path: root/ocamlbuild/manual/manual.tex
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1 files changed, 16 insertions, 16 deletions
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/manual/manual.tex b/ocamlbuild/manual/manual.tex
index c255e9a22..c4e14ce54 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/manual/manual.tex
+++ b/ocamlbuild/manual/manual.tex
@@ -6,20 +6,20 @@
%(*** title
\title{\ocb, a tool for \\ automatic compilation \\ of OCaml projects}
\author{Nicolas \textsc{Pouillard}, Berke \textsc{Durak}}
\date{January 2007}
%(*** abstract
%(*** Motivations
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ If you do not have subdirectories, you can put \texttt{*.ml} instead of
\subsection{Glob patterns and expressions}
Glob patterns have a syntax similar to those used by UNIX shells to select path
-names (like \texttt{foo\_\*\.ba?}). They are used in \ocb to define the files
+names (like \texttt{foo\_*.ba?}). They are used in \ocb to define the files
and directories to which tags apply. Glob expressions are glob patterns
enclosed in brackets \texttt{<} and \texttt{>} combined using the standard
boolean operators \texttt{and}, \texttt{or}, \texttt{not}. This allows one to
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@ $\texttt{-}$ and $\texttt{.}$. This is called the pathname alphabet $P$.
- {$u$ \vskip 0.5em A string of pathname characters} &
+ {$u$ \vspace*{0.5em} A string of pathname characters} &
\texttt{} &
\texttt{} &
\texttt{}, \texttt{bar/} &
@@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ $\texttt{-}$ and $\texttt{.}$. This is called the pathname alphabet $P$.
($\{ u \}$, where $u \in P^*$) \\
- {\texttt{*} \vskip 0.5em The wildcard star}&
+ {\texttt{*} \vspace*{0.5em} The wildcard star}&
$\varepsilon$, \texttt{foo}, \texttt{bar} &
\texttt{foo/bar}, \texttt{/bar} &
@@ -462,14 +462,14 @@ $\texttt{-}$ and $\texttt{.}$. This is called the pathname alphabet $P$.
($P^*$) \\
- {\texttt{?} \vskip 0.5em The joker}&
+ {\texttt{?} \vspace*{0.5em} The joker}&
\texttt{a}, \texttt{b}, \texttt{z} &
\texttt{/}, \texttt{bar} &
Any one-letter string, excluding the slash \\
- {\texttt{**/} \vskip 0.5em The prefix interdirectory star}&
+ {\texttt{**/} \vspace*{0.5em} The prefix interdirectory star}&
\texttt{}, \texttt{bar/}, \texttt{bar/baz/} &
\texttt{foo/bar}, \texttt{/bar} &
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ $\texttt{-}$ and $\texttt{.}$. This is called the pathname alphabet $P$.
($\varepsilon \cup P^*\mathtt{/}$) \\
- {\texttt{/**} \vskip 0.5em The suffix interdirectory star}&
+ {\texttt{/**} \vspace*{0.5em} The suffix interdirectory star}&
\texttt{foo}, \texttt{foo/bar} &
\texttt{bar/foo} &
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ $\texttt{-}$ and $\texttt{.}$. This is called the pathname alphabet $P$.
($\varepsilon \cup \mathtt{/}P^*$) \\
- {\texttt{/**/} \vskip 0.5em The infix interdirectory star}&
+ {\texttt{/**/} \vspace*{0.5em} The infix interdirectory star}&
\texttt{bar/}, \texttt{bar/baz/} &
\texttt{} &
@@ -495,7 +495,7 @@ $\texttt{-}$ and $\texttt{.}$. This is called the pathname alphabet $P$.
{$\mathtt{[} r_1 r_2 \cdots r_k \mathtt{]}$
where $r_i$ is either $c$ or $c_1-c_2$ $(1 \leq i \leq k)$
- \vskip 0.5em The positive character class}&
+ \vspace*{0.5em} The positive character class}&
\texttt{3}, \texttt{F}, \texttt{.} &
\texttt{z}, \texttt{bar} &
@@ -506,7 +506,7 @@ $\texttt{-}$ and $\texttt{.}$. This is called the pathname alphabet $P$.
{\texttt{[\char`\^}$r_1 r_2 \cdots r_k \mathtt{]}$
where $r_i$ is either $c$ or $c_1-c_2$ $(1 \leq i \leq k)$
- \vskip 0.5em The negative character class}&
+ \vspace*{0.5em} The negative character class}&
\texttt{z}, \texttt{bar} &
\texttt{3}, \texttt{F}, \texttt{.} &
@@ -515,7 +515,7 @@ $\texttt{-}$ and $\texttt{.}$. This is called the pathname alphabet $P$.
($\Sigma^* \setminus \left(\mathscr L(r_1) \cup \cdots \cup \mathscr L(r_n)\right)$) \\
- {$p_1 p_2$ \vskip 0.5em A concatenation of patterns}&
+ {$p_1 p_2$ \vspace*{0.5em} A concatenation of patterns}&
\texttt{foo}, \texttt{foob}, \texttt{foobar} &
\texttt{fo}, \texttt{bar} &
@@ -524,7 +524,7 @@ $\texttt{-}$ and $\texttt{.}$. This is called the pathname alphabet $P$.
($\{ uv \mid u \in \mathscr L(p_1), v \in \mathscr L(p_2) \}$) \\
- {$\mathtt{\{} p_1 \mathtt{,} p_2 \mathtt{,} \cdots \mathtt{,} p_k \mathtt{\}}$ \vskip 0.5em A union of patterns}&
+ {$\mathtt{\{} p_1 \mathtt{,} p_2 \mathtt{,} \cdots \mathtt{,} p_k \mathtt{\}}$ \vspace*{0.5em} A union of patterns}&
\texttt{}, \texttt{toto.mli} &
\texttt{toto.} &