path: root/ocamldoc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ocamldoc/')
1 files changed, 95 insertions, 33 deletions
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 95354caac..afa4d49f7 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ open Odoc_info
open Parameter
open Value
open Type
+open Extension
open Exception
open Class
open Module
@@ -42,24 +43,20 @@ let is = function
let pad_to n s =
let len = String.length s in
- if len < n
- then
- let s' = String.make n ' ' in
- String.blit s 0 s' 0 len ; s'
- else s
+ if len < n then s ^ String.make (n - len) ' ' else s
let indent nb_sp s =
let c = ref 0 in
let len = pred (String.length s) in
for i = 0 to len do if s.[i] = '\n' then incr c done ;
- let s' = String.make (succ len + (succ !c) * nb_sp ) ' ' in
+ let s' = Bytes.make (succ len + (succ !c) * nb_sp ) ' ' in
c := nb_sp ;
for i = 0 to len do
- s'.[!c] <- s.[i] ;
+ Bytes.set s' !c s.[i] ;
if s.[i] = '\n' then c := !c + nb_sp ;
incr c
done ;
- s'
+ Bytes.to_string s'
type subparts = [
| `Module of Odoc_info.Module.t_module
@@ -102,6 +99,7 @@ let module_subparts =
type indices = [
| `Type
+ | `Extension
| `Exception
| `Value
| `Class_att
@@ -114,6 +112,7 @@ type indices = [
let indices = function
| `Type -> "ty"
+ | `Extension -> "xt"
| `Exception -> "ex"
| `Value -> "va"
| `Class_att -> "ca"
@@ -125,6 +124,7 @@ let indices = function
let indices_names = [
"Types" , "ty" ;
+ "Extensions" , "xt" ;
"Exceptions" , "ex" ;
"Values" , "va" ;
"Class attributes", "ca" ;
@@ -440,17 +440,16 @@ class texi =
| Raw s -> Raw (Str.global_replace re "\n" s)
| List tel -> List ( self#fix_linebreaks tel)
| Enum tel -> Enum ( self#fix_linebreaks tel)
- | te -> te) t
+ | txt -> txt) t
method private soft_fix_linebreaks =
let re = Str.regexp "\n[ \t]*" in
fun ind t ->
- let rep = String.make (succ ind) ' ' in
- rep.[0] <- '\n' ;
+ let rep = "\n" ^ String.make ind ' ' in
| Raw s -> Raw (Str.global_replace re rep s)
- | te -> te) t
+ | txt -> txt) t
(** {3 [text] values generation}
Generates [text] values out of description parts.
@@ -639,17 +638,27 @@ class texi =
Printf.sprintf "(%s) "
(String.concat ", " ( f l))
- method string_of_type_args (args:Types.type_expr list) (ret:Types.type_expr option) =
+ method string_of_type_args (args:constructor_args) (ret:Types.type_expr option) =
+ let f = function
+ | Cstr_tuple l -> Odoc_info.string_of_type_list " * " l
+ | Cstr_record l -> Odoc_info.string_of_record l
+ in
match args, ret with
- | [], None -> ""
- | args, None -> " of " ^ (Odoc_info.string_of_type_list " * " args)
- | [], Some r -> " : " ^ (Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr r)
- | args, Some r -> " : " ^ (Odoc_info.string_of_type_list " * " args) ^
+ | Cstr_tuple [], None -> ""
+ | args, None -> " of " ^ (f args)
+ | Cstr_tuple [], Some r -> " : " ^ (Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr r)
+ | args, Some r -> " : " ^ (f args) ^
" -> " ^ (Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr r)
(** Return Texinfo code for a type. *)
method texi_of_type ty =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
+ let entry_doc = function
+ | None -> [ Newline ]
+ | Some t ->
+ (Raw (indent 5 "\n(*\n") :: (self#soft_fix_linebreaks 8 (self#text_of_info (Some t))))
+ @ [ Raw " *)" ; Newline ]
+ in
let t =
[ self#fixedblock (
[ Newline ; minus ; Raw "type " ;
@@ -658,10 +667,24 @@ class texi =
let priv = ty.ty_private = Asttypes.Private in
( match ty.ty_manifest with
| None -> []
- | Some typ ->
+ | Some (Other typ) ->
(Raw " = ") ::
(Raw (if priv then "private " else "")) ::
- (self#text_of_short_type_expr (Name.father ty.ty_name) typ) ) @
+ (self#text_of_short_type_expr (Name.father ty.ty_name) typ)
+ | Some (Object_type l) ->
+ (Raw (" = "^(if priv then "private " else "")^"{\n")) ::
+ (List.flatten
+ (
+ (fun r ->
+ [ Raw (" " ^ r.of_name ^ " : ") ] @
+ (self#text_of_short_type_expr
+ (Name.father r.of_name)
+ r.of_type) @
+ [ Raw " ;" ] @
+ (entry_doc r.of_text))
+ l ) )
+ @ [ Raw " }" ]
+ ) @
match ty.ty_kind with
| Type_abstract -> [ Newline ]
@@ -673,13 +696,8 @@ class texi =
(Raw (" | " ^ constr.vc_name)) ::
(Raw (self#string_of_type_args
constr.vc_args constr.vc_ret)) ::
- (match constr.vc_text with
- | None -> [ Newline ]
- | Some t ->
- (Raw (indent 5 "\n(*\n ") ::
- self#soft_fix_linebreaks 8 (self#text_of_info (Some t))) @
- [ Raw " *)" ; Newline ]
- ) ) l ) )
+ (entry_doc constr.vc_text)
+ ) l ) )
| Type_record l ->
(Raw (" = "^(if priv then "private " else "")^"{\n")) ::
@@ -690,19 +708,61 @@ class texi =
(Name.father r.rf_name)
r.rf_type) @
[ Raw " ;" ] @
- (match r.rf_text with
- | None -> [ Newline ]
- | Some t ->
- ((Raw (indent 5 "\n(*\n ")) ::
- (self#soft_fix_linebreaks 8 (self#text_of_info (Some t)))) @
- [ Raw " *)" ; Newline ] ) )
+ (entry_doc r.rf_text)
+ )
l ) )
@ [ Raw " }" ]
+ | Type_open -> [ Raw " = .." ; Newline ]
) ) ;
self#index `Type ty.ty_name ; Newline ] @
(self#text_of_info ty.ty_info) in
self#texi_of_text t
+ (** Return Texinfo code for a type extension. *)
+ method texi_of_type_extension m_name te =
+ Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
+ let t =
+ ( self#fixedblock (
+ [ Newline ; minus ;
+ Raw "type " ;
+ Raw (match te.te_type_parameters with
+ | [] -> ""
+ | [ tp ] ->
+ Printf.sprintf "%s "
+ (Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr tp)
+ | l ->
+ Printf.sprintf "(%s) "
+ (String.concat ", "
+ ( Odoc_info.string_of_type_expr l))) ;
+ Raw (self#relative_idents m_name te.te_type_name) ;
+ Raw (" +=" ^
+ (if te.te_private = Asttypes.Private
+ then " private" else "")^"\n") ] @
+ (List.flatten
+ (
+ (fun x ->
+ (Raw (" | " ^ (Name.simple x.xt_name))) ::
+ (Raw (self#string_of_type_args
+ x.xt_args x.xt_ret)) ::
+ (match x.xt_alias with
+ | None -> []
+ | Some xa ->
+ [ Raw " = " ;
+ Raw ( match xa.xa_xt with
+ | None -> xa.xa_name
+ | Some x -> x.xt_name ) ]) @
+ (match x.xt_text with
+ | None -> [ Newline ]
+ | Some t ->
+ (Raw (indent 5 "\n(* ") ::
+ self#soft_fix_linebreaks 8
+ (self#text_of_info (Some t))) @
+ [ Raw " *)" ; Newline ] ) @
+ [self#index `Extension x.xt_name ] )
+ te.te_constructors ) ) ) ) ::
+ (self#text_of_info te.te_info) in
+ self#texi_of_text t
(** Return Texinfo code for an exception. *)
method texi_of_exception e =
Odoc_info.reset_type_names () ;
@@ -710,7 +770,7 @@ class texi =
[ self#fixedblock
( [ Newline ; minus ; Raw "exception " ;
Raw (Name.simple e.ex_name) ;
- Raw (self#string_of_type_args e.ex_args None) ] @
+ Raw (self#string_of_type_args e.ex_args e.ex_ret) ] @
(match e.ex_alias with
| None -> []
| Some ea -> [ Raw " = " ; Raw
@@ -838,6 +898,7 @@ class texi =
| Element_class c -> self#texi_of_class c
| Element_class_type ct -> self#texi_of_class_type ct
| Element_value v -> self#texi_of_value v
+ | Element_type_extension te -> self#texi_of_type_extension module_name te
| Element_exception e -> self#texi_of_exception e
| Element_type t -> self#texi_of_type t
| Element_module_comment t ->
@@ -1198,6 +1259,7 @@ class texi =
method scan_for_index_in_mod = function
(* no recursion *)
| Element_value _ -> self#do_index `Value
+ | Element_type_extension _ -> self#do_index `Extension
| Element_exception _ -> self#do_index `Exception
| Element_type _ -> self#do_index `Type
| Element_included_module _