path: root/ocamlbuild/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ocamlbuild/')
1 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d3c0a97c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+(* ocamlbuild *)
+(* *)
+(* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *)
+open Format
+exception Exit_OK
+exception Exit_usage of string
+exception Exit_system_error of string
+exception Exit_with_code of int
+exception Exit_silently_with_code of int
+module Outcome = struct
+ type ('a,'b) t =
+ | Good of 'a
+ | Bad of 'b
+ let ignore_good =
+ function
+ | Good _ -> ()
+ | Bad e -> raise e
+ let good =
+ function
+ | Good x -> x
+ | Bad exn -> raise exn
+ let wrap f x =
+ try Good (f x) with e -> Bad e
+let opt_print elt ppf =
+ function
+ | Some x -> fprintf ppf "@[<2>Some@ %a@]" elt x
+ | None -> pp_print_string ppf "None"
+open Format
+let ksbprintf g fmt =
+ let buff = Buffer.create 42 in
+ let f = formatter_of_buffer buff in
+ kfprintf (fun f -> (pp_print_flush f (); g (Buffer.contents buff))) f fmt
+let sbprintf fmt = ksbprintf (fun x -> x) fmt
+(** Some extensions of the standard library *)
+module Set = struct
+ module type OrderedTypePrintable = sig
+ include Set.OrderedType
+ val print : formatter -> t -> unit
+ end
+ module type S = sig
+ include Set.S
+ val find : (elt -> bool) -> t -> elt
+ val map : (elt -> elt) -> t -> t
+ val of_list : elt list -> t
+ val print : formatter -> t -> unit
+ end
+ module Make (M : OrderedTypePrintable) : S with type elt = M.t = struct
+ include Set.Make(M)
+ exception Found of elt
+ let find p set =
+ try
+ iter begin fun elt ->
+ if p elt then raise (Found elt)
+ end set; raise Not_found
+ with Found elt -> elt
+ let map f set = fold (fun x -> add (f x)) set empty
+ let of_list l = List.fold_right add l empty
+ let print f s =
+ let () = fprintf f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>{.@ " in
+ let _ =
+ fold begin fun elt first ->
+ if not first then fprintf f ",@ ";
+ M.print f elt;
+ false
+ end s true in
+ fprintf f "@]@ .}@]"
+ end
+module List = struct
+ include List
+ let print pp_elt f ls =
+ fprintf f "@[<2>[@ ";
+ let _ =
+ fold_left begin fun first elt ->
+ if not first then fprintf f ";@ ";
+ pp_elt f elt;
+ false
+ end true ls in
+ fprintf f "@ ]@]"
+ let filter_opt f xs =
+ List.fold_right begin fun x acc ->
+ match f x with
+ | Some x -> x :: acc
+ | None -> acc
+ end xs []
+ let union a b =
+ let rec self a b =
+ if a = [] then b else
+ match b with
+ | [] -> a
+ | x :: xs ->
+ if mem x a then self a xs
+ else self (x :: a) xs
+ in rev (self (rev a) b)
+module String = struct
+ include String
+ let print f s = fprintf f "%S" s
+ let chomp s =
+ let ls = length s in
+ if ls = 0 then s
+ else if s.[ls-1] = '\n' then sub s 0 (ls - 1)
+ else s
+ let before s pos = sub s 0 pos
+ let after s pos = sub s pos (length s - pos)
+ let first_chars s n = sub s 0 n
+ let last_chars s n = sub s (length s - n) n
+ let rec eq_sub_strings s1 p1 s2 p2 len =
+ if len > 0 then s1.[p1] = s2.[p2] && eq_sub_strings s1 (p1+1) s2 (p2+1) (len-1)
+ else true
+ let rec contains_string s1 p1 s2 =
+ let ls1 = length s1 in
+ let ls2 = length s2 in
+ try let pos = index_from s1 p1 s2.[0] in
+ if ls1 - pos < ls2 then None
+ else if eq_sub_strings s1 pos s2 0 ls2 then
+ Some pos else contains_string s1 (pos + 1) s2
+ with Not_found -> None
+ let subst patt repl s =
+ let lpatt = length patt in
+ let lrepl = length repl in
+ let rec loop s from =
+ match contains_string s from patt with
+ | Some pos ->
+ loop (before s pos ^ repl ^ after s (pos + lpatt)) (pos + lrepl)
+ | None -> s
+ in loop s 0
+ let tr patt subst text =
+ let len = length text in
+ let text = copy text in
+ let rec loop pos =
+ if pos < len then begin
+ (if text.[pos] = patt then text.[pos] <- subst);
+ loop (pos + 1)
+ end
+ in loop 0; text
+ (*** is_prefix : is v a prefix of u ? *)
+ let is_prefix u v =
+ let m = String.length u
+ and n = String.length v
+ in
+ m <= n &&
+ let rec loop i = i = m or u.[i] = v.[i] && loop (i + 1) in
+ loop 0
+ (* ***)
+ (*** is_suffix : is v a suffix of u ? *)
+ let is_suffix u v =
+ let m = String.length u
+ and n = String.length v
+ in
+ n <= m &&
+ let rec loop i = i = n or u.[m - 1 - i] = v.[n - 1 - i] && loop (i + 1) in
+ loop 0
+ (* ***)
+ let rev s =
+ let sl = String.length s in
+ let s' = String.create sl in
+ for i = 0 to sl - 1 do
+ s'.[i] <- s.[sl - i - 1]
+ done;
+ s';;
+module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
+let sys_readdir, reset_readdir_cache, reset_readdir_cache_for =
+ let cache = Hashtbl.create 103 in
+ let sys_readdir dir =
+ try Hashtbl.find cache dir with Not_found ->
+ let res = Outcome.wrap Sys.readdir dir in
+ (Hashtbl.add cache dir res; res)
+ and reset_readdir_cache () =
+ Hashtbl.clear cache
+ and reset_readdir_cache_for dir =
+ Hashtbl.remove cache dir in
+ (sys_readdir, reset_readdir_cache, reset_readdir_cache_for)
+let sys_file_exists x =
+ let dirname = Filename.dirname x in
+ let basename = Filename.basename x in
+ if basename = Filename.current_dir_name then true else
+ match sys_readdir dirname with
+ | Outcome.Bad _ -> false
+ | Outcome.Good a -> try Array.iter (fun x -> if x = basename then raise Exit) a; false with Exit -> true
+let sys_command =
+ match Sys.os_type with
+ | "Win32" -> fun cmd ->
+ let cmd = "bash -c "^Filename.quote cmd in
+ (* FIXME fix Filename.quote for windows *)
+ let cmd = String.subst "\"&\"\"&\"" "&&" cmd in
+ Sys.command cmd
+ | _ -> Sys.command
+(* FIXME warning fix and use Filename.concat *)
+let filename_concat x y =
+ if x = Filename.current_dir_name || x = "" then y else
+ if y = "" && x.[String.length x - 1] = '/' then x
+ else x ^ "/" ^ y
+(* let reslash =
+ match Sys.os_type with
+ | "Win32" -> tr '\\' '/'
+ | _ -> (fun x -> x) *)
+open Format
+let invalid_arg' fmt = ksbprintf invalid_arg fmt
+let the = function Some x -> x | None -> invalid_arg "the: expect Some not None"
+let getenv ?default var =
+ try Sys.getenv var
+ with Not_found ->
+ match default with
+ | Some x -> x
+ | None -> failwith (sprintf "This command must have %S in his environment" var);;
+let with_input_file ?(bin=false) x f =
+ let ic = (if bin then open_in_bin else open_in) x in
+ try let res = f ic in close_in ic; res with e -> (close_in ic; raise e)
+let with_output_file ?(bin=false) x f =
+ reset_readdir_cache_for (Filename.dirname x);
+ let oc = (if bin then open_out_bin else open_out) x in
+ try let res = f oc in close_out oc; res with e -> (close_out oc; raise e)
+let read_file x =
+ with_input_file ~bin:true x begin fun ic ->
+ let len = in_channel_length ic in
+ let buf = String.create len in
+ let () = really_input ic buf 0 len in
+ buf
+ end
+let copy_chan ic oc =
+ let m = in_channel_length ic in
+ let m = (m lsr 12) lsl 12 in
+ let m = max 16384 (min 16777216 m) in
+ let buf = String.create m in
+ let rec loop () =
+ let len = input ic buf 0 m in
+ if len > 0 then begin
+ output oc buf 0 len;
+ loop ()
+ end
+ in loop ()
+let copy_file src dest =
+ reset_readdir_cache_for (Filename.dirname dest);
+ with_input_file ~bin:true src begin fun ic ->
+ with_output_file ~bin:true dest begin fun oc ->
+ copy_chan ic oc
+ end
+ end
+let ( !* ) = Lazy.force
+let ( @:= ) ref list = ref := !ref @ list
+let print_string_list = List.print String.print
+module Digest = struct
+ include Digest
+ let digest_log_hash = Hashtbl.create 103;;
+ let digest_log = "digest.log";;
+ let digest_log_oc = open_out_gen [Open_append;Open_wronly;Open_text;Open_creat] 0o644 digest_log;;
+ let my_to_hex x = to_hex x ^ ";";;
+ if sys_file_exists digest_log then
+ with_input_file digest_log begin fun ic ->
+ try while true do
+ let l = input_line ic in
+ Scanf.sscanf l "%S: %S" (Hashtbl.replace digest_log_hash)
+ done with End_of_file -> ()
+ end;;
+ let string s =
+ let res = my_to_hex (string s) in
+ if try let x = Hashtbl.find digest_log_hash res in s <> x with Not_found -> true then begin
+ Hashtbl.replace digest_log_hash res s;
+ Printf.fprintf digest_log_oc "%S: %S\n%!" res s
+ end;
+ res
+ let file f = my_to_hex (file f)
+ let to_hex x = x
+ let digest_cache = Hashtbl.create 103
+ let reset_digest_cache () = Hashtbl.clear digest_cache
+ let reset_digest_cache_for file = Hashtbl.remove digest_cache file
+ let file f =
+ try Hashtbl.find digest_cache f
+ with Not_found ->
+ let res = file f in
+ (Hashtbl.add digest_cache f res; res)
+let reset_filesys_cache () =
+ Digest.reset_digest_cache ();
+ reset_readdir_cache ()
+let reset_filesys_cache_for_file file =
+ Digest.reset_digest_cache_for file;
+ reset_readdir_cache_for (Filename.dirname file)
+let sys_remove x =
+ reset_filesys_cache_for_file x;
+ Sys.remove x
+let with_temp_file pre suf fct =
+ let tmp = Filename.temp_file pre suf in
+ (* Sys.remove is used instead of sys_remove since we know that the tempfile is not that important *)
+ try let res = fct tmp in Sys.remove tmp; res
+ with e -> (Sys.remove tmp; raise e)
+let memo f =
+ let cache = Hashtbl.create 103 in
+ fun x ->
+ try Hashtbl.find cache x
+ with Not_found ->
+ let res = f x in
+ (Hashtbl.add cache x res; res)