path: root/ocamlbuild/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ocamlbuild/')
1 files changed, 15 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
index 6eaff007b..3174819cf 100644
--- a/ocamlbuild/
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -52,11 +52,14 @@ let module_importance modpath x =
else if ignore_stdlib x then `just_try else `mandatory
let expand_module include_dirs module_name exts =
+ let dirname = Pathname.dirname module_name in
+ let basename = Pathname.basename module_name in
+ let module_name_cap = dirname/(String.capitalize basename) in
+ let module_name_uncap = dirname/(String.uncapitalize basename) in
List.fold_right begin fun include_dir ->
List.fold_right begin fun ext acc ->
- let module_name_ext = module_name-.-ext in
- include_dir/(String.uncapitalize module_name_ext) ::
- include_dir/(String.capitalize module_name_ext) :: acc
+ include_dir/(module_name_uncap-.-ext) ::
+ include_dir/(module_name_cap-.-ext) :: acc
end exts
end include_dirs []
@@ -96,10 +99,15 @@ let ocaml_lib ?(extern=false) ?(byte=true) ?(native=true) ?dir ?tag_name libpath
| None -> "use_" ^ Pathname.basename libpath
Hashtbl.replace info_libraries tag_name (libpath, extern);
- if byte then
- flag ["ocaml"; tag_name; "link"; "byte"] (add_dir (A (libpath^".cma")));
- if native then
- flag ["ocaml"; tag_name; "link"; "native"] (add_dir (A (libpath^".cmxa")));
+ if extern then begin
+ if byte then
+ flag ["ocaml"; tag_name; "link"; "byte"] (add_dir (A (libpath^".cma")));
+ if native then
+ flag ["ocaml"; tag_name; "link"; "native"] (add_dir (A (libpath^".cmxa")));
+ end else begin
+ if not byte && not native then
+ invalid_arg "ocaml_lib: ~byte:false or ~native:false only works with ~extern:true";
+ end;
match dir with
| None -> ()
| Some dir -> flag ["ocaml"; tag_name; "compile"] (S[A"-I"; P dir])