path: root/ocamldoc/odoc_ocamlhtml.mll
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ocamldoc/odoc_ocamlhtml.mll')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 48 deletions
diff --git a/ocamldoc/odoc_ocamlhtml.mll b/ocamldoc/odoc_ocamlhtml.mll
index 5881f4a59..5e847a112 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/odoc_ocamlhtml.mll
+++ b/ocamldoc/odoc_ocamlhtml.mll
@@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ let create_hashtable size init =
(** The function used to return html code for the given comment body. *)
let html_of_comment = ref
- (fun (s : string) -> "<b>Odoc_ocamlhtml.html_of_comment not initialized</b>")
+ (fun (fmt: Format.formatter) (s : string) ->
+ Format.fprintf fmt "@{<b>Odoc_ocamlhtml.html_of_comment not initialized@}")
let keyword_table =
create_hashtable 149 [
@@ -169,28 +170,28 @@ let make_margin () =
let print_comment () =
let s = Buffer.contents comment_buffer in
let len = String.length s in
- let code =
- if len < 1 then
- "<span class=\""^comment_class^"\">(*"^(escape s)^"*)</span>"
- else
- match s.[0] with
- '*' ->
- (
- try
- let html = !html_of_comment (String.sub s 1 (len-1)) in
- "</code><table><tr><td>"^(make_margin ())^"</td><td>"^
- "<span class=\""^comment_class^"\">"^
- "(**"^html^"*)"^
- "</span></td></tr></table><code class=\""^code_class^"\">"
- with
- e ->
- prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string e);
- "<span class=\""^comment_class^"\">(*"^(escape s)^"*)</span>"
- )
- | _ ->
- "<span class=\""^comment_class^"\">(*"^(escape s)^"*)</span>"
- in
- print ~esc: false code
+ if len < 1 then
+ Format.fprintf !fmt "@{<span class=\"%s\">(*%s*)@}" comment_class (escape s)
+ else
+ match s.[0] with
+ '*' ->
+ (
+ try
+ Format.pp_print_string !fmt
+ ("</code><table><tr><td>"^(make_margin ())^"</td><td>"^
+ "<span class=\""^comment_class^"\">"^
+ "(**");
+ !html_of_comment !fmt (String.sub s 1 (len-1));
+ Format.pp_print_string !fmt
+ ("*)</span></td></tr></table><code class=\""^code_class^"\">")
+ with
+ e ->
+ prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string e);
+ Format.pp_print_string !fmt
+ ("<span class=\""^comment_class^"\">(*"^(escape s)^"*)</span>")
+ )
+ | _ ->
+ Format.fprintf !fmt "@{<span class=\"%s\">(*%s*)@}" comment_class (escape s)
(** To buffer string literals *)
@@ -494,45 +495,36 @@ and string = parse
string lexbuf }
-let html_of_code ?(with_pre=true) code =
+let html_of_code formatter ?(with_pre=true) code =
let old_pre = !pre in
let old_margin = !margin in
let old_comment_buffer = Buffer.contents comment_buffer in
let old_string_buffer = Buffer.contents string_buffer in
- let buf = Buffer.create 256 in
let old_fmt = !fmt in
- fmt := Format.formatter_of_buffer buf ;
+ let buf = Buffer.create 256 in
+ fmt := Format.formatter_of_buffer buf;
pre := with_pre;
margin := 0;
+ Format.fprintf formatter "@{<code class=\"%s\">" code_class ;
+ (
+ try
+ let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string code in
+ ignore (token lexbuf);
+ Format.pp_print_flush !fmt ();
+ Format.pp_print_string formatter (Buffer.contents buf)
+ with
+ _ ->
+ Format.pp_print_string formatter (escape code)
+ );
+ Format.fprintf formatter "@}";
- let start = "<code class=\""^code_class^"\">" in
- let ending = "</code>" in
- let html =
- (
- try
- print ~esc: false start ;
- let lexbuf = Lexing.from_string code in
- let _ = token lexbuf in
- print ~esc: false ending ;
- Format.pp_print_flush !fmt () ;
- Buffer.contents buf
- with
- _ ->
- (* flush str_formatter because we already output
- something in it *)
- Format.pp_print_flush !fmt () ;
- start^code^ending
- )
- in
pre := old_pre;
+ fmt := old_fmt;
margin := old_margin ;
Buffer.reset comment_buffer;
Buffer.add_string comment_buffer old_comment_buffer ;
Buffer.reset string_buffer;
Buffer.add_string string_buffer old_string_buffer ;
- fmt := old_fmt ;
- html