int (A * a_should_be_present + 5);
+ print_int (c_should_not_be_present + 2);
+ print_int (A * a_should_be_present + 5);
+ print_int (c_should_not_be_present + 2);
+ print_int (A * a_should_be_present + 5);
+value e =
+ print_int (c_should_not_be_present + 2)
+ print_int (A * a_should_be_present + 5)
+value f =
+ fun _ ->
+ print_int (c_should_not_be_present + 2)
+ print_int (A * a_should_be_present + 5)