path: root/camlp4/examples/
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Diffstat (limited to 'camlp4/examples/')
1 files changed, 159 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/camlp4/examples/ b/camlp4/examples/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..be21fa2fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/camlp4/examples/
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+(* module LambdaSyntax = struct
+ module Loc = Camlp4.PreCast.Loc
+ type 'a antiquotable =
+ | Val of Loc.t * 'a
+ | Ant of Loc.t * string
+ type term' =
+ | Lam of var * term
+ | App of term * term
+ | Var of var
+ | Int of int antiquotable
+ |+ Why you don't want an antiquotation case here:
+ * Basically it seems natural that since an antiquotation of expression
+ * can be at any expression place. One can be a
+ * .... in fact not I not against that...
+ | Anti of Loc.t * string
+ +|
+ and term = term' antiquotable
+ and var = string antiquotable
+end *)
+module Antiquotable = struct
+ module Loc = Camlp4.PreCast.Loc
+ type 'a t =
+ | Val of Loc.t * 'a
+ | Ant of Loc.t * string
+module Identity_type_functor = struct
+ type 'a t = 'a
+module MakeLambdaSyntax(Node : sig type 'a t end) = struct
+ type term' =
+ | Lam of var * term
+ | App of term * term
+ | Var of var
+ | Int of num
+ and term = term' Node.t
+ and num = int Node.t
+ and var = string Node.t
+module AntiquotableLambdaSyntax = MakeLambdaSyntax(Antiquotable);;
+module LambdaSyntax = MakeLambdaSyntax(Identity_type_functor);;
+module LambdaParser = struct
+ open Antiquotable;;
+ open AntiquotableLambdaSyntax;;
+ open Camlp4.PreCast;;
+ module LambdaGram = MakeGram(Lexer);;
+ let term = "term";;
+ let term_eoi = "lambda term quotation";;
+ Camlp4_config.antiquotations := true;;
+ let mkLam _loc v t = Val(_loc, Lam(v, t));;
+ let mkApp _loc f x = Val(_loc, App(f, x));;
+ let mkVar _loc x = Val(_loc, Var(x));;
+ let mkInt _loc v = Val(_loc, Int(v));;
+ EXTEND LambdaGram
+ GLOBAL: term term_eoi;
+ term:
+ [ "top"
+ [ "fun"; v = var; "->"; t = term -> mkLam _loc v t ]
+ | "app"
+ [ t1 = SELF; t2 = SELF -> mkApp _loc t1 t2 ]
+ | "simple"
+ [ `ANTIQUOT((""|"term"), a) -> Ant(_loc, a)
+ | i = int -> mkInt _loc i
+ | v = var -> mkVar _loc v
+ | "("; t = term; ")" -> t ]
+ ];
+ var:
+ [[ v = LIDENT -> Val(_loc, v)
+ | `ANTIQUOT((""|"var"), a) -> Ant(_loc, a)
+ ]];
+ int:
+ [[ `INT(i, _) -> Val(_loc, i)
+ | `ANTIQUOT((""|"int"), a) -> Ant(_loc, a)
+ ]];
+ term_eoi:
+ [[ t = term; `EOI -> t ]];
+ END;;
+ let parse_string = LambdaGram.parse_string term_eoi
+module LambdaLifter = struct
+ open Antiquotable;;
+ open AntiquotableLambdaSyntax;;
+ module CamlSyntax =
+ Camlp4OCamlParser.Make(
+ Camlp4OCamlRevisedParser.Make(
+ Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax
+ )
+ );;
+ module Ast = Camlp4.PreCast.Ast
+ let expr_of_string = CamlSyntax.Gram.parse_string CamlSyntax.expr_eoi;;
+ let patt_of_string = CamlSyntax.Gram.parse_string CamlSyntax.patt_eoi;;
+ (*
+ << fun x -> $3$ >> -> Lam(VAtom"x", 3)
+ (* -pp lam.cmo *)
+ match t with
+ | << (fun $x$ -> $e1$) $e2$ >> -> << $subst ...$ >>
+ *)
+ (* This part can be generated use SwitchValRepr *)
+ let rec term_to_expr = function
+ | Val(_loc, Lam(v, t)) -> <:expr< Lam($var_to_expr v$, $term_to_expr t$) >>
+ | Val(_loc, App(t1, t2)) -> <:expr< App($term_to_expr t1$, $term_to_expr t2$) >>
+ | Val(_loc, Var(v)) -> <:expr< Var($var_to_expr v$) >>
+ | Val(_loc, Int(i)) -> <:expr< Int($int_to_expr i$) >>
+ | Ant(_loc, a) -> expr_of_string _loc a
+ and var_to_expr = function
+ | Val(_loc, v) -> <:expr< $str:v$ >>
+ | Ant(_loc, s) -> expr_of_string _loc s
+ and int_to_expr = function
+ | Val(_loc, v) -> <:expr< $`int:v$ >>
+ | Ant(_loc, s) -> expr_of_string _loc s
+ ;;
+ let rec term_to_patt = function
+ | Val(_loc, Lam(v, t)) -> <:patt< Lam($var_to_patt v$, $term_to_patt t$) >>
+ | Val(_loc, App(t1, t2)) -> <:patt< App($term_to_patt t1$, $term_to_patt t2$) >>
+ | Val(_loc, Var(v)) -> <:patt< Var($var_to_patt v$) >>
+ | Val(_loc, Int(i)) -> <:patt< Int($int_to_patt i$) >>
+ | Ant(_loc, a) -> patt_of_string _loc a
+ and var_to_patt = function
+ | Val(_loc, v) -> <:patt< $str:v$ >>
+ | Ant(_loc, s) -> patt_of_string _loc s
+ and int_to_patt = function
+ | Val(_loc, v) -> <:patt< $`int:v$ >>
+ | Ant(_loc, s) -> patt_of_string _loc s
+ ;;
+ (*
+Arrow(Var"a", Var"b")
+<:typ< 'a -> 'b >>
+ let a = ...
+ let b = ...
+ let ( ^-> ) t1 t2 = Arrow(t1, t2)
+ a ^-> b
+ *)
+module LambadExpander = struct
+ module Q = Camlp4.PreCast.Syntax.Quotation;;
+ let expand_lambda_quot_expr loc _loc_name_opt quotation_contents =
+ LambdaLifter.term_to_expr
+ (LambdaParser.parse_string loc quotation_contents)
+ ;;
+ Q.add "lam" Q.DynAst.expr_tag expand_lambda_quot_expr;;
+ let expand_lambda_quot_patt loc _loc_name_opt quotation_contents =
+ LambdaLifter.term_to_patt
+ (LambdaParser.parse_string loc quotation_contents)
+ ;;
+ Q.add "lam" Q.DynAst.patt_tag expand_lambda_quot_patt;;
+ Q.default := "lam";;