path: root/ocamlbuild/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ocamlbuild/')
1 files changed, 266 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..59033274d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -0,0 +1,266 @@
+(* ocamlbuild *)
+(* *)
+(* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* Original author: Berke Durak *)
+open My_std
+open Log
+open Pathname.Operators
+open Command
+open Tools
+open Ocaml_specific
+open Format
+exception Exit_build_error of string
+exception Exit_silently
+let clean () =
+ Shell.rm_rf !Options.build_dir;
+ begin
+ match !Options.internal_log_file with
+ | None -> ()
+ | Some fn -> Shell.rm_f fn
+ end;
+ let entry =
+ (fun _ _ _ -> true)
+ (Slurp.slurp Filename.current_dir_name)
+ in
+ Slurp.force (Pathname.clean_up_links entry);
+ raise Exit_silently
+let proceed () =
+ Hooks.call_hook Hooks.Before_options;
+ Options.init ();
+ if !Options.must_clean then clean ();
+ Hooks.call_hook Hooks.After_options;
+ Tools.default_tags := Tags.of_list !Options.tags;
+ Plugin.execute_plugin_if_needed ();
+ if !Options.targets = [] then raise Exit_silently;
+ let target_dirs = List.union [] ( Pathname.dirname !Options.targets) in
+ let newpwd = Sys.getcwd () in
+ Sys.chdir Pathname.pwd;
+ let entry_include_dirs = ref [] in
+ let entry =
+ Slurp.filter
+ begin fun path name _ ->
+ let dir =
+ if path = Filename.current_dir_name then
+ None
+ else
+ Some path
+ in
+ let path_name = path/name in
+ if name = "_tags" then
+ ignore (Configuration.parse_file ?dir path_name);
+ (String.length name > 0 && name.[0] <> '_' && not (List.mem name !Options.exclude_dirs))
+ && begin
+ if path_name <> Filename.current_dir_name && Pathname.is_directory path_name then
+ let tags = tags_of_pathname path_name in
+ if Tags.mem "include" tags
+ || List.mem path_name !Options.include_dirs then
+ (entry_include_dirs := path_name :: !entry_include_dirs; true)
+ else
+ Tags.mem "traverse" tags
+ || List.exists (Pathname.is_prefix path_name) !Options.include_dirs
+ || List.exists (Pathname.is_prefix path_name) target_dirs
+ else true
+ end
+ end
+ (Slurp.slurp Filename.current_dir_name)
+ in
+ let hygiene_entry =
+ begin fun path name () ->
+ let tags = tags_of_pathname (path/name) in
+ not (Tags.mem "not_hygienic" tags) && not (Tags.mem "precious" tags)
+ end entry in
+ Hooks.call_hook Hooks.Before_hygiene;
+ let entry =
+ if !Options.hygiene then
+ Fda.inspect hygiene_entry
+ else
+ (Slurp.force hygiene_entry; hygiene_entry)
+ in
+ Hooks.call_hook Hooks.After_hygiene;
+ Options.include_dirs := Pathname.current_dir_name :: List.rev !entry_include_dirs;
+ dprintf 3 "include directories are:@ %a" print_string_list !Options.include_dirs;
+ Options.entry := Some entry;
+ Hooks.call_hook Hooks.Before_rules;
+ Ocaml_specific.init ();
+ Hooks.call_hook Hooks.After_rules;
+ Sys.chdir newpwd;
+ (*let () = dprintf 0 "source_dir_path_set:@ %a" StringSet.print source_dir_path_set*)
+ dprintf 8 "Rules are:@ %a" (List.print Rule.print) (Rule.get_rules ());
+ Resource.Cache.init ();
+ Configuration.parse_string
+ "<**/*.ml> or <**/*.mli> or <**/*.mlpack> or <**/*.ml.depends>: ocaml
+ <**/*.byte>: ocaml, byte, program
+ <**/*.odoc>: ocaml, doc
+ <**/*.native>: ocaml, native, program
+ <**/*.cma>: ocaml, byte, library
+ <**/*.cmxa>: ocaml, native, library
+ <**/*.cmo>: ocaml, byte
+ <**/*.cmi>: ocaml, byte, native
+ <**/*.cmx>: ocaml, native
+ ";
+ Sys.catch_break true;
+ let targets =
+ begin fun starget ->
+ let target = path_and_context_of_string starget in
+ let ext = Pathname.get_extension starget in
+ (target, starget, ext)
+ end !Options.targets in
+ try
+ let targets =
+ begin fun (target, starget, ext) ->
+ Shell.mkdir_p (Pathname.dirname starget);
+ let target = Solver.solve_target starget target in
+ (target, ext)
+ end targets in
+ Log.finish ();
+ Shell.chdir Pathname.pwd;
+ let call spec = sys_command (Command.string_of_command_spec spec) in
+ let cmds =
+ List.fold_right begin fun (target, ext) acc ->
+ let cmd = !Options.build_dir/target in
+ if ext = "byte" || ext = "native" then begin
+ if !Options.make_links then ignore (call (S [A"ln"; A"-sf"; P cmd; A Pathname.current_dir_name]));
+ cmd :: acc
+ end else begin
+ if !Options.program_to_execute then
+ eprintf "Warning: Won't execute %s whose extension is neither .byte nor .native" cmd;
+ acc
+ end
+ end targets [] in
+ if !Options.program_to_execute then
+ begin
+ match List.rev cmds with
+ | [] -> raise (Exit_usage "Using -- requires one target");
+ | cmd :: rest ->
+ if rest <> [] then dprintf 0 "Warning: Using -- only run the last target";
+ let cmd_spec = S [P cmd; atomize !Options.program_args] in
+ dprintf 3 "Running the user command:@ %a" Pathname.print cmd;
+ raise (Exit_with_code (call cmd_spec)) (* Exit with the exit code of the called command *)
+ end
+ else
+ ()
+ with
+ | Ocaml_dependencies.Circular_dependencies(seen, p) ->
+ raise
+ (Exit_build_error
+ (sbprintf "@[<2>Circular dependencies: %S already seen in@ %a@]@." p pp_l seen))
+module Exit_codes =
+ struct
+ let rc_ok = 0
+ let rc_usage = 1
+ let rc_failure = 2
+ let rc_invalid_argument = 3
+ let rc_system_error = 4
+ let rc_hygiene = 1
+ let rc_circularity = 5
+ let rc_solver_failed = 6
+ let rc_ocamldep_error = 7
+ let rc_lexing_error = 8
+ let rc_build_error = 9
+ let rc_executor_reserved_1 = 10 (* Redefined in Executor *)
+ let rc_executor_reserved_2 = 11
+ let rc_executor_reserved_3 = 12
+ let rc_executor_reserved_4 = 13
+ end
+open Exit_codes;;
+let main () =
+ let exit rc =
+ Log.finish ~how:(if rc <> 0 then `Error else `Success) ();
+ Pervasives.exit rc
+ in
+ try
+ proceed ()
+ with
+ | Exit_OK -> exit rc_ok
+ | Fda.Exit_hygiene_failed ->
+ Log.eprintf "Exiting due to hygiene violations (try -sterilize).";
+ exit rc_hygiene
+ | Exit_usage u ->
+ Log.eprintf "Usage:@ %s." u;
+ exit rc_usage
+ | Exit_system_error msg ->
+ Log.eprintf "System error:@ %s." msg;
+ exit rc_system_error
+ | Exit_with_code rc ->
+ exit rc
+ | Exit_silently ->
+ Log.finish ~how:`Quiet ();
+ Pervasives.exit rc_ok
+ | Exit_silently_with_code rc ->
+ Log.finish ~how:`Quiet ();
+ Pervasives.exit rc
+ | Solver.Failed backtrace ->
+ Log.raw_dprintf (-1) "@[<v0>@[<2>Solver failed:@ %a@]@\n@[<v2>Backtrace:%a@]@]@."
+ Report.print_backtrace_analyze backtrace Report.print_backtrace backtrace;
+ exit rc_solver_failed
+ | Failure s ->
+ Log.eprintf "Failure:@ %s." s;
+ exit rc_failure
+ | Solver.Circular(r, rs) ->
+ Log.eprintf "Circular build detected@ (%a already seen in %a)"
+ Resource.print r (List.print Resource.print) rs;
+ exit rc_circularity
+ | Invalid_argument s ->
+ Log.eprintf
+ "INTERNAL ERROR: Invalid argument %s\n\
+ This is likely to be a bug, please report this to the ocamlbuild\n\
+ developers." s;
+ exit rc_invalid_argument
+ | Ocamldep.Error msg ->
+ Log.eprintf "Ocamldep error: %s" msg;
+ exit rc_ocamldep_error
+ | Lexers.Error msg ->
+ Log.eprintf "Lexical analysis error: %s" msg;
+ exit rc_lexing_error
+ | Arg.Bad msg ->
+ Log.eprintf "%s" msg;
+ exit rc_usage
+ | Exit_build_error msg ->
+ Log.eprintf "%s" msg;
+ exit rc_build_error
+ | Arg.Help msg ->
+ Log.eprintf "%s" msg;
+ exit rc_ok
+ | e ->
+ try
+ Log.eprintf "%a" My_unix.report_error e;
+ exit 100
+ with
+ | e ->
+ Log.eprintf "Exception@ %s." (Printexc.to_string e);
+ exit 100