path: root/ocamldoc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ocamldoc/')
1 files changed, 49 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 55a900426..2a5366f47 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -42,40 +42,40 @@ class dot =
method get_one_color =
match colors with
- [] -> None
- | h :: q ->
- colors <- q ;
- Some h
+ [] -> None
+ | h :: q ->
+ colors <- q ;
+ Some h
method node_color s =
try Some (List.assoc s loc_colors)
- Not_found ->
- match self#get_one_color with
- None -> None
- | Some c ->
- loc_colors <- (s, c) :: loc_colors ;
- Some c
+ Not_found ->
+ match self#get_one_color with
+ None -> None
+ | Some c ->
+ loc_colors <- (s, c) :: loc_colors ;
+ Some c
method print_module_atts fmt m =
match self#node_color (Filename.dirname m.Module.m_file) with
- None -> ()
- | Some col -> F.fprintf fmt "\"%s\" [style=filled, color=%s];\n" m.Module.m_name col
+ None -> ()
+ | Some col -> F.fprintf fmt "\"%s\" [style=filled, color=%s];\n" m.Module.m_name col
method print_type_atts fmt t =
match self#node_color (Name.father t.Type.ty_name) with
- None -> ()
- | Some col -> F.fprintf fmt "\"%s\" [style=filled, color=%s];\n" t.Type.ty_name col
+ None -> ()
+ | Some col -> F.fprintf fmt "\"%s\" [style=filled, color=%s];\n" t.Type.ty_name col
method print_one_dep fmt src dest =
F.fprintf fmt "\"%s\" -> \"%s\";\n" src dest
method generate_for_module fmt m =
let l = List.filter
- (fun n ->
- !Odoc_args.dot_include_all or
- (List.exists (fun m -> m.Module.m_name = n) modules))
- m.Module.m_top_deps
+ (fun n ->
+ !Odoc_args.dot_include_all or
+ (List.exists (fun m -> m.Module.m_name = n) modules))
+ m.Module.m_top_deps
self#print_module_atts fmt m;
List.iter (self#print_one_dep fmt m.Module.m_name) l
@@ -83,48 +83,48 @@ class dot =
method generate_for_type fmt (t, l) =
self#print_type_atts fmt t;
- (self#print_one_dep fmt t.Type.ty_name)
- l
+ (self#print_one_dep fmt t.Type.ty_name)
+ l
method generate_types types =
- let oc = open_out !Odoc_args.out_file in
- let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
- F.fprintf fmt "%s" self#header;
- let graph = Odoc_info.Dep.deps_of_types
- ~kernel: !Odoc_args.dot_reduce
- types
- in
- List.iter (self#generate_for_type fmt) graph;
- F.fprintf fmt "}\n" ;
- F.pp_print_flush fmt ();
- close_out oc
+ let oc = open_out !Odoc_args.out_file in
+ let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
+ F.fprintf fmt "%s" self#header;
+ let graph = Odoc_info.Dep.deps_of_types
+ ~kernel: !Odoc_args.dot_reduce
+ types
+ in
+ List.iter (self#generate_for_type fmt) graph;
+ F.fprintf fmt "}\n" ;
+ F.pp_print_flush fmt ();
+ close_out oc
- Sys_error s ->
- raise (Failure s)
+ Sys_error s ->
+ raise (Failure s)
method generate_modules modules_list =
- modules <- modules_list ;
- let oc = open_out !Odoc_args.out_file in
- let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
- F.fprintf fmt "%s" self#header;
- if !Odoc_args.dot_reduce then
- Odoc_info.Dep.kernel_deps_of_modules modules_list;
- List.iter (self#generate_for_module fmt) modules_list;
- F.fprintf fmt "}\n" ;
- F.pp_print_flush fmt ();
- close_out oc
+ modules <- modules_list ;
+ let oc = open_out !Odoc_args.out_file in
+ let fmt = F.formatter_of_out_channel oc in
+ F.fprintf fmt "%s" self#header;
+ if !Odoc_args.dot_reduce then
+ Odoc_info.Dep.kernel_deps_of_modules modules_list;
+ List.iter (self#generate_for_module fmt) modules_list;
+ F.fprintf fmt "}\n" ;
+ F.pp_print_flush fmt ();
+ close_out oc
- Sys_error s ->
- raise (Failure s)
+ Sys_error s ->
+ raise (Failure s)
(** Generate the dot code in the file {!Odoc_args.out_file}. *)
method generate (modules_list : Odoc_info.Module.t_module list) =
if !Odoc_args.dot_types then
- self#generate_types (Odoc_info.Search.types modules_list)
+ self#generate_types (Odoc_info.Search.types modules_list)
- self#generate_modules modules_list
+ self#generate_modules modules_list