path: root/ocamldoc/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ocamldoc/')
1 files changed, 291 insertions, 291 deletions
diff --git a/ocamldoc/ b/ocamldoc/
index 27d0d8072..77d9aec6c 100644
--- a/ocamldoc/
+++ b/ocamldoc/
@@ -34,134 +34,134 @@ class virtual info =
(** @return [etxt] value for an authors list. *)
method text_of_author_list l =
match l with
- [] ->
- []
+ [] ->
+ []
| _ ->
- [ Bold [Raw (Odoc_messages.authors^": ")] ;
- Raw (String.concat ", " l) ;
- Newline
- ]
+ [ Bold [Raw (Odoc_messages.authors^": ")] ;
+ Raw (String.concat ", " l) ;
+ Newline
+ ]
(** @return [text] value for the given optional version information.*)
method text_of_version_opt v_opt =
match v_opt with
- None -> []
+ None -> []
| Some v -> [ Bold [Raw (Odoc_messages.version^": ")] ;
- Raw v ;
- Newline
- ]
+ Raw v ;
+ Newline
+ ]
(** @return [text] value for the given optional since information.*)
method text_of_since_opt s_opt =
match s_opt with
- None -> []
+ None -> []
| Some s -> [ Bold [Raw (Odoc_messages.since^": ")] ;
- Raw s ;
- Newline
- ]
+ Raw s ;
+ Newline
+ ]
(** @return [text] value for the given list of raised exceptions.*)
method text_of_raised_exceptions l =
match l with
- [] -> []
+ [] -> []
| (s, t) :: [] ->
- [ Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.raises ] ;
- Raw " " ;
- Code s ;
- Raw " "
- ]
- @ t
- @ [ Newline ]
+ [ Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.raises ] ;
+ Raw " " ;
+ Code s ;
+ Raw " "
+ ]
+ @ t
+ @ [ Newline ]
| _ ->
- [ Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.raises ] ;
- Raw " " ;
- List
- (
- (fun (ex, desc) ->(Code ex) :: (Raw " ") :: desc )
- l
- ) ;
- Newline
- ]
+ [ Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.raises ] ;
+ Raw " " ;
+ List
+ (
+ (fun (ex, desc) ->(Code ex) :: (Raw " ") :: desc )
+ l
+ ) ;
+ Newline
+ ]
(** Return [text] value for the given "see also" reference. *)
method text_of_see (see_ref, t) =
let t_ref =
- match see_ref with
- Odoc_info.See_url s -> [ Odoc_info.Link (s, t) ]
- | Odoc_info.See_file s -> (Odoc_info.Code s) :: (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t
- | Odoc_info.See_doc s -> (Odoc_info.Italic [Odoc_info.Raw s]) :: (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t
+ match see_ref with
+ Odoc_info.See_url s -> [ Odoc_info.Link (s, t) ]
+ | Odoc_info.See_file s -> (Odoc_info.Code s) :: (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t
+ | Odoc_info.See_doc s -> (Odoc_info.Italic [Odoc_info.Raw s]) :: (Odoc_info.Raw " ") :: t
(** Return [text] value for the given list of "see also" references.*)
method text_of_sees l =
match l with
- [] -> []
+ [] -> []
| see :: [] ->
- (Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.see_also ]) ::
- (Raw " ") ::
- (self#text_of_see see) @ [ Newline ]
+ (Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.see_also ]) ::
+ (Raw " ") ::
+ (self#text_of_see see) @ [ Newline ]
| _ ->
- (Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.see_also ]) ::
- [ List
- (
- (fun see -> self#text_of_see see)
- l
- );
- Newline
- ]
+ (Bold [ Raw Odoc_messages.see_also ]) ::
+ [ List
+ (
+ (fun see -> self#text_of_see see)
+ l
+ );
+ Newline
+ ]
(** @return [text] value for the given optional return information.*)
method text_of_return_opt return_opt =
match return_opt with
- None -> []
+ None -> []
| Some t -> (Bold [Raw (Odoc_messages.returns^" ")]) :: t @ [ Newline ]
(** Return a [text] for the given list of custom tagged texts. *)
method text_of_custom l =
- (fun acc -> fun (tag, text) ->
- try
- let f = List.assoc tag tag_functions in
- match acc with
- [] -> f text
- | _ -> acc @ (Newline :: (f text))
- with
- Not_found ->
- Odoc_info.warning (Odoc_messages.tag_not_handled tag) ;
- acc
- )
- []
- l
+ (fun acc -> fun (tag, text) ->
+ try
+ let f = List.assoc tag tag_functions in
+ match acc with
+ [] -> f text
+ | _ -> acc @ (Newline :: (f text))
+ with
+ Not_found ->
+ Odoc_info.warning (Odoc_messages.tag_not_handled tag) ;
+ acc
+ )
+ []
+ l
(** @return [text] value for a description, except for the i_params field. *)
method text_of_info ?(block=true) info_opt =
match info_opt with
- None ->
- []
+ None ->
+ []
| Some info ->
- let t =
- (match info.i_deprecated with
- None -> []
- | Some t -> ( Italic [Raw (Odoc_messages.deprecated^" ")] ) :: t
- ) @
- (match info.i_desc with
- None -> []
- | Some t when t = [Odoc_info.Raw ""] -> []
- | Some t -> t @ [ Newline ]
- ) @
- (self#text_of_author_list info.i_authors) @
- (self#text_of_version_opt info.i_version) @
- (self#text_of_since_opt info.i_since) @
- (self#text_of_raised_exceptions info.i_raised_exceptions) @
- (self#text_of_return_opt info.i_return_value) @
- (self#text_of_sees info.i_sees) @
- (self#text_of_custom info.i_custom)
- in
- if block then
- [Block t]
- else
- t
+ let t =
+ (match info.i_deprecated with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t -> ( Italic [Raw (Odoc_messages.deprecated^" ")] ) :: t
+ ) @
+ (match info.i_desc with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t when t = [Odoc_info.Raw ""] -> []
+ | Some t -> t @ [ Newline ]
+ ) @
+ (self#text_of_author_list info.i_authors) @
+ (self#text_of_version_opt info.i_version) @
+ (self#text_of_since_opt info.i_since) @
+ (self#text_of_raised_exceptions info.i_raised_exceptions) @
+ (self#text_of_return_opt info.i_return_value) @
+ (self#text_of_sees info.i_sees) @
+ (self#text_of_custom info.i_custom)
+ in
+ if block then
+ [Block t]
+ else
+ t
(** This class defines methods to generate a [text] structure from elements. *)
@@ -176,14 +176,14 @@ class virtual to_text =
Also remove the "hidden modules".*)
method relative_idents m_name s =
let f str_t =
- let match_s = Str.matched_string str_t in
- let rel = Name.get_relative m_name match_s in
- Odoc_info.apply_if_equal Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules match_s rel
+ let match_s = Str.matched_string str_t in
+ let rel = Name.get_relative m_name match_s in
+ Odoc_info.apply_if_equal Odoc_info.use_hidden_modules match_s rel
let s2 = Str.global_substitute
- (Str.regexp "\\([A-Z]\\([a-zA-Z_'0-9]\\)*\\.\\)+\\([a-z][a-zA-Z_'0-9]*\\)")
- f
- s
+ (Str.regexp "\\([A-Z]\\([a-zA-Z_'0-9]\\)*\\.\\)+\\([a-z][a-zA-Z_'0-9]*\\)")
+ f
+ s
@@ -206,11 +206,11 @@ class virtual to_text =
(** @return [text] value to represent a [Types.type_expr].*)
method text_of_type_expr module_name t =
let t = List.flatten
- (
- (fun s -> [Code s ; Newline ])
- (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n")
- (self#normal_type module_name t))
- )
+ (
+ (fun s -> [Code s ; Newline ])
+ (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n")
+ (self#normal_type module_name t))
+ )
@@ -221,13 +221,13 @@ class virtual to_text =
(** Return [text] value or the given list of [Types.type_expr], with
the given separator. *)
method text_of_type_expr_list module_name sep l =
- [ Code (self#normal_type_list module_name sep l) ]
+ [ Code (self#normal_type_list module_name sep l) ]
(** @return [text] value to represent a [Types.module_type]. *)
method text_of_module_type t =
let s = String.concat "\n"
- (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_info.string_of_module_type t))
+ (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") (Odoc_info.string_of_module_type t))
[ Code s ]
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ class virtual to_text =
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[<hov 2>val %s :@ "
let s =
- (self#normal_type (Name.father v.val_name) v.val_type)
+ (self#normal_type (Name.father v.val_name) v.val_type)
[ CodePre s ] @
[Latex ("\\index{"^(self#label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")] @
@@ -247,8 +247,8 @@ class virtual to_text =
method text_of_attribute a =
let s_name = Name.simple a.att_value.val_name in
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[<hov 2>val %s%s :@ "
- (if a.att_mutable then "mutable " else "")
- s_name;
+ (if a.att_mutable then "mutable " else "")
+ s_name;
let mod_name = Name.father a.att_value.val_name in
let s = self#normal_type mod_name a.att_value.val_type in
(CodePre s) ::
@@ -259,9 +259,9 @@ class virtual to_text =
method text_of_method m =
let s_name = Name.simple m.met_value.val_name in
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[<hov 2>method %s%s%s :@ "
- (if m.met_private then "private " else "")
- (if m.met_virtual then "virtual " else "")
- s_name ;
+ (if m.met_private then "private " else "")
+ (if m.met_virtual then "virtual " else "")
+ s_name ;
let mod_name = Name.father m.met_value.val_name in
let s = self#normal_type mod_name m.met_value.val_type in
(CodePre s) ::
@@ -273,25 +273,25 @@ class virtual to_text =
method text_of_exception e =
let s_name = Name.simple e.ex_name in
Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@[<hov 2>exception %s" s_name ;
- (match e.ex_args with
- [] -> ()
- | _ ->
- Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@ of "
- );
+ (match e.ex_args with
+ [] -> ()
+ | _ ->
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "@ of "
+ );
let s = self#normal_type_list (Name.father e.ex_name) " * " e.ex_args in
let s2 =
- Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "%s" s ;
- (match e.ex_alias with
- None -> ()
- | Some ea ->
- Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter " = %s"
- (
- match ea.ea_ex with
- None -> ea.ea_name
- | Some e -> e.ex_name
- )
- );
- Format.flush_str_formatter ()
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter "%s" s ;
+ (match e.ex_alias with
+ None -> ()
+ | Some ea ->
+ Format.fprintf Format.str_formatter " = %s"
+ (
+ match ea.ea_ex with
+ None -> ea.ea_name
+ | Some e -> e.ex_name
+ )
+ );
+ Format.flush_str_formatter ()
[ CodePre s2 ] @
[Latex ("\\index{"^(self#label s_name)^"@\\verb`"^(self#label ~no_:false s_name)^"`}\n")] @
@@ -300,220 +300,220 @@ class virtual to_text =
(** Return [text] value for the description of a function parameter. *)
method text_of_parameter_description p =
match Parameter.names p with
- [] -> []
+ [] -> []
| name :: [] ->
- (
+ (
(* Only one name, no need for label for the description. *)
- match Parameter.desc_by_name p name with
- None -> []
- | Some t -> t
- )
+ match Parameter.desc_by_name p name with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t -> t
+ )
| l ->
(* A list of names, we display those with a description. *)
- let l2 = List.filter (fun n -> (Parameter.desc_by_name p n) <> None) l in
- match l2 with
- [] -> []
- | _ ->
- [List
- (
- (fun n ->
- match Parameter.desc_by_name p n with
- None -> [] (* should not occur *)
- | Some t -> [Code (n^" ") ; Raw ": "] @ t
- )
- l2
- )
- ]
+ let l2 = List.filter (fun n -> (Parameter.desc_by_name p n) <> None) l in
+ match l2 with
+ [] -> []
+ | _ ->
+ [List
+ (
+ (fun n ->
+ match Parameter.desc_by_name p n with
+ None -> [] (* should not occur *)
+ | Some t -> [Code (n^" ") ; Raw ": "] @ t
+ )
+ l2
+ )
+ ]
(** Return [text] value for a list of parameters. *)
method text_of_parameter_list m_name l =
match l with
- [] ->
- []
+ [] ->
+ []
| _ ->
- [ Bold [Raw Odoc_messages.parameters] ;
- Raw ":" ;
- List
- (
- (fun p ->
- (match Parameter.complete_name p with
- "" -> Code "?"
- | s -> Code s
- ) ::
- [Code " : "] @
- (self#text_of_short_type_expr m_name (Parameter.typ p)) @
- [Newline] @
- (self#text_of_parameter_description p)
- )
- l
- )
- ]
+ [ Bold [Raw Odoc_messages.parameters] ;
+ Raw ":" ;
+ List
+ (
+ (fun p ->
+ (match Parameter.complete_name p with
+ "" -> Code "?"
+ | s -> Code s
+ ) ::
+ [Code " : "] @
+ (self#text_of_short_type_expr m_name (Parameter.typ p)) @
+ [Newline] @
+ (self#text_of_parameter_description p)
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ ]
(** Return [text] value for a list of module parameters. *)
method text_of_module_parameter_list l =
match l with
- [] ->
- []
+ [] ->
+ []
| _ ->
- [ Newline ;
- Bold [Raw Odoc_messages.parameters] ;
- Raw ":" ;
- List
- (
- (fun (p, desc_opt) ->
- [Code (p.mp_name^" : ")] @
- (self#text_of_module_type p.mp_type) @
- (match desc_opt with
- None -> []
- | Some t -> (Raw " ") :: t)
- )
- l
- )
- ]
+ [ Newline ;
+ Bold [Raw Odoc_messages.parameters] ;
+ Raw ":" ;
+ List
+ (
+ (fun (p, desc_opt) ->
+ [Code (p.mp_name^" : ")] @
+ (self#text_of_module_type p.mp_type) @
+ (match desc_opt with
+ None -> []
+ | Some t -> (Raw " ") :: t)
+ )
+ l
+ )
+ ]
(** Return [text] value for the given [class_kind].*)
method text_of_class_kind father ckind =
match ckind with
- Class_structure _ ->
- [Code Odoc_messages.object_end]
- | Class_apply capp ->
- [Code
- (
- (
- match capp.capp_class with
- None -> capp.capp_name
- | Some cl -> cl.cl_name
- )^
- " "^
- (String.concat " "
- (
- (fun s -> "("^s^")")
- capp.capp_params_code))
- )
- ]
- | Class_constr cco ->
- (
- match cco.cco_type_parameters with
- [] -> []
- | l ->
- (Code "[")::
- (self#text_of_type_expr_list father ", " l)@
- [Code "] "]
- )@
- [Code (
- match cco.cco_class with
- None -> cco.cco_name
- | Some (Cl cl) -> Name.get_relative father cl.cl_name
- | Some (Cltype (clt,_)) -> Name.get_relative father clt.clt_name
- )
- ]
- | Class_constraint (ck, ctk) ->
- [Code "( "] @
- (self#text_of_class_kind father ck) @
- [Code " : "] @
- (self#text_of_class_type_kind father ctk) @
- [Code " )"]
+ Class_structure _ ->
+ [Code Odoc_messages.object_end]
+ | Class_apply capp ->
+ [Code
+ (
+ (
+ match capp.capp_class with
+ None -> capp.capp_name
+ | Some cl -> cl.cl_name
+ )^
+ " "^
+ (String.concat " "
+ (
+ (fun s -> "("^s^")")
+ capp.capp_params_code))
+ )
+ ]
+ | Class_constr cco ->
+ (
+ match cco.cco_type_parameters with
+ [] -> []
+ | l ->
+ (Code "[")::
+ (self#text_of_type_expr_list father ", " l)@
+ [Code "] "]
+ )@
+ [Code (
+ match cco.cco_class with
+ None -> cco.cco_name
+ | Some (Cl cl) -> Name.get_relative father cl.cl_name
+ | Some (Cltype (clt,_)) -> Name.get_relative father clt.clt_name
+ )
+ ]
+ | Class_constraint (ck, ctk) ->
+ [Code "( "] @
+ (self#text_of_class_kind father ck) @
+ [Code " : "] @
+ (self#text_of_class_type_kind father ctk) @
+ [Code " )"]
(** Return [text] value for the given [class_type_kind].*)
method text_of_class_type_kind father ctkind =
match ctkind with
- Class_type cta ->
- (
- match cta.cta_type_parameters with
- [] -> []
- | l ->
- (Code "[") ::
- (self#text_of_type_expr_list father ", " l) @
- [Code "] "]
- ) @
- (
- match cta.cta_class with
- None -> [ Code cta.cta_name ]
- | Some (Cltype (clt, _)) ->
- let rel = Name.get_relative father clt.clt_name in
- [Code rel]
- | Some (Cl cl) ->
- let rel = Name.get_relative father cl.cl_name in
- [Code rel]
- )
- | Class_signature _ ->
- [Code Odoc_messages.object_end]
+ Class_type cta ->
+ (
+ match cta.cta_type_parameters with
+ [] -> []
+ | l ->
+ (Code "[") ::
+ (self#text_of_type_expr_list father ", " l) @
+ [Code "] "]
+ ) @
+ (
+ match cta.cta_class with
+ None -> [ Code cta.cta_name ]
+ | Some (Cltype (clt, _)) ->
+ let rel = Name.get_relative father clt.clt_name in
+ [Code rel]
+ | Some (Cl cl) ->
+ let rel = Name.get_relative father cl.cl_name in
+ [Code rel]
+ )
+ | Class_signature _ ->
+ [Code Odoc_messages.object_end]
(** Return [text] value for a [module_kind]. *)
method text_of_module_kind ?(with_def_syntax=true) k =
match k with
- Module_alias m_alias ->
- (match m_alias.ma_module with
- None ->
- [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^m_alias.ma_name)]
- | Some (Mod m) ->
- [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^m.m_name)]
- | Some (Modtype mt) ->
- [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^mt.mt_name)]
- )
+ Module_alias m_alias ->
+ (match m_alias.ma_module with
+ None ->
+ [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^m_alias.ma_name)]
+ | Some (Mod m) ->
+ [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^m.m_name)]
+ | Some (Modtype mt) ->
+ [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^mt.mt_name)]
+ )
| Module_apply (k1, k2) ->
- (if with_def_syntax then [Code " = "] else []) @
- (self#text_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k1) @
- [Code " ( "] @
- (self#text_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k2) @
- [Code " ) "]
+ (if with_def_syntax then [Code " = "] else []) @
+ (self#text_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k1) @
+ [Code " ( "] @
+ (self#text_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k2) @
+ [Code " ) "]
| Module_with (tk, code) ->
- (if with_def_syntax then [Code " : "] else []) @
- (self#text_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk) @
- [Code code]
+ (if with_def_syntax then [Code " : "] else []) @
+ (self#text_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk) @
+ [Code code]
| Module_constraint (k, tk) ->
- (if with_def_syntax then [Code " : "] else []) @
- [Code "( "] @
- (self#text_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k) @
- [Code " : "] @
- (self#text_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk) @
- [Code " )"]
+ (if with_def_syntax then [Code " : "] else []) @
+ [Code "( "] @
+ (self#text_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k) @
+ [Code " : "] @
+ (self#text_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk) @
+ [Code " )"]
| Module_struct _ ->
- [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
- Odoc_messages.struct_end^" ")]
+ [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " : " else "")^
+ Odoc_messages.struct_end^" ")]
| Module_functor (_, k) ->
- (if with_def_syntax then [Code " : "] else []) @
- [Code "functor ... "] @
- [Code " -> "] @
- (self#text_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k)
+ (if with_def_syntax then [Code " : "] else []) @
+ [Code "functor ... "] @
+ [Code " -> "] @
+ (self#text_of_module_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k)
(** Return html code for a [module_type_kind]. *)
method text_of_module_type_kind ?(with_def_syntax=true) tk =
match tk with
| Module_type_struct _ ->
- [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^Odoc_messages.sig_end)]
+ [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^Odoc_messages.sig_end)]
| Module_type_functor (params, k) ->
- let f p =
- [Code ("("^p.mp_name^" : ")] @
- (self#text_of_module_type p.mp_type) @
- [Code ") -> "]
- in
- let t1 = List.flatten ( f params) in
- let t2 = self#text_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k in
- (if with_def_syntax then [Code " = "] else []) @ t1 @ t2
+ let f p =
+ [Code ("("^p.mp_name^" : ")] @
+ (self#text_of_module_type p.mp_type) @
+ [Code ") -> "]
+ in
+ let t1 = List.flatten ( f params) in
+ let t2 = self#text_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false k in
+ (if with_def_syntax then [Code " = "] else []) @ t1 @ t2
| Module_type_with (tk2, code) ->
- let t = self#text_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk2 in
- (if with_def_syntax then [Code " = "] else []) @
- t @ [Code code]
+ let t = self#text_of_module_type_kind ~with_def_syntax: false tk2 in
+ (if with_def_syntax then [Code " = "] else []) @
+ t @ [Code code]
| Module_type_alias mt_alias ->
- [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
- (match mt_alias.mta_module with
- None -> mt_alias.mta_name
- | Some mt -> mt.mt_name))
- ]
+ [Code ((if with_def_syntax then " = " else "")^
+ (match mt_alias.mta_module with
+ None -> mt_alias.mta_name
+ | Some mt -> mt.mt_name))
+ ]