path: root/camlp4/boot/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'camlp4/boot/')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 178 deletions
diff --git a/camlp4/boot/ b/camlp4/boot/
index 3967ba21b..4030702ae 100644
--- a/camlp4/boot/
+++ b/camlp4/boot/
@@ -81,25 +81,15 @@ module Debug :
let formatter =
let header = "camlp4-debug: " in
- let normal s =
- let rec self from accu =
- try
- let i = String.index_from s from '\n'
- in self (i + 1) ((String.sub s from ((i - from) + 1)) :: accu)
- with
- | Not_found ->
- (String.sub s from ((String.length s) - from)) :: accu
- in String.concat header (List.rev (self 0 [])) in
- let after_new_line str = header ^ (normal str) in
- let f = ref after_new_line in
- let output str chr =
- (output_string out_channel (!f str);
- output_char out_channel chr;
- f := if chr = '\n' then after_new_line else normal)
+ let at_bol = ref true
(fun buf pos len ->
- let p = pred len in output (String.sub buf pos p) buf.[pos + p])
+ for i = pos to (pos + len) - 1 do
+ if !at_bol then output_string out_channel header else ();
+ let ch = buf.[i]
+ in (output_char out_channel ch; at_bol := ch = '\n')
+ done)
(fun () -> flush out_channel)
let printf section fmt = fprintf formatter ("%s: " ^^ fmt) section
@@ -424,6 +414,16 @@ module Sig =
(** A signature for locations. *)
module type Loc =
+ (** The type of locations. Note that, as for OCaml locations,
+ character numbers in locations refer to character numbers in the
+ parsed character stream, while line numbers refer to line
+ numbers in the source file. The source file and the parsed
+ character stream differ, for instance, when the parsed character
+ stream contains a line number directive. The line number
+ directive will only update the file-name field and the
+ line-number field of the position. It makes therefore no sense
+ to use character numbers with the source file if the sources
+ contain line number directives. *)
type t
(** Return a start location for the given file name.
@@ -457,7 +457,8 @@ module Sig =
val to_tuple :
t -> (string * int * int * int * int * int * int * bool)
- (** [merge loc1 loc2] Return a location that starts at [loc1] and end at [loc2]. *)
+ (** [merge loc1 loc2] Return a location that starts at [loc1] and end at
+ [loc2]. *)
val merge : t -> t -> t
(** The stop pos becomes equal to the start pos. *)
@@ -488,19 +489,19 @@ module Sig =
(** Return the line number of the ending of this location. *)
val stop_line : t -> int
- (** Returns the number of characters from the begining of the file
+ (** Returns the number of characters from the begining of the stream
to the begining of the line of location's begining. *)
val start_bol : t -> int
- (** Returns the number of characters from the begining of the file
+ (** Returns the number of characters from the begining of the stream
to the begining of the line of location's ending. *)
val stop_bol : t -> int
- (** Returns the number of characters from the begining of the file
+ (** Returns the number of characters from the begining of the stream
of the begining of this location. *)
val start_off : t -> int
- (** Return the number of characters from the begining of the file
+ (** Return the number of characters from the begining of the stream
of the ending of this location. *)
val stop_off : t -> int
@@ -801,6 +802,8 @@ module Sig =
(* source tree. *)
(* *)
+ (* Note: when you modify these types you must increment
+ ast magic numbers defined in *)
type loc =
@@ -14159,6 +14162,9 @@ module Struct =
let mkghloc loc = Loc.to_ocaml_location (Loc.ghostify loc)
+ let with_loc txt loc =
+ Camlp4_import.Location.mkloc txt (mkloc loc)
let mktyp loc d = { ptyp_desc = d; ptyp_loc = mkloc loc; }
let mkpat loc d = { ppat_desc = d; ppat_loc = mkloc loc; }
@@ -14179,7 +14185,11 @@ module Struct =
let mkcty loc d = { pcty_desc = d; pcty_loc = mkloc loc; }
- let mkpcl loc d = { pcl_desc = d; pcl_loc = mkloc loc; }
+ let mkcl loc d = { pcl_desc = d; pcl_loc = mkloc loc; }
+ let mkcf loc d = { pcf_desc = d; pcf_loc = mkloc loc; }
+ let mkctf loc d = { pctf_desc = d; pctf_loc = mkloc loc; }
let mkpolytype t =
match t.ptyp_desc with
@@ -14200,6 +14210,8 @@ module Struct =
let lident s = Lident s
+ let lident_with_loc s loc = with_loc (Lident s) loc
let ldot l s = Ldot (l, s)
let lapply l s = Lapply (l, s)
@@ -14219,20 +14231,23 @@ module Struct =
[ ("val", "contents") ];
fun s -> try Hashtbl.find t s with | Not_found -> s)
- let array_function str name =
+ let array_function_no_loc str name =
ldot (lident str)
(if !Camlp4_config.unsafe then "unsafe_" ^ name else name)
+ let array_function loc str name =
+ with_loc (array_function_no_loc str name) loc
let mkrf =
| Ast.ReRecursive -> Recursive
| Ast.ReNil -> Nonrecursive
| _ -> assert false
- let mkli s =
+ let mkli sloc s list =
let rec loop f =
function | i :: il -> loop (ldot (f i)) il | [] -> f s
- in loop lident
+ in with_loc (loop lident list) sloc
let rec ctyp_fa al =
@@ -14242,6 +14257,9 @@ module Struct =
let ident_tag ?(conv_lid = fun x -> x) i =
let rec self i acc =
match i with
+ | Ast.IdAcc (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, "*predef*")),
+ (Ast.IdLid (_, "option"))) ->
+ ((ldot (lident "*predef*") "option"), `lident)
| Ast.IdAcc (_, i1, i2) -> self i2 (Some (self i1 acc))
| Ast.IdApp (_, i1, i2) ->
let i' =
@@ -14272,27 +14290,33 @@ module Struct =
| _ -> error (loc_of_ident i) "invalid long identifier"
in self i None
- let ident ?conv_lid i = fst (ident_tag ?conv_lid i)
+ let ident_noloc ?conv_lid i = fst (ident_tag ?conv_lid i)
- let long_lident msg i =
- match ident_tag i with
- | (i, `lident) -> i
- | _ -> error (loc_of_ident i) msg
+ let ident ?conv_lid i =
+ with_loc (ident_noloc ?conv_lid i) (loc_of_ident i)
+ let long_lident msg id =
+ match ident_tag id with
+ | (i, `lident) -> with_loc i (loc_of_ident id)
+ | _ -> error (loc_of_ident id) msg
let long_type_ident = long_lident "invalid long identifier type"
let long_class_ident = long_lident "invalid class name"
- let long_uident ?(conv_con = fun x -> x) i =
+ let long_uident_noloc ?(conv_con = fun x -> x) i =
match ident_tag i with
| (Ldot (i, s), `uident) -> ldot i (conv_con s)
| (Lident s, `uident) -> lident (conv_con s)
| (i, `app) -> i
| _ -> error (loc_of_ident i) "uppercase identifier expected"
+ let long_uident ?conv_con i =
+ with_loc (long_uident_noloc ?conv_con i) (loc_of_ident i)
let rec ctyp_long_id_prefix t =
match t with
- | Ast.TyId (_, i) -> ident i
+ | Ast.TyId (_, i) -> ident_noloc i
| Ast.TyApp (_, m1, m2) ->
let li1 = ctyp_long_id_prefix m1 in
let li2 = ctyp_long_id_prefix m2 in Lapply (li1, li2)
@@ -14312,6 +14336,13 @@ module Struct =
| Ast.TyQuo (_, s) -> [ s ]
| _ -> assert false
+ let predef_option loc =
+ TyId
+ ((loc,
+ (IdAcc
+ ((loc, (IdLid ((loc, "*predef*"))),
+ (IdLid ((loc, "option"))))))))
let rec ctyp =
| TyId (loc, i) ->
@@ -14335,9 +14366,7 @@ module Struct =
| TyArr (loc, (TyLab (_, lab, t1)), t2) ->
mktyp loc (Ptyp_arrow (lab, (ctyp t1), (ctyp t2)))
| TyArr (loc, (TyOlb (loc1, lab, t1)), t2) ->
- let t1 =
- TyApp (loc1,
- (Ast.TyId (loc1, (Ast.IdLid (loc1, "option")))), t1)
+ let t1 = TyApp (loc1, (predef_option loc1), t1)
mktyp loc
(Ptyp_arrow (("?" ^ lab), (ctyp t1), (ctyp t2)))
@@ -14421,8 +14450,8 @@ module Struct =
and package_type_constraints wc acc =
match wc with
| Ast.WcNil _ -> acc
- | Ast.WcTyp (_, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, id)))), ct) ->
- (Lident id, (ctyp ct)) :: acc
+ | Ast.WcTyp (_, (Ast.TyId (_, id)), ct) ->
+ ((ident id), (ctyp ct)) :: acc
| Ast.WcAnd (_, wc1, wc2) ->
package_type_constraints wc1
(package_type_constraints wc2 acc)
@@ -14459,26 +14488,30 @@ module Struct =
let mktrecord =
- | Ast.TyCol (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s)))),
+ | Ast.TyCol (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdLid (sloc, s)))),
(Ast.TyMut (_, t))) ->
- (s, Mutable, (mkpolytype (ctyp t)), (mkloc loc))
- | Ast.TyCol (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s)))), t) ->
- (s, Immutable, (mkpolytype (ctyp t)), (mkloc loc))
+ ((with_loc s sloc), Mutable, (mkpolytype (ctyp t)),
+ (mkloc loc))
+ | Ast.TyCol (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdLid (sloc, s)))), t) ->
+ ((with_loc s sloc), Immutable, (mkpolytype (ctyp t)),
+ (mkloc loc))
| _ -> assert false
let mkvariant =
- | Ast.TyId (loc, (Ast.IdUid (_, s))) ->
- ((conv_con s), [], None, (mkloc loc))
- | Ast.TyOf (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))), t) ->
- ((conv_con s), ( ctyp (list_of_ctyp t [])), None,
- (mkloc loc))
- | Ast.TyCol (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))),
+ | Ast.TyId (loc, (Ast.IdUid (sloc, s))) ->
+ ((with_loc (conv_con s) sloc), [], None, (mkloc loc))
+ | Ast.TyOf (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (sloc, s)))), t) ->
+ ((with_loc (conv_con s) sloc),
+ ( ctyp (list_of_ctyp t [])), None, (mkloc loc))
+ | Ast.TyCol (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (sloc, s)))),
(Ast.TyArr (_, t, u))) ->
- ((conv_con s), ( ctyp (list_of_ctyp t [])),
- (Some (ctyp u)), (mkloc loc))
- | Ast.TyCol (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))), t) ->
- ((conv_con s), [], (Some (ctyp t)), (mkloc loc))
+ ((with_loc (conv_con s) sloc),
+ ( ctyp (list_of_ctyp t [])), (Some (ctyp u)),
+ (mkloc loc))
+ | Ast.TyCol (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (sloc, s)))), t) ->
+ ((with_loc (conv_con s) sloc), [], (Some (ctyp t)),
+ (mkloc loc))
| _ -> assert false
let rec type_decl tl cl loc m pflag =
@@ -14505,10 +14538,10 @@ module Struct =
| _ -> Some (ctyp t)
in mktype loc tl cl Ptype_abstract (mkprivate' pflag) m)
- let type_decl tl cl t =
- type_decl tl cl (loc_of_ctyp t) None false t
+ let type_decl tl cl t loc = type_decl tl cl loc None false t
- let mkvalue_desc t p = { pval_type = ctyp t; pval_prim = p; }
+ let mkvalue_desc loc t p =
+ { pval_type = ctyp t; pval_prim = p; pval_loc = mkloc loc; }
let rec list_of_meta_list =
@@ -14550,11 +14583,14 @@ module Struct =
| Ast.TyApp (_, t1, t2) ->
optional_type_parameters t1
(optional_type_parameters t2 acc)
- | Ast.TyQuP (_, s) -> ((Some s), (true, false)) :: acc
+ | Ast.TyQuP (loc, s) ->
+ ((Some (with_loc s loc)), (true, false)) :: acc
| Ast.TyAnP _loc -> (None, (true, false)) :: acc
- | Ast.TyQuM (_, s) -> ((Some s), (false, true)) :: acc
+ | Ast.TyQuM (loc, s) ->
+ ((Some (with_loc s loc)), (false, true)) :: acc
| Ast.TyAnM _loc -> (None, (false, true)) :: acc
- | Ast.TyQuo (_, s) -> ((Some s), (false, false)) :: acc
+ | Ast.TyQuo (loc, s) ->
+ ((Some (with_loc s loc)), (false, false)) :: acc
| Ast.TyAny _loc -> (None, (false, false)) :: acc
| _ -> assert false
@@ -14562,9 +14598,12 @@ module Struct =
match t with
| Ast.TyCom (_, t1, t2) ->
class_parameters t1 (class_parameters t2 acc)
- | Ast.TyQuP (_, s) -> (s, (true, false)) :: acc
- | Ast.TyQuM (_, s) -> (s, (false, true)) :: acc
- | Ast.TyQuo (_, s) -> (s, (false, false)) :: acc
+ | Ast.TyQuP (loc, s) ->
+ ((with_loc s loc), (true, false)) :: acc
+ | Ast.TyQuM (loc, s) ->
+ ((with_loc s loc), (false, true)) :: acc
+ | Ast.TyQuo (loc, s) ->
+ ((with_loc s loc), (false, false)) :: acc
| _ -> assert false
let rec type_parameters_and_type_name t acc =
@@ -14636,7 +14675,8 @@ module Struct =
let rec patt =
- | Ast.PaId (loc, (Ast.IdLid (_, s))) -> mkpat loc (Ppat_var s)
+ | Ast.PaId (loc, (Ast.IdLid (sloc, s))) ->
+ mkpat loc (Ppat_var (with_loc s sloc))
| Ast.PaId (loc, i) ->
let p =
Ppat_construct ((long_uident ~conv_con i), None,
@@ -14645,16 +14685,18 @@ module Struct =
| PaAli (loc, p1, p2) ->
let (p, i) =
(match (p1, p2) with
- | (p, Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s)))) -> (p, s)
- | (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s))), p) -> (p, s)
+ | (p, Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (sloc, s)))) ->
+ (p, (with_loc s sloc))
+ | (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (sloc, s))), p) ->
+ (p, (with_loc s sloc))
| _ -> error loc "invalid alias pattern")
in mkpat loc (Ppat_alias ((patt p), i))
| PaAnt (loc, _) -> error loc "antiquotation not allowed here"
| PaAny loc -> mkpat loc Ppat_any
- | Ast.PaApp (loc, (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))),
+ | Ast.PaApp (loc, (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdUid (sloc, s)))),
(Ast.PaTup (_, (Ast.PaAny loc_any)))) ->
mkpat loc
- (Ppat_construct ((lident (conv_con s)),
+ (Ppat_construct ((lident_with_loc (conv_con s) sloc),
(Some (mkpat loc_any Ppat_any)), false))
| (PaApp (loc, _, _) as f) ->
let (f, al) = patt_fa [] f in
@@ -14762,9 +14804,10 @@ module Struct =
| PaTyc (loc, p, t) ->
mkpat loc (Ppat_constraint ((patt p), (ctyp t)))
| PaTyp (loc, i) -> mkpat loc (Ppat_type (long_type_ident i))
- | PaVrn (loc, s) -> mkpat loc (Ppat_variant (s, None))
+ | PaVrn (loc, s) ->
+ mkpat loc (Ppat_variant ((conv_con s), None))
| PaLaz (loc, p) -> mkpat loc (Ppat_lazy (patt p))
- | PaMod (loc, m) -> mkpat loc (Ppat_unpack m)
+ | PaMod (loc, m) -> mkpat loc (Ppat_unpack (with_loc m loc))
| (PaEq (_, _, _) | PaSem (_, _, _) | PaCom (_, _, _) | PaNil _
as p) -> error (loc_of_patt p) "invalid pattern"
and mklabpat =
@@ -14824,8 +14867,8 @@ module Struct =
| Ptyp_arrow (label, core_type, core_type') ->
Ptyp_arrow (label, (loop core_type), (loop core_type'))
| Ptyp_tuple lst -> Ptyp_tuple ( loop lst)
- | Ptyp_constr ((Lident s), []) when List.mem s var_names ->
- Ptyp_var ("&" ^ s)
+ | Ptyp_constr ({ txt = Lident s }, []) when
+ List.mem s var_names -> Ptyp_var ("&" ^ s)
| Ptyp_constr (longident, lst) ->
Ptyp_constr (longident, ( loop lst))
| Ptyp_object lst ->
@@ -14862,33 +14905,35 @@ module Struct =
| Ast.ExAcc (loc, x, (Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, "val"))))) ->
mkexp loc
- (Pexp_apply ((mkexp loc (Pexp_ident (Lident "!"))),
+ (Pexp_apply
+ ((mkexp loc (Pexp_ident (lident_with_loc "!" loc))),
[ ("", (expr x)) ]))
| (ExAcc (loc, _, _) | Ast.ExId (loc, (Ast.IdAcc (_, _, _))) as
e) ->
let (e, l) =
(match sep_expr_acc [] e with
- | (loc, ml, Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))) :: l ->
+ | (loc, ml, Ast.ExId (sloc, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))) :: l ->
let ca = constructors_arity ()
((mkexp loc
- (Pexp_construct ((mkli (conv_con s) ml), None,
- ca))),
+ (Pexp_construct ((mkli sloc (conv_con s) ml),
+ None, ca))),
- | (loc, ml, Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s)))) :: l ->
- ((mkexp loc (Pexp_ident (mkli s ml))), l)
+ | (loc, ml, Ast.ExId (sloc, (Ast.IdLid (_, s)))) :: l ->
+ ((mkexp loc (Pexp_ident (mkli sloc s ml))), l)
| (_, [], e) :: l -> ((expr e), l)
| _ -> error loc "bad ast in expression") in
let (_, e) =
(fun (loc_bp, e1) (loc_ep, ml, e2) ->
match e2 with
- | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s))) ->
+ | Ast.ExId (sloc, (Ast.IdLid (_, s))) ->
let loc = Loc.merge loc_bp loc_ep
(mkexp loc
- (Pexp_field (e1, (mkli (conv_lab s) ml)))))
+ (Pexp_field (e1,
+ (mkli sloc (conv_lab s) ml)))))
| _ ->
error (loc_of_expr e2)
"lowercase identifier expected")
@@ -14931,7 +14976,7 @@ module Struct =
mkexp loc
((mkexp loc
- (Pexp_ident (array_function "Array" "get"))),
+ (Pexp_ident (array_function loc "Array" "get"))),
[ ("", (expr e1)); ("", (expr e2)) ]))
| ExArr (loc, e) ->
mkexp loc (Pexp_array ( expr (list_of_expr e [])))
@@ -14941,24 +14986,27 @@ module Struct =
(match e with
| Ast.ExAcc (loc, x,
(Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, "val"))))) ->
- Pexp_apply ((mkexp loc (Pexp_ident (Lident ":="))),
+ Pexp_apply
+ ((mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_ident (lident_with_loc ":=" loc))),
[ ("", (expr x)); ("", (expr v)) ])
| ExAcc (loc, _, _) ->
(match (expr e).pexp_desc with
| Pexp_field (e, lab) ->
Pexp_setfield (e, lab, (expr v))
| _ -> error loc "bad record access")
- | ExAre (_, e1, e2) ->
+ | ExAre (loc, e1, e2) ->
((mkexp loc
- (Pexp_ident (array_function "Array" "set"))),
+ (Pexp_ident (array_function loc "Array" "set"))),
[ ("", (expr e1)); ("", (expr e2)); ("", (expr v)) ])
- | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, lab))) ->
- Pexp_setinstvar (lab, (expr v))
- | ExSte (_, e1, e2) ->
+ | Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdLid (lloc, lab))) ->
+ Pexp_setinstvar ((with_loc lab lloc), (expr v))
+ | ExSte (loc, e1, e2) ->
((mkexp loc
- (Pexp_ident (array_function "String" "set"))),
+ (Pexp_ident
+ (array_function loc "String" "set"))),
[ ("", (expr e1)); ("", (expr e2)); ("", (expr v)) ])
| _ -> error loc "bad left part of assignment")
in mkexp loc e
@@ -14979,8 +15027,8 @@ module Struct =
let e3 = ExSeq (loc, el)
mkexp loc
- (Pexp_for (i, (expr e1), (expr e2), (mkdirection df),
- (expr e3)))
+ (Pexp_for ((with_loc i loc), (expr e1), (expr e2),
+ (mkdirection df), (expr e3)))
| Ast.ExFun (loc, (Ast.McArr (_, (PaLab (_, lab, po)), w, e)))
mkexp loc
@@ -15043,7 +15091,9 @@ module Struct =
| ExLet (loc, rf, bi, e) ->
mkexp loc (Pexp_let ((mkrf rf), (binding bi []), (expr e)))
| ExLmd (loc, i, me, e) ->
- mkexp loc (Pexp_letmodule (i, (module_expr me), (expr e)))
+ mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_letmodule ((with_loc i loc), (module_expr me),
+ (expr e)))
| ExMat (loc, e, a) ->
mkexp loc (Pexp_match ((expr e), (match_case a [])))
| ExNew (loc, id) -> mkexp loc (Pexp_new (long_type_ident id))
@@ -15051,7 +15101,10 @@ module Struct =
let p =
(match po with | Ast.PaNil _ -> Ast.PaAny loc | p -> p) in
let cil = class_str_item cfl []
- in mkexp loc (Pexp_object (((patt p), cil)))
+ in
+ mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_object
+ { pcstr_pat = patt p; pcstr_fields = cil; })
| ExOlb (loc, _, _) ->
error loc "labeled expression not allowed here"
| ExOvr (loc, iel) ->
@@ -15079,7 +15132,7 @@ module Struct =
mkexp loc
((mkexp loc
- (Pexp_ident (array_function "String" "get"))),
+ (Pexp_ident (array_function loc "String" "get"))),
[ ("", (expr e1)); ("", (expr e2)) ]))
| ExStr (loc, s) ->
mkexp loc
@@ -15096,13 +15149,16 @@ module Struct =
mkexp loc
(Pexp_constraint ((expr e), (Some (ctyp t)), None))
| Ast.ExId (loc, (Ast.IdUid (_, "()"))) ->
- mkexp loc (Pexp_construct ((lident "()"), None, true))
+ mkexp loc
+ (Pexp_construct ((lident_with_loc "()" loc), None, true))
| Ast.ExId (loc, (Ast.IdLid (_, s))) ->
- mkexp loc (Pexp_ident (lident s))
+ mkexp loc (Pexp_ident (lident_with_loc s loc))
| Ast.ExId (loc, (Ast.IdUid (_, s))) ->
mkexp loc
- (Pexp_construct ((lident (conv_con s)), None, true))
- | ExVrn (loc, s) -> mkexp loc (Pexp_variant (s, None))
+ (Pexp_construct ((lident_with_loc (conv_con s) loc),
+ None, true))
+ | ExVrn (loc, s) ->
+ mkexp loc (Pexp_variant ((conv_con s), None))
| ExWhi (loc, e1, el) ->
let e2 = ExSeq (loc, el)
in mkexp loc (Pexp_while ((expr e1), (expr e2)))
@@ -15142,7 +15198,8 @@ module Struct =
and binding x acc =
match x with
| Ast.BiAnd (_, x, y) -> binding x (binding y acc)
- | Ast.BiEq (_loc, (Ast.PaId (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, bind_name)))),
+ | Ast.BiEq (_loc,
+ (Ast.PaId (sloc, (Ast.IdLid (_, bind_name)))),
(Ast.ExTyc (_, e, (TyTypePol (_, vs, ty))))) ->
let rec id_to_string x =
(match x with
@@ -15152,11 +15209,6 @@ module Struct =
| _ -> assert false) in
let vars = id_to_string vs in
let ampersand_vars = (fun x -> "&" ^ x) vars in
- let rec merge_quoted_vars lst =
- (match lst with
- | [ x ] -> x
- | x :: y -> Ast.TyApp (_loc, x, (merge_quoted_vars y))
- | [] -> assert false) in
let ty' = varify_constructors vars (ctyp ty) in
let mkexp = mkexp _loc in
let mkpat = mkpat _loc in
@@ -15173,7 +15225,7 @@ module Struct =
let pat =
- (((mkpat (Ppat_var bind_name)),
+ (((mkpat (Ppat_var (with_loc bind_name sloc))),
(mktyp _loc (Ptyp_poly (ampersand_vars, ty')))))) in
let e = mk_newtypes vars in (pat, e) :: acc
| Ast.BiEq (_loc, p,
@@ -15203,12 +15255,13 @@ module Struct =
match x with
| Ast.RbNil _ -> acc
| Ast.RbSem (_, x, y) -> mkideexp x (mkideexp y acc)
- | Ast.RbEq (_, (Ast.IdLid (_, s)), e) -> (s, (expr e)) :: acc
+ | Ast.RbEq (_, (Ast.IdLid (sloc, s)), e) ->
+ ((with_loc s sloc), (expr e)) :: acc
| _ -> assert false
and mktype_decl x acc =
match x with
| Ast.TyAnd (_, x, y) -> mktype_decl x (mktype_decl y acc)
- | Ast.TyDcl (_, c, tl, td, cl) ->
+ | Ast.TyDcl (cloc, c, tl, td, cl) ->
let cl =
(fun (t1, t2) ->
@@ -15217,10 +15270,10 @@ module Struct =
in ((ctyp t1), (ctyp t2), (mkloc loc)))
- (c,
+ ((with_loc c cloc),
(List.fold_right optional_type_parameters tl []) cl
- td)) ::
+ td cloc)) ::
| _ -> assert false
and module_type =
@@ -15230,7 +15283,8 @@ module Struct =
| Ast.MtId (loc, i) -> mkmty loc (Pmty_ident (long_uident i))
| Ast.MtFun (loc, n, nt, mt) ->
mkmty loc
- (Pmty_functor (n, (module_type nt), (module_type mt)))
+ (Pmty_functor ((with_loc n loc), (module_type nt),
+ (module_type mt)))
| Ast.MtQuo (loc, _) ->
error loc "module type variable not allowed here"
| Ast.MtSig (loc, sl) ->
@@ -15258,22 +15312,27 @@ module Struct =
| Ast.SgSem (_, sg1, sg2) -> sig_item sg1 (sig_item sg2 l)
| SgDir (_, _, _) -> l
| Ast.SgExc (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s))))) ->
- (mksig loc (Psig_exception ((conv_con s), []))) :: l
+ (mksig loc
+ (Psig_exception ((with_loc (conv_con s) loc), []))) ::
+ l
| Ast.SgExc (loc,
(Ast.TyOf (_, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))), t))) ->
(mksig loc
- (Psig_exception ((conv_con s),
+ (Psig_exception ((with_loc (conv_con s) loc),
( ctyp (list_of_ctyp t []))))) ::
| SgExc (_, _) -> assert false
| SgExt (loc, n, t, sl) ->
(mksig loc
- (Psig_value (n, (mkvalue_desc t (list_of_meta_list sl))))) ::
+ (Psig_value ((with_loc n loc),
+ (mkvalue_desc loc t (list_of_meta_list sl))))) ::
| SgInc (loc, mt) ->
(mksig loc (Psig_include (module_type mt))) :: l
| SgMod (loc, n, mt) ->
- (mksig loc (Psig_module (n, (module_type mt)))) :: l
+ (mksig loc
+ (Psig_module ((with_loc n loc), (module_type mt)))) ::
+ l
| SgRecMod (loc, mb) ->
(mksig loc (Psig_recmodule (module_sig_binding mb []))) ::
@@ -15282,26 +15341,30 @@ module Struct =
(match mt with
| MtQuo (_, _) -> Pmodtype_abstract
| _ -> Pmodtype_manifest (module_type mt))
- in (mksig loc (Psig_modtype (n, si))) :: l
+ in (mksig loc (Psig_modtype ((with_loc n loc), si))) :: l
| SgOpn (loc, id) ->
(mksig loc (Psig_open (long_uident id))) :: l
| SgTyp (loc, tdl) ->
(mksig loc (Psig_type (mktype_decl tdl []))) :: l
| SgVal (loc, n, t) ->
- (mksig loc (Psig_value (n, (mkvalue_desc t [])))) :: l
+ (mksig loc
+ (Psig_value ((with_loc n loc), (mkvalue_desc loc t [])))) ::
+ l
| Ast.SgAnt (loc, _) -> error loc "antiquotation in sig_item"
and module_sig_binding x acc =
match x with
| Ast.MbAnd (_, x, y) ->
module_sig_binding x (module_sig_binding y acc)
- | Ast.MbCol (_, s, mt) -> (s, (module_type mt)) :: acc
+ | Ast.MbCol (loc, s, mt) ->
+ ((with_loc s loc), (module_type mt)) :: acc
| _ -> assert false
and module_str_binding x acc =
match x with
| Ast.MbAnd (_, x, y) ->
module_str_binding x (module_str_binding y acc)
- | Ast.MbColEq (_, s, mt, me) ->
- (s, (module_type mt), (module_expr me)) :: acc
+ | Ast.MbColEq (loc, s, mt, me) ->
+ ((with_loc s loc), (module_type mt), (module_expr me)) ::
+ acc
| _ -> assert false
and module_expr =
@@ -15312,7 +15375,8 @@ module Struct =
(Pmod_apply ((module_expr me1), (module_expr me2)))
| Ast.MeFun (loc, n, mt, me) ->
mkmod loc
- (Pmod_functor (n, (module_type mt), (module_expr me)))
+ (Pmod_functor ((with_loc n loc), (module_type mt),
+ (module_expr me)))
| Ast.MeStr (loc, sl) ->
mkmod loc (Pmod_structure (str_item sl []))
| Ast.MeTyc (loc, me, mt) ->
@@ -15349,17 +15413,21 @@ module Struct =
| StDir (_, _, _) -> l
| Ast.StExc (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))), Ast.
ONone) ->
- (mkstr loc (Pstr_exception ((conv_con s), []))) :: l
+ (mkstr loc
+ (Pstr_exception ((with_loc (conv_con s) loc), []))) ::
+ l
| Ast.StExc (loc,
(Ast.TyOf (_, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))), t)), Ast.
ONone) ->
(mkstr loc
- (Pstr_exception ((conv_con s),
+ (Pstr_exception ((with_loc (conv_con s) loc),
( ctyp (list_of_ctyp t []))))) ::
| Ast.StExc (loc, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, s)))),
(Ast.OSome i)) ->
- (mkstr loc (Pstr_exn_rebind ((conv_con s), (ident i)))) ::
+ (mkstr loc
+ (Pstr_exn_rebind ((with_loc (conv_con s) loc),
+ (ident i)))) ::
| Ast.StExc (loc,
(Ast.TyOf (_, (Ast.TyId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, _)))), _)),
@@ -15368,18 +15436,22 @@ module Struct =
| StExp (loc, e) -> (mkstr loc (Pstr_eval (expr e))) :: l
| StExt (loc, n, t, sl) ->
(mkstr loc
- (Pstr_primitive (n,
- (mkvalue_desc t (list_of_meta_list sl))))) ::
+ (Pstr_primitive ((with_loc n loc),
+ (mkvalue_desc loc t (list_of_meta_list sl))))) ::
| StInc (loc, me) ->
(mkstr loc (Pstr_include (module_expr me))) :: l
| StMod (loc, n, me) ->
- (mkstr loc (Pstr_module (n, (module_expr me)))) :: l
+ (mkstr loc
+ (Pstr_module ((with_loc n loc), (module_expr me)))) ::
+ l
| StRecMod (loc, mb) ->
(mkstr loc (Pstr_recmodule (module_str_binding mb []))) ::
| StMty (loc, n, mt) ->
- (mkstr loc (Pstr_modtype (n, (module_type mt)))) :: l
+ (mkstr loc
+ (Pstr_modtype ((with_loc n loc), (module_type mt)))) ::
+ l
| StOpn (loc, id) ->
(mkstr loc (Pstr_open (long_uident id))) :: l
| StTyp (loc, tdl) ->
@@ -15396,9 +15468,7 @@ module Struct =
| CtFun (loc, (TyLab (_, lab, t)), ct) ->
mkcty loc (Pcty_fun (lab, (ctyp t), (class_type ct)))
| CtFun (loc, (TyOlb (loc1, lab, t)), ct) ->
- let t =
- TyApp (loc1,
- (Ast.TyId (loc1, (Ast.IdLid (loc1, "option")))), t)
+ let t = TyApp (loc1, (predef_option loc1), t)
mkcty loc
(Pcty_fun (("?" ^ lab), (ctyp t), (class_type ct)))
@@ -15408,15 +15478,22 @@ module Struct =
let t =
(match t_o with | Ast.TyNil _ -> Ast.TyAny loc | t -> t) in
let cil = class_sig_item ctfl []
- in mkcty loc (Pcty_signature (((ctyp t), cil)))
+ in
+ mkcty loc
+ (Pcty_signature
+ {
+ pcsig_self = ctyp t;
+ pcsig_fields = cil;
+ pcsig_loc = mkloc loc;
+ })
| CtCon (loc, _, _, _) ->
error loc "invalid virtual class inside a class type"
| CtAnt (_, _) | CtEq (_, _, _) | CtCol (_, _, _) |
CtAnd (_, _, _) | CtNil _ -> assert false
and class_info_class_expr ci =
match ci with
- | CeEq (_, (CeCon (loc, vir, (IdLid (_, name)), params)), ce)
- ->
+ | CeEq (_, (CeCon (loc, vir, (IdLid (nloc, name)), params)),
+ ce) ->
let (loc_params, (params, variance)) =
(match params with
| Ast.TyNil _ -> (loc, ([], []))
@@ -15427,7 +15504,7 @@ module Struct =
pci_virt = mkvirtual vir;
pci_params = (params, (mkloc loc_params));
- pci_name = name;
+ pci_name = with_loc name nloc;
pci_expr = class_expr ce;
pci_loc = mkloc loc;
pci_variance = variance;
@@ -15435,8 +15512,9 @@ module Struct =
| ce -> error (loc_of_class_expr ce) "bad class definition"
and class_info_class_type ci =
match ci with
- | CtEq (_, (CtCon (loc, vir, (IdLid (_, name)), params)), ct) |
- CtCol (_, (CtCon (loc, vir, (IdLid (_, name)), params)),
+ | CtEq (_, (CtCon (loc, vir, (IdLid (nloc, name)), params)),
+ ct) |
+ CtCol (_, (CtCon (loc, vir, (IdLid (nloc, name)), params)),
let (loc_params, (params, variance)) =
@@ -15449,7 +15527,7 @@ module Struct =
pci_virt = mkvirtual vir;
pci_params = (params, (mkloc loc_params));
- pci_name = name;
+ pci_name = with_loc name nloc;
pci_expr = class_type ct;
pci_loc = mkloc loc;
pci_variance = variance;
@@ -15461,22 +15539,22 @@ module Struct =
match c with
| Ast.CgNil _ -> l
| CgCtr (loc, t1, t2) ->
- (Pctf_cstr (((ctyp t1), (ctyp t2), (mkloc loc)))) :: l
+ (mkctf loc (Pctf_cstr (((ctyp t1), (ctyp t2))))) :: l
| Ast.CgSem (_, csg1, csg2) ->
class_sig_item csg1 (class_sig_item csg2 l)
- | CgInh (_, ct) -> (Pctf_inher (class_type ct)) :: l
+ | CgInh (loc, ct) ->
+ (mkctf loc (Pctf_inher (class_type ct))) :: l
| CgMth (loc, s, pf, t) ->
- (Pctf_meth
- ((s, (mkprivate pf), (mkpolytype (ctyp t)), (mkloc loc)))) ::
+ (mkctf loc
+ (Pctf_meth ((s, (mkprivate pf), (mkpolytype (ctyp t)))))) ::
| CgVal (loc, s, b, v, t) ->
- (Pctf_val
- ((s, (mkmutable b), (mkvirtual v), (ctyp t),
- (mkloc loc)))) ::
+ (mkctf loc
+ (Pctf_val ((s, (mkmutable b), (mkvirtual v), (ctyp t))))) ::
| CgVir (loc, s, b, t) ->
- (Pctf_virt
- ((s, (mkprivate b), (mkpolytype (ctyp t)), (mkloc loc)))) ::
+ (mkctf loc
+ (Pctf_virt ((s, (mkprivate b), (mkpolytype (ctyp t)))))) ::
| CgAnt (_, _) -> assert false
and class_expr =
@@ -15484,39 +15562,42 @@ module Struct =
| (CeApp (loc, _, _) as c) ->
let (ce, el) = class_expr_fa [] c in
let el = label_expr el
- in mkpcl loc (Pcl_apply ((class_expr ce), el))
+ in mkcl loc (Pcl_apply ((class_expr ce), el))
| CeCon (loc, ViNil, id, tl) ->
- mkpcl loc
+ mkcl loc
(Pcl_constr ((long_class_ident id),
( ctyp (list_of_opt_ctyp tl []))))
| CeFun (loc, (PaLab (_, lab, po)), ce) ->
- mkpcl loc
+ mkcl loc
(Pcl_fun (lab, None, (patt_of_lab loc lab po),
(class_expr ce)))
| CeFun (loc, (PaOlbi (_, lab, p, e)), ce) ->
let lab = paolab lab p
- mkpcl loc
+ mkcl loc
(Pcl_fun (("?" ^ lab), (Some (expr e)), (patt p),
(class_expr ce)))
| CeFun (loc, (PaOlb (_, lab, p)), ce) ->
let lab = paolab lab p
- mkpcl loc
+ mkcl loc
(Pcl_fun (("?" ^ lab), None, (patt_of_lab loc lab p),
(class_expr ce)))
| CeFun (loc, p, ce) ->
- mkpcl loc (Pcl_fun ("", None, (patt p), (class_expr ce)))
+ mkcl loc (Pcl_fun ("", None, (patt p), (class_expr ce)))
| CeLet (loc, rf, bi, ce) ->
- mkpcl loc
+ mkcl loc
(Pcl_let ((mkrf rf), (binding bi []), (class_expr ce)))
| CeStr (loc, po, cfl) ->
let p =
(match po with | Ast.PaNil _ -> Ast.PaAny loc | p -> p) in
let cil = class_str_item cfl []
- in mkpcl loc (Pcl_structure (((patt p), cil)))
+ in
+ mkcl loc
+ (Pcl_structure
+ { pcstr_pat = patt p; pcstr_fields = cil; })
| CeTyc (loc, ce, ct) ->
- mkpcl loc
+ mkcl loc
(Pcl_constraint ((class_expr ce), (class_type ct)))
| CeCon (loc, _, _, _) ->
error loc "invalid virtual class inside a class expression"
@@ -15526,15 +15607,17 @@ module Struct =
match c with
| CrNil _ -> l
| CrCtr (loc, t1, t2) ->
- (Pcf_cstr (((ctyp t1), (ctyp t2), (mkloc loc)))) :: l
+ (mkcf loc (Pcf_constr (((ctyp t1), (ctyp t2))))) :: l
| Ast.CrSem (_, cst1, cst2) ->
class_str_item cst1 (class_str_item cst2 l)
| CrInh (loc, ov, ce, pb) ->
let opb = if pb = "" then None else Some pb
- (Pcf_inher ((override_flag loc ov), (class_expr ce), opb)) ::
+ (mkcf loc
+ (Pcf_inher ((override_flag loc ov), (class_expr ce),
+ opb))) ::
- | CrIni (_, e) -> (Pcf_init (expr e)) :: l
+ | CrIni (loc, e) -> (mkcf loc (Pcf_init (expr e))) :: l
| CrMth (loc, s, ov, pf, e, t) ->
let t =
(match t with
@@ -15542,21 +15625,27 @@ module Struct =
| t -> Some (mkpolytype (ctyp t))) in
let e = mkexp loc (Pexp_poly ((expr e), t))
- (Pcf_meth
- ((s, (mkprivate pf), (override_flag loc ov), e,
- (mkloc loc)))) ::
+ (mkcf loc
+ (Pcf_meth
+ (((with_loc s loc), (mkprivate pf),
+ (override_flag loc ov), e)))) ::
| CrVal (loc, s, ov, mf, e) ->
- (Pcf_val
- ((s, (mkmutable mf), (override_flag loc ov), (expr e),
- (mkloc loc)))) ::
+ (mkcf loc
+ (Pcf_val
+ (((with_loc s loc), (mkmutable mf),
+ (override_flag loc ov), (expr e))))) ::
| CrVir (loc, s, pf, t) ->
- (Pcf_virt
- ((s, (mkprivate pf), (mkpolytype (ctyp t)), (mkloc loc)))) ::
+ (mkcf loc
+ (Pcf_virt
+ (((with_loc s loc), (mkprivate pf),
+ (mkpolytype (ctyp t)))))) ::
| CrVvr (loc, s, mf, t) ->
- (Pcf_valvirt ((s, (mkmutable mf), (ctyp t), (mkloc loc)))) ::
+ (mkcf loc
+ (Pcf_valvirt
+ (((with_loc s loc), (mkmutable mf), (ctyp t))))) ::
| CrAnt (_, _) -> assert false
@@ -15571,7 +15660,7 @@ module Struct =
| ExInt (_, i) -> Pdir_int (int_of_string i)
| Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "True"))) -> Pdir_bool true
| Ast.ExId (_, (Ast.IdUid (_, "False"))) -> Pdir_bool false
- | e -> Pdir_ident (ident (ident_of_expr e))
+ | e -> Pdir_ident (ident_noloc (ident_of_expr e))
let phrase =
@@ -16986,9 +17075,14 @@ module Struct =
let drop_prev_loc = Tools.drop_prev_loc
let add_loc bp parse_fun strm =
+ let count1 = Stream.count strm in
let x = parse_fun strm in
- let ep = loc_ep strm in
- let loc = Loc.merge bp ep in (x, loc)
+ let count2 = Stream.count strm in
+ let loc =
+ if count1 < count2
+ then (let ep = loc_ep strm in Loc.merge bp ep)
+ else Loc.join bp
+ in (x, loc)
let stream_peek_nth strm n =
let rec loop i =
@@ -17799,13 +17893,6 @@ module Struct =
in Some t
| None -> None)
| LocAct (_, _) | DeadEnd -> None
- and insert_new =
- function
- | s :: sl ->
- Node
- { node = s; son = insert_new sl; brother = DeadEnd;
- }
- | [] -> LocAct (action, [])
in insert gsymbols tree
let insert_level entry e1 symbols action slev =
@@ -18868,7 +18955,7 @@ module Printers =
"Cannot print %S this identifier does not respect OCaml lexing rules (%s)"
str (Lexer.Error.to_string exn))
- let ocaml_char = function | "'" -> "\\'" | c -> c
+ let ocaml_char x = match x with | "'" -> "\\'" | c -> c
let rec get_expr_args a al =
match a with
@@ -19150,7 +19237,16 @@ module Printers =
fun f t ->
match Ast.list_of_ctyp t [] with
| [] -> ()
- | ts -> pp f "@[<hv0>| %a@]" (list o#ctyp "@ | ") ts
+ | ts ->
+ pp f "@[<hv0>| %a@]"
+ (list o#constructor_declaration "@ | ") ts
+ method private constructor_declaration =
+ fun f t ->
+ match t with
+ | Ast.TyCol (_, t1, (Ast.TyArr (_, t2, t3))) ->
+ pp f "@[<2>%a :@ @[<2>%a@ ->@ %a@]@]" o#ctyp t1
+ o#constructor_type t2 o#ctyp t3
+ | t -> o#ctyp f t
method string = fun f -> pp f "%s"
method quoted_string = fun f -> pp f "%S"
method numeric =
@@ -19388,7 +19484,7 @@ module Printers =
| Ast.ExInt64 (_, s) -> o#numeric f s "L"
| Ast.ExInt32 (_, s) -> o#numeric f s "l"
| Ast.ExFlo (_, s) -> o#numeric f s ""
- | Ast.ExChr (_, s) -> pp f "'%s'" (ocaml_char s)
+ | Ast.ExChr (_, s) -> pp f "'%s'" s
| Ast.ExId (_, i) -> o#var_ident f i
| Ast.ExRec (_, b, (Ast.ExNil _)) ->
pp f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>{%a@]@ }@]" o#record_binding b
@@ -19533,7 +19629,7 @@ module Printers =
| Ast.PaInt32 (_, s) -> o#numeric f s "l"
| Ast.PaInt (_, s) -> o#numeric f s ""
| Ast.PaFlo (_, s) -> o#numeric f s ""
- | Ast.PaChr (_, s) -> pp f "'%s'" (ocaml_char s)
+ | Ast.PaChr (_, s) -> pp f "'%s'" s
| Ast.PaLab (_, s, (Ast.PaNil _)) -> pp f "~%s" s
| Ast.PaVrn (_, s) -> pp f "`%a" o#var s
| Ast.PaTyp (_, i) -> pp f "@[<2>#%a@]" o#ident i
@@ -19889,7 +19985,7 @@ module Printers =
match ce with
| Ast.CeApp (_, ce, e) ->
- pp f "@[<2>%a@ %a@]" o#class_expr ce o#expr e
+ pp f "@[<2>%a@ %a@]" o#class_expr ce o#apply_expr e
| Ast.CeCon (_, Ast.ViNil, i, (Ast.TyNil _)) ->
pp f "@[<2>%a@]" o#ident i
| Ast.CeCon (_, Ast.ViNil, i, t) ->