path: root/asmcomp/
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Diffstat (limited to 'asmcomp/')
1 files changed, 43 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/asmcomp/ b/asmcomp/
index ebe590c56..64678c1d4 100644
--- a/asmcomp/
+++ b/asmcomp/
@@ -126,9 +126,9 @@ let rec discard_dead_code n =
match n.desc with
Lend -> n
| Llabel _ -> n
-(* Do not discard Lpoptrap or Istackoffset instructions,
+(* Do not discard Lpoptrap/Lpushtrap or Istackoffset instructions,
as this may cause a stack imbalance later during assembler generation. *)
- | Lpoptrap -> n
+ | Lpoptrap | Lpushtrap -> n
| Lop(Istackoffset _) -> n
| _ -> discard_dead_code
@@ -148,20 +148,30 @@ let add_branch lbl n =
discard_dead_code n
-(* Current labels for exit handler *)
+let try_depth = ref 0
+(* Association list: exit handler -> (handler label, try-nesting factor) *)
let exit_label = ref []
-let find_exit_label k =
+let find_exit_label_try_depth k =
List.assoc k !exit_label
| Not_found -> Misc.fatal_error "Linearize.find_exit_label"
+let find_exit_label k =
+ let (label, t) = find_exit_label_try_depth k in
+ assert(t = !try_depth);
+ label
let is_next_catch n = match !exit_label with
-| (n0,_)::_ when n0=n -> true
+| (n0,(_,t))::_ when n0=n && t = !try_depth -> true
| _ -> false
+let local_exit k =
+ snd (find_exit_label_try_depth k) = !try_depth
(* Linearize an instruction [i]: add it in front of the continuation [n] *)
let rec linear i n =
@@ -187,15 +197,15 @@ let rec linear i n =
| _, Iend, Lbranch lbl ->
copy_instr (Lcondbranch(invert_test test, lbl)) i (linear ifso n1)
| Iexit nfail1, Iexit nfail2, _
- when is_next_catch nfail1 ->
+ when is_next_catch nfail1 && local_exit nfail2 ->
let lbl2 = find_exit_label nfail2 in
(Lcondbranch (invert_test test, lbl2)) i (linear ifso n1)
- | Iexit nfail, _, _ ->
+ | Iexit nfail, _, _ when local_exit nfail ->
let n2 = linear ifnot n1
and lbl = find_exit_label nfail in
copy_instr (Lcondbranch(test, lbl)) i n2
- | _, Iexit nfail, _ ->
+ | _, Iexit nfail, _ when local_exit nfail ->
let n2 = linear ifso n1 in
let lbl = find_exit_label nfail in
copy_instr (Lcondbranch(invert_test test, lbl)) i n2
@@ -214,7 +224,7 @@ let rec linear i n =
(linear ifso (add_branch lbl_end nelse))
| Iswitch(index, cases) ->
- let lbl_cases = Array.create (Array.length cases) 0 in
+ let lbl_cases = Array.make (Array.length cases) 0 in
let (lbl_end, n1) = get_label(linear n) in
let n2 = ref (discard_dead_code n1) in
for i = Array.length cases - 1 downto 0 do
@@ -242,24 +252,44 @@ let rec linear i n =
| Icatch(io, body, handler) ->
let (lbl_end, n1) = get_label(linear n) in
let (lbl_handler, n2) = get_label(linear handler n1) in
- exit_label := (io, lbl_handler) :: !exit_label ;
+ exit_label := (io, (lbl_handler, !try_depth)) :: !exit_label ;
let n3 = linear body (add_branch lbl_end n2) in
exit_label := !exit_label;
| Iexit nfail ->
- let n1 = linear n in
- let lbl = find_exit_label nfail in
- add_branch lbl n1
+ let lbl, t = find_exit_label_try_depth nfail in
+ (* We need to re-insert dummy pushtrap (which won't be executed),
+ so as to preserve stack offset during assembler generation.
+ It would make sense to have a special pseudo-instruction
+ only to inform the later pass about this stack offset
+ (corresponding to N traps).
+ *)
+ let rec loop i tt =
+ if t = tt then i
+ else loop (cons_instr Lpushtrap i) (tt - 1)
+ in
+ let n1 = loop (linear n) !try_depth in
+ let rec loop i tt =
+ if t = tt then i
+ else loop (cons_instr Lpoptrap i) (tt - 1)
+ in
+ loop (add_branch lbl n1) !try_depth
| Itrywith(body, handler) ->
let (lbl_join, n1) = get_label (linear n) in
+ incr try_depth;
let (lbl_body, n2) =
get_label (cons_instr Lpushtrap
(linear body (cons_instr Lpoptrap n1))) in
+ decr try_depth;
cons_instr (Lsetuptrap lbl_body)
(linear handler (add_branch lbl_join n2))
| Iraise k ->
copy_instr (Lraise k) i (discard_dead_code n)
+let reset () =
+ label_counter := 99;
+ exit_label := []
let fundecl f =
{ fun_name = f.Mach.fun_name;
fun_body = linear f.Mach.fun_body end_instr;