path: root/ocamlbuild/test/test9
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ocamlbuild/test/test9')
3 files changed, 107 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/test/test9/dbgl b/ocamlbuild/test/test9/dbgl
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac61a3d55
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/test/test9/dbgl
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+#load "unix.cma";;
+#load "str.cma";;
+#load "discard_printf.cmo";;
+#load "debug.cmo";;
+#load "bool.cmo";;
+#load "glob_ast.cmo";;
+#load "glob_lexer.cmo";;
+#load "my_unix.cmo";;
+#use "";;
+#install_printer print_is;;
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/test/test9/ b/ocamlbuild/test/test9/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..0feded208
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/test/test9/
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+set -e
+set -x
+cd `dirname $0`/../..
+./_build/ocamlbuild.native -quiet -build-dir _buildtest -no-links test/test9/testglob.native $@
diff --git a/ocamlbuild/test/test9/ b/ocamlbuild/test/test9/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e307a769c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ocamlbuild/test/test9/
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+(* Testglob *)
+open Bool;;
+open Glob;;
+let yep f x =
+ try
+ ignore (f x);
+ true
+ with
+ | _ -> false
+let tests1 = [
+ "\"hello\"", true;
+ "<hello>", true;
+ "<hel*lo>", true;
+ "<a> and <b> or <c>", true;
+ "<a> titi", false
+let tests2 = [
+ "<[a]>", ["a"], ["b"];
+ "<[a-z]>", ["a";"e";"k";"z"], ["0";"A";"~"];
+ "<[a-z][0-9]>", ["a0";"b9"], ["a00";"a0a";"b0a";"isduis";""];
+ "<hello>", ["hello"], ["helli"];
+ "\"hello\"", ["hello"], ["heidi"];
+ "<*>", ["";"a";"ax"], [];
+ "<a*b>", ["ab";"acb";"axxxxxb";"ababbababb"], ["abx";"xxxxxab";"xab"];
+ "<*.ml>", ["";".ml"], ["ml"; ""; "toto.mli"];
+ "<a>", ["a"], ["";"aa";"ba";"ab";"abaa"];
+ "<ab>", ["ab"], ["";"abab";"aba";"abx"];
+ "<ab?c>", ["abac";"abxc"], ["abab";"ababab";"ababa"];
+ "<*ab?cd*>", ["123abecd345";"abccd";"abccd345";"ababcababccdab"], ["abcd";"aaaaabcdababcd"];
+ "<*this*is*a*test*>", ["this is a test";"You know this is a test really";"thisisatest"], ["thisatest"];
+ "<b*>", ["bxx";"bx"], ["aaab";""];
+ "<*>", ["";"a";"aaa";"aaaaa"], [];
+ "<?>", ["a"],["";"aaa";"aaaaa"];
+ "<{a,b}>", ["a";"b"],["";"aa";"ab";"ba";"bb";"c"];
+ "<toto.{ml,mli}>", ["";"toto.mli"],["toto.";"toto.mll"];
+ "<{a,b}{c,[de]}{f,g}>", ["acf";"acg";"adf";"adg";"aef";"aeg";"bcf";"bcg";"bdf";"bdg";"bef";"beg"],
+ ["afg";"af";"aee"];
+ "(<*.ml> or <*.mli>) and not \"\"",
+ [""; ""; "a.mli"],
+ [""; "a.mli.x"];
+ "<*>", ["alpha";"beta"], ["alpha/beta";"gamma/delta"];
+ "<alpha/**/beta>", ["alpha/beta";"alpha/gamma/beta";"alpha/gamma/delta/beta"],
+ ["alpha";"beta";"gamma/delta"];
+ "<**/*.ml>", ["";"toto/";"alpha/gamma/delta/"],
+ ["toto.mli"];
+ "<toto/**>", ["toto/";"toto/tata";"toto/alpha/gamma/delta/";"toto"],
+ ["toto2/tata"; "tata/titi"]
+let _ =
+ let times = 3 in
+ List.iter
+ begin fun (str, ast) ->
+ let ast' = yep Glob.parse str in
+ if ast <> ast' then
+ begin
+ Printf.printf "Globexp parsing failed for %S.\n%!" str;
+ exit 1
+ end
+ else
+ Printf.printf "Globexp for %S OK\n%!" str
+ end
+ tests1;
+ List.iter
+ begin fun (gstr, yes, no) ->
+ let globber = Glob.parse gstr in
+ let check polarity =
+ List.iter
+ begin fun y ->
+ if Glob.eval globber y = polarity then
+ Printf.printf "Glob.eval %S %S = %b OK\n%!" gstr y polarity
+ else
+ begin
+ Printf.printf "Glob.eval %S %S = %b FAIL\n%!" gstr y (not polarity);
+ exit 1
+ end
+ end
+ in
+ for k = 1 to times do
+ check true yes;
+ check false no
+ done
+ end
+ tests2