path: root/ocamldoc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ocamldoc/')
1 files changed, 453 insertions, 453 deletions
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index a75b48d06..ec6269384 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -76,20 +76,20 @@ let nothing = Verbatim ""
let module_subparts =
let rec iter acc = function
| [] -> List.rev acc
- (* skip aliases *)
+ (* skip aliases *)
| Element_module { m_kind = Module_alias _ } :: n ->
- iter acc n
+ iter acc n
| Element_module_type { mt_kind = Some (Module_type_alias _) } :: n ->
- iter acc n
+ iter acc n
(* keep modules, module types, classes and class types *)
| Element_module m :: n ->
- iter (`Module m :: acc) n
+ iter (`Module m :: acc) n
| Element_module_type mt :: n ->
- iter (`Module_type mt :: acc) n
+ iter (`Module_type mt :: acc) n
| Element_class c :: n ->
- iter (`Class c :: acc) n
+ iter (`Class c :: acc) n
| Element_class_type ct :: n ->
- iter (`Class_type ct :: acc) n
+ iter (`Class_type ct :: acc) n
(* forget the rest *)
| _ :: n -> iter acc n
@@ -178,32 +178,32 @@ struct
if subpart_list <> []
then begin
let menu_line part_qual name =
- let sname = Name.simple name in
- if sname = name
- then (
- puts chan (pad_to 35
- ("* " ^ sname ^ ":: ")) ;
- puts_nl chan part_qual )
- else (
- puts chan (pad_to 35
- ("* " ^ sname ^ ": " ^ (fix_nodename name) ^ ". " )) ;
- puts_nl chan part_qual )
+ let sname = Name.simple name in
+ if sname = name
+ then (
+ puts chan (pad_to 35
+ ("* " ^ sname ^ ":: ")) ;
+ puts_nl chan part_qual )
+ else (
+ puts chan (pad_to 35
+ ("* " ^ sname ^ ": " ^ (fix_nodename name) ^ ". " )) ;
+ puts_nl chan part_qual )
puts_nl chan "@menu" ;
- (function
- | `Module { m_name = name } ->
- menu_line Odoc_messages.modul name
- | `Module_type { mt_name = name } ->
- menu_line Odoc_messages.module_type name
- | `Class { cl_name = name } ->
- menu_line Odoc_messages.clas name
- | `Class_type { clt_name = name } ->
- menu_line Odoc_messages.class_type name
- | `Blank -> nl chan
- | `Comment c -> puts_nl chan (escape c)
- | `Texi t -> puts_nl chan t
- | `Index ind -> Printf.fprintf chan "* %s::\n" ind)
+ (function
+ | `Module { m_name = name } ->
+ menu_line Odoc_messages.modul name
+ | `Module_type { mt_name = name } ->
+ menu_line Odoc_messages.module_type name
+ | `Class { cl_name = name } ->
+ menu_line Odoc_messages.clas name
+ | `Class_type { clt_name = name } ->
+ menu_line Odoc_messages.class_type name
+ | `Blank -> nl chan
+ | `Comment c -> puts_nl chan (escape c)
+ | `Texi t -> puts_nl chan t
+ | `Index ind -> Printf.fprintf chan "* %s::\n" ind)
subpart_list ;
puts_nl chan "@end menu"
@@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ class text =
(** Return the Texinfo code corresponding to the [text] parameter.*)
method texi_of_text t =
String.concat ""
- ( self#texi_of_text_element t)
+ ( self#texi_of_text_element t)
(** {3 Conversion methods}
@@ -295,54 +295,54 @@ class text =
method texi_of_Code s = "@code{" ^ (self#escape s) ^ "}"
method texi_of_CodePre s =
String.concat "\n"
- [ "" ; "@example" ; self#escape s ; "@end example" ; "" ]
+ [ "" ; "@example" ; self#escape s ; "@end example" ; "" ]
method texi_of_Bold t = "@strong{" ^ (self#texi_of_text t) ^ "}"
method texi_of_Italic t = "@i{" ^ (self#texi_of_text t) ^ "}"
method texi_of_Emphasize t = "@emph{" ^ (self#texi_of_text t) ^ "}"
method texi_of_Center t =
let sl = Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (self#texi_of_text t) in
String.concat ""
- (( (fun s -> "\n@center "^s) sl) @ [ "\n" ])
+ (( (fun s -> "\n@center "^s) sl) @ [ "\n" ])
method texi_of_Left t =
String.concat "\n"
- [ "" ; "@flushleft" ; self#texi_of_text t ; "@end flushleft" ; "" ]
+ [ "" ; "@flushleft" ; self#texi_of_text t ; "@end flushleft" ; "" ]
method texi_of_Right t =
String.concat "\n"
- [ "" ; "@flushright" ; self#texi_of_text t ; "@end flushright"; "" ]
+ [ "" ; "@flushright" ; self#texi_of_text t ; "@end flushright"; "" ]
method texi_of_List tl =
String.concat "\n"
- ( [ "" ; "@itemize" ] @
- ( (fun t -> "@item\n" ^ (self#texi_of_text t)) tl) @
- [ "@end itemize"; "" ] )
+ ( [ "" ; "@itemize" ] @
+ ( (fun t -> "@item\n" ^ (self#texi_of_text t)) tl) @
+ [ "@end itemize"; "" ] )
method texi_of_Enum tl =
String.concat "\n"
- ( [ "" ; "@enumerate" ] @
- ( (fun t -> "@item\n" ^ (self#texi_of_text t)) tl) @
- [ "@end enumerate"; "" ] )
+ ( [ "" ; "@enumerate" ] @
+ ( (fun t -> "@item\n" ^ (self#texi_of_text t)) tl) @
+ [ "@end enumerate"; "" ] )
method texi_of_Newline = "\n"
method texi_of_Block t =
String.concat "\n"
- [ "@format" ; self#texi_of_text t ; "@end format" ; "" ]
+ [ "@format" ; self#texi_of_text t ; "@end format" ; "" ]
method texi_of_Title n t =
let t_begin =
- try List.assoc n titles
- with Not_found -> fallback_title in
+ try List.assoc n titles
+ with Not_found -> fallback_title in
t_begin ^ (self#texi_of_text t) ^ "\n"
method texi_of_Link s t =
String.concat ""
- [ "@uref{" ; s ; "," ; self#texi_of_text t ; "}" ]
+ [ "@uref{" ; s ; "," ; self#texi_of_text t ; "}" ]
method texi_of_Ref name kind =
let xname =
- match kind with
- | Some RK_module ->
- Odoc_messages.modul ^ " " ^ (Name.simple name)
- | Some RK_module_type ->
- Odoc_messages.module_type ^ " " ^ (Name.simple name)
- | Some RK_class ->
- Odoc_messages.clas ^ " " ^ (Name.simple name)
- | Some RK_class_type ->
- Odoc_messages.class_type ^ " " ^ (Name.simple name)
- | _ -> ""
+ match kind with
+ | Some RK_module ->
+ Odoc_messages.modul ^ " " ^ (Name.simple name)
+ | Some RK_module_type ->
+ Odoc_messages.module_type ^ " " ^ (Name.simple name)
+ | Some RK_class ->
+ Odoc_messages.clas ^ " " ^ (Name.simple name)
+ | Some RK_class_type ->
+ Odoc_messages.class_type ^ " " ^ (Name.simple name)
+ | _ -> ""
if xname = "" then self#escape name else Texi.xref ~xname name
method texi_of_Superscript t =
@@ -352,8 +352,8 @@ class text =
method heading n t =
let f =
- try List.assoc n headings
- with Not_found -> fallback_heading
+ try List.assoc n headings
+ with Not_found -> fallback_heading
f ^ (self#texi_of_text t) ^ "\n"
@@ -386,33 +386,33 @@ class texi =
method index (ind : indices) ent =
- (if !with_index
- then (String.concat ""
- [ "@" ; indices ind ; "index " ;
- Texi.escape (Name.simple ent) ; "\n" ])
- else "")
+ (if !with_index
+ then (String.concat ""
+ [ "@" ; indices ind ; "index " ;
+ Texi.escape (Name.simple ent) ; "\n" ])
+ else "")
(** Two hacks to fix linebreaks in the descriptions.*)
method private fix_linebreaks =
let re = Str.regexp "\n[ \t]*" in
fun t ->
- (function
- | Newline -> Raw "\n"
- | Raw s -> Raw (Str.global_replace re "\n" s)
- | List tel | Enum tel -> List ( self#fix_linebreaks tel)
- | te -> te) t
+ (function
+ | Newline -> Raw "\n"
+ | Raw s -> Raw (Str.global_replace re "\n" s)
+ | List tel | Enum tel -> List ( self#fix_linebreaks tel)
+ | te -> te) t
method private soft_fix_linebreaks =
let re = Str.regexp "\n[ \t]*" in
fun ind t ->
- let rep = String.make (succ ind) ' ' in
- rep.[0] <- '\n' ;
- (function
- | Raw s -> Raw (Str.global_replace re rep s)
- | te -> te) t
+ let rep = String.make (succ ind) ' ' in
+ rep.[0] <- '\n' ;
+ (function
+ | Raw s -> Raw (Str.global_replace re rep s)
+ | te -> te) t
(** {3 [text] values generation}
Generates [text] values out of description parts.
@@ -425,97 +425,97 @@ class texi =
method text_of_sees_opt see_l =
- (
- (function
- | (See_url s, t) ->
- [ linebreak ; Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.see_also ] ;
- Raw " " ; Link (s, t) ; Newline ]
- | (See_file s, t)
- | (See_doc s, t) ->
- [ linebreak ; Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.see_also ] ;
- Raw " " ; Raw s ] @ t @ [ Newline ])
- see_l)
+ (
+ (function
+ | (See_url s, t) ->
+ [ linebreak ; Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.see_also ] ;
+ Raw " " ; Link (s, t) ; Newline ]
+ | (See_file s, t)
+ | (See_doc s, t) ->
+ [ linebreak ; Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.see_also ] ;
+ Raw " " ; Raw s ] @ t @ [ Newline ])
+ see_l)
method text_of_params params_list =
- List.concat
- (
- (fun (s, t) ->
- [ linebreak ;
- Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.parameters ] ;
- Raw " " ; Raw s ; Raw ": " ] @ t @ [ Newline ] )
- params_list)
+ List.concat
+ (
+ (fun (s, t) ->
+ [ linebreak ;
+ Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.parameters ] ;
+ Raw " " ; Raw s ; Raw ": " ] @ t @ [ Newline ] )
+ params_list)
method text_of_raised_exceptions = function
| [] -> []
| (s, t) :: [] ->
- [ linebreak ;
- Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.raises ] ;
- Raw " " ; Code s ; Raw " " ]
- @ t @ [ Newline ]
+ [ linebreak ;
+ Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.raises ] ;
+ Raw " " ; Code s ; Raw " " ]
+ @ t @ [ Newline ]
| l ->
- [ linebreak ;
- Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.raises ] ;
- Raw " :" ;
- List
- (
- (fun (ex, desc) ->(Code ex) :: (Raw " ") :: desc ) l ) ;
- Newline ]
+ [ linebreak ;
+ Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.raises ] ;
+ Raw " :" ;
+ List
+ (
+ (fun (ex, desc) ->(Code ex) :: (Raw " ") :: desc ) l ) ;
+ Newline ]
method text_of_return_opt = function
| None -> []
| Some t ->
- (Bold [Raw Odoc_messages.returns ]) :: Raw " " :: t @ [ Newline ]
+ (Bold [Raw Odoc_messages.returns ]) :: Raw " " :: t @ [ Newline ]
method text_of_custom c_l =
- (List.rev
- (List.fold_left
- (fun acc -> fun (tag, text) ->
- try
- let f = List.assoc tag tag_functions in
- ( linebreak :: (f text) @ [ Newline ] ) :: acc
- with
- Not_found ->
- Odoc_info.warning (Odoc_messages.tag_not_handled tag) ;
- acc
- ) [] c_l))
+ (List.rev
+ (List.fold_left
+ (fun acc -> fun (tag, text) ->
+ try
+ let f = List.assoc tag tag_functions in
+ ( linebreak :: (f text) @ [ Newline ] ) :: acc
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ Odoc_info.warning (Odoc_messages.tag_not_handled tag) ;
+ acc
+ ) [] c_l))
method text_of_info ?(block=false) = function
| None -> []
| Some info ->
- let t =
- List.concat
- [ ( match info.i_deprecated with
- | None -> []
- | Some t ->
- (Raw (Odoc_messages.deprecated ^ " ")) ::
- (self#fix_linebreaks t)
- @ [ Newline ; Newline ] ) ;
- self#text_of_desc info.i_desc ;
- if info.i_authors <> []
- then ( linebreak ::
- self#text_of_author_list info.i_authors )
- else [] ;
- if is info.i_version
- then ( linebreak ::
- self#text_of_version_opt info.i_version )
- else [] ;
- self#text_of_sees_opt info.i_sees ;
- if is info.i_since
- then ( linebreak ::
- self#text_of_since_opt info.i_since )
- else [] ;
- self#text_of_params info.i_params ;
- self#text_of_raised_exceptions info.i_raised_exceptions ;
- if is info.i_return_value
- then ( linebreak ::
- self#text_of_return_opt info.i_return_value )
- else [] ;
- self#text_of_custom info.i_custom ;
- ] in
- if block
- then [ Block t ]
- else (t @ [ Newline ] )
+ let t =
+ List.concat
+ [ ( match info.i_deprecated with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some t ->
+ (Raw (Odoc_messages.deprecated ^ " ")) ::
+ (self#fix_linebreaks t)
+ @ [ Newline ; Newline ] ) ;
+ self#text_of_desc info.i_desc ;
+ if info.i_authors <> []
+ then ( linebreak ::
+ self#text_of_author_list info.i_authors )
+ else [] ;
+ if is info.i_version
+ then ( linebreak ::
+ self#text_of_version_opt info.i_version )
+ else [] ;
+ self#text_of_sees_opt info.i_sees ;
+ if is info.i_since
+ then ( linebreak ::
+ self#text_of_since_opt info.i_since )
+ else [] ;
+ self#text_of_params info.i_params ;
+ self#text_of_raised_exceptions info.i_raised_exceptions ;
+ if is info.i_return_value
+ then ( linebreak ::
+ self#text_of_return_opt info.i_return_value )
+ else [] ;
+ self#text_of_custom info.i_custom ;
+ ] in
+ if block
+ then [ Block t ]
+ else (t @ [ Newline ] )
method texi_of_info i =
self#texi_of_text (self#text_of_info i)
@@ -527,8 +527,8 @@ class texi =
method text_el_of_type_expr m_name typ =
Raw (indent 5
- (self#relative_idents m_name
- (Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr typ)))
+ (self#relative_idents m_name
+ (Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr typ)))
method text_of_short_type_expr m_name typ =
[ Raw (self#normal_type m_name typ) ]
@@ -537,12 +537,12 @@ class texi =
method texi_of_value v =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let t = [ self#fixedblock
- [ Newline ; minus ;
- Raw ("val " ^ (Name.simple v.val_name) ^ " :\n") ;
- self#text_el_of_type_expr
- (Name.father v.val_name) v.val_type ] ;
- self#index `Value v.val_name ; Newline ] @
- (self#text_of_info v.val_info) in
+ [ Newline ; minus ;
+ Raw ("val " ^ (Name.simple v.val_name) ^ " :\n") ;
+ self#text_el_of_type_expr
+ (Name.father v.val_name) v.val_type ] ;
+ self#index `Value v.val_name ; Newline ] @
+ (self#text_of_info v.val_info) in
self#texi_of_text t
@@ -550,16 +550,16 @@ class texi =
method texi_of_attribute a =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let t = [ self#fixedblock
- [ Newline ; minus ;
- Raw "val " ;
- Raw (if a.att_mutable then "mutable " else "") ;
- Raw (Name.simple a.att_value.val_name) ;
- Raw " :\n" ;
- self#text_el_of_type_expr
- (Name.father a.att_value.val_name)
- a.att_value.val_type ] ;
- self#index `Class_att a.att_value.val_name ; Newline ] @
- (self#text_of_info a.att_value.val_info) in
+ [ Newline ; minus ;
+ Raw "val " ;
+ Raw (if a.att_mutable then "mutable " else "") ;
+ Raw (Name.simple a.att_value.val_name) ;
+ Raw " :\n" ;
+ self#text_el_of_type_expr
+ (Name.father a.att_value.val_name)
+ a.att_value.val_type ] ;
+ self#index `Class_att a.att_value.val_name ; Newline ] @
+ (self#text_of_info a.att_value.val_info) in
self#texi_of_text t
@@ -567,24 +567,24 @@ class texi =
method texi_of_method m =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let t = [ self#fixedblock
- [ Newline ; minus ; Raw "method " ;
- Raw (if m.met_private then "private " else "") ;
- Raw (if m.met_virtual then "virtual " else "") ;
- Raw (Name.simple m.met_value.val_name) ;
- Raw " :\n" ;
- self#text_el_of_type_expr
- (Name.father m.met_value.val_name)
- m.met_value.val_type ] ;
- self#index `Method m.met_value.val_name ; Newline ] @
- (self#text_of_info m.met_value.val_info) in
+ [ Newline ; minus ; Raw "method " ;
+ Raw (if m.met_private then "private " else "") ;
+ Raw (if m.met_virtual then "virtual " else "") ;
+ Raw (Name.simple m.met_value.val_name) ;
+ Raw " :\n" ;
+ self#text_el_of_type_expr
+ (Name.father m.met_value.val_name)
+ m.met_value.val_type ] ;
+ self#index `Method m.met_value.val_name ; Newline ] @
+ (self#text_of_info m.met_value.val_info) in
self#texi_of_text t
method string_of_type_parameter = function
- | [] -> ""
- | [ tp ] -> (Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr tp) ^ " "
- | l -> "(" ^ (String.concat ", "
- ( Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr l)) ^ ") "
+ | [] -> ""
+ | [ tp ] -> (Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr tp) ^ " "
+ | l -> "(" ^ (String.concat ", "
+ ( Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr l)) ^ ") "
method string_of_type_args = function
| [] -> ""
@@ -594,163 +594,163 @@ class texi =
method texi_of_type ty =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let t =
- [ self#fixedblock (
- [ Newline ; minus ; Raw "type " ;
- Raw (self#string_of_type_parameter ty.ty_parameters) ;
- Raw (Name.simple ty.ty_name) ] @
- ( match ty.ty_manifest with
- | None -> []
- | Some typ ->
- (Raw " = ") :: (self#text_of_short_type_expr
- (Name.father ty.ty_name) typ) ) @
- ( match ty.ty_kind with
- | Type_abstract -> [ Newline ]
- | Type_variant l ->
- (Raw " =\n") ::
- (List.flatten
- (
- (fun constr ->
- (Raw (" | " ^ constr.vc_name)) ::
- (Raw (self#string_of_type_args constr.vc_args)) ::
- (match constr.vc_text with
- | None -> [ Newline ]
- | Some t ->
- ((Raw (indent 5 "\n(* ")) :: (self#soft_fix_linebreaks 8 t)) @
- [ Raw " *)" ; Newline ]
- ) ) l ) )
- | Type_record l ->
- (Raw " = {\n") ::
- (List.flatten
- (
- (fun r ->
- [ Raw (" " ^ r.rf_name ^ " : ") ] @
- (self#text_of_short_type_expr
- (Name.father r.rf_name)
- r.rf_type) @
- [ Raw " ;" ] @
- (match r.rf_text with
- | None -> [ Newline ]
- | Some t ->
- ((Raw (indent 5 "\n(* ")) :: (self#soft_fix_linebreaks 8 t)) @
- [ Raw " *)" ; Newline ] ) )
- l ) )
- @ [ Raw " }" ] ) ) ;
- self#index `Type ty.ty_name ; Newline ] @
- (self#text_of_info ty.ty_info) in
+ [ self#fixedblock (
+ [ Newline ; minus ; Raw "type " ;
+ Raw (self#string_of_type_parameter ty.ty_parameters) ;
+ Raw (Name.simple ty.ty_name) ] @
+ ( match ty.ty_manifest with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some typ ->
+ (Raw " = ") :: (self#text_of_short_type_expr
+ (Name.father ty.ty_name) typ) ) @
+ ( match ty.ty_kind with
+ | Type_abstract -> [ Newline ]
+ | Type_variant l ->
+ (Raw " =\n") ::
+ (List.flatten
+ (
+ (fun constr ->
+ (Raw (" | " ^ constr.vc_name)) ::
+ (Raw (self#string_of_type_args constr.vc_args)) ::
+ (match constr.vc_text with
+ | None -> [ Newline ]
+ | Some t ->
+ ((Raw (indent 5 "\n(* ")) :: (self#soft_fix_linebreaks 8 t)) @
+ [ Raw " *)" ; Newline ]
+ ) ) l ) )
+ | Type_record l ->
+ (Raw " = {\n") ::
+ (List.flatten
+ (
+ (fun r ->
+ [ Raw (" " ^ r.rf_name ^ " : ") ] @
+ (self#text_of_short_type_expr
+ (Name.father r.rf_name)
+ r.rf_type) @
+ [ Raw " ;" ] @
+ (match r.rf_text with
+ | None -> [ Newline ]
+ | Some t ->
+ ((Raw (indent 5 "\n(* ")) :: (self#soft_fix_linebreaks 8 t)) @
+ [ Raw " *)" ; Newline ] ) )
+ l ) )
+ @ [ Raw " }" ] ) ) ;
+ self#index `Type ty.ty_name ; Newline ] @
+ (self#text_of_info ty.ty_info) in
self#texi_of_text t
(** Return Texinfo code for an exception. *)
method texi_of_exception e =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let t =
- [ self#fixedblock
- ( [ Newline ; minus ; Raw "exception " ;
- Raw (Name.simple e.ex_name) ;
- Raw (self#string_of_type_args e.ex_args) ] @
- (match e.ex_alias with
- | None -> []
- | Some ea -> [ Raw " = " ; Raw
- ( match ea.ea_ex with
- | None -> ea.ea_name
- | Some e -> e.ex_name ) ; ]
- ) ) ;
- self#index `Exception e.ex_name ; Newline ] @
- (self#text_of_info e.ex_info) in
+ [ self#fixedblock
+ ( [ Newline ; minus ; Raw "exception " ;
+ Raw (Name.simple e.ex_name) ;
+ Raw (self#string_of_type_args e.ex_args) ] @
+ (match e.ex_alias with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some ea -> [ Raw " = " ; Raw
+ ( match ea.ea_ex with
+ | None -> ea.ea_name
+ | Some e -> e.ex_name ) ; ]
+ ) ) ;
+ self#index `Exception e.ex_name ; Newline ] @
+ (self#text_of_info e.ex_info) in
self#texi_of_text t
(** Return the Texinfo code for the given module. *)
method texi_of_module m =
let is_alias = function
- | { m_kind = Module_alias _ } -> true
- | _ -> false in
+ | { m_kind = Module_alias _ } -> true
+ | _ -> false in
let is_alias_there = function
- | { m_kind = Module_alias { ma_module = None } } -> false
- | _ -> true in
+ | { m_kind = Module_alias { ma_module = None } } -> false
+ | _ -> true in
let resolve_alias_name = function
- | { m_kind = Module_alias { ma_name = name } } -> name
- | { m_name = name } -> name in
+ | { m_kind = Module_alias { ma_name = name } } -> name
+ | { m_name = name } -> name in
let t =
- [ [ self#fixedblock
- [ Newline ; minus ; Raw "module " ;
- Raw (Name.simple m.m_name) ;
- Raw (if is_alias m
- then " = " ^ (resolve_alias_name m)
- else "" ) ] ] ;
- ( if is_alias_there m
- then [ Ref (resolve_alias_name m, Some RK_module) ;
- Newline ; ]
- else [] ) ;
- ( if is_alias m
- then [ self#index `Module m.m_name ; Newline ]
- else [ Newline ] ) ;
- self#text_of_info m.m_info ]
+ [ [ self#fixedblock
+ [ Newline ; minus ; Raw "module " ;
+ Raw (Name.simple m.m_name) ;
+ Raw (if is_alias m
+ then " = " ^ (resolve_alias_name m)
+ else "" ) ] ] ;
+ ( if is_alias_there m
+ then [ Ref (resolve_alias_name m, Some RK_module) ;
+ Newline ; ]
+ else [] ) ;
+ ( if is_alias m
+ then [ self#index `Module m.m_name ; Newline ]
+ else [ Newline ] ) ;
+ self#text_of_info m.m_info ]
self#texi_of_text (List.flatten t)
(** Return the Texinfo code for the given module type. *)
method texi_of_module_type mt =
let is_alias = function
- | { mt_kind = Some (Module_type_alias _) } -> true
- | _ -> false in
+ | { mt_kind = Some (Module_type_alias _) } -> true
+ | _ -> false in
let is_alias_there = function
- | { mt_kind = Some (Module_type_alias { mta_module = None }) } -> false
- | _ -> true in
+ | { mt_kind = Some (Module_type_alias { mta_module = None }) } -> false
+ | _ -> true in
let resolve_alias_name = function
- | { mt_kind = Some (Module_type_alias { mta_name = name }) } -> name
- | { mt_name = name } -> name in
+ | { mt_kind = Some (Module_type_alias { mta_name = name }) } -> name
+ | { mt_name = name } -> name in
let t =
- [ [ self#fixedblock
- [ Newline ; minus ; Raw "module type" ;
- Raw (Name.simple mt.mt_name) ;
- Raw (if is_alias mt
- then " = " ^ (resolve_alias_name mt)
- else "" ) ] ] ;
- ( if is_alias_there mt
- then [ Ref (resolve_alias_name mt, Some RK_module_type) ;
- Newline ; ]
- else [] ) ;
- ( if is_alias mt
- then [ self#index `Module_type mt.mt_name ; Newline ]
- else [ Newline ] ) ;
- self#text_of_info mt.mt_info ]
+ [ [ self#fixedblock
+ [ Newline ; minus ; Raw "module type" ;
+ Raw (Name.simple mt.mt_name) ;
+ Raw (if is_alias mt
+ then " = " ^ (resolve_alias_name mt)
+ else "" ) ] ] ;
+ ( if is_alias_there mt
+ then [ Ref (resolve_alias_name mt, Some RK_module_type) ;
+ Newline ; ]
+ else [] ) ;
+ ( if is_alias mt
+ then [ self#index `Module_type mt.mt_name ; Newline ]
+ else [ Newline ] ) ;
+ self#text_of_info mt.mt_info ]
self#texi_of_text (List.flatten t)
(** Return the Texinfo code for the given included module. *)
method texi_of_included_module im =
let t = [ self#fixedblock
- ( Newline :: minus :: (Raw "include module ") ::
- ( match im.im_module with
- | None ->
- [ Raw im.im_name ]
- | Some (Mod { m_name = name }) ->
- [ Raw name ; Raw "\n " ;
- Ref (name, Some RK_module) ]
- | Some (Modtype { mt_name = name }) ->
- [ Raw name ; Raw "\n " ;
- Ref (name, Some RK_module_type) ]
- ) ) ] in
+ ( Newline :: minus :: (Raw "include module ") ::
+ ( match im.im_module with
+ | None ->
+ [ Raw im.im_name ]
+ | Some (Mod { m_name = name }) ->
+ [ Raw name ; Raw "\n " ;
+ Ref (name, Some RK_module) ]
+ | Some (Modtype { mt_name = name }) ->
+ [ Raw name ; Raw "\n " ;
+ Ref (name, Some RK_module_type) ]
+ ) ) ] in
self#texi_of_text t
(** Return the Texinfo code for the given class. *)
method texi_of_class c =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let t = [ self#fixedblock
- [ Newline ; minus ; Raw "class " ;
- Raw (Name.simple c.cl_name) ] ;
- Ref (c.cl_name, Some RK_class) ; Newline ;
- Newline ] @ (self#text_of_info c.cl_info) in
+ [ Newline ; minus ; Raw "class " ;
+ Raw (Name.simple c.cl_name) ] ;
+ Ref (c.cl_name, Some RK_class) ; Newline ;
+ Newline ] @ (self#text_of_info c.cl_info) in
self#texi_of_text t
(** Return the Texinfo code for the given class type. *)
method texi_of_class_type ct =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let t = [ self#fixedblock
- [ Newline ; minus ; Raw "class type " ;
- Raw (Name.simple ct.clt_name) ] ;
- Ref (ct.clt_name, Some RK_class_type) ; Newline ;
- Newline ] @ (self#text_of_info ct.clt_info) in
+ [ Newline ; minus ; Raw "class type " ;
+ Raw (Name.simple ct.clt_name) ] ;
+ Ref (ct.clt_name, Some RK_class_type) ; Newline ;
+ Newline ] @ (self#text_of_info ct.clt_info) in
self#texi_of_text t
(** Return the Texinfo code for the given class element. *)
@@ -772,7 +772,7 @@ class texi =
| Element_exception e -> self#texi_of_exception e
| Element_type t -> self#texi_of_type t
| Element_module_comment t ->
- self#texi_of_text (Newline :: t @ [Newline])
+ self#texi_of_text (Newline :: t @ [Newline])
(** {3 Generating methods }
@@ -781,26 +781,26 @@ class texi =
(** Generate the Texinfo code for the given list of inherited classes.*)
method generate_inheritance_info chanout inher_l =
let f inh =
- match inh.ic_class with
- | None -> (* we can't make the reference *)
- (Code inh.ic_name) ::
- (match inh.ic_text with
- | None -> []
- | Some t -> Newline :: t)
- | Some cct -> (* we can create the reference *)
- let kind =
- match cct with
- | Cl _ -> Some RK_class
- | Cltype _ -> Some RK_class_type in
- (Code inh.ic_name) ::
- (Ref (inh.ic_name, kind)) ::
- ( match inh.ic_text with
- | None -> []
- | Some t -> Newline :: t)
+ match inh.ic_class with
+ | None -> (* we can't make the reference *)
+ (Code inh.ic_name) ::
+ (match inh.ic_text with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some t -> Newline :: t)
+ | Some cct -> (* we can create the reference *)
+ let kind =
+ match cct with
+ | Cl _ -> Some RK_class
+ | Cltype _ -> Some RK_class_type in
+ (Code inh.ic_name) ::
+ (Ref (inh.ic_name, kind)) ::
+ ( match inh.ic_text with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some t -> Newline :: t)
let text = [
- Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.inherits ] ;
- List ( f inher_l) ; Newline ]
+ Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.inherits ] ;
+ List ( f inher_l) ; Newline ]
puts chanout (self#texi_of_text text)
@@ -810,12 +810,12 @@ class texi =
of the given class. *)
method generate_class_inheritance_info chanout cl =
let rec iter_kind = function
- | Class_structure ([], _) -> ()
- | Class_structure (l, _) ->
- self#generate_inheritance_info chanout l
- | Class_constraint (k, _) -> iter_kind k
- | Class_apply _
- | Class_constr _ -> ()
+ | Class_structure ([], _) -> ()
+ | Class_structure (l, _) ->
+ self#generate_inheritance_info chanout l
+ | Class_constraint (k, _) -> iter_kind k
+ | Class_apply _
+ | Class_constr _ -> ()
iter_kind cl.cl_kind
@@ -825,12 +825,12 @@ class texi =
of the given class type. *)
method generate_class_type_inheritance_info chanout clt =
match clt.clt_kind with
- | Class_signature ([], _) ->
- ()
- | Class_signature (l, _) ->
- self#generate_inheritance_info chanout l
- | Class_type _ ->
- ()
+ | Class_signature ([], _) ->
+ ()
+ | Class_signature (l, _) ->
+ self#generate_inheritance_info chanout l
+ | Class_type _ ->
+ ()
(** Generate the Texinfo code for the given class,
in the given out channel. *)
@@ -838,28 +838,28 @@ class texi =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let depth = Name.depth c.cl_name in
let title = [
- self#node depth c.cl_name ;
- Title (depth, None, [ Raw (Odoc_messages.clas ^ " ") ;
- Code c.cl_name ]) ;
- self#index `Class c.cl_name ] in
+ self#node depth c.cl_name ;
+ Title (depth, None, [ Raw (Odoc_messages.clas ^ " ") ;
+ Code c.cl_name ]) ;
+ self#index `Class c.cl_name ] in
puts chanout (self#texi_of_text title) ;
if is c.cl_info
then begin
- let descr = [ Title (succ depth, None,
- [ Raw Odoc_messages.description ]) ] in
- puts chanout (self#texi_of_text descr) ;
- puts chanout (self#texi_of_info c.cl_info)
+ let descr = [ Title (succ depth, None,
+ [ Raw Odoc_messages.description ]) ] in
+ puts chanout (self#texi_of_text descr) ;
+ puts chanout (self#texi_of_info c.cl_info)
end ;
let intf = [ Title (succ depth, None,
- [ Raw Odoc_messages.interface]) ] in
+ [ Raw Odoc_messages.interface]) ] in
puts chanout (self#texi_of_text intf);
self#generate_class_inheritance_info chanout c ;
- (fun ele -> puts chanout
- (self#texi_of_class_element c.cl_name ele))
- (Class.class_elements ~trans:false c)
+ (fun ele -> puts chanout
+ (self#texi_of_class_element c.cl_name ele))
+ (Class.class_elements ~trans:false c)
(** Generate the Texinfo code for the given class type,
@@ -868,28 +868,28 @@ class texi =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
let depth = Name.depth ct.clt_name in
let title = [
- self#node depth ct.clt_name ;
- Title (depth, None, [ Raw (Odoc_messages.class_type ^ " ") ;
- Code ct.clt_name ]) ;
- self#index `Class_type ct.clt_name ] in
+ self#node depth ct.clt_name ;
+ Title (depth, None, [ Raw (Odoc_messages.class_type ^ " ") ;
+ Code ct.clt_name ]) ;
+ self#index `Class_type ct.clt_name ] in
puts chanout (self#texi_of_text title) ;
if is ct.clt_info
then begin
- let descr = [ Title (succ depth, None,
- [ Raw Odoc_messages.description ]) ] in
- puts chanout (self#texi_of_text descr) ;
- puts chanout (self#texi_of_info ct.clt_info)
+ let descr = [ Title (succ depth, None,
+ [ Raw Odoc_messages.description ]) ] in
+ puts chanout (self#texi_of_text descr) ;
+ puts chanout (self#texi_of_info ct.clt_info)
end ;
let intf = [ Title (succ depth, None,
- [ Raw Odoc_messages.interface ]) ] in
+ [ Raw Odoc_messages.interface ]) ] in
puts chanout (self#texi_of_text intf) ;
self#generate_class_type_inheritance_info chanout ct;
- (fun ele -> puts chanout
- (self#texi_of_class_element ct.clt_name ele))
- (Class.class_type_elements ~trans:false ct)
+ (fun ele -> puts chanout
+ (self#texi_of_class_element ct.clt_name ele))
+ (Class.class_type_elements ~trans:false ct)
@@ -898,46 +898,46 @@ class texi =
method generate_for_module_type chanout mt =
let depth = Name.depth mt.mt_name in
let title = [
- self#node depth mt.mt_name ;
- Title (depth, None, [ Raw (Odoc_messages.module_type ^ " ") ;
- Code mt.mt_name ]) ;
- self#index `Module_type mt.mt_name ; Newline ] in
+ self#node depth mt.mt_name ;
+ Title (depth, None, [ Raw (Odoc_messages.module_type ^ " ") ;
+ Code mt.mt_name ]) ;
+ self#index `Module_type mt.mt_name ; Newline ] in
puts chanout (self#texi_of_text title) ;
if is mt.mt_info
then begin
- let descr = [ Title (succ depth, None,
- [ Raw Odoc_messages.description ]) ] in
- puts chanout (self#texi_of_text descr) ;
- puts chanout (self#texi_of_info mt.mt_info)
+ let descr = [ Title (succ depth, None,
+ [ Raw Odoc_messages.description ]) ] in
+ puts chanout (self#texi_of_text descr) ;
+ puts chanout (self#texi_of_info mt.mt_info)
end ;
let mt_ele = Module.module_type_elements ~trans:false mt in
let subparts = module_subparts mt_ele in
if depth < maxdepth && subparts <> []
then begin
- let menu = Texi.ifinfo
- ( self#heading (succ depth) [ Raw "Subparts" ]) in
- puts chanout menu ;
- Texi.generate_menu chanout (subparts :> subparts)
+ let menu = Texi.ifinfo
+ ( self#heading (succ depth) [ Raw "Subparts" ]) in
+ puts chanout menu ;
+ Texi.generate_menu chanout (subparts :> subparts)
end ;
let intf = [ Title (succ depth, None,
- [ Raw Odoc_messages.interface ]) ] in
+ [ Raw Odoc_messages.interface ]) ] in
puts chanout (self#texi_of_text intf) ;
- (fun ele -> puts chanout
- (self#texi_of_module_element mt.mt_name ele))
- mt_ele ;
+ (fun ele -> puts chanout
+ (self#texi_of_module_element mt.mt_name ele))
+ mt_ele ;
(* create sub parts for modules, module types, classes and class types *)
- (function
- | `Module m -> self#generate_for_module chanout m
- | `Module_type mt -> self#generate_for_module_type chanout mt
- | `Class c -> self#generate_for_class chanout c
- | `Class_type ct -> self#generate_for_class_type chanout ct)
- subparts
+ (function
+ | `Module m -> self#generate_for_module chanout m
+ | `Module_type mt -> self#generate_for_module_type chanout mt
+ | `Class c -> self#generate_for_class chanout c
+ | `Class_type ct -> self#generate_for_class_type chanout ct)
+ subparts
(** Generate the Texinfo code for the given module,
@@ -945,47 +945,47 @@ class texi =
method generate_for_module chanout m =
let depth = Name.depth m.m_name in
let title = [
- self#node depth m.m_name ;
- Title (depth, None, [ Raw (Odoc_messages.modul ^ " ") ;
- Code m.m_name ]) ;
- self#index `Module m.m_name ; Newline ] in
+ self#node depth m.m_name ;
+ Title (depth, None, [ Raw (Odoc_messages.modul ^ " ") ;
+ Code m.m_name ]) ;
+ self#index `Module m.m_name ; Newline ] in
puts chanout (self#texi_of_text title) ;
if is m.m_info
then begin
- let descr = [ Title (succ depth, None,
- [ Raw Odoc_messages.description ]) ] in
- puts chanout (self#texi_of_text descr) ;
- puts chanout (self#texi_of_info m.m_info)
+ let descr = [ Title (succ depth, None,
+ [ Raw Odoc_messages.description ]) ] in
+ puts chanout (self#texi_of_text descr) ;
+ puts chanout (self#texi_of_info m.m_info)
end ;
let m_ele = Module.module_elements ~trans:false m in
let subparts = module_subparts m_ele in
if depth < maxdepth && subparts <> []
then begin
- let menu = Texi.ifinfo
- ( self#heading (succ depth) [ Raw "Subparts" ]) in
- puts chanout menu ;
- Texi.generate_menu chanout (subparts :> subparts)
+ let menu = Texi.ifinfo
+ ( self#heading (succ depth) [ Raw "Subparts" ]) in
+ puts chanout menu ;
+ Texi.generate_menu chanout (subparts :> subparts)
end ;
let intf = [ Title (succ depth, None,
- [ Raw Odoc_messages.interface]) ] in
+ [ Raw Odoc_messages.interface]) ] in
puts chanout (self#texi_of_text intf) ;
- (fun ele -> puts chanout
- (self#texi_of_module_element m.m_name ele))
- m_ele ;
+ (fun ele -> puts chanout
+ (self#texi_of_module_element m.m_name ele))
+ m_ele ;
(* create sub nodes for modules, module types, classes and class types *)
- (function
- | `Module m -> self#generate_for_module chanout m
- | `Module_type mt -> self#generate_for_module_type chanout mt
- | `Class c -> self#generate_for_class chanout c
- | `Class_type ct -> self#generate_for_class_type chanout ct )
- subparts
+ (function
+ | `Module m -> self#generate_for_module chanout m
+ | `Module_type mt -> self#generate_for_module_type chanout mt
+ | `Class c -> self#generate_for_class chanout c
+ | `Class_type ct -> self#generate_for_class_type chanout ct )
+ subparts
@@ -995,52 +995,52 @@ class texi =
match !Odoc_args.title with
| None -> ("", "")
| Some s ->
- let s' = self#escape s in
- (s', s' ^ ".info")
+ let s' = self#escape s in
+ (s', s' ^ ".info")
(* write a standard Texinfo header *)
- (puts_nl chan)
- (List.flatten
- [ [ "\\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-" ;
- "@c %**start of header" ;
- "@setfilename " ^ filename ;
- "@settitle " ^ title ;
- "@c %**end of header" ; ] ;
- (if !with_index then
- (fun (_, shortname) ->
- "@defcodeindex " ^ shortname)
- indices_names
- else []) ;
- [ "@ifinfo" ;
- "This file was generated by Ocamldoc using the Texinfo generator." ;
- "@end ifinfo" ;
- "@c no titlepage." ;
- "@node Top, , , (dir)" ;
- "@top "^ title ; ]
- ] ) ;
+ (puts_nl chan)
+ (List.flatten
+ [ [ "\\input texinfo @c -*-texinfo-*-" ;
+ "@c %**start of header" ;
+ "@setfilename " ^ filename ;
+ "@settitle " ^ title ;
+ "@c %**end of header" ; ] ;
+ (if !with_index then
+ (fun (_, shortname) ->
+ "@defcodeindex " ^ shortname)
+ indices_names
+ else []) ;
+ [ "@ifinfo" ;
+ "This file was generated by Ocamldoc using the Texinfo generator." ;
+ "@end ifinfo" ;
+ "@c no titlepage." ;
+ "@node Top, , , (dir)" ;
+ "@top "^ title ; ]
+ ] ) ;
if title <> ""
then begin
- puts_nl chan "@ifinfo" ;
- puts_nl chan ("Documentation for " ^ title) ;
- puts_nl chan "@end ifinfo"
+ puts_nl chan "@ifinfo" ;
+ puts_nl chan ("Documentation for " ^ title) ;
+ puts_nl chan "@end ifinfo"
else puts_nl chan "@c no title given" ;
(* write a top menu *)
Texi.generate_menu chan
- (( (fun m -> `Module m) m_list) @
- (if !with_index then
- [ `Blank ; `Comment "Indices :" ] @
- (
- (fun (longname, _) -> `Index (longname ^ " index"))
- indices_names )
- else [] ))
+ (( (fun m -> `Module m) m_list) @
+ (if !with_index then
+ [ `Blank ; `Comment "Indices :" ] @
+ (
+ (fun (longname, _) -> `Index (longname ^ " index"))
+ indices_names )
+ else [] ))
(** Writes the header of the TeX document. *)
@@ -1048,14 +1048,14 @@ class texi =
nl chan ;
if !with_index
- List.iter (puts_nl chan)
- (List.flatten
- (
- (fun (longname, shortname) ->
- [ "@node " ^ longname ^ " index," ;
- "@unnumbered " ^ longname ^ " index" ;
- "@printindex " ^ shortname ; ])
- indices_names )) ;
+ List.iter (puts_nl chan)
+ (List.flatten
+ (
+ (fun (longname, shortname) ->
+ [ "@node " ^ longname ^ " index," ;
+ "@unnumbered " ^ longname ^ " index" ;
+ "@printindex " ^ shortname ; ])
+ indices_names )) ;
if !Odoc_args.with_toc
then puts_nl chan "@contents" ;
puts_nl chan "@bye"
@@ -1066,22 +1066,22 @@ class texi =
in the {!Odoc_args.out_file} file. *)
method generate module_list =
- let chanout = open_out
- (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir !Odoc_args.out_file) in
- if !Odoc_args.with_header
- then self#generate_texi_header chanout module_list ;
- List.iter
- (fun modu ->
- Odoc_info.verbose ("Generate for module " ^ modu.m_name) ;
- self#generate_for_module chanout modu)
- module_list ;
- if !Odoc_args.with_trailer
- then self#generate_texi_trailer chanout ;
- close_out chanout
+ let chanout = open_out
+ (Filename.concat !Odoc_args.target_dir !Odoc_args.out_file) in
+ if !Odoc_args.with_header
+ then self#generate_texi_header chanout module_list ;
+ List.iter
+ (fun modu ->
+ Odoc_info.verbose ("Generate for module " ^ modu.m_name) ;
+ self#generate_for_module chanout modu)
+ module_list ;
+ if !Odoc_args.with_trailer
+ then self#generate_texi_trailer chanout ;
+ close_out chanout
- | Failure s
- | Sys_error s ->
- prerr_endline s ;
- incr Odoc_info.errors
+ | Failure s
+ | Sys_error s ->
+ prerr_endline s ;
+ incr Odoc_info.errors