path: root/ocamlbuild/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ocamlbuild/')
1 files changed, 373 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..79532f8c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+(* ocamlbuild *)
+(* *)
+(* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *)
+open My_std
+open Format
+open Log
+open Pathname.Operators
+open Tags.Operators
+open Rule
+open Tools
+open Rule.Common_commands
+open Outcome
+open Command;;
+open Ocaml_utils
+module C_tools = struct
+ let link_C_library clib a libname env build =
+ let clib = env clib and a = env a and libname = env libname in
+ let objs = string_list_of_file clib in
+ let include_dirs = Pathname.include_dirs_of (Pathname.dirname a) in
+ let obj_of_o x =
+ if Filename.check_suffix x ".o" && !Options.ext_obj <> "o" then
+ Pathname.update_extension !Options.ext_obj x
+ else x in
+ let resluts = build ( (fun o -> (fun dir -> dir / obj_of_o o) include_dirs) objs) in
+ let objs = begin function
+ | Good o -> o
+ | Bad exn -> raise exn
+ end resluts in
+ Cmd(S[!Options.ocamlmklib; A"-o"; Px libname; T(tags_of_pathname a++"c"++"ocamlmklib"); atomize objs]);;
+open Flags
+open Command
+open Rule
+let nop _env _build = ()
+let ocaml_lib ?(extern=false) ?(byte=true) ?(native=true) ?dir libpath =
+ let add_dir x =
+ match dir with
+ | Some dir -> S[A"-I"; P dir; x]
+ | None -> x
+ and lib = Pathname.basename libpath in
+ Hashtbl.replace info_libraries lib (libpath, extern);
+ if byte then flag ["ocaml"; "use_"^lib; "link"; "byte"] (add_dir (A (libpath^".cma")));
+ if native then flag ["ocaml"; "use_"^lib; "link"; "native"] (add_dir (A (libpath^".cmxa")));;
+let init () = let module M = struct
+let ext_lib = !Options.ext_lib;;
+let ext_obj = !Options.ext_obj;;
+let ext_dll = !Options.ext_dll;;
+let x_o = "%"-.-ext_obj;;
+let x_a = "%"-.-ext_lib;;
+let x_dll = "%"-.-ext_dll;;
+let x_p_o = "%.p"-.-ext_obj;;
+let x_p_a = "%.p"-.-ext_lib;;
+rule "target files"
+ ~dep:"%.itarget"
+ ~prod:"%.otarget"
+ begin fun env build ->
+ let itarget = env "%.itarget" and otarget = env "%.otarget" in
+ let dir = Pathname.dirname itarget in
+ List.iter ignore_good
+ (build ( (fun x -> [dir/x]) (string_list_of_file itarget)));
+ touch otarget
+ end;;
+rule "ocaml: mli -> cmi"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"]
+ ~prod:"%.cmi"
+ ~deps:["%.mli"; "%.mli.depends"]
+ (Ocaml_compiler.byte_compile_ocaml_interf "%.mli" "%.cmi");;
+rule "ocaml: mlpack & d.cmo* -> d.cmo & cmi"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "debug"; "byte"]
+ ~prods:["%.d.cmo"]
+ ~deps:["%.mlpack"; "%.cmi"]
+ (Ocaml_compiler.byte_debug_pack_mlpack "%.mlpack" "%.d.cmo");;
+rule "ocaml: mlpack & cmo* -> cmo & cmi"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "byte"]
+ ~prods:["%.cmo"; "%.cmi"]
+ ~dep:"%.mlpack"
+ (Ocaml_compiler.byte_pack_mlpack "%.mlpack" "%.cmo");;
+rule "ocaml: ml & cmi -> d.cmo"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "byte"]
+ ~prod:"%.d.cmo"
+ ~deps:["%.mli"(* This one is inserted to force this rule to be skiped when
+ a .ml is provided without a .mli *); ""; ""; "%.cmi"]
+ (Ocaml_compiler.byte_compile_ocaml_implem ~tag:"debug" "" "%.d.cmo");;
+rule "ocaml: ml & cmi -> cmo"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "byte"]
+ ~prod:"%.cmo"
+ ~deps:["%.mli"(* This one is inserted to force this rule to be skiped when
+ a .ml is provided without a .mli *); ""; ""; "%.cmi"]
+ (Ocaml_compiler.byte_compile_ocaml_implem "" "%.cmo");;
+rule "ocaml: mlpack & cmi & p.cmx* & p.o* -> p.cmx & p.o"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "profile"; "native"]
+ ~prods:["%.p.cmx"; x_p_o(* no cmi here you must make the byte version to have it *)]
+ ~deps:["%.mlpack"; "%.cmi"]
+ (Ocaml_compiler.native_profile_pack_mlpack "%.mlpack" "%.p.cmx");;
+rule "ocaml: mlpack & cmi & cmx* & o* -> cmx & o"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "native"]
+ ~prods:["%.cmx"; x_o(* no cmi here you must make the byte version to have it *)]
+ ~deps:["%.mlpack"; "%.cmi"]
+ (Ocaml_compiler.native_pack_mlpack "%.mlpack" "%.cmx");;
+rule "ocaml: ml & cmi -> p.cmx & p.o"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "native"; "profile"]
+ ~prods:["%.p.cmx"; x_p_o]
+ ~deps:[""; ""; "%.cmi"]
+ (Ocaml_compiler.native_compile_ocaml_implem ~tag:"profile" ~cmx_ext:"p.cmx" "");;
+rule "ocaml: ml & cmi -> cmx & o"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "native"]
+ ~prods:["%.cmx"; x_o]
+ ~deps:[""; ""; "%.cmi"]
+ (Ocaml_compiler.native_compile_ocaml_implem "");;
+rule "ocaml: ml -> d.cmo & cmi"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "debug"]
+ ~prods:["%.d.cmo"]
+ ~deps:[""; ""; "%.cmi"]
+ (Ocaml_compiler.byte_compile_ocaml_implem ~tag:"debug" "" "%.d.cmo");;
+rule "ocaml: ml -> cmo & cmi"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"]
+ ~prods:["%.cmo"; "%.cmi"]
+ ~deps:[""; ""]
+ (Ocaml_compiler.byte_compile_ocaml_implem "" "%.cmo");;
+rule "ocaml: d.cmo* -> d.byte"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "byte"; "debug"; "program"]
+ ~prod:"%.d.byte"
+ ~dep:"%.d.cmo"
+ (Ocaml_compiler.byte_debug_link "%.d.cmo" "%.d.byte");;
+rule "ocaml: cmo* -> byte"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "byte"; "program"]
+ ~prod:"%.byte"
+ ~dep:"%.cmo"
+ (Ocaml_compiler.byte_link "%.cmo" "%.byte");;
+rule "ocaml: p.cmx* & p.o* -> p.native"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "native"; "profile"; "program"]
+ ~prod:"%.p.native"
+ ~deps:["%.p.cmx"; x_p_o]
+ (Ocaml_compiler.native_profile_link "%.p.cmx" "%.p.native");;
+rule "ocaml: cmx* & o* -> native"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "native"; "program"]
+ ~prod:"%.native"
+ ~deps:["%.cmx"; x_o]
+ (Ocaml_compiler.native_link "%.cmx" "%.native");;
+rule "ocaml: mllib & d.cmo* -> d.cma"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "byte"; "debug"; "library"]
+ ~prod:"%.d.cma"
+ ~dep:"%.mllib"
+ (Ocaml_compiler.byte_debug_library_link_mllib "%.mllib" "%.d.cma");;
+rule "ocaml: mllib & cmo* -> cma"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "byte"; "library"]
+ ~prod:"%.cma"
+ ~dep:"%.mllib"
+ (Ocaml_compiler.byte_library_link_mllib "%.mllib" "%.cma");;
+rule "ocaml: d.cmo* -> d.cma"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "byte"; "debug"; "library"]
+ ~prod:"%.d.cma"
+ ~dep:"%.d.cmo"
+ (Ocaml_compiler.byte_debug_library_link "%.d.cmo" "%.d.cma");;
+rule "ocaml: cmo* -> cma"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "byte"; "library"]
+ ~prod:"%.cma"
+ ~dep:"%.cmo"
+ (Ocaml_compiler.byte_library_link "%.cmo" "%.cma");;
+rule "ocaml C stubs (short): clib & (o|obj)* -> (a|lib) & (so|dll)"
+ ~prods:["lib%(libname)"-.-ext_lib; "dll%(libname)"-.-ext_dll]
+ ~dep:"lib%(libname).clib"
+ (C_tools.link_C_library "lib%(libname).clib" ("lib%(libname)"-.-ext_lib) "%(libname)");;
+rule "ocaml C stubs: clib & (o|obj)* -> (a|lib) & (so|dll)"
+ ~prods:["%(path)/lib%(libname)"-.-ext_lib; "%(path)/dll%(libname)"-.-ext_dll]
+ ~dep:"%(path)/lib%(libname).clib"
+ (C_tools.link_C_library "%(path)/lib%(libname).clib" ("%(path)/lib%(libname)"-.-ext_lib) "%(path)/%(libname)");;
+rule "ocaml: mllib & p.cmx* & p.o* -> p.cmxa & p.a"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "native"; "profile"; "library"]
+ ~prods:["%.p.cmxa"; x_p_a]
+ ~dep:"%.mllib"
+ (Ocaml_compiler.native_profile_library_link_mllib "%.mllib" "%.p.cmxa");;
+rule "ocaml: mllib & cmx* & o* -> cmxa & a"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "native"; "library"]
+ ~prods:["%.cmxa"; x_a]
+ ~dep:"%.mllib"
+ (Ocaml_compiler.native_library_link_mllib "%.mllib" "%.cmxa");;
+rule "ocaml: p.cmx* & p.o* -> p.cmxa & p.a"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "native"; "profile"; "library"]
+ ~prods:["%.p.cmxa"; x_p_a]
+ ~deps:["%.p.cmx"; x_p_o]
+ (Ocaml_compiler.native_profile_library_link "%.p.cmx" "%.p.cmxa");;
+rule "ocaml: cmx* & o* -> cmxa & a"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "native"; "library"]
+ ~prods:["%.cmxa"; x_a]
+ ~deps:["%.cmx"; x_o]
+ (Ocaml_compiler.native_library_link "%.cmx" "%.cmxa");;
+Ocamldep.depends "ocaml dependencies ml"
+ ~prod:""
+ ~dep:"" ();;
+Ocamldep.depends "ocaml dependencies mli"
+ ~prod:"%.mli.depends"
+ ~dep:"%.mli" ();;
+rule "ocamllex"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"] (* FIXME "lexer" *)
+ ~prod:""
+ ~dep:"%.mll"
+ (Ocaml_tools.ocamllex "%.mll");;
+rule "ocaml: mli -> odoc"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"; "doc"]
+ ~prod:"%.odoc"
+ ~deps:["%.mli"; "%.mli.depends"]
+ (Ocaml_tools.document_ocaml_interf "%.mli" "%.odoc");;
+rule "ocamldoc: document ocaml project *odoc -> docdir"
+ ~prod:"%.docdir/index.html"
+ ~dep:"%.odocl"
+ (Ocaml_tools.document_ocaml_project "%.odocl" "%.docdir");;
+(* To use menhir give the -use-menhir option at command line,
+ Or put true: use_menhir in your tag file. *)
+if !Options.use_menhir || Configuration.has_tag "use_menhir" then begin
+ rule "ocaml: menhir"
+ ~prods:[""; "%.mli"]
+ ~deps:["%.mly"; "%.mly.depends"]
+ (Ocaml_tools.menhir "%.mly");
+ Ocamldep.depends "ocaml: menhir dependencies"
+ ~prod:"%.mly.depends"
+ ~dep:"%.mly"
+ ~ocamldep_command:Ocamldep.menhir_ocamldep_command ();
+end else
+ rule "ocamlyacc"
+ ~tags:["ocaml"] (* FIXME "parser" *)
+ ~prods:[""; "%.mli"]
+ ~dep:"%.mly"
+ (Ocaml_tools.ocamlyacc "%.mly");;
+rule "ocaml C stubs: c -> o"
+ ~prod:x_o
+ ~dep:"%.c"
+ begin fun env _build ->
+ let c = env "%.c" in
+ let o = env x_o in
+ let cc = Cmd(S[!Options.ocamlc; T(tags_of_pathname c++"c"++"compile"); A"-c"; Px c]) in
+ if Pathname.dirname o = Pathname.current_dir_name then cc
+ else Seq[cc; mv (Pathname.basename o) o]
+ end;;
+rule "ocaml: ml & ml.depends & *cmi -> .inferred.mli"
+ ~prod:"%.inferred.mli"
+ ~deps:[""; ""]
+ (Ocaml_tools.infer_interface "" "%.inferred.mli");;
+flag ["ocaml"; "pp"] begin
+ S (List.fold_right (fun x acc -> Sh x :: acc) !Options.ocaml_ppflags [])
+flag ["ocaml"; "compile"] begin
+ atomize !Options.ocaml_cflags
+flag ["ocaml"; "link"] begin
+ atomize !Options.ocaml_lflags
+flag ["ocaml"; "ocamlyacc"] (atomize !Options.ocaml_yaccflags);;
+flag ["ocaml"; "ocamllex"] (atomize !Options.ocaml_lexflags);;
+flag ["ocaml"; "byte"; "link"] begin
+ S ( (fun x -> A (x^".cma")) !Options.ocaml_libs)
+flag ["ocaml"; "native"; "link"] begin
+ S ( (fun x -> A (x^".cmxa")) !Options.ocaml_libs)
+let camlp4_flags camlp4s =
+ List.iter begin fun camlp4 ->
+ flag ["ocaml"; "pp"; camlp4] (A camlp4)
+ end camlp4s;;
+camlp4_flags ["camlp4o"; "camlp4r"; "camlp4of"; "camlp4rf"; "camlp4orf"];;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true ~native:false "dynlink";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "unix";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "str";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "bigarray";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "nums";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "dbm";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "graphics";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true "labltk";;
+ocaml_lib ~extern:true ~dir:"+camlp4" "camlp4";;
+flag ["ocaml"; "debug"; "compile"; "byte"] (A "-g");;
+flag ["ocaml"; "debug"; "link"; "byte"] (A "-g");;
+flag ["ocaml"; "debug"; "pack"; "byte"] (A "-g");;
+flag ["ocaml"; "dtypes"; "compile"] (A "-dtypes");;
+flag ["ocaml"; "rectypes"; "compile"] (A "-rectypes");;
+flag ["ocaml"; "linkall"; "link"] (A "-linkall");;
+flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "profile"; "native"] (A "-p");;
+flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "program"; "custom"; "byte"] (A "-custom");;
+flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "profile"; "native"] (A "-p");;
+flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "thread"] (A "-thread");;
+flag ["ocaml"; "link"; "thread"] (S[A "threads.cmxa"; A "-thread"]);;
+flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "nopervasives"] (A"-nopervasives");;
+flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; "nolabels"] (A"-nolabels");;
+(*flag ["ocaml"; "ocamlyacc"; "quiet"] (A"-q");;*)
+flag ["ocaml"; "ocamllex"; "quiet"] (A"-q");;
+let ocaml_warn_flag c =
+ flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; sprintf "warn_%c" (Char.uppercase c)]
+ (S[A"-w"; A (sprintf "%c" (Char.uppercase c))]);
+ flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; sprintf "warn_error_%c" (Char.uppercase c)]
+ (S[A"-warn-error"; A (sprintf "%c" (Char.uppercase c))]);
+ flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; sprintf "warn_%c" (Char.lowercase c)]
+ (S[A"-w"; A (sprintf "%c" (Char.lowercase c))]);
+ flag ["ocaml"; "compile"; sprintf "warn_error_%c" (Char.lowercase c)]
+ (S[A"-warn-error"; A (sprintf "%c" (Char.lowercase c))]);;
+List.iter ocaml_warn_flag ['A'; 'C'; 'D'; 'E'; 'F'; 'L'; 'M'; 'P'; 'S'; 'U'; 'V'; 'Y'; 'Z'; 'X'];;
+(** Ocamlbuild plugin for it's own building *)
+let install_lib = lazy (try Sys.getenv "INSTALL_LIB" with Not_found -> !*stdlib_dir/"ocamlbuild" (* not My_std.getenv since it's lazy*)) in
+file_rule ""
+ ~prod:""
+ ~cache:(fun _ -> !*install_lib)
+ begin fun _ oc ->
+ Printf.fprintf oc "let where = ref %S;;\n" !*install_lib
+ end;;
+ocaml_lib "ocamlbuildlib";;
+ocaml_lib "ocamlbuildlightlib";;
+end in ()