path: root/ocamldoc/
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Diffstat (limited to 'ocamldoc/')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 4eb5cf02a..a9432a5af 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -54,24 +54,24 @@ let rec add_signature env root ?rel signat =
| Types.Tsig_type (ident,_ ) -> { env with env_types = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env.env_types }
| Types.Tsig_exception (ident, _) -> { env with env_exceptions = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env.env_exceptions }
| Types.Tsig_module (ident, modtype) ->
- let env2 =
- match modtype with (* A VOIR : le cas oł c'est un identificateur, dans ce cas on n'a pas de signature *)
- Types.Tmty_signature s -> add_signature env (qualify ident) ~rel: (rel_name ident) s
- | _ -> env
- in
- { env2 with env_modules = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env2.env_modules }
+ let env2 =
+ match modtype with (* A VOIR : le cas oł c'est un identificateur, dans ce cas on n'a pas de signature *)
+ Types.Tmty_signature s -> add_signature env (qualify ident) ~rel: (rel_name ident) s
+ | _ -> env
+ in
+ { env2 with env_modules = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env2.env_modules }
| Types.Tsig_modtype (ident, modtype_decl) ->
- let env2 =
- match modtype_decl with
- Types.Tmodtype_abstract ->
- env
- | Types.Tmodtype_manifest modtype ->
- match modtype with
- (* A VOIR : le cas oł c'est un identificateur, dans ce cas on n'a pas de signature *)
- Types.Tmty_signature s -> add_signature env (qualify ident) ~rel: (rel_name ident) s
- | _ -> env
- in
- { env2 with env_module_types = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env2.env_module_types }
+ let env2 =
+ match modtype_decl with
+ Types.Tmodtype_abstract ->
+ env
+ | Types.Tmodtype_manifest modtype ->
+ match modtype with
+ (* A VOIR : le cas oł c'est un identificateur, dans ce cas on n'a pas de signature *)
+ Types.Tmty_signature s -> add_signature env (qualify ident) ~rel: (rel_name ident) s
+ | _ -> env
+ in
+ { env2 with env_module_types = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env2.env_module_types }
| Types.Tsig_class (ident, _) -> { env with env_classes = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env.env_classes }
| Types.Tsig_cltype (ident, _) -> { env with env_class_types = (rel_name ident, qualify ident) :: env.env_class_types }
@@ -183,19 +183,19 @@ let subst_type env t =
Btype.iter_type_expr iter t;
match t.Types.desc with
| Types.Tconstr (p, [ty], a) when Path.same p Predef.path_option ->
- ()
+ ()
| Types.Tconstr (p, l, a) ->
- let new_p =
+ let new_p =
Odoc_name.to_path (full_type_name env (Odoc_name.from_path p)) in
- t.Types.desc <- Types.Tconstr (new_p, l, a)
+ t.Types.desc <- Types.Tconstr (new_p, l, a)
| Types.Tobject (_, ({contents=Some(p,tyl)} as r)) ->
- let new_p =
+ let new_p =
Odoc_name.to_path (full_type_name env (Odoc_name.from_path p)) in
r := Some (new_p, tyl)
| Types.Tvariant ({Types.row_name=Some(p, tyl)} as row) ->
- let new_p =
+ let new_p =
Odoc_name.to_path (full_type_name env (Odoc_name.from_path p)) in
- t.Types.desc <-
+ t.Types.desc <-
Types.Tvariant {row with Types.row_name=Some(new_p, tyl)}
| _ ->
@@ -209,12 +209,12 @@ let subst_module_type env t =
let rec iter t =
match t with
Types.Tmty_ident p ->
- let new_p = Odoc_name.to_path (full_module_type_name env (Odoc_name.from_path p)) in
- Types.Tmty_ident new_p
+ let new_p = Odoc_name.to_path (full_module_type_name env (Odoc_name.from_path p)) in
+ Types.Tmty_ident new_p
| Types.Tmty_signature _ ->
- t
+ t
| Types.Tmty_functor (id, mt1, mt2) ->
- Types.Tmty_functor (id, iter mt1, iter mt2)
+ Types.Tmty_functor (id, iter mt1, iter mt2)
iter t
@@ -222,16 +222,16 @@ let subst_class_type env t =
let rec iter t =
match t with
Types.Tcty_constr (p,texp_list,ct) ->
- let new_p = Odoc_name.to_path (full_type_name env (Odoc_name.from_path p)) in
- let new_texp_list = (subst_type env) texp_list in
- let new_ct = iter ct in
- Types.Tcty_constr (new_p, new_texp_list, new_ct)
+ let new_p = Odoc_name.to_path (full_type_name env (Odoc_name.from_path p)) in
+ let new_texp_list = (subst_type env) texp_list in
+ let new_ct = iter ct in
+ Types.Tcty_constr (new_p, new_texp_list, new_ct)
| Types.Tcty_signature cs ->
- (* on ne s'occupe pas des vals et methods *)
- t
+ (* on ne s'occupe pas des vals et methods *)
+ t
| Types.Tcty_fun (l, texp, ct) ->
- let new_texp = subst_type env texp in
- let new_ct = iter ct in
- Types.Tcty_fun (l, new_texp, new_ct)
+ let new_texp = subst_type env texp in
+ let new_ct = iter ct in
+ Types.Tcty_fun (l, new_texp, new_ct)
iter t