path: root/bytecomp
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Diffstat (limited to 'bytecomp')
13 files changed, 102 insertions, 38 deletions
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index e933df532..6ecd41dde 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@ let make_branch cont =
match cont with
(Kbranch _ as branch) :: _ -> (branch, cont)
| (Kreturn _ as return) :: _ -> (return, cont)
- | Kraise :: _ -> (Kraise, cont)
+ | Kraise k :: _ -> (Kraise k, cont)
| Klabel lbl :: _ -> make_branch_2 (Some lbl) 0 cont cont
| _ -> make_branch_2 (None) 0 cont cont
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ let rec add_pop n cont =
match cont with
Kpop m :: cont -> add_pop (n + m) cont
| Kreturn m :: cont -> Kreturn(n + m) :: cont
- | Kraise :: _ -> cont
+ | Kraise _ :: _ -> cont
| _ -> Kpop n :: cont
(* Add the constant "unit" in front of a continuation *)
@@ -584,8 +584,8 @@ let rec comp_expr env exp sz cont =
comp_expr env exp1 sz (Kstrictbranchif lbl ::
comp_expr env exp2 sz cont1)
- | Lprim(Praise, [arg]) ->
- comp_expr env arg sz (Kraise :: discard_dead_code cont)
+ | Lprim(Praise k, [arg]) ->
+ comp_expr env arg sz (Kraise k :: discard_dead_code cont)
| Lprim(Paddint, [arg; Lconst(Const_base(Const_int n))])
when is_immed n ->
comp_expr env arg sz (Koffsetint n :: cont)
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 2f1d58599..9911de882 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -243,7 +243,9 @@ let emit_instr = function
| Kboolnot -> out opBOOLNOT
| Kpushtrap lbl -> out opPUSHTRAP; out_label lbl
| Kpoptrap -> out opPOPTRAP
- | Kraise -> out opRAISE
+ | Kraise Raise_regular -> out opRAISE
+ | Kraise Raise_reraise -> out opRERAISE
+ | Kraise Raise_notrace -> out opRAISE_NOTRACE
| Kcheck_signals -> out opCHECK_SIGNALS
| Kccall(name, n) ->
if n <= 5
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 5edcacd27..70d622299 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ type instruction =
| Kboolnot
| Kpushtrap of label
| Kpoptrap
- | Kraise
+ | Kraise of raise_kind
| Kcheck_signals
| Kccall of string * int
| Knegint | Kaddint | Ksubint | Kmulint | Kdivint | Kmodint
diff --git a/bytecomp/instruct.mli b/bytecomp/instruct.mli
index d81228ac7..024dba13c 100644
--- a/bytecomp/instruct.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/instruct.mli
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ type instruction =
| Kboolnot
| Kpushtrap of label
| Kpoptrap
- | Kraise
+ | Kraise of raise_kind
| Kcheck_signals
| Kccall of string * int
| Knegint | Kaddint | Ksubint | Kmulint | Kdivint | Kmodint
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 1b6b805d0..aa56c31fa 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ type primitive =
(* External call *)
| Pccall of Primitive.description
(* Exceptions *)
- | Praise
+ | Praise of raise_kind
(* Boolean operations *)
| Psequand | Psequor | Pnot
(* Integer operations *)
@@ -137,6 +137,11 @@ and bigarray_layout =
| Pbigarray_c_layout
| Pbigarray_fortran_layout
+and raise_kind =
+ | Raise_regular
+ | Raise_reraise
+ | Raise_notrace
type structured_constant =
Const_base of constant
| Const_pointer of int
@@ -457,3 +462,8 @@ and negate_comparison = function
| Ceq -> Cneq| Cneq -> Ceq
| Clt -> Cge | Cle -> Cgt
| Cgt -> Cle | Cge -> Clt
+let raise_kind = function
+ | Raise_regular -> "raise"
+ | Raise_reraise -> "reraise"
+ | Raise_notrace -> "raise_notrace"
diff --git a/bytecomp/lambda.mli b/bytecomp/lambda.mli
index 7f5db6906..904ea6fd7 100644
--- a/bytecomp/lambda.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/lambda.mli
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ type primitive =
(* External call *)
| Pccall of Primitive.description
(* Exceptions *)
- | Praise
+ | Praise of raise_kind
(* Boolean operations *)
| Psequand | Psequor | Pnot
(* Integer operations *)
@@ -137,6 +137,11 @@ and bigarray_layout =
| Pbigarray_c_layout
| Pbigarray_fortran_layout
+and raise_kind =
+ | Raise_regular
+ | Raise_reraise
+ | Raise_notrace
type structured_constant =
Const_base of constant
| Const_pointer of int
@@ -233,3 +238,5 @@ val staticfail : lambda (* Anticipated static failure *)
(* Check anticipated failure, substitute its final value *)
val is_guarded: lambda -> bool
val patch_guarded : lambda -> lambda -> lambda
+val raise_kind: raise_kind -> string
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 3b06070d5..b6ba0ac86 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -1678,7 +1678,7 @@ let rec do_tests_nofail tst arg = function
let make_test_sequence fail tst lt_tst arg const_lambda_list =
let rec make_test_sequence const_lambda_list =
- if List.length const_lambda_list >= 4 && lt_tst <> Praise then
+ if List.length const_lambda_list >= 4 && lt_tst <> Pignore then
split_sequence const_lambda_list
else match fail with
| None -> do_tests_nofail tst arg const_lambda_list
@@ -2098,7 +2098,7 @@ let combine_constant arg cst partial ctx def
fail arg 0 255 int_lambda_list
| Const_string _ ->
- fail prim_string_notequal Praise arg const_lambda_list
+ fail prim_string_notequal Pignore arg const_lambda_list
| Const_float _ ->
@@ -2155,10 +2155,15 @@ let combine_constructor arg ex_pat cstr partial ctx def
| Some fail -> fail, tag_lambda_list in
(fun (ex, act) rem ->
+ assert(ex = cstr.cstr_tag);
match ex with
| Cstr_exception (path, _) ->
+ let slot =
+ if cstr.cstr_arity = 0 then arg
+ else Lprim(Pfield 0, [arg])
+ in
Lifthenelse(Lprim(Pintcomp Ceq,
- [Lprim(Pfield 0, [arg]);
+ [slot;
transl_path ~loc:ex_pat.pat_loc
ex_pat.pat_env path]),
act, rem)
@@ -2730,7 +2735,7 @@ let compile_matching loc repr handler_fun arg pat_act_list partial =
let partial_function loc () =
(* [Location.get_pos_info] is too expensive *)
let (fname, line, char) = Location.get_pos_info loc.Location.loc_start in
- Lprim(Praise, [Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
+ Lprim(Praise Raise_regular, [Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
[transl_normal_path Predef.path_match_failure;
[Const_base(Const_string (fname, None));
@@ -2742,7 +2747,8 @@ let for_function loc repr param pat_act_list partial =
(* In the following two cases, exhaustiveness info is not available! *)
let for_trywith param pat_act_list =
- compile_matching Location.none None (fun () -> Lprim(Praise, [param]))
+ compile_matching Location.none None
+ (fun () -> Lprim(Praise Raise_reraise, [param]))
param pat_act_list Partial
let for_let loc param pat body =
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index a5cd7e05d..43d8d3606 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ let instruction ppf = function
| Kboolnot -> fprintf ppf "\tboolnot"
| Kpushtrap lbl -> fprintf ppf "\tpushtrap L%i" lbl
| Kpoptrap -> fprintf ppf "\tpoptrap"
- | Kraise -> fprintf ppf "\traise"
+ | Kraise k-> fprintf ppf "\t%s" (Lambda.raise_kind k)
| Kcheck_signals -> fprintf ppf "\tcheck_signals"
| Kccall(s, n) ->
fprintf ppf "\tccall %s, %i" s n
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 46e47ec08..beb268480 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ let primitive ppf = function
| Pduprecord (rep, size) -> fprintf ppf "duprecord %a %i" record_rep rep size
| Plazyforce -> fprintf ppf "force"
| Pccall p -> fprintf ppf "%s" p.prim_name
- | Praise -> fprintf ppf "raise"
+ | Praise k -> fprintf ppf "%s" (Lambda.raise_kind k)
| Psequand -> fprintf ppf "&&"
| Psequor -> fprintf ppf "||"
| Pnot -> fprintf ppf "not"
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 9c94c9046..baff51c48 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -134,13 +134,17 @@ let output_primitive_table outchan =
let init () =
(* Enter the predefined exceptions *)
- Array.iter
- (fun name ->
+ Array.iteri
+ (fun i name ->
let id =
try List.assoc name Predef.builtin_values
with Not_found -> fatal_error "Symtable.init" in
let c = slot_for_setglobal id in
- let cst = Const_block(0, [Const_base(Const_string (name, None))]) in
+ let cst = Const_block(Obj.object_tag,
+ [Const_base(Const_string (name, None));
+ Const_base(Const_int (-i-1))
+ ])
+ in
literal_table := (c, cst) :: !literal_table)
(* Initialize the known C primitives *)
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index 12e0e26de..3a6cf7187 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -146,7 +146,9 @@ let primitives_table = create_hashtable 57 [
"%setfield0", Psetfield(0, true);
"%makeblock", Pmakeblock(0, Immutable);
"%makemutable", Pmakeblock(0, Mutable);
- "%raise", Praise;
+ "%raise", Praise Raise_regular;
+ "%reraise", Praise Raise_reraise;
+ "%raise_notrace", Praise Raise_notrace;
"%sequand", Psequand;
"%sequor", Psequor;
"%boolnot", Pnot;
@@ -585,7 +587,7 @@ let primitive_is_ccall = function
let assert_failed exp =
let (fname, line, char) =
Location.get_pos_info exp.exp_loc.Location.loc_start in
- Lprim(Praise, [event_after exp
+ Lprim(Praise Raise_regular, [event_after exp
(Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
[transl_normal_path Predef.path_assert_failure;
@@ -601,6 +603,8 @@ let rec cut n l =
(* Translation of expressions *)
+let try_ids = Hashtbl.create 8
let rec transl_exp e =
let eval_once =
(* Whether classes for immediate objects must be cached *)
@@ -679,8 +683,17 @@ and transl_exp0 e =
(Warnings.Deprecated "operator (or); you should use (||) instead");
let prim = transl_prim e.exp_loc p args in
match (prim, args) with
- (Praise, [arg1]) ->
- wrap0 (Lprim(Praise, [event_after arg1 (List.hd argl)]))
+ (Praise k, [arg1]) ->
+ let targ = List.hd argl in
+ let k =
+ match k, targ with
+ | Raise_regular, Lvar id
+ when Hashtbl.mem try_ids id ->
+ Raise_reraise
+ | _ ->
+ k
+ in
+ wrap0 (Lprim(Praise k, [event_after arg1 targ]))
| (_, _) ->
begin match (prim, argl) with
| (Plazyforce, [a]) ->
@@ -701,7 +714,7 @@ and transl_exp0 e =
| Texp_try(body, pat_expr_list) ->
let id = name_pattern "exn" pat_expr_list in
Ltrywith(transl_exp body, id,
- Matching.for_trywith (Lvar id) (transl_cases pat_expr_list))
+ Matching.for_trywith (Lvar id) (transl_cases_try pat_expr_list))
| Texp_tuple el ->
let ll = transl_list el in
begin try
@@ -721,8 +734,9 @@ and transl_exp0 e =
Lprim(Pmakeblock(n, Immutable), ll)
| Cstr_exception (path, _) ->
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
- transl_path ~loc:e.exp_loc e.exp_env path :: ll)
+ let slot = transl_path ~loc:e.exp_loc e.exp_env path in
+ if cstr.cstr_arity = 0 then slot
+ else Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable), slot :: ll)
| Texp_variant(l, arg) ->
let tag = Btype.hash_variant l in
@@ -904,6 +918,20 @@ and transl_case {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} =
and transl_cases cases = transl_case cases
+and transl_case_try {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} =
+ match c_lhs.pat_desc with
+ | Tpat_var (id, _)
+ | Tpat_alias (_, id, _) ->
+ Hashtbl.replace try_ids id ();
+ Misc.try_finally
+ (fun () -> c_lhs, transl_guard c_guard c_rhs)
+ (fun () -> Hashtbl.remove try_ids id)
+ | _ ->
+ c_lhs, transl_guard c_guard c_rhs
+and transl_cases_try cases =
+ transl_case_try cases
and transl_tupled_cases patl_expr_list = (fun (patl, guard, expr) -> (patl, transl_guard guard expr))
@@ -1098,16 +1126,6 @@ let transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list body =
(transl_let rec_flag pat_expr_list) body
-(* Compile an exception definition *)
-let transl_exception path decl =
- let name =
- match path with
- None -> decl.cd_id
- | Some p -> p in
- Lprim(Pmakeblock(0, Immutable),
- [Lconst(Const_base(Const_string (name,None)))])
(* Error report *)
open Format
diff --git a/bytecomp/translcore.mli b/bytecomp/translcore.mli
index 842ed78dc..70f700fce 100644
--- a/bytecomp/translcore.mli
+++ b/bytecomp/translcore.mli
@@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ val transl_apply: lambda -> (label * expression option * optional) list
-> Location.t -> lambda
val transl_let: rec_flag -> value_binding list -> lambda -> lambda
val transl_primitive: Location.t -> Primitive.description -> lambda
-val transl_exception:
- Path.t option -> constructor_declaration -> lambda
val check_recursive_lambda: Ident.t list -> lambda -> bool
diff --git a/bytecomp/ b/bytecomp/
index dac713c5a..9825e5065 100644
--- a/bytecomp/
+++ b/bytecomp/
@@ -27,8 +27,27 @@ open Translclass
type error =
Circular_dependency of Ident.t
exception Error of Location.t * error
+(* Compile an exception definition *)
+let prim_set_oo_id =
+ Pccall {Primitive.prim_name = "caml_set_oo_id"; prim_arity = 1;
+ prim_alloc = false; prim_native_name = "";
+ prim_native_float = false}
+let transl_exception path decl =
+ let name =
+ match path with
+ None -> decl.cd_id
+ | Some p -> p
+ in
+ Lprim(prim_set_oo_id,
+ [Lprim(Pmakeblock(Obj.object_tag, Immutable),
+ [Lconst(Const_base(Const_string (name,None)));
+ Lconst(Const_base(Const_int 0))])])
(* Compile a coercion *)
let rec apply_coercion strict restr arg =