path: root/bytecomp/
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Diffstat (limited to 'bytecomp/')
1 files changed, 142 insertions, 71 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 83c00a32d..4ad8e9b4e 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -21,11 +21,19 @@ type compile_time_constant =
| Ostype_win32
| Ostype_cygwin
+type loc_kind =
+ | Loc_FILE
+ | Loc_LINE
+ | Loc_MODULE
+ | Loc_LOC
+ | Loc_POS
type primitive =
| Pignore
| Prevapply of Location.t
| Pdirapply of Location.t
+ | Ploc of loc_kind
(* Globals *)
| Pgetglobal of Ident.t
| Psetglobal of Ident.t
@@ -113,6 +121,8 @@ type primitive =
(* byte swap *)
| Pbswap16
| Pbbswap of boxed_integer
+ (* Integer to external pointer *)
+ | Pint_as_pointer
and comparison =
Ceq | Cneq | Clt | Cgt | Cle | Cge
@@ -166,7 +176,7 @@ type lambda =
| Lletrec of (Ident.t * lambda) list * lambda
| Lprim of primitive * lambda list
| Lswitch of lambda * lambda_switch
- | Lstringswitch of lambda * (string * lambda) list * lambda
+ | Lstringswitch of lambda * (string * lambda) list * lambda option
| Lstaticraise of int * lambda list
| Lstaticcatch of lambda * (int * Ident.t list) * lambda
| Ltrywith of lambda * Ident.t * lambda
@@ -201,65 +211,91 @@ let const_unit = Const_pointer 0
let lambda_unit = Lconst const_unit
-let rec same l1 l2 =
- match (l1, l2) with
- | Lvar v1, Lvar v2 ->
- Ident.same v1 v2
- | Lconst (Const_base (Const_string _)), _ ->
- false (* do not share strings *)
- | Lconst c1, Lconst c2 ->
- c1 = c2
- | Lapply(a1, bl1, _), Lapply(a2, bl2, _) ->
- same a1 a2 && samelist same bl1 bl2
- | Lfunction(k1, idl1, a1), Lfunction(k2, idl2, a2) ->
- k1 = k2 && samelist Ident.same idl1 idl2 && same a1 a2
- | Llet(k1, id1, a1, b1), Llet(k2, id2, a2, b2) ->
- k1 = k2 && Ident.same id1 id2 && same a1 a2 && same b1 b2
- | Lletrec (bl1, a1), Lletrec (bl2, a2) ->
- samelist samebinding bl1 bl2 && same a1 a2
- | Lprim(p1, al1), Lprim(p2, al2) ->
- p1 = p2 && samelist same al1 al2
- | Lswitch(a1, s1), Lswitch(a2, s2) ->
- same a1 a2 && sameswitch s1 s2
- | Lstaticraise(n1, al1), Lstaticraise(n2, al2) ->
- n1 = n2 && samelist same al1 al2
- | Lstaticcatch(a1, (n1, idl1), b1), Lstaticcatch(a2, (n2, idl2), b2) ->
- same a1 a2 && n1 = n2 && samelist Ident.same idl1 idl2 && same b1 b2
- | Ltrywith(a1, id1, b1), Ltrywith(a2, id2, b2) ->
- same a1 a2 && Ident.same id1 id2 && same b1 b2
- | Lifthenelse(a1, b1, c1), Lifthenelse(a2, b2, c2) ->
- same a1 a2 && same b1 b2 && same c1 c2
- | Lsequence(a1, b1), Lsequence(a2, b2) ->
- same a1 a2 && same b1 b2
- | Lwhile(a1, b1), Lwhile(a2, b2) ->
- same a1 a2 && same b1 b2
- | Lfor(id1, a1, b1, df1, c1), Lfor(id2, a2, b2, df2, c2) ->
- Ident.same id1 id2 && same a1 a2 &&
- same b1 b2 && df1 = df2 && same c1 c2
- | Lassign(id1, a1), Lassign(id2, a2) ->
- Ident.same id1 id2 && same a1 a2
- | Lsend(k1, a1, b1, cl1, _), Lsend(k2, a2, b2, cl2, _) ->
- k1 = k2 && same a1 a2 && same b1 b2 && samelist same cl1 cl2
- | Levent(a1, ev1), Levent(a2, ev2) ->
- same a1 a2 && ev1.lev_loc = ev2.lev_loc
- | Lifused(id1, a1), Lifused(id2, a2) ->
- Ident.same id1 id2 && same a1 a2
- | _, _ ->
- false
-and samebinding (id1, c1) (id2, c2) =
- Ident.same id1 id2 && same c1 c2
-and sameswitch sw1 sw2 =
- let samecase (n1, a1) (n2, a2) = n1 = n2 && same a1 a2 in
- sw1.sw_numconsts = sw2.sw_numconsts &&
- sw1.sw_numblocks = sw2.sw_numblocks &&
- samelist samecase sw1.sw_consts sw2.sw_consts &&
- samelist samecase sw1.sw_blocks sw2.sw_blocks &&
- (match (sw1.sw_failaction, sw2.sw_failaction) with
- | (None, None) -> true
- | (Some a1, Some a2) -> same a1 a2
- | _ -> false)
+(* Build sharing keys *)
+ Those keys are later compared with
+ For that reason, they should not include cycles.
+exception Not_simple
+let max_raw = 32
+let make_key e =
+ let count = ref 0 (* Used for controling size *)
+ and make_key = Ident.make_key_generator () in
+ (* make_key is used for normalizing let-bound variables *)
+ let rec tr_rec env e =
+ incr count ;
+ if !count > max_raw then raise Not_simple ; (* Too big ! *)
+ match e with
+ | Lvar id ->
+ begin
+ try Ident.find_same id env
+ with Not_found -> e
+ end
+ | Lconst (Const_base (Const_string _)|Const_float_array _) ->
+ (* Mutable constants are not shared *)
+ raise Not_simple
+ | Lconst _ -> e
+ | Lapply (e,es,loc) ->
+ Lapply (tr_rec env e,tr_recs env es,Location.none)
+ | Llet (Alias,x,ex,e) -> (* Ignore aliases -> substitute *)
+ let ex = tr_rec env ex in
+ tr_rec (Ident.add x ex env) e
+ | Llet (str,x,ex,e) ->
+ (* Because of side effects, keep other lets with normalized names *)
+ let ex = tr_rec env ex in
+ let y = make_key x in
+ Llet (str,y,ex,tr_rec (Ident.add x (Lvar y) env) e)
+ | Lprim (p,es) ->
+ Lprim (p,tr_recs env es)
+ | Lswitch (e,sw) ->
+ Lswitch (tr_rec env e,tr_sw env sw)
+ | Lstringswitch (e,sw,d) ->
+ Lstringswitch
+ (tr_rec env e,
+ (fun (s,e) -> s,tr_rec env e) sw,
+ tr_opt env d)
+ | Lstaticraise (i,es) ->
+ Lstaticraise (i,tr_recs env es)
+ | Lstaticcatch (e1,xs,e2) ->
+ Lstaticcatch (tr_rec env e1,xs,tr_rec env e2)
+ | Ltrywith (e1,x,e2) ->
+ Ltrywith (tr_rec env e1,x,tr_rec env e2)
+ | Lifthenelse (cond,ifso,ifnot) ->
+ Lifthenelse (tr_rec env cond,tr_rec env ifso,tr_rec env ifnot)
+ | Lsequence (e1,e2) ->
+ Lsequence (tr_rec env e1,tr_rec env e2)
+ | Lassign (x,e) ->
+ Lassign (x,tr_rec env e)
+ | Lsend (m,e1,e2,es,loc) ->
+ Lsend (m,tr_rec env e1,tr_rec env e2,tr_recs env es,Location.none)
+ | Lifused (id,e) -> Lifused (id,tr_rec env e)
+ | Lletrec _|Lfunction _
+ | Lfor _ | Lwhile _
+(* Beware: (PR#6412) the event argument to Levent
+ may include cyclic structure of type Type.typexpr *)
+ | Levent _ ->
+ raise Not_simple
+ and tr_recs env es = (tr_rec env) es
+ and tr_sw env sw =
+ { sw with
+ sw_consts = (fun (i,e) -> i,tr_rec env e) sw.sw_consts ;
+ sw_blocks = (fun (i,e) -> i,tr_rec env e) sw.sw_blocks ;
+ sw_failaction = tr_opt env sw.sw_failaction ; }
+ and tr_opt env = function
+ | None -> None
+ | Some e -> Some (tr_rec env e) in
+ try
+ Some (tr_rec Ident.empty e)
+ with Not_simple -> None
let name_lambda strict arg fn =
match arg with
@@ -276,6 +312,11 @@ let name_lambda_list args fn =
Llet(Strict, id, arg, name_list (Lvar id :: names) rem) in
name_list [] args
+let iter_opt f = function
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some e -> f e
let iter f = function
Lvar _
| Lconst _ -> ()
@@ -294,14 +335,11 @@ let iter f = function
f arg;
List.iter (fun (key, case) -> f case) sw.sw_consts;
List.iter (fun (key, case) -> f case) sw.sw_blocks;
- begin match sw.sw_failaction with
- | None -> ()
- | Some l -> f l
- end
+ iter_opt f sw.sw_failaction
| Lstringswitch (arg,cases,default) ->
f arg ;
List.iter (fun (_,act) -> f act) cases ;
- f default
+ iter_opt f default
| Lstaticraise (_,args) ->
List.iter f args
| Lstaticcatch(e1, (_,vars), e2) ->
@@ -325,6 +363,7 @@ let iter f = function
| Lifused (v, e) ->
f e
module IdentSet =
type t = Ident.t
@@ -370,6 +409,12 @@ let next_raise_count () =
incr raise_count ;
+let negative_raise_count = ref 0
+let next_negative_raise_count () =
+ decr negative_raise_count ;
+ !negative_raise_count
(* Anticipated staticraise, for guards *)
let staticfail = Lstaticraise (0,[])
@@ -401,7 +446,7 @@ let rec transl_normal_path = function
(* Translation of value identifiers *)
let transl_path ?(loc=Location.none) env path =
- transl_normal_path (Env.normalize_path (Some loc) env path)
+ transl_normal_path (Env.normalize_path (Some loc) env path)
(* Compile a sequence of expressions *)
@@ -431,13 +476,10 @@ let subst_lambda s lam =
Lswitch(subst arg,
{sw with sw_consts = subst_case sw.sw_consts;
sw_blocks = subst_case sw.sw_blocks;
- sw_failaction =
- match sw.sw_failaction with
- | None -> None
- | Some l -> Some (subst l)})
+ sw_failaction = subst_opt sw.sw_failaction; })
| Lstringswitch (arg,cases,default) ->
- (subst arg, subst_strcase cases,subst default)
+ (subst arg, subst_strcase cases,subst_opt default)
| Lstaticraise (i,args) -> Lstaticraise (i, subst args)
| Lstaticcatch(e1, io, e2) -> Lstaticcatch(subst e1, io, subst e2)
| Ltrywith(e1, exn, e2) -> Ltrywith(subst e1, exn, subst e2)
@@ -453,6 +495,9 @@ let subst_lambda s lam =
and subst_decl (id, exp) = (id, subst exp)
and subst_case (key, case) = (key, subst case)
and subst_strcase (key, case) = (key, subst case)
+ and subst_opt = function
+ | None -> None
+ | Some e -> Some (subst e)
in subst lam
@@ -477,3 +522,29 @@ let raise_kind = function
| Raise_regular -> "raise"
| Raise_reraise -> "reraise"
| Raise_notrace -> "raise_notrace"
+let lam_of_loc kind loc =
+ let loc_start = loc.Location.loc_start in
+ let (file, lnum, cnum) = Location.get_pos_info loc_start in
+ let enum = loc.Location.loc_end.Lexing.pos_cnum -
+ loc_start.Lexing.pos_cnum + cnum in
+ match kind with
+ | Loc_POS ->
+ Lconst (Const_block (0, [
+ Const_immstring file;
+ Const_base (Const_int lnum);
+ Const_base (Const_int cnum);
+ Const_base (Const_int enum);
+ ]))
+ | Loc_FILE -> Lconst (Const_immstring file)
+ | Loc_MODULE -> Lconst (Const_immstring
+ (String.capitalize
+ (Filename.chop_extension (Filename.basename file))))
+ | Loc_LOC ->
+ let loc = Printf.sprintf "File %S, line %d, characters %d-%d"
+ file lnum cnum enum in
+ Lconst (Const_immstring loc)
+ | Loc_LINE -> Lconst (Const_base (Const_int lnum))
+let reset () =
+ raise_count := 0