path: root/ocamlbuild/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ocamlbuild/')
1 files changed, 324 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/ b/ocamlbuild/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3ab416eb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+(* ocamlbuild *)
+(* *)
+(* Nicolas Pouillard, Berke Durak, projet Gallium, INRIA Rocquencourt *)
+(* *)
+(* Copyright 2007 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et *)
+(* en Automatique. All rights reserved. This file is distributed *)
+(* under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0. *)
+(* *)
+(* $Id$ *)
+(* Original author: Nicolas Pouillard *)
+open My_std
+open Format
+open Log
+module Resources = Set.Make(Pathname)
+let print = Pathname.print
+let equal = (=)
+let compare = compare
+module Cache = struct
+ open Pathname.Operators
+ let clean () = Shell.chdir Pathname.pwd; Shell.rm_rf !Options.build_dir
+ type knowledge =
+ | Yes
+ | No
+ | Unknown
+ type suspension = (Command.t * (unit -> unit))
+ type build_status =
+ | Bbuilt
+ | Bcannot_be_built
+ | Bnot_built_yet
+ | Bsuspension of suspension
+ type cache_entry =
+ { mutable built : build_status;
+ mutable changed : knowledge;
+ mutable dependencies : Resources.t }
+ let empty () =
+ { built = Bnot_built_yet;
+ changed = Unknown;
+ dependencies = Resources.empty }
+ let print_knowledge f =
+ function
+ | Yes -> pp_print_string f "Yes"
+ | No -> pp_print_string f "No"
+ | Unknown -> pp_print_string f "Unknown"
+ let print_build_status f =
+ function
+ | Bbuilt -> pp_print_string f "Bbuilt"
+ | Bnot_built_yet -> pp_print_string f "Bnot_built_yet"
+ | Bcannot_be_built -> pp_print_string f "Bcannot_be_built"
+ | Bsuspension(cmd, _) ->
+ fprintf f "@[<2>Bsuspension(%a,@ (<fun> : unit -> unit))@]" Command.print cmd
+ let print_cache_entry f e =
+ fprintf f "@[<2>{ @[<2>built =@ %a@];@ @[<2>changed =@ %a@];@ @[<2>dependencies =@ %a@]@ }@]"
+ print_build_status e.built print_knowledge e.changed Resources.print e.dependencies
+ let cache = Hashtbl.create 103
+ let get r =
+ try Hashtbl.find cache r
+ with Not_found ->
+ let cache_entry = empty () in
+ Hashtbl.add cache r cache_entry; cache_entry
+ let fold_cache f x = Hashtbl.fold f cache x
+ let print_cache f () =
+ fprintf f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>{:";
+ fold_cache begin fun k v () ->
+ fprintf f "@ @[<2>%a =>@ %a@];" print k print_cache_entry v
+ end ();
+ fprintf f "@]:}@]"
+ let print_graph f () =
+ fprintf f "@[<hv0>@[<hv2>{:";
+ fold_cache begin fun k v () ->
+ if not (Resources.is_empty v.dependencies) then
+ fprintf f "@ @[<2>%a =>@ %a@];" print k Resources.print v.dependencies
+ end ();
+ fprintf f "@]@ :}@]"
+ let resource_changed r =
+ dprintf 10 "resource_changed:@ %a" print r;
+ (get r).changed <- Yes
+ let rec resource_has_changed r =
+ let cache_entry = get r in
+ match cache_entry.changed with
+ | Yes -> true
+ | No -> false
+ | Unknown ->
+ let res =
+ match cache_entry.built with
+ | Bbuilt -> false
+ | Bsuspension _ -> assert false
+ | Bcannot_be_built -> false
+ | Bnot_built_yet -> not (Pathname.is_up_to_date false r) in
+ let () = cache_entry.changed <- if res then Yes else No in res
+ let resource_state r = (get r).built
+ let resource_is_built r = (get r).built = Bbuilt
+ let resource_built r = (get r).built <- Bbuilt
+ let resource_is_failed r = (get r).built = Bcannot_be_built
+ let resource_failed r = (get r).built <- Bcannot_be_built
+ let suspend_resource r cmd kont prods =
+ let cache_entry = get r in
+ match cache_entry.built with
+ | Bsuspension _ -> ()
+ | Bbuilt -> ()
+ | Bcannot_be_built -> assert false
+ | Bnot_built_yet ->
+ let kont = begin fun () ->
+ kont ();
+ List.iter begin fun prod ->
+ (get prod).built <- Bbuilt
+ end prods
+ end in cache_entry.built <- Bsuspension(cmd, kont)
+ let resume_suspension (cmd, kont) =
+ Command.execute cmd;
+ kont ()
+ let resume_resource r =
+ let cache_entry = get r in
+ match cache_entry.built with
+ | Bsuspension(s) -> resume_suspension s
+ | Bbuilt -> ()
+ | Bcannot_be_built -> ()
+ | Bnot_built_yet -> ()
+ let get_optional_resource_suspension r =
+ match (get r).built with
+ | Bsuspension cmd_kont -> Some cmd_kont
+ | Bbuilt | Bcannot_be_built | Bnot_built_yet -> None
+ let clear_resource_failed r = (get r).built <- Bnot_built_yet
+ let dependencies r = (get r).dependencies
+ let fold_dependencies f =
+ fold_cache (fun k v -> Resources.fold (f k) v.dependencies)
+ let add_dependency r s =
+ let cache_entry = get r in
+ cache_entry.dependencies <- Resources.add s cache_entry.dependencies
+ let print_dependencies = print_graph
+ let digest_resource p =
+ let f = Pathname.to_string (Pathname.in_build_dir p) in
+ let buf = Buffer.create 1024 in
+ Buffer.add_string buf f;
+ (if sys_file_exists f then Buffer.add_string buf (Digest.file f));
+ Digest.string (Buffer.contents buf)
+ let digests = Hashtbl.create 103
+ let get_digest_for name =
+ try Some (Hashtbl.find digests name)
+ with Not_found -> None
+ let store_digest name d = Hashtbl.replace digests name d
+ let _digests = lazy (Pathname.pwd / !Options.build_dir / ( "_digests"))
+ let finalize () =
+ with_output_file !*_digests begin fun oc ->
+ Hashtbl.iter begin fun name digest ->
+ Printf.fprintf oc "%S: %S\n" name digest
+ end digests
+ end
+ let init () =
+ Shell.chdir !Options.build_dir;
+ if Pathname.exists !*_digests then
+ with_input_file !*_digests begin fun ic ->
+ try while true do
+ let l = input_line ic in
+ Scanf.sscanf l "%S: %S" store_digest
+ done with End_of_file -> ()
+ end;
+ My_unix.at_exit_once finalize
+let clean p = Shell.rm_f p
+type env = string
+let split_percent s =
+ try
+ let pos = String.index s '%' in
+ Some (String.before s pos, String.after s (pos + 1))
+ with Not_found -> None
+let extract prefix suffix s =
+ let lprefix = String.length prefix in
+ let lsuffix = String.length suffix in
+ let ls = String.length s in
+ if lprefix + lsuffix > ls then None else
+ let s' = String.sub s lprefix (ls - lsuffix - lprefix) in
+ if equal (prefix ^ s' ^ suffix) s then Some s' else None
+let matchit r1 r2 =
+ match split_percent r1 with
+ | Some (x, y) -> extract x y r2
+ | _ -> if equal r1 r2 then Some "" else None
+let rec subst percent r =
+ match split_percent r with
+ | Some (x, y) -> x ^ percent ^ y
+ | _ -> r
+let print_env = pp_print_string
+let is_up_to_date path = Pathname.is_up_to_date true path
+let import x = x
+module MetaPath : sig
+ type env
+ val matchit : string -> string -> env option
+ val subst : env -> string -> string
+ val print_env : Format.formatter -> env -> unit
+end = struct
+ type atoms = A of string | V of string
+ type t = atoms list
+ type env = (string * string) list
+ exception No_solution
+ let mk s = (fun (s, is_var) -> if is_var then V s else A s) (Lexers.meta_path (Lexing.from_string s))
+ let mk = memo mk
+ let match_prefix s pos prefix =
+ match String.contains_string s pos prefix with
+ | Some(pos') -> if pos = pos' then pos' + String.length prefix else raise No_solution
+ | None -> raise No_solution
+ let matchit p s =
+ let sl = String.length s in
+ let rec loop xs pos acc =
+ match xs with
+ | [] -> if pos = sl then acc else raise No_solution
+ | A prefix :: xs -> loop xs (match_prefix s pos prefix) acc
+ | V var :: A s2 :: xs ->
+ begin match String.contains_string s pos s2 with
+ | Some(pos') -> loop xs (pos' + String.length s2) ((var, String.sub s pos (pos' - pos)) :: acc)
+ | None -> raise No_solution
+ end
+ | [V var] -> (var, String.sub s pos (sl - pos)) :: acc
+ | V _ :: _ -> assert false
+ in
+ try Some (loop (mk p) 0 [])
+ with No_solution -> None
+ let pp_opt pp_elt f =
+ function
+ | None -> pp_print_string f "None"
+ | Some x -> Format.fprintf f "Some(%a)" pp_elt x
+ let print_env f env =
+ List.iter begin fun (k, v) ->
+ if k = "" then Format.fprintf f "%%=%s " v
+ else Format.fprintf f "%%(%s)=%s " k v
+ end env
+ (* let matchit p s =
+ let res = matchit p s in
+ Format.eprintf "matchit %S %S = %a@." p s (pp_opt print_env) res;
+ res
+ let _ = begin
+ assert (matchit "%(path)lib%(libname).a" "libfoo.a" <> None);
+ assert (matchit "%(path)lib%(libname).a" "path/libfoo.a" <> None);
+ assert (matchit "libfoo.a" "libfoo.a" <> None);
+ assert (matchit "lib%(libname).a" "libfoo.a" <> None);
+ assert (matchit "%(path)libfoo.a" "path/libfoo.a" <> None);
+ assert (matchit "foo%" "foobar" <> None);
+ exit 42
+ end;; *)
+ let subst env s =
+ String.concat "" begin
+ begin fun x ->
+ match x with
+ | A atom -> atom
+ | V var -> List.assoc var env
+ end (mk s)
+ end
+type env = MetaPath.env
+let matchit = MetaPath.matchit
+let subst = MetaPath.subst
+let print_env = MetaPath.print_env